Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News at Ten 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News at Ten 20240708

westwood! we are live on bbc radio 2. the former radio 1 dj tim westwood faces allegations of sexual misconduct by women who say he abused his position in the music industry. he kept putting his hand on my leg and stroking my leg and touching my face. running his hands in my hair, like, what are you doing? like, stop touching me. p&0 promises a comprehensive investigation after one of its ferries loses power off the coast of northern ireland. and in tonight's champions league, a feast of goals as manchester city score in the first two minutes against real madrid. and coming up in the sport on the bbc news channel, novak djokovic can defend his wimbledon title after organisers allow unvaccinated players to compete. good evening. as the conflict in ukraine enters its third month, the united nations secretary—general has embarked on a diplomatic mission to moscow. antonio guterres took part in talks with president putin, after which the russian leader repeated his stated reasons for invading ukraine, while claiming that he still hoped for a diplomatic solution. in a major policy move, germany has now authorised the supply of dozens of tanks to ukraine. and the us has committed to supporting ukraine's resistance "for the long haul". our russia editor steve rosenberg reports from moscow. he was trying to show it was business as usual. in the kremlin, vladimir putin began the day meeting russian olympic champions. like them, he hates losing. with the olympians, putin was up close and personal. not so with his next guest. the un secretary—general had come to talk about russia's invasion of ukraine. the seating plan said everything about the gap between moscow and the international community. translation: you're telling me that russia's humanitarian corridors - in ukraine are not functioning. mr secretary general, you've been deceived. the corridors are open. we've helped more than 100,000 people leave mariupol. and from the un, a plea to russia for peace. it is my deep conviction that the sooner we end this war, the better, for the people of ukraine, for the people of the russian federation and those far beyond. the kremlin agreed in principle to un and red cross involvement in evacuations from mariupol. but moscow isn't rushing to halt its offensive. for diplomacy to succeed, there needs to be the political will for peace. but right now, there's little sign of that in the kremlin. vladimir putin seems determined to continue the offensive he launched in ukraine — at least until he can secure what he can present to the russian people as a victory. that means no ceasefire in ukraine. the russian military continues to attack, and continues to deny that russian troops have committed war crimes. kremlin critics argue that considering the scale of destruction, the un chief should have travelled to ukraine first before flying to moscow. i'm not in a position to give any advice to the general secretary of the united nations, but i would probably go to mariupol first. i would go to bucha. i would go to irpin. i would go to all those places, talk to people and then fly back to moscow and meet with putin and say, "mr president, what you are doing is crime". russia claims to be acting in self—defence, but it was president putin who ordered his troops to attack ukraine. the kremlin started this. it's determined to end it on its terms. live to moscow and steve rosenberg. steve, you observed that session today with president putin and antonio guterres. what do you make a president putin's own domain, and what have we learned about the latest thinking in moscow? —— what did you learn about his demeanour? firstly, what have we learned about vladimir putin? that nothing has changed. there is no sign that the kremlin leader is ready for peace. he continues to try to justify his actions, justify his so—called special military operation. unseating the un secretary—general at that enormous table, that was a real statement that this was not a host who was saying, welcome to moscow, let's have a cosy chat. the second thing is, there is growing tension between russia and the west. today, moscow accused britain of trying to provoke ukraine into attacking targets on russian territory. in one of mr putin's closest allies who heads the powerful russian security council claimed that the actions of western governments and the ukrainian governments and the ukrainian government would lead to the break—up of ukraine into several states. that sounds like a warning, or even a threat. so what we are seeing from moscow is not the escalation, it is escalation and another example of that — from tomorrow, russia is stopping gas supplies to bulgaria and poland. so as well as this military conflict now, it seems we are going to have an energy war too.— now, it seems we are going to have an energy war too. steve rosenberg, our russia editor, _ an energy war too. steve rosenberg, our russia editor, with _ an energy war too. steve rosenberg, our russia editor, with the _ an energy war too. steve rosenberg, our russia editor, with the latest - our russia editor, with the latest in moscow. let's have more on today's exchanges. the us secretary of defense says he wants russia to be less able to "bully its neighbours". lloyd austin was speaking in germany at a meeting of more than a0 nations about the conflict in ukraine. mr austin committed to supporting ukraine's resistance against russia's invasion "for the long haul" and pledged to move "heaven and earth" to make sure ukraine was victorious. our diplomatic correspondent paul adams is here. what have we learned from these exchanges today? this what have we learned from these exchanges today?— exchanges today? this was the [arc est exchanges today? this was the largest single _ exchanges today? this was the largest single expression - exchanges today? this was the largest single expression of. exchanges today? this was the - largest single expression of support for ukraine that we have seen so far. more than a0 countries answered that call from lloyd austin that you just refer to to move heaven and earth to make sure ukraine has what it needs. they really calculated display of international solidarity. some countries are moving towards supplying much heavier, more sophisticated equipment. he talked about and praised the uk, germany and canada, who have all pledged armoured vehicles in the last day or so. sergei lavrov, as we have heard, calls this a proxy war. clearly, it isn't. ukraine is fighting for itself, not for anyone else. but the west's support for ukraine, military and rhetorical, is more emphatic now than ever. lloyd austin says ukraine can win and everyone here in the room agrees. he is obviously trying to tie everyone into making sure that happens. to give you an idea of where that rhetoric is taking us, you heard steve referring to this threat from moscow. this was triggered by the armed forces minister this morning, who said that he wouldn't mind if british weapons were used by ukraine to attack targets in russia. the russian response was a rather specific threat that said they reserved the right to launch targeted missile strikes at facilities in kyiv even if western advisers were present. that is a pretty specific and ominous warning. and it gives you some idea of the extremely delicate and explosive territory we are now in, as steve has suggested. paul. in, as steve has suggested. paul, thanks. in, as steve has suggested. paul, thanrs- paul— in, as steve has suggested. paul, thanks. pauladams, _ in, as steve has suggested. paul, thanks. pauladams, our- in, as steve has suggested. paul, thanks. pauladams, our diplomatic thanks. paul adams, our diplomatic correspondent. thanks. pauladams, our diplomatic correspondent. the day's other main stories. the former radio i dj tim westwood is facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct by women who say he abused his position in the music industry. the 6a—year—old is accused of predatory and unwanted sexual behaviour and touching in incidents between 1992 and 2017. the bbc and the guardian newspaper have heard detailed accounts from seven women in a joint investigation. their identities have been protected. tim westwood strenuously denies all the allegations. our correspondent chi chi izundu has this report. this is not about music now, and i'm just very, very scared. this is predatory behaviour. i was 17. if you are trying to remove an item of my clothing and i put it back on, that means i don't want it to be gone _ this is the story from a group of women. this was an assault. an abuse of power. seven women, who alleged they had been subjected to unexpected unwanted sexual behaviour from the former bbc radio1 dj, tim westwood. it's westwood. we are live on bbc two. this is how radio 1 get down. pamela, not her real name, used to work with kids trying to get into music. she said tim westwood invited her to do work experience at bbc radio 1 because he wanted help getting a younger audience. so i get to london and he picks me up personally. i remember being in the car. he kept putting his hand on my leg and stroking my leg and touching my face. running his hands in my hair, like, what are you doing? stop touching me. we went back to his apartment. i was meant to be staying in a hotel. as i'm sat in this guy's apartment i'm thinking, ok, when am i getting to this hotel? this is what i should have clarified, but i didn't. he came up and i sat on the edge of the bed and then he starts touching me and removing stuff and i'm pulling it back. he's kissing me on the neck and i didn't give him any come on. there was no flirtation. that's not somebody i would ever look at and find attractive. so, me sat in this house thinking, how am i going to get out of this? but knowing i can't get out of it. i'm in london alone with this guy who's a lot older than me. if i try to get out of it, who's to say how he's going to react? so i just submit to it. traumatic, that's how i would describe it. in a statement, the bbc said... another two women have accused the dj of predatory and unwanted sexual behaviour when they were 17 and 19. another two women have accused dj of either grabbing their best or slipping his hand up the skirt to take their picture at nightclubs. the earliest alleged incident took place in 1992, the most recent in 2017. none of them went to the police. nowadays, i'm a big dog. as an early adopter of hip—hop, tim westwood has been a prominent figure in black music for more than a0 years. he presented bbc radio 1's rap show for nearly 20, interviewing some of the biggest names on his show. he says he strenuously denies all these allegations. all of the women that we spoke to as part of this investigation have two things in common. number one, they were all young, and number two, they are all black. they all had the same question of their experience with tim westwood — who do you tell? this is a man who has huge power in the music industry and a huge influence in black communities. because they're black women, they felt their experiences would be ignored. i want him and people like him to be held accountable. we have to stop protecting these people. chi chi izundu, bbc news. details of organisations offering information and support in relation to sexual assault are available at, or you can call free of charge at any time to hear recorded information on 0800 077 077. p&o ferries has promised a comprehensive investigation after one of its vessels lost power and spent more than an hour adrift off the coast of northern ireland. tugboats were deployed to help the european causeway, which was sailing between county antrim and cairnryan in scotland when it reported a mechanicalfailure. our ireland correspondent emma vardy has the story. a couple of hours behind schedule, the european causeway making it back into port after her drama at sea. earlier, passengers on deck had watched as rnli lifeboats and tugs were deployed alongside, and a coast guard helicopter above, after the ship lost power. it stopped, it came to a complete standstill. and you could tell there was no sound of the engines, which you can hear normally, as the ship sails. nothing at all. just sat there, kind of wondering what was happening. the lights were out, the power went down. it was a little bit nerve—racking, the wait, wondering what was going on. the emergency lasted over an hour and a nearby cruise ship was put on standby while the european causeway was adrift, in case more help was needed. did you start to think it was potentially serious? oh, yeah. yeah, i did, aye. i wasn't too sure. then a big cruise ship was going past us and that turned around. and that's when i thought, there's something not right here. the incident follows a difficult period for the company. p&o sacked some 800 workers in march, and replaced them with agency staff, amid a barrage of criticism. the european causeway had recently been held in port over safety concerns by the maritime and coastal agency. there were worries over crew familiarisation, vehicle documentation and crew training. and this ship had only been cleared to sail again from the 8th of april, following another inspection. eventually, today, the ship was guided safely back by tugs. the maritime and coastguard agency has said it doesn't believe there was a risk to passengers. well, p&0 well, p&o said the incident was down to a temporary mechanical issue, and a full investigation is under way. but it is, of course, bad timing for the company, so soon after the recent safety concerns, and it will prompt wider questions about confidence in p&o, following the recent big staff overall. confidence in p&0, following the recent big staff overall.— recent big staff overall. many thanks for— recent big staff overall. many thanks for the _ recent big staff overall. many thanks for the latest. - the boss of the social media platform twitter has admitted that its future is uncertain in the light of its planned purchase by the billionaire elon musk. mr musk, the founder of tesla and the world's richest man, has agreed a $aa billion deal, around £3a billion, to take over twitter. he has declared that free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy. what that means for twitter�*s 300 million users is not certain, as our technology editor zoe kleinman explains. lift off! elon musk�*s big ideas include colonising mars and implantable human brain machines. his successes include the tesla electric car and the payment giant paypal. and now he has set his sights on his favourite social network, twitter. this is not a way to sort of make money. having a public platform that is maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilisation. he wants to see less moderation. some people are delighted, especially those whose tweets have got them banned from the platform in the past, like the right—wing commentator tucker carlson, who is now back. unlike the leaders of facebook, google, apple, amazon, elon musk believes in free speech. he thinks everyone should be allowed to talk, including people who disagree with him. the twitter community is divided, as usual. musk tonight described the response of his critics as an extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech. actress mia farrow said... london mayor sadiq khan warned social media companies must do more, not less, to protect their communities. twitter founderjack dorsey voiced his support for musk. in principle, don't believe anyone should own or run twitter. elon is the singular solution i trust. it sets the news agenda for both big issues and small issues. and i think the concern might be that it generally is the quieter voices, the minority voices, the voices who don't have the strength, who suffer when twitter is a little bit un—policed. elon musk�*s £3a billion offer came as a bit of a surprise to many, including twitter itself. it may be influential, but it's nowhere near the size of, say, facebook or tiktok. downing street and the eu have already reminded musk there are strict rules around what is not allowed online in europe. tesla shareholders seem worried that twitter might distract elon musk from the business of cars. the value of the company fell by $110 billion earlier this evening. all eyes are on donald trump. he has a lifetime ban and, so far, says he is happy to stay away. but for how long? zoe kleinman, bbc news. a man arrested on suspicion of kidnapping a woman in burnley has been further arrested on suspicion of her murder. 33—year—old katie kenyon was last seen on friday. she has still not been found, but police say they are working on the basis that she is no longer alive. as the cost of living rises sharply, with food and energy prices set to go even higher, borisjohnson has asked ministers to come up with new ideas, but crucially ones that don't rely on spending taxpayers' money. our political correspondent nick eardleyjoins us from westminster. what kind of ideas are we talking about? , , , ., about? huge pressure on the government _ about? huge pressure on the government to _ about? huge pressure on the government to come - about? huge pressure on the government to come up - about? huge pressure on the government to come up with | about? huge pressure on the - government to come up with more answers on this issue. three in particular were discussed by cabinet ministers today. one, borisjohnson is backing a plan that would see the ratios of carers and children in england was �*s nursery is reduced. the idea is that if you can bring down staffing costs, those savings would be passed on to parents. ministers also discussed the idea of reducing how often we all have to get an mot on our car, at the moment it is every year. the transport secretary grant shapps has suggested it should be every two years instead. the government is finally also linking some of the issues with passport backlogs to the cost of living. number10 is passport backlogs to the cost of living. number 10 is worried that people will have to fork out extra money for premium services to get their passports back in time for the summer holidays, so borisjohnson is pulling on buses from the passport office, telling them if they don't deliver better value for money, he is prepared to privatise the passport office. the politics of all of this is the government trying to persuade us all it has ideas. it's also telling the conservative party that it wants to cut red tape. opposition parties have said for some time that the government has not gone far enough. labour, the liberal democrats on the snp have all raised questions about whether these plans will work. maw; all raised questions about whether these plans will work. many thanks for the list of _ these plans will work. many thanks for the list of proposed, _ these plans will work. many thanks for the list of proposed, possible . for the list of proposed, possible plans, at any rate. there are ten days to go to the local elections in england, wales and scotland, and assembly elections in northern ireland. for labour, any route back to power at westminster would probably need a big change in scotland, where the party has been swept aside in many areas by the scottish national party. the snp currently has the largest number of councillors in scotland, with the conservatives in second place and labour third. our scotland editorjames cook reports from glasgow. for decades, glasgow rumbled along as a labour city. five years ago came a shock when the snp took charge. but are they now about to hit a bump on the road? potholes are a hot topic for the council here, and for others around the country. glasgow says it's focused on making permanent, high—quality repairs. hi, there. how are you doing? good, thanks. just going to ibrox, please. but for some scottish motorists, it's a real pain. potholes in the city of glasgow at the moment are the worst i have ever seen in the 26 years i've been driving a taxi. the roads are appalling. we're just about to hit one there. thud. there you go. there is nowhere in the city that is safe from potholes. and how costly is that for you as a taxi driver? it costs me hundreds of pounds a year in repair and maintenance. to be fair, covid hit the city budget hard, and when the lockdowns were lifted, the council took the tough decision to keep this library and four others closed. mhairi, how important is this library to your community? it's essential to our community. it has the opportunity to provide a heart, a community cohesion. every saturday for nine months, mhairi and her neighbours took the streets in protest. they eventually secured emergency funding from the scottish government, but they were not impressed with the system. do you still have concerns about the future of this library? i am concerned about the future. we know we've got secure funding for this library for the next year, but we don't know what will happen after that. another worry is the future of the planet. last year, glasgow hosted the cop26 climate conference, and drew up a grand plan to cut emissions, createjobs and eliminate poverty. they are talking very, very warm words. the ambition is good, it's credible, but there's a big, big question around delivery. how do you actually get it done, and notjust deliver it in a way that meets the ambitious climate targets, but do so in a way that brings all the communities of the city along? clearly, these elections are about local issues, but they may also help us answer questions about where we're heading as a country. how much support is there for independence? are there any signs of a labour revival in scotland? and will the conservatives here be affected by those lockdown parties in downing street? james cook, bbc news, glasgow. and you'll find more information about all the parties standing in scottish elections on the bbc website. the social democratic and labour party has published its manifesto for the northern ireland assembly election on 5th of may. it has promised to make a minimum payment of £200 to every household to help with the cost of living. the sdlp has also proposed a children's future fund, which would see every child given £500 at birth and £500 at the age of ten, with the money invested in green technology. football, manchester city are a step closer to this year's champions league final, after beating real madrid in the first leg of their semi final, as andy swiss reports. for manchester city's players, the very warmest of welcomes. flares outside the etihad, and flags inside it, as they hoped to bring their champions league dream another step closer. but against the mighty real madrid, could they? well, how's this for an answer? barely 90 seconds gone, and kevin de bruyne ramped up the decibels. what a sensational start! and it was about to get even more sensational. the visitors dithered, gabrieljesus didn't, and it was 2—0. real were on the ropes. but city couldn't quite finish them off. they spurned a string of chances, to their manager's obvious frustration, and real made them pay. karim benzema giving them fresh hope after a breathless first half. gets one back. surely the second half couldn't match it? think again. barely had phil foden made it 3—1 to city when viniciusjunior made it 3—2. it was all as frantic as it was fantastic. next up, bernardo silva brilliantly restored city's two—goal advantage, before one final twist. handball, a real penalty, which benzema converted in the most impudent fashion. a—3 to city. fair to say, the second leg has something to live up to. what an incredible match that was. a real champions league classic. city, frankly, should have won by more, but they will take that for— three lead to madrid next week after a night of the fans here will certainly never forget. the funeral of harry billinge, one of the first british soldiers to step onto the beaches of normandy on d—day in 19aa, has taken place in cornwall. mr billinge was 96 when he died earlier this month. jon kay reports from st austell. "it's not about me," he always said. "it's about the boys who didn't come home." but today, it was about harry billinge. d—day veteran, fundraiser, family man and friend. we receive the body of our brother harry with confidence in god. the church so full that extra space had to be found in a nearby hall. for harry, it was never about him, it was always about them. we've got to say thank you for all that he did. normandy, of course, comes to the fore, but his christian faith, his love of his family, his skills as a barber. all sorts of things that perhaps a lot of people didn't know he did. many of those attending met harry through his fundraising. take care, my love. god bless. in his chair at the local market, he raised tens of thousands of pounds to build a memorial in normandy for the british service personnel who lost their lives. six months ago today, he finally saw the completed monument. they deserve it. we did it. what does it mean to you? it means the world to me. among the mourners in cornwall, rob, who gave harry a poem he'd written about d—day. "do not call me hero, when you see the medals that i wear." harry took that poem to heart and used it to promote the british normandy memorial. one minute, he would be hanging on the edge of every word he was telling you, the next minute he'd have you in stitches, and after that you'd be in floods of tears. he was awesome, he was one of the nicest guys i've ever met. last post plays cornwall turned out in force, for an old soldier whose final campaign will ensure the memory of d—day lives on. john kay, bbc news, st austell. that's it. now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. have a very good night. hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. with me are benjamin butterworth, late editor at the i newspaper, and harriet line, chief political correspondent at the daily mail. let's take a quick look at tomorrow's front pages. like many of the papers, the guardian reports allegations of sexual misconduct by multiple women against the dj tim westwood — which he strenuously denies. that story was a joint investigation by the guardian and the bbc. the metro also covers westwood but its main story is the cost of living crisis, with research suggesting nearly six in ten people have begun cutting back as prices rise. the independent covers disagreement in the cabinet over

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News at Ten 20240708

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westwood! we are live on bbc radio 2. the former radio 1 dj tim westwood faces allegations of sexual misconduct by women who say he abused his position in the music industry. he kept putting his hand on my leg and stroking my leg and touching my face. running his hands in my hair, like, what are you doing? like, stop touching me. p&0 promises a comprehensive investigation after one of its ferries loses power off the coast of northern ireland. and in tonight's champions league, a feast of goals as manchester city score in the first two minutes against real madrid. and coming up in the sport on the bbc news channel, novak djokovic can defend his wimbledon title after organisers allow unvaccinated players to compete. good evening. as the conflict in ukraine enters its third month, the united nations secretary—general has embarked on a diplomatic mission to moscow. antonio guterres took part in talks with president putin, after which the russian leader repeated his stated reasons for invading ukraine, while claiming that he still hoped for a diplomatic solution. in a major policy move, germany has now authorised the supply of dozens of tanks to ukraine. and the us has committed to supporting ukraine's resistance "for the long haul". our russia editor steve rosenberg reports from moscow. he was trying to show it was business as usual. in the kremlin, vladimir putin began the day meeting russian olympic champions. like them, he hates losing. with the olympians, putin was up close and personal. not so with his next guest. the un secretary—general had come to talk about russia's invasion of ukraine. the seating plan said everything about the gap between moscow and the international community. translation: you're telling me that russia's humanitarian corridors - in ukraine are not functioning. mr secretary general, you've been deceived. the corridors are open. we've helped more than 100,000 people leave mariupol. and from the un, a plea to russia for peace. it is my deep conviction that the sooner we end this war, the better, for the people of ukraine, for the people of the russian federation and those far beyond. the kremlin agreed in principle to un and red cross involvement in evacuations from mariupol. but moscow isn't rushing to halt its offensive. for diplomacy to succeed, there needs to be the political will for peace. but right now, there's little sign of that in the kremlin. vladimir putin seems determined to continue the offensive he launched in ukraine — at least until he can secure what he can present to the russian people as a victory. that means no ceasefire in ukraine. the russian military continues to attack, and continues to deny that russian troops have committed war crimes. kremlin critics argue that considering the scale of destruction, the un chief should have travelled to ukraine first before flying to moscow. i'm not in a position to give any advice to the general secretary of the united nations, but i would probably go to mariupol first. i would go to bucha. i would go to irpin. i would go to all those places, talk to people and then fly back to moscow and meet with putin and say, "mr president, what you are doing is crime". russia claims to be acting in self—defence, but it was president putin who ordered his troops to attack ukraine. the kremlin started this. it's determined to end it on its terms. live to moscow and steve rosenberg. steve, you observed that session today with president putin and antonio guterres. what do you make a president putin's own domain, and what have we learned about the latest thinking in moscow? —— what did you learn about his demeanour? firstly, what have we learned about vladimir putin? that nothing has changed. there is no sign that the kremlin leader is ready for peace. he continues to try to justify his actions, justify his so—called special military operation. unseating the un secretary—general at that enormous table, that was a real statement that this was not a host who was saying, welcome to moscow, let's have a cosy chat. the second thing is, there is growing tension between russia and the west. today, moscow accused britain of trying to provoke ukraine into attacking targets on russian territory. in one of mr putin's closest allies who heads the powerful russian security council claimed that the actions of western governments and the ukrainian governments and the ukrainian government would lead to the break—up of ukraine into several states. that sounds like a warning, or even a threat. so what we are seeing from moscow is not the escalation, it is escalation and another example of that — from tomorrow, russia is stopping gas supplies to bulgaria and poland. so as well as this military conflict now, it seems we are going to have an energy war too.— now, it seems we are going to have an energy war too. steve rosenberg, our russia editor, _ an energy war too. steve rosenberg, our russia editor, with _ an energy war too. steve rosenberg, our russia editor, with the _ an energy war too. steve rosenberg, our russia editor, with the latest - our russia editor, with the latest in moscow. let's have more on today's exchanges. the us secretary of defense says he wants russia to be less able to "bully its neighbours". lloyd austin was speaking in germany at a meeting of more than a0 nations about the conflict in ukraine. mr austin committed to supporting ukraine's resistance against russia's invasion "for the long haul" and pledged to move "heaven and earth" to make sure ukraine was victorious. our diplomatic correspondent paul adams is here. what have we learned from these exchanges today? this what have we learned from these exchanges today?— exchanges today? this was the [arc est exchanges today? this was the largest single _ exchanges today? this was the largest single expression - exchanges today? this was the largest single expression of. exchanges today? this was the - largest single expression of support for ukraine that we have seen so far. more than a0 countries answered that call from lloyd austin that you just refer to to move heaven and earth to make sure ukraine has what it needs. they really calculated display of international solidarity. some countries are moving towards supplying much heavier, more sophisticated equipment. he talked about and praised the uk, germany and canada, who have all pledged armoured vehicles in the last day or so. sergei lavrov, as we have heard, calls this a proxy war. clearly, it isn't. ukraine is fighting for itself, not for anyone else. but the west's support for ukraine, military and rhetorical, is more emphatic now than ever. lloyd austin says ukraine can win and everyone here in the room agrees. he is obviously trying to tie everyone into making sure that happens. to give you an idea of where that rhetoric is taking us, you heard steve referring to this threat from moscow. this was triggered by the armed forces minister this morning, who said that he wouldn't mind if british weapons were used by ukraine to attack targets in russia. the russian response was a rather specific threat that said they reserved the right to launch targeted missile strikes at facilities in kyiv even if western advisers were present. that is a pretty specific and ominous warning. and it gives you some idea of the extremely delicate and explosive territory we are now in, as steve has suggested. paul. in, as steve has suggested. paul, thanks. in, as steve has suggested. paul, thanrs- paul— in, as steve has suggested. paul, thanks. pauladams, _ in, as steve has suggested. paul, thanks. pauladams, our- in, as steve has suggested. paul, thanks. pauladams, our diplomatic thanks. paul adams, our diplomatic correspondent. thanks. pauladams, our diplomatic correspondent. the day's other main stories. the former radio i dj tim westwood is facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct by women who say he abused his position in the music industry. the 6a—year—old is accused of predatory and unwanted sexual behaviour and touching in incidents between 1992 and 2017. the bbc and the guardian newspaper have heard detailed accounts from seven women in a joint investigation. their identities have been protected. tim westwood strenuously denies all the allegations. our correspondent chi chi izundu has this report. this is not about music now, and i'm just very, very scared. this is predatory behaviour. i was 17. if you are trying to remove an item of my clothing and i put it back on, that means i don't want it to be gone _ this is the story from a group of women. this was an assault. an abuse of power. seven women, who alleged they had been subjected to unexpected unwanted sexual behaviour from the former bbc radio1 dj, tim westwood. it's westwood. we are live on bbc two. this is how radio 1 get down. pamela, not her real name, used to work with kids trying to get into music. she said tim westwood invited her to do work experience at bbc radio 1 because he wanted help getting a younger audience. so i get to london and he picks me up personally. i remember being in the car. he kept putting his hand on my leg and stroking my leg and touching my face. running his hands in my hair, like, what are you doing? stop touching me. we went back to his apartment. i was meant to be staying in a hotel. as i'm sat in this guy's apartment i'm thinking, ok, when am i getting to this hotel? this is what i should have clarified, but i didn't. he came up and i sat on the edge of the bed and then he starts touching me and removing stuff and i'm pulling it back. he's kissing me on the neck and i didn't give him any come on. there was no flirtation. that's not somebody i would ever look at and find attractive. so, me sat in this house thinking, how am i going to get out of this? but knowing i can't get out of it. i'm in london alone with this guy who's a lot older than me. if i try to get out of it, who's to say how he's going to react? so i just submit to it. traumatic, that's how i would describe it. in a statement, the bbc said... another two women have accused the dj of predatory and unwanted sexual behaviour when they were 17 and 19. another two women have accused dj of either grabbing their best or slipping his hand up the skirt to take their picture at nightclubs. the earliest alleged incident took place in 1992, the most recent in 2017. none of them went to the police. nowadays, i'm a big dog. as an early adopter of hip—hop, tim westwood has been a prominent figure in black music for more than a0 years. he presented bbc radio 1's rap show for nearly 20, interviewing some of the biggest names on his show. he says he strenuously denies all these allegations. all of the women that we spoke to as part of this investigation have two things in common. number one, they were all young, and number two, they are all black. they all had the same question of their experience with tim westwood — who do you tell? this is a man who has huge power in the music industry and a huge influence in black communities. because they're black women, they felt their experiences would be ignored. i want him and people like him to be held accountable. we have to stop protecting these people. chi chi izundu, bbc news. details of organisations offering information and support in relation to sexual assault are available at, or you can call free of charge at any time to hear recorded information on 0800 077 077. p&o ferries has promised a comprehensive investigation after one of its vessels lost power and spent more than an hour adrift off the coast of northern ireland. tugboats were deployed to help the european causeway, which was sailing between county antrim and cairnryan in scotland when it reported a mechanicalfailure. our ireland correspondent emma vardy has the story. a couple of hours behind schedule, the european causeway making it back into port after her drama at sea. earlier, passengers on deck had watched as rnli lifeboats and tugs were deployed alongside, and a coast guard helicopter above, after the ship lost power. it stopped, it came to a complete standstill. and you could tell there was no sound of the engines, which you can hear normally, as the ship sails. nothing at all. just sat there, kind of wondering what was happening. the lights were out, the power went down. it was a little bit nerve—racking, the wait, wondering what was going on. the emergency lasted over an hour and a nearby cruise ship was put on standby while the european causeway was adrift, in case more help was needed. did you start to think it was potentially serious? oh, yeah. yeah, i did, aye. i wasn't too sure. then a big cruise ship was going past us and that turned around. and that's when i thought, there's something not right here. the incident follows a difficult period for the company. p&o sacked some 800 workers in march, and replaced them with agency staff, amid a barrage of criticism. the european causeway had recently been held in port over safety concerns by the maritime and coastal agency. there were worries over crew familiarisation, vehicle documentation and crew training. and this ship had only been cleared to sail again from the 8th of april, following another inspection. eventually, today, the ship was guided safely back by tugs. the maritime and coastguard agency has said it doesn't believe there was a risk to passengers. well, p&0 well, p&o said the incident was down to a temporary mechanical issue, and a full investigation is under way. but it is, of course, bad timing for the company, so soon after the recent safety concerns, and it will prompt wider questions about confidence in p&o, following the recent big staff overall. confidence in p&0, following the recent big staff overall.— recent big staff overall. many thanks for— recent big staff overall. many thanks for the _ recent big staff overall. many thanks for the latest. - the boss of the social media platform twitter has admitted that its future is uncertain in the light of its planned purchase by the billionaire elon musk. mr musk, the founder of tesla and the world's richest man, has agreed a $aa billion deal, around £3a billion, to take over twitter. he has declared that free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy. what that means for twitter�*s 300 million users is not certain, as our technology editor zoe kleinman explains. lift off! elon musk�*s big ideas include colonising mars and implantable human brain machines. his successes include the tesla electric car and the payment giant paypal. and now he has set his sights on his favourite social network, twitter. this is not a way to sort of make money. having a public platform that is maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilisation. he wants to see less moderation. some people are delighted, especially those whose tweets have got them banned from the platform in the past, like the right—wing commentator tucker carlson, who is now back. unlike the leaders of facebook, google, apple, amazon, elon musk believes in free speech. he thinks everyone should be allowed to talk, including people who disagree with him. the twitter community is divided, as usual. musk tonight described the response of his critics as an extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech. actress mia farrow said... london mayor sadiq khan warned social media companies must do more, not less, to protect their communities. twitter founderjack dorsey voiced his support for musk. in principle, don't believe anyone should own or run twitter. elon is the singular solution i trust. it sets the news agenda for both big issues and small issues. and i think the concern might be that it generally is the quieter voices, the minority voices, the voices who don't have the strength, who suffer when twitter is a little bit un—policed. elon musk�*s £3a billion offer came as a bit of a surprise to many, including twitter itself. it may be influential, but it's nowhere near the size of, say, facebook or tiktok. downing street and the eu have already reminded musk there are strict rules around what is not allowed online in europe. tesla shareholders seem worried that twitter might distract elon musk from the business of cars. the value of the company fell by $110 billion earlier this evening. all eyes are on donald trump. he has a lifetime ban and, so far, says he is happy to stay away. but for how long? zoe kleinman, bbc news. a man arrested on suspicion of kidnapping a woman in burnley has been further arrested on suspicion of her murder. 33—year—old katie kenyon was last seen on friday. she has still not been found, but police say they are working on the basis that she is no longer alive. as the cost of living rises sharply, with food and energy prices set to go even higher, borisjohnson has asked ministers to come up with new ideas, but crucially ones that don't rely on spending taxpayers' money. our political correspondent nick eardleyjoins us from westminster. what kind of ideas are we talking about? , , , ., about? huge pressure on the government _ about? huge pressure on the government to _ about? huge pressure on the government to come - about? huge pressure on the government to come up - about? huge pressure on the government to come up with | about? huge pressure on the - government to come up with more answers on this issue. three in particular were discussed by cabinet ministers today. one, borisjohnson is backing a plan that would see the ratios of carers and children in england was �*s nursery is reduced. the idea is that if you can bring down staffing costs, those savings would be passed on to parents. ministers also discussed the idea of reducing how often we all have to get an mot on our car, at the moment it is every year. the transport secretary grant shapps has suggested it should be every two years instead. the government is finally also linking some of the issues with passport backlogs to the cost of living. number10 is passport backlogs to the cost of living. number 10 is worried that people will have to fork out extra money for premium services to get their passports back in time for the summer holidays, so borisjohnson is pulling on buses from the passport office, telling them if they don't deliver better value for money, he is prepared to privatise the passport office. the politics of all of this is the government trying to persuade us all it has ideas. it's also telling the conservative party that it wants to cut red tape. opposition parties have said for some time that the government has not gone far enough. labour, the liberal democrats on the snp have all raised questions about whether these plans will work. maw; all raised questions about whether these plans will work. many thanks for the list of _ these plans will work. many thanks for the list of proposed, _ these plans will work. many thanks for the list of proposed, possible . for the list of proposed, possible plans, at any rate. there are ten days to go to the local elections in england, wales and scotland, and assembly elections in northern ireland. for labour, any route back to power at westminster would probably need a big change in scotland, where the party has been swept aside in many areas by the scottish national party. the snp currently has the largest number of councillors in scotland, with the conservatives in second place and labour third. our scotland editorjames cook reports from glasgow. for decades, glasgow rumbled along as a labour city. five years ago came a shock when the snp took charge. but are they now about to hit a bump on the road? potholes are a hot topic for the council here, and for others around the country. glasgow says it's focused on making permanent, high—quality repairs. hi, there. how are you doing? good, thanks. just going to ibrox, please. but for some scottish motorists, it's a real pain. potholes in the city of glasgow at the moment are the worst i have ever seen in the 26 years i've been driving a taxi. the roads are appalling. we're just about to hit one there. thud. there you go. there is nowhere in the city that is safe from potholes. and how costly is that for you as a taxi driver? it costs me hundreds of pounds a year in repair and maintenance. to be fair, covid hit the city budget hard, and when the lockdowns were lifted, the council took the tough decision to keep this library and four others closed. mhairi, how important is this library to your community? it's essential to our community. it has the opportunity to provide a heart, a community cohesion. every saturday for nine months, mhairi and her neighbours took the streets in protest. they eventually secured emergency funding from the scottish government, but they were not impressed with the system. do you still have concerns about the future of this library? i am concerned about the future. we know we've got secure funding for this library for the next year, but we don't know what will happen after that. another worry is the future of the planet. last year, glasgow hosted the cop26 climate conference, and drew up a grand plan to cut emissions, createjobs and eliminate poverty. they are talking very, very warm words. the ambition is good, it's credible, but there's a big, big question around delivery. how do you actually get it done, and notjust deliver it in a way that meets the ambitious climate targets, but do so in a way that brings all the communities of the city along? clearly, these elections are about local issues, but they may also help us answer questions about where we're heading as a country. how much support is there for independence? are there any signs of a labour revival in scotland? and will the conservatives here be affected by those lockdown parties in downing street? james cook, bbc news, glasgow. and you'll find more information about all the parties standing in scottish elections on the bbc website. the social democratic and labour party has published its manifesto for the northern ireland assembly election on 5th of may. it has promised to make a minimum payment of £200 to every household to help with the cost of living. the sdlp has also proposed a children's future fund, which would see every child given £500 at birth and £500 at the age of ten, with the money invested in green technology. football, manchester city are a step closer to this year's champions league final, after beating real madrid in the first leg of their semi final, as andy swiss reports. for manchester city's players, the very warmest of welcomes. flares outside the etihad, and flags inside it, as they hoped to bring their champions league dream another step closer. but against the mighty real madrid, could they? well, how's this for an answer? barely 90 seconds gone, and kevin de bruyne ramped up the decibels. what a sensational start! and it was about to get even more sensational. the visitors dithered, gabrieljesus didn't, and it was 2—0. real were on the ropes. but city couldn't quite finish them off. they spurned a string of chances, to their manager's obvious frustration, and real made them pay. karim benzema giving them fresh hope after a breathless first half. gets one back. surely the second half couldn't match it? think again. barely had phil foden made it 3—1 to city when viniciusjunior made it 3—2. it was all as frantic as it was fantastic. next up, bernardo silva brilliantly restored city's two—goal advantage, before one final twist. handball, a real penalty, which benzema converted in the most impudent fashion. a—3 to city. fair to say, the second leg has something to live up to. what an incredible match that was. a real champions league classic. city, frankly, should have won by more, but they will take that for— three lead to madrid next week after a night of the fans here will certainly never forget. the funeral of harry billinge, one of the first british soldiers to step onto the beaches of normandy on d—day in 19aa, has taken place in cornwall. mr billinge was 96 when he died earlier this month. jon kay reports from st austell. "it's not about me," he always said. "it's about the boys who didn't come home." but today, it was about harry billinge. d—day veteran, fundraiser, family man and friend. we receive the body of our brother harry with confidence in god. the church so full that extra space had to be found in a nearby hall. for harry, it was never about him, it was always about them. we've got to say thank you for all that he did. normandy, of course, comes to the fore, but his christian faith, his love of his family, his skills as a barber. all sorts of things that perhaps a lot of people didn't know he did. many of those attending met harry through his fundraising. take care, my love. god bless. in his chair at the local market, he raised tens of thousands of pounds to build a memorial in normandy for the british service personnel who lost their lives. six months ago today, he finally saw the completed monument. they deserve it. we did it. what does it mean to you? it means the world to me. among the mourners in cornwall, rob, who gave harry a poem he'd written about d—day. "do not call me hero, when you see the medals that i wear." harry took that poem to heart and used it to promote the british normandy memorial. one minute, he would be hanging on the edge of every word he was telling you, the next minute he'd have you in stitches, and after that you'd be in floods of tears. he was awesome, he was one of the nicest guys i've ever met. last post plays cornwall turned out in force, for an old soldier whose final campaign will ensure the memory of d—day lives on. john kay, bbc news, st austell. that's it. now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. have a very good night. hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. with me are benjamin butterworth, late editor at the i newspaper, and harriet line, chief political correspondent at the daily mail. let's take a quick look at tomorrow's front pages. like many of the papers, the guardian reports allegations of sexual misconduct by multiple women against the dj tim westwood — which he strenuously denies. that story was a joint investigation by the guardian and the bbc. the metro also covers westwood but its main story is the cost of living crisis, with research suggesting nearly six in ten people have begun cutting back as prices rise. the independent covers disagreement in the cabinet over

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Concerns , Timing , Elon Musk , Twitter , Founder , World , Billionaire , Light , Purchase , Boss , Deal , Tesla , Social Media Platform , , 3 , Speech , Zoe Kleinman , Bedrock , Democracy , Users , 300 Million , Big Ideas , Successes , Tesla Electric Car , Colonising Mars , Implantable Human Brain Machines , Payment Giant Paypal , Money , Platform , Social Network , Sights , Make , Tweets , Moderation , Civilisation , Tucker Carlson , Leaders , Free Speech , Talk , Facebook , Amazon , Apple , Google , Mia Farrow , Reaction , Antibody , More , Social Media Companies , Sadiq Khan , Issues , Voices , Founderjack Dorsey , Musk , Concern , Anyone , News Agenda , Don T , Many , Strength , Bit , Minority , Surprise , Downing Street , Size , Rules , Europe , Tiktok , Eu , Donald Trump , Value , Business , Cars , Shareholders , Eyes , 110 Billion , 10 Billion , Suspicion , Ban , Woman , Kidnapping , Katie Kenyon , Burnley , 33 , Prices , Cost Of Living , Basis , Food , Friday , Nick 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