Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

the death toll rises in south africa — following heavy flooding — with a warning more rain may be on the way. the archbishop of canterbury, the most senior cleric in the anglican church condemns plans by the uk government to send some asylum seekers to rwanda. the comments come on easter sunday. this is the scene live at st peter's square in vatican city where pope france has been celebrating easter mass. hello and welcome to bbc news. russia has urged the last ukrainian forces defending the besieged port of mariupol to surrender within hours, in order to save their lives. the city has been under siege for weeks. moscow says its troops have cleared resistance from the entire city, apart from a sprawling steelworks. ukraine says its naval units are preparing for a russian landing operation in the area. in a late—night address, president zelensky accused russia of deliberately trying to destroy mariupol — and everyone in it. mr zelensky warned that eliminating ukrainian fighters in the city would put an end to peace talks. meanwhile, explosions have again been heard in the capital, kyiv and in the western city of lviv. air raid sirens have been going off across much of the country overnight. this report is from helena wilkinson. forweeks, mariupol has been battered by sustained russian attacks. the kremlin says it's now cleared urban areas of ukrainian forces and it's made this offer to ukrainian soldiers fighting in the port city — lay down your arms by later this morning and your safety will be guaranteed. earlier, the president of ukraine had this warning for russia. translation: the elimination of our troops, of our men - in mariupol will put an end to any negotiations. there is a humanitarian crisis, there is a lack of food, water, medicine. however the guys are heroically defending themselves. we are grateful to them for that. the president's warning comes as a second british fighter has reportedly been captured by russian forces in mariupol. a video of the man, who gives his name as sean pinner, emerged after aden aslin was detained earlier this week. meanwhile, russia continues to carry out airstrikes elsewhere in ukraine. in the capital, kyiv, one person was killed and several were wounded. residents have been warned by the mayor not to return over fears of further attacks. explosions were also reported in the western city of lviv overnight, where air defences reportedly destroyed four russian cruise missiles. earlier this week, russia's prize warship sunk in the black sea — ukraine says it struck the vessel, the kremlin denied that, saying an explosion onboard caused it to sink. now the russian defence ministry has published images showing what it says is the ship's crew, the undated video showing sailors on parade being inspected by the commander—in—chief of the russian navy. the focus today will be on what happens next in mariupol. will the remaining ukrainian soldiers there ignore russia's deadline offer to lay down their arms and continue to defend the city to the end? helena wilkinson, bbc news. the great—granddaughter of soviet—era leader, nikita khrushchev, has told the bbc that president putin may be prepared to use battlefield nuclear weapons if necessary to win the war in ukraine. nina krushcheva, who is an international affairs professor based in new york, said the russian president saw himself as the latest in a long line of strong russian leaders. she was asked if there was anything that could stop him. yes, there is, president putin will stop president putin i think. but i don't really think that vladimir zelensky�*s pleas are going to really work for putin at all because the russians, the russian side already said that the ukrainian side has been withdrawing from negotiations, changing its position. so the fact that zelensky now says that there will be no negotiations if soldiers are mariupol will get killed, probably for putin is not is not a surprise. it is possible that mariupol will fall and it is possible by may, by may 9th. i'm sure you know there is a victory date world war ii victory day on may 9th. so there is rumours back and forth that putin would like to stop the war or at least declare some sort of victory by then. so it is possible that with the taking of mariupol, that could be one of those prizes and sort of a declaration for at least the completion of this stage of the war. but once again, i think putin knows only what putin knows. we don't know. even those who are expected horrible things from putin like me and a lot of others, i am still completelyjust stunned by the brutality that's being exerted on ukraine altogether. and it does seem that at the beginning at least, they were sort of more cordial approach to the war. but once ukrainians started fighting back and and hitting back then, the russians became as brutal as possible. and also they've been changing troops a lot. and i think the russian guard has been particularly and also the chechen, the the chechen battalions from north caucasus. they've been particularly brutal, so it actually depends what kind of troops they have. but generally, i think this war is really the one that putin plans to win and plans to win at any cost. with me now is lord peter ricketts, the former uk permanent representative to nato and a former national security advisor to the uk government. i was wondering if you caught the end of what the professor had is this vladimir putin is walk to when at any cost? == is this vladimir putin is walk to when at any cost?— is this vladimir putin is walk to when at any cost? -- mike is this war for vladimir _ when at any cost? -- mike is this war for vladimir putin _ when at any cost? -- mike is this war for vladimir putin to - when at any cost? -- mike is this war for vladimir putin to win - when at any cost? -- mike is this war for vladimir putin to win at l when at any cost? -- mike is this i war for vladimir putin to win at any cost. ~ ., , ., cost. winning would be to turn ukraine into _ cost. winning would be to turn ukraine into a _ cost. winning would be to turn ukraine into a vassal_ cost. winning would be to turn ukraine into a vassal state - cost. winning would be to turn ukraine into a vassal state of. ukraine into a vassal state of russia. i think that would be his plan and he has failed and what is trying to find is a face—saving solution and is your correspondence and a few minutes ago i think to be able to succeed in capturing mariupol the ruins of mariupol having smashed the city to pieces together with enough territory so the eastern donbas region and chrome evening —— crimea region linkup but it is nothing like he set out to achieve. , , ., ., , it is nothing like he set out to achieve. ,, ., ., , ., ., achieve. russia holds about one third of the _ achieve. russia holds about one third of the donbas _ achieve. russia holds about one third of the donbas region. - achieve. russia holds about one - third of the donbas region. mariupol defeated him before and he is determined to get it. where this ukraine stand on that? he determined to get it. where this ukraine stand on that?— ukraine stand on that? he is determined _ ukraine stand on that? he is determined to _ ukraine stand on that? he is determined to get _ ukraine stand on that? he is determined to get it - ukraine stand on that? he is determined to get it and - ukraine stand on that? he is determined to get it and at l ukraine stand on that? he: 3 determined to get it and at enormous cost it will finally succeed in overcoming the resistance in mariupol. to me it seems impossible for president zelensky to concede russia now occupies the entire eastern side of the country and somehow ukraine no longer has any rights over that and becomes either dependent or in some way part of russia. i think the kind of conditions that vladimir putin might settle for are those which president zelensky or any possible ukrainian government could not possibly accept. i think we are headed for an angry stalemate rather than negotiated solution. angry stalemate rather than neaotiated solution. , ., negotiated solution. playing out the scenario of mariupol _ negotiated solution. playing out the scenario of mariupol falling - negotiated solution. playing out the scenario of mariupol falling to - scenario of mariupol falling to russia, what would concern you most about the geopolitics of the region if that happen? i about the geopolitics of the region if that happen?— if that happen? i think it is absolutely _ if that happen? i think it is absolutely disastrous - if that happen? i think it is absolutely disastrous for i if that happen? i think it is - absolutely disastrous for europe to see a proud city smashed to pieces by the artillery of an adversary. that takes us right back to the second world war. it also frees up russian forces to move north and try to push out the boundary of what the control in the donbas region. at the moment the only control part of that region. all intended to show that russia leaves this war occupying our significant slice of eastern ukraine. the geopolitics of very alarming. it suggests that despite all the rules in the un charter a country can use overwhelming force to occupy and subjugate part of a neighbouring state. that's why countries like finland and sweden are no extremely interested in joining nato. this are no extremely interested in joining nate-— are no extremely interested in joining nato— are no extremely interested in “oininu nato. a . , ., joining nato. as i am listening to ou, it joining nato. as i am listening to you. it sounds — joining nato. as i am listening to you, it sounds helpless - joining nato. as i am listening to you, it sounds helpless and - you, it sounds helpless and hopeless. we are going back in time. you mentioned the natal chart, what options are there? is this just going to happen? options are there? is this 'ust going to hammfi options are there? is this 'ust going to happen? options are there? is this 'ust oiiinto hauen? �*, , ., going to happen? let's try and look sli i htl going to happen? let's try and look slightly more _ going to happen? let's try and look slightly more positively _ going to happen? let's try and look slightly more positively on - going to happen? let's try and look slightly more positively on easter i slightly more positively on easter sunday. heroic resistance by ukraine and there is every prospect they will remain an independent and proud ukraine covering at least most of the country and one day take back the country and one day take back the ground russia occupies. they have reinforced the eastern members of nato and sweden and finland after 70 years of neutrality thinking of joining nettle so i think the western response has been good. i think the response from the wider world, from countries further from europe, has been disappointing, a lot of countries not wanting to get involved in this dispute and i think as it develops it will be important western countries try to involve a wider range of countries and sanctions on russia, excepting you can stay neutral when there is an aggressor and a victim that you have to stand up to the rules —— for the rules of international war if other countries are going to be safe from predatory neighbours. you countries are going to be safe from predatory neighbours.— predatory neighbours. you are also the former national— predatory neighbours. you are also the former national security - predatory neighbours. you are also | the former national security advisor for the uk government, thank you very much under peaceful easter to you. let's cross live to st peter's square in vatican city because pope frances has been celebrating easter mass, which is followed by his traditional �*urbi et orbi' blessing. we expect we expect to hear something on ukraine. he was also at the vigilance at the night at st peter's basilica. there was a delegation met the pope and was greeted warmly by him. —— i delegation on saturday night. let's listen. translation: raised up in the light end of the holy spirit, one god for ever. no we are going to have our first holy spirit, one god for ever. no we are going to have ourfirst reading. the pope just and we are expecting him to see something on the situation on ukraine. the archbishop of canterbury is to use his easter sermon to strongly criticise the government's plan to send asylum seekers arriving in the uk to rwanda. during his address at canterbury cathedral, justin welby is expected to say the policy raises serious ethical questions and goes against the country's christian values. he will say this is "because sub—contracting out our responsibilities" is the opposite of the nature of god. "the world is facing a global migration crisis on an unprecedented scale and change is needed to prevent people smugglers putting people 5 lives at risk and to fix the broken global asylum system." our political correspondent, ione wells, is with us in the studio. to cut through what he has been saying and how significant this is. i think it is a significant intervention and it is not usual for the archbishop of canterbury to make such a strong comment on government policy. opposition parties criticised government policy but less of what he describes as the judgment of god. later in his easter sermon he says the government asylum policy cannot stand up to the judgment of god and cannot carry the weight of a responsibility as a country founded on christian values and also it is opposite to the nature of god who he says to cut response ability for our failures. it is all in response to a recently announced uk government policy to send asylum seekers who have arrived to the uk via for example boats crossing the channel are lorries making that crossing to rwanda to have their asylum claims process there as opposed to in the uk. many people, even politicians will probably see should the church be doing politics? what reaction has been from the home office? the home office have responded quite robust with the claims he has made and said there are a number of safe and legal routes for people who want to seek asylum in the uk like existing resettlement schemes and also said the uk has a proud history of welcoming refugees in need and said their plans and their views would disrupt the business model of people smugglers particularly involving people wanting to cross the channel into the uk. the archbishop himself has acknowledged the details of the scheme are for politics and i think we will see a lot of this next week. this policy was announced when mps were off for the easter break be back on tuesday and i think there will be a lot more debate when they are back then. we can get the latest from our correspondent in lviv, dan johnson. let's remind of the latest developments and the highest concern is what is taking place in mariupol. there are reports of this morning of more attacks on the edge of kyiv. a district to the east of the capital city where an attack that is said has hit some of the local infrastructure there. we're not sure what the target was or the of damage. that has been the case after a few notes after russia threatened to step up attacks and there were air raid alerts right across the country. in mariupol russia has offered ukrainian soldiers the chance to surrender and says if they put down their weapons and we white flag and hand themselves over from the steelworks which has been the scene of a really intense battle over the past few days. i'm not sure if this is a sign that russia is struggling to complete its takeover of that plant and therefore the city of that plant and therefore the city of mariupol our demonstrates how dire it is not for the remaining ukrainian soldiers. russia says that a 2500 of them but no sign as yet of ukrainian soldiers taking up the offer. russia has said there are only few hours left for the offer to be taken up. president zelensky says if the soldiers are killed that will close the chance of negotiations. it is a desperate situation for people there and it is symbolically and strategically important as a city which russia is keen to claim victory over even despite the fact it has bombed the city to ruins. there is one thing some people will ask, in terms of attacking kyiv why once again are they doing that and how are they doing it because we understood a number of days ago they had pulled out of a number of areas around the capital so how are the targeting in terms of missile those suburbs that are being hit? the russian forces that were approaching the capital city and occupying areas to the north of it all pulled back more than a week ago and those areas are clear of troops know. there are still dangerous because minds were left behind but the russian forces withdrew and i know focusing instead on the east of the country. we have seen renewed attacks coming from russian jets flying launched seen renewed attacks coming from russianjets flying launched mainly from russia or belarus. they have targeted mainly so far military targets and yesterday it was a munitions factory that was set and it hit the factory that makes the sort of missile ukraine claims was used to sink in the moskva, the flagship of stop the risk is civilian targets may get hit, may be inadvertently, and also when ukraine air defences shoot down missiles we sometimes see the bits of the missile left after those explosions can cause damage in other areas so to something that will concern people right across ukraine and the fight there have been so many air raid warnings in the last few notes as a reminder to people across the country of the risk they face even if they're away from intense fighting in the east. as nearly 400 people are now known to have died in flooding in kwa—zulu natal, the south african president, cyril ramaphosa, has postponed an official visit to saudi arabia in order to focus on the devastation. specialist rescue teams are searching for dozens more who're still missing. more than 13,000 homes have been damaged in the disaster. vumani mkhize reports. a deadly flash flood swept through this informal settlement north of durban in the middle of the night on tuesday. people here ran for their lives as the rising floodwaters engulfed everything in its path. the mangled remains of debris are what's left. sombre residents look on as a rescue team searches for the missing. a recovery operation is underway here at the cocobod informal settlementjust north of durban. members here of the rescue team are essentially looking for two people, a youngster aged eight years old and someone who's also aged around 30. and as you can see over here, their cars and debris that have been strewn all along along the river. and it'sjust an indication of the severity and the violence of the water that was cascading along here. the search and rescue team can't get heavy machinery into the area. they painstakingly use their bare hands. so currently we've got two community members missing in this area. we brought in canines because, as you can see, it's a very big debris pile. a lot of material to move. a lot of heavy logs, vehicles, household items so we can't exploit the whole area. community members are traumatised by the floods and are finding it difficult to come to terms with what happened. translation: we are in pain. we can't even sleep properly at night. every time i close my eyes, i can just see the rain and water coming. i can't sleep and i can't eat. this woman who lost her house tells me she wants the government to help her find shelter because she can't live here any more. up on the hill, this man shows me where the informal settlement used to be. and there were people that are also found there as well, right at the top? wow. there was something like seven people. seven people were found and they were found alive, though, right? yes. the search and rescue operations are continuing throughout the kwazulu—natal province as more remains are being found. for nearly two months now the people of ukraine have been dealing with life in a warzone. many have been killed — others have left the country. everyone else tries to make the best of things. in the city of dnipro — a group of local musicians are hoping to lift spirits — as tim allman reports. orchestra plays james bond theme. the people of this city and this country have been both shaken and stirred, so what better to meet the mood than a little james bond? these musicians, some from a local academy, have grouped together to form a street orchestra, bringing a little hope in these troubled times. translation: the idea came up that we need to play for people, | especially nowadays, to bring some positivity to people at a difficult time. head north to the besieged city of kharkiv and the best place to be is underground. oleksandr and anton put on a puppet show for the children who have to shelter here. a distraction for a moment or two at least from the bombardment this city is having to endure. translation: for me, the exchange of emotion is very important. - we give the children our emotions and they give us theirs and that lifts our spirits. we can't name it, you have to feel it when you see the reaction. and in the capital, kyiv, an easter vigil takes place, another moment of normality in a country where that is now rare. they pray for salvation, they pray for an end to war. tim allman, bbc news. let's find out the weather is looking. it looks gorgeous behind you. is that what can expect? for much of the uk it remains dry and warm and there is some rain in the west. ahead of that we have some high pollen levels, notjust for england and wales but on to some parts of scotland. levels are lower in the far west of scotland and northern ireland what it is raining and this is the change we are seeing here stop that rain is not moving much and it will be dry for most of the day across antrum and down and for most of scotland it be dry. —— antrim. for much of england and wales we have pc sign with high cloud around but it is warm. in scotland 18 degrees and across parts of england and wales 19 or 20. we could potentially make 20 degrees at the fa cup semifinal at wembley where chelsea play crystal palace. weather very similar to the first semifinal yesterday. we will see wayne push east tonight across much of the uk followed by showers in northern ireland and across scotland. —— we will see reina. —— we will see it raining. across england in more of a band of cloud where the weather front is weaker and most of the rain for the north with the pressure is low with strong winds and the wind direction tomorrow will come in from the west which will drop temperatures as well. that is the weather front and there is not much rain on it but cloud could link at the south—east. then we will see spells of sunshine. a few showers to develop in england and northern ireland and particularly eastern scotland. for most it will be cool during eastern monday compared to today but 16 or 17 and eastern areas which will feel quite pleasant. heading into tuesday we will start for sunshine but showers likely to develop and this could be heavy and slow moving because the winds will be lighter on tuesday and after a cool start to the day temperatures will be lower at around 13 or 1a degrees. after tuesday those showers are really no more and a lot of dry weather for the rest of the week. temperatures will be near—normal for the the rest of the week. temperatures will be near—normalfor the rest the rest of the week. temperatures will be near—normal for the rest of the week and there will be easterly wind developing as well. this is bbc news. the headlines: the siege of mariupol may be nearing its end — with russia issuing a deadline for ukrainian soldiers to surrender. but president zelensky warns there will be consequences if russia takes action against the remaining troops in the city. the elimination of our troops, of our men in mariupol will put an end to any negotiations. the death toll rises in south africa — following heavy flooding with a warning more rain may be on the way. the archbishop of canterbury — the most senior cleric in the anglican church condemns plans by the uk government to send some asylum seekers to rwanda. the comments come on easter sunday.

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, Plan , Vassal State , Vassal State Of , Neaotiated Solution , Pieces , Correspondence , Capturing Mariupol The Ruins Of , Region , Nothing , Eastern Donbas , Evening , Territory , Donbas Achieve , Ukraine Stand , 3 , Part , Rights , Stalemate , Conditions , Scenario , Geopolitics , Solution , Negotiated Solution , Mariupol Falling , Europe , Control , Artillery , Adversary , Us , Boundary , Slice , Countries , Rules , Force , Estate , Finland , Subjugate , Sweden , Un Charter , Oininu Nato , Nate , Options , Ust , Natal Chart , Sli , Oiiinto Hauen , Most , Prospect , Members , Response , Neutrality Thinking , Ground , Nettle , 70 , World , Dispute , Safe , Victim , Aggressor , Range , Sanctions , Neighbours , Predatory Neighbours , Frances , Blessing , Urbi Et Orbi , Something , Vigilance , Delegation , St Peter S Basilica , Saturday Night , God , Holy Spirit , Ourfirst Reading , Situation , Sermon , Easter , Canterbury Cathedral , Policy , Values , Justin Welby , Responsibilities , Opposite , Questions , Sub Contracting , Politicians , People , Change , Risk , Smugglers , Nature , Scale , Migration , Global Asylum System , 5 , Correspondent , Studio , Ione Wells , Government Policy , Opposition Parties , Intervention , Comment , Judgment , Asylum Policy , Responsibility , Response Ability , Weight , Failures , Christian , Channel , Crossing , Example , Via , Lorries , Asylum Claims , Reaction , Church Be Doing Politics , Have , Home Office , Number , Asylum , Resettlement Schemes , History , Routes , Need , Refugees , Business Model , Views , Details , Politics , Scheme , Debate , Mps , Dan Johnson , Place , Concern , Developments , East , Capital City , Attack , Damage , Edge , District , Some , Target , Infrastructure , Case , Notes , Air Raid Alerts , Sign , Chance , Battle , Steelworks , Flag , Plant , Takeover , Mariupol Our , Has , 2500 , Terms , Thing , Ruins , Missile , Hit , Targeting , Suburbs , North , Minds , Jets , Belarus , Russianjets Flying , Targets , Factory , Munitions , Claims , Bits , Flagship , Stop , Missiles , Air Raid Warnings , Fighting , Fight , Reminder , 400 , Flooding , South African President , Visit , Devastation , Dozens , Rescue Teams , Kwa Zulu Natal , Cyril Ramaphosa , Saudi Arabia , Settlement , Flash Flood , Homes , Disaster , Vumani Mkhize Reports , 13000 , Debris , Remains , Everything , Floodwaters , Path , Left , Sombre , Rescue Team , Rescue Team Searches , Missing , Cocobod Informal Settlementjust North , Recovery Operation , Durban , Someone , Cars , Youngster , River , Eight , 30 , Two , Violence , Community Members , Machinery , Severity , Indication , Hands , Canines , Debris Pile , Search And Rescue , Floods , Material , Logs , Vehicles , Household Items , Sleep , Pain , Eyes , Woman , The Hill , Shelter , House , Well , Operations , Yes , Seven , Spirits , Musicians , Ukraine , Many , Life , Warzone , Best , A Group , Dnipro , James Bond , Mood , Academy , Orchestra Plays , Tim Allman 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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

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the death toll rises in south africa — following heavy flooding — with a warning more rain may be on the way. the archbishop of canterbury, the most senior cleric in the anglican church condemns plans by the uk government to send some asylum seekers to rwanda. the comments come on easter sunday. this is the scene live at st peter's square in vatican city where pope france has been celebrating easter mass. hello and welcome to bbc news. russia has urged the last ukrainian forces defending the besieged port of mariupol to surrender within hours, in order to save their lives. the city has been under siege for weeks. moscow says its troops have cleared resistance from the entire city, apart from a sprawling steelworks. ukraine says its naval units are preparing for a russian landing operation in the area. in a late—night address, president zelensky accused russia of deliberately trying to destroy mariupol — and everyone in it. mr zelensky warned that eliminating ukrainian fighters in the city would put an end to peace talks. meanwhile, explosions have again been heard in the capital, kyiv and in the western city of lviv. air raid sirens have been going off across much of the country overnight. this report is from helena wilkinson. forweeks, mariupol has been battered by sustained russian attacks. the kremlin says it's now cleared urban areas of ukrainian forces and it's made this offer to ukrainian soldiers fighting in the port city — lay down your arms by later this morning and your safety will be guaranteed. earlier, the president of ukraine had this warning for russia. translation: the elimination of our troops, of our men - in mariupol will put an end to any negotiations. there is a humanitarian crisis, there is a lack of food, water, medicine. however the guys are heroically defending themselves. we are grateful to them for that. the president's warning comes as a second british fighter has reportedly been captured by russian forces in mariupol. a video of the man, who gives his name as sean pinner, emerged after aden aslin was detained earlier this week. meanwhile, russia continues to carry out airstrikes elsewhere in ukraine. in the capital, kyiv, one person was killed and several were wounded. residents have been warned by the mayor not to return over fears of further attacks. explosions were also reported in the western city of lviv overnight, where air defences reportedly destroyed four russian cruise missiles. earlier this week, russia's prize warship sunk in the black sea — ukraine says it struck the vessel, the kremlin denied that, saying an explosion onboard caused it to sink. now the russian defence ministry has published images showing what it says is the ship's crew, the undated video showing sailors on parade being inspected by the commander—in—chief of the russian navy. the focus today will be on what happens next in mariupol. will the remaining ukrainian soldiers there ignore russia's deadline offer to lay down their arms and continue to defend the city to the end? helena wilkinson, bbc news. the great—granddaughter of soviet—era leader, nikita khrushchev, has told the bbc that president putin may be prepared to use battlefield nuclear weapons if necessary to win the war in ukraine. nina krushcheva, who is an international affairs professor based in new york, said the russian president saw himself as the latest in a long line of strong russian leaders. she was asked if there was anything that could stop him. yes, there is, president putin will stop president putin i think. but i don't really think that vladimir zelensky�*s pleas are going to really work for putin at all because the russians, the russian side already said that the ukrainian side has been withdrawing from negotiations, changing its position. so the fact that zelensky now says that there will be no negotiations if soldiers are mariupol will get killed, probably for putin is not is not a surprise. it is possible that mariupol will fall and it is possible by may, by may 9th. i'm sure you know there is a victory date world war ii victory day on may 9th. so there is rumours back and forth that putin would like to stop the war or at least declare some sort of victory by then. so it is possible that with the taking of mariupol, that could be one of those prizes and sort of a declaration for at least the completion of this stage of the war. but once again, i think putin knows only what putin knows. we don't know. even those who are expected horrible things from putin like me and a lot of others, i am still completelyjust stunned by the brutality that's being exerted on ukraine altogether. and it does seem that at the beginning at least, they were sort of more cordial approach to the war. but once ukrainians started fighting back and and hitting back then, the russians became as brutal as possible. and also they've been changing troops a lot. and i think the russian guard has been particularly and also the chechen, the the chechen battalions from north caucasus. they've been particularly brutal, so it actually depends what kind of troops they have. but generally, i think this war is really the one that putin plans to win and plans to win at any cost. with me now is lord peter ricketts, the former uk permanent representative to nato and a former national security advisor to the uk government. i was wondering if you caught the end of what the professor had is this vladimir putin is walk to when at any cost? == is this vladimir putin is walk to when at any cost?— is this vladimir putin is walk to when at any cost? -- mike is this war for vladimir _ when at any cost? -- mike is this war for vladimir putin _ when at any cost? -- mike is this war for vladimir putin to - when at any cost? -- mike is this war for vladimir putin to win - when at any cost? -- mike is this war for vladimir putin to win at l when at any cost? -- mike is this i war for vladimir putin to win at any cost. ~ ., , ., cost. winning would be to turn ukraine into _ cost. winning would be to turn ukraine into a _ cost. winning would be to turn ukraine into a vassal_ cost. winning would be to turn ukraine into a vassal state - cost. winning would be to turn ukraine into a vassal state of. ukraine into a vassal state of russia. i think that would be his plan and he has failed and what is trying to find is a face—saving solution and is your correspondence and a few minutes ago i think to be able to succeed in capturing mariupol the ruins of mariupol having smashed the city to pieces together with enough territory so the eastern donbas region and chrome evening —— crimea region linkup but it is nothing like he set out to achieve. , , ., ., , it is nothing like he set out to achieve. ,, ., ., , ., ., achieve. russia holds about one third of the _ achieve. russia holds about one third of the donbas _ achieve. russia holds about one third of the donbas region. - achieve. russia holds about one - third of the donbas region. mariupol defeated him before and he is determined to get it. where this ukraine stand on that? he determined to get it. where this ukraine stand on that?— ukraine stand on that? he is determined _ ukraine stand on that? he is determined to _ ukraine stand on that? he is determined to get _ ukraine stand on that? he is determined to get it - ukraine stand on that? he is determined to get it and - ukraine stand on that? he is determined to get it and at l ukraine stand on that? he: 3 determined to get it and at enormous cost it will finally succeed in overcoming the resistance in mariupol. to me it seems impossible for president zelensky to concede russia now occupies the entire eastern side of the country and somehow ukraine no longer has any rights over that and becomes either dependent or in some way part of russia. i think the kind of conditions that vladimir putin might settle for are those which president zelensky or any possible ukrainian government could not possibly accept. i think we are headed for an angry stalemate rather than negotiated solution. angry stalemate rather than neaotiated solution. , ., negotiated solution. playing out the scenario of mariupol _ negotiated solution. playing out the scenario of mariupol falling - negotiated solution. playing out the scenario of mariupol falling to - scenario of mariupol falling to russia, what would concern you most about the geopolitics of the region if that happen? i about the geopolitics of the region if that happen?— if that happen? i think it is absolutely _ if that happen? i think it is absolutely disastrous - if that happen? i think it is absolutely disastrous for i if that happen? i think it is - absolutely disastrous for europe to see a proud city smashed to pieces by the artillery of an adversary. that takes us right back to the second world war. it also frees up russian forces to move north and try to push out the boundary of what the control in the donbas region. at the moment the only control part of that region. all intended to show that russia leaves this war occupying our significant slice of eastern ukraine. the geopolitics of very alarming. it suggests that despite all the rules in the un charter a country can use overwhelming force to occupy and subjugate part of a neighbouring state. that's why countries like finland and sweden are no extremely interested in joining nato. this are no extremely interested in joining nate-— are no extremely interested in joining nato— are no extremely interested in “oininu nato. a . , ., joining nato. as i am listening to ou, it joining nato. as i am listening to you. it sounds — joining nato. as i am listening to you, it sounds helpless - joining nato. as i am listening to you, it sounds helpless and - you, it sounds helpless and hopeless. we are going back in time. you mentioned the natal chart, what options are there? is this just going to happen? options are there? is this 'ust going to hammfi options are there? is this 'ust going to happen? options are there? is this 'ust oiiinto hauen? �*, , ., going to happen? let's try and look sli i htl going to happen? let's try and look slightly more _ going to happen? let's try and look slightly more positively _ going to happen? let's try and look slightly more positively on - going to happen? let's try and look slightly more positively on easter i slightly more positively on easter sunday. heroic resistance by ukraine and there is every prospect they will remain an independent and proud ukraine covering at least most of the country and one day take back the country and one day take back the ground russia occupies. they have reinforced the eastern members of nato and sweden and finland after 70 years of neutrality thinking of joining nettle so i think the western response has been good. i think the response from the wider world, from countries further from europe, has been disappointing, a lot of countries not wanting to get involved in this dispute and i think as it develops it will be important western countries try to involve a wider range of countries and sanctions on russia, excepting you can stay neutral when there is an aggressor and a victim that you have to stand up to the rules —— for the rules of international war if other countries are going to be safe from predatory neighbours. you countries are going to be safe from predatory neighbours.— predatory neighbours. you are also the former national— predatory neighbours. you are also the former national security - predatory neighbours. you are also | the former national security advisor for the uk government, thank you very much under peaceful easter to you. let's cross live to st peter's square in vatican city because pope frances has been celebrating easter mass, which is followed by his traditional �*urbi et orbi' blessing. we expect we expect to hear something on ukraine. he was also at the vigilance at the night at st peter's basilica. there was a delegation met the pope and was greeted warmly by him. —— i delegation on saturday night. let's listen. translation: raised up in the light end of the holy spirit, one god for ever. no we are going to have our first holy spirit, one god for ever. no we are going to have ourfirst reading. the pope just and we are expecting him to see something on the situation on ukraine. the archbishop of canterbury is to use his easter sermon to strongly criticise the government's plan to send asylum seekers arriving in the uk to rwanda. during his address at canterbury cathedral, justin welby is expected to say the policy raises serious ethical questions and goes against the country's christian values. he will say this is "because sub—contracting out our responsibilities" is the opposite of the nature of god. "the world is facing a global migration crisis on an unprecedented scale and change is needed to prevent people smugglers putting people 5 lives at risk and to fix the broken global asylum system." our political correspondent, ione wells, is with us in the studio. to cut through what he has been saying and how significant this is. i think it is a significant intervention and it is not usual for the archbishop of canterbury to make such a strong comment on government policy. opposition parties criticised government policy but less of what he describes as the judgment of god. later in his easter sermon he says the government asylum policy cannot stand up to the judgment of god and cannot carry the weight of a responsibility as a country founded on christian values and also it is opposite to the nature of god who he says to cut response ability for our failures. it is all in response to a recently announced uk government policy to send asylum seekers who have arrived to the uk via for example boats crossing the channel are lorries making that crossing to rwanda to have their asylum claims process there as opposed to in the uk. many people, even politicians will probably see should the church be doing politics? what reaction has been from the home office? the home office have responded quite robust with the claims he has made and said there are a number of safe and legal routes for people who want to seek asylum in the uk like existing resettlement schemes and also said the uk has a proud history of welcoming refugees in need and said their plans and their views would disrupt the business model of people smugglers particularly involving people wanting to cross the channel into the uk. the archbishop himself has acknowledged the details of the scheme are for politics and i think we will see a lot of this next week. this policy was announced when mps were off for the easter break be back on tuesday and i think there will be a lot more debate when they are back then. we can get the latest from our correspondent in lviv, dan johnson. let's remind of the latest developments and the highest concern is what is taking place in mariupol. there are reports of this morning of more attacks on the edge of kyiv. a district to the east of the capital city where an attack that is said has hit some of the local infrastructure there. we're not sure what the target was or the of damage. that has been the case after a few notes after russia threatened to step up attacks and there were air raid alerts right across the country. in mariupol russia has offered ukrainian soldiers the chance to surrender and says if they put down their weapons and we white flag and hand themselves over from the steelworks which has been the scene of a really intense battle over the past few days. i'm not sure if this is a sign that russia is struggling to complete its takeover of that plant and therefore the city of that plant and therefore the city of mariupol our demonstrates how dire it is not for the remaining ukrainian soldiers. russia says that a 2500 of them but no sign as yet of ukrainian soldiers taking up the offer. russia has said there are only few hours left for the offer to be taken up. president zelensky says if the soldiers are killed that will close the chance of negotiations. it is a desperate situation for people there and it is symbolically and strategically important as a city which russia is keen to claim victory over even despite the fact it has bombed the city to ruins. there is one thing some people will ask, in terms of attacking kyiv why once again are they doing that and how are they doing it because we understood a number of days ago they had pulled out of a number of areas around the capital so how are the targeting in terms of missile those suburbs that are being hit? the russian forces that were approaching the capital city and occupying areas to the north of it all pulled back more than a week ago and those areas are clear of troops know. there are still dangerous because minds were left behind but the russian forces withdrew and i know focusing instead on the east of the country. we have seen renewed attacks coming from russian jets flying launched seen renewed attacks coming from russianjets flying launched mainly from russia or belarus. they have targeted mainly so far military targets and yesterday it was a munitions factory that was set and it hit the factory that makes the sort of missile ukraine claims was used to sink in the moskva, the flagship of stop the risk is civilian targets may get hit, may be inadvertently, and also when ukraine air defences shoot down missiles we sometimes see the bits of the missile left after those explosions can cause damage in other areas so to something that will concern people right across ukraine and the fight there have been so many air raid warnings in the last few notes as a reminder to people across the country of the risk they face even if they're away from intense fighting in the east. as nearly 400 people are now known to have died in flooding in kwa—zulu natal, the south african president, cyril ramaphosa, has postponed an official visit to saudi arabia in order to focus on the devastation. specialist rescue teams are searching for dozens more who're still missing. more than 13,000 homes have been damaged in the disaster. vumani mkhize reports. a deadly flash flood swept through this informal settlement north of durban in the middle of the night on tuesday. people here ran for their lives as the rising floodwaters engulfed everything in its path. the mangled remains of debris are what's left. sombre residents look on as a rescue team searches for the missing. a recovery operation is underway here at the cocobod informal settlementjust north of durban. members here of the rescue team are essentially looking for two people, a youngster aged eight years old and someone who's also aged around 30. and as you can see over here, their cars and debris that have been strewn all along along the river. and it'sjust an indication of the severity and the violence of the water that was cascading along here. the search and rescue team can't get heavy machinery into the area. they painstakingly use their bare hands. so currently we've got two community members missing in this area. we brought in canines because, as you can see, it's a very big debris pile. a lot of material to move. a lot of heavy logs, vehicles, household items so we can't exploit the whole area. community members are traumatised by the floods and are finding it difficult to come to terms with what happened. translation: we are in pain. we can't even sleep properly at night. every time i close my eyes, i can just see the rain and water coming. i can't sleep and i can't eat. this woman who lost her house tells me she wants the government to help her find shelter because she can't live here any more. up on the hill, this man shows me where the informal settlement used to be. and there were people that are also found there as well, right at the top? wow. there was something like seven people. seven people were found and they were found alive, though, right? yes. the search and rescue operations are continuing throughout the kwazulu—natal province as more remains are being found. for nearly two months now the people of ukraine have been dealing with life in a warzone. many have been killed — others have left the country. everyone else tries to make the best of things. in the city of dnipro — a group of local musicians are hoping to lift spirits — as tim allman reports. orchestra plays james bond theme. the people of this city and this country have been both shaken and stirred, so what better to meet the mood than a little james bond? these musicians, some from a local academy, have grouped together to form a street orchestra, bringing a little hope in these troubled times. translation: the idea came up that we need to play for people, | especially nowadays, to bring some positivity to people at a difficult time. head north to the besieged city of kharkiv and the best place to be is underground. oleksandr and anton put on a puppet show for the children who have to shelter here. a distraction for a moment or two at least from the bombardment this city is having to endure. translation: for me, the exchange of emotion is very important. - we give the children our emotions and they give us theirs and that lifts our spirits. we can't name it, you have to feel it when you see the reaction. and in the capital, kyiv, an easter vigil takes place, another moment of normality in a country where that is now rare. they pray for salvation, they pray for an end to war. tim allman, bbc news. let's find out the weather is looking. it looks gorgeous behind you. is that what can expect? for much of the uk it remains dry and warm and there is some rain in the west. ahead of that we have some high pollen levels, notjust for england and wales but on to some parts of scotland. levels are lower in the far west of scotland and northern ireland what it is raining and this is the change we are seeing here stop that rain is not moving much and it will be dry for most of the day across antrum and down and for most of scotland it be dry. —— antrim. for much of england and wales we have pc sign with high cloud around but it is warm. in scotland 18 degrees and across parts of england and wales 19 or 20. we could potentially make 20 degrees at the fa cup semifinal at wembley where chelsea play crystal palace. weather very similar to the first semifinal yesterday. we will see wayne push east tonight across much of the uk followed by showers in northern ireland and across scotland. —— we will see reina. —— we will see it raining. across england in more of a band of cloud where the weather front is weaker and most of the rain for the north with the pressure is low with strong winds and the wind direction tomorrow will come in from the west which will drop temperatures as well. that is the weather front and there is not much rain on it but cloud could link at the south—east. then we will see spells of sunshine. a few showers to develop in england and northern ireland and particularly eastern scotland. for most it will be cool during eastern monday compared to today but 16 or 17 and eastern areas which will feel quite pleasant. heading into tuesday we will start for sunshine but showers likely to develop and this could be heavy and slow moving because the winds will be lighter on tuesday and after a cool start to the day temperatures will be lower at around 13 or 1a degrees. after tuesday those showers are really no more and a lot of dry weather for the rest of the week. temperatures will be near—normal for the the rest of the week. temperatures will be near—normalfor the rest the rest of the week. temperatures will be near—normal for the rest of the week and there will be easterly wind developing as well. this is bbc news. the headlines: the siege of mariupol may be nearing its end — with russia issuing a deadline for ukrainian soldiers to surrender. but president zelensky warns there will be consequences if russia takes action against the remaining troops in the city. the elimination of our troops, of our men in mariupol will put an end to any negotiations. the death toll rises in south africa — following heavy flooding with a warning more rain may be on the way. the archbishop of canterbury — the most senior cleric in the anglican church condemns plans by the uk government to send some asylum seekers to rwanda. the comments come on easter sunday.

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, Water , Guys , Fighter , Medicine , Food , Second British , Man , Video , Name , Aden Aslin , Sean Pinner , Residents , Mayor , Elsewhere , Person , Airstrikes , Fears , Several , One , Air Defences , Cruise Missiles , Four , Explosion , Warship , Vessel , Black Sea , Defence Ministry , Video Showing , Crew , Images , The End , Parade , Ship , Commander In Chief , Focus , Arms , Russian Navy , Nikita Khrushchev , Leader , Soviet , I War , President Putin , Professor , Nina Krushcheva , Weapons , Saw , Affairs , New York , Latest , Anything , Leaders , Line , Vladimir Putin , Putin , Side , Ukrainian , Russians , Fact , Position , Surprise , May , Victory Day , May 9th , World War Ii , 9 , Victory , Sort , Rumours , Lot , Things , Others , Declaration , Completion , Stage , Prizes , Taking , Ukrainians , Brutality , Approach , Battalions , Guard , Chechen , Cost , Peter Ricketts , Kind , North Caucasus , End , Nato , National Security Advisor , Permanent Representative , War , Winning , Plan , Vassal State , Vassal State Of , Neaotiated Solution , Pieces , Correspondence , Capturing Mariupol The Ruins Of , Region , Nothing , Eastern Donbas , Evening , Territory , Donbas Achieve , Ukraine Stand , 3 , Part , Rights , Stalemate , Conditions , Scenario , Geopolitics , Solution , Negotiated Solution , Mariupol Falling , Europe , Control , Artillery , Adversary , Us , Boundary , Slice , Countries , Rules , Force , Estate , Finland , Subjugate , Sweden , Un Charter , Oininu Nato , Nate , Options , Ust , Natal Chart , Sli , Oiiinto Hauen , Most , Prospect , Members , Response , Neutrality Thinking , Ground , Nettle , 70 , World , Dispute , Safe , Victim , Aggressor , Range , Sanctions , Neighbours , Predatory Neighbours , Frances , Blessing , Urbi Et Orbi , Something , Vigilance , Delegation , St Peter S Basilica , Saturday Night , God , Holy Spirit , Ourfirst Reading , Situation , Sermon , Easter , Canterbury Cathedral , Policy , Values , Justin Welby , Responsibilities , Opposite , Questions , Sub Contracting , Politicians , People , Change , Risk , Smugglers , Nature , Scale , Migration , Global Asylum System , 5 , Correspondent , Studio , Ione Wells , Government Policy , Opposition Parties , Intervention , Comment , Judgment , Asylum Policy , Responsibility , Response Ability , Weight , Failures , Christian , Channel , Crossing , Example , Via , Lorries , Asylum Claims , Reaction , Church Be Doing Politics , Have , Home Office , Number , Asylum , Resettlement Schemes , History , Routes , Need , Refugees , Business Model , Views , Details , Politics , Scheme , Debate , Mps , Dan Johnson , Place , Concern , Developments , East , Capital City , Attack , Damage , Edge , District , Some , Target , Infrastructure , Case , Notes , Air Raid Alerts , Sign , Chance , Battle , Steelworks , Flag , Plant , Takeover , Mariupol Our , Has , 2500 , Terms , Thing , Ruins , Missile , Hit , Targeting , Suburbs , North , Minds , Jets , Belarus , Russianjets Flying , Targets , Factory , Munitions , Claims , Bits , Flagship , Stop , Missiles , Air Raid Warnings , Fighting , Fight , Reminder , 400 , Flooding , South African President , Visit , Devastation , Dozens , Rescue Teams , Kwa Zulu Natal , Cyril Ramaphosa , Saudi Arabia , Settlement , Flash Flood , Homes , Disaster , Vumani Mkhize Reports , 13000 , Debris , Remains , Everything , Floodwaters , Path , Left , Sombre , Rescue Team , Rescue Team Searches , Missing , Cocobod Informal Settlementjust North , Recovery Operation , Durban , Someone , Cars , Youngster , River , Eight , 30 , Two , Violence , Community Members , Machinery , Severity , Indication , Hands , Canines , Debris Pile , Search And Rescue , Floods , Material , Logs , Vehicles , Household Items , Sleep , Pain , Eyes , Woman , The Hill , Shelter , House , Well , Operations , Yes , Seven , Spirits , Musicians , Ukraine , Many , Life , Warzone , Best , A Group , Dnipro , James Bond , Mood , Academy , Orchestra Plays , Tim Allman 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