Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

president zelensky says peace talks with russia will come to a halt if russian forces kill all of the ukrainian troops defending mariupol. russia now claims to have cleared the whole urban area of the besieged city, with the exception of the azovstal metal works adjoining the port. meanwhile, the mayor of kyiv is warning residents not to return, following another missile attack on saturday. from there, our correspondent, mark lowen, reports. russian revenge. an early morning strike on a military factory in kyiv by long—range missiles. a message from moscow that russian troops may have retreated from the capital, but they can still hit hard. it came after ukraine says it struck and sank the russian warship the moskva, though russia claims it was caused by a fire. its pride of the black sea, now buried beneath it. well, the industrial complex that was hit is behind this wall. you can still see the smoke there in the distance from the explosion. now, ukraine shows every intention in this war of continuing and stepping up its fightback, and the fear here in kyiv is that russian retaliatory strikes might now intensify. a hint of normality was creeping back to this city, with shops reopening and people emerging from shelters. but now a reminder that the threat is still present, even from afar. tatiana hoped her customers would soon start to return, but she and her neighbourhood have had a terrifying wake—up call. translation: the floor was shaking and it felt i like an earthquake. it was very frightening. these days, we sleep fully clothed with our bags packed, so we are ready to flee. translation: iwoke up all of a sudden, . like i was jolted out of a nightmare. we wanted to leave kyiv, but we trust our military so decided to stay. but now i think i'll always feel nervous when i hear explosions. despite the onslaught, ukraine's resolve remains. its defender in chief rewarding those who have stepped up to the fight. the president at war, boosting morale, and again appealing for arms today, though russia warned the west to stop the supply. translation: the more and the sooner we get i all the weapons we have requested, the stronger our position will be and the sooner there will be peace. gunfire. but any hope of that is being drowned out by the ferocious assault in the east. this, the city of lysychansk, a foreshadowing of what ukraine fears will be even greater battles ahead. warning siren. here in kyiv, the city is back on high alert. danger from a distance still lethally close. well, mark has more now on the ukrainian government's response to russia's claims of the takeover of mariupol. they haven't confirmed it or denied it either way. it's the russian defence ministry that says it has cleared the entire urban area of ukrainian forces, and they say there are just a handful of ukrainian troops who are holding out in this crucial steel plant in the city. but ukraine's president has warned moscow that there will be an end to peace talks if the last ukrainian defenders in mariupol are killed. that is clearly an attempt by president zelensky to try to exert pressure on russia not to completely take the city and not to completely kill everybody there but is it going to full on deaf ears? well, quite possibly. it would be a huge prize for russia to get mariupol, to establish a land corridor from russia through eastern ukraine to occupied crimea. in terms of the toll that has been exacted on mariupol, it is absolutely devastating. ukraine's president said tens of thousands could have died there in that city alone. we have seen images of a city that has been completely gutted, completely devastated. so, we wait to hear the fate of mariupol, but as your previous speaker was saying, it could have already fallen or it could fall in the coming days, and if it does, that would be a major gain for russia and a significant loss for ukraine. we have to see whether russia continues to pound on after that or whether it settles with that land corridor and then tries to get to the negotiating table. nothing is known, of course, in this war. we can speak to military expert, brian taylor, who's professor of political science at syracuse university. thank you forjoining us on the programme. we have heard several reports of logistical problems when it comes to russian forces on the ground, as well as low morale issues. now that they are focusing on mariupol in the east, what is your analysis of the situation on the ground?— on the ground? well, i think that is right, that their - that is right, that their initial wave of attacks in the beginning, they tried to attack on too many axes... beginning, they tried to attack on too many axes. . ._ on too many axes... professor ta lor, on too many axes... professor taylor. i — on too many axes... professor taylor. i am — on too many axes... professor taylor, i am very _ on too many axes... professor taylor, i am very sorry, - on too many axes... professor taylor, i am very sorry, the i taylor, i am very sorry, the line is not great, we will come back to you but we will move on for the time being. the south african president, cyril ramaphosa, has postponed an official visit to saudi arabia in order to focus on devastating floods in the province of kwazulu—natal. almost 400 people are known to have died in the past week, and rescue teams are searching for dozens more who're still missing. more than 13,000 homes have been damaged in the disaster, leaving many without shelter, food or water. there are fears of further floods as rain falls on saturated ground. these are the deadliest storms to hit the coastal city of durban in living memory. as rescue operations continue across kwazulu—natal, our team witnessed an attempt to recover two bodies, including that of an eight—year—old child. the bbc�*s vumani mkhize was there. this is an informal settlement in reservoir hills just north of durban. behind me, there is a recovery operation by a rescue team that is from outside of the province. i am told by the community that two people are missing, a youngster, around eight years old, and someone who is also over the age of 30. so, the rescue team has also got a dog that has been sniffing and i am told that the dog has been able to identify that there are remains down there. so, it is quite a sombre moment or a sombre situation right now. we've got members of the community who are looking on, and it is quite sad to witness. just looking around here, all of the cars and the debris that has been strewn all over here isjust an indication of how violent the waters must have been when they were coming through all along this community. it has been utterly, utterly devastating. just looking at all the houses as well, you can see that this is quite a poor and impoverished area and they're not really well—built, and they could not actually sustain the torrent of the waters that came through here. i am also told that there are a number of other search and rescue operations also taking place all around this area and this community, and so the number of dead is steadily rising, and it is just an unfortunate consequence of the violence of the floods that took place here in kwazulu—natal. there's been a shooting at a shopping centre in the us state of south carolina. police say 12 people were injured, ten of them from gunfire. earlier, police held a media briefing. what we know currently and i will say this is very preliminary, we have 12 injured. no fatalities. i repeat, no fatalities. ten suffered gunshot wounds, eight were transported to area hospitals. of the eight gunshot wounds, two are critical but stable, six are stable, we have two that were injured during the stampede, non—gunshot wounds but were injured and we transported folks to three area hospitals, park ridge, ridge, lexington. we can speak to military expert, brian taylor, who's professor of political science at syracuse university. thank you for coming back to us. we were speaking earlier on about the russian picture on the ground now that troops have focused more of the forces on the east and mariupol, what do we know about their numbers and their strengths and their resources? i'm very sorry, we can't get professor taylor there, unfortunately. let's get some of the day's other news. state—run media in north korea says the country's leader kim jong—un has overseen the latest in a series of weapons tests. the official news agency said the new type of guided weapon system would improve the firepower of its artillery. last month, pyongyang carried out its biggest intercontinental ballistic missile test for five years. eight days ahead of the crucial presidential run—off vote, the french president has offered supporters five years of national renewal, if he's re—elected. at a campaign event in marseille, emmanuel macron warned people of the dangers he said were posed by his far—right rival, marine le pen. he said the country risked turning inwards, and becoming divided. six people have been arrested after climate change activists climbed on to an oil tanker in central london. the demonstration, which was organised by extinction rebellion, blocked a road near hyde park. residents have begun returning to devastated towns on the outskirts of the ukrainian capital, following weeks of russian occupation. 0ur correspondent anna foster has been to meet some of them to learn how a community, like those in the town of bucha where forensic experts are investigating a mass grave, begin to recover, in the wake of a brutal occupation. as life returns to bucha, the signs of death are still everywhere. by the roadside, vladimir putin's tanks lie in ruins. russia took this town and tried to destroy it — notjust its buildings, but the spirit of its people. denys davidoff stayed in bucha throughout the occupation. when the russians left, he walked these streets and filmed the horrors he found. translation: when i arrived, i saw the street _ with dead bodies. corpses were lying all over the place. ijust walked around them and they were everywhere. i wasn't scared, but it was intense. you got used to it, during the month of occupation. bucha is now known as a crime scene. forensic experts are gathering its evidence. but it's also a community, a place people called home and want to again. translation: you always want to come back home. | so we used our first chance to return, as well, and we used our chance to make sure that all property is safe, even from locals that might come and steal something. sergei shows me an open grave. his neighbour, killed by russian soldiers, lay here. when sergei returned home, he wanted to finally give him a dignified burial. the people of bucha are dealing with what they've been through. but they aren't entirely safe just yet. this spent casing of a huge rocket is only about 30 metres from the nearest house, and you see sights like this all over this part of ukraine at the moment. and as people start to come back and re—establish their lives, there is now a big job to be done to clear away things like this and make this area safe. for now, the remains of the russian occupation are part of life here. sights like this — a curious tourist attraction. eventually, the physical reminders of the cruelty that was inflicted will be gone. but for the people of bucha, the memories will remain. anna foster, bbc news, kyiv. this is bbc news — a reminder of the headlines... the siege of mariupol may be nearing its end. russia claims it's taken control of almost all of the city. president zelensky warns if his remaining troops are killed, peace negotations with moscow will be over. well, earlier i spoke to nina khrushcheva, who's a professor of international affairs at the new school in new york. she is also the great—granddaughter of nikita khrushchev — the leader of the soviet union during the cuban missile crisis. i asked her what if anything will make president putin stop. president putin is still president putin is still president putin. i think. but i don't really think that volodymyr zelensky�*s plays will really work for putting out all because the russians, the russian side already said that the ukrainian side has been withdrawing from negotiations, changing its position, so the fact that zelensky now says that they will be no negotiations if soldiers in mariupol won't get killed, probably for putin it is not a surprise. it is possible that mariupol will fall and it is possible by may nice, i am sure you know, there is a victory day, world war ii victory day on the 9th of may, there are rumours back in force that putin would like to stop the war, at least declare some sort of victory by then so it is possible that with the taking of mariupol, that could be one of mariupol, that could be one of those prizes, a sort of declaration for at least the completion of this stage of the war. but once again, i think protein knows only what putin knows. ~ . ., ., , knows. we have heard numerous accusations _ knows. we have heard numerous accusations of _ knows. we have heard numerous accusations of war _ knows. we have heard numerous accusations of war crimes, - accusations of war crimes, claims of chemical weapons being used, what are president putin's limits?— putin's limits? once again, i mean, putin's limits? once again, i mean. we — putin's limits? once again, i mean, we don't _ putin's limits? once again, i mean, we don't know. - putin's limits? once again, i mean, we don't know. even | putin's limits? once again, i- mean, we don't know. even those who expected horrible things from putin, like me, and a lot of others, i am still completely just stand of others, i am still completelyjust stand by of others, i am still completely just stand by the brutality that is being exerted on ukraine altogether, and it does seem that at the beginning at least, they were sort of a more cordial approach to the war but once ukrainian started fighting back and hitting back, then the russians became as brutal as possible, and also they have been changing troops a lot and i think the russian guard has been particularly, and also the chechen battalions from north caucasus, they have been particularly brutal. so, it actually depends what kind of trips they have, but generally, i think this war is the one that putin plans to win and plans to win at any cost. that is suggesting if he needs to declare victory and he may need to use tactical nuclear weapons, i am need to use tactical nuclear weapons, iam not need to use tactical nuclear weapons, i am not predicting that but that could be one of the options that the russians may be prepared to use, because some of the people in the government have already vented this idea is a possibility. the russian mythology and the current kremlin mythology is that free ship was giving away land and now putin is a gather of them. i don't think it is the soviet union, i think it is much more the traditions of russian 1000 year long history, and as we all know, ukraine, kyiv and resc whether proto— states for both russians and ukrainians, and putin feels that if he unites the lands of the past, of history, he will be as important as all the other greats in russian history, vladimir the great, the original, peter the great, catherine the great, stalin the great, and then it would be vladimir the first, put the great. the city of shanghai has been in strict lockdown for the last three weeks, prompting growing unrest amongst its 25 million citizens. while china is well known for keeping tight control of what can, and cannot, be said online, an increasing number of videos are being shared on social media — showing confrontations between citizens and officials, as well as the desperate situation many people are facing. to find out more about how these posts are evading chinese censors, i spoke to a reporter based in hong kong. i think it is good to think about it as a system of two halves, one is that kind of international censorship which most people are familiar with, the blocks of facebook, twitter, google, things like that, that is essentially a firewall like you might have in your office or university, but the most kind of effective censorship is the stuff that happens within china's internet companies, so social media sites, they have both ai that works to censor posts and legions of human staff that are looking at what people are talking about and deleting stuff that the government doesn't want people to talk about, and monitoring things at all times. we mention these posts that are starting to trickle out through shanghai, have we seen anything like this before in china? i think if we are talking about the context of the pandemic, it smacks slightly of the earliest months of it when the outbreak was in wuhan and we saw a lot of anger around the death of one of the doctor whistle—blowers and there was a lot of anger online about that and that kind of overwhelmed the senses because of that share a matter of post that made it very difficult at that time. and we are seeing a similar thing with shanghai, this is a city of 26 million people, most of whom i looked up at home and don't have anything else to do except post online, and they are very angry and have a lot of content over legit mistreatment and abuse at the hands of the authorities, of horrible stories of struggling to get food, just the sheer amount of posts that we saw earlier this week was proving difficult for some of these platforms to control. how risky is it for ordinary chinese citizens to be sharing videos at the authorities might not be happy with? i think there is a degree to which there is safety in numbers so if you are someone in shanghai uploading a video, potentially there is enough other people doing it that maybe you will not be the one that gets in trouble. but should a single video that links to a particular person come to have a lot of impact online and get in more trouble, then maybe you could get a call from the authorities. again, the situation in shanghai is so chaotic that we might not really see that happening. and for people just sharing content, not uploading it themselves, there is maybe not too much risk, though their accounts might get deleted and their posts are already getting taken down. and the posts that are getting through the filters, how are they being received by citizens elsewhere in china who if they were just watching state—controlled media may have not had any idea? that is an interesting question because even when we see shanghai, and previous lockdowns around china, china was a huge country and most of china has not experienced a lockdown, people have not really experienced these severe restrictions and so they are gritting this content with much the same reaction as we are outside of china, real shot and being appalled by it, and i think there has been a lot of anger. we have seen the last couple of days a lot of posts by government, media, and government officials have been flooded with comments of people sharing content from shanghai because they are really angry about the way the government has handled this. i think maybe people outside of china don't realise just how important or how impactful something like this happening in shanghai is, this is china's largest city, it is china's most developed city, so it can go so wrong that, i think a lot of people are concerned that it could easily go just as wrong where they live. prince harry has praised the bravery of ukrainian competitors at this year's invictus games, which are being held in the netherlands. he told the crowd at the opening ceremony that the world was united with ukraine. anna holligan reports. hollywood royalty came to see the real stars of this show, wounded veterans and serving soldiers, sharing stories of resilience to inspire and unify, while their children gave prince harry and meghan a unique perspective. if there is anywhere in europe that prince harry and meghan can be guaranteed a warm reception then it's here at invictus. these games, of course, created by harry as a celebration of comradeship and that is exactly what they are experiencing here in the hague today. it is about inspiring others to get out there, no matter what their injury or illness is, to get out there and take part in sport because it is amazing my two young boys have seen me run for the first time, and no matter where i come, if i cross the finish line, that is it. that is what i'm here for, to prove to them that mummy's good, mum can do stuff. invictus competitors are selected by their countries, not on account of their invictus games competitors are selected by their countries, not on account of their ability, but the degree to which taking part can help their recovery. team ukraine has lost four members in combat since the start of the russian invasion. many of those here today will return to front line duties straight after invictus. anna holligan, bbc news, in the hague. for nearly two months now the people of ukraine have been dealing with life in a warzone. many have been killed — others have left the country. everyone else tries to make the best of things. in the city of dnipro — a group of local musicians are hoping to lift spirits — as the bbc�*s tim allman reports. orchestra plays. the people of this city and this country have been both shaken and stirred, so what better than to meet the mood than a little james bond? these musicians, some from a local academy, have grouped together to form a street orchestra, bringing a little hope in these troubled times. translation: the idea came _ troubled times. translation: the idea came doubt _ troubled times. translation: the idea came doubt that - troubled times. translation: the idea came doubt that we i the idea came doubt that we need to play for people, especially nowadays, to bring some positivity to people at a difficult time.— difficult time. head north to the besieged _ difficult time. head north to the besieged city _ difficult time. head north to the besieged city of - difficult time. head north to the besieged city of kharkiv| the besieged city of kharkiv and the best place to be is underground. 0leksandrand underground. 0leksandr and anton put underground. 0leksandrand anton put on a puppet show for the children who have to shelter here. a distraction for a moment or two at least from the bombardment the city is having to endure. translation: for me, having to endure. translation: for me. the _ having to endure. translation: for me, the exchange _ having to endure. translation: for me, the exchange of- having to endure. translation: | for me, the exchange of emotion is very important. we give the children our emotions and they give us theirs and that lifts our spirits. you cannot name it, you have to feel it when you see the reactions. and it, you have to feel it when you see the reactions. and in the capital — you see the reactions. and in the capital kyiv, _ you see the reactions. and in the capital kyiv, an _ you see the reactions. and in the capital kyiv, an easter. the capital kyiv, an easter vigil takes place, another moment of normality in a country where that is now rare. they pray for salvation, they pray for an end to war. tim ullman, bbc news. there is more on all of those stories on the bbc news website. you can reach me on twitter. i'm @rich preston. thanks for watching, bye—bye. hello. saturday was a day of more widespread warmth across the uk, and for many, easter sunday is a repeat performance. for many, not all, because this would suggest there is some different weather on the way the further west you are. and that initially the case in northern ireland and in north—west scotland, with cloud and some outbreaks of rain as the day begins. it will be coolest in east anglia, down to two or three degrees in places. for most, it is clear to begin with, there will be a few mist and fog patches around. but we do have this atlantic weather front with cloud and outbreaks of rain in northern ireland, initially in the western counties in the morning, slowly moving further east into the afternoon before it gets into belfast, and affecting parts of western scotland initially the north—western western isles butjust edging a little further east going through the afternoon and into the evening, though glasgow could well stay dry until then. and some rain into cornwall and westernmost counties of wales. this is bbc news — the headlines. russia says its troops have completely cleared ukrainian forces from the besieged and heavily bombarded city of mariupol after weeks of intense fighting — apart from one location. president volodymyr zelensky has warned peace talks with russia would come to a halt if the remaining troops in mariupol were killed. the mayor of kyiv has told people who've fled the ukrainian capital not to return yet. vitali klitschko warned of further russian missile attacks in northern parts of the city. he said at least one person had been killed and several others were wounded in strikes early on saturday. the authorities in south africa say the number of people known

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Bbc News , Rich Preston , Top Stories , Mariupol , City , People , Russia , Kyiv , Volodymyr Zelensky , Mayor , Troops , Siege , Control , Peace Negotations With Moscow , Place , Rain , Way , Capital , Warning , Missile Attacks , Flooding , Death Toll , South Africa , Spirits , Orchestra , Street Sof Ukraine , Peace Talks , Area , Wall , Halt , Forces , Exception , Azovstal Metal , The Port , Mark Lowen , Residents , Return , Missile Attack , Strike , Military Factory , Revenge , Tim Allman Reports , Eastern Ukraine , Moscow , Missiles , Message , Industrial Complex , Fire , Smoke , Warship , Moskva , Pride , Hit , Black Sea , War , Strikes , Normality , Distance , Fear , Fightback , Explosion , Hint , Intention , Tatiana , Reminder , Customers , Shelters , Shops , Threat , Afar , All Of A Sudden , Floor , Neighbourhood , Earthquake , Wake Up Call , Bags , Nightmare , President , Morale , Remains , Fight , Military , Defender , Explosions , Onslaught , Chief , Weapons , Position , Peace , West , Supply , Arms Today , East , Gunfire , Hope , Fears , Battles , Assault , Foreshadowing , Warning Siren , Lysychansk , Government , Danger , Response , Claims , Haven T , Defence Ministry , Takeover Of Mariupol , Attempt , Plant , Defenders , Handful , Pressure , Everybody , Prize , Ears , Land Corridor , Terms , Toll , Crimea , Tens Of Thousands , Images , Speaker , Fate , Saying , Gain , Loss , Negotiating Table , Nothing , Military Expert , Professor , Course , Professor Taylor , Syracuse University , Political Science , Ground , Situation , Analysis , Programme , Problems , Issues , Axes , Beginning , Attacks , Wave , Their , South African President , Line , Visit , I Taylor , I On , Ta Lor , Cyril Ramaphosa , Many , Floods , Food , Province , Rescue , Kwazulu Natal , Water , Homes , Shelter , Order , Dozens , Disaster , Teams , Saudi Arabia , 13000 , 400 , Team , Rescue Operations , Child , Storms , Durban , Bodies , Living Memory , Eight , Two , Community , Rescue Team , Recovery Operation , Settlement , Outside , Reservoir Hills , Vumani Mkhize , Dog , Someone , Youngster , Age , Sniffing , 30 , Members , Witness , Waters , Debris , Cars , Indication , Torrent , Houses , Number , Operations , Consequence , Violence , Dead , Search And Rescue , Estate , Shooting , Us , Shopping Centre , South Carolina , Fatalities , Injured , Ten , Media Briefing , Police , 12 , Area Hospitals , Gunshot Wounds , Stable , Six , Wounds , Folks , Ridge , Park Ridge , Lexington , Stampede , Three , Numbers , Strengths , Resources , Picture , Country , Taylor There , Some , Kim Jong Un , News Agency , News , Weapons Tests , Latest , Series , State Run Media In North Korea , Pyongyang , Missile , Firepower , Weapon System , Test , Supporters , Artillery , Type , Vote , French , Five , Emmanuel Macron , Campaign Event , Dangers , Rival , National Renewal , Marine Le Pen , Marseille , Turning Inwards , Demonstration , Oil Tanker , Blocked A Road , Hyde Park , Central London , Extinction Rebellion , Climate Change Activists , Occupation , Town , Anna Foster , Towns , Outskirts , 0ur , 0 , Death , Bucha , Experts , Everywhere , Mass Grave , Life Returns , Wake , Signs , Denys Davidoff , Spirit , Vladimir Putin , Tanks , Ruins , Buildings , Roadside , It Notjust , Streets , Street , Corpses , Horrors , Left , It , Crime Scene , All Over The Place , Ijust , Home , Evidence , Chance , Safe , Soldiers , Neighbour , Something , Property , Locals , Well , Grave , Casing , Burial , Part , Ukraine , Sights , Rocket , House , Things , Life , Job , Lives , Curious Tourist Attraction , Reminders , Memories , Cruelty , Headlines , Nina Khrushcheva , Great Granddaughter , School , International Affairs , Nikita Khrushchev , New York , Anything , Soviet Union , The Leader , Cuban Missile Crisis , Side , Ukrainian , Zelensky S Plays , Volodymyr , Negotiations , Fact , Won T , Victory Day , Surprise , World War Ii , 9th Of May , 9 , One , Victory , Sort , Force , Prizes , Taking , Declaration , Rumours , Accusations , War Crimes , Completion , Stage , Protein , Amount , Limits , Others , We Putin , Brutality , Approach , Completelyjust , Fighting , Battalions , Back , Guard , Plans , Kind , Trips , Cost , North Caucasus , Options , Use , Iam , Idea , Mythology , Possibility , Ship , Land , Kremlin Mythology , States , Traditions , Know , Resc , 1000 , Greats , History , Lands , Vladimir The Great , Peter The Great , The Original , Shanghai , Citizens , Lockdown , Catherine The Great , Stalin , Unrest , Vladimir The First , 25 Million , Officials , Videos , China , Confrontations , Social Media , Cannot , Posts , Censorship , Reporter , Censors , System , Halves , Hong Kong , Stuff , Twitter , Firewall , Office , University , Blocks , Google , Facebook , Ai , Internet Companies , Social Media Sites , Human Staff , Legions , Times , Doesn T , Anger , Whistle Blowers , Context , Outbreak , Pandemic , Wuhan , Matter , Post , Share , Senses , Most , Content , Thing , China Don T , Hands , Mistreatment , Abuse , 26 Million , Degree , Authorities , Stories , Safety , Platforms , Video , Trouble , Person , Impact , Happening , Accounts , Call , Risk , Media , Elsewhere , Filters , Question , Lockdowns , Reaction , Restrictions , Comments , Harry , Competitors , Bravery , World , Opening Ceremony , Anna Holligan , Invictus Games , Crowd , Netherlands , Children , Unify , Resilience , Show , Stars , Veterans , Meghan A Unique Perspective , Hollywood Royalty , Games , Anywhere , Hague , Reception , Comradeship , Celebration , Invictus , Meghan , Europe , Time , Boys , Illness , Injury , Sport , Finish Line , Mummy , Mum , Good , Countries , Account , Front Line , Recovery , Start , Ability , Combat , Invasion , Four , Duties , Musicians , Everyone , Warzone , Best , A Group , Dnipro , James Bond , Mood , Orchestra Plays , Translation , Doubt , Street Orchestra , Troubled Times , Academy , Head , Positivity , Kharkiv , 0leksandrand Underground , Puppet Show , Distraction , Bombardment , Least , 0leksandr , 0leksandrand Anton , Exchange , Emotion , Emotions , Reactions , Salvation , Easter , Easter Vigil , End , Tim Ullman , Bye , Website , Watching , Warmth , Ich Preston , Outbreaks , Cloud , Repeat Performance , Weather , Case , Northern Ireland , North West Scotland , Uk , Weather Front , Places , Mist , Fog , East Anglia , Atlantic , Counties , Parts , Evening , Afternoon , Butjust Edging A , Western Scotland , Belfast , Glasgow , Western Isles , Cornwall , Wales , Location , Vitali Klitschko ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

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president zelensky says peace talks with russia will come to a halt if russian forces kill all of the ukrainian troops defending mariupol. russia now claims to have cleared the whole urban area of the besieged city, with the exception of the azovstal metal works adjoining the port. meanwhile, the mayor of kyiv is warning residents not to return, following another missile attack on saturday. from there, our correspondent, mark lowen, reports. russian revenge. an early morning strike on a military factory in kyiv by long—range missiles. a message from moscow that russian troops may have retreated from the capital, but they can still hit hard. it came after ukraine says it struck and sank the russian warship the moskva, though russia claims it was caused by a fire. its pride of the black sea, now buried beneath it. well, the industrial complex that was hit is behind this wall. you can still see the smoke there in the distance from the explosion. now, ukraine shows every intention in this war of continuing and stepping up its fightback, and the fear here in kyiv is that russian retaliatory strikes might now intensify. a hint of normality was creeping back to this city, with shops reopening and people emerging from shelters. but now a reminder that the threat is still present, even from afar. tatiana hoped her customers would soon start to return, but she and her neighbourhood have had a terrifying wake—up call. translation: the floor was shaking and it felt i like an earthquake. it was very frightening. these days, we sleep fully clothed with our bags packed, so we are ready to flee. translation: iwoke up all of a sudden, . like i was jolted out of a nightmare. we wanted to leave kyiv, but we trust our military so decided to stay. but now i think i'll always feel nervous when i hear explosions. despite the onslaught, ukraine's resolve remains. its defender in chief rewarding those who have stepped up to the fight. the president at war, boosting morale, and again appealing for arms today, though russia warned the west to stop the supply. translation: the more and the sooner we get i all the weapons we have requested, the stronger our position will be and the sooner there will be peace. gunfire. but any hope of that is being drowned out by the ferocious assault in the east. this, the city of lysychansk, a foreshadowing of what ukraine fears will be even greater battles ahead. warning siren. here in kyiv, the city is back on high alert. danger from a distance still lethally close. well, mark has more now on the ukrainian government's response to russia's claims of the takeover of mariupol. they haven't confirmed it or denied it either way. it's the russian defence ministry that says it has cleared the entire urban area of ukrainian forces, and they say there are just a handful of ukrainian troops who are holding out in this crucial steel plant in the city. but ukraine's president has warned moscow that there will be an end to peace talks if the last ukrainian defenders in mariupol are killed. that is clearly an attempt by president zelensky to try to exert pressure on russia not to completely take the city and not to completely kill everybody there but is it going to full on deaf ears? well, quite possibly. it would be a huge prize for russia to get mariupol, to establish a land corridor from russia through eastern ukraine to occupied crimea. in terms of the toll that has been exacted on mariupol, it is absolutely devastating. ukraine's president said tens of thousands could have died there in that city alone. we have seen images of a city that has been completely gutted, completely devastated. so, we wait to hear the fate of mariupol, but as your previous speaker was saying, it could have already fallen or it could fall in the coming days, and if it does, that would be a major gain for russia and a significant loss for ukraine. we have to see whether russia continues to pound on after that or whether it settles with that land corridor and then tries to get to the negotiating table. nothing is known, of course, in this war. we can speak to military expert, brian taylor, who's professor of political science at syracuse university. thank you forjoining us on the programme. we have heard several reports of logistical problems when it comes to russian forces on the ground, as well as low morale issues. now that they are focusing on mariupol in the east, what is your analysis of the situation on the ground?— on the ground? well, i think that is right, that their - that is right, that their initial wave of attacks in the beginning, they tried to attack on too many axes... beginning, they tried to attack on too many axes. . ._ on too many axes... professor ta lor, on too many axes... professor taylor. i — on too many axes... professor taylor. i am — on too many axes... professor taylor, i am very _ on too many axes... professor taylor, i am very sorry, - on too many axes... professor taylor, i am very sorry, the i taylor, i am very sorry, the line is not great, we will come back to you but we will move on for the time being. the south african president, cyril ramaphosa, has postponed an official visit to saudi arabia in order to focus on devastating floods in the province of kwazulu—natal. almost 400 people are known to have died in the past week, and rescue teams are searching for dozens more who're still missing. more than 13,000 homes have been damaged in the disaster, leaving many without shelter, food or water. there are fears of further floods as rain falls on saturated ground. these are the deadliest storms to hit the coastal city of durban in living memory. as rescue operations continue across kwazulu—natal, our team witnessed an attempt to recover two bodies, including that of an eight—year—old child. the bbc�*s vumani mkhize was there. this is an informal settlement in reservoir hills just north of durban. behind me, there is a recovery operation by a rescue team that is from outside of the province. i am told by the community that two people are missing, a youngster, around eight years old, and someone who is also over the age of 30. so, the rescue team has also got a dog that has been sniffing and i am told that the dog has been able to identify that there are remains down there. so, it is quite a sombre moment or a sombre situation right now. we've got members of the community who are looking on, and it is quite sad to witness. just looking around here, all of the cars and the debris that has been strewn all over here isjust an indication of how violent the waters must have been when they were coming through all along this community. it has been utterly, utterly devastating. just looking at all the houses as well, you can see that this is quite a poor and impoverished area and they're not really well—built, and they could not actually sustain the torrent of the waters that came through here. i am also told that there are a number of other search and rescue operations also taking place all around this area and this community, and so the number of dead is steadily rising, and it is just an unfortunate consequence of the violence of the floods that took place here in kwazulu—natal. there's been a shooting at a shopping centre in the us state of south carolina. police say 12 people were injured, ten of them from gunfire. earlier, police held a media briefing. what we know currently and i will say this is very preliminary, we have 12 injured. no fatalities. i repeat, no fatalities. ten suffered gunshot wounds, eight were transported to area hospitals. of the eight gunshot wounds, two are critical but stable, six are stable, we have two that were injured during the stampede, non—gunshot wounds but were injured and we transported folks to three area hospitals, park ridge, ridge, lexington. we can speak to military expert, brian taylor, who's professor of political science at syracuse university. thank you for coming back to us. we were speaking earlier on about the russian picture on the ground now that troops have focused more of the forces on the east and mariupol, what do we know about their numbers and their strengths and their resources? i'm very sorry, we can't get professor taylor there, unfortunately. let's get some of the day's other news. state—run media in north korea says the country's leader kim jong—un has overseen the latest in a series of weapons tests. the official news agency said the new type of guided weapon system would improve the firepower of its artillery. last month, pyongyang carried out its biggest intercontinental ballistic missile test for five years. eight days ahead of the crucial presidential run—off vote, the french president has offered supporters five years of national renewal, if he's re—elected. at a campaign event in marseille, emmanuel macron warned people of the dangers he said were posed by his far—right rival, marine le pen. he said the country risked turning inwards, and becoming divided. six people have been arrested after climate change activists climbed on to an oil tanker in central london. the demonstration, which was organised by extinction rebellion, blocked a road near hyde park. residents have begun returning to devastated towns on the outskirts of the ukrainian capital, following weeks of russian occupation. 0ur correspondent anna foster has been to meet some of them to learn how a community, like those in the town of bucha where forensic experts are investigating a mass grave, begin to recover, in the wake of a brutal occupation. as life returns to bucha, the signs of death are still everywhere. by the roadside, vladimir putin's tanks lie in ruins. russia took this town and tried to destroy it — notjust its buildings, but the spirit of its people. denys davidoff stayed in bucha throughout the occupation. when the russians left, he walked these streets and filmed the horrors he found. translation: when i arrived, i saw the street _ with dead bodies. corpses were lying all over the place. ijust walked around them and they were everywhere. i wasn't scared, but it was intense. you got used to it, during the month of occupation. bucha is now known as a crime scene. forensic experts are gathering its evidence. but it's also a community, a place people called home and want to again. translation: you always want to come back home. | so we used our first chance to return, as well, and we used our chance to make sure that all property is safe, even from locals that might come and steal something. sergei shows me an open grave. his neighbour, killed by russian soldiers, lay here. when sergei returned home, he wanted to finally give him a dignified burial. the people of bucha are dealing with what they've been through. but they aren't entirely safe just yet. this spent casing of a huge rocket is only about 30 metres from the nearest house, and you see sights like this all over this part of ukraine at the moment. and as people start to come back and re—establish their lives, there is now a big job to be done to clear away things like this and make this area safe. for now, the remains of the russian occupation are part of life here. sights like this — a curious tourist attraction. eventually, the physical reminders of the cruelty that was inflicted will be gone. but for the people of bucha, the memories will remain. anna foster, bbc news, kyiv. this is bbc news — a reminder of the headlines... the siege of mariupol may be nearing its end. russia claims it's taken control of almost all of the city. president zelensky warns if his remaining troops are killed, peace negotations with moscow will be over. well, earlier i spoke to nina khrushcheva, who's a professor of international affairs at the new school in new york. she is also the great—granddaughter of nikita khrushchev — the leader of the soviet union during the cuban missile crisis. i asked her what if anything will make president putin stop. president putin is still president putin is still president putin. i think. but i don't really think that volodymyr zelensky�*s plays will really work for putting out all because the russians, the russian side already said that the ukrainian side has been withdrawing from negotiations, changing its position, so the fact that zelensky now says that they will be no negotiations if soldiers in mariupol won't get killed, probably for putin it is not a surprise. it is possible that mariupol will fall and it is possible by may nice, i am sure you know, there is a victory day, world war ii victory day on the 9th of may, there are rumours back in force that putin would like to stop the war, at least declare some sort of victory by then so it is possible that with the taking of mariupol, that could be one of mariupol, that could be one of those prizes, a sort of declaration for at least the completion of this stage of the war. but once again, i think protein knows only what putin knows. ~ . ., ., , knows. we have heard numerous accusations _ knows. we have heard numerous accusations of _ knows. we have heard numerous accusations of war _ knows. we have heard numerous accusations of war crimes, - accusations of war crimes, claims of chemical weapons being used, what are president putin's limits?— putin's limits? once again, i mean, putin's limits? once again, i mean. we — putin's limits? once again, i mean, we don't _ putin's limits? once again, i mean, we don't know. - putin's limits? once again, i mean, we don't know. even | putin's limits? once again, i- mean, we don't know. even those who expected horrible things from putin, like me, and a lot of others, i am still completely just stand of others, i am still completelyjust stand by of others, i am still completely just stand by the brutality that is being exerted on ukraine altogether, and it does seem that at the beginning at least, they were sort of a more cordial approach to the war but once ukrainian started fighting back and hitting back, then the russians became as brutal as possible, and also they have been changing troops a lot and i think the russian guard has been particularly, and also the chechen battalions from north caucasus, they have been particularly brutal. so, it actually depends what kind of trips they have, but generally, i think this war is the one that putin plans to win and plans to win at any cost. that is suggesting if he needs to declare victory and he may need to use tactical nuclear weapons, i am need to use tactical nuclear weapons, iam not need to use tactical nuclear weapons, i am not predicting that but that could be one of the options that the russians may be prepared to use, because some of the people in the government have already vented this idea is a possibility. the russian mythology and the current kremlin mythology is that free ship was giving away land and now putin is a gather of them. i don't think it is the soviet union, i think it is much more the traditions of russian 1000 year long history, and as we all know, ukraine, kyiv and resc whether proto— states for both russians and ukrainians, and putin feels that if he unites the lands of the past, of history, he will be as important as all the other greats in russian history, vladimir the great, the original, peter the great, catherine the great, stalin the great, and then it would be vladimir the first, put the great. the city of shanghai has been in strict lockdown for the last three weeks, prompting growing unrest amongst its 25 million citizens. while china is well known for keeping tight control of what can, and cannot, be said online, an increasing number of videos are being shared on social media — showing confrontations between citizens and officials, as well as the desperate situation many people are facing. to find out more about how these posts are evading chinese censors, i spoke to a reporter based in hong kong. i think it is good to think about it as a system of two halves, one is that kind of international censorship which most people are familiar with, the blocks of facebook, twitter, google, things like that, that is essentially a firewall like you might have in your office or university, but the most kind of effective censorship is the stuff that happens within china's internet companies, so social media sites, they have both ai that works to censor posts and legions of human staff that are looking at what people are talking about and deleting stuff that the government doesn't want people to talk about, and monitoring things at all times. we mention these posts that are starting to trickle out through shanghai, have we seen anything like this before in china? i think if we are talking about the context of the pandemic, it smacks slightly of the earliest months of it when the outbreak was in wuhan and we saw a lot of anger around the death of one of the doctor whistle—blowers and there was a lot of anger online about that and that kind of overwhelmed the senses because of that share a matter of post that made it very difficult at that time. and we are seeing a similar thing with shanghai, this is a city of 26 million people, most of whom i looked up at home and don't have anything else to do except post online, and they are very angry and have a lot of content over legit mistreatment and abuse at the hands of the authorities, of horrible stories of struggling to get food, just the sheer amount of posts that we saw earlier this week was proving difficult for some of these platforms to control. how risky is it for ordinary chinese citizens to be sharing videos at the authorities might not be happy with? i think there is a degree to which there is safety in numbers so if you are someone in shanghai uploading a video, potentially there is enough other people doing it that maybe you will not be the one that gets in trouble. but should a single video that links to a particular person come to have a lot of impact online and get in more trouble, then maybe you could get a call from the authorities. again, the situation in shanghai is so chaotic that we might not really see that happening. and for people just sharing content, not uploading it themselves, there is maybe not too much risk, though their accounts might get deleted and their posts are already getting taken down. and the posts that are getting through the filters, how are they being received by citizens elsewhere in china who if they were just watching state—controlled media may have not had any idea? that is an interesting question because even when we see shanghai, and previous lockdowns around china, china was a huge country and most of china has not experienced a lockdown, people have not really experienced these severe restrictions and so they are gritting this content with much the same reaction as we are outside of china, real shot and being appalled by it, and i think there has been a lot of anger. we have seen the last couple of days a lot of posts by government, media, and government officials have been flooded with comments of people sharing content from shanghai because they are really angry about the way the government has handled this. i think maybe people outside of china don't realise just how important or how impactful something like this happening in shanghai is, this is china's largest city, it is china's most developed city, so it can go so wrong that, i think a lot of people are concerned that it could easily go just as wrong where they live. prince harry has praised the bravery of ukrainian competitors at this year's invictus games, which are being held in the netherlands. he told the crowd at the opening ceremony that the world was united with ukraine. anna holligan reports. hollywood royalty came to see the real stars of this show, wounded veterans and serving soldiers, sharing stories of resilience to inspire and unify, while their children gave prince harry and meghan a unique perspective. if there is anywhere in europe that prince harry and meghan can be guaranteed a warm reception then it's here at invictus. these games, of course, created by harry as a celebration of comradeship and that is exactly what they are experiencing here in the hague today. it is about inspiring others to get out there, no matter what their injury or illness is, to get out there and take part in sport because it is amazing my two young boys have seen me run for the first time, and no matter where i come, if i cross the finish line, that is it. that is what i'm here for, to prove to them that mummy's good, mum can do stuff. invictus competitors are selected by their countries, not on account of their invictus games competitors are selected by their countries, not on account of their ability, but the degree to which taking part can help their recovery. team ukraine has lost four members in combat since the start of the russian invasion. many of those here today will return to front line duties straight after invictus. anna holligan, bbc news, in the hague. for nearly two months now the people of ukraine have been dealing with life in a warzone. many have been killed — others have left the country. everyone else tries to make the best of things. in the city of dnipro — a group of local musicians are hoping to lift spirits — as the bbc�*s tim allman reports. orchestra plays. the people of this city and this country have been both shaken and stirred, so what better than to meet the mood than a little james bond? these musicians, some from a local academy, have grouped together to form a street orchestra, bringing a little hope in these troubled times. translation: the idea came _ troubled times. translation: the idea came doubt _ troubled times. translation: the idea came doubt that - troubled times. translation: the idea came doubt that we i the idea came doubt that we need to play for people, especially nowadays, to bring some positivity to people at a difficult time.— difficult time. head north to the besieged _ difficult time. head north to the besieged city _ difficult time. head north to the besieged city of - difficult time. head north to the besieged city of kharkiv| the besieged city of kharkiv and the best place to be is underground. 0leksandrand underground. 0leksandr and anton put underground. 0leksandrand anton put on a puppet show for the children who have to shelter here. a distraction for a moment or two at least from the bombardment the city is having to endure. translation: for me, having to endure. translation: for me. the _ having to endure. translation: for me, the exchange _ having to endure. translation: for me, the exchange of- having to endure. translation: | for me, the exchange of emotion is very important. we give the children our emotions and they give us theirs and that lifts our spirits. you cannot name it, you have to feel it when you see the reactions. and it, you have to feel it when you see the reactions. and in the capital — you see the reactions. and in the capital kyiv, _ you see the reactions. and in the capital kyiv, an _ you see the reactions. and in the capital kyiv, an easter. the capital kyiv, an easter vigil takes place, another moment of normality in a country where that is now rare. they pray for salvation, they pray for an end to war. tim ullman, bbc news. there is more on all of those stories on the bbc news website. you can reach me on twitter. i'm @rich preston. thanks for watching, bye—bye. hello. saturday was a day of more widespread warmth across the uk, and for many, easter sunday is a repeat performance. for many, not all, because this would suggest there is some different weather on the way the further west you are. and that initially the case in northern ireland and in north—west scotland, with cloud and some outbreaks of rain as the day begins. it will be coolest in east anglia, down to two or three degrees in places. for most, it is clear to begin with, there will be a few mist and fog patches around. but we do have this atlantic weather front with cloud and outbreaks of rain in northern ireland, initially in the western counties in the morning, slowly moving further east into the afternoon before it gets into belfast, and affecting parts of western scotland initially the north—western western isles butjust edging a little further east going through the afternoon and into the evening, though glasgow could well stay dry until then. and some rain into cornwall and westernmost counties of wales. this is bbc news — the headlines. russia says its troops have completely cleared ukrainian forces from the besieged and heavily bombarded city of mariupol after weeks of intense fighting — apart from one location. president volodymyr zelensky has warned peace talks with russia would come to a halt if the remaining troops in mariupol were killed. the mayor of kyiv has told people who've fled the ukrainian capital not to return yet. vitali klitschko warned of further russian missile attacks in northern parts of the city. he said at least one person had been killed and several others were wounded in strikes early on saturday. the authorities in south africa say the number of people known

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Bbc News , Rich Preston , Top Stories , Mariupol , City , People , Russia , Kyiv , Volodymyr Zelensky , Mayor , Troops , Siege , Control , Peace Negotations With Moscow , Place , Rain , Way , Capital , Warning , Missile Attacks , Flooding , Death Toll , South Africa , Spirits , Orchestra , Street Sof Ukraine , Peace Talks , Area , Wall , Halt , Forces , Exception , Azovstal Metal , The Port , Mark Lowen , Residents , Return , Missile Attack , Strike , Military Factory , Revenge , Tim Allman Reports , Eastern Ukraine , Moscow , Missiles , Message , Industrial Complex , Fire , Smoke , Warship , Moskva , Pride , Hit , Black Sea , War , Strikes , Normality , Distance , Fear , Fightback , Explosion , Hint , Intention , Tatiana , Reminder , Customers , Shelters , Shops , Threat , Afar , All Of A Sudden , Floor , Neighbourhood , Earthquake , Wake Up Call , Bags , Nightmare , President , Morale , Remains , Fight , Military , Defender , Explosions , Onslaught , Chief , Weapons , Position , Peace , West , Supply , Arms Today , East , Gunfire , Hope , Fears , Battles , Assault , Foreshadowing , Warning Siren , Lysychansk , Government , Danger , Response , Claims , Haven T , Defence Ministry , Takeover Of Mariupol , Attempt , Plant , Defenders , Handful , Pressure , Everybody , Prize , Ears , Land Corridor , Terms , Toll , Crimea , Tens Of Thousands , Images , Speaker , Fate , Saying , Gain , Loss , Negotiating Table , Nothing , Military Expert , Professor , Course , Professor Taylor , Syracuse University , Political Science , Ground , Situation , Analysis , Programme , Problems , Issues , Axes , Beginning , Attacks , Wave , Their , South African President , Line , Visit , I Taylor , I On , Ta Lor , Cyril Ramaphosa , Many , Floods , Food , Province , Rescue , Kwazulu Natal , Water , Homes , Shelter , Order , Dozens , Disaster , Teams , Saudi Arabia , 13000 , 400 , Team , Rescue Operations , Child , Storms , Durban , Bodies , Living Memory , Eight , Two , Community , Rescue Team , Recovery Operation , Settlement , Outside , Reservoir Hills , Vumani Mkhize , Dog , Someone , Youngster , Age , Sniffing , 30 , Members , Witness , Waters , Debris , Cars , Indication , Torrent , Houses , Number , Operations , Consequence , Violence , Dead , Search And Rescue , Estate , Shooting , Us , Shopping Centre , South Carolina , Fatalities , Injured , Ten , Media Briefing , Police , 12 , Area Hospitals , Gunshot Wounds , Stable , Six , Wounds , Folks , Ridge , Park Ridge , Lexington , Stampede , Three , Numbers , Strengths , Resources , Picture , Country , Taylor There , Some , Kim Jong Un , News Agency , News , Weapons Tests , Latest , Series , State Run Media In North Korea , Pyongyang , Missile , Firepower , Weapon System , Test , Supporters , Artillery , Type , Vote , French , Five , Emmanuel Macron , Campaign Event , Dangers , Rival , National Renewal , Marine Le Pen , Marseille , Turning Inwards , Demonstration , Oil Tanker , Blocked A Road , Hyde Park , Central London , Extinction Rebellion , Climate Change Activists , Occupation , Town , Anna Foster , Towns , Outskirts , 0ur , 0 , Death , Bucha , Experts , Everywhere , Mass Grave , Life Returns , Wake , Signs , Denys Davidoff , Spirit , Vladimir Putin , Tanks , Ruins , Buildings , Roadside , It Notjust , Streets , Street , Corpses , Horrors , Left , It , Crime Scene , All Over The Place , Ijust , Home , Evidence , Chance , Safe , Soldiers , Neighbour , Something , Property , Locals , Well , Grave , Casing , Burial , Part , Ukraine , Sights , Rocket , House , Things , Life , Job , Lives , Curious Tourist Attraction , Reminders , Memories , Cruelty , Headlines , Nina Khrushcheva , Great Granddaughter , School , International Affairs , Nikita Khrushchev , New York , Anything , Soviet Union , The Leader , Cuban Missile Crisis , Side , Ukrainian , Zelensky S Plays , Volodymyr , Negotiations , Fact , Won T , Victory Day , Surprise , World War Ii , 9th Of May , 9 , One , Victory , Sort , Force , Prizes , Taking , Declaration , Rumours , Accusations , War Crimes , Completion , Stage , Protein , Amount , Limits , Others , We Putin , Brutality , Approach , Completelyjust , Fighting , Battalions , Back , Guard , Plans , Kind , Trips , Cost , North Caucasus , Options , Use , Iam , Idea , Mythology , Possibility , Ship , Land , Kremlin Mythology , States , Traditions , Know , Resc , 1000 , Greats , History , Lands , Vladimir The Great , Peter The Great , The Original , Shanghai , Citizens , Lockdown , Catherine The Great , Stalin , Unrest , Vladimir The First , 25 Million , Officials , Videos , China , Confrontations , Social Media , Cannot , Posts , Censorship , Reporter , Censors , System , Halves , Hong Kong , Stuff , Twitter , Firewall , Office , University , Blocks , Google , Facebook , Ai , Internet Companies , Social Media Sites , Human Staff , Legions , Times , Doesn T , Anger , Whistle Blowers , Context , Outbreak , Pandemic , Wuhan , Matter , Post , Share , Senses , Most , Content , Thing , China Don T , Hands , Mistreatment , Abuse , 26 Million , Degree , Authorities , Stories , Safety , Platforms , Video , Trouble , Person , Impact , Happening , Accounts , Call , Risk , Media , Elsewhere , Filters , Question , Lockdowns , Reaction , Restrictions , Comments , Harry , Competitors , Bravery , World , Opening Ceremony , Anna Holligan , Invictus Games , Crowd , Netherlands , Children , Unify , Resilience , Show , Stars , Veterans , Meghan A Unique Perspective , Hollywood Royalty , Games , Anywhere , Hague , Reception , Comradeship , Celebration , Invictus , Meghan , Europe , Time , Boys , Illness , Injury , Sport , Finish Line , Mummy , Mum , Good , Countries , Account , Front Line , Recovery , Start , Ability , Combat , Invasion , Four , Duties , Musicians , Everyone , Warzone , Best , A Group , Dnipro , James Bond , Mood , Orchestra Plays , Translation , Doubt , Street Orchestra , Troubled Times , Academy , Head , Positivity , Kharkiv , 0leksandrand Underground , Puppet Show , Distraction , Bombardment , Least , 0leksandr , 0leksandrand Anton , Exchange , Emotion , Emotions , Reactions , Salvation , Easter , Easter Vigil , End , Tim Ullman , Bye , Website , Watching , Warmth , Ich Preston , Outbreaks , Cloud , Repeat Performance , Weather , Case , Northern Ireland , North West Scotland , Uk , Weather Front , Places , Mist , Fog , East Anglia , Atlantic , Counties , Parts , Evening , Afternoon , Butjust Edging A , Western Scotland , Belfast , Glasgow , Western Isles , Cornwall , Wales , Location , Vitali Klitschko ,

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