Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708

live from our studio in singapore... this is bbc news. it's newsday. it's 7am in singapore, and two in the morning in moscow, where russia has said there is room for further dialogue on the ukraine crisis — but warned that the us position as set out in a letter to the kremlin, does not meet their security demands. key to what russia will do next is vladimir putin. is he trying to stop the eastward expansion of nato or has he already made up his mind to invade? steve rosenberg reports from moscow. the world is still puzzling to piece together a picture of what vladimir putin is thinking. what he's planning... what are his intentions in ukraine and in europe? russian muscle flexing... one piece of the geopoliticaljigsaw. military exercises and 100,000 russian troops near ukraine's border are fuelling fears of a russian invasion. so are moscow's demands. we just ask our partners in nato countries — get out. get out from our borders. get out from post—soviet countries, because it's threatening to russian people, to russian citizens and time is running out. another piece of the puzzle — the kremlin had insisted ukraine be barred from joining nato, but america's rejected that demand. so now what? what happens next depends on whether america's offer to negotiate with russia on some aspects of europe's security will be enough to satisfy vladimir putin. if it's not, if, as some fear, president putin's aim is to dismantle the european security order as it is now, then expect long—term friction between russia and the west. vladimir putin cut a lonely figure today as he remembered the world war ii siege of leningrad. across europe, there are fears of a new war, but is russia's current and very public sabre rattling really a precursor to conflict? after all, this is a leader who normally employs the element of surprise. this is one of the reasons why i do not believe that putin is going to invade ukraine, because if he really intended to start a military operation in ukraine, probably we would be the last to learn about it. at the gorky park ice festival, everyone we spoke to thought it unlikely that the cold war with ukraine and the west was about to turn hot. "russians don't want war", she says. "we've experienced that, we know how terrifying war is." the russian public has no appetite for war. they're hoping neither do their leaders. steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. live now to our correspondent barbara plett usher in washington.2. she's been watching the developments on this story very closely. always great to have you on the programme. i know you have been following that phone call between president biden and president zielinski. what were the key highlights in that? well. and president zielinski. what were the key highlights in that?- the key highlights in that? well, i think one of _ the key highlights in that? well, i think one of the _ the key highlights in that? well, i think one of the highlights - the key highlights in that? well, i think one of the highlights of - the key highlights in that? well, i think one of the highlights of the | think one of the highlights of the white house are saying there were already giving more than $1 billion in humanitarian and development aid to ukraine, but they will explore macro financial assistance to bolster the economy of ukraine because it is suffering from the pressures of the russian military build—up. ukrainian officials are saying they are not looking to borrow money exactly for that to bolster the economy because they are having difficulty accessing capital markets because of the tensions surrounding the build—up. the other point i noted from the call is that the president stressed that the us embassy in the tf was on ban and functioning despite the state department orders that the families of diplomats should depart. ukrainians have voiced concern about that. they said it was premature, that. they said it was premature, that it sent the wrong signal but the risk and instability level and made a point to sing most embassies are staying put for the family members are staying put. that may be why that was included in the assessment of the call between the two leaders. assessment of the call between the two leaders-— two leaders. barbara, the us has also called _ two leaders. barbara, the us has also called on — two leaders. barbara, the us has also called on china _ two leaders. barbara, the us has also called on china to _ two leaders. barbara, the us has also called on china to help - two leaders. barbara, the us has also called on china to help use | two leaders. barbara, the us has. also called on china to help use its influence to defuse tensions between russia and ukraine, saying that it's in china's interests as well to do that. how likely is that to happen and what is the possible outcomes of that kind of directive from washington to beijing? washington to bei'ing? well, china has called for — washington to bei'ing? well, china has called for a _ washington to beijing? well, china has called for a peaceful— washington to beijing? well, china has called for a peaceful resolution j has called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. it always calls for almost always calls for a diplomatic solutions to crisis, and it may have influence with russia because the two countries have been drawn closer together, both of them, their relations with the west, and especially with the us have grown more and more tense. that is the point, really, that relations between the us and china are at their lowest in years. some of the chinese foreign minister spoke about the statement request to take steps to bolster diplomacy, the response was, and the us should also take seriously what they call the reasonable security concerns of the russians. that all sides have had actions that amp up the crisis. a bit chiding there, i think. analysts are of the view that it's unlikely china would take strong steps to back washington and its standoff with russia. back washington and its standoff with russia-— with russia. barbara platt usher followin: with russia. barbara platt usher following the — with russia. barbara platt usher following the latest _ with russia. barbara platt usher i following the latest developments with russia. barbara platt usher - following the latest developments on that story for us from russia. thank you forjoining us on newsday. us—based moderna says it is on track for an 0micron specific vacine. there are questions about the extent of new shots needed in the two—year pandemic and if moderna, pfizer and astrazeneca among others can keep pace with mutations. moderna's chief medical officer dr paul burton, joins us to give an update on the company's 0micron—specific vaccine, and what likely comes next in the pandemic battle. it's wonderful to have you on the programme. let's start with that specific vaccine that's being developed for omicron. my understanding is that it's a booster shot and that you are in trials at this point in time. is that right? that's right. good morning, thank you for having me. this week on wednesday we announced two big pieces of information, the first was some data published in the new england journal of medicine looking at how our vaccine holds up against omicron after a six—month booster. they are reassuring that we do see waning. everything he announced as we said is that they started off with the study with about 600 people testing out omicron specific booster. we think that's going to be an integral part of keeping people safe and protected, even as omicron perhaps subsides as we go into the winter of this year. a full booster. doctor burton. we have talked a lot about boosters and vaccines on this programme. i'm sure many of the audience are wondering how long will we continue to need booster as far as we emerge out of the pandemic into what some countries are calling and endemic. into what some countries are calling and endemic— and endemic. love, i think the data sa s that and endemic. love, i think the data says that we _ and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will _ and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will be _ and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will be able _ and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will be able to - and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will be able to get - and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will be able to get out| says that we will be able to get out of the pandemic into the endemic phase. when that happens, i'm not sure. we still see staggering caseloads of omicron here in the united states, europe, around the world. death rates remain very high. hospital hospitalisation rates are at an all—time high today. i think we can get through this, spring will come, we should get a period of stability as case counts go down, but i think we are going to need a regular yearly booster that will keep people protected as they prepare for winter. that's what we are planning to do and what we are aiming to do with the study that we have launched now. what aiming to do with the study that we have launched now.— aiming to do with the study that we have launched now. what about the develoin: have launched now. what about the developing world? _ have launched now. what about the developing world? as _ have launched now. what about the developing world? as he _ have launched now. what about the developing world? as he rightly - developing world? as he rightly pointed out, there are huge parts of the world that are currently seeing another wave of coronavirus infection, specifically omicron, but many in the developing world haven't even had their first shots. many in the developing world haven't even had theirfirst shots. is many in the developing world haven't even had their first shots. is the development of boosters coming at the expense of providing those first shots to people in the developing world? ., ., ~' ~' shots to people in the developing world? ~ :: ' ., world? look, i think 2021 was a difficult year — world? look, i think 2021 was a difficult year for _ world? look, i think 2021 was a difficult year for all _ world? look, i think 2021 was a difficult year for all of _ world? look, i think 2021 was a difficult year for all of the - difficult year for all of the vaccine producers and manufacturers. it was a difficult year to get supply under way and to get it out to countries that need it. i would say that in 2021, madera not provided about 25%, about 825 million palaces of the vaccine to low and middle income countries. we have committed to providing another billion doses this year. i think it's beginning to emerge and it's very interesting that the african union for example actually declined to take the option for the second quarter that they actually now have enough vaccine supplied to be able to immunise about 70% of africans in africa. i think what we are seeing is a change, a transition from supply constraint now to the logistics where we can actually get vaccines out of ports logistically into towns and villages and into arms. that will be a struggle for all of us this year. something that as a world we have to focus on. right. doctor paul burton, thank you so much forjoining us on newsday. thank you. north korea's state media say it conducted two more missile tests this week — among them a long—range cruise missile. the report comes just a day after south korea said it detected the launch of two short—range ballistic missiles, drawing condemnations from japan and the us. since the turn of the year, pyongyang has carried out eight missile tests so far, making this january among the most tests it has ever carried out in a single month. and as our tokyo correspondent rupert wingfield—hayes reports, the new tests show north korea is continuing to make rapid progress in its missile capabilities. translation: north korea is trying to have a defence, | like a scorpion's tail. for the last couple of years, really since the beginning of the pandemic, north korea has been very quiet. it's really shut itself off from the rest of the world, and here injapan, we've had no missile overflights, no threats of turning tokyo into a sea of fire, and then suddenly in the last couple of weeks, all of that's changed. multiple missile tests, claims that north korea has new hypersonic weapons and threats of more to come. so what's going on in pyongyang? the short answer is that north korea hasn't spent the pandemic sitting on its hands — is been busy. —— sitting on its hands — it's been busy. translation: we are surprised because we underestimate - north korean technology, and we assumed that north korea is suffering because of the pandemic. they want to complete their missile system with one that is like a scorpion's tail. more specifically, kim jong—un appears to be developing missiles and warheads that can get past missile defence batteries, like this on injapan. it seems pretty clear that their aim is to develop and invade and complicate missile defences that are highly maneuverable and harder for the united states to preempt and let alone to detect. but hold on one second, kim jong—un in already has plenty of weapons to defend himself against attack. his missile arsenal is more elaborate than britain's, france, india or pakistan, so why does he need more? what we might prescribe to north korea for self—defense purposes might be deemed insufficient by the north koreans themselves. so kimjong—un, feeling chronically insecure, i think kim really doesn't trust anybody outside, including china and russia. surprisingly perhaps, some in south korea see all the activity up north as a good thing. a sign that what kim jong—un really wants is to talk. the problem for the north korean dictator is that unlock donald trump, presidentjoe biden doesn't seem very interested in having this sort of photo op on his presidential record. he's called the kim jong—un a tyrant, i think he has very little to gain politically from being seen with kimjong—un, so i do think what it would take forjoe biden to really become invested, i think, is a major crisis. if all of this sounds familiar, that's because it is. we have seen this pattern over and over, of north korea generating a crisis, then engaging in negotiation, which fails, and then manufacturing a new crisis. that's exactly what pyongyang may be doing right now. it said it could return to long range missile tests and even nuclear tests, so hold onto your hats, although, i suspect nothing big is going to happen now until china's winter olympics are over. rupert wingfield—hayes, bbc news, tokyo. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme... the struggle to get aid to the people of tonga. the captain of the royal navy's hms speyjoins us to explain the difficulties they are facing. this is the moment that millions and iran have been waiting for. after his long years in exile, the first hesitant steps on a rainy and soil. the next south africa's white government has offered its black opponents concessions on unparalleled in history of the party. the leader is to be set free unconditionally.— unconditionally. three, two, one. account down _ unconditionally. three, two, one. account down to _ unconditionally. three, two, one. account down to a _ unconditionally. three, two, one. account down to a critical- unconditionally. three, two, one. i account down to a critical moment. the world's most powerful rocket ignited all 27 of the engines at once, and apart from its power commits this recycling of the racket, slashing the cost of the launch that makes this a break there in the business of space travel. tiara in the business of space travel. two americans have _ in the business of space travel. twr americans have become the first humans to walk in space without any life to their spaceship. one of them called it a piece of cake with thousands of people have given alan macarthur a spectacular homecoming after she smashed the world record for a sailing solo around the world nonstop. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm karishma vaswani in singapore. our headlines... russia readies for possible conflict over ukraine, but says there is room, for further dialogue with the west. vaccine—maker moderna says it's begun clinical trials of a booster dose designed specifically to combat the coronavirus omicron variant. it's been nearly two weeks since an under—sea volcanic eruption and tsunami devastated the island nation of tonga, and since then, the international community has been scrambling to deliver aid to people on the ground. the australian and new zealand governments were some of the first to react, sending emergency supplies by sea. the uk is also helping in the relief efforts. britain's royal navy ship, which is carrying aid, arrived of the coast of the island on wednesday. we can speak now to captain mike proudman of hms spey of the royal navy that carried out the mission. he joins us live on the phone from the ship off the coast of tonga. it is wonderful to have you on the programme, captain. ijust want to start by asking you how the mission has gone so far?— start by asking you how the mission has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. has gone so far? yes, thank you very much- thank— has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. thank you _ has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. thank you for _ has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. thank you for having - has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. thank you for having me - has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. thank you for having me on. l much. thank you for having me on. the mission has been incredibly successful so far. then at previous ports, having embarked significant amount, it's a surprise to come and assist the tongan people, and we sailed 1600 nautical miles for about four days to arrive as only the second country to deliver aid by maritime units into tonga. approximately 30,000 l of water, and just over 301st—aid kids with personal protective equipment and sanitation supplies. haifa personal protective equipment and sanitation supplies.— sanitation supplies. how are you unloadin: sanitation supplies. how are you unloading the — sanitation supplies. how are you unloading the supplies _ sanitation supplies. how are you unloading the supplies to - sanitation supplies. how are you unloading the supplies to the - unloading the supplies to the island? as i understand it? your crew is not able to disembark because of covid regulations. that is correct. tonga _ because of covid regulations. that is correct. tonga at _ because of covid regulations. twat is correct. tonga at present has an incredible record throughout the pandemic of covid security, and they are remarkably conscious at the moment, despite the fact that they are trying to recover from this terrible disaster, they are still absolutely focused on their own covid security, which in order to disembark with the aid that we had, we had to do that in a completely contactless manner. using our own crane to crane the supplies onto the jetty without putting anybody onto the jetty, jetty without putting anybody onto thejetty, any jetty without putting anybody onto the jetty, any of my own team on there at all and the tongan authorities came and retrieved the pallets and the equipment we delivered to put it into quarantine for 72 hours before it's delivered out to the outlying islands where it is most needed. haifa out to the outlying islands where it is most needed.— is most needed. how difficult has that band when _ is most needed. how difficult has that band when you _ is most needed. how difficult has that band when you take - is most needed. how difficult has that band when you take into - that band when you take into consideration some of the other relief missions that you must have been on over the years? how challenging it is it to manage delivering aid under these sorts of conditions?— delivering aid under these sorts of conditions? ., �* , ., , ., conditions? that's a good question. in fact, i conditions? that's a good question. in fact. i would _ conditions? that's a good question. in fact, i would have _ conditions? that's a good question. in fact, i would have to _ conditions? that's a good question. in fact, i would have to credit - conditions? that's a good question. in fact, i would have to credit the i in fact, i would have to credit the tongan authorities for a very strong and resilient response to this. they are leading the efforts to rebuild and to distribute aid. we are very much a supporting role, a critical supporting role, but a supporting role along with new zealand, australia as our primary partners. we have delivered the aid and got the distribution out to the outlying islands by the tongan authorities who are, as far as we have seen so far, are managing this incredibly competently. far, are managing this incredibly competently-— far, are managing this incredibly cometentl . ., ., ., ., competently. captain, i want to ask, ou know, competently. captain, i want to ask, you know. going _ competently. captain, i want to ask, you know, going forward, _ competently. captain, i want to ask, you know, going forward, where - competently. captain, i want to ask, | you know, going forward, where does the relief effort and your mission go from here? 50. the relief effort and your mission go from here?— the relief effort and your mission go from here? so, at present, we remain in — go from here? so, at present, we remain in tongan _ go from here? so, at present, we remain in tongan water— go from here? so, at present, we remain in tongan water is, - go from here? so, at present, we remain in tongan water is, again, j remain in tongan water is, again, just standing by ready to support the tongan people and the government in their efforts to recover from this. we have actually, we have got... critical mission still to the sale. as we speak, we are splitting a mission to restore communications networks which will allow the tongan government to be back in touch with the outlying islands so that they can start to really gather that picture and be able to decide where the supplies are most needed. captain, iwish the supplies are most needed. captain, i wish you the best of luck with the rest of your mission. thank you so much forjoining us on the programme. you so much for “oining us on the programme.— you so much for “oining us on the programme. thank you very much for havin: me programme. thank you very much for having me on- _ 77 years ago today the nazi concentration camp of auschwitz was liberated. more than1 million people, most of them jewish, were murdered at the camp in occupied poland. today is holocaust memorial day. and to mark it, different artists have painted the portraits of some of the uk's last remaining holocaust survivors. the project was commissioned by prince charles and the portraits have gone on display at the queen's gallery in buckingham palace. our royal correspondent daniela relph has more. lighting the darkness this evening, for holocaust memorial day. around the uk, buildings were lit to highlight the pain of prejudice and hatred. holocaust survivors witnessed the worst of humanity. this new collection of portraits commissioned by the prince of wales is about preserving their stories. like lily aberts, who showed the prince the auschwitz number still visible on her arm. while others spoke of their pride at their portraits. i am very pleased and very honoured. artist, portrait and subject. clara painted manfred goldberg. have you been well? the process was challenging. covid meant the sittings began virtually before they could finally meet. hello! she wanted not only to paint my likeness, but she tried to get sort of into my soul, she tried to paint me heart and soul, and looking at my portrait, people tell me that they can see it in the way she has painted my eyes. those eyes saw the brutality of nazi labour camps, where manfred was sent with his family. one day his younger brother herman was taken by ss guards, and manfred never saw him again. he did describe it as hell on earth, and it was very hard for me to imagine what it must have been like. it was very harrowing, but i feel that was really important to go there and to realise how dark it had been in order to realise what a bright light manfred is. so much is in the detail of each portrait. eric rests his hand on his left arm, the arm that bears his auschwitz number. and lily abert is painted with a gold pendant which she hid in the heel of a shoe while at auschwitz. she still wears it today. i thought we owed it to these remarkable people just- to remember them in this way. there is something very. special about the portrait and about the artist's eye in bringing out the real. underlying character. all the portraits are now on display. rachel leavy, aric hirsch. a first view of the portraits he commissioned. anita. lily abert. ziggy shipper. manfred goldburg. you have been watching newsday. and you just want to show you these pictures after becoming the 14th team to qualify for the world cup finals later this year. look at that. these were the scenes in tehran which were repeated across the country. they recorded a 1—0 victory over iraq at the stadium in the capital, securing their place in qatar with three games to spare. it will be around sixth appearance in the finals and a third in succession. that's it from us at newsday. thanks so much for watching. do stay with bbc news. hello there. after the sunshine on thursday, we've seen clearer skies and lighter winds overnight, so it's pretty chilly out there for many. but the weather is going to change once again because during friday, we're going to find more cloud coming in from the atlantic, and that in turn will bring in some milder air as well. now, at the moment, high pressure is centred more to the south of the uk. we've got these weather fronts bringing some rain towards scotland in particular during friday, but also drawing in these stronger winds from the southwest, bringing in that milder but generally cloudy air as well. ahead of that, though, we do have a touch of frost across more central and eastern parts of the uk to start the day. those temperatures lifting in the west as the cloud comes in. we've also got a few mist and fog patches across parts of england and wales. those will lift. there will be some early sunshine, but many areas are going to cloud over. we will keep some hazy sunshine in the south east perhaps into the afternoon. a bit of drizzle out towards the west. most of the rain pushing eastwards across scotland as those winds strengthen. drwaing in that milder air, so temperatures, double drawing in that milder air, so temperatures, double figures for most of us, a little bit chillier towards the south east perhaps. it does stay very mild, actually, overnight. those temperatures aren't going to drop an awful lot because we've still got those run of strong, very mild winds. in fact, it will be very windy overnight across scotland and northern england. some very gusty winds, particularly as that rain band moves down across scotland on that weather front there. but again, that rain, whilst heavy in scotland for a while, is going to become much lighter as it sinks down into england and wales and moves away from northern ireland. after the rain, what there is of it, we're going to find sunnier skies and some showers following on, and a strong wind continues as well, particularly windy in scotland, gusts of 60 mph likely here. southern parts of england may well stay dry, and here we'll see the highest temperatures, 13—14 degrees, it's very mild, but it is turning colder from the north as we get that sunshine and showers mix. the winds do gradually ease down overnight as that high pressure tries to build in, but this is heading our way for the second half of the weekend. another weather system coming in from the atlantic. chilly start probably on sunday, much cooler than saturday morning. we're going to find some rain heading into the north west of the uk. the winds picking up, but as we move into that cooler air, we're going to find the threat of some snow, particularly across highland and grampian and typical temperatures around 8—9. this is bbc news. the headlines — the russian foreign minister, sergei lavrov, says russia's main security concerns over ukraine have not been met by the united states, but mr lavrov says there is room to continue dialogue. six months since the taliban swept to power in afghanistan, the country's economy is close to collapse, with millions facing an ongoing threat of terrorism and looming starvation. joe biden has confirmed that he will make an african—american woman his first nomination to the supreme court. the president said a decision will be announced by the end of february. on holocaust memorial day, survivors of the nazi concentration camp at auschwitz are among those who have gathered there to mark the anniversary of its liberation in 1945.

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Newsday , Reporting , Singapore , Room , West , Russia , Dialogue , Ukraine , Omicron , Headlines , Conflict , Shot , Maker Moderna , Karishma Vaswani , Aid , Mutations , Pace , Tonga , Tsunami , Islanders , Operation , Drug Makers , Horizon , Coronavirus , Volcanic Eruption , Two , Survivors , Nazi Concentration Camp , Display , Portraits , Auschwitz , Mark World , Buckingham Palace , In London , 70 , Seven , Studio , Bbc News , Moscow , 7 , Us , President Putin , Security Demands , Letter , Position , Expansion , Mind , Kremlin , Nato , World , Picture , Planning , Europe , Intentions , Muscle Flexing , Steve Rosenberg , Exercises , Troops , Geopoliticaljigsaw , 100000 , One , Countries , Fears , Partners , Demands , Border , Invasion , People , Borders , Citizens , Piece , Demand , Aim , Security , Fear , Aspects , Offer , Security Order , Figure , Friction , World War Ii , Siege Of Leningrad , Wall , Leader , War , Surprise , Precursor , Element , Sabre Rattling , Putin , Last , Military Operation , Everyone , Reasons , Gorky Park Ice Festival , Cold War , Russians Don T Want War , Leaders , Barbara Plett Usher , Public , Appetite , Programme , Developments , Story , 2 , Forjoe Biden , Highlights , President , Phone Call , Zielinski , White House , Billion , 1 Billion , Economy , Officials , Suffering , Build Up , Pressures , Development Aid , Assistance , Point , Call , Tensions , Capital Markets , Difficulty , Money , It , Ukrainians , Signal , Concern , State Department Orders , Families , Diplomats , Embassy , Ban , Tf , Level , Instability , Risk , Assessment , On Two , Embassies , Family Members , China , Influence , Outcomes , Interests , Use , Crisis , Peaceful Washington , Resolution , Directive , Kind , Solutions , To Beijing , To Bei Ing , Peaceful Resolution J , Some , Relations , Tense , Both , Lowest , Steps , Response , Foreign Minister , Diplomacy , Statement Request , View , Bit Chiding , Security Concerns , Actions , Amp , Analysts , Sides , Back Washington , Standoff , Barbara Platt Usher Followin , Barbara Platt , Pandemic , Shots , Questions , Others , Track , Extent , Astrazeneca , Specific Vacine , Pfizer , 0 , Doctor Paul Burton , Vaccine , Company , Battle , Update , Booster Shot , Understanding , Trials , Data , Booster , Pieces , New England Journal Of Medicine , Morning , First , Information , Six , Study , Everything , 600 , Vaccines , Boosters , Winter , Part , Lot , Love , Endemic , Many , Calling , Audience , Data Sa S , Death Rates , Phase , Around The World , Staggering Caseloads , Case Counts , Spring , Hospital Hospitalisation Rates , Stability , Go Down , World Haven T , Parts , Out , Wave , Develoin , Coronavirus Infection , Development , Expense , Vaccine Producers , Manufacturers , Theirfirst , 2021 , Supply , Way , Palaces , Madera , 825 Million , 25 , Option , Example , African Union , Change , Transition , Supply Constraint , South Africa , Africans , Something , Ports , Struggle , Logistics , Arms 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Concessions , Soil , Exile , Opponents , History , The Party , Iran , Three , Engines , Rocket , Unconditionally , Critical Unconditionally , 27 , Twr Americans , Power , Space , Spaceship , Humans , Recycling , Racket , Life , The Business Of Space Travel , Break , Cost , Tiara , World Record , Sailing , Cake , Thousands , Alan Macarthur A Spectacular Homecoming , Booster Dose , Karishma Vaswani In Singapore , Emergency Supplies , Governments , Ground , Scrambling , React , The International Community , New Zealand , Island Nation , Australian , Mission , Island , Ship , Mike Proudman , Coast , Relief Efforts , Hms Spey , Phone , Ijust , Yes , Amount , 1600 , Four , Country , Equipment , Water , Units , Kids , 30000 , 301 , Supplies , Haifa , Regulations , Sanitation Supplies , Sanitation Supplies , Crew , Personal Protective Equipment , Fact , Twat , Covid Security , Order , Manner , Disaster , Team , Jetty , Anybody , Authorities , Crane , Any , Quarantine , Pallets , Thejetty , Band , Outlying Islands , Relief Missions , Consideration , Needed , 72 , Conditions , Question , Sorts , Credit Conditions , Efforts , Role , Islands , Distribution , Relief Effort , Forward , Tongan Water Is , Mission Go , Tongan Water , Where Competently , Ou Know , 50 , Communications Networks , Sale , Iwish , Me Programme , Oining Us On The Programme , I Wish You The Best Of Luck , 77 , Holocaust Memorial Day , Most , Artists , Holocaust , Camp , Project , Jewish , Poland , Daniela Relph , Buildings , Evening , Darkness , Prince Charles , Queen S Gallery , Collection , Pain , Prince , Humanity , Hatred , Prejudice , Worst , Arm , Number , Stories , Pride , Lily Aberts , Portrait , Manfred Goldberg , Artist , Clara , Process , Subject , Sittings , Soul , Likeness , Heart And Soul , Eyes , Brother Herman , Brutality , Family , Hell On Earth , Ss Guards , Bright Light Manfred , Detail , Lily Abert , Eric , Pendant , Gold , Heel , Hand , Shoe , Character , Real , Eye , Rachel Leavy , Aric Hirsch , Ziggy Shipper , Anita , Manfred Goldburg , Scenes , World Cup Finals , Pictures , Tehran , 14 , Stadium , Victory , Finals , Capital , Appearance , Games , Place , Qatar , Succession , 1 , Sunshine , Skies , Thanks , Stay , Watching , Winds , High Pressure , Air , Cloud , Weather , Turn , Atlantic , South , Southwest , Weather Fronts , Rain Towards Scotland In Particular , A Touch Of Frost , Temperatures , Areas , England , Fog , Mist , Wales , Cloud Over , Scotland , Bit , Afternoon , Drizzle , Drawing , South East , The Rain Pushing Eastwards , Drwaing , Rain Band , Strong , Figures , Northern England , Run , Showers , Wind , Rain , Weather Front , Heavy , Moves , After The Rain , Northern Ireland , North , Gusts , 60 , 13 , Weekend , Weather System , Half , Threat , Rain Heading , Highland , Snow , 8 , Sergei Lavrov , Taliban , 9 , Joe Biden , African American , Starvation , Decision , Collapse , Terrorism , Nomination , Afghanistan , Supreme Court , Anniversary , Liberation , The End , 1945 ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708

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live from our studio in singapore... this is bbc news. it's newsday. it's 7am in singapore, and two in the morning in moscow, where russia has said there is room for further dialogue on the ukraine crisis — but warned that the us position as set out in a letter to the kremlin, does not meet their security demands. key to what russia will do next is vladimir putin. is he trying to stop the eastward expansion of nato or has he already made up his mind to invade? steve rosenberg reports from moscow. the world is still puzzling to piece together a picture of what vladimir putin is thinking. what he's planning... what are his intentions in ukraine and in europe? russian muscle flexing... one piece of the geopoliticaljigsaw. military exercises and 100,000 russian troops near ukraine's border are fuelling fears of a russian invasion. so are moscow's demands. we just ask our partners in nato countries — get out. get out from our borders. get out from post—soviet countries, because it's threatening to russian people, to russian citizens and time is running out. another piece of the puzzle — the kremlin had insisted ukraine be barred from joining nato, but america's rejected that demand. so now what? what happens next depends on whether america's offer to negotiate with russia on some aspects of europe's security will be enough to satisfy vladimir putin. if it's not, if, as some fear, president putin's aim is to dismantle the european security order as it is now, then expect long—term friction between russia and the west. vladimir putin cut a lonely figure today as he remembered the world war ii siege of leningrad. across europe, there are fears of a new war, but is russia's current and very public sabre rattling really a precursor to conflict? after all, this is a leader who normally employs the element of surprise. this is one of the reasons why i do not believe that putin is going to invade ukraine, because if he really intended to start a military operation in ukraine, probably we would be the last to learn about it. at the gorky park ice festival, everyone we spoke to thought it unlikely that the cold war with ukraine and the west was about to turn hot. "russians don't want war", she says. "we've experienced that, we know how terrifying war is." the russian public has no appetite for war. they're hoping neither do their leaders. steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. live now to our correspondent barbara plett usher in washington.2. she's been watching the developments on this story very closely. always great to have you on the programme. i know you have been following that phone call between president biden and president zielinski. what were the key highlights in that? well. and president zielinski. what were the key highlights in that?- the key highlights in that? well, i think one of _ the key highlights in that? well, i think one of the _ the key highlights in that? well, i think one of the highlights - the key highlights in that? well, i think one of the highlights of - the key highlights in that? well, i think one of the highlights of the | think one of the highlights of the white house are saying there were already giving more than $1 billion in humanitarian and development aid to ukraine, but they will explore macro financial assistance to bolster the economy of ukraine because it is suffering from the pressures of the russian military build—up. ukrainian officials are saying they are not looking to borrow money exactly for that to bolster the economy because they are having difficulty accessing capital markets because of the tensions surrounding the build—up. the other point i noted from the call is that the president stressed that the us embassy in the tf was on ban and functioning despite the state department orders that the families of diplomats should depart. ukrainians have voiced concern about that. they said it was premature, that. they said it was premature, that it sent the wrong signal but the risk and instability level and made a point to sing most embassies are staying put for the family members are staying put. that may be why that was included in the assessment of the call between the two leaders. assessment of the call between the two leaders-— two leaders. barbara, the us has also called _ two leaders. barbara, the us has also called on — two leaders. barbara, the us has also called on china _ two leaders. barbara, the us has also called on china to _ two leaders. barbara, the us has also called on china to help - two leaders. barbara, the us has also called on china to help use | two leaders. barbara, the us has. also called on china to help use its influence to defuse tensions between russia and ukraine, saying that it's in china's interests as well to do that. how likely is that to happen and what is the possible outcomes of that kind of directive from washington to beijing? washington to bei'ing? well, china has called for — washington to bei'ing? well, china has called for a _ washington to beijing? well, china has called for a peaceful— washington to beijing? well, china has called for a peaceful resolution j has called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. it always calls for almost always calls for a diplomatic solutions to crisis, and it may have influence with russia because the two countries have been drawn closer together, both of them, their relations with the west, and especially with the us have grown more and more tense. that is the point, really, that relations between the us and china are at their lowest in years. some of the chinese foreign minister spoke about the statement request to take steps to bolster diplomacy, the response was, and the us should also take seriously what they call the reasonable security concerns of the russians. that all sides have had actions that amp up the crisis. a bit chiding there, i think. analysts are of the view that it's unlikely china would take strong steps to back washington and its standoff with russia. back washington and its standoff with russia-— with russia. barbara platt usher followin: with russia. barbara platt usher following the — with russia. barbara platt usher following the latest _ with russia. barbara platt usher i following the latest developments with russia. barbara platt usher - following the latest developments on that story for us from russia. thank you forjoining us on newsday. us—based moderna says it is on track for an 0micron specific vacine. there are questions about the extent of new shots needed in the two—year pandemic and if moderna, pfizer and astrazeneca among others can keep pace with mutations. moderna's chief medical officer dr paul burton, joins us to give an update on the company's 0micron—specific vaccine, and what likely comes next in the pandemic battle. it's wonderful to have you on the programme. let's start with that specific vaccine that's being developed for omicron. my understanding is that it's a booster shot and that you are in trials at this point in time. is that right? that's right. good morning, thank you for having me. this week on wednesday we announced two big pieces of information, the first was some data published in the new england journal of medicine looking at how our vaccine holds up against omicron after a six—month booster. they are reassuring that we do see waning. everything he announced as we said is that they started off with the study with about 600 people testing out omicron specific booster. we think that's going to be an integral part of keeping people safe and protected, even as omicron perhaps subsides as we go into the winter of this year. a full booster. doctor burton. we have talked a lot about boosters and vaccines on this programme. i'm sure many of the audience are wondering how long will we continue to need booster as far as we emerge out of the pandemic into what some countries are calling and endemic. into what some countries are calling and endemic— and endemic. love, i think the data sa s that and endemic. love, i think the data says that we _ and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will _ and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will be _ and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will be able _ and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will be able to - and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will be able to get - and endemic. love, i think the data says that we will be able to get out| says that we will be able to get out of the pandemic into the endemic phase. when that happens, i'm not sure. we still see staggering caseloads of omicron here in the united states, europe, around the world. death rates remain very high. hospital hospitalisation rates are at an all—time high today. i think we can get through this, spring will come, we should get a period of stability as case counts go down, but i think we are going to need a regular yearly booster that will keep people protected as they prepare for winter. that's what we are planning to do and what we are aiming to do with the study that we have launched now. what aiming to do with the study that we have launched now.— aiming to do with the study that we have launched now. what about the develoin: have launched now. what about the developing world? _ have launched now. what about the developing world? as _ have launched now. what about the developing world? as he _ have launched now. what about the developing world? as he rightly - developing world? as he rightly pointed out, there are huge parts of the world that are currently seeing another wave of coronavirus infection, specifically omicron, but many in the developing world haven't even had their first shots. many in the developing world haven't even had theirfirst shots. is many in the developing world haven't even had their first shots. is the development of boosters coming at the expense of providing those first shots to people in the developing world? ., ., ~' ~' shots to people in the developing world? ~ :: ' ., world? look, i think 2021 was a difficult year — world? look, i think 2021 was a difficult year for _ world? look, i think 2021 was a difficult year for all _ world? look, i think 2021 was a difficult year for all of _ world? look, i think 2021 was a difficult year for all of the - difficult year for all of the vaccine producers and manufacturers. it was a difficult year to get supply under way and to get it out to countries that need it. i would say that in 2021, madera not provided about 25%, about 825 million palaces of the vaccine to low and middle income countries. we have committed to providing another billion doses this year. i think it's beginning to emerge and it's very interesting that the african union for example actually declined to take the option for the second quarter that they actually now have enough vaccine supplied to be able to immunise about 70% of africans in africa. i think what we are seeing is a change, a transition from supply constraint now to the logistics where we can actually get vaccines out of ports logistically into towns and villages and into arms. that will be a struggle for all of us this year. something that as a world we have to focus on. right. doctor paul burton, thank you so much forjoining us on newsday. thank you. north korea's state media say it conducted two more missile tests this week — among them a long—range cruise missile. the report comes just a day after south korea said it detected the launch of two short—range ballistic missiles, drawing condemnations from japan and the us. since the turn of the year, pyongyang has carried out eight missile tests so far, making this january among the most tests it has ever carried out in a single month. and as our tokyo correspondent rupert wingfield—hayes reports, the new tests show north korea is continuing to make rapid progress in its missile capabilities. translation: north korea is trying to have a defence, | like a scorpion's tail. for the last couple of years, really since the beginning of the pandemic, north korea has been very quiet. it's really shut itself off from the rest of the world, and here injapan, we've had no missile overflights, no threats of turning tokyo into a sea of fire, and then suddenly in the last couple of weeks, all of that's changed. multiple missile tests, claims that north korea has new hypersonic weapons and threats of more to come. so what's going on in pyongyang? the short answer is that north korea hasn't spent the pandemic sitting on its hands — is been busy. —— sitting on its hands — it's been busy. translation: we are surprised because we underestimate - north korean technology, and we assumed that north korea is suffering because of the pandemic. they want to complete their missile system with one that is like a scorpion's tail. more specifically, kim jong—un appears to be developing missiles and warheads that can get past missile defence batteries, like this on injapan. it seems pretty clear that their aim is to develop and invade and complicate missile defences that are highly maneuverable and harder for the united states to preempt and let alone to detect. but hold on one second, kim jong—un in already has plenty of weapons to defend himself against attack. his missile arsenal is more elaborate than britain's, france, india or pakistan, so why does he need more? what we might prescribe to north korea for self—defense purposes might be deemed insufficient by the north koreans themselves. so kimjong—un, feeling chronically insecure, i think kim really doesn't trust anybody outside, including china and russia. surprisingly perhaps, some in south korea see all the activity up north as a good thing. a sign that what kim jong—un really wants is to talk. the problem for the north korean dictator is that unlock donald trump, presidentjoe biden doesn't seem very interested in having this sort of photo op on his presidential record. he's called the kim jong—un a tyrant, i think he has very little to gain politically from being seen with kimjong—un, so i do think what it would take forjoe biden to really become invested, i think, is a major crisis. if all of this sounds familiar, that's because it is. we have seen this pattern over and over, of north korea generating a crisis, then engaging in negotiation, which fails, and then manufacturing a new crisis. that's exactly what pyongyang may be doing right now. it said it could return to long range missile tests and even nuclear tests, so hold onto your hats, although, i suspect nothing big is going to happen now until china's winter olympics are over. rupert wingfield—hayes, bbc news, tokyo. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme... the struggle to get aid to the people of tonga. the captain of the royal navy's hms speyjoins us to explain the difficulties they are facing. this is the moment that millions and iran have been waiting for. after his long years in exile, the first hesitant steps on a rainy and soil. the next south africa's white government has offered its black opponents concessions on unparalleled in history of the party. the leader is to be set free unconditionally.— unconditionally. three, two, one. account down _ unconditionally. three, two, one. account down to _ unconditionally. three, two, one. account down to a _ unconditionally. three, two, one. account down to a critical- unconditionally. three, two, one. i account down to a critical moment. the world's most powerful rocket ignited all 27 of the engines at once, and apart from its power commits this recycling of the racket, slashing the cost of the launch that makes this a break there in the business of space travel. tiara in the business of space travel. two americans have _ in the business of space travel. twr americans have become the first humans to walk in space without any life to their spaceship. one of them called it a piece of cake with thousands of people have given alan macarthur a spectacular homecoming after she smashed the world record for a sailing solo around the world nonstop. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm karishma vaswani in singapore. our headlines... russia readies for possible conflict over ukraine, but says there is room, for further dialogue with the west. vaccine—maker moderna says it's begun clinical trials of a booster dose designed specifically to combat the coronavirus omicron variant. it's been nearly two weeks since an under—sea volcanic eruption and tsunami devastated the island nation of tonga, and since then, the international community has been scrambling to deliver aid to people on the ground. the australian and new zealand governments were some of the first to react, sending emergency supplies by sea. the uk is also helping in the relief efforts. britain's royal navy ship, which is carrying aid, arrived of the coast of the island on wednesday. we can speak now to captain mike proudman of hms spey of the royal navy that carried out the mission. he joins us live on the phone from the ship off the coast of tonga. it is wonderful to have you on the programme, captain. ijust want to start by asking you how the mission has gone so far?— start by asking you how the mission has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. has gone so far? yes, thank you very much- thank— has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. thank you _ has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. thank you for _ has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. thank you for having - has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. thank you for having me - has gone so far? yes, thank you very much. thank you for having me on. l much. thank you for having me on. the mission has been incredibly successful so far. then at previous ports, having embarked significant amount, it's a surprise to come and assist the tongan people, and we sailed 1600 nautical miles for about four days to arrive as only the second country to deliver aid by maritime units into tonga. approximately 30,000 l of water, and just over 301st—aid kids with personal protective equipment and sanitation supplies. haifa personal protective equipment and sanitation supplies.— sanitation supplies. how are you unloadin: sanitation supplies. how are you unloading the — sanitation supplies. how are you unloading the supplies _ sanitation supplies. how are you unloading the supplies to - sanitation supplies. how are you unloading the supplies to the - unloading the supplies to the island? as i understand it? your crew is not able to disembark because of covid regulations. that is correct. tonga _ because of covid regulations. that is correct. tonga at _ because of covid regulations. twat is correct. tonga at present has an incredible record throughout the pandemic of covid security, and they are remarkably conscious at the moment, despite the fact that they are trying to recover from this terrible disaster, they are still absolutely focused on their own covid security, which in order to disembark with the aid that we had, we had to do that in a completely contactless manner. using our own crane to crane the supplies onto the jetty without putting anybody onto the jetty, jetty without putting anybody onto thejetty, any jetty without putting anybody onto the jetty, any of my own team on there at all and the tongan authorities came and retrieved the pallets and the equipment we delivered to put it into quarantine for 72 hours before it's delivered out to the outlying islands where it is most needed. haifa out to the outlying islands where it is most needed.— is most needed. how difficult has that band when _ is most needed. how difficult has that band when you _ is most needed. how difficult has that band when you take - is most needed. how difficult has that band when you take into - that band when you take into consideration some of the other relief missions that you must have been on over the years? how challenging it is it to manage delivering aid under these sorts of conditions?— delivering aid under these sorts of conditions? ., �* , ., , ., conditions? that's a good question. in fact, i conditions? that's a good question. in fact. i would _ conditions? that's a good question. in fact, i would have _ conditions? that's a good question. in fact, i would have to _ conditions? that's a good question. in fact, i would have to credit - conditions? that's a good question. in fact, i would have to credit the i in fact, i would have to credit the tongan authorities for a very strong and resilient response to this. they are leading the efforts to rebuild and to distribute aid. we are very much a supporting role, a critical supporting role, but a supporting role along with new zealand, australia as our primary partners. we have delivered the aid and got the distribution out to the outlying islands by the tongan authorities who are, as far as we have seen so far, are managing this incredibly competently. far, are managing this incredibly competently-— far, are managing this incredibly cometentl . ., ., ., ., competently. captain, i want to ask, ou know, competently. captain, i want to ask, you know. going _ competently. captain, i want to ask, you know, going forward, _ competently. captain, i want to ask, you know, going forward, where - competently. captain, i want to ask, | you know, going forward, where does the relief effort and your mission go from here? 50. the relief effort and your mission go from here?— the relief effort and your mission go from here? so, at present, we remain in — go from here? so, at present, we remain in tongan _ go from here? so, at present, we remain in tongan water— go from here? so, at present, we remain in tongan water is, - go from here? so, at present, we remain in tongan water is, again, j remain in tongan water is, again, just standing by ready to support the tongan people and the government in their efforts to recover from this. we have actually, we have got... critical mission still to the sale. as we speak, we are splitting a mission to restore communications networks which will allow the tongan government to be back in touch with the outlying islands so that they can start to really gather that picture and be able to decide where the supplies are most needed. captain, iwish the supplies are most needed. captain, i wish you the best of luck with the rest of your mission. thank you so much forjoining us on the programme. you so much for “oining us on the programme.— you so much for “oining us on the programme. thank you very much for havin: me programme. thank you very much for having me on- _ 77 years ago today the nazi concentration camp of auschwitz was liberated. more than1 million people, most of them jewish, were murdered at the camp in occupied poland. today is holocaust memorial day. and to mark it, different artists have painted the portraits of some of the uk's last remaining holocaust survivors. the project was commissioned by prince charles and the portraits have gone on display at the queen's gallery in buckingham palace. our royal correspondent daniela relph has more. lighting the darkness this evening, for holocaust memorial day. around the uk, buildings were lit to highlight the pain of prejudice and hatred. holocaust survivors witnessed the worst of humanity. this new collection of portraits commissioned by the prince of wales is about preserving their stories. like lily aberts, who showed the prince the auschwitz number still visible on her arm. while others spoke of their pride at their portraits. i am very pleased and very honoured. artist, portrait and subject. clara painted manfred goldberg. have you been well? the process was challenging. covid meant the sittings began virtually before they could finally meet. hello! she wanted not only to paint my likeness, but she tried to get sort of into my soul, she tried to paint me heart and soul, and looking at my portrait, people tell me that they can see it in the way she has painted my eyes. those eyes saw the brutality of nazi labour camps, where manfred was sent with his family. one day his younger brother herman was taken by ss guards, and manfred never saw him again. he did describe it as hell on earth, and it was very hard for me to imagine what it must have been like. it was very harrowing, but i feel that was really important to go there and to realise how dark it had been in order to realise what a bright light manfred is. so much is in the detail of each portrait. eric rests his hand on his left arm, the arm that bears his auschwitz number. and lily abert is painted with a gold pendant which she hid in the heel of a shoe while at auschwitz. she still wears it today. i thought we owed it to these remarkable people just- to remember them in this way. there is something very. special about the portrait and about the artist's eye in bringing out the real. underlying character. all the portraits are now on display. rachel leavy, aric hirsch. a first view of the portraits he commissioned. anita. lily abert. ziggy shipper. manfred goldburg. you have been watching newsday. and you just want to show you these pictures after becoming the 14th team to qualify for the world cup finals later this year. look at that. these were the scenes in tehran which were repeated across the country. they recorded a 1—0 victory over iraq at the stadium in the capital, securing their place in qatar with three games to spare. it will be around sixth appearance in the finals and a third in succession. that's it from us at newsday. thanks so much for watching. do stay with bbc news. hello there. after the sunshine on thursday, we've seen clearer skies and lighter winds overnight, so it's pretty chilly out there for many. but the weather is going to change once again because during friday, we're going to find more cloud coming in from the atlantic, and that in turn will bring in some milder air as well. now, at the moment, high pressure is centred more to the south of the uk. we've got these weather fronts bringing some rain towards scotland in particular during friday, but also drawing in these stronger winds from the southwest, bringing in that milder but generally cloudy air as well. ahead of that, though, we do have a touch of frost across more central and eastern parts of the uk to start the day. those temperatures lifting in the west as the cloud comes in. we've also got a few mist and fog patches across parts of england and wales. those will lift. there will be some early sunshine, but many areas are going to cloud over. we will keep some hazy sunshine in the south east perhaps into the afternoon. a bit of drizzle out towards the west. most of the rain pushing eastwards across scotland as those winds strengthen. drwaing in that milder air, so temperatures, double drawing in that milder air, so temperatures, double figures for most of us, a little bit chillier towards the south east perhaps. it does stay very mild, actually, overnight. those temperatures aren't going to drop an awful lot because we've still got those run of strong, very mild winds. in fact, it will be very windy overnight across scotland and northern england. some very gusty winds, particularly as that rain band moves down across scotland on that weather front there. but again, that rain, whilst heavy in scotland for a while, is going to become much lighter as it sinks down into england and wales and moves away from northern ireland. after the rain, what there is of it, we're going to find sunnier skies and some showers following on, and a strong wind continues as well, particularly windy in scotland, gusts of 60 mph likely here. southern parts of england may well stay dry, and here we'll see the highest temperatures, 13—14 degrees, it's very mild, but it is turning colder from the north as we get that sunshine and showers mix. the winds do gradually ease down overnight as that high pressure tries to build in, but this is heading our way for the second half of the weekend. another weather system coming in from the atlantic. chilly start probably on sunday, much cooler than saturday morning. we're going to find some rain heading into the north west of the uk. the winds picking up, but as we move into that cooler air, we're going to find the threat of some snow, particularly across highland and grampian and typical temperatures around 8—9. this is bbc news. the headlines — the russian foreign minister, sergei lavrov, says russia's main security concerns over ukraine have not been met by the united states, but mr lavrov says there is room to continue dialogue. six months since the taliban swept to power in afghanistan, the country's economy is close to collapse, with millions facing an ongoing threat of terrorism and looming starvation. joe biden has confirmed that he will make an african—american woman his first nomination to the supreme court. the president said a decision will be announced by the end of february. on holocaust memorial day, survivors of the nazi concentration camp at auschwitz are among those who have gathered there to mark the anniversary of its liberation in 1945.

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Newsday , Reporting , Singapore , Room , West , Russia , Dialogue , Ukraine , Omicron , Headlines , Conflict , Shot , Maker Moderna , Karishma Vaswani , Aid , Mutations , Pace , Tonga , Tsunami , Islanders , Operation , Drug Makers , Horizon , Coronavirus , Volcanic Eruption , Two , Survivors , Nazi Concentration Camp , Display , Portraits , Auschwitz , Mark World , Buckingham Palace , In London , 70 , Seven , Studio , Bbc News , Moscow , 7 , Us , President Putin , Security Demands , Letter , Position , Expansion , Mind , Kremlin , Nato , World , Picture , Planning , Europe , Intentions , Muscle Flexing , Steve Rosenberg , Exercises , Troops , Geopoliticaljigsaw , 100000 , One , Countries , Fears , Partners , Demands , Border , Invasion , People , Borders , Citizens , Piece , Demand , Aim , Security , Fear , Aspects , Offer , Security Order , Figure , Friction , World War Ii , Siege Of Leningrad , Wall , Leader , War , Surprise , Precursor , Element , Sabre Rattling , Putin , Last , Military Operation , Everyone , Reasons , Gorky Park Ice Festival , Cold War , Russians Don T Want War , Leaders , Barbara Plett Usher , Public , Appetite , Programme , Developments , Story , 2 , Forjoe Biden , Highlights , President , Phone Call , Zielinski , White House , Billion , 1 Billion , Economy , Officials , Suffering , Build Up , Pressures , Development Aid , Assistance , Point , Call , Tensions , Capital Markets , Difficulty , Money , It , Ukrainians , Signal , Concern , State Department Orders , Families , Diplomats , Embassy , Ban , Tf , Level , Instability , Risk , Assessment , On Two , Embassies , Family Members , China , Influence , Outcomes , Interests , Use , Crisis , Peaceful Washington , Resolution , Directive , Kind , Solutions , To Beijing , To Bei Ing , Peaceful Resolution J , Some , Relations , Tense , Both , Lowest , Steps , Response , Foreign Minister , Diplomacy , Statement Request , View , Bit Chiding , Security Concerns , Actions , Amp , Analysts , Sides , Back Washington , Standoff , Barbara Platt Usher Followin , Barbara Platt , Pandemic , Shots , Questions , Others , Track , Extent , Astrazeneca , Specific Vacine , Pfizer , 0 , Doctor Paul Burton , Vaccine , Company , Battle , Update , Booster Shot , Understanding , Trials , Data , Booster , Pieces , New England Journal Of Medicine , Morning , First , Information , Six , Study , Everything , 600 , Vaccines , Boosters , Winter , Part , Lot , Love , Endemic , Many , Calling , Audience , Data Sa S , Death Rates , Phase , Around The World , Staggering Caseloads , Case Counts , Spring , Hospital Hospitalisation Rates , Stability , Go Down , World Haven T , Parts , Out , Wave , Develoin , Coronavirus Infection , Development , Expense , Vaccine Producers , Manufacturers , Theirfirst , 2021 , Supply , Way , Palaces , Madera , 825 Million , 25 , Option , Example , African Union , Change , Transition , Supply Constraint , South Africa , Africans , Something , Ports , Struggle , Logistics , Arms , Towns , Villages , Focus On , North Korea , State Media , Launch , Report , Missiles , Missile , Cruise Missile , Condemnations , South Korea , Japan , Tests , Missile Tests , Rupert Wingfield Hayes , In Pyongyang , Progress , Reports , Tokyo , Eight , Translation , Defence , Missile Capabilities , Scorpion S Tail , Threats , Rest , Missile Overflights , Beginning , Sea , Weapons , More , Fire , North Korea Hasn T , Hands , Answer , Missile System , Kim Jong Un , Technology , Warheads , Missile Defences , Missile Defence , Batteries , Injapan , Britain , Hold , Missile Arsenal , Attack , Second , Pakistan , France , India , Self Defense Purposes , Activity Up North , Kimjong Un , Doesn T Trust Anybody Outside , Sort , Donald Trump , Sign , Problem , Thing , Photo Op , Dictator , Presidentjoe Biden Doesn T , Record , Tyrant , Pyongyang , Over , Pattern , Negotiation , Hats , Nothing , Winter Olympics , Captain , Difficulties , Royal Navy , Hms Speyjoins , Millions , Government , Concessions , Soil , Exile , Opponents , History , The Party , Iran , Three , Engines , Rocket , Unconditionally , Critical Unconditionally , 27 , Twr Americans , Power , Space , Spaceship , Humans , Recycling , Racket , Life , The Business Of Space Travel , Break , Cost , Tiara , World Record , Sailing , Cake , Thousands , Alan Macarthur A Spectacular Homecoming , Booster Dose , Karishma Vaswani In Singapore , Emergency Supplies , Governments , Ground , Scrambling , React , The International Community , New Zealand , Island Nation , Australian , Mission , Island , Ship , Mike Proudman , Coast , Relief Efforts , Hms Spey , Phone , Ijust , Yes , Amount , 1600 , Four , Country , Equipment , Water , Units , Kids , 30000 , 301 , Supplies , Haifa , Regulations , Sanitation Supplies , Sanitation Supplies , Crew , Personal Protective Equipment , Fact , Twat , Covid Security , Order , Manner , Disaster , Team , Jetty , Anybody , Authorities , Crane , Any , Quarantine , Pallets , Thejetty , Band , Outlying Islands , Relief Missions , Consideration , Needed , 72 , Conditions , Question , Sorts , Credit Conditions , Efforts , Role , Islands , Distribution , Relief Effort , Forward , Tongan Water Is , Mission Go , Tongan Water , Where Competently , Ou Know , 50 , Communications Networks , Sale , Iwish , Me Programme , Oining Us On The Programme , I Wish You The Best Of Luck , 77 , Holocaust Memorial Day , Most , Artists , Holocaust , Camp , Project , Jewish , Poland , Daniela Relph , Buildings , Evening , Darkness , Prince Charles , Queen S Gallery , Collection , Pain , Prince , Humanity , Hatred , Prejudice , Worst , Arm , Number , Stories , Pride , Lily Aberts , Portrait , Manfred Goldberg , Artist , Clara , Process , Subject , Sittings , Soul , Likeness , Heart And Soul , Eyes , Brother Herman , Brutality , Family , Hell On Earth , Ss Guards , Bright Light Manfred , Detail , Lily Abert , Eric , Pendant , Gold , Heel , Hand , Shoe , Character , Real , Eye , Rachel Leavy , Aric Hirsch , Ziggy Shipper , Anita , Manfred Goldburg , Scenes , World Cup Finals , Pictures , Tehran , 14 , Stadium , Victory , Finals , Capital , Appearance , Games , Place , Qatar , Succession , 1 , Sunshine , Skies , Thanks , Stay , Watching , Winds , High Pressure , Air , Cloud , Weather , Turn , Atlantic , South , Southwest , Weather Fronts , Rain Towards Scotland In Particular , A Touch Of Frost , Temperatures , Areas , England , Fog , Mist , Wales , Cloud Over , Scotland , Bit , Afternoon , Drizzle , Drawing , South East , The Rain Pushing Eastwards , Drwaing , Rain Band , Strong , Figures , Northern England , Run , Showers , Wind , Rain , Weather Front , Heavy , Moves , After The Rain , Northern Ireland , North , Gusts , 60 , 13 , Weekend , Weather System , Half , Threat , Rain Heading , Highland , Snow , 8 , Sergei Lavrov , Taliban , 9 , Joe Biden , African American , Starvation , Decision , Collapse , Terrorism , Nomination , Afghanistan , Supreme Court , Anniversary , Liberation , The End , 1945 ,

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