Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708

in singapore, this is bbc news. it's newsday. it's 7am in the morning in singapore and 11pm in the evening in london, where the metropolitan police is now investigating multiple events since 2020 at downing street — and across government — to see whether there were breaches of covid restrictions. the commissioner of britain's biggest police force confirmed that her officers are now looking into potential rule—breaking as a result of information provided by civil servants who are also compiling a report on what happened. the bbc understands the met police has no objection to that report, by sue gray, being published while their investigation is ongoing. here's our political editor, laura kuenssberg. the law applies in every town, every city, every road and every house, and in the sm postcode of number 10. and the police have concluded they've seen enough about what happened behind closed doors when the law was lockdown — that it merits a full and proper look. i can confirm that the met is now investigating a number of events that took place at downing street and whitehall in the last two years. so, for only the second time in a century... can you survive the police - investigation, borisjohnson? ..a serving prime minister will be investigated for what happened under his own roof, after months and months of claims about rule—breaking during a national emergency. i now call the prime minister. i believe this will help to give the public the clarity it needs and help to draw a line under matters. but i want to reassure the house, mr speaker, and the country, that i and the whole government are focused 100% on dealing with the people's priorities. i'm told the police have been talking to the official who's been trying to get to the bottom of what happened for weeks and enough evidence about gatherings or parties in downing street is there for them to contemplate prosecutions. was it right to have| a birthday gathering in downing street, ms dorries? more than a dozen events, including a celebration and cake around the cabinet table for the prime minister's birthday, have emerged. will there be cake on the cabinet table today, miss truss? - but when ministers were there around that same table this morning, borisjohnson made no mention of the police investigation he already had been told about. those loyal to him have been louder in recent days. the vaccine roll—out, the furlough programme, the economy having bounced back to pre—pandemic levels, the leadership of borisjohnson this country has had, has been so brilliant. but even before the police or official report, there have been plenty of private tory recriminations for the chaos. i have not been invited to any parties. all of it more fuel for the opposition parties. so, it seems, mr speaker, potential criminality has been found in downing street. what a truly damning reflection on our nation's very highest office. we cannot go on with - this chaotic government. will he advise his boss to dol the right thing in the national interest and resign? can we please have a sense of proportion over the prime minister being given a piece of cake in his own office by his own staff? the timing and complexities of a police investigation could slow down the tory party's rush to judgment on borisjohnson. conversations among mps over there, who have the power to determine his future, may be put on pause. yet one former minister said, "there is no universe where a police investigation into downing street is a good thing in the real world." the tories, who like to be seen as the party of law and order, are facing serious political disorder of their own. laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. the metropolitan police previously said it wouldn't usually investigate past complaints about lockdown breaches. our home affairs correspondent daniel sandford explains why they have begun an inquiry now. for months, arguments around alleged parties in downing street and its garden have swept through whitehall, while london's main police force has kept quiet, saying only that it was in touch with sue gray, who's leading the cabinet office investigation. so, why is the met investigating now? well, this morning, the commisioner said three key factors would lead to them looking into covid rule breaches that happened many months ago. my three factors were and are — there was evidence that those involved knew or ought to have known that what they were doing was an offence. where not investigating would significantly undermine the legitimacy of the law and where there was little ambiguity around the absence of any reasonable defence. and what will the police look at? the starting point will be what sue gray has already uncovered. the investigation itself should be reasonably straightforward. now police have decided which of the events at downing street was potentially illegal, they'lljust need to try and work out who was at each one, and they'll do that by looking at emails, at personal accounts and at movements on staff passes. and they'll also need to check whether anyone had a legitimate reason to be at any of the events. for some opposition politicians, the question is, why did police not act sooner? did the officers who work in downing street every day not notice the events when they were happening? it sounds like there was a culture of lawbreaking parties rather than a single one—off event. we've heard reports of wheelie suitcases of drink clanking through security. surely, some officers were concerned about what they were seeing at the time. you will be aware that there are a number of officers posted in the surrounds of downing street. the ones you see are all armed and they have a job to do. last march, in this warwickshire garden, kieron mcardle and three friends had a small birthday party. the police arrived within the hour and fined him. he wants whitehall party—goers to face the same punishment. the stories of these - parties are coming out now. it's a little bit galling _ when you see that the people that made the rules are breaking the rules and they're not. being held to account. so, what are the potential punishments? well, anyone who attended an illegal gathering in downing street during lockdown faces a fine — from £60 if it was near the start of the pandemic, to £200 if it was more recently. it's not clear if the prime minister is one of those who faces a possible fine. daniel sandford, bbc news, downing street. if you'd like to keep up with the latest delevolpments on this story, including when sue gray's report is due to be published, go to our website. that's i want to tell you about this story now. president biden has said he's prepared to sanction his russian counterpart vladimir putin directly if moscow invades ukraine. it's the first time that western powers have suggested that the extra measures they've threatened against moscow could go right to the top of the kremlin. french president emmanuel macron said dialogue would continue and he would be speaking to mr putin on friday. here's our diplomatic correspondent caroline hawley. the might of the russian army on display in its ally belarus, ukraine's northern neighbour, where military exercises are planned next month. moscow has been building up troops on ukraine's eastern border, too, and fears of a new war in europe are growing. the kremlin is still denying it'll invade, president putin keeping the world guessing about what his intentions really are. if russia invades ukraine, we would look to contribute to any new nato deployments to protect our allies in europe. but if president putin were to choose the path of bloodshed and destruction, he must realise that it would be both tragic and futile. russia's now amassed around 100,000 troops near its border with ukraine, leading to huge international concern. moscow used to control much of the region, but many countries have since joined nato, the military alliance of european and north american countries of which the uk is also a part. and president putin has demanded that ukraine never be allowed to join nato. so the west is now ramping up its response, the defensive counter build—up growing by the day. warships and fighterjets from several nato members are now heading to eastern europe. this is american military equipment and munitions arriving in kyiv. it's been called "lethal aid". the us has now put 8,500 troops on alert to deploy at short notice if they need to. russia's also been threatened with unprecedented economic sanctions which could target president putin himself, the us says, if he does give the order to invade. for russia, not only in terms of economic consequences and political consequences, but there will be enormous consequences worldwide. this would be the largest... if he were to move in with all those forces, it would be the largest invasion since world war ii. it would change the world. some in ukraine think the west is being alarmist. others are growing increasingly nervous. translation: we have to stick- together because we have enemies. 0ur big neighbour, russia, it is like a cancer on our soil. moscow today accused the americans of whipping up tensions over ukraine but suggested that diplomacy isn't dead yet. caroline hawley, bbc news. leaders of france, britain and germany are warning russia there would be a high price to pay if his forces crossed the border. let's bring in richard mcgregor, senior fellow for north asia at the lowy institute. he is here to shed some light on how the situation is being viewed out here in asia. wonderful to have you on the programme, richard. in the first instance, though, ijust want to ask you what you make of these latest comments from president biden, how much they have escalated between the two, russia and the united states? i between the two, russia and the united states?— united states? i think it is pretty hard to escalate _ united states? i think it is pretty hard to escalate tensions - united states? i think it is pretty hard to escalate tensions much l hard to escalate tensions much harder than having thousands of troops on ukraine's borders. i think president biden isjust troops on ukraine's borders. i think president biden is just trying to refine his image comments publicly —— his comments publicly. we will see if it works. what do you think a bite administration may be looking for in terms of political support or rhetorical support, terms of political support or rhetoricalsupport, i terms of political support or rhetorical support, i should say about here in asia —— biden administration? i about here in asia -- biden administration?— about here in asia -- biden administration? ~ �* administration? i think the biden administration _ administration? i think the biden administration once _ administration? i think the biden administration once as _ administration? i think the biden administration once as much - administration? i think the biden i administration once as much report as it can get. as we know in germany, there is some equivocation in some countries, but for the most part, there will be little vocal support in asia, unless you include australia in asia. 0ther support in asia, unless you include australia in asia. other countries are traditionally reticent. 0ther are traditionally reticent. other asian countries, i think, will confined herfocus asian countries, i think, will confined her focus to the united nations and even then, i think would be reluctant to take to too strong a position in the immediate term, if it goes on for much longer, that might change. it goes on for much longer, that might change-— it goes on for much longer, that might change. it goes on for much longer, that miaht chance. ., might change. indeed. i thought we lost ou might change. indeed. i thought we lost you there _ might change. indeed. i thought we lost you there for _ might change. indeed. i thought we lost you there for a _ might change. indeed. i thought we lost you there for a wild, _ might change. indeed. i thought we lost you there for a wild, richard, i lost you there for a wild, richard, in terms of audio, but it seems we do have you back, which is fantastic. how closely do you think china is watching all of this and what sorts of implications might there be for beijing, from this escalation of tensions between the us and russia?— us and russia? china is the key country in _ us and russia? china is the key country in asia, _ us and russia? china is the key country in asia, is _ us and russia? china is the key country in asia, is the _ us and russia? china is the key country in asia, is the key - us and russia? china is the key l country in asia, is the key country to watch in this particular conflict. china and russia have become increasingly closer in recent years. xijinping and mr putin have met 37 times, either in person or virtually, since 2015, stronger trade ties, stronger defence ties. most recently, they are more explicit about having seen the us as a threat. having said that, china certainly has an interest in seeing the us weekend and mitigated by russia, but i'm not so sure that translates into china in reality supporting russian invasion of ukraine, because china could see that as very destabilising for energy markets in the world economy, and that is something they don't want in the short—term —— and the world economy. want in the short-term -- and the world economy.— want in the short-term -- and the world economy. indeed, and that's recisel world economy. indeed, and that's precisely the _ world economy. indeed, and that's precisely the point _ world economy. indeed, and that's precisely the point hearing - world economy. indeed, and that's precisely the point hearing and - world economy. indeed, and that's l precisely the point hearing and some analysis in the region, in terms of concrete action on this. do you see china taking anything substantially concrete, or making any concrete action on this?— concrete, or making any concrete action on this? no, i don't. ithink the will action on this? no, i don't. ithink they will be _ action on this? no, i don't. ithink they will be supportive _ action on this? no, i don't. ithink they will be supportive of - action on this? no, i don't. ithink they will be supportive of rush - action on this? no, i don't. ithink they will be supportive of rush up| they will be supportive of rush up to a point. they do not want any... i sorry there is noise outside! they don't want division between them selves and russia, they want to see the us but on the back foot, and later they will be looking for russian support in asia, in taiwan. that's some years off, but i think they see great value in the partnership with russia, to fend off and push the us out of asia longer—term. and push the us out of asia longer-term.— and push the us out of asia lonrer-term. . . a , ., longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank ou longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so — longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so much _ longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so much for— longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so much forjoining - longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so much forjoining us - longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so much forjoining us on i thank you so much forjoining us on newsday and for your thoughts on this story. let's take a look at some other stories in the headlines. the us coast guard says it's looking for 39 people missing after a boat reportedly capsized off florida. the accident occured on saturday, but a survivor was rescued on tuesday. he said the vessel had sailed from the bahamas but had run into bad weather. the confederation of african football says no more africa cup of nations matches will be played at the stadium in cameroon where eight people died in a crush on monday. the caf president said there had to be an "absolute guarantee" that fans would be safe. sunday's quarterfinal will be moved to a different venue. sri lanka says it will pay compensation to more than a million rice farmers for the failure of their crops after the government banned the import of chemical fertilisers. the agriculture minister said around $200 million would be distributed to the affected farmers. the government last year attempted to convert the country into a 100% organic farming nation by banning imported fertilisers. kurdish forces in northeast syria say that in the coming hours they expect to win control of more sections of a prison where islamic state fighters have tried to mount a takeover and mass break—out. there have been fierce clashes since is overran the jail in hasakah last thursday. the siege has continued despite reinforcements from the kurdish—led syrian democratic forces and backing from us fighter jets. the singer eltonjohn has cancelled two performances on his farewell tour after contracting covid. a spokesman for the arena in the us city of dallas where the concerts were to be staged said sir elton was fully vaccinated and boosted and had mild symptoms. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: a coronavirus outbreak on an australian navy ship could hold up the delivery of aid to tonga. we'll get the latest from our correspondent in neighbouring fiji. the shuttle challenger exploded soon after liftoff. there were seven astronauts on board, one of them a woman schoolteacher. all of them are believed to have been killed. by the evening, tahrir square, the heart of official cairo, was in the hands of the demonstrators. they were using the word revolution. the earthquake singled out buildings and brought them down in seconds. tonight, the search for any survivors has an increasing desperation about it as the hours pass. the new government is firmly in control of the entire - republic of uganda. survivors of the auschwitz concentration camp have been commemorating the 40th anniversary of their liberation. they toured the huts, gas chambers and crematoria and relived their horrifying experiences. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm karishma vaswani in singapore. 0ur headlines: police launch an investigation into whether downing street parties broke covid rules. president biden says he would consider imposing sanctions on president putin directly if russia invades ukraine. i wants to tell you about another story now. covid has broken out aboard an australian warship carrying humanitarian aid to assist virus—free tonga after last week's volcanic eruption and tsunami. the australian defence minister, peter dutton, said the relief effort would not be allowed to put tongans at risk of covid and the ship would remain at sea while it was decided how to deliver the supplies safely. he said 23 crew out of 600 personnel on hmas adelaide had tested positive. shaimaa khalil reports from neighbouring fiji. the covid—19 outbreak on the australian navy ship carrying aid to tonga is a clear example of what the tongan government is trying to avoid and why, so far, much—needed supplies are allowed in but aid workers are not. 23 personnel on board hmas adelaide have tested positive for covid—19, and we heard from australia's defence minister, peter dutton, who said that there now in contact with the tongan authorities about what to do next. he said, "the last thing we want is to bring covid to tonga, and it's either we stand off or we port and deliver the supplies and the aid." and there is a reason why the tongan government is quite nervous about all of this. this is a country that has recorded only one case of covid—19 since the beginning of the pandemic. and looking at other neighbouring pacific nations, be it here in fiji or the solomon islands or samoa or kiribati, they were covid—19—free at one point, but now many of them are dealing with either a spike in cases or their own outbreaks. this is the last thing tonga wants to be dealing with right now. theyjust do not want to be handling this crisis, the aftermath of the destruction of the volcanic eruption and the subsequent tsunami, and also invite covid in, if aid workers come in. and this is something that aid agencies understand. i've been speaking to a number of them, including a health and nutrition specialist at unicef, and she says that, yes, she understands that while there is a need to be on the ground, to get a first—hand account of what is needed, the extent of the damage, what they can do when they're in country, but also why the tongan government is so reluctant to risk having covid in the country. it is a very fine balance between humanitarian needs and public health concerns. the last thing we want to have is a double crisis where we are dealing with the aftermath of the volcanic eruption and the tsunami and covid. it is quite a challenge to be providing this support remotely in the context of this disaster that's happened. however, we have built on the platforms that, during covid, we have been providing remote assistance. this has strengthened our support remotely, technical support. from covid, what other health risks are you worried about, from unicef�*s perspective, that need dealing with? so the priority concern remains access to safe and clean drinking water for the children and the families that they live in. so the other concern that we have is the effect of the ash, inhaling the ash, the respiratory issues that may come with it and skin issues. so unicef is providing wash kits, water purification tablets and masks and gloves, to protect them immediately while we ship other basic health and nutrition supplies, education supplies, also psychosocial support and technical support. my my colleague shaimaa khalil there with that report. we turn next to the pandemic. the vaccine makers pfizer and biontech say that they've started a clinical trial of a vaccine that's tailored to target the 0micron covid variant. it's part of research into whether the companies need to replace their current covid—19 jab. it's the first human study of variant—specific vaccine by a big western drugmaker. joining us now from new york isjohn moore. he's a professor of microbiology and immunology at weill cornell medicine. it's wonderful to have you on the programme, professor. in the first instance, iam programme, professor. in the first instance, i am sure many in our audience are wondering, why do we need this? the boosters seem to be working quite well against 0micron, certainly, and from the data, the early data, 0micron may not be as deadly as delta. we early data, omicron may not be as deadly as delta.— early data, omicron may not be as deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this. but _ deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, but one _ deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, but one of _ deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, but one of the _ deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, but one of the ways - deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, but one of the ways we i need this, but one of the ways we will find out if we do need it is to test it, to see if it does give a superior immune response against 0micron and any future 0micron lake variance, so as one part of the need for making a decision in future months. the other is the trajectory of the pandemic at that time, because this kind of variant specific vaccine would not be available for the public to use in any country before mid till the end of march at the earliest, so what will be said of the pandemic be at that time? and how does this type of variant vaccine perform? and then governments can make a decision on whether to roll it out or not, but is an exploratory trial and that is worth doing. is an exploratory trial and that is worth doing-— is an exploratory trial and that is worth doinu. ~ i. , worth doing. indeed. when you put all of that into _ worth doing. indeed. when you put all of that into the _ worth doing. indeed. when you put all of that into the mix, _ worth doing. indeed. when you put all of that into the mix, in - worth doing. indeed. when you put all of that into the mix, in terms i all of that into the mix, in terms of the kind of research and develop it that is currently taking place, do you see a future where we are constantly adapting vaccines for new variants and, as a result, having to update the kinds of vaccines people take every year? the update the kinds of vaccines people take every year?— take every year? the pandemic has been very humbling _ take every year? the pandemic has been very humbling to _ take every year? the pandemic has been very humbling to anyone i take every year? the pandemic has been very humbling to anyone who | been very humbling to anyone who tries to protect the future. we don't get any crystal balls in the usa, i don't think people use them in the uk these days. it is fully hard to predict the future of the pandemic. we could see, for example, a variance rise from 0micron that is more dangerous than 0micron. it could acquire the lethality that we associate with the delta variant. that is neither impossible nor inevitable. wejust that is neither impossible nor inevitable. we just don't know. but planning for the eventuality, by having an 0micron specific vaccine, is it a prudent thing to do. wraps 0micron will disappear. perhaps we won't think or talk about it again, we'rejust not sure. won't think or talk about it again, we're just not sure.— we're just not sure. you're absolutely — we're just not sure. you're absolutely right _ we're just not sure. you're absolutely right there, i we're just not sure. you're| absolutely right there, john we're just not sure. you're - absolutely right there, john moore, absolutely right there, john moore, fascinating to have your thoughts on the programme, and i do thank you for your time on newsday. quickly, before we go, i want to tell you about this story. rare heavy snowfall has blanketed much of the eastern mediterranean. it's caused blackouts, traffic havoc and closures. in turkey, istanbul's main airport is covered, canceling flights for a second day. a cargo terminal roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. greece has declared a public holiday. that's it from us. thanks so much for watching. that's it from us. thanks so much forwatching. do that's it from us. thanks so much for watching. do stay with bbc news. hello there. wednesday brings the promise of a bit more brightness, some sunshine even, across parts of england and wales after what has been a very stagnant and cloudy and cold few days. you can see that haze of grey on the earlier satellite picture. bright white cloud up to the north—west, though. that's indicative of frontal systems approaching, eventually bringing some rain into scotland and northern ireland with a strengthening wind. so, through wednesday, england and wales having a better chance of some sunny spells, although towards the south—east corner, it may stay cloudy for a good part of the day. strengthening winds across northern areas, rainjust getting into northern ireland, certainly setting in across western and north—western scotland through the afternoon. gusts of wind in excess of 50 mph in exposed north—western parts. but milder than it has been, certainly across england and wales, 8—10 degrees. northern ireland and scotland up to 10—11. through wednesday night, it will turn very, very windy in the far north. windy in the far north. gales, even severe gales, close to the northern isles. 0ur band of cloud and increasingly light and patchy rain will be sinking its way southwards through the night. with some fairly windy weather and relatively cloudy weather as well, temperatures should stay above freezing in most places. so, into thursday, this frontal system pushing its way southwards, taking cloud and patchy rain across england and wales. low pressure still close to the north east of scotland, so a very blustery start to the day here. that wind will only slowly ease as the day wears on. 0ur band of cloud and patchy rain clinging on for a time across southern counties of england. it should clear out into the english channel by the afternoon to allow brighter skies to develop. some showers feeding in on the north—westerly breeze. temperatures for most of us between 7—12 degrees. now, thursday night could get a little bit chilly. this ridge of high pressure building in. that could allow for some frost and some fog, but there's another frontal system approaching from the west. that will be freshening up the winds as we go through the day, particularly across northern ireland and scotland. rain getting into north west scotland. in fact, some quite heavy rain through the north west highlands. further south and east, increasing amounts of cloud, best of the sunshine in eastern counties. 8—9 degrees along the east coast of england, more like 10—11 for western parts of the uk. the weekend looks unsettled and changeable. some rain at times, but not all the time. could be quite windy and generally, particularly on saturday, very mild. this is bbc news. the headlines — police in britain are investigating whether parties held at downing street breached coronavirus lockdown regulations. a spokesman said prime minister borisjohnson didn't believe he had broken the law. president biden has said he would consider taking the rare step in imposing sanctions on president putin directly if russia invaded ukraine. a plane carrying us equipment and munitions has arrived in kyiv. two children are among the eight people who died in a crush outside a stadium at an africa cup of nations football match in cameroon. the president has ordered an investigation into the disaster. the international monetary fund has downgraded its forecast for the global economy. it predicts global growth this year will be half a point lower, at around 4.4%. the imf says 0micron will continue to slow economic activity.

Related Keywords

Biden Has , Investigation , On Newsday , Police , Downing Street , Law , Parties , Spokesman , Headlines , Reporting , Singapore , Karishma Vaswani , Covid Rules , Borisjohnson Didn T , Russia , Ukraine , President Putin , Sanctions , Aid , Warship , Covid , Australian , Trial , Vaccine , Way , Variant , Tsunami , Omicron Covid , Tonga , Studio , Bbc News , Events , Government , Morning , Evening , Breaches , London , Covid Restrictions , 2020 , 11 , 7 , Officers , Report , Commissioner , Result , Servants , Police Force , Information , Britain , Met , Sue Gray , Laura Kuenssberg , Sm Postcode Of Number 10 , City , Objection , Road , Town , House , Behind Closed Doors , 10 , Number , Police Investigation , Lockdown , Place , It , Look , Whitehall , Two , Prime Minister , Serving , Roof , Emergency , Claims , Country , People , Speaker , Public , Priorities , Matters , Clarity , Line , 100 , Evidence , Official , Gatherings , Birthday Gathering , Bottom , Prosecutions , Ms , Dorries , Cake , Cabinet Table , Have , Table , Birthday , Celebration , Miss , Ministers , Truss , Economy , Levels , Furlough Programme , Wall , Opposition Parties , Leadership , Chaos , Plenty , Fuel , Borisjohnson , Tory Recriminations , Office , Nation , Criminality , Reflection , Thing , Interest , Boss , Sense , Complexities , Tory Party , Staff , Proportion , Timing , Piece , Rush To Judgment , Future , Conversations , Power , Pause , Mps , Minister , Universe , One , World , Tories , Party , Law And Order , Westminster , Disorder , Daniel Sandford , Inquiry , Complaints , Lockdown Breaches , Wouldn T , Garden , Arguments , Quiet , Cabinet Office Investigation , Rule , Key Factors , Commisioner , Factors , Three , Doing , Offence , Defence , Starting Point , Absence , Legitimacy , Ambiguity , They Lljust , Accounts , Emails , Staff Passes , Anyone , Reason , Opposition Politicians , Question , Event , Reports , Culture , Security , Wheelie Suitcases , Drink Clanking , Ones , Job , Last March , Warwickshire Garden , Stories , Birthday Party , Punishment , Friends , Kieron Mcardle , Rules , Punishments , Being , Pandemic , Fine , Gathering , Start , 00 , 0 , 200 , 60 , Story , Delevolpments , Website , Bbc Com , President , Moscow , Powers , Time , Measures , Kremlin , Emmanuel Macron , Caroline Hawley , Russian Army , Putin , Might , Mr , Dialogue , Neighbour , Top , Display , Ally , French , Belarus , Troops , Border , Eastern Europe , War , Fears , Exercises , Nato , Intentions , Deployments , Allies , Path , Destruction , Concern , Bloodshed , 100000 , Countries , Part , Region , North American , Military Alliance Of European , West , Counter , Fighterjets , Response , Build Up Growing , Warships , Members , Us , Munitions , Military Equipment , Kyiv , 8500 , Terms , Consequences , Order , Invasion , Forces , Some , Largest , Others , World War Ii , Tensions , Translation , Cancer , Soil , Enemies , Diplomacy Isn T , 0ur Big Neighbour , The Americans , Richard Mcgregor , Leaders , Warning , Price , Germany , Programme , North Asia , Situation , Lowy Institute , Comments , Instance , Though , Ijust , Borders , Biden Isjust , Thousands , Image , Administration , Technical Support , Support , Bite Administration , Rhetoricalsupport , Equivocation , Biden I , Herfocus Asian , 0ther Support In Asia , Australia In Asia , United Nations , Will , 0ther , Asian , Longer , Term , Position , Wild , China , Escalation , Audio , Implications , Beijing , L Country In Asia , Conflict , Xijinping , Times , Person , Trade Ties , Ties , Threat , 2015 , 37 , Reality , Point , Something , World Economy , Hearing , Recisel World Economy , Action , Don T , Ithink , Concrete , Anything , Analysis , Concrete Action , Noise , Foot , Selves , Division , Rush Up , Rush , Partnership , Out Of Asia , Value , Taiwan , Thoughts , Push , Thank Ou , Coast Guard , Out Of Asia Lonrer , Forjoining , Weather , Survivor , Accident , Boat , Bahamas , Vessel , Confederation Of African Football , Florida , 39 , Stadium , Fans , Quarterfinal , Africa Cup Of Nations , Matches , Guarantee , Safe , Cameroon , Crush On Monday , Sunday , Eight , Rice Farmers , Sri Lanka , Agriculture Minister , Compensation , Farmers , Chemical Fertilisers , Venue , Crops , Import , Failure , 00 Million , 200 Million , A Million , Kurdish , Fertilisers , Northeast Syria , Democratic , Control , Sections , Estate , Fighters , Backing , Takeover , Prison , Jail , Is , Reinforcements , Siege , Clashes , Hasakah Last Thursday , Syrian , Islamic , Performances , Contracting Covid , Singer Eltonjohn , Fighter Jets , Farewell Tour , Arena , Concerts , City Of Dallas , Ship , Navy , Elton , Outbreak , Delivery , Symptoms , Latest , Correspondent , Neighbouring Fiji , Astronauts , Heart , Demonstrators , Hands , Liftoff , Woman Schoolteacher , Shuttle Challenger , Tahrir Square , Cairo , Seven , Survivors , Buildings , Search , Revolution , Word , Earthquake , Desperation , Republic Of Uganda , Auschwitz Concentration Camp , Liberation , Huts , Experiences , Crematoria , 40th Anniversary , Gas Chambers , 40 , Karishma Vaswani In Singapore , 0ur , Peter Dutton , Eruption , Tongans , Risk , Relief Effort , Supplies , Sea , Crew , Hmas Adelaide , Shaimaa Khalil , 23 , 600 , Example , Aid Workers , 19 , Defence Minister , Contact , Authorities , Nations , Many , Case , Beginning , Spike , Samoa , Kiribati , Solomon Islands , Crisis , Aftermath , Outbreaks , Cases , Theyjust , Health , Nutrition Specialist , Unicef , Covid In , Aid Agencies , Account , Damage , Ground , Extent , Yes , Concerns , Needs , Balance , Disaster , Challenge , Context , Platforms , Assistance , Children , Access , Unicef S Perspective , Priority , Health Risks , Drinking Water , Ash , Issues , Families , Water Purification Tablets , Effect , Skin , Wash Kits , Education Supplies , Nutrition , Gloves , Masks , 0micron Covid Variant , Vaccine Makers Pfizer , Colleague , Biontech Say , Research , Companies , Human Study , Jab , Big Western Drugmaker , Professor , Isjohn Moore , Audience , Microbiology , Iam Programme , Immunology At Weill Cornell Medicine , New York , Delta , Data , Boosters , Omicron , Ways , 0micron Lake Variance , Superior Immune Response , Decision , Kind , Other , Trajectory , The End , Variant Vaccine , Governments , Type , Mix , Vaccines , Worth Doing , Worth Doinu , Kinds , Variants , Update , Crystal Balls , Variance Rise , Eventuality , Planning , Lethality , Wejust , Don T Know , Won T , Wraps 0micron , We Rejust , John Moore , John , Much , Heavy Snowfall , Blackouts , Closures , Traffic Havoc , Airport , Flights , Eastern Mediterranean , Cargo Terminal Roof , Istanbul , Turkey , Thanks , Watching , Snow , Weight , Forwatching , Stay , Public Holiday , Greece , Sunshine , England , Parts , Brightness , Haze , North West , Satellite Picture , Wales , White Cloud , Promise , Wednesday , Rain , Wind , North West Scotland , Northern Ireland , Chance , Systems , Spells , South East Corner , Afternoon , Winds , Gusts , Rainjust , Northern Areas , 50 , 0ur Band Of Cloud , Gales , Northern Isles , 8 , System , Cloud , Temperatures , Pressure , Places , Southwards , Well , Counties , Rain Clinging On , North East Of Scotland , Most , Building , Ridge Of High Pressure , Skies , Breeze , Showers , English Channel , 12 , Fact , Fog , Frost , North West Highlands , East , Western Parts , Amounts , Changeable , East Coast , 9 , Regulations , Coronavirus Lockdown , In Britain , Plane , Equipment , Step , Crush , Football Match , International Monetary Fund , Growth , Forecast , Point Lower , 4 , Activity , 0micron ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708

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in singapore, this is bbc news. it's newsday. it's 7am in the morning in singapore and 11pm in the evening in london, where the metropolitan police is now investigating multiple events since 2020 at downing street — and across government — to see whether there were breaches of covid restrictions. the commissioner of britain's biggest police force confirmed that her officers are now looking into potential rule—breaking as a result of information provided by civil servants who are also compiling a report on what happened. the bbc understands the met police has no objection to that report, by sue gray, being published while their investigation is ongoing. here's our political editor, laura kuenssberg. the law applies in every town, every city, every road and every house, and in the sm postcode of number 10. and the police have concluded they've seen enough about what happened behind closed doors when the law was lockdown — that it merits a full and proper look. i can confirm that the met is now investigating a number of events that took place at downing street and whitehall in the last two years. so, for only the second time in a century... can you survive the police - investigation, borisjohnson? ..a serving prime minister will be investigated for what happened under his own roof, after months and months of claims about rule—breaking during a national emergency. i now call the prime minister. i believe this will help to give the public the clarity it needs and help to draw a line under matters. but i want to reassure the house, mr speaker, and the country, that i and the whole government are focused 100% on dealing with the people's priorities. i'm told the police have been talking to the official who's been trying to get to the bottom of what happened for weeks and enough evidence about gatherings or parties in downing street is there for them to contemplate prosecutions. was it right to have| a birthday gathering in downing street, ms dorries? more than a dozen events, including a celebration and cake around the cabinet table for the prime minister's birthday, have emerged. will there be cake on the cabinet table today, miss truss? - but when ministers were there around that same table this morning, borisjohnson made no mention of the police investigation he already had been told about. those loyal to him have been louder in recent days. the vaccine roll—out, the furlough programme, the economy having bounced back to pre—pandemic levels, the leadership of borisjohnson this country has had, has been so brilliant. but even before the police or official report, there have been plenty of private tory recriminations for the chaos. i have not been invited to any parties. all of it more fuel for the opposition parties. so, it seems, mr speaker, potential criminality has been found in downing street. what a truly damning reflection on our nation's very highest office. we cannot go on with - this chaotic government. will he advise his boss to dol the right thing in the national interest and resign? can we please have a sense of proportion over the prime minister being given a piece of cake in his own office by his own staff? the timing and complexities of a police investigation could slow down the tory party's rush to judgment on borisjohnson. conversations among mps over there, who have the power to determine his future, may be put on pause. yet one former minister said, "there is no universe where a police investigation into downing street is a good thing in the real world." the tories, who like to be seen as the party of law and order, are facing serious political disorder of their own. laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. the metropolitan police previously said it wouldn't usually investigate past complaints about lockdown breaches. our home affairs correspondent daniel sandford explains why they have begun an inquiry now. for months, arguments around alleged parties in downing street and its garden have swept through whitehall, while london's main police force has kept quiet, saying only that it was in touch with sue gray, who's leading the cabinet office investigation. so, why is the met investigating now? well, this morning, the commisioner said three key factors would lead to them looking into covid rule breaches that happened many months ago. my three factors were and are — there was evidence that those involved knew or ought to have known that what they were doing was an offence. where not investigating would significantly undermine the legitimacy of the law and where there was little ambiguity around the absence of any reasonable defence. and what will the police look at? the starting point will be what sue gray has already uncovered. the investigation itself should be reasonably straightforward. now police have decided which of the events at downing street was potentially illegal, they'lljust need to try and work out who was at each one, and they'll do that by looking at emails, at personal accounts and at movements on staff passes. and they'll also need to check whether anyone had a legitimate reason to be at any of the events. for some opposition politicians, the question is, why did police not act sooner? did the officers who work in downing street every day not notice the events when they were happening? it sounds like there was a culture of lawbreaking parties rather than a single one—off event. we've heard reports of wheelie suitcases of drink clanking through security. surely, some officers were concerned about what they were seeing at the time. you will be aware that there are a number of officers posted in the surrounds of downing street. the ones you see are all armed and they have a job to do. last march, in this warwickshire garden, kieron mcardle and three friends had a small birthday party. the police arrived within the hour and fined him. he wants whitehall party—goers to face the same punishment. the stories of these - parties are coming out now. it's a little bit galling _ when you see that the people that made the rules are breaking the rules and they're not. being held to account. so, what are the potential punishments? well, anyone who attended an illegal gathering in downing street during lockdown faces a fine — from £60 if it was near the start of the pandemic, to £200 if it was more recently. it's not clear if the prime minister is one of those who faces a possible fine. daniel sandford, bbc news, downing street. if you'd like to keep up with the latest delevolpments on this story, including when sue gray's report is due to be published, go to our website. that's i want to tell you about this story now. president biden has said he's prepared to sanction his russian counterpart vladimir putin directly if moscow invades ukraine. it's the first time that western powers have suggested that the extra measures they've threatened against moscow could go right to the top of the kremlin. french president emmanuel macron said dialogue would continue and he would be speaking to mr putin on friday. here's our diplomatic correspondent caroline hawley. the might of the russian army on display in its ally belarus, ukraine's northern neighbour, where military exercises are planned next month. moscow has been building up troops on ukraine's eastern border, too, and fears of a new war in europe are growing. the kremlin is still denying it'll invade, president putin keeping the world guessing about what his intentions really are. if russia invades ukraine, we would look to contribute to any new nato deployments to protect our allies in europe. but if president putin were to choose the path of bloodshed and destruction, he must realise that it would be both tragic and futile. russia's now amassed around 100,000 troops near its border with ukraine, leading to huge international concern. moscow used to control much of the region, but many countries have since joined nato, the military alliance of european and north american countries of which the uk is also a part. and president putin has demanded that ukraine never be allowed to join nato. so the west is now ramping up its response, the defensive counter build—up growing by the day. warships and fighterjets from several nato members are now heading to eastern europe. this is american military equipment and munitions arriving in kyiv. it's been called "lethal aid". the us has now put 8,500 troops on alert to deploy at short notice if they need to. russia's also been threatened with unprecedented economic sanctions which could target president putin himself, the us says, if he does give the order to invade. for russia, not only in terms of economic consequences and political consequences, but there will be enormous consequences worldwide. this would be the largest... if he were to move in with all those forces, it would be the largest invasion since world war ii. it would change the world. some in ukraine think the west is being alarmist. others are growing increasingly nervous. translation: we have to stick- together because we have enemies. 0ur big neighbour, russia, it is like a cancer on our soil. moscow today accused the americans of whipping up tensions over ukraine but suggested that diplomacy isn't dead yet. caroline hawley, bbc news. leaders of france, britain and germany are warning russia there would be a high price to pay if his forces crossed the border. let's bring in richard mcgregor, senior fellow for north asia at the lowy institute. he is here to shed some light on how the situation is being viewed out here in asia. wonderful to have you on the programme, richard. in the first instance, though, ijust want to ask you what you make of these latest comments from president biden, how much they have escalated between the two, russia and the united states? i between the two, russia and the united states?— united states? i think it is pretty hard to escalate _ united states? i think it is pretty hard to escalate tensions - united states? i think it is pretty hard to escalate tensions much l hard to escalate tensions much harder than having thousands of troops on ukraine's borders. i think president biden isjust troops on ukraine's borders. i think president biden is just trying to refine his image comments publicly —— his comments publicly. we will see if it works. what do you think a bite administration may be looking for in terms of political support or rhetorical support, terms of political support or rhetoricalsupport, i terms of political support or rhetorical support, i should say about here in asia —— biden administration? i about here in asia -- biden administration?— about here in asia -- biden administration? ~ �* administration? i think the biden administration _ administration? i think the biden administration once _ administration? i think the biden administration once as _ administration? i think the biden administration once as much - administration? i think the biden i administration once as much report as it can get. as we know in germany, there is some equivocation in some countries, but for the most part, there will be little vocal support in asia, unless you include australia in asia. 0ther support in asia, unless you include australia in asia. other countries are traditionally reticent. 0ther are traditionally reticent. other asian countries, i think, will confined herfocus asian countries, i think, will confined her focus to the united nations and even then, i think would be reluctant to take to too strong a position in the immediate term, if it goes on for much longer, that might change. it goes on for much longer, that might change-— it goes on for much longer, that might change. it goes on for much longer, that miaht chance. ., might change. indeed. i thought we lost ou might change. indeed. i thought we lost you there _ might change. indeed. i thought we lost you there for _ might change. indeed. i thought we lost you there for a _ might change. indeed. i thought we lost you there for a wild, _ might change. indeed. i thought we lost you there for a wild, richard, i lost you there for a wild, richard, in terms of audio, but it seems we do have you back, which is fantastic. how closely do you think china is watching all of this and what sorts of implications might there be for beijing, from this escalation of tensions between the us and russia?— us and russia? china is the key country in _ us and russia? china is the key country in asia, _ us and russia? china is the key country in asia, is _ us and russia? china is the key country in asia, is the _ us and russia? china is the key country in asia, is the key - us and russia? china is the key l country in asia, is the key country to watch in this particular conflict. china and russia have become increasingly closer in recent years. xijinping and mr putin have met 37 times, either in person or virtually, since 2015, stronger trade ties, stronger defence ties. most recently, they are more explicit about having seen the us as a threat. having said that, china certainly has an interest in seeing the us weekend and mitigated by russia, but i'm not so sure that translates into china in reality supporting russian invasion of ukraine, because china could see that as very destabilising for energy markets in the world economy, and that is something they don't want in the short—term —— and the world economy. want in the short-term -- and the world economy.— want in the short-term -- and the world economy. indeed, and that's recisel world economy. indeed, and that's precisely the _ world economy. indeed, and that's precisely the point _ world economy. indeed, and that's precisely the point hearing - world economy. indeed, and that's precisely the point hearing and - world economy. indeed, and that's l precisely the point hearing and some analysis in the region, in terms of concrete action on this. do you see china taking anything substantially concrete, or making any concrete action on this?— concrete, or making any concrete action on this? no, i don't. ithink the will action on this? no, i don't. ithink they will be _ action on this? no, i don't. ithink they will be supportive _ action on this? no, i don't. ithink they will be supportive of - action on this? no, i don't. ithink they will be supportive of rush - action on this? no, i don't. ithink they will be supportive of rush up| they will be supportive of rush up to a point. they do not want any... i sorry there is noise outside! they don't want division between them selves and russia, they want to see the us but on the back foot, and later they will be looking for russian support in asia, in taiwan. that's some years off, but i think they see great value in the partnership with russia, to fend off and push the us out of asia longer—term. and push the us out of asia longer-term.— and push the us out of asia lonrer-term. . . a , ., longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank ou longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so — longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so much _ longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so much for— longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so much forjoining - longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so much forjoining us - longer-term. richard mcgregor there, thank you so much forjoining us on i thank you so much forjoining us on newsday and for your thoughts on this story. let's take a look at some other stories in the headlines. the us coast guard says it's looking for 39 people missing after a boat reportedly capsized off florida. the accident occured on saturday, but a survivor was rescued on tuesday. he said the vessel had sailed from the bahamas but had run into bad weather. the confederation of african football says no more africa cup of nations matches will be played at the stadium in cameroon where eight people died in a crush on monday. the caf president said there had to be an "absolute guarantee" that fans would be safe. sunday's quarterfinal will be moved to a different venue. sri lanka says it will pay compensation to more than a million rice farmers for the failure of their crops after the government banned the import of chemical fertilisers. the agriculture minister said around $200 million would be distributed to the affected farmers. the government last year attempted to convert the country into a 100% organic farming nation by banning imported fertilisers. kurdish forces in northeast syria say that in the coming hours they expect to win control of more sections of a prison where islamic state fighters have tried to mount a takeover and mass break—out. there have been fierce clashes since is overran the jail in hasakah last thursday. the siege has continued despite reinforcements from the kurdish—led syrian democratic forces and backing from us fighter jets. the singer eltonjohn has cancelled two performances on his farewell tour after contracting covid. a spokesman for the arena in the us city of dallas where the concerts were to be staged said sir elton was fully vaccinated and boosted and had mild symptoms. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: a coronavirus outbreak on an australian navy ship could hold up the delivery of aid to tonga. we'll get the latest from our correspondent in neighbouring fiji. the shuttle challenger exploded soon after liftoff. there were seven astronauts on board, one of them a woman schoolteacher. all of them are believed to have been killed. by the evening, tahrir square, the heart of official cairo, was in the hands of the demonstrators. they were using the word revolution. the earthquake singled out buildings and brought them down in seconds. tonight, the search for any survivors has an increasing desperation about it as the hours pass. the new government is firmly in control of the entire - republic of uganda. survivors of the auschwitz concentration camp have been commemorating the 40th anniversary of their liberation. they toured the huts, gas chambers and crematoria and relived their horrifying experiences. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm karishma vaswani in singapore. 0ur headlines: police launch an investigation into whether downing street parties broke covid rules. president biden says he would consider imposing sanctions on president putin directly if russia invades ukraine. i wants to tell you about another story now. covid has broken out aboard an australian warship carrying humanitarian aid to assist virus—free tonga after last week's volcanic eruption and tsunami. the australian defence minister, peter dutton, said the relief effort would not be allowed to put tongans at risk of covid and the ship would remain at sea while it was decided how to deliver the supplies safely. he said 23 crew out of 600 personnel on hmas adelaide had tested positive. shaimaa khalil reports from neighbouring fiji. the covid—19 outbreak on the australian navy ship carrying aid to tonga is a clear example of what the tongan government is trying to avoid and why, so far, much—needed supplies are allowed in but aid workers are not. 23 personnel on board hmas adelaide have tested positive for covid—19, and we heard from australia's defence minister, peter dutton, who said that there now in contact with the tongan authorities about what to do next. he said, "the last thing we want is to bring covid to tonga, and it's either we stand off or we port and deliver the supplies and the aid." and there is a reason why the tongan government is quite nervous about all of this. this is a country that has recorded only one case of covid—19 since the beginning of the pandemic. and looking at other neighbouring pacific nations, be it here in fiji or the solomon islands or samoa or kiribati, they were covid—19—free at one point, but now many of them are dealing with either a spike in cases or their own outbreaks. this is the last thing tonga wants to be dealing with right now. theyjust do not want to be handling this crisis, the aftermath of the destruction of the volcanic eruption and the subsequent tsunami, and also invite covid in, if aid workers come in. and this is something that aid agencies understand. i've been speaking to a number of them, including a health and nutrition specialist at unicef, and she says that, yes, she understands that while there is a need to be on the ground, to get a first—hand account of what is needed, the extent of the damage, what they can do when they're in country, but also why the tongan government is so reluctant to risk having covid in the country. it is a very fine balance between humanitarian needs and public health concerns. the last thing we want to have is a double crisis where we are dealing with the aftermath of the volcanic eruption and the tsunami and covid. it is quite a challenge to be providing this support remotely in the context of this disaster that's happened. however, we have built on the platforms that, during covid, we have been providing remote assistance. this has strengthened our support remotely, technical support. from covid, what other health risks are you worried about, from unicef�*s perspective, that need dealing with? so the priority concern remains access to safe and clean drinking water for the children and the families that they live in. so the other concern that we have is the effect of the ash, inhaling the ash, the respiratory issues that may come with it and skin issues. so unicef is providing wash kits, water purification tablets and masks and gloves, to protect them immediately while we ship other basic health and nutrition supplies, education supplies, also psychosocial support and technical support. my my colleague shaimaa khalil there with that report. we turn next to the pandemic. the vaccine makers pfizer and biontech say that they've started a clinical trial of a vaccine that's tailored to target the 0micron covid variant. it's part of research into whether the companies need to replace their current covid—19 jab. it's the first human study of variant—specific vaccine by a big western drugmaker. joining us now from new york isjohn moore. he's a professor of microbiology and immunology at weill cornell medicine. it's wonderful to have you on the programme, professor. in the first instance, iam programme, professor. in the first instance, i am sure many in our audience are wondering, why do we need this? the boosters seem to be working quite well against 0micron, certainly, and from the data, the early data, 0micron may not be as deadly as delta. we early data, omicron may not be as deadly as delta.— early data, omicron may not be as deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this. but _ deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, but one _ deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, but one of _ deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, but one of the _ deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, but one of the ways - deadly as delta. we don't know if we need this, but one of the ways we i need this, but one of the ways we will find out if we do need it is to test it, to see if it does give a superior immune response against 0micron and any future 0micron lake variance, so as one part of the need for making a decision in future months. the other is the trajectory of the pandemic at that time, because this kind of variant specific vaccine would not be available for the public to use in any country before mid till the end of march at the earliest, so what will be said of the pandemic be at that time? and how does this type of variant vaccine perform? and then governments can make a decision on whether to roll it out or not, but is an exploratory trial and that is worth doing. is an exploratory trial and that is worth doing-— is an exploratory trial and that is worth doinu. ~ i. , worth doing. indeed. when you put all of that into _ worth doing. indeed. when you put all of that into the _ worth doing. indeed. when you put all of that into the mix, _ worth doing. indeed. when you put all of that into the mix, in - worth doing. indeed. when you put all of that into the mix, in terms i all of that into the mix, in terms of the kind of research and develop it that is currently taking place, do you see a future where we are constantly adapting vaccines for new variants and, as a result, having to update the kinds of vaccines people take every year? the update the kinds of vaccines people take every year?— take every year? the pandemic has been very humbling _ take every year? the pandemic has been very humbling to _ take every year? the pandemic has been very humbling to anyone i take every year? the pandemic has been very humbling to anyone who | been very humbling to anyone who tries to protect the future. we don't get any crystal balls in the usa, i don't think people use them in the uk these days. it is fully hard to predict the future of the pandemic. we could see, for example, a variance rise from 0micron that is more dangerous than 0micron. it could acquire the lethality that we associate with the delta variant. that is neither impossible nor inevitable. wejust that is neither impossible nor inevitable. we just don't know. but planning for the eventuality, by having an 0micron specific vaccine, is it a prudent thing to do. wraps 0micron will disappear. perhaps we won't think or talk about it again, we'rejust not sure. won't think or talk about it again, we're just not sure.— we're just not sure. you're absolutely — we're just not sure. you're absolutely right _ we're just not sure. you're absolutely right there, i we're just not sure. you're| absolutely right there, john we're just not sure. you're - absolutely right there, john moore, absolutely right there, john moore, fascinating to have your thoughts on the programme, and i do thank you for your time on newsday. quickly, before we go, i want to tell you about this story. rare heavy snowfall has blanketed much of the eastern mediterranean. it's caused blackouts, traffic havoc and closures. in turkey, istanbul's main airport is covered, canceling flights for a second day. a cargo terminal roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. greece has declared a public holiday. that's it from us. thanks so much for watching. that's it from us. thanks so much forwatching. do that's it from us. thanks so much for watching. do stay with bbc news. hello there. wednesday brings the promise of a bit more brightness, some sunshine even, across parts of england and wales after what has been a very stagnant and cloudy and cold few days. you can see that haze of grey on the earlier satellite picture. bright white cloud up to the north—west, though. that's indicative of frontal systems approaching, eventually bringing some rain into scotland and northern ireland with a strengthening wind. so, through wednesday, england and wales having a better chance of some sunny spells, although towards the south—east corner, it may stay cloudy for a good part of the day. strengthening winds across northern areas, rainjust getting into northern ireland, certainly setting in across western and north—western scotland through the afternoon. gusts of wind in excess of 50 mph in exposed north—western parts. but milder than it has been, certainly across england and wales, 8—10 degrees. northern ireland and scotland up to 10—11. through wednesday night, it will turn very, very windy in the far north. windy in the far north. gales, even severe gales, close to the northern isles. 0ur band of cloud and increasingly light and patchy rain will be sinking its way southwards through the night. with some fairly windy weather and relatively cloudy weather as well, temperatures should stay above freezing in most places. so, into thursday, this frontal system pushing its way southwards, taking cloud and patchy rain across england and wales. low pressure still close to the north east of scotland, so a very blustery start to the day here. that wind will only slowly ease as the day wears on. 0ur band of cloud and patchy rain clinging on for a time across southern counties of england. it should clear out into the english channel by the afternoon to allow brighter skies to develop. some showers feeding in on the north—westerly breeze. temperatures for most of us between 7—12 degrees. now, thursday night could get a little bit chilly. this ridge of high pressure building in. that could allow for some frost and some fog, but there's another frontal system approaching from the west. that will be freshening up the winds as we go through the day, particularly across northern ireland and scotland. rain getting into north west scotland. in fact, some quite heavy rain through the north west highlands. further south and east, increasing amounts of cloud, best of the sunshine in eastern counties. 8—9 degrees along the east coast of england, more like 10—11 for western parts of the uk. the weekend looks unsettled and changeable. some rain at times, but not all the time. could be quite windy and generally, particularly on saturday, very mild. this is bbc news. the headlines — police in britain are investigating whether parties held at downing street breached coronavirus lockdown regulations. a spokesman said prime minister borisjohnson didn't believe he had broken the law. president biden has said he would consider taking the rare step in imposing sanctions on president putin directly if russia invaded ukraine. a plane carrying us equipment and munitions has arrived in kyiv. two children are among the eight people who died in a crush outside a stadium at an africa cup of nations football match in cameroon. the president has ordered an investigation into the disaster. the international monetary fund has downgraded its forecast for the global economy. it predicts global growth this year will be half a point lower, at around 4.4%. the imf says 0micron will continue to slow economic activity.

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