Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20240708

with carmen roberts. this week on the travel show, tiny spaces in tokyo. vast wide open ones in finnish lapland. freedom, the silence around you, and generallyjust live a happier life. and the trips to look forward to in 2022. international restrictions will start to ease, restoring the benefits travel brings to the world. it's a city of dazzling neon, where robots can fix your drink, and you order yourfood from a machine. and even way back in 1972, architects were coming up with visions of the future that still leave us spellbound. this is the nakagin capsule tower. it's astonishing to sit here and look at this building, and even though it was built about 50 years ago, it still looks really futuristic. but the netting on the outside is a sign that time is beginning to catch up with the nakagin. it's made up of 140 pods, each of which can be detached and replaced. the tower was the first finished example of metabolism — an architectural movement inspired by the natural world — but this year it is scheduled for demolition. mr maeda owns several capsules. look at this tiny bathroom. i'm not going to even attempt to go inside. wow. that is small. it still works? yes. there's hot water? no hot water. 0h, tough. wow, and there's a bit of rust on the taps there. yeah. why is the building being demolished? how does it make you feel when you know that this building will be demolished? the current plan is for some of the pods to be shipped off to museums around the world, but i'm off to see another resident here, who's still very much using hers. 0k, shoes off? hai. i love your place. look, it's brilliant, it's mad — i've never seen anything like it! why do you rent a capsule here? koe is a dj. she live—streams from her pod on one of the upper floors of the tower. upbeat music plays. when nakagin is torn down later this year, there'll be empty space in tokyo's skyline. but it's not quite the end for metabolism. deep in the woods in nagano prefecture, about a three—hour drive from tokyo, is one building that has fared better than the nakagin capsule tower. this is capsule house k. it's owned by mikio kurokawa, whose father was the architect of this and the nakagin itself. he intends to list it on airbnb. hajimemashite. arigatou gozaimasu. it's nice and warm in here. i love these �*70s features — they're great. it's got a real retro feel about it. arigatou gozaimasu. 0k. show me around. hai. it's in much better condition. oh, so this must be the kitchen capsule? a real arigatou gozaimasu. old �*70s interior. the building was designed for use as kisho kurokawa's own private villa. there is one central shaft with four capsules attached, each with a different function. and what you about the nakagin capsule tower in tokyo being set for demolition? i love the idea of a metabolically designed building — that parts or pods can be removed and recycled — but sadly, that's more difficult than it sounds, and while the nakagin capsule tower is destined for demolition, at least the original design concept is living on here in nagano. hello, and happy new year to you. well, for me, and probably for you, it's been another challenging year for travel, and 2022 begins with a tangle of international rules that can make anyjourney a gruelling battle. but my hope is that as vaccination makes progress around the world, international restrictions will start to ease and borders will open, restoring the benefits that travel brings to the world. so what am i most excited about this year? the resurgence of rail in europe. during the coronavirus pandemic, many of us have reassessed our relationship with travel, wanting to limit the impact on the environment and improve the quality of the journey. and in europe, that means international rail, with new opportunities, such as italian railway�*s frecciarossa service, between paris and milan, enjoying complimentary food and prosecco as you speed through the alps. also, there's expanded overnight services, including new sleeper trains between paris and vienna and from amsterdam to zurich. the us finally opened to visitors from europe, brazil, and some other countries only in november. iflew into orlando, florida, on opening day — inconveniently a few weeks late for the big anniversary of walt disney world — 50 years since it opened on october 1, 1971. but never wants to miss a party, the four disney parks will be having celebrations for 18 months, all the way through this year and into 2023. after two summers of disappointment, will this be the year when festival—lovers can return to worthy farm in the english county of somerset? glastonbury, arguably the most famous music festival in the world, was due to celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2020, until covid—19 forced its cancellation. now, emily eavis, co—organiser of glastonbury, says it will go ahead injune, and two headliners are already confirmed — diana ross and billie eilish. the uk is hosting the women's euros for the first time with the final being played at wembley stadium on the last day ofjuly. later in the year, it's the turn of qatar to host the men's world cup. tickets for the tournament are not yet on sale but you can check out accommodation options, whether that's in a special desert camp, on board a cruise ship moored in qatar or staying with a local family. to answer a question we've been asked many times here at the travel show, fans will be able to drink alcohol in qatar in specially allocated zones. find out more in a couple of weeks when we will host an entire travel show special from qatar. wherever you are heading in 2022, i hope your travel dreams come true. join me again soon for another global guide. still to come on the travel show: one of the best social distances around. the woman who gave it all up for a new life in the arctic wilderness. i wanted to have more spare time, not work so much. and enjoy more. so don't go away. this week we are exploring the japanese capital tokyo. this is yoyogi park, right in the heart of the city and known for its cherry blossom in the springtime. i wanted to show you one pretty cool addition to the landscape, and here it is. this is yoyogi's new transparent loo, part of the tokyo toilet project, an attempt by some of the country's best known architects to give us somewhere more beautiful to go about our business. these ones, for example, took mushrooms as inspiration as they sit in front of woodland. while this has hygiene at its heart with everything operating on voice command. from my mind though, these at yoyogi are the most outrageous. this is how it works. now you see me, now you don't. well, sort of. it takes a while to become opaque so i hope you're not in a rush. i've never seen anything like this. i felt a bit strange at first. were you worried people might see you? yes, i was a bit worried at first but then it gets darker towards when the time has passed so i felt safe. let's face it, japanese toilets have always been ahead of the game. with their hygiene sprays and their seat warmers, but this might take a bit of getting used to. anyway, now, if you don't mind, i have business to get down to. sometimes, don't we all want to just get away from it all? really far away. well, that is exactly what ava did, leaving her home in helsinki for a new life in the remote, freezing arctic. we met with her to see how her new life in a winter wonderland is panning out. this is my london life. bike rides through the park. you can see why this is one of my favourite parts of the cycle. leaves, light, the cute dogs. having coffee with friends, and of course, not forgetting the tube at rush—hour. but i'm leaving the big smoke for a while to visit kuusamo, which is just 60km south of the arctic circle, on the border of finnish lapland. the temperature and the decibels have dropped dramatically compared to london. i'm heading deeper and deeper into the wilderness. this is wild. to meet photographer ava. three years ago she turned her back on city life in helsinki to move to the wilds of northern finland and build her dream house by the side of a lake. believe it or not, it's actually a good place for snorkelling. definitely more of a summer activity, i think. i'm meeting ava on the lakejust over there. don't get me wrong, i love being in the countryside, but it's minus 15 degrees here, where in london it is plus ten. i've got two pairs of gloves on, three pairs of socks and i've lost count of how many jumpers and i still feel cold. i don't feel like selling up and moving here anytime soon but that could all change. ava. hi! so good to meet you. same to you. what an incredible spot, i can't believe you actually live here. welcome to our home. thank you. obviously it is beautiful. and so, so cold. why would you move to a place like this? freedom is one of the biggest ones. just the silence around you, and generallyjust live happier life. what was it about the city that you didn't like? just the pace of life. everybody is so busy and you kind of let yourself go into the mode of that you have to just work and be super oriented with all that stuff. i wanted to have more spare time, not work so much and enjoy more. i feel like when i'm in the city there's always so much to do, so many places to be but i feel like here you have a lot of time. what do you fill that time with? i take my camera a lot of times. i take it with me to the woods and during winter we go skiing because there is so much snow. show me the way. yes! as well as working as a photographer, ava is also a wilderness guide and takes tourists like me into her own winter wonderland. first downhill. i'm a skier now! when you look at ava's photography, her love for nature is evident. she uses her online presence and her tours to show the best the natural world has to offer, and what's at stake of being lost to climate change. i love taking photos of everything that is valuable. for example, old forests. i love taking photos there. i can show it to people, that this is what we should protect. should we head back and get warm? yeah, i think so. ok, let's go. as night falls, shortly after lunchtime, it becomes apparent to me that life here during winter is extreme. very extreme. as we head indoors to a restaurant to get warm, there is one question on my mind. does ava ever feel tempted to head back into the city for an easier life? nope, i don't think so. and why? we are building a house, a log house in the forest. why did you choose to do it there? we found this beautiful place that is on a lakeshore and we actually wanted a house that is facing north, that we could sit on our couch, have a fire going and watch the northern lights when they appear. so what advice would you give to somebody who wants to give up everything and move to the wilderness to live in their dream house? when we left the city, we had been consuming less. that's pretty natural here. but to be honest, it's not that expensive to have your dream life, at least here. a trip to finland wouldn't be complete without going to a sauna and it's here where it becomes apparent why ava chooses to live somewhere quite so rural. she's figured out the conundrum that us citydwellers have been mulling overfor years. how to stop time. when we're sitting in a 100 years old sauna, it is going to be a memory that we are going to remember like all of our lives. i remember every time that i have been into this sauna and i remember every adventure that i've had in these fields around us. i even remember the walks that we have with our dog and sometimes of course i might have a little memory of that with my camera. i remember all the things that i saw, all the things that i felt and heard. when i was in the city, there was like, 365 days in a year and you might have months and months just running by and you don't remember any details of a day because everything is just so similar. when you are here, every year feels kind of longer because you are going to have so many more memories. before i head back to london, there is one more memory i want to make here in finland. i'm definitely the town mouse to ava's country mouse, but like in the old story, what i've learned from my trip is to slow down and to find peace in a busy world. i've been wanting to do a snow angel all day. and i'm told that this is the traditional finnish way. here we go! oh my god! ok, that's a memory i definitely won't forget! oh my god, it actually feels really nice. coming up next week: we are with one woman emerging from a hard lockdown as she battles her own anxiety on the road. this is it, i've made it to the mediterranean sea. i've been waiting for this feeling for so long, it feels like forever. unbelievable. and find out the tips, tricks and long—term solutions to make your travels a lot calmer. don't forget, you can catch up with more of our recent trips on the bbc iplayer. and we're on social media too. just search bbc travel show on facebook and instagram. but for now, from all of us here in tokyo, it's goodbye. the normal pattern of january temperatures was turned upside down on saturday, 12 degrees in northern scotland, for in southern england. a little bit of sunshine across parts of north—east england, most places have another cloudy day for part two of the weekend. despite the cloud, a lot of dry weather around, high—pressure close by, exerting unsettling influence on our weather. underneath the high pressure and around, all of this cloud coming in. weather front approaching northern scotland, and as it does so it will strengthen the does mean a mild start after a mild day, a hint of blue through parts of wales and england, lighter winds and a chance of frost with clear spells. mist and fog patches to building, but will be more or less in the clear on sunday. a lot of cloud around, a few sunny spells, northeast scotland, parts of wales and england, perhaps eastern counties of northern ireland most favoured. maybe a few brighter breaks here and there. a breezier day, especially into the northwest of scotland. it'll be another mild day, though temperature is not as high, lowertemperature is around four or 5 degrees. overnight and into monday, rain turning heavier is that weather front moves into northern scotland in the wind will be easing, it'll be dry elsewhere. a lot of cloud around. in any breaks, a touch of frost possible. weather front will take some outbreaks of rain so the further south through parts of northern and western scotland. any rain to register in, and of that, there may be sunny spells around. south of that, good deal of cloud. temperature is around 6—9 c. by monday evening, patchy rain. tuesday looking me dry with rain moving into scotland on wednesday, and sweeping south. what that weather front does do is sweep away a lot of the cloud around at the moment. not much rain moving south, but brighter skies following that system across much of the uk with the breeze on thursday. a lot of cloud around, north—east scotland's parts of wales and eastern counties of northern ireland will save it, elsewhere if you break your breaks. a breezy day in northern england and northern ireland, especially scotland and north—west, keele is developing in the western isles. another mild day here, temperatures not as high as they have been. hello and welcome to bbc news, i'm nuala mcgovern. britain has accused the kremlin of planning to install a pro—russian leader in ukraine, as fears of an invasion grow. the foreign office in london says a former ukrainian mp is being considered as a potential candidate, along with four other politicians, who it says have links to the russian intelligence services. russia has a hundred thousand troops on ukraine's border, but denies it intends to invade. james waterhouse reports now from the ukrainian capital, kyiv. the friendship of nations arch, built by the soviets to celebrate the closeness between russians and ukrainians.

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Russia , Ukrainian , Leader , Planning , Foreign Office , Invasion , Fears , Candidate , London , Bbc News , Others , Headlines , Ukraine , Britain , Four , Group , Fighters , People , Most , Services , Links , Fighting , Caliphate , Estate , Attacks , Forces , Islamic , Syria , Them Jihadists , Kurdish , 75 , One , Three , United Nations , City Of Hasakeh , Tsunami , Population , Crops , Eruption , Aid , Tonga , 80 , The Travel Show , Volcanic Ash , Capital Tokyo , Tiny Spaces , Carmen Roberts , Life , Restrictions , Trips , Freedom , Silence , Benefits Travel , Finnish Lapland , Generallyjust , 2022 , World , City , Robots , Dazzling Neon , Architects , Spellbound , Nakagin Capsule Tower , Drink , Yourfood , Visions Of The Future , A Machine , 1972 , Building , Sign , Netting , Outside , 50 , The Tower , Demolition , Pods , Example , Metabolism An Architectural Movement , 140 , Maeda , Capsules , Bathroom , Bit , Water , Rust , Yes , Wow , Tough , 0 , Some , Plan , Museums , Place , Resident , 0k , Hai , It , Koe , Anything , Capsule , Dj , Pod , Floors , Music Plays , Space , Skyline , House K , Mikio Kurokawa , Metabolism , End , Drive , Deep In The Woods , Nagano Prefecture , Architect , Father , Arigatou Gozaimasu , Airbnb , Hajimemashite , Feel , Features , Retro , 0k , 70 , Condition , Kitchen Capsule , Interior , Old , Real Arigatou Gozaimasu , Villa , Use , Kisho Kurokawa , Shaft , Each , Function , Nakagin Capsule Tower In Tokyo Being Set , Parts , Idea , Nagano , Design Concept , Hello , Travel , Rules , Hope , Battle , Tangle , Borders , Vaccination , Progress , Us , Rail , Many , Resurgence , Relationship , Pandemic , Europe , Coronavirus , Railway , Journey , Impact , Environment , Quality , Opportunities , Italian , Service , Prosecco , Frecciarossa , Alps , Food , Paris , Milan , Visitors , Sleeper Trains , Vienna , Amsterdam , Brazil , Orlando , Countries , Anniversary , Opening Day , Florida , Iflew , Way , Party , Walt Disney World , Celebrations , Disney Parks , 1971 , 1 , 18 , October 1 1971 , Glastonbury , County , Lovers , Festival , Farm , Disappointment , English , Somerset , Two , 2023 , Cancellation , Famous Music Festival , 19 , 2020 , Euros , Time , Headliners , Being , Women , Co Organiser Of Glastonbury , Injune , Billie Eilish , Emily Eavis , Diana Ross , Qatar , Turn , Tournament , Men S World Cup , Tickets , The Last Day Ofjuly , Wembley Stadium , Question , Times , Family , Cruise Ship , Sale , Accommodation Options , Special Desert Camp , Fans , Entire Travel Show Special From Qatar , Zones , Alcohol , Couple , Global Guide , One Of The Best , Dreams Come True , Woman , Distances , Arctic Wilderness , More , So Don T , Yoyogi Park , Cherry Blossom , Springtime , Landscape , Heart Of The City , Go Away , Japanese , Addition , Everything , Somewhere , Ones , Part , Country , Front , Loo , Business , Hygiene , Heart , Mushrooms , Attempt , Inspiration , Woodland , Tokyo Toilet Project , Mind , Voice Command , Outrageous , Rush , Safe , Seat Warmers , Toilets , Game , Hygiene Sprays , You Don T Mind , Photographer Ava , Home , Winter Wonderland , Helsinki , Remote , Arctic , Panning Out , Light , Friends , Cycle , Leaves , Dogs , Coffee , The Park , Bike Rides , Course , Tube , Temperature , South , Smoke , Border , Decibels , Kuusamo , Arctic Circle , 60 , Wilderness , Wilds , City Life , In Helsinki , Dream House , Northern Finland , Lake , Side , Snorkelling , Summer Activity , Countryside , There , In London , Lakejust , Don T Get Me Wrong , Ten , Minus 15 , Pairs , Count , Change , Jumpers , Socks , Gloves , Spot , Everybody , Pace , Stuff , Mode , Lot , Places , Camera , In The City , Snow , Woods , Skiing , Photographer , Wilderness Guide , Show Me The Way , Tourists , Photography , Nature , Skier , Presence , Stake , Best , Photos , Forests , Climate Change , Let S Go , Night Falls , Lunchtime , Restaurant , House , Northern Lights , North , Advice , Log House , Forest , Couch , Lakeshore , Fire , Somebody , Dream Life , Trip , Sauna , Finland Wouldn T , Memory , Wall , Conundrum , Citydwellers , Lives , Overfor , 100 , Adventure , Fields , Dog , Things , 365 , Kind , Details , Memories , Mouse , Country Mouse , Story , Town , Peace , Snow Angel , Oh My God , Coming Up , Feeling , On The Road , This Is It , Lockdown , Mediterranean Sea , Unbelievable , Social Media , Solutions , Tricks , Tips , Bbc Iplayer , Instagram , Just Search Bbc Travel Show On Facebook , All Of Us , Goodbye , Temperatures , Northern Scotland , Weekend , Degrees , Sunshine , Pattern , Southern England , North East England , 12 , Cloud , Weather , High Pressure , Influence , Weather Front , Blue , Start , Hint , Wales , Breaks , Spells , Counties , Winds , Chance , Frost , Clear , Fog , Mist , Northeast Scotland , Northern Ireland , Sunday , Rain Turning Heavier , North West , High , Lowertemperature , 5 , Rain , Elsewhere , Moves , Outbreaks , Wind , A Touch Of Frost , Register , Western 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Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20240708

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with carmen roberts. this week on the travel show, tiny spaces in tokyo. vast wide open ones in finnish lapland. freedom, the silence around you, and generallyjust live a happier life. and the trips to look forward to in 2022. international restrictions will start to ease, restoring the benefits travel brings to the world. it's a city of dazzling neon, where robots can fix your drink, and you order yourfood from a machine. and even way back in 1972, architects were coming up with visions of the future that still leave us spellbound. this is the nakagin capsule tower. it's astonishing to sit here and look at this building, and even though it was built about 50 years ago, it still looks really futuristic. but the netting on the outside is a sign that time is beginning to catch up with the nakagin. it's made up of 140 pods, each of which can be detached and replaced. the tower was the first finished example of metabolism — an architectural movement inspired by the natural world — but this year it is scheduled for demolition. mr maeda owns several capsules. look at this tiny bathroom. i'm not going to even attempt to go inside. wow. that is small. it still works? yes. there's hot water? no hot water. 0h, tough. wow, and there's a bit of rust on the taps there. yeah. why is the building being demolished? how does it make you feel when you know that this building will be demolished? the current plan is for some of the pods to be shipped off to museums around the world, but i'm off to see another resident here, who's still very much using hers. 0k, shoes off? hai. i love your place. look, it's brilliant, it's mad — i've never seen anything like it! why do you rent a capsule here? koe is a dj. she live—streams from her pod on one of the upper floors of the tower. upbeat music plays. when nakagin is torn down later this year, there'll be empty space in tokyo's skyline. but it's not quite the end for metabolism. deep in the woods in nagano prefecture, about a three—hour drive from tokyo, is one building that has fared better than the nakagin capsule tower. this is capsule house k. it's owned by mikio kurokawa, whose father was the architect of this and the nakagin itself. he intends to list it on airbnb. hajimemashite. arigatou gozaimasu. it's nice and warm in here. i love these �*70s features — they're great. it's got a real retro feel about it. arigatou gozaimasu. 0k. show me around. hai. it's in much better condition. oh, so this must be the kitchen capsule? a real arigatou gozaimasu. old �*70s interior. the building was designed for use as kisho kurokawa's own private villa. there is one central shaft with four capsules attached, each with a different function. and what you about the nakagin capsule tower in tokyo being set for demolition? i love the idea of a metabolically designed building — that parts or pods can be removed and recycled — but sadly, that's more difficult than it sounds, and while the nakagin capsule tower is destined for demolition, at least the original design concept is living on here in nagano. hello, and happy new year to you. well, for me, and probably for you, it's been another challenging year for travel, and 2022 begins with a tangle of international rules that can make anyjourney a gruelling battle. but my hope is that as vaccination makes progress around the world, international restrictions will start to ease and borders will open, restoring the benefits that travel brings to the world. so what am i most excited about this year? the resurgence of rail in europe. during the coronavirus pandemic, many of us have reassessed our relationship with travel, wanting to limit the impact on the environment and improve the quality of the journey. and in europe, that means international rail, with new opportunities, such as italian railway�*s frecciarossa service, between paris and milan, enjoying complimentary food and prosecco as you speed through the alps. also, there's expanded overnight services, including new sleeper trains between paris and vienna and from amsterdam to zurich. the us finally opened to visitors from europe, brazil, and some other countries only in november. iflew into orlando, florida, on opening day — inconveniently a few weeks late for the big anniversary of walt disney world — 50 years since it opened on october 1, 1971. but never wants to miss a party, the four disney parks will be having celebrations for 18 months, all the way through this year and into 2023. after two summers of disappointment, will this be the year when festival—lovers can return to worthy farm in the english county of somerset? glastonbury, arguably the most famous music festival in the world, was due to celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2020, until covid—19 forced its cancellation. now, emily eavis, co—organiser of glastonbury, says it will go ahead injune, and two headliners are already confirmed — diana ross and billie eilish. the uk is hosting the women's euros for the first time with the final being played at wembley stadium on the last day ofjuly. later in the year, it's the turn of qatar to host the men's world cup. tickets for the tournament are not yet on sale but you can check out accommodation options, whether that's in a special desert camp, on board a cruise ship moored in qatar or staying with a local family. to answer a question we've been asked many times here at the travel show, fans will be able to drink alcohol in qatar in specially allocated zones. find out more in a couple of weeks when we will host an entire travel show special from qatar. wherever you are heading in 2022, i hope your travel dreams come true. join me again soon for another global guide. still to come on the travel show: one of the best social distances around. the woman who gave it all up for a new life in the arctic wilderness. i wanted to have more spare time, not work so much. and enjoy more. so don't go away. this week we are exploring the japanese capital tokyo. this is yoyogi park, right in the heart of the city and known for its cherry blossom in the springtime. i wanted to show you one pretty cool addition to the landscape, and here it is. this is yoyogi's new transparent loo, part of the tokyo toilet project, an attempt by some of the country's best known architects to give us somewhere more beautiful to go about our business. these ones, for example, took mushrooms as inspiration as they sit in front of woodland. while this has hygiene at its heart with everything operating on voice command. from my mind though, these at yoyogi are the most outrageous. this is how it works. now you see me, now you don't. well, sort of. it takes a while to become opaque so i hope you're not in a rush. i've never seen anything like this. i felt a bit strange at first. were you worried people might see you? yes, i was a bit worried at first but then it gets darker towards when the time has passed so i felt safe. let's face it, japanese toilets have always been ahead of the game. with their hygiene sprays and their seat warmers, but this might take a bit of getting used to. anyway, now, if you don't mind, i have business to get down to. sometimes, don't we all want to just get away from it all? really far away. well, that is exactly what ava did, leaving her home in helsinki for a new life in the remote, freezing arctic. we met with her to see how her new life in a winter wonderland is panning out. this is my london life. bike rides through the park. you can see why this is one of my favourite parts of the cycle. leaves, light, the cute dogs. having coffee with friends, and of course, not forgetting the tube at rush—hour. but i'm leaving the big smoke for a while to visit kuusamo, which is just 60km south of the arctic circle, on the border of finnish lapland. the temperature and the decibels have dropped dramatically compared to london. i'm heading deeper and deeper into the wilderness. this is wild. to meet photographer ava. three years ago she turned her back on city life in helsinki to move to the wilds of northern finland and build her dream house by the side of a lake. believe it or not, it's actually a good place for snorkelling. definitely more of a summer activity, i think. i'm meeting ava on the lakejust over there. don't get me wrong, i love being in the countryside, but it's minus 15 degrees here, where in london it is plus ten. i've got two pairs of gloves on, three pairs of socks and i've lost count of how many jumpers and i still feel cold. i don't feel like selling up and moving here anytime soon but that could all change. ava. hi! so good to meet you. same to you. what an incredible spot, i can't believe you actually live here. welcome to our home. thank you. obviously it is beautiful. and so, so cold. why would you move to a place like this? freedom is one of the biggest ones. just the silence around you, and generallyjust live happier life. what was it about the city that you didn't like? just the pace of life. everybody is so busy and you kind of let yourself go into the mode of that you have to just work and be super oriented with all that stuff. i wanted to have more spare time, not work so much and enjoy more. i feel like when i'm in the city there's always so much to do, so many places to be but i feel like here you have a lot of time. what do you fill that time with? i take my camera a lot of times. i take it with me to the woods and during winter we go skiing because there is so much snow. show me the way. yes! as well as working as a photographer, ava is also a wilderness guide and takes tourists like me into her own winter wonderland. first downhill. i'm a skier now! when you look at ava's photography, her love for nature is evident. she uses her online presence and her tours to show the best the natural world has to offer, and what's at stake of being lost to climate change. i love taking photos of everything that is valuable. for example, old forests. i love taking photos there. i can show it to people, that this is what we should protect. should we head back and get warm? yeah, i think so. ok, let's go. as night falls, shortly after lunchtime, it becomes apparent to me that life here during winter is extreme. very extreme. as we head indoors to a restaurant to get warm, there is one question on my mind. does ava ever feel tempted to head back into the city for an easier life? nope, i don't think so. and why? we are building a house, a log house in the forest. why did you choose to do it there? we found this beautiful place that is on a lakeshore and we actually wanted a house that is facing north, that we could sit on our couch, have a fire going and watch the northern lights when they appear. so what advice would you give to somebody who wants to give up everything and move to the wilderness to live in their dream house? when we left the city, we had been consuming less. that's pretty natural here. but to be honest, it's not that expensive to have your dream life, at least here. a trip to finland wouldn't be complete without going to a sauna and it's here where it becomes apparent why ava chooses to live somewhere quite so rural. she's figured out the conundrum that us citydwellers have been mulling overfor years. how to stop time. when we're sitting in a 100 years old sauna, it is going to be a memory that we are going to remember like all of our lives. i remember every time that i have been into this sauna and i remember every adventure that i've had in these fields around us. i even remember the walks that we have with our dog and sometimes of course i might have a little memory of that with my camera. i remember all the things that i saw, all the things that i felt and heard. when i was in the city, there was like, 365 days in a year and you might have months and months just running by and you don't remember any details of a day because everything is just so similar. when you are here, every year feels kind of longer because you are going to have so many more memories. before i head back to london, there is one more memory i want to make here in finland. i'm definitely the town mouse to ava's country mouse, but like in the old story, what i've learned from my trip is to slow down and to find peace in a busy world. i've been wanting to do a snow angel all day. and i'm told that this is the traditional finnish way. here we go! oh my god! ok, that's a memory i definitely won't forget! oh my god, it actually feels really nice. coming up next week: we are with one woman emerging from a hard lockdown as she battles her own anxiety on the road. this is it, i've made it to the mediterranean sea. i've been waiting for this feeling for so long, it feels like forever. unbelievable. and find out the tips, tricks and long—term solutions to make your travels a lot calmer. don't forget, you can catch up with more of our recent trips on the bbc iplayer. and we're on social media too. just search bbc travel show on facebook and instagram. but for now, from all of us here in tokyo, it's goodbye. the normal pattern of january temperatures was turned upside down on saturday, 12 degrees in northern scotland, for in southern england. a little bit of sunshine across parts of north—east england, most places have another cloudy day for part two of the weekend. despite the cloud, a lot of dry weather around, high—pressure close by, exerting unsettling influence on our weather. underneath the high pressure and around, all of this cloud coming in. weather front approaching northern scotland, and as it does so it will strengthen the does mean a mild start after a mild day, a hint of blue through parts of wales and england, lighter winds and a chance of frost with clear spells. mist and fog patches to building, but will be more or less in the clear on sunday. a lot of cloud around, a few sunny spells, northeast scotland, parts of wales and england, perhaps eastern counties of northern ireland most favoured. maybe a few brighter breaks here and there. a breezier day, especially into the northwest of scotland. it'll be another mild day, though temperature is not as high, lowertemperature is around four or 5 degrees. overnight and into monday, rain turning heavier is that weather front moves into northern scotland in the wind will be easing, it'll be dry elsewhere. a lot of cloud around. in any breaks, a touch of frost possible. weather front will take some outbreaks of rain so the further south through parts of northern and western scotland. any rain to register in, and of that, there may be sunny spells around. south of that, good deal of cloud. temperature is around 6—9 c. by monday evening, patchy rain. tuesday looking me dry with rain moving into scotland on wednesday, and sweeping south. what that weather front does do is sweep away a lot of the cloud around at the moment. not much rain moving south, but brighter skies following that system across much of the uk with the breeze on thursday. a lot of cloud around, north—east scotland's parts of wales and eastern counties of northern ireland will save it, elsewhere if you break your breaks. a breezy day in northern england and northern ireland, especially scotland and north—west, keele is developing in the western isles. another mild day here, temperatures not as high as they have been. hello and welcome to bbc news, i'm nuala mcgovern. britain has accused the kremlin of planning to install a pro—russian leader in ukraine, as fears of an invasion grow. the foreign office in london says a former ukrainian mp is being considered as a potential candidate, along with four other politicians, who it says have links to the russian intelligence services. russia has a hundred thousand troops on ukraine's border, but denies it intends to invade. james waterhouse reports now from the ukrainian capital, kyiv. the friendship of nations arch, built by the soviets to celebrate the closeness between russians and ukrainians.

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