Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

hello and welcome if you're watching in the uk or around the world. a senior conservative mp says the uk must do more to support ukraine as russian troops mass along its border. tobias ellwood, who chairs the commons defence committee, says he thinks an invasion could now be "imminent" — and that president putin is "taking full advantage of a weakened west". russia has denied it's planning an invasion. but the us has delivered 90 tonnes of what it calls �*lethal aid' to ukraine, the first shipment since a fresh promise of assistance from president biden. james waterhouse reports now from the ukrainian capital, kyiv. the friendship of nations arch, built by the soviets to celebrate the closeness between russians and ukrainians. that crack was painted on by activists in a few that crack —— that crack was painted on by activists a few years ago as relations between the two countries deteriorated. and as talks intensify about a possible invasion, the hope is things don't break down completely. tensions are still rising on the border. today russian jets made their way to joint military drills with neighbouring belarus. ukrainian ministers have welcomed the delivery of us military equipment, and now a call for the uk to step up its own support. the british government has delivered 2,000 anti—tank missiles this week and says it is open to sending more weapons. what we have seen over the last few months with diplomatic talks failing, putin's ultimatum demanding nato push back, of course that was dismissed, but that has given him the pretext to actually say that there is an aggressor and that he must act. he has actually boxed himself into a corner because so much effort has been put into this. but he also recognised that he will never again be as strong as this to take advantage of the west's weakness. i suspect an invasion is now imminent. so, does kyiv feel like a city preparing for an invasion? evelyn and lillian are too small to appreciate the power struggles surrounding their country, but their parents sergei and valeria obviously are not. it is definitely concerning. it definitely seems more tense than in past times that we were concerned about this. i would say it is definitely increasing, like, anxiety and stuff, for sure. of course i am afraid. i don't want ukraine to be just like donbas right now, just like donetsk. it will be very... it is a nightmare for me. if i see others do it, says ivan, i am ready to defend my country. i am not going to run away, but then again there might not be anywhere to run away to. moscow denies that it is planning an invasion, but it is easy to forget ukraine's already endured eight years of russian aggression. it has brought fighting, cyber attacks, misinformation and constant uncertainty. next week, the us will continue to discuss russia's demands that nato will both scale back its military presence and rule out ever letting ukraine join. for the country at the heart of it, that uncertainty goes on. james waterhouse, bbc news, in kyiv. in the last few minutes — we have some breaking news — from germany — where it's being reported that the head of germany's navy has resigned, following comments he made about ukraine. kay—achim schonbach is alleged to have said ukraine would never take back the crimean peninsula from russia. he also said president putin deserved respect. the remarks angered the government in kyiv. let's get more on reports of so—called �*lethal aid' which have been arriving in ukraine from the us. i asked lieutenant general ben hodges — who's a former commander of the us army's operations in europe — what those shipments might be... i suspect we are talking about more anti—tank muscles, ammunition for soldiers on the front lines. these type of things. stuff they can use immediately, that they would already know how to use.— know how to use. thank you for clearin: know how to use. thank you for clearing that — know how to use. thank you for clearing that up. _ know how to use. thank you for clearing that up. let's - know how to use. thank you for clearing that up. let's get - know how to use. thank you for clearing that up. let's get to . know how to use. thank you for| clearing that up. let's get to the substantive issue, the threat of invasion and conflict. wejust substantive issue, the threat of invasion and conflict. we just heard from a british lawmaker they're saying, giving their opinion, things pretty likely. where do you stand? i'm afraid it's inevitable at this point. president putin, with all that he has done over the past year, all that he said in the last several weeks, he has put himself in a position now where he cannot back down without showing something for all the expense and effort, and as i look at the calendar, look at the winter olympics in beijing, my sense unfortunately is it is probably right up to the conclusion of the olympics we are going to see a new 0lympics we are going to see a new russian offensive, an expansion of what they have been doing for the last eight years. lets what they have been doing for the last eight yew-— what they have been doing for the last eight veere— last eight years. lets talk about a resonse. last eight years. lets talk about a response- if— last eight years. lets talk about a response. if that _ last eight years. lets talk about a response. if that does _ last eight years. lets talk about a response. if that does play - last eight years. lets talk about a response. if that does play out, l last eight years. lets talk about a response. if that does play out, i | response. if that does play out, i spoke to someone 2a hours ago saying they thought that actually sanctions and all those possible responses should be brought in now, ahead of time, to try and prevent that analysis playing out. what do you make of that?— analysis playing out. what do you make of that? look, this is a time for what we _ make of that? look, this is a time for what we would _ make of that? look, this is a time for what we would call _ make of that? look, this is a time for what we would call active - for what we would call active deterrence. i really believe that deterrence. i really believe that deterrence based on demonstrating capability and will, before the fact, it's much more effective than based on the threat of punishment after the fact. something almost on the scale of the berlin airlift, things like what the royal air forces delivered, what united states is doing, other allies are doing, doing everything we can to assist ukraine, but also with intelligence sharing. these things are very important. helping them with exercising, practising air muscle defence for example. but also alliance, making sure we are doing things along nato's eastern flank to demonstrate we are paying attention. in terms of demonstrating paying attention, that is really interesting. let's spin forward a little. if this invasion does take place, we promise a swift response, but to be clear, what response do you think the us and its allies will do? ., , , , , ., ., do? for sure my president and other leaders inside _ do? for sure my president and other leaders inside nato _ do? for sure my president and other leaders inside nato and _ do? for sure my president and other leaders inside nato and the - do? for sure my president and other| leaders inside nato and the european union have said that there will be sanctions like the russians have never seen before. i don't know exactly what all that means, and of course it is well known several senior people in germany have talked about swift should not be a part of this, but it would be impossible for my president to back away from taking severe steps, and certainly the us congress is in favour of this as well. i would expect that to happen. i think, as well. i would expect that to happen. ithink, also, think about what hms defender day, how important that was that the royal navy enforce freedom of navigation in the black sea. you can be sure the russians will be attempting operations across the black sea coast, and wanting to keep away in international waters, so we will have to challenge that. same thing with air space. 0therwise same thing with air space. otherwise they will have achieved some of the effects they want and we cannot tolerate that. william wragg, the conservative mp who accused government whips of trying to �*blackmail�* some mps trying to oust borisjohnson, says he's due to meet the police next week to discuss his claims. he's been backed by the labour mp chris bryant, who says any such behaviour would be illegal. downing street says it's not seen any evidence to support the allegations, but would look closely if proof were presented. here's our political correspondent damian grammaticas. already under pressure, the coming days could prove decisive for boris johnson. now there is a new concern — the fact that one of the main rebel mps, who have already written letters of no confidence in him, is due to talk to the police possibly on monday. the mp william wragg this week alleged he'd been told others had faced threats they might lose funding for their constituencies if they did not back the prime minister. the intimidation of a member of parliament is a serious matter. moreover, the reports of which i am aware would seem to constitute blackmail. cheering. on wednesday, mrjohnson was there when another of the rebels, christian wakeford, defected to labour. he claims he was told some time ago funding for a school might not happen if he did not support the government over free school meals. today a senior labour mp said he had heard more claims. i must have spoken to about a dozen tory mps in the last few days who have made similar allegations about whips either offering to withdraw, you know, financial support for their constituencies, either from the political parties, so for campaigning, or for their constituents. downing street says if evidence emerges, it will be looked at seriously, but it is not investigating as it is not aware of anything to back up the claims. and tory mps are waiting to see if there is more substance to them. i have voted against the government on occasions when i thought it right, and i have to say i have always had a very close relationship with the chief whip and indeed a very productive relationship with whips, so i am waiting to hear more about this because it is not something i have seen or been told about. the other person looking for evidence is sue gray, the civil servant investigating the downing street parties. her report should come this week. the question for borisjohnson, who is at the official country retreat of chequers, can he survive it unscathed? he is thought to be busy plotting his strategy and calling his mps trying to secure their support. damian grammaticas, bbc news. a quick look at some of the other stories making headlines in the uk... two women have been taken to hospital after a knife attack in north west london. the incident happened along station road in harrow. police say the injured women were slashed and a third woman was punched by the suspect. a woman has been detained and taken to hospital for mental health assessment. a man has appeared in court charged with the murder of an 86—year—old woman and the attempted murder of her 88—year—old husband. freda walker was found dead at her home a week ago near derbyshire in the english midlands. ken walker was found severely injured and remains in hospital in a critical condition. the united nations in afghanistan says it's concerned by the disappearance of two afghan women activists, who took part in protests demanding their rights to work and education in recent weeks. the un has urged taliban rulers to provide information on the whereabouts of the missing women. one of the activists released a video on social media saying taliban fighters had come to their house. the activists have been missing since then. the taliban have denied the women are being detained. translation: element we also heard the news of the arrest of a few girls. we contacted all the security institutions. no woman has been arrested or detained. some rumours are being circulated as some women want to make their cases, so their escape to western countries can be facilitated, so they can have an excuse for asylum there. we reject the news women have been arrested. one of the uk's main ports in dover in southern england has acknowleged that since the beginning of the year, new customs controls for goods heading to the eu have been contributing to big queues on the road outside the town. special travel restrictions have been used ten times this year to ease heavy congestion on the a20 in kent, prompting anger among many drivers. here's our business correspondent, ramzan karmali. queues of lorries on the a20 trying to get into dover. a sight that many have got used to at the start of 2022. 0n social media, many drivers have blamed brexit. from january 1st, experts to the eu were subject to full customs controls. the boss of the port believes there are a number of factors causing the delays. since the beginning of the year, there has been increased transaction times at the border due to the carriers having to check customs paperwork at the check—in process. but equally normally for this time of year we have vessels that are out on refit, normal maintenance activities. we also are doing a bit of maintenance in the port, which means that our buffer zone space has got slightly reduced capacity. the increase in freight traffic has meant the operation travel access protocol, a temporary traffic management system, has been called on ten times already this year. but the port of dover is more concerned about new tricks which concerned about new checks which will come into force in september. what we're trying to do is make certain the government fully appreciates what the implications are if we do not get an agreement between the uk government and the french government for a set of protocols that will work. unless we get that agreement, it will be very difficult to see how it will not impact the travel through the port of dover. from september, airport—style biometric checks are due to be implemented, which would mean drivers being stopped at the port for around ten minutes each. with around 10,000 trucks passing through the port each day, the warning is clear that a solution needs to be found. the government says it is working with its european counterparts to ensure that border arrangements run as smoothly as possible. the headlines on bbc news... the first shipment of american military aid to ukraine arrives in the country — amid warnings a russian invasion could be imminent. police will meet a conservative mp who's accused government whips of trying to "blackmail" politicians who've tried to oust borisjohnson. we are starting with football at manchester city's i2 we are starting with football at manchester city's 12 game winning streak in the premier league is over, after they were heard by southampton. i—i it finished. kyle walker pictures put the home side ahead in the first time. a lead they held until after half—time before city got an equaliser. pip cordial the's site could not find a winner. it was inconsistent, we played, to win the game. people will see the team as lazy, arrogant, like they do not try to win the game. it was completely the opposite. we did it and played exceptionally well. in many departments,. after a match that produced very little, manchester united scored with virtually the last kick of the game against west ham, to leapfrog them into the premier legaue's top four. marcus rashford scored the winner with less than 30 seconds left of injury time. it did go to a var check for a possible offside from edinson cavani in the build up, but the goal was given. harsh on west ham who were organised in a game of little chances. they drop to 5th. but it's back to back wins for the first time under ralf ragnick. the atmosphere was amazing. quite rightly the plates are celebrating. they knew how important this win was. in the end, those are the best kinds of wins, when the other team has no time any more to come back. but obviously we are extremely happy about the performance defensively about the level of physicality that we showed today, bearing in mind that we only played three days ago at branford. the players played 94 minutes, 95, so you _ the players played 94 minutes, 95, so you can — the players played 94 minutes, 95, so you can make mistakes, but at that time — so you can make mistakes, but at that time it — so you can make mistakes, but at that time it is so important. a draw would _ that time it is so important. a draw would have — that time it is so important. a draw would have been a good result because — would have been a good result because we hadn't created enough chances _ because we hadn't created enough chances or— because we hadn't created enough chances or played well enough probably to score goals. but we certainly — probably to score goals. but we certainly had defended and kept manchester united out enough to get a draw _ in the day's other games — steven gerrard enjoyed his aston villa's side victory over everton — buendia with the goal just before half time... leeds were beaten 1—0 by newcastle, the match between brentford and wolves was halted for 20 minutes as a drone flew over the stadium — it finished 2—1 to leeds. the draw has been made for the 2022 africa world cup play—offs. the draw which took place in cameroon pits liverpool team mates mo salah and sadio mane on opposing teams as egypt were drawn to play senegal in the two—legged ties which take place in march. elsewhere there's a tasty tie between arch rivals ghana and nigeria. dr congo will face morocco, mali — the only team never to have qualified for the finals take on tunisia and cameroon meet algeria. at the australian open tennis in melbourne, last year's runner—up daniil medvedev has booked his place in the last 16... and he did it in a much calmer match than his encounter with nick kygios the other evening. the russian — medvedev, who's the second seed, comfortably saw off botic van de zandschulp in straight sets. it sets up a meeting with maxime cressy on monday, after he beat australia's christopher 0'connell. in the women's singles, the world number two aryna sabalenka came back from a poor first set to beat the olympic silver medallist maddison inglis in three sets. scott jamieson is still holding the lead by one shot going into the final round of the abu dhabi championship. the scot, who's ranked number 336th in the world has led after every round and has been playing so well at the yas links course — today shooting a four—under—par 68 in his third round. jamieson is now 11 under parfor the tournment. that's all the sport for now. the hollywood star, arnold schwarzenegger, has been involved in a multi—vehicle crash in los angeles. a woman has been taken to hospital. a spokesperson for the former california governor said he was unharmed. nickjohnson reports. let's talk to our correspondent in los angeles david willis. you've frozen at the moment but i will see if you are there behind that frozen face. can you tell is what more details we have of this? this incident occurred about a mile from arnold schwarzenegger's home in the rather posh city of brentwood, known also to be the home of the movie star gwyneth paltrow and the basketball player lebronjames, amongst others. the los angeles police department has confirmed four vehicles were involved in this collision. it is thought to have occurred shortly after arnold schwarzenegger left his home. he was attempting to turn left onto the famous sunset boulevard when the collision occurred, basically head—on, with a red previous. such was the impact of this collision that the suv that contained arnold schwarzenegger briefly rolled onto the roof of the red prius before topping onto two other vehicles waiting at thejunction. topping onto two other vehicles waiting at the junction. a representative for arnold schwarzenegger has confirmed the movie star was indeed behind the wheel of the suv when this incident occurred. he was not injured but a woman who was thought was the driver of the red prius was taken to hospital. she is not thought to be in a serious condition. the los angeles police department has said it is investigating, but it is not thought, they say, that alcohol or drugs played a part in this incident. drugs played a part in this incident-— drugs played a part in this incident. , . , incident. those pictures there, it does look relatively _ incident. those pictures there, it does look relatively dramatic, i incident. those pictures there, it | does look relatively dramatic, but good news... we have heard from a spokesperson but not heard from him himself yet, is that right?— himself yet, is that right? that's riuht. we himself yet, is that right? that's right- we do _ himself yet, is that right? that's right. we do know— himself yet, is that right? that's right. we do know that - himself yet, is that right? that's right. we do know that arnold i right. we do know that arnold schwarzenegger remained at the scene and apparently showed a lot of concern for the women who was injured. he is a man, of course, who likes big cars. he was the first person in this country to own the hummer h one, and as you say, pictures from the scene show that gmc yukon suv he was driving to work thing the other vehicles that were involved in this collision. he is unlikely to be at odds for another form of transport, he is a multimillionaire, of course. amongst his car collection is a bugatti, cadillac a bentley.— his car collection is a bugatti, cadillac a bentley. thank you very much for that. _ in tonga, foreign aid is starting to be distributed, following last weekend's devastating volcanic eruption and tsunami. the un says more than 80% of tonga's population has been affected. aid has been arriving by sea and air from australia, new zealand and britain. jatinder dhillon reports. relief at last. a new zealand naval ship, with the desalination plant on board, which can produce 70,000 litres a day, started cleaning of the sea water from tonga's arbour, ready for distribution to desperate residents. —— harbour. japan is the latest to deliver urgent supplies, including clean water. and equipment to clean the volcanic ash. it is a complicated operation. the pacific kingdom is covid free and has a strict border control policies, requiring contactless delivery of aid. that means aid workers cannot enter the country unless they have undergone a three week isolation period. supplies are quarantined for 72 hours after arrival, before being distributed by tongan authorities. the un says the country will be heavily reliant on food aid for some time. almost all the crops have been badly affected by volcanic ash. farmers have lost their homes and livelihoods. in the first update since the eruption triggered a tsunami, the government says the country has been hit by an unprecedented disaster. tonga's recovery from — unprecedented disaster. tonga's recovery from this _ unprecedented disaster. tonga's recovery from this disaster - unprecedented disaster. tonga's recovery from this disaster is - unprecedented disaster. tonga's i recovery from this disaster is going to be long—term, and i think we need to be long—term, and i think we need to ensure that we the momentum up. after tonga has got enough water we will have to rebuild and it will be a long road to recovery.- a long road to recovery. tongan communities _ a long road to recovery. tongan communities abroad _ a long road to recovery. tongan communities abroad have - a long road to recovery. tongan communities abroad have also i a long road to recovery. tongan - communities abroad have also been providing support and donations. in new zealand, entire families filled this auckland car park and loaded trucks with supplies of food, water and other essentials. tongan born rugby player, who lives in the uk, has not heard from his family and has not heard from his family and has launched a fundraising page to help with reliefs. the tongan government has asked for the international aid effort led by australia and new zealand to be paced so the island's small airport and harbour are not overwhelmed. in the next few days, a repair ship will arrive to reconnect the undersea cable that links tonga to international telecoms networks. the remote pacific island nation of kiribass has gone into lockdownafter the first passenger flight into the country for more than ten months, brought 36 confirmed coronavirus cases. until this week the island had gone through the entire pandemic with just two. under the new measures, people have been told to stay at home and social gatherings are banned. fans of the actress ana de armas are suing the film studio universal pictures after they rented a film showing her in the trailer — only to find she'd been edited out. they paid around five dollars to stream danny boyle's film yesterday but are looking for more than five million dollars in compensation. universal has yet to comment. we pause to say goodbye to your international viewers, but if you're watching in the uk, it's time for the weather. good evening. saturday may have been a dry day for the vast majority, but it certainly wasn't a desperately sunny one in most places. we had extensive cloud trapped underneath this area of high pressure. the high stays with us through tonight and into tomorrow, keeping things largely dry but often quite cloudy. so, large amounts of cloud in the sky as we head through tonight. where there are breaks in the cloud, they could well fill in with some patches of mist and fog, and where winds are light down towards the south, if you do have lengthy clear spells overhead, temperatures could get down to —3 or —4 celsius and one or two places out in the countryside. it will be dependent upon the cloud cover and certainly not as cold up towards the north where we will keep a brisk wind. that wind will continue to blow across northern and western parts of scotland tomorrow with the odd spot of drizzle. for most, it is a dry day with a lot of cloud. some breaks for southwest england and wales. eastern scotland looks quite well favoured to see some sunshine with some shelter from this south westerly wind. the brisk wind in the north, lighter winds further south and temperatures generally between 5—9 celsius, may be getting up to ten celsius in the north of scotland. now, through sunday night and into monday, our area of high pressure shows signs of declining. that would allow a frontal system to start to push in from the northwest. that will bring some outbreaks of rain on monday, chiefly across the western side of scotland, northern ireland, some of that rain maybe getting into parts of cumbria by the very end of the afternoon. but other areas largely dry, perhaps a slightly better chance of seeing some sunshine. light winds for pretty much all of us and temperatures between 6—9 celsius. looking ahead to tuesday, more of the same, really, lots of dry weather. could be some fog patches around at first, some areas of cloud, but some decent spells of sunshine and temperatures, you guessed it, again, between 6—9 celsius in most places. then as we head deeper into the week, well, we do see something of a change with more frontal systems starting to push in from the northwest. this time having a bit more life about them. so, could see some slightly heavier and more widespread rain sweeping through as we head through wednesday and into the first part of thursday. but most of the rain, i think, through the coming week will be across northern areas, not much of it getting down to the south. temperature 6—10 celsius. hello this is bbc news. the headlines... the first shipment of american military aid to ukraine arrives there, amid warnings a russian invasion could be imminent. police will meet a conservative mp who's accused government whips of trying to blackmail politicians who've tried to oust borisjohnson. a man appears in court charged with the murder of an elderly woman and the attempted murder of her husband. the port of dover admits new customs checks have contributed to big queues on the roads. now on bbc news, it's time for our world. sophie long travels to mississippi and texas to look at america's new abortion battle. this film contains scenes which some viewers may find upsetting.

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Headlines , Bbc News , Uk , Viewers , Around The World , Invasion , Mp , Politicians , Blackmail , Shipment , Military Aid , Government Whips , Warnings , Ukraine , Russian , Conservative , American , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Roads , Borisjohnson , Customs Checks , Queues , Port Of Dover , Crash , La , Sunset Boulevard , Senior Conservative Mp , Hello , President , Tobias Ellwood , Border , Advantage , Defence Committee , Troops , Commons , Weakened West , Aid , Biden , Planning , Promise , Assistance , James Waterhouse , 90 , Crack , Kyiv , Closeness , Ukrainians , Capital , Friendship , Soviets , Nations Arch , Things , Activists , Countries , Few , Relations , Talks , Hope , Two , British Government , Support , Jets , Delivery , Tensions , Ministers , Missiles , Military Drills , Way , Call , Military Equipment , Belarus , 2000 , Course , Aggressor , Putin , Nato , Weapons , Talks Failing , Ultimatum , Back , Pretext , Effort , Corner , Weakness , West , Country , Struggles , City , Power , Parents , Valeria , Lillian , Evelyn , Times , Anxiety , Stuff , Sure , Others , Nightmare , Donetsk , Donbas , Moscow , Aggression , Eight , Uncertainty , It , Military Presence , Scale , Attacks , Fighting , Heart , Misinformation , News , Germany , Head , Comments , Royal Navy , Government , Achim Schonbach , Respect , Remarks , Kay , Crimean Peninsula , Reports , Operations , Ben Hodges , Shipments , Commander , Europe , Us Army , Who , Muscles , Soldiers , Lines , Ammunition , Type , Threat , Conflict , Issue , Clearing , Opinion , Lawmaker , Saying , Clearin , Let , Wejust , Something , Position , Showing , Point , Sense , Conclusion , Olympics , Expense , Calendar , Winter Olympics , Beijing , Response , Play , Sanctions , Responses , Someone , Offensive , 0lympics , Expansion , Yew , Resonse , Veere Last , 2 , 0 , Make , Analysis , Playing Out , Fact , Deterrence , Will , Capability , Punishment , Doing , Allies , Air Forces , Everything , Berlin Airlift , Intelligence Sharing , Attention , Air Muscle Defence , Alliance , Example , Eastern Flank , Place , Swift Response , Terms , Little , Leaders , European Union , Russians , People , Part , Swift , Us Congress , Ithink , Defender , Steps , Favour , Hms , Coast , Black Sea , Freedom Of Navigation , William Wragg , Some , Thing , Air Space , Waters , Effects , Police , Mps , Claims , Chris Bryant , Behaviour , Accused , Downing Street , Evidence , Damian Grammaticas , Allegations , Pressure , Proof , Concern , One , Confidence , Letters , Rebel Mps , Decisive , Constituencies , Threats , Matter , Funding , Intimidation , Prime Minister , Member Of Parliament , Christian Wakeford , School , Another , Rebels , Cheering , Mrjohnson , Senior , Tory Mps , Offering , Free School Meals , Political Parties , Constituents , Campaigning , Anything , Relationship , Chief Whip , Substance , Occasions , Tory , Parties , Person , Sue Gray , Report , Whips , Question , Chequers , Country Retreat , Plotting , 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Vessels , Activities , Carriers , Refit , Customs Paperwork , Our Buffer Zone Space , Check In Process , Operation Travel Access Protocol , Capacity , Freight Traffic , Increase , Checks , Force , Tricks , Implications , Agreement , Set , Protocols , Travel , Biometric , September , French , Trucks , Counterparts , Warning , Solution , Border Arrangements , 10000 , Football , Manchester City , Winning Streak , Premier League , 12 , Lead , Time , Home , Side , Kyle Walker Pictures , Southampton , Game , Winner , Pip Cordial The , Site , Equaliser , Team , Departments , Opposite , Lazy , Arrogant , Match , Var Check , Four , Premier , Offside , Kick , Build Up , Manchester United , West Ham , Legaue , Edinson Cavani , Marcus Rashford , 30 , Chances , Goal , Wins , Atmosphere , Plates , 5th , Ralf Ragnick , 5 , More , In The End , Win , Performance , Level , Physicality , Bearing , Kinds , Mind , Branford , Three , Draw , Players , Result , Mistakes , Score Goals , We Hadn T , 95 , 94 , Steven Gerrard , Games , Goals , Victory , Aston Villa , Leeds , Play Offs , Stadium , Drone , Wolves , Everton , Brentford , Newcastle , Africa World Cup , Buendia , Liverpool , Cameroon Pits , 20 , Dr Congo Will Face Morocco , Teams , Arch , Ties , Tie , Elsewhere , Finals , Mo Salah , Sadio Mane , Egypt , Nigeria , Ghana , Mali , Senegal , Daniil Medvedev , Tennis , Encounter , Cameroon , Australian Open , Algeria , Tunisia , Melbourne , Nick Kygios , 16 , World , Sets , Evening , Meeting , Saw , Seed , Singles , Maxime Cressy On Monday , He Beat Australia S , Russian Medvedev , Botic , Van De Zandschulp , Christopher 0 Connell , Aryna Sabalenka , Scott Jamieson , Olympic , Maddison Inglis , Round , Led , Scot , Shot , Championship , Abu Dhabi , 336 , Tournment , Shooting , Sport , Links Course , Yas , Parfor , Par , 68 , 11 , Spokesperson , Governor , Correspondent , Nickjohnson Reports , David Willis , Hollywood Star , Let S Talk , California , Face , Details , Movie Star , Brentwood , Gwyneth Paltrow , Basketball Player Lebronjames , Collision , Vehicles , Los Angeles Police Department , Red , Impact , Famous Sunset Boulevard , Suv , Roof , Junction , Thejunction , Driver , Prius , Representative , Wheel , Drugs , Alcohol , Pictures , Lot , Scene , Riuht , Big Cars , Hummer H One , Scene Show , Odds , Gmc Yukon , Car Collection , Multimillionaire , Transport , Bugatti , Cadillac A Bentley His Car Collection , Form , Cadillac A Bentley , Tonga , Tsunami , Eruption , Sea , Population , New Zealand , Jatinder Dhillon Reports , Australia , 80 , Cleaning , Desalination Plant , Relief , New Zealand Naval Ship , 70000 , Supplies , Water , Harbour , Volcanic Ash , Sea Water , Latest , Equipment , Arbour , Residents , Distribution , Japan , Aid Workers , Operation , Border Control Policies , Pacific Kingdom , Arrival , Tongan Authorities , 72 , Farmers , Food Aid , Homes , Livelihoods , Crops , Update , Disaster , Recovery , Hit , Road , Communities , Momentum , Ia Long Road , Donations , Families , Rugby Player , Family , Food , Essentials , Car Park , Tongan Born , Island , Fundraising Page , Reliefs , Effort Led , Airport , Repair Ship , Telecoms Networks , Undersea Cable , Passenger , Lockdownafter , Flight , Pandemic , Measures , Pacific Island Nation , Kiribass , Coronavirus , 36 , Ana De Armas , Fans , Gatherings , Film Showing , Film Studio Universal Pictures , Film , Trailer , Compensation , Universal , Danny Boyle , Five Million , Five , Five Million Dollars , Five Dollars , Weather , It S Time , Goodbye , Cloud , High Pressure , Places , Area , Majority , Sky , Amounts , Wasn T A , Temperatures , Winds , South , Spells , Breaks , Countryside , Mist , Patches , Fog , Or 4 Celsius , The Cloud , , Most , North , Wind , Eastern Scotland , Parts , Cover , Drizzle , Odd Spot , Sunshine , Shelter , South Westerly , Wales , Celsius , Sunday Night , 9 , Rain , Northwest , System , Afternoon , Outbreaks , Cumbria , Northern Ireland , Signs , Areas , Chance , Same , Wall , Light Winds , 6 , Change , Systems , Fog Patches , Lots , Temperature , Life , Northern Areas , 10 , Abortion Battle , Mississippi , Texas , Sophie , Scenes ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

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hello and welcome if you're watching in the uk or around the world. a senior conservative mp says the uk must do more to support ukraine as russian troops mass along its border. tobias ellwood, who chairs the commons defence committee, says he thinks an invasion could now be "imminent" — and that president putin is "taking full advantage of a weakened west". russia has denied it's planning an invasion. but the us has delivered 90 tonnes of what it calls �*lethal aid' to ukraine, the first shipment since a fresh promise of assistance from president biden. james waterhouse reports now from the ukrainian capital, kyiv. the friendship of nations arch, built by the soviets to celebrate the closeness between russians and ukrainians. that crack was painted on by activists in a few that crack —— that crack was painted on by activists a few years ago as relations between the two countries deteriorated. and as talks intensify about a possible invasion, the hope is things don't break down completely. tensions are still rising on the border. today russian jets made their way to joint military drills with neighbouring belarus. ukrainian ministers have welcomed the delivery of us military equipment, and now a call for the uk to step up its own support. the british government has delivered 2,000 anti—tank missiles this week and says it is open to sending more weapons. what we have seen over the last few months with diplomatic talks failing, putin's ultimatum demanding nato push back, of course that was dismissed, but that has given him the pretext to actually say that there is an aggressor and that he must act. he has actually boxed himself into a corner because so much effort has been put into this. but he also recognised that he will never again be as strong as this to take advantage of the west's weakness. i suspect an invasion is now imminent. so, does kyiv feel like a city preparing for an invasion? evelyn and lillian are too small to appreciate the power struggles surrounding their country, but their parents sergei and valeria obviously are not. it is definitely concerning. it definitely seems more tense than in past times that we were concerned about this. i would say it is definitely increasing, like, anxiety and stuff, for sure. of course i am afraid. i don't want ukraine to be just like donbas right now, just like donetsk. it will be very... it is a nightmare for me. if i see others do it, says ivan, i am ready to defend my country. i am not going to run away, but then again there might not be anywhere to run away to. moscow denies that it is planning an invasion, but it is easy to forget ukraine's already endured eight years of russian aggression. it has brought fighting, cyber attacks, misinformation and constant uncertainty. next week, the us will continue to discuss russia's demands that nato will both scale back its military presence and rule out ever letting ukraine join. for the country at the heart of it, that uncertainty goes on. james waterhouse, bbc news, in kyiv. in the last few minutes — we have some breaking news — from germany — where it's being reported that the head of germany's navy has resigned, following comments he made about ukraine. kay—achim schonbach is alleged to have said ukraine would never take back the crimean peninsula from russia. he also said president putin deserved respect. the remarks angered the government in kyiv. let's get more on reports of so—called �*lethal aid' which have been arriving in ukraine from the us. i asked lieutenant general ben hodges — who's a former commander of the us army's operations in europe — what those shipments might be... i suspect we are talking about more anti—tank muscles, ammunition for soldiers on the front lines. these type of things. stuff they can use immediately, that they would already know how to use.— know how to use. thank you for clearin: know how to use. thank you for clearing that — know how to use. thank you for clearing that up. _ know how to use. thank you for clearing that up. let's - know how to use. thank you for clearing that up. let's get - know how to use. thank you for clearing that up. let's get to . know how to use. thank you for| clearing that up. let's get to the substantive issue, the threat of invasion and conflict. wejust substantive issue, the threat of invasion and conflict. we just heard from a british lawmaker they're saying, giving their opinion, things pretty likely. where do you stand? i'm afraid it's inevitable at this point. president putin, with all that he has done over the past year, all that he said in the last several weeks, he has put himself in a position now where he cannot back down without showing something for all the expense and effort, and as i look at the calendar, look at the winter olympics in beijing, my sense unfortunately is it is probably right up to the conclusion of the olympics we are going to see a new 0lympics we are going to see a new russian offensive, an expansion of what they have been doing for the last eight years. lets what they have been doing for the last eight yew-— what they have been doing for the last eight veere— last eight years. lets talk about a resonse. last eight years. lets talk about a response- if— last eight years. lets talk about a response. if that _ last eight years. lets talk about a response. if that does _ last eight years. lets talk about a response. if that does play - last eight years. lets talk about a response. if that does play out, l last eight years. lets talk about a response. if that does play out, i | response. if that does play out, i spoke to someone 2a hours ago saying they thought that actually sanctions and all those possible responses should be brought in now, ahead of time, to try and prevent that analysis playing out. what do you make of that?— analysis playing out. what do you make of that? look, this is a time for what we _ make of that? look, this is a time for what we would _ make of that? look, this is a time for what we would call _ make of that? look, this is a time for what we would call active - for what we would call active deterrence. i really believe that deterrence. i really believe that deterrence based on demonstrating capability and will, before the fact, it's much more effective than based on the threat of punishment after the fact. something almost on the scale of the berlin airlift, things like what the royal air forces delivered, what united states is doing, other allies are doing, doing everything we can to assist ukraine, but also with intelligence sharing. these things are very important. helping them with exercising, practising air muscle defence for example. but also alliance, making sure we are doing things along nato's eastern flank to demonstrate we are paying attention. in terms of demonstrating paying attention, that is really interesting. let's spin forward a little. if this invasion does take place, we promise a swift response, but to be clear, what response do you think the us and its allies will do? ., , , , , ., ., do? for sure my president and other leaders inside _ do? for sure my president and other leaders inside nato _ do? for sure my president and other leaders inside nato and _ do? for sure my president and other leaders inside nato and the - do? for sure my president and other| leaders inside nato and the european union have said that there will be sanctions like the russians have never seen before. i don't know exactly what all that means, and of course it is well known several senior people in germany have talked about swift should not be a part of this, but it would be impossible for my president to back away from taking severe steps, and certainly the us congress is in favour of this as well. i would expect that to happen. i think, as well. i would expect that to happen. ithink, also, think about what hms defender day, how important that was that the royal navy enforce freedom of navigation in the black sea. you can be sure the russians will be attempting operations across the black sea coast, and wanting to keep away in international waters, so we will have to challenge that. same thing with air space. 0therwise same thing with air space. otherwise they will have achieved some of the effects they want and we cannot tolerate that. william wragg, the conservative mp who accused government whips of trying to �*blackmail�* some mps trying to oust borisjohnson, says he's due to meet the police next week to discuss his claims. he's been backed by the labour mp chris bryant, who says any such behaviour would be illegal. downing street says it's not seen any evidence to support the allegations, but would look closely if proof were presented. here's our political correspondent damian grammaticas. already under pressure, the coming days could prove decisive for boris johnson. now there is a new concern — the fact that one of the main rebel mps, who have already written letters of no confidence in him, is due to talk to the police possibly on monday. the mp william wragg this week alleged he'd been told others had faced threats they might lose funding for their constituencies if they did not back the prime minister. the intimidation of a member of parliament is a serious matter. moreover, the reports of which i am aware would seem to constitute blackmail. cheering. on wednesday, mrjohnson was there when another of the rebels, christian wakeford, defected to labour. he claims he was told some time ago funding for a school might not happen if he did not support the government over free school meals. today a senior labour mp said he had heard more claims. i must have spoken to about a dozen tory mps in the last few days who have made similar allegations about whips either offering to withdraw, you know, financial support for their constituencies, either from the political parties, so for campaigning, or for their constituents. downing street says if evidence emerges, it will be looked at seriously, but it is not investigating as it is not aware of anything to back up the claims. and tory mps are waiting to see if there is more substance to them. i have voted against the government on occasions when i thought it right, and i have to say i have always had a very close relationship with the chief whip and indeed a very productive relationship with whips, so i am waiting to hear more about this because it is not something i have seen or been told about. the other person looking for evidence is sue gray, the civil servant investigating the downing street parties. her report should come this week. the question for borisjohnson, who is at the official country retreat of chequers, can he survive it unscathed? he is thought to be busy plotting his strategy and calling his mps trying to secure their support. damian grammaticas, bbc news. a quick look at some of the other stories making headlines in the uk... two women have been taken to hospital after a knife attack in north west london. the incident happened along station road in harrow. police say the injured women were slashed and a third woman was punched by the suspect. a woman has been detained and taken to hospital for mental health assessment. a man has appeared in court charged with the murder of an 86—year—old woman and the attempted murder of her 88—year—old husband. freda walker was found dead at her home a week ago near derbyshire in the english midlands. ken walker was found severely injured and remains in hospital in a critical condition. the united nations in afghanistan says it's concerned by the disappearance of two afghan women activists, who took part in protests demanding their rights to work and education in recent weeks. the un has urged taliban rulers to provide information on the whereabouts of the missing women. one of the activists released a video on social media saying taliban fighters had come to their house. the activists have been missing since then. the taliban have denied the women are being detained. translation: element we also heard the news of the arrest of a few girls. we contacted all the security institutions. no woman has been arrested or detained. some rumours are being circulated as some women want to make their cases, so their escape to western countries can be facilitated, so they can have an excuse for asylum there. we reject the news women have been arrested. one of the uk's main ports in dover in southern england has acknowleged that since the beginning of the year, new customs controls for goods heading to the eu have been contributing to big queues on the road outside the town. special travel restrictions have been used ten times this year to ease heavy congestion on the a20 in kent, prompting anger among many drivers. here's our business correspondent, ramzan karmali. queues of lorries on the a20 trying to get into dover. a sight that many have got used to at the start of 2022. 0n social media, many drivers have blamed brexit. from january 1st, experts to the eu were subject to full customs controls. the boss of the port believes there are a number of factors causing the delays. since the beginning of the year, there has been increased transaction times at the border due to the carriers having to check customs paperwork at the check—in process. but equally normally for this time of year we have vessels that are out on refit, normal maintenance activities. we also are doing a bit of maintenance in the port, which means that our buffer zone space has got slightly reduced capacity. the increase in freight traffic has meant the operation travel access protocol, a temporary traffic management system, has been called on ten times already this year. but the port of dover is more concerned about new tricks which concerned about new checks which will come into force in september. what we're trying to do is make certain the government fully appreciates what the implications are if we do not get an agreement between the uk government and the french government for a set of protocols that will work. unless we get that agreement, it will be very difficult to see how it will not impact the travel through the port of dover. from september, airport—style biometric checks are due to be implemented, which would mean drivers being stopped at the port for around ten minutes each. with around 10,000 trucks passing through the port each day, the warning is clear that a solution needs to be found. the government says it is working with its european counterparts to ensure that border arrangements run as smoothly as possible. the headlines on bbc news... the first shipment of american military aid to ukraine arrives in the country — amid warnings a russian invasion could be imminent. police will meet a conservative mp who's accused government whips of trying to "blackmail" politicians who've tried to oust borisjohnson. we are starting with football at manchester city's i2 we are starting with football at manchester city's 12 game winning streak in the premier league is over, after they were heard by southampton. i—i it finished. kyle walker pictures put the home side ahead in the first time. a lead they held until after half—time before city got an equaliser. pip cordial the's site could not find a winner. it was inconsistent, we played, to win the game. people will see the team as lazy, arrogant, like they do not try to win the game. it was completely the opposite. we did it and played exceptionally well. in many departments,. after a match that produced very little, manchester united scored with virtually the last kick of the game against west ham, to leapfrog them into the premier legaue's top four. marcus rashford scored the winner with less than 30 seconds left of injury time. it did go to a var check for a possible offside from edinson cavani in the build up, but the goal was given. harsh on west ham who were organised in a game of little chances. they drop to 5th. but it's back to back wins for the first time under ralf ragnick. the atmosphere was amazing. quite rightly the plates are celebrating. they knew how important this win was. in the end, those are the best kinds of wins, when the other team has no time any more to come back. but obviously we are extremely happy about the performance defensively about the level of physicality that we showed today, bearing in mind that we only played three days ago at branford. the players played 94 minutes, 95, so you _ the players played 94 minutes, 95, so you can — the players played 94 minutes, 95, so you can make mistakes, but at that time — so you can make mistakes, but at that time it — so you can make mistakes, but at that time it is so important. a draw would _ that time it is so important. a draw would have — that time it is so important. a draw would have been a good result because — would have been a good result because we hadn't created enough chances _ because we hadn't created enough chances or— because we hadn't created enough chances or played well enough probably to score goals. but we certainly — probably to score goals. but we certainly had defended and kept manchester united out enough to get a draw _ in the day's other games — steven gerrard enjoyed his aston villa's side victory over everton — buendia with the goal just before half time... leeds were beaten 1—0 by newcastle, the match between brentford and wolves was halted for 20 minutes as a drone flew over the stadium — it finished 2—1 to leeds. the draw has been made for the 2022 africa world cup play—offs. the draw which took place in cameroon pits liverpool team mates mo salah and sadio mane on opposing teams as egypt were drawn to play senegal in the two—legged ties which take place in march. elsewhere there's a tasty tie between arch rivals ghana and nigeria. dr congo will face morocco, mali — the only team never to have qualified for the finals take on tunisia and cameroon meet algeria. at the australian open tennis in melbourne, last year's runner—up daniil medvedev has booked his place in the last 16... and he did it in a much calmer match than his encounter with nick kygios the other evening. the russian — medvedev, who's the second seed, comfortably saw off botic van de zandschulp in straight sets. it sets up a meeting with maxime cressy on monday, after he beat australia's christopher 0'connell. in the women's singles, the world number two aryna sabalenka came back from a poor first set to beat the olympic silver medallist maddison inglis in three sets. scott jamieson is still holding the lead by one shot going into the final round of the abu dhabi championship. the scot, who's ranked number 336th in the world has led after every round and has been playing so well at the yas links course — today shooting a four—under—par 68 in his third round. jamieson is now 11 under parfor the tournment. that's all the sport for now. the hollywood star, arnold schwarzenegger, has been involved in a multi—vehicle crash in los angeles. a woman has been taken to hospital. a spokesperson for the former california governor said he was unharmed. nickjohnson reports. let's talk to our correspondent in los angeles david willis. you've frozen at the moment but i will see if you are there behind that frozen face. can you tell is what more details we have of this? this incident occurred about a mile from arnold schwarzenegger's home in the rather posh city of brentwood, known also to be the home of the movie star gwyneth paltrow and the basketball player lebronjames, amongst others. the los angeles police department has confirmed four vehicles were involved in this collision. it is thought to have occurred shortly after arnold schwarzenegger left his home. he was attempting to turn left onto the famous sunset boulevard when the collision occurred, basically head—on, with a red previous. such was the impact of this collision that the suv that contained arnold schwarzenegger briefly rolled onto the roof of the red prius before topping onto two other vehicles waiting at thejunction. topping onto two other vehicles waiting at the junction. a representative for arnold schwarzenegger has confirmed the movie star was indeed behind the wheel of the suv when this incident occurred. he was not injured but a woman who was thought was the driver of the red prius was taken to hospital. she is not thought to be in a serious condition. the los angeles police department has said it is investigating, but it is not thought, they say, that alcohol or drugs played a part in this incident. drugs played a part in this incident-— drugs played a part in this incident. , . , incident. those pictures there, it does look relatively _ incident. those pictures there, it does look relatively dramatic, i incident. those pictures there, it | does look relatively dramatic, but good news... we have heard from a spokesperson but not heard from him himself yet, is that right?— himself yet, is that right? that's riuht. we himself yet, is that right? that's right- we do _ himself yet, is that right? that's right. we do know— himself yet, is that right? that's right. we do know that - himself yet, is that right? that's right. we do know that arnold i right. we do know that arnold schwarzenegger remained at the scene and apparently showed a lot of concern for the women who was injured. he is a man, of course, who likes big cars. he was the first person in this country to own the hummer h one, and as you say, pictures from the scene show that gmc yukon suv he was driving to work thing the other vehicles that were involved in this collision. he is unlikely to be at odds for another form of transport, he is a multimillionaire, of course. amongst his car collection is a bugatti, cadillac a bentley.— his car collection is a bugatti, cadillac a bentley. thank you very much for that. _ in tonga, foreign aid is starting to be distributed, following last weekend's devastating volcanic eruption and tsunami. the un says more than 80% of tonga's population has been affected. aid has been arriving by sea and air from australia, new zealand and britain. jatinder dhillon reports. relief at last. a new zealand naval ship, with the desalination plant on board, which can produce 70,000 litres a day, started cleaning of the sea water from tonga's arbour, ready for distribution to desperate residents. —— harbour. japan is the latest to deliver urgent supplies, including clean water. and equipment to clean the volcanic ash. it is a complicated operation. the pacific kingdom is covid free and has a strict border control policies, requiring contactless delivery of aid. that means aid workers cannot enter the country unless they have undergone a three week isolation period. supplies are quarantined for 72 hours after arrival, before being distributed by tongan authorities. the un says the country will be heavily reliant on food aid for some time. almost all the crops have been badly affected by volcanic ash. farmers have lost their homes and livelihoods. in the first update since the eruption triggered a tsunami, the government says the country has been hit by an unprecedented disaster. tonga's recovery from — unprecedented disaster. tonga's recovery from this _ unprecedented disaster. tonga's recovery from this disaster - unprecedented disaster. tonga's recovery from this disaster is - unprecedented disaster. tonga's i recovery from this disaster is going to be long—term, and i think we need to be long—term, and i think we need to ensure that we the momentum up. after tonga has got enough water we will have to rebuild and it will be a long road to recovery.- a long road to recovery. tongan communities _ a long road to recovery. tongan communities abroad _ a long road to recovery. tongan communities abroad have - a long road to recovery. tongan communities abroad have also i a long road to recovery. tongan - communities abroad have also been providing support and donations. in new zealand, entire families filled this auckland car park and loaded trucks with supplies of food, water and other essentials. tongan born rugby player, who lives in the uk, has not heard from his family and has not heard from his family and has launched a fundraising page to help with reliefs. the tongan government has asked for the international aid effort led by australia and new zealand to be paced so the island's small airport and harbour are not overwhelmed. in the next few days, a repair ship will arrive to reconnect the undersea cable that links tonga to international telecoms networks. the remote pacific island nation of kiribass has gone into lockdownafter the first passenger flight into the country for more than ten months, brought 36 confirmed coronavirus cases. until this week the island had gone through the entire pandemic with just two. under the new measures, people have been told to stay at home and social gatherings are banned. fans of the actress ana de armas are suing the film studio universal pictures after they rented a film showing her in the trailer — only to find she'd been edited out. they paid around five dollars to stream danny boyle's film yesterday but are looking for more than five million dollars in compensation. universal has yet to comment. we pause to say goodbye to your international viewers, but if you're watching in the uk, it's time for the weather. good evening. saturday may have been a dry day for the vast majority, but it certainly wasn't a desperately sunny one in most places. we had extensive cloud trapped underneath this area of high pressure. the high stays with us through tonight and into tomorrow, keeping things largely dry but often quite cloudy. so, large amounts of cloud in the sky as we head through tonight. where there are breaks in the cloud, they could well fill in with some patches of mist and fog, and where winds are light down towards the south, if you do have lengthy clear spells overhead, temperatures could get down to —3 or —4 celsius and one or two places out in the countryside. it will be dependent upon the cloud cover and certainly not as cold up towards the north where we will keep a brisk wind. that wind will continue to blow across northern and western parts of scotland tomorrow with the odd spot of drizzle. for most, it is a dry day with a lot of cloud. some breaks for southwest england and wales. eastern scotland looks quite well favoured to see some sunshine with some shelter from this south westerly wind. the brisk wind in the north, lighter winds further south and temperatures generally between 5—9 celsius, may be getting up to ten celsius in the north of scotland. now, through sunday night and into monday, our area of high pressure shows signs of declining. that would allow a frontal system to start to push in from the northwest. that will bring some outbreaks of rain on monday, chiefly across the western side of scotland, northern ireland, some of that rain maybe getting into parts of cumbria by the very end of the afternoon. but other areas largely dry, perhaps a slightly better chance of seeing some sunshine. light winds for pretty much all of us and temperatures between 6—9 celsius. looking ahead to tuesday, more of the same, really, lots of dry weather. could be some fog patches around at first, some areas of cloud, but some decent spells of sunshine and temperatures, you guessed it, again, between 6—9 celsius in most places. then as we head deeper into the week, well, we do see something of a change with more frontal systems starting to push in from the northwest. this time having a bit more life about them. so, could see some slightly heavier and more widespread rain sweeping through as we head through wednesday and into the first part of thursday. but most of the rain, i think, through the coming week will be across northern areas, not much of it getting down to the south. temperature 6—10 celsius. hello this is bbc news. the headlines... the first shipment of american military aid to ukraine arrives there, amid warnings a russian invasion could be imminent. police will meet a conservative mp who's accused government whips of trying to blackmail politicians who've tried to oust borisjohnson. a man appears in court charged with the murder of an elderly woman and the attempted murder of her husband. the port of dover admits new customs checks have contributed to big queues on the roads. now on bbc news, it's time for our world. sophie long travels to mississippi and texas to look at america's new abortion battle. this film contains scenes which some viewers may find upsetting.

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Power , Parents , Valeria , Lillian , Evelyn , Times , Anxiety , Stuff , Sure , Others , Nightmare , Donetsk , Donbas , Moscow , Aggression , Eight , Uncertainty , It , Military Presence , Scale , Attacks , Fighting , Heart , Misinformation , News , Germany , Head , Comments , Royal Navy , Government , Achim Schonbach , Respect , Remarks , Kay , Crimean Peninsula , Reports , Operations , Ben Hodges , Shipments , Commander , Europe , Us Army , Who , Muscles , Soldiers , Lines , Ammunition , Type , Threat , Conflict , Issue , Clearing , Opinion , Lawmaker , Saying , Clearin , Let , Wejust , Something , Position , Showing , Point , Sense , Conclusion , Olympics , Expense , Calendar , Winter Olympics , Beijing , Response , Play , Sanctions , Responses , Someone , Offensive , 0lympics , Expansion , Yew , Resonse , Veere Last , 2 , 0 , Make , Analysis , Playing Out , Fact , Deterrence , Will , Capability , Punishment , Doing , Allies , Air Forces , Everything , Berlin Airlift , Intelligence Sharing , Attention , Air Muscle Defence , Alliance , Example , Eastern Flank , Place , Swift Response , Terms , Little , Leaders , European Union , Russians , People , Part , Swift , Us Congress , Ithink , Defender , Steps , Favour , Hms , Coast , Black Sea , Freedom Of Navigation , William Wragg , Some , Thing , Air Space , Waters , Effects , Police , Mps , Claims , Chris Bryant , Behaviour , Accused , Downing Street , Evidence , Damian Grammaticas , Allegations , Pressure , Proof , Concern , One , Confidence , Letters , Rebel Mps , Decisive , Constituencies , Threats , Matter , Funding , Intimidation , Prime Minister , Member Of Parliament , Christian Wakeford , School , Another , Rebels , Cheering , Mrjohnson , Senior , Tory Mps , Offering , Free School Meals , Political Parties , Constituents , Campaigning , Anything , Relationship , Chief Whip , Substance , Occasions , Tory , Parties , Person , Sue Gray , Report , Whips , Question , Chequers , Country Retreat , Plotting , Strategy , Stories , Look , Incident , Woman , Women , Hospital , Knife Attack , Station Road , Suspect , Mental Health Assessment , North West London , Harrow , Man , Court , Attempted Murder , Murder , Husband , 88 , 86 , Condition , Freda Walker , United Nations , Injured , Ken Walker , Derbyshire , English Midlands , Afghanistan , Protests , Taliban , Disappearance , Rights , Education , Whereabouts , Afghan Women Activists , Information , Social Media , Fighters , Video , House , Cases , Translation , Element , Girls , Arrest , Security Institutions , Rumours , News Women , Asylum , Excuse , Beginning , On The Road , Customs Controls , Southern England , Ports , Anger , Dover , Congestion , Goods , A20 , Prompting , Town , Acknowleged , Special Travel Restrictions , Kent , Ten , Drivers , Ramzan Karmali , Many , 0n Social Media , Lorries , Sight , Brexit , 2022 , Port , Number , Factors , Transaction , Subject , Delays , Boss , January 1st , Experts , 1 , Maintenance , Bit , Vessels , Activities , Carriers , Refit , Customs Paperwork , Our Buffer Zone Space , Check In Process , Operation Travel Access Protocol , Capacity , Freight Traffic , Increase , Checks , Force , Tricks , Implications , Agreement , Set , Protocols , Travel , Biometric , September , French , Trucks , Counterparts , Warning , Solution , Border Arrangements , 10000 , Football , Manchester City , Winning Streak , Premier League , 12 , Lead , Time , Home , Side , Kyle Walker Pictures , Southampton , Game , Winner , Pip Cordial The , Site , Equaliser , Team , Departments , Opposite , Lazy , Arrogant , Match , Var Check , Four , Premier , Offside , Kick , Build Up , Manchester United , West Ham , Legaue , Edinson Cavani , Marcus Rashford , 30 , Chances , Goal , Wins , Atmosphere , Plates , 5th , Ralf Ragnick , 5 , More , In The End , Win , Performance , Level , Physicality , Bearing , Kinds , Mind , Branford , Three , Draw , Players , Result , Mistakes , Score Goals , We Hadn T , 95 , 94 , Steven Gerrard , Games , Goals , Victory , Aston Villa , Leeds , Play Offs , Stadium , Drone , Wolves , Everton , Brentford , Newcastle , Africa World Cup , Buendia , Liverpool , Cameroon Pits , 20 , Dr Congo Will Face Morocco , Teams , Arch , Ties , Tie , Elsewhere , Finals , Mo Salah , Sadio Mane , Egypt , Nigeria , Ghana , Mali , Senegal , Daniil Medvedev , Tennis , Encounter , Cameroon , Australian Open , Algeria , Tunisia , Melbourne , Nick Kygios , 16 , World , Sets , Evening , Meeting , Saw , Seed , Singles , Maxime Cressy On Monday , He Beat Australia S , Russian Medvedev , Botic , Van De Zandschulp , Christopher 0 Connell , Aryna Sabalenka , Scott Jamieson , Olympic , Maddison Inglis , Round , Led , Scot , Shot , Championship , Abu Dhabi , 336 , Tournment , Shooting , Sport , Links Course , Yas , Parfor , Par , 68 , 11 , Spokesperson , Governor , Correspondent , Nickjohnson Reports , David Willis , Hollywood Star , Let S Talk , California , Face , Details , Movie Star , Brentwood , Gwyneth Paltrow , Basketball Player Lebronjames , Collision , Vehicles , Los Angeles Police Department , Red , Impact , Famous Sunset Boulevard , Suv , Roof , Junction , Thejunction , Driver , Prius , Representative , Wheel , Drugs , Alcohol , Pictures , Lot , Scene , Riuht , Big Cars , Hummer H One , Scene Show , Odds , Gmc Yukon , Car Collection , Multimillionaire , Transport , Bugatti , Cadillac A Bentley His Car Collection , Form , Cadillac A Bentley , Tonga , Tsunami , Eruption , Sea , Population , New Zealand , Jatinder Dhillon Reports , Australia , 80 , Cleaning , Desalination Plant , Relief , New Zealand Naval Ship , 70000 , Supplies , Water , Harbour , Volcanic Ash , Sea Water , Latest , Equipment , Arbour , Residents , Distribution , Japan , Aid Workers , Operation , Border Control Policies , Pacific Kingdom , Arrival , Tongan Authorities , 72 , Farmers , Food Aid , Homes , Livelihoods , Crops , Update , Disaster , Recovery , Hit , Road , Communities , Momentum , Ia Long Road , Donations , Families , Rugby Player , Family , Food , Essentials , Car Park , Tongan Born , Island , Fundraising Page , Reliefs , Effort Led , Airport , Repair Ship , Telecoms Networks , Undersea Cable , Passenger , Lockdownafter , Flight , Pandemic , Measures , Pacific Island Nation , Kiribass , Coronavirus , 36 , Ana De Armas , Fans , Gatherings , Film Showing , Film Studio Universal Pictures , Film , Trailer , Compensation , Universal , Danny Boyle , Five Million , Five , Five Million Dollars , Five Dollars , Weather , It S Time , Goodbye , Cloud , High Pressure , Places , Area , Majority , Sky , Amounts , Wasn T A , Temperatures , Winds , South , Spells , Breaks , Countryside , Mist , Patches , Fog , Or 4 Celsius , The Cloud , , Most , North , Wind , Eastern Scotland , Parts , Cover , Drizzle , Odd Spot , Sunshine , Shelter , South Westerly , Wales , Celsius , Sunday Night , 9 , Rain , Northwest , System , Afternoon , Outbreaks , Cumbria , Northern Ireland , Signs , Areas , Chance , Same , Wall , Light Winds , 6 , Change , Systems , Fog Patches , Lots , Temperature , Life , Northern Areas , 10 , Abortion Battle , Mississippi , Texas , Sophie , Scenes ,

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