Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

are possible. president biden has travelled to the presidential retreat at camp david, where he will be joined by secretary blinken and his national security team to discuss tensions with russia over ukraine. the us wants russia to pull its forces back from the ukrainian border, which western countries fear are preparing to invade. the us has promised to provide a written response to russia's security demands, which include a ban on ukrainejoining nato. our diplomatic correspondent james landale has more. more russian forces on the move. surface—to—air missiles in the country's far east due to join what moscow says are military exercises near ukraine — part of the growing build—up of troops and equipment revealed by images of strategic locations close to the border and what western powers fear may be preparation for war. but for now, the diplomacy continues, too. america's and russia's top diplomats met in geneva and at first couldn't even agree how to greet one another, with one question on everyone�*s lips. is an invasion likely, as president biden suggested? mr lavrov seemed to suggest it was up to the united states and later dismissed talk of invasion as "hysterical rhetoric designed to provoke ukraine". what does russia want most — an unstable, dependent ukraine or a new sphere of influence in eastern europe? translation: we are not trying to get a sphere of influence, - but what nato is doing shows it considers ukraine to be a part of its sphere of influence. to the west, ukraine is an independent, sovereign nation. that means it has a right to self—determination, free from russian control. and if it wants to join nato or any other international alliance, well, that is for it to decide. russia's view is different. it sees the former soviet country as historically within its sphere of influence and also strategically important. crimea was annexed in part to protect russia's access to the black sea. and as for nato membership, that would be seen as a threat to russia's core security. that's why president putin wants nato to rule out ukraine ever becoming a member and withdraw its forces from eastern europe. america's secretary of state rejected these as non—starters and once again sought to deter any military action. we've been clear. if any russian military forces move across ukraine's border, that's a renewed invasion. it will be met with swift, severe and a united response from the united states and our partners and allies. there was no breakthrough at the talks here today, no deal to reduce the threat of war, but there was agreement for diplomacy to continue. the us will put forward ideas for more security co—operation next week. both sides will meet again after that. these are turbulent times. but for now, russia appears willing to continue talking, and western diplomats hope that might mean not fighting. james landale, bbc news, geneva. in yemen, aid agencies say at least 70 people have been killed after an air strike by the saudi—led coalition hit a detention centre in the north of the country. it's been almost seven years since the saudi coalition — backed by the us, and the uk — intervened in yemen's civil war —— backed by the us and the uk — intervened in yemen's civil war, but houthi rebels, backed by iran, still control most of the country. all sides have been accused of abuses, including the killing of civilians. our international correspondent orla guerin reports — and a warning, some viewers may find her report upsetting. another dawn in yemen. more destruction revealed in the cold light of day. prisoners were held here by houthi rebels, including african migrants just trying to transit through yemen. some were among the dead. in sa'dah province, the houthi heartland, they dug for survivors with their bare hands. but this was a massive air strike. the death toll is still climbing. the saudi—led coalition, which is backed by britain, says it will investigate fully. after a night of devastating strikes, the un secretary—general criticised both the houthis, who carried out an attack on monday, and the coalition. any bombardment that targets civilians, or that is not careful enough to protect civilians, is of course also unacceptable. what we need is to stop this vicious circle in which things keep escalating one after the other. but on the ground, war has the momentum. this was the port city of hudaydah. the houthis say the coalition hit a telecommunications centre, knocking out the internet across yemen. incredibly, this man was brought out alive. at the hospital, a desperate attempt to revive a child. wails. and a heart—rending loss. aid agencies say three children were killed playing football as the air strikes rained down. the houthis sparked the latest escalation with this deadly cross—border attack on the united arab emirates — a partner in the coalition. in the yemeni capital sanaa today, they staged a show of strength. here's the reality that confronts the coalition. after seven years of air strikes, it has failed to dislodge the houthis from these streets. but now, once again, it is bringing nights of terror and death to yemeni civilians. orla guerin, bbc news. let's get some of the day's other news. british counter—terrorism officers have been given more time to question two men arrested in birmingham and manchester in connection with last week's siege at a synagogue in texas. a british man, malik faisal akram, took several hostages during the 10—hour stand—off, which ended when he was shot dead by police. a court in new york has sentenced a former associate of donald trump's ex—lawyer rudy giuliani to a year in prison for violating campaign finance law. igor fruman is also alleged to have helped mr giuliani to search for damaging information onjoe biden before he was elected president. stock markets in the us have suffered their worst week in nearly two years with technology stocks especially hard hit. friday was the fourth successive day of significant falls. analysts say investors are worried that the federal reserve is likely to raise us interest rates. more now on our main story. joining me live is angela stent, a former officer for russia and eurasia at the national intelligence council, who now heads up georgetown university's center for eurasian, russian and east european studies. great to have you with us. thank you so much forjoining us. we've been watching these talks that have been much anticipated and my guess last night was think it is ok chorale, this showdown between mr lavrov and secretary blinken. how do you think they went? it blinken. how do you think they went? ., ., ~ blinken. how do you think they went? ~ ., ., went? it looks like a rather civilised showdown. - went? it looks like a rather civilised showdown. they i went? it looks like a rather- civilised showdown. they came out and said they had had frank and substantive reports —— talks and said they would continue working so i think we're where we were last week, we're where we were last week, we have three talks last week, these talks today, the russians are now going to await written answers from the united states on their two treaties that they have proposed with demand, which the us and the nato countries won't accept, but they've agreed to meet again so we can just hope that diplomacy continues. . �* , continues. i mean, it's difficult _ continues. i mean, it's difficult to _ continues. i mean, it's difficult to know - continues. i mean, it's difficult to know what l difficult to know what might ahead of president putin what do you think his ultimate goal is? “ do you think his ultimate goal is? 4' , do you think his ultimate goal is? ~ , ., is? so i think his ultimate coal, is? so i think his ultimate goal. it's _ is? so i think his ultimate goal, it's more _ is? so i think his ultimate goal, it's more than - is? so i think his ultimate i goal, it's more than ukraine and ukraine nato membership, it's really to revise the post war settlement. which he thinks, in which russia really doesn't have a stake, we russians's interests haven't been fully taken into account, and he would really the nato countries to accept that russia has a right to a sphere of influence in the post—soviet space and apparently also in what used to be eastern and central europe. in the old days of the warsaw pact. so those are white —— rather wide—ranging demands so he wants to move beyond the system that we now have in europe. but it's a difficult _ that we now have in europe. but it's a difficult spot for the united states to be in, deciding how much to move forward or negotiate with russia, while also maintaining of course their ties with ukraine. of course their ties with ukraine-— of course their ties with ukraine. , �* ~ ukraine. yes. and i think the us and its — ukraine. yes. and i think the us and its nato _ ukraine. yes. and i think the us and its nato allies - ukraine. yes. and i think the us and its nato allies have . us and its nato allies have often have offered to negotiate on things like missiles, i'm in the russians have said the us should never install missiles and ukraine does not have any intention to do that anyway, you can talk about trip movements, we can talk about intermediate—range weapons and restoring that kind of treaty, so there are a number of areas where we could negotiate with the russians if they were willing to take that instead of blanket demand essentially for nato to retreat to where it was in 1997. ., ~ ., in 1997. talking about retreats, _ in 1997. talking about retreats, we - in 1997. talking about retreats, we are - in 1997. talking about i retreats, we are hearing in 1997. talking about - retreats, we are hearing that they have gone, joe biden and also secretary blinken, expected to join him also secretary blinken, expected tojoin him at camp david. i supposed to really think about these next steps. how important is this forjoe biden, do you think, and can he be successful? i biden, do you think, and can he be successful?— be successful? i think it is very important _ be successful? i think it is very important to - be successful? i think it is very important to him. - very important to him. domestically he is under a lot of pressure and his legislation is not doing very well and he wanted to focus on china is the main opponent and to have a relationship with russia but was stable and predictable, as he said, it really hasn't worked out well so i think it is very important, you know, and the shadow of war, the russians have not deescalated at all, there is a military bill up now with belarus as we honein bill up now with belarus as we hone in —— heard in —— hurting your reports i think it is very important to try to resolve this in a way that avoids a while but where the us and the nato countries don't have to give into much. —— heard in your report. give into much. -- heard in your report-— your report. angela stent, thank you _ your report. angela stent, thank you very _ your report. angela stent, thank you very much. - levels of coronavirus are falling in england, scotland and wales, according to official figures, but the government is still facing the challenge of how to persuade more than four million people in the uk to take up the offer of a vaccine. bbc analysis shows that younger people continue to be the most reluctant to be fully vaccinated, with almost a third of 18— to 29—year—olds not having had the first two jabs. our health editor hugh pym reports. a vaccination campaign with a difference. and you could end up with long covid, which is no fun. team halo videos have had more than 250 million views. please don't play this russian roulette with your life. they're focused on debunking vaccine misinformation. let's talk about long covid. dr bnar talabani is one expert working on the project from her home in cardiff. she aims to reassure people that the vaccine is safe. evelyn, whose identity we're protecting, is in her 30s and lives in southern scotland. she has a family history of rheumatoid arthritis and although she wants the jab, she is worried. we always talk about medicines and i try to work out what hopefully won't trigger off an autoimmune response in myself. and that's what makes me nervous about the covid—i9 jab. there's no evidence to say that you will get rheumatoid —— there's no evidence to say that you will get rheumatoid arthritis or any autoimmune disease if you have the vaccine. i think a lot of the times, people don't have access to accurate information, and knowing how to tell the difference between what's nonsense and what's information —— what's misinformation and what's accurate is very difficult. elite sports players have been under the spotlight over their vaccination status. at worcester warriors rugby club, they're well ahead of an 85% target set for leading english clubs. guidance was offered to those players who had early doubts. i think with anything, there's always reluctance until you give them the facts. and that's what we do with anything, whether it's rugby—related or medical—related. rugby—related or medical—related, and i think that's all we did. players are always curious. among the over—60s, more than 90% have had their first two doses. but as you go down the age groups, that falls away quite noticeably. and that's why younger people are seen as a key target group for the continued vaccination programme. it was really confusing. some wanting to start a family have questions. these new mums at the bundle baby class said it wasn't a straightforward decision, but they did get vaccinated while they were pregnant. lots of friends were saying that i shouldn't have the vaccine because i was pregnant and that it might harm the baby. a lot of the research and the data that was out there, even when you're speaking to a gp, it didn't seem like there was a lot of robust information. when i turned 13 weeks, so got into the second trimester, i immediately went to get the vaccine — and i'd been waiting to get the vaccine, actually. i was actually having arguments with my husband about it because, you know, he was keen for me not to and to wait, because he was worried about the impact on the baby. he wasn't sure and, you know, i was upset with him because i'd been doing a lot of research. some countries are making vaccination compulsory. for now, the approach in the uk is dialogue, but there's clearly more work to be done to convince those who still don't want the jab. hugh pym, bbc news. the british member of parliament who alleged this week that fellow rebel mps have been subject to blackmail is to meet with the metropolitan police to discuss the matter. the telegraph newspaper has reported that william wragg has sought the meeting with police. here's our political correspondent, ben wright. the world of the whips in westminster is a very secretive one, they are the people that enforce party discipline. but yesterday the senior tory mp william wragg alleged that conservative whips had threatened to withhold public money, investments from the constituencies of some mps who were threatening to try and bring down borisjohnson. he is one of seven tory mps who had called the prime minister to quit, and said that this could amount to blackmail. i have spoken to william wragg and he confirms that after seeking a meeting with the met he will meeting with the met he will meet offices at the beginning of next week to discuss his concerns. it doesn't mean the police are going to investigate, and i think it's certainly ups the nt around this story. so far he has not produced any evidence to back up produced any evidence to back up his claims and today the business secretary said even though these were very serious allegations they were unsubstantiated stops of course this comes as the conservative party whips, as number ten try and shore up the prime minister's position ahead of the expected report by sue grey into downing street party, that we all expect to be published next week. this is bbc news, the headlines: the us and russian foreign ministers have held talks in geneva to try to ease tension over the build—up of russian troops on the border with ukraine. aid agencies say an air strike by the saudi—led coalition on a prison in yemen has killed dozens of people and wounded many more. anti—abortion activists gathered in washington earlier today for the annual "march for life". this year they are optimistic that the supreme court will overturn the roe v wade decision that legalised abortion nationwide in the 70s. every single year the march for life is important and each year build upon the next, but hopefully this will be the last yearfor hopefully this will be the last year for the march for life, and hopefully we see the court case overturned. i and hopefully we see the court case overturned.— case overturned. i have hopes that it will _ case overturned. i have hopes that it will be _ case overturned. i have hopes that it will be dissolved, - case overturned. i have hopes that it will be dissolved, i - that it will be dissolved, i have _ that it will be dissolved, i have hopes that people will see that it _ have hopes that people will see that it is — have hopes that people will see that it is not right, only god can— that it is not right, only god can say— that it is not right, only god can say what is going to happen and when — can say what is going to happen and when it is going to be dissolved, but i have faith that— dissolved, but i have faith that it _ dissolved, but i have faith that it will, it is this year or ten— that it will, it is this year or ten years from now, it will be gono _ or ten years from now, it will be gone-— or ten years from now, it will be one. ~ ., .,, ., be gone. we are hoping that the unborn are _ be gone. we are hoping that the unborn are protected _ be gone. we are hoping that the unborn are protected in - be gone. we are hoping that the unborn are protected in the - unborn are protected in the womb— unborn are protected in the womb of— unborn are protected in the womb of their— unborn are protected in the womb of their own - unborn are protected in thel womb of their own mothers. unborn are protected in the - womb of their own mothers. the value of the _ womb of their own mothers. value of the human life is not there anymore. we want to give a witness that actually it is, you know, every life is a gift, is a gift from the lord. so that is some of the images and voices from that march. mary ziegler is a law professor at florida state university and author of abortion and the law in america: roe v. wade to the present. shejoins us now. great to have you with us, thank you so much. ifind it you with us, thank you so much. i find it pretty fascinating to hear your views on where this stands now in the context of america. for example some of the figures i was looking at, it doesn't look like pulse have changed that much when it comes to... support forabortion to... support for abortion rights, or to... support forabortion rights, or indeed whether people may be anti—abortion. —— polls. what have you seen? the ollin: polls. what have you seen? the polling data _ polls. what have you seen? tue: polling data really polls. what have you seen? tt;e: polling data really haven't changed. this is really story about the transformation of the us supreme court and i mean that notjust in the sense of, there are now six conservatives on the court, although that is obviously true. they are different kinds of conservative judges in the united states. historically, even though the supreme court is supposed to be insulated from political pressure, it really hasn't acted that way. the court has really strayed to part from popular opinion, but this court does not seem to be concerned about the political backlash we may see from the reversal of roe, and this seems to be just the beginning. 50 roe, and this seems to be 'ust the beginninafi the beginning. so you believe the beginning. so you believe the supreme _ the beginning. so you believe the supreme court _ the beginning. so you believe the supreme court will- the beginning. so you believe. the supreme court will reverse roe v wade? t the supreme court will reverse roe v wade?— the supreme court will reverse roe v wade? ~' ,, , roe v wade? i think the supreme court will reverse _ roe v wade? i think the supreme court will reverse roe _ roe v wade? i think the supreme court will reverse roe v _ roe v wade? i think the supreme court will reverse roe v wade. i court will reverse roe v wade. i believe it is likely the court will do this in 2022, and if not, a year or two down the road. there is almost no chance that supreme court will do little that is not reverse roe v wade. ., .,, ., little that is not reverse roe v wade. ., ., ., , v wade. for those who have been not following _ v wade. for those who have been not following this, _ v wade. for those who have been not following this, if _ v wade. for those who have been not following this, if this - not following this, if this were reversed, would that affect every state within the united states? it affect every state within the united states?— affect every state within the united states? it wouldn't have the effect of — united states? it wouldn't have the effect of banning _ united states? it wouldn't have the effect of banning abortion l the effect of banning abortion nationwide, it would have the effect of allowing states to issue their own policies so they could ban abortion or not, and in what they like. we know roughly half the states would ban abortion immediately, and we expect that ultimately that number would be more than half the states, because many republican—controlled states would ultimately ban abortion. significantly the states that would ban abortion are all concentrated geographically stop so they would either be in the south or midwest of the united states, which would make it exponentially harder people in those states actually access the procedure.— in those states actually access the procedure. and i should say whether banning _ the procedure. and i should say whether banning abortion, - the procedure. and i should say whether banning abortion, it. the procedure. and i should say whether banning abortion, it is| whether banning abortion, it is a very broad term, but i think it can mean very different things to different people. it could mean... a different stage of pregnancy for example, or it could mean different cases, i just want to make that clear to our viewers as we talk about those terms.— our viewers as we talk about those terms. absolutely, and i could also _ those terms. absolutely, and i could also include _ could also include contraceptives, many view" abortion inducing drugs", which many view as including contraception or iuds. thank ou for contraception or iuds. thank you forjoining _ contraception or iuds. thank you forjoining us. _ contraception or iuds. thank you forjoining us. it - contraception or iuds. thank you forjoining us. it is - contraception or iuds. thank you forjoining us. it is an . you forjoining us. it is an incredibly complex and controversial topic and we do have one of the documentaries about abortion in america going out on bbc world, do try and catch it. a former metropolitan police counter—terrorism detective has been jailed for three years for secretly filming models during fake photoshoots. neil corbel pleaded guilty to 19 counts of voyeurism, committed in hotel rooms and rented accommodation across the uk. he used cameras in tissue boxes, phone—chargers and in glasses to film women, as anna adams reports. they thought they'd been booked for a modelling assignment but instead, dozens of women were secretly filmed by an off—duty police officer while they were undressing. he called himself harrison and said he was a pilot — but in fact, he was detective inspector neil corbel from the met. he covertly recorded 31 women between 2017—2020, and stored the images on his police laptop. corbel, who has now resigned from the met, admitted to 19 counts of voyeurism. he was sentenced to three years in jail. the judge said his actions had "seriously undermined public trust in the police". he was tracked down by fellow officers after an 18—month investigation. there is still disbelief when i hear of officers doing things such as this, because it's a betrayal. it damages trust and it damages confidence. it really hurts, because i know how hard i work and i know how hard my officers work, the met works. one of the women — who we're calling jessica — was booked by corbel after he found her photos on the modelling website purpleport. he seemed professional at first. he introduced himself and said how he did photography as a hobby, and how he'd seen my portfolio. there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary about it. but this was no normal photo shoot. corbel had used spy cameras hidden in an alarm clock and a phone charger to secretly record her when she was naked. jessica was eventually called into a police station and told she was one of corbel�*s victims. they showed me a video that he'd recorded of me undressing, and asked me to identify myself. ijust said "yeah, that's me", and asked them to turn it off. i didn't want to watch it with an officer sat opposite me. it raises further questions for the metjust months after another officer, wayne couzens, was given a whole life sentence for the kidnap, rape and murder of sarah everard. jessica says both cases have changed the way she now views police officers. it makes you not trust the police. people call the police when they're in vulnerable positions and they want someone they can trust. i just think it's shocking. anna adams, bbc news. tributes have been pouring in for the us rock star meat loaf, who has died at the age of 7a. in a career spanning six decades, he was known for his operatic voice and theatrical stage presence. 0ur arts correspondent david sillito takes a look back at his music and life. # like a bat out of hell, # i'll be gone when the morning comes...# meat loaf, bat out of hell — a sweat—drenched rock—and—roll epic that turned the man born marvin lee aday into one of the biggest—selling rock stars in the world. there have been many tributes. among them, cher, who sang with him on dead ringer, for love, bonnie tyler, and from i'd do anything for love, lorraine crosby. # i would do anything for love. # i'd never lie to you, and that's a fact. we just gelled. we gelled perfectly. and obviously, that's why the song went the way it did. so, every time i think of meat loaf, i think about being in the studio with him. # no no, no way... you just knew. you knew it was going to be great, you know. i'm sorry, i'm getting... you knew, you just knew instinctively that the album was going to be huge. # i would do anything for love, # but i won't do that. born in dallas, his mother was a teacher and singer, his father a policeman, and his childhood was tough. he was an alcoholic, and he'd always beat me up as a kid. threw me through a plate—glass window, threw me through a door. his escape was acting and musicals. he got a part in hair, and then the rocky horror picture show. bat out of hell was a project he'd been working on for years with the writerjim steinman. the rock establishment was scornful, but the fans — especially in britain — loved it. # praying for the end of time. # it's all that i can do... this famous performance on the old grey whistle test was where it all took off. but its huge success and the pressures it brought almost killed him. that was then followed by lawsuits and bankruptcy. he claimed that years went by without him making a dime out of it, but nothing would ever top bat out of hell, a glorious, over—the—top, emotional battering ram, a rock—and—roll masterpiece. #..hell... meat loaf, who's died at the age of 7a. what an amazing, amazing performer. you can reach me on twitter — i'm @bbcnuala. would love to hear from you, but for now let's get the weather. hello. it looks like the weather is taking part in dryjanuary — no significant rain on the way this weekend, nor indeed into the start of next week. there isn't going to be a huge amount of this either. blue sky and sunshine this weekend. cloud is going to win out across most places. temperatures edge a little bit higher. you'll notice that most in northern ireland and scotland, especially in northern scotland, so what's going on? high pressure close by, that is why we are having a lot of dry weather. around it, bringing in a lot of dry weather from the atlantic. a touch of it in north—east scotland, patchy in wales and england, where he had any clear spells overnight. and a chance for some early mist and fog patches. you can see the extent of the cloud across the uk for saturday. just a few brighter breaks here and there. they are most likely across eastern parts of scotland and england, whereas towards north—west scotland, we are going to see some outbreaks of rain, and it is breezier here, but it is also milder — 11 degrees in stornoway. temperatures elsewhere a little higher than they were on friday. 0vernight and into sunday, quite a bit of cloud around, a few breaks in that cloud here and there, where they occur, the chance of seeing a touch of frost. there will be some mist and fog patches developing towards southern areas, where the winds are light, and they could well be slow to clear in a few spots on sunday. there is a weather front edging closer towards north—west scotland as the day goes on. it doesn't look as if we will see much in the rain until sunday night. ahead of it, still some patchy rain. the winds going to pick up here. gales developing in the western isles. light winds elsewhere. a lot of cloud around, just a few sunny spells. if anything on sunday, temperatures just come down a little bit. the high—pressure still with us by the start of next week. by mid week, we are going to see a developing weather system heading our way. here it is, and mainly through wednesday night, we will see an area of rain moving its way southwards, weakening as it does so. and behind that, high pressure building back in again but for a time later in the week, there will be some brighter skies around. that's your weather. this is bbc news. the headlines: the us and russia have held what they called "frank talks" on tension over ukraine. with more russian troops gathering on the ukrainian border, washington has warned any invasion will be met with a swift, severe and united response. at least 100 people have been killed or wounded in an air strike by the saudi—led coalition in yemen. a detention centre was hit in saada, a stronghold of the rebel houthi movement. thousands of people in the capital sanaa have protested against the attacks. stars including cher, boy george and bonnie tyler have led tributes to the singer meat loaf. the rock legend died at the age of 7a. now on bbc news, it's time for click. this week, it is pure box office. we will find out

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President Putin , Threat , Access , Membership , Member , Core Security , Crimea , Black Sea , Action , Allies , Partners , Breakthrough , Deal , Swift , Sides , Times , Agreement , Ideas , Security Co Operation , Yemen , Talking , Geneva , 70 , Uk , In Yemen S Civil War , North , Coalition Hit A Detention Centre , Seven , Civilians , Most , Viewers , Orla Guerin , Rebels , Killing , Abuses , Warning , Houthi , Civil War , Backed , Iran , Light , Destruction , Some , Prisoners , Another Dawn In Yemen , Migrants , African , Survivors , Hands , Death Toll , Houthi Heartland , Sa Dah Province , Attack , Strikes , Night , Secretary General , Un , Course , Bombardment , Things , Other , Ground , Momentum , Vicious Circle , Port City Of Hudaydah , Malik Faisal Akram , Internet , Hospital , Coalition Hit A Telecommunications Centre , Air Strikes , Children , Child , Attempt , Loss , Football , Heart Rending , Three , Partner , Escalation , United Arab Emirates , Show , Reality , Strength , Yemeni Capital Sanaa Today , Streets , Death , Terror , Police , News , Counter Terrorism Officers , Stand Off , Hostages , Men , Siege , Connection , Synagogue , Texas , Manchester , Birmingham , 10 , Two , Court , Giuliani , Rudy Giuliani , Prison , Campaign Finance Law , Associate , New York , Donald Trump , Igor Fruman , Hit , Information , Stock Markets , President , Reserve , Investors , Technology Stocks , Falls , Friday , Analysts , Angela Stent , Story , Interest Rates , Center , National Intelligence Council , Eurasia , Georgetown University , East European Studies , Showdown , Last Night , Chorale , It Blinken , Russians , Reports , Substantive , Countries , Answers , Demand , Won T , Treaties , Goal , Coal , Post War Settlement , 4 , Haven T , Interests , Account , Post Soviet Space , Stake , Difficult , Demands , Spot , System , White , Central Europe , Warsaw Pact , Ties , Missiles , Yes , Allies Have , Areas , Number , Intention , Anyway , Trip Movements , Treaty , Weapons , Kind , Retreats , Joe Biden , Blanket Demand , 1997 , Lot , Forjoe Biden , Pressure , Legislation , Steps , Expected Tojoin Him , Hasn T , Opponent , Relationship , Shadow , China , Way , Much , Don T , Military Bill , Belarus , We Honein , Vaccine , Report , Figures , Southern Scotland , England , Offer , Levels , Bbc , Coronavirus , Challenge , Analysis , Government , Wales , Four Million , Hugh Pym , Difference , Vaccination Campaign , Jabs , 18 , 29 , Bnar Talabani , Life , Long Covid , Views , Fun , Expert , Team Halo Videos , Debunking Vaccine Misinformation , Let , Russian Roulette , 250 Million , Evelyn , Project , Safe , Home , Protecting , Identity , Cardiff , 30 , Jab , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Medicines , Family History , Covid I9 , Evidence , Autoimmune Disease , Players , Vaccination Status , Spotlight , Misinformation , Nonsense , Rugby Club , Elite Sports , Worcester Warriors , Anything , Guidance , Facts , Target Set , Doubts , Reluctance , Clubs , English , 85 , Related , Groups , Doses , 60 , Baby , Questions , Mums , Target Group , Wasn T A Straightforward Decision , Family , Vaccination Programme , Class , Research , Data , Friends , Lots , Didn T , Gp , Trimester , 13 , Husband , Impact , Arguments , He Wasn T Sure , Member Of Parliament , Work , Dialogue , Approach , Vaccination Compulsory , William Wragg , Mps , Newspaper , Matter , Blackmail , Subject , The Telegraph , Whips , World , Ben Wright , Party Discipline , Senior , Westminster , Tory , Prime Minister , Investments , Constituencies , Money , Tory Mps , Down Borisjohnson , It Doesn T , Offices , Investigate , Concerns , Allegations , Business Secretary , Conservative Party , Claims , Stops , Ten , Headlines , Tension , Ministers , Position , Downing Street Party , Sue Grey , Activists , More , Abortion , Supreme Court , Roe V Wade , March For Life , Yearfor , Build , Next , Court Case , Case , Faith , It Will , Court Case Overturned , God , Unborn , Womb , Mothers , Value , Human Life , Womb Unborn , Thel , Witness , Gift , Law Professor , Voices , Lord , Author , Mary Ziegler , Florida State University , Shejoins Us , Ifind , Example , Context , Abortion Rights , Support , Stands , Pulse , Support Forabortion To , Support Forabortion Rights , Doesn T , Polls , Polling Data , Transformation , Tue , Tt , E , Ollin , Conservatives , Sense , Notjust , Six , Judges , Kinds , Roe , Reversal , Backlash , Opinion , Chance , Beginning , Supreme Court Will Reverse Roe V Wade , T The Supreme Court Will Reverse Roe V Wade , Court Will Reverse Roe V Wade , Road , Ust The Beginninafi , The Beginning , 50 , 2022 , Estate , This , States , Effect , Policies , Banning , It Wouldn T , South , Midwest , Republican , Procedure , Term , Whether Banning Abortion , Stage , Cases , Terms , Contraceptives , Terms , Pregnancy , Contraception , Iuds , It Contraception , Topic , Drugs , Documentaries , Thank Ou For Contraception , Neil Corbel , Counts , Voyeurism , Abortion In America Going Out On Bbc World , Try , Detective , Photoshoots , Models , 19 , Women , Police Officer , Cameras , Accommodation , Glasses , Phone Chargers , Anna Adams Reports , Tissue Boxes , Modelling Assignment , Hotel Rooms , Harrison , Fact , Undressing , Pilot But , Met , 2017 , 31 , 2020 , Officers , Judge , Trust , Investigation , Police Laptop , Jail , Actions , Confidence , Works , Betrayal , Jessica , Nothing , Photos , Photography , Portfolio , Hobby , Corbel , Modelling Website Purpleport , Police Station , Phone Charger , Spy Cameras , Photo Shoot , Alarm Clock , Ijust , Video , Victims , Me Undressing , Police Officers , Rape , Murder , Kidnap , Life Sentence , Sarah Everard , Wayne Couzens , Tributes , Meat Loaf , Positions , Someone , Rock Star , Anna Adams , David Sillito , Age , Bat Out Of Hell , Stage Presence , Look , Voice , Music , Career , 0 , 7 , Epic , Rock Stars , Love , I D Do Anything For Love , Ringer , Stars Including Cher , Bonnie Tyler , Lorraine Crosby , Who , Song , Studio , Singer , Teacher , Policeman , Mother , Childhood , Album , Father , Born In Dallas , Escape , Window , Musicals , Kid , Alcoholic , Door , Hair , It , Fans , Scornful , Rocky Horror Picture Show , The Rock Establishment , Writerjim Steinman , Pressures , Performance , Success , Old Grey Whistle Test , Out Of It , Lawsuits , Bankruptcy , Battering Ram , Over The Top , Rock And Roll Masterpiece , Performer , Amazing , Weather , Rain , Bcnuala , Twitter , Cloud , Weekend , Bit , Start , Amount , Places , Isn T , Blue Sky , What S Going On , Northern Scotland , Northern Ireland , Spells , Mist , Touch , Fog Patches , Extent , North East Scotland , Atlantic , Breaks , Parts , North West Scotland , Outbreaks , 0vernight , Stornoway , Temperatures , 11 , Patches , Closer , Spots , Winds , Fog , Weather Front Edging , A Touch Of Frost , In The Rain Until Sunday Night , Gales , Light Winds , Western Isles , High Pressure Building , Area , Weather System , Southwards , Weakening , Skies , Saada , Detention Centre , United Response , 100 , Led , Attacks , Thousands , The Rebel Houthi Movement , Capital Sanaa , Boy George , The Rock Legend , Box Office , It S Time ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

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are possible. president biden has travelled to the presidential retreat at camp david, where he will be joined by secretary blinken and his national security team to discuss tensions with russia over ukraine. the us wants russia to pull its forces back from the ukrainian border, which western countries fear are preparing to invade. the us has promised to provide a written response to russia's security demands, which include a ban on ukrainejoining nato. our diplomatic correspondent james landale has more. more russian forces on the move. surface—to—air missiles in the country's far east due to join what moscow says are military exercises near ukraine — part of the growing build—up of troops and equipment revealed by images of strategic locations close to the border and what western powers fear may be preparation for war. but for now, the diplomacy continues, too. america's and russia's top diplomats met in geneva and at first couldn't even agree how to greet one another, with one question on everyone�*s lips. is an invasion likely, as president biden suggested? mr lavrov seemed to suggest it was up to the united states and later dismissed talk of invasion as "hysterical rhetoric designed to provoke ukraine". what does russia want most — an unstable, dependent ukraine or a new sphere of influence in eastern europe? translation: we are not trying to get a sphere of influence, - but what nato is doing shows it considers ukraine to be a part of its sphere of influence. to the west, ukraine is an independent, sovereign nation. that means it has a right to self—determination, free from russian control. and if it wants to join nato or any other international alliance, well, that is for it to decide. russia's view is different. it sees the former soviet country as historically within its sphere of influence and also strategically important. crimea was annexed in part to protect russia's access to the black sea. and as for nato membership, that would be seen as a threat to russia's core security. that's why president putin wants nato to rule out ukraine ever becoming a member and withdraw its forces from eastern europe. america's secretary of state rejected these as non—starters and once again sought to deter any military action. we've been clear. if any russian military forces move across ukraine's border, that's a renewed invasion. it will be met with swift, severe and a united response from the united states and our partners and allies. there was no breakthrough at the talks here today, no deal to reduce the threat of war, but there was agreement for diplomacy to continue. the us will put forward ideas for more security co—operation next week. both sides will meet again after that. these are turbulent times. but for now, russia appears willing to continue talking, and western diplomats hope that might mean not fighting. james landale, bbc news, geneva. in yemen, aid agencies say at least 70 people have been killed after an air strike by the saudi—led coalition hit a detention centre in the north of the country. it's been almost seven years since the saudi coalition — backed by the us, and the uk — intervened in yemen's civil war —— backed by the us and the uk — intervened in yemen's civil war, but houthi rebels, backed by iran, still control most of the country. all sides have been accused of abuses, including the killing of civilians. our international correspondent orla guerin reports — and a warning, some viewers may find her report upsetting. another dawn in yemen. more destruction revealed in the cold light of day. prisoners were held here by houthi rebels, including african migrants just trying to transit through yemen. some were among the dead. in sa'dah province, the houthi heartland, they dug for survivors with their bare hands. but this was a massive air strike. the death toll is still climbing. the saudi—led coalition, which is backed by britain, says it will investigate fully. after a night of devastating strikes, the un secretary—general criticised both the houthis, who carried out an attack on monday, and the coalition. any bombardment that targets civilians, or that is not careful enough to protect civilians, is of course also unacceptable. what we need is to stop this vicious circle in which things keep escalating one after the other. but on the ground, war has the momentum. this was the port city of hudaydah. the houthis say the coalition hit a telecommunications centre, knocking out the internet across yemen. incredibly, this man was brought out alive. at the hospital, a desperate attempt to revive a child. wails. and a heart—rending loss. aid agencies say three children were killed playing football as the air strikes rained down. the houthis sparked the latest escalation with this deadly cross—border attack on the united arab emirates — a partner in the coalition. in the yemeni capital sanaa today, they staged a show of strength. here's the reality that confronts the coalition. after seven years of air strikes, it has failed to dislodge the houthis from these streets. but now, once again, it is bringing nights of terror and death to yemeni civilians. orla guerin, bbc news. let's get some of the day's other news. british counter—terrorism officers have been given more time to question two men arrested in birmingham and manchester in connection with last week's siege at a synagogue in texas. a british man, malik faisal akram, took several hostages during the 10—hour stand—off, which ended when he was shot dead by police. a court in new york has sentenced a former associate of donald trump's ex—lawyer rudy giuliani to a year in prison for violating campaign finance law. igor fruman is also alleged to have helped mr giuliani to search for damaging information onjoe biden before he was elected president. stock markets in the us have suffered their worst week in nearly two years with technology stocks especially hard hit. friday was the fourth successive day of significant falls. analysts say investors are worried that the federal reserve is likely to raise us interest rates. more now on our main story. joining me live is angela stent, a former officer for russia and eurasia at the national intelligence council, who now heads up georgetown university's center for eurasian, russian and east european studies. great to have you with us. thank you so much forjoining us. we've been watching these talks that have been much anticipated and my guess last night was think it is ok chorale, this showdown between mr lavrov and secretary blinken. how do you think they went? it blinken. how do you think they went? ., ., ~ blinken. how do you think they went? ~ ., ., went? it looks like a rather civilised showdown. - went? it looks like a rather civilised showdown. they i went? it looks like a rather- civilised showdown. they came out and said they had had frank and substantive reports —— talks and said they would continue working so i think we're where we were last week, we're where we were last week, we have three talks last week, these talks today, the russians are now going to await written answers from the united states on their two treaties that they have proposed with demand, which the us and the nato countries won't accept, but they've agreed to meet again so we can just hope that diplomacy continues. . �* , continues. i mean, it's difficult _ continues. i mean, it's difficult to _ continues. i mean, it's difficult to know - continues. i mean, it's difficult to know what l difficult to know what might ahead of president putin what do you think his ultimate goal is? “ do you think his ultimate goal is? 4' , do you think his ultimate goal is? ~ , ., is? so i think his ultimate coal, is? so i think his ultimate goal. it's _ is? so i think his ultimate goal, it's more _ is? so i think his ultimate goal, it's more than - is? so i think his ultimate i goal, it's more than ukraine and ukraine nato membership, it's really to revise the post war settlement. which he thinks, in which russia really doesn't have a stake, we russians's interests haven't been fully taken into account, and he would really the nato countries to accept that russia has a right to a sphere of influence in the post—soviet space and apparently also in what used to be eastern and central europe. in the old days of the warsaw pact. so those are white —— rather wide—ranging demands so he wants to move beyond the system that we now have in europe. but it's a difficult _ that we now have in europe. but it's a difficult spot for the united states to be in, deciding how much to move forward or negotiate with russia, while also maintaining of course their ties with ukraine. of course their ties with ukraine-— of course their ties with ukraine. , �* ~ ukraine. yes. and i think the us and its — ukraine. yes. and i think the us and its nato _ ukraine. yes. and i think the us and its nato allies - ukraine. yes. and i think the us and its nato allies have . us and its nato allies have often have offered to negotiate on things like missiles, i'm in the russians have said the us should never install missiles and ukraine does not have any intention to do that anyway, you can talk about trip movements, we can talk about intermediate—range weapons and restoring that kind of treaty, so there are a number of areas where we could negotiate with the russians if they were willing to take that instead of blanket demand essentially for nato to retreat to where it was in 1997. ., ~ ., in 1997. talking about retreats, _ in 1997. talking about retreats, we - in 1997. talking about retreats, we are - in 1997. talking about i retreats, we are hearing in 1997. talking about - retreats, we are hearing that they have gone, joe biden and also secretary blinken, expected to join him also secretary blinken, expected tojoin him at camp david. i supposed to really think about these next steps. how important is this forjoe biden, do you think, and can he be successful? i biden, do you think, and can he be successful?— be successful? i think it is very important _ be successful? i think it is very important to - be successful? i think it is very important to him. - very important to him. domestically he is under a lot of pressure and his legislation is not doing very well and he wanted to focus on china is the main opponent and to have a relationship with russia but was stable and predictable, as he said, it really hasn't worked out well so i think it is very important, you know, and the shadow of war, the russians have not deescalated at all, there is a military bill up now with belarus as we honein bill up now with belarus as we hone in —— heard in —— hurting your reports i think it is very important to try to resolve this in a way that avoids a while but where the us and the nato countries don't have to give into much. —— heard in your report. give into much. -- heard in your report-— your report. angela stent, thank you _ your report. angela stent, thank you very _ your report. angela stent, thank you very much. - levels of coronavirus are falling in england, scotland and wales, according to official figures, but the government is still facing the challenge of how to persuade more than four million people in the uk to take up the offer of a vaccine. bbc analysis shows that younger people continue to be the most reluctant to be fully vaccinated, with almost a third of 18— to 29—year—olds not having had the first two jabs. our health editor hugh pym reports. a vaccination campaign with a difference. and you could end up with long covid, which is no fun. team halo videos have had more than 250 million views. please don't play this russian roulette with your life. they're focused on debunking vaccine misinformation. let's talk about long covid. dr bnar talabani is one expert working on the project from her home in cardiff. she aims to reassure people that the vaccine is safe. evelyn, whose identity we're protecting, is in her 30s and lives in southern scotland. she has a family history of rheumatoid arthritis and although she wants the jab, she is worried. we always talk about medicines and i try to work out what hopefully won't trigger off an autoimmune response in myself. and that's what makes me nervous about the covid—i9 jab. there's no evidence to say that you will get rheumatoid —— there's no evidence to say that you will get rheumatoid arthritis or any autoimmune disease if you have the vaccine. i think a lot of the times, people don't have access to accurate information, and knowing how to tell the difference between what's nonsense and what's information —— what's misinformation and what's accurate is very difficult. elite sports players have been under the spotlight over their vaccination status. at worcester warriors rugby club, they're well ahead of an 85% target set for leading english clubs. guidance was offered to those players who had early doubts. i think with anything, there's always reluctance until you give them the facts. and that's what we do with anything, whether it's rugby—related or medical—related. rugby—related or medical—related, and i think that's all we did. players are always curious. among the over—60s, more than 90% have had their first two doses. but as you go down the age groups, that falls away quite noticeably. and that's why younger people are seen as a key target group for the continued vaccination programme. it was really confusing. some wanting to start a family have questions. these new mums at the bundle baby class said it wasn't a straightforward decision, but they did get vaccinated while they were pregnant. lots of friends were saying that i shouldn't have the vaccine because i was pregnant and that it might harm the baby. a lot of the research and the data that was out there, even when you're speaking to a gp, it didn't seem like there was a lot of robust information. when i turned 13 weeks, so got into the second trimester, i immediately went to get the vaccine — and i'd been waiting to get the vaccine, actually. i was actually having arguments with my husband about it because, you know, he was keen for me not to and to wait, because he was worried about the impact on the baby. he wasn't sure and, you know, i was upset with him because i'd been doing a lot of research. some countries are making vaccination compulsory. for now, the approach in the uk is dialogue, but there's clearly more work to be done to convince those who still don't want the jab. hugh pym, bbc news. the british member of parliament who alleged this week that fellow rebel mps have been subject to blackmail is to meet with the metropolitan police to discuss the matter. the telegraph newspaper has reported that william wragg has sought the meeting with police. here's our political correspondent, ben wright. the world of the whips in westminster is a very secretive one, they are the people that enforce party discipline. but yesterday the senior tory mp william wragg alleged that conservative whips had threatened to withhold public money, investments from the constituencies of some mps who were threatening to try and bring down borisjohnson. he is one of seven tory mps who had called the prime minister to quit, and said that this could amount to blackmail. i have spoken to william wragg and he confirms that after seeking a meeting with the met he will meeting with the met he will meet offices at the beginning of next week to discuss his concerns. it doesn't mean the police are going to investigate, and i think it's certainly ups the nt around this story. so far he has not produced any evidence to back up produced any evidence to back up his claims and today the business secretary said even though these were very serious allegations they were unsubstantiated stops of course this comes as the conservative party whips, as number ten try and shore up the prime minister's position ahead of the expected report by sue grey into downing street party, that we all expect to be published next week. this is bbc news, the headlines: the us and russian foreign ministers have held talks in geneva to try to ease tension over the build—up of russian troops on the border with ukraine. aid agencies say an air strike by the saudi—led coalition on a prison in yemen has killed dozens of people and wounded many more. anti—abortion activists gathered in washington earlier today for the annual "march for life". this year they are optimistic that the supreme court will overturn the roe v wade decision that legalised abortion nationwide in the 70s. every single year the march for life is important and each year build upon the next, but hopefully this will be the last yearfor hopefully this will be the last year for the march for life, and hopefully we see the court case overturned. i and hopefully we see the court case overturned.— case overturned. i have hopes that it will _ case overturned. i have hopes that it will be _ case overturned. i have hopes that it will be dissolved, - case overturned. i have hopes that it will be dissolved, i - that it will be dissolved, i have _ that it will be dissolved, i have hopes that people will see that it _ have hopes that people will see that it is — have hopes that people will see that it is not right, only god can— that it is not right, only god can say— that it is not right, only god can say what is going to happen and when — can say what is going to happen and when it is going to be dissolved, but i have faith that— dissolved, but i have faith that it _ dissolved, but i have faith that it will, it is this year or ten— that it will, it is this year or ten years from now, it will be gono _ or ten years from now, it will be gone-— or ten years from now, it will be one. ~ ., .,, ., be gone. we are hoping that the unborn are _ be gone. we are hoping that the unborn are protected _ be gone. we are hoping that the unborn are protected in - be gone. we are hoping that the unborn are protected in the - unborn are protected in the womb— unborn are protected in the womb of— unborn are protected in the womb of their— unborn are protected in the womb of their own - unborn are protected in thel womb of their own mothers. unborn are protected in the - womb of their own mothers. the value of the _ womb of their own mothers. value of the human life is not there anymore. we want to give a witness that actually it is, you know, every life is a gift, is a gift from the lord. so that is some of the images and voices from that march. mary ziegler is a law professor at florida state university and author of abortion and the law in america: roe v. wade to the present. shejoins us now. great to have you with us, thank you so much. ifind it you with us, thank you so much. i find it pretty fascinating to hear your views on where this stands now in the context of america. for example some of the figures i was looking at, it doesn't look like pulse have changed that much when it comes to... support forabortion to... support for abortion rights, or to... support forabortion rights, or indeed whether people may be anti—abortion. —— polls. what have you seen? the ollin: polls. what have you seen? the polling data _ polls. what have you seen? tue: polling data really polls. what have you seen? tt;e: polling data really haven't changed. this is really story about the transformation of the us supreme court and i mean that notjust in the sense of, there are now six conservatives on the court, although that is obviously true. they are different kinds of conservative judges in the united states. historically, even though the supreme court is supposed to be insulated from political pressure, it really hasn't acted that way. the court has really strayed to part from popular opinion, but this court does not seem to be concerned about the political backlash we may see from the reversal of roe, and this seems to be just the beginning. 50 roe, and this seems to be 'ust the beginninafi the beginning. so you believe the beginning. so you believe the supreme _ the beginning. so you believe the supreme court _ the beginning. so you believe the supreme court will- the beginning. so you believe. the supreme court will reverse roe v wade? t the supreme court will reverse roe v wade?— the supreme court will reverse roe v wade? ~' ,, , roe v wade? i think the supreme court will reverse _ roe v wade? i think the supreme court will reverse roe _ roe v wade? i think the supreme court will reverse roe v _ roe v wade? i think the supreme court will reverse roe v wade. i court will reverse roe v wade. i believe it is likely the court will do this in 2022, and if not, a year or two down the road. there is almost no chance that supreme court will do little that is not reverse roe v wade. ., .,, ., little that is not reverse roe v wade. ., ., ., , v wade. for those who have been not following _ v wade. for those who have been not following this, _ v wade. for those who have been not following this, if _ v wade. for those who have been not following this, if this - not following this, if this were reversed, would that affect every state within the united states? it affect every state within the united states?— affect every state within the united states? it wouldn't have the effect of — united states? it wouldn't have the effect of banning _ united states? it wouldn't have the effect of banning abortion l the effect of banning abortion nationwide, it would have the effect of allowing states to issue their own policies so they could ban abortion or not, and in what they like. we know roughly half the states would ban abortion immediately, and we expect that ultimately that number would be more than half the states, because many republican—controlled states would ultimately ban abortion. significantly the states that would ban abortion are all concentrated geographically stop so they would either be in the south or midwest of the united states, which would make it exponentially harder people in those states actually access the procedure.— in those states actually access the procedure. and i should say whether banning _ the procedure. and i should say whether banning abortion, - the procedure. and i should say whether banning abortion, it. the procedure. and i should say whether banning abortion, it is| whether banning abortion, it is a very broad term, but i think it can mean very different things to different people. it could mean... a different stage of pregnancy for example, or it could mean different cases, i just want to make that clear to our viewers as we talk about those terms.— our viewers as we talk about those terms. absolutely, and i could also _ those terms. absolutely, and i could also include _ could also include contraceptives, many view" abortion inducing drugs", which many view as including contraception or iuds. thank ou for contraception or iuds. thank you forjoining _ contraception or iuds. thank you forjoining us. _ contraception or iuds. thank you forjoining us. it - contraception or iuds. thank you forjoining us. it is - contraception or iuds. thank you forjoining us. it is an . you forjoining us. it is an incredibly complex and controversial topic and we do have one of the documentaries about abortion in america going out on bbc world, do try and catch it. a former metropolitan police counter—terrorism detective has been jailed for three years for secretly filming models during fake photoshoots. neil corbel pleaded guilty to 19 counts of voyeurism, committed in hotel rooms and rented accommodation across the uk. he used cameras in tissue boxes, phone—chargers and in glasses to film women, as anna adams reports. they thought they'd been booked for a modelling assignment but instead, dozens of women were secretly filmed by an off—duty police officer while they were undressing. he called himself harrison and said he was a pilot — but in fact, he was detective inspector neil corbel from the met. he covertly recorded 31 women between 2017—2020, and stored the images on his police laptop. corbel, who has now resigned from the met, admitted to 19 counts of voyeurism. he was sentenced to three years in jail. the judge said his actions had "seriously undermined public trust in the police". he was tracked down by fellow officers after an 18—month investigation. there is still disbelief when i hear of officers doing things such as this, because it's a betrayal. it damages trust and it damages confidence. it really hurts, because i know how hard i work and i know how hard my officers work, the met works. one of the women — who we're calling jessica — was booked by corbel after he found her photos on the modelling website purpleport. he seemed professional at first. he introduced himself and said how he did photography as a hobby, and how he'd seen my portfolio. there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary about it. but this was no normal photo shoot. corbel had used spy cameras hidden in an alarm clock and a phone charger to secretly record her when she was naked. jessica was eventually called into a police station and told she was one of corbel�*s victims. they showed me a video that he'd recorded of me undressing, and asked me to identify myself. ijust said "yeah, that's me", and asked them to turn it off. i didn't want to watch it with an officer sat opposite me. it raises further questions for the metjust months after another officer, wayne couzens, was given a whole life sentence for the kidnap, rape and murder of sarah everard. jessica says both cases have changed the way she now views police officers. it makes you not trust the police. people call the police when they're in vulnerable positions and they want someone they can trust. i just think it's shocking. anna adams, bbc news. tributes have been pouring in for the us rock star meat loaf, who has died at the age of 7a. in a career spanning six decades, he was known for his operatic voice and theatrical stage presence. 0ur arts correspondent david sillito takes a look back at his music and life. # like a bat out of hell, # i'll be gone when the morning comes...# meat loaf, bat out of hell — a sweat—drenched rock—and—roll epic that turned the man born marvin lee aday into one of the biggest—selling rock stars in the world. there have been many tributes. among them, cher, who sang with him on dead ringer, for love, bonnie tyler, and from i'd do anything for love, lorraine crosby. # i would do anything for love. # i'd never lie to you, and that's a fact. we just gelled. we gelled perfectly. and obviously, that's why the song went the way it did. so, every time i think of meat loaf, i think about being in the studio with him. # no no, no way... you just knew. you knew it was going to be great, you know. i'm sorry, i'm getting... you knew, you just knew instinctively that the album was going to be huge. # i would do anything for love, # but i won't do that. born in dallas, his mother was a teacher and singer, his father a policeman, and his childhood was tough. he was an alcoholic, and he'd always beat me up as a kid. threw me through a plate—glass window, threw me through a door. his escape was acting and musicals. he got a part in hair, and then the rocky horror picture show. bat out of hell was a project he'd been working on for years with the writerjim steinman. the rock establishment was scornful, but the fans — especially in britain — loved it. # praying for the end of time. # it's all that i can do... this famous performance on the old grey whistle test was where it all took off. but its huge success and the pressures it brought almost killed him. that was then followed by lawsuits and bankruptcy. he claimed that years went by without him making a dime out of it, but nothing would ever top bat out of hell, a glorious, over—the—top, emotional battering ram, a rock—and—roll masterpiece. #..hell... meat loaf, who's died at the age of 7a. what an amazing, amazing performer. you can reach me on twitter — i'm @bbcnuala. would love to hear from you, but for now let's get the weather. hello. it looks like the weather is taking part in dryjanuary — no significant rain on the way this weekend, nor indeed into the start of next week. there isn't going to be a huge amount of this either. blue sky and sunshine this weekend. cloud is going to win out across most places. temperatures edge a little bit higher. you'll notice that most in northern ireland and scotland, especially in northern scotland, so what's going on? high pressure close by, that is why we are having a lot of dry weather. around it, bringing in a lot of dry weather from the atlantic. a touch of it in north—east scotland, patchy in wales and england, where he had any clear spells overnight. and a chance for some early mist and fog patches. you can see the extent of the cloud across the uk for saturday. just a few brighter breaks here and there. they are most likely across eastern parts of scotland and england, whereas towards north—west scotland, we are going to see some outbreaks of rain, and it is breezier here, but it is also milder — 11 degrees in stornoway. temperatures elsewhere a little higher than they were on friday. 0vernight and into sunday, quite a bit of cloud around, a few breaks in that cloud here and there, where they occur, the chance of seeing a touch of frost. there will be some mist and fog patches developing towards southern areas, where the winds are light, and they could well be slow to clear in a few spots on sunday. there is a weather front edging closer towards north—west scotland as the day goes on. it doesn't look as if we will see much in the rain until sunday night. ahead of it, still some patchy rain. the winds going to pick up here. gales developing in the western isles. light winds elsewhere. a lot of cloud around, just a few sunny spells. if anything on sunday, temperatures just come down a little bit. the high—pressure still with us by the start of next week. by mid week, we are going to see a developing weather system heading our way. here it is, and mainly through wednesday night, we will see an area of rain moving its way southwards, weakening as it does so. and behind that, high pressure building back in again but for a time later in the week, there will be some brighter skies around. that's your weather. this is bbc news. the headlines: the us and russia have held what they called "frank talks" on tension over ukraine. with more russian troops gathering on the ukrainian border, washington has warned any invasion will be met with a swift, severe and united response. at least 100 people have been killed or wounded in an air strike by the saudi—led coalition in yemen. a detention centre was hit in saada, a stronghold of the rebel houthi movement. thousands of people in the capital sanaa have protested against the attacks. stars including cher, boy george and bonnie tyler have led tributes to the singer meat loaf. the rock legend died at the age of 7a. now on bbc news, it's time for click. this week, it is pure box office. we will find out

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