Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

ever chinese driver. welcome to the programme. the british prime minister, borisjohnson, has insisted that he will fight any challenge to his leadership of the conservative party despite another bruising day caused by the row about lockdown drinks parties at downing street. during prime minister's questions, the former brexit secretary, david davis, called on mrjohnson to step down, telling him, "in the name of god, go!" earlier, one of the prime minister's own backbenchers dramatically defected to the opposition labour party. but the prime minister batted away repeated calls to resign, and in a statement which pleased many, he went on to announce an end to the main covid restrictions in england. our political editor laura kuenssberg has the latest. the atmosphere in the prime minister's neighbourhood is full of risk. danger dangles all around for borisjohnson, uncertainty hanging in the air. downing street confronting the truth that some of his own mps want him gone. as ministers gathered to agree to ditch some covid rules, some of his own side waiting and watching, thinking about ditching him. is it under control, chief whip? yeah. all is calm. all is calm 7 do you think you might be in denial about that if you think this is calm? i think we need to focus on propping up the country and dealing with covid and making sure we've got that right. but can it really go on like this? some of your mps are putting letters in. is it all overfor the prime minister, do you think? don't be ridiculous. it is not, perhaps, ridiculous, despite his allies�* claim to suggest their boss could be gone before too long. is it time to resign?! it was no ordinary wednesday. pressure on borisjohnson after weeks of claims about what went on in number 10 during lockdown. 20 mps who discussed sending letters of no confidence in their leader, then a shock. political chat interrupted. hearing christian wakeford, the bury mp, is defecting to the labour party. a huge surprise for his colleagues, and the rest. that is quite incredible. the first tory mp since 2007, christian wakeford, cheered to the rafters in the commons as he defected and took a seat for labour instead. can i start by warmly welcoming the honourable member for bury south to his new place? cheering and to the parliamentary labour party. mr speaker, like so many people up and down the country, he has concluded that the prime minister, the conservative party have shown themselves incapable of offering the leadership and government this country deserves. a sting from keir starmer at a vulnerable moment for borisjohnson. and as for bury south, mr speaker, as far as for bury south, let me say it... in a unionjack mask, the new labour mp opposite, not behind, the prime minister this time. we will win again in bury south at the next election. there was more energy from the prime minister today in a chaotic prime minister's questions as he sought to stand and fight, mocked by the labour leader. doesn't the country deserve so much better than this out of touch, out of control, out of ideas and soon to be out of office prime minister? mr speaker, when the history of this pandemic comes to be written and the history of the labour party comes to be written — and, believe me, they are history and will remain history, mr speaker — it will show... it will show... it will show that we delivered while they dithered and we...we vaccinated while they vacillated, mr speaker. then, just when he thought he might have got through without a new wound, a brutal blast from his own side. a prominent tory quoting cromwell to try to oust the leader of the tories�* 21st century revolution. i expect my leaders to shoulder the responsibility for the actions they take. yesterday, he did the opposite of that, so i'll remind him of a quotation. "you have sat there too long for all the good you have done. "in the name of god, go." cheering david davis and borisjohnson used to be allies of a sort. "what a day," you hear the speaker, aghast. what a day. what else to say? hi. it's good to see you again. so a senior tory, the latest to call for the prime minister's exit, the smiling labour leader welcoming a conservative to his fold. yet there have been more public efforts from conservatives to get out and defend. well, he is the bounce—back king. i've always supported boris and i wouldn't be an mp here if it wasn't for him. mps and ministers who want borisjohnson to stay have been falling over themselves to call for cool heads all round. one loyal cabinet minister even claimed the threat to borisjohnson wasn't real. it is true to say no—one can be sure in a secret process how many conservative mps are really willing to try to oust him. yet today's chaos demonstrates clearly there are members of different tory tribes who want to see him gone. mr cummings, are you going to provide sue gray with evidence that boris johnson lied? the prime minister's always had political detractors and has gathered enemies along the way. he may not want to rest until this is over. the leader is out of line, they are removed. and tory tradition shows when the party concludes the leader is out of line, they are removed. but only two years after a huge election victory, borisjohnson will resist attempts for a changing of the guard. our political editor with that report. if you want to know more about borisjohnson�*s situation and what might happen next, just head to our website. you'll find lots of analysis and reaction. that's all at or you can download the bbc news app. president biden has predicted russian troops will move into ukraine. but warned vladimir putin that his country would pay dearly for a full—scale invasion. russia has around 100,000 troops deployed at the border, but denies it's planning military action. mr biden said that moscow would face severe economic consequences from fresh sanctions. we'll have more on president biden�*s comments in a moment. but first, here's our diplomatic correspondent, paul adams. british military equipment arriving in ukraine. short—range anti—tank missiles with a small team of trainers to follow. the latest western gesture of support for a country facing a mounting threat from russia. diplomatic support too. the us secretary of state antony blinken flew to kyiv, promising relentless american efforts to prevent russia from invading. washington's message to ukraine's president, volodymyr zelensky — there will be no talks about you without your involvement. and all the while, russian troops maintain their menacing presence on ukraine's northern and eastern borders. now, in neighbouring belarus too, preparing for what are called joint military drills. american officials say these could be used as a cover for an invasion of ukraine. kyiv says it has what it takes to withstand an attack. we have 261,000 in our ukrainian army. we have the options to have territorial defending forces, 130,000. we have 400,000 veterans of ukrainian—russian war, so i'm sure that we have a capacity to deter this activity from moscow. last week, we saw a diplomatic trail that criss—crossed europe from geneva to brussels and vienna. at the end of it, the russian foreign minister, sergei lavrov, appeared to throw in the towel. "0ur patience," he said, "is at an end." but here we are, four days on, and the process is actually shifting up a gear. mr lavrov and antony blinken are due to meet on friday, once again in geneva. the talking, it seems, is not quite over. but the tremors of this crisis are being felt right across europe. 0n the baltic island of gotland, sweden is beefing up its presence, concerned about nearby russian activity and what it calls russia's direct threat to europe's security. paul adams, bbc news. president biden has been speaking about ukraine. he also faces a slump in opinion polls as his fellow democrats prepare for midterm elections in november, putting their majorities in congress on the line. one of biden�*s top legislative priorities, electoral reform, has languished. in the last couple of hours, republicans in the senate blocked a democratic bid to push through new voting rights protections, delivering a major blow tojoe biden�*s domestic agenda. sheila jackson lee is the democratic congresswoman for texas's 18th district. shejoins me live. thank you very much forjoining us now, just after we get this news, this block of president biden�*s voting rights reforms. you describe your home state as texas as the ground zero four efforts in terms of voting reform. just explain to us, for people who aren't following is as closely as you, just what this means what is president biden trying to achieve and what this block means for the united states?— what this block means for the united states? the good news for texas. _ united states? the good news for texas, the _ united states? the good news for texas, the good _ united states? the good news for texas, the good news - united states? the good news for texas, the good news for l for texas, the good news for the american people is that president biden has not given up president biden has not given up on achieving significant reform of the oppressive laws that have been passed around the nation. in fact, ijust left the senate floor and will be going back. we have not yet completed voting to be able to make a decision about what we call a rolling filibuster to allow the voting rights laws to be passed, but i think the real question is whether or not the senators who are now engaged in debate as we speak will accept the challenge for peace, equality and justice. my state of texas is the poster child for the worst kind of voter suppression. 0ne, for the worst kind of voter suppression. one, the legislator would be allowed to overturn the votes of the people. right now, as we speak, thousands of mailing ballots are being rejected because veterans and soldiers and elderly and disabled persons did not have a number to put on their ballot. they have closed voting sites, they have removed the opportunity for people who work seven days a week and work at odd hours to be able to have 24—hour voting polls. i have told local communities what they can do or not do and deny them the right to respond to voters needs. america, its basic foundation, is on our constitution. that is the law. and that constitution supports the freedom of the right to vote. there is nothing in the constitution about the filibuster, and so this bill captures the constitution to allow people to have an unfettered right to vote. that is what democracy is. we are fighting to save democracy. can ou fighting to save democracy. can you explain _ fighting to save democracy. can you explain who are these people that are affected, when you talk about people who don't have an id, their ballots are not allowed because they don't have a valid id. we are talking about people who don't have a passport, so who are these people that are most at risk when it comes to this? that is a very good — when it comes to this? that is a very good question. - when it comes to this? that is a very good question. the - when it comes to this? that is a very good question. the ids| a very good question. the ids are driver's licence, state id, maybe your social security card, and the people are our neighbours, they are senior citizens, who was not born in a hospital, does not have a birth certificate, they are veterans, disabled persons, they may be students. they are really the gamut of our neighbours, and they are citizens, deserving they are citizens, deserving the right to vote, and here we are in the state of texas, who former president of the united states was a texan, johnson, who signed this 1964 civil rights act and the 1965 voting rights act. now his state has now become again a rendition of the segregation south where we are blocking people of colour, and as i said, vulnerable people from being able to vote, and there is no reason because the constitution guarantees them that right. either way, we are the largest turnout in 2020 across the nation, and even in and as much as republicans tried to find voter fraud indexes in 2020, they could find almost zero. as much as i tried to find fraud in 2020 across the nation, trump's own voter guru determined that there was no voter fraud, significant across the nation. but there is oppressive voter suppression that will undermine the very pinnacles or the very premise of democracy. democracy is the vote. that allows a person to express their frustration, theirjoys, their policies and who they want to represent them. you deny that and you take away the very legs of democracy, and the constitution is the basic compound on what america is surviving, an experiment that has survived because we have respected democracy and respected democracy and respected the law of the land, thatis respected the law of the land, that is the constitution, not the rule of the senate, which is a filibuster. get rid of the filibuster now, provide a talking filibuster so that we can move forward on the magnificent legislation that reaffirms democracy in america. but we are even more dependent... you talked about the good news aspect although the senate has blocked president biden's reforms when it comes to voting rights stop you say he isn't giving up. ijust wonder, when it comes to his agenda, it seems to be, he is having so much difficulty getting things through. what is the future for him? you are closer to midterms. what is your perspective on this? first of all, i perspective on this? first of all. ijust — perspective on this? first of all, i just want _ perspective on this? first of all, i just want to _ perspective on this? first of all, i just want to be - perspective on this? first of all, i just want to be very i all, i just want to be very clear, we still have another vote to take on his voting agenda and i will leave this interview and vote on the senate floor. that vote will provide for a talking filibuster to take up his bill. we have made a commitment. those of us who believe truly in our hearts that this nation has to stand on democracy and has to stand on democracy and has to stand on democracy and has to stand on unfettered rights to voting rights. we are not going to give up. we're going to be going on and on and on until we get a vote that passes this legislation. what president biden will have to stand on is magnificent. first of all, he was able to get the vaccines and shots in our arms. yes the lowest unemployment of 3.9%. created six point million —— 6 millionjobs. he has provided the opportunity for the lowest child poverty rate in the united states in the history of the united states and there is more to come. he has a magnificent infrastructure bill and we will get will bat better, there is no doubt. —— and build back better. as well as something significant that many in the african community will be restoration and restoring and thatis restoration and restoring and that is study in reparation proposals. the midterms are about 11 months away. there is going to be a very important story for us to be able to tell. we have as democrats as the president of the united states and vice president harris, they really provided a lifeline of individuals who have gone through and are still going through this horrific pandemic. do now will be 370 million home test kits in the homes of americans that they are able to order online. this is an ongoing fight for the nation. schools are open, 95% of them are open. president biden has been a great leader. he has recognised challenges. he has recognised challenges. he has recognised challenges. he has been an honest broker, an honest man full of his did up an honest man full of his did up and said, "all is not well". the rather a lot of evidence of what can happen when democrats are in charge. we have changed the lives of americans, come to the lives of americans, come to the comfort of those whose family members have died with the pandemic by making sure they are not evicted from their home, their apartments and that they havejobs. going home, their apartments and that they have jobs. going to home, their apartments and that they havejobs. going to keep working to bring more of these opportunities to the american people in the midterms we will have a lot to tell them why we should be re—elected. have a lot to tell them why we should be re-elected.- have a lot to tell them why we should be re-elected. thank you so much for— should be re-elected. thank you so much for speaking _ should be re-elected. thank you so much for speaking to - should be re-elected. thank you so much for speaking to us - should be re-elected. thank you so much for speaking to us in . so much for speaking to us in the meantime. thank you. stay with us on bbc news. still to come, making formula 1 history: 22—year—old guanyu zhou will become the first ever chinese driver to take up a spot on the starting grid. donald trump is now the 45th president of the united states. he was sworn in before several hundred thousand people on the steps of capitol hill in washington. it's going to be only america first. america first. demonstrators waiting for mike gatting and his rebel cricket team were attacked with tear gas and set upon by police dogs. anti—apartheid campaigners say they will carry on the protests throughout the tour. they called him the 'butcher of lyon'. klaus altmann is being held on a fraud charge in bolivia. the west germans want to extradite him for crimes committed in wartime france. there, he was the gestapo chief klaus barbie. millions came to bathe as - close as possible to this spot. a tide of humanity that's believed by officials - to have broken all records. this is bbc world news, the latest headlines: britain's prime minister vows to fight any challenges to his leadership as he faces calls to resign, because of parties at downing street during lockdown. president biden has warned vladimir putin that the us will do significant harm to russia if he decides to invade ukraine. the united nations says it is stepping up its response to the volcanic eruption and tsunami in tonga. the tongan government has released more pictures — they say many houses on the islands have been destroyed. estimates from new zealand suggest the main communications cable in tonga will now take around four weeks to repair. a thick coat of ash has been removed from the main airport runway in tonga, clearing the way for emergency aid to be delivered by air to the island nation. we can now speak to sainiana rokovucago who's programs co—ordinator for the international federation of red cross. shejoins us from fiji. we know you have communications on the ground. bring us up—to—date with what they are saying. up-to-date with what they are sa in. ~ . , up-to-date with what they are sa inc. . , ., ., ., saying. we finally managed to seak saying. we finally managed to s - eak to saying. we finally managed to speak to our _ saying. we finally managed to speak to our counterparts - saying. we finally managed to speak to our counterparts on | speak to our counterparts on the island yesterday and they have assured us that they are well and supporting the operation. we currently have a team of ten on the island, ten staff and 70 volunteers, and they have been supporting the operation from sunday and they have assured us that they are well and continuing with their operation. we were anxious, we were waiting for an update since the operation so we were really relieved to finally speak to our secretary general yesterday. it speak to our secretary general yesterday-— yesterday. it is fantastic news and we know _ yesterday. it is fantastic news and we know the _ yesterday. it is fantastic news and we know the red - yesterday. it is fantastic news and we know the red cross i yesterday. it is fantastic news. and we know the red cross has been speaking about howjoyful and happy they are that you guys have been able to make contact with the team on the ground. talk us through where the priority lies because a lot has been spoken about the ash, its contamination of the drinking water and also the salt water from the tsunami contaminating the drinking water. where is the initial first... where do you start, i guess, is what i am trying to ask. , . ., , ask. on the island, it was heartbreaking _ ask. on the island, it was heartbreaking to - ask. on the island, it was heartbreaking to see - ask. on the island, it was heartbreaking to see all. ask. on the island, it was l heartbreaking to see all the pictures and actually see from the satellite, around the island and our counterparts have confirmed that there has been asphalt around the islands, so that has affected the drinking water, as you are aware. 0n tanna island they have rainwater harvesting and their water sources, their water tanks and the boreholes. so the tank by the asphalt and their borehole has been affected by the salt water. there has been inundation from the tidal wave that followed after the eruption. so there has been, and on the island prior to the cyclone, we were aware that pre— positioned supplies to take to 1200 households and this has been around hygiene tanks which included buckets and cooking sets and we also had shelter kits so that the communities could repair their homes and actually clean their homes following the disaster. 0ur counterparts have confirmed that the main priority is water and they have been involved in distributing drinking water. it is notjust on the main island of tonga, they have been able to reach out. they went to the outer island and they have also distributed freshwater and shelter items to help the communities start cleaning up and repairing so those have been the main from the initial assessments that were carried out following the disaster. the need to actually provide drinking water, household items and also shelter items in which our counterparts are supporting. our counterparts are summing-- our counterparts are supporting. our counterparts are su--ortinu. . our counterparts are su--ortin~. . . supporting. thank you so much for talking _ supporting. thank you so much for talking us _ supporting. thank you so much for talking us through. - supporting. thank you so much for talking us through. we - supporting. thank you so much for talking us through. we wish your teams on the ground the best of luck. for the time being, sainiana rokovucago from the international red cross and the international red cross and the thank you so much for bringing us up—to—date on the situation there. bringing us up-to-date on the situation there.— history will be made in next season's formula 1 championship when for the first time ever, a chinese driver will be on the grid. 22—year—old guanyu zhou will line up alongside valtteri bottas for the alfa romeo team. it is hoped his inclusion will boost the sport's popularity in the country. he says it's been hard work, but he hopes to inspire others. much more on our website. hello there. we've got a much colder day of weather coming up today. it was yesterday that we had a cold front bring a bit of patchy rain southwards. as that cleared, we had a fine end to the day in hampshire — a lovely sunset here. for northern scotland, though, it was quite a turbulent day. gusty winds, and those winds have been bringing in some snow showers to shetland, we've seen some in 0rkney and, more recently, across the north of the mainland as well. that will leave a risk of some icy patches here as we get into the first part of thursday morning with the frost otherwise pretty widespread. for many of us, though, the skies will be clear. now, any showers in northern scotland very quickly will lose their wintriness and turn back to rain. some very slightly less cold air works in here. and for most of the uk, although a cold and frosty start, there will be sunshine pretty much from dawn till dusk. it's going to be a lovely, if somewhat chilly, winter's day. now, there will be some showers coming down the north sea. they'll be affecting eastern parts of scotland. and with the winds blowing more or less parallel to the eastern coasts of england, most of the showers will stay offshore. the greatest risk of a shower will be across norfolk. you might see one or two coming into the north york moors as well. another cold night to come on thursday night — if anything, even colder across parts of england and wales, plumbing the depths. temperatures could get down to about —5, —6 degrees in the coldest spots but it will be turning milder in the north—west — that's because we've got some thicker cloud here. that'll probably give us quite a nice sunrise for some but the best of the sunshine through the day will be across eastern wales, central and eastern england, eastern scotland, probably eastern counties of northern ireland, whereas in the west, you're likely to see some of the higher temperatures but you will also see the thickest of the cloud, perhaps with some mist and fog patches developing around the coasts and the hills at times. little overall change, really, into the weekend. high pressure stays firmly with us — the same one that's been with us for ages now — and for the most part, that will keep weather fronts at bay — this one just skirting into northern scotland but it will be a weak affair. so, for saturday, mist and fog and some frost patches around first thing in the morning. again, it's western areas that will keep the thickest cloud. and here's our weak weather front, bringing a little bit of light rain or drizzle — no great amounts. for the western isles and the highlands, temperatures could reach double figures here but otherwise, still quite chilly across the south—east — 5 or 6 celsius here. and, to be honest, looking at the long—range forecast through the rest of the week and most of next week, the weatherjust stays dry, thanks to that same area of high pressure. hello. welcome. this is bbc news. the headlines: the british prime minister, borisjohnson, has insisted he will fight any challenge to his leadership of the conservative party. he's been under mounting pressure over social gatherings involving his staff during lockdowns. an inquiry is due to report next week. president biden has said he thinks russia will invade ukraine, but has warned that the united states will impose severe costs and significant harm on moscow in response. moscow has about 100,000 troops on the ukrainian border, but denies it's planning an invasion. the first flights carrying aid to tonga following saturday's volcanic eruption and tsunami have taken off from new zealand and australia. the runway at tonga's main airport had to be cleared of large quantities of volcanic ash to make it safe for the planes to land.

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Confidence , Chat , 20 , 10 , Hearing Christian Wakeford , Defecting , Tory , Surprise , Colleagues , Mp , Bury , 2007 , Member , Commons , Labour , Seat , Rafters , Place , Cheering , Speaker , People , Parliamentary Labour Party , Government , Sting , Bury South , Keir Starmer , Unionjack Mask , Prime Minister , Opposite , New Labour , South , Election , Energy , History , Speaker It , Out Of Control , Office , Doesn T The Country , The Labour Leader , Ideas , Out Of Touch , Pandemic , History Of The Labour Party , Quoting Cromwell , Side , Wound , Blast , 21 , Leaders , Red Yesterday , Actions , Responsibility , Quotation , Sort , Go , Aghast , Labour Leader , Conservative , Fold , Exit , Efforts , Conservatives , King , It Wasn T , Threat , Cabinet Minister , Round , Cool , Borisjohnson Wasn T Real , Process , Evidence , Cummings , Tribes , Chaos , Members , Sue Gray , Way , Line , Detractors , Enemies , Tory Tradition , Party , Attempts , Editor , Election Victory , Changing Of The Guard , Two , Situation , Website , Lots , Reaction , Report , Analysis , Bbc Com News , Invasion , Vladimir Putin , Troops , App , 100000 , Moscow , Border , Paul Adams , Consequences , Planning Military Action , Sanctions , Team , Support , Trainers , Gesture , Missiles , Military Equipment , President , Kyiv , Secretary Of State , Invading , Message , Antony Blinken , Washington , Volodymyr Zelensky , Presence , There , Talks , Borders , Involvement , Officials , Military Drills , Cover , Attack , Ukrainian Army , 261000 , Veterans , Forces , Options , Russian War , 130000 , 400000 , Activity , It , Trail , Capacity , Europe , Vienna , Brussels , Sergei Lavrov , Foreign Minister , Towel , 0ur Patience , Gear , Geneva , 0 , Four , 0n Tanna Island , Sweden , Talking , Crisis , Tremors , Felt , Gotland , Baltic , Security , Democrats , Republicans , Senate , Slump , Elections , Priorities , Congress , Opinion Polls , Voting Rights Protections , Majorities , Bid , Electoral Reform , Agenda , Texas , Congresswoman , Blow , Domestic , Shejoins Me Live , Sheila Jackson Lee , 18th District , 18 , News , Block , Voting Rights Reforms , Home State , Voting Reform , Following , Terms , Aren T , Ground Zero , Zero , Laws , Reform , Good , Filibuster , Ijust , Voting , Voting Rights Laws , Fact , Decision , Question , Senators , Debate , Peace , Voter Suppression , Kind , Votes , Poster Child , Legislator , Justice , Equality , 0ne , Thousands , Persons , Mailing Ballots , Ballot , Number , Soldiers , Communities , Opportunity , Work , Voting Polls , Voting Sites , Seven , 24 , Constitution , Voters , Law , Foundation , Freedom , Democracy , Bill , Nothing , Unfettered , Can Ou Fighting , Id , Fighting , Ballots , Save Democracy , Don T , Passport , State Id , Social Security Card , Ids A , Ids Are Driver S Licence , Neighbours , Students , Senior Citizens , Hospital , Birth Certificate , Vote , Citizens , President Of The United States , Gamut , Rendition , Estate , Segregation South , Colour , 1964 Civil Rights Act , Voting Rights Act , 1965 , 1964 , Reason , Turnout , 2020 , Voter Fraud , Fraud , Indexes , Trump , Voter Guru , Premise , Policies , Person , Legs , Frustration , Theirjoys , Thatis , Rule , Compound , The Law Of Land , Legislation , Democracy In America , Voting Rights , Reforms , Aspect , Isn T Giving Up , Ijust Wonder , Perspective , Midterms , Things , Difficulty , Interview , Commitment , Floor , Rights , Hearts , Vaccines , Shots , Arms , Unemployment , Six , 3 9 , Millionjobs , Child Poverty Rate , History Of The United States , 6 , Community , Infrastructure , Bat , Something , No Doubt , Restoration , Harris , Study , Reparation Proposals , Story , 11 , Homes , Americans , Home Test Kits , Individuals , Lifeline , 370 Million , Challenges , Great Leader , Schools , 95 , Lot , Lives , Man , Charge , Broker , Family Members , Home , Apartments , More , Opportunities , Comfort , Jobs , Havejobs , Speaking , Spot , Stay , Making Formula 1 , Starting Grid , 22 , Donald Trump , America First , Steps , Capitol Hill , 45 , Mike Gatting , Campaigners , Demonstrators , Rebel Cricket Team , Protests , Tear Gas , Police Dogs , Fraud Charge , Tour , Butcher Of Lyon , Bolivia , Tide , Crimes , Millions , Germans , Humanity , West , Chief , Gestapo , France , Bbc World News , Records , Islands , Response , Pictures , United Nations , Houses , Ash , New Zealand , Communications Cable , Airport Runway , Estimates , Coat , Sainiana Rokovucago , Shejoins Us , Air , Programs Co Ordinator , Who , International Federation Of Red Cross , Fiji , Ground , Communications , Counterparts , Operation , Saying , Up To , Sa Inc , Seak , Ten , Staff , Volunteers , Update , 70 , Red Cross , Secretary General , Drinking Water , Priority , Salt Water , Contamination , Talk , Contact , Guys , Ask , Asphalt , Satellite , Water Tanks , Boreholes , Water Sources , Rainwater Harvesting , Tidal Wave , Tank , Borehole , Inundation , Cyclone , Supplies , Households , 1200 , Hygiene Tanks , Shelter Kits , Buckets , Cooking , 0ur Counterparts , Disaster , Water , Island , Outer Island , Reach Out , Items , Shelter , Main , Freshwater , Assessments , Household Items , Need , Best , Teams , Luck , Being , International Red Cross , Su , Ortinu , Ortin , Alfa Romeo , Time , Season , Championship , Inclusion , Valtteri Bottas , Sport , Popularity , Others , Bit , Weather , Front , Rain Southwards , Winds , Northern Scotland , North , Fine , Snow Showers , Gusty Winds , Hampshire , Shetland , 0rkney , Showers , Patches , Part , Mainland , Skies , Frost , Wintriness , Though , Most , Parts , Cold Air , Lovely , Dawn Till Dusk , Winter , North Sea , Coasts , Shower , Cold Night , Parallel , Depths , Anything , Wales , Norfolk , North York Moors , Temperatures , Cloud , Spots , Sunshine , Eastern Scotland , Sunrise , North West , , High Pressure , Fog , Mist , Counties , Weekend , Times , Thickest , Hills , Change , The Cloud , Northern Ireland , Areas , Thing , Weather Fronts , Ages , Affair , Weather Front , Light Rain , Forecast , Amounts , Drizzle , Figures , South East , Western Isles , Highlands , 5 , Area , Thanks , Weatherjust , Lockdowns , Gatherings , Inquiry , Costs , On Moscow , Planning , Aid , Runway , Flights , Australia , Planes , Volcanic Ash , Airport , Quantities ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

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ever chinese driver. welcome to the programme. the british prime minister, borisjohnson, has insisted that he will fight any challenge to his leadership of the conservative party despite another bruising day caused by the row about lockdown drinks parties at downing street. during prime minister's questions, the former brexit secretary, david davis, called on mrjohnson to step down, telling him, "in the name of god, go!" earlier, one of the prime minister's own backbenchers dramatically defected to the opposition labour party. but the prime minister batted away repeated calls to resign, and in a statement which pleased many, he went on to announce an end to the main covid restrictions in england. our political editor laura kuenssberg has the latest. the atmosphere in the prime minister's neighbourhood is full of risk. danger dangles all around for borisjohnson, uncertainty hanging in the air. downing street confronting the truth that some of his own mps want him gone. as ministers gathered to agree to ditch some covid rules, some of his own side waiting and watching, thinking about ditching him. is it under control, chief whip? yeah. all is calm. all is calm 7 do you think you might be in denial about that if you think this is calm? i think we need to focus on propping up the country and dealing with covid and making sure we've got that right. but can it really go on like this? some of your mps are putting letters in. is it all overfor the prime minister, do you think? don't be ridiculous. it is not, perhaps, ridiculous, despite his allies�* claim to suggest their boss could be gone before too long. is it time to resign?! it was no ordinary wednesday. pressure on borisjohnson after weeks of claims about what went on in number 10 during lockdown. 20 mps who discussed sending letters of no confidence in their leader, then a shock. political chat interrupted. hearing christian wakeford, the bury mp, is defecting to the labour party. a huge surprise for his colleagues, and the rest. that is quite incredible. the first tory mp since 2007, christian wakeford, cheered to the rafters in the commons as he defected and took a seat for labour instead. can i start by warmly welcoming the honourable member for bury south to his new place? cheering and to the parliamentary labour party. mr speaker, like so many people up and down the country, he has concluded that the prime minister, the conservative party have shown themselves incapable of offering the leadership and government this country deserves. a sting from keir starmer at a vulnerable moment for borisjohnson. and as for bury south, mr speaker, as far as for bury south, let me say it... in a unionjack mask, the new labour mp opposite, not behind, the prime minister this time. we will win again in bury south at the next election. there was more energy from the prime minister today in a chaotic prime minister's questions as he sought to stand and fight, mocked by the labour leader. doesn't the country deserve so much better than this out of touch, out of control, out of ideas and soon to be out of office prime minister? mr speaker, when the history of this pandemic comes to be written and the history of the labour party comes to be written — and, believe me, they are history and will remain history, mr speaker — it will show... it will show... it will show that we delivered while they dithered and we...we vaccinated while they vacillated, mr speaker. then, just when he thought he might have got through without a new wound, a brutal blast from his own side. a prominent tory quoting cromwell to try to oust the leader of the tories�* 21st century revolution. i expect my leaders to shoulder the responsibility for the actions they take. yesterday, he did the opposite of that, so i'll remind him of a quotation. "you have sat there too long for all the good you have done. "in the name of god, go." cheering david davis and borisjohnson used to be allies of a sort. "what a day," you hear the speaker, aghast. what a day. what else to say? hi. it's good to see you again. so a senior tory, the latest to call for the prime minister's exit, the smiling labour leader welcoming a conservative to his fold. yet there have been more public efforts from conservatives to get out and defend. well, he is the bounce—back king. i've always supported boris and i wouldn't be an mp here if it wasn't for him. mps and ministers who want borisjohnson to stay have been falling over themselves to call for cool heads all round. one loyal cabinet minister even claimed the threat to borisjohnson wasn't real. it is true to say no—one can be sure in a secret process how many conservative mps are really willing to try to oust him. yet today's chaos demonstrates clearly there are members of different tory tribes who want to see him gone. mr cummings, are you going to provide sue gray with evidence that boris johnson lied? the prime minister's always had political detractors and has gathered enemies along the way. he may not want to rest until this is over. the leader is out of line, they are removed. and tory tradition shows when the party concludes the leader is out of line, they are removed. but only two years after a huge election victory, borisjohnson will resist attempts for a changing of the guard. our political editor with that report. if you want to know more about borisjohnson�*s situation and what might happen next, just head to our website. you'll find lots of analysis and reaction. that's all at or you can download the bbc news app. president biden has predicted russian troops will move into ukraine. but warned vladimir putin that his country would pay dearly for a full—scale invasion. russia has around 100,000 troops deployed at the border, but denies it's planning military action. mr biden said that moscow would face severe economic consequences from fresh sanctions. we'll have more on president biden�*s comments in a moment. but first, here's our diplomatic correspondent, paul adams. british military equipment arriving in ukraine. short—range anti—tank missiles with a small team of trainers to follow. the latest western gesture of support for a country facing a mounting threat from russia. diplomatic support too. the us secretary of state antony blinken flew to kyiv, promising relentless american efforts to prevent russia from invading. washington's message to ukraine's president, volodymyr zelensky — there will be no talks about you without your involvement. and all the while, russian troops maintain their menacing presence on ukraine's northern and eastern borders. now, in neighbouring belarus too, preparing for what are called joint military drills. american officials say these could be used as a cover for an invasion of ukraine. kyiv says it has what it takes to withstand an attack. we have 261,000 in our ukrainian army. we have the options to have territorial defending forces, 130,000. we have 400,000 veterans of ukrainian—russian war, so i'm sure that we have a capacity to deter this activity from moscow. last week, we saw a diplomatic trail that criss—crossed europe from geneva to brussels and vienna. at the end of it, the russian foreign minister, sergei lavrov, appeared to throw in the towel. "0ur patience," he said, "is at an end." but here we are, four days on, and the process is actually shifting up a gear. mr lavrov and antony blinken are due to meet on friday, once again in geneva. the talking, it seems, is not quite over. but the tremors of this crisis are being felt right across europe. 0n the baltic island of gotland, sweden is beefing up its presence, concerned about nearby russian activity and what it calls russia's direct threat to europe's security. paul adams, bbc news. president biden has been speaking about ukraine. he also faces a slump in opinion polls as his fellow democrats prepare for midterm elections in november, putting their majorities in congress on the line. one of biden�*s top legislative priorities, electoral reform, has languished. in the last couple of hours, republicans in the senate blocked a democratic bid to push through new voting rights protections, delivering a major blow tojoe biden�*s domestic agenda. sheila jackson lee is the democratic congresswoman for texas's 18th district. shejoins me live. thank you very much forjoining us now, just after we get this news, this block of president biden�*s voting rights reforms. you describe your home state as texas as the ground zero four efforts in terms of voting reform. just explain to us, for people who aren't following is as closely as you, just what this means what is president biden trying to achieve and what this block means for the united states?— what this block means for the united states? the good news for texas. _ united states? the good news for texas, the _ united states? the good news for texas, the good _ united states? the good news for texas, the good news - united states? the good news for texas, the good news for l for texas, the good news for the american people is that president biden has not given up president biden has not given up on achieving significant reform of the oppressive laws that have been passed around the nation. in fact, ijust left the senate floor and will be going back. we have not yet completed voting to be able to make a decision about what we call a rolling filibuster to allow the voting rights laws to be passed, but i think the real question is whether or not the senators who are now engaged in debate as we speak will accept the challenge for peace, equality and justice. my state of texas is the poster child for the worst kind of voter suppression. 0ne, for the worst kind of voter suppression. one, the legislator would be allowed to overturn the votes of the people. right now, as we speak, thousands of mailing ballots are being rejected because veterans and soldiers and elderly and disabled persons did not have a number to put on their ballot. they have closed voting sites, they have removed the opportunity for people who work seven days a week and work at odd hours to be able to have 24—hour voting polls. i have told local communities what they can do or not do and deny them the right to respond to voters needs. america, its basic foundation, is on our constitution. that is the law. and that constitution supports the freedom of the right to vote. there is nothing in the constitution about the filibuster, and so this bill captures the constitution to allow people to have an unfettered right to vote. that is what democracy is. we are fighting to save democracy. can ou fighting to save democracy. can you explain _ fighting to save democracy. can you explain who are these people that are affected, when you talk about people who don't have an id, their ballots are not allowed because they don't have a valid id. we are talking about people who don't have a passport, so who are these people that are most at risk when it comes to this? that is a very good — when it comes to this? that is a very good question. - when it comes to this? that is a very good question. the - when it comes to this? that is a very good question. the ids| a very good question. the ids are driver's licence, state id, maybe your social security card, and the people are our neighbours, they are senior citizens, who was not born in a hospital, does not have a birth certificate, they are veterans, disabled persons, they may be students. they are really the gamut of our neighbours, and they are citizens, deserving they are citizens, deserving the right to vote, and here we are in the state of texas, who former president of the united states was a texan, johnson, who signed this 1964 civil rights act and the 1965 voting rights act. now his state has now become again a rendition of the segregation south where we are blocking people of colour, and as i said, vulnerable people from being able to vote, and there is no reason because the constitution guarantees them that right. either way, we are the largest turnout in 2020 across the nation, and even in and as much as republicans tried to find voter fraud indexes in 2020, they could find almost zero. as much as i tried to find fraud in 2020 across the nation, trump's own voter guru determined that there was no voter fraud, significant across the nation. but there is oppressive voter suppression that will undermine the very pinnacles or the very premise of democracy. democracy is the vote. that allows a person to express their frustration, theirjoys, their policies and who they want to represent them. you deny that and you take away the very legs of democracy, and the constitution is the basic compound on what america is surviving, an experiment that has survived because we have respected democracy and respected democracy and respected the law of the land, thatis respected the law of the land, that is the constitution, not the rule of the senate, which is a filibuster. get rid of the filibuster now, provide a talking filibuster so that we can move forward on the magnificent legislation that reaffirms democracy in america. but we are even more dependent... you talked about the good news aspect although the senate has blocked president biden's reforms when it comes to voting rights stop you say he isn't giving up. ijust wonder, when it comes to his agenda, it seems to be, he is having so much difficulty getting things through. what is the future for him? you are closer to midterms. what is your perspective on this? first of all, i perspective on this? first of all. ijust — perspective on this? first of all, i just want _ perspective on this? first of all, i just want to _ perspective on this? first of all, i just want to be - perspective on this? first of all, i just want to be very i all, i just want to be very clear, we still have another vote to take on his voting agenda and i will leave this interview and vote on the senate floor. that vote will provide for a talking filibuster to take up his bill. we have made a commitment. those of us who believe truly in our hearts that this nation has to stand on democracy and has to stand on democracy and has to stand on democracy and has to stand on unfettered rights to voting rights. we are not going to give up. we're going to be going on and on and on until we get a vote that passes this legislation. what president biden will have to stand on is magnificent. first of all, he was able to get the vaccines and shots in our arms. yes the lowest unemployment of 3.9%. created six point million —— 6 millionjobs. he has provided the opportunity for the lowest child poverty rate in the united states in the history of the united states and there is more to come. he has a magnificent infrastructure bill and we will get will bat better, there is no doubt. —— and build back better. as well as something significant that many in the african community will be restoration and restoring and thatis restoration and restoring and that is study in reparation proposals. the midterms are about 11 months away. there is going to be a very important story for us to be able to tell. we have as democrats as the president of the united states and vice president harris, they really provided a lifeline of individuals who have gone through and are still going through this horrific pandemic. do now will be 370 million home test kits in the homes of americans that they are able to order online. this is an ongoing fight for the nation. schools are open, 95% of them are open. president biden has been a great leader. he has recognised challenges. he has recognised challenges. he has recognised challenges. he has been an honest broker, an honest man full of his did up an honest man full of his did up and said, "all is not well". the rather a lot of evidence of what can happen when democrats are in charge. we have changed the lives of americans, come to the lives of americans, come to the comfort of those whose family members have died with the pandemic by making sure they are not evicted from their home, their apartments and that they havejobs. going home, their apartments and that they have jobs. going to home, their apartments and that they havejobs. going to keep working to bring more of these opportunities to the american people in the midterms we will have a lot to tell them why we should be re—elected. have a lot to tell them why we should be re-elected.- have a lot to tell them why we should be re-elected. thank you so much for— should be re-elected. thank you so much for speaking _ should be re-elected. thank you so much for speaking to - should be re-elected. thank you so much for speaking to us - should be re-elected. thank you so much for speaking to us in . so much for speaking to us in the meantime. thank you. stay with us on bbc news. still to come, making formula 1 history: 22—year—old guanyu zhou will become the first ever chinese driver to take up a spot on the starting grid. donald trump is now the 45th president of the united states. he was sworn in before several hundred thousand people on the steps of capitol hill in washington. it's going to be only america first. america first. demonstrators waiting for mike gatting and his rebel cricket team were attacked with tear gas and set upon by police dogs. anti—apartheid campaigners say they will carry on the protests throughout the tour. they called him the 'butcher of lyon'. klaus altmann is being held on a fraud charge in bolivia. the west germans want to extradite him for crimes committed in wartime france. there, he was the gestapo chief klaus barbie. millions came to bathe as - close as possible to this spot. a tide of humanity that's believed by officials - to have broken all records. this is bbc world news, the latest headlines: britain's prime minister vows to fight any challenges to his leadership as he faces calls to resign, because of parties at downing street during lockdown. president biden has warned vladimir putin that the us will do significant harm to russia if he decides to invade ukraine. the united nations says it is stepping up its response to the volcanic eruption and tsunami in tonga. the tongan government has released more pictures — they say many houses on the islands have been destroyed. estimates from new zealand suggest the main communications cable in tonga will now take around four weeks to repair. a thick coat of ash has been removed from the main airport runway in tonga, clearing the way for emergency aid to be delivered by air to the island nation. we can now speak to sainiana rokovucago who's programs co—ordinator for the international federation of red cross. shejoins us from fiji. we know you have communications on the ground. bring us up—to—date with what they are saying. up-to-date with what they are sa in. ~ . , up-to-date with what they are sa inc. . , ., ., ., saying. we finally managed to seak saying. we finally managed to s - eak to saying. we finally managed to speak to our _ saying. we finally managed to speak to our counterparts - saying. we finally managed to speak to our counterparts on | speak to our counterparts on the island yesterday and they have assured us that they are well and supporting the operation. we currently have a team of ten on the island, ten staff and 70 volunteers, and they have been supporting the operation from sunday and they have assured us that they are well and continuing with their operation. we were anxious, we were waiting for an update since the operation so we were really relieved to finally speak to our secretary general yesterday. it speak to our secretary general yesterday-— yesterday. it is fantastic news and we know _ yesterday. it is fantastic news and we know the _ yesterday. it is fantastic news and we know the red - yesterday. it is fantastic news and we know the red cross i yesterday. it is fantastic news. and we know the red cross has been speaking about howjoyful and happy they are that you guys have been able to make contact with the team on the ground. talk us through where the priority lies because a lot has been spoken about the ash, its contamination of the drinking water and also the salt water from the tsunami contaminating the drinking water. where is the initial first... where do you start, i guess, is what i am trying to ask. , . ., , ask. on the island, it was heartbreaking _ ask. on the island, it was heartbreaking to - ask. on the island, it was heartbreaking to see - ask. on the island, it was heartbreaking to see all. ask. on the island, it was l heartbreaking to see all the pictures and actually see from the satellite, around the island and our counterparts have confirmed that there has been asphalt around the islands, so that has affected the drinking water, as you are aware. 0n tanna island they have rainwater harvesting and their water sources, their water tanks and the boreholes. so the tank by the asphalt and their borehole has been affected by the salt water. there has been inundation from the tidal wave that followed after the eruption. so there has been, and on the island prior to the cyclone, we were aware that pre— positioned supplies to take to 1200 households and this has been around hygiene tanks which included buckets and cooking sets and we also had shelter kits so that the communities could repair their homes and actually clean their homes following the disaster. 0ur counterparts have confirmed that the main priority is water and they have been involved in distributing drinking water. it is notjust on the main island of tonga, they have been able to reach out. they went to the outer island and they have also distributed freshwater and shelter items to help the communities start cleaning up and repairing so those have been the main from the initial assessments that were carried out following the disaster. the need to actually provide drinking water, household items and also shelter items in which our counterparts are supporting. our counterparts are summing-- our counterparts are supporting. our counterparts are su--ortinu. . our counterparts are su--ortin~. . . supporting. thank you so much for talking _ supporting. thank you so much for talking us _ supporting. thank you so much for talking us through. - supporting. thank you so much for talking us through. we - supporting. thank you so much for talking us through. we wish your teams on the ground the best of luck. for the time being, sainiana rokovucago from the international red cross and the international red cross and the thank you so much for bringing us up—to—date on the situation there. bringing us up-to-date on the situation there.— history will be made in next season's formula 1 championship when for the first time ever, a chinese driver will be on the grid. 22—year—old guanyu zhou will line up alongside valtteri bottas for the alfa romeo team. it is hoped his inclusion will boost the sport's popularity in the country. he says it's been hard work, but he hopes to inspire others. much more on our website. hello there. we've got a much colder day of weather coming up today. it was yesterday that we had a cold front bring a bit of patchy rain southwards. as that cleared, we had a fine end to the day in hampshire — a lovely sunset here. for northern scotland, though, it was quite a turbulent day. gusty winds, and those winds have been bringing in some snow showers to shetland, we've seen some in 0rkney and, more recently, across the north of the mainland as well. that will leave a risk of some icy patches here as we get into the first part of thursday morning with the frost otherwise pretty widespread. for many of us, though, the skies will be clear. now, any showers in northern scotland very quickly will lose their wintriness and turn back to rain. some very slightly less cold air works in here. and for most of the uk, although a cold and frosty start, there will be sunshine pretty much from dawn till dusk. it's going to be a lovely, if somewhat chilly, winter's day. now, there will be some showers coming down the north sea. they'll be affecting eastern parts of scotland. and with the winds blowing more or less parallel to the eastern coasts of england, most of the showers will stay offshore. the greatest risk of a shower will be across norfolk. you might see one or two coming into the north york moors as well. another cold night to come on thursday night — if anything, even colder across parts of england and wales, plumbing the depths. temperatures could get down to about —5, —6 degrees in the coldest spots but it will be turning milder in the north—west — that's because we've got some thicker cloud here. that'll probably give us quite a nice sunrise for some but the best of the sunshine through the day will be across eastern wales, central and eastern england, eastern scotland, probably eastern counties of northern ireland, whereas in the west, you're likely to see some of the higher temperatures but you will also see the thickest of the cloud, perhaps with some mist and fog patches developing around the coasts and the hills at times. little overall change, really, into the weekend. high pressure stays firmly with us — the same one that's been with us for ages now — and for the most part, that will keep weather fronts at bay — this one just skirting into northern scotland but it will be a weak affair. so, for saturday, mist and fog and some frost patches around first thing in the morning. again, it's western areas that will keep the thickest cloud. and here's our weak weather front, bringing a little bit of light rain or drizzle — no great amounts. for the western isles and the highlands, temperatures could reach double figures here but otherwise, still quite chilly across the south—east — 5 or 6 celsius here. and, to be honest, looking at the long—range forecast through the rest of the week and most of next week, the weatherjust stays dry, thanks to that same area of high pressure. hello. welcome. this is bbc news. the headlines: the british prime minister, borisjohnson, has insisted he will fight any challenge to his leadership of the conservative party. he's been under mounting pressure over social gatherings involving his staff during lockdowns. an inquiry is due to report next week. president biden has said he thinks russia will invade ukraine, but has warned that the united states will impose severe costs and significant harm on moscow in response. moscow has about 100,000 troops on the ukrainian border, but denies it's planning an invasion. the first flights carrying aid to tonga following saturday's volcanic eruption and tsunami have taken off from new zealand and australia. the runway at tonga's main airport had to be cleared of large quantities of volcanic ash to make it safe for the planes to land.

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Confidence , Chat , 20 , 10 , Hearing Christian Wakeford , Defecting , Tory , Surprise , Colleagues , Mp , Bury , 2007 , Member , Commons , Labour , Seat , Rafters , Place , Cheering , Speaker , People , Parliamentary Labour Party , Government , Sting , Bury South , Keir Starmer , Unionjack Mask , Prime Minister , Opposite , New Labour , South , Election , Energy , History , Speaker It , Out Of Control , Office , Doesn T The Country , The Labour Leader , Ideas , Out Of Touch , Pandemic , History Of The Labour Party , Quoting Cromwell , Side , Wound , Blast , 21 , Leaders , Red Yesterday , Actions , Responsibility , Quotation , Sort , Go , Aghast , Labour Leader , Conservative , Fold , Exit , Efforts , Conservatives , King , It Wasn T , Threat , Cabinet Minister , Round , Cool , Borisjohnson Wasn T Real , Process , Evidence , Cummings , Tribes , Chaos , Members , Sue Gray , Way , Line , Detractors , Enemies , Tory Tradition , Party , Attempts , Editor , Election Victory , Changing Of 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Agenda , Texas , Congresswoman , Blow , Domestic , Shejoins Me Live , Sheila Jackson Lee , 18th District , 18 , News , Block , Voting Rights Reforms , Home State , Voting Reform , Following , Terms , Aren T , Ground Zero , Zero , Laws , Reform , Good , Filibuster , Ijust , Voting , Voting Rights Laws , Fact , Decision , Question , Senators , Debate , Peace , Voter Suppression , Kind , Votes , Poster Child , Legislator , Justice , Equality , 0ne , Thousands , Persons , Mailing Ballots , Ballot , Number , Soldiers , Communities , Opportunity , Work , Voting Polls , Voting Sites , Seven , 24 , Constitution , Voters , Law , Foundation , Freedom , Democracy , Bill , Nothing , Unfettered , Can Ou Fighting , Id , Fighting , Ballots , Save Democracy , Don T , Passport , State Id , Social Security Card , Ids A , Ids Are Driver S Licence , Neighbours , Students , Senior Citizens , Hospital , Birth Certificate , Vote , Citizens , President Of The United States , Gamut , Rendition , Estate , Segregation South , Colour , 1964 Civil Rights Act , Voting Rights Act , 1965 , 1964 , Reason , Turnout , 2020 , Voter Fraud , Fraud , Indexes , Trump , Voter Guru , Premise , Policies , Person , Legs , Frustration , Theirjoys , Thatis , Rule , Compound , The Law Of Land , Legislation , Democracy In America , Voting Rights , Reforms , Aspect , Isn T Giving Up , Ijust Wonder , Perspective , Midterms , Things , Difficulty , Interview , Commitment , Floor , Rights , Hearts , Vaccines , Shots , Arms , Unemployment , Six , 3 9 , Millionjobs , Child Poverty Rate , History Of The United States , 6 , Community , Infrastructure , Bat , Something , No Doubt , Restoration , Harris , Study , Reparation Proposals , Story , 11 , Homes , Americans , Home Test Kits , Individuals , Lifeline , 370 Million , Challenges , Great Leader , Schools , 95 , Lot , Lives , Man , Charge , Broker , Family Members , Home , Apartments , More , Opportunities , Comfort , Jobs , Havejobs , Speaking , Spot , Stay , Making Formula 1 , Starting Grid , 22 , Donald Trump , America First , Steps , Capitol Hill , 45 , Mike Gatting , Campaigners , Demonstrators , Rebel Cricket Team , Protests , Tear Gas , Police Dogs , Fraud Charge , Tour , Butcher Of Lyon , Bolivia , Tide , Crimes , Millions , Germans , Humanity , West , Chief , Gestapo , France , Bbc World News , Records , Islands , Response , Pictures , United Nations , Houses , Ash , New Zealand , Communications Cable , Airport Runway , Estimates , Coat , Sainiana Rokovucago , Shejoins Us , Air , Programs Co Ordinator , Who , International Federation Of Red Cross , Fiji , Ground , Communications , Counterparts , Operation , Saying , Up To , Sa Inc , Seak , Ten , Staff , Volunteers , Update , 70 , Red Cross , Secretary General , Drinking Water , Priority , Salt Water , Contamination , Talk , Contact , Guys , Ask , Asphalt , Satellite , Water Tanks , Boreholes , Water Sources , Rainwater Harvesting , Tidal Wave , Tank , Borehole , Inundation , Cyclone 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