Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709

during the attack. russian soldiers arrive in kazakhstan to help crush anti—government protests. reports say security forces have taken control of central almaty. the clashes are taking place just a few hundred metres away from where i am standing now. you can hear the sound of shooting and explosions. the family of tennis star novak djokovic says he's been subjected to humiliating treatment in australia, as he's held in quarantine, fighting deportation from the country. and the award—winning american film—maker, peter bogdanovich, has died at the age of 82. live from our studio in singapore, this is bbc news — it's newsday. hello and thanks forjoining us. president biden has accused donald trump of holding a dagger to the throat of amercican democracy, a dagger to the throat of american democracy, in a speech to mark the first anniversary of the storming of the capitol building. mr biden blamed the former president's refusal to accept his election defeat for sparking an armed insurrection. but donald trump has repeated his discredited claims that the election victory was stolen from him. we begin our coverage with this report from our north america correspondent, aleem maqbool. you'll never take back our country with weakness. you have to show strength. these still staggering scenes were a last—ditch attempt to overturn the election loss of donald trump. chant: fight for trump! his supporters marched the short distance from a rally he'd been holding to the capitol building, where congress was in session to confirm joe biden�*s win. a protester was shot dead at the doors of the speakers lobby, and the attack went on for hours. four others died, including a police officer. nearly 140 of his security colleagues were injured. a year on inside the very building that was attacked, a minute's silence was held in remembrance. reporter: mr president, how are you feeling - about the day, sir? joe biden delivered an impassioned speech to mark a day when he said a dagger had been held at the throat of democracy because of lies about the election spread by donald trump. because he sees his own interest as more important than his country's interest america's interest, and because his bruised ego matters more to him than our democracy or our constitution, he can't accept he lost. in the weeks that followed the storming of the capitol, hundreds of people were rounded up and charged for their involvement. it's banana republic stuff when political prisoners are arrested and denied due process. fast forward, and some republicans now refer to those arrested as political prisoners. joe kent's running for congress this year on a platform that the election was stolen. he's been endorsed by donald trump in the battle against the party establishment. make no mistake there is a civil war going on right now in the republican party for the direction of the republican party. i believe the america first, the president trump movement, that we have the vast majority of the country and the republican party. you don't think some people would have looked at the events of january the 6th and thought, "i don't want to be a part of that?" initially, a lot of people did and a lot of those folks now regret that. the mob was fed lies. they were provoked by the president and other powerful people. and in the days after the storming of the capitol, senior republicans condemned the attack, but when it came to action, the vast majority of republicans voted not to impeach and convict donald trump for incitement. he is not guilty as charged with the articles of impeachment. for all the condemnation he's received in the last year over his involvement in those violent events, donald trump still enjoys the support of millions of americans, and in his party, it is those voices that continue to drown out the criticism. aleem maqbool, bbc news, and washington. a candlelit vigil on the steps of the capitol building marked the end of a day of remembering. # lord bless america, land that i love, _ # lord bless america, land that i love, stand beside herand guide — i love, stand beside herand guide her_ i love, stand beside herand guide her through the night with— guide her through the night with a — guide her through the night with a light from above... #. members of congress, including house speaker nancy pelosi and senate majority leader chuck schumer, paid tribute to police officers and officials who had defended the us capitol a year ago. they held candles and observed a moment of silence as a band played patriotic music at the steps of the capitol building. our washington correspondent, gary o'donoghue, told me what the mood had been like at the capitol. in many ways, the capitol has really been representative ofjust one side of that narrative today because largely, there been no republicans here whatsoever. there was one on the floor of the house of representatives, liz cheney, one of those people that republicans... she was there with herfather, former vice president dick cheney. then there were two republicans for donald trump, who were here, also putting their side of their argument about january the 6th. so, the ceremonial elements have largely been dominated by democrats. they've had prayer vigils and moments of silence, they've had recollections and reminiscences of the fear they felt here last year. of course, he centrepiece of it all was that great big long speech by presidentjoe biden, where he really went after donald trump for the first time in the last year. a lot of people have been hoping for that on the democratic side, that he would be more robust, more forthright in blaming donald trump for what happened here on january the 6th, and today, he did that. he referred to him as the former president more than a dozen times and calling out what he called his lies and pressing home this idea that he was defeated, that he lost the election. they are all likely to trigger donald trump to swift statements of streams of consciousness. as these events have drawn to a close, i think there will be a sort of feeling among democrats that they have marked what was for them a real threat to democracy in the correct way, but the threat continues, according to the president and to others, and that's where you'll get this battle for the future of america between republicans who simply believe this election was stolen from them and democrats who believe that their democracy is under threat from that kind of talk. yeah, indeed. as you were saying, that statement from donald trump came swift and sharp, saying that mr biden is using his name to try to divide america. how much traction do you think those kinds of comments will have within his base? i mean, pretty much whatever donald trump says now does have a resonance, it does have a lot of power within that kind of core vote he controls. he has an iron—like grip over that, sort of 25% or 30% of the republican party. the problem is the rest of the party are too frightened. republicans who see things differently feel unable to go down that road. they tow the line. otherwise, they get challenged or might get removed. they certainly get vilified. at the moment, the former president does have that viselike grip on the republican party, and therefore, you will hear this narrative about january the 6th. we heard it from two members of congress today upstairs. they said that january the 6th was really orchestrated by the federal government, that the fbi, the cia had placed informants and they were the people that caused all the trouble. that's what two members of congress told me. and you can catch up with everything on bbc news online, as the accusations continue to be made against former president trump for his role in what happened. take a look at this analysis by our north america reporter antony zurcher of the five big questions still to be answered. just log on to — or download the bbc app let's take a look at some other stories in the headlines: thousands of people have taken to the streets in the sudanese capital, khartoum, to protest against military rule. security services have fired teargas at demonstrators near the presidential palace. it's the first organised protest since the resignation of the prime minister on sunday. doctors aligned with the protest movement say three people were shot dead in demonstrations in neighbouring city, omdurman, as well as in north khartoum. health officials in india have placed 125 people in isolation, after they tested positive for covid—i9 on arriving on a flight from italy. they were among 179 passengers on the flight from milan to amritsar. india reported more than 90,000 cases on thursday, a nearly six—fold rise over the past week. britain's ministry of defence has confirmed that a russian submarine collided with the sonar trailed by a royal navy warship while it was on patrol in the north atlantic. the incident occurred in the winter of 2020 and has only come to light now because a tv crew captured the moment the collision happened. a study has found that the number of adults suffering from dementia worldwide could nearly triple by the middle of the century. the research, published in the british medicaljournal, the lancet, says older and growing populations are the main drivers behind the increase. but higher rates of obesity, smoking and diabetes are also majorfactors. in kazakhstan, security forces say they've have killed dozens of anti—goverment rioters in the main city of almaty. at least 12 pro—government forces have also died in the protests, which were sparked by rising fuel prices. now russia is sending in troops, following a request from the kazakh president. 0ur correspondent in almaty, abdujalil abdurasulov sent this report. this is the aftermath of the mass unrest — violent clashes between riot police and protesters turned what used to be almaty�*s bustling square into a war zone. sparked by a hike of fuel prices, the roots of the protest movement go deep into the corrupt authoritarian system. and the turmoil continues. the armyjoined riot police to disperse the crowd. the number of casualties is rising. at night, the standoff grows particularly violent. stun grenades, rubber bullets and reportedly live rounds have been used to crack down on the protest. the clashes are taking place just a few hundred metres away from where i'm standing now. you can hear the sound of shooting and explosions, and judging by that sound, a real battle is going on the main square of almaty. we saw several armoured personnel carriers moving towards the square, where a small group of protesters had gathered. in response to the violence, the kazakh authoritites have appealed to russia—led regional security organisation csto to send troops to restore order. according to kazakhstan�*s president, the country is facing an external aggression. translation: given that these terrorist gangs - are international and have received extensive training abroad, their attack on kazakhstan can and should be considered an act of aggression. protesters claim that their movement was peaceful and blamed the authorities for provoking the violence. translation: when the president said i he's at war with thugs, he called us thugs, terrorists. we're neither thugs nor terrorists — we participate in rallies. when he said that, i was deeply disappointed. the events in kazakhstan are now quickly turning into a geopolitical crisis, as russia has sent its peacekeeping forces. these can help to stop the violence, but the public discontent that fueled the protests is likely to remain. abdujalil abdurasulov, bbc news, almaty. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: creating the hand woven pashmina shawls — we look at the attemps being made to bring women back to weaving in kashmir. the japanese people are in mourning following the death of emperor hirohito. thousands converged on the imperial palace to pay their respects when it was announced he was dead. good grief. after half a century of delighting fans around the world, charlie brown and the rest of the gang are calling it quits. the singer paul simon starts his tour of- south africa tomorrow in spite of protests and violence - from some black activist groups. i they say international artists should continue to boycott south africa _ until majority rule is established. . around the world, people have been paying tribute to the iconic rock star david bowie, who sold 140 million albums in a career that spanned half a century. his family announced overnight that he died of cancer at the age of 69. the world's tallest skyscraper opens later today. the burj dubai has easily overtaken its nearest rivals. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm karishma vaswani in singapore. 0ur headlines: president biden has launched his most strident attack yet on his predecessor, donald trump, accusing him of provoking the storming of the us congress with a web of lies. russian soldiers arrive in kazakhstan to help crush anti—government protests, reports say security forces have taken control of central almaty. serbia's president says he will fight for "justice and truth" for novak djokovic, as the country's most famous sports star faces a weekend in an australian detention centre. the tennis player's accused of not having an exemption to the nation's covid vaccination rules. shaima khalil has the latest. the world number one arriving in melbourne, ready to defend his australian open title, only to be told he's no longer welcome. after hours of being held at the city's airport, the border authorities said his visa had to be revoked because of a mistake, and novak djokovic was taken to a quarantine hotel. he came to australia with an exemption, but he's been public about his opposition to being vaccinated. 0n the issue of mr djokovic, rules are rules, and there are no special cases. rules are rules. it's what i said to you yesterday — that's the policy of the government and has been our government's strong border protection policies and particularly in relation to the pandemic. scott morrison's government has been under immense pressure over its handling of the pandemic, amid rocketing case numbers and chaos at testing clinics. all of this is happening with an election looming in the next few months. djokovic's family say this is a political agenda and has nothing to do with sport. they are keeping him as a prisoner. it's just not fair, it's not human. so, ijust hope that he will be strong, as we are trying also to be very strong, to give him some energy to keep on going. i hope that he will win. his legal team has challenged the decision and a court hearing will resume on monday. outside the hotel, tension was high among his supporters. even as they danced and music played, you could feel their frustration. i was pretty angry and disappointed and ashamed of being an australian. i'm an australian born and for this to happen in my country, to discriminate like this and treat people like this that come from overseas, that have a medical exemption and haven't done anything, that's bad, really. just, he's here to play. i don't think it is ok for him to have been dragged all this way for this spectacle to take place. novak djokovic has landed in the middle of a controversy that has gone beyond tennis and is now at the heart of a political tussle between state and federal authorities. and while mr djokovic and his legal team wait for a decision on monday, confusion and anger are the overriding sentiments here. novak djokovic was expected to go head—to—head with rafael nadal. a 21st grand slam title is at stake and today, his rival didn't mince his words. he's free to take the own decisions, but then there are some consequences 110w. and of course, i don't like the situation that is happening. for years, novak djokovic has dominated the australian open, winning nine times. but his attempt at a tenth title may be over before the tournament has started. shaimaa khalil, bbc news, melbourne. the award—winning american film—maker, peter bogdanovich, has died at the age of 82. he started his career as a film programmer and critic, before directing the 1971 hit, the last picture show, which won two 0scars. mark lobel looks back on his life. heralded a champion of cinema, the young new yorker peter bogdanovich lived and breathed that. has careerfast bogdanovich lived and breathed that. has career fast tracked during an academic mission to interview his idols before making a name for himself, direct and his oscar—winning second film in 1971, the last picture show. it was a masterpiece, according to one newsweek critic which called it the most impressive work by a young direct since citizen kane. jeff bridges & shepherd starred in the bittersweet story of a small texas town. the godfather director francis ford coppola remembers the audience at the end of the film's premier leaping to their feet, bursting into applause for 15 minutes. a reaction he said he had never experienced himself. bogdanovich's incredible ability to coax nuanced performances from actors such as barbra streisand shone through in his 1972 comedy what's up doc? barbra streisand says she remembers peter as someone who always made her laugh and that he will keep making them laugh up there too. then came the 1973 comedy drama paper moon, leading to an oscar drama paper moon, leading to an 0scarfor the young at drama paper moon, leading to an oscar for the young at chris who appeared alongside her real life father. you know what that is, scruples? life father. you know what that is. scrum?— is, scruples? no, i don't know but if you've — is, scruples? no, i don't know but if you've got _ is, scruples? no, i don't know but if you've got they - is, scruples? no, i don't know but if you've got they belong l but if you've got they belong to somebody else. has close family was — to somebody else. has close family was blighted - to somebody else. has close family was blighted by - to somebody else. has close family was blighted by the i family was blighted by the early accidental death of his baby brother, bankruptcy, a self—confessed addiction to prescription drugs and a colourful and tangled love life. some of his later films flopped. peter later reflected, pride go with before the fall. when you say see comedy immensely professionally or just plain see?— just plain see? originally trained as _ just plain see? originally trained as a _ just plain see? originally trained as a stage - just plain see? originally trained as a stage actor, | just plain see? originally - trained as a stage actor, one of his final act was as a psychiatrist in the hbo series the sopranos. in peter's own words, i was born, then i like to movies, it seems, very much like him too. film director peter bogdanovich who has died at the age of 82. kashmir�*s hand woven pashmina shawls are treasured around the world. the industry that produces them was once dominated by women but nowjust 5% of workers are female. a local entrepreneur is trying to reverse that decline, as the bbc�*s aamir peerzada reports from srinagar in indian—administered kashmir. continuing the tradition her mother taught her. hassena has been spinning pashmina yarn for as long as she can remember. she was one of many women making beautiful shawls that were prized. but 15 years ago, she stopped. translation: the wages were never increased - since my childhood, so we left. low wages and the emergence of automatic machines left herjobless and fighting for financial independence. translation: now l have i to ask my brother or husband for money, but before this, we were self—sufficient. we didn't have to ask anyone. kadri is the man trying to revive an ancient tradition. he owns a company making shawls and remembers the age before high—tech machines. the finest quality of kashmir comes from an himalayan region which used to come to kashmir for hand spinning, and then would be woven by the master craftsmen of kasmir and made into the best quality pashmina shawl which was revered world over. he has brought hassena and many other women back to work. they are training to use a new machine. in a region where half the women are unemployed, he wondered how to get women back to weaving. one of the ways to do it was upgrading their skill by getting them trained on the new machine, which has been devised locally. and then, with this help, they produce almost doubles, which actually doubles their income. bringing hand weaving back to kashmir. it's a different scenario for kadri. he can produce more shawls. and local women can regain the financial freedom they have been missing. aamir peerzada, bbc news, in kashmir. that's all for now, stay with bbc world news. hello. well, it's going to be cold for another day or so, and after that, things will turn a little less cold, but there's a big low pressure out there in the atlantic. you can see the cold fronts sweeping across the uk. behind it, that speckled cloud, the shower clouds, some of them wintry, carried by a pretty cold current of air coming off the north atlantic. but i think come the weekend, this next low pressure — this is another one — will come our way and will also warm things up a little bit, but until then, still the risk of snow and ice through the early hours and into friday, mostly but not exclusively northern parts of the uk. so, here's the weather map, the forecast early friday. you can see wintry showers across the pennines, the highlands, parts of northern ireland, too. temperatures close to freezing early on friday, so icy patches possible. again, mostly across the northern half of the uk and the south, it's just a little bit too mild. 0n the whole, not a bad day for many of us across eastern areas of the uk. 0ut towards the west, we'll have those showers and a good old breeze at least for the first half of the day. then in the southwest, we'll see a spell of rain sweeping through during the afternoon, so cardiff and plymouth, possibly portsmouth, will be wet for a time on friday before it dries out. here's the next low pressure. that's the one that's actually moving through right now, but this is the next one on friday. and here's the weather front, the cold front that moves through during the first half of saturday across the uk. rain and wind — a really unpleasant picture early in the day, but notice that it does tend to dry out at least somewhat second half of the day on saturday, although it could stay wet across eastern areas. you can see the temperatures back into double figures, so it's not going to be quite so cold, but the wind will make it feel pretty nippy. and then, sunday, actually we're in between weather systems — one out there in the north sea, this approaching. we're in between, so sunday isn't looking too bad at all. temperatures will be a little lower, between, say, 5—8 degrees for the most part, maybe a little bit milder in cornwall and devon. but on the whole, out of the two days, i think sunday is looking better. and thereafter, it really does turn just that little bit milder with temperatures perhaps reaching 13 degrees in some southern and southwestern areas. bye— bye. this is bbc news. we will have the headlines and all the main news stories for you at the top of the hours straight up this programme. for you at the top of the hour, straight up this programme. child crying

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Floor , Dick Cheney , Liz Cheney , House Of Representatives , Herfather , Two , Democrats , 6th , Prayer Vigils , Silence , Argument , Elements , Presidentjoe Biden , Course , Fear , Recollections , Reminiscences , Time , Times , Streams , Statements , Consciousness , Idea , Threat , Way , Feeling , Sort , Close , Battle For The Future , Name , Kind , Statement , Talk , Saying , Sharp , Resonance , Kinds , Base , Traction , Comments , Rest , Problem , Grip , Core Vote , 30 , 25 , Things , Road , Line , Viselike Grip , Government , Informants , Upstairs , Trouble , Cia , Fbi , Trump , Accusations , Everything , Role , Bbc News Online , Look , Antony Zurcher , Questions , Analysis , App , Five , Military Rule , Stories , Streets , Thousands , Sudanese Capital , Security Services , North Khartoum , Protest , City , Protest Movement , Palace , Demonstrators , Demonstrations , Prime Minister , Resignation , Doctors , Teargas , On Sunday , Omdurman , Three , Health Officials , Flight , 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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709

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during the attack. russian soldiers arrive in kazakhstan to help crush anti—government protests. reports say security forces have taken control of central almaty. the clashes are taking place just a few hundred metres away from where i am standing now. you can hear the sound of shooting and explosions. the family of tennis star novak djokovic says he's been subjected to humiliating treatment in australia, as he's held in quarantine, fighting deportation from the country. and the award—winning american film—maker, peter bogdanovich, has died at the age of 82. live from our studio in singapore, this is bbc news — it's newsday. hello and thanks forjoining us. president biden has accused donald trump of holding a dagger to the throat of amercican democracy, a dagger to the throat of american democracy, in a speech to mark the first anniversary of the storming of the capitol building. mr biden blamed the former president's refusal to accept his election defeat for sparking an armed insurrection. but donald trump has repeated his discredited claims that the election victory was stolen from him. we begin our coverage with this report from our north america correspondent, aleem maqbool. you'll never take back our country with weakness. you have to show strength. these still staggering scenes were a last—ditch attempt to overturn the election loss of donald trump. chant: fight for trump! his supporters marched the short distance from a rally he'd been holding to the capitol building, where congress was in session to confirm joe biden�*s win. a protester was shot dead at the doors of the speakers lobby, and the attack went on for hours. four others died, including a police officer. nearly 140 of his security colleagues were injured. a year on inside the very building that was attacked, a minute's silence was held in remembrance. reporter: mr president, how are you feeling - about the day, sir? joe biden delivered an impassioned speech to mark a day when he said a dagger had been held at the throat of democracy because of lies about the election spread by donald trump. because he sees his own interest as more important than his country's interest america's interest, and because his bruised ego matters more to him than our democracy or our constitution, he can't accept he lost. in the weeks that followed the storming of the capitol, hundreds of people were rounded up and charged for their involvement. it's banana republic stuff when political prisoners are arrested and denied due process. fast forward, and some republicans now refer to those arrested as political prisoners. joe kent's running for congress this year on a platform that the election was stolen. he's been endorsed by donald trump in the battle against the party establishment. make no mistake there is a civil war going on right now in the republican party for the direction of the republican party. i believe the america first, the president trump movement, that we have the vast majority of the country and the republican party. you don't think some people would have looked at the events of january the 6th and thought, "i don't want to be a part of that?" initially, a lot of people did and a lot of those folks now regret that. the mob was fed lies. they were provoked by the president and other powerful people. and in the days after the storming of the capitol, senior republicans condemned the attack, but when it came to action, the vast majority of republicans voted not to impeach and convict donald trump for incitement. he is not guilty as charged with the articles of impeachment. for all the condemnation he's received in the last year over his involvement in those violent events, donald trump still enjoys the support of millions of americans, and in his party, it is those voices that continue to drown out the criticism. aleem maqbool, bbc news, and washington. a candlelit vigil on the steps of the capitol building marked the end of a day of remembering. # lord bless america, land that i love, _ # lord bless america, land that i love, stand beside herand guide — i love, stand beside herand guide her_ i love, stand beside herand guide her through the night with— guide her through the night with a — guide her through the night with a light from above... #. members of congress, including house speaker nancy pelosi and senate majority leader chuck schumer, paid tribute to police officers and officials who had defended the us capitol a year ago. they held candles and observed a moment of silence as a band played patriotic music at the steps of the capitol building. our washington correspondent, gary o'donoghue, told me what the mood had been like at the capitol. in many ways, the capitol has really been representative ofjust one side of that narrative today because largely, there been no republicans here whatsoever. there was one on the floor of the house of representatives, liz cheney, one of those people that republicans... she was there with herfather, former vice president dick cheney. then there were two republicans for donald trump, who were here, also putting their side of their argument about january the 6th. so, the ceremonial elements have largely been dominated by democrats. they've had prayer vigils and moments of silence, they've had recollections and reminiscences of the fear they felt here last year. of course, he centrepiece of it all was that great big long speech by presidentjoe biden, where he really went after donald trump for the first time in the last year. a lot of people have been hoping for that on the democratic side, that he would be more robust, more forthright in blaming donald trump for what happened here on january the 6th, and today, he did that. he referred to him as the former president more than a dozen times and calling out what he called his lies and pressing home this idea that he was defeated, that he lost the election. they are all likely to trigger donald trump to swift statements of streams of consciousness. as these events have drawn to a close, i think there will be a sort of feeling among democrats that they have marked what was for them a real threat to democracy in the correct way, but the threat continues, according to the president and to others, and that's where you'll get this battle for the future of america between republicans who simply believe this election was stolen from them and democrats who believe that their democracy is under threat from that kind of talk. yeah, indeed. as you were saying, that statement from donald trump came swift and sharp, saying that mr biden is using his name to try to divide america. how much traction do you think those kinds of comments will have within his base? i mean, pretty much whatever donald trump says now does have a resonance, it does have a lot of power within that kind of core vote he controls. he has an iron—like grip over that, sort of 25% or 30% of the republican party. the problem is the rest of the party are too frightened. republicans who see things differently feel unable to go down that road. they tow the line. otherwise, they get challenged or might get removed. they certainly get vilified. at the moment, the former president does have that viselike grip on the republican party, and therefore, you will hear this narrative about january the 6th. we heard it from two members of congress today upstairs. they said that january the 6th was really orchestrated by the federal government, that the fbi, the cia had placed informants and they were the people that caused all the trouble. that's what two members of congress told me. and you can catch up with everything on bbc news online, as the accusations continue to be made against former president trump for his role in what happened. take a look at this analysis by our north america reporter antony zurcher of the five big questions still to be answered. just log on to — or download the bbc app let's take a look at some other stories in the headlines: thousands of people have taken to the streets in the sudanese capital, khartoum, to protest against military rule. security services have fired teargas at demonstrators near the presidential palace. it's the first organised protest since the resignation of the prime minister on sunday. doctors aligned with the protest movement say three people were shot dead in demonstrations in neighbouring city, omdurman, as well as in north khartoum. health officials in india have placed 125 people in isolation, after they tested positive for covid—i9 on arriving on a flight from italy. they were among 179 passengers on the flight from milan to amritsar. india reported more than 90,000 cases on thursday, a nearly six—fold rise over the past week. britain's ministry of defence has confirmed that a russian submarine collided with the sonar trailed by a royal navy warship while it was on patrol in the north atlantic. the incident occurred in the winter of 2020 and has only come to light now because a tv crew captured the moment the collision happened. a study has found that the number of adults suffering from dementia worldwide could nearly triple by the middle of the century. the research, published in the british medicaljournal, the lancet, says older and growing populations are the main drivers behind the increase. but higher rates of obesity, smoking and diabetes are also majorfactors. in kazakhstan, security forces say they've have killed dozens of anti—goverment rioters in the main city of almaty. at least 12 pro—government forces have also died in the protests, which were sparked by rising fuel prices. now russia is sending in troops, following a request from the kazakh president. 0ur correspondent in almaty, abdujalil abdurasulov sent this report. this is the aftermath of the mass unrest — violent clashes between riot police and protesters turned what used to be almaty�*s bustling square into a war zone. sparked by a hike of fuel prices, the roots of the protest movement go deep into the corrupt authoritarian system. and the turmoil continues. the armyjoined riot police to disperse the crowd. the number of casualties is rising. at night, the standoff grows particularly violent. stun grenades, rubber bullets and reportedly live rounds have been used to crack down on the protest. the clashes are taking place just a few hundred metres away from where i'm standing now. you can hear the sound of shooting and explosions, and judging by that sound, a real battle is going on the main square of almaty. we saw several armoured personnel carriers moving towards the square, where a small group of protesters had gathered. in response to the violence, the kazakh authoritites have appealed to russia—led regional security organisation csto to send troops to restore order. according to kazakhstan�*s president, the country is facing an external aggression. translation: given that these terrorist gangs - are international and have received extensive training abroad, their attack on kazakhstan can and should be considered an act of aggression. protesters claim that their movement was peaceful and blamed the authorities for provoking the violence. translation: when the president said i he's at war with thugs, he called us thugs, terrorists. we're neither thugs nor terrorists — we participate in rallies. when he said that, i was deeply disappointed. the events in kazakhstan are now quickly turning into a geopolitical crisis, as russia has sent its peacekeeping forces. these can help to stop the violence, but the public discontent that fueled the protests is likely to remain. abdujalil abdurasulov, bbc news, almaty. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: creating the hand woven pashmina shawls — we look at the attemps being made to bring women back to weaving in kashmir. the japanese people are in mourning following the death of emperor hirohito. thousands converged on the imperial palace to pay their respects when it was announced he was dead. good grief. after half a century of delighting fans around the world, charlie brown and the rest of the gang are calling it quits. the singer paul simon starts his tour of- south africa tomorrow in spite of protests and violence - from some black activist groups. i they say international artists should continue to boycott south africa _ until majority rule is established. . around the world, people have been paying tribute to the iconic rock star david bowie, who sold 140 million albums in a career that spanned half a century. his family announced overnight that he died of cancer at the age of 69. the world's tallest skyscraper opens later today. the burj dubai has easily overtaken its nearest rivals. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm karishma vaswani in singapore. 0ur headlines: president biden has launched his most strident attack yet on his predecessor, donald trump, accusing him of provoking the storming of the us congress with a web of lies. russian soldiers arrive in kazakhstan to help crush anti—government protests, reports say security forces have taken control of central almaty. serbia's president says he will fight for "justice and truth" for novak djokovic, as the country's most famous sports star faces a weekend in an australian detention centre. the tennis player's accused of not having an exemption to the nation's covid vaccination rules. shaima khalil has the latest. the world number one arriving in melbourne, ready to defend his australian open title, only to be told he's no longer welcome. after hours of being held at the city's airport, the border authorities said his visa had to be revoked because of a mistake, and novak djokovic was taken to a quarantine hotel. he came to australia with an exemption, but he's been public about his opposition to being vaccinated. 0n the issue of mr djokovic, rules are rules, and there are no special cases. rules are rules. it's what i said to you yesterday — that's the policy of the government and has been our government's strong border protection policies and particularly in relation to the pandemic. scott morrison's government has been under immense pressure over its handling of the pandemic, amid rocketing case numbers and chaos at testing clinics. all of this is happening with an election looming in the next few months. djokovic's family say this is a political agenda and has nothing to do with sport. they are keeping him as a prisoner. it's just not fair, it's not human. so, ijust hope that he will be strong, as we are trying also to be very strong, to give him some energy to keep on going. i hope that he will win. his legal team has challenged the decision and a court hearing will resume on monday. outside the hotel, tension was high among his supporters. even as they danced and music played, you could feel their frustration. i was pretty angry and disappointed and ashamed of being an australian. i'm an australian born and for this to happen in my country, to discriminate like this and treat people like this that come from overseas, that have a medical exemption and haven't done anything, that's bad, really. just, he's here to play. i don't think it is ok for him to have been dragged all this way for this spectacle to take place. novak djokovic has landed in the middle of a controversy that has gone beyond tennis and is now at the heart of a political tussle between state and federal authorities. and while mr djokovic and his legal team wait for a decision on monday, confusion and anger are the overriding sentiments here. novak djokovic was expected to go head—to—head with rafael nadal. a 21st grand slam title is at stake and today, his rival didn't mince his words. he's free to take the own decisions, but then there are some consequences 110w. and of course, i don't like the situation that is happening. for years, novak djokovic has dominated the australian open, winning nine times. but his attempt at a tenth title may be over before the tournament has started. shaimaa khalil, bbc news, melbourne. the award—winning american film—maker, peter bogdanovich, has died at the age of 82. he started his career as a film programmer and critic, before directing the 1971 hit, the last picture show, which won two 0scars. mark lobel looks back on his life. heralded a champion of cinema, the young new yorker peter bogdanovich lived and breathed that. has careerfast bogdanovich lived and breathed that. has career fast tracked during an academic mission to interview his idols before making a name for himself, direct and his oscar—winning second film in 1971, the last picture show. it was a masterpiece, according to one newsweek critic which called it the most impressive work by a young direct since citizen kane. jeff bridges & shepherd starred in the bittersweet story of a small texas town. the godfather director francis ford coppola remembers the audience at the end of the film's premier leaping to their feet, bursting into applause for 15 minutes. a reaction he said he had never experienced himself. bogdanovich's incredible ability to coax nuanced performances from actors such as barbra streisand shone through in his 1972 comedy what's up doc? barbra streisand says she remembers peter as someone who always made her laugh and that he will keep making them laugh up there too. then came the 1973 comedy drama paper moon, leading to an oscar drama paper moon, leading to an 0scarfor the young at drama paper moon, leading to an oscar for the young at chris who appeared alongside her real life father. you know what that is, scruples? life father. you know what that is. scrum?— is, scruples? no, i don't know but if you've — is, scruples? no, i don't know but if you've got _ is, scruples? no, i don't know but if you've got they - is, scruples? no, i don't know but if you've got they belong l but if you've got they belong to somebody else. has close family was — to somebody else. has close family was blighted - to somebody else. has close family was blighted by - to somebody else. has close family was blighted by the i family was blighted by the early accidental death of his baby brother, bankruptcy, a self—confessed addiction to prescription drugs and a colourful and tangled love life. some of his later films flopped. peter later reflected, pride go with before the fall. when you say see comedy immensely professionally or just plain see?— just plain see? originally trained as _ just plain see? originally trained as a _ just plain see? originally trained as a stage - just plain see? originally trained as a stage actor, | just plain see? originally - trained as a stage actor, one of his final act was as a psychiatrist in the hbo series the sopranos. in peter's own words, i was born, then i like to movies, it seems, very much like him too. film director peter bogdanovich who has died at the age of 82. kashmir�*s hand woven pashmina shawls are treasured around the world. the industry that produces them was once dominated by women but nowjust 5% of workers are female. a local entrepreneur is trying to reverse that decline, as the bbc�*s aamir peerzada reports from srinagar in indian—administered kashmir. continuing the tradition her mother taught her. hassena has been spinning pashmina yarn for as long as she can remember. she was one of many women making beautiful shawls that were prized. but 15 years ago, she stopped. translation: the wages were never increased - since my childhood, so we left. low wages and the emergence of automatic machines left herjobless and fighting for financial independence. translation: now l have i to ask my brother or husband for money, but before this, we were self—sufficient. we didn't have to ask anyone. kadri is the man trying to revive an ancient tradition. he owns a company making shawls and remembers the age before high—tech machines. the finest quality of kashmir comes from an himalayan region which used to come to kashmir for hand spinning, and then would be woven by the master craftsmen of kasmir and made into the best quality pashmina shawl which was revered world over. he has brought hassena and many other women back to work. they are training to use a new machine. in a region where half the women are unemployed, he wondered how to get women back to weaving. one of the ways to do it was upgrading their skill by getting them trained on the new machine, which has been devised locally. and then, with this help, they produce almost doubles, which actually doubles their income. bringing hand weaving back to kashmir. it's a different scenario for kadri. he can produce more shawls. and local women can regain the financial freedom they have been missing. aamir peerzada, bbc news, in kashmir. that's all for now, stay with bbc world news. hello. well, it's going to be cold for another day or so, and after that, things will turn a little less cold, but there's a big low pressure out there in the atlantic. you can see the cold fronts sweeping across the uk. behind it, that speckled cloud, the shower clouds, some of them wintry, carried by a pretty cold current of air coming off the north atlantic. but i think come the weekend, this next low pressure — this is another one — will come our way and will also warm things up a little bit, but until then, still the risk of snow and ice through the early hours and into friday, mostly but not exclusively northern parts of the uk. so, here's the weather map, the forecast early friday. you can see wintry showers across the pennines, the highlands, parts of northern ireland, too. temperatures close to freezing early on friday, so icy patches possible. again, mostly across the northern half of the uk and the south, it's just a little bit too mild. 0n the whole, not a bad day for many of us across eastern areas of the uk. 0ut towards the west, we'll have those showers and a good old breeze at least for the first half of the day. then in the southwest, we'll see a spell of rain sweeping through during the afternoon, so cardiff and plymouth, possibly portsmouth, will be wet for a time on friday before it dries out. here's the next low pressure. that's the one that's actually moving through right now, but this is the next one on friday. and here's the weather front, the cold front that moves through during the first half of saturday across the uk. rain and wind — a really unpleasant picture early in the day, but notice that it does tend to dry out at least somewhat second half of the day on saturday, although it could stay wet across eastern areas. you can see the temperatures back into double figures, so it's not going to be quite so cold, but the wind will make it feel pretty nippy. and then, sunday, actually we're in between weather systems — one out there in the north sea, this approaching. we're in between, so sunday isn't looking too bad at all. temperatures will be a little lower, between, say, 5—8 degrees for the most part, maybe a little bit milder in cornwall and devon. but on the whole, out of the two days, i think sunday is looking better. and thereafter, it really does turn just that little bit milder with temperatures perhaps reaching 13 degrees in some southern and southwestern areas. bye— bye. this is bbc news. we will have the headlines and all the main news stories for you at the top of the hours straight up this programme. for you at the top of the hour, straight up this programme. child crying

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