Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

which he said are being passed over in silence. and lift—off! the world's most powerful telescope has blasted into space, soon to offer unprecedented images of the universe. christmas day booster jabs in england — thousands of people are expected to be vaccinated today as the race to fight the surging omricon variant continues. the former england and yorkshire captain ray illingworth has died at the age of 89. hello and welcome if you're watching in the uk or around the world. the queen has spoken movingly, in her christmas day message, about her grief at the death of her husband, prince philip, who died in april. the monarch poignantly reflected on a year of personal grief, saying there was "one familiar laugh missing" amid the continuing impact of the coronavirus pandemic. our royal correspondent nicholas witchell reports. windsor castle on christmas morning. the royal standard signifying that the queen was in residence. men? the queen was in residence. merry christmas- — the queen was in residence. merry christmas. the _ the queen was in residence. merry christmas. the prince _ the queen was in residence. merry christmas. the prince of _ the queen was in residence. merry christmas. the prince of wales - the queen was in residence. merry| christmas. the prince of wales and duchess of — christmas. the prince of wales and duchess of cornwall _ christmas. the prince of wales and duchess of cornwall joined - christmas. the prince of wales and duchess of cornwall joined the - duchess of cornwalljoined the congregation for morning service. the queen did not attend as a precaution against covid, according to officials. from the very first moments of the queen's broadcast, there was a keen sense of the law she has felt over the death of prince philip last april after their 73 years of marriage.— prince philip last april after their 73 years of marriage. although it is a time of great _ 73 years of marriage. although it is a time of great happiness - 73 years of marriage. although it is a time of great happiness and - 73 years of marriage. although it isi a time of great happiness and good chairfor many, christmas a time of great happiness and good chair for many, christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones. —— good cheer. this one especially i understand why. but for me in the months since the death of my beloved philip, i have drawn great comfort from the warmth and affection of the many tributes to his life and work from around the country, the commonwealth and in the world. his sense of service, intellectual curiosity and capacity to squeeze fun out of any situation where all irrepressible. that mischievous, inquiring twinkle was as bright at the end as when i first set eyes on him. she as bright at the end as when i first set eyes on him.— as bright at the end as when i first set eyes on him. she spoke about the ha iness set eyes on him. she spoke about the happiness she — set eyes on him. she spoke about the happiness she gained _ set eyes on him. she spoke about the happiness she gained from _ set eyes on him. she spoke about the happiness she gained from seeing - happiness she gained from seeing members of herfamily happiness she gained from seeing members of her family embracing the rules and values which meant so much to her, and she recalled how her husband's work on the environment was being taken forward. i am owered was being taken forward. i am powered beyond _ was being taken forward. i am powered beyond words - was being taken forward. i —n powered beyond words that his pioneering work has been taken on and magnified by our eldest son charles and his elder son william —— pioneered —— proud beyond words. well covid again means we cannot celebrate quite as we may have wished. ., , ., celebrate quite as we may have wished. . , ., , , wished. there was a passing reference — wished. there was a passing reference to _ wished. there was a passing reference to covid _ wished. there was a passing reference to covid and - wished. there was a passing reference to covid and they l wished. there was a passing - reference to covid and they look ahead to the platinum jubilee. but this above all was a broadcast from your wife mourning her husband. there would still be joy at christmas, the queen said, even with one familiar laugh missing. a very personal message from the queen at the end of a sad and in some ways rather troubling year, with the death of her husband and difficulties within the royal family. the year has also ended with concerns about her own health, concerns about her own health, concerns which the palace does its best to downplay. preferring instead to look ahead to next year and the platinum jubilee. police say a 19—year—old man has been arrested after breaking into the grounds of windsor castle, where the queen is spending christmas. our royal correspondent sarah campbell is with me. what more do we know? this happened this morning? — what more do we know? this happened this morning? yes, _ what more do we know? this happened this morning? yes, thames— what more do we know? this happened this morning? yes, thames valley - this morning? yes, thames valley police issued a statement later this afternoon, i will tell you what we know, not a lot, that 8:30am this morning, according to thames valley police, a 19—year—old man from southampton was arrested on suspicion of breach or trespass of a protected site and possession of an offensive weapon. they do say that it was a security breach, around 8:30am, he wasn't in any buildings on the estate and i quote that security processes were triggered within moments of the man entering the ground, according to police. the man is now in custody, i9 the ground, according to police. the man is now in custody, 19 years —— 19 years old. we don't know what the weapon was, whether they will release the details, but the concern here is of course that today we knew that the duke and duchess of cornwall, they were all at winter castle, if you look at the time line, they would have been there around after ten o'clock to go to st george's chapel at this 19 euros was arrested at 8:30am, before that time, —— 19—year—old. for arrested at 8:30am, before that time, "19-year-old.— arrested at 8:30am, before that time, "19-year-old. for those who do not know — time, "19-year-old. for those who do not know the _ time, "19-year-old. for those who do not know the town, _ time, "19-year-old. for those who do not know the town, sometimes i time, "19-year-old. for those who| do not know the town, sometimes on the tv echo look like the castle is a fairy tale building that has been plant in the middle of the town, but it is quite a big site.— it is quite a big site. huge, lots of different _ it is quite a big site. huge, lots of different entrances - it is quite a big site. huge, lots of different entrances around, | it is quite a big site. huge, lots i of different entrances around, and this morning the entries that we all know is the henry viii gate which is at the top of the hill, the most notable, they would have been lots of press teams this morning because in advance of the queen's speech add the christmas morning. one would assume it was not at the entrance because it would have been really busy, but like you say, such a huge site that there are lots of different places, we haven't been given any more detail, buckingham palace string no further comment, saying this is a matter for the police. —— issuing no further comment. pope francis has called for more dialogue and warned against a tendency to withdraw during the coronavirus pandemic. here's the pope addressing a crowd at saint peter's sqaure during his christmas day speech. translation: sisters and brothers, what would our world be _ like without the patient dialogue of the many generous persons who keep families and communities together. in this time of pandemic, we have come to realise this even more. our capacity for social relationships is sorely tried. there is a growing tendency to withdraw, to do it all by ourselves, to stop making an effort to encounter others and do things together. on the international level too, there is the risk of avoiding dialogue, the risk that this complex crisis will lead to taking short cuts, rather than setting out on the longer path of dialogue. yet only those paths can lead to the resolution of conflicts and to lasting benefits for all. the archbishop of canterbury has used his christmas sermon to preach a message of support to volunteers helping refugees. the most revjustin welby was speaking at canterbury catherdral this morning. the christmas story shows us how we must treat those who are unlike us, who have far less than us, who have lived with the devastating limits of war and national tragedy. there have been the volunteers who have been on my mind, welcoming and caring for refugees arriving on the beaches so close to this cathedral, and they do one thing, save life at sea. it is not politics, it is simply humanity. a christmas service has been held in a renovated church in indian—administered kashmir for the first time in 30 years. the mayor of the city of srinagar and other officials greeted those who visited st luke's church, one of the oldest in kashmir. the i25—year—old place of worship was shut down three decades ago when the separatist violence began in the muslim—majority region. security forces in the sudanese capital khartoum have fired tear gas in an effort to disperse the latest pro democracy protests. the authorities restricted phone and internet services and blocked roads leading to the city. at least 48 protestors have been killed since a coup in october. general abdel fattah al—burhan who led the coup has warned that protests could impede a smooth democratic transition. one of the greatest scientific missions of modern times has taken a giant leap forward in the past few hours, with the launch of the james webb space telescope. the $10 billion project has taken 30 years to reach this moment. the telescope was launched from kourou in french guiana. it's the most powerful ever built, and the developers hope it will reveal stars and galaxies from the birth of the universe, as well as distant planets which could provide evidence of life beyond earth. our science correspondent rebecca morelle reports. and we have engine start. and lift—off. the start of a blockbuster astronomy mission. james webb begins a voyage back to the birth of the universe. inside this rocket is the biggest telescope ever sent into space. punching a hole through the clouds. 20 seconds into the flight... this is the james webb space telescope. it's a successor to hubble, but 100 times more powerful. after three decades in the making, and a cost of $10 billion, it's finally on its way. we've never attempted anything like that in space before. we're going to be entering a whole new regime of astrophysics. a new frontier. and that is what gets so many of us excited about james webb space telescope. this space telescope is a feat of engineering. at its heart is a 6.5 metre—wide mirror, made up of 18 hexagonal segments, each coated in a layer of gold. its size means it can detect the incredibly faint light coming from the most distant stars. it also has a huge sun shield, about the size of a tennis court. it's made up of five layers, each as thin as a human hair, and this protects the telescope from the heat and light of the sun. sitting a million miles away from the earth, the telescope will give us our deepest ever view of the cosmos. from seeing the birth of the very first stars and galaxies, to revealing new planets in far—flung solar systems. what excites me is making discoveries, things we haven't thought about. and there's a whole history of astronomy that shows how, when we've looked at the new universe in a new way, we discover things we hadn't thought about. and there's something really exciting about doing that. to get into space, the telescope is so big, it's been folded up to fit inside the rocket. the most challenging part is getting it to unfurl. it's been practised here on earth, and that's hard enough. there are 300 points where it could go wrong, but if anything fails in space, the telescope is too far away to be fixed. this is the most ambitious space telescope ever built. now its mission has finally begun and our view of the universe is about to be transformed. rebecca morelle, bbc news. the former england and yorkshire cricket captain ray illingworth has died. he was 89 and had been suffering from cancer. our sport correspondent, joe wilson, looks back on his life. backin back in 1971 he was the captain of the test team. raymond illingworth, batsman, bowler, leader, a cricketer for all seasons. he began his career in the 1950s. it must be out. he finally stopped playing in the 1980s. just think, when he became england captain in 1969, they wondered then if he was too old. some people said this is too old to start being captain of england? yes, well obviously it's not a ten year policy or anything like that, but i think i am still as on the ball as i have ever been. i don't think it makes any difference. in sydney in 1971, during a fractious ashes test, he led his players off the field when beer cans were thrown from the stands. yes, he is out. the end of the match. his team—mates carried him off when england won the match and the series. this must surely be the greatest moment of ray illingworth's cricket life. english cricket appointed a new man today — ray illingworth becomes chairman of selectors. in his time as chief administrator of english cricket as selector and coach, he didn't secure the results or the dressing room harmony he once sought as a captain. i have fined michael on two counts. first, for using dirt. secondly, for giving incomplete evidence to the match referee. at his adopted county, leicestershire, and his native yorkshire, he was a master technician. —— tactician. the australians regarded his england as the mentally toughest opponents they faced. there is no higher compliment for a man who spanned the decades of post—war cricket. the former england cricket captain, ray illingworth, who's died at the age of 89. the latest headlines on bbc news.... queen elizabeth speaks about her personal grief over the death of her husband prince philip in her christmas day message, saying there was "one familiar laugh missing" amid the continuing impact of the coronavirus pandemic. a 19—year—old man has been arrested on suspicion of trespassing windsor castle grounds, the official residence of queen elizabeth. members of the royal family have been informed. in his christmas message, pope francis highlighted the tragedies in yemen and syria, which he said are being passed over in silence. volunteers are working at vaccination centres across england today as the push continues to give every adult a booster by the end of the month. the nhs says it expects thousands of people to receive theirjab on christmas day. vaccination centres are closed in northern land, scotland and wales. —— northern ireland. are needed in england, the roman catholic archbishop, cardinal vincent nichols, has urged them not to close places of worship. emily unia reports. redbridge town hall in east london is one of a small number of vaccination centres in england that opened this morning, on christmas day, to help bolster the booster programme. fantastic idea to save so many lives. myjob, i am in contact with customers all the time. so i have got to keep myself safe, keep my customers safe. it is family time, the time you want to spend with your loved ones. - it is often in times like that that we get to think- through the real priorities, . and the real priorities are that you want to protect yourself and you want to protect - your loved ones. the government wants to offer all adults a booster by the end of the year, to tackle the spread of the omicron variant. this pharmacy in london has been open since eight this morning. they have got about 80 appointments pre—booked, but there is capacity for at least 400 other people to walk in from the streets and get a jab. and there was a very personal reason for opening over the christmas break. i am very close to the owners of the shop. the original owner, he passed away from covid injanuary this year, and it was a horrible experience for his family. and his sons have been working very hard to make sure no on else goes through the same thing as they did. this new variant appears to cause mild illness, which health officials have described as a glimmer of hope. it is still spreading fast, though, prompting scotland, wales and northern ireland to introduce new restrictions. in his christmas message, the head of the catholic church in england called on the government to keep places of worship open. i think we are at that point of saying we understand the risks, we know what we should do, most people are sensible and cautious. we don't need stronger impositions to teach us what to do, we know. new restrictions for england, known as step two, could see pubs and restaurants serving customers outdoors only, and a ban on different households mixing indoors. a decision on whether to bring england in line with the other uk nations could be taken early next week. emily unia, bbc news. the impact of super typhoon rai is being felt all the more acutely today as families face christmas in the wake of disaster. the un says 3 million people are in need of assistance. tanya dendrinos reports. it is one of the largest christian nations in the world, but on one of the most important days in the religious calendar the philippines is reeling. last week super typhoon rai devastated the country's south—eastern islands. many have lost everything. translation: it will be a sad christmas. i we have no party food, but at least we are alive. it is better than welcoming christmas with a dead loved one. we thank god that our family and our community was spared. the un says three million people are in need of assistance, among them around a million children. translation: it is difficult, | it is difficult because we don't have food, we are just begging. rai has been the most powerful storm to hit the philippines this year, claiming at least 375 lives. scientists say climate change is causing typhoons to become more powerful and strengthen more rapidly, an ominous warning for action with no stopping the force of mother nature. tanya dendrinos, bbc news. christmas celebrations have taken place in bethlehem, including an annual procession led by the head of the roman catholic church in the region. the events culminated in a mass at the church of the nativity, built on the spot where it's believed thatjesus was born. but for a second year running, the celebrations were without their usual international crowds because of a ban on foreign visitors, due to covid—19. a court in los angeles has ordered the former liverpool footballer daniel sturridge to pay more than £22,000 that's around thirty—thousand dollars, to a man who found his stolen dog. the striker had offered a reward for whoever helped to reunite him with his pomeranian — named lucci — but failed to pay up. sturridge was taken to court by foster washington who said he felt let down when the millionaire footballer failed to honour the reward. the eruption of the cumbre vieja volcano in the canary islands has finally come to an end, three months after it began spewing ash and lava. no—one was injured during the 85—day ordeal on the spanish island of la palma. but the volcano destroyed more than 1,300 homes, churches, and schools, and submerged hundreds of hectares of farmland. musicians ed sheeran and eltonjohn have certainly been busy this christmas — they released their first christmas song then collaborated with youtube stars and charity campaigners, ladbaby — who have achieved their fourth christmas number one in the uk music charts! our entertainment correspondent, colin paterson, caught up with ed recently, to find out how he celebrates christmas with his family. # build a fire and gather round the tree. # fill a glass and maybe come and sing with me. ed sheeran, here we are. how's christmas looking for you this year? christmas for me is, yeah, guess it's kind of like an olympic sport to try to avoid covid at the moment so i'm hoping that no—one in my family goes down with it. but if they don't then we will be, you know, watching christmas movies anything christmas food. —— and eating christmas food. how's lyra getting on with christmas, has she reached an age where she's excited? yeah, yeah. i think christmas is exciting for all kids of all sizes, if you are young you are excited by the shiny wrapping paper, if you are old you are excited by father christmas. have you got presents, have you nailed? i think i have nailed it on the present front. i think what i have learnt from being a father is too much is not good. so we have one great thing that she will love. ok, is she a bbc breakfast viewer, can you share it? of course she's a bbc breakfast viewer, yeah. i won't say. she's little. i don't want her to grow up and say that i'd told her first christmas present on bbc breakfast. i wasjust thinking. you cannot be an easy person to buy christmas presents for. you know, for me, for the last ten years the best thing to get me is a framed photo or a photo album or something like that. i love remainders of great memories, so my mum and dad got me a photo album the last few years. my wife gets me framed pictures of my family, my friends get me framed pictures of them. i think that's the nice thing to have. i have an office at home that is filled up with pictures of people i love. is there a traditional game you play every year, the sheeran family favourite? we're not big gamers, no, we're not big gamers. i guess we would have played monopoly back in the day. but i think monopoly is how to find out you have your family, basically. —— hate your family. will you be holding the guitar on christmas day? do you have a wee singsong? i don't sing. no, my friend johnny, who made the album with me, bought me a self—playing piano that has loads of christmas songs programmed into it, so i put that piano on and itjust plays christmas songs. you don't actually have to do the playing then. you can sit by and pretend you're playing, but, yeah, i am not a player. i wonder if in future years your song with elton will be in these pianos. do you know, all i hoped for the song with elton, is like — i don't care about the chart position element of it, but i really do care that people would want to listen to it next year and the year after or the year after. i think that's the one thing about christmas songs, they are going to be around forever and hopefully this one that people care and listen. # while we're here, can we all. # spare a thought for the ones who have gone? # merry christmas, everyone. for three years in a row, ladbaby�*s sausage roll theme songs have topped the charts are christmas raising money for food banks. this year there is all—star support. # get to the kitchen for sausage roll. # dance along to rock and roll. what is it that appeals to you about the whole sausage roll song? what i love about mark and rox it is it's totally grassroots. they're just two people who really, really believe in trying to out food banks in england and they've done it by bringing joy to people and bringing a really fun song onto the airwaves. —— help out. you know you are up against ed sheeran and eltonjohn, don't you? hey, for all you know this could bed sheeran and eltonjohn. eltonjohn, this would be his first christmas number one, wouldn't it, i'm thinking? i think this would be elton's first christmas number one. and elton has rox and mark to thank for that. that's good. # sausage rolls for everyone! you'll be celebrating, i imagine, on the day. elton called me earlier and said a number one, two, three, four in australia, goodbye, and he hung up. i think elton is having a great year. laughter. the story of my life at the moment. calling talking to ed sheeran. i wonder what next year's christmas song, how about a tribute to the cornish pasty? sorry, bit tighter than that. hello again. for most people hoping for a white christmas it has been a grey and that one out there. —— damp one. bringing a new meaning to white christmas, the firm on some of the waves hitting parts of the coastline. but we have seen a sprinkling of show in shetland, eastern scotland and higher parts of the pennines and the yorkshire dales for it to be officially declared a white christmas, but not widespread. it has been a very wet day in south—west england. this area of rain made it wet in northern ireland. it is on the move as we get into tonight and that is butting into cold air in the peak district, pennines and southern uplands will see some snow. northern england and scotland will have a frost, and with the wind strength as it is over the pennines of the southern uplands, we will see this snow blowing around, affecting travel on the higher rates. —— higher roots. we may see snow on lower levels in central scotland at a time on sunday morning. northern scotland likely to stay dry with sunny spells. for the rest of england, wales and northern ireland there will be another band of rain moving eastwards. not as windy to the south—west, but this brisk south—easterly wind will make it feel chilly in scotland and north—east england. elsewhere not quite as cold feel to the day. as we get on into the evening, there is a lot of cloud and showers arriving and they push their way northwards, still a chance of hill snow in scotland. folk forms as we go into monday morning, rather a grey day for much of the uk and a chance of outbreaks of rain in south wales and southern england. it is a touch milder, especially in england and wales. that is a trend that continues as we go towards the end of the year. we will see several areas of low pressure coming our way with spells of wind and rain, drier and brighter in between, but all the while we will be pumping mild air northwards across the uk and temperatures in south—east england for a time mid week may be approaching 70 celsius. —— 17 celsius. but all areas will turn much milder, but wet at times, the mild weather continuing into the start of the new year. this is bbc news, the headlines... queen elizabeth speaks about her personal grief over the death of her husband prince philip in her christmas day message, saying there was "one familiar laugh missing" amid the continuing impact of the coronavirus pandemic. a 19—year—old man has been arrested on suspicion of trespassing windsor castle grounds, the official residence of queen elizabeth. members of the royal family have been informed. in his christmas message pope francis highlighted the tragedies in yemen and syria which he said are being passed over in silence. and lift off. the world's most powerful telescope has blasted into space, soon to offer unprecedented images of the universe. christmas day boosterjabs in england — thousands of people are expected to be vaccinated today as the race to fight the surging omricon variant continues. and tributes are paid to the former england and yorkshire captain ray illingworth who has died at the age of 89.

Related Keywords

Bbc News , Uk , Headlines , Around The World , Philip , Message , Queen Elizabeth , Pandemic , Grief , Death , Laugh Missing , Impact , Coronavirus , Twinkle , One , Family , Eyes , Life , Course , The End , Partings , Meetings , Man , Tragedies , Residence , Royal Family , Members , Suspicion , Trespassing , Yemen , Pope Francis , Windsor Castle Grounds , Syria , 19 , Telescope , World , Space , Images , The Universe , Ray Illingworth , People , South West England , Race , Surging Omricon Variant , Jabs , Yorkshire , Age , 89 , Queen , Movingly , Hello , Husband , Correspondent , Monarch , Standard , Men , Nicholas Witchell Reports , Officials , Prince , Merry Christmas , Prince Of Wales , Duchess Of Christmas , Joined Christmas , Cornwalljoined , Morning Service , Congregation , Duchess Of Cornwall , Marriage , Broadcast , Last , Sense , Moments , Law , 73 , Herfamily Happiness , Many , Father Christmas , Happiness , Chairfor , Chair , Cheer , Loved Ones , Tributes , Service , Country , Commonwealth , Affection , Warmth , Comfort , Capacity , Fun , Curiosity , Irrepressible , Situation , Work , Rules , Values , Environment , Ha Iness , Owered , Words , I N , Eldest , William , Passing Reference , Wall , Joy , Wife Mourning , Platinum Jubilee , Laugh , Difficulties , Sad , Ways , Concerns , Health , Police , Palace , Thames Valley Police , Yes , Sarah Campbell , More , Statement , Grounds , Thames , Thames Valley , Lot , 30am , Breach , Trespass , Southampton , 8 , 30 , Site , Say , Security Breach , Buildings , Offensive Weapon , Security Processes , He Wasn T , Possession , Estate , Ground , Custody , Weapon , I9 The Ground , Details , Concern , Time Line , Duke , Winter Castle , St George S Chapel , Ten , Town , Tv Echo , The Castle , 19 Euros , Lots , Entrances , Henry Viii Gate , Fairy Tale Building , Entries , Know , Plant , Big Site It , Middle , Top , The Hill , Entrance , Press , Advance , Speech Add , Notable , Places , Comment , Matter , Detail , String , We Haven T , Buckingham Palace , Translation , Dialogue , Tendency , Crowd , Pope , Speech , Sisters , Brothers , Saint Peter S Sqaure , Families , Persons , Communities , Patient Dialogue , Things , Effort , Relationships , Risk , Paths , Short Cuts , Level , Path , Crisis , Archbishop , Support , Resolution , Conflicts , Benefits , Sermon , Canterbury , Refugees , Us , Story , Canterbury Catherdral , Revjustin Welby , Thing , Volunteers , Tragedy , Cathedral , Limits , War , Beaches , Sea , Mind , Politics , Humanity , Worship , Place , City , I25 Year , St Luke S Church , Mayor , Srinagar , Oldest , Renovated Church In Indian Administered Kashmir , Kashmir , Three , Region , Violence , Tear Gas , Phone , Authorities , Pro Democracy Protests , Security Forces , Muslim , Sudanese Capital Khartoum , Who , Protestors , Protests , Roads , Coup , Internet Services , Abdel Fattah Al Burhan , 48 , James Webb Space Telescope , Missions , Project , Transition , Modern Times , Forward , Launch , Giant Leap , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , Stars , Birth , Planets , Galaxies , Developers , Evidence , Science Correspondent , Kourou , Earth , French Guiana , Lift Off , Start , Engine Start , Blockbuster Astronomy Mission , Rebecca Morelle Reports , Rocket , Voyage , Flight , Hole , Successor , Hubble , 20 , Way , Times , Anything , Making , Cost , 100 , Space Telescope , Feat , Astrophysics , Regime , Heart , Frontier , Engineering , 6 5 , Size , Light , Sun Shield , Mirror , Layer , Gold , Segments , 18 , Tennis Court , Layers , Heat , Human Hair , Cosmos , The Sun , Five , A Million , History , Haven T , Making Discoveries , Solar Systems , Something , Universe , Astronomy , Part , Points , Unfurl , 300 , Mission , View , Joe Wilson , Suffering , Cancer , Yorkshire Cricket Captain , Rebecca Morelle , Captain , Cricketer , Test Team , Seasons , Bowler , Backin , 1971 , Playing , Career , 1950 , 1980 , 1969 , Policy , Ball , Match , Players , Team Mates , Stands , Field , Beer Cans , Difference , Fractious Ashes Test , Sydney , Chairman , Selectors , Series , Chief Administrator , Cricket Life , Cricket , English , First , Counts , Selector , Dirt , Harmony , Results , Coach , Dressing Room , Two , Match Referee , County , Master Technician , Leicestershire , Australians , Cricket Captain , Tactician , Compliment , Opponents , Vaccination Centres , Adult A Booster , Push , Eastern Scotland , Nhs , Thousands , Theirjab On Christmas Day , Wales , Land , Number , Help , Vincent Nichols , Northern Ireland , East London , Emily Unia Reports , Roman Catholic , Redbridge Town Hall , Customers , Lives , Booster Programme , Idea , Contact , Safe , Myjob , Priorities , Government , Booster , Jab , Streets , Adults , Spread , Pharmacy , Omicron Variant , Eight , 400 , 80 , Opening , Owners , Owner , Reason , Shop , Experience , Covid Injanuary , Sons , Variant , Illness , Head , Restrictions , Catholic Church In England , Glimmer Of Hope , Risks , Point , Worship Open , Impositions , Ban , Restaurants , Line , Pubs , Decision , Step Two , Households , Whether , Un , Nations , Wake , Disaster , Super Typhoon Rai , Emily Unia , 3 Million , Need , Assistance , Calendar , Philippines , Tanya Dendrinos Reports , Christian , Sad Christmas , Party Food , Everything , Rai , South Eastern Islands , Loved One , Community , Children , God , Three Million , Food , Storm , Climate Change , Typhoons , Force , Mother Nature , Warning , Action , Scientists , 375 , Celebrations , Spot , Events , Procession Led , Mass , Roman Catholic Church , Church Of The Nativity , Tanya Dendrinos , Bethlehem , Los Angeles , Court , Crowds , Visitors , Running , Thatjesus , Daniel Sturridge , Liverpool , 2000 , 22000 , Foster Washington , Reward , Striker , Dog , Lucci But , Pomeranian , Thirty Thousand , Thirty Thousand Dollars , End , Footballer , Churches , Eruption , Island , Volcano , Homes , Millionaire , Ash , Lava , Schools , Canary Islands , Cumbre Vieja Volcano , La Palma , Spanish , 85 , 1300 , Ed Sheeran , Eltonjohn , Number One , Ladbaby , Charity Campaigners , First Christmas Song , Submerged Hundreds Of Hectares Farmland , Youtube , Colin Paterson , Uk Music Charts , Build A Fire , Round , Tree , Glass , Kind , Olympic Sport , Watching Christmas Movies Anything Food , Sizes , Kids , Lyra , Eating Christmas Food , Breakfast , Bbc , Front , Father , Wrapping Paper , Viewer , Person , Pictures , Friends , Photo Album , Photo , Wife , Remainders , Dad , Memories , Gamers , Office , Game , Home , Family Favourite , Bed Sheeran , Back In The Day , It , Johnny , Self Playing Piano , Guitar , Album , Wee Singsong , Loads , I Don T Sing , Piano On And Itjust Plays Christmas Songs , Care , Song , Elton S First Christmas , Player , Pianos , Chart Position Element , Don T , Songs , Thought , Food Banks , Everyone , Theme Songs , Charts , Ones , Sausage , Row , Money , All Star Support , Mark , Sausage Roll Song , Sausage Roll , Appeals , Kitchen , Rock And Roll , Airwaves , Don T You , Wouldn T , Laughter , Goodbye , Australia , Four , Tribute , Cornish Pasty , The Story Of My Life , Hello Again , Parts , White Christmas , There , Some , Firm , Waves , Meaning , Rain , Pennines , Area , Show , Coastline , Sprinkling , Shetland , Yorkshire Dales , Northern England , Snow , Move , Southern Uplands , Cold Air , Peak District , Butting , Wind , Strength , Levels , Snow Blowing , Rates , Roots , Frost , Spells , Rest , Sunday Morning , Band , Central Scotland , Northern Scotland , South Easterly Wind , Rain Moving Eastwards , North East England , Elsewhere , Evening , Feel , Chance , Southern England , Hill Snow , Showers , Monday Morning , South Wales , Cloud , Folk , Outbreaks , Areas , Trend , Air Northwards , Pressure , South East England , Temperatures , Celsius , 17 , 70 , Weather ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

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which he said are being passed over in silence. and lift—off! the world's most powerful telescope has blasted into space, soon to offer unprecedented images of the universe. christmas day booster jabs in england — thousands of people are expected to be vaccinated today as the race to fight the surging omricon variant continues. the former england and yorkshire captain ray illingworth has died at the age of 89. hello and welcome if you're watching in the uk or around the world. the queen has spoken movingly, in her christmas day message, about her grief at the death of her husband, prince philip, who died in april. the monarch poignantly reflected on a year of personal grief, saying there was "one familiar laugh missing" amid the continuing impact of the coronavirus pandemic. our royal correspondent nicholas witchell reports. windsor castle on christmas morning. the royal standard signifying that the queen was in residence. men? the queen was in residence. merry christmas- — the queen was in residence. merry christmas. the _ the queen was in residence. merry christmas. the prince _ the queen was in residence. merry christmas. the prince of _ the queen was in residence. merry christmas. the prince of wales - the queen was in residence. merry| christmas. the prince of wales and duchess of — christmas. the prince of wales and duchess of cornwall _ christmas. the prince of wales and duchess of cornwall joined - christmas. the prince of wales and duchess of cornwall joined the - duchess of cornwalljoined the congregation for morning service. the queen did not attend as a precaution against covid, according to officials. from the very first moments of the queen's broadcast, there was a keen sense of the law she has felt over the death of prince philip last april after their 73 years of marriage.— prince philip last april after their 73 years of marriage. although it is a time of great _ 73 years of marriage. although it is a time of great happiness - 73 years of marriage. although it is a time of great happiness and - 73 years of marriage. although it isi a time of great happiness and good chairfor many, christmas a time of great happiness and good chair for many, christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones. —— good cheer. this one especially i understand why. but for me in the months since the death of my beloved philip, i have drawn great comfort from the warmth and affection of the many tributes to his life and work from around the country, the commonwealth and in the world. his sense of service, intellectual curiosity and capacity to squeeze fun out of any situation where all irrepressible. that mischievous, inquiring twinkle was as bright at the end as when i first set eyes on him. she as bright at the end as when i first set eyes on him.— as bright at the end as when i first set eyes on him. she spoke about the ha iness set eyes on him. she spoke about the happiness she — set eyes on him. she spoke about the happiness she gained _ set eyes on him. she spoke about the happiness she gained from _ set eyes on him. she spoke about the happiness she gained from seeing - happiness she gained from seeing members of herfamily happiness she gained from seeing members of her family embracing the rules and values which meant so much to her, and she recalled how her husband's work on the environment was being taken forward. i am owered was being taken forward. i am powered beyond _ was being taken forward. i am powered beyond words - was being taken forward. i —n powered beyond words that his pioneering work has been taken on and magnified by our eldest son charles and his elder son william —— pioneered —— proud beyond words. well covid again means we cannot celebrate quite as we may have wished. ., , ., celebrate quite as we may have wished. . , ., , , wished. there was a passing reference — wished. there was a passing reference to _ wished. there was a passing reference to covid _ wished. there was a passing reference to covid and - wished. there was a passing reference to covid and they l wished. there was a passing - reference to covid and they look ahead to the platinum jubilee. but this above all was a broadcast from your wife mourning her husband. there would still be joy at christmas, the queen said, even with one familiar laugh missing. a very personal message from the queen at the end of a sad and in some ways rather troubling year, with the death of her husband and difficulties within the royal family. the year has also ended with concerns about her own health, concerns about her own health, concerns which the palace does its best to downplay. preferring instead to look ahead to next year and the platinum jubilee. police say a 19—year—old man has been arrested after breaking into the grounds of windsor castle, where the queen is spending christmas. our royal correspondent sarah campbell is with me. what more do we know? this happened this morning? — what more do we know? this happened this morning? yes, _ what more do we know? this happened this morning? yes, thames— what more do we know? this happened this morning? yes, thames valley - this morning? yes, thames valley police issued a statement later this afternoon, i will tell you what we know, not a lot, that 8:30am this morning, according to thames valley police, a 19—year—old man from southampton was arrested on suspicion of breach or trespass of a protected site and possession of an offensive weapon. they do say that it was a security breach, around 8:30am, he wasn't in any buildings on the estate and i quote that security processes were triggered within moments of the man entering the ground, according to police. the man is now in custody, i9 the ground, according to police. the man is now in custody, 19 years —— 19 years old. we don't know what the weapon was, whether they will release the details, but the concern here is of course that today we knew that the duke and duchess of cornwall, they were all at winter castle, if you look at the time line, they would have been there around after ten o'clock to go to st george's chapel at this 19 euros was arrested at 8:30am, before that time, —— 19—year—old. for arrested at 8:30am, before that time, "19-year-old.— arrested at 8:30am, before that time, "19-year-old. for those who do not know — time, "19-year-old. for those who do not know the _ time, "19-year-old. for those who do not know the town, _ time, "19-year-old. for those who do not know the town, sometimes i time, "19-year-old. for those who| do not know the town, sometimes on the tv echo look like the castle is a fairy tale building that has been plant in the middle of the town, but it is quite a big site.— it is quite a big site. huge, lots of different _ it is quite a big site. huge, lots of different entrances - it is quite a big site. huge, lots of different entrances around, | it is quite a big site. huge, lots i of different entrances around, and this morning the entries that we all know is the henry viii gate which is at the top of the hill, the most notable, they would have been lots of press teams this morning because in advance of the queen's speech add the christmas morning. one would assume it was not at the entrance because it would have been really busy, but like you say, such a huge site that there are lots of different places, we haven't been given any more detail, buckingham palace string no further comment, saying this is a matter for the police. —— issuing no further comment. pope francis has called for more dialogue and warned against a tendency to withdraw during the coronavirus pandemic. here's the pope addressing a crowd at saint peter's sqaure during his christmas day speech. translation: sisters and brothers, what would our world be _ like without the patient dialogue of the many generous persons who keep families and communities together. in this time of pandemic, we have come to realise this even more. our capacity for social relationships is sorely tried. there is a growing tendency to withdraw, to do it all by ourselves, to stop making an effort to encounter others and do things together. on the international level too, there is the risk of avoiding dialogue, the risk that this complex crisis will lead to taking short cuts, rather than setting out on the longer path of dialogue. yet only those paths can lead to the resolution of conflicts and to lasting benefits for all. the archbishop of canterbury has used his christmas sermon to preach a message of support to volunteers helping refugees. the most revjustin welby was speaking at canterbury catherdral this morning. the christmas story shows us how we must treat those who are unlike us, who have far less than us, who have lived with the devastating limits of war and national tragedy. there have been the volunteers who have been on my mind, welcoming and caring for refugees arriving on the beaches so close to this cathedral, and they do one thing, save life at sea. it is not politics, it is simply humanity. a christmas service has been held in a renovated church in indian—administered kashmir for the first time in 30 years. the mayor of the city of srinagar and other officials greeted those who visited st luke's church, one of the oldest in kashmir. the i25—year—old place of worship was shut down three decades ago when the separatist violence began in the muslim—majority region. security forces in the sudanese capital khartoum have fired tear gas in an effort to disperse the latest pro democracy protests. the authorities restricted phone and internet services and blocked roads leading to the city. at least 48 protestors have been killed since a coup in october. general abdel fattah al—burhan who led the coup has warned that protests could impede a smooth democratic transition. one of the greatest scientific missions of modern times has taken a giant leap forward in the past few hours, with the launch of the james webb space telescope. the $10 billion project has taken 30 years to reach this moment. the telescope was launched from kourou in french guiana. it's the most powerful ever built, and the developers hope it will reveal stars and galaxies from the birth of the universe, as well as distant planets which could provide evidence of life beyond earth. our science correspondent rebecca morelle reports. and we have engine start. and lift—off. the start of a blockbuster astronomy mission. james webb begins a voyage back to the birth of the universe. inside this rocket is the biggest telescope ever sent into space. punching a hole through the clouds. 20 seconds into the flight... this is the james webb space telescope. it's a successor to hubble, but 100 times more powerful. after three decades in the making, and a cost of $10 billion, it's finally on its way. we've never attempted anything like that in space before. we're going to be entering a whole new regime of astrophysics. a new frontier. and that is what gets so many of us excited about james webb space telescope. this space telescope is a feat of engineering. at its heart is a 6.5 metre—wide mirror, made up of 18 hexagonal segments, each coated in a layer of gold. its size means it can detect the incredibly faint light coming from the most distant stars. it also has a huge sun shield, about the size of a tennis court. it's made up of five layers, each as thin as a human hair, and this protects the telescope from the heat and light of the sun. sitting a million miles away from the earth, the telescope will give us our deepest ever view of the cosmos. from seeing the birth of the very first stars and galaxies, to revealing new planets in far—flung solar systems. what excites me is making discoveries, things we haven't thought about. and there's a whole history of astronomy that shows how, when we've looked at the new universe in a new way, we discover things we hadn't thought about. and there's something really exciting about doing that. to get into space, the telescope is so big, it's been folded up to fit inside the rocket. the most challenging part is getting it to unfurl. it's been practised here on earth, and that's hard enough. there are 300 points where it could go wrong, but if anything fails in space, the telescope is too far away to be fixed. this is the most ambitious space telescope ever built. now its mission has finally begun and our view of the universe is about to be transformed. rebecca morelle, bbc news. the former england and yorkshire cricket captain ray illingworth has died. he was 89 and had been suffering from cancer. our sport correspondent, joe wilson, looks back on his life. backin back in 1971 he was the captain of the test team. raymond illingworth, batsman, bowler, leader, a cricketer for all seasons. he began his career in the 1950s. it must be out. he finally stopped playing in the 1980s. just think, when he became england captain in 1969, they wondered then if he was too old. some people said this is too old to start being captain of england? yes, well obviously it's not a ten year policy or anything like that, but i think i am still as on the ball as i have ever been. i don't think it makes any difference. in sydney in 1971, during a fractious ashes test, he led his players off the field when beer cans were thrown from the stands. yes, he is out. the end of the match. his team—mates carried him off when england won the match and the series. this must surely be the greatest moment of ray illingworth's cricket life. english cricket appointed a new man today — ray illingworth becomes chairman of selectors. in his time as chief administrator of english cricket as selector and coach, he didn't secure the results or the dressing room harmony he once sought as a captain. i have fined michael on two counts. first, for using dirt. secondly, for giving incomplete evidence to the match referee. at his adopted county, leicestershire, and his native yorkshire, he was a master technician. —— tactician. the australians regarded his england as the mentally toughest opponents they faced. there is no higher compliment for a man who spanned the decades of post—war cricket. the former england cricket captain, ray illingworth, who's died at the age of 89. the latest headlines on bbc news.... queen elizabeth speaks about her personal grief over the death of her husband prince philip in her christmas day message, saying there was "one familiar laugh missing" amid the continuing impact of the coronavirus pandemic. a 19—year—old man has been arrested on suspicion of trespassing windsor castle grounds, the official residence of queen elizabeth. members of the royal family have been informed. in his christmas message, pope francis highlighted the tragedies in yemen and syria, which he said are being passed over in silence. volunteers are working at vaccination centres across england today as the push continues to give every adult a booster by the end of the month. the nhs says it expects thousands of people to receive theirjab on christmas day. vaccination centres are closed in northern land, scotland and wales. —— northern ireland. are needed in england, the roman catholic archbishop, cardinal vincent nichols, has urged them not to close places of worship. emily unia reports. redbridge town hall in east london is one of a small number of vaccination centres in england that opened this morning, on christmas day, to help bolster the booster programme. fantastic idea to save so many lives. myjob, i am in contact with customers all the time. so i have got to keep myself safe, keep my customers safe. it is family time, the time you want to spend with your loved ones. - it is often in times like that that we get to think- through the real priorities, . and the real priorities are that you want to protect yourself and you want to protect - your loved ones. the government wants to offer all adults a booster by the end of the year, to tackle the spread of the omicron variant. this pharmacy in london has been open since eight this morning. they have got about 80 appointments pre—booked, but there is capacity for at least 400 other people to walk in from the streets and get a jab. and there was a very personal reason for opening over the christmas break. i am very close to the owners of the shop. the original owner, he passed away from covid injanuary this year, and it was a horrible experience for his family. and his sons have been working very hard to make sure no on else goes through the same thing as they did. this new variant appears to cause mild illness, which health officials have described as a glimmer of hope. it is still spreading fast, though, prompting scotland, wales and northern ireland to introduce new restrictions. in his christmas message, the head of the catholic church in england called on the government to keep places of worship open. i think we are at that point of saying we understand the risks, we know what we should do, most people are sensible and cautious. we don't need stronger impositions to teach us what to do, we know. new restrictions for england, known as step two, could see pubs and restaurants serving customers outdoors only, and a ban on different households mixing indoors. a decision on whether to bring england in line with the other uk nations could be taken early next week. emily unia, bbc news. the impact of super typhoon rai is being felt all the more acutely today as families face christmas in the wake of disaster. the un says 3 million people are in need of assistance. tanya dendrinos reports. it is one of the largest christian nations in the world, but on one of the most important days in the religious calendar the philippines is reeling. last week super typhoon rai devastated the country's south—eastern islands. many have lost everything. translation: it will be a sad christmas. i we have no party food, but at least we are alive. it is better than welcoming christmas with a dead loved one. we thank god that our family and our community was spared. the un says three million people are in need of assistance, among them around a million children. translation: it is difficult, | it is difficult because we don't have food, we are just begging. rai has been the most powerful storm to hit the philippines this year, claiming at least 375 lives. scientists say climate change is causing typhoons to become more powerful and strengthen more rapidly, an ominous warning for action with no stopping the force of mother nature. tanya dendrinos, bbc news. christmas celebrations have taken place in bethlehem, including an annual procession led by the head of the roman catholic church in the region. the events culminated in a mass at the church of the nativity, built on the spot where it's believed thatjesus was born. but for a second year running, the celebrations were without their usual international crowds because of a ban on foreign visitors, due to covid—19. a court in los angeles has ordered the former liverpool footballer daniel sturridge to pay more than £22,000 that's around thirty—thousand dollars, to a man who found his stolen dog. the striker had offered a reward for whoever helped to reunite him with his pomeranian — named lucci — but failed to pay up. sturridge was taken to court by foster washington who said he felt let down when the millionaire footballer failed to honour the reward. the eruption of the cumbre vieja volcano in the canary islands has finally come to an end, three months after it began spewing ash and lava. no—one was injured during the 85—day ordeal on the spanish island of la palma. but the volcano destroyed more than 1,300 homes, churches, and schools, and submerged hundreds of hectares of farmland. musicians ed sheeran and eltonjohn have certainly been busy this christmas — they released their first christmas song then collaborated with youtube stars and charity campaigners, ladbaby — who have achieved their fourth christmas number one in the uk music charts! our entertainment correspondent, colin paterson, caught up with ed recently, to find out how he celebrates christmas with his family. # build a fire and gather round the tree. # fill a glass and maybe come and sing with me. ed sheeran, here we are. how's christmas looking for you this year? christmas for me is, yeah, guess it's kind of like an olympic sport to try to avoid covid at the moment so i'm hoping that no—one in my family goes down with it. but if they don't then we will be, you know, watching christmas movies anything christmas food. —— and eating christmas food. how's lyra getting on with christmas, has she reached an age where she's excited? yeah, yeah. i think christmas is exciting for all kids of all sizes, if you are young you are excited by the shiny wrapping paper, if you are old you are excited by father christmas. have you got presents, have you nailed? i think i have nailed it on the present front. i think what i have learnt from being a father is too much is not good. so we have one great thing that she will love. ok, is she a bbc breakfast viewer, can you share it? of course she's a bbc breakfast viewer, yeah. i won't say. she's little. i don't want her to grow up and say that i'd told her first christmas present on bbc breakfast. i wasjust thinking. you cannot be an easy person to buy christmas presents for. you know, for me, for the last ten years the best thing to get me is a framed photo or a photo album or something like that. i love remainders of great memories, so my mum and dad got me a photo album the last few years. my wife gets me framed pictures of my family, my friends get me framed pictures of them. i think that's the nice thing to have. i have an office at home that is filled up with pictures of people i love. is there a traditional game you play every year, the sheeran family favourite? we're not big gamers, no, we're not big gamers. i guess we would have played monopoly back in the day. but i think monopoly is how to find out you have your family, basically. —— hate your family. will you be holding the guitar on christmas day? do you have a wee singsong? i don't sing. no, my friend johnny, who made the album with me, bought me a self—playing piano that has loads of christmas songs programmed into it, so i put that piano on and itjust plays christmas songs. you don't actually have to do the playing then. you can sit by and pretend you're playing, but, yeah, i am not a player. i wonder if in future years your song with elton will be in these pianos. do you know, all i hoped for the song with elton, is like — i don't care about the chart position element of it, but i really do care that people would want to listen to it next year and the year after or the year after. i think that's the one thing about christmas songs, they are going to be around forever and hopefully this one that people care and listen. # while we're here, can we all. # spare a thought for the ones who have gone? # merry christmas, everyone. for three years in a row, ladbaby�*s sausage roll theme songs have topped the charts are christmas raising money for food banks. this year there is all—star support. # get to the kitchen for sausage roll. # dance along to rock and roll. what is it that appeals to you about the whole sausage roll song? what i love about mark and rox it is it's totally grassroots. they're just two people who really, really believe in trying to out food banks in england and they've done it by bringing joy to people and bringing a really fun song onto the airwaves. —— help out. you know you are up against ed sheeran and eltonjohn, don't you? hey, for all you know this could bed sheeran and eltonjohn. eltonjohn, this would be his first christmas number one, wouldn't it, i'm thinking? i think this would be elton's first christmas number one. and elton has rox and mark to thank for that. that's good. # sausage rolls for everyone! you'll be celebrating, i imagine, on the day. elton called me earlier and said a number one, two, three, four in australia, goodbye, and he hung up. i think elton is having a great year. laughter. the story of my life at the moment. calling talking to ed sheeran. i wonder what next year's christmas song, how about a tribute to the cornish pasty? sorry, bit tighter than that. hello again. for most people hoping for a white christmas it has been a grey and that one out there. —— damp one. bringing a new meaning to white christmas, the firm on some of the waves hitting parts of the coastline. but we have seen a sprinkling of show in shetland, eastern scotland and higher parts of the pennines and the yorkshire dales for it to be officially declared a white christmas, but not widespread. it has been a very wet day in south—west england. this area of rain made it wet in northern ireland. it is on the move as we get into tonight and that is butting into cold air in the peak district, pennines and southern uplands will see some snow. northern england and scotland will have a frost, and with the wind strength as it is over the pennines of the southern uplands, we will see this snow blowing around, affecting travel on the higher rates. —— higher roots. we may see snow on lower levels in central scotland at a time on sunday morning. northern scotland likely to stay dry with sunny spells. for the rest of england, wales and northern ireland there will be another band of rain moving eastwards. not as windy to the south—west, but this brisk south—easterly wind will make it feel chilly in scotland and north—east england. elsewhere not quite as cold feel to the day. as we get on into the evening, there is a lot of cloud and showers arriving and they push their way northwards, still a chance of hill snow in scotland. folk forms as we go into monday morning, rather a grey day for much of the uk and a chance of outbreaks of rain in south wales and southern england. it is a touch milder, especially in england and wales. that is a trend that continues as we go towards the end of the year. we will see several areas of low pressure coming our way with spells of wind and rain, drier and brighter in between, but all the while we will be pumping mild air northwards across the uk and temperatures in south—east england for a time mid week may be approaching 70 celsius. —— 17 celsius. but all areas will turn much milder, but wet at times, the mild weather continuing into the start of the new year. this is bbc news, the headlines... queen elizabeth speaks about her personal grief over the death of her husband prince philip in her christmas day message, saying there was "one familiar laugh missing" amid the continuing impact of the coronavirus pandemic. a 19—year—old man has been arrested on suspicion of trespassing windsor castle grounds, the official residence of queen elizabeth. members of the royal family have been informed. in his christmas message pope francis highlighted the tragedies in yemen and syria which he said are being passed over in silence. and lift off. the world's most powerful telescope has blasted into space, soon to offer unprecedented images of the universe. christmas day boosterjabs in england — thousands of people are expected to be vaccinated today as the race to fight the surging omricon variant continues. and tributes are paid to the former england and yorkshire captain ray illingworth who has died at the age of 89.

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Bbc News , Uk , Headlines , Around The World , Philip , Message , Queen Elizabeth , Pandemic , Grief , Death , Laugh Missing , Impact , Coronavirus , Twinkle , One , Family , Eyes , Life , Course , The End , Partings , Meetings , Man , Tragedies , Residence , Royal Family , Members , Suspicion , Trespassing , Yemen , Pope Francis , Windsor Castle Grounds , Syria , 19 , Telescope , World , Space , Images , The Universe , Ray Illingworth , People , South West England , Race , Surging Omricon Variant , Jabs , Yorkshire , Age , 89 , Queen , Movingly , Hello , Husband , Correspondent , Monarch , Standard , Men , Nicholas Witchell Reports , Officials , Prince , Merry Christmas , Prince Of Wales , Duchess Of Christmas , Joined Christmas , Cornwalljoined , Morning Service , Congregation , Duchess Of Cornwall , Marriage , Broadcast , Last , Sense , Moments , Law , 73 , Herfamily Happiness , Many , Father Christmas , Happiness , Chairfor , Chair , Cheer , Loved Ones , Tributes , Service , Country , Commonwealth , Affection , Warmth , Comfort , Capacity , Fun , Curiosity , Irrepressible , Situation , Work , Rules , Values , Environment , Ha Iness , Owered , Words , I N , Eldest , William , Passing Reference , Wall , Joy , Wife Mourning , Platinum Jubilee , Laugh , Difficulties , Sad , Ways , Concerns , Health , Police , Palace , Thames Valley Police , Yes , Sarah Campbell , More , Statement , Grounds , Thames , Thames Valley , Lot , 30am , Breach , Trespass , Southampton , 8 , 30 , Site , Say , Security Breach , Buildings , Offensive Weapon , Security Processes , He Wasn T , Possession , Estate , Ground , Custody , Weapon , I9 The Ground , Details , Concern , Time Line , Duke , Winter Castle , St George S Chapel , Ten , Town , Tv Echo , The Castle , 19 Euros , Lots , Entrances , Henry Viii Gate , Fairy Tale Building , Entries , Know , Plant , Big Site It , Middle , Top , The Hill , Entrance , Press , Advance , Speech Add , Notable , Places , Comment , Matter , Detail , String , We Haven T , Buckingham Palace , Translation , Dialogue , Tendency , Crowd , Pope , Speech , Sisters , Brothers , Saint Peter S Sqaure , Families , Persons , Communities , Patient Dialogue , Things , Effort , Relationships , Risk , Paths , Short Cuts , Level , Path , Crisis , Archbishop , Support , Resolution , Conflicts , Benefits , Sermon , Canterbury , Refugees , Us , Story , Canterbury Catherdral , Revjustin Welby , Thing , Volunteers , Tragedy , Cathedral , Limits , War , Beaches , Sea , Mind , Politics , Humanity , Worship , Place , City , I25 Year , St Luke S Church , Mayor , Srinagar , Oldest , Renovated Church In Indian Administered Kashmir , Kashmir , Three , Region , Violence , Tear Gas , Phone , Authorities , Pro Democracy Protests , Security Forces , Muslim , Sudanese Capital Khartoum , Who , Protestors , Protests , Roads , Coup , Internet Services , Abdel Fattah Al Burhan , 48 , James Webb Space Telescope , Missions , Project , Transition , Modern Times , Forward , Launch , Giant Leap , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , Stars , Birth , Planets , Galaxies , Developers , Evidence , Science Correspondent , Kourou , Earth , French Guiana , Lift Off , Start , Engine Start , Blockbuster Astronomy Mission , Rebecca Morelle Reports , Rocket , Voyage , Flight , Hole , Successor , Hubble , 20 , Way , Times , Anything , Making , Cost , 100 , Space Telescope , Feat , Astrophysics , Regime , Heart , Frontier , Engineering , 6 5 , Size , Light , Sun Shield , Mirror , Layer , Gold , Segments , 18 , Tennis Court , Layers , Heat , Human Hair , Cosmos , The Sun , Five , A Million , History , Haven T , Making Discoveries , Solar Systems , Something , Universe , Astronomy , Part , Points , Unfurl , 300 , Mission , View , Joe Wilson , Suffering , Cancer , Yorkshire Cricket Captain , Rebecca Morelle , Captain , Cricketer , Test Team , Seasons , Bowler , Backin , 1971 , Playing , Career , 1950 , 1980 , 1969 , Policy , Ball , Match , Players , Team Mates , Stands , Field , Beer Cans , Difference , Fractious Ashes Test , Sydney , Chairman , Selectors , Series , Chief Administrator , Cricket Life , Cricket , English , First , Counts , Selector , Dirt , Harmony , Results , Coach , Dressing Room , Two , Match Referee , County , Master Technician , Leicestershire , Australians , Cricket Captain , Tactician , Compliment , Opponents , Vaccination Centres , Adult A Booster , Push , Eastern Scotland , Nhs , Thousands , Theirjab On Christmas Day , Wales , Land , Number , Help , Vincent Nichols , Northern Ireland , East London , Emily Unia Reports , Roman Catholic , Redbridge Town Hall , Customers , Lives , Booster Programme , Idea , Contact , Safe , Myjob , Priorities , Government , Booster , Jab , Streets , Adults , Spread , Pharmacy , Omicron Variant , Eight , 400 , 80 , Opening , Owners , Owner , Reason , Shop , Experience , Covid Injanuary , Sons , Variant , Illness , Head , Restrictions , Catholic Church In England , Glimmer Of Hope , Risks , Point , Worship Open , Impositions , Ban , Restaurants , Line , Pubs , Decision , Step Two , Households , Whether , Un , Nations , Wake , Disaster , Super Typhoon Rai , Emily Unia , 3 Million , Need , Assistance , Calendar , Philippines , Tanya Dendrinos Reports , Christian , Sad Christmas , Party Food , Everything , Rai , South Eastern Islands , Loved One , Community , Children , God , Three Million , Food , Storm , Climate Change , Typhoons , Force , Mother Nature , Warning , Action , Scientists , 375 , Celebrations , Spot , Events , Procession Led , Mass , Roman Catholic Church , Church Of The Nativity , Tanya Dendrinos , Bethlehem , Los Angeles , Court , Crowds , Visitors , Running , Thatjesus , Daniel Sturridge , Liverpool , 2000 , 22000 , Foster Washington , Reward , Striker , Dog , Lucci But , Pomeranian , Thirty Thousand , Thirty Thousand Dollars , End , Footballer , Churches , Eruption , Island , Volcano , Homes , Millionaire , Ash , Lava , Schools , Canary Islands , Cumbre Vieja Volcano , La Palma , Spanish , 85 , 1300 , Ed Sheeran , Eltonjohn , Number One , Ladbaby , Charity Campaigners , First Christmas Song , Submerged Hundreds Of Hectares Farmland , Youtube , Colin Paterson , Uk Music Charts , Build A Fire , Round , Tree , Glass , Kind , Olympic Sport , Watching Christmas Movies Anything Food , Sizes , Kids , Lyra , Eating Christmas Food , Breakfast , Bbc , Front , Father , Wrapping Paper , Viewer , Person , Pictures , Friends , Photo Album , Photo , Wife , Remainders , Dad , Memories , Gamers , Office , Game , Home , Family Favourite , Bed Sheeran , Back In The Day , It , Johnny , Self Playing Piano , Guitar , Album , Wee Singsong , Loads , I Don T Sing , Piano On And Itjust Plays Christmas Songs , Care , Song , Elton S First Christmas , Player , Pianos , Chart Position Element , Don T , Songs , Thought , Food Banks , Everyone , Theme Songs , Charts , Ones , Sausage , Row , Money , All Star Support , Mark , Sausage Roll Song , Sausage Roll , Appeals , Kitchen , Rock And Roll , Airwaves , Don T You , Wouldn T , Laughter , Goodbye , Australia , Four , Tribute , Cornish Pasty , The Story Of My Life , Hello Again , Parts , White Christmas , There , Some , Firm , Waves , Meaning , Rain , Pennines , Area , Show , Coastline , Sprinkling , Shetland , Yorkshire Dales , Northern England , Snow , Move , Southern Uplands , Cold Air , Peak District , Butting , Wind , Strength , Levels , Snow Blowing , Rates , Roots , Frost , Spells , Rest , Sunday Morning , Band , Central Scotland , Northern Scotland , South Easterly Wind , Rain Moving Eastwards , North East England , Elsewhere , Evening , Feel , Chance , Southern England , Hill Snow , Showers , Monday Morning , South Wales , Cloud , Folk , Outbreaks , Areas , Trend , Air Northwards , Pressure , South East England , Temperatures , Celsius , 17 , 70 , Weather ,

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