Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

lewis hamilton beats max verstappen, in one of the most dramatic formula one races in years, setting up next weekend's winner—takes—all final race. pope francis has denounced those who seek to instill fear of migrants for political propaganda. on a visit to a migrant camp on the greek island of lesbos, he called on europe to shoulder responsibility for its share of what he said was a complex gobal problem. our special correspondent fergal keane travelled with him and sent this report. they embrace the man and the message because, at this moment, he is their most passionate advocate. pope francis arrives at the time of renewed political crisis in europe over the issue of migration. since his last visit, fences have gone up, there have been pushed back of migrants in land and at sea and globally there's no coherent political vision to tackle the problems of poverty and war that are driving people from their homes in their thousands. the pope spoke to an audience largely made up of refugees, but aimed his frustration at the political leaders. translation: let's stop ignoring reality, stop- constantly shifting responsibility, stop passing off the issue of migration to others as if it mattered to no—one and was only a pointless burden to be shouldered by someone else. "it was not time to build walls," he said, "or let the sea become a cemetery for children." the pope was addressing the legacy of migrant lives lost on the journey to europe, like an 87—year—old from afghanistan, and others, names unknown. there's sympathy on lesbos for the dead and many here helped when refugees first landed. but this farmer and local politician is critical of pope francis. translation: he promised many things for our island, none of which happened. this island has suffered greatly from migration. tourism was hit hard. he should have helped and advocated for tourists to visit this island. the pope did refer to the struggles faced by local people on the eu's borders, but it was here among the thousands waiting to enter europe that his words had most force. i have no money, i have a very big problem, no passport. where are you going? what do you want? ijust want to be free. i just want freedom. i don't want anything, just freedom. there's unlikely to be a radical political shift on migration, but the pope has offered a robust defence of refugees, in a debate so often framed in fearful terms. fergal keane, bbc news, lesbos. at least 1a people have died and dozens have been injured on the indonesian island ofjava, after an active volcano erupted for the second time in months. mt seemeru has been in a state of near—constant eruption for decades. here's the bbc�*s valdya baraputri. blanketed in volcanic ash, this is the devastating aftermath of the mount semeru eruption, with houses buried almost up to their roofs. heavy rain turned the ash into mud, adding a challenge to the rescue effort by the indonesian disaster mitigation agency. these adverse conditions have hampered the evacuation effort for the past two days. according to local officials, ten people are still trapped in their homes and they're still looking for at least one missing person. meanwhile, more than 900 people from villages had been evacuated to mosques, schools and village halls. rescue organisers say that for now, they have received enough essential supplies like food, clothes, first aid and masks. those who had to flee their homes couldn't take anything with them. their houses were covered with thick volcanic ash and mud and their livestock killed in the eruption. the eruption of mount semeru also destroyed a bridge that connected two regions in the area. a couple of villages have now been cut off, making it difficult to deliver aid to people in these isolated areas. officials hope that as soon as the weather permits, rescue and aid could be carried out by helicopter, but the indonesian geology agency warns of follow—up eruptions that can happen at any time. this is at least the third volcanic eruption in indonesia this year. the country has the most active volcanoes in the world, spread along sumatra and java islands. let's get some of the day's other news in brief. fresh violence has erupted in the north—east indian state of nagaland, following the killing of 13 civilians by security forces. hundreds of people threw stones and set fire to areas near an army camp. on saturday, an army patrol shot a group of miners who were returning home, after mistaking them for militants. nagaland's chief minister has blamed an intelligence failure. here in the uk, the speaker of the lower house of parliament has promised to raise allegations of drug use in its buildings with the police. sir lindsay hoyle described as "deeply concerning" a newspaper report that traces of cocaine had been found in the palace of westminster, in central london. under british law, the maximum penalty for possession of class a drugs, including cocaine, is up to seven years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both. the gambian president, adama barrow, has been declared the winner of saturday's presidential election. the country's electoral commission said mr barrow polled almost twice as many votes as his main challenger. his supporters took to the streets to celebrate the news in the capital city, banjul. but opposition candidates may reject the results because of unspecified irregularities. more than 20 countries have joined an urgent demand to the taliban in afghanistan to honour their promises to former state workers and soldiers. allegations of summary executions and disappearances have persisted since the taliban gained control, creating fear of reprisal for anyone believed to have helped the former western backed government. the taliban has denied those claims. this is what a spokesman had to say. translation:— what a spokesman had to say. translation: these reports and claims are not — translation: these reports and claims are not based _ translation: these reports and claims are not based on - claims are not based on evidence. we reject such claims. if they have documents and evidence they should share it with us. the islamic emirate has given general amnesty. many who had martyred hundreds of mujahideen and civilians are living in the cities and the provinces peacefully. they are not facing any kind of threat. that is the view from the taliban. the bbc�*s correspondent has been following the elements and says this joint statement, thisjoint statement, spearheaded by this joint statement, spearheaded by the thisjoint statement, spearheaded by the us, sends a strong warning to the taliban to honour its pledges. this shows how the western countries are now concerned about the evolving situation in afghanistan, you know, this comes one week after human rights watch published a detailed report about the ground situation, where they have been reports of extrajudicial killings and disappearances of former government employees and those linked to the security forces of the government, and there have been media circulating on social media for the past few months whether families have been alleging that taliban fighters took their relatives and then shot them dead. but what the taliban are saying is that they denied these charges, they say it could be somebody, due to the local rivalry or the personal rivalry that this could have happened, but now the western governments are concerned because these were soldiers who were trained and funded by the western nations and now you are getting increasing reports of these reprisal killings and that is really a worrying sign, because after these reports, many families say that their loved ones have gone into hiding, fearing for their lives. it ones have gone into hiding, fearing for their lives. it has been a weekend _ fearing for their lives. it has been a weekend of - been a weekend of demonstrations against renewed covid restrictions across many european cities. it comes amid rising cases of the newly detected omicron variant. saoirse wilson reports. another weekend of protests across europe. in brussels, 1,000 people marched against compulsory covid passes to enter bars and restaurants. translation: | can't bearj discrimination in any form. now there's the vaccine passports, that's discriminatory. and mandatory vaccines, they're heading our way. we don't want a dictatorship. translation: people who want the vaccine have the vaccine. - i don't want it. but this pass stops me being able to have a social life. i came to say i don't agree with that. the protest was brought to an end with police firing water cannons and tear gas. but it is notjust the belgians who are angry. copenhagen in denmark was the latest city to see large demonstrations this weekend, alongside austria, the netherlands and germany. yet, despite governments imposing stricter covid measures, cases of the new omicron variant have now been detected in almost a0 countries. the director for the us centers for disease control and prevention says omicron has been found in at least 16 separate states, but was cautious to add... we have about 90—100,000 cases right now in the united states, and 99.9% of them are the delta variant. so we have an issue right now in the united states with delta and we have so many things that we can do about delta, including getting vaccinated, including getting boosted. in south korea, covid cases have reached record highs of more than 5,000 daily infections, prompting hundreds to queue for testing. governments around the world are restricting travel to try and buy themselves time against the new omicron variant. the eu has restricted flights from seven southern african countries, causing portugal to send repatriation flights to pick up almost 300 stranded citizens in mozambique. and as the new coronavirus strain spreads, leaders must continue to make difficult decisions of how best to respond to this global pandemic. saoirse wilson, bbc news. flags in the us capitol have been lowered to half mast in honour of the 1996 presidential candidate, bob dole, who has died from cancer at the age of 98. president biden described the former senator as a war hero, a friend, and an american statesman "like few" others in history. our north america correspondent peter bowes has more from los angeles. he was certainly a stalwart of the republican party, of us politics over many decades. 35 years representing the state of kansas, in both the house of representatives and in the senate, where he was his party's leader on two occasions, especially during that crucial period in american politics in the 1980s, when ronald reagan was the president and they worked closely together, bob dole himself had presidential aspirations. together, bob dole himself had presidentialaspirations. in fact, he stood as the running mate for gerald ford in 1976 and then some 20 years later was selected by the republicans to stand against bill clinton. now, that was not a successful campaign for bob dole. shortly after that he retired from politics but he certainly remained a key figure in his party. there was a tiscali conservative, in terms of financial matters, he was a very stormwater in terms of his beliefs, and a stoic figure. i think it is fair to say that about him, especially as far as his own disabilities were concerned, very badly injured in the second world war. he was a key figure in getting the 1990 americans with disability act passed, that is a law that safeguards people in the workplace with disabilities. he will be remembered for that. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: japan is on a hydrogen drive, in a bid to reach a zero carbon emissions by 2050. the question is, what field is being used to produce the hydrogen? we have a special report. john lennon was shot at the entrance to the dakota building in the centre of new york. there has been a crowd here standing inside and the flowers been piling up. the standing inside and the flowers been piling urn-— been piling up. the 14th ceasefire _ been piling up. the 14th ceasefire of _ been piling up. the 14th ceasefire of this - been piling up. the 14th ceasefire of this war - been piling up. the 14th i ceasefire of this war ended been piling up. the 14th - ceasefire of this war ended at the walls _ ceasefire of this war ended at the walls of the old city of dubrovnik. this morning, witnesses said shells were mounting every 20 seconds. people — mounting every 20 seconds. people are celebrating the passing _ people are celebrating the passing of— people are celebrating the passing of a _ people are celebrating the passing of a man - people are celebrating the passing of a man they - people are celebrating the| passing of a man they hold responsible _ passing of a man they hold responsible for— passing of a man they hold responsible for hundreds l passing of a man they holdl responsible for hundreds of deaths _ responsible for hundreds of deaths and _ responsible for hundreds of deaths and oppression. - deaths and oppression. elsewhere, _ deaths and oppression. elsewhere, people - deaths and oppression. | elsewhere, people have deaths and oppression. - elsewhere, people have been gathering _ elsewhere, people have been gathering to _ elsewhere, people have been gathering to mourn _ elsewhere, people have been gathering to mourn his- elsewhere, people have been. gathering to mourn his passing. an older— gathering to mourn his passing. an older marcos, _ gathering to mourn his passing. an older marcos, the _ gathering to mourn his passing. an older marcos, the widow- gathering to mourn his passing. an older marcos, the widow of. an older marcos, the widow of the former president of the philippines, has gone on trial in manila. she is facing seven charges of tax evasion estimated at £120 million. she pleaded not guilty. the estimated at £120 million. she pleaded not guilty.— pleaded not guilty. the prince and princess _ pleaded not guilty. the prince and princess of— pleaded not guilty. the prince and princess of wales - pleaded not guilty. the prince and princess of wales are - pleaded not guilty. the prince and princess of wales are two j and princess of wales are two separate _ and princess of wales are two separate. the statement from buckingham palace at the decision had been reached amicably. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: pope francis warns europe against "narrow self—interest" over the treatment of migrants as he pays a visit to the greek island of lesbos. japan is one of the world's biggest users of coal, even though it has no coal reserves of its own. only china imports more. and japan is also still building new coal—powered power stations. at the same time, the tokyo government is promising to reach net carbon zero by 2050. and it appears to see hydrogen as one of the key ways to do that. but how do they produce the hydrogen? rupert wingfield hayes has been finding out. i would say that's a totaljoke. that's just ridiculous. takao sakai and his fellow activists are furious. the reason — this giant new coal—fired power station being built in their home town. i'm totally against the burning of fossilfuels because i'm so worried about the future of young generations. translation: i don't understand why we still have to burn coal- to generate electricity. this plant alone will emit seven million tons of c02 a year. there are currently three of these enormous plants being built around japan, so how is japan going to cut its co2 emissions to zero when these plants are expected to run for the next a0 years at least? the answer is hydrogen. japan wants to be the first country in the world run on hydrogen, and it's starting with cars. all around the world, big car companies are now talking about the future being battery electric vehicles. toyota, so far, has not produced any battery electric vehicles. instead, it is building this — the mirai. and this is a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. it's a very different technology. so, why does toyota think that hydrogen is the future instead of batteries? translation: we believe we need more choice than just _ battery electric vehicles. therefore, fuel cell technology, which uses hydrogen, is also very important in order to achieve our goal of zero emissions. the only waste the mirai produces is water. but where does the hydrogen to fill its tank come from? last month, this ship left japan and sailed to australia. it's the first ship in the world that can transport liquefied hydrogen. but that hydrogen is being made from coal. 100km north of tokyo, huge mountains of coal shipped here mainly from australia. at the moment, japan imports close to 200 million tons of coal a year. japan knows it can't carry on doing this, so instead, it's going to convert the coal to either hydrogen or ammonia in faraway australia, and then ship those here. it's what the industry calls �*blue hydrogen' and �*blue ammonia'. the conversion process still creates lots and lots of carbon dioxide but that co2 will not count as japanese emissions. instead, in theory, the co2 will be buried in the ground in australia. translation: i am ashamed of japan. i hikari is one of the young activists who filed a lawsuit to try and stop construction of japan's new coal—fired plants. translation: | don't think- people understand blue hydrogen or blue ammonia. japanese people do not question. they just believe what they've been told if it's on the news. people willjust say, "oh, i see — that's great." japan is promoting its hydrogen society as a zero carbon alternative to pure renewables, but producing blue hydrogen will mean digging up coal for decades to come. rupert wingfield—hayes, bbc news, in tokyo. sticking with fossil fuels just for a moment because we are talking formula 1. the saudi arabian grand prix had it all, brimming with chaos and controversy. reigning world champion lewis hamilton beat max verstappen to set up a winner—takes—all showdown in abu dhabi next weekend. it's the last race of the season. this one drama—filled race was stopped twice, featured three starts and saw an incredible series of events unfold between the title contenders. motorsportjournalist michael lamonato joins me live now from melbourne. imean, i mean, goodness, the saudis could not have asked for more, could not have asked for more, could they? pm could not have asked for more, could they?— could not have asked for more, could they? an incredible debut event, absolutely _ could they? an incredible debut event, absolutely right, - could they? an incredible debut event, absolutely right, and - event, absolutely right, and what a perfect set up it is for the finale, as you mentioned judge not only the fact there are no points between the two title protagonists but the tension that this race delivered for the finale, you could not have scripted it, better than formula 1 could have hoped for.— better than formula 1 could have hoped for. talk about the tension for _ have hoped for. talk about the tension for the _ have hoped for. talk about the tension for the race, _ have hoped for. talk about the tension for the race, michael, | tension for the race, michael, but the tension between these two is also very much part of the story and i mean we are dealing with let's not get too carried away but it's pretty much life and death stuff, isn't it? , ., , much life and death stuff, isn't it? , . , .,. isn't it? they are putting each other right — isn't it? they are putting each other right on _ isn't it? they are putting each other right on the _ isn't it? they are putting each other right on the line. - other right on the line. absolutely, it does mean so much to them for different reasons, of course this is the purpose for them to races to win the world but for lewis hamilton, this is a potential to win a record—breaking eighth world championship in his already said if he wins this one, will be the one he halted highest regard simply because it has been such a top slot for him. on the other side, max verstappen is racing for his first and his entire career he has been called a champion in waiting, a guy we know has the ability to win it but not only now does he have the chance to win his first one up to beat one of the greatest of all time of lewis hamilton on the way to your first one, to open your earas your first one, to open your ear as a championship when i would mean an incredible amount to him as well so underlying the fact it is such a tight fight, there is a lot of alliance in terms of their legacies. alliance in terms of their legacies— alliance in terms of their legacies. alliance in terms of their leuacies. ~ , ., , alliance in terms of their leuacies. , ., legacies. absolutely, and is at the pretender _ legacies. absolutely, and is at the pretender all _ legacies. absolutely, and is at the pretender all the - legacies. absolutely, and is at the pretender all the old - legacies. absolutely, and is at| the pretender all the old chap? and i suppose. it also, having had such a leap through this season, it will be plenty, saying you blew it if he does not scrape home —— verstappen having such a lead. not scrape home -- verstappen having such a lead.— having such a lead. fulfil a bit like that _ having such a lead. fulfil a bit like that although - having such a lead. fulfil a bit like that although it - having such a lead. fulfil a bit like that although it is i bit like that although it is hard to fault a lot of his campaign. fora lot hard to fault a lot of his campaign. for a lot of this season, maybe he has been right up season, maybe he has been right up until crashing in the last lap of qualifying in saudi arabia this weekend, probably the less flawed driver between them. his carfor most of the less flawed driver between them. his car for most of the season though has been marginally quicker, he had an enormous lead, as you suggested, in the middle of the season but lost that through a couple of dodgy resultjust before the mid—season break but do hamilton bosman credit he has clung on through the seasons i think we have reached this point now after 21 rounds where as much as it would be a shame certainly max verstappen and his red bull team to lose a title and several points this year we thought they were kind of on their way to winning, and a soft answerfrom of on their way to winning, and a soft answer from a motorsport journalist but they would both deserve to win this, there can be no bad winnerfrom this. michael, that's very soft! you have to pick a winner. he will be, quickly? i have to pick a winner. he will be, quickly?— have to pick a winner. he will be, quickly? ithink momentum is with lewis _ be, quickly? ithink momentum is with lewis hamilton's - is with lewis hamilton's mercedes, it is hard to beat to give someone with so many titles. ~ . ., give someone with so many titles. ~ . . ., ~ , ., give someone with so many titles. ~ . . ., ,, titles. michael, thank you so much indeed. _ michael lamonato. now, here's a story! a climber in the french alps who stumbled on a treasure trove of emeralds, rubies and sapphires on mont blanc eight years ago has been given half of them. it's thought they may have been on an air india flight which crashed into the mountain in 1966. the local authority in chamonix has been given the remaining gems. mark lobel reports. a glacier that tragically became a graveyard over 50 years ago, passengers on a plane from india to switzerland crashing here. but in this box, their memories live on. these were all found buried in the french snow by an anonymous climber eight years ago, who handed them in. translation: these are emeralds that are engraved in the shape - of a lotus. it's an indian tradition. it was certainly a stone dealer who went to geneva for commercial reasons. the hunt was on for "who owns the boeing treasure", as one newspaper put it, as authorities must allow eight years for it to be claimed. "we believe my father—in—law was the owner of the box," said one claimant. "there were bags of gems belonging to me. "the bulk of them were diamonds which i had hidden in tea tins and entrusted to a sailor," claimed another. but no legitimate owner was found, so this 6,000 piece treasure was split 50—50 between its finder, the climber, and chamonix town hall. with each half valued at $169,000, the discoverer�*s lawyer was on hand. translation: it's very . moving to see them today. it took a lot of patience. she broke the news to her discrete client. translation: i didn't believe in it any more. it's really too much. i'm going to put it in an account without going overboard. the next resting place for these mysterious gems will be chamonix's museum of crystals, where they go on display in two weeks' time — one silver lining in this tale tinged in tragedy. mark lobel, bbc news. not bad for him in the run—up to christmas. speaking of which... centre is on his way, well, santas. 230 father christmas doing their best to support charities and of course, one grinch. stay with us on bbc news. hello there. it was cold over the weekend. some areas saw quite a bit of rain and we had some snow over northern hills. similar story as we start the new week. we've got a frontal system working its way in from the atlantic. that's going to bring another round of rain and hill snow. you can see it here showing up on that pressure chart. it will be very wet across northern ireland, parts of scotland, western england and wales to start this morning. quite quickly, though, it will brighten up across northern ireland with sunshine and showers. but this band of rain will continue its journey eastwards through the day, eventually crossing most of england. we'll see some snow over the pennines as well. there could be a bit of a hang back of the rain for east anglia in the far south—east, otherwise it brightens up for many of us with some good spells of sunshine. most of the showers will be in the north and the west, some of these heavy and frequent, and there will be some wintriness over the high ground. a cold day to come — we could see nine or ten degrees in the far south—west. it stays breezy with blustery showers, wintry on the hills through monday night. then it turns a little bit drier, but clear and cold for many of us. and then in the south—west, we start to see an area of wet and very windy weather pushing up across ireland and then into irish sea coasts. now, it's all tied in with this — the second named storm of the season — named storm barra by the irish met service because it's ireland that will see the biggest impacts from this storm through the course of tuesday. but across the rest of the uk, we'll see gusts widely 50mph, more than that near exposed coasts in the south and the west. that, mixed in with the heavy rain and also some hill snow, is likely to cause some disruption, even some damage. so, it starts very wet, very windy indeed across western areas — damaging gusts of wind. this area of rain pushes eastwards into the cold air, so likely to see some significant snow over the pennines, certainly across the scottish hills. and some of this rain, really, will be quite heavy, so a pretty atrocious—looking day, i think, for tuesday. stay tuned to the forecast — details may change. as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, storm barra begins to weaken and it sits across the uk, we think, as it does weaken. still be quite a windy day, i think, on wednesday — not as windy as tuesday, but a blustery one nonetheless with showers or longer spells of rain. these will be wintry over the higher ground as the air�*s still cold, and we'll see gales across south—western areas, too, and it's going to feel chilly — those temperatures in single digits across the board. this is bbc news, the headlines: pope francis warns europe against "narrow self—interest" over the treatment of migrants as he pays a visit to the greek island of lesbos. more than 20 countries join an urgent demand for the taliban leadership in afghanistan to honour its promises over the safety of state workers and soldiers. us politicians pay tribute to the former republican senator and presidential candidate, bob dole, who's died at the age of 98. more than 20 countries join an urgent demand for the taliban leadership in afghanistan to honour its promises over the safety of state workers and soldiers. us politicians pay tribute to the former republican senator and presidential candidate, bob dole, who's died at the age of 98. now on bbc news it's time for political thinking with nick robinson.

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Bbc News , Stories , David Eades , Discrimination , Migrants , Visit , Us , Treatment , Self Interest , Europe , Pope Francis , Island Of Lesbos , Greek , Bob Dole , Age , Sea , Senator , Politicians , Death , Afghanistan , Republican , Taliban , Producing Blue Hydrogen , Japan , Special Report , Carbon Emissions , Bid , Fuel , Hydrogen Drive , 2050 , 98 , Zero , Formula One , Lewis Hamilton , Race , Races , Beats Max Verstappen , One , Fear , Propaganda , Report , Responsibility , Fergal Keane , Camp , Share , Complex Gobal Problem , Man , Advocate , Message , Migration , Issue , Vision , Crisis , Land , Coherent , Fences , People , Pope , Thousands , Leaders , War , Refugees , Problems , Homes , Poverty , Audience , Frustration , Others , Burden , Stop , Reality , Someone Else , Walls , Children , Cemetery , Many , Migrant , Legacy , Lesbos , Journey , Sympathy , 87 , Politician , Farmer , Island , Things , Tourism , Tourists , None , Hit , Borders , Eu , Passport , Force , Problem , 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Lower House , Militants , Intelligence Failure , Parliament , Drug Use , Speaker , Nagaland , Law , Both , Cocaine , Lindsay Hoyle , Newspaper Report , Police , Buildings , Traces , Prison , Possession , Fine , Penalty , Palace Of Westminster , Class A Drugs , Central London , Seven , Winner , Adama Barrow , Election , Gambian , Electoral Commission , Barrow Polled , Candidates , Results , Supporters , Capital City , Challenger , Votes , Streets , Opposition , Banjul , Countries , Irregularities , 20 , Soldiers , State Workers , Demand , Disappearances , Promises , Control , Reprisal , Anyone , Summary Executions , Taliban In Afghanistan , Western , Claims , Government , Spokesman , Cities , Evidence , Mujahideen , Documents , Islamic Emirate Has Given General Amnesty , Statement , Warning , Joint Statement , Thisjoint Statement , View , Correspondent , Provinces , Threat , Kind , Pledges , Elements , Human Rights Watch , Situation , Reports , Killings , Ground Situation , Media , 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Honour , Decisions , 1996 , Peter Bowes , Biden , Statesman , Cancer , Friend , North America , Like Few , War Hero , Los Angeles , Politics , Stalwart , House Of Representatives , Kansas , 35 , Party , Leader , Occasions , American Politics , Senate , Ronald Reagan , 1980 , Fact , Aspirations , Running Mate , Republicans , Presidentialaspirations , Gerald Ford , Bill Clinton , 1976 , Figure , Campaign , Conservative , Matters , Tiscali , Disabilities , Stormwater , Beliefs , Second World War , Stay , Workplace , Americans , Disability Act , 1990 , Field , Question , Flowers , Centre , Entrance , Crowd , Dakota Building , John Lennon , New York , 14th Ceasefire , Ceasefire , Piling , Standing , Urn , Witnesses , Dubrovnik , Shells , 14 , Passing , Widow , Deaths , Elsewhere , Gathering , Oppression , Marcos , President , Trial , Hundreds L , Philippines , Princess , Prince , Decision , Tax Evasion , Wales , Buckingham Palace , Manila , 20 Million , 120 Million , Headlines , Coal , Coal Reserves , Users , China , Power Stations , Ways , Reach Net Carbon Zero , Tokyo , Activists , Takao Sakai , Power Station , Reason , Totaljoke , Giant , Rupert Wingfield Hayes , Town , Finding Out , Generations , Fossilfuels , Burning , Plants , Electricity , Plant , Three , Seven Million , Answer , Co2 Emissions , Car Companies , The Future Being Battery Electric Vehicles , Cars , All Around The World , Toyota , Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle , Batteries , Technology , Mirai , Emissions , Fuel Cell Technology , Order , Goal , Water , Tank , Ship , Australia , Mountains , 100km North , 200 Million , 100 , Ammonia , Faraway Australia , Co2 , Lots , Blue Hydrogen , Industry Calls , Conversion Process , Carbon Dioxide , Ground , Lawsuit , Construction , Theory , Hydrogen , On T , People Willjust , Carbon , Renewables , Alternative , Hydrogen Society , That S Great , In Tokyo , Fossil Fuels , Showdown , Controversy , Winner Takes , Beat , Chaos , World Champion , Saudi Arabian , Grand Prix , Abu Dhabi , Michael Lamonato , Season , Motorsportjournalist , Events , Title Contenders , Series , Melbourne , More , Debut Event , Points , Finale , Imean , Event , Set , Judge , Story , It , Tension , Part , Title Protagonists , Right , Isn T , Course , Reasons , Each Other , Stuff , Line , Purpose , Potential , Racing , Regard , Top Slot , Side , Eighth World Championship , Ability , Earas , Champion , First One , Career , Greatest , Guy , Waiting , Chance , Lot , Alliance , The Legacies , Wall , Pretender , Leuacies , Ear , Old Legacies , Championship , Fight , Amount , Chap , Leap , Bit , Lead , Verstappen , Fora , Driver , Most , Car , Qualifying , Lap , Carfor , Middle , Rounds , Seasons , Point , Break , Credit , Team , Shame , Dodgy Resultjust , Red Bull , Hamilton Bosman , 21 , Winning , Winnerfrom , Title , Answerfrom , Climber , Titles , Someone , Ithink Momentum , French Alps , Mercedes , Emeralds , Mark Lobel , Gems , Half , Flight , Mountain , Authority , Chamonix , Treasure Trove , Rubies , Air India , Mont Blanc , 1966 , Eight , Passengers , Glacier , Plane , Box , Memories , Graveyard , Switzerland , 50 , Snow , Anonymous , Hunt , Translation , Dealer , Tradition , Shape Of A Lotus , Who Owns The Boeing Treasure , Owner , Diamonds , Authorities , Newspaper , Claimant , Father In Law , Sailor , The Box , Tea Tins , Bags , Bulk , Treasure , Another , Finder , Town Hall , 6000 , Discoverer S Lawyer , Hand , Them , Patience , 169000 , 69000 , Client , Account , Museum , Place , Crystals , Silver Lining , Display , Tale Tinged In Tragedy , Run Up To , Charities , Grinch , Santas 230 , 230 , Rain , Cold , Hills , System , Atlantic , Showers , Sunshine , Band , Hill Snow , Northern Ireland , Pressure Chart , Round , Parts Of Scotland , Journey Eastwards , England , Spells , Pennines , Hang , The Rain For East Anglia , South East , West , South West , Wintriness , Nine , Storm , Service , Coasts , Second , Weather , Irish Sea , Storm Barra , The Irish , Gusts , Rest , Impacts , Damage , Disruption , Air , Eastwards , Wind , Scottish Hills , Details , Gales , Temperatures , Digits , Western Areas , Board , Leadership , Safety , Thinking , It S Time , Nick Robinson ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

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lewis hamilton beats max verstappen, in one of the most dramatic formula one races in years, setting up next weekend's winner—takes—all final race. pope francis has denounced those who seek to instill fear of migrants for political propaganda. on a visit to a migrant camp on the greek island of lesbos, he called on europe to shoulder responsibility for its share of what he said was a complex gobal problem. our special correspondent fergal keane travelled with him and sent this report. they embrace the man and the message because, at this moment, he is their most passionate advocate. pope francis arrives at the time of renewed political crisis in europe over the issue of migration. since his last visit, fences have gone up, there have been pushed back of migrants in land and at sea and globally there's no coherent political vision to tackle the problems of poverty and war that are driving people from their homes in their thousands. the pope spoke to an audience largely made up of refugees, but aimed his frustration at the political leaders. translation: let's stop ignoring reality, stop- constantly shifting responsibility, stop passing off the issue of migration to others as if it mattered to no—one and was only a pointless burden to be shouldered by someone else. "it was not time to build walls," he said, "or let the sea become a cemetery for children." the pope was addressing the legacy of migrant lives lost on the journey to europe, like an 87—year—old from afghanistan, and others, names unknown. there's sympathy on lesbos for the dead and many here helped when refugees first landed. but this farmer and local politician is critical of pope francis. translation: he promised many things for our island, none of which happened. this island has suffered greatly from migration. tourism was hit hard. he should have helped and advocated for tourists to visit this island. the pope did refer to the struggles faced by local people on the eu's borders, but it was here among the thousands waiting to enter europe that his words had most force. i have no money, i have a very big problem, no passport. where are you going? what do you want? ijust want to be free. i just want freedom. i don't want anything, just freedom. there's unlikely to be a radical political shift on migration, but the pope has offered a robust defence of refugees, in a debate so often framed in fearful terms. fergal keane, bbc news, lesbos. at least 1a people have died and dozens have been injured on the indonesian island ofjava, after an active volcano erupted for the second time in months. mt seemeru has been in a state of near—constant eruption for decades. here's the bbc�*s valdya baraputri. blanketed in volcanic ash, this is the devastating aftermath of the mount semeru eruption, with houses buried almost up to their roofs. heavy rain turned the ash into mud, adding a challenge to the rescue effort by the indonesian disaster mitigation agency. these adverse conditions have hampered the evacuation effort for the past two days. according to local officials, ten people are still trapped in their homes and they're still looking for at least one missing person. meanwhile, more than 900 people from villages had been evacuated to mosques, schools and village halls. rescue organisers say that for now, they have received enough essential supplies like food, clothes, first aid and masks. those who had to flee their homes couldn't take anything with them. their houses were covered with thick volcanic ash and mud and their livestock killed in the eruption. the eruption of mount semeru also destroyed a bridge that connected two regions in the area. a couple of villages have now been cut off, making it difficult to deliver aid to people in these isolated areas. officials hope that as soon as the weather permits, rescue and aid could be carried out by helicopter, but the indonesian geology agency warns of follow—up eruptions that can happen at any time. this is at least the third volcanic eruption in indonesia this year. the country has the most active volcanoes in the world, spread along sumatra and java islands. let's get some of the day's other news in brief. fresh violence has erupted in the north—east indian state of nagaland, following the killing of 13 civilians by security forces. hundreds of people threw stones and set fire to areas near an army camp. on saturday, an army patrol shot a group of miners who were returning home, after mistaking them for militants. nagaland's chief minister has blamed an intelligence failure. here in the uk, the speaker of the lower house of parliament has promised to raise allegations of drug use in its buildings with the police. sir lindsay hoyle described as "deeply concerning" a newspaper report that traces of cocaine had been found in the palace of westminster, in central london. under british law, the maximum penalty for possession of class a drugs, including cocaine, is up to seven years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both. the gambian president, adama barrow, has been declared the winner of saturday's presidential election. the country's electoral commission said mr barrow polled almost twice as many votes as his main challenger. his supporters took to the streets to celebrate the news in the capital city, banjul. but opposition candidates may reject the results because of unspecified irregularities. more than 20 countries have joined an urgent demand to the taliban in afghanistan to honour their promises to former state workers and soldiers. allegations of summary executions and disappearances have persisted since the taliban gained control, creating fear of reprisal for anyone believed to have helped the former western backed government. the taliban has denied those claims. this is what a spokesman had to say. translation:— what a spokesman had to say. translation: these reports and claims are not — translation: these reports and claims are not based _ translation: these reports and claims are not based on - claims are not based on evidence. we reject such claims. if they have documents and evidence they should share it with us. the islamic emirate has given general amnesty. many who had martyred hundreds of mujahideen and civilians are living in the cities and the provinces peacefully. they are not facing any kind of threat. that is the view from the taliban. the bbc�*s correspondent has been following the elements and says this joint statement, thisjoint statement, spearheaded by this joint statement, spearheaded by the thisjoint statement, spearheaded by the us, sends a strong warning to the taliban to honour its pledges. this shows how the western countries are now concerned about the evolving situation in afghanistan, you know, this comes one week after human rights watch published a detailed report about the ground situation, where they have been reports of extrajudicial killings and disappearances of former government employees and those linked to the security forces of the government, and there have been media circulating on social media for the past few months whether families have been alleging that taliban fighters took their relatives and then shot them dead. but what the taliban are saying is that they denied these charges, they say it could be somebody, due to the local rivalry or the personal rivalry that this could have happened, but now the western governments are concerned because these were soldiers who were trained and funded by the western nations and now you are getting increasing reports of these reprisal killings and that is really a worrying sign, because after these reports, many families say that their loved ones have gone into hiding, fearing for their lives. it ones have gone into hiding, fearing for their lives. it has been a weekend _ fearing for their lives. it has been a weekend of - been a weekend of demonstrations against renewed covid restrictions across many european cities. it comes amid rising cases of the newly detected omicron variant. saoirse wilson reports. another weekend of protests across europe. in brussels, 1,000 people marched against compulsory covid passes to enter bars and restaurants. translation: | can't bearj discrimination in any form. now there's the vaccine passports, that's discriminatory. and mandatory vaccines, they're heading our way. we don't want a dictatorship. translation: people who want the vaccine have the vaccine. - i don't want it. but this pass stops me being able to have a social life. i came to say i don't agree with that. the protest was brought to an end with police firing water cannons and tear gas. but it is notjust the belgians who are angry. copenhagen in denmark was the latest city to see large demonstrations this weekend, alongside austria, the netherlands and germany. yet, despite governments imposing stricter covid measures, cases of the new omicron variant have now been detected in almost a0 countries. the director for the us centers for disease control and prevention says omicron has been found in at least 16 separate states, but was cautious to add... we have about 90—100,000 cases right now in the united states, and 99.9% of them are the delta variant. so we have an issue right now in the united states with delta and we have so many things that we can do about delta, including getting vaccinated, including getting boosted. in south korea, covid cases have reached record highs of more than 5,000 daily infections, prompting hundreds to queue for testing. governments around the world are restricting travel to try and buy themselves time against the new omicron variant. the eu has restricted flights from seven southern african countries, causing portugal to send repatriation flights to pick up almost 300 stranded citizens in mozambique. and as the new coronavirus strain spreads, leaders must continue to make difficult decisions of how best to respond to this global pandemic. saoirse wilson, bbc news. flags in the us capitol have been lowered to half mast in honour of the 1996 presidential candidate, bob dole, who has died from cancer at the age of 98. president biden described the former senator as a war hero, a friend, and an american statesman "like few" others in history. our north america correspondent peter bowes has more from los angeles. he was certainly a stalwart of the republican party, of us politics over many decades. 35 years representing the state of kansas, in both the house of representatives and in the senate, where he was his party's leader on two occasions, especially during that crucial period in american politics in the 1980s, when ronald reagan was the president and they worked closely together, bob dole himself had presidential aspirations. together, bob dole himself had presidentialaspirations. in fact, he stood as the running mate for gerald ford in 1976 and then some 20 years later was selected by the republicans to stand against bill clinton. now, that was not a successful campaign for bob dole. shortly after that he retired from politics but he certainly remained a key figure in his party. there was a tiscali conservative, in terms of financial matters, he was a very stormwater in terms of his beliefs, and a stoic figure. i think it is fair to say that about him, especially as far as his own disabilities were concerned, very badly injured in the second world war. he was a key figure in getting the 1990 americans with disability act passed, that is a law that safeguards people in the workplace with disabilities. he will be remembered for that. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: japan is on a hydrogen drive, in a bid to reach a zero carbon emissions by 2050. the question is, what field is being used to produce the hydrogen? we have a special report. john lennon was shot at the entrance to the dakota building in the centre of new york. there has been a crowd here standing inside and the flowers been piling up. the standing inside and the flowers been piling urn-— been piling up. the 14th ceasefire _ been piling up. the 14th ceasefire of _ been piling up. the 14th ceasefire of this - been piling up. the 14th ceasefire of this war - been piling up. the 14th i ceasefire of this war ended been piling up. the 14th - ceasefire of this war ended at the walls _ ceasefire of this war ended at the walls of the old city of dubrovnik. this morning, witnesses said shells were mounting every 20 seconds. people — mounting every 20 seconds. people are celebrating the passing _ people are celebrating the passing of— people are celebrating the passing of a _ people are celebrating the passing of a man - people are celebrating the passing of a man they - people are celebrating the| passing of a man they hold responsible _ passing of a man they hold responsible for— passing of a man they hold responsible for hundreds l passing of a man they holdl responsible for hundreds of deaths _ responsible for hundreds of deaths and _ responsible for hundreds of deaths and oppression. - deaths and oppression. elsewhere, _ deaths and oppression. elsewhere, people - deaths and oppression. | elsewhere, people have deaths and oppression. - elsewhere, people have been gathering _ elsewhere, people have been gathering to _ elsewhere, people have been gathering to mourn _ elsewhere, people have been gathering to mourn his- elsewhere, people have been. gathering to mourn his passing. an older— gathering to mourn his passing. an older marcos, _ gathering to mourn his passing. an older marcos, the _ gathering to mourn his passing. an older marcos, the widow- gathering to mourn his passing. an older marcos, the widow of. an older marcos, the widow of the former president of the philippines, has gone on trial in manila. she is facing seven charges of tax evasion estimated at £120 million. she pleaded not guilty. the estimated at £120 million. she pleaded not guilty.— pleaded not guilty. the prince and princess _ pleaded not guilty. the prince and princess of— pleaded not guilty. the prince and princess of wales - pleaded not guilty. the prince and princess of wales are - pleaded not guilty. the prince and princess of wales are two j and princess of wales are two separate _ and princess of wales are two separate. the statement from buckingham palace at the decision had been reached amicably. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: pope francis warns europe against "narrow self—interest" over the treatment of migrants as he pays a visit to the greek island of lesbos. japan is one of the world's biggest users of coal, even though it has no coal reserves of its own. only china imports more. and japan is also still building new coal—powered power stations. at the same time, the tokyo government is promising to reach net carbon zero by 2050. and it appears to see hydrogen as one of the key ways to do that. but how do they produce the hydrogen? rupert wingfield hayes has been finding out. i would say that's a totaljoke. that's just ridiculous. takao sakai and his fellow activists are furious. the reason — this giant new coal—fired power station being built in their home town. i'm totally against the burning of fossilfuels because i'm so worried about the future of young generations. translation: i don't understand why we still have to burn coal- to generate electricity. this plant alone will emit seven million tons of c02 a year. there are currently three of these enormous plants being built around japan, so how is japan going to cut its co2 emissions to zero when these plants are expected to run for the next a0 years at least? the answer is hydrogen. japan wants to be the first country in the world run on hydrogen, and it's starting with cars. all around the world, big car companies are now talking about the future being battery electric vehicles. toyota, so far, has not produced any battery electric vehicles. instead, it is building this — the mirai. and this is a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. it's a very different technology. so, why does toyota think that hydrogen is the future instead of batteries? translation: we believe we need more choice than just _ battery electric vehicles. therefore, fuel cell technology, which uses hydrogen, is also very important in order to achieve our goal of zero emissions. the only waste the mirai produces is water. but where does the hydrogen to fill its tank come from? last month, this ship left japan and sailed to australia. it's the first ship in the world that can transport liquefied hydrogen. but that hydrogen is being made from coal. 100km north of tokyo, huge mountains of coal shipped here mainly from australia. at the moment, japan imports close to 200 million tons of coal a year. japan knows it can't carry on doing this, so instead, it's going to convert the coal to either hydrogen or ammonia in faraway australia, and then ship those here. it's what the industry calls �*blue hydrogen' and �*blue ammonia'. the conversion process still creates lots and lots of carbon dioxide but that co2 will not count as japanese emissions. instead, in theory, the co2 will be buried in the ground in australia. translation: i am ashamed of japan. i hikari is one of the young activists who filed a lawsuit to try and stop construction of japan's new coal—fired plants. translation: | don't think- people understand blue hydrogen or blue ammonia. japanese people do not question. they just believe what they've been told if it's on the news. people willjust say, "oh, i see — that's great." japan is promoting its hydrogen society as a zero carbon alternative to pure renewables, but producing blue hydrogen will mean digging up coal for decades to come. rupert wingfield—hayes, bbc news, in tokyo. sticking with fossil fuels just for a moment because we are talking formula 1. the saudi arabian grand prix had it all, brimming with chaos and controversy. reigning world champion lewis hamilton beat max verstappen to set up a winner—takes—all showdown in abu dhabi next weekend. it's the last race of the season. this one drama—filled race was stopped twice, featured three starts and saw an incredible series of events unfold between the title contenders. motorsportjournalist michael lamonato joins me live now from melbourne. imean, i mean, goodness, the saudis could not have asked for more, could not have asked for more, could they? pm could not have asked for more, could they?— could not have asked for more, could they? an incredible debut event, absolutely _ could they? an incredible debut event, absolutely right, - could they? an incredible debut event, absolutely right, and - event, absolutely right, and what a perfect set up it is for the finale, as you mentioned judge not only the fact there are no points between the two title protagonists but the tension that this race delivered for the finale, you could not have scripted it, better than formula 1 could have hoped for.— better than formula 1 could have hoped for. talk about the tension for _ have hoped for. talk about the tension for the _ have hoped for. talk about the tension for the race, _ have hoped for. talk about the tension for the race, michael, | tension for the race, michael, but the tension between these two is also very much part of the story and i mean we are dealing with let's not get too carried away but it's pretty much life and death stuff, isn't it? , ., , much life and death stuff, isn't it? , . , .,. isn't it? they are putting each other right — isn't it? they are putting each other right on _ isn't it? they are putting each other right on the _ isn't it? they are putting each other right on the line. - other right on the line. absolutely, it does mean so much to them for different reasons, of course this is the purpose for them to races to win the world but for lewis hamilton, this is a potential to win a record—breaking eighth world championship in his already said if he wins this one, will be the one he halted highest regard simply because it has been such a top slot for him. on the other side, max verstappen is racing for his first and his entire career he has been called a champion in waiting, a guy we know has the ability to win it but not only now does he have the chance to win his first one up to beat one of the greatest of all time of lewis hamilton on the way to your first one, to open your earas your first one, to open your ear as a championship when i would mean an incredible amount to him as well so underlying the fact it is such a tight fight, there is a lot of alliance in terms of their legacies. alliance in terms of their legacies— alliance in terms of their legacies. alliance in terms of their leuacies. ~ , ., , alliance in terms of their leuacies. , ., legacies. absolutely, and is at the pretender _ legacies. absolutely, and is at the pretender all _ legacies. absolutely, and is at the pretender all the - legacies. absolutely, and is at the pretender all the old - legacies. absolutely, and is at| the pretender all the old chap? and i suppose. it also, having had such a leap through this season, it will be plenty, saying you blew it if he does not scrape home —— verstappen having such a lead. not scrape home -- verstappen having such a lead.— having such a lead. fulfil a bit like that _ having such a lead. fulfil a bit like that although - having such a lead. fulfil a bit like that although it - having such a lead. fulfil a bit like that although it is i bit like that although it is hard to fault a lot of his campaign. fora lot hard to fault a lot of his campaign. for a lot of this season, maybe he has been right up season, maybe he has been right up until crashing in the last lap of qualifying in saudi arabia this weekend, probably the less flawed driver between them. his carfor most of the less flawed driver between them. his car for most of the season though has been marginally quicker, he had an enormous lead, as you suggested, in the middle of the season but lost that through a couple of dodgy resultjust before the mid—season break but do hamilton bosman credit he has clung on through the seasons i think we have reached this point now after 21 rounds where as much as it would be a shame certainly max verstappen and his red bull team to lose a title and several points this year we thought they were kind of on their way to winning, and a soft answerfrom of on their way to winning, and a soft answer from a motorsport journalist but they would both deserve to win this, there can be no bad winnerfrom this. michael, that's very soft! you have to pick a winner. he will be, quickly? i have to pick a winner. he will be, quickly?— have to pick a winner. he will be, quickly? ithink momentum is with lewis _ be, quickly? ithink momentum is with lewis hamilton's - is with lewis hamilton's mercedes, it is hard to beat to give someone with so many titles. ~ . ., give someone with so many titles. ~ . . ., ~ , ., give someone with so many titles. ~ . . ., ,, titles. michael, thank you so much indeed. _ michael lamonato. now, here's a story! a climber in the french alps who stumbled on a treasure trove of emeralds, rubies and sapphires on mont blanc eight years ago has been given half of them. it's thought they may have been on an air india flight which crashed into the mountain in 1966. the local authority in chamonix has been given the remaining gems. mark lobel reports. a glacier that tragically became a graveyard over 50 years ago, passengers on a plane from india to switzerland crashing here. but in this box, their memories live on. these were all found buried in the french snow by an anonymous climber eight years ago, who handed them in. translation: these are emeralds that are engraved in the shape - of a lotus. it's an indian tradition. it was certainly a stone dealer who went to geneva for commercial reasons. the hunt was on for "who owns the boeing treasure", as one newspaper put it, as authorities must allow eight years for it to be claimed. "we believe my father—in—law was the owner of the box," said one claimant. "there were bags of gems belonging to me. "the bulk of them were diamonds which i had hidden in tea tins and entrusted to a sailor," claimed another. but no legitimate owner was found, so this 6,000 piece treasure was split 50—50 between its finder, the climber, and chamonix town hall. with each half valued at $169,000, the discoverer�*s lawyer was on hand. translation: it's very . moving to see them today. it took a lot of patience. she broke the news to her discrete client. translation: i didn't believe in it any more. it's really too much. i'm going to put it in an account without going overboard. the next resting place for these mysterious gems will be chamonix's museum of crystals, where they go on display in two weeks' time — one silver lining in this tale tinged in tragedy. mark lobel, bbc news. not bad for him in the run—up to christmas. speaking of which... centre is on his way, well, santas. 230 father christmas doing their best to support charities and of course, one grinch. stay with us on bbc news. hello there. it was cold over the weekend. some areas saw quite a bit of rain and we had some snow over northern hills. similar story as we start the new week. we've got a frontal system working its way in from the atlantic. that's going to bring another round of rain and hill snow. you can see it here showing up on that pressure chart. it will be very wet across northern ireland, parts of scotland, western england and wales to start this morning. quite quickly, though, it will brighten up across northern ireland with sunshine and showers. but this band of rain will continue its journey eastwards through the day, eventually crossing most of england. we'll see some snow over the pennines as well. there could be a bit of a hang back of the rain for east anglia in the far south—east, otherwise it brightens up for many of us with some good spells of sunshine. most of the showers will be in the north and the west, some of these heavy and frequent, and there will be some wintriness over the high ground. a cold day to come — we could see nine or ten degrees in the far south—west. it stays breezy with blustery showers, wintry on the hills through monday night. then it turns a little bit drier, but clear and cold for many of us. and then in the south—west, we start to see an area of wet and very windy weather pushing up across ireland and then into irish sea coasts. now, it's all tied in with this — the second named storm of the season — named storm barra by the irish met service because it's ireland that will see the biggest impacts from this storm through the course of tuesday. but across the rest of the uk, we'll see gusts widely 50mph, more than that near exposed coasts in the south and the west. that, mixed in with the heavy rain and also some hill snow, is likely to cause some disruption, even some damage. so, it starts very wet, very windy indeed across western areas — damaging gusts of wind. this area of rain pushes eastwards into the cold air, so likely to see some significant snow over the pennines, certainly across the scottish hills. and some of this rain, really, will be quite heavy, so a pretty atrocious—looking day, i think, for tuesday. stay tuned to the forecast — details may change. as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, storm barra begins to weaken and it sits across the uk, we think, as it does weaken. still be quite a windy day, i think, on wednesday — not as windy as tuesday, but a blustery one nonetheless with showers or longer spells of rain. these will be wintry over the higher ground as the air�*s still cold, and we'll see gales across south—western areas, too, and it's going to feel chilly — those temperatures in single digits across the board. this is bbc news, the headlines: pope francis warns europe against "narrow self—interest" over the treatment of migrants as he pays a visit to the greek island of lesbos. more than 20 countries join an urgent demand for the taliban leadership in afghanistan to honour its promises over the safety of state workers and soldiers. us politicians pay tribute to the former republican senator and presidential candidate, bob dole, who's died at the age of 98. more than 20 countries join an urgent demand for the taliban leadership in afghanistan to honour its promises over the safety of state workers and soldiers. us politicians pay tribute to the former republican senator and presidential candidate, bob dole, who's died at the age of 98. now on bbc news it's time for political thinking with nick robinson.

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Bbc News , Stories , David Eades , Discrimination , Migrants , Visit , Us , Treatment , Self Interest , Europe , Pope Francis , Island Of Lesbos , Greek , Bob Dole , Age , Sea , Senator , Politicians , Death , Afghanistan , Republican , Taliban , Producing Blue Hydrogen , Japan , Special Report , Carbon Emissions , Bid , Fuel , Hydrogen Drive , 2050 , 98 , Zero , Formula One , Lewis Hamilton , Race , Races , Beats Max Verstappen , One , Fear , Propaganda , Report , Responsibility , Fergal Keane , Camp , Share , Complex Gobal Problem , Man , Advocate , Message , Migration , Issue , Vision , Crisis , Land , Coherent , Fences , People , Pope , Thousands , Leaders , War , Refugees , Problems , Homes , Poverty , Audience , Frustration , Others , Burden , Stop , Reality , Someone Else , Walls , Children , Cemetery , Many , Migrant , Legacy , Lesbos , Journey , Sympathy , 87 , Politician , Farmer , Island , Things , Tourism , Tourists , None , Hit , Borders , Eu , Passport , Force , Problem , Freedom , Words , Money , Ijust , Anything , Just Freedom , Terms , Volcano , Defence , Debate , Shift , Dozens , Island Ofjava , 1 , Eruption , State , Mt Seemeru , Valdya Baraputri , Houses , Challenge , Heavy Rain , Aftermath , Rescue Effort , Disaster Mitigation Agency , Roofs , Volcanic Ash , Indonesian , Mount Semeru Eruption , Ash Into Mud , Evacuation Effort , Conditions , Two , Officials , Aid , Villages , Rescue Organisers , Food , Person , Mosques , Schools , Clothes , Masks , Essential Supplies , Village Halls , Ten , 900 , Bridge , Livestock , Mud , Mount Semeru , Area , Areas , Couple , Rescue , Geology Agency , Regions , Weather Permits , Helicopter , Cut Off , Eruptions , Indonesia , World , Some , Country , Volcanoes , Java Islands , Sumatra , News , Civilians , Security Forces , Miners , Hundreds , Group , Killing , Indian State Of Nagaland , Stones , Brief , Violence , Fire , Army Camp , On Saturday , Army Patrol , 13 , Home , Allegations , Uk , Chief Minister , Lower House , Militants , Intelligence Failure , Parliament , Drug Use , Speaker , Nagaland , Law , Both , Cocaine , Lindsay Hoyle , Newspaper Report , Police , Buildings , Traces , Prison , Possession , Fine , Penalty , Palace Of Westminster , Class A Drugs , Central London , Seven , Winner , Adama Barrow , Election , Gambian , Electoral Commission , Barrow Polled , Candidates , Results , Supporters , Capital City , Challenger , Votes , Streets , Opposition , Banjul , Countries , Irregularities , 20 , Soldiers , State Workers , Demand , Disappearances , Promises , Control , Reprisal , Anyone , Summary Executions , Taliban In Afghanistan , Western , Claims , Government , Spokesman , Cities , Evidence , Mujahideen , Documents , Islamic Emirate Has Given General Amnesty , Statement , Warning , Joint Statement , Thisjoint Statement , View , Correspondent , Provinces , Threat , Kind , Pledges , Elements , Human Rights Watch , Situation , Reports , Killings , Ground Situation , Media , Employees , Charges , Families , Rivalry , Social Media , Somebody , Fighters , Relatives , Saying , Governments , Reprisal Killings , Western Nations , Weekend , Lives , Demonstrations , Hiding , Restrictions , Sign , Loved Ones , It Ones , Covid , Cases , Omicron Variant , Protests , Saoirse Wilson , Compulsory Covid , Brussels , 1000 , Way , Vaccine Passports , Form , Restaurants , Vaccines , Bars , Dictatorship , Life , Vaccine , Protest , Tear Gas , End , Police Firing Water Cannons , City , Covid Measures , Austria , Belgians , Denmark , Notjust , The Netherlands , Germany , Copenhagen , Omicron , Director , Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , States , Add , 99 9 , Delta Variant , 16 , 99 9 , 100000 , 90 , Prompting Hundreds , Daily Infections , Record Highs , Delta , South Korea , 5000 , Repatriation Flights , Flights , Testing , Travel , Southern African , Portugal , Citizens , Mozambique , Coronavirus Strain Spreads , 300 , Half Mast , Capitol , Pandemic , Flags , Honour , Decisions , 1996 , Peter Bowes , Biden , Statesman , Cancer , Friend , North America , Like Few , War Hero , Los Angeles , Politics , Stalwart , House Of Representatives , Kansas , 35 , Party , Leader , Occasions , American Politics , Senate , Ronald Reagan , 1980 , Fact , Aspirations , Running Mate , Republicans , Presidentialaspirations , Gerald Ford , Bill Clinton , 1976 , Figure , Campaign , Conservative , Matters , Tiscali , Disabilities , Stormwater , Beliefs , Second World War , Stay , Workplace , Americans , Disability Act , 1990 , Field , Question , Flowers , Centre , Entrance , Crowd , Dakota Building , John Lennon , New York , 14th Ceasefire , Ceasefire , Piling , Standing , Urn , Witnesses , Dubrovnik , Shells , 14 , Passing , Widow , Deaths , Elsewhere , Gathering , Oppression , Marcos , President , Trial , Hundreds L , Philippines , Princess , Prince , Decision , Tax Evasion , Wales , Buckingham Palace , Manila , 20 Million , 120 Million , Headlines , Coal , Coal Reserves , Users , China , Power Stations , Ways , Reach Net Carbon Zero , Tokyo , Activists , Takao Sakai , Power Station , Reason , Totaljoke , Giant , Rupert Wingfield Hayes , Town , Finding Out , Generations , Fossilfuels , Burning , Plants , Electricity , Plant , Three , Seven Million , Answer , Co2 Emissions , Car Companies , The Future Being Battery Electric Vehicles , Cars , All Around The World , Toyota , Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle , Batteries , Technology , Mirai , Emissions , Fuel Cell Technology , Order , Goal , Water , Tank , Ship , Australia , Mountains , 100km North , 200 Million , 100 , Ammonia , Faraway Australia , Co2 , Lots , Blue Hydrogen , Industry Calls , Conversion Process , Carbon Dioxide , Ground , Lawsuit , Construction , Theory , Hydrogen , On T , People Willjust , Carbon , Renewables , Alternative , Hydrogen Society , That S Great , In Tokyo , Fossil Fuels , Showdown , Controversy , Winner Takes , Beat , Chaos , World Champion , Saudi Arabian , Grand Prix , Abu Dhabi , Michael Lamonato , Season , Motorsportjournalist , Events , Title Contenders , Series , Melbourne , More , Debut Event , Points , Finale , Imean , Event , Set , Judge , Story , It , Tension , Part , Title Protagonists , Right , Isn T , Course , Reasons , Each Other , Stuff , Line , Purpose , Potential , Racing , Regard , Top Slot , Side , Eighth World Championship , Ability , Earas , Champion , First One , Career , Greatest , Guy , Waiting , Chance , Lot , Alliance , The Legacies , Wall , Pretender , Leuacies , Ear , Old Legacies , Championship , Fight , Amount , Chap , Leap , Bit , Lead , Verstappen , Fora , Driver , Most , Car , Qualifying , Lap , Carfor , Middle , Rounds , Seasons , Point , Break , Credit , Team , Shame , Dodgy Resultjust , Red Bull , Hamilton Bosman , 21 , Winning , Winnerfrom , Title , Answerfrom , Climber , Titles , Someone , Ithink Momentum , French Alps , Mercedes , Emeralds , Mark Lobel , Gems , Half , Flight , Mountain , Authority , Chamonix , Treasure Trove , Rubies , Air India , Mont Blanc , 1966 , Eight , Passengers , Glacier , Plane , Box , Memories , Graveyard , Switzerland , 50 , Snow , Anonymous , Hunt , Translation , Dealer , Tradition , Shape Of A Lotus , Who Owns The Boeing Treasure , Owner , Diamonds , Authorities , Newspaper , Claimant , Father In Law , Sailor , The Box , Tea Tins , Bags , Bulk , Treasure , Another , Finder , Town Hall , 6000 , Discoverer S Lawyer , Hand , Them , Patience , 169000 , 69000 , Client , Account , Museum , Place , Crystals , Silver Lining , Display , Tale Tinged In Tragedy , Run Up To , Charities , Grinch , Santas 230 , 230 , Rain , Cold , Hills , System , Atlantic , Showers , Sunshine , Band , Hill Snow , Northern Ireland , Pressure Chart , Round , Parts Of Scotland , Journey Eastwards , England , Spells , Pennines , Hang , The Rain For East Anglia , South East , West , South West , Wintriness , Nine , Storm , Service , Coasts , Second , Weather , Irish Sea , Storm Barra , The Irish , Gusts , Rest , Impacts , Damage , Disruption , Air , Eastwards , Wind , Scottish Hills , Details , Gales , Temperatures , Digits , Western Areas , Board , Leadership , Safety , Thinking , It S Time , Nick Robinson ,

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