Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709

and concerns grow over the whereabouts of chinese tennis player peng shuai, who's not been heard from since she made sexual assault allegations against a top chinese official. live from our studio in singapore, this is bbc news. it's newsday. it's 8am in the morning in singapore, midnight in london and 7pm in new york, where two of the three men convicted of killing the civil rights activist malcolm x are expected to have their convictions thrown out. in the 1960s, malcolm x was one of the most charismatic leaders of the civil rights movement in the united states and at times one of the most controversial. his murder in 1965 shocked the world. but more recently, there have been doubts about the supposed guilt of two of the three men who were jailed, not least following a documentary about the case that aired on netflix. i spoke to our north america correspondent david willis a short while ago and asked him how this turn of events has come about. that's right, all starting from this netflix documentary series, karishma, which basically raised a lot of questions about the conviction of these two men, mr aziz and mr islam. it found, for example, there was no physical evidence linking either man to the murder scene. it also found that witness statements were in many cases contradictory and that both men had credible alibis, on top of which, the third defendant in the case actually said that the two of them were innocent. so that spawned a nearly two—year investigation on the part of the manhattan district attorney, and he has now concluded that there is evidence to basically exonerate these two men after, what, 42 years, collectively, they spent in prison? yeah, just thinking of that amount of time that they were in prison, years in solitary confinement, as i understand it, at the prime of their lives, what is this exoneration likely to mean for them and for their families? well, i think it's likely to mean a great deal. indeed, the families of both mr aziz and mr islam have said they are most relieved, even though this comes in such a long time, of course, after those two men were convicted. they spent, as you said, a long time in solitary confinement, they were moved around to some of the worst prisons in the new york penal system, and indeed even after their release, they were widely seen as responsible in the eyes of men people for the death of malcolm x, so a lot of relief, i think, on the part of the family, and tomorrow will be a very significant day for them as well. david, where does this leave us in terms of the case at this point in time? the review didn't identify who prosecutors now believe really killed malcolm x, so what happens next? that is a very good question, and the district attorney has made clear that the whole point of this, really, is to put right mistakes that were made, very serious mistakes that were made in the past. what he doesn't have is much more of an indication as to who actually caused death of malcolm x. many of the witnesses, much of the paperwork has been lost to time, and so there is very little, really, that they can do now to look into this case. it, in a sense, rewrites one of the most painful chapters in modern american history, but it raises more questions than it answers. fascinating analysis there from david willis, joining us a little earlier. meanwhile, british mps have backed a move that would limit their ability to take on a second job. but labour opposition, whose own proposals for improving standards were defeated, described the government's plans as "warm words" instead of a "plan of action". earlier, borisjohnson has admitted he made a mistake in the way he handled the controversy over owen paterson — the former conservative mp who broke the rules on lobbying. labour's sir keir starmer said the prime minister was a coward for not giving a proper apology. our political editor laura kuenssberg has the latest. has he boxed himself in? another u—turn, prime minister? after a fortnight of claims of bad behaviour being chucked around this place, borisjohnson finally conceded yesterday the rules for mps have to change. but he hasn't untangled a political mess, on display today at several times, in several ways. we now come to prime minister's questions. keir starmer. everybody else has apologised for him, but he won't apologise for himself. a coward, not a leader. yesterday, a screeching, last—minute u—turn to avoid defeat on labour's plan to ban mps from dodgy second contracts, but waving one white flag won't be enough to restore trust. howls of protest began when number 10 tried to change the rules to protect a former cabinet minister who'd broken them — rules borisjohnson only now says have to change. what i think we need to do is to work together on the basis of the independent report by the committee on standards in public life. the prime minister, though, also seems to have concluded the best form of defence is attack... the right honourable gentleman is now trying to prosecute others for exactly the course of action that he took himself. ..questioning keir starmer�*s earnings as a lawyer when an mp but before he was leader. this kind of telling off does not happen every day. order! prime minister, sit down. i'm not going to be challenged. you may be the prime minister of this country, but in this house, i'm in charge. downing street wants to stop this saga sliding into a full—blown emergency, but mps on all sides are angry about how the case of owen paterson unfolded, and they want to take the time to show it... and, prime minister, i request that you give us your customary extra time. ..even if he looked like he'd rather be anywhere but here. i will do my best as ever to oblige you as ever, sir bernard. i've got quite a lot on. the danger is that you've just tarred the whole of the house with the same brush, and yourself, haven't you? the intention genuinely was not to exonerate anybody. the intention was to see whether there was some way in which, on a cross—party basis, we could improve the system. you have a responsibility to go above and beyond, j to go further than everybody should expect and to - actually establish - much higher standards. i do, yes. yes, i think it was a total mistake not to see that owen's breach of the rules, the former member of north shropshire�*s breach of the rules, made any discussion about anything else impossible. sometimes, westminster loves nothing more than a row about itself, but this shambles matters because it's shaken the tory confidence in number 10, given the opposition plenty of ammunition and, fairly or unfairly, it does taint the image of this place. as a frantic day drew to a close, labour's effort to change the rules failed. order, order... ..but government mps backed borisjohnson�*s proposal to limit some outside earnings in future. but listen... the ayes to the right, 297, the noes to the left, zero. | less than half of the commons backed it. the chance of settling this saga amicably is slim indeed. laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. let's take a look at some other stories in the headlines today. a usjudge has sentenced a january 6 rioter widely known as the qanon shaman to 41 months in prison. jacob chansley, who was pictured during the protests wearing a horned headdress, was described by prosecutors as the "flagbearer of the capitol riot events". a state of emergency has been declared in the canadian western province of british columbia, after a deadly storm described by officials as a once—in—a—century weather event has severed road and rail links around vancouver. a woman was killed in a highway landslide, and rescuers say at least two other people are missing. germany's chancellor angela merkel says the country is being hit by a fourth wave of the pandemic with "full force" as the seven—day infection rate hits a new peak for the tenth consecutive day. mrs merkel told a congress of german city mayors that the daily death toll was "frightening". india's authorities have announced a series of "emergency measures" to tackle the extreme levels of pollution in the capital, delhi. schools and colleges have been shut indefinitely. most construction work has been banned till next week. only five of the coal—fired power stations in the city are being allowed to operate. a toxic haze has smothered delhi in recent days, with a number of long—term factors contributing to the hazardous smog. azadeh moshiri has more. a toxic haze so thick that some of india's timeous landmarks are hidden from view. when winter approaches, smog becomes a regular occurrence in india, and this one has smothered delhi for weeks. and that has serious health implications. translation: when i air quality deteriorates, some people suffer chest infections or breathing problems. sometimes it gets so bad, we have to admit them. pm2.5 are tiny particles in the air that can clog people's lungs. levels between zero and 50 are considered good, and between 51 and 100 satisfactory. but parts of delhi are recording figures closer to 400 or above, which is categorised as severe. so hospitals have been facing a surge in patients, with residents wheezing and finding it harder to breathe. but what's causing it? several factors are at play, like car and factory emissions and burning crop stubble. the real question is, what will the state and local governments do about it? translation: we have to come with our stalls in any weather - because it's our livelihood. the pollution is unbearable. the government must take some steps. we are forced to work because we can't stay indoors forever. india's supreme court is directing authorities to take imminent and emergency measures. the response — schools and colleges have been shut indefinitely, construction work has been banned until next week and several coal—fired power stations in the city have been temporarily shut. but experts warn, until drastic measures are taken, india's winter smog is here to stay. azadeh moshiri, bbc news. well, these sorts of climate and weather related events are becoming far more common these days. between wildfires, heat waves and hurricanes, many people are nervous about the devastating impact of climate change and the future of our world. according to a report from imperial college london's institute of global health innovation, evidence is mounting that climate change threatens mental health. joining us from melbourne is grant blashki, who is an associate professor at the nossal institute for global health and melbourne sustainable society institute at the university of melbourne. mr blashki has seen first hand the impact of climate anxiety after australia saw more than 42 million acres burned in extreme wildfires in 2019 and 2020. it's great to have you on the programme. ijust want it's great to have you on the programme. i just want to start by asking you, when people hear about the term climate anxiety, many in the audience perhaps wondering, is that really something but substantial, or is it a focus for other stresses in our daily lives? it is a great question, because theissueis is a great question, because the issue is that a young person and people generally, they can see with their own eyes what is happening, the extreme weather events and these big fires we had in australia and they can also see a lack of action, lack of leadership by the leaders in a few very let down, and they feel very anxious and very worried and obsessed with, what's the future going to be like? ~ ., ., , . ., ., , like? what does climate anxiety look like? in _ like? what does climate anxiety look like? in terms _ like? what does climate anxiety look like? in terms of— like? what does climate anxiety look like? in terms of how - like? what does climate anxiety look like? in terms of how it - look like? in terms of how it affects people on a really basis? ., , ., ., basis? yeah, look, it is not an official diagnosis _ basis? yeah, look, it is not an official diagnosis in _ basis? yeah, look, it is not an official diagnosis in the - official diagnosis in the psychiatric textbook, but it is real phenomenon, and what happens is people feel that the climate is getting worse, they are correct about that, there is more extreme weather events happening, and they feel somewhat powerless. there's nothing that they could do about it or that their leaders directing quick enough. and this is becoming obsessive for people, interfering with their day—to—day lives. so it's quite a significant phenomenon and i was really encouraged by —— i always encourage my patients to keep up their hope, to link with other people concerned about these issues and to take small steps and make a contribution to helping solve the climate problem. i contribution to helping solve the climate problem.- contribution to helping solve the climate problem. i thinki heard you _ the climate problem. i thinki heard you say _ the climate problem. i thinki heard you say that _ the climate problem. i thinki heard you say that you - the climate problem. i thinki heard you say that you advise clients to keep up their hope budget. what do you mean by that? i budget. what do you mean by that? 4' budget. what do you mean by that? ~ ., ., , that? i think all of us, it is very easy. _ that? i think all of us, it is very easy, between - that? i think all of us, it is very easy, between the i that? i think all of us, it is - very easy, between the pandemic and climate news and i am sure many of your watchers are thinking of this is going to be more doom and gloom, but it is not too late on the climate issue. we have had some wins from this recent very important cop26, and when the big messages to the world is the party is over for coal, and countries like australia have not really done enough, but people should keep the sense of hope because there is still time, but we really need to put pressure on our governments to act bravely and quickly to deal with the climate crisis. i really do hope that the hope budget is something that we can all make use of and that it has some sort of impact, but as you say, keeping that pressure on governments is essential as well. professor grant blashki, good to have you on newsday to talk about such an important topic. talk about such an important toic. ., , ., you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: poland's defence minister warns that the crisis on the country's border with belarus could last for months. we'll have the latest. benazir bhutto has claimed victory in pakistan's general election, and she's asked pakistan's president to name her as prime minister. jackson's been released on bail of $3 million after turning himself in to police in santa barbara. it was the biggest demonstration so far of the fast—growing european antinuclear movement. the south african government i has announced that it's opening the country's remaining whites—only beaches i to people of all races. this will lead to a black—majority government in this country and the destruction of the white civilisation. part of the centuries—old windsor castle, one of the queen's residences, has been consumed by fire for much of the day. 150 firemen have been battling the blaze, which has caused millions of pounds worth of damage. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm karishma vaswani in singapore. our headlines: two men convicted of murdering the us civil rights activist malcolm x more than 50 years ago are set to have their convictions overturned. borisjohnson admits he made mistakes in handling the conservative lobbying scandal, but he doesn't apologise. it comes as mps back plans to stop them taking on some second jobs. poland's border force says around 1,000 migrants are still gathered at the frontier with belarus, as the european union stepped up its efforts to resolve the crisis. tensions increased yesterday after polish forces used tear gas and water cannons to stop migrants trying to enter the country. our correspondentjenny hill sent this report from the polish side of the border — and a warning, it does contain flashing images. fury, frustration at the gateway to europe. polish border guards released this footage. night after night, they say, belarusian troops force migrants to try and breach the border. that's what sagvan told us, too. and say, "go, go, go." "every people must go." he tell you, "if you come back, i'll shoot you, i'll kill you." sagvan and his family are now recovering in a polish hospital. they paid more than $10,000 to get to the border, spent more than two weeks trapped there, in the cold, with almost no food or water. you don't know what's happening there. it's so difficult. you see a child, asking you for bread. the polish government would prefer you not to see the human tragedy unfolding in what is one of the most beautiful parts of this country. this is tourist terrain. but visitors, journalists, aid workers are now banned from the forests which line the border. this is a special place, yes. slawek�*s bike hire business is in the exclusion zone. like others here, he tells us it's commonplace to see migrants hiding in the woods, afraid polish guards will push them back. translation: we are not going to change it - by building fences. it's up to us to manage it so tourism can go on. but it should happen in a humanitarian way. it's unacceptable that someone freezes to death 100 metres my house. at least eight people have died on the polish side. in six weeks, at this small local hospital, they've treated nearly 200 migrants. translation: it's extremely difficult when we are faced i with this suffering, when you have to tell a husband that his wife isn't going to survive, or when we see a family being separated, because the father is taken away by the border guard and the mother and child stay at the hospital. it's starting to get dark now, and the temperature is beginning to drop. tonight, as they do every night, people will try to get across the border, make it to these forests. this is testing the fundamental values of this community, this country, the eu itself. but for the people who end up in this woodland, this is simply about survival. jenny hill, bbc news, bialowieza forest. four—time grand slam tennis champion naomi osaka has become the latest athlete to voice concerns over the whereabouts of chinese tennis player peng shuai. shuai has not been heard from since she made sexual assault allegations against a top chinese official. in a statement on twitter, osaka posted... hong kong democracy activist glacier kwong explains why this case has so many people worried. my concern is most of all her personal safety, because voicing out, accusing such high—ranking officials of sexual abuse is actually a huge thing in china. and an hour ago, cgtn — state—affiliated media — actually posted on twitter, saying that they got hold of peng shuai's e—mail to wta, saying that what the wta voiced out for her was false and required the wta to retract their statement and secure consent before posting anything about her again. and this just confirms our biggest fear, that she is in the wrong hands and she's not safe physically and, i'm afraid, mentally as well, because this seems very familiar. it sounds like how beijing handles dissidents in mainland china who is voicing out their dissent. and they are usually held against their will and being forced to make false statements, admitting how they did something wrong, which... she's basicallyjust being a victim here, calling for investigation and generaljustice to be done. glacier, to your point, there have been instances in the past that famous celebrities in china do disappear, only to reappear again. could this be something like that? yes, i do think something like that might have happened. usually, the script goes like, they disappear for a while and then they come back up on state—funded media or state—affiliated media, claiming that they did something wrong. and in peng shuai's case, maybe making a false accusation against the chinese official, and she might be forced to apologise and to admit that she did something wrong and promise she'll never do it again. and then beijing will come in and say, "this is something that she did and we hope that it will never happen again and hope she learned her lesson." or worst case scenario, she might even be sued for slander, which happened to a lot of females who voiced out against sexual abuse in university settings, in private entities and in the media industry in china. and this is something that could have happened to peng shuai if there is not enough international attention around this, so i really think that the wta and some of her colleagues did a really good thing by voicing out their concerns for her. yeah, the case, as you've pointed out, has attracted this massive international attention, naomi osaka also weighing in. does that help, the influential voices putting the pressure on beijing? or does china not care? i think the results might not be immediately seen. for sure, peng shuai is still in a very difficult and dangerous situation, and there may not be instant results we can see, where a chinese official would just release her or admit that something happened or initiate a transparent investigation, but putting pressure on china and on beijing will help to keep peng shuai safe. and at least it will help keep her safe. at least beiling cannot do anything that's too bad to her, and so i urge the international community — politicians, colleagues, activists, tennis players and everybody — to pay attention to her case. glacier kwong there a hong kong human rights and democracy activists, talking about the concerns over the whereabouts of china's tennis player peng shuai. that's all the time we have for you on newsday this hour. thanks forjoining us. do stay with bvc do stay with bbc news. hello there. the weather isn't changing in too much of a hurry over the next few days, because high pressure keeping things dry, settled and very mild still for this time of year. so another mild and quite breezy day to come on thursday. dry weather for most of us, but not everywhere. we have got this weather front sitting close to the north of scotland, so that'll produce outbreaks of rain mainly for northern and western scotland, but high pressure to the south dominating the weather for most places. and, with that high pressure, we're drawing in winds in a south—westerly direction, so bringing the mild air and the orange colours really right across the uk. might be a bit of a chilly start for some southern and eastern parts of england first thing, the odd misty patch around. generally, the cloud will increase from the west through the day, but there will be some spells of sunshine for east anglia and the southeast, up towards eastern scotland, as well. still a bit of rain to come for the northwest of scotland, but the breeze blowing over the mountains is likely to create something called a foehn effect, lifting temperatures to around 17 celsius for aberdeenshire. widely 111—15 the top temperature — and compare that to the average temperature this time of year of only about nine celsius, so well above average. it'll be windy again, particularly in the northwest, with gusts of wind around a0 mph, but lighter winds further south. so through thursday evening now and heading overnight into friday, it'll be a pretty cloudy picture. a bit of low cloud and hill fog likely, some drizzle around some coastal hills in the west once again. but it will be a very mild and certainly frost—free start to friday morning, but we've still got that rain continuing across the western isles and northern highland, as well. into friday, no great changes — there's that weather front across the north of scotland, there's the high pressure in charge for most places. so quite a cloudy picture, i think, but predominantly dry through the day on friday, away from the north and northwest of scotland, where we've got that weather front continuing to bring outbreaks of rain. temperatures again getting up to 14—15, even 16 celsius through the foehn effect once again through the east of scotland. it won't last forever, this mild weather, though. into the weekend, saturday, we see a cold front moving south across the northern half of the uk. into sunday, that slips its way further south, and it'll introduce the blue colours, the colder air mass with these northerly winds moving across all areas. so gradually through the weekend, things will be turning colder. we'll still look at temperatures in double figures through the day on saturday but, by the time we get to sunday, things will be noticeably cooler — maybe time to dig out the winter coat. bye for now. this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines and all the main news stories for you at the top of the hour, as newsday continues — straight after hardtalk. welcome to hardtalk, i'm stephen sackur. turn on the tv or go online, and it's not hard to find political content of all kinds, often delivered with all the nuance of a ten—tonne truck. rare is the tv show which offers commentary on the human condition, which is both entertaining and wildly popular.

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Newsday , Reporting , Singapore , Men , Us , Headlines , Convictions , Malcom X , Karishma Vaswani , Civil Rights Activist , 50 , Two , Mistakes , Committee , Mistake , Borisjohnson , Lobbying Scandal , Everybody , Leader , Haze , Coward , Emergency Measures , Delhi , Him , Pollution Levels , India , Peng Shuai , Concerns , Official , Tennis Player , Whereabouts , Chinese , Allegations , Sexual Assault , Bbc News , Studio , Morning , New York , In London , 8 , 1960 , One , Three , 7 , World , Leaders , Murder , Doubts , Guilt , Civil Rights Movement , 1965 , Case , Events , David Willis , Documentary , Netflix , North America , Aziz , Questions , Lot , Evidence , Islam , Starting , Conviction , Example , Man , Karishma , This Netflix Documentary Series , Which , Statements , Cases , Top , Defendant , Murder Scene , Witness , Alibis , Investigation , Part , Manhattan District Attorney , It , Prison , Amount , Solitary Confinement , 42 , Families , Lives , Exoneration , Deal , Mr , Course , People , Death , Some , Eyes , Prisons , Release , Penal System , Family , Relief , Terms , Point , Question , The Review Didn T Identify , Prosecutors , Leave , District Attorney , Indication , Many , Witnesses , Paperwork , Sense , Chapters , American History , Government , Mps , Labour Opposition , Move , Analysis , Standards , Plans , Proposals , Job , Ability , Words , British , Rules , Way , Owen Paterson , Controversy , Lobbying , Conservative , Plan Of Action , Prime Minister , Place , Laura Kuenssberg , Latest , U Turn , Keir Starmer , Apology , Fortnight , Bad Behaviour Being , Claims , Times , Mess , Display , Ways , He Hasn T Untangled , Defeat , Plan , A Screeching , Cabinet Minister , Protest , Howls , Dodgy Second Contracts , White Flag , Won T , Restore Trust , 10 , Basis , Report , Gentleman , Form , Defence , Attack , Committee On Standards In Public Life , Action , Others , Kind , Questioning , S Earnings , Lawyer , Country , House , Order , Sit Down , Saga , I M In Charge , Downing Street , Emergency , Sides , Owen Paterson Unfolded , Bernard , Best , Anywhere , Lot On , Intention , Danger , System , Brush , Whole , Anybody , Haven T You , Breach , Responsibility , Above And Beyond , Yes , Westminster , Nothing , Anything , Number , Row , Confidence , Member , Discussion , North Shropshire , Effort , Opposition , Image , Ammunition , Taint , Close , Right , Proposal , Earnings , Zero , Half , Ayes , Noes , Left , 297 , Chance , Commons , Stories , Look , Usjudge , Headlines Today , Saga Amicably , Horned Headdress , Rioter , Protests , Qanon Shaman , Flagbearer Of The Capitol Riot Events , 6 , January 6 , 41 , Officials , Storm , Weather Event , State Of Emergency , Rail , Links , Road , British Columbia , Vancouver , Western Province , Canadian , Angela Merkel , Highway Landslide , Wave , Woman , Germany , Rescuers , Pandemic , Peak , Infection Rate , City Mayors , Full Force , Congress , Seven , Power Stations , Pollution , Colleges , City , Levels , Construction Work , Authorities , Series , Schools , Five , Factors , Azadeh Moshiri , Hazardous Smog , Landmarks , View , Winter Approaches , Occurrence , Translation , Breathing Problems , Chest Infections , Health Implications , Air Quality , Air , Parts , Particles , Hospitals , Lungs , Recording , 100 , 51 , 5 , 400 , Surge , Patients , Play , Residents , Car , Factory Emissions , Crop Stubble , State , Governments , Stalls , Steps , Livelihood , India S Supreme Court , Response Schools , Experts , Measures , Winter Smog , Climate , Impact , Wildfires , Climate Change , Sorts , Hurricanes , Heat Waves , Nossal Institute , Associate Professor , Mental Health , Grant Blashki , Melbourne , Imperial College London , Global Health Innovation , Climate Anxiety , Professor Grant Blashki , Health , Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute , University Of Melbourne , 42 Million , Programme , Ijust , 2019 , 2020 , Something , Focus , Issue , Stresses , Audience , Theissueis , Weather , Happening , Lack , Leadership , Fires , Person , Australia , Anxiety , Few , Diagnosis , Phenomenon , Textbook , Hope , Climate Problem , Contribution , Hope Budget , Clients , Issues , Thinking , News , Budget , Climate Issue , Watchers , I Budget , Doom And Gloom , 4 , Party , Messages , Coal , Wins , Cop26 , Pressure , Countries , Climate Crisis , Enough , Essential , Sort , Use , Border , Crisis , Benazir Bhutto , Defence Minister , Topic , Toic , Poland , Belarus , President , Police , Victory , General Election , Bail , Pakistan , Jackson , Million , 3 Million , South African Government , Movement , Demonstration , Santa Barbara , Beaches , Whites , Civilisation , Races , Destruction , Old Windsor Castle , Blaze , Fire , Firemen , Residences , Damage , Queen , Millions , Pounds Worth , 150 , Karishma Vaswani In Singapore , Migrants , European Union , Frontier , Efforts , Jobs , Tensions , Border Force , 1000 , Forces , Water Cannons , Tear Gas , Correspondentjenny Hill , Side , Flashing Images , Warning , Fury , Frustration , Gateway , Footage , Night After , Europe , Polish Border Guards , Sagvan , Troops , Go , Cold , Polish Hospital , 0000 , 10000 , Child , Bread , Water , Food , Journalists , Polish Government , Human Tragedy , Tourist Terrain , Forests , Migrants Hiding In The Woods , Slawek , Aid Workers , Bike Hire Business , Exclusion Zone , Afraid Polish Guards , Tourism , Building Fences , Hospital , Someone , Polish Side , Eight , 200 , Six , Stay , Isn T , Border Guard , Father , Wife , Mother , Suffering , Husband , Temperature , Community , Values , Woodland , Survival , Bialowieza Forest , Jenny Hill , Naomi Osaka , Statement , Twitter , Tennis , Athlete , Grand Slam , Four , Osaka , Most , Democracy Activist Glacier Kwong , Concern , Hong Kong , Thing , Sexual Abuse , Cgtn State , Safety , Consent , E Mail , Posting , Wta , Hold , Beijing , Dissidents , Well , Fear , Hands , Will , Dissent , Victim , Generaljustice , Basicallyjust , Something Wrong , Instances , Glacier , Celebrities , Script , Media , Affiliated Media , Accusation , Worst Case Scenario , Females , Lesson , Slander , University Settings , Entities , Colleagues , Attention , Media Industry , On Beijing , Out , Help , Voices , Results , Safe , Situation , Sure , Activists , Community Politicians , Least , Glacier Kwong , Tennis Players , Hong Kong Human Rights And Democracy , Thanks Forjoining , Bvc , Things , High Pressure , Hurry , Keeping , Rain , Weather Front , North , South , Outbreaks , Places , Western Scotland , Everywhere , Bit , West , Winds , Colours , Start , Direction , Cloud , Misty Patch , Odd , England , Northwest , Foehn Effect , Temperatures , Southeast , Spells , Sunshine , Mountains , Breeze , Eastern Scotland , East Anglia , Aberdeenshire , 17 , 111 , 15 , Picture , Wind , Mph , Gusts , Nine Celsius , Nine , Changes , Hills , Drizzle , Northern Highland , Western Isles , East , Charge , 14 , 16 , Into Sunday , Weekend , It Won T Last Forever , Front , Air Mass , Areas , Winter Coat , Figures , Bye , News Stories , Tv , Hardtalk , Stephen Sackur , Tv Show , Content , Commentary , Kinds , Nuance , Truck , Human Condition , Ten ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709

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and concerns grow over the whereabouts of chinese tennis player peng shuai, who's not been heard from since she made sexual assault allegations against a top chinese official. live from our studio in singapore, this is bbc news. it's newsday. it's 8am in the morning in singapore, midnight in london and 7pm in new york, where two of the three men convicted of killing the civil rights activist malcolm x are expected to have their convictions thrown out. in the 1960s, malcolm x was one of the most charismatic leaders of the civil rights movement in the united states and at times one of the most controversial. his murder in 1965 shocked the world. but more recently, there have been doubts about the supposed guilt of two of the three men who were jailed, not least following a documentary about the case that aired on netflix. i spoke to our north america correspondent david willis a short while ago and asked him how this turn of events has come about. that's right, all starting from this netflix documentary series, karishma, which basically raised a lot of questions about the conviction of these two men, mr aziz and mr islam. it found, for example, there was no physical evidence linking either man to the murder scene. it also found that witness statements were in many cases contradictory and that both men had credible alibis, on top of which, the third defendant in the case actually said that the two of them were innocent. so that spawned a nearly two—year investigation on the part of the manhattan district attorney, and he has now concluded that there is evidence to basically exonerate these two men after, what, 42 years, collectively, they spent in prison? yeah, just thinking of that amount of time that they were in prison, years in solitary confinement, as i understand it, at the prime of their lives, what is this exoneration likely to mean for them and for their families? well, i think it's likely to mean a great deal. indeed, the families of both mr aziz and mr islam have said they are most relieved, even though this comes in such a long time, of course, after those two men were convicted. they spent, as you said, a long time in solitary confinement, they were moved around to some of the worst prisons in the new york penal system, and indeed even after their release, they were widely seen as responsible in the eyes of men people for the death of malcolm x, so a lot of relief, i think, on the part of the family, and tomorrow will be a very significant day for them as well. david, where does this leave us in terms of the case at this point in time? the review didn't identify who prosecutors now believe really killed malcolm x, so what happens next? that is a very good question, and the district attorney has made clear that the whole point of this, really, is to put right mistakes that were made, very serious mistakes that were made in the past. what he doesn't have is much more of an indication as to who actually caused death of malcolm x. many of the witnesses, much of the paperwork has been lost to time, and so there is very little, really, that they can do now to look into this case. it, in a sense, rewrites one of the most painful chapters in modern american history, but it raises more questions than it answers. fascinating analysis there from david willis, joining us a little earlier. meanwhile, british mps have backed a move that would limit their ability to take on a second job. but labour opposition, whose own proposals for improving standards were defeated, described the government's plans as "warm words" instead of a "plan of action". earlier, borisjohnson has admitted he made a mistake in the way he handled the controversy over owen paterson — the former conservative mp who broke the rules on lobbying. labour's sir keir starmer said the prime minister was a coward for not giving a proper apology. our political editor laura kuenssberg has the latest. has he boxed himself in? another u—turn, prime minister? after a fortnight of claims of bad behaviour being chucked around this place, borisjohnson finally conceded yesterday the rules for mps have to change. but he hasn't untangled a political mess, on display today at several times, in several ways. we now come to prime minister's questions. keir starmer. everybody else has apologised for him, but he won't apologise for himself. a coward, not a leader. yesterday, a screeching, last—minute u—turn to avoid defeat on labour's plan to ban mps from dodgy second contracts, but waving one white flag won't be enough to restore trust. howls of protest began when number 10 tried to change the rules to protect a former cabinet minister who'd broken them — rules borisjohnson only now says have to change. what i think we need to do is to work together on the basis of the independent report by the committee on standards in public life. the prime minister, though, also seems to have concluded the best form of defence is attack... the right honourable gentleman is now trying to prosecute others for exactly the course of action that he took himself. ..questioning keir starmer�*s earnings as a lawyer when an mp but before he was leader. this kind of telling off does not happen every day. order! prime minister, sit down. i'm not going to be challenged. you may be the prime minister of this country, but in this house, i'm in charge. downing street wants to stop this saga sliding into a full—blown emergency, but mps on all sides are angry about how the case of owen paterson unfolded, and they want to take the time to show it... and, prime minister, i request that you give us your customary extra time. ..even if he looked like he'd rather be anywhere but here. i will do my best as ever to oblige you as ever, sir bernard. i've got quite a lot on. the danger is that you've just tarred the whole of the house with the same brush, and yourself, haven't you? the intention genuinely was not to exonerate anybody. the intention was to see whether there was some way in which, on a cross—party basis, we could improve the system. you have a responsibility to go above and beyond, j to go further than everybody should expect and to - actually establish - much higher standards. i do, yes. yes, i think it was a total mistake not to see that owen's breach of the rules, the former member of north shropshire�*s breach of the rules, made any discussion about anything else impossible. sometimes, westminster loves nothing more than a row about itself, but this shambles matters because it's shaken the tory confidence in number 10, given the opposition plenty of ammunition and, fairly or unfairly, it does taint the image of this place. as a frantic day drew to a close, labour's effort to change the rules failed. order, order... ..but government mps backed borisjohnson�*s proposal to limit some outside earnings in future. but listen... the ayes to the right, 297, the noes to the left, zero. | less than half of the commons backed it. the chance of settling this saga amicably is slim indeed. laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. let's take a look at some other stories in the headlines today. a usjudge has sentenced a january 6 rioter widely known as the qanon shaman to 41 months in prison. jacob chansley, who was pictured during the protests wearing a horned headdress, was described by prosecutors as the "flagbearer of the capitol riot events". a state of emergency has been declared in the canadian western province of british columbia, after a deadly storm described by officials as a once—in—a—century weather event has severed road and rail links around vancouver. a woman was killed in a highway landslide, and rescuers say at least two other people are missing. germany's chancellor angela merkel says the country is being hit by a fourth wave of the pandemic with "full force" as the seven—day infection rate hits a new peak for the tenth consecutive day. mrs merkel told a congress of german city mayors that the daily death toll was "frightening". india's authorities have announced a series of "emergency measures" to tackle the extreme levels of pollution in the capital, delhi. schools and colleges have been shut indefinitely. most construction work has been banned till next week. only five of the coal—fired power stations in the city are being allowed to operate. a toxic haze has smothered delhi in recent days, with a number of long—term factors contributing to the hazardous smog. azadeh moshiri has more. a toxic haze so thick that some of india's timeous landmarks are hidden from view. when winter approaches, smog becomes a regular occurrence in india, and this one has smothered delhi for weeks. and that has serious health implications. translation: when i air quality deteriorates, some people suffer chest infections or breathing problems. sometimes it gets so bad, we have to admit them. pm2.5 are tiny particles in the air that can clog people's lungs. levels between zero and 50 are considered good, and between 51 and 100 satisfactory. but parts of delhi are recording figures closer to 400 or above, which is categorised as severe. so hospitals have been facing a surge in patients, with residents wheezing and finding it harder to breathe. but what's causing it? several factors are at play, like car and factory emissions and burning crop stubble. the real question is, what will the state and local governments do about it? translation: we have to come with our stalls in any weather - because it's our livelihood. the pollution is unbearable. the government must take some steps. we are forced to work because we can't stay indoors forever. india's supreme court is directing authorities to take imminent and emergency measures. the response — schools and colleges have been shut indefinitely, construction work has been banned until next week and several coal—fired power stations in the city have been temporarily shut. but experts warn, until drastic measures are taken, india's winter smog is here to stay. azadeh moshiri, bbc news. well, these sorts of climate and weather related events are becoming far more common these days. between wildfires, heat waves and hurricanes, many people are nervous about the devastating impact of climate change and the future of our world. according to a report from imperial college london's institute of global health innovation, evidence is mounting that climate change threatens mental health. joining us from melbourne is grant blashki, who is an associate professor at the nossal institute for global health and melbourne sustainable society institute at the university of melbourne. mr blashki has seen first hand the impact of climate anxiety after australia saw more than 42 million acres burned in extreme wildfires in 2019 and 2020. it's great to have you on the programme. ijust want it's great to have you on the programme. i just want to start by asking you, when people hear about the term climate anxiety, many in the audience perhaps wondering, is that really something but substantial, or is it a focus for other stresses in our daily lives? it is a great question, because theissueis is a great question, because the issue is that a young person and people generally, they can see with their own eyes what is happening, the extreme weather events and these big fires we had in australia and they can also see a lack of action, lack of leadership by the leaders in a few very let down, and they feel very anxious and very worried and obsessed with, what's the future going to be like? ~ ., ., , . ., ., , like? what does climate anxiety look like? in _ like? what does climate anxiety look like? in terms _ like? what does climate anxiety look like? in terms of— like? what does climate anxiety look like? in terms of how - like? what does climate anxiety look like? in terms of how it - look like? in terms of how it affects people on a really basis? ., , ., ., basis? yeah, look, it is not an official diagnosis _ basis? yeah, look, it is not an official diagnosis in _ basis? yeah, look, it is not an official diagnosis in the - official diagnosis in the psychiatric textbook, but it is real phenomenon, and what happens is people feel that the climate is getting worse, they are correct about that, there is more extreme weather events happening, and they feel somewhat powerless. there's nothing that they could do about it or that their leaders directing quick enough. and this is becoming obsessive for people, interfering with their day—to—day lives. so it's quite a significant phenomenon and i was really encouraged by —— i always encourage my patients to keep up their hope, to link with other people concerned about these issues and to take small steps and make a contribution to helping solve the climate problem. i contribution to helping solve the climate problem.- contribution to helping solve the climate problem. i thinki heard you _ the climate problem. i thinki heard you say _ the climate problem. i thinki heard you say that _ the climate problem. i thinki heard you say that you - the climate problem. i thinki heard you say that you advise clients to keep up their hope budget. what do you mean by that? i budget. what do you mean by that? 4' budget. what do you mean by that? ~ ., ., , that? i think all of us, it is very easy. _ that? i think all of us, it is very easy, between - that? i think all of us, it is very easy, between the i that? i think all of us, it is - very easy, between the pandemic and climate news and i am sure many of your watchers are thinking of this is going to be more doom and gloom, but it is not too late on the climate issue. we have had some wins from this recent very important cop26, and when the big messages to the world is the party is over for coal, and countries like australia have not really done enough, but people should keep the sense of hope because there is still time, but we really need to put pressure on our governments to act bravely and quickly to deal with the climate crisis. i really do hope that the hope budget is something that we can all make use of and that it has some sort of impact, but as you say, keeping that pressure on governments is essential as well. professor grant blashki, good to have you on newsday to talk about such an important topic. talk about such an important toic. ., , ., you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: poland's defence minister warns that the crisis on the country's border with belarus could last for months. we'll have the latest. benazir bhutto has claimed victory in pakistan's general election, and she's asked pakistan's president to name her as prime minister. jackson's been released on bail of $3 million after turning himself in to police in santa barbara. it was the biggest demonstration so far of the fast—growing european antinuclear movement. the south african government i has announced that it's opening the country's remaining whites—only beaches i to people of all races. this will lead to a black—majority government in this country and the destruction of the white civilisation. part of the centuries—old windsor castle, one of the queen's residences, has been consumed by fire for much of the day. 150 firemen have been battling the blaze, which has caused millions of pounds worth of damage. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm karishma vaswani in singapore. our headlines: two men convicted of murdering the us civil rights activist malcolm x more than 50 years ago are set to have their convictions overturned. borisjohnson admits he made mistakes in handling the conservative lobbying scandal, but he doesn't apologise. it comes as mps back plans to stop them taking on some second jobs. poland's border force says around 1,000 migrants are still gathered at the frontier with belarus, as the european union stepped up its efforts to resolve the crisis. tensions increased yesterday after polish forces used tear gas and water cannons to stop migrants trying to enter the country. our correspondentjenny hill sent this report from the polish side of the border — and a warning, it does contain flashing images. fury, frustration at the gateway to europe. polish border guards released this footage. night after night, they say, belarusian troops force migrants to try and breach the border. that's what sagvan told us, too. and say, "go, go, go." "every people must go." he tell you, "if you come back, i'll shoot you, i'll kill you." sagvan and his family are now recovering in a polish hospital. they paid more than $10,000 to get to the border, spent more than two weeks trapped there, in the cold, with almost no food or water. you don't know what's happening there. it's so difficult. you see a child, asking you for bread. the polish government would prefer you not to see the human tragedy unfolding in what is one of the most beautiful parts of this country. this is tourist terrain. but visitors, journalists, aid workers are now banned from the forests which line the border. this is a special place, yes. slawek�*s bike hire business is in the exclusion zone. like others here, he tells us it's commonplace to see migrants hiding in the woods, afraid polish guards will push them back. translation: we are not going to change it - by building fences. it's up to us to manage it so tourism can go on. but it should happen in a humanitarian way. it's unacceptable that someone freezes to death 100 metres my house. at least eight people have died on the polish side. in six weeks, at this small local hospital, they've treated nearly 200 migrants. translation: it's extremely difficult when we are faced i with this suffering, when you have to tell a husband that his wife isn't going to survive, or when we see a family being separated, because the father is taken away by the border guard and the mother and child stay at the hospital. it's starting to get dark now, and the temperature is beginning to drop. tonight, as they do every night, people will try to get across the border, make it to these forests. this is testing the fundamental values of this community, this country, the eu itself. but for the people who end up in this woodland, this is simply about survival. jenny hill, bbc news, bialowieza forest. four—time grand slam tennis champion naomi osaka has become the latest athlete to voice concerns over the whereabouts of chinese tennis player peng shuai. shuai has not been heard from since she made sexual assault allegations against a top chinese official. in a statement on twitter, osaka posted... hong kong democracy activist glacier kwong explains why this case has so many people worried. my concern is most of all her personal safety, because voicing out, accusing such high—ranking officials of sexual abuse is actually a huge thing in china. and an hour ago, cgtn — state—affiliated media — actually posted on twitter, saying that they got hold of peng shuai's e—mail to wta, saying that what the wta voiced out for her was false and required the wta to retract their statement and secure consent before posting anything about her again. and this just confirms our biggest fear, that she is in the wrong hands and she's not safe physically and, i'm afraid, mentally as well, because this seems very familiar. it sounds like how beijing handles dissidents in mainland china who is voicing out their dissent. and they are usually held against their will and being forced to make false statements, admitting how they did something wrong, which... she's basicallyjust being a victim here, calling for investigation and generaljustice to be done. glacier, to your point, there have been instances in the past that famous celebrities in china do disappear, only to reappear again. could this be something like that? yes, i do think something like that might have happened. usually, the script goes like, they disappear for a while and then they come back up on state—funded media or state—affiliated media, claiming that they did something wrong. and in peng shuai's case, maybe making a false accusation against the chinese official, and she might be forced to apologise and to admit that she did something wrong and promise she'll never do it again. and then beijing will come in and say, "this is something that she did and we hope that it will never happen again and hope she learned her lesson." or worst case scenario, she might even be sued for slander, which happened to a lot of females who voiced out against sexual abuse in university settings, in private entities and in the media industry in china. and this is something that could have happened to peng shuai if there is not enough international attention around this, so i really think that the wta and some of her colleagues did a really good thing by voicing out their concerns for her. yeah, the case, as you've pointed out, has attracted this massive international attention, naomi osaka also weighing in. does that help, the influential voices putting the pressure on beijing? or does china not care? i think the results might not be immediately seen. for sure, peng shuai is still in a very difficult and dangerous situation, and there may not be instant results we can see, where a chinese official would just release her or admit that something happened or initiate a transparent investigation, but putting pressure on china and on beijing will help to keep peng shuai safe. and at least it will help keep her safe. at least beiling cannot do anything that's too bad to her, and so i urge the international community — politicians, colleagues, activists, tennis players and everybody — to pay attention to her case. glacier kwong there a hong kong human rights and democracy activists, talking about the concerns over the whereabouts of china's tennis player peng shuai. that's all the time we have for you on newsday this hour. thanks forjoining us. do stay with bvc do stay with bbc news. hello there. the weather isn't changing in too much of a hurry over the next few days, because high pressure keeping things dry, settled and very mild still for this time of year. so another mild and quite breezy day to come on thursday. dry weather for most of us, but not everywhere. we have got this weather front sitting close to the north of scotland, so that'll produce outbreaks of rain mainly for northern and western scotland, but high pressure to the south dominating the weather for most places. and, with that high pressure, we're drawing in winds in a south—westerly direction, so bringing the mild air and the orange colours really right across the uk. might be a bit of a chilly start for some southern and eastern parts of england first thing, the odd misty patch around. generally, the cloud will increase from the west through the day, but there will be some spells of sunshine for east anglia and the southeast, up towards eastern scotland, as well. still a bit of rain to come for the northwest of scotland, but the breeze blowing over the mountains is likely to create something called a foehn effect, lifting temperatures to around 17 celsius for aberdeenshire. widely 111—15 the top temperature — and compare that to the average temperature this time of year of only about nine celsius, so well above average. it'll be windy again, particularly in the northwest, with gusts of wind around a0 mph, but lighter winds further south. so through thursday evening now and heading overnight into friday, it'll be a pretty cloudy picture. a bit of low cloud and hill fog likely, some drizzle around some coastal hills in the west once again. but it will be a very mild and certainly frost—free start to friday morning, but we've still got that rain continuing across the western isles and northern highland, as well. into friday, no great changes — there's that weather front across the north of scotland, there's the high pressure in charge for most places. so quite a cloudy picture, i think, but predominantly dry through the day on friday, away from the north and northwest of scotland, where we've got that weather front continuing to bring outbreaks of rain. temperatures again getting up to 14—15, even 16 celsius through the foehn effect once again through the east of scotland. it won't last forever, this mild weather, though. into the weekend, saturday, we see a cold front moving south across the northern half of the uk. into sunday, that slips its way further south, and it'll introduce the blue colours, the colder air mass with these northerly winds moving across all areas. so gradually through the weekend, things will be turning colder. we'll still look at temperatures in double figures through the day on saturday but, by the time we get to sunday, things will be noticeably cooler — maybe time to dig out the winter coat. bye for now. this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines and all the main news stories for you at the top of the hour, as newsday continues — straight after hardtalk. welcome to hardtalk, i'm stephen sackur. turn on the tv or go online, and it's not hard to find political content of all kinds, often delivered with all the nuance of a ten—tonne truck. rare is the tv show which offers commentary on the human condition, which is both entertaining and wildly popular.

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Newsday , Reporting , Singapore , Men , Us , Headlines , Convictions , Malcom X , Karishma Vaswani , Civil Rights Activist , 50 , Two , Mistakes , Committee , Mistake , Borisjohnson , Lobbying Scandal , Everybody , Leader , Haze , Coward , Emergency Measures , Delhi , Him , Pollution Levels , India , Peng Shuai , Concerns , Official , Tennis Player , Whereabouts , Chinese , Allegations , Sexual Assault , Bbc News , Studio , Morning , New York , In London , 8 , 1960 , One , Three , 7 , World , Leaders , Murder , Doubts , Guilt , Civil Rights Movement , 1965 , Case , Events , David Willis , Documentary , Netflix , North America , Aziz , Questions , Lot , Evidence , Islam , Starting , Conviction , Example , Man , Karishma , This Netflix Documentary Series , Which , Statements , Cases , Top , Defendant , Murder Scene , Witness , Alibis , Investigation , Part , Manhattan District Attorney , It , Prison , Amount , Solitary Confinement , 42 , Families , Lives , Exoneration , Deal , Mr , Course , People , Death , Some , Eyes , Prisons , Release , Penal System , Family , Relief , Terms , Point , Question , The Review Didn T Identify , Prosecutors , Leave , District Attorney , Indication , Many , Witnesses , Paperwork , Sense , Chapters , American History , Government , Mps , Labour Opposition , Move , Analysis , Standards , Plans , Proposals , Job , Ability , Words , British , Rules , Way , Owen Paterson , Controversy , Lobbying , Conservative , Plan Of Action , Prime Minister , Place , Laura Kuenssberg , Latest , U Turn , Keir Starmer , Apology , Fortnight , Bad Behaviour Being , Claims , Times , Mess , Display , Ways , He Hasn T Untangled , Defeat , Plan , A Screeching , Cabinet Minister , Protest , Howls , Dodgy Second Contracts , White Flag , Won T , Restore Trust , 10 , Basis , Report , Gentleman , Form , Defence , Attack , Committee On Standards In Public Life , Action , Others , Kind , Questioning , S Earnings , Lawyer , Country , House , Order , Sit Down , Saga , I M In Charge , Downing Street , Emergency , Sides , Owen Paterson Unfolded , Bernard , Best , Anywhere , Lot On , Intention , Danger , System , Brush , Whole , Anybody , Haven T You , Breach , Responsibility , Above And Beyond , Yes , Westminster , Nothing , Anything , Number , Row , Confidence , Member , Discussion , North Shropshire , Effort , Opposition , Image , Ammunition , Taint , Close , Right , Proposal , Earnings , Zero , Half , Ayes , Noes , Left , 297 , Chance , Commons , Stories , Look , Usjudge , Headlines Today , Saga Amicably , Horned Headdress , Rioter , Protests , Qanon Shaman , Flagbearer Of The Capitol Riot Events , 6 , January 6 , 41 , Officials , Storm , Weather Event , State Of Emergency , Rail , Links , Road , British Columbia , Vancouver , Western Province , Canadian , Angela Merkel , Highway Landslide , Wave , Woman , Germany , Rescuers , Pandemic , Peak , Infection Rate , City Mayors , Full Force , Congress , Seven , Power Stations , Pollution , Colleges , City , Levels , Construction Work , Authorities , Series , Schools , Five , Factors , Azadeh Moshiri , Hazardous Smog , Landmarks , View , Winter Approaches , Occurrence , Translation , Breathing Problems , Chest Infections , Health Implications , Air Quality , Air , Parts , Particles , Hospitals , Lungs , Recording , 100 , 51 , 5 , 400 , Surge , Patients , Play , Residents , Car , Factory Emissions , Crop Stubble , State , Governments , Stalls , Steps , Livelihood , India S Supreme Court , Response Schools , Experts , Measures , Winter Smog , Climate , Impact , Wildfires , Climate Change , Sorts , Hurricanes , Heat Waves , Nossal Institute , Associate Professor , Mental Health , Grant Blashki , Melbourne , Imperial College London , Global Health Innovation , Climate Anxiety , Professor Grant Blashki , Health , Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute , University Of Melbourne , 42 Million , Programme , Ijust , 2019 , 2020 , Something , Focus , Issue , Stresses , Audience , Theissueis , Weather , Happening , Lack , Leadership , Fires , Person , Australia , Anxiety , Few , Diagnosis , Phenomenon , Textbook , Hope , Climate Problem , Contribution , Hope Budget , Clients , Issues , Thinking , News , Budget , Climate Issue , Watchers , I Budget , Doom And Gloom , 4 , Party , Messages , Coal , Wins , Cop26 , Pressure , Countries , Climate Crisis , Enough , Essential , Sort , Use , Border , Crisis , Benazir Bhutto , Defence Minister , Topic , Toic , Poland , Belarus , President , Police , Victory , General Election , Bail , Pakistan , Jackson , Million , 3 Million , South African Government , Movement , Demonstration , Santa Barbara , Beaches , Whites , Civilisation , Races , Destruction , Old Windsor Castle , Blaze , Fire , Firemen , Residences , Damage , Queen , Millions , Pounds Worth , 150 , Karishma Vaswani In Singapore , Migrants , European Union , Frontier , Efforts , Jobs , Tensions , Border Force , 1000 , Forces , Water Cannons , Tear Gas , Correspondentjenny Hill , Side , Flashing Images , Warning , Fury , Frustration , Gateway , Footage , Night After , Europe , Polish Border Guards , Sagvan , Troops , Go , Cold , Polish Hospital , 0000 , 10000 , Child , Bread , Water , Food , Journalists , Polish Government , Human Tragedy , Tourist Terrain , Forests , Migrants Hiding In The Woods , Slawek , Aid Workers , Bike Hire Business , Exclusion Zone , Afraid Polish Guards , Tourism , Building Fences , Hospital , Someone , Polish Side , Eight , 200 , Six , Stay , Isn T , Border Guard , Father , Wife , Mother , Suffering , Husband , Temperature , Community , Values , Woodland , Survival , Bialowieza Forest , Jenny Hill , Naomi Osaka , Statement , Twitter , Tennis , Athlete , Grand Slam , Four , Osaka , Most , Democracy Activist Glacier Kwong , Concern , Hong Kong , Thing , Sexual Abuse , Cgtn State , Safety , Consent , E Mail , Posting , Wta , Hold , Beijing , Dissidents , Well , Fear , Hands , Will , Dissent , Victim , Generaljustice , Basicallyjust , Something Wrong , Instances , Glacier , Celebrities , Script , Media , Affiliated Media , Accusation , Worst Case Scenario , Females , Lesson , Slander , University Settings , Entities , Colleagues , Attention , Media Industry , On Beijing , Out , Help , Voices , Results , Safe , Situation , Sure , Activists , Community Politicians , Least , Glacier Kwong , Tennis Players , Hong Kong Human Rights And Democracy , Thanks Forjoining , Bvc , Things , High Pressure , Hurry , Keeping , Rain , Weather Front , North , South , Outbreaks , Places , Western Scotland , Everywhere , Bit , West , Winds , Colours , Start , Direction , Cloud , Misty Patch , Odd , England , Northwest , Foehn Effect , Temperatures , Southeast , Spells , Sunshine , Mountains , Breeze , Eastern Scotland , East Anglia , Aberdeenshire , 17 , 111 , 15 , Picture , Wind , Mph , Gusts , Nine Celsius , Nine , Changes , Hills , Drizzle , Northern Highland , Western Isles , East , Charge , 14 , 16 , Into Sunday , Weekend , It Won T Last Forever , Front , Air Mass , Areas , Winter Coat , Figures , Bye , News Stories , Tv , Hardtalk , Stephen Sackur , Tv Show , Content , Commentary , Kinds , Nuance , Truck , Human Condition , Ten ,

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