Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

humanitarian aid for migrants trapped on its border, but the european union says belarus is playing politics. at least 68 people have been killed in deadly clashes between rival drugs gangs in a prison in ecuador. and on the uk's remembrance sunday, we commemorate the contribution of service men and women in the war in afghanistan. the un climate summit in glasgow has adopted a new agreement, called the glasgow climate pact, aimed at curbing global warming. but many say the deal is a disappointment. the summit�*s british president has apologised for the way the process unfolded, but said the agreement would keep within reach the goal of limiting temperature rises to 1.5 degrees. many countries say the final text has been watered down, and the un secretary—general said the world was still knocking on the door of a climate catastrophe. our science editor david shukman has this analysis. hearing no objections, it is so decided. relief after a long and stressful fortnight. the conference faced challenges right to the end. the day began with confusion and uncertainty. a delivery of what looks like pizza boxes. in fact, documents for the un secretary—general. a great deal was at stake. we have had two incredibly intense weeks of negotiations in glasgow, and we arrive at what i believe is the moment of truth, and this is the moment of truth for our planet, and a moment of truth for our children and our grandchildren. negotiators broke up into huddles, a rare glimpse of bargaining that normally happens behind closed doors. the american envoyjohn kerry with china's chief negotiator, arguing line by line about fossilfuels. china and india are worried about slowing down their development. how can anyone expect developing countries to make promises about phasing out coal and fossil fuel subsidies? developing countries have still to deal with the development agendas and poverty eradication. then alok sharma, the conference chair, began his own shuttle diplomacy, first trying to persuade the chinese to support the agreement, next checking in with the americans, and then with the indian delegation. in the end, one of the biggest obstacles in these talks was over the future of coal. the early draft had talked about phasing out this dirtiest of fossil fuels, but after a last—minute flurry negotiations, that was changed to phasing down. it sounds like a minor alteration, and indeed, many are asking what it means. coal is the biggest single source of greenhouse gas, but countries that depend on it managed to get the agreement watered down, which left others very unhappy. let us be clear, we do not need to phase down, but to phase out coal and fossil fuel subsidies. we know full well that coal has no future, and this is what we are working on with our own plans to put an end to coal in europe in the foreseeable future. it is also vital that we protect this package. | faced with all of this, alok sharma's emotions got the better of him. were things going wrong? but enough countries were reluctantly giving their support. we do so only, and i really want to stress, only because there are critical elements of this package that people in my country need as a lifeline for the future. history has been made here in glasgow. that is for others to judge. when we see of the pledges made here to reduce emissions and to boost aid to the poorest nations have actually delivered for years to come. at the heart of the two weeks of talks was the aim of keeping temperatures as close to i.5c above pre—industrial levels as possible, to avoid the worst effects of climate change. so what sort of impact will the agreement have on global temperatures, and on the way we all live? here's our science correspondent, rebecca morelle. piece by piece, after two weeks of intense negotiations, uniting people from all over the world, a plan for the future of our planet has come together. but will it stop temperatures rising over 1.5 degrees? at the start of the conference, every country submitted plans to cut their greenhouse gas emissions, and scientists have been crunching the numbers. global temperatures are already 1.1 degrees over pre—industrial levels. if every nation carries out its long—term pledges, we get to 1.8 degrees. but if you look at what countries are actually doing, the more likely outcome is 2.4 degrees. this is more progress on climate than we've seen before. but, in an absolute sense, we are miles and miles away from where we need to be, and we are still on course for really catastrophic warming. the glasgow conference clearly hasn't solved the problem, but will some aspects of what's happened here keep 1.5 alive? coal, the most polluting fossil fuel, will be reduced but not phased out. some nations will cut methane, a potent greenhouse gas. tackling deforestation has been promised, too. and importantly, countries are being asked to return next year with better plans to cut emissions. we need these governments to really come back with an honest action. notjust empty pledges, not just about net zero by 2050, but the actions that they're going to take in the short term. so, how will the glasgow agreement affect all of us? how are our lives going to change? ultimately, this will impact everything from how we get around to the food we eat and how we heat our homes. but this will take time. 0ur fragile planet is already changing, and while there has been progress in glasgow and 1.5 degrees hasn't been lost, it will take a monumental effort to stop temperatures from rising above that. rebecca morelle, bbc news, glasgow. the climate activist greta thunberg isn't impressed with the outcome at cop26. she tweeted to say: nigel topping is the un high level climate action champion for cop26. my colleague christian fraser spoke to him earlier in glasgow and asked him to respond to the criticism. we really need to elevate the conversation a bit higher than throwing accusations of "blah blah blah" and it is all green wash and it's all based on offsets and it's alljust long—term, it's not short—term, because none of those are true. we can't say, let's be honest and then throw away dismissive comments like that. there is real progress here and it is not enough. there is real progress. this glasgow climate pact has enshrined 1.5 degrees as the north star. that was unimaginable in madrid just two years ago. it has got everybody committed to coming back to ratchet their commitments next year and the year after, not waiting to 2025, because we know that 1.5 degrees is still not actually the sum of all ambition. and throughout these two weeks we've seen really substantive commitments in the short—term for real money on real solutions, to mitigation, to adaptation and to loss and damage. so this is a very significant step forward, and it is not enough so we should neither celebrate the saving of the world nor dismiss this as mere hot air, because it is neither of those, it is much more nuanced. still with us from energy and climate intelligence unit, she was saying, don't forget, the uk still has the presidency. so what do we do next? what happens in the coming weeks and months, as frans timmermans�*s just said, the real hard work starts tomorrow. what we do next? well, i think everybody who has made commitments needs to back them up with concrete plans. and the good news is, we're not talking about 2050 commitments, we're talking about 2025, 2030 commitments. it's on the watch of the ceo or the mayor or the prime minister or president who made them, notjust kicking the can down the road. those plans need to be enacted and we need to see the results of those and a lot of those plans are about the allocation of money and if you're a mayor or a ceo and you have stood up and said you're going to do something, if you're going to start buying electric buses, if you're not already doing so — although one of the keys things to remember here is, this has notjust been a commitment fest — a lot of these commitments are based on momentum that's been building since paris and it is now starting to go exponential, whether it is buses, sales of electric cars, green hydrogen — some of these announcements around decarbonising shipping, for example. 200 companies, loads of countries committing to green shipping corridors, green hydrogen soaring, companies saying that will only by zero carbon freight in 2040. so some of these commitments i think that in the next couple of years we are going to start to be more confident that we can pull 2050 dates forward earlier as the innovations start to kick in, and the costs come down and we get more confident. other news now. belarus says it's stepping up the provision of aid to migrants trapped on the border with poland. poland says belarus is provoking a surge in people trying to cross in to the european union as revenge for eu sanctions. it says belarusian security forces tried to break part of a border fence in an attempt to let some of those people through. some 2,000 people, many of them iraqi kurds, are camped on the belarusian side of the frontier. 0ur correspondent steve rosenberg sent this report from inside belarus, close to the polish border. winter is coming in belarus, so at the migrant camp, they're gathering whatever they can to build some shelter. but for the people camping out, there is little protection and no—one knows how long they're going to be here. we can't stay more, because the weather is too cold — people may die here from cold. so, you'll have to go back to your country, no? never. we never go back. better to die here, no go back to our country. poland is so close. they're living on the eu's doorstep. poland now has 15,000 troops in this area guarding europe's border. these people have come to belarus with one aim — to try to use this country to get to europe. and look how close they've got — the european union is almost within touching distance. but, as you can see, poland is determined not to let them through. many of these people are from the middle east. the eu has accused belarus of facilitating theirjourney here, of bringing them to the border to pressure europe. belarus denies that. as for the migrants, they are desperate to leave here. we want to go. we don't want to stay here. where do you want to go? europe, or us, or canada — don't matter. belarusian police are trying to keep order... go back! please, go back! ..but there has been a delivery of humanitarian aid. this is what happens when you're hungry and cold. well, this is the chaos of the migrant camp. aid is being distributed — in this case, blankets and clothes — and people are desperate to receive it. the police are struggling to maintain control. they're telling people to get down while the aid is being given out. sit down! for these people, at this moment, their priority isn't europe, it's survival. steve rosenberg, bbc news, on the border of belarus and poland. this is bbc news, a reminder of our main story this hour: the un climate summit has ended in glasgow with an agreement to strenghthen emissions—cutting targets for 2030. a last minute intervention from india watered down the deal. the final text changed the expression �*phasing out�* of coal to �*phasing down�*, leaving many nations deeply disappointed. a doctors' group in sudan says security forces have killed five protesters attending mass pro—democracy demonstrations. these are the latest pictures. tens of thousands of people angry at last month's military coup have been rallying in towns and cities across sudan. 0ur correspondent sally nabil is in khartoum. protesters here are chanting slogans against their military rulers. they stand against the coup that was staged by the army last october and they want to have a civilian government in place. on our way here, we have seen a heavy security presence in different parts of the capital. we have also seen some streets and bridges closed. just a short while ago, security forces arrived here and tear—gassed some of the protesters, but they have managed to regroup. the political scene here at the moment is quite complicated. the head of the now—dissolved civilian government, mr abdalla hamdok, is still under house arrest. we've see many of the protesters here holding his pictures. some other politicians are still behind bars, too. what infuriated the crowds here even more is the step taken lately by sudan's army chief, abdel fattah al—burhan. he has decided to lead a new ruling sovereign council, which includes army generals and civilians he has picked. the people here feel he's just ignoring them, he's not listening. translation: we want - abdel fattah al-burhan to stop creating divisions in this country and to leave office. we want a civilian rule. translation: we are fed up with military rule! - we have had enough of them! the military has done no good to any arab country! as you can see, there are clouds of smoke here as a result of car tyres being burned currently. public anger is rising here and western pressure is growing on military leaders to hand over power to a civilian government. western countries have also called for the release of all political detainees but so far, the army generals seem to be proceeding with their own plans, despite local and international pressure. sudan is now standing at a crossroads and the path to the future is quite uncertain. in south america, police reinforcements have been sent in to secure an infamous prison in ecuador, after another deadly riot started by rival gangs. at least 68 people have been killed, and more than two—dozen injured, in the latest violence, as fighting intensifies between warring drug cartels. courtney bembridge reports. family and friends of the inmates gathered outside the prison, desperate for information. a list of victims was taped to a post, while others learned what happened through harrowing footage and photos shared on social media. dozens of prisoners were killed in the clashes, which started on friday evening and lasted for almost eight hours. police eventually forced their way in and found guns and explosives. authorities say it started as a territorial dispute between rival gangs after one of the ringleaders was released early. translation: as this section of the prison l was without a ringleader, other gangs tried to subdue them, to enter to carry out a total massacre. there are approximately 700 prisoners in that part of the prison. just two months ago at this same prison, there was another deadly riot. soldiers had to be brought in to help take back control of the complex. it was the worst month for gang—related violence in ecuador�*s history, and the government says it needs international support to combat the growing influence of powerful drug cartels. courtney bembridge, bbc news. thousands of people took to the streets of santiago on saturday to celebrate chilean pride, demanding equal rights and an end to violence against the country's lbgt community. 0rganisers of the colourful event called on chile to legalise same sex marriage and the adoption of children by same—sex couples. civil unions have been legal in the south american country since 2015, but promised legilsation for full marriage status has stalled since that milestone. every year it's one of the longest avian migrations in the world, around 80,000 godwits leave their breeding grounds in the alaskan arctic, across the pacific ocean before settling in new zealand for summer in the southern hemisphere. now, thanks to radio transmitters, experts can track exactly where the birds are and how long they fly for, and this year not only has the longest flight ever by a land bird been recorded but one godwit was forced to make a dramatic u—turn back to alaska after 57 hours of non stop flying. earlier i spoke to the manager of the pukorokoro miranda shorebird centre on new zealand's north island, keith woodley, about these incredible journeys. they are astonishing birds. they breed in alaska and they migrate to new zealand every year. and in order to make these non—stop flights, they have got to do some pretty amazing things. certainly, they have got to be able to navigate, they have got to be able to find their way, but also do things like double their weight before they depart. they go through various changes within their bodies before the migration flights as well so not only are they making these huge flights, but they are doing some remarkable things in order to make those flights. do we understand how these birds navigate over this incredible journey? the consensus seems to be they are following a number of cues like magnetic fields, the stars, the sun and the moon presumably, and they also seem to have a very good sense of where they are. the one thing this tracking has shown is that when birds are drifting off their optimal course by maybe persistent winds, after a period of time, when the conditions are ok, they can clearly adjust and change their direction and get back onto a heading for where they were originally going for, so they know where they are and they know how to get to where they need to go. you mentioned changing direction and we mentioned in the introduction one bird seemed to turn back to alaska after already flying for 57 hours. it's remembrance sunday in the uk, a day set aside to commermorate the contribution of service men and women in the world wars and conflicts since. in august the uk's costliest war of the 21st century ended in afghanistan. a57 british and northern irish troops lost their lives in the conflict, with many others left with life changing injuries. here are just a few of their stories: ajoined the army a joined the army back in 1996, i want 16 and nine months i think at the time so very much a child, really. — mackay was 16 and nine months. a child, really. - mackay was 16 and nine months.- a child, really. - mackay was 16 and nine months. durham was shar, 16 and nine months. durham was sharp. always — 16 and nine months. durham was sharp, always loving, _ 16 and nine months. durham was sharp, always loving, into - 16 and nine months. durham was sharp, always loving, into his- sharp, always loving, into his music, — sharp, always loving, into his music, out— sharp, always loving, into his music, out with lad, very love! _ music, out with lad, very love! i! _ music, out with lad, very lo al. " , . , music, out with lad, very lo al., ., ,., ., music, out with lad, very loal. ., , loyal. 11 years on now, they still remember _ loyal. 11 years on now, they still remember exactly - loyal. 11 years on now, they| still remember exactly what happened on the day he got shot, the way i felt.- happened on the day he got shot, the way i felt. when we first stepped _ shot, the way i felt. when we first stepped foot _ shot, the way i felt. when we first stepped foot in - first stepped foot in afghanistan, it was very similar_ afghanistan, it was very similar to a rack in many senses _ similar to a rack in many senses. the heat wasjust unbearable. you are looking around _ unbearable. you are looking around and watching people just living _ around and watching people just living in— around and watching people just living in poverty. around and watching people 'ust living in www-i around and watching people 'ust iiving in mimi living in poverty. some of the ihone living in poverty. some of the phone calls — living in poverty. some of the phone calls were _ living in poverty. some of the phone calls were quite - living in poverty. some of the | phone calls were quite horrific really because you could hear what was going off. i really because you could hear what was going off.— really because you could hear what was going off. i stood up and took a _ what was going off. i stood up and took a step _ what was going off. i stood up and took a step back - what was going off. i stood up and took a step back and - what was going off. i stood up and took a step back and then j and took a step back and then all of— and took a step back and then all of a — and took a step back and then all of a sudden there was just this massive explosion, i was disoriented, didn't know what had gone _ disoriented, didn't know what had gone on and really the first— had gone on and really the first sort_ had gone on and really the first sort of time a cam to terms _ first sort of time a cam to terms with that was when i heard — terms with that was when i heard the boys coming towards me and — heard the boys coming towards me and then i realised that it was — me and then i realised that it was me _ me and then i realised that it was me a_ me and then i realised that it was me. ajust remember thinking, _ was me. ajust remember thinking, stay awake because if you are — thinking, stay awake because if you are awake then you are all right — you are awake then you are all right. when i was told all the injuries— right. when i was told all the injuries i_ right. when i was told all the injuries i had sustained and the fact— injuries i had sustained and the fact they couldn't have children— the fact they couldn't have children wasjust the the fact they couldn't have children was just the lowest point — children was just the lowest point in _ children was just the lowest point in my life. for me i had gone — point in my life. for me i had gone from _ point in my life. for me i had gone from this superfit soldier, 30 years old, everything ahead of me, alpha male, — everything ahead of me, alpha male, all— everything ahead of me, alpha male, all the sort of stereotype things of a soldier to, i— stereotype things of a soldier to, ifelt— stereotype things of a soldier to, i felt like 95—year—old kind — to, i felt like 95—year—old kind of— to, i felt like 95—year—old kind of mum who couldn't do anything _ kind of mum who couldn't do anything for himself. ——95 -year-old _ anything for himself. ——95 —year—old man. my anything for himself. "95 -year-old man.— anything for himself. "95 -year-old man. anything for himself. "95 - ear-old man. g ., , ., -year-old man. my last words to darren were _ -year-old man. my last words to darren were a _ -year-old man. my last words to darren were a will _ -year-old man. my last words to darren were a will always - -year-old man. my last words to darren were a will always love i darren were a will always love you loads. its. darren were a will always love you loads-— you loads. a lost friends in afghanistan _ you loads. a lost friends in afghanistan in _ you loads. a lost friends in afghanistan in particular. l you loads. a lost friends in l afghanistan in particular. my regiment lost one day in iraq and — regiment lost one day in iraq and it's— regiment lost one day in iraq and it's different for all who serve — and it's different for all who serve but we all have sort of special — serve but we all have sort of special people who we remember. when _ special people who we remember. when you — special people who we remember. when you lose a son or daughter, any child, you lose a part of you. but you have other children that you have to carry on for. what became his first family which are the other veteran and the squad who are still serving are still struggling with the loss of him too. they become brothers. we tried to help them. we've set “p tried to help them. we've set up a foundation darren's name. i've been helping veterans since darren died. i’m i've been helping veterans since darren died. i'm now working — since darren died. i'm now working for— since darren died. i'm now working for the _ since darren died. i'm now working for the fleetwood| since darren died. i'm now- working for the fleetwood town community trust where we settle veteran's — community trust where we settle veteran's groups and we help each — veteran's groups and we help each other. to veteran's groups and we help each other.— veteran's groups and we help each other. ., , �* each other. to be reminded i'm very fortunate. _ each other. to be reminded i'm very fortunate. people - each other. to be reminded i'm very fortunate. people always l very fortunate. people always say i an event position but it could not worth ——it could have been a lot worse. he doesn't matter what condition i'm in. in the 22 years that he was alive. _ in the 22 years that he was alive, trust me, he gave us some — alive, trust me, he gave us some fun _ alive, trust me, he gave us some fun with his antics. and we are — some fun with his antics. and we are so— some fun with his antics. and we are so proud of what he did. we always— we are so proud of what he did. we always will be. his included in everything we do. every christmas, every party, his birthday, _ christmas, every party, his birthday, we still celebrate them — birthday, we still celebrate them for him and we always will — them for him and we always will. . . �* , . them for him and we always will. . ., �* , ., ., them for him and we always will. . ., �*, ., ., , will. and that's all from us. from everyone _ will. and that's all from us. from everyone here - will. and that's all from us. from everyone here in - will. and that's all from us. - from everyone here in london, thanks so much for watching. we will see you next time. hello there. part one of the weekend was a little bit dull for many of us. we held onto cloudy skies, sunshine was limited. it's going to be pretty similar, i think, for sunday with limited sunshine, a lot of cloud around and there will be some rain as well — particularly across the north—west of the uk, closer to this area of low pressure and its weather front. but further south, it's higher pressure, barely any isobars, so the winds will be light. but it's still going to be relatively mild for the time of year, particularly towards the western side of the country, as we draw up this south—westerly breeze. now, we start sunday morning off on a rather cloudy note. there could be a little bit of sunshine, too, but also some mist and fog patches to watch out for. i think into the afternoon, much of england and wales should tend to see more holes breaking in the cloud with some sunny spells. a few showers across the south—east there, but the wettest and breeziest of the weather will be across the north and west of scotland, perhaps north—western parts of northern ireland. 11—14 degrees — pretty mild — but we could see 15 degrees for belfast. now, as we head through sunday night, that weather front in the north—west begins to sink southwards and eastwards but as it's running into an area of high pressure, it will begin to fizzle out, so the rain will get lighter. there will be some heavier bursts on it, i think, during sunday night. those temperatures range from around 6—11 degrees. so this weather front will be sinking slowly south—eastwards, almost grinding to a halt. as it pushes into that area of high pressure, it will fizzle out through the day. so we start off with some patchy rain for southern scotland, just pushing into parts of north west england, north west wales, but you can see it fades away and just leaves no more than a band of cloud. behind it, skies brighten for scotland and northern ireland — just a few blustery showers but a much better day. and further south and east, it's another rather cloudy one for much of england and wales — limited sunshine once again. temperatures 11—12, maybe 13 degrees. as we move through the rest of the week, it stays mild or even turns very mild at times, particularly across southern areas, and most of the wind and the rain will be confined to the north of the uk, as you can see here. as we run through tuesday into wednesday, it's low pressure to the north of the uk which will bring these spells of wetter and windy weather. further south, closer to this area of high pressure, this is where we will see the lighter winds and the more settled conditions. but you'll see how mild it is — temperatures reaching the mid—teens at times, particularly across southern areas. quite a bit of cloud around, limited sunshine with most of the rain confined to northern areas. see you later. this is bbc news, the headlines: the un climate summit has ended in glasgow with an agreement to strenghthen emissions—cutting targets for 2030. summit president, alok sharma, said the deal would keep within reach the goal of limiting temperature rises to 1.5 degrees celsius. but that it would only survive if countries kept their promises. an intervention from india watered down the agreement. the final text changed the wording phasing out of coal to phasing down, leaving many nations deeply disappointed. the un secretary—general said the world was still knocking on the door of a climate catastrophe. and belarus says it's stepping up humanitarian support to migrants trapped on the border with poland. the european union accuses belarus of using them as political pawns, in retaliation for eu sanctions against minsk. a puppet show with a difference has opened in london. it's in both arabic and english.

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Migrant Camp , Report , Steve Rosenberg , Side , Frontier , 0ur , Polish Border , Iraqi Kurds , Weather , Cold , Protection , Shelter , Area , Troops , Doorstep , 15000 , Distance , Pressure , Middle East , Facilitating Theirjourney , Police , Order , Don T Matter , Canada , Chaos , Control , Clothes , Blankets , Case , Survival , Un Climate Summit , Story , Reminder , Doctors , Sudan , Group , Expression , Protesters , Pictures , Demonstrations , Five , Government , Coup , Military Coup , Rulers , Towns , Cities , Place , Rallying , Correspondent Sally Nabil , Khartoum , The Army Last October , Tens Of Thousands , Chanting Slogans , Streets , Security Presence , Parts , Capital , Bridges Closed , Abdalla Hamdok , Civilian Government , Scene , Army Chief , Politicians , Bars , Crowds , House Arrest , Army Generals , Council , Civilians , Abdel Fattah Al Burhan , Translation , Office , Rule , Divisions , Military , Military Rule , Good , Clouds , Smoke , Result , Leaders , Car Tyres , Power , Anger , Release , Detainees , Path , Crossroads , Police Reinforcements , South America , Friends , Violence , Riot , Drug Cartels , Family , Injured , Rival Gangs , Fighting , Inmates , Courtney Bembridge Reports , Footage , Social Media , Information , Photos , Victims , List , Post , Prisoners , Dozens , Explosives , Guns , Eight , Ringleaders , Ringleader , Dispute , Section , Prison L , Authorities , Massacre , 700 , Soldiers , Complex , Pride , Thousands , Rights , Lbgt Community , Courtney Bembridge , Influence , Event , Unions , Couples , Marriage , Sex , Milestone , Chile , Adoption , 0rganisers , Legilsation For Full Marriage Status , 2015 , Godwits , Migrations , New Zealand , Pacific Ocean , Southern Hemisphere , Alaskan Arctic , 80000 , Birds , Experts , Radio Transmitters , Godwit , Land Bird , Flight , Flying , Thanks , Alaska , U Turn , 57 , Flights , Journeys , Manager , Miranda Shorebird Centre , Keith Woodley , Pukorokoro , North Island , Migration Flights , Changes , Weight , Bodies , Stars , Journey , Consensus , Cues , Number , Magnetic Fields , The Sun And Moon , Winds , Conditions , Direction , Thing , Heading , Tracking , Bird , Conflicts , War , Wars , Day Set , Men And Women In The World , 21 , A57 British , Injuries , Afghanistan , Conflict , Life , Few , Northern Irish , Army , Ajoined The Army A , 1996 , 16 , Nine , Child , Mackay , Music , Lad , Durham , His Sharp , Loving , Lo Al , Very Lo Al , Loyal , Foot , Senses , Rack , Shot , Heat , 11 , Poverty , Phone Calls , Ust Living In Www , Ihone Living In Poverty , Ust Iiving In Mimi Living Poverty , Sort , Disoriented , What , Explosion , Step Back , Didn T Know , Terms , Thinking , Boys , Ajust , The Boys , Injuries I Right , Soldier , In My Life , Point Children , Sort , Stereotype , Alpha Male , Point In My Life , Superfit , 30 , Anything , Old Man , Kind , Mum , G , Himself , Couldn T , Ifelt , 95 , Regiment , Foundation Darren , Lost One Day , Afghanistan In Particular , Its , Iraq , Words , It , Special Serve , Son , Daughter , Veteran , Squad , Veterans , Brothers , P , Name , Groups , Other , Other Veteran , Community Trust , Fleetwood Town Community Trust , Fleetwood , Position , He Doesn T , Each Other , Condition , Fun , Antics , Trust Me , 22 , Party , Birthday , Everyone , Watching , Will , London , Rain , Sunshine , Cloud , Weekend , Cloudy Skies , Weather Front , Isobars , North West , Much , Bit , South Westerly Breeze , Afternoon , Holes , Note , Patches , Fog , Mist , North West England , Sunday Morning , North West Wales , North , Showers , West Of Scotland , Spells , Degrees , Breeziest , Wettest , Sunday Night , South East There , Belfast , 14 , 15 , High Pressure , Southwards , Eastwards , Running , Bursts , Halt , 6 , More , Band , Rain For Southern Scotland , Skies Brighten , Areas , East , Times , Rest , Scotland , 13 , 12 , South , Most , Wind , Wetter , Mid Teens , Northern Areas , Headlines , Summit President , Wording Phasing , Phasing Down , Pawns , Retaliation , Minsk , Puppet Show , Difference , English ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

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humanitarian aid for migrants trapped on its border, but the european union says belarus is playing politics. at least 68 people have been killed in deadly clashes between rival drugs gangs in a prison in ecuador. and on the uk's remembrance sunday, we commemorate the contribution of service men and women in the war in afghanistan. the un climate summit in glasgow has adopted a new agreement, called the glasgow climate pact, aimed at curbing global warming. but many say the deal is a disappointment. the summit�*s british president has apologised for the way the process unfolded, but said the agreement would keep within reach the goal of limiting temperature rises to 1.5 degrees. many countries say the final text has been watered down, and the un secretary—general said the world was still knocking on the door of a climate catastrophe. our science editor david shukman has this analysis. hearing no objections, it is so decided. relief after a long and stressful fortnight. the conference faced challenges right to the end. the day began with confusion and uncertainty. a delivery of what looks like pizza boxes. in fact, documents for the un secretary—general. a great deal was at stake. we have had two incredibly intense weeks of negotiations in glasgow, and we arrive at what i believe is the moment of truth, and this is the moment of truth for our planet, and a moment of truth for our children and our grandchildren. negotiators broke up into huddles, a rare glimpse of bargaining that normally happens behind closed doors. the american envoyjohn kerry with china's chief negotiator, arguing line by line about fossilfuels. china and india are worried about slowing down their development. how can anyone expect developing countries to make promises about phasing out coal and fossil fuel subsidies? developing countries have still to deal with the development agendas and poverty eradication. then alok sharma, the conference chair, began his own shuttle diplomacy, first trying to persuade the chinese to support the agreement, next checking in with the americans, and then with the indian delegation. in the end, one of the biggest obstacles in these talks was over the future of coal. the early draft had talked about phasing out this dirtiest of fossil fuels, but after a last—minute flurry negotiations, that was changed to phasing down. it sounds like a minor alteration, and indeed, many are asking what it means. coal is the biggest single source of greenhouse gas, but countries that depend on it managed to get the agreement watered down, which left others very unhappy. let us be clear, we do not need to phase down, but to phase out coal and fossil fuel subsidies. we know full well that coal has no future, and this is what we are working on with our own plans to put an end to coal in europe in the foreseeable future. it is also vital that we protect this package. | faced with all of this, alok sharma's emotions got the better of him. were things going wrong? but enough countries were reluctantly giving their support. we do so only, and i really want to stress, only because there are critical elements of this package that people in my country need as a lifeline for the future. history has been made here in glasgow. that is for others to judge. when we see of the pledges made here to reduce emissions and to boost aid to the poorest nations have actually delivered for years to come. at the heart of the two weeks of talks was the aim of keeping temperatures as close to i.5c above pre—industrial levels as possible, to avoid the worst effects of climate change. so what sort of impact will the agreement have on global temperatures, and on the way we all live? here's our science correspondent, rebecca morelle. piece by piece, after two weeks of intense negotiations, uniting people from all over the world, a plan for the future of our planet has come together. but will it stop temperatures rising over 1.5 degrees? at the start of the conference, every country submitted plans to cut their greenhouse gas emissions, and scientists have been crunching the numbers. global temperatures are already 1.1 degrees over pre—industrial levels. if every nation carries out its long—term pledges, we get to 1.8 degrees. but if you look at what countries are actually doing, the more likely outcome is 2.4 degrees. this is more progress on climate than we've seen before. but, in an absolute sense, we are miles and miles away from where we need to be, and we are still on course for really catastrophic warming. the glasgow conference clearly hasn't solved the problem, but will some aspects of what's happened here keep 1.5 alive? coal, the most polluting fossil fuel, will be reduced but not phased out. some nations will cut methane, a potent greenhouse gas. tackling deforestation has been promised, too. and importantly, countries are being asked to return next year with better plans to cut emissions. we need these governments to really come back with an honest action. notjust empty pledges, not just about net zero by 2050, but the actions that they're going to take in the short term. so, how will the glasgow agreement affect all of us? how are our lives going to change? ultimately, this will impact everything from how we get around to the food we eat and how we heat our homes. but this will take time. 0ur fragile planet is already changing, and while there has been progress in glasgow and 1.5 degrees hasn't been lost, it will take a monumental effort to stop temperatures from rising above that. rebecca morelle, bbc news, glasgow. the climate activist greta thunberg isn't impressed with the outcome at cop26. she tweeted to say: nigel topping is the un high level climate action champion for cop26. my colleague christian fraser spoke to him earlier in glasgow and asked him to respond to the criticism. we really need to elevate the conversation a bit higher than throwing accusations of "blah blah blah" and it is all green wash and it's all based on offsets and it's alljust long—term, it's not short—term, because none of those are true. we can't say, let's be honest and then throw away dismissive comments like that. there is real progress here and it is not enough. there is real progress. this glasgow climate pact has enshrined 1.5 degrees as the north star. that was unimaginable in madrid just two years ago. it has got everybody committed to coming back to ratchet their commitments next year and the year after, not waiting to 2025, because we know that 1.5 degrees is still not actually the sum of all ambition. and throughout these two weeks we've seen really substantive commitments in the short—term for real money on real solutions, to mitigation, to adaptation and to loss and damage. so this is a very significant step forward, and it is not enough so we should neither celebrate the saving of the world nor dismiss this as mere hot air, because it is neither of those, it is much more nuanced. still with us from energy and climate intelligence unit, she was saying, don't forget, the uk still has the presidency. so what do we do next? what happens in the coming weeks and months, as frans timmermans�*s just said, the real hard work starts tomorrow. what we do next? well, i think everybody who has made commitments needs to back them up with concrete plans. and the good news is, we're not talking about 2050 commitments, we're talking about 2025, 2030 commitments. it's on the watch of the ceo or the mayor or the prime minister or president who made them, notjust kicking the can down the road. those plans need to be enacted and we need to see the results of those and a lot of those plans are about the allocation of money and if you're a mayor or a ceo and you have stood up and said you're going to do something, if you're going to start buying electric buses, if you're not already doing so — although one of the keys things to remember here is, this has notjust been a commitment fest — a lot of these commitments are based on momentum that's been building since paris and it is now starting to go exponential, whether it is buses, sales of electric cars, green hydrogen — some of these announcements around decarbonising shipping, for example. 200 companies, loads of countries committing to green shipping corridors, green hydrogen soaring, companies saying that will only by zero carbon freight in 2040. so some of these commitments i think that in the next couple of years we are going to start to be more confident that we can pull 2050 dates forward earlier as the innovations start to kick in, and the costs come down and we get more confident. other news now. belarus says it's stepping up the provision of aid to migrants trapped on the border with poland. poland says belarus is provoking a surge in people trying to cross in to the european union as revenge for eu sanctions. it says belarusian security forces tried to break part of a border fence in an attempt to let some of those people through. some 2,000 people, many of them iraqi kurds, are camped on the belarusian side of the frontier. 0ur correspondent steve rosenberg sent this report from inside belarus, close to the polish border. winter is coming in belarus, so at the migrant camp, they're gathering whatever they can to build some shelter. but for the people camping out, there is little protection and no—one knows how long they're going to be here. we can't stay more, because the weather is too cold — people may die here from cold. so, you'll have to go back to your country, no? never. we never go back. better to die here, no go back to our country. poland is so close. they're living on the eu's doorstep. poland now has 15,000 troops in this area guarding europe's border. these people have come to belarus with one aim — to try to use this country to get to europe. and look how close they've got — the european union is almost within touching distance. but, as you can see, poland is determined not to let them through. many of these people are from the middle east. the eu has accused belarus of facilitating theirjourney here, of bringing them to the border to pressure europe. belarus denies that. as for the migrants, they are desperate to leave here. we want to go. we don't want to stay here. where do you want to go? europe, or us, or canada — don't matter. belarusian police are trying to keep order... go back! please, go back! ..but there has been a delivery of humanitarian aid. this is what happens when you're hungry and cold. well, this is the chaos of the migrant camp. aid is being distributed — in this case, blankets and clothes — and people are desperate to receive it. the police are struggling to maintain control. they're telling people to get down while the aid is being given out. sit down! for these people, at this moment, their priority isn't europe, it's survival. steve rosenberg, bbc news, on the border of belarus and poland. this is bbc news, a reminder of our main story this hour: the un climate summit has ended in glasgow with an agreement to strenghthen emissions—cutting targets for 2030. a last minute intervention from india watered down the deal. the final text changed the expression �*phasing out�* of coal to �*phasing down�*, leaving many nations deeply disappointed. a doctors' group in sudan says security forces have killed five protesters attending mass pro—democracy demonstrations. these are the latest pictures. tens of thousands of people angry at last month's military coup have been rallying in towns and cities across sudan. 0ur correspondent sally nabil is in khartoum. protesters here are chanting slogans against their military rulers. they stand against the coup that was staged by the army last october and they want to have a civilian government in place. on our way here, we have seen a heavy security presence in different parts of the capital. we have also seen some streets and bridges closed. just a short while ago, security forces arrived here and tear—gassed some of the protesters, but they have managed to regroup. the political scene here at the moment is quite complicated. the head of the now—dissolved civilian government, mr abdalla hamdok, is still under house arrest. we've see many of the protesters here holding his pictures. some other politicians are still behind bars, too. what infuriated the crowds here even more is the step taken lately by sudan's army chief, abdel fattah al—burhan. he has decided to lead a new ruling sovereign council, which includes army generals and civilians he has picked. the people here feel he's just ignoring them, he's not listening. translation: we want - abdel fattah al-burhan to stop creating divisions in this country and to leave office. we want a civilian rule. translation: we are fed up with military rule! - we have had enough of them! the military has done no good to any arab country! as you can see, there are clouds of smoke here as a result of car tyres being burned currently. public anger is rising here and western pressure is growing on military leaders to hand over power to a civilian government. western countries have also called for the release of all political detainees but so far, the army generals seem to be proceeding with their own plans, despite local and international pressure. sudan is now standing at a crossroads and the path to the future is quite uncertain. in south america, police reinforcements have been sent in to secure an infamous prison in ecuador, after another deadly riot started by rival gangs. at least 68 people have been killed, and more than two—dozen injured, in the latest violence, as fighting intensifies between warring drug cartels. courtney bembridge reports. family and friends of the inmates gathered outside the prison, desperate for information. a list of victims was taped to a post, while others learned what happened through harrowing footage and photos shared on social media. dozens of prisoners were killed in the clashes, which started on friday evening and lasted for almost eight hours. police eventually forced their way in and found guns and explosives. authorities say it started as a territorial dispute between rival gangs after one of the ringleaders was released early. translation: as this section of the prison l was without a ringleader, other gangs tried to subdue them, to enter to carry out a total massacre. there are approximately 700 prisoners in that part of the prison. just two months ago at this same prison, there was another deadly riot. soldiers had to be brought in to help take back control of the complex. it was the worst month for gang—related violence in ecuador�*s history, and the government says it needs international support to combat the growing influence of powerful drug cartels. courtney bembridge, bbc news. thousands of people took to the streets of santiago on saturday to celebrate chilean pride, demanding equal rights and an end to violence against the country's lbgt community. 0rganisers of the colourful event called on chile to legalise same sex marriage and the adoption of children by same—sex couples. civil unions have been legal in the south american country since 2015, but promised legilsation for full marriage status has stalled since that milestone. every year it's one of the longest avian migrations in the world, around 80,000 godwits leave their breeding grounds in the alaskan arctic, across the pacific ocean before settling in new zealand for summer in the southern hemisphere. now, thanks to radio transmitters, experts can track exactly where the birds are and how long they fly for, and this year not only has the longest flight ever by a land bird been recorded but one godwit was forced to make a dramatic u—turn back to alaska after 57 hours of non stop flying. earlier i spoke to the manager of the pukorokoro miranda shorebird centre on new zealand's north island, keith woodley, about these incredible journeys. they are astonishing birds. they breed in alaska and they migrate to new zealand every year. and in order to make these non—stop flights, they have got to do some pretty amazing things. certainly, they have got to be able to navigate, they have got to be able to find their way, but also do things like double their weight before they depart. they go through various changes within their bodies before the migration flights as well so not only are they making these huge flights, but they are doing some remarkable things in order to make those flights. do we understand how these birds navigate over this incredible journey? the consensus seems to be they are following a number of cues like magnetic fields, the stars, the sun and the moon presumably, and they also seem to have a very good sense of where they are. the one thing this tracking has shown is that when birds are drifting off their optimal course by maybe persistent winds, after a period of time, when the conditions are ok, they can clearly adjust and change their direction and get back onto a heading for where they were originally going for, so they know where they are and they know how to get to where they need to go. you mentioned changing direction and we mentioned in the introduction one bird seemed to turn back to alaska after already flying for 57 hours. it's remembrance sunday in the uk, a day set aside to commermorate the contribution of service men and women in the world wars and conflicts since. in august the uk's costliest war of the 21st century ended in afghanistan. a57 british and northern irish troops lost their lives in the conflict, with many others left with life changing injuries. here are just a few of their stories: ajoined the army a joined the army back in 1996, i want 16 and nine months i think at the time so very much a child, really. — mackay was 16 and nine months. a child, really. - mackay was 16 and nine months.- a child, really. - mackay was 16 and nine months. durham was shar, 16 and nine months. durham was sharp. always — 16 and nine months. durham was sharp, always loving, _ 16 and nine months. durham was sharp, always loving, into - 16 and nine months. durham was sharp, always loving, into his- sharp, always loving, into his music, — sharp, always loving, into his music, out— sharp, always loving, into his music, out with lad, very love! _ music, out with lad, very love! i! _ music, out with lad, very lo al. " , . , music, out with lad, very lo al., ., ,., ., music, out with lad, very loal. ., , loyal. 11 years on now, they still remember _ loyal. 11 years on now, they still remember exactly - loyal. 11 years on now, they| still remember exactly what happened on the day he got shot, the way i felt.- happened on the day he got shot, the way i felt. when we first stepped _ shot, the way i felt. when we first stepped foot _ shot, the way i felt. when we first stepped foot in - first stepped foot in afghanistan, it was very similar_ afghanistan, it was very similar to a rack in many senses _ similar to a rack in many senses. the heat wasjust unbearable. you are looking around _ unbearable. you are looking around and watching people just living _ around and watching people just living in— around and watching people just living in poverty. around and watching people 'ust living in www-i around and watching people 'ust iiving in mimi living in poverty. some of the ihone living in poverty. some of the phone calls — living in poverty. some of the phone calls were _ living in poverty. some of the phone calls were quite - living in poverty. some of the | phone calls were quite horrific really because you could hear what was going off. i really because you could hear what was going off.— really because you could hear what was going off. i stood up and took a _ what was going off. i stood up and took a step _ what was going off. i stood up and took a step back - what was going off. i stood up and took a step back and - what was going off. i stood up and took a step back and then j and took a step back and then all of— and took a step back and then all of a — and took a step back and then all of a sudden there was just this massive explosion, i was disoriented, didn't know what had gone _ disoriented, didn't know what had gone on and really the first— had gone on and really the first sort_ had gone on and really the first sort of time a cam to terms _ first sort of time a cam to terms with that was when i heard — terms with that was when i heard the boys coming towards me and — heard the boys coming towards me and then i realised that it was — me and then i realised that it was me _ me and then i realised that it was me a_ me and then i realised that it was me. ajust remember thinking, _ was me. ajust remember thinking, stay awake because if you are — thinking, stay awake because if you are awake then you are all right — you are awake then you are all right. when i was told all the injuries— right. when i was told all the injuries i_ right. when i was told all the injuries i had sustained and the fact— injuries i had sustained and the fact they couldn't have children— the fact they couldn't have children wasjust the the fact they couldn't have children was just the lowest point — children was just the lowest point in _ children was just the lowest point in my life. for me i had gone — point in my life. for me i had gone from _ point in my life. for me i had gone from this superfit soldier, 30 years old, everything ahead of me, alpha male, — everything ahead of me, alpha male, all— everything ahead of me, alpha male, all the sort of stereotype things of a soldier to, i— stereotype things of a soldier to, ifelt— stereotype things of a soldier to, i felt like 95—year—old kind — to, i felt like 95—year—old kind of— to, i felt like 95—year—old kind of mum who couldn't do anything _ kind of mum who couldn't do anything for himself. ——95 -year-old _ anything for himself. ——95 —year—old man. my anything for himself. "95 -year-old man.— anything for himself. "95 -year-old man. anything for himself. "95 - ear-old man. g ., , ., -year-old man. my last words to darren were _ -year-old man. my last words to darren were a _ -year-old man. my last words to darren were a will _ -year-old man. my last words to darren were a will always - -year-old man. my last words to darren were a will always love i darren were a will always love you loads. its. darren were a will always love you loads-— you loads. a lost friends in afghanistan _ you loads. a lost friends in afghanistan in _ you loads. a lost friends in afghanistan in particular. l you loads. a lost friends in l afghanistan in particular. my regiment lost one day in iraq and — regiment lost one day in iraq and it's— regiment lost one day in iraq and it's different for all who serve — and it's different for all who serve but we all have sort of special — serve but we all have sort of special people who we remember. when _ special people who we remember. when you — special people who we remember. when you lose a son or daughter, any child, you lose a part of you. but you have other children that you have to carry on for. what became his first family which are the other veteran and the squad who are still serving are still struggling with the loss of him too. they become brothers. we tried to help them. we've set “p tried to help them. we've set up a foundation darren's name. i've been helping veterans since darren died. i’m i've been helping veterans since darren died. i'm now working — since darren died. i'm now working for— since darren died. i'm now working for the _ since darren died. i'm now working for the fleetwood| since darren died. i'm now- working for the fleetwood town community trust where we settle veteran's — community trust where we settle veteran's groups and we help each — veteran's groups and we help each other. to veteran's groups and we help each other.— veteran's groups and we help each other. ., , �* each other. to be reminded i'm very fortunate. _ each other. to be reminded i'm very fortunate. people - each other. to be reminded i'm very fortunate. people always l very fortunate. people always say i an event position but it could not worth ——it could have been a lot worse. he doesn't matter what condition i'm in. in the 22 years that he was alive. _ in the 22 years that he was alive, trust me, he gave us some — alive, trust me, he gave us some fun _ alive, trust me, he gave us some fun with his antics. and we are — some fun with his antics. and we are so— some fun with his antics. and we are so proud of what he did. we always— we are so proud of what he did. we always will be. his included in everything we do. every christmas, every party, his birthday, _ christmas, every party, his birthday, we still celebrate them — birthday, we still celebrate them for him and we always will — them for him and we always will. . . �* , . them for him and we always will. . ., �* , ., ., them for him and we always will. . ., �*, ., ., , will. and that's all from us. from everyone _ will. and that's all from us. from everyone here - will. and that's all from us. from everyone here in - will. and that's all from us. - from everyone here in london, thanks so much for watching. we will see you next time. hello there. part one of the weekend was a little bit dull for many of us. we held onto cloudy skies, sunshine was limited. it's going to be pretty similar, i think, for sunday with limited sunshine, a lot of cloud around and there will be some rain as well — particularly across the north—west of the uk, closer to this area of low pressure and its weather front. but further south, it's higher pressure, barely any isobars, so the winds will be light. but it's still going to be relatively mild for the time of year, particularly towards the western side of the country, as we draw up this south—westerly breeze. now, we start sunday morning off on a rather cloudy note. there could be a little bit of sunshine, too, but also some mist and fog patches to watch out for. i think into the afternoon, much of england and wales should tend to see more holes breaking in the cloud with some sunny spells. a few showers across the south—east there, but the wettest and breeziest of the weather will be across the north and west of scotland, perhaps north—western parts of northern ireland. 11—14 degrees — pretty mild — but we could see 15 degrees for belfast. now, as we head through sunday night, that weather front in the north—west begins to sink southwards and eastwards but as it's running into an area of high pressure, it will begin to fizzle out, so the rain will get lighter. there will be some heavier bursts on it, i think, during sunday night. those temperatures range from around 6—11 degrees. so this weather front will be sinking slowly south—eastwards, almost grinding to a halt. as it pushes into that area of high pressure, it will fizzle out through the day. so we start off with some patchy rain for southern scotland, just pushing into parts of north west england, north west wales, but you can see it fades away and just leaves no more than a band of cloud. behind it, skies brighten for scotland and northern ireland — just a few blustery showers but a much better day. and further south and east, it's another rather cloudy one for much of england and wales — limited sunshine once again. temperatures 11—12, maybe 13 degrees. as we move through the rest of the week, it stays mild or even turns very mild at times, particularly across southern areas, and most of the wind and the rain will be confined to the north of the uk, as you can see here. as we run through tuesday into wednesday, it's low pressure to the north of the uk which will bring these spells of wetter and windy weather. further south, closer to this area of high pressure, this is where we will see the lighter winds and the more settled conditions. but you'll see how mild it is — temperatures reaching the mid—teens at times, particularly across southern areas. quite a bit of cloud around, limited sunshine with most of the rain confined to northern areas. see you later. this is bbc news, the headlines: the un climate summit has ended in glasgow with an agreement to strenghthen emissions—cutting targets for 2030. summit president, alok sharma, said the deal would keep within reach the goal of limiting temperature rises to 1.5 degrees celsius. but that it would only survive if countries kept their promises. an intervention from india watered down the agreement. the final text changed the wording phasing out of coal to phasing down, leaving many nations deeply disappointed. the un secretary—general said the world was still knocking on the door of a climate catastrophe. and belarus says it's stepping up humanitarian support to migrants trapped on the border with poland. the european union accuses belarus of using them as political pawns, in retaliation for eu sanctions against minsk. a puppet show with a difference has opened in london. it's in both arabic and english.

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Line , Chief Negotiator , Development , China S , Behind Closed Doors , Anyone , Envoyjohn Kerry , South American , Alok Sharma , Development Agendas , Poverty Eradication , One , Talks , In The End , Delegation , Shuttle Diplomacy , Conference Chair , Obstacles , Americans , Indian , Draft , Alteration , Source , Greenhouse Gas , Others , Coal , Watered Down , Plans , Isn T Europe , End , Wall , Package , Emotions , Things , Support , Stress , Country , Nations , Pledges , History , Lifeline , Elements , Levels , Keeping Temperatures , Heart , Aim , 5 , Rebecca Morelle , Piece , Global Temperatures , Effects , Impact , Temperatures , Plan , All Over The World , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Scientists , Numbers , 1 , Sense , Progress , Climate , Nation , Outcome , 1 8 , 2 4 , Course , Warming , Hasn T , Problem , Aspects , Methane , Tackling Deforestation , Action , Governments , Notjust , Actions , Lives , Term , 2050 , Zero , Everything , Effort , Food , Homes , Lost , 0 , Isn T , Bbc News , Cop26 , Climate Activist Greta Thunberg , Champion , Un High Level Climate Action , Nigel Topping , Green Wash , Colleague , Criticism , Conversation , Accusations , Offsets , Long Term , Blah , Christian Fraser , Alljust , Comments , None , North Star , Commitments , Everybody , Madrid , Loss , Money , Sum , After , Ambition , Solutions , Damage , Mitigation , Adaptation , 2025 , Saving , Step Forward , Air , Presidency , Intelligence , Saying , Don T Forget , Energy , Unit , Just , Frans Timmermans , Hard Work , Watch , Lot , Prime Minister , Mayor , Ceo , Results , Allocation , Road , Buses , Commitment Fest , Momentum , Something , Keys , Some , Companies , Shipping , Green Hydrogen , Building , Sales , Cars , Announcements , Paris , Example 200 , 200 , Shipping Corridors , Innovations , Costs , Kick In , Zero Carbon Freight , Green Hydrogen Soaring , 2040 , Security Forces , Poland , Sanctions , Provision , Revenge , Surge , Part , Attempt , Border Fence , Them , 2000 , Migrant Camp , Report , Steve Rosenberg , Side , Frontier , 0ur , Polish Border , Iraqi Kurds , Weather , Cold , Protection , Shelter , Area , Troops , Doorstep , 15000 , Distance , Pressure , Middle East , Facilitating Theirjourney , Police , Order , Don T Matter , Canada , Chaos , Control , Clothes , Blankets , Case , Survival , Un Climate Summit , Story , Reminder , Doctors , Sudan , Group , Expression , Protesters , Pictures , Demonstrations , Five , Government , Coup , Military Coup , Rulers , Towns , Cities , Place , Rallying , Correspondent Sally Nabil , Khartoum , The Army Last October , Tens Of Thousands , Chanting Slogans , Streets , Security Presence , Parts , Capital , Bridges Closed , Abdalla Hamdok , Civilian Government , Scene , Army Chief , Politicians , Bars , Crowds , House Arrest , Army Generals , Council , Civilians , Abdel Fattah Al Burhan , Translation , Office , Rule , Divisions , Military , Military Rule , Good , Clouds , Smoke , Result , Leaders , Car Tyres , 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Its , Iraq , Words , It , Special Serve , Son , Daughter , Veteran , Squad , Veterans , Brothers , P , Name , Groups , Other , Other Veteran , Community Trust , Fleetwood Town Community Trust , Fleetwood , Position , He Doesn T , Each Other , Condition , Fun , Antics , Trust Me , 22 , Party , Birthday , Everyone , Watching , Will , London , Rain , Sunshine , Cloud , Weekend , Cloudy Skies , Weather Front , Isobars , North West , Much , Bit , South Westerly Breeze , Afternoon , Holes , Note , Patches , Fog , Mist , North West England , Sunday Morning , North West Wales , North , Showers , West Of Scotland , Spells , Degrees , Breeziest , Wettest , Sunday Night , South East There , Belfast , 14 , 15 , High Pressure , Southwards , Eastwards , Running , Bursts , Halt , 6 , More , Band , Rain For Southern Scotland , Skies Brighten , Areas , East , Times , Rest , Scotland , 13 , 12 , South , Most , Wind , Wetter , Mid Teens , Northern Areas , Headlines , Summit President , Wording Phasing , Phasing Down , Pawns , Retaliation , Minsk , Puppet Show , Difference , English ,

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