Transcripts For BBCNEWS Our World 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Our World 20240709

motorcycles to the british army in wold war ii is making a comeback after twenty years. norton was bought by the indian firm, tvs motor, after going into administration last year. the company is now opening a new factory in birmingham just a few miles from where they first started over a century ago. rob mayor has more. a new home, just a stone's throw from where it all began 123 years ago. norton supplied a quarter of all motorcycles to the british army during the second world war and enjoyed success on the racetrack. in recent years it fell on hard times, entering administration last year. after a break of almost 20 years, this famous motorcycle brand is speeding back into the west midlands under indian ownership. at full capacity, this factory will be building 8000 bikes every year. tvs motors bought the company for £16 million and say they have already had more than 5000 customer inquiries. norton is, for me, one of the most exciting motor brands in the world. it is about dna of racing, it is about innovation, it is about passion, it is about a very special product, and there is a huge commodity outside and customer landscape who are very excited about norton. this factory has created 100 newjobs and staff on the production line want to win back customers who may have been put off by problems with bikes made under the old company. it's changed massively. all the improvements, you can just see the brand getting bigger and bigger and hopefully we will put bikes into production and find some happy customers. the motorcycle industry association say sales of power two wheelers are up more than 10% on last year, but in a competitive market, can norton make up for some of its image problems of the past? norton have always been an iconic brand, they have always been one of the finest british brands, and despite all those problems over the years, they still have come up with some of the best looking, the best handling, the best working motorcycles that you can ever have. the firm hopes to scale up to 1000 bikes in production by the end of next year. that was our reporter rob mayor. now on bbc news, it's time for our world, and the story of what happened when hurricane ida hit new york city. news archive: a word of more warnings that have just been issued. flash flood emergency for all five boroughs of new york city. what was coming in from my drain in the back, from my drain outside, in the side of the house, water was gushing through that thing and made the water rise all the way up to about nine feet. it is manhattan, the bronx, westchester, until 9:30, they are telling you to take shelter, right now. i am picking everything up, unplugging everything because we did not want to be electrocuted. we activated our flash flood i plan and we had our agencies begin to prepare - for a flooding event. obviously, we were not - preparing for what we ended up getting. 2021 and here i am having exposure to sewage water in my own home. i screamed out to him and i said, justin, i am drowning, i'm going to drown. sirens wail very good morning, it is wednesday, september 1. my name is yvette meier and i live in woodside, queens, in new york. my parents live down the block and i have grown up here. i promised to stay here to take care of them. everyone knows each other and we all kind of help each other. my name is holly, i am 25, i am a refugee from somalia. and i am a full—time candidate running for state senator here in harlem, district 30. harlem is a majority black and brown community. i leave on a very historic street, 137th, between 7th and 8th. my name is nanette and i live in woodside, queens. we have multiracial community and it is very friendly. our community, it is a normal day, whether it is raining or dry outside. we're still looking at a pretty potent storm system with a lot of rain and it is all starting to move into the tri—state area. i am the owner of a cafe in brooklyn, new york. during covid we saw a revenue loss of about 75%, and it is always really difficult to operate and let go of a bunch of our stuff. now that things were finally back kind of to normal, with vaccinations, we felt that we were ready to kind of start bringing back our old business model. the wind is kicking in and also we are going to end up getting bigger rain in our area because, as it moves on a diagonal, you start tapping into the ocean influence. the possibility that those storms do turn severe is something we've got to consider. we had the flash flood warnings. in new york they are pretty consistent, we get them all the time, but it has never been anything to worry about. a lot of us are not taking this one real seriously because maybe itjust does not have, like, the big name — the tropical storm, the hurricane — i'm telling you, this one, i'm really worried about this one, alright, so sit tight. the new york city emergency management's role is to - co—ordinate all emergency- responses within new york city but our larger role - is about preparedness, of trying to prepare - citizens and businesses for emergencies emergencies. back to our forecast, we are bracing for downpours tonight. the rain is going to get here, 0k. in fact, rain arrives during the overnight hours. we activated our flash flood - plan and had our agencies begin to prepare - for a flooding event. obviously, we were not. preparing for, you know, what we ended up getting. the emergency alert services telling us, according to the national weather service, it is manhattan, the bronx, westchester, until 9:30, they're telling you, take shelter, right now. this has got twist in the atmosphere. i notice that what it was also coming into the basement but i tried to use a sump pump to pump the water out. i was upstairs, making dinner and i heard a gush of water. l i'm picking everything up, unplugging everything because we did not want to be electrocuted and i was trying to salvage what i could. we started to hear gurgling in the pipes and that is when the backflow started from the sewage. water wasjust gushing through the door and ijust didn't know what to do. i am at 4810th 65th street. this is my house and it is getting flooded. | water was coming in from my drain in the back, from my drain outside, in the side of the house, even the sewer that was in the back alley, water was gushing through that thing, and made the water rise all the way up to about nine feet. for the first time in recorded history, the national weather service issuing a flash flood emergency for all five boroughs of new york city. historic flooding as ida travelled across the north—east. the western hemisphere's busiest subway system shutdown. trains pulling in to find platforms submerged. people wading through waist—high water. we were expecting 3—6 inches of rain over multiple hours. i alright, they are just telling me now, this is coming in with rainfall that's coming down — are you ready for this one? — three inches per hour. the water in the atlantic ocean and the gulf of mexico is warmer than it used to be, it's a lot warmer, 3 or 4 degrees fahrenheit warmer, and what this does is it brings more moisture to the storms. each degrees celsius of warm—up water adds 7% more precipitation, eventually that moisture is going to be unleashed in the form of rain, increasingly in these huge events where you have three, four, five, six inches of rain in an hour. there's two areas where there are drainage in the front and back of the house. when we open them up so that watercan drain out, those were starting to come up and they were coming up through the toilet, it was coming up through everywhere and it happened within a half an hour. a lot of the messaging that comes out of the national. weather service, which is the cellphone alerts, - the wireless emergency alerts, is controlled by fema - and the national | weather service. so we also grabbed those, i we'd notify nyc, and we can distribute those in i multiple languages. i have heard that there was some confusion. l even my own family, - we were flooding while this was happening. we got a tornado and a flood warning at the same time. i if you are in manhattan, if you're in the bronx, if you'r in southern westchester county, look, until 9:30 — this is not a long time — but you have go to go to the basement, if you have one, you go to an interior room, if you need to, something without windows. the sewer system in new york city is built to accept - a certain amount of water. once you exceed that, - it does have to go somewhere and unfortunately it did go into people's basements, i and to lower levels of their- home, into the subway system. my son, justin, he's blind and he had no idea how high the water had risen. i screamed out to him and i said, justin, i am drowning, i am going to drown. i was going under. basically the water was already rising and i needed to get to the window as soon as possible because i knew that i would not have a way to breathe. you know, ithought that the water would make me lighter, and it did not, it made me heavier. every time i tried to climb out the window, i absolutely could not get out. the window is about seven feet high up, or 6.5 maybe, and i am 5'5". and every time i touched the ground, i was underwater, and then i would have to push myself back up, over the water, and as much as i tried, i could not escape. basically, i was fighting for my life. my son is my hero. i heard something, i wasn't necessarily sure what exactly. and i basically went downstairs and i was taken aback by the amount of water. he's blind from cancer of the eyes and i had to train my son exactly how to manage walking around. i tried calling the cops but that was pointless because everyone was calling the cops. he had to come down about five or six steps, then he had to walk through everything that was floating around — the garbage cans, the snow blower. i mean, the water was pretty high. it was like there were rapids coming out of the building. it was like there was a river coming out of the house. so this is the window that my son pulled me out of. this is where i escaped from the flood. the water was about almost to the top of the window so all of this was covered in water. when he was pulling me out, i could not breathe. i was holding my breath because i was still under the water. i suppose, if i was not here, who knows what would have happened. it is highly likely she would have been dead. the water came up to about this step, and the water travelled to right here, right below the switches. we were left with, like, a black sediment on the walls and on the floor. there was about $30,000 worth of damage between things we lost and reconstruction, yeah. i think it was saturday morning, we woke up with the intention of trying to salvage all of the photos from our photo albums. my husband thought of stringing them across our kitchen. i was the one in charge of taking them out of the photo albums and he was stringing them up and clipping them, just to save them all. my children's, ourfamily albums — there were so many. and all the water from those photographs was dripping onto our table. we didn't think too much of it. and then the symptoms started at about 11:30. by sunday night, i was in pretty bad shape. i felt really weak, and that evening i started having diarrhoea every 15 minutes. i told my husband, "i think i'm not in a good place. "i think i should go to the hospital." the nurse practitioner called and said i had norovirus and e.coli toxicity and that i was basically poisoned from the sewage water. 2021 and here i am having exposure to sewage water in my own home, which i thought was safe. my next—door neighbour said her son had experienced similar symptoms and was sick for about three days. my husband talked to another neighbour who lives two houses away, and she is 77, and she was having similar symptoms. a neighbour across the way said he felt the same way. by saturday, no—one had come from sanitation. just give me a moment... that was the most difficult — is losing a lot of photos that i had to end up throwing out. some of their books. and, i guess, those were the most difficult things that we had to get rid of. 13 people — that numberjust- updated — have died in new york city. multiple deaths reported as the remnants of ida merged with a front to produce chaos. emergency officials have found more people who have died from the storm. a short time ago, we're told i that three people were found dead in the flooded . basement apartment. of those 13 deaths here in the city, at least 11 of them died — 11 of those people died in flooded basement apartments, most of them here in queens. the youngest victim was just two years old. these apartments wound up being death traps because they weren't regulated, because they didn't provide sufficient means of egress, sufficient means for people to escape in an emergency. affordable housing is the big issue in new york city. it's a desperately needed part of the city environment here. for undocumented or immigrant population, there is a problem with earning enough income because they often find jobs that aren't at an hourly rate that would provide enough money for housing. consequently, they have to double—up or triple—up in housing accommodations. when climate disasters hit, they make an already strained society that much harder. poor people, people of colour in new york city, generally don't have the kind of wealth and social power to easily bounce back from a climate disaster. ida was a different type of storm. it didn't push up sea levels as much. rather, it dumped down an incredible amount of rain very rapidly, and that also flooded the subways, it flooded people's basements. our decision—makers, corporations and government to slash pollution because i know that the place i grew up in will not survive. my office is responsible for preparing the city for the impacts of climate change. the inequities of these climate impacts came to light in such a significant way from this particular storms because it was, in most cases, low—income immigrants who were trapped in their basement apartments during the storm and were the ones who lost their lives. it also underscored, for me, how our affordable housing crisis is coming into direct tension with our work on climate resiliency. one of the challenges that we face is that most of the federal dollars that can be invested into resiliency measures are triggered after an extreme event. the tax dollars just don't go there, they don't go where they need to go to make sure that low—income and middle—class homeowners like ourselves are safe. the infrastructure of new york city needs to be modernised and i think ida underscored that — in particular, our sewer system was built for conditions that we experienced 100 years ago. there is no amount of sewer system upgrades or sea walls or resiliency improvements that will protect the city from the amount of climate change that would happen if pollution is not checked and reduced rapidly and radically. i went out to one of the blocks that was most affected by ida right after the storm, and it was extremely sad. it was tragic. a family had drowned in a basement apartment on a street that had flooded over and over and over again without the city doing anything to improve the infrastructure over the last two decades. i certainly hope that in the future, we will be able to prevent deaths in basement units through better notification and ensuring that basement units are safe and resilient to the impacts of extreme precipitation. i think those deaths would have been preventable had we had better forecasting, better notification, and had... i don't want to say this. i think i'm going to leave my answer where it was, about — what i said about the future. we are responsible for the safety of everybody in the city. all new yorkers, it is our responsibility, so we felt terrible. the storm changed so quickly on us and the amount of rain that we received was much more significant in a short period of time than we ever imagined. all cities are unprepared for the climate eventualities. now we have to act to protect our citizens, and that means more funding for cities and other areas around — notjust around the united states, but around the world. when i saw everything submerged in water, i was heartbroken. ifelt like i was homeless again, that i had to start over again. it was wild to see there was water coming from everywhere. it felt pretty apocalyptic. downstairs, we got about five feet. and then upstairs, our neighbour's backyard flooded, which subsequently caused our indoor dining space to flood. we had about 3.5 feet of water, almost four feet. i guess the water receded at about 3am. and it was a clean—up — just pulling everything out of the house. the floor was black, everything was tipped over. some stuff had already started to develop mould. there was oil everywhere, just sludge. i lost everything. right now, i'm sleeping on my friend's sofa, i have no bed to sleep on. it has been a month of me sleeping on a couch. we were on our own — this whole communityj was underwater- and we were on our own. it was just very, very. scary and unfortunate. there is destruction everywhere. - the walls are - completely destroyed. the floor is damaged. i lost everything. we didn't have flood insurance and the only offer to cover —— we didn't have flood insurance and they only offered to cover damages from the oil kind of tipping over, it only came out to about $1500, which is about nothing. so we definitely could have reopened. we put up a video of the flooding and just told everyone that we would be closed and that is when the messages started to pour in. where people were like, "let us help you". "start a gofundme. "let us donate. "let us help." it was like, the outpour of love, it was incredible. so yeah, we started a gofundme, and we had our goal set out at $15,000 but within six hours, we reached $20,000. it was humbling — humbling to say the least. climate change science is proven and indisputable. 0ur planet is warming because of greenhouse gas emissions that are man—made, and it's going to get much warmer and much more dangerous as extreme weather events affect average people in their daily lives. we have got to prepare for this. it is going to happen. the truth of the matter is that everyone from politicians to climate advocates and even scientists, have underestimated how much climate change is going to affect our daily lives. i think climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. as a new yorker, as an american, i feel that we are not giving it the attention, the urgency that it needs. we need to be more proactive about the things we do and put in place for the future. i'mjust angry. i am tired of watching the world burn - when we can do so much to protect it. _ hello there. part one of the weekend was a little bit dull for many of us. we held onto cloudy skies, sunshine was limited. it's going to be pretty similar, i think, for sunday with limited sunshine, a lot of cloud around and there will be some rain as well — particularly across the north—west of the uk, closer to this area of low pressure and its weather front. but further south, its higher pressure, barely any isobars, so the winds will be light. but it's still going to be relatively mild for the time of year, particularly towards the western side of the country, as we draw up this south—westerly breeze. now, we start sunday morning off on a rather cloudy note. there could be a little bit of sunshine, too, but also some mist and fog patches to watch out for. i think into the afternoon, much of england and wales should tend to see more holes breaking in the cloud with some sunny spells. a few showers across the south—east there, but the wettest and breeziest of the weather will be across the north and west of scotland, perhaps north—western parts of northern ireland. 11—14 degrees — pretty mild — but we could see 15 degrees for belfast. now, as we head through sunday night, that weather front in the north—west begins to sink southwards and eastwards but as it's running into an area of high pressure, it will begin to fizzle out, so the rain will get lighter. there will be some heavier bursts on it, i think, during sunday night. those temperatures range from around 6—11 degrees. so this weather front will be sinking slowly south—eastwards, almost grinding to a halt. as it pushes into that area of high pressure, it will fizzle out through the day. so we start off with some patchy rain for southern scotland, just pushing into parts of north west england, north west wales, but you can see it fades away and just leaves no more than a band of cloud. behind it, skies brighten for scotland and northern ireland — just a few blustery showers but a much better day. and further south and east, it's another rather cloudy one for much of england and wales — limited sunshine once again. temperatures 11—12, maybe 13 degrees. as we move through the rest of the week, it stays mild or even turns very mild at times, particularly across southern areas, and most of the wind and the rain will be confined to the north of the uk, as you can see here. as we run through tuesday into wednesday, its low pressure to the north of the uk which will bring these spells of wet and windy weather. further south, closer to this area of high pressure, this is where we will see the lighter winds and the more settled conditions. but you'll see how mild it is — temperatures reaching the mid—teens at times, particularly across southern areas. quite a bit of cloud around, limited sunshine with most of the rain confined to northern areas. see you later. this is bbc news. welcome if you're watching here in the uk, or around the globe. i'm rich preston. our top stories: hearing no objections, it is so decided. after two weeks of intense negotiations at the global climate summit, world leaders have agreed a deal — but does it go far enough? the agreement means countries must strengthen their targets to cut emissions for 2030. but a last minute intervention from india waters down the commitment to phase out coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel — leaving many deeply disappointed. un secretary—general antonio guterres calls the final agreement an important step, but questions if it's enough to avoid what he calls "climate catastrophe." in other news, belarus says it's stepping up humanitarian

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Agreement , Countries , Targets , Alok Sharma , Headlines , Un Climate Summit , Temperature , Glasgow , Celsius , Goal , Deal , Summit , 1 5 , 2030 , Coal , Intervention , Phasing Out , Nations , Text , Promises , Phasing Down , World , Belarus , Secretary General , Door , Climate Catastrophe , Migrants , Border , Support , Un , Poland , European Union , Sanctions , Retaliation , Pawns , Surge , Famous Motorcycle Brand , Camp , Minsk , Engineering A , Company , Factory , Motorcycles , Can Norton , Administration , Tvs Motor , Comeback , Indian , British Army In Wold War Ii , Birmingham , Twenty , Rob , Throw , Home , Stone , Quarter , British Army During The Second World War , 123 , Hard Times , Break , Racetrack , Success , 20 , Ownership , Capacity , West Midlands , 6 Million , 16 Million , 8000 , One , Customer Inquiries , Dna , Racing , Exciting Motor Brands , 5000 , Customer Landscape , Commodity , Product , Norton , Innovation , Passion , Customers , Bikes , Problems , Improvements , Staff , Production Line , 100 , Brand , Power , Production , Motorcycle Industry Association , Wheelers , Sales , Two , 10 , Some , Image Problems , Market , Handling , British Brands , Hopes , The End , 1000 , New York City , Story , Warnings , Bbc News , It S Time , Reporter , Hurricane Ida , Hit , Word , News Archive , Water , Way , House , Flash Flood , Feet , Thing , Drain , Back , Boroughs , Side , Drain Outside , Nine , Five , Manhattan , The Bronx , Everything , Westchester , Shelter , 9 , 30 , Exposure , Flooding Event , Agencies , Sewage Water , Getting 2021 , 2021 , Sirens , Justin , September 1 , 1 , Wednesday September 1 , My Name Is Yvette Meier , Care , Block , Parents , Woodside , Queens , Everyone , Help , Other , Kind , My Name , Holly , Refugee , Somalia , 25 , Street , Harlem , Community , Majority , State Senator , Candidate , 137th , Brown Community , 7th , 8th , 8 , 137 , 7 , Rain For Southern Scotland , Lot , Storm System , Starting , Area , Things , Stuff , Revenue Loss , Owner , Cafe , Bunch , Let Go , Brooklyn , 75 , Wind , Kicking , Start , Ocean , Vaccinations , Business Model , Influence , Storms , Something , Possibility , Us , Anything , Role , Hurricane , Emergency Responses , Name The Tropical Storm , Sit , Emergency Management , Emergencies , Citizens , Preparedness , Fact , Downpours , Forecast , 0k , Businesses , 0k , Plan , Weather Service , Emergency , Services , Take Shelter , Basement , Everything Up , Gush , Dinner , Twist , Atmosphere , Sump Pump , Backflow , Sewage , Gurgling , Pipes , Ijust Didn T , Water Wasjust , 65th Street , 4810 , 65 , Sewer , Back Alley , Flash Flood Emergency , Time , Flooding , Ida , North East , Western Hemisphere , Subway System Shutdown , People , Rainfall , Platforms , Trains , 6 , 3 , Three , Atlantic Ocean , Gulf Of Mexico , 4 , Events , Moisture , Precipitation , Degrees Celsius , Form , Four , Six , Everywhere , Areas , Toilet , Front , Drainage , Watercan Drain Out , Cellphone Alerts , Messaging , National , Half , Wireless Emergency Alerts , Fema , Family , Flood Warning , Languages , Confusion , Tornado , Sewer System , Windows , Interior Room , You R In Southern Westchester County , Amount , Basements , Levels , Somewhere , Son , Subway System , Idea , Window , Ithought , Seven , 5 , 6 5 , Ground , Life , My Hero , Aback , Cancer , Blind , Eyes , Walking , Snow Blower , Cops , Steps , Building , Garbage Cans , Rapids , River , Flood , Top , Breath , Step , Walls , Floor , Switches , Black Sediment , 30000 , 0000 , Photos , Wall , Intention , Damage , Reconstruction , Husband , Photo Albums , Stringing , Kitchen , Charge , Them , Clipping , Many , Symptoms , Photographs , Albums , Table , Ourfamily , Children , 11 , Sunday Night , Shape , 15 , Place , Sewage Water 2021 , Hospital , Norovirus , Nurse Practitioner , E Coli Toxicity , Neighbour , Safe , Houses , Sanitation , Saturday , 77 , Books , Deaths , Storm , Emergency Officials , Chaos , Have , Remnants , Numberjust , 13 , Basement Apartment , In The City , Most , Weren T , Apartments , Basement Apartments , Victim , Death Traps , Housing , City , Part , Issue , Egress , Environment , Means , Rate , Problem , Jobs , Income , Immigrant , Population , Aren T , Society , Triple Up , Double Up , Housing Accommodations , Money , Climate Disaster , Colour , Wealth , Subways , Sea Levels , Type , It Didn T , Pollution , Government , Corporations , Decision Makers , Climate Change , Inequities , Impacts , Office , Climate Impacts , Lives , Immigrants , Cases , Ones , Work , Crisis , Tension , Climate Resiliency , Resiliency , Dollars , Challenges , Event , Measures , Don T Go There , Tax Dollars , Homeowners , Low Income , They Don T Go , Conditions , Infrastructure , Sea Walls , Upgrades , Blocks , After The Storm , Notification , Basement Units , Forecasting , Answer , Everybody , Safety , Responsibility , Cities , Funding , Climate Eventualities , Around The World , Ifelt , Backyard , Dining Space , 3 5 , Oil , Black , Mould , Sludge , Friend , Sofa , Couch , Whole Communityj , Bed , Sleep On , Destruction , Insurance , Cover , Offer , Damages , Messages , Nothing , Video , 1500 , 500 , Gofundme , Outpour , Donate , Love , Goal Set , Let Us Help You , Indisputable , Least , Climate Change Science , 15000 , 20000 , Weather , 0ur Planet , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , 0 , Truth , Scientists , Matter , Politicians , Urgency , Challenge , Attention , Proactive , I Mjust Angry , Weekend , Sunshine , Cloudy Skies , Weather Front , Winds , Cloud , Pressure , South , Uk , Isobars , North West , Bit , Country , South Westerly Breeze , Note , Patches , Mist , Fog , Afternoon , Sunday Morning , Much , North , Showers , West Of Scotland , Spells , Breeziest , Holes , Wettest , South East There , North West England , North West Wales , 14 , High Pressure , It , Degrees , Southwards , Eastwards , Running , Bursts , Belfast , Parts , Temperatures , Halt , More , East , 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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Our World 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Our World 20240709

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motorcycles to the british army in wold war ii is making a comeback after twenty years. norton was bought by the indian firm, tvs motor, after going into administration last year. the company is now opening a new factory in birmingham just a few miles from where they first started over a century ago. rob mayor has more. a new home, just a stone's throw from where it all began 123 years ago. norton supplied a quarter of all motorcycles to the british army during the second world war and enjoyed success on the racetrack. in recent years it fell on hard times, entering administration last year. after a break of almost 20 years, this famous motorcycle brand is speeding back into the west midlands under indian ownership. at full capacity, this factory will be building 8000 bikes every year. tvs motors bought the company for £16 million and say they have already had more than 5000 customer inquiries. norton is, for me, one of the most exciting motor brands in the world. it is about dna of racing, it is about innovation, it is about passion, it is about a very special product, and there is a huge commodity outside and customer landscape who are very excited about norton. this factory has created 100 newjobs and staff on the production line want to win back customers who may have been put off by problems with bikes made under the old company. it's changed massively. all the improvements, you can just see the brand getting bigger and bigger and hopefully we will put bikes into production and find some happy customers. the motorcycle industry association say sales of power two wheelers are up more than 10% on last year, but in a competitive market, can norton make up for some of its image problems of the past? norton have always been an iconic brand, they have always been one of the finest british brands, and despite all those problems over the years, they still have come up with some of the best looking, the best handling, the best working motorcycles that you can ever have. the firm hopes to scale up to 1000 bikes in production by the end of next year. that was our reporter rob mayor. now on bbc news, it's time for our world, and the story of what happened when hurricane ida hit new york city. news archive: a word of more warnings that have just been issued. flash flood emergency for all five boroughs of new york city. what was coming in from my drain in the back, from my drain outside, in the side of the house, water was gushing through that thing and made the water rise all the way up to about nine feet. it is manhattan, the bronx, westchester, until 9:30, they are telling you to take shelter, right now. i am picking everything up, unplugging everything because we did not want to be electrocuted. we activated our flash flood i plan and we had our agencies begin to prepare - for a flooding event. obviously, we were not - preparing for what we ended up getting. 2021 and here i am having exposure to sewage water in my own home. i screamed out to him and i said, justin, i am drowning, i'm going to drown. sirens wail very good morning, it is wednesday, september 1. my name is yvette meier and i live in woodside, queens, in new york. my parents live down the block and i have grown up here. i promised to stay here to take care of them. everyone knows each other and we all kind of help each other. my name is holly, i am 25, i am a refugee from somalia. and i am a full—time candidate running for state senator here in harlem, district 30. harlem is a majority black and brown community. i leave on a very historic street, 137th, between 7th and 8th. my name is nanette and i live in woodside, queens. we have multiracial community and it is very friendly. our community, it is a normal day, whether it is raining or dry outside. we're still looking at a pretty potent storm system with a lot of rain and it is all starting to move into the tri—state area. i am the owner of a cafe in brooklyn, new york. during covid we saw a revenue loss of about 75%, and it is always really difficult to operate and let go of a bunch of our stuff. now that things were finally back kind of to normal, with vaccinations, we felt that we were ready to kind of start bringing back our old business model. the wind is kicking in and also we are going to end up getting bigger rain in our area because, as it moves on a diagonal, you start tapping into the ocean influence. the possibility that those storms do turn severe is something we've got to consider. we had the flash flood warnings. in new york they are pretty consistent, we get them all the time, but it has never been anything to worry about. a lot of us are not taking this one real seriously because maybe itjust does not have, like, the big name — the tropical storm, the hurricane — i'm telling you, this one, i'm really worried about this one, alright, so sit tight. the new york city emergency management's role is to - co—ordinate all emergency- responses within new york city but our larger role - is about preparedness, of trying to prepare - citizens and businesses for emergencies emergencies. back to our forecast, we are bracing for downpours tonight. the rain is going to get here, 0k. in fact, rain arrives during the overnight hours. we activated our flash flood - plan and had our agencies begin to prepare - for a flooding event. obviously, we were not. preparing for, you know, what we ended up getting. the emergency alert services telling us, according to the national weather service, it is manhattan, the bronx, westchester, until 9:30, they're telling you, take shelter, right now. this has got twist in the atmosphere. i notice that what it was also coming into the basement but i tried to use a sump pump to pump the water out. i was upstairs, making dinner and i heard a gush of water. l i'm picking everything up, unplugging everything because we did not want to be electrocuted and i was trying to salvage what i could. we started to hear gurgling in the pipes and that is when the backflow started from the sewage. water wasjust gushing through the door and ijust didn't know what to do. i am at 4810th 65th street. this is my house and it is getting flooded. | water was coming in from my drain in the back, from my drain outside, in the side of the house, even the sewer that was in the back alley, water was gushing through that thing, and made the water rise all the way up to about nine feet. for the first time in recorded history, the national weather service issuing a flash flood emergency for all five boroughs of new york city. historic flooding as ida travelled across the north—east. the western hemisphere's busiest subway system shutdown. trains pulling in to find platforms submerged. people wading through waist—high water. we were expecting 3—6 inches of rain over multiple hours. i alright, they are just telling me now, this is coming in with rainfall that's coming down — are you ready for this one? — three inches per hour. the water in the atlantic ocean and the gulf of mexico is warmer than it used to be, it's a lot warmer, 3 or 4 degrees fahrenheit warmer, and what this does is it brings more moisture to the storms. each degrees celsius of warm—up water adds 7% more precipitation, eventually that moisture is going to be unleashed in the form of rain, increasingly in these huge events where you have three, four, five, six inches of rain in an hour. there's two areas where there are drainage in the front and back of the house. when we open them up so that watercan drain out, those were starting to come up and they were coming up through the toilet, it was coming up through everywhere and it happened within a half an hour. a lot of the messaging that comes out of the national. weather service, which is the cellphone alerts, - the wireless emergency alerts, is controlled by fema - and the national | weather service. so we also grabbed those, i we'd notify nyc, and we can distribute those in i multiple languages. i have heard that there was some confusion. l even my own family, - we were flooding while this was happening. we got a tornado and a flood warning at the same time. i if you are in manhattan, if you're in the bronx, if you'r in southern westchester county, look, until 9:30 — this is not a long time — but you have go to go to the basement, if you have one, you go to an interior room, if you need to, something without windows. the sewer system in new york city is built to accept - a certain amount of water. once you exceed that, - it does have to go somewhere and unfortunately it did go into people's basements, i and to lower levels of their- home, into the subway system. my son, justin, he's blind and he had no idea how high the water had risen. i screamed out to him and i said, justin, i am drowning, i am going to drown. i was going under. basically the water was already rising and i needed to get to the window as soon as possible because i knew that i would not have a way to breathe. you know, ithought that the water would make me lighter, and it did not, it made me heavier. every time i tried to climb out the window, i absolutely could not get out. the window is about seven feet high up, or 6.5 maybe, and i am 5'5". and every time i touched the ground, i was underwater, and then i would have to push myself back up, over the water, and as much as i tried, i could not escape. basically, i was fighting for my life. my son is my hero. i heard something, i wasn't necessarily sure what exactly. and i basically went downstairs and i was taken aback by the amount of water. he's blind from cancer of the eyes and i had to train my son exactly how to manage walking around. i tried calling the cops but that was pointless because everyone was calling the cops. he had to come down about five or six steps, then he had to walk through everything that was floating around — the garbage cans, the snow blower. i mean, the water was pretty high. it was like there were rapids coming out of the building. it was like there was a river coming out of the house. so this is the window that my son pulled me out of. this is where i escaped from the flood. the water was about almost to the top of the window so all of this was covered in water. when he was pulling me out, i could not breathe. i was holding my breath because i was still under the water. i suppose, if i was not here, who knows what would have happened. it is highly likely she would have been dead. the water came up to about this step, and the water travelled to right here, right below the switches. we were left with, like, a black sediment on the walls and on the floor. there was about $30,000 worth of damage between things we lost and reconstruction, yeah. i think it was saturday morning, we woke up with the intention of trying to salvage all of the photos from our photo albums. my husband thought of stringing them across our kitchen. i was the one in charge of taking them out of the photo albums and he was stringing them up and clipping them, just to save them all. my children's, ourfamily albums — there were so many. and all the water from those photographs was dripping onto our table. we didn't think too much of it. and then the symptoms started at about 11:30. by sunday night, i was in pretty bad shape. i felt really weak, and that evening i started having diarrhoea every 15 minutes. i told my husband, "i think i'm not in a good place. "i think i should go to the hospital." the nurse practitioner called and said i had norovirus and e.coli toxicity and that i was basically poisoned from the sewage water. 2021 and here i am having exposure to sewage water in my own home, which i thought was safe. my next—door neighbour said her son had experienced similar symptoms and was sick for about three days. my husband talked to another neighbour who lives two houses away, and she is 77, and she was having similar symptoms. a neighbour across the way said he felt the same way. by saturday, no—one had come from sanitation. just give me a moment... that was the most difficult — is losing a lot of photos that i had to end up throwing out. some of their books. and, i guess, those were the most difficult things that we had to get rid of. 13 people — that numberjust- updated — have died in new york city. multiple deaths reported as the remnants of ida merged with a front to produce chaos. emergency officials have found more people who have died from the storm. a short time ago, we're told i that three people were found dead in the flooded . basement apartment. of those 13 deaths here in the city, at least 11 of them died — 11 of those people died in flooded basement apartments, most of them here in queens. the youngest victim was just two years old. these apartments wound up being death traps because they weren't regulated, because they didn't provide sufficient means of egress, sufficient means for people to escape in an emergency. affordable housing is the big issue in new york city. it's a desperately needed part of the city environment here. for undocumented or immigrant population, there is a problem with earning enough income because they often find jobs that aren't at an hourly rate that would provide enough money for housing. consequently, they have to double—up or triple—up in housing accommodations. when climate disasters hit, they make an already strained society that much harder. poor people, people of colour in new york city, generally don't have the kind of wealth and social power to easily bounce back from a climate disaster. ida was a different type of storm. it didn't push up sea levels as much. rather, it dumped down an incredible amount of rain very rapidly, and that also flooded the subways, it flooded people's basements. our decision—makers, corporations and government to slash pollution because i know that the place i grew up in will not survive. my office is responsible for preparing the city for the impacts of climate change. the inequities of these climate impacts came to light in such a significant way from this particular storms because it was, in most cases, low—income immigrants who were trapped in their basement apartments during the storm and were the ones who lost their lives. it also underscored, for me, how our affordable housing crisis is coming into direct tension with our work on climate resiliency. one of the challenges that we face is that most of the federal dollars that can be invested into resiliency measures are triggered after an extreme event. the tax dollars just don't go there, they don't go where they need to go to make sure that low—income and middle—class homeowners like ourselves are safe. the infrastructure of new york city needs to be modernised and i think ida underscored that — in particular, our sewer system was built for conditions that we experienced 100 years ago. there is no amount of sewer system upgrades or sea walls or resiliency improvements that will protect the city from the amount of climate change that would happen if pollution is not checked and reduced rapidly and radically. i went out to one of the blocks that was most affected by ida right after the storm, and it was extremely sad. it was tragic. a family had drowned in a basement apartment on a street that had flooded over and over and over again without the city doing anything to improve the infrastructure over the last two decades. i certainly hope that in the future, we will be able to prevent deaths in basement units through better notification and ensuring that basement units are safe and resilient to the impacts of extreme precipitation. i think those deaths would have been preventable had we had better forecasting, better notification, and had... i don't want to say this. i think i'm going to leave my answer where it was, about — what i said about the future. we are responsible for the safety of everybody in the city. all new yorkers, it is our responsibility, so we felt terrible. the storm changed so quickly on us and the amount of rain that we received was much more significant in a short period of time than we ever imagined. all cities are unprepared for the climate eventualities. now we have to act to protect our citizens, and that means more funding for cities and other areas around — notjust around the united states, but around the world. when i saw everything submerged in water, i was heartbroken. ifelt like i was homeless again, that i had to start over again. it was wild to see there was water coming from everywhere. it felt pretty apocalyptic. downstairs, we got about five feet. and then upstairs, our neighbour's backyard flooded, which subsequently caused our indoor dining space to flood. we had about 3.5 feet of water, almost four feet. i guess the water receded at about 3am. and it was a clean—up — just pulling everything out of the house. the floor was black, everything was tipped over. some stuff had already started to develop mould. there was oil everywhere, just sludge. i lost everything. right now, i'm sleeping on my friend's sofa, i have no bed to sleep on. it has been a month of me sleeping on a couch. we were on our own — this whole communityj was underwater- and we were on our own. it was just very, very. scary and unfortunate. there is destruction everywhere. - the walls are - completely destroyed. the floor is damaged. i lost everything. we didn't have flood insurance and the only offer to cover —— we didn't have flood insurance and they only offered to cover damages from the oil kind of tipping over, it only came out to about $1500, which is about nothing. so we definitely could have reopened. we put up a video of the flooding and just told everyone that we would be closed and that is when the messages started to pour in. where people were like, "let us help you". "start a gofundme. "let us donate. "let us help." it was like, the outpour of love, it was incredible. so yeah, we started a gofundme, and we had our goal set out at $15,000 but within six hours, we reached $20,000. it was humbling — humbling to say the least. climate change science is proven and indisputable. 0ur planet is warming because of greenhouse gas emissions that are man—made, and it's going to get much warmer and much more dangerous as extreme weather events affect average people in their daily lives. we have got to prepare for this. it is going to happen. the truth of the matter is that everyone from politicians to climate advocates and even scientists, have underestimated how much climate change is going to affect our daily lives. i think climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. as a new yorker, as an american, i feel that we are not giving it the attention, the urgency that it needs. we need to be more proactive about the things we do and put in place for the future. i'mjust angry. i am tired of watching the world burn - when we can do so much to protect it. _ hello there. part one of the weekend was a little bit dull for many of us. we held onto cloudy skies, sunshine was limited. it's going to be pretty similar, i think, for sunday with limited sunshine, a lot of cloud around and there will be some rain as well — particularly across the north—west of the uk, closer to this area of low pressure and its weather front. but further south, its higher pressure, barely any isobars, so the winds will be light. but it's still going to be relatively mild for the time of year, particularly towards the western side of the country, as we draw up this south—westerly breeze. now, we start sunday morning off on a rather cloudy note. there could be a little bit of sunshine, too, but also some mist and fog patches to watch out for. i think into the afternoon, much of england and wales should tend to see more holes breaking in the cloud with some sunny spells. a few showers across the south—east there, but the wettest and breeziest of the weather will be across the north and west of scotland, perhaps north—western parts of northern ireland. 11—14 degrees — pretty mild — but we could see 15 degrees for belfast. now, as we head through sunday night, that weather front in the north—west begins to sink southwards and eastwards but as it's running into an area of high pressure, it will begin to fizzle out, so the rain will get lighter. there will be some heavier bursts on it, i think, during sunday night. those temperatures range from around 6—11 degrees. so this weather front will be sinking slowly south—eastwards, almost grinding to a halt. as it pushes into that area of high pressure, it will fizzle out through the day. so we start off with some patchy rain for southern scotland, just pushing into parts of north west england, north west wales, but you can see it fades away and just leaves no more than a band of cloud. behind it, skies brighten for scotland and northern ireland — just a few blustery showers but a much better day. and further south and east, it's another rather cloudy one for much of england and wales — limited sunshine once again. temperatures 11—12, maybe 13 degrees. as we move through the rest of the week, it stays mild or even turns very mild at times, particularly across southern areas, and most of the wind and the rain will be confined to the north of the uk, as you can see here. as we run through tuesday into wednesday, its low pressure to the north of the uk which will bring these spells of wet and windy weather. further south, closer to this area of high pressure, this is where we will see the lighter winds and the more settled conditions. but you'll see how mild it is — temperatures reaching the mid—teens at times, particularly across southern areas. quite a bit of cloud around, limited sunshine with most of the rain confined to northern areas. see you later. this is bbc news. welcome if you're watching here in the uk, or around the globe. i'm rich preston. our top stories: hearing no objections, it is so decided. after two weeks of intense negotiations at the global climate summit, world leaders have agreed a deal — but does it go far enough? the agreement means countries must strengthen their targets to cut emissions for 2030. but a last minute intervention from india waters down the commitment to phase out coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel — leaving many deeply disappointed. un secretary—general antonio guterres calls the final agreement an important step, but questions if it's enough to avoid what he calls "climate catastrophe." in other news, belarus says it's stepping up humanitarian

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Improvements , Staff , Production Line , 100 , Brand , Power , Production , Motorcycle Industry Association , Wheelers , Sales , Two , 10 , Some , Image Problems , Market , Handling , British Brands , Hopes , The End , 1000 , New York City , Story , Warnings , Bbc News , It S Time , Reporter , Hurricane Ida , Hit , Word , News Archive , Water , Way , House , Flash Flood , Feet , Thing , Drain , Back , Boroughs , Side , Drain Outside , Nine , Five , Manhattan , The Bronx , Everything , Westchester , Shelter , 9 , 30 , Exposure , Flooding Event , Agencies , Sewage Water , Getting 2021 , 2021 , Sirens , Justin , September 1 , 1 , Wednesday September 1 , My Name Is Yvette Meier , Care , Block , Parents , Woodside , Queens , Everyone , Help , Other , Kind , My Name , Holly , Refugee , Somalia , 25 , Street , Harlem , Community , Majority , State Senator , Candidate , 137th , Brown Community , 7th , 8th , 8 , 137 , 7 , Rain For Southern Scotland , Lot , Storm System , Starting , Area , Things , Stuff , Revenue Loss , Owner , Cafe , Bunch , Let Go , Brooklyn , 75 , Wind , Kicking , Start , Ocean , Vaccinations , Business Model , Influence , Storms , Something , Possibility , Us , Anything , Role , Hurricane , Emergency Responses , Name The Tropical Storm , Sit , Emergency Management , Emergencies , Citizens , Preparedness , Fact , Downpours , Forecast , 0k , Businesses , 0k , Plan , Weather Service , Emergency , Services , Take Shelter , Basement , Everything Up , Gush , Dinner , Twist , Atmosphere , Sump Pump , Backflow , Sewage , Gurgling , Pipes , Ijust Didn T , Water Wasjust , 65th Street , 4810 , 65 , Sewer , Back Alley , Flash Flood Emergency , Time , Flooding , Ida , North East , Western Hemisphere , Subway System Shutdown , People , Rainfall , Platforms , Trains , 6 , 3 , Three , Atlantic Ocean , Gulf Of Mexico , 4 , Events , Moisture , Precipitation , Degrees Celsius , Form , Four , Six , Everywhere , Areas , Toilet , Front , Drainage , Watercan Drain Out , Cellphone Alerts , Messaging , National , Half , Wireless Emergency Alerts , Fema , Family , Flood Warning , Languages , Confusion , Tornado , Sewer System , Windows , Interior Room , You R In Southern Westchester County , Amount , Basements , Levels , Somewhere , Son , Subway System , Idea , Window , Ithought , Seven , 5 , 6 5 , Ground , Life , My Hero , Aback , Cancer , Blind , Eyes , Walking , Snow Blower , Cops , Steps , Building , Garbage Cans , Rapids , River , Flood , Top , Breath , Step , Walls , Floor , Switches , Black Sediment , 30000 , 0000 , Photos , Wall , Intention , Damage , Reconstruction , Husband , Photo Albums , Stringing , Kitchen , Charge , Them , Clipping , Many , Symptoms , Photographs , Albums , Table , Ourfamily , Children , 11 , Sunday Night , Shape , 15 , Place , Sewage Water 2021 , Hospital , Norovirus , Nurse Practitioner , E Coli Toxicity , Neighbour , Safe , Houses , Sanitation , Saturday , 77 , Books , Deaths , Storm , Emergency Officials , Chaos , Have , Remnants , Numberjust , 13 , Basement Apartment , In The City , Most , Weren T , Apartments , Basement Apartments , Victim , Death Traps , Housing , City , Part , Issue , Egress , Environment , Means , Rate , Problem , Jobs , Income , Immigrant , Population , Aren T , Society , Triple Up , Double Up , Housing Accommodations , Money , Climate Disaster , Colour , Wealth , Subways , Sea Levels , Type , It Didn T , Pollution , Government , Corporations , Decision Makers , Climate Change , Inequities , Impacts , Office , Climate Impacts , Lives , Immigrants , Cases , Ones , Work , Crisis , Tension , Climate Resiliency , Resiliency , Dollars , Challenges , Event , Measures , Don T Go There , Tax Dollars , Homeowners , Low Income , They Don T Go , Conditions , Infrastructure , Sea Walls , Upgrades , Blocks , After The Storm , Notification , Basement Units , Forecasting , Answer , Everybody , Safety , Responsibility , Cities , Funding , Climate Eventualities , Around The World , Ifelt , 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