Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

from the islamic state group. hello and welcome to bbc news. three days before the crucial cop26 climate summit, the pope has called on the global leaders to make radical decisions and offer hope to the world. in a message recorded by the bbc, pope francis called on all those at the summit to act now to tackle global warming. later, he met the us presidentjoe biden, who's in rome for a summit of 620 leaders. our north america editor, jon sopel, is travelling with president biden. he sent this report. the ruler of the world's pre—eminent superpower en route to meet the world's most powerful religious leader. but forjoe biden, only america's second roman catholic president, this is an audience with his spiritual guide, and clearly someone he admires enormously. you are the most significant warrior for peace i have ever met. and with your permission, i'd like to be able to give you a coin. i know my son would want me to give you this to you. the president gave him a coin as a gift, and thenjoked about his irish heritage. i'm the only irish man you've ever met who's never had a drink! and the pope choose the bbc today — in particular, thought for the day on radio 4, to deliver a firm message to the political elite ahead of next week's crucial cop26 summit. translation: the political- decision-makers who will meet at cop26 in glasgow are urgently summoned to provide effective responses to the present ecological crisis, and in this way to offer concrete hope to future generations. joe biden agrees with the pope about the urgency, but will words be matched by actions? the motorcades will be sweeping through rome this weekend, through glasgow next week. world leaders tasked with saving the planet. so, no big deal, then. around the world there have been protests of varying size to chivvy world leaders into action. this was the scene in tel aviv today. in glasgow, outside where the summit will be held next week, the demonstrators seemed to be outnumbered by security guards. and in london, greta thunberg was the star attraction. she's buried somewhere in this mob of photographers, and she had this message for president biden. when you are leader of the most powerful country in the world, i you have lots of responsibilities. and when the us is actually, in fact, expanding fossil- fuel infrastructure, that is a clear sign| that they are not really treating - the climate crisis as an emergency. and this salvo to other nations from the former california governor and terminator star. all of those countries that come and give speeches, "we are not going to go and lose jobs because of going greener" — they're liars. or they're alljust stupid and they don't know how to do it. joe biden, on this trip to europe, wants to show that america is leading the world on tackling climate change. but his 85—vehicle convoy, most of which were flown in from the us, may not be leading by example — or, in this holy city, practising what you preach. jon sopel, bbc news, rome. relations between the us and france had been strained by what's known as the aukus deal which brought closer military cooperation between america, australia and the uk while sidelining france from a deal to sell submarines to australia. they were worth thousands of euros. that enraged paris and led to some frantic diplomacy to smooth things over, and president biden now says things could have been done a little bit better. what happened was to lose that an english race. what we did was clumsy. it was not done with a lot of grace. i was under the impression certain things that happened, but the friends is an extremely valuable partner —— france. the friends is an extremely valuable partner -- france.— partner -- france. france with the us because _ partner -- france. france with the us because my — partner -- france. france with the us because my first _ partner -- france. france with the us because my first ally _ partner -- france. france with the us because my first ally during - partner -- france. france with the| us because my first ally during the through revolutionary war. here'sjon sopel again. i think the french would want to move _ i think the french would want to move on. — i think the french would want to move on, even though they are clear he is _ move on, even though they are clear he is they— move on, even though they are clear he is. they withdrew their ambassador from washington —— they are furious _ ambassador from washington —— they are furious. america's relationship with france — are furious. america's relationship with france is the oldest relationship. i think it was a really— relationship. i think it was a really serious breach and i think joe biden— really serious breach and i think joe biden is trying to make it betteh — joe biden is trying to make it better. it's hard to see what the french _ better. it's hard to see what the french have got out of it. if they were _ french have got out of it. if they were looking for some kind of payback— were looking for some kind of payback for the slight that they felt had — payback for the slight that they felt had been delivered. french president emmanuel macron has said that britain's "credibility" is on the line in a post brexit row with the uk on fishing rights, during an interview with the financial times. france is angry that not all of its boats received licences, while the uk says the majority of licences have been issued, but some french vessels don't meet the criteria for british waters. borisjohnson says he's "puzzled" by the threat. with the latest, here's our political correspondent, alex forsyth. arriving in rome with a diplomatic row brewing, the prime minister stressed the ties that bind the uk and france. an old ally and friend, but the french president tonight told the financial times the uk's credibility is at stake in the row over fishing. this is the front line of this fight, which has been rumbling for months. the authorities here injersey and across the uk say they have stuck to agreements made after brexit and issued licences to french boats that can prove a history of fishing these waters. but france says dozens have been unfairly denied. localfishermen, like their counterparts across the channel, are frustrated and worried. the feeling amongst the fleet yesterday was one of absolute despair. certainly, there are real difficult times ahead and our big worry down here is how are we going to try and preserve the fleet and come out the other end with a fishing fleet intact. the row escalated this week when this british trawler was detained by french authorities, a warning shot about what might follow. france has threatened further checks and restrictions on british vessels, even suggested it could disrupt cross—channel trade. the prime minister said he'd be surprised if that happened, but the uk was ready to do what's necessary, the government is ready to retaliate. two can play at that game is what i would say, but in the first instance, what we are doing is raising this with the european commission. it's always open to us to increase the enforcement that we do on french vessels, to board more of them if that's what they are doing to our vessels. in a further sign of tension, the french ambassador was summoned to the foreign office, where she was given a dressing down. the language on both sides is ramping up, but they are still talking. both here and in france, fishing is an emotional issue which carries political clout. borisjohnson promised british fishermen brexit would mean a better deal. in france, president macron is facing an election which brings its own pressures. both sides have reason to take a tough stance, but both know a serious escalation could be damaging. this spring, french boats staged a protest offjersey over the same issue. the uk says it does want a diplomatic solution to this ongoing dispute. france has set a deadline of tuesday for it to be resolved. there is a time for flexing . muscles and put your trump cards on the table, _ there are times for negotiations. the next step is really negotiation. but for now, it's the fishermen that are caught in this diplomatic row. alex forsyth, bbc news, westminster. don thompson, who featured in the report, is the president of the jersey fishermen association. the situation and _ jersey fishermen association. tie: situation and the jersey fishermen association. t'te: situation and the threats jersey fishermen association. tt2 situation and the threats that have been used are disproportionate to the issue. i think if they could be moved out of the political arena, and the correct level of officials, with what is a pretty clear—cut situation. vessels need to prove that they previously fished here and they will receive a licence. all french fishermen on nearby coasts are actually quite content that they have received their licenses and are already fishing, so it's a bit of a bizarre situation right now. it is. bizarre situation right now. it is, and it must _ bizarre situation right now. it is, and it must look _ bizarre situation right now. it is, and it must look even _ bizarre situation right now. it is, and it must look even more - bizarre situation right now. it is, and it must look even more bizarre from where you are. the channel islands are not part of the uk or france, but here are these two countries sizing each other up, looking at ways to resolve this, it may blackmail on both sides when it suits their cause. you talk about taking a political arena. do you feel you're being used as a bit of a political football here by both sides? ~ ., , ., , sides? we feel a little bit as if that's something _ sides? we feel a little bit as if that's something that - sides? we feel a little bit as if. that's something that happened sides? we feel a little bit as if- that's something that happened right through the brexit negotiations and thatjersey to some extent has been drawn into something that is a larger issue between france and the uk. butjust to put into context what's going on here, france is demanding licenses for vessels that effectively didn't have permits and have no way of showing that they fished here, so to an issue license vessels... are proven they would've been illegally fishing so we are asking do you want us to license them orfind them asking do you want us to license them or find them for illegal fishing. them or find them for illegal fishinu. ., g , , ., fishing. the view from jersey and the channel _ fishing. the view from jersey and the channel islands. _ the queen has been advised by her doctors to rest for at least the next two weeks, following concerns about her health. they've said she can undertake light, desk—based duties, such as virtual audiences, but not any official visits. it means she won't be able to attend this year's festival of remembrance on saturday, november the 13th, but the palace said it was still her firm intention to attend remembrance sunday events the following day, sunday, the 14th of november. our royal correspondent, jonny dymond, explained what the two—week rest means for the queen. this fortnight gives her a essentially a couple of weeks of not travelling, not meeting people and only carrying out virtual engagements. to recoverfrom a bout of fatigue. she has carried out about three different engagements in the last three days and has smiled broadly through a couple of them. she doesn't appeared to be actually unwell. she's clearly been a bit too tired to do travel. and the doctors have said no more trouble for a couple of weeks. she will miss the festival of remembrance happened on the evening before remembrance sunday, but she will get to remembrance sunday. the reason i bang on about this is because it is the most important day in the queen's calendar personally. the fact that it was marked up by the palace is indicative i think of what this fortnight is about. it's a chance to say there is not much in the diary but we will not do any travel. keep the queen in windsor and we will be back on remembrance sunday. the uk recorded higher levels of covid infection in the week to last friday than at any time last winter. the office for national statistics has estimated that 1.3 million people would have tested positive in that period. that's one in every 55. the government has announced more flexibility on when people in england can get their boosterjabs. here's our health editor, hugh pym. boosterjabs like these being delivered in leeds today are seen by ministers as vital in the drive to keep ahead of the virus. they are offered six months after a second dose, but from today, the nhs has been told there can be flexibility on timing. for example, if someone, a doctor, is visiting a care home, and there might be one or two residents that are just short of the six—month point, they can use their discretion and make sure everyone is boosted in the same session. daily reported cases may not be rising, but part of the explanation may be fewer school pupils coming forward for tests during half—term holidays. the office for national statistics does regular household testing, which picks up the underlying trend. the latest ons survey suggests that last week, 1.3 million people in the uk had the virus, higher than the peak injanuary. in england, one in 50 people had the virus, in wales, it was one in 40. in both scotland and northern ireland, one in 75 people. there were increases in all the uk's nations. son what might the ons data tell us about this week when it's published? i wouldn't be surprised to see a reduction in our data in the next week or so. however, what we saw this time last year was that little half—term reduction followed by a significant increase, so i really am not being complacent there. case rates may be higher, but hospital admissions are about a quarter of the level seen injanuary, thanks to protection offered by vaccines. wales has the highest infection rate in the uk, and new measures are being brought in to tackle the virus. covid passes are being extended to cinemas, theatres and concert halls from mid—november, and other venues may yet be included. the first minister said this was necessary to allow a normal christmas, and the pandemic is farfrom over. hugh pym, bbc news. do stay with us on bbc news. thousands of fans have gathered to gather the death of hollywood star aged just 46. indira gandhi, ruler of the world's largest democracy, died today. only yesterday, she had spoken of dying in the service of her country and said, "i would be proud of it. every drop of my blood will contribute to the "every drop of my blood will contribute to the growth of this nation." "growth of this nation." after 46 years of unhappiness, these two countries have concluded a chapter of history. no more suspicion, no more fear, no more uncertainty of what each day might bring. booster ignition and lift—off . of discovery with a crew of six astronaut heroes and one american legend. - this is beautiful. a milestone in human history. born today, this girl in india is the seven billionth person on the planet. is the seven billionth welcome back to bbc news. pope francis calls for radical decisions at next week's climate change summit. as the row over post—brexit fixing rights escalates, france asks the european union to look at tariffs on british imports. in poland, the parliament has given the green light to build a wall on part of its eastern border with belarus in response to what it says is an a... they accuse the government in minsk of facilitating a new migration route into the bbc. i gets belarus's president. jessica parker has more on this development. in terms of the detail in terms of what this wall will look like and do, i can tell you some more. it will cost around $400 million. it'll be five and a half metres high, equipped with emotional and sensors and cover around the relevant kilometre border. the plan it seems is to try and get it up by the middle of next year. there have been concerns about the number of migrant crossings from belarus now that the regime has been accused of basically weaponize thing migrants in retaliation for sanctions against the regime, and the polish government reported a surge in migrants crossing the border. a number have died as well. this is the way to deal with that migratory pressure and deter migrants and stop the situation. but critics say that it will not be effective, that walls should not be built on borders. in terms of the european union because my position on this, i haven't seen any official reaction, but ursula von der leyen recently said there would be no eu funding for barbed wire or walls. but the polish government seems determined to press on with building this wall, although it is controversial in some quarters. jessica parker in brussels. us officials are warning that the in the islamic state group branch could be in a position to launch attacks abroad in six months. the taliban insist it won't allow that to happen. ifs is far smaller than the taliban. —— iis. a new chapter is beginning in this conflict. we have come to its front line. the taliban now rule the country. but here injalalabad, they're facing an almost daily stream of targeted attacks by the local branch of the islamic state group. this, a roadside bombing. the hit and run tactics of the taliban now used against them. it's notjust the taliban who are under attack. abdul rahman mawin was a prominent social activist. his two young sons saw him gunned down earlier this month. translation: when the taliban took power, we were hopeful that - all the violence and killing would finally stop, but now we face this new phenomena with the name of is. the taliban's intelligence service has detained dozens of alleged is members. hundreds escaped from prison during the group's takeover. dead bodies with notes labelling them is fighters are dumped by the road every few days, but the taliban won't admit responsibility for the extrajudicial killings. they accuse is of being extremists. is accuse the taliban of not being radical enough. there are almost daily attacks injalalabad, it seems. are you really in control of the situation here? translation: just as we defeated international forces _ on the battlefield with the blessing of allah, we tell the world not to worry about any small group of traitors carrying out attacks here. they will be defeated, too. is has been launching attacks for years, but they've spread to new parts of the country since the taliban came to power. this, a twin suicide bombing on a shia mosque in the taliban stronghold of kandahar. the group don't control any territory but they have territory, but they have deadly cells, particularly here injalalabad. is is much less powerful than the taliban, but the attacks they're carrying out here are causing real concern, both for afghans exhausted by bloodshed, and internationally. american officials warn is could launch foreign operations in as little as six months�* time. this former member says the group has global ambitions, but lacks capacity. translation: they issue | threats to the whole world. they want to establish their rule everywhere, j but those are just words. they are not powerful enough to take over afghanistan. - the taliban have increased security around eastern afghanistan. publicly, they're playing down the threat from is, but many fear more violence lies ahead. secunder kermani, bbc news, jalalabad. a prominent film actor has died at the age of 46. there's been an outpouring of grief among his fans, as you can see in these pictures. thousands of people gathered outside the hospital and his home. shops in the hospital and his home. shops in the city have closed due to fears that gatherings could turn violent. he was described as the super start of the film industry. earlier, we spoke to london feel critic about the legacy he leaves behind. t spoke to london feel critic about the legacy he leaves behind. i have met his brother _ the legacy he leaves behind. i have met his brother who _ the legacy he leaves behind. i have met his brother who himself - the legacy he leaves behind. i have met his brother who himself is - met his brother who himself is a huge star in his own right. i think everyone is in a state of shock because just yesterday, he was performing. to hear this news this morning, just has taken everyone by total shock. morning, just has taken everyone by totalshock. he morning, just has taken everyone by total shock. he was only 46 years of age, so much promise and talent. 29 films, lots being made still, and this is happening. it's a shock and thousands have been mourning his death. it's been really sad. i've been watching a lot of the footage coming in. thousands pay tribute to him. so, he has been on their screens from the time he was a child, so they have seen him growing up child, so they have seen him growing up on screen with them. he acted with his father in a film where he saying, he acted, a little boy who has been played lots of roles with his father. doctor prajkumar was one of the most beloved actors of his time and which is why all the fans are this shocked. they can't believe this is happened. the are this shocked. they can't believe this is happened.— this is happened. the death of puneeth rajkumar. _ this is happened. the death of - puneeth rajkumar. extraordinarily sad news for his thousands of fans. you're watching bbc world news. skies are clear across some parts of the country and it's even dry out, but in other areas, it's raining again in the next weather front is currently moving into western parts of the uk and the whole weekend will be very changeable from rain to sunshine. here's the satellite picture, and you can see lots of other systems circling around the north atlantic, some of them moving in. this is the one that over western parts of the uk. it's raining where you are at this very moment, it's as a result of this weather front. moment, it's as a result of this weatherfront. you can see it weather front. you can see it here through the early hours of the morning, the rain will be heaviest around southwestern scotland, wales and also the southwest of england. in some areas, there could be 20, 30 or even 40 mm of rain. it's dry in newcastle, hulland or even 40 mm of rain. it's dry in newcastle, hull and london as well. watch the weather front, it moves into centre parts of the uk and pushes eastwards by late mornings. by pushes eastwards by late mornings. by lunch the bulk of that rain is out in the north sea. the weather improves across most of the uk. it will be completely dry and there will be completely dry and there will be completely dry and there will be showers around, but there's certainly going to be a lot more sunshine around the second half of the day. 15 in london, around 11 or belfast and glasgow. saturday night, a window of opportunity and drier weather before the next area of low pressure sweeps in. certainly worthy of a mention, it's the fact that the clocks go back early hours of sunday. sunday's weather map, here's the low pressure moving into the uk. a lot of pressure lines, meaning quite a strong wind going into western and southwestern parts of the country. here's that band of rain in the morning. by the time we get to lunch time, the bulk of that rain again is out in the north sea, and it dries out. some areas particularly around the irish sea, northern ireland, we will have showers. the good news is for some of the trick—or—treaters, the skies will be clear enough and i think there'll be some dry weather around as well. always a some showers about. the forecast shows the weather will be changeable through the first half of the week, but towards the end, things should settle down. bye—bye. this is bbc news, the headlines. pope francis has called on world leaders to take radical decisions at the forthcoming climate change summit in glasgow. in a special message filmed by the bbc, he called for a meaningful deal to give hope to future generations. president biden who's only the second catholic president in us history has met the pope at the vatican. he's in rome for the g20 summit, before heading to glasgow for cop 26. president biden has also met france's president emmanuel macron. mr biden said that the us had been clumsy in the way it struck a submarine deal with australia which scrapped france's own agreement with australia. lawmakers in poland have approved plans to build a wall along much of its border with belarus, following a surge in the number of migrants trying to enter the eu. as the row over post brexit fishing rights escalates, france has asked the european commission to look at levvying retaliatory tariffs on british imports. france says dozens of its boats have been denied fishing licences.

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Uk , Bbc News , Pope Francis , Viewers , Headlines , Around The World , Decisions , Translation , Us , Crisis , Hurdle , Front , Climate Change Summit In A Special Message , Row , Summit , President , Opportunity , Audience , Brexit , Pontiff , Biden Only The Second Catholic , People , France , Taliban , Credibility , Line , Level , Pandemic , Coronavirus Infections , Battle , Fishing Rights , Supremacy , Militants , Figures , Ground Zero , Afghan , City Ofjalalabad , 1 3 Million , Zero , Islamic State Group , Pope , Cop26 Climate Summit , Hello , Cop26 , Three , Presidentjoe Biden , Message , World , Leaders , Hope , Rome , Global Warming , 620 , Report , Leader , North America Editor , Jon Sopel , Superpower En Route , Ruler Of The World , Forjoe Biden , Someone , Peace , Warrior , Only America S Second Roman Catholic , Spiritual Guide , Coin , Son , Permission , Heritage , Gift , Drink , Man , Irish , Thenjoked , Cop26 Summit , Elite , Radio 4 , 4 , Way , Political Decision Makers , Glasgow , Responses , Joe Biden , Generations , Words , Actions , Urgency , Motorcades , Deal , World Leaders , Planet , Protests , Size , Scene , Chivvy World Leaders Into Action , Greta Thunberg , In London , Demonstrators , Attraction , The Star , Tel Aviv , Security Guards , Country , Fact , Lots , Responsibilities , Somewhere , Photographers , Mob , Fossil Fuel Infrastructure , Countries , Wall , Sign , Nations , Climate Crisis , Emergency , Salvo , Governor , Terminator Star , Speeches , California , Jobs , Liars , Trip , Europe , Convoy , Most , Practising , Holy City , 85 , Relations , Cooperation , Aukus , Australia , Thousands , Euros , Submarines , Bit , Things , Led , Diplomacy , Paris , Lot , Race , Grace , Impression , English , Partner , Ally , Friends , My Partner , Revolutionary War , Here Sjon Sopel Again , French , Relationship , Ambassador , Move On , Washington , Breach , Really Relationship , Payback , Times , Kind , Emmanuel Macron Has , Brexit Row , Interview , On Fishing Rights , Boats , Licences , Waters , Threat , Borisjohnson , Vessels , Criteria , Latest , Majority , Prime Minister , Alex Forsyth , Friend , Row Brewing , Ties , Fishing , Front Line , Fight , Authorities , Stake , History , Channel , Dozens , Counterparts , Agreements , Localfishermen , Fishing Fleet Intact , Feeling , Worry , End , Despair , One , Restrictions , Trawler , Warning Shot , Checks , Government , Two , Game , Instance , Cross Channel Trade , More , Doing , European Commission , Enforcement , Tension , Sides , Language , Foreign Office , Dressing , Up , Issue , Reason , Pressures , Escalation , Stance , Clout , Election , Both , Fishermen Brexit , Protest Offjersey , Spring , Solution , Dispute , Deadline , Negotiations , Fishermen , Negotiation , Flexing , Step , Table , Muscles , Trump Cards , Don Thompson , Westminster , Situation , Threats , Jersey Fishermen Association , Tie , T Te , Tt2 , Arena , Officials , Licence , Licenses , Coasts , Channel Islands , Bizarre , Ways , Football , Cause , Something , Extent , Butjust , Context , License Vessels , Showing , Permits , Fishinu , G , Queen , Concerns , Doctors , View , Light , Audiences , Health , Duties , Visits , Jersey , Festival , Palace , Remembrance , Remembrance Sunday , Events , Intention , November The 13th , Royal Correspondent , The 14th Of November , Jonny Dymond , 14 , 13 , Sunday The 14th Of November , Saturday November The 13th , Couple , Engagements , Recoverfrom , Fatigue , Travel , Trouble , Evening , Calendar , Chance , Fortnight , Diary , Windsor , Office For National Statistics , Covid Infection , Positive , Levels , 55 , Ministers , Flexibility , Hugh Pym , Boosterjabs , England , Drive , Being , Leeds , Virus , Residents , Doctor , Care Home , Example , Dose , Timing , Nhs , Six , Everyone , Part , Cases , Discretion , Tests , Point , Session , Explanation , School Pupils , Household Testing , Trend , Ons Survey , Wales , Increases , Ons Data , Northern Ireland , Southwestern Scotland , Peak Injanuary , 75 , 50 , 40 , Reduction , Data , Wouldn T , Increase , Thanks , Case Rates , Injanuary , Protection , Quarter , Hospital Admissions , Infection Rate , Venues , Vaccines , Measures , Concert Halls , Cinemas , Theatres , Covid , Mid November , First Minister , Stay , Farfrom Over , Fans , Indira Gandhi , Democracy , Death Of Hollywood Star , 46 , Drop , Nation , Blood , Growth , Service , Dying , Unhappiness , Fear , Chapter , Discovery , Suspicion , Uncertainty , Booster Ignition , Lift Off , Crew , Heroes , And One American Legend , Human History , Milestone , Person , Billionth , Girl , India , Seven , Imports , Tariffs , Fixing Rights , European Union , Poland , Border , Belarus , Parliament , Response , Migration Route , Jessica Parker , Minsk , Terms , Development , Detail , Sensors , Five , 00 Million , 400 Million , Number , Regime , Plan , Middle , Kilometre Border , Surge , Migrants , Thing , Sanctions , Retaliation , Pressure , Walls , Critics , Position , Funding , Reaction , Borders , Haven T , Barbed Wire , Ursula Von Der Leyen , Quarters , Brussels , Attacks , Warning , Ifs , Islamic State Group Branch , Conflict , Iis , Branch , Roadside Bombing , Stream , Abdul Rahman Mawin , Attack , Social Activist , Tactics , Hit And Run , Notjust , Violence , Killing , Power , Sons , Phenomena , Group , Is , Notes , Members , Intelligence Service , Bodies , Name , Prison , Takeover , Hundreds , Won T , Fighters , Responsibility , Killings , Road , Extremists , Injalalabad , Control , Forces , Enough , Launching Attacks , Battlefield , Blessing , Traitors , Allah , Territory , Parts , Suicide Bombing , Mosque , Don T , Taliban Stronghold Of Kandahar , Shia , Concern , Afghans , Cells , Bloodshed , Operations , Member , Ambitions , Everywhere , Security , Rule , Capacity , Secunder Kermani , Jalalabad , Film Actor , Age , Grief , Outpouring , Hospital , Shops , Fears , Home , City , Have , Pictures , Gatherings , Brother , T , Legacy , Critic , Star , Start , Right , Film Industry , News , State Of Shock , Shock , Promise , Films , Totalshock , 29 , Death , Footage , Mourning , Child , Father , Film , Screen , Screens , Doctor Prajkumar , Little Boy , Actors , Roles , Bbc World News , Puneeth Rajkumar , Weather Front , Areas , Weekend , Western Parts , Skies , Some , Rain To Sunshine , Satellite Picture , Systems , North Atlantic , Rain , Result , Weatherfront , Southwest , 30 , 20 , Centre Parts , Late Mornings , Newcastle , Hulland , Hull , Bulk , Weather , Showers , Half , Sunshine , North Sea , By Pushes Eastwards Late Mornings , 15 , 11 , Saturday Night , Area , Mention , Belfast , Pressure Lines , Wind , Weather Map , Clocks , Sunday , Irish Sea , Band Of Rain In The Morning , Trick Or , Treaters , Forecast , The End , Bye , Climate Change Summit In Glasgow , G20 Summit , The Vatican , 26 , Cop 26 , Submarine Deal , Plans , Agreement , Lawmakers , Fishing Licences ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

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from the islamic state group. hello and welcome to bbc news. three days before the crucial cop26 climate summit, the pope has called on the global leaders to make radical decisions and offer hope to the world. in a message recorded by the bbc, pope francis called on all those at the summit to act now to tackle global warming. later, he met the us presidentjoe biden, who's in rome for a summit of 620 leaders. our north america editor, jon sopel, is travelling with president biden. he sent this report. the ruler of the world's pre—eminent superpower en route to meet the world's most powerful religious leader. but forjoe biden, only america's second roman catholic president, this is an audience with his spiritual guide, and clearly someone he admires enormously. you are the most significant warrior for peace i have ever met. and with your permission, i'd like to be able to give you a coin. i know my son would want me to give you this to you. the president gave him a coin as a gift, and thenjoked about his irish heritage. i'm the only irish man you've ever met who's never had a drink! and the pope choose the bbc today — in particular, thought for the day on radio 4, to deliver a firm message to the political elite ahead of next week's crucial cop26 summit. translation: the political- decision-makers who will meet at cop26 in glasgow are urgently summoned to provide effective responses to the present ecological crisis, and in this way to offer concrete hope to future generations. joe biden agrees with the pope about the urgency, but will words be matched by actions? the motorcades will be sweeping through rome this weekend, through glasgow next week. world leaders tasked with saving the planet. so, no big deal, then. around the world there have been protests of varying size to chivvy world leaders into action. this was the scene in tel aviv today. in glasgow, outside where the summit will be held next week, the demonstrators seemed to be outnumbered by security guards. and in london, greta thunberg was the star attraction. she's buried somewhere in this mob of photographers, and she had this message for president biden. when you are leader of the most powerful country in the world, i you have lots of responsibilities. and when the us is actually, in fact, expanding fossil- fuel infrastructure, that is a clear sign| that they are not really treating - the climate crisis as an emergency. and this salvo to other nations from the former california governor and terminator star. all of those countries that come and give speeches, "we are not going to go and lose jobs because of going greener" — they're liars. or they're alljust stupid and they don't know how to do it. joe biden, on this trip to europe, wants to show that america is leading the world on tackling climate change. but his 85—vehicle convoy, most of which were flown in from the us, may not be leading by example — or, in this holy city, practising what you preach. jon sopel, bbc news, rome. relations between the us and france had been strained by what's known as the aukus deal which brought closer military cooperation between america, australia and the uk while sidelining france from a deal to sell submarines to australia. they were worth thousands of euros. that enraged paris and led to some frantic diplomacy to smooth things over, and president biden now says things could have been done a little bit better. what happened was to lose that an english race. what we did was clumsy. it was not done with a lot of grace. i was under the impression certain things that happened, but the friends is an extremely valuable partner —— france. the friends is an extremely valuable partner -- france.— partner -- france. france with the us because _ partner -- france. france with the us because my — partner -- france. france with the us because my first _ partner -- france. france with the us because my first ally _ partner -- france. france with the us because my first ally during - partner -- france. france with the| us because my first ally during the through revolutionary war. here'sjon sopel again. i think the french would want to move _ i think the french would want to move on. — i think the french would want to move on, even though they are clear he is _ move on, even though they are clear he is they— move on, even though they are clear he is. they withdrew their ambassador from washington —— they are furious _ ambassador from washington —— they are furious. america's relationship with france — are furious. america's relationship with france is the oldest relationship. i think it was a really— relationship. i think it was a really serious breach and i think joe biden— really serious breach and i think joe biden is trying to make it betteh — joe biden is trying to make it better. it's hard to see what the french _ better. it's hard to see what the french have got out of it. if they were _ french have got out of it. if they were looking for some kind of payback— were looking for some kind of payback for the slight that they felt had — payback for the slight that they felt had been delivered. french president emmanuel macron has said that britain's "credibility" is on the line in a post brexit row with the uk on fishing rights, during an interview with the financial times. france is angry that not all of its boats received licences, while the uk says the majority of licences have been issued, but some french vessels don't meet the criteria for british waters. borisjohnson says he's "puzzled" by the threat. with the latest, here's our political correspondent, alex forsyth. arriving in rome with a diplomatic row brewing, the prime minister stressed the ties that bind the uk and france. an old ally and friend, but the french president tonight told the financial times the uk's credibility is at stake in the row over fishing. this is the front line of this fight, which has been rumbling for months. the authorities here injersey and across the uk say they have stuck to agreements made after brexit and issued licences to french boats that can prove a history of fishing these waters. but france says dozens have been unfairly denied. localfishermen, like their counterparts across the channel, are frustrated and worried. the feeling amongst the fleet yesterday was one of absolute despair. certainly, there are real difficult times ahead and our big worry down here is how are we going to try and preserve the fleet and come out the other end with a fishing fleet intact. the row escalated this week when this british trawler was detained by french authorities, a warning shot about what might follow. france has threatened further checks and restrictions on british vessels, even suggested it could disrupt cross—channel trade. the prime minister said he'd be surprised if that happened, but the uk was ready to do what's necessary, the government is ready to retaliate. two can play at that game is what i would say, but in the first instance, what we are doing is raising this with the european commission. it's always open to us to increase the enforcement that we do on french vessels, to board more of them if that's what they are doing to our vessels. in a further sign of tension, the french ambassador was summoned to the foreign office, where she was given a dressing down. the language on both sides is ramping up, but they are still talking. both here and in france, fishing is an emotional issue which carries political clout. borisjohnson promised british fishermen brexit would mean a better deal. in france, president macron is facing an election which brings its own pressures. both sides have reason to take a tough stance, but both know a serious escalation could be damaging. this spring, french boats staged a protest offjersey over the same issue. the uk says it does want a diplomatic solution to this ongoing dispute. france has set a deadline of tuesday for it to be resolved. there is a time for flexing . muscles and put your trump cards on the table, _ there are times for negotiations. the next step is really negotiation. but for now, it's the fishermen that are caught in this diplomatic row. alex forsyth, bbc news, westminster. don thompson, who featured in the report, is the president of the jersey fishermen association. the situation and _ jersey fishermen association. tie: situation and the jersey fishermen association. t'te: situation and the threats jersey fishermen association. tt2 situation and the threats that have been used are disproportionate to the issue. i think if they could be moved out of the political arena, and the correct level of officials, with what is a pretty clear—cut situation. vessels need to prove that they previously fished here and they will receive a licence. all french fishermen on nearby coasts are actually quite content that they have received their licenses and are already fishing, so it's a bit of a bizarre situation right now. it is. bizarre situation right now. it is, and it must _ bizarre situation right now. it is, and it must look _ bizarre situation right now. it is, and it must look even _ bizarre situation right now. it is, and it must look even more - bizarre situation right now. it is, and it must look even more bizarre from where you are. the channel islands are not part of the uk or france, but here are these two countries sizing each other up, looking at ways to resolve this, it may blackmail on both sides when it suits their cause. you talk about taking a political arena. do you feel you're being used as a bit of a political football here by both sides? ~ ., , ., , sides? we feel a little bit as if that's something _ sides? we feel a little bit as if that's something that - sides? we feel a little bit as if. that's something that happened sides? we feel a little bit as if- that's something that happened right through the brexit negotiations and thatjersey to some extent has been drawn into something that is a larger issue between france and the uk. butjust to put into context what's going on here, france is demanding licenses for vessels that effectively didn't have permits and have no way of showing that they fished here, so to an issue license vessels... are proven they would've been illegally fishing so we are asking do you want us to license them orfind them asking do you want us to license them or find them for illegal fishing. them or find them for illegal fishinu. ., g , , ., fishing. the view from jersey and the channel _ fishing. the view from jersey and the channel islands. _ the queen has been advised by her doctors to rest for at least the next two weeks, following concerns about her health. they've said she can undertake light, desk—based duties, such as virtual audiences, but not any official visits. it means she won't be able to attend this year's festival of remembrance on saturday, november the 13th, but the palace said it was still her firm intention to attend remembrance sunday events the following day, sunday, the 14th of november. our royal correspondent, jonny dymond, explained what the two—week rest means for the queen. this fortnight gives her a essentially a couple of weeks of not travelling, not meeting people and only carrying out virtual engagements. to recoverfrom a bout of fatigue. she has carried out about three different engagements in the last three days and has smiled broadly through a couple of them. she doesn't appeared to be actually unwell. she's clearly been a bit too tired to do travel. and the doctors have said no more trouble for a couple of weeks. she will miss the festival of remembrance happened on the evening before remembrance sunday, but she will get to remembrance sunday. the reason i bang on about this is because it is the most important day in the queen's calendar personally. the fact that it was marked up by the palace is indicative i think of what this fortnight is about. it's a chance to say there is not much in the diary but we will not do any travel. keep the queen in windsor and we will be back on remembrance sunday. the uk recorded higher levels of covid infection in the week to last friday than at any time last winter. the office for national statistics has estimated that 1.3 million people would have tested positive in that period. that's one in every 55. the government has announced more flexibility on when people in england can get their boosterjabs. here's our health editor, hugh pym. boosterjabs like these being delivered in leeds today are seen by ministers as vital in the drive to keep ahead of the virus. they are offered six months after a second dose, but from today, the nhs has been told there can be flexibility on timing. for example, if someone, a doctor, is visiting a care home, and there might be one or two residents that are just short of the six—month point, they can use their discretion and make sure everyone is boosted in the same session. daily reported cases may not be rising, but part of the explanation may be fewer school pupils coming forward for tests during half—term holidays. the office for national statistics does regular household testing, which picks up the underlying trend. the latest ons survey suggests that last week, 1.3 million people in the uk had the virus, higher than the peak injanuary. in england, one in 50 people had the virus, in wales, it was one in 40. in both scotland and northern ireland, one in 75 people. there were increases in all the uk's nations. son what might the ons data tell us about this week when it's published? i wouldn't be surprised to see a reduction in our data in the next week or so. however, what we saw this time last year was that little half—term reduction followed by a significant increase, so i really am not being complacent there. case rates may be higher, but hospital admissions are about a quarter of the level seen injanuary, thanks to protection offered by vaccines. wales has the highest infection rate in the uk, and new measures are being brought in to tackle the virus. covid passes are being extended to cinemas, theatres and concert halls from mid—november, and other venues may yet be included. the first minister said this was necessary to allow a normal christmas, and the pandemic is farfrom over. hugh pym, bbc news. do stay with us on bbc news. thousands of fans have gathered to gather the death of hollywood star aged just 46. indira gandhi, ruler of the world's largest democracy, died today. only yesterday, she had spoken of dying in the service of her country and said, "i would be proud of it. every drop of my blood will contribute to the "every drop of my blood will contribute to the growth of this nation." "growth of this nation." after 46 years of unhappiness, these two countries have concluded a chapter of history. no more suspicion, no more fear, no more uncertainty of what each day might bring. booster ignition and lift—off . of discovery with a crew of six astronaut heroes and one american legend. - this is beautiful. a milestone in human history. born today, this girl in india is the seven billionth person on the planet. is the seven billionth welcome back to bbc news. pope francis calls for radical decisions at next week's climate change summit. as the row over post—brexit fixing rights escalates, france asks the european union to look at tariffs on british imports. in poland, the parliament has given the green light to build a wall on part of its eastern border with belarus in response to what it says is an a... they accuse the government in minsk of facilitating a new migration route into the bbc. i gets belarus's president. jessica parker has more on this development. in terms of the detail in terms of what this wall will look like and do, i can tell you some more. it will cost around $400 million. it'll be five and a half metres high, equipped with emotional and sensors and cover around the relevant kilometre border. the plan it seems is to try and get it up by the middle of next year. there have been concerns about the number of migrant crossings from belarus now that the regime has been accused of basically weaponize thing migrants in retaliation for sanctions against the regime, and the polish government reported a surge in migrants crossing the border. a number have died as well. this is the way to deal with that migratory pressure and deter migrants and stop the situation. but critics say that it will not be effective, that walls should not be built on borders. in terms of the european union because my position on this, i haven't seen any official reaction, but ursula von der leyen recently said there would be no eu funding for barbed wire or walls. but the polish government seems determined to press on with building this wall, although it is controversial in some quarters. jessica parker in brussels. us officials are warning that the in the islamic state group branch could be in a position to launch attacks abroad in six months. the taliban insist it won't allow that to happen. ifs is far smaller than the taliban. —— iis. a new chapter is beginning in this conflict. we have come to its front line. the taliban now rule the country. but here injalalabad, they're facing an almost daily stream of targeted attacks by the local branch of the islamic state group. this, a roadside bombing. the hit and run tactics of the taliban now used against them. it's notjust the taliban who are under attack. abdul rahman mawin was a prominent social activist. his two young sons saw him gunned down earlier this month. translation: when the taliban took power, we were hopeful that - all the violence and killing would finally stop, but now we face this new phenomena with the name of is. the taliban's intelligence service has detained dozens of alleged is members. hundreds escaped from prison during the group's takeover. dead bodies with notes labelling them is fighters are dumped by the road every few days, but the taliban won't admit responsibility for the extrajudicial killings. they accuse is of being extremists. is accuse the taliban of not being radical enough. there are almost daily attacks injalalabad, it seems. are you really in control of the situation here? translation: just as we defeated international forces _ on the battlefield with the blessing of allah, we tell the world not to worry about any small group of traitors carrying out attacks here. they will be defeated, too. is has been launching attacks for years, but they've spread to new parts of the country since the taliban came to power. this, a twin suicide bombing on a shia mosque in the taliban stronghold of kandahar. the group don't control any territory but they have territory, but they have deadly cells, particularly here injalalabad. is is much less powerful than the taliban, but the attacks they're carrying out here are causing real concern, both for afghans exhausted by bloodshed, and internationally. american officials warn is could launch foreign operations in as little as six months�* time. this former member says the group has global ambitions, but lacks capacity. translation: they issue | threats to the whole world. they want to establish their rule everywhere, j but those are just words. they are not powerful enough to take over afghanistan. - the taliban have increased security around eastern afghanistan. publicly, they're playing down the threat from is, but many fear more violence lies ahead. secunder kermani, bbc news, jalalabad. a prominent film actor has died at the age of 46. there's been an outpouring of grief among his fans, as you can see in these pictures. thousands of people gathered outside the hospital and his home. shops in the hospital and his home. shops in the city have closed due to fears that gatherings could turn violent. he was described as the super start of the film industry. earlier, we spoke to london feel critic about the legacy he leaves behind. t spoke to london feel critic about the legacy he leaves behind. i have met his brother _ the legacy he leaves behind. i have met his brother who _ the legacy he leaves behind. i have met his brother who himself - the legacy he leaves behind. i have met his brother who himself is - met his brother who himself is a huge star in his own right. i think everyone is in a state of shock because just yesterday, he was performing. to hear this news this morning, just has taken everyone by total shock. morning, just has taken everyone by totalshock. he morning, just has taken everyone by total shock. he was only 46 years of age, so much promise and talent. 29 films, lots being made still, and this is happening. it's a shock and thousands have been mourning his death. it's been really sad. i've been watching a lot of the footage coming in. thousands pay tribute to him. so, he has been on their screens from the time he was a child, so they have seen him growing up child, so they have seen him growing up on screen with them. he acted with his father in a film where he saying, he acted, a little boy who has been played lots of roles with his father. doctor prajkumar was one of the most beloved actors of his time and which is why all the fans are this shocked. they can't believe this is happened. the are this shocked. they can't believe this is happened.— this is happened. the death of puneeth rajkumar. _ this is happened. the death of - puneeth rajkumar. extraordinarily sad news for his thousands of fans. you're watching bbc world news. skies are clear across some parts of the country and it's even dry out, but in other areas, it's raining again in the next weather front is currently moving into western parts of the uk and the whole weekend will be very changeable from rain to sunshine. here's the satellite picture, and you can see lots of other systems circling around the north atlantic, some of them moving in. this is the one that over western parts of the uk. it's raining where you are at this very moment, it's as a result of this weather front. moment, it's as a result of this weatherfront. you can see it weather front. you can see it here through the early hours of the morning, the rain will be heaviest around southwestern scotland, wales and also the southwest of england. in some areas, there could be 20, 30 or even 40 mm of rain. it's dry in newcastle, hulland or even 40 mm of rain. it's dry in newcastle, hull and london as well. watch the weather front, it moves into centre parts of the uk and pushes eastwards by late mornings. by pushes eastwards by late mornings. by lunch the bulk of that rain is out in the north sea. the weather improves across most of the uk. it will be completely dry and there will be completely dry and there will be completely dry and there will be showers around, but there's certainly going to be a lot more sunshine around the second half of the day. 15 in london, around 11 or belfast and glasgow. saturday night, a window of opportunity and drier weather before the next area of low pressure sweeps in. certainly worthy of a mention, it's the fact that the clocks go back early hours of sunday. sunday's weather map, here's the low pressure moving into the uk. a lot of pressure lines, meaning quite a strong wind going into western and southwestern parts of the country. here's that band of rain in the morning. by the time we get to lunch time, the bulk of that rain again is out in the north sea, and it dries out. some areas particularly around the irish sea, northern ireland, we will have showers. the good news is for some of the trick—or—treaters, the skies will be clear enough and i think there'll be some dry weather around as well. always a some showers about. the forecast shows the weather will be changeable through the first half of the week, but towards the end, things should settle down. bye—bye. this is bbc news, the headlines. pope francis has called on world leaders to take radical decisions at the forthcoming climate change summit in glasgow. in a special message filmed by the bbc, he called for a meaningful deal to give hope to future generations. president biden who's only the second catholic president in us history has met the pope at the vatican. he's in rome for the g20 summit, before heading to glasgow for cop 26. president biden has also met france's president emmanuel macron. mr biden said that the us had been clumsy in the way it struck a submarine deal with australia which scrapped france's own agreement with australia. lawmakers in poland have approved plans to build a wall along much of its border with belarus, following a surge in the number of migrants trying to enter the eu. as the row over post brexit fishing rights escalates, france has asked the european commission to look at levvying retaliatory tariffs on british imports. france says dozens of its boats have been denied fishing licences.

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Glasgow , Responses , Joe Biden , Generations , Words , Actions , Urgency , Motorcades , Deal , World Leaders , Planet , Protests , Size , Scene , Chivvy World Leaders Into Action , Greta Thunberg , In London , Demonstrators , Attraction , The Star , Tel Aviv , Security Guards , Country , Fact , Lots , Responsibilities , Somewhere , Photographers , Mob , Fossil Fuel Infrastructure , Countries , Wall , Sign , Nations , Climate Crisis , Emergency , Salvo , Governor , Terminator Star , Speeches , California , Jobs , Liars , Trip , Europe , Convoy , Most , Practising , Holy City , 85 , Relations , Cooperation , Aukus , Australia , Thousands , Euros , Submarines , Bit , Things , Led , Diplomacy , Paris , Lot , Race , Grace , Impression , English , Partner , Ally , Friends , My Partner , Revolutionary War , Here Sjon Sopel Again , French , Relationship , Ambassador , Move On , Washington , Breach , Really Relationship , Payback , Times , Kind , Emmanuel Macron Has , Brexit Row , Interview , On Fishing Rights , Boats , Licences , Waters , Threat , Borisjohnson , Vessels , Criteria , Latest , Majority , Prime Minister , Alex Forsyth , Friend , Row Brewing , Ties , Fishing , Front Line , Fight , Authorities , Stake , History , Channel , Dozens , Counterparts , Agreements , Localfishermen , Fishing Fleet Intact , Feeling , Worry , End , Despair , One , Restrictions , Trawler , Warning Shot , Checks , Government , Two , Game , Instance , Cross Channel Trade , More , Doing , European Commission , Enforcement , Tension , Sides , Language , Foreign Office , Dressing , Up , Issue , Reason , Pressures , Escalation , Stance , Clout , Election , Both , Fishermen Brexit , Protest Offjersey , Spring , Solution , Dispute , Deadline , Negotiations , Fishermen , Negotiation , Flexing , Step , Table , Muscles , Trump Cards , Don Thompson , Westminster , Situation , Threats , Jersey Fishermen Association , Tie , T Te , Tt2 , Arena , Officials , Licence , Licenses , Coasts , Channel Islands , Bizarre , Ways , Football , Cause , Something , Extent , Butjust , Context , License Vessels , Showing , Permits , Fishinu , G , Queen , Concerns , Doctors , View , Light , Audiences , Health , Duties , Visits , Jersey , Festival , Palace , Remembrance , Remembrance Sunday , Events , Intention , November The 13th , Royal Correspondent , The 14th Of November , Jonny Dymond , 14 , 13 , Sunday The 14th Of November , Saturday November The 13th , Couple , Engagements , Recoverfrom , Fatigue , Travel , Trouble , Evening , Calendar , Chance , Fortnight , Diary , Windsor , Office For National Statistics , Covid Infection , Positive , Levels , 55 , Ministers , Flexibility , Hugh Pym , Boosterjabs , England , Drive , Being , Leeds , Virus , Residents , Doctor , Care Home , Example , Dose , Timing , Nhs , Six , Everyone , Part , Cases , Discretion , Tests , Point , Session , Explanation , School Pupils , Household Testing , Trend , Ons Survey , Wales , Increases , Ons Data , Northern Ireland , Southwestern Scotland , Peak Injanuary , 75 , 50 , 40 , Reduction , Data , Wouldn T , Increase , Thanks , Case Rates , Injanuary , Protection , Quarter , Hospital Admissions , Infection Rate , Venues , Vaccines , Measures , Concert Halls , Cinemas , Theatres , Covid , Mid November , First Minister , Stay , Farfrom Over , Fans , Indira Gandhi , Democracy , Death Of Hollywood Star , 46 , Drop , Nation , Blood , Growth , Service , Dying , Unhappiness , Fear , Chapter , Discovery , Suspicion , Uncertainty , Booster Ignition , Lift Off , Crew , Heroes , And One American Legend , Human History , Milestone , Person , Billionth , Girl , India , Seven , Imports , Tariffs , Fixing Rights , European Union , Poland , Border , Belarus , Parliament , Response , Migration Route , Jessica Parker , Minsk , Terms , Development , Detail , Sensors , Five , 00 Million , 400 Million , Number , Regime , Plan , Middle , Kilometre Border , Surge , Migrants , Thing , Sanctions , Retaliation , Pressure , Walls , Critics , Position , Funding , Reaction , Borders , Haven T , Barbed Wire , Ursula Von Der Leyen , Quarters , Brussels , Attacks , Warning , Ifs , Islamic State Group Branch , Conflict , Iis , Branch , Roadside Bombing , Stream , Abdul Rahman Mawin , Attack , Social Activist , Tactics , Hit And Run , Notjust , Violence , Killing , Power , Sons , Phenomena , Group , Is , Notes , Members , Intelligence Service , Bodies , Name , Prison , Takeover , Hundreds , Won T , Fighters , Responsibility , Killings , Road , Extremists , Injalalabad , Control , Forces , Enough , Launching Attacks , Battlefield , Blessing , Traitors , Allah , Territory , Parts , Suicide Bombing , Mosque , Don T , Taliban Stronghold Of Kandahar , Shia , Concern , Afghans , Cells , Bloodshed , Operations , Member , Ambitions , Everywhere , Security , Rule , Capacity , Secunder Kermani , Jalalabad , Film Actor , Age , Grief , Outpouring , Hospital , Shops , Fears , Home , City , Have , Pictures , Gatherings , Brother , T , Legacy , Critic , Star , Start , Right , Film Industry , News , State Of Shock , Shock , Promise , Films , Totalshock , 29 , Death , Footage , Mourning , Child , Father , Film , Screen , Screens , Doctor Prajkumar , Little Boy , Actors , Roles , Bbc World News , Puneeth Rajkumar , Weather Front , Areas , Weekend , Western Parts , Skies , Some , Rain To Sunshine , Satellite Picture , Systems , North Atlantic , Rain , Result , Weatherfront , Southwest , 30 , 20 , Centre Parts , Late Mornings , Newcastle , Hulland , Hull , Bulk , Weather , Showers , Half , Sunshine , North Sea , By Pushes Eastwards Late Mornings , 15 , 11 , Saturday Night , Area , Mention , Belfast , Pressure Lines , Wind , Weather Map , Clocks , Sunday , Irish Sea , Band Of Rain In The Morning , Trick Or , Treaters , Forecast , The End , Bye , Climate Change Summit In Glasgow , G20 Summit , The Vatican , 26 , Cop 26 , Submarine Deal , Plans , Agreement , Lawmakers , Fishing Licences ,

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