Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709

plus how a satellite that has just been launched will help map climate change. live from our studio in singapore, this is bbc news. it's newsday. it's 6am in singapore and at 6pm in new york, where a court has found the american singer r kelly guilty of sex trafficking and racketeering in connection with the abusive underage girls, boys and women. over the course of a five—week trial, the prosecution laid out in lurid detail how our kelly a criminal enterprise that had recruited children and women for sex. he now faces a minimum of 15 years in prison. here is a look back at the trial. # i believe i can fly...# to the world, he was the king of r&b and one of the bestselling music artists of all time. to his victims, he was their worst nightmare. today, they finally gotjustice after he was found guilty on all racketeering and sex trafficking charges brought against him by the government. in rendering its verdict today, the jury delivered a powerful message to men like r kelly. no matter how long it takes, the long arm of the law will catch up with you. a five—week trial in new york laid out in lurid detail how the singer ran a decades—long criminal enterprise. prosecutors said r kelly used a network of employees and close associates to recruit underage girls, boys and women for sex. 45 witnesses gave evidence that r kelly was a predator who exploited his fame to entrap, control and punish people, many aspiring singers. the accusations swirled around him for decades and reached a fever pitch after a documentary focused on the accounts of his accusers. one of those women, jerhonda pace, testified in court. she was one of the first to come forward and released this video detailing her experiences with r kelly atjust 16 years old. i was a victim of sexual abuse, mental abuse and physical abuse, all at the hands of r kelly. in an interview with the bbc, katiejones also shared her story. she said many accusers were black women who felt their voices didn't matter to society. later, when i was introduced to one of the girls that he told me he'd - trained, since she was 14, i those were his words, um, i saw that she was dressed like me. she was saying the things that i would say. - and her mannerisms were like mine. that is when it clicked in my head that he had been grooming me i to become one of his pets. he calls them his pets. have you ever had sex with anyone under the age of 17? no, no. never? no. r kelly chose not to testify. in this cbs interview before his arrest, he desperately tried to win over public opinion. i didn't do this stuff! this is not me! i'm fighting for my bleep life. y'all killing me with this bleep. ican't even... robert... 30 years of my career! the disgraced artist now faces a minimum of 15 years in prison. this has been an emotional trial for the women and men who have come forward. not only has the jury heard them, they have believed them. it is another victory for survivors of sexual assault and the entire #metoo movement. iam doing i am doing now from los angeles by peter. good to have you on the programme this is being called the music made to movement with huge repercussions for the industry. the? repercussions for the industry. they will be a lot — repercussions for the industry. they will be a lot of _ repercussions for the industry. tie: will be a lot of soul—searching going on in the music industry right now. r kelly a convicted sexual predator, one who was a huge star for many years. it is a quarter of a century since he is huge hit i believe i can fly in 96, the song that won him three grannies. he continued to be nominated for grammys and was very successful but during that time in the ensuing decades these allegations, these kinds of allegations really swirled around r kelly and as we heard during the trial from prosecutors, it was notjust r kelly. the accusation was that others in his inner circle enabled what he managed to achieve, the abuse he carried out. in the music industry has to analyse that and really figure out how it was allowed to happen. so a very tough decision that someone so high profile could seemingly have managed to get away with this kind of behaviour for so long and now we have as we have just heard the meat to movement rising over the past few decades and he is certainly one of the highest profile individuals to go on trialfacing the highest profile individuals to go on trial facing these kinds of allegations during the rise of this movement and as we have heard from the prosecutor, it shows that individuals guilty of these kinds of charges can no longer believe that they can hide from the long arm of they can hide from the long arm of the law. , ., ., the law. peter, they are, our correspondent _ the law. peter, they are, our correspondent and _ the law. peter, they are, our correspondent and los - the law. peter, they are, our. correspondent and los angeles on that story, thank you forjoining us. i want to bring it rather some breaking news now. we understand that south korea's military has said north korea has appeared to fire an unidentified projectile. at this stage, that is all the details that we have. we will be keeping a close eye on that story for you, monitoring the situation as it develops and just give you some context and background of this, you might recall that earlier this month north korea tested a new long—range cruise missile capable of hitting much of japan cruise missile capable of hitting much ofjapan according to state media at the time. analysts that we spoke to at that point said those missiles could certainly travel up to 5,000 km but it is not clear what we're dealing with at stage but certainly something we will be keeping a close eye on for you as that story develops. moving on, in germany, the country population has left two parties trying to form a government and the country's social democratic party aims to create a coalition with the green party and liberals before christmas but even that deadline might be overly optimistic. as angela merkel�*s democratic party led by her successor is determined to fight hard to try to form its own coalition. our europe editor reports now from berlin. if you find yourself wondering whatjust happened in germany after yesterday's election, you're not alone. german voters have followed hourly news updates today, trying to get a sense of where their country's headed. these two rivals, one conservative, one social democrat, each say they want to form germany's next government. with the vote so splintered here, who will be the first to form a stable coalition? translation: we have seen that the public have given us| a mandate to make a serious go at driving this forward. translation: no party can derive a clear mandate - to govern from this result. but we are convinced a government led by cdu is best for our country and we will feel obliged to our voters. coalition—building will be tricky. there are competing priorities between the political parties now in negotiations, including smaller parties like germany's greens and the business—minded fdp. but voters we spoke to today said they should just get on with it. it is ridiculous. it's really ridiculous. we still don't know who will lead our country in the next years, and i, personally, ifeel like the cdu should realise that we voted against — a lot of people at least voted against them. all this political uncertainty might be unsettling for germany's allies and trade partners abroad who are used to relying on german stability and predictability. but this is not about germany imploding. the fact that angela merkel was chancellor here for 16 long years was down to her. she was like a stopper in a bottle. now she's going, a lot of those votes simply went elsewhere. this is a country used to coalition—building, and in the meantime, chancellor merkel remains firmly in place. you do sense palpable frustration amongst many young germans with the election aftermath. louisa is known here as germany's greta thunberg. they all talk about party politics - while there is a climate catastrophe going on, and someone needs to stop it. - politics created this generational conflict because people decide . between their own interests | and the interest of the child. angela merkel was determined to keep her thoughts to herself today. her retirement plans are now on ice. coalition haggling here is expected to last until christmas at least. katya adler, bbc news, berlin. let's look at the headlines in the uk today. the army has been put on standby to help ease pressure on petrol stations and deliver fuel to where it is most needed. meanwhile the uk fuel industry has issued a joint statement saying it expects demand for petrol to return to normal in the coming days. figs demand for petrol to return to normal in the coming days. as long as --eole normal in the coming days. as long as peeple are _ normal in the coming days. as long as people are buying _ normal in the coming days. as long as people are buying or _ normal in the coming days. as long as people are buying or storing - normal in the coming days. as longi as people are buying or storing fuel they don't need it will be difficult for all suppliers to replenish stocks to normal levels. fix, for all suppliers to replenish stocks to normal levels. a man has been charged _ stocks to normal levels. a man has been charged with _ stocks to normal levels. a man has been charged with the _ stocks to normal levels. a man has been charged with the murder - stocks to normal levels. a man has l been charged with the murder sabina nessa who was killed if you want me to friend in southeast london. the 36—year—old man was arrested on sunday morning in east sussex and will appeal at a magistrates' court on tuesday. while the uk is facing petrol shortages at the fuel pumps, there is also a worldwide energy shortage threatening to develop into a full—blown crisis. it is being felt in all parts of the world, and in china, parts of the country are being hit by blackouts as there are widespread curbs on energy use. i am now by doctor, director of the china energy programme for the oxford institute for energy studies. great to have you on the programme, doctor. i want to start by asking you why are we seeing these energy and power shortages in china. realize and power shortages in china. really and power shortages in china. really a combination _ and power shortages in china. really a combination of— and power shortages in china. really a combination of factors _ and power shortages in china. really a combination of factors in _ and power shortages in china. really a combination of factors in first - a combination of factors in first and foremost it's very strong economic activity with a rebound from covid—19 has led... i economic activity with a rebound from covid-19 has led... i believe we have some — from covid-19 has led... i believe we have some technical - from covid-19 has led... i believel we have some technical difficulties with that particular interview with the doctor. we are going to try again. can you hear me? i the doctor. we are going to try again. can you hear me?- the doctor. we are going to try again. can you hear me? i can hear ou. can again. can you hear me? i can hear you- can you _ again. can you hear me? i can hear you- can you hear— again. can you hear me? i can hear you. can you hear me? _ doctor, if you can hear me right now, i believe we are having some technical difficulties at this point and i want to start by asking you why are we seeing these energy and power shortages. why are we seeing these energy and powershortages. i why are we seeing these energy and power shortages-— power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me — power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me now, _ power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me now, i— power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me now, i can _ power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me now, i can hear- power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me now, i can hear you . power shortages. i hope i can - you i can hear me now, i can hear you very well. it has really been a combination of factors a very strong economic activity and sort of the result of a very cold winter and a very hot summer and that has led to a depletion in coal stocks. there are also policy elements here that have been inspections with coal mines limiting supplies and of course a trade spat with australia that has reduced imports but also the government has sold a number of provinces that it need to deliver their energy use to meet environmental targets of some of the rationing is policy induced. another is supply demand issues. what is supply demand issues. what restrictions _ is supply demand issues. what restrictions have _ is supply demand issues. what restrictions have been - is supply demand issues. what restrictions have been brought in by the chinese government to help alleviate the pressure? first and foremost industrial _ alleviate the pressure? first and foremost industrial curbs - alleviate the pressure? first and foremost industrial curbs and . alleviate the pressure? first and | foremost industrial curbs and the thought the first time china has power shortages. relatively regular feature there but of course this is longer and spread to a lot of provinces but the industrial use is first and foremost but we have seen things like billboard lights go off and now residential users that are seeing their usage curtailed. so a lot of factories have to stagger working hours or stop working altogether but i think what is new and most striking this time is the impact on the residential users and the daily lives.— the daily lives. how much do you think that the _ the daily lives. how much do you think that the australia - the daily lives. how much do you think that the australia china - the daily lives. how much do you l think that the australia china trade spat that has affected coal shortages in china is playing into this? i shortages in china is playing into this? ~ �* , ., ., this? i think it's one element and i don't think— this? i think it's one element and i don't think we _ this? i think it's one element and i don't think we should _ this? i think it's one element and i don't think we should overplay - this? i think it's one element and i don't think we should overplay it. | don't think we should overplay it. it is really like in much of the rest of the world a perfect storm of stronger than anticipated demand and sort of lower—than—expected supply and the australian spat did not help matters. but it is one factor among a of others. matters. but it is one factor among a of others-— a of others. doctor, director of the china energy _ a of others. doctor, director of the china energy programme - a of others. doctor, director of the china energy programme at - a of others. doctor, director of the china energy programme at the i a of others. doctor, director of the - china energy programme at the oxford institute for energy studies, thank you so much forjoining us on that story. you so much for “oining us on that sto . . ~' , ., you so much for “oining us on that sto . . ~ ,, if you so much for “oining us on that story-d .f you — you so much for “oining us on that storyd if you want - you so much for “oining us on that storyd if you want to i you so much for “oining us on that i storyd if you want to get story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with _ story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me _ story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me on _ story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me on any _ story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me on any story - story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me on any story if - story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me on any story if youi in touch with me on any story if you have seen so far on newsday, the energy crisis affected people all over the world or certainly is some part of the world, i am on twitter. i look forward to hearing from you. you are watching newsday on bbc. still to come of the programme we have a special report from afghanistan with the challenge for the tele— band to defend their treatment of women. in all russian turmoil, it is never quite come to this. president boris yelton said that they would decide the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have _ the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have feared _ the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have feared for— the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have feared for so - the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have feared for so long - the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have feared for so long is l so many have feared for so long is playing out his final act here. russians are killing russians in front of a grandstand audience. it was his humility which produced affection — was his humility which produced affection from catholics throughout the world _ affection from catholics throughout the world but his departure is a tragedy— the world but his departure is a tragedy for the catholic church. this man. — tragedy for the catholic church. this man, the israeli right—winger, visited _ this man, the israeli right—winger, visited the — this man, the israeli right—winger, visited the religious _ this man, the israeli right—winger, visited the religious comp - this man, the israeli right—winger, visited the religious comp that - visited the religious comp that started — visited the religious comp that started the _ visited the religious comp that started the trouble. _ visited the religious comp that started the trouble. he - visited the religious comp that started the trouble. he wantsl visited the religious comp that - started the trouble. he wants israel alone _ started the trouble. he wants israel alone to _ started the trouble. he wants israel alone to have — started the trouble. he wants israel alone to have sovereignty _ started the trouble. he wants israel alone to have sovereignty over- started the trouble. he wants israel alone to have sovereignty over the. alone to have sovereignty over the whole _ alone to have sovereignty over the whole site. — alone to have sovereignty over the whole site. an _ alone to have sovereignty over the whole site, an idea _ alone to have sovereignty over the whole site, an idea of— alone to have sovereignty over the whole site, an idea of the - whole site, an idea of the palestinians. _ after 45 years of division, germany is one. in berlin, 1 million germans celebrated the rebirth of europe's biggest and richest nation. newsday on abc and here are headlines. the american r&b singer r kelly is found guilty and convicted of trafficking and sexually abusing underage girls, boys and women. the leader of the german social democrats says he will build a governing coalition following the party's narrow governing coalition following the pa rty�*s narrow success governing coalition following the party's narrow success in parliamentary elections. it's been six weeks since the taliban took control and happiness in a forced out western troops with their heartland in the west in the helmand province. it is the place where the taliban is most established and has the strongest support. jeremy bowen has travelled from kandahar to areas devastated by years of war. no—one's future is secure in this country, especially girls. at lashkar gah girls' high and across afghanistan only the under—125 have been allowed back. the taliban says older girls will return, too. many don't believe them, including people in this town, who didn't want to be filmed. taliban rules on girls are seen as a big test by foreign countries who could help afghanistan. this school was rated one of the best in the country by the british council. the taliban says education will now follow islamic sharia law. all the boys are back at their desks. the head says, be patient, the older girls will come back. do you think girls' education is safe under the taliban? helmand is in the taliban heartland. it offers clues about the way they want afghanistan to go. they're still euphoric about victory. the last time the taliban seized the country, they used ruthless violence to impose their religious and cultural beliefs. they're not putting down their guns, but this time the leaders are arguing about power and the best way to keep it. the governor of helmand said older girls would go back to school when more religion was in the curriculum. islamic law was their guide. in the last 20 years, a lot of women have become educated. what if they don't want to live in that way? you fought against the british when they were here. what do you think about what they did? the west would be welcomed back if they came in peace to help the people. he said, you've made them suffer enough. the americans, the british and their allies came into afghanistan in 2001 with a clear enough mission — to destroy al-qaeda and to punish the taliban for harbouring them. it's what happened next that's harder to understand and to justify — a war that couldn't be won, that cut across all the hopes they said they had to make afghanistan into a better place. the troops in afghanistan were told they were fighting to make their families safe at home and to help afghans build a nation that would never again be a haven for groups like al-anda. one of the biggest battles was in helmand in 2010, in the cotton and opium fields. cultures collided. you can see their fear as british troops took over their home. the plan, quick victory, turned into grinding guerrilla warfare. after three months, the us commander called the area a bleeding ulcer. this is the area now. the war ebbed and flowed across it until the end. now it's over, this man went back to the war damaged home he is too poor to repair. his brother, who planted the tree, was killed fighting for the taliban. the area is enveloped by past loss, future pain and, for his mother, anger and grief. two more of her sons were arrested, forced into the afghan army and died fighting. a fourth was killed in an airstrike. they said they were here to make a better afghanistan for women as well. why did your son join the taliban? in lashkar gah, you can see the forces that are shaping afghanistan. the power of religion and tradition in pashtun tribes who dominate the south. the humanitarian crisis that might force concessions to women to get western help. young talibs have smartphones. their fathers banned photography. like the world, afghanistan has changed. it's harder now to bend and break the country. jeremy bowen, bbc news, helmand. another story now as in the last few minutes a shortly decide — divided us and it has failed to advance a measure to suspend the us debt ceiling and avoid a government shutdown. republican lawmakers denied the bill. shut down similarly to hundreds of thousands of government workers being sent home while parts, museums and other federal properties and services are closed. meanwhile, for almost 50 years, a satellite has been orbiting our planet providing a unique record of the evolving state of the earth. the latest satellite, it launched on monday. nasa claims this new addition will help scientist separate human and natural causes of environmental change. here is our science editor. and lift off! a murky, rainy day in california, but that was not going to stop this vital launch from going ahead. rising into orbit, it's the latest in a long line of satellites, giving us an essential view, not of space, but of earth and what we're doing to it. satellites have spotted forests being cleared in madagascar, huge mines in germany gouging out coal, cities sprawling into deserts, and how this is all making the climate more hostile. being able to see our home from space has transformed our awareness of how fragile it is. it's revealed how human activity is causing damage in ways you just can't pick up from the ground. but the good news is it creates chances to get things right in future, like spotting this toxic algal bloom in a lake in america and warning people to keep out of harm's way. every time we see the earth from space, its sheer beauty takes the breath away, but it's also a reminder that we understand so much more about the planet thanks to a fleet of spacecraft flying high above us. david shukman, bbc news. that is all we have time for. thanks for watching. stay with bbc news. hello there. for most of this september, temperatures have been a lot warmer than you might normally expect to see. temperatures over the weekend, for example, reached 23 celsius in north scotland's kinloss, but, a cold front has since moved through, and that's really dunked the temperatures. in kinloss, the same spot, down to 13 celsius for a high on monday. and there were plenty of showers following our cold front through. that was one of those shower clouds working across the skies. there is the cold front, there are the shower clouds, but lurking to our west, this is what's coming next, and this is a developing low, a developing front that is going to spread more persistent rain in. however, over the next few hours, it's showers that are in the forecast, so if you are heading outside, wales, parts of southwest england, along with northern ireland and western scotland, that's where you are most likely to see showers over the next few hours. across many central and eastern areas, a lot of dry weather with clear spells. so not a bad start to the day, mostly bright and dry, but across wales and western areas of england, quickly that area of cloud i showed you, well, that's this rain that's going to be moving its way in. pushing eastwards and northwards through the day, the rain does eventually reach southern and eastern scotland. northwest scotland and northern ireland, though, brighter, again, a day of sunshine and showers here. and the day's top temperatures between around about 14—17 celsius with fairly gusty winds. that weather system clears out of the way as we get into wednesday, and what follows is a ridge of high pressure. now, the weather for many of us will be a dry with increasing amounts of sunshine. however, we are going to see showers feeding in across these northwestern areas. so west scotland to the north of northern ireland, northern parts of wales and into northwest england through areas like merseyside, cheshire, greater manchester and the west midlands — you're likely to see showers even into the afternoon. temperatures about 13— 16 celsius. wednesday promises to be one of the cooler days of the week. but a fair amount of sunshine. won't be too much of that sunshine an offer on thursday though because we've got an active weather system set to come in — bringing some heavy outbreaks of rain, and strengthening winds as well towards the northwest as we go on to the day, might even see some gales developing in places. temperatures, about 14—17 celsius in the southwest of england. we've got more of this very unsettled weather for friday. general outbreaks of rain, still quite windy. something of an improvement over the weekend, we are back to a mixture of sunshine and showers. you are watching bbc news. our headlines... a court in new york has found the singer r kelly of six trafficking and racketeering. in connection with the abuse of underage girls, boys and women. germany's social democratic party says they have a clear mandate to govern after results from sunday's election put it narrowly ahead. they plan to build a coalition with the greens and free democrats, but angela merkel has said the party has refused to concede defeat. officials in the uk have placed the army on standby to help with the ongoing fuel crisis as here's over a tanker driver shortage is led to panic buying leading many of the pumps dry. what some have called the world's most important satellite has been put into orbit.

Related Keywords

R Kelly , Girls , Boys , Trafficking , Headlines , Singapore , State Reporting , American , R B , Women , Ensnare Verdict , Predator , Men , Prosecutor , Inner Circle , Underage , Germany , Government , Parties , Coalition Building , Pumps , Uk , Petrol Stations , Panic , Coalition Building Bean , Global Crisis , Satellite , Climate Change , Studio , Bbc News , Newsday , Court , Sex Trafficking , New York , Racketeering , Connection , Singer , 6 , Trial , Sex , Prison , Minimum , Course , Kelly A Criminal Enterprise , Prosecution , Children , Five , 15 , One , World , Nightmare , Music , Victims , Look , Artists , King , Jury , It , Matter , Message , Prosecutors , The Long Arm Of Law , Detail , Ran A Decades Long Criminal Enterprise , People , Singers , Network , Fame , Employees , Associates , Evidence , Witnesses , Entrap , 45 , First , Accusers , Accusations , Accounts , Documentary , Fever Pitch , Video , Jerhonda Pace , Victim , Abuse , Interview , Wall , Sexual Abuse , Hands , Atjust , 16 , Story , Voices Didn T Matter To Society , Katiejones , 14 , Things , Head , Words , Um , Mannerisms , Pets , Age , Anyone , Cbs , Arrest , Public Opinion , 17 , Stuff , Bleep , My Bleep Life , Artist , Career , Ican T , 30 , Victory , Los Angeles , Survivors , Sexual Assault , Entire Metoo Movement , Iam , Lot , Programme , Industry , Repercussions , Movement , Music Industry , Peter , Lot Repercussions , Tie , Song , Hit , Star , Grannies , Sexual Predator , 96 , Three , Kinds , Allegations , Kelly , Grammys , Others , Accusation , Notjust , Someone , Profile , Kind , Meat , Behaviour , Decision , Individuals , Rise , Trialfacing , Law , Correspondent , Los , Charges , The Law , Our , Breaking News , Military , South Korea , Situation , Details , Stage , Eye , North Korea , Projectile , Point , Cruise Missile , Background , Missiles , State Media , Analysts , Context , Japan , Country , Something , Moving On , Population , 5000 , Coalition , Chancellor Merkel , Social Democratic Party , Green Party , Liberals , Deadline , Two , Led , Berlin , Successor , Europe , Editor , Voters , Election , Sense , News , Conservative , Headed , You Re Not Alone , Mandate , Translation , Public , Vote , Party , Result , Government Led , Forward , Cdu , Greens , Negotiations , Priorities , Fdp , Allies , Partners , Don T Know , Uncertainty , Ifeel , Fact , Predictability , Votes , Stability , Imploding , Stopper , Bottle , Elsewhere , Place , Frustration , Aftermath , Louisa , Climate , Interests , Party Politics , Politics , Catastrophe , Talk , Conflict , Greta Thunberg , Interest , Retirement Plans , Child , Thoughts , Ice , Coalition Haggling , Katya Adler , Army , Fuel , Fuel Industry , Ease Pressure , Standby , Levels , Stocks , Demand , Suppliers , Petrol , Statement , Figs , Fix , Peeple , Longi , Right Winger , Murder Stocks , Murder , Old Man , Friend , Southeast London , Sabina Nessa , East Sussex , Sunday Morning , 36 , Energy Shortage , Petrol Shortages , Fuel Pumps , Magistrates Court On Tuesday , Parts , China , Crisis , Energy Use , Curbs , Blackouts , Power , Shortages , Director , Doctor , Energy , China Energy Programme , Oxford Institute For Energy Studies , Power Shortages , Combination , Factors , Activity , Rebound , Difficulties , Covid 19 , 19 , Ou , Powershortages , Policy Elements , Summer , Depletion , Coal Stocks , Cold Winter , Trade Spat , Number , Imports , Australia , Some , Supplies , Provinces , Coal Mines , Inspections , Targets , Pressure , Issues , Restrictions , Supply Demand , Policy Induced , Another , Chinese , Rationing , Feature , Billboard Lights , Time , Thought , Use , Foremost Industrial Curbs , Users , Factories , Impact , Usage , Daily Lives , Element , Lives , Spat , Coal Shortages , The Daily Lives , China Trade , Factor , Don T , Matters , Storm , Supply , Rest , Oining Us , Sto , Ia , Story D , Oining , Part , Energy Crisis , Hearing , Youi , Twitter , Afghanistan , Treatment , Special Report , Tele Band , Challenge , Many , Nation , Destiny , Boris Yelton , Turmoil , Russian , Front , Affection , Tragedy , Humility , Departure , Israeli , Grandstand Audience , Catholics , Russians , Act , Comp , Sovereignty , Trouble , He Wantsl , Site , Idea , Whole , Palestinians , Rebirth , Division , 1 Million , Abc , Success , Governing Coalition , Social Democrats , Governing , Elections , Leader , Pa Rty , Six , Taliban , Troops , Helmand Province , West , Jeremy Bowen , Support , Heartland , Happiness , War , Areas , At Lashkar Gah Girls , Town , Didn T Want , 125 , Education , Countries , Best , British Council , Test , School , Islamic , Desks , Patient , Safe , Harm S Way , Clues , Leaders , Violence , Beliefs , Guns , Religion , Governor , Islamic Law , Curriculum , Guide , 20 , Peace , The Americans , Mission , Al Qaeda , 2001 , Fighting , Cut , Families , Couldn T Be Won , Home , Afghans , Haven , Cotton , Opium Fields , Battles , Cultures , Groups , Al Anda , 2010 , Plan , Fear , Guerrilla Warfare , Area , Commander , Area A Bleeding Ulcer , Brother , Over , Tree , Anger , More , Mother , Loss , Pain , Grief , Sons , Fourth , Airstrike , Son , Forces , Tribes , South , Tradition , Concessions , Lashkar Gah , Pashtun , Help , Young Talibs , Photography , Smartphones , Fathers , Bill , Government Workers , Thousands , Debt Ceiling , Measure , Government Shutdown , Lawmakers , Similarly , Hundreds , Museums , Republican , Planet , State , Services , Properties , Earth , Record , 50 , Addition , Science Editor , Change , Human , Scientist , Natural Causes , Nasa , Rainy Day , Space , Satellites , Orbit , Latest , Launch , Essential View , Line , California , Coal , Forests , Mines , Deserts , Gouging , Cities , Madagascar , Human Activity , Chances , Ground , Awareness , Ways , Damage , America , Warning , Lake , Algal Bloom , Reminder , Beauty , Breath , Spacecraft , Fleet , David Shukman , Thanks , Most , Watching , Stay , Temperatures , Cold Front , Weekend , September , Example , Celsius , North Scotland S Kinloss , 23 , Showers , Shower , High , Spot , Skies , Shower Clouds , 13 , Rain , Southwest England , Low , Forecast , Outside , Northern Ireland , Wales , Western Scotland , Weather , Cloud , Spells , Sunshine , Northwards , Way , Southern And Eastern Scotland , Northwest Scotland , Brighter , Pushing Eastwards , Winds , Ridge , Weather System , Amounts , Dry , West Scotland , North , Afternoon , West Midlands , Merseyside , Greater Manchester , Cheshire , Outbreaks , Northwest , Won T , Amount , Offer , Weather System Set , Southwest , Places , Gales , Improvement , Mixture , Results , Has , Sunday , Tanker Driver Shortage , Fuel Crisis , Have , Panic Buying , Defeat , Officials , Army On Standby ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240709

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plus how a satellite that has just been launched will help map climate change. live from our studio in singapore, this is bbc news. it's newsday. it's 6am in singapore and at 6pm in new york, where a court has found the american singer r kelly guilty of sex trafficking and racketeering in connection with the abusive underage girls, boys and women. over the course of a five—week trial, the prosecution laid out in lurid detail how our kelly a criminal enterprise that had recruited children and women for sex. he now faces a minimum of 15 years in prison. here is a look back at the trial. # i believe i can fly...# to the world, he was the king of r&b and one of the bestselling music artists of all time. to his victims, he was their worst nightmare. today, they finally gotjustice after he was found guilty on all racketeering and sex trafficking charges brought against him by the government. in rendering its verdict today, the jury delivered a powerful message to men like r kelly. no matter how long it takes, the long arm of the law will catch up with you. a five—week trial in new york laid out in lurid detail how the singer ran a decades—long criminal enterprise. prosecutors said r kelly used a network of employees and close associates to recruit underage girls, boys and women for sex. 45 witnesses gave evidence that r kelly was a predator who exploited his fame to entrap, control and punish people, many aspiring singers. the accusations swirled around him for decades and reached a fever pitch after a documentary focused on the accounts of his accusers. one of those women, jerhonda pace, testified in court. she was one of the first to come forward and released this video detailing her experiences with r kelly atjust 16 years old. i was a victim of sexual abuse, mental abuse and physical abuse, all at the hands of r kelly. in an interview with the bbc, katiejones also shared her story. she said many accusers were black women who felt their voices didn't matter to society. later, when i was introduced to one of the girls that he told me he'd - trained, since she was 14, i those were his words, um, i saw that she was dressed like me. she was saying the things that i would say. - and her mannerisms were like mine. that is when it clicked in my head that he had been grooming me i to become one of his pets. he calls them his pets. have you ever had sex with anyone under the age of 17? no, no. never? no. r kelly chose not to testify. in this cbs interview before his arrest, he desperately tried to win over public opinion. i didn't do this stuff! this is not me! i'm fighting for my bleep life. y'all killing me with this bleep. ican't even... robert... 30 years of my career! the disgraced artist now faces a minimum of 15 years in prison. this has been an emotional trial for the women and men who have come forward. not only has the jury heard them, they have believed them. it is another victory for survivors of sexual assault and the entire #metoo movement. iam doing i am doing now from los angeles by peter. good to have you on the programme this is being called the music made to movement with huge repercussions for the industry. the? repercussions for the industry. they will be a lot — repercussions for the industry. they will be a lot of _ repercussions for the industry. tie: will be a lot of soul—searching going on in the music industry right now. r kelly a convicted sexual predator, one who was a huge star for many years. it is a quarter of a century since he is huge hit i believe i can fly in 96, the song that won him three grannies. he continued to be nominated for grammys and was very successful but during that time in the ensuing decades these allegations, these kinds of allegations really swirled around r kelly and as we heard during the trial from prosecutors, it was notjust r kelly. the accusation was that others in his inner circle enabled what he managed to achieve, the abuse he carried out. in the music industry has to analyse that and really figure out how it was allowed to happen. so a very tough decision that someone so high profile could seemingly have managed to get away with this kind of behaviour for so long and now we have as we have just heard the meat to movement rising over the past few decades and he is certainly one of the highest profile individuals to go on trialfacing the highest profile individuals to go on trial facing these kinds of allegations during the rise of this movement and as we have heard from the prosecutor, it shows that individuals guilty of these kinds of charges can no longer believe that they can hide from the long arm of they can hide from the long arm of the law. , ., ., the law. peter, they are, our correspondent _ the law. peter, they are, our correspondent and _ the law. peter, they are, our correspondent and los - the law. peter, they are, our. correspondent and los angeles on that story, thank you forjoining us. i want to bring it rather some breaking news now. we understand that south korea's military has said north korea has appeared to fire an unidentified projectile. at this stage, that is all the details that we have. we will be keeping a close eye on that story for you, monitoring the situation as it develops and just give you some context and background of this, you might recall that earlier this month north korea tested a new long—range cruise missile capable of hitting much of japan cruise missile capable of hitting much ofjapan according to state media at the time. analysts that we spoke to at that point said those missiles could certainly travel up to 5,000 km but it is not clear what we're dealing with at stage but certainly something we will be keeping a close eye on for you as that story develops. moving on, in germany, the country population has left two parties trying to form a government and the country's social democratic party aims to create a coalition with the green party and liberals before christmas but even that deadline might be overly optimistic. as angela merkel�*s democratic party led by her successor is determined to fight hard to try to form its own coalition. our europe editor reports now from berlin. if you find yourself wondering whatjust happened in germany after yesterday's election, you're not alone. german voters have followed hourly news updates today, trying to get a sense of where their country's headed. these two rivals, one conservative, one social democrat, each say they want to form germany's next government. with the vote so splintered here, who will be the first to form a stable coalition? translation: we have seen that the public have given us| a mandate to make a serious go at driving this forward. translation: no party can derive a clear mandate - to govern from this result. but we are convinced a government led by cdu is best for our country and we will feel obliged to our voters. coalition—building will be tricky. there are competing priorities between the political parties now in negotiations, including smaller parties like germany's greens and the business—minded fdp. but voters we spoke to today said they should just get on with it. it is ridiculous. it's really ridiculous. we still don't know who will lead our country in the next years, and i, personally, ifeel like the cdu should realise that we voted against — a lot of people at least voted against them. all this political uncertainty might be unsettling for germany's allies and trade partners abroad who are used to relying on german stability and predictability. but this is not about germany imploding. the fact that angela merkel was chancellor here for 16 long years was down to her. she was like a stopper in a bottle. now she's going, a lot of those votes simply went elsewhere. this is a country used to coalition—building, and in the meantime, chancellor merkel remains firmly in place. you do sense palpable frustration amongst many young germans with the election aftermath. louisa is known here as germany's greta thunberg. they all talk about party politics - while there is a climate catastrophe going on, and someone needs to stop it. - politics created this generational conflict because people decide . between their own interests | and the interest of the child. angela merkel was determined to keep her thoughts to herself today. her retirement plans are now on ice. coalition haggling here is expected to last until christmas at least. katya adler, bbc news, berlin. let's look at the headlines in the uk today. the army has been put on standby to help ease pressure on petrol stations and deliver fuel to where it is most needed. meanwhile the uk fuel industry has issued a joint statement saying it expects demand for petrol to return to normal in the coming days. figs demand for petrol to return to normal in the coming days. as long as --eole normal in the coming days. as long as peeple are _ normal in the coming days. as long as people are buying _ normal in the coming days. as long as people are buying or _ normal in the coming days. as long as people are buying or storing - normal in the coming days. as longi as people are buying or storing fuel they don't need it will be difficult for all suppliers to replenish stocks to normal levels. fix, for all suppliers to replenish stocks to normal levels. a man has been charged _ stocks to normal levels. a man has been charged with _ stocks to normal levels. a man has been charged with the _ stocks to normal levels. a man has been charged with the murder - stocks to normal levels. a man has l been charged with the murder sabina nessa who was killed if you want me to friend in southeast london. the 36—year—old man was arrested on sunday morning in east sussex and will appeal at a magistrates' court on tuesday. while the uk is facing petrol shortages at the fuel pumps, there is also a worldwide energy shortage threatening to develop into a full—blown crisis. it is being felt in all parts of the world, and in china, parts of the country are being hit by blackouts as there are widespread curbs on energy use. i am now by doctor, director of the china energy programme for the oxford institute for energy studies. great to have you on the programme, doctor. i want to start by asking you why are we seeing these energy and power shortages in china. realize and power shortages in china. really and power shortages in china. really a combination _ and power shortages in china. really a combination of— and power shortages in china. really a combination of factors _ and power shortages in china. really a combination of factors in _ and power shortages in china. really a combination of factors in first - a combination of factors in first and foremost it's very strong economic activity with a rebound from covid—19 has led... i economic activity with a rebound from covid-19 has led... i believe we have some — from covid-19 has led... i believe we have some technical - from covid-19 has led... i believel we have some technical difficulties with that particular interview with the doctor. we are going to try again. can you hear me? i the doctor. we are going to try again. can you hear me?- the doctor. we are going to try again. can you hear me? i can hear ou. can again. can you hear me? i can hear you- can you _ again. can you hear me? i can hear you- can you hear— again. can you hear me? i can hear you. can you hear me? _ doctor, if you can hear me right now, i believe we are having some technical difficulties at this point and i want to start by asking you why are we seeing these energy and power shortages. why are we seeing these energy and powershortages. i why are we seeing these energy and power shortages-— power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me — power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me now, _ power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me now, i— power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me now, i can _ power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me now, i can hear- power shortages. i hope i can - you can hear me now, i can hear you . power shortages. i hope i can - you i can hear me now, i can hear you very well. it has really been a combination of factors a very strong economic activity and sort of the result of a very cold winter and a very hot summer and that has led to a depletion in coal stocks. there are also policy elements here that have been inspections with coal mines limiting supplies and of course a trade spat with australia that has reduced imports but also the government has sold a number of provinces that it need to deliver their energy use to meet environmental targets of some of the rationing is policy induced. another is supply demand issues. what is supply demand issues. what restrictions _ is supply demand issues. what restrictions have _ is supply demand issues. what restrictions have been - is supply demand issues. what restrictions have been brought in by the chinese government to help alleviate the pressure? first and foremost industrial _ alleviate the pressure? first and foremost industrial curbs - alleviate the pressure? first and foremost industrial curbs and . alleviate the pressure? first and | foremost industrial curbs and the thought the first time china has power shortages. relatively regular feature there but of course this is longer and spread to a lot of provinces but the industrial use is first and foremost but we have seen things like billboard lights go off and now residential users that are seeing their usage curtailed. so a lot of factories have to stagger working hours or stop working altogether but i think what is new and most striking this time is the impact on the residential users and the daily lives.— the daily lives. how much do you think that the _ the daily lives. how much do you think that the australia - the daily lives. how much do you think that the australia china - the daily lives. how much do you l think that the australia china trade spat that has affected coal shortages in china is playing into this? i shortages in china is playing into this? ~ �* , ., ., this? i think it's one element and i don't think— this? i think it's one element and i don't think we _ this? i think it's one element and i don't think we should _ this? i think it's one element and i don't think we should overplay - this? i think it's one element and i don't think we should overplay it. | don't think we should overplay it. it is really like in much of the rest of the world a perfect storm of stronger than anticipated demand and sort of lower—than—expected supply and the australian spat did not help matters. but it is one factor among a of others. matters. but it is one factor among a of others-— a of others. doctor, director of the china energy _ a of others. doctor, director of the china energy programme - a of others. doctor, director of the china energy programme at - a of others. doctor, director of the china energy programme at the i a of others. doctor, director of the - china energy programme at the oxford institute for energy studies, thank you so much forjoining us on that story. you so much for “oining us on that sto . . ~' , ., you so much for “oining us on that sto . . ~ ,, if you so much for “oining us on that story-d .f you — you so much for “oining us on that storyd if you want - you so much for “oining us on that storyd if you want to i you so much for “oining us on that i storyd if you want to get story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with _ story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me _ story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me on _ story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me on any _ story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me on any story - story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me on any story if - story. thank you. if you want to get in touch with me on any story if youi in touch with me on any story if you have seen so far on newsday, the energy crisis affected people all over the world or certainly is some part of the world, i am on twitter. i look forward to hearing from you. you are watching newsday on bbc. still to come of the programme we have a special report from afghanistan with the challenge for the tele— band to defend their treatment of women. in all russian turmoil, it is never quite come to this. president boris yelton said that they would decide the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have _ the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have feared _ the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have feared for— the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have feared for so - the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have feared for so long - the nation's destiny. the nightmare so many have feared for so long is l so many have feared for so long is playing out his final act here. russians are killing russians in front of a grandstand audience. it was his humility which produced affection — was his humility which produced affection from catholics throughout the world _ affection from catholics throughout the world but his departure is a tragedy— the world but his departure is a tragedy for the catholic church. this man. — tragedy for the catholic church. this man, the israeli right—winger, visited _ this man, the israeli right—winger, visited the — this man, the israeli right—winger, visited the religious _ this man, the israeli right—winger, visited the religious comp - this man, the israeli right—winger, visited the religious comp that - visited the religious comp that started — visited the religious comp that started the _ visited the religious comp that started the trouble. _ visited the religious comp that started the trouble. he - visited the religious comp that started the trouble. he wantsl visited the religious comp that - started the trouble. he wants israel alone _ started the trouble. he wants israel alone to _ started the trouble. he wants israel alone to have — started the trouble. he wants israel alone to have sovereignty _ started the trouble. he wants israel alone to have sovereignty over- started the trouble. he wants israel alone to have sovereignty over the. alone to have sovereignty over the whole _ alone to have sovereignty over the whole site. — alone to have sovereignty over the whole site. an _ alone to have sovereignty over the whole site, an idea _ alone to have sovereignty over the whole site, an idea of— alone to have sovereignty over the whole site, an idea of the - whole site, an idea of the palestinians. _ after 45 years of division, germany is one. in berlin, 1 million germans celebrated the rebirth of europe's biggest and richest nation. newsday on abc and here are headlines. the american r&b singer r kelly is found guilty and convicted of trafficking and sexually abusing underage girls, boys and women. the leader of the german social democrats says he will build a governing coalition following the party's narrow governing coalition following the pa rty�*s narrow success governing coalition following the party's narrow success in parliamentary elections. it's been six weeks since the taliban took control and happiness in a forced out western troops with their heartland in the west in the helmand province. it is the place where the taliban is most established and has the strongest support. jeremy bowen has travelled from kandahar to areas devastated by years of war. no—one's future is secure in this country, especially girls. at lashkar gah girls' high and across afghanistan only the under—125 have been allowed back. the taliban says older girls will return, too. many don't believe them, including people in this town, who didn't want to be filmed. taliban rules on girls are seen as a big test by foreign countries who could help afghanistan. this school was rated one of the best in the country by the british council. the taliban says education will now follow islamic sharia law. all the boys are back at their desks. the head says, be patient, the older girls will come back. do you think girls' education is safe under the taliban? helmand is in the taliban heartland. it offers clues about the way they want afghanistan to go. they're still euphoric about victory. the last time the taliban seized the country, they used ruthless violence to impose their religious and cultural beliefs. they're not putting down their guns, but this time the leaders are arguing about power and the best way to keep it. the governor of helmand said older girls would go back to school when more religion was in the curriculum. islamic law was their guide. in the last 20 years, a lot of women have become educated. what if they don't want to live in that way? you fought against the british when they were here. what do you think about what they did? the west would be welcomed back if they came in peace to help the people. he said, you've made them suffer enough. the americans, the british and their allies came into afghanistan in 2001 with a clear enough mission — to destroy al-qaeda and to punish the taliban for harbouring them. it's what happened next that's harder to understand and to justify — a war that couldn't be won, that cut across all the hopes they said they had to make afghanistan into a better place. the troops in afghanistan were told they were fighting to make their families safe at home and to help afghans build a nation that would never again be a haven for groups like al-anda. one of the biggest battles was in helmand in 2010, in the cotton and opium fields. cultures collided. you can see their fear as british troops took over their home. the plan, quick victory, turned into grinding guerrilla warfare. after three months, the us commander called the area a bleeding ulcer. this is the area now. the war ebbed and flowed across it until the end. now it's over, this man went back to the war damaged home he is too poor to repair. his brother, who planted the tree, was killed fighting for the taliban. the area is enveloped by past loss, future pain and, for his mother, anger and grief. two more of her sons were arrested, forced into the afghan army and died fighting. a fourth was killed in an airstrike. they said they were here to make a better afghanistan for women as well. why did your son join the taliban? in lashkar gah, you can see the forces that are shaping afghanistan. the power of religion and tradition in pashtun tribes who dominate the south. the humanitarian crisis that might force concessions to women to get western help. young talibs have smartphones. their fathers banned photography. like the world, afghanistan has changed. it's harder now to bend and break the country. jeremy bowen, bbc news, helmand. another story now as in the last few minutes a shortly decide — divided us and it has failed to advance a measure to suspend the us debt ceiling and avoid a government shutdown. republican lawmakers denied the bill. shut down similarly to hundreds of thousands of government workers being sent home while parts, museums and other federal properties and services are closed. meanwhile, for almost 50 years, a satellite has been orbiting our planet providing a unique record of the evolving state of the earth. the latest satellite, it launched on monday. nasa claims this new addition will help scientist separate human and natural causes of environmental change. here is our science editor. and lift off! a murky, rainy day in california, but that was not going to stop this vital launch from going ahead. rising into orbit, it's the latest in a long line of satellites, giving us an essential view, not of space, but of earth and what we're doing to it. satellites have spotted forests being cleared in madagascar, huge mines in germany gouging out coal, cities sprawling into deserts, and how this is all making the climate more hostile. being able to see our home from space has transformed our awareness of how fragile it is. it's revealed how human activity is causing damage in ways you just can't pick up from the ground. but the good news is it creates chances to get things right in future, like spotting this toxic algal bloom in a lake in america and warning people to keep out of harm's way. every time we see the earth from space, its sheer beauty takes the breath away, but it's also a reminder that we understand so much more about the planet thanks to a fleet of spacecraft flying high above us. david shukman, bbc news. that is all we have time for. thanks for watching. stay with bbc news. hello there. for most of this september, temperatures have been a lot warmer than you might normally expect to see. temperatures over the weekend, for example, reached 23 celsius in north scotland's kinloss, but, a cold front has since moved through, and that's really dunked the temperatures. in kinloss, the same spot, down to 13 celsius for a high on monday. and there were plenty of showers following our cold front through. that was one of those shower clouds working across the skies. there is the cold front, there are the shower clouds, but lurking to our west, this is what's coming next, and this is a developing low, a developing front that is going to spread more persistent rain in. however, over the next few hours, it's showers that are in the forecast, so if you are heading outside, wales, parts of southwest england, along with northern ireland and western scotland, that's where you are most likely to see showers over the next few hours. across many central and eastern areas, a lot of dry weather with clear spells. so not a bad start to the day, mostly bright and dry, but across wales and western areas of england, quickly that area of cloud i showed you, well, that's this rain that's going to be moving its way in. pushing eastwards and northwards through the day, the rain does eventually reach southern and eastern scotland. northwest scotland and northern ireland, though, brighter, again, a day of sunshine and showers here. and the day's top temperatures between around about 14—17 celsius with fairly gusty winds. that weather system clears out of the way as we get into wednesday, and what follows is a ridge of high pressure. now, the weather for many of us will be a dry with increasing amounts of sunshine. however, we are going to see showers feeding in across these northwestern areas. so west scotland to the north of northern ireland, northern parts of wales and into northwest england through areas like merseyside, cheshire, greater manchester and the west midlands — you're likely to see showers even into the afternoon. temperatures about 13— 16 celsius. wednesday promises to be one of the cooler days of the week. but a fair amount of sunshine. won't be too much of that sunshine an offer on thursday though because we've got an active weather system set to come in — bringing some heavy outbreaks of rain, and strengthening winds as well towards the northwest as we go on to the day, might even see some gales developing in places. temperatures, about 14—17 celsius in the southwest of england. we've got more of this very unsettled weather for friday. general outbreaks of rain, still quite windy. something of an improvement over the weekend, we are back to a mixture of sunshine and showers. you are watching bbc news. our headlines... a court in new york has found the singer r kelly of six trafficking and racketeering. in connection with the abuse of underage girls, boys and women. germany's social democratic party says they have a clear mandate to govern after results from sunday's election put it narrowly ahead. they plan to build a coalition with the greens and free democrats, but angela merkel has said the party has refused to concede defeat. officials in the uk have placed the army on standby to help with the ongoing fuel crisis as here's over a tanker driver shortage is led to panic buying leading many of the pumps dry. what some have called the world's most important satellite has been put into orbit.

Related Keywords

R Kelly , Girls , Boys , Trafficking , Headlines , Singapore , State Reporting , American , R B , Women , Ensnare Verdict , Predator , Men , Prosecutor , Inner Circle , Underage , Germany , Government , Parties , Coalition Building , Pumps , Uk , Petrol Stations , Panic , Coalition Building Bean , Global Crisis , Satellite , Climate Change , Studio , Bbc News , Newsday , Court , Sex Trafficking , New York , Racketeering , Connection , Singer , 6 , Trial , Sex , Prison , Minimum , Course , Kelly A Criminal Enterprise , Prosecution , Children , Five , 15 , One , World , Nightmare , Music , Victims , Look , Artists , King , Jury , It , Matter , Message , Prosecutors , The Long Arm Of Law , Detail , Ran A Decades Long Criminal Enterprise , People , Singers , Network , Fame , Employees , Associates , Evidence , Witnesses , Entrap , 45 , First , Accusers , Accusations , Accounts , Documentary , Fever Pitch , Video , Jerhonda Pace , Victim , Abuse , Interview , Wall , Sexual Abuse , Hands , Atjust , 16 , Story , Voices Didn T Matter To Society , Katiejones , 14 , Things , Head , Words , Um , Mannerisms , Pets , Age , Anyone , Cbs , Arrest , Public Opinion , 17 , Stuff , Bleep , My Bleep Life , Artist , Career , Ican T , 30 , Victory , Los Angeles , Survivors , Sexual Assault , Entire Metoo Movement , Iam , Lot , Programme , Industry , Repercussions , Movement , Music Industry , Peter , Lot Repercussions , Tie , Song , Hit , Star , Grannies , Sexual Predator , 96 , Three , Kinds , Allegations , Kelly , Grammys , Others , Accusation , Notjust , Someone , Profile , Kind , Meat , Behaviour , Decision , Individuals , Rise , Trialfacing , Law , Correspondent , Los , Charges , The Law , Our , Breaking News , Military , South Korea , Situation , Details , Stage , Eye , North Korea , Projectile , Point , Cruise Missile , Background , Missiles , State Media , Analysts , Context , Japan , Country , Something , Moving On , Population , 5000 , Coalition , Chancellor Merkel , Social Democratic Party , Green Party , Liberals , Deadline , Two , Led , Berlin , Successor , Europe , Editor , Voters , Election , Sense , News , Conservative , Headed , You Re Not Alone , Mandate , Translation , Public , Vote , Party , Result , Government Led , Forward , Cdu , Greens , Negotiations , Priorities , Fdp , Allies , Partners , Don T Know , Uncertainty , Ifeel , Fact , Predictability , Votes , Stability , Imploding , Stopper , Bottle , Elsewhere , Place , Frustration , Aftermath , Louisa , Climate , Interests , Party Politics , Politics , Catastrophe , Talk , Conflict , Greta Thunberg , Interest , Retirement Plans , Child , Thoughts , Ice , Coalition Haggling , Katya Adler , Army , Fuel , Fuel Industry , Ease Pressure , Standby , Levels , Stocks , Demand , Suppliers , Petrol , Statement , Figs , Fix , Peeple , Longi , Right Winger , Murder Stocks , Murder , Old Man , Friend , Southeast London , Sabina Nessa , East Sussex , Sunday Morning , 36 , Energy Shortage , Petrol Shortages , Fuel Pumps , Magistrates Court On Tuesday , Parts , China , Crisis , Energy Use , Curbs , Blackouts , Power , Shortages , Director , Doctor , Energy , China Energy Programme , Oxford Institute For Energy Studies , Power Shortages , Combination , Factors , Activity , Rebound , Difficulties , Covid 19 , 19 , Ou , Powershortages , Policy Elements , Summer , Depletion , Coal Stocks , Cold Winter , Trade Spat , Number , Imports , Australia , Some , Supplies , Provinces , Coal Mines , Inspections , Targets , Pressure , Issues , Restrictions , Supply Demand , Policy Induced , Another , Chinese , Rationing , Feature , Billboard Lights , Time , Thought , Use , Foremost Industrial Curbs , Users , Factories , Impact , Usage , Daily Lives , Element , Lives , Spat , Coal Shortages , The Daily Lives , China Trade , Factor , Don T , Matters , Storm , Supply , Rest , Oining Us , Sto , Ia , Story D , Oining , Part , Energy Crisis , Hearing , Youi , Twitter , Afghanistan , Treatment , Special Report , Tele Band , Challenge , Many , Nation , Destiny , Boris Yelton , Turmoil , Russian , Front , Affection , Tragedy , Humility , Departure , Israeli , Grandstand Audience , Catholics , Russians , Act , Comp , Sovereignty , Trouble , He Wantsl , Site , Idea , Whole , Palestinians , Rebirth , Division , 1 Million , Abc , Success , Governing Coalition , Social Democrats , Governing , Elections , Leader , Pa Rty , Six , Taliban , Troops , Helmand Province , West , Jeremy Bowen , Support , Heartland , Happiness , War , Areas , At Lashkar Gah Girls , Town , Didn T Want , 125 , Education , Countries , Best , British Council , Test , School , Islamic , Desks , Patient , Safe , Harm S Way , Clues , Leaders , Violence , Beliefs , Guns , Religion , Governor , Islamic Law , Curriculum , Guide , 20 , Peace , The Americans , Mission , Al Qaeda , 2001 , Fighting , Cut , Families , Couldn T Be Won , Home , Afghans , Haven , Cotton , Opium Fields , Battles , Cultures , Groups , Al Anda , 2010 , Plan , Fear , Guerrilla Warfare , Area , Commander , Area A Bleeding Ulcer , Brother , Over , Tree , Anger , More , Mother , Loss , Pain , Grief , Sons , Fourth , Airstrike , Son , Forces , Tribes , South , Tradition , Concessions , Lashkar Gah , Pashtun , Help , Young Talibs , Photography , Smartphones , Fathers , Bill , Government Workers , Thousands , Debt Ceiling , Measure , Government Shutdown , Lawmakers , Similarly , Hundreds , Museums , Republican , Planet , State , Services , Properties , Earth , Record , 50 , Addition , Science Editor , Change , Human , Scientist , Natural Causes , Nasa , Rainy Day , Space , Satellites , Orbit , Latest , Launch , Essential View , Line , California , Coal , Forests , Mines , Deserts , Gouging , Cities , Madagascar , Human Activity , Chances , Ground , Awareness , Ways , Damage , America , Warning , Lake , Algal Bloom , Reminder , Beauty , Breath , Spacecraft , Fleet , David Shukman , Thanks , Most , Watching , Stay , Temperatures , Cold Front , Weekend , September , Example , Celsius , North Scotland S Kinloss , 23 , Showers , Shower , High , Spot , Skies , Shower Clouds , 13 , Rain , Southwest England , Low , Forecast , Outside , Northern Ireland , Wales , Western Scotland , Weather , Cloud , Spells , Sunshine , Northwards , Way , Southern And Eastern Scotland , Northwest Scotland , Brighter , Pushing Eastwards , Winds , Ridge , Weather System , Amounts , Dry , West Scotland , North , Afternoon , West Midlands , Merseyside , Greater Manchester , Cheshire , Outbreaks , Northwest , Won T , Amount , Offer , Weather System Set , Southwest , Places , Gales , Improvement , Mixture , Results , Has , Sunday , Tanker Driver Shortage , Fuel Crisis , Have , Panic Buying , Defeat , Officials , Army On Standby ,

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