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sorry, can't do this. this is absolutely diabolical behaviour. with millions of children now back at school, government scientists warn of another surge in coronvirus infections, if lockdown is lifted too quickly. how's your mum doing? yeah, she's fine. all change for the bafta film award nominations, with the british film rocks a surprise frontrunner, as diversity leads the way. and a chunk of the rare meteor that lit up the skies over europe last week is found in a front garden in gloucestershire. good evening. buckingham palace has issued a statement following the interview with the duke and duchess of sussex that was broadcast last night. in it, the queen says she is saddened to learn just how challenging the last few years have been for the couple and said they will always be much loved members of the family. buckingham palace said the issues raised — particularly on race — are concerning. more than 11 million people in the uk watched the interview last night, in which prince harry and meghan spoke of a member of the royal family voicing concerns about the colour of their child's skin and they also complained of a lack of support. here's our royal correspondent nicholas witchell. from buckingham palace this evening, a statement about the sussexes�* tv interview from her majesty the queen. it reads... it amounted to just 61 words. the palace made it clear it would not be commenting further. earlier, while the palace was pondering its response to the sussexes�* interview, the daily business of the royal family continued pretty much as normal. the prince of wales was at a vaccination centre in northwest london. all normal, apart from the inevitable question... sir, can i ask, what did you think of the interview? ..whereupon there was a very sharp exit. the interview has now been seen around the world. 11 million tuned in in britain to hear meghan�*s claim to have been suicidal but ignored, and her assertion of a racial slur by a member of the family about her then—unborn baby. in those months when i was pregnant, all around this same time, so we have in tandem the conversation of "he won't be given security, he's not going to be given a title"... ..and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. what? meghan�*s estranged father thomas markle watched the interview on us television. what did he make of his daughter's claims? i don't think the british royal family are racist. | the thing about "what colour will the baby be?" _ or "how dark will the baby be?",j i'm guessing and hoping it isjust a dumb question from somebody. you know, it couldl just be that simple. it could be somebody i asked a stupid question. shock waves of harry and meghan�*s explosive interview with oprah... but as the interview dominates so much of the news, particularly in america, there are influential voices speaking up for meghan. the fact she did not get more support, that the reaction was, "let'sjust paper it over and pretend that it didn't happen or it will go away, just keep your head down," well, you know, this young woman was not about to keep her head down. this is 2021. the story is dominating the media here in britain, with sharp criticism from some who say there was a double standard in the way the press reported meghan. you have to draw conclusions from the way meghan was systematically criticised and attacked for things which other white members of the royalfamily could get away with. and so a sharply divided debate continues. was meghan the naive american who never understood the nature of being a british royal, or a huge potential asset who was wasted and wronged by an inflexible institution? and nick has more on that statement released by buckingham palace. it is conciliatory, it's reaching out to them, it's empathetic — "the whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been." but at the same time, it is gently challenging. theyjust push back very, very softly with this phrase "while some recollections may vary". well, you can be absolutely sure that they vary in the palace, but they're not actually saying that or trading word for word. it acknowledges the significance of the issues. they are concerning, they will be taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately — and that's very important to them. the family now want to take this away and deal with it as a family group. there is much hurt and anguish on both sides, as we can see. this is a family which is riven, really — father and son, brother and brother — and they will hope that this will now subside and that they do have the opportunity, the time and the space to sort this out themselves. our royal correspondent nicholas witchell there, and we will return to that statement from the palace shortly. but first, some breaking news this evening. and itv has announced that the presenter piers morgan has decided to leave good morning britain. media regulator ofcom said it had launched an investigation into the programme after receiving more than 41,000 complaints about mr morgan's comments about the duchess of sussex. that is more complaints than ofcom has received for any programme for almost 15 years. the itv announcement this evening follows controversy on this morning's programme when mr morgan stormed off set, when he was criticised by gmb's weatherman alex beresford. i understand that you don't like meghan markle. you've made it so clear a number of times on this programme, a number of times. and i understand that you've got a personal relationship with meghan markle, or had one, and she cut you off. she's entitled to cut you off if she wants to. has she said anything about you since she cut you off? i don't think she has, but yet you continue to trash her... ok, i'm done with this. no, no, no... sorry! do you know what? that's pathetic. no, no, no... see you later. sorry, can't do this. this is absolutely diabolical behaviour. piers morgan, in what now seems to be his last appearance on good morning britain. and that clip does highlight how deeply divided britons are over harry and meghan�*s interview. in a survey by yougov last night after the broadcast, 32% thought the couple had been treated fairly by the royal family, while another 32% thought they had been treated unfairly. 36% said they didn't know. the survey found a stark split via age group on the question of fairness. 13% of 18—24—year—olds thought harry and meghan had been treated fairly by the royal family. 61% of the same age group thought the couple had been treated unfairly, while 26% of 18—24 year—olds said they didn't know. looking at how those over the age of 65 responded to the same question, 50% thought the duke and duchess had been treated fairly by the royal family. 15% of the same age group thought the pair had been treated unfairly, while 35% of over—65s said they didn't know. i'm joined by omid scobie, co—author of new book finding freedom: harry and meghan and the making of a modern family. hello to you, thanks for being with us. that breakdown according to age, it seems to be, is quite interesting, isn't it? you've got a younger generation finding common cause, seeming to understand where the sussexes are coming from, yet in order generation not being able to do the same. order generation not being able to do the same-— order generation not being able to do the same. yeah, absolutely, and ethic we have _ do the same. yeah, absolutely, and ethic we have seen _ do the same. yeah, absolutely, and ethic we have seen over— do the same. yeah, absolutely, and ethic we have seen over the - do the same. yeah, absolutely, and ethic we have seen over the recentl ethic we have seen over the recent years harry and meghan have always been a pretty divisive couple in this country, but that division is usually found between different age groups, certainly younger people see the two individual who are really standing up to an ancient establishment that they found they could not thrive in. instead they choose to find their voices, speak their truth, and prioritise their family and well—being over the duty thatis family and well—being over the duty that is often what comes first for the royal family. that is often what comes first for the royalfamily. and then in stomach on the other side, you have an older generation of royal watcher that they turned their backs on the duty to the crown, they have seen a couple given the space to work and thrive in amongst the royal family and they do not take advantage of that, so we really get to hear from both sides. i think it will continue to be that way, certainly the interview with oprah did not seem to change opinions of many, but it will also be intrigued to see how things change now we have heard from the palace. change now we have heard from the alace. ., ., , ., change now we have heard from the alace. ., .,, ., , ., palace. yeah, it was a similar situation. _ palace. yeah, it was a similar situation, wasn't _ palace. yeah, it was a similar situation, wasn't it _ palace. yeah, it was a similar situation, wasn't it come - palace. yeah, it was a similar| situation, wasn't it come after palace. yeah, it was a similar- situation, wasn't it come after the death of diana and all the issues that were involved there? do you see this situation perhaps being more representative of the possibility of change within a very old institution, the royalfamily, in a way that perhaps diana's situation was not? i way that perhaps diana's situation was not? ~' ., �* way that perhaps diana's situation was not? ~ ., �* was not? i think i would've said that before _ was not? i think i would've said that before we _ was not? i think i would've said that before we received - was not? i think i would've said that before we received the - that before we received the statement today from the palace. i did wonder if this moment we are at, a sort of crossroads, could possibly be a catalyst for change. i was curious to see if they would be summative ownership of the accusations made by the couple, particular when it comes to race, or at least some kind of condemnation of racism in the statement. instead it was fairly light, shall i say? 61 words, it took a couple of days to put together, and even includes a sort of slate royal pushback with the reference to varying versions of events, so it is not quite the moment i had hoped with the statement, but it is clear the palace simply do not want to add fuel to the fire and are hoping they can do what they do best, which is keep calm and carry on. hand can do what they do best, which is keep calm and carry on.— can do what they do best, which is keep calm and carry on. and do you think they can _ keep calm and carry on. and do you think they can get _ keep calm and carry on. and do you think they can get away _ keep calm and carry on. and do you think they can get away with - keep calm and carry on. and do you think they can get away with that i think they can get away with that now? i think they can get away with that now? ~ . think they can get away with that now? ~' ., ., now? i think there are large sections _ now? i think there are large sections of _ now? i think there are large sections of society - now? i think there are large sections of society that - now? i think there are large sections of society that are l now? i think there are large - sections of society that are really troubled by the racist accusations made by harry and meghan. of course we don't know which family member is, in fact oprah winfrey wanted to make it clear prince harry said it was not prince william or prince philip, there are worries it will turn into a guessing game for people, but amongst those names in the family members are two, the next two in line to the throne, and i think in a way the public have a right to know at this point who that individual might be because, of course, it could have a huge... it could potentially cause a huge problem for the royal family if we find out that a future member of the royal family that sits on the throne is in fact, or has in fact said, racially insensitive comments. piers morn an, racially insensitive comments. piers morgan. you — racially insensitive comments. piers morgan, you appeared _ racially insensitive comments. piers morgan, you appeared with him on gmb on friday, i think it was. what is your response to him walking offset like that, and actually now leaving the channel completely? i like that, and actually now leaving the channel completely?— the channel completely? i mean, listen, the channel completely? i mean, listen. for _ the channel completely? i mean, listen. for a _ the channel completely? i mean, listen. for a guy _ the channel completely? i mean, listen, for a guy that _ the channel completely? i mean, listen, for a guy that has - the channel completely? i mean, listen, for a guy that has dished l listen, for a guy that has dished out for almost four years now, i'm surprised that he could not handle 90 seconds of criticism from colleagues on national television, but that tells you more about his character than anything else. listen, 41,000 people complained to ofcom about his comments, doubting meghan�*s mental health struggles, and for a network that really champions many mental health causes, i would imagine that this was not just his decision and that he would have been under a huge amount of pressure to at least make some kind of change or announcement today, and obviously we have seen that. sure. obviously we have seen that. sure, 0k, omid scobie, _ obviously we have seen that. sure, 0k, omid scobie, it _ obviously we have seen that. sure, 0k, omid scobie, it is _ obviously we have seen that. sure, 0k, omid scobie, it is good - obviously we have seen that. sure, 0k, omid scobie, it is good to - obviously we have seen that. sure, 0k, omid scobie, it is good to talk| ok, omid scobie, it is good to talk to you. thank you. well, opinion remains deeply divided after last night's interview. our home editor mark easton looks at how damaging the couple's revelations are to the royal family. exactly one year ago today, the queen attended the commonwealth day service at westminster abbey, harry and meghan�*s last royal engagement. "it's always inspiring to be reminded of the diversity of the people and countries that make up our worldwide family," the queen said, speaking as head of the commonwealth that day. "such a blend of traditions serves to make us stronger individually and collectively." but as the royals gathered in the abbey, there were hints of tensions and troubles to come. over the course of 70 years, the queen has guided the monarchy from empire to black lives matter. in the 21st century, she represents a uniting figurehead for people of all cultures. accusations of racism at the heart of the royal family could represent an existential threat for this ancient institution. now, if you look at social media, you're seeing very, very young people, young influencers, young thinkers, actually saying, "well, what is this institution? why does it exist?" they're questioning things that i've not seen them question before. this is an anachronism in this day and age, and notjust on the basis of race. we're certainly seeing lots of young black people having that conversation, but also young white people. archive: and the throne i passes to king edward viii's younger brother... today's crisis management at the palace contains echoes of the abdication crisis in 1936, when king edward viii gave up the throne to marry wallis simpson. like meghan, she was an american divorcee, an outsider who felt shunned by the royalfamily. the death of princess diana in 1997 also saw the royals accused of failing to support a young woman who they'd invited into their gilded cage, seemingly unable to understand public anger at her treatment and grief at her loss. now, the royal pr department is again firefighting accusations of a brand out of touch with contemporary attitudes and values. it represents notjust a symbol of historic oppression, but as we see with harry and meghan, the continued residue of the discrimination and racism that made british empire. a new yougov poll suggests a generational divide. four times as many 18—to—24—year—olds thought harry and meghan had been treated unfairly by the royal family compared with the over—65s. it suggests a looming challenge for the monarchy. while harry and meghan praised the queen in the interview, prince charles was portrayed as unsupportive and distant. repairing the reputational damage will require a response that reaches across notjust ethnicities but generations. mark easton, bbc news. as well as the many millions who watched the interview in the uk, over 17 million watched in the us. the interview also made headlines in commonwealth countries like canada. so has it changed perceptions about the royal family in that country? let's speak now to carolyn harris, a historian and author in toronto. good to see you. how has it gone down in canada, that interview? there has been a lot of critical scrutiny, directed towards the monarchy and specifically towards prince charles, as prince harry has stated that his father cut him off financially and was not returning his calls and one point, and i think there is interest in harry and meghan because they are the most recent example of a royal couple who spent an extended period of time in canada. they were there for around three months in early 2020, before moving to california, previously in canadian history, the herb and some other symbols of royals who have lived here for extended periods. in the 21st century, it is quite rare, and they attracted a lot of media attention when they're living on vancouver island. [30 attention when they're living on vancouver island.— attention when they're living on vancouver island. do you think there has been a real— vancouver island. do you think there has been a real impact _ vancouver island. do you think there has been a real impact on _ vancouver island. do you think there has been a real impact on sentiment| has been a real impact on sentiment towards the actual institution of the royalfamily? it towards the actual institution of the royal family?— the royalfamily? it certainly is important _ the royalfamily? it certainly is important to — the royalfamily? it certainly is important to differentiate - the royalfamily? it certainly is important to differentiate the l important to differentiate the constitutional monarchy as a system of government from the personal reputation of individual members of the royalfamily, so, certainly, there is some scrutiny taking place right now and debate and discussion regarding the interview and the very serious issues that it raised, but at the same time, there is this greater question of constitutional monarchy and its role in canada's future, canada's 116 monarchy and its role in canada's future, canada's116 commonwealth future, ca nada's 116 commonwealth realms future, canada's116 commonwealth realms who have this historic system of government. and it is quite interwoven into the fabric of canadian politics and history in law —— canada's one of 16. but canadian politics and history in law -- canada's one of 16.— -- canada's one of 16. but this issue, -- canada's one of 16. but this issue. this _ -- canada's one of 16. but this issue, this debate, _ -- canada's one of 16. but this issue, this debate, this - -- canada's one of 16. but this - issue, this debate, this controversy over race, as expounded by the sussexes in their interview, is that the kind of thing they could feed into republican sentiment in canada, do you think?— do you think? certainly, canada is a diverse, multicultural— do you think? certainly, canada is a diverse, multicultural society - do you think? certainly, canada is a diverse, multicultural society and i diverse, multicultural society and the fact there's a? —— a question mark over who said those comments, that will stoke controversy for it has been made clear neither the queen door prince philip made those comments and harry and meghan spoke very warmly about the queen as a person interpersonal relationship with the queen and the queen and her statement today has stated that harry and meghan and archie our beloved members of the family, and so it is clear the personal relationship there is a strong, but harry's relationship with his father and brother has become quite strained, that is attracting critical scrutiny. mi attracting critical scrutiny. all ri . ht, attracting critical scrutiny. all riaht, we attracting critical scrutiny. all right, we are to leave it there. carolyn harris, thank you for joining us from toronto. thank you very much- — two of the government's top scientists have warned of the dangers of lifting coronavirus restrictions too quickly, saying that the situation could turn very bad very quickly if lockdown is eased too fast. the uk government's chief medical adviser, professor chris whitty, told mps that all the modelling suggests there is going to be a further surge in coronavirus infections in the late summer or autumn and many vulnerable people still aren't protected. here's our health editor, hugh pym. the vaccination programme rolls on. those aged between 56 and 59 in england now getting their invitations, people in derby queueing and happy to be there to get theirjabs. it's a relief because i thought i would have to wait quite a while, but i got the letter yesterday and i'm booked in today, which is quite good. been waiting quite a long time, yeah, but the sooner the better for me. government advisers say the vaccination plan is going very well, but they warn that while people will get some protection against serious illness, the virus won't go away. in fact, it will probably spread faster as lockdown is eased. all the modelling suggests there will be a further surge, and that will find the people who either have not been vaccinated or where the vaccine has not worked, and some of them will end up in hospital and sadly, some of them will go on to die, and that is the reality. schools in england have opened up this week. at this primary in norwich, there was even a mini circus to welcome children back and reassure them. officials say they need up to five weeks to see how the reopening affects the spread of the virus. when parents meet, people going into work as a result, that changes a number of things, all of which might have pressure on transmission. lockdown easing in england continues provisionally from march 29, with some outdoor meetings and sports allowed. from april 12, non—essential retail, outdoor hospitality and some leisure facilities are set to reopen. from may 17, some indoor meetings and hospitality will be allowed, and june 21 will be the earliest possible date for a full reopening. the government advisers say it can't go any quicker. what the government has been told over and again is take it steady, and what we don't want to do is accelerate into trouble and then have to reverse straight back out again, open things up and immediately close things down. from friday in scotland, up to four people will be able to meet outdoors and some adult sports will resume. the first minister said they were heading in the right direction but it was too soon to take the foot off the break. if we continue to prioritise children's education, as i believe we should and indeed must, our scope to make further changes will be limited while we are still rolling out the vaccine. case numbers may be falling but are still relatively high. the message from ministers and officials around the uk is that the grounds for hope must be balanced by caution. hugh pym, bbc news. the latest daily data on coronavirus shows 5,766 new infections recorded in the latest 24—hour period, which means that on average, the number of new cases reported per day in the last week is 5,800. across the uk, the number of patients in hospital with coronavirus is 9,418. 231 deaths were reported — that's people who died within 28 days of a positive covid—19 test. on average, 190 people have died every day in the last week from coronavirus. the total number of deaths across the uk is 124,797. and onto the vaccination programme — around 215,000 people have had their first dose of a covid vaccine in the latest 24—hour period. that takes the overall number of people who've had their firstjab to more than 22.5 million people. and over1 million people have now had both doses of the vaccine. at the end of january, more than 4,000 people were on ventilators in hospitals across the uk. that number has fallen in the recent weeks tojust over 1,300. our medical editor fergus walsh has returned to the intensive care unit at university college hospital in london. some viewers may find some of the images in his report distressing. this is the reality of covid intensive care for patients like louis christou. he's been on a ventilator since christmas. it may not look it, but he is improving. louis, who's 70, is gradually being weaned off a machine. he has a tube into his windpipe, his body learning to breathe again. a retired mechanic, his wife and family are waiting anxiously at home. no longer fully sedated, louis is sometimes aware of his surroundings. louis, it's elaine here, one of the nurses. as patients emerge from unconsciousness, they need reassurance. you getting there. don't worry. louis' family agreed to us filming in order to highlight the continuing dangers of covid. they hope he will be home with them soon. compared to the peak injanuary, covid icu numbers here are down 80%. it means wards can be converted back to their normal function. until two days ago, this was where the last of our covid patients were. after a year of battling covid, staff at university college hospital are apprehensive about the future. you won't see nurses and doctors booking holidays and booking pub gardens in april because they believe that, they're scared that this would happen again and they don't want to have to do this again. the average age of covid patients in intensive care is 60, but many are much younger, another reason why medical teams are so cautious and keen for all of us to stick to the rules. the patients in their 20s, 30s and 40s that are coming to icu have still not been able to have their vaccine and i think until we can make sure that all the population is vaccinated, we still need to be careful. little by little, the pressure here is easing. but for many covid patients, surviving intensive care is just the start of a long journey of recovery. one, two, three. and holding on to the frame. perfect. rodney woods, who's 58, spent over a month on a ventilator. he lost so much muscle, he's having to learn to stand and walk again. yeah, it's going well. a minister at a central london church, he hopes to be home in time for easter and looks forward to tasting food again. i've had the feeding tube now for over two months because i couldn't swallow. i'd just forgotten how. so i've had to relearn how to swallow. i'm now relearning how to stand and how to walk and it's really, it's literally, you're kind of rebuilding your life. milen, who's in his 40s, is another icu survivor who's just starting to rebuild his life. even as patient numbers gradually fall, covid will continue to cast a long shadow. fergus walsh, bbc news. a high courtjudge has ordered that the office for national statistics adjusts its guidance on how people should respond to the question on sex in the census. the census, a ten—year survey of england and wales, will begin on march 21. the ons had said that people could fill it in using their sex recorded on legal documents, including a passport. however, thejudge ruled that because passports don't record legal sex, that part of the guidance should be withdrawn. permission was also given for a fulljudicial review. the ons said it was "continuing to ask a binary choice male or female sex question". more coming up. stay with us for that. now, time for a look at the weather with ben rich. good evening. some heavy rain on the way over the next couple of days, but not only that. some strong winds, gales, which could well cause some disruption. there will be big waves crashing onto the coastlines as well. now, it's already very windy across the far northwest of the uk, outbreaks of rain which will push southeastwards as we go through the night, turning very wet across england and wales. something a little drier for northern ireland and certainly for scotland, with clear spells and just a scattering of showers here by the first part of the morning. now, as we go through the day, it'll start off wet across england and wales. that rain will try to clear away, but actually it will then surge back from the southwest, affecting all areas by the afternoon. temporarily, a spell of snow over high ground in scotland. the winds picking up as we go through the afternoon, temperatures between 8 and 12 degrees. wednesday night is going to be very windy indeed, particularly across england and wales. it stays blustery into thursday and friday, sunshine and showers. some of the showers very heavy and thundery. hello, you're watching bbc news. i'm clive irie, our top stories... —— clive irie, our top stories... —— clive my re—. buckingham palace breaks its silence over harry and meghan's tv interview. the queen says she's saddened to learn of the challenges faced by the duke and duchess. the palace says the issues they raised, especially around race, are �*concerning' and they'll be dealt with privately. piers morgan is leaving good morning britain after controversy over comments about the duchess of sussex, including a walk—out this morning. you continue to trash her... ok, i'm done with this. no, no, no... sorry! do you know what? that's pathetic. no, no, no... see you later. sorry, can't do this. this is absolutely diabolical behaviour. with millions of children now back at school, government scientists warn of another surge in coronvirus infections if lockdown is lifted too quickly. how's your mum doing? all change for the bafta film award nominations, with the british film �*rocks,’ a surprise frontrunner, as diversity leads the way. and a chunk of the rare meteor that lit up the skies over europe last week is found in a front garden in gloucestershire. sports coaches and faith leaders who have sexual relationships with 16 and 17—year—olds in their care will be breaking the law. that's under government plans to close a legal loophole in england and wales. it's one of a number of new measures being introduced to parliament today, in an effort to overhaul the justice system. laura scott reports. when 16 and 17—year—olds go to school, the doctor, or are in the care of social workers, those in positions of influence cannot legally engage in sexual activity with them. the same hasn't been true when they go to after—school sports clubs or faith groups. i spoke to hannah, who was manipulated into engaging in a sexual relationship with her swimming coach when she turned 16. not her real name. she says the law didn't protect her. we are using an actors voice. looking back on that time as a more mature adult now, and just being able to see how wrong the situation was and how he abused his position of trust as a sports coach to gain my trust and use that to his advantage to initiate a sexual relationship, which shouldn't have been allowed to happen, and i feel really passionately about protecting children in sports environments going forward. that's why this change in the law is so important to me. the ministry ofjustice is due to unveil plans to expand child—abuse laws in england and wales, meaning sports coaches and faith leaders will be considered positions of trust. following what they called an extensive review. having looked at the body of evidence and some of the really worrying cases involving sports coaches and faith leaders, where you've got a position of power, if you like, and authority that can be — and is sometimes, sadly — abused, _ i thought the time for action was now. a freedom—of—information request by the bbc last year found that there had been more than 160 reported cases of sports coaches engaging in sexual activity with a 16 or 17—year—old in their care in 2016. for some of those who've been pushing for change, the government's plan is overdue but nonetheless welcome. i think we all would have liked it sooner, but actually i think we're relieved it's going to be put forward now, because the danger always ways that it could be kicked off because the danger always was that it could be kicked off into the long grass again. to those people who say it's not needed, it's to fundamentally misunderstand the relationship a coach has with an athlete. they spend a huge amount of time together, depending on sport, that coach is the only way through if you have dreams of being on the pathway or getting to elite level. you know, grooming can start at a very young age. the bill will need to pass through parliament, but campaigners hope that by closing what has been described as a gaping legal loophole, sports will be a positive experience for all young people. laura scott, bbc news. the met police has confirmed that a cordon put in place near clapham common this afternoon is connected to the search for the missing 33—year—old woman sarah everard, who hasn't been seen since wednesday. our reporter katharine carpenter gave this update from the scene in south london. this evening, there is a lot of activity here on the south circular. the police have cordoned off a short section of it and there's been quite a lot of police activity in this block of flats. now, this area is very close to where sarah was last seen almost a week ago on her own, caught on cctv wearing her distinctive green rain jacket. now, today, the police have released two new images of sarah wearing thatjacket, hoping that it prompts somebody�*s memory. they're still appealing for anybody who's seen her during herjourney from herfriend's home in clapham to get in touch with them. they're particularly appealing to delivery drivers and people who may have door bell camera footage. so far, they say they've trawled through hours of cctv pictures. they also say that they have spoken to more than 120 people on the phone who've been offering information and over 750 households, but they are still trying to piece together what happened to sarah after she disappeared. so, just to recap, she had been visiting a friend on the other sign of clapham common, about half a mile from here on leathwaite road. she left there at around nine o'clock in the evening. the police think she made her way across the common to this side of the south circular, where she was headed back towards her home in brixton, a journey which should have taken around 50 minutes. they don't know if she ever made it. they say they are still treating this as a missing persons inquiry, but they are open to all possibilities. this is a meteor that lit up the sky over the uk last week. several pieces of the fireball came down on a family's driveway in gloucestershire. the first thing the wilcock family knew about it was when they heard a dull thud outside their house. our science correspondent victoria gill takes up the story. from nuneaton to somerset to wigan, the night sky was lit up by a fireball of space rock just over a week ago. the display was accidentally captured on security footage, and the uk fireball alliance with an array of special cameras managed to follow its trajectory. meteorite trackers homed in on an area of gloucestershire, on a small charred patch on a driveway, and a very vigilant resident in winscombe provided the final clue about where it landed. the moment was when catherine and hannah went out the door. they were heading out for the walk and i was staying in the house, and they said, "what's this on the drive?" and i came out, and we looked at this pile of what looked like crushed coal. what on earth could it be? so it must have come down from the sky. and you start thinking, is it a piece of plane debris or something like that, but we didn't think it looked like that, so even then we started thinking perhaps it has come down from space. after millions of years hurtling through space, the rock sat on the driveway for less than a day before being collected and handed into the care of scientists at the natural history museum in london. nothing like this rock has been found in the uk before. why is this space rock in particular so special? this is 4.6 billion years old, so older than any rock we have on the earth, so it's like a time capsule and takes us all the way back to the birth of our solar system. this is a carbonaceous chondrite type meteorite, so it contains all the building blocks for our solar system. so potentially, this meteorite contains things like simple organics and amino acids and can tell us about how life got started on our earth. and liftoff of osiris—rex! while this discovery weighs in at almost probes to half a kilo, nasa and the japanese space agency both previously sent probes to asteroids, at huge cost, to return just a few grams of pristine space rock. some 65,000 meteorites have fallen to earth and been collected around the world, but only 1200 had eyewitnesses to their fall. and, of these, only 51 are rare carbonaceous chondrites like this one. researchers say there may yet be more fragments of the meteorite in the winchcombe area, so they're asking residents to keep an eye out for unusualjet black rocks, in case any more space debris ended a journey across the solar system in their driveway. victoria gill, bbc news. dr natasha stephen is a lecturer at the university of plymouth. her research focuses on meteorites and she was one of the scientists who was sent to scene. hello to you, thanks for being with us. you didn't have to fly to australia to get this. arizona, new mexico, you knit down the road to gloucestershire. how bizarre is that? �* , , gloucestershire. how bizarre is that? �*, , ' �* that? it's very different. i'm quite used to going _ that? it's very different. i'm quite used to going all _ that? it's very different. i'm quite used to going all the _ that? it's very different. i'm quite used to going all the way - that? it's very different. i'm quite used to going all the way to - used to going all the way to australia so be to be able to be an almost my own backyard was white unique. almost my own backyard was white uniuue. ~ , , , almost my own backyard was white uniaue.~ , , , almost my own backyard was white uniaue.~ ,, , ,, unique. why is this so special? i think this is _ unique. why is this so special? i think this is particularly - unique. why is this so special? i think this is particularly speciall think this is particularly special because meteorites are quite common on the earth's surface. the citizens networks all came together to model where this might have landed and to be able to go out as a team and try and find it in such a short feel had of time, it's an absolutely fine nominal achievement —— phenomenal. given the infinity of space to fall on the united kingdom, that is rare, isn't it? it’s on the united kingdom, that is rare, isn't it? �* , . , on the united kingdom, that is rare, isn't it? �*, ., , ., on the united kingdom, that is rare, isn'tit? v . , . ~ isn't it? it's really rare. we haven't _ isn't it? it's really rare. we haven't had _ isn't it? it's really rare. we haven't had a _ isn't it? it's really rare. we haven't had a full- isn't it? it's really rare. we haven't had a full metre i isn't it? it's really rare. we haven't had a full metre at| isn't it? it's really rare. we - haven't had a full metre at night like this for 30 years. the last time was 1991. —— full meteorite. not only is it a full meteorite, we had it in a few hours. it's really rare as well so it's not one of those ordinary ones, it a really pristine one. those ordinary ones, it a really pristine one-— those ordinary ones, it a really pristine one. what secrets do you think it can _ pristine one. what secrets do you think it can yield? _ pristine one. what secrets do you think it can yield? we _ pristine one. what secrets do you think it can yield? we don't - pristine one. what secrets do you think it can yield? we don't know| think it can yield? we don't know et, think it can yield? we don't know yet. that's _ think it can yield? we don't know yet. that's the — think it can yield? we don't know yet, that's the most _ think it can yield? we don't know yet, that's the most exciting - think it can yield? we don't know i yet, that's the most exciting thing. we're kind of at the and of the story and working backwards to find out where it came from and what it can tell us about the origin and evolution of the solar system, of which the earth as a part. these types of meteorite are likely to contain amino acids and can be really exciting because they're so old and really preserved. there's potentially a lot of exciting science about evolution over a billion years of time.— science about evolution over a billion years of time. wow. has an hinu billion years of time. wow. has anything like — billion years of time. wow. has anything like this _ billion years of time. wow. has anything like this been - billion years of time. wow. has i anything like this been discovered before? we anything like this been discovered before? ~ ., ., anything like this been discovered before? ., ., ., ., , before? we do have confirmation is contrite meteorites _ before? we do have confirmation is contrite meteorites that _ before? we do have confirmation is contrite meteorites that have - before? we do have confirmation is contrite meteorites that have been | before? we do have confirmation is| contrite meteorites that have been a few in recent years. there was one in coaster rica not so long ago, but to have one in the uk is quite unusual. this has a huge number of people very excited, but it's very times and positive. as soon as the types of meteorites enter,... we were really lucky. and some of these were really lucky. and some of these we want to do as quickly as possible to learn as much as we can and try and preserve the meteorite in its pristine condition for future science as well.— pristine condition for future science as well. ~ , ., _ ., , science as well. when you say as cuickl science as well. when you say as quickly as _ science as well. when you say as quickly as possible, _ science as well. when you say as quickly as possible, when - science as well. when you say as quickly as possible, when might| science as well. when you say as i quickly as possible, when might we get some results about what this contains? ., ., , , , ., , get some results about what this contains? ., ., i, , ., ., , contains? the analysis has already started. contains? the analysis has already started- we _ contains? the analysis has already started- we got — contains? the analysis has already started. we got an _ contains? the analysis has already started. we got an element - contains? the analysis has already started. we got an element airy i started. we got an element airy results last week and they're continuing. —— preliminary. we hope that will start to be disseminated around the community very soon so that those analyses can happen in the coming days, weeks and months as well. ., . ask forjoining us. —— thanks for joining us. a year ago bafta was criticised for a lack of diversity when it unveiled the nominations for its film awards, with an all—white cast of acting nominees and no female film directors. this year, it's all change. 16 of the 24 acting nominees have a black, asian or minority ethnic background. four women who directed films have also been nominated. the american drama, "nomadland", and "rocks" — a film about an abandoned teenager — lead the way as our arts editor will gompertz reports. nomadland jointly leads bafta's 2021 shortlist, its most multicultural ever, with seven nominations — including one for its director, chloe zhao, and a leading actress nod for frances mcdormand. hello, coffee? she is a big star. bukky bakray, another nominee for leading actress, is not yet. hers was an eye—catching performance in rocks, a beautifully observed film about growing up in east london, which also sees kosar ali shortlisted for best supporting actress and nominations for both its director and screenwriters. were you expecting that? no! we are bowled over, i can't believe it. were we expecting it, theresa? no, we were hopeful. i think we are at a time where people are beginning to wake up to different stories which...thank god! they've always been there and it always been worth telling. we can only toil at the soil for so long without seeing a harvest, and i think this is the beginning of harvest season for so many people way beyond i got into this industry who have been working for so long. what do i do for a living? the dark comedy—cum—thriller promising young woman has six nominations, including one for its british writer and director emerald fennell. judas and the black messiah's dominique fischbach is among the supporting actress nominees, while daniel kaluuya, who plays fred hampton, leader of the chicago black panther party, gets a supporting actor nod... ..along with clarke peters in spike lee's da 5 bloods. chadwick boseman, who died of colon cancer last year, receives a posthumous leading actor nomination for his performance in ma rainey�*s black bottom. he's one of 16 of the 24 actors shortlisted who comes from an ethnic minority group, which is quite a turnaround from last year, when there were none. we can onlyjudge what's entered, but we did do is make sure there was more level playing field, that more films were watched by more members, and therefore a greater variety and range of films and performances have been recognised. i'm not leaving my flat! anthony hopkins gets a leading actor nod for his portryal of an elderly man suffering from dementia in the father, a british movie that is also shortlisted for the prestigious best film award, in a bafta shortlist quite unlike any others before. will gompertz, bbc news. and i'm delighted to say i'm joined now by booky bakray, who's been nominated for best leading actress for her role in rocks. she was also nominated for the "�*rising star�* bafta award last week. booky, congratulations! it's great to see you. how excited are you? it's great to see you. how excited are ou? . ~ it's great to see you. how excited are ou? ., ,, i. it's great to see you. how excited are ou? ., ,, . ., are you? thank you so much for havin: are you? thank you so much for having me- _ are you? thank you so much for having me- i'm _ are you? thank you so much for having me. i'm really, - are you? thank you so much for having me. i'm really, really i having me. i'm really, really excited and i've been very shocked. a mixture of feelings.— a mixture of feelings. could you have in your _ a mixture of feelings. could you have in your wildest _ a mixture of feelings. could you have in your wildest dreams i a mixture of feelings. could you | have in your wildest dreams ever have in your wildest dreams ever have predicted this might have happened to? the first day he went on sets? , , �* ., on sets? this is... i'm lost for words. on sets? this is... i'm lost for words- this — on sets? this is... i'm lost for words. this is _ on sets? this is... i'm lost for words. this is not _ on sets? this is... i'm lost for words. this is not even i on sets? this is... i'm lost for words. this is not even a i on sets? this is... i'm lost for. words. this is not even a fantasy on sets? this is... i'm lost for- words. this is not even a fantasy to me. it's surpassed that point. i would've never, ever predicted these events, never, ever, ever.— events, never, ever, ever. yeah, where were — events, never, ever, ever. yeah, where were you _ events, never, ever, ever. yeah, where were you when _ events, never, ever, ever. yeah, where were you when you - events, never, ever, ever. yeah, where were you when you heard l events, never, ever, ever. yeah, i where were you when you heard the news? ,, ., ., , where were you when you heard the news? ., , ., , where were you when you heard the news? .,, ., , ._ where were you when you heard the news? .,, ., , . ~ where were you when you heard the news? ., , ., news? so, i was on my way back from a coule news? so, i was on my way back from a couple of — news? so, i was on my way back from a couple of tests _ news? so, i was on my way back from a couple of tests -- _ news? so, i was on my way back from a couple of tests -- covid _ news? so, i was on my way back from a couple of tests -- covid test. i i a couple of tests —— covid test. i was sitting in my room watching on my phone, and when i saw my name called, ijust started laughing because i couldn't believe it. you started laughing? yeah! - because i couldn't believe it. you started laughing? yeah! it i because i couldn't believe it. you started laughing? yeah! itjusti started laughing? yeah! it 'ust seems like fl started laughing? yeah! it 'ust seems like a i started laughing? yeah! it 'ust seems like a cartoon i started laughing? yeah! itjust seems like a cartoon because l started laughing? yeah! itjust| seems like a cartoon because it doesn't seem real.— seems like a cartoon because it doesn't seem real. yeah. given the fact that last _ doesn't seem real. yeah. given the fact that last year, _ doesn't seem real. yeah. given the fact that last year, the _ doesn't seem real. yeah. given the fact that last year, the bath - doesn't seem real. yeah. given the fact that last year, the bath does i fact that last year, the bath does were criticised heavily for having so little diversity, the turnaround is really quite dramatic —— the baftas. is really quite dramatic -- the baftas. ., , �* , baftas. for sure. it's... the positive _ baftas. for sure. it's... the positive discrimination i baftas. for sure. it's... the positive discrimination is, l baftas. for sure. it's... the i positive discrimination is, but i feel like people need to forget that. these guys, these performers that. these guys, these performers that are being nominated, their performances were amazing and it was very much intentional because the performances were sick. the rest of all the amazing nominees. everyone wasjust all the amazing nominees. everyone was just amazing.— wasjust amazing. absolutely. the “urors and wasjust amazing. absolutely. the jurors and those _ wasjust amazing. absolutely. the jurors and those people _ wasjust amazing. absolutely. the jurors and those people who i wasjust amazing. absolutely. the | jurors and those people who made wasjust amazing. absolutely. the i jurors and those people who made the shortlist up, they opened their eyes to a diversity of potential nominees in a way that hasn't been happening enough. for in a way that hasn't been happening enou:h. ., , ., �* , enough. for sure. i mean, i'm very much... enough. for sure. i mean, i'm very much- -- i'm — enough. for sure. i mean, i'm very much... i'm still— enough. for sure. i mean, i'm very much... i'm still a _ enough. for sure. i mean, i'm very much... i'm still a baby— enough. for sure. i mean, i'm very much... i'm still a baby in - enough. for sure. i mean, i'm very much... i'm still a baby in this i much... i'm still a baby in this industry, ijustjumped in, so i'm still trying to understand the nuances of the industry and what it actually is, what is actually happening and what this means and what that means. but i'm really taking everything in and i'm trying to slowly understand it. just taking everything in and i'm trying to slowly understand it.— to slowly understand it. just give us a brief. _ to slowly understand it. just give us a brief. very _ to slowly understand it. just give us a brief, very brief— to slowly understand it. just give us a brief, very brief summary i to slowly understand it. just give us a brief, very brief summary of your part in the film and what it's about. your part in the film and what it's about, , ”i your part in the film and what it's about. , ._ your part in the film and what it's about. , ,, �*, ., about. so, i play rocks. she's a ounu about. so, i play rocks. she's a young charismatic _ about. so, i play rocks. she's a young charismatic teen. - about. so, i play rocks. she's a young charismatic teen. she's l about. so, i play rocks. she's a i young charismatic teen. she's very mature for her age, and what we see is rocks surrounded by lovely young women also trying to navigate themselves around the world, and rocks goes through, you see her dysfunctional household and how she deals with that and how she tries to deals with that and how she tries to deal with friends. and her little brother. she's trying to hardest —— her hardest to make sure everything stays ok in her home. you see how herfriends stays ok in her home. you see how her friends help her with stays ok in her home. you see how herfriends help her with that stays ok in her home. you see how her friends help her with that and how it affects her friendships. it’s how it affects her friendships. it's been described as a wonderful performance and a wonderful film. how much of you were in it? your own personality? i how much of you were in it? your own personality?— personality? i think... this is the really cool _ personality? i think... this is the really cool thing _ personality? i think... this is the really cool thing about _ personality? i think... this is the really cool thing about film. i i personality? i think... this is the | really cool thing about film. i feel like i'm changing every single project i do, every single class i take. on further changing. project i do, every single class i take. onfurther changing. ifeel like rocks was a part of me at the level i was during that time, but i would say i'm a very different person now, who i am today. rocks, although i see the similarities, i see someone who's very different. i guess i'm new to the industry, so i was kind of not playing myself, i was kind of not playing myself, i was playing versions of myself and people i knew from school, so i think it was a bit of me in a bit of everyone else is who i was surrounded by.— everyone else is who i was surrounded by. everyone else is who i was surroundedb .~ . , ., ., surrounded by. which is what all the ureat surrounded by. which is what all the great actresses _ surrounded by. which is what all the great actresses do, _ surrounded by. which is what all the great actresses do, they _ surrounded by. which is what all the great actresses do, they take i surrounded by. which is what all the great actresses do, they take partsl great actresses do, they take parts from everywhere. are you off to hollywood now? are you going to become some big/ star? laughter. the industry is attracted. i want to tell true stories and i want to be involved in projects like this with amazing people. so fingers crossed i amazing people. so fingers crossed i am able to be droll to the relations of different stories and continue to carry on manifesting writing —— to be central. thatjust shifts perspective. be central. that 'ust shifts perspeeive._ be central. that 'ust shifts perspective. it's absolutely brilliant. — perspective. it's absolutely brilliant. we're _ perspective. it's absolutely brilliant. we're all- perspective. it's absolutely brilliant. we're all excited l perspective. it's absolutely i brilliant. we're all excited for you. many congratulations. well done and good luck when the final names are pulled out of the hat. many congratulations, thank you. thank ou so congratulations, thank you. thank you so much _ congratulations, thank you. thank you so much for— congratulations, thank you. thank you so much for having _ congratulations, thank you. thank you so much for having me. i congratulations, thank you. thank you so much for having me. no i you so much for having me. no problem- _ let's stay with this story and speak to larushka ivan—zadeh, who is chief film critic at the metro. hello there. thanks for being with us. a much more diverse full of nominees this year. last year, frankly a bit of a joke. clearly, the academy was stunned by the criticism. ., , �* , criticism. yeah, they were. and they instituted a — criticism. yeah, they were. and they instituted a review, _ criticism. yeah, they were. and they instituted a review, we _ criticism. yeah, they were. and they instituted a review, we just - criticism. yeah, they were. and they instituted a review, we just don't i instituted a review, we just don't really know what to do, but i really feel that they have done of further overview of over 120 changes this year. they've invited 500 to join, they made a substantial difference. they were given by his training. the results really do speak for themselves. —— bias training. for that category to have 16 out of 24 non—white performances, that's extraordinary. non-white performances, that's extraordinary.— non-white performances, that's extraordinary. extraordinary and shockina extraordinary. extraordinary and shocking that — extraordinary. extraordinary and shocking that basically, - extraordinary. extraordinary and shocking that basically, this i extraordinary. extraordinary and | shocking that basically, this kind of thing has gone on for such a long time. if there had been a public outcry last time round, nothing would've changed. it! outcry last time round, nothing would've changed.— outcry last time round, nothing would've changed. i'd say the only thin that would've changed. i'd say the only thing that has _ would've changed. i'd say the only thing that has changed _ would've changed. i'd say the only thing that has changed is - would've changed. i'd say the only thing that has changed is let's i would've changed. i'd say the only thing that has changed is let's not| thing that has changed is let's not forget, the pandemic, and that has open up the playing field to a lot of very different voices and titles that would not have had really a chance, a sniff of a bafta nomination last year. martin scorsese, quentin tarantino, and at the acting categories, a list of stars. this year, most people might recognise. that's very exciting because that is because a lot of studios have held back theirfilms. and these smaller independent, a lot of them female directed films, i have come to the forum. gender ari is have come to the forum. gender parity is much — have come to the forum. gender parity is much better. _ have come to the forum. gender parity is much better. are i have come to the forum. gender parity is much better. are you i parity is much better. are you suggesting that it's perhaps a bit of a fluke this year and the fact that we're all getting ourjabs, the movie theatres are going to open up next year and it'll be back business as usual? it’s next year and it'll be back business as usual? �* . next year and it'll be back business as usual? �* , .,, , �* as usual? it's the most diverse i've ever seen- — as usual? it's the most diverse i've ever seen- its _ as usual? it's the most diverse i've ever seen. it's historical, _ as usual? it's the most diverse i've ever seen. it's historical, i- as usual? it's the most diverse i've ever seen. it's historical, i think i ever seen. it's historical, ithink it is game changing. i think this has changed what we think of when we think of best director. four out of six are women this year. when people think now in their mind what is a film director, they always see a man. i think having that majority this year has swung it, has change the energy. it might not quite be so radical, but i think there'll be much more diversity. fiend radical, but i think there'll be much more diversity.- radical, but i think there'll be much more diversity. and do you think the other _ much more diversity. and do you think the other sort _ much more diversity. and do you think the other sort of _ much more diversity. and do you think the other sort of big - much more diversity. and do you | think the other sort of big awards institutions, do you think they are looking at the baftas and thinking this is what they need to do? i think the baftas really show the way this year. you look at the flak that the hollywood association... they should be delighted. do the hollywood association. .. they should be delighted.— the hollywood association... they should be delighted. do you have any intelli . ence should be delighted. do you have any intelligence on _ should be delighted. do you have any intelligence on whether— should be delighted. do you have any intelligence on whether or _ should be delighted. do you have any intelligence on whether or not - should be delighted. do you have any intelligence on whether or not they i intelligence on whether or not they will have 120 changes along the way the baftas had?— will have 120 changes along the way the baftas had? they don't even have that many members. _ the baftas had? they don't even have that many members. it's _ the baftas had? they don't even have that many members. it's not - the baftas had? they don't even have that many members. it's not easy i the baftas had? they don't even have that many members. it's not easy to | that many members. it's not easy to institute change and a body with only 100 members. they've managed to make this change across a body of over 6000 voters to get this. they really should learn some lessons from bafta here. mil really should learn some lessons from bafta here.— from bafta here. all right, thank for “oininu from bafta here. all right, thank forjoining us- — now it's time for a look at the weather with ben rich. good evening. we have a rather turbulent couple of days of weather coming up. there'll be some outbreaks of heavy rain, but also some really strong winds, gales which could cause some disruption and which will send some big waves crashing into the coastline. now, this is the earlier satellite picture. you can see a lot of cloud stretching right back out into the atlantic. a really deep low developing just about here. that will be heading in our direction, but in the shorter term, this shield of cloud bringing some outbreaks of rain through northern ireland and scotland. very gusty winds here for a time, gusting up to 60 or maybe 70 mph in the far northwest of scotland. that wet and blustery weather will sink southeastwards as we head through the early hours of wednesday. clear skies and a scattering of showers following on into scotland. temperatures between 4 and 7 degrees for the most part. so, into tomorrow, here's ourfirst frontal system bringing those outbreaks of rain across england and wales first thing, but then another front starting to push its way in, so the rain will pep up once again as we head deeper into the day. in between those two weather fronts, there's a zone of drier, clearer weather, some spells of sunshine across scotland, albeit with a scattering of showers. wintry over high ground. but our next weather front will be bringing rain northeastwards across all parts of the uk through the day. temperatures between eight and 12 degrees, and the winds will really be picking up during wednesday afternoon. and through wednesday night, notice our deep low moving in and on the southern flank, all of these white lines, all of these isobars squashing together. there is going to be a swathe of very, very strong winds pushing eastwards. could well see gusts of 50 mph or more for inland parts of england and wales. around the coasts, gusts of 60 to maybe 70 miles per hour. not quite as windy for northern ireland orfor scotland, but still blustery enough, and the winds will remain a big feature throughout thursday. it's a sunshine and showers day, really. some of the showers will be heavy with hail and thunder, wintriness mixing in over high ground in the north. it's going to feel quite cold, ithink, given the strength of the wind. the winds will only slowly ease as we head through the into the week into the weekend, and there will be some further showers, some of which will be heavy and thundery, but perhaps wintry over high ground in the north. this is bbc news. buckingham palace finally breaks its silence after two days of disastrous coverage for the royal family. in a statement released in the past few hours, the queen says she is deeply saddened to learn of harry and meghan's experiences in recent years. the tone is a conciliatory one, but makes it crystal—clear any bridge—building will be done in private. also in the programme: us lawmakers are close to the final passage of president biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus deal. one final hurdle remains before the taps are opened and the money flows. plus, how thailand's prime minister cleaned out the press pack — quite literally.

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Bbc News , Wasn T Palace , Queen , Meghan S , Issues , Buckingham Palace , Race , Tv Interview , Duke , Silence , Stories , Duchess , Clive Myrie , Piers Morgan , Morning Britain , Morning , Controversy , Sussex , Children , Mum , School , Lockdown , Behaviour , Surge , Government Scientists , Infections , Millions , Film , Way , Diversity , Change , Nominations , Meteor , British , Chunk , Fine , Surprise Frontrunner , Bafta Film Award , Lit Up , Skies Over Europe , Garden , Gloucestershire , It , Interview , Statement , Family , Members , 11 Million , People , Harry , Member , Support , Skin , Concerns , Sussexes , Nicholas Witchell , Colour , Child , Last Night , Black , Her Majesty , Words , 61 , Response , Royal Family , Question , Vaccination Centre , Daily Business , Prince Of Wales , Normal , Sir , Exit , Northwest London , Baby , Assertion , Claim , Slur , Conversation , Security , Title , Thomas Markle , Conversations , Estranged , Us Television , Thing , Claims , Daughter , It Couldl , Somebody , Shock Waves , Simple , Fact , Let Sjust Paper It , News , Oprah , Voices , Reaction , Explosive , America , Head , Story , Woman , Some , Criticism , It Didn T , Media , Down , 2021 , Things , Press , Conclusions , Standard , Institution , Debate , Royal , Asset , Nature , Potential , Naive American Who , Nick , Extent , Recollections , Phrase , Theyjust Push , Word , Trading , Significance , Brother , Father , Family Group , Sides , Riven , Deal , Anguish , Son , Space , Correspondent , Opportunity , Comments , Ofcom , Programme , Complaints , Evening , Breaking News , Investigation , Itv , 41000 , Announcement , Off Set , 15 , One , Number , Relationship , Meghan Markle , Times , Weatherman , Gmb , Alex Beresford , Anything , Appearance , Couple , Thought , Britons , Broadcast , Yougov , 32 , Group , Survey , 24 , 18 , 36 , 13 , Age Group , Age , 65 , 50 , 26 , Omid Scobie , Book Finding Freedom Harry And Meghan , Pair , Over 65s , 35 , Isn T , Hello To You , Breakdown , Making , Same , Ethic , Generation , Order , Order Generation , Common Cause , Country , Individual , Age Groups , Division , Establishment , Two , Duty , Duty Thatis Family , Well Being , Truth , Dbacks , Side , Advantage , Watcher , Stomach , Crown , Many , Opinions , Situation , Princess Diana , Death , Alace , Wasn T It , Palace , Wasn T It Palace , Wasn T It Come Palace , Possibility , Wasn T It Come After Palace , Representative , Wonder , Kind , Accusations , Racism , Sort , Condemnation , Catalyst , Crossroads , Ownership , Versions , Slate Royal Pushback , Reference , Events , Keep Calm And Carry On , Carry , Fire , Fuel , On , Hand , Sections , Society , Course , Family Member , Philip , Family Members , Names , Prince William , Guessing Game , Worries , Throne , Point , Right , Line , Public , Problem , Piers Morn , Channel , Guy , Listen , Four , Young Thinkers , Character , Colleagues , Television , Anything Else , 90 , Mental Health , Amount , Network , Causes , Decision , Struggles , Champions , 0k , Pressure , Mark Easton , Commonwealth Day Service , Opinion , Revelations , Westminster Abbey , Meghan S Last Royal Engagement , Royals , Commonwealth , Blend , Monarchy , Countries , Hints , Traditions , Abbey , Troubles , Tensions , 70 , Empire , Lives , Matter , Cultures , Heart , Uniting Figurehead , Threat , 21 , Anachronism , Social Media , Young Influencers , Edward Viii , Notjust , Archive , Basis , Lots , Crisis Management , Abdication Crisis , Echoes , Outsider , Wallis Simpson , American Divorcee , 1997 , 1936 , Royal Pr Department , Firefighting Accusations , Cage , Loss , Treatment , Grief , Danger , Discrimination , Brand , Residue , Values , Attitudes , Notjust A Symbol Of Historic Oppression , Divide , Poll , British Empire , Challenge , Generations , Ethnicities , Damage , Canada , Carolyn Harris , Headlines , Author , Perceptions , Toronto , 17 Million , Lot , Scrutiny , Interest , Example , Calls , History , Symbols , Herb , California , Three , 2020 , Impact , Sentiment , Vancouver Island , Media Attention , 30 , Government , System , Sl , Reputation , Discussion , Place , Constitutional Monarchy , Law , Politics , Role , Commonwealth Realms , Fabric , Canada S116 Commonwealth Future , Commonwealth Realms Future , 116 , Issue , 16 , Multicultural Society , Dover , Question Mark , Person , Clear , Neither , Strong , Archie , Scientists , Dangers , Riaht , Lifting Coronavirus , Mi , Ri , Ht , Chris Whitty , Aren T , Modelling , Restrictions , Autumn , Mps , England , Hugh Pym , Vaccination Programme Rolls On , 56 , 59 , Invitations , Letter , Relief , Theirjabs , Derby Queueing , Go Away , Vaccination Plan , Won T , Protection , Government Advisers , Vaccine , Reality , Hospital , Reopening , Officials , Schools , Circus , Primary , Spread , Norwich , Five , Wall , Parents , Result , Work , Sports , Meetings , Hospitality , Transmission , Retail , Leisure Facilities , Lockdown Easing , 29 , April 12 , March 29 , May 17 , June 21 , 12 , 17 , Trouble , Advisers , Orfor Scotland , Direction , Foot , First Minister , Break , Changes , Case Numbers , Scope , Education , On Coronavirus , Grounds , Ministers , Message , Caution , Hope , 5766 , Patients , Cases , Average , 5800 , 9418 , Test , Deaths , On Average , 19 , 231 , 28 , 190 , Covid , Vaccination , Dose , Firstjab , 215000 , 124797 , Hospitals , Ventilators , Doses , The End , 22 5 Million , 1300 , 4000 , Intensive Care , Images , Fergus Walsh , University College Hospital , Intensive Care Unit , In London , Viewers , Louis Christou , Ventilator , Mechanic , Windpipe , Tube , Body Learning , A Machine , Nurses , Home , Surroundings , Wife , Louis , Filming , Unconsciousness , Reassurance , Don T Worry , Awards , Numbers , Covid Icu , Peak Injanuary , 80 , Last , Battling Covid , Function , Staff , Doctors , Holidays , Pub Gardens , Reason , Teams , Rules , 60 , Icu , 30s And 40s , Population , 20 , 40 , Journey , Recovery , Holding , Frame , Little By , Perfect , Rodney Woods , Muscle , 58 , Minister , Feeding Tube , Tasting Food , Central London Church , I Couldn T Swallow , Life , Milen , Survivor , Patient Numbers , His 40s , Cast A Long Shadow , Office For National Statistics , Guidance , High Courtjudge , Sons , Wales , Sex , Census , March 21 , Ten , Part , Sex Question , Passport , Passports , Documents , Binary Choice , Fulljudicial Review , Permission , Thejudge , Heavy Rain , Weather , Look , Stay , Ben Rich , Winds , Outbreaks , Waves , Disruption , Coastlines , Southeastwards , Gales , Showers , Scattering , Spells , Something , Northern Ireland , Southwest , Ground , Afternoon , Areas , Spell , Snow , 8 , Thundery , Sunshine , Top Stories , Hello , Clive Irie , Clive My Re , Rocks , Sports Coaches , Faith Leaders , Care , Plans , Parliament , Loophole , Relationships , Effort , Measures , Activity , Positions , Social Workers , Justice System , Laura Scott , Doctor , Cannot , Faith , Hannah , Groups , Swimming Coach , Sports Clubs , Hasn T , Law Didn T , Adult , Actors , Name , Trust , Position , Shouldn T , Sports Coach , Laws , Ministry Ofjustice , Review , Body , Authority , Action , Leaders , Evidence , Power , Request , 2016 , 160 , Ways , Plan , Coach , Sport , Grass , Athlete , Level , Grooming , Dreams , Pathway , Closing , Bill , Campaigners , Met , Clapham Common , Sarah Everard , Experience , Cordon Put , Search , 33 , Katharine Carpenter , Section , Police Activity , Scene , Update , South London , South Circular , Who , Area , Flats , Green Rain Jacket , Delivery Drivers , Thatjacket , Somebody S Memory , Anybody , Herfriend , Door Bell Camera Footage , Phone , Households , Offering Information , Cctv Pictures , 120 , 750 , Friend , Sign , Recap , Leathwaite Road , Nine , Missing Persons , Brixton , Fireball , Sky , Pieces , Possibilities , Inquiry , Driveway , House , Victoria Gill , Thud , Somerset , Wilcock , Nuneaton , Wigan , Space Rock , Fireball Alliance , Security Footage , Cameras , Array , Display , Night Sky , Meteorite Trackers Homed , President , Patch , Trajectory , Clue , Winscombe , Drive , Door , Walk , Pile , Thinking , Earth , Piece , Plane Debris , Coal , Nothing , Rock , The Rock Sat , Natural History Museum In London , Special , Time Capsule , Birth , 4 6 Billion , Meteorite , Solar System , Amino Acids , Type Meteorite , Building Blocks , Carbonaceous Chondrite , Liftoff , Organics , Osiris Rex , Meteorites , Probes , Pristine Space Rock , Kilo , Asteroids , Cost , Discovery , Japanese Space Agency , Nasa , 65000 , Researchers , World , Chondrites , Eyewitnesses , Fragments , Winchcombe , 51 , 1200 , Natasha Stephen , Case , Lecturer , Residents , Unusualjet Black Rocks , Space Debris , Eye , University Of Plymouth , Research , New Mexico , Arizona , Backyard , Bizarre , Road , Australia , Unique , Surface , Citizens , White Uniuue , Team , Feel , Achievement , Infinity , We Haven T , Metre , Isn Tit , Tv , 1991 , Secrets , Pristine One , Ones , Most , We Don T Pristine One , We Don T Know Et , Revolution , Origin , Science , Types , A Billion , Confirmation , Coaster , Few , Condition , Cuickl Science , Analysis , Results , Element Airy , Element , Thanks , Analyses , Community , Ask Forjoining , Ago Bafta , Acting Nominees , Film Directors , Cast , Film Awards , Women , Films , Nominees , Background , Teenager Lead , Arts Editor , Nomadland , Asian , Gompertz Reports , The American Drama , Actress , Director , Nod , Shortlist , Ever , Big Star , Coffee , Chloe Zhao , Frances Mcdormand , Seven , Performance , Bukky Bakray , Others , East London , Kosar Ali , Screenwriters , Theresa , Ijustjumped In , Beginning , Harvest , Harvest Season , Soil , Living , God , Worth , Daniel Kaluuya , Actress Nominees , Judas , Writer , The Black Messiah , Emerald Fennell , Dark Comedy Cum Thriller , Dominique Fischbach , Six , Chadwick Boseman , Factor , Fred Hampton , Black Panther Party , Colon Cancer , Chicago , Clarke Peters In Spike Lee S Da 5 Bloods , 5 , Nomination , Turnaround , Minority Group , Ma Rainey , None , Black Bottom , Onlyjudge What , Performances , Flat , Level Playing Field , Orange , Variety , Oman , Movie , Anthony Hopkins , Dementia , Suffering , Portryal , Best Film Award , Will Gompertz , Rising Star , Booky Bakray , Congratulations , Wildest Dreams Ia Mixture , Havin , Booky , Sets , Feelings , Wildest , Mixture , Fantasy , Ever Events , Tests , Room , Cartoon , Dust , Ai , Ijust , Itjusti , Itjust , Fl , Bath , Doesn T , Bath Doesn T , Real , Sure , Positive , I Positive Discrimination , Performers , Guys , Rest , Everyone , Jurors , Eyes , Shortlist Up , Amazing Wasjust , Urors And Wasjust Amazing , Happening Enou , Nuances , Everything , Summary , Ounu , Teen , Charismatic , Around The World , Friends , Household , Deals , Little Brother , Friendships , Help , Herfriends , Personality , Project , Class , Film Ii , Changing , Ifeel Like Rocks , Onfurther Changing , Someone , Similarities , Who I Am , Bit , Ureat Surrounded By , Everyone Else , Surroundedb , By , Actresses , Big , Everywhere , Laughter , Hollywood , Relations , True Stories , Projects , Perspective , Ust Shifts Perspective , Manifesting Writing , Central , Thatjust , Thank Ou , Luck , Hat , Chief Film Critic , No Problem , Larushka Ivan Zadeh , Joke , Academy , A Criticism , Overview , 500 , Training , Speak , Difference , Category , Playing Field , Outcry , Pandemic , Changed Outcry , Chance , Titles , Sniff , Quentin Tarantino , Martin Scorsese , Stars , List , Categories , Studios , Back Theirfilms , Gender Parity , Forum , Them Female Directed Films , Independent , Ourjabs , Fluke , Gender Ari , Game Changing , Movie Theatres , Ithink , Film Director , Best Director , Mind , Majority , Awards Institutions , Energy , Fiend Radical , Diversity Radical , Hollywood Association , Flak , Intelligence , Whether , Delighted The Hollywood Association , Intelli , Ence , Lessons , Voters , 6000 , 100 , It S Time , Oininu , Thank Forjoining , Bafta Here , Cloud , Which , Satellite Picture , Coastline , Atlantic , Shield , Term , Temperatures , Clear Skies , 4 , 7 , Starting , Ourfirst Frontal System , Parts , Weather Front , Weather Fronts , Zone , Rain Northeastwards , Eight , Moving , Lines , Flank , Isobars Squashing Together , Gusts , More , Eastwards , Coasts , Swathe , North , Enough , Thunder , Feature , Mixing , Hail , Wintriness , Weekend , Wind , Strength , Royal Family , Coverage , Biden , Bridge Building , Passage , Tone , Experiences , Lawmakers , Prime Minister , Hurdle , Money Flows , Taps , Stimulus Deal , Thailand , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion ,

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