We hear from tim peake on the year in space and pitch man against robot to see whos the fastest driver around an f1 circuit. Ho, ho, ho merry clickmas yeah, anyway, this festive week we have cars, dogs, astronauts, and lots and lots of singing furbies. 0 christmas tree. Your leaves are so unchanging. 0 christmas tree. Your leaves are so unchanging. You have finally arrived, welcome. The gang is all here, you are too, so welcome to clickmas 2019 all cheer. Forced merriment and pretend food just like last year. Do we have a festive feast of tech treats for you yes, we do, and first up this year, it will be lara, merry christmas. Merry christmas whenever people say you should never work with animals or kids, i think clearly they have not worked with tech because it goes well occasionally, doesnt it . Wrong occasionally, doesnt it . Just a little, guess. This week, i havent just worked with tech, i worked with a dog at the same time. Take a look at this. Barks. Meet rusty, the tech savvy puppy familiar with being caught on camera and provided with smartphone triggered treats, via this gadget already in his home. One of the first things we bought, perhaps before he actually came home with us was the furbo, which films him all the time, tells you when he is barking, tells you when hes whining, and if you want to give him a bit of a treat, you can click the treat release button and then he gets lots of treats sent to him. Want to test some gadgets . I take it thats a yes. Today, hes my furry glamorous assistant, getting his teeth into testing tech. The rechargeable wicked ball moves vibrates and changes colour according to activity level while playing. Its developed to encourage attraction and response. I do worry a bit when he picks it up in his teeth and it is vibrating in his teeth. Gps trackers for dogs have been around for a while, but they are getting smaller and lighter. Thejoibit is water resistant and does better on battery life than some of its competitors, and also has a geosense function where you can get an alert if your pet pooch goes further than it should, but how useful did camilla find it . But how useful did camilla find it . Its great that its a gps tracker, its very small, but it is just a gps tracker, and i would have loved to have some Activity Tracker with it, but it is very accurate and seems to have been correct every time i have checked. I would not find it overly useful because i know where he is most of the time. In the case of your dog getting stolen and they are wearing it, that would be extremely useful. Being able to track our animals has stepped up a level. Now, you can also track their behaviour as well as their activity, so you can see how the two things correlate. Beautifully behaved of course, arent you . Yeah. The animo pet activity and Behaviour Tracker logs a doggys step count and sleep, as well as alerting its own owner as to how much barking, shaking or scratching is going on. 0k, a calm moment, but there doesnt seem to be any lack of activity today, although you do need to collect at least a weeks worth of data to start to see anything meaningful. The negatives, though, are you have to keep it on at night time, and i personally dont like keeping a collar on rusty at night time i dont think it is particularly safe. Barks. So depending on a dog and its owners lifestyles, it seems that different gadgets would be used. Useful. But one thing that is for certain is that before i film anything like this again, i think i need a spot of human training. Rusty. 0k, we will play with this with you if you will let me hold onto it. That was lara with the dogs i guess the only thing you need to be thankful for is it wasnt cats. Maybe next year . That is true. Now, christmas is all about getting together with friends and family. I dont know about you lot, but i kind of feel like were family by now. Pretty much. We have known each other an awful long time. Awful . We are dysfunctional, we bicker, but we have seen each other through some ups and downs, some good times and bad times, and a few months ago, one member of the click family got some bad news. Lj, tell us about it. It was me. I got diagnosed with Breast Cancer a few months back. Not the most fun ive had. However, chemotherapy has some surprising bits of technology involved, and i thought why not demystify it and give people a chance to see what actually happens. Ive got tea, an ipad, colouring pencils, charging cable, keyboard, two kinds of drink, headphones. I think it is most things. This is my eighth chemo treatment out of ten, i am ready to rock now. Everything starts with tablets. Flurazopan is to help to deal with the pain of the cap because its very, very, very, very cold. Bottoms up lunch menu. Today i will have what i always have. This is where my port has been implanted. Its a fast track tube under my skin that connects directly to my heart, allowing nurses to administer drugs really easily. Like plugging in a phone charger. As a piano player, i really didnt want to have any catheters in my hands or in my arms, because the chemo treatment is quite toxic, so when i found out you could get a port fitted and anything goes on here, i dont have to hunt around for a vein, its a massively relief. For a vein, its a massively relief. I didnt feel a thing now this is in, thats it, everything goes in and out of the port. Before i started chemo, i was really scared and i was also uninformed about the actual practicalities of it the ins and outs of it, what to expect. Like wearing a cold cap. Chemo kills any rapidly dividing cells, including hair, so lowering blood circulation to my scalp can help keep my hair on. Imagine eating the coldest ice cream in the world for about an hour and a half, and that gives you a good idea. Alright, so off comes the wig. There we go. Au naturel, albeit with quite a lot of make up. Some patients keep more than others, ive have been quite lucky. Do your thing. Tepid water is applied, and this is to help the conductivity of the cold cap. If you are have even one treatment without the cap on, you cannot do it, and your hair will come out. It has to fit very snugly. I always had a theory that wearing a cold cap would make my brain really fast, like superconducting, but it is completely the opposite. I am unable to do much concentrating. Bring on the winter this is the painful pit. This is the painful bit. If i can get through this, then we are all good. So i have various things to keep me busy, things that i find really enjoyable are watching mindless tv, and doing Flight Simulator practice. I have always wanted to learn to fly a plane, why not do it now . Slowly bring the nose up. There we go. This is really taxing with the cap on. I can do it with no problem without the cap on. I cannot actually land the plane while i have the treatment done. I have crashed every time. Iam i am getting colder i am slightly impaired at this point, but colouring in clouds that i can do. I have been using apps like this one, procreate, masterclass, and the explained sim during the treatment but i have also been recording my data to show oncologists what my body has been up to. I record what the data tracks like blood pressure, and collect data myself like my resting heart rate and body temperature. Three days after treatment, i go up a few degrees. Its really useful. I can then go to the doctor and show them physical evidence of what my body has been doing. Its completely frozen solid now. Sometimes, there is ice in there. I cant remember anything anymore. After a few hours of iv and a cold head, i am nearly done for another week. Thank you so much. So thats it, thats chemo treatment in a nutshell. Lots of different iv drugs, cool cap, port and now hospital lunch. That was absolutely fascinating. Good really brave. Thank you i had no idea about what goes on. This is exactly why i did it, because it feels like an opportunity to just lift the lid on a single word and just maybe give people who are about to go through this the chance to understand a bit more before going into it, and then it is not a whole lot of surreal surprises, one after another, which is what it was like for me. Trust you to find all the technology you could during the procedure. Oh, yes. Give me everything you really know your way around social media, and i wonder whether social media has been a help, a hindrance, or whether it has contributed at all to your experience. I considered for such a long time do i share this online or do i not . And i decided to share it because im not the only person going through this so many people are. The response i had was overwhelmingly good, so many people shared their stories with me, and it feels like together, we are stronger. I am really glad i shared. Lj rich, everyone oh, my gosh, thanks nicejumper. Thanks all right, lara. Latch onto this. Ok, i hope there is a good joke inside there is a car. Now i believe this is a clue about what you have filmed for the christmas show, but it looks a bit small, quite compact . Yeah. It is small, but it is very clever. This is a scale model of the robocar, and its makers say it is the fastest thing on four wheels with no driver. Ah, ok, so thats why theres no drivers seat in there, but are we be looking at a future of racing cars with no drivers . Are we stuffed turkey . i dont know, its been a year where its like autonomous this and autonomous that, and before you know it we will not be driving our own cars, we have robots taking peoplesjobs, i mean, ithink i have had just about enough. So when they told me that there was this robocar that could race a human and be quicker, i thought right, lets take you to the home of british motorsport. Its time to make a point. Robocar is not your average automated car project. The cabinless car is not interested in traffic lights or junctions, its built with one thing in mind speed. Like a standard autonomous car, robocar uses various sensors, including lidar, radar, and Image Recognition software to drive at race speeds. And by measuring lateral yore, g forces and grip levels, it is learning how to go faster all the time. Now to fairly race the robocar, human versus machine, its tricky, given there is nowhere for me to sit. So to decide whether human or a is the faster driver, were going to race the model that does have a cockpit, which the developers use to test the software, suitably called devbot 2. They didnt say what happened to devbot i. After a fairly sloppy open lap, i line up in pole position, hoping to set a respectable lap time for team human. Ok, lets see how we get on here. For safety reasons, the car has been limited to 100 kilometres per hour, for both my drive and the als, but the acceleration is blistering, and sitting five centimetres off the tarmac, it seems fast enough. Just missed that apex, going over the curb come on lets get the speed down would my full on speed but wider line around the last corner be my undoing, or my masterstroke . Time for the car to take the wheel. Whoa and we are off oh, my god it was quick on the brakes there, left that to the last minute. The car was harder on brakes and more sudden with the steering. It did not care about my comfort. But was it quicker . Somebody tell me 1. 31. 68. You did that in 1. 28. I beat it by three seconds . wow man wins over machine brilliant. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, dan simmons beating artificial intelligence. That must have made your year. Yes. Merry christmas, dan. Love, ai. I tell you what, 2019 has been an amazing year for space nuts everywhere. The 50th anniversary of the first moon landings, our visit to nasa, marks visit to the worlds first commercial spaceport and i had a chance to review it all with a proper space nut as in a nut who has properly been to space. British astronaut tim peake earlier this year we went to nasa to their hera project looking at how to get the right mix of people for long Space Missions and they made the point that it is notjust one type of person you need. If you had a spaceship full of one type of person that wont work. Do you have any views on the type of mix you need to have on board . You need a mix of different types of people on board with a mixture of different skills. And this is going to be so much more important for a longer Duration Mission to the moon and mars purely because you will want a medical doctor as part of that crew, i am sure, and you will probably want a geologist as well. You will want somebody who is an expert with piloting skills but also in terms of personality and character as well. I think you need to have people who are flexible. Somebody needs to be the leader and Everybody Needs to accept that. And if you are all extremely strong personalities who do not accept the subordinate position very well, that is not going to work. Which one were you . A mix. And i think my classmates were as well. People who can take on a leadership role in step up to the plate when needed and also people who can instantly fall into a supporting role, come up with solutions and the ability to switch between the two is very important. Have you brought any of the astronaut back with you . Do you deal with life differently now to how you did before . I have always been quite calm. I think i am even more so having flown in space. And sometimes i thought to myself, you know, peake, you did a space walk im sure you can do this. I have had to give myself a bit of a talking to and say yes, you are right, i can do this. 2020 could possibly be the year when space tourists begin to take their first flights, that is what we have been told in the last 12 months. I wonder if you think space is a place for tourists . We need to be careful about who we send into what environment with what level of training and whos looking after them. It is like scuba diving. It is ok to go scuba diving as a novice if you are with an instructor who knows what they are doing and can get you out of a situation. Same with space flight. It is ok to go into space if you are a tourist if you are with professional astronauts who know what they are doing. We dont ask them to do space walks or to capture a cargo vehicle with a robotic arm, we dont ask them to handle technical problems that might occur. We are asking them to know how to look after themselves in an emergency and how to understand the spacesuit and the basic life support systems. So a much reduced training package. If you were king of the world but you had to face the realities of, you know, business making money and poorer nations becoming richer nations, how would you curtail what we are doing to the environment . Going green does not mean not making money and it does not mean stopping countries that are poor from improving the quality of life. We just need to make the decision to do it. If we invest in technology, then the cost comes down and the efficiency goes up. For example, what were doing with small satellite is because the satellites are reducing in size, the solar panels are reducing in size and the efficiency is going up. So space one of those environments that is forcing industry to improve the efficiency of solar panels. Then you end up with efficient cheap solar panels and then suddenly solar panels on roofs become acceptable and the norm and generate far more electricity. There are so many applications for this. It is a case of changing minds and making that initial step, that initial decision to do something. Tim, it has been a pleasure. Thank you so much. The amazing tim peake there and the equally amazing mark here is absolutely pacing me at street fighter and what are we playing this on . It is my Christmas Present to myself. It is a capcom arcade stick. Its got 16 classic retro arcade games in one giant controller. The beauty of this is that the controller is almost exactly the same as the kind of thing you would find on an arcade cabinet so you can have the same experience that you had in the 1980s, except you dont have to do it in a horrible stinking dirty arcade with sticky floors and you don;t need to use hundreds and hundreds of 50p pieces. A good year for gaming would you say . An interesting year. Google tried to persuade us that we would lose our consoles and get into video game streaming with their service, stadia, which is great if you have an amazing internet connection. If you dont have an amazing internet connection, then it doesnt work. And we have said that for many years now and they are still not there with it. A few companies have been trying to video game stream for quite some time and yet the infrastructure is not there. Brilliant. 0mar, over to you. Here you go. Oh, thank you. Thank you for thinking of me. Dan is just here eating chocolate. Can i open this . Go for it. Wow. 0h its a furby thank you. It is a blast from the past. Not a cutting edge gadget that were used to seeing on the show, but i did go to see a youtuber that is breathing a new lease of life into old tech like this. Wake up sleepyheads. Do your teeth, make the sheets. Read the news. This is sam battle, otherwise known on youtube as look mum, no computer. With over 240 , 000 subscribers on the platform, he showcases Musical Instruments and other weird inventions that he has created using old tech and only old tech. Be it a Lego Star Wars orchestra. A flame throwing henry hoover. Or even a choir of these cute little terrors. That sounds demonic. It is demonic. What else does he have in his studio . This is basically 48 gameboys that sounds like an orchestra. For instance. Tone modulates. But after a quick modification it does notjust play gameboys anymore. That was very close there. Hurray i get it that is awesome. Is your hair0k . He also has a bike that when pedalled powers a synthesiser. 0ops. Lets give that another go. Iam making music. This is the most musical ive ever been. Hold onto me, sam come on, hold on. Thats it. So what is it about old tech that fascinates him so much . Itjust looks so much better and it is easy to modify and hack than modern things. The problem with modern pieces of equipment is that it is usually made to be small and compact and is easily hackable nor easily fixable. I found the problem sam mainly uses ebay to purchase this old tech for as cheap as possible. But it is not only about cost. This is a piece of history. For instance this wall is pieces of technical scientific equipment from universities that they didnt require anymore because they have better versions. These are from the 19505 and it is beautiful and you can buy them for 20 quid. There is also recycling and reusing things that instead of going into the landfill and, i dont know, something about classic design and engineering is very attractive. And it also looked like a ton of fun. It was the best shoot i had all year. 0mar and look mum, no computer finishing off this clickmas special. I hope you have enjoyed being here as much as we enjoyed making it for you. Next week you can see highlights of click live which we filmed last month in scotland. Dont forget you can always contact us on facebook, instagram or twitter on bbcclick. Whos watching it over christmas . Good luck with that. Thanks for watching and merry clickmas hello there. Christmas da