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Borisjohnson has told the bbc he doesnt believe for a moment that the uk will leave the European Union without an agreement but hes prepared to do so if its necessary. In an exclusive interview, the frontrunner for the British Conservative Party leadership admitted that in the event of no deal the eu would have to co operate with britain to avoid a hard border in Northern Ireland and crippling tariffs. Mrjohnson again refused to answer questions about a row at his home last thursday night saying it wouldnt be right to talk about his private life. Heres his interview with our political editor, laura kuenssberg. Downing street is the threshold he really wants to cross, but borisjohnson has been uncharacteristically shy about explaining why. Borisjohnson, what would you do on day one in number 10 to make sure we leave the eu at halloween . I would make sure that we have a plan that will convince our european friends and partners that we are absolutely serious about coming out. And the key things that youve got to do are to take the bits of the current withdrawal agreement, which is dead, take the bits that are serviceable, and get them done. The important thing is that there should be an agreement that the solution of the border questions, the irish border, the Northern Irish border questions, all those issues need to be tackled on the other side of 31 october, during whats called the implementation period. But the implementation period, as it stands, is part of the withdrawal agreement. Of course. And youve said that you wouldnt sign up to the withdrawal agreement, and its dead, so those things cant both be true. No, you are going to need some kind of agreement and that is certainly what i am aiming for, in order, as you rightly say, laura, to get an implementation period. Any eu leader, they have been Crystal Clear there is no kind of deal without the backstop, an insurance policy for Northern Ireland. So what evidence do you have you can get round that . No one wants a hard border in Northern Ireland, and indeed, nobody believes that it will be necessary. If you want to be Prime Minister, you have to tell people how you will do it. You cantjust wish it to be true. There are abundant technical fixes that can be introduced to make sure that you dont have to have checks at the border. If you cannot get the agreement, that sounds like you are crossing yourfingers, you are clear, you would leave. You would take us out at halloween without a deal an absolute guarantee . Of course, my pledge is to come out of the eu on 31 october. That is not where i want us to end up. It is not where i believe, for a moment, we will end up. But, in order to get the result that we want, the common sensical thing to do is to prepare for a wto exit. Would you really be willing as Prime Minister to face the consequences of no deal . In the real world, the uk government is never going to impose checks or a hard border of any kind in Northern Ireland. Thats number one. Number two, in the real world, the uk government is not going to impose tariffs on goods coming into the uk. But its notjust up to the uk. Of course, its up to the other side as well. Where he goes, controversy often follows. These loved up pictures of mrjohnson with his partner a far cry from the police arriving at their flat a few nights ago. Can you tell us what happened to at your home a few nights ago . I would love to tell you about all sorts of things, laura. But ive made a rule over many, many years i do not talk about stuff involving my family, my loved ones. And theres a very good reason for that, and that is that, if you do, you drag them into things that really in a way that is not fair on them. But does your privacy mean more to you than the publics ability to trust you . Because part of trust is being open, its being accountable, its being transparent. I get that, i totally get that. But my key point, though, is that the minute you Start Talking about your family, or your loved ones, you involve them in a debate in a way that is simply unfairon them. Boris johnsons chance at number 10 is real, and close now, yet it may still slip from his grasp. And you can see the full interview with Boris Johnson by going to our website bbc. Com news. President trump has signed an executive order imposing what he says are hard hitting new us sanctions on iran. Tensions between the two countries have been rising for weeks. Mr trump said the new measures would target irans Supreme Leader, ali khamenei, and his associates, denying them key financial support. Heres our north america editorjon sopel. This is the president hoping to prove that the stubby marker pen is mightier than the surface to air missile. Having backed out of taking retaliatory military action after the downing last week of a us drone, donald trump unveiled a package of measures to target irans Supreme Leader, tying up billions of dollars in assets. These measures represent a strong and proportionate response to irans increasingly provocative actions. We will continue to increase pressure on tehran. Never can iran have a nuclear weapon. He said this was in response to attacks on a number of tankers in the strait of hormuz as well as that drone. The president is at pains to insist that hes not seeking confrontation with iran and looks forward to a time when there can be talks, but hes demanding a change of behaviour. Tehran must give up its Nuclear Ambitions and stop sponsoring terrorism the region. Sanctions were imposed on iran over fears it was using its Nuclear Programme to make weapons, targeting core parts of the economy like oil, exports, banks and shipping. In 2015, iran agreed a deal with the us and the uk and four others to limit its Nuclear Activities in return for sanctions relief. Iran could trade in oil again and use the Global Financial system. Then, last year, President Trump announced he was pulling out of the deal, bringing back all the sanctions against iran and the countries who trade with it. Irans ambassador to the United Nations is dismissive. The us decision today to impose more sanctions against iran is yet another indication of continued us hostility against the iranian people and their leaders and that the us has no respect for International Law and order as well as the views of the overwhelming majority of the international community. Theres no doubt that sanctions are hurting the economy, hurting shoppers, right across the country. But theres no evidence yet that the trump policy of maximum pressure is bringing the countrys rulers to their knees. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. Lets get some of the days other news. A pilot has been killed in a mid air collision involving two German Air Force eurofighter jets in north east germany. While both pilots managed to eject from the planes, only one of them survived. The accident happened as three eurofighter typhoons were taking part in an air combat exercise. Human rights experts from the United Nations have expressed grave concerns over a possible cover up of abuse in myanmar. The Burmese Military has imposed a blackout of mobile phone and Internet Data in nine towns in rakhine and chin state. The uns special rapporteur for myanmar fears the blackout leaves ethnic minorities who could be at risk with no form of outside communication. Sri lankas former defence secretary Hemasiri Fernando could Face Criminal Charges for alleged security lapses linked to the Easter Sunday suicide bombings. The countrys attorney general said mr fernando, who was still in office at the time, should be investigated for his failure to prevent or minimise the attacks. More than 250 people were killed when three churches and three hotels were blown up. South koreas pop industry is a global phenomenon, but in recent months a massive sex scandal has tainted its usually wholesome image. K pop stars are among those facing a string of charges, from sexual assaults on women to drug distribution. But it has triggered a far larger Police Investigation centred on the flashy night clubs in the korean capital. Our correspondent laura bicker has been investigating claims women going to some of the citys most glamorous clubs are being drugged by rich powerful men and raped. Gangnam in seoul is the flashy fashion conscious playground of this nations rich and famous. Gangnam style. Psy sang about it in the viral pop hit, gangnam style. But in recent months, this area has gained a far more sinister reputation. The growing sex scandal began with claims that some of the biggest names in k pop had drugged and raped women and shared video of the acts. Megastar seungri, from the boy band, big bang, is one of several celebrities fighting a host of charges, including procuring prostitutes and embezzling funds for his nightclub. But the wider investigation centres on sexual abuse in some of gangnams most glamorous clubs. The bbc has learned that the elite and powerful of gangnam were requesting drugged 01 unconscious women. They were paying tens of thousands of dollars to have them taken into a nearby room to be raped. The message from one client was, bring me zombies. Pastorjoo won gyu spent six months working undercover as a driver for some of the most well known clubs. Translation i saw a woman raped inside a club, being drugged against a womans will, being beaten, and so on. On other occasions he witnessed them being sexually assaulted, while unconscious. Translation there was no response from the body. The breathing was almost gone, and the pupils were dilated. We have spoken to one woman who was having drinks with an asian businessman in a club. She says she blacked out and woke up in a hotel room. Translation he got on top of me, and used both of his hands to block my mouth and started pressing down hard, as if he was doing cpr. He kept saying, relax, relax. I could not resist his power, and i was in so much pain that i could die. So ijust gave up and laid there like a dead body. The man strenuously denies raping, sexually assaulting or physically attacking her. He also claims cctv footage backs up his account. The investigation continues. Thousands of campaigners took part in protests, after hearing claims police turned a blind eye to reports of sexual assault, in exchange for bribes. Gangnams police chief has been forced to step down, and officers are now trying to restore trust. Translation we will focus our efforts on preventing such crimes where women are drugged. We will put every effort into stopping incidents like this from happening ever again. Do you jin has been documenting the fight for equality in south korea and believes this scandal is a turning point. We believe we do have power to change culture for women. Rape culture and all these other gender inequalities in korean society. I think we do have power to change them. Having dragged these crimes out of the darkness, women in south korea say they are determined to fight for change and hold this societys most powerful to account. Laura bicker, bbc news, seoul. Stay with us on bbc news still to come to regulate or not to regulate . We speak to the man at facebook. Members of the neo nazi Resistance Movement stormed the World Trade Centre armed with pistols and shotguns. We believe that, according to International Law, that we have a rightful claim in certain parts of this country as ourland. I take pride in the words ich bin ein berliner. Chapman, prison pale and slightly chubby, said not a single word in open court. It was left to his lawyer to explain his decision to plead guilty to murdering john lennon. He believes that onjune 8, god told him to plead guilty and that was the end of it. The medical Research Council have now advised the government that the great increase in lung cancer is due mainly to smoking tobacco. It was closing time for checkpoint charlie, which, for 29 years, has stood on the border as a mark of allied determination to defend the city. This is bbc news. The latest headlines the frontrunner to be the next british Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, speaks exclusively to the bbc. He insists he can deliver brexit by the october deadline. The us imposes new sanctions on iran. President trump calls them hard hitting and designed to target the countrys Supreme Leader. Trade will be top of the agenda at the g20 meeting later this week, when the us and chinese president s will be sitting down to try to resolve the trade war between their two countries. But with tariffs of up to 25 on billions of dollars worth of goods, questions are being asked about how effectively they are being used. Karishma vaswani drills down to the basics to ask, what are tariffs and how exactly do they work . Ta riffs tariffs seem to be all the rage these days. China not playing fair on trade . Tariffs. Lots of refugees coming into america from mexico . Tariffs. Some much so that the name behind this is giving himself a name. So how do tariffs work . The tariff is like an entrance fee for goods to get into a country. You have to pay just to goods to get into a country. You have to payjust to get past the gate. So when the us imposes a 25 tariff on say, disk drives coming in from china, someone has to pay that tax on every disk drive. So who pays . President trump thinks who sells the disk drive pays the tax. Paid for mostly by china, by the way. Well, it is sometimes true that Chinese Companies are selling the disk drive will lower the price is a little stop they do not want the us customers go elsewhere but it is whoever buys the disk drives and ships into america that pays. So it could be an American Electronics retailer that sells them in stores, an American Company like General Electric s that uses them, orjust your average American Family business, run by mr and mrs smith, that just need a business, run by mr and mrs smith, thatjust need a lot of disk drives. Look, at some point, these American Companies are going to have to pass on the higher costs to that customers. Walmart has already said it will raise prices because of the tariffs. We can make the product right here if we have to. According to President Trump that is exactly what tariffs are going to do, make american shoppers by made in usa instead of, say, made in china. Not so instead of, say, made in china. Not so fast. A lot of these goods are just cheaper to make in china, producing them in america could cost more than the tariffs imposed. China has become the biggest customer for many us firms, like boeing and cadillac. What hurts china will eventually hurt the us. Sure, but, waita minute, who sure, but, wait a minute, who is paying again . The head of Global Affairs at facebook, sir nick clegg, has said the company has set up an independent Oversight Board to rule on which material should be removed from the platform. The former uk deputy Prime Minister said there was a pressing need for greater regulation of the technology sector. He also insisted there was no evidence that russia had influenced the brexit result using facebook. Our media editor amol rajan has this report. What kind of internet do you want . Do you want the one most of us experience today a largely californian world dominated by a few tech giants . Or maybe you preferred the more authoritarian approach of china, which has its own tech giants . Facebook and sir nick clegg are betting that the next and best internet is more regulated and more european. This morning, he strongly refuted claims that as with americas president ial election, facebook was abused by foreign actors during the brexit referendum campaign. We have found no evidence of a significant attempt by outside forces. Theres a lot of weight in that word, significant. Of course, facebook themselves dont always know about whose advertising on their platform. The most striking claim today from clegg is that facebook actively seeks regulation in areas such as privacy, election advertising and hate speech. I dont actually think its right for private companies to set the rules of the road for something which is as profoundly important as how technology serves society. And in the end, this is not something that Big Tech Companies from the United States or elsewhere, can or should do on their own. Sceptics will argue facebook is trying to pre empt Global Regulation before its political enemies demand it is broken up. And while the idea of an Oversight Board is intriguing, its not at all clear how it will deal with a potentially vast number of complaints or maintain its independence. The former lib dem leader said the company has substantially reduced the number of pictures of self harm on instagram, one of the platforms it owns following the death of 14 year old molly russell. Her father ian said his daughter took her life after exposure to such pictures. The talk today was of a tech lash, a backlash against california tech giants which Facebook Says has gone too far. Others think it hasnt gone far enough. Let us not become complacent. This is not over yet. We have a lot of work to do as citizens, as human beings and as democratic societies, to harness and outlaw the idea that our private experience can be the free, raw material for a new kind of capitalism that is all about us, but is not for us. With almost half of humanity not yet online, facebook and sir nick want to shape the future of the internet before china does. Amol rajan, bbc news. The womens world cup round of 16 knock out phase is drawing to a close. The United States and sweden clinched their spots in the tournaments quarter finals, while later on tuesday, italy will play china and the netherlands japan. The current world champions edged past spain 2 1. Megan rapinoe converting an early penalty, gave the tournament favourites the lead in the first seven minutes. But spain held their nerve and equalised two minutes later through jennifer hermoso. The us were awarded a second spot kick in the second half, sealing the win. Meanwhile, sweden beat canada in a hard fought match in paris. A 55 minute chipped effort by Stina Blackstenius the difference as they ended canadas campaign 1 0. The eastern black rhino was wiped out in rwanda, but thanks to a successful conservation and Breeding Programme in zoos across europe, five rhinos have now been reintroduced into the country. Its the largest ever transportation of the critically endangered animalfrom europe. But, the ongoing threat of poaching for rhino horn means theyll need special protection. Victoria gill followed them on theirjourney. Not your usual feeding time. He loves apples. This is rhino flight training. Dont get afraid, ok . With comforting words and lots of apples, the keepers here at this czech zoo are training rhinos to stand calmly in a confined space. Its something theyll need to do for hours on their upcoming flight to rwanda. Five young rhinos, all born in european zoos, have been selected to be transported and released into the wild. Theyre all the descendants of animals that were taken decades ago from africa. We have to do everything we can now to pay back what we did in the past, and one of the ways we can do it is to get involved in the conservation projects, like translocating of rhinos from european zoos back to rwanda and helping establishing a new population in this african country. These are critically endangered eastern black rhinos, brought together here from three different zoos in preparation for their 6,000 kilometre journey. They are looking pretty content, munching on their breakfast. These are three of the five animals that are going to be taken to rwanda for the reintroduction, from all over europe. They represent the countries that all of these animals come from. From denmark, the uk, and the czech republic. In the early hours of this morning, the flight theyve been preparing for finally arrived at Kigali International airport. Once unloaded, this most precious of cargo is transferred to trucks for the final stage of the journey. This is their final destination and their first footsteps onto african soil. The rhinos will stay in these specially built areas for several months while the team checks theyre settled, healthy and ready for life beyond the fences. You see these animals having arrived safely. How does that make you feel . Very, very happy and ifeel that they are a survivor, they arrive in rwanda safely. It shows me a future of 100 rhinos, so for me conservation is notjust for the sake of conserving but i see it as a way of improving our life today and in the future. While this is the end of a very long journey, its just the beginning of what will hopefully be a long life in the wild. Victoria gill, bbc news, Akagera National park, rwanda. And thats the way it is looking for the moment. You can find me on twitter. Plenty more on our website. Bye for now. Hello. The heat and the humidity have been rising over recent days and that is bringing us feel for some heavy showers and some thunderstorms as well. As we head through the day on tuesday, were going to keep that warm, humid, fairly sticky feel to the weather and we are expecting further thundery showers as well. Now, weve got this weather front thats been pushing up from the south over the past few hours. It will continue its progression north eastwards, as we head on through tuesday. But early in the day, this is the zone were most concerned about, in terms of those heavy thunderstorms and torrential rain. Not everywhere is going to see them but if you catch one, could well see some flash flooding problems, particularly across this part of Eastern England and into eastern wales as well. Through the course of Tuesday Morning then, that first batch of rain tends to drift its way northwards and eastwards, across north east england, and eventually out into the north sea. Well also see some further heavy showers building through into the afternoon, particularly trough parts of the midlands, perhaps wales as well. Scotland and Northern Ireland having a bit of a dryer day. Whereever you are, its feeling reasonably warm. Most of us around about 19 25 degrees or so. Just a little bit cooler along some of these north east coasts. As we move through the course of tuesday evening and overnight into wednesday, then that first batch of rain clears away and we then weve got a little bit of a change on into wednesday. Quite a lot of cloud across the country, and its going to be another mild and fairly muggy feeling night, with temperatures between around 10 16 degrees overnight. So heading through wednesday, once we have lost that frontal system, High Pressure tends to topple in from the north, becoming more of a player and quietening the weather down. So through the day on wednesday, there will not be as many heavy downpours and thunderstorms. Still the chance of perhaps one or two showers lingering across the far south west of england, the channel isles too. Most other parts of the country looking dry. Best of the sunshine, i think, across scotland and Northern Ireland. Quite a bit of cloud for england and wales but it will tend to break up through the day, allowing temperatures to rise to around about 23 degrees or so. Later in the week then, that High Pressure topples in further. We see low pressure moving out towards the west. So we are going to be drawing in these warm southerly or even south easterly winds. Lifting temperatures to as high as about 31 degrees or so in the warmer spots. So through the day on thursday, plenty of sunshine around. Its looking like a dry day across the uk, bit more brightness, i think, compared to wednesday. Still a little cooler, with a bit more cloud around parts of eastern scotland and north east england as well, where we draw the breeze off the sea. The warmest temperatures are going to be found further west. But later on inthe week it is looking dry, mostly sunny, again hot and pretty humid, and also fairly muggy and sticky by night. Bye for now. This is bbc news. The headlines borisjohnson, the man whos expected to become britains next Prime Minister, has told the bbc hes confident he can broker a new agreement with the European Union. This he said would avoid a hard border on the island of ireland and crippling tariffs on trade. The white house has placed new sanctions on iran targeting for the first time its Supreme Leader ayatollah ali khamenei. President trump said he was ultimately responsible for teherans hostile conduct. Relations between the two countries have been soured by irans shooting down of a us drone. A pilot has been killed in a mid air collision involving two German Air Force eurofighter jets in north east germany. While both pilots managed to eject from the planes, only one of them survived. The accident happened as three eurofighter typhoons were taking

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