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To six cases of sexual abuse and exploitation of children by its staff and associates. They may be tiny, but the rarest specimens can command a huge price tag well find out why snowdrops cast such a spell on some. And philip avery has the weather. But i just didnt. But ijust didnt. Good morning to you. A dry, bright, sunny weekend in store for all parts of the british isles. A little bit on the chilly side. It is next week where things get much, much colder and we could see a real return of winter. More details injust a see a real return of winter. More details in just a few minutes. Good morning. First, our main story. Team gb is celebrating its best ever Winter Olympics, after billy morgan won bronze in the mens snowboard big air. The medal is team gbs fifth in pyeongchang, taking them past the four won in 1924 and 2014. The Womens Curling Team faces japan in a bronze medal match later this morning. At the age of 28, morgan was the oldest snowboarder competing in the final and fell on his firstjump, but came back with two great runs to finish less than one point from silver. Yeah, its pretty awesome. So many of the guys here fell twice. I mean, if everybody landed there runs, i wouldnt be in this position, so its down to the rounds. Lets speak to our Sports Correspondent david ornstein, who is in pyeongchang. He is obviously delighted but i bet tea m he is obviously delighted but i bet team gb as a whole is delighted as well with this medal thats well with this medal haul. Thats right, you mentioned the medal haul of five which takes them past 192a and of five which takes them past 1924 and 2014. There will possibly be an upgrade for the mens Bobsleigh Team from saatchi but as things stand, this is a record breaking olympics for team gb. It also means that they have met the target given to them by uk sport, the people who fund so many of them. Many will say they should have beaten the record set in sochi, but they have done and thats good news for them. 18th in the sochi, but they have done and thats good rtable. Rthem. 18th in the sochi, but they have done and thats good rtable. Norway 18th in the sochi, but they have done and thats good rtable. Norway top| in the sochi, but they have done and thats good rtable. Norway top it1 the sochi, but they have done and thats good rtable. Norway top it on ie sochi, but they have done and thats good rtable. Norway top it on a medal table. Norway top it on a world record 38. That puts it into context by the fabulous performance from billy morgan. Five medals for Great Britain in pyeongchang. We watch him go again. Absolutely fantastic work from him. Hes delighted, we are delighted. And well be speaking to the man himself, from pyeongchang, just after 8. 30pm. A number of us companies have cut ties with the National Rifle association as consumers call for a boycott of firms linked to the powerful gun lobby. They include the Car Rental Companies hertz and enterprise holdings, both of which have stopped offering discounts for members of the association, in the wake of the Florida School shooting. Our north america correspondent peter bowes reports. The aftermath to a School Shooting that could prompt change in america. Amidst the grieving, the mood has been different this time. Within hours of the gunman killing 17 people, anger overflowed onto the streets. Now it is social media where pressure is being exerted on the hugely powerful gun lobby. Under the Hashtag Boycott nra, activists are targeting firms that offer special benefits to members of the National Rifle association. And they include some of the most familiar corporate names. The Car Rental Companies hertz and enterprise, which also owns alamo and national. Theyre ending discounts offered to members of the Gun Lobby Group from next month. Met Life Insurance and the Software Company symantec are taking similar action. There has been no word in response from the nra. It is unclear whether these actions will hurt an organisation that boasts 5 million members. Their goal is to eliminate the Second Amendment and our firearms freedoms. So they can eradicate all individual freedoms. Donald trump says he is open to new ideas but the one he seems to like best is giving guns to teachers. Its concealed. So this crazy man who walked in wouldnt even know who it is that has it. Thats good. Thats not bad, thats good. And a teacher would have shot the hell out of him before he knew what happened. The debate over what to do next will be highly charged and intensely political. One of the uks biggest childrens aid charities has confirmed there have been six cases of child sexual abuse by staff and volunteers in the last two years. Plan International Says five of them were criminal cases and reported to the local authorities in the countries involved. Adina campbell reports. Another charity mired in Sexual Misconduct making the front pages. This time, Plan International uk, which works in more than 50 countries to improve childrens rights and promote equality for girls. In its latest online blog it has confirmed six cases of sexual abuse and exploitation of children between july 2016 and june last year. One involved a member of staff. The others were by volunteers or associates. Plan International Says the staff member was not from the uk and was dismissed without a reference. And it ended the contracts with the other volunteers and organisations involved. The charity also says there were nine cases of Sexual Misconduct and harassment by staff against other adults which led to seven dismissals. In the past Plan International uk has received millions of pounds of funding from the government. It is the latest Major Charity to admit cases of Sexual Misconduct and follows investigations into aid organisations including oxfam and save the children. In an open letter the three charities and many others have now promised a series of urgent and immediate measures to protect the vulnerable. Britain is set for its coldest february week in five years as freezing air which has been dubbed the beast from the east arrives from russia. This cold snap is going to affect the whole of the uk, no one spared from sunday night with temperatures expected to drop as as 8 in expected to drop as low as 8 in some areas, as simonjones reports. The gritters are gearing up as britain braces itself for a big freeze. The so called beast from the east is sweeping in from siberia. The met office, in conjunction with nhs england, has issued a level three cold weather alert for the whole of the country, the second most serious level. That means there is a 99 chance of severe weather, icy conditions or heavy snow, between now and thursday. There are additional yellow severe warnings for snow early next week covering most of eastern in britain. That could cause travel problems and power cuts. It is certainly not the first snow we will have this winter. But what makes this cold snap different is it is expected to affect the whole of the uk. Temperatures could fall as low as 8, but it will feel much chillier because of the wind. There could be increased pressure on already stretched nhs services and councils are providing extra emergency beds for rough sleepers. In ipswich, it is being done in partnership with the local housing association. The main aim is always to get people off the street and to stop people from dying in the cold weather. And, to date, we have been pretty successful. Next thursday is the meteorological start of spring. But that appears to be on hold as winter continues to bite. I have got a new best friend. They dont know who they are yet. They might not even know who they are themselves yet, but a uk Ticket Holder has woken up to the news that they have won £78 million in the euro millions draw last night after sharing the jackpot, imagine having to share it after that, but you still get 78 million, with someone from spain. The jackpot has been growing since the start of the year and it was the second biggest in the drawers history. It is 8 10am on saturday morning. A review into Sexual Exploitation in the north east of england has concluded that notjust young girls but also Vulnerable Women are being extensively abused across the uk. It follows operation sanctuary in august last year which saw 18 people jailed for grooming young women in newcastle. Lets get some reaction to the reports findings from Laura Seebohm who works at the Charity Changing lives whieh ie eeeee inffi e eliy. Of women involved. Thank you very much for your time this morning. Even when you look at the scale of the numbers of victims involved in this, it is still stood shopping. Do we havei better shopping. Do we have a better example better understanding of how and why it went on for so long . I think the report is very, very thorough which is excellent, but we knew that the experience Sexual Exploitation over. Last ten exploitation over the last ten yea rs, exploitation over the last ten years , we exploitation over the last ten years, we knew it was there, but we didnt know levels of grooming, the perpetrators working in networks, and we didnt know the extent of it. It is so shocking. Could this and should this have been picked up earlier . There were always charities like barnardos and changing lives to work astute and aware. It is difficult because we must understand that the perpetrators are extremely good at keeping this under the radar. We all look back and think, could we have done more . That is extremely difficult. What is important to remember is that the minute one young person came forward and disclosed it to their social worker, it was absolutely taken seriously. The way northumbrian eefeeele tee eee efifififlgfm if eefeeele tee eee efifififlgfim 7;7 responded eefeeele tee eee efifififlgfim 7;7; responded to it eefeeele tee eee efifififlgfim ;7;7; responded to it was to Police Responded to it was to believe the victims and to treat them with absolute respect, something unique to this case, and immediately they reached out to charities like li to ensure the right people were there to support them to changing lives to ensure them to changing lives to ensure the right people were there to support them, with wraparound care. I would like to ask about some of the work you have done to support the work you have done to support the victims of these crimes. A huge pa rt the victims of these crimes. A huge part of the work we do, especially in the early days working with women, is. Build trust. These women, is to build trust. These women, is to build trust. These women have been through such coercion and control and they are groomed in such a way that actually Building Trust around what it is to have a healthy relationship with boundaries and consistency, that we do what we say we do when we say we will do it, and honesty and empathy is really important. We do have therapeutic programmes that we have designed with the local Mental Health trusts around what has been the internal impact and the emotional impact of what they have through, really to make sure been through, really to make sure that these experiences do not define the rest of their lives, which we know can happen. The long term impact of this kind of exploitation and abuse are huge. We rightly focus on the women as victims of this. Do we spend enough time looking at the male perpetrators of these crimes and the uncomfortable reality is that they are a significant proportion of south asian heritage, and trying to understand why that is . I think its really difficult and one thing that came out of the report published yesterday that i think its really important is saying that there is such a need for Proper Research into this area. We dont have that. We dont know enough about what it is around cultural backgrounds that lead to this statistic which however difficult it is for us to accept, we do need to take account. I think the other thing to say for that is that we do work some where there is some areas where there is also White British perpetrators. This is one kind of Sexual Exploitation. At changing lives, we see other forms of Sexual Exploitation taking place as well, possibly through the internet, young women and women being groomed in those ways. Its very important that we understand the modus operandi of these cases, which busy there is a clear pattern there, but also not to think that thatis there, but also not to think that that is the only type of Sexual Exploitation that goes on in our communities. Thank you very much. Good luck with work you are doing. Nearly 8 15am on saturday. There are weather warnings for the week ahead because we are expecting a cold speu because we are expecting a cold spell and philip has a look ahead at that. Good morning. Eventually, things will turn pretty nasty, a real touch of winter. But obviously not how it was early on. A lot of settled weather around at the moment thanks to this High Pressure but perversely at this same High Pressure which will aid abet that transfer from a quiet weekend of weather into something very wintry. A cold start of the day but plenty of sunshine around this afternoon. Northern ireland, slightly different whilst they are close to that atlantic front. No signs of this bitterly cold weather this afternoon. Four, five, 6 degrees hardly warrants a postcard home. But if you are involved in the six nations, the conditions are absolutely perfect for running rugby there. Hopefully two really great games in the latest games of the six nations. But it will be a chilly old night, because these guys will stay pretty clear and asa these guys will stay pretty clear and as a consequence the temperatures really will dip away. Another cold start to the day on sunday. What cloud does come in off the north sea, some of it mayjust p0p the north sea, some of it mayjust pop away and if you have a plan for sunday, that weather really isnt going to get in your way at all. It wont be warm, again, we are well down into single figures. Perhaps just dipping away for many of you by a degree or two. Now, here is monday. No great issues, a chilly start to start with, but on these easterlies and northeast ellies, the first shines of the first signs of wintry showers coming in on a bitterly north wind from the north sea. Look at those temperatures and when i add in the strength of the wind, and it will be stronger than the weekend, then we will feel in many areas 5, minus six. Once we get out of monday night on into tuesday and wednesday, that is when we start to talk about disruptive weather not only in the cold but with snow, especially in the east. We are digging around for all our best knitwear to prepare us for the week ahead. Campaigners in london say the authorities need to take action quickly to prevent knife crime, after two more men were stabbed to death in the capital this week. The figures make grim reading. It brings the total number of people fatally wounded by knives in the captial to 16 so far this year and knife crimes on the rise across the uk. So what should be done . Sephton henry used to be a gang member now he works with young people to help tackle gang culture and is in Central London this morning. Thanks so much forjoining us. Those figures are extraordinary, arent they . 16 knife related deaths already and he we are in the third week of february. What is going on . Yes, its actually really bad but i see it as a culture and a culture that spreads through your tv, it spreads through the music that you listen to and the way that you speak, so whats happening is a lot of young people are attracted to a lifestyle that they dont understand what they are getting involved in, because a lot of people that are in gangs wont see that young person as just a child, they will see them as a gang member. How do we begin to change culture if that is what this is . Is it about more money on policing, different tactics, where do we start . One of the things that i would address the youtube videos that are so easily gotten hold by young people. That is a massive thing because the music that they listen to is degrading and really promoting violence. Stop and search has been talked about as well. It a lwa ys has been talked about as well. It always comes up. There has been talk about increasing stop and search in london at least. Is that an option . Is that way of getting to grips with this . Stop and search wouldnt work u nless we this . Stop and search wouldnt work unless we build relationships with the young people. If there was on the young people. If there was on the Beat Police Officers that would build relationships with the young then stop and search might work after that. I believe that in gangs, you need to understand gangs. A gang is not going to stop until people hear the cry of the children and what they are going through. You we re what they are going through. You were a gang member yourself and you are suggesting that the authorities dont maybe understand what gangs are like. What would you tell them . If somebody from the police was listening to you right now, what is it like to be a gang member . What is the pressure to use knives in gangs . What dont they know. Its about understanding gangs. Ive been to prison seven times, ive been shot at, stabbed, bricked, bottled. Its about understanding what is going on in turn lead. There is an internal battle you face that a lot of people dont understand because they are not living that life, they dont come from the estate i came from. They are not a young child like i was growing up in a country where violence is normal for was growing up in a country where violence is normalfor kids, if that makes sense. So i feel threatened or other people felt threatened, so they had to carry knives or something to feel protected. We have people in talks death, its notjust in london, its another areas like liverpool, that are going through class struggles and different situations, like Mental Health, there are so many things that play a massive factor, such as absent fathers. There is so much to actually talk about but at a charity we train government staff in london to actually understand guns. You make it sound like its almost an Impossible Task to deal with. No, not really. Not if you have the right people involved to actually deal with effective change. Someone like me thats lived that life can come in and actually give you a practical way of actually making a change. Ok, sefton henry, thank you very much indeed forjoining us on bbc breakfast. The home office saying they are thinking of changing the law may be and giving more money to the police to tackle knife crime. The head of metropolitan police went to scotland yesterday where they have turned around their knife crime over the last decade. Youre watching breakfast from bbc news, its 8. 22, time now for a look at the newspapers. Vicky gosling is here to tell us whats caught her eye. Good morning. Thanks for coming in. Well speak to vicky in a minute, first lets look at the front pages. The Daily Telegraph leads with the story about the latest charity to be involved in the aid sex abuse scandal. The guardian says almost two thirds of audited meat plants are in breach of safety rules in england, wales and northern ireland. 60 have reported a major noncompliance. By the fsas definition, that is likely to compromise public health. The mirrors front page is about proposals for a change in the law on Organ Donation in england having passed a significant milestone in parliament. Maxjohnson mayor has been arguing about it from his own personal perspective, having been through it himself having had a heart transplant, so he is making the shape of a heart and celebrating that change. The sun leads on stephen frys cancer operation. He went to the doctors for a routine flu jab, they suggested an overall checkup and they found out he had Prostate Cancer including an aggressive tumour which he has now had operated on. He has been telling his fans about that. And finally, the express leads with the forecast of more bad weather with up to four inches of snow forecast. We will get more details on that with our Weather Forecast soon. So, lets delve inside the papers with vicky. I was glad you chose this one because it caught my eye earlier run. Talking about a hospital trusts said they are going to ban caesarean sections for non medical reasons. As ever, you need to delve into it a bit more but what more have you seen . Its interesting. Its saying its for medical reasons and for my opinion, i think its a good thing in the sense that surely if you have a medical reason, then absolutely, but having had three children, we have got into this type of society with this too posh to push. Surely if you can go naturally, its best for somebody like me. Being so busy, having a caesarean, it takes quite a bit longer to recover. If you can go naturally, its a really positive thing. But then you should have the choice to do what you want as well. Its also difficult to define what isa its also difficult to define what is a medical reason. If someone has had a very traumatic birth experience, and emergency c section, for example, second time round, the thought of going through that second time round is almost too much. And i agree with that totally. There was a woman in here who had fibroids and wa nted woman in here who had fibroids and wanted to have a caesarean and they said no and she had to travel 50 miles. I think thats really harsh. If you have already had a really bad experience, i mean, childbirth is pretty tough, going through it three times i know, i had good experiences, but if you have a bad experiences, but if you have a bad experience at the choice is taken away from you, i can see negative implications in that. Its quite a controversial area because there is so much focus on choice now and making it right for the mothers and fathers involved. But they do want to bring down c section rates. An interesting piece in the guardian you have chosen the here in light of the Florida School shooting, vicky, where President Trump has said they should give teachers guns but teachers are not so sure. Should give teachers guns but teachers are not so surelj should give teachers guns but teachers are not so sure. I am not surprised. I spent 21 years in the military and was comfortable that we we re military and was comfortable that we were trained with weapons, but if i chose to be a teacher, i havent asked to be trained on guns. What i found interesting in this article is that he says in here better and is moving into teaching could carry concealed weapons and ordinary teachers could get trained. Well, we are trained in the military to use weapons on a battlefield, not in the classroom. I just weapons on a battlefield, not in the classroom. Ijust think weapons on a battlefield, not in the classroom. I just think that personally when you choose to go into a profession, you choose to go into a profession, you choose to go into that profession for a reason and if teachers wanted to be weapons to carry weapons or to arm themselves, they would have chosen themselves, they would have chosen the police force or the military if they were comfortable in that environment. Its such a cultural difference between here and the united states, isnt it question mark you would have thought there was a change it would be about reducing guns rather than increasing them. It does feel like this is a bit of a moment though, particularly with the commercial element as Big Companies withdraw themselves from support of the National Rifle association. You have chosen to focus on this amazing child, ten year old max johnson, have chosen to focus on this amazing child, ten year old maxjohnson, who has gone through a heart transplant himself and is now an inspiration for a change in the law. |j himself and is now an inspiration for a change in the law. I love this story. When you hear him speaking about it, he is so articulate, and it is the very fact he says thank you and what it meant to him, its incredible value, the very fact he has gone out and done that has inspired others. Its a real value, selfless commitment, and with people see the impact it has in saving lives, i think he is creating a movement that is a really positive thing. We ran a long interview on him on five live in my other life yesterday and he was so passionate and articulate. He isjust the type of person you need to create that movement and the fact they are going to call it maxs law, i love that. Just to get people talking. We will get through some more on this later, but an interesting article on straws. We will get through some more on the papers later, but an article on straws. |j picked up on this, because what happened to paper straws . We need to bring those bag. I think they will be coming back. I have to say as well though that they do get soggy. Yes, but at least they biodegrade. Thank you very much. We will see in an hour. Coming up in the next half hour. Its that time of year when we all share a mutual love of the snowdrop. But did you know theyre a potential goldmine in yourgarden . Well be finding out more later. Hello, this is breakfast withjon kay and Rachel Burden. Coming up before nine, well get the weather from philip a week of very cold temperatures on the way. But first, a summary of this mornings main news. Team gb is celebrating its best ever Winter Olympics, after billy morgan won bronze in the mens snowboard big air. The medal is team gbs fifth in pyeongchang, taking them past the four won in 1924 and 2014. The Womens Curling Team faces japan in a bronze medal match later this morning. At the age of 28, morgan was the oldest snowboarder competing in the final, and fell on his firstjump, but came back with two good runs to finish less than one point from silver. A number of us companies have cut ties with the National Rifle association as consumers call for a boycott of firms linked to the powerful gun lobby. They include the Car Rental Companies hertz and enterprise holdings, both of which have stopped offering discounts for members of the association. The nra is yet to respond to the move, which comes in the wake of the Florida School shooting. One of the uks biggest childrens aid charities has confirmed there have been six cases of child sexual abuse by staff and volunteers in the last two years. Plan International Says five of them were criminal cases and reported to the local authorities in the countries involved. The Charity Works in more than 50 countries to improve childrens rights and promote equality for girls. A vote at the United Nations calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in syria has been postponed until later today. Theres been deadlock since thursday because of objections from russia. Syrian Government Forces have continued their bombardment of eastern ghouta, a rebel held enclave outside damascus, where nearly 500 people have been killed in the past week. A former Senior Adviser to donald trump has admitted charges of conspiracy and lying to investigators, who are examining russian political interference in the 2016 president ial election. In a plea deal, rick gates admitted conspiracy to defraud the government and making false statements. Hes become the third associate of the president to agree to co operate with a special investigation, in return for more serious charges against him being dropped. Britain is set for the coldest february week in five years as freezing air arrives from russia. The cold snap will affect the whole of the uk from sunday night with temperatures expected to drop to minus eight in some areas. The met office has issued an amber cold weather alert, which warns of increased health risks to vulnerable and elderly people. But this morning at least before the worst arrives it is timely because we are now a winter sport nation, ourtime we are now a winter sport nation, our time has come. The best ever Winter Olympics thanks to lee morgan, a bronze medal in the big air. Unexpected for him because he was struggling with injury. He cannot believe it. And we will be speaking to him in a few moments. But fortunes have been transformed for the british Winter Olympics team. Were celebrating five medals, the best tally. But they help for up to ten so we just met the target of five, to ten medals. This isjust the beginning. The new director is promising to do for skiing and snowboarding what he did for british cycling. He said it was just the beginning. And it is starting to bear fruit. Lets then relive this historic night for Great Britain at the Winter Olympics in pyeongchang. Billy morgan, winning the medal, that secured Great Britain their highest medal tally in winter olympic history. Paul frostick was watching. The penultimate day of action in pyeongchang and a chance for the big jumpers to show off their skills. An imposing 49 metre ramp for british hope billy morgan in the big airfinals. Complex tricks and a clean landing required to impress the judges. Morgan onlyjust qualified for the final. But on his second of three attempts he looked every bit the part. And he holds it up, yes it was huge and he put the nose grab on it. The hardest grab. Yes, billy that left one last chance to secure a spot in the medal positions. Billy morgan, yes yes billy morgan with the double grab triple 14. That is massive that is absolutely huge. 85. 5. Billy morgan moves into bronze medal position and it is a very long and nervous wait. Canadas max parrot was his biggest threat to walking away with bronze. But on his finaljump it all went wrong. An injury in december nearly ruled him out of these games. But the oldest man in the final helped Great Britain come home with a fifth medal to ensure their best performance at a Winter Olympics. Could it be six later today, the womens curlers play japan. Could it be six later today, the womens curlers playjapan. Imagine six medals, we will have to wait and see. And we will be speaking shortly to billy morgan. But now away from the winter games and a big day in rugby. Away from the winter games, attention will turn once agin to the six nations and the third round of matches taking place this afternoon. Last night france recorded their first win of the tournament last night, beating bottom of the table italy, 34 17. The match was played in the stade velodrome in marseille the first time france have hosted a six nations match outside paris. Italy started strongly, but eventually fell to the french pressure. The italians have lost all of their matches so far. The six nations trophy isnt the only silverware to be won across the six weeks of the championship, france took home the Guiseppe Garibaldi cup, for their victory last night, but nothing can rival the history of the calcutta cup, asjohn watson explains. Here we are then in the heart of the World Rugby Museum at twickenham. And this is what its all about, those historic matches between scotland and england. The calcutta cup. But why is it called the calcutta cup . Well phil macgowan is the curator of the World Rugby Museum. How has it got its association then with calcutta . It is called the calcutta cup on account of the fact that it was made in calcutta. By indian silversmiths back in 1877. Why was that trophy made there and then given to the rfu in england . So rugby travelled around the world and established itself in ports of the British Empire at that time. Calcutta being one of the main ones. So rugby club was founded in calcutta, the Calcutta Football Club in about 1873. And then when the club closed the members left and went on to serve as military or merchants that might have been involved. They wanted to do something with the money that was left in their account. So that is why they made the trophy and then presented it to the rfu. And when was the first proper official match between england and scotland when this trophy was contested . The first match between england and scotland was 1871. The first time the contested for that trophy was 1878. And finished with a draw so nobody won the first game, but england won the following year and became the first recipients. Absolutely, well we will find out how they get on this weekend. For the moment, thank you very much indeed and there it is, we wait to see who will get their hands on this trophy this weekend. 0f of course ireland still going for the grand slam and they take on wales. Johnny sexton is fit for them. So football and it is the League Cup Final tomorrow. Pep guardiola still has not taken a trophy. Ive a feeling that that will end this season at some point. We have a packed programme today. We are on bbc two because of the Winter Olympics, the potential gold medal, bronze medalfor eve olympics, the potential gold medal, bronze medal for eve muirhead and the curlers. We have also got an interview with mo salah talking about being desperate to win trophies at liverpool. And also wayne rooney is on the programme speaking about his career in general, things that he has done right or done wrong over the years. And now a father for children and he says when he has a bad game his kids are highly critical it has always been a big part of my life and great to back here and also for my kids to be able to go and watch me play. What today said when they watch you . Just my eldest is into football now and if you do not play well he always reminds you of it. Hes into everything in football, obsessed with it. Another wayne rooney in the pipeline he is going through a bit ofa pipeline he is going through a bit of a renaissance, on one of the other channels recently he got really good feedback. And his interview even talking about why he decided not to go to china, that is really interesting. He seems to be blossoming. I think hes a lot cleverer tha n blossoming. I think hes a lot cleverer than people give him credit for. He makes a really good pundit and coaching as well, whatever he wa nts to and coaching as well, whatever he wants to do i think you will be successful. While we also have paul clement, the former swansea boss on the programme was a lovely piece on fulham. And some hollywood stardust. Margot robbie and alisonjanney. Not sure how much they know about football, the are of course the stars of the film tonya. We did have Robert De Niro on, did not know what day of the week it was that is bbc two. Because the Winter Olympics is on bbc one of course. And talking of the winter games, we have got billy, with his incredible bronze medal achievement. Hejoins us now. Congratulations from everyone back home. Can you believe what you have achieved . Not really, it is not sinking in. I could not believe it when i did it. Maybe in a few days it will settle in. Because you are excited just to make the final after that knee injury and being the oldest in the competition. How did it feel knowing that you had just landed . It has been a crazy experience landing like that. I fell on the first jump experience landing like that. I fell on the firstjump and i had to land the next couple. After the second i was not expecting it and managed to land. So over the moon. A lot of people making a lot of the fact that you are at the oldest competitor in the event aged 28, which seems ridiculous. These young lads coming behind you, are they super talented . Yes, the kids coming up now, theyre Getting Better and better. The same asi Getting Better and better. The same as i was when i was younger, nibbling at the heels of the older guys. Im sure one day i will get driven out but i still have a lot left in the tank. No plans to call ita left in the tank. No plans to call it a day at this point . Not yet, i am sure it a day at this point . Not yet, i am sure i will be snowboarding until iam 70. Am sure i will be snowboarding until i am 70. You had a long time to wait for the bronze medal to be confirmed. Yes, that is the most horrible experience, waiting to see what the other riders do. Specs leak with the canadian max parrot coming up, he normally lands everything. I assumed i would get fourth or fifth but i was lucky. And managed to walk away with the bronze medal. And such away with the bronze medal. And such a landmark medal. You did not start snowboarding until you were 14 . Before that youre into gymnastics. So kids watching this today aged seven or eight, how do they get into the big air event . You know you need to start the bottom and work your up. Get down to your local dry slopes and give it a shot. In the uk youre never more than two hours away from somewhere you can go snowboarding. So go for it. I do not think ive ever heard anyone who has not had a time snowboarding. As you say you have to start at the bottom and work your way up. But you started at the top and went to the bottom with a fewjumps in between this takes the tally for team gb to a record five medals. What does that do within the camp because some people were wondering why we even bother with the Winter Olympics. What would you say to that spirit . That is not the spirit to have. We are out here doing our best trying to represent our country as much as we can. And we have done really well especially coming from an nation that has no snow. Pushing the boundaries of what sport can do. The lottery funding we have got has given us a lot of opportunity and hopefully we can keep going. You talk about and this talk about lottery funding and this in part is a factor in the success of the sport. You feel you have from that . Yes benefited from that . Yes for example when i had my knee reconstruction i would not have been able to have would not havebeenabletcrheve done would not havooeenabletdheve done to the standard it was. I that done to the standard it wasutfi u; ;u ;; ; ,; u not that done to the standard it wasata; a; ;e ;; ; ,; a not be snowboarding today if i would not be snowboarding today if i had not had all that support. I would not be able to do it without it. And probably we would not havei home was five medals. It. And probably we would not havei ben kilner on earlier, your mate. Have you spoken to him . He fell asleep in the final run |j have you spoken to him . He fell asleep in the final run i will catch up with him later he was thrilled for you. We all are. Well done. And youre starting a campaign to get a permanent figure installed at one of the ski slopes in britain now. A permit big airfixture. We could just manage one somersault. And were getting snowed next week eram get here quickly coldest so get back here quickly coldest february ever. Perfect, i will get homejust in time. Have february ever. Perfect, i will get home just in time. Have a great day celebrating. Congratulations again. See you home soon. Absolutely brilliant. Of course we have natural see you home soon. Absolutely brillie in. Of course we have natural see you home soon. Absolutely brillie in scotland e we have natural see you home soon. Absolutely brillie in scotland and 5 have natural see you home soon. Absolutely brillie in scotland and wales natural see you home soon. Absolutely brillie in scotland and wales with al snow in scotland and wales with those huge mountain ranges. Lizzie young old and laura deas have taken medals but not one full track in the entire country, quite incredible. And since that we had 500 applicants to get involved in the sport that year. To get involved in the sport that yea r. Lets to get involved in the sport that year. Lets check in with the weather. And a few cold well we continue with the theme of the older man because i am 58 and we have High Pressure keeping things fairly settled for many through the weekend. But it is the same high that good chance there that cold air from siberia all the way to the uk next week. Make the most of the relative warmth. But there is a lot of dry weather around. If you have plans get out and enjoy it because saturday and sunday are looking to be really decent days. But those are the highest temperatures. Probably both in dublin and later this afternoon in murrayfield, england taking on scotland in the calcutta cup. Exciting stuff. Overnight temperatures really going to fall away quite a temperatures really going to fall away quite a hard frost in a away again. Quite a hard frost in a number of locations across the uk. Maybe the crowd just tampering things across the eastern side of scotland. But elsewhere if this skies remain clear it will be very cold. But a lot of sunshine around on sunday against tempered by this influx of cloud in places. The temperature is just showing signs of wanting to dip away. Another cold start on monday and mandy is the change day when we begin to see the first signs of wintry showers coming in from the north sea into the eastern side of england and scotland. And the first signs of temperatures dipping away. And adding in the strength of the wind this is where it begins to feel bitterly cold. Up to 6. And monday night, tuesday, wednesday, we could see the potential of that disruptive snowfall. Back to you. Cold calling firms who try to persuade people to withdraw their Pension Funds and reinvestment should be banned as soon as possible according to the government. But campaigners warn that the plans may be watered down leaving people exposed to bad advice. Lets talk to paul lewis from radio 4s moneybox which is on at midday today. Why is this such a problem . Well we had a new estimate from the society of potential professionals saying up to £1 billion of Peoples Pension money has been conned from them, from them by criminals. And they make these cold calls, you get a call or e mail out of the blue and they offer you something for free, pension forfree. But they offer you something for free, pension for free. But when you start get hooked zeal get hooked you get reeled in and to get hooked you get reeled in and they say we can make your pension work better, they will be more money from yourfamily work better, they will be more money from your family if you work better, they will be more money from yourfamily if you die work better, they will be more money from your family if you die and all that kind of thing. The money is put that kind of thing. Thernoneyisput foreign places, you do not know in foreign places, you do not know what it is or how to control it and often when you come to take it out often when you some to take itsut is all gone. Often when you some to take itsut 1 is all gone. A huge criminal it is all gone. A huge criminal enterprise. Ive heard some advertisements on radio and part of the problem is probably there is a the problem is proba bly there is a site to the industry as legitimate site to the industry as well . There is a legitimate, regulated Financial Advice side to it which is what you should always go for. An independent, regulated, uk based financial adviser, they are people to talk to about your the people to talk to about your pension. If someone offers you a free pension review you should assume that they are criminals after cash. In fact. Pension regulator cash. In fact the pension regulator said this week that a cold call about your pension is an attempt to steal your savings. That is a very strong statement from the pension regulator. But why then is the concern that Government Action on this be concern that Government Action on this be softened . The this could be softened . The government has said it wants to stop cold calls about pensions as quickly as possible but when we rang yesterday, the treasury, they would not say what is quickly as possible meant and how it would be done or who would enforce it. Now there is a d raft who would enforce it. Now there is a draft bill going through parliament at the moment, the house of lords has put in some tough rules about cold calling in there. But it seems the government is going to overturn these in the house of commons and put something much less effective in. That is the concern of campaigners andi in. That is the concern of campaigners and i understand meetings are going on between the campaigners and the treasury next week so we do not know what is going to happen. But there is a feeling this not to happen. But there is a feeling this not happen soon and this may not happen soon and may not be strong enough. Thank you very much. Midday today, on radio 4. That is correct. Thank you very much. Its the time of year when snowdrops are appearing in our gardens, a welcome sign that, believe it or not, spring is on its way. And worth quite a lot of money. Did you know that the current world record for the sale of a snowdrop bulb is £1400 . Breakfasts Graham Satchell has been to meet a couple of experts to find out if you could have a goldmine in your garden, and he stumbled upon a new obsession. They are a cheery little flower, something which sort of helps remind you that spring is just round the corner. Michael myers suffers from a little known condition. Gala nthamania. It has quite particular symptoms. I often refer to a thing called dirty knees syndrome. And that involves people getting down on their knees and looking at the minute details of snowdrops. Galanthamania derives from tulip mania, which took place in holland in the 1630s. Where tulips would Exchange Prices for the equivalent and thankfully at the moment gala nthamania has not quite got that silly. Franklin gardens, a National Trust property in perth. Head gardenerjimjermyn is a fellow sufferer. A true galanthaphile. Once you have started down the road of collecting snowdrops, it becomes totally infectious. It becomes must have. You just desire to have Something Better and better each time. What am i looking out for . Something that stands out in the crowd. So you have hundreds of snowdrops that look very similar and then suddenly your eye can pick out one with a broadleaf or larger flower. Good markings. It is all about the markings. About it, you need to seek out the owner of the land and ask if you might be able to collect a small part of the bulb from a clump. Snowdrops are a magical burst of life in the depths of winter. And very common. Surprising then that there might be a gold mine on your doorstep. You may be lucky enough to find a new variety in your own garden. The current world record for a single snowdrop isjust under £1400. And i would not be surprised to see a new snowdrop go for £2000 in the nearfuture. So get your knees muddy, look out for unusual green and yellow markings. There will definitely be a galanthaphile or two who will want to know. Were joined now by Hollie Anderson from the Woodland Trust who is at nuttery wood in daventry. Looks like a lovely sunny day. And stay with that theme of the weather. Weve had quite a mild time until the next few days. Spring seems to have turned up quite early this year. Yes we definitely had records of spring coming in early and we have volunteers across the country who are part of a scheme called nature s calendar and they let us know when they see the first signs of spring. Snowdrops, hazel catkins, through to butterflies and bees, quite a surprising amount of early records dating back as early as october. Particularly unusual this year . It seems to be so especially when some of the signs arrived before wed even unlock the christmas presents. And even for the snowdrops, theyre relatively timely but we had records back in november and december and normally we expect them in early february as the most popular time for the snowdrops to come out. We saw those lovely pictures of snowdrops. But im worried about the next few days as we expect these record breaking cold temperatures for february. What will that mean for the snowdrops, how do they react first well snowdrops it is in the name, quite often theyre pushing through the snow to come out so they are quite hardy. So hopefully they should be fine as long is theres not such a huge amount of snow that they are hidden from and cannot photosynthesise. We like to think that nature is quite smart and hardy so fingers crossed everything should survive moving forward and then spring can get into full flow after that cold snap. Forward and then spring can get into full flow after that cold snapm is hard for maybe frogs and toads and the flora and fauna around us thinking that spring is here and then youre back in the depths of winter. Absolutely and that is the importance of the project nature s calendar and we need more people to join in and give us more records. The data we join in and give us more records. The data we have the more we the more data we have the more we can understand how our flora and fauna is adapting to this fluctuating climate. There is some risk if for example you have frogspawn or even butterflies, we had 14 records of red admiral butterflies coming out, four months earlier than we would expect. So that could be bad for them but hopefully these are just a few anomalies. The first red apple was spotted on the 4th of january, absolutely absurd. You could not even imagine that happening. We have records from early january and normally they would be expected early in may. Almost a sign of summer rather than spring. You talked about your project. What do you want us all to do . Basically it isa you want us all to do . Basically it is a chance to become part of something much bigger in a big scientific study. Just search for nature s calendar online and sign up nature s calendar online and sign up to Start Recording the finds of the changing seasons. That is the autumn as well as the spring. You do not need to record absolutely everything, you could just observe the changes in one tree or whatever is in your garden and let us know the first time you see a certain bird nesting, or catkins or indeed snowdrops coming into bloom. Welll bet it is freezing, we will let you go and get warmed up. Thank you very much. A wintry theme right across the morning. It has but there are some beautiful displays a round of snowdrops and crocus. So do send in those photographs and let us know. This is rachel coming to work this morning winter is about to bite again. These are fell walkers heading off for the Lake District and getting advice on how to stay safe in that extreme weather. Do get touch. You can email us at bbcbrea kfast bbc. Co. Uk rshare your thoughts with other viewers on our facebook page. And you can tweet about todays stories using the hashtag bbcbreakfast or follow us for the latest from the programme. All that to come. Hello, this is breakfast with Rachel Burden and jon kay. Leaping into the record books medal number five seals team gbs most successful Winter Olympics ever. Billy morgan bagged bronze in the big air snowboard event with the jump of his life. It was a pretty crazy experience landing like that. Ifell on my firstjump and its best to out of three, is i had to learn land the next two. I wasnt expecting it but i managed to land,

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