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President of the republic of south africa. A new era for south africa, as the anc leader Cyril Ramaphosa is elected as its new president. A rip off mps are scathing about Financial Advisers mis selling new products to members of british steels Pension Scheme. And the highly processed foods that are being linked to an increased risk of cancer. And coming up on sportsday on bbc news. Looking for a sweet night in sweden the only english manager in European Competition this season welcomes the stars of arsenal in the europa league. Good evening. A teenager has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder after a mass shooting at a high school in florida. Police say the gunman 19 year old nikolas cruz was a former pupil at the school whod been expelled. The fbi confirmed this afternoon that it was warned about cruz after he left a comment on a Youtube Video last year, stating he would be a professional school shooter. President trump said that making schools safer will be his administrations top priority and that he was committed to tackling the issue of Mental Health. You may find some of the images in nada tawfiks report distressing. Running for their lives, these panicked students fled as fast as they could. They realised quickly that they were in very real danger. This was not a drill that american schools have rehearsed time and again for these exact scenarios. have the gunshot victim. Stoneman douglas i was quickly placed on lockdown. These were the terrifying sounds from inside. Students huddled together, shaken, scared, and com pletely together, shaken, scared, and completely helpless. They leaned on each other for completely helpless. They leaned on each otherfor support completely helpless. They leaned on each other for support as the horror unfolded in front of them. Police have identified the 19 year old attacker as nikolas cruz. He arrived on campus heavily armed, with a semiautomatic rifle and several magazines of ammunition. He also carried a gas mask and smoke grenades. It is clear that this was a well planned plot to maximise the loss of life. The shooter set off the fire alarm to draw children out of their classrooms. Police warned that the shooter was still at large even as the rescue operation was underway. Another jolt even as the rescue operation was underway. Anotherjolt of terror and then relief as students realised swat tea ms then relief as students realised swat teams and not the shooter had reached them first. He went up and down the hallway banging and shooting into the classrooms, he shot through my door and broke the window. As soon as the fire drill we nt window. As soon as the fire drill went to the kids got evacuated. Then all of a sudden we heard one of our Student Government teachers say run as fast as you can come and we heard as fast as you can come and we heard a gunshot. 17 children and teachers killed, more than a dozen injured, being treated in local hospitals. President trump addressed the nation from the white house and said he will visit victims and local officials in parkland. Is that the country needed to tackle the difficult issue of Mental Health but was silent on gun control. No child, no teacher should ever be in danger in an american school. No parent should ever have to fear for their sons and their daughters when they kiss them goodbye in the morning. This is the moment nikolas cruz was finally arrested in a nearby town. He evaded authorities for almost one hour, blending in with the swarms of students fleeing the school. He has now been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder and is being held without bail. Authorities are piecing together his possible motives. He was expelled from the school last year for disciplinary reasons and students described him as troubles. He was on the fbis radar since september. He was flagged up to the agency after he commented on a Youtube Video that he would be a professional schools should. The fbi says they investigated the thread but could not identify the person behind it professional school shooter. One of the safest cities in the country but it did not stop it from becoming the 18th School Shooting busier. The question that seemingly everyone in the nation is now asking is whether this is the new normal. Tales of heroism are emerging from the tragedy. One Security Guard and football coach is said to have shielded children as the gunman fired. He did not survive his injuries. The kids in the community loved him, adored him. He was one of the greatest people i knew. A phenomenal man. With each shooting there is the inevitable debate on gun ownership in america. Yet this country is more divided than ever on how to solve this problem. Well, there have been numerous warning signs ahead of this shooting, that is now clear. ¥ here in parkland s, r warned about his administrators warned about his behaviour to teachers. Students even predicted he could be capable of Something Like this. So questions are certainly being raised about whether opportunities were missed to prevent this tragedy. But what is also becoming increasingly clear is that schools will never be saved, as things stand. Here in parkland this school was in lockdown and followed procedure and have Security Guards andy and 17 lives were lost easily. Nada tawfik, thank you. The former football coach Barry Bennell has been found guilty of seven more charges of the sexual abuse of boys in his care. Hes now been convicted of 43 offences in all against 11 victims. Hell be sentenced on monday. This report is by our correspondent danny savage. My name is micky fallon. I was abused by Barry Bennell as a child. My name is stephen walters, i was abused by Barry Bennell. My name is chris unsworth, i was abused by Barry Bennell as a child. Three of the 12 victims in this case. Boys, now men, damaged by controlling paedophile Barry Bennell. Now defiant and waiving their anonymity to shed light on their shocking childhood experiences. For decades we held our silencejust like our abuser told us to. For decades weve lived in fear. Because we might be grown men stood in front of you now, but we were once a little child. We are no longer afraid of you, Barry Bennell. For years hundreds of us were groomed in plain view. The shame, the nightmares, the lot. No child should suffer the way we did. How can it be that no one realised something was wrong . How is it that no one protected us then . Their remorseless abuser, now aged 64, shook his head and laughed as the jury returned with the last guilty verdicts today. One of footballs leading youth coaches, Barry Bennell worked with Manchester City and crewe. For him it was cover to get close to young boys and abuse them. A child molester on an industrial scale is how he was described in the trial. Andy woodward was also abused by bennell. When he went public, other victims broke their silence. Andy, if there are any other victims out there who havent yet come forward, what would be your message to them . If there are any other victims, which i believe there are, its up to each and every one of them whether they feel that they are Strong Enough to come forward but i hope this has given them some more courage thatjustice has been served today. It is understood more than 80 other men have come forward to say bennell abused them. This prolific paedophile will be sentenced next week. Danny savage, bbc news, liverpool. The extent of bennells abuse has raised questions about footballs handling of the case, and about how far chances were missed to protect young footballers. Our Sports Editor dan roan reports. He was one of footballs top talent spotters. We do a lot of talking to them, as well as showing them skills and explaining the game. There is more to it than just coming here for an hour a week. We give them homework. But bennell was also a serial paedophile. Gary cliffe was one victim, abused by his former coach when playing forjunior teams linked to Manchester City. Every school holiday, christmas time, and this is over a four to five year period. Hes ruined a lot of lives, hundreds of boys lives. Manchester city say they are investigating but cliffe insists some people at the club in the 80s would have known about bennells behaviour. They knew what he was but they allowed it to continue because he was producing results. Bennells precise relationship with Manchester City remains unclear but weve obtained what is believed to be a Business Card the coach handed to Young Players and their parents, describing himself as a club representative. If this is what it appears to be, it may show how bennell used citys name to lure some of his victims. Simon cussons was a Board Director at Manchester City when bennell had an association with the club. Could more have been done, do you think, to pay more attention to the Young Players and how they were being looked after and treated . With hindsight, the answer is yes, but. Did anybody raise it at the time or know about it . No. Simon cussons died last year before Manchester City spoke to him as part of their enquiry. The club has now identified another alleged paedophile, now deceased, with whom they had potential connections and face the threat of legal action. Bennell was most closely linked with crewe alexandra, where he was Youth Team Coach in the late 80s. Hamilton smith was the managing director at the time and he says that, after being made aware of concerns and rumours about bennells behaviour, he raised the issue in a Board Meeting, but the coach was allowed to stay for three more years. The meeting that we had, the special Board Meeting that we had, and they are still saying they didnt know something was going on . I went to the fa to talk to them about my concerns. And ended up getting a dearjohn letter, which said they had investigated, and found nothing to be answered. Everybody involved could have done, and should have done a lot more. The then manager, dario gradi, was one of those who smith says was aware of general concerns about bennells behaviour. Now the clubs director of football, he denies having had any knowledge of bennells crimes, but he was suspended by the fa in 2016. Crewe say they were unaware of bennells behaviour before his first of three previous convictions in 1994, but just over a butjust over a year ago the full extent of the football abuse scandal was exposed. It is massive, it is huge. And the Ripple Effect through football, i hope people are listening. Former England International paul stewart revealed the extent of the abuse he had been subject to buy a different paedophile. Horrific. How long did it go on for. For years. Almost every day. And as more players spoke out the chairman of the fa launched a review into the subject. We are making sure we do what we can to step up to the mark. With Police Forces investigating and fund was set up for the victims, 285 potential victims identified and 331 clu bs potential victims identified and 331 clubs involved. Youth football is 110w clubs involved. Youth football is now more regulated than when Barry Bennell was coaching and abusing that the game s most notorious paedophile continues to want the sport. Dan roan, bbc news, liverpool. The leader of the African National congress, Cyril Ramaphosa, has been sworn in as south africas new president. It follows the resignation ofjacob zuma last night after pressure from his party over numerous corruption allegations. Our africa editor fergal keane reports. In the place they call the mother city of the republic, exaltation at what they felt was nothing less than deliverance. And, inside, the words that signalled the arrival of a new and very different order. I declare the honourable Cyril Ramaphosa duly elected president of the republic of south africa. He knew this moment was coming, yet seemed abashed. In his first words as president , the tone was consciously humble. When one is elected in this type of position, you basically become a servant of the people of south africa, and ill seek to execute that task with humility, faithfulness and with dignity as well. That is what i will seek to do. For now, his party enemies are defeated and the country is broadly behind him. But, on the other side of Table Mountain from parliament, a sense of the challenge facing the new leader. Here in langa township, they welcome ramaphosa but expect him to deliver houses, jobs, services. We are still living in sheds. We, our mothers and fathers lived in shacks, and we the children and obviously our grandchildren have to live in shacks also. Fergal keane, bbc news, cape town. The time isjust the time is just after quarter past six. Our top story this evening. A teenager has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder after a mass shooting at a high school in florida. And still to come, can dom parsons win team gbs first medal at the Winter Olympics . Coming up on sportsday on bbc news. Back behind the wheel less than a year after losing both of his legs, racing driver billy monger aims for the top in a specially modified car. We all know that highly processed foods should be eaten in moderation, but now Research Suggests they could be linked to an increased risk of cancer. Mass produced bread and cakes, Chicken Nuggets and instant noodles are being classified as ultra processed and potentially harmful. The study of over 100,000 people hinted that, the more of such foods people ate, the greater their risk of cancer. Our Health Correspondent James Gallagher has more. Pizza and fizzy drinks are ultra processed foods, but so too are bread and breakfast cereals. They are some of the nations favourite foods but new concerns have been raised by french scientists. They think the way these foods are produced or packaged may be raising the risk of cancer. It may come as a surprise but around half the foods we eat are classed as ultra processed. That generally means theyre made in a factory with a huge list of ingredients down the side of the packet. We know theyre bad for our waistlines, but could they be bad for our health in other ways too . The french study looked at nearly 105,000 people. They were quite young with an average age of 43. The results showed a 10 increase in ultra processed foods was linked to a 12 increase in the risk of cancer, and an 11 increase in Breast Cancer risk. But critics say the term ultra processed encompasses so many foods its hard to work out whats really going on, and while this research has found hints of a link with cancer, its not definitive. So do we need to bin the bread . We should not be panicking. I think as all of us know, highly processed foods like these so things like pizza, crisps and chips are not things we should be making the main focus of our diet. This study adds to our understanding but its not saying anything new, and it certainly isnt saying we need to throw these foods away out of our cupboards. Gorging on huge amounts of processed food will make us fat and being overweight is the biggest preventable cause of cancer after smoking. For health experts, the study is a timely reminder we all need to improve our diets. On average our diets are unhealthy in this country. We all, on average, need to take steps to improve our diet so, yes, take the results of this study seriously and make changes. The saxtons from doncaster say processed food is a fact of family life. You think, well how can you avoid buying ultra processed food unless you grow everything yourself basically. I think evening is not as difficult as the mornings, i think, in terms of breakfasts. Thats very difficult to rule out cereal and toast on a day to day basis when youre doing the school run and rushing to get out the door. Any dangers lurking in these foods are continuing to be investigated, but eating less of this and more of this is clearly good for your health. James gallagher, bbc news. The former executive at the centre of claims of Sexual Misconduct by oxfam staff in haiti and chad has given his version of events for the First Time Since the scandal broke. In an open letter, Roland Van Hauwermeiren said he was not a saint, but insisted he hadnt paid women for sex. Gavin lee is in knokke in belgium, where mr Van Hauwermeiren lives. Gavin. As you say, its the first time Roland Van Hauwermeiren has broken his silence after a week where the allegations have been building and building. As director for operations for oxfam in 2011, and with a british different charity in 2004 in liberia. He spoke to reporters on his doorstep and gave a different account, he said it was lies and exaggeration. He spoke about how in the last week since the allegations his family hadnt spoken to him. He also posted an open letter to the media today, he went through detail by detail how he didnt believe any of these allegations from liberia onwards, specifically in haiti saying he was involved in a sexual relationship with a haitian woman but didnt pay for prostitution and she wasnt a victim of the earthquake. We are hearing that high profile figures including the south african Archbishop Desmond tutu has left the organisation and said he was disappointed with the allegations. Thank you. Members of british steels Pension Scheme were the victims of a major mis selling scandal. Mps on the work and Pensions Committee say the schemes members were targeted by vulture Financial Advisers, who encouraged them to transfer their savings to unsuitable funds. It happened when the pension fund was hived off in order to keep the uk company, owned by the indian firm tata, afloat. Sian lloyd reports. Exploited. For cynical personal gain. Shamelessly bamboozled by dubious Financial Advisers. The words of a report today by mps about steelworkers who devoted years to the industry but face changes to their Pension Scheme. Some had the option of transferring their benefits to private schemes, but what happened has been described as a mis selling scandal. Yes, weve been let down with the trustees, weve been let down by tata as a company. We uncovered the case of Richard Bevan who had transferred his savings into a private scheme. He believes the Financial Advice he was given was unsuitable and resulted in him losing out on £200,000. He welcomes the scrutiny by mps but says its too late for him. Where that leaves people like myself i really dont know. It may highlight the fact for other Pension Schemes in the future, and this may not happen on this scale again. Hopefully it doesnt, but thats little comfort to people like myself, you know . The report noted that the regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, only acted two months after we highlighted richards case. It calls for the authorities to be more proactive. There are large numbers of people who will do other people down when it comes to money, and therefore what we want is robust regulators who dont wait to be pushed into it but actually are on the lookout, on the front foot, thinking, these are our responsibilities. The Financial Conduct Authority told us that following what happened to steelworkers at plants like this one in port talbot, its reviewing its rules on pension transfers. But some experts say that what happened here should be a wake up call to the industry. This is not uncommon. We have seen bhs and carillion are similar examples of this, so the individual details will vary but these situations will arise again so it is important the lessons are learned from this case. Pension freedom reforms have led to a boom in similar transfers over recent years. This report highlights that workers like richard need more protection. Sian lloyd, bbc news, port talbot. Team gb could be about to win its first medal of the 2018 Winter Olympics after dom parsons put himself in contention in the mens skeleton competition. The 30 year old is in fourth place at the halfway stage ahead of the final runs tomorrow. In the curling, britains men earned their second win with a tense victory overjapan, while the womens team lost their second match. There are flashing images in this report from andy swiss from pyeongchang. Here he is for great britain. Run two, dom parsons. He arrived an outsider, hes now a contender. Dom parsons is ranked just 12th in the world, but wearing team gbs much discussed new skin suit, he was out to prove his pace. Well, dom parsons is flying around this track. He did look so impressive in his training runs here, but can he back it up with a big performance when it really matters . The answer was encouraging. Dom parsons goes to the front come on, dom he ended up fourth at the halfway stage, just three hundredths of a second off the medal places. Tomorrow could be special. The medal chase for britain is on here i hope i can sleep tonight. Yes, its like the last four years obviously ive just been aiming for this one moment so im going to make the most of it. From the ice to the snow, it was a day for speed. Norways Aksel Lund Svindal making history in the mens downhill. At 35, the oldest ever champion. Oh, shes down in the womens giant slalom meanwhile, the photographers got an unexpected close up. Both they and switzerlands lara gut thankfully unscathed. By the end they had a new focus, americas Mikaela Shiffrin the first of potentially several golds here. But for sheer thrills and spills, todays medal goes to snowboard cross. In particular Frances Pierre vaultier, who crashed in his semifinal, got up, scraped through, and then only went and won it. Rarely has persistence paid off quite so perfectly. Andy swiss, bbc news, pyeongchang. Time for a look at the weather. Heres stav da naos. Good evening. Its been quite a mixture of weather today. In the north and particularly in scotland we have seen heavy snow showers. They are going to continue on and off through the overnight period, some for Northern Ireland and maybe the odd one further south for northern england. A nice risk of ice where we have had those showers and a cold night with frost to contend with for friday morning. That said, friday is not looking too bad. A lot of dry weather around and further showers for the north west of scotland. More of a breeze here as well. Temperature wise not to bad across the south, 8 10d and a cool feel across scotland and Northern Ireland. On saturday it looks like a milder day. More cloud across Western Areas thanks to a west south westerly breeze. A few showers dotted around. A better chance of staying dry the further east you are with temperatures 8 11d. Even milder across scotland too. This feature running in on sunday looks like it will thicken the cloud, certainly across western parts of the country. We could see drizzle and low cloud at times. Across the south east it will be a largely dried picture. Even some gaps appearing to the east of the pennines and north east of scotla nd of the pennines and north east of scotland too. Despite the cloud, temperatures nine 11 degrees. There are signs of things turning much colder by the end of the week. Thats all from the bbc news at six so its goodbye from me and on bbc one we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. This is bbc news. Our latest headlines. President trump has said that making schools safer will be his administrations top priority after 17 people were shot dead at a high school near miami. The former youth football coach, Barry Bennell, has been convicted of the remaining seven charges against him relating to the sexual abuse of boys in his care. South africas newly elected president , Cyril Ramaphosa, has been sworn in. He replaces jacob zuma, who resigned last night. Russia has strongly denied being behind lastjunes cyber attack, which affected companies around the world. A former oxfam director has responded to allegations that he paid for prostitutes while working for the charity in haiti and chad. In a moment, it will be time for sportsday, but first a look at what else is coming up this evening on bbc news. Can highly processed foods be linked to an increased risk of cancer, as new research seems to suggest . Why thefts and robberies on mopeds in londons main shopping hotspots have increased six fold over the last two years. And with me tonight taking a look at the papers at 10. 40 are former trade minister, lord digbyjones, and broadcaster and campaigner, henry bonsu

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