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Also this morning. Paris is on high alert after record rainfall causes the river seine to burst its banks. The entire us gymnastics board resigns over its handling of the larry nassar sex abuse scandal. Relief for a thousand workers at Aerospace Firm bombardier the us authorities stop plans to impose massive tariffs on plane parts made in belfast. In sport, no cup miracle for yeovil town. Alexis sanchez made his debut as Manchester United eased to a 4 0 victory at huish park last night. But League Two Newport have the chance for an upset this evening when they host tottenham. Ican i can now reveal the strictly come dancing champions 2017 hard offjoe and katya they wowed audiences to be crowned strictly champions, joe and katya will be here before 10 as they take the show on the road. And susan has the weather. We are going to be up against the cloud this weekend. Some pretty grey skies and a windy story. All current rape and Sexual Assault cases in england and wales are being reviewed as a matter of urgency. The announcement from the director of Public Prosecutions follows the collapse of several recent trials, including that of 22 year old liam allan. He was accused of rape, but the case against him was dropped after it emerged that police had failed to hand over vital phone records. Its believed a number of trials could be stopped as a result of the review. Earlier, the attorney general explained why he thinks this is essential. Prosecutors and investigators, Police Officers, are not doing the basics properly. If it isa not doing the basics properly. If it is a case where we are talking about an allegation of rape or Sexual Assault, frankly, entered as world, one of the first things you should think about is having a look at the social media postings by either person, looking at Text Messages that might have passed between them. If you are not doing that, you are missing out on basic investigative work. There is really no excuse for that. Where i have more sympathy and i think we should consider the broader issue is when we look at the huge volumes of material we are expecting Police Officers and prosecutors to process in more and more cases 110w, and prosecutors to process in more and more cases now, and expecting them to do that with Old Fashioned methods is not going to be successful. Joining us now from our london newsroom is our Legal Correspondent clive coleman. This is a clear message about responsibilities of police and prosecutors in these situations. Can you talk to us about some of the practicalities about the new workload that inevitably will have to happen as a result of this review . Well, he is absolutely right about the fact that now our lives are played out online, on mobile phones, on mobile devices, and that is where the evidence lies in many, many cases and what is at the heart of this issue is the ability of the criminal Justice System of this issue is the ability of the criminalJustice System and prosecutors with in it to really go and search in those areas and to find evidence as they have to do. They have to disclose to the defence any evidence that assists the defence case or undermines the prosecution case. What hes talking about, this action plan that Alison Saunders has come up with, it is going to involve greater training, it is going to involve having specialist disclosure officers in Different Police forces, providing evidence to the defence digitally in all cases. It is not as if this problem is new. It has been around a long time. There was a review in the middle of last year that was damning, saying a fifth of all disclosure schedules provided by the police were manifestly not up to the job. So, this is a problem that has been around for a considerable time. It goes beyond rape and Sexual Assault. Yesterday, there was a case at wood in crown court that collapsed, a people trafficking case, where one of the defendants had been in prison for 13 months, a young woman, and had given birth in prison. She should never have been there. She was there because of disclosure failures and it shows the catastrophic effect that disclosure failures can have if it is not done properly. There does seem to be no question about the merits of this review and why it should happen. The question, inevitably, ends up with money and about how you will fund the increased workload, the amount of research, the work that needs to be done, in a service that everybody says is already struggling . There is very little in what i read yesterday from Alison Saunders that addresses how all of this is going to be funded. The truth is that if you wa nt funded. The truth is that if you want a funded. The truth is that if you wanta criminal funded. The truth is that if you want a criminal justice funded. The truth is that if you want a criminalJustice System that functions well and properly, this particular point in the 20th century, where we are living our lives more online and on mobile devices, that is going to need serious investment. That is what all the lawyers i speak to within the criminal Justice System the lawyers i speak to within the criminalJustice System are telling me, and there is very little i have seen so me, and there is very little i have seen so far as to quite how this is going to be funded. Yes, Jeremy Wright is correct to say that police need to go back to basics and do basic things correctly, but they also need the right software, the right training and the amount of time to do what is a very difficult and challenging exercise. Thank you very much. Three teenage boys have been killed after being hit by a car while standing at a bus stop in west london last night. The group of 16 year olds were in hayes, close to heathrow airport, when the car mounted the pavement, just after 8 30 yesterday evening. The driver of the car has been arrested and is currently being treated in hospital. The Prime Minister has welcomed a landmark ruling by trade authorities in the us, overturning a decision to impose huge tariffs on planes which are partly built in the uk. The Aerospace Firm bombardier won a surprise victory in its dispute with the American Company boeing about selling its passenger jets to us airlines. The wings for the planes are manufactured in belfast, where unions claim around 1,000 jobs could have been at risk. Workers, politicians and business workers had feared that one their biggest projects would be grounded. The programme was under threat after boeing claimed it was unfairly subsidised because of financial help because of the canadian and british governance. Authorities in washington initially proposed to impose tariffs ofjust under 300 on imports of the c series. Last night, the Us International trade commission decided not to go ahead with tariffs, before commissioners all voted in bombardiers favour. Workers and representatives were surprised, but very pleased. The workforce has stood squarely behind this, putting the shoulder to the wheel. We have seen politicians, nationally, giving up the ghost when they said this is something that cannot be overturned. We have demonstrated the power of trade unionism globally. We have worked with colleagues in canada and the United States and this, tonight, is a victory for workers. The Prime Minister spoke to donald trump about the dispute at the World Economic summit in davos. Theresa may tweeted she welcomed the decision as good news for british industry. People here have been prepared for more bad news a cross here have been prepared for more bad news across the atlantic. But they are delighted with this unexpected result. After months of worry, the victory in the dispute has brought a great sense of relief. Residents of paris are bracing themselves for further disruption as flooding in the city is expected to reach its peak. Some of the wettest january weather in more than a century saw the river seine rise more than five metres above its normal level yesterday. Hundreds of people have been evacuated. The Louvre Museum has shut down displays on the lowest floors as a precaution. Earlier, we spoke to our paris correspondent, kevin connolly, who told us how the river seine is dangerously high. Yes, i think you can probably see the houseboats behind me. Were at the place de la concorde, right in the middle of paris. Normally, those houseboats would be very, very far below the level of the street. They have maybe been lifted five or six metres, about 20 feet in the last couple of days, as the river seine has surged through paris, swollen by relentless, heavy rain. I am told it has only rained this much over the december january period in france around three times over the last 100 years or so. These are exceptional weather conditions. In paris, the river actually runs through a very long, deep channel, with high walls on either side. So, it would take something even more exceptional to bring the water over those walls and into the city streets. But downriver, in small towns and villages along the seine valley, people are punting along streets in votes where they normally drive, and they are waiting for the waters to recede to see how bad the damage will get. Here, we expect the peak to come sometime this afternoon. We will see if this year will match 1910 in the record books, as a year of exceptional flooding. 0fficials officials in cape town are urging people to avoid flushing toilets to c0 nse rve people to avoid flushing toilets to conserve water. Water supplies are due to run out in early april after three years of exceptionally low rainfall. Residents have been advised to limit showering to twice advised to limit showering to twice a week and save water as if their lives depended on it. The entire us gymnastics board is to resign because of its handling of the sex abuse scandal involving the former team doctor, larry nassar. The countrys 0lympic committee had threatened to strip the organisation of its powers if the directors failed to stand down. Nassar has been given a prison sentence of up to 175 years for abusing more than 150 female gymnasts. New Research Shows that companies are abusing a loophole in the law to put up telephone boxes on the high street and then using them as little more than advertising billboards. The local Government Association says theres been a tenfold increase in applications to install the boxes, which dont require formal planning permission. Ministers say they keep Development Rights under constant review. It was a trip to collect an Engagement Ring that took a very dramatic turn. Andy fiddlerfrom preston was with his fiance in the jewellery shop when a thief ran in and jumped over the counter. This cctv footage from inside the store shows andy calmly removing his jacket before trying to stop the robberfrom leaving, and then wrestling him to the ground. The shop owner helped restrain the suspect before Police Arrived a few minutes later. This all happened a couple of weeks ago and the thief was jailed for 16 weeks. Amazing images. You can see him thinking take his jacket off, putting it on the counter and just jumping in. That moment, where people have to make the decision, do we get involved 7 people have to make the decision, do we get involved . We are not saying get involved, but we have admiration for the guy that did. Now time for sport, coming up in a few minutes. Unions and politicians have welcomed bombardiers surprise victory in its dispute with its american rival boeing. Boeing claimed bombardier a Canadian Company which employs 4000 people in belfast was able to sell its planes too cheaply because of Financial Support from the British Government. David thomson is a regional officer for the unite union. That represents many of the workers at the plant. A really good news story for the workers that had a genuine fear this probably would not have gone their way . We said from the outset that we will fight this until the bitter end and it is the workforce that has got behind it. Ithink and it is the workforce that has got behind it. I think it has demonstrated quite clearly the power of collective organisation. Not only in terms of industry, but politically as well. Despite the fight, there was a real possibility it would not have gone bombardiers way . Absolutely, we saw from the department of commerce and America First policy that has been driven, putting the tariffs in place. Last night, and we said it all along, the itc prides itself on being independent. We said from the outset, that bombardier suffered no detriment, and common sense has prevailed. That is the International Trade commission, for those unfamiliar with the acronym. What impact would there have been on the workers . 1000 people working on this pa rt workers . 1000 people working on this part of the plane in belfast . In two three years time, it is due to grow about 60 of the workforce. If the contract had been paused. , it would have had a massive detrimental effect on belfast. Belfast, 4000 jobs in the supply chain, multiplying that by five or six times. Can you tell me, was there any British Government involvement in this . We are very aware of donald trump trying to encourage us firms, us businesses, being very pro us business. What have the British Government had in terms of involvement . They said they had been proactive, we would argue they have not been proactive enough. We have seen not been proactive enough. We have seen aggressive actions against the government from an American Company, stating they could not support the manufacturing business. All governments need to have an opportunity to do that, on a fair and even playing field. We dont believe the British Government stepped up to defend their own position. It is an aggressive position. It is an aggressive position taken by boeing and the administered administration of america. We dont think the government have been Strong Enough to supportjobs in Northern Ireland. The Prime Minister lobby to donald trump on bombardiers behalf . The Prime Minister lobby to donald trump on bombardiers behalf . She had two phone calls and two meetings over one year. If anybody thinks thatis over one year. If anybody thinks that is good enough, that is their decision. Good news so far, what is the likelihood of an appeal being made . We dont know. We have asked that boeing and the administration in america respect the decision, a unanimous, majority decision. The overall argument was that boeing was suffering a detrimental effect. We would expect everybody to respect that decision. David thompson, regional officer for the unite union, thanks for talking to us. Time to look at the weather. Susan has the details. As you saw in belfast, maybe you we re as you saw in belfast, maybe you were not paying attention to the weather but things have become dry in Northern Ireland. Eastbourne, the sun is out and you could go bowling on the back lawn. It is a very different day when we look at the picture from perth and kinross, heavy rain moving into abernethy. You can see how things are shaping up you can see how things are shaping up across you can see how things are shaping up across the british isles. East anglia, poking out in the sunshine. Northern ireland is eventually going to move into this clear area behind the area of low pressure. Already, the area of low pressure. Already, the drier weather into Northern Ireland. Scotland, give it a couple of hours and that front will slink away south and we could see some sunshine this afternoon, albeit peppered with showers. It could be a very windy day for scotland, especially in the north and west, with the continued threat of gales. Wendy for just about all of us. For northern england, wales and the south west of england, prospects by midday still rather grey and gloomy. The fronts are starting to head away eastwards, piling ploughed to east anglia and the south east. We will eventually see the wet weather moving into the east for the afternoon and then things gradually get brighter in the west. The best of the sunshine and improvement, Northern Ireland not looking too bad. A wet story for the afternoon for the south east and east anglia. Mild temperatures in double figures, fingers crossed you may get some sunshine. This front appears to the continent this evening. Sky clear, windfall a little bit light. Could bea windfall a little bit light. Could be a bit chilly into this evening. A mild night, no frost problems for first thing on sunday. It does mean we are going to get stuck with quite a lot of gloom for the second half of the weekend. For england and wales, mostly just low cloud, of the weekend. For england and wales, mostlyjust low cloud, mist and murk, drizzly rain to the north and murk, drizzly rain to the north and west. For scotland and Northern Ireland, particularly for the south west of scotland, more persistent rain and the total is adding up, potentially, by the end of the day. Very mild air from the south. If we get a bit of sunshine across north wales and the west of england we could see temperatures as high as 4015 degrees. 14 or 15 degrees. Youre watching breakfast from bbc news. Mike will have the sport in a few minutes. The final of the Australian Open is under way, the women, the moment. We are going to look at the newspapers. Former newspaper editor Paul Horrocks is here to tell us whats caught his eye. Hmrc in the headlines. One in the eye for the taxman. We have had stories about people not paying tax, but this time, revenue and customs have been warned by a judge that automatically fining people for filing tax returns late might be illegal. We are coming up to the deadline. They are looking at a tribunal from last october, deadline. They are looking at a tribunalfrom last october, somebody that didnt pay on time and got an automatic fine. They have now said because that was dealt with by a computer and not a human, because that was dealt with by a computerand nota human, it because that was dealt with by a computer and not a human, it is possibly illegal. It remains outstanding . It is still to be determined. But that is the initial ruling. That could mean, say tax experts, we will almost have a ppi situation where people who have automatically been fined, going back many years, tens of years, the fines could turn out to be invalid. They are £100 penalties. The thinking being, any reasonable excuse or justification for not filing on time had not been heard by a human, somebody that was able to balance the argument is either side . The judges called Richard Thomas and he said, in my view, the requirement is for a flesh and blood human being who is an officer of the hmrc to make this assessment. Given the amount of computerisation, in all things, that is a very interesting case. It is bound to be challenged. Drones, a Pilot Committee land at heathrow . An alarming story. It suggests that a drone might have clipped the tale of a passengerjet coming to land at heathrow. Apparently, a first officer in the cockpit saw it going by, right next to his window, as did the airline crew members, and they think it must have collided with the tail, this was over kew in west london. The crew considered that it passed close enough that it must have collided with the tail and providence provided a major part of the incident. The drone was at 1700 feet . Yes, there is a move to ban them from flying near airports or over 400 feet under new regulations. That clearly looks like it was a close incident. How handy are you around the house . Not great, i can do some things. Charlie . Bleeding radiators and stuff like that. Ironing passes me by. Of those things, i think reading the radiator is harder. No youjust things, i think reading the radiator is harder. No you just have a little key. But if you turn it too far, it can be disaster. The reason i ask, the Younger Generation in this piece is getting a lot of flak for this. This is according to this piece, not being able to do certain things. It is notjust young people . It is by Good Housekeeping guide. They have survey loads of people. When it comes to uploading a text message 01 when it comes to uploading a text message or selfie, so called millennials, those under 34, they are streets ahead of their parents. When asked to perform a traditional skill like sewing a button or bleeding irradiated, some of them are completely lost. That bleeding a radiator. Its putting it down to the fact that at school we concentrate very much on computer and it skills. Some of the traditional stuff gets forgotten. Simple tasks that proved too difficult work sewing a button, bleeding a radiator or dealing with a blown fuse. The parents were better than the millennials. Making a white sauce, who makes one of those these days . Who does hospital corners on the beds . Me. Hanging wallpaper, everybody of every generation has a story about their pa rents generation has a story about their parents doing that badly. Hardest of all is assembling flat pack. Yes. 7796 all is assembling flat pack. Yes. 77 of millennials can do that. What about descaling the iron . This isa what about descaling the iron . This is a lovely story, about a one time shire horse called beatrice. One tonne. It collapsed, terrible colic. They call the vet, and they make the decision to put the horse down. Stablemate, another shire horse, intervenes. It leans over the stable wall and starts to bite the neck of its stablemate, virtually dragging its stablemate, virtually dragging it to its feet. Both horses are pictured, fully recovered, out in the stable yard. That is what she needed, to be on herfeet . The stable yard. That is what she needed, to be on her feet . Yes, colic kills horses if they remain immobile and it couldnt get to its feet. It is a black beauty story. Well done, finishing on an uplifting story. Ever eaten an insect, charlie . |j ever eaten an insect, charlie . I had no idea what he said there have i ever eaten an insect . Deliberately . I dont think so. Accidentally, many times. Open your mouth, flying in . You are told not to do that. Saturday kitchen is coming up. They are specialising in insects . saturday kitchen is coming up. They are specialising in insects . I have had locusts and scorpion abroad. Got anything exotic . Saturday kitchen calling, not saturday breakfast, just to pick you up on that. calling, not saturday breakfast, just to pick you up on that. I think that name is better. We will run that name is better. We will run that passed the producers. Thank the lord that horse story ended nicely, we wondered where that was going. Anyway, our special guest today is philljupitus. Great to have you here. You are facing food heaven or food hell. What is your heaven . really like monkfish, and north african flavours. I am seeing what you lot are going to do with that. I hate sweetcorn, cant stand it. Hate sweetcorn. And i dont like cooked salmon. That is not a denture issue . Called its saturday breakfast, now a vengeance my good friend Jane Batchelor is making her debut. vengeance my good friend Jane Batchelor is making her debut. I am cooking a squash, blue cheese and pecan torte. I am going to cook see spaghetti seaweed. Very unusual. And you guys are in charge over whether philljupitus gets food heaven or food hell. A typical example of us been told we were cooking with ants, and now i am confused, your guest, does he cook with ants beside him, 01 does he cook with ants beside him, or he uses them as ingredients . They are not onlookers, they are participants in this game. are not onlookers, they are participants in this game. I came for the monkfish participants in this game. I came forthe monkfish kinnego participants in this game. I came for the monkfish kinnego they are going to have a lot of fun today. Whatever the programme is called. Saturday breakfast sounds loads better if you ask me. Lets see what is coming up on breakfast. They lifted the glitterball trophy after winning over thejudges with their magical fairytale showdance. Strictly champions joe mcfadden and katya jones willjoin us right here on the sofa. The headlines are coming up in a moment. That was done like a duet. Hello this is breakfast, with Charlie Stayt and naga munchetty. Coming up before 10, we will be joined by strictly winner joe mcfadden and his dance partner katya jones. But first at 9. 30, a summary of this mornings main news. All current rape and Sexual Assault cases in england and wales are being reviewed as a matter of urgency. The announcement from the director of Public Prosecutions follows the collapse of several recent trials, including that of 22 year old liam allan. He was accused of rape, but the case against him was dropped after it emerged that police had failed to hand over vital phone records. Its believed a number of trials could be stopped as a result of the review. Earlier on breakfast, the attorney general explained why he thinks the review is essential. If prosecutors and investigators, Police Officers, are not doing the basics properly. If it is a case where we are talking about an allegation of rape or Sexual Assault, frankly, in todays world, one of the first things you should think about is having a look at the social media postings by either person, looking at Text Messages that might have passed between them. If you are not doing that, you are missing out on basic investigative work. Three teenage boys have been killed after being hit by a car in west london last night. The group of 16 year olds was standing at a bus stop in hayes, close to heathrow airport, when the car mounted the pavement, just after 8 30 yesterday evening. 0ther teenagers standing with the group were unharmed in the crash. The 28 year old driver of the car has been arrested and is currently being treated in hospital. The Prime Minister has welcomed a landmark ruling by trade authorities in the us, overturning a decision to impose huge tariffs on planes which are partly built in the uk. The Aerospace Firm bombardier won a surprise victory in its dispute with the American Company boeing about selling its passenger jets to us airlines. The wings for the planes are manufactured in belfast, where unions claimed around 1000 jobs could have been put at risk, had the decision gone against them. Boeing are now deciding whether to mountan boeing are now deciding whether to mount an appeal against that judgment. We have asked that boeing accept that decision and respect it. It was a unanimous decision and the argument was that boeing was offering a detrimental effect. That has now been removed so we would ask eve ryo ne has now been removed so we would ask everyone to respect that decision and lets get on with business as it is. Residents in paris are bracing themselves for further disruption this morning, as flooding in the city is expected to reach its peak. Some of the wettest january weather in more than a century saw the river seine rise to more than five metres above its normal level yesterday. Hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes, and tunnels and roads have been sealed off. The Louvre Museum has shut down displays on its lowest floors as a precaution. The entire us gymnastics board is to resign because of its handling of the sex abuse scandal involving the former team doctor, larry nassar. The countrys 0lympic committee had threatened to strip the organisation of its powers if the directors failed to stand down. Nassar has been given a prison sentence of up to 175 years for abusing more than 150 female gymnasts. New Research Shows that companies are abusing a loophole in the law to put up telephone boxes on the high street and then using them as little more than advertising billboards. The local Government Association says theres been a tenfold increase in applications to install the boxes, which dont require formal planning permission. Ministers say they keep Development Rights under consta nt review. Those are the main stories. 9 32am the time. Mike, bring us up today. What a first set it has been. Neither Caroline Wozniacki or simona halep have one a grand slam title before and they both have the chance to become world number one. Look away now if you dont want to know how it is going. Whoever wins will become world number one . Yes, if Caroline Wozniacki wins, she will overta ke yes, if Caroline Wozniacki wins, she will overtake simona halep as well number one. The first set has certainly reflected the importance to both players of winning their first grand slam title. Wozniaki broke early on and had served for the set before simona halep came back to a tie break. Wozniaki will go above halep to become world number one if she does win. In the second set, it is1 1. Live commentary of that womens final on bbc radio 5 live sports extra and the bbc sport website. Highlights on bbc one from 1 15 this afternoon. It was a good debut for the man, who is worth 18 times the whole yeovil squad, remember, as 12 time winners Manchester United eased to a 4 0 win. A goalfrom Marcus Rashford set up by sanchez got them on their wayjust before half time. And then the 87 league places separating the sides really started to show as ander herrera, Jessie Lingard and Romelu Lukaku added second half goals to make it 4 0 in the end. So just a few days afterjoining Manchester United from arsenal, Jose Mourinho chose to start alexis sanchez. The highest paid player in premier League History was kicked, booed by the locals, but he was finally sent home with the sponsors man of the match award. How did his managerfeel he got on . He will bring us also this extra maturity and class so we are very pleased with him and he was keen to play, i know that was going to be difficult, i knew that was going to be an easy one for him but im to be not an easy one for him but im happy with his performance. There are 12 other fourth round ties taking place today, among them Newport County of league 2 taking on premier league tottenham. Newport very nearly went out, of the league last season, but are now pushing for a play off place and knocked out leeds united in the last round. Beating leeds was my highlight because i could enjoy that game and it was due to our hard work of getting in that position. And what happened at the end of last season was obviously more important for the football club. You only have to see the struggles hartlepool are going through and it could quite easily have been us. Were fortunate. Were working hard to keep improving and thats what we always do here. If you are looking for an upset, potentially top at the point county. Elsewhere, maybe notts county against premier strugglers swansea city. That is where dan walker is with football focus today. Also, potentially at west ham, but my tips are never that reliable. Ben stokes has been snapped up this morning for £1. 4 million in the auction of players for the indian premier league. Hes been bought by the rajasthan royals. Thats despite facing a charge for affray after an incident outside a nightclub in bristol. The all rounder was the most valuable player of the twenty20 tournament last year. A number of other english players are in the auction, including for the first time test captainjoe root, who so far remains unsold. Rory mcilroy birdied the final three holes to build a two shot lead after two rounds of the dubai desert classic. The world number 11 returned to the course on saturday, afterfog delayed proceedings on the previous day, and made five birdies in seven holes. He hasjust birdied the he has just birdied the second hole of the third round to move to 16 under. Jcj anderson has become the oldest winner of a snowboard event, but i have to say he is not that old. 42. Maybe old although board in. He claimed his 28th career win on the parallel slalom in bulgaria. Good timing as well because this is the penultimate event before the winter 0lympics. Anderson is the only rider to compete in every 0lympics since snowboarding made its debut in the winter olympics. To be doing it at the top level for all those years, the top level for all those years, the impact on your knees. What is impacting most for you . I have just started, so what is impacting most for you . I havejust started, so i what is impacting most for you . I have just started, so i will give you three guesses. What and hips. Have you got special pants . Impact pants. Lots of snowboarders have them. Impact shorts. Shall i update you on the tennis . It is going on and on. It is still 1 1 in the first game of the second set. Wozniaki has break point. Shame we cant stay with it. Listen to it on the radio. Travelling the world alone is a daunting prospect for most people, but tony giles has taken it all in his stride, despite being completely blind, and almost entirely deaf when he doesnt wear his hearing aids. Tony hasnt let any of this hold him back. So far hes visited 125 countries, travelled across all of americas 50 states, and crossed the arctic circle. Well speak to tony in a moment, but first lets take a look at when the bbcs travel show caught up with him injerusalem. I see a place through my senses. I see a place by the sounds, by the smells, by the textures. The hustle and bustle, people shouting, buy this, buy this. Come and look at this. I feel the atmosphere, the energy, the buzz. I like this. I like the atmosphere and the smell. Its all close and compact. Very. It feels authentic. Tony gilesjoins us tony giles joins us now on the sofa. Tony, good morning. Good morning. Thank you for having me on. Thank you for coming in. This is a great story. You have travelled the world on this adventure. What inspired you to do this . I went to a boarding school when i was ten or 11 years old and my dad was in the Merchant Navy and told me stories about travelling the world. I wanted to go home and see my family, so i got my ability training as a young child, learnt to use along came and catch buses and trains, started from there, went to america and eventually studied there. Tony, we saw a little bit of your trip to jerusalem there and if people havent seen it, you overcome everything in your path. You dont let awkward situations or geographical scenarios bother you. No, ijust geographical scenarios bother you. No, i just want to go geographical scenarios bother you. No, ijust want to go out geographical scenarios bother you. No, i just want to go out and geographical scenarios bother you. No, ijust want to go out and have fun. Thats my challenge. Go from a to be meeting people. People say, why travel the world if you cant see . Seeing is not about looking at places. Its about meeting the people, seeing the food, the people the places, the culture. How are you using your senses for this experience . I use all my senses together to give me a 3 d picture of what i am walking three. When walk through a market, i can smell spices, scents, cooking, people talking in different languages. 0bviously talking in different languages. Obviously in jerusalem, hebrew talking in different languages. 0bviously injerusalem, hebrew and arabic. As i walk through narrow spaces, i can arabic. As i walk through narrow spaces, i can sense arabic. As i walk through narrow spaces, i can sense it is quite small, really narrow. Then when i come into a big square, the wind picks up on the air is different. 0bviously picks up on the air is different. Obviously a fire walking up the hill, i can feel the gradient, different textures under my feet. Obviously if i am walking up the different textures under my feet. Obvioi wc55 i am v as ling up th552

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