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As Manchester United eased to a 4 0 victory at huish park last night. But League Two Newport have the chance for an upset this evening when they host tottenham. My my daughter, angela, was murdered. The multiple oscar nominated film three billboards outside ebbing, missouri well hear from its british writer and director. And susan has the weather. Good morning. We are going to be up against the cloud this weekend, some pretty great prospects and rain for most of us today as well. A windy story. More details coming up. Good morning. First, our main story. All current rape and Sexual Assault cases in england and wales are being reviewed as a matter of urgency. The announcement from the director of Public Prosecutions follows the recent collapse of several high profile trials, after vital evidence had not been shared with defence lawyers. Its believed a number of cases could be stopped as a result, as Adina Campbell reports. In a move seen to help rebuild trust in the Justice System, every rape and Sexual Assault case in england and wales is now under review. The Crown Prosecution Service has taken action after public concerns that evidence, particularly digital records, are not being disclosed early enough to defence lawyers. 22 year old liam allen was wrongly accused of rape and Sexual Assault, but his trial collapsed last month after the metropolitan police failed to disclose phone records which were vital evidence. Last week, a rape charge against Oxford University student oliver mears was dropped shortly before his trial when a diary which supported his case was uncovered. And danny kay, who had a rape conviction overturned after spending two years in prison, said earlier this month he felt let down by the Justice System. Devastating for a system that you trust to let you down, and i had complete faith in it. I trusted the truth would come out in trial and it didnt. Earlier this week the bbc revealed the number of collapsed prosecutions increased by 70 over the last two years. A National Disclosure plan has now been published by the cps, the National Police Chiefs Council and the college of policing to help make improvements. Adina campbell, bbc news. The Prime Minister has welcomed a landmark ruling by trade authorities in the us, overturning a decision to impose huge tariffs on planes which are partly built in the uk. The Aerospace Firm bombardier won a surprise victory in its dispute with the American Company boeing about selling its passenger jets to us airlines. The wings for the planes are manufactured in belfast, where unions claim around 1000 jobs could have been at risk. Our Northern Ireland economics and business editorjohn campbell joins us from belfast. Good morning, john. Isuppose good morning, john. I suppose there are two good morning, john. I suppose there a re two parts good morning, john. I suppose there are two parts of this, one about the relief about the job situation, but also about the wider issues around trade . Yes, this has come as a huge and welcome surprise. I think most observers of the case fully expected boeing to win. In the end, the International Trade commission, a panel of independent trade judges, they ruled 4 0 in bombardiers favour. They had been asked to look at if the sale of the c series jet would cause any damage to going in the us, and they said no. This means that they can continue building the planes and selling them to the us customer, delta airlines. Its also a reminder, aside from donald trump and his America First rhetoric, there is still a framework for trade disputes in the united states. That is an independent framework and can still throw up some surprising results. Certainly, this surprise has become a very welcome one to workers in belfast. For the moment, thank you. Residents in paris are bracing themselves for further disruption this morning, as flooding in the city is expected to reach its peak. Hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes, and tunnels and roads have been sealed off. Lets speak to our europe reporter kevin connolly, whos in the city this morning. So, those levels, kevin, where over five metres yesterday. I can still see that they are pretty high behind you . Yes, i think you can probably see the houseboats behind me. We are right in the middle of paris. Normally, those houseboats would be very, very far below the level of the street. They have maybe been lifted five or six metres, about 20 feetin lifted five or six metres, about 20 feet in the last couple of days, as the river seine has surged through paris, swollen by relentless, heavy rain. Iam paris, swollen by relentless, heavy rain. I am told it has only rained this much over the december january period in france around three times over the last 100 years or so. These are exceptional weather conditions. In paris, the river actually runs through a very long, deep channel, with high walls on either side. So, it would take something even more exceptional to bring the water over those walls and into the city streets. But downriver, in small towns and villages along the seine valley, people are punting along streets in votes where they normally drive, and they are waiting for the waters to recede to see how bad the damage will get. Here, we expect the peak to come sometime this afternoon. We will see if this year will match 1910 in the record books, asa will match 1910 in the record books, as a year of exceptional flooding. 0k, as a year of exceptional flooding. Ok, kevin, thank you. Kevin connolly in paris. Officials in cape town are urging people to limit flushing their toilets to conserve water as the city continues to battle a severe drought. Water supplies in the south african city are due to run out in early april, after three years of exceptionally low rainfall. Residents have been advised to limit showering to twice a week and save water as if their lives depend on it. Three teenage boys have been killed after being hit by a car in west london last night. The group of 16 year olds was standing at a bus stop close to Heathrow Airport when the car mounted the pavementjust after 8 30pm yesterday. The driver ofa car after 8 30pm yesterday. The driver of a car has been arrested and is currently being treated in hospital. The entire us gymnastics board is to resign because of its handling of the sex abuse scandal involving the former team doctor, larry nassar. The countrys Olympic Committee had threatened to strip the organisation of its powers if the directors failed to stand down. Nassar has been given a prison sentence of up to 175 years for abusing more than 150 female gymnasts. Peter bowes reports. As larry nassar begins to what amounts to a life sentence, the fallout from the abuse scandal has been swift and decisive. The entire board of usa gymnastics has gone and there have been other resignations too. Mark hollis was the Athletic Director at Michigan State university when nassar worked there. He and another official have decided to quit. Its been an absolute honour to guide the Athletic Department for the last decade. That being said, today im announcing my retirement. Im not running away from anything, im running towards something. Comfort, compassion and understanding for the survivors in our community. Togetherness, time and love for my family. Theres been reports that Michigan State university and usa gymnastics knew of the abuse claims but failed to take action. Theyve both denied there was a cover up. With several investigations into abuse in us sport now under way, the recriminations are onlyjust beginning. Peter bowes, bbc news. New Research Shows that companies are abusing a loophole in the law to put up telephone boxes on the high street and then using them as little more than advertising billboards. The local Government Association says theres been a tenfold increase in applications to install the boxes, which dont require formal planning permission. Ministers say they keep Development Rights under constant review. A message left in a bottle by Scottish School pupils in the 80s has washed up on a florida beach. The letter was sent into the north sea by children at the Chapelpark Primary School who were studying pirates. The message was found by a couple in florida last september who wrote back to the school, which has since closed. Retired teacher Fiona Cargill said the discovery was amazing. She thinks the letter was written by one of her classes at some point more than 30 years ago. If you are watching, recognise the handwriting and remember writing a letter, get in touch you have a very good memory, if you do remember. You remember the oddest things from your childhood. The director of Public Prosecutions says the review into all current rape and Sexual Assault cases is to tackle deep rooted and systemic disclosure issues. The move follows the collapse of a number of high profile trials in england and wales. Barrister Dapinder Singh joins us from our sheffield newsroom. Good morning, thank you for your time. I wonder if you could talk through some of the Practical Implications of what work will need to be done as part of this announcement. Well, earlier on in the week we discussed the fact that the week we discussed the fact that the documents fall into two categories, information that is going to be used for the prosecution by the prosecuting authorities and other information that is not, which needs to be reviewed, and given to the defence if it undermines the prosecution case or assists the defence case. It is going to be taking that matter not agree of material and having to systematically review that, bearing in mind what the defence is, and looking if there is any other releva nt looking if there is any other relevant matters that make any of that material disclosable to the defence. Do you think it will be possible to do that . On the face of it it sounds like an enormous workload. It is. But what we do know is that it is notjust Sexual Offences and rape cases that have been affected. Yes, that is an aspect, or an been affected. Yes, that is an aspect, 01 an area been affected. Yes, that is an aspect, or an area of been affected. Yes, that is an aspect, 01 an area of cases been affected. Yes, that is an aspect, or an area of cases being reviewed, but what about the other prosecutions which, equally, may be suffering from the same difficulties, as has been outlined . Are you suggesting there is no logic of the announcement today, on the basis that there could be many other kinds of offences affected . Basis that there could be many other kinds of offences affected . M basis that there could be many other kinds of offences affected . It is a lwa ys kinds of offences affected . It is always good to know that something is being done. But we dont want to marginalise the scale of this issue. It goes to the heart of the criminal Justice System. We dont want to limit it to the Sexual Offences and rape trials. Other cases need to be looked at equally as carefully and with equal responsibility. We have spoken on this programme to men that have been falsely accused of crimes because of nondisclosure. Indeed, one served two years in prison for it. How widespread do you think this is . I know there have been a number of high profile incidents, aside from that, what do we know about how widespread it might be . Well, we know that there are members of the prosecuting authorities now calling this a cultural problem, calling it deep rooted. We have heard information about the communication devices causing a spike in workload, but the medication devices have been around for many years. What is that comment really saying . Have you been involved in any case is yourself where it has become an issue . |j specialise where it has become an issue . specialise in fraud cases. It is something that has infected fraud cases as well. Disclosure issues, not just cases as well. Disclosure issues, notjust in those type of cases, lead to difficulties in prosecuting, but adjournment after adjournment, when you have peoples lives put on hold for many years before they can even hold for many years before they can eve n fa ce hold for many years before they can even face trial. Do we had any idea of the actual number of cases that will be affected by todays announcement . It is very difficult to say. There will be statistics available, the freedom of information act revealed a 70 increase. Those statistics are clearly going to be available somewhere. What we do know is that this matter is being taken seriously at all levels and quite rightly so. Thank you very much for your time this morning. A barrister, talking to others matter about the announcement in connection with the director of Public Prosecutions over the collapse of a number of high profile trials. We have been talking to you about floods in paris. The river seine was more than five metres above the usual level. We have been talking about droughts in south africa. People have been told they are limited to two showers a week. The weather is topsy turvy around the world at the moment, susan. Here, is it settling down a little . Pretty much business as usual, not much sign of it settling in the next couple of days. It is winter and we keep feeding in low pressure from the atlantic. Quite mild in the coming days. A different start across the British Isles today, here isa across the British Isles today, here is a picture from suffolk, weather watchers have been out and busy capturing some of the beautiful sunrise. Perhaps not such an appealing morning to head out in pontypridd. Mist and murk. Appealing morning to head out in pontypridd. Mistand murk. On appealing morning to head out in pontypridd. Mist and murk. On the satellite picture, you can see where we have that contrast. Poking out to the east, you can see the outline of east anglia and the south east, where we are getting a bit of early sunshine. Here is a big pile of clouds tied in with the area of low pressure. That is really what is going to be governing the weather story for today. For many of us, there will be a spell of rain. The best of the early sunshine is to the east. Northern irelanders already seeing the front away to the east. At the moment, scotland, Northern England, wales, the midlands and the south west are really sitting under the weather front. A windy day across the board, particularly for northern and western scotland with a risk of gales. Gusty winds to the pennines as well. A little bit of sunshine for a time to come. Easternmost counties of england, mainly. This is what is waiting in the wings, thicker cloud and rain currently sitting across wales and the south west. The front itself will push eastwards through the day. U nfortu nately, we will push eastwards through the day. Unfortunately, we lose the brightness in the east and it will bea brightness in the east and it will be a wet afternoon. Elsewhere, it becomes drierfor the be a wet afternoon. Elsewhere, it becomes drier for the second part of the day, stays windy. Always gloomy conditions, and cloud for the midlands, wales and the south west. Northern ireland gets the best of the sunshine today. Scotland, sunshine peppered with showers, brightness for Northern England as well. Overnight tonight, the wind is easing back a touch. It could turn chilly for a while if you are heading out. Then more cloud comes piling in from the atlantic, along with mild air. Overnight temperatures not an issue. Sunday, not the most appealing of starts. A lot of low cloud around and, through the day, thanks to this weather front, were also going to see some quite persistent rain across scotla nd quite persistent rain across scotland and Northern Ireland. Further south, a drier story for england and wales. Not a lot of sunshine. Very murky across the hills. The air coming from the south west is very mild. If we do get a little brightness perhaps across the north west of england or north wales, temperatures could shoot up to 15 degrees, which will bea shoot up to 15 degrees, which will be a distinctly springlike feel, just not a springlike looking day. We have been talking about paris, the river five metres above its usual level. Lets speak to stefan de vries, who lives and works in the city. You live there, this is so unusual, how are people reacting . M you live there, this is so unusual, how are people reacting . It is very unusual. The people here are worried that this is just the beginning. Unusual. The people here are worried that this isjust the beginning. The highest point is probably tomorrow, it is only the second time in two yea rs it is only the second time in two years that it has been at this level, usually it is once every 60 01 level, usually it is once every 60 or 70 years. Now they are worrying, what if there is a major flood . Their life has been disrupted, but not seriously. Some train lines are not seriously. Some train lines are not running, but people find alternatives. There is a fear of a major flood coming towards paris alternatives. There is a fear of a majorflood coming towards paris in the next couple of years. understand the louvre has protected it basements with the paintings in there, there are lots of buildings with lower floors submerged as well. The cost of this is going to be rather significant, isnt it . The costis rather significant, isnt it . The cost is enormous, of course. Not only for the big museums or the government institutions, but right behind me, here is a fancy hotel, a 5 star hotel in the river seine, which had to close as well because, well, obviously, you can see it is inaccessible to guests. It had to cancel all reservations. There are many Smaller Enterprises that are suffering economic damage as well. They are looking towards the government and i hope that they will get reimbursed for the damages. It is farfrom sure. Get reimbursed for the damages. It is far from sure. It is not only museums or government institutions, it is also Small Businesses that are suffering a lot from this huge flood. Indeed. You have mentioned they will be looking to the government, floods like this, the rain that you have seen in paris, it has not happened at this level since the 19th century. You would expect in this modern day, this modern age, that this is easy to cope with . Absolutely, you would expect that, but it is quite the contrary. It looks like the french government is simply not aware of the dangers that the rivers around paris are posing to the population. There has been a lot of discussion about major improvement work since the last flood only two years ago. But nothing has happened. There are no plans, for instance, for an equivalent of the thames barrier, like exists in london. So, the population is getting scared. In paris, it is ok now today. But right behind me, a little bit further to the east, there are a number of suburbs where people had to be evacuated. They are living in schools now, they are waiting until the level of the seine is going down. As for now, there is no Government Official that has declared anything about future improvement work. So, it is a serious issue. Next wednesday, there will be a debate in the assembly, the french lower house, about what to do about the floods. For the moment, the government seems to have no concrete plans. Just tell us, the pictures we are seeing where you are right now, just behind you is where you would be walking down to the banks of the river, i imagine . Absolutely, right behind me is a very popular spot for sporting, dancing in the summer, people are picnicking here. There is a school right behind me. Obviously that had to close as well. Right behind this wall there is a very busy commuter line, a train line, and that is not running any more. That is since last week. Obviously it is disrupting the daily lives of people. As you can see, usually the water here is at least 30 or a0 metres further away. The level here is about six metres. Iam standing the level here is about six metres. I am standing at the official point where they measure the seine. Now it is six metres, usually it is one metre. You can imagine the huge amount of water coming to us. Thank you so much for painting the picture for us and just letting us know how parisians on daily life is being affected. |j3y ijayi ijay i think we can talk about the newspapers . No, films first. It has been nominated for seven oscars, three billboards outside every misery is the story of a grieving mothers fight for justice. Despite the american roots, it has a british director, hailing from london. Will gompertz has been speaking to him. Milford haven, the unflinching and angry grieving mother. She runs three bill boards outside of a fictional town made by the london born, irish writer and director. An oscar nominated for writing, but not directing. Is he disappointed . Not really. Particularly because of the nominations in other categories. It would have been nice, but seven is good. You, get over here. No, get over here. One of the criticisms is that the sam rockwell character, who isa that the sam rockwell character, who is a racist, is treated sympathetically . He is definitely a racist, and a bully. I would not say he is treated synthetically. I was trying to see the hope in all of these people. So if you say thats treating characters symathetically, to a degree it is. But the point of the film, and i think the thing that i hope people come away with, is the possibility of changing people. If it was me, id start a database. Every male baby thats born, stick them on it and, as soon as hed done something wrong, cross reference it, make 100 certain it was a correct match, then kill him. Weve heard many speeches from many people in the movie industry saying it is time for a change. Do you think thats just lip service, or do you think something actually quite fundamental is happening . It feels like something really new and really great is happening. Like, ive been in the rooms at the last couple of awards things, and it is palpable, and it does feel angry, and it does feel like its not going to go away, and i think thats great. It feels like a change is properly happening. Id do anything to catch your daughters killer. The oscars ceremony at the beginning of march might well point towards that change, with some surprising winners, and quite possibly a forthright acceptance speech from this lady. Will gompertz, bbc news. You are watching bretts. Time to look at the papers. You are watching breakfast. Those pictures from paris are assuredly. And people say there is no climate change, ask the people of paris a big issue to start with. But you are starting an issue about the nhs . Always in the news, this is about people addicted to description drugs. They may have been on them for years. It looks like thousands of people who are hooked on them are actually turning to the internet to help, going into chat rooms and speaking to unqualified people to get advice about how to get off them. That is because there are not enough nhs support services to get them the right advice. Of course, doctors are now saying, well, that isa doctors are now saying, well, that is a dangerous practice, you put yourself at risk, the possibility of heart attacks etc. It has got to such a scale that this week, Health Ministers have announced a review into the scale of dependency on description drugs like antidepressants. The role of the internet in health care more generally, it is a big issue. There is the official. You know, there are is the official. You know, there a re parts of is the official. You know, there are parts of it which are governed and official, and we have all done it, havent we, you start looking for something, slightly off the tangent of the story, that is a real problem . Particularly if you cant get the advice from ringing the nhs, talking to gp. Dr internet, as they call it, is well used. The times have a case study of a woman saying without those chat rooms and forums i would never have got off the drug iam on. I i would never have got off the drug i am on. I think it focuses attention on the Cold Medicine management of the nhs. Millions of pounds spent on drugs. Do we look at the outcomes and the way these jokes help people, or do theyjust keep these drugs help people or do they just keep spoon feeding them. Peoples passions about their neighbourhood can escalate. We are not making accusations, but there are suspicions . A great miss marple story. This is the beragh, brewdunnit, apparently for years in sheffield the council had been chopping down trees and there have been lots of protests. Three workmen claimed there were given poisoned tea during this row over felling trees. South Yorkshire Police have confirmed they are investigating. Three workmen had a cup of tea from a passer by. They all fell ill within a couple of days. Now the police say although they did not need medical help, they were ill enough for it to warrant a police investigation. Locals around there are saying it is absolute rubbish, we would not give tea to these people because we dont like what they are doing. They probably have a bad bacon sandwich somewhere. The trees are being chopped down in a very controversial scheme because, apparently, some of them are diseased and dying and they are not safe. Campaigners are saying it is environmental damage. Feelings run very high about things like that. Dont change peoples communities, they dont like it. Great headline, brewdunnit. This story about chris rock, so. He is doing shows in london. When is it ok to take your phone into a gig . Musical, the . Music or comedy. A lot of people will take them in and say they need to keep in touch with relatives. But lots of people will say, it is actually an intrusion. Not only do they use phones to perhaps record they use phones to perhaps record the show, in this case it is the chris rock comedy show. You have to hand them over before you go in . You put them in a pouch and you get them back at the end, which seems quite reasonable. Nothing worse than seeing a whole array of mobile phones lit up with people recording the show. They are being protected, ina the show. They are being protected, in a way. I would not want to be slated by chris rock. He is quite a tough comedian. You would not want tough comedian. You would not want to be on the front row. tough comedian. You would not want to be on the front row. I would not wa nt to to be on the front row. I would not want to be picked out by chris rock ina bad want to be picked out by chris rock in a bad mood. I think it will spread, it started in america. Quite a lot of music shows over there are now banning phones. I think even Liam Gallagher in this country has also done that. We are going to find it might be regular to have your phone removed. There was a play where somebody used their phone, the actor called out the person and refused to carry on until they tended off. It is quite rare to be ina tended off. It is quite rare to be in a theatre where nothing happens throughout the performance. Even the cinema as well. There is a warning there, when you sit down, turn off your phone, copyright issues and the rest of it. They are everywhere. Just more annoying seeing bright lights when you are sitting there and somebody has their phone. We will speak to you in an hour. Still to come, they lifted the glitterball trophy after winning over thejudges with their magicalfairy trophy after winning over thejudges with their magical fairy tale show dance. Strictly championsjoe mcfadden and katya jones are going to bejoining us on the sofa. The headlines are coming up. Hello, this is breakfast with Charlie Stayt and naga munchetty. Coming up before nine, susan will have all your weekend weather. But first at 8. 30, a summary of this mornings main news. All current rape and Sexual Assault cases in england and wales are being reviewed as a matter of urgency. The announcement from the director of Public Prosecutions follows the collapse of several recent trials, including that of 22 year old liam allan. He was accused of rape, but the case against him was dropped after it emerged that police had failed to hand over vital phone records. Its believed a number of trials could be stopped as a result of the review. A little earlier, we spoke to a qc who told us the review needs to be wider. Lets speak now to the attorney general, jeremy wright, whos in our birmingham newsroom. It is particularly important that social media traffic or text m essa 9 es social media traffic or Text Messages that have passed between them get looked at and, if appropriate, get disclosed. That doesnt seem to have happened here. There is really no excuse for that. We need to make sure that all cases where that might be a factor are looked at urgently to make sure the disclosure has been done properly. Many people will be thinking today when they listen to this, they will think that there has been a problem for a long time, this is systemic, corruption, abuse of the system, a lack of care in the Justice System. And the procedures that take is to prosecution. The things you have described are all very different. I dont think there is evidence of corruption or malpractice. I think it is evidence of, in some cases, like the ones we have seen, people not doing theirjob properly. They need to do it properly. That applies to Police Officers and prosecutors. I think it also shows something else. What were seeing over the last year or two is a huge increase in the volume of particularly electronic material that features in criminal cases. Whether you are looking at rape cases, terrorism cases or fraud cases, looking at rape cases, terrorism cases orfraud cases, we looking at rape cases, terrorism cases or fraud cases, we are seeing huge amounts of electronic material and it really does need to be thought about now, how we deal with processing material and disclosing the right parts of it. For that reason, i already, the right parts of it. For that reason, ialready, before the right parts of it. For that reason, i already, before any of these cases have come to light, had asked for a proper review of how disclosure is done. It seems to me we cant go on as we are expecting that people will be able to plough through huge volumes of material and find the necessary evidence that should be disclosed. The average terrorism case, if you ta ke the average terrorism case, if you take the evidence that comes to prosecutors that needs to be processed, if you printed that out is that it up as a pile of a fall, it would be several miles high, so we have to think notjust about the urgent problem with identified but the longer term problem of how we do disclosure better. Alison saunders, the director of Public Prosecutions speaking to the bbc last week said she doesnt think the failure by police and prosecutors to fail on to pass on information says she doesnt think that has resulted in anyone being sent to prison. This move today shows that the assumption someone move today shows that the assumption someone has been wrongfully imprisoned before. We have seen cases where someone imprisoned before. We have seen cases where someone has. Is she wrong . We are talking about a review of cases under way. Its important that that happens. It is worth noting that in every case, the prosecution have an ongoing responsibility to review it. They have to keep track of any new evidence coming to light and whether prosecution is right in light of any new evidence. That should be done in any case. We are expecting prosecutors to do theirjob right in every single case. They need to do that particularly in cases where disclosure is going to be a very substantial factor and as ive said, if you look at rape cases in particular, looking for example at social media and Text Messages that passed between the two people involved, that can be highly releva nt involved, that can be highly relevant input in evidence in its correct light. This is what needs to happen now. Id also say though that what you have seen in these cases is that some element of the criminal Justice System is picking up the problem and thats an indication of some of the valuable parts of our system, so whether its the defence or whether in some cases its a prosecution at dealing with it at trial, they are the people picking up trial, they are the people picking up where mistakes have been made and thatis up where mistakes have been made and that is a strength of our system. But it doesnt in any way excuse very serious failures being made in disclosure far too often and it needs to be put right. Yes, what thatll comfort that offers in terms of the mistakes being picked up, but as you said, it doesnt excuse the failure. So what happens to those who are neglectful or who arent doing theirjob properly, the prosecutors, the police, what action will be taken against them . prosecutors, the police, what action will be taken against them . I think it prosecutors and investigators, Police Officers, are not doing the basics properly, in a case where you are talking about how allegation of rape or Sexual Assault, frankly, in todays world, one of the first things you should think about is looking at the social media postings by either person. Having a look at Text Messages that have passed between them. If you are not doing that, you are missing out basic investigative work, so there is no excuse for that. Where i have a little more simply, where you need to look at the broader issue, is where you look at the vast quantities of material that we expect investigators to process in a number of cases now and expecting them to do that in Old Fashioned method isnt practical. We need to think about technological solutions, whether Artificial Intelligence has a role to play. Thats what my review will do and that review will ta ke review will do and that review will take place over a slightly longer period than the very urgent period over which we need to sort out whether there are other cases where there is a disclosure problem that needs sorting out urgently. And when it comes to faith in this system, thinking about someone who has perhaps been attacked this week, who has been a victim of crime this week, who has heard from you in a measured way talking about how much work is involved in investigating a case, how much detail is needed in terms of forensic analysis, the problems of social media etc, how can they have faith in a system that justice will be done if they are a victim of crime . Let me give you a couple of statistics because i think this is important. Last year, 580,000 people were prosecuted, about 50,000 of them for rape. The cases which we know have had problems over disclosure which have had to stop as a result represent about 0. 1 of the cases that were prosecuted. So this is not a widespread chronic problem which is bringing the criminalJustice System crashing down around our ears. What it is is a very serious problem that needs to be resolved by police and by prosecutors working together, there is really no value in them pointing fingers at each other and im pleased to say what we seen this week is not bad but police and prosecutors working together in order to resolve it. Because it is a fundamental requirement of the criminal Justice System fundamental requirement of the criminalJustice System that the courts decide cases on the basis of all relevant evidence. At that releva nt all relevant evidence. At that relevant evidence is not before the court, the court cannot do its job properly so disclosure is a fundamental part of the system. A0 many years now it has been regarded as an afterthought by police and prosecutors and that have to change. We also need to factor in all the changes that come from about large volume of electronic material and carrying on the way we do may not be practical. Thank you very much for speaking to us, the attorney general, jeremy wright, joining us from our birmingham newsroom. Three teenage boys have been killed after being hit by a car in west london last night. The group of 16 year olds was standing at a bus stop in hayes, close to Heathrow Airport, when the car mounted the pavement, just after 8 30 yesterday evening. The driver of the car has been arrested and is currently being treated in hospital. The Prime Minister has welcomed a landmark ruling by trade authorities in the us, overturning a decision to impose huge tariffs on planes which are partly built in the uk. The Aerospace Firm bombardier won a surprise victory in its dispute with the American Company boeing about selling its passenger jets to us airlines. The wings for the planes are manufactured in belfast, where unions claimed around 1000 jobs could have been put at risk, had the decision gone against them. Residents in paris are bracing themselves for further disruption this morning, as flooding in the city is expected to reach its peak. Some of the wettest january weather in more than a century saw the river seine rise to more than five metres above its normal level yesterday. Hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes, and tunnels and roads have been sealed off. The Louvre Museum has shut down displays on its lowest floors as a precaution. New Research Shows that companies are abusing a loophole in the law to put up telephone boxes on the high street and then using them as little more than advertising billboards. The local Government Association says theres been a tenfold increase in applications to install the boxes, which dont require formal planning permission. Ministers say they keep Development Rights under consta nt review. The time now is 8 a1am and mike has the support for us. Or lies down under. Yes, Caroline Wozniacki is up to games at the moment on simona halep. But first. It was a good debut for the man, who is worth 18 times the whole yeovil squad, remember, as 12 time winners Manchester United eased to a a 0 win. A goalfrom Marcus Rashford set up by sanchez got them on their wayjust before half time. And then the 87 league places separating the sides really started to show as ander herrera, Jessie Lingard and Romelu Lukaku added second half goals to make it a 0 in the end. For all the fa cup build up to the days games, head to the bbc sport website. Spurs, west ham and swansea all hoping to avoid big upsets. Dan and the football focus team are in nottingham for notts county of league 2 against premier league swansea. The players are on Court Warming up for the womens Australian Open final in melbourne. Simona halep and Caroline Wozniacki are both looking to win a maiden grand slam title. The world number one ranking is also at stake wozniacki will go above halep if she wins. Wozniaki has broken halep in that first set. She is now two up. Ben stokes has been snapped up this morning for £1. A million in the auction of players for the indian premier league. Hes been bought by the rajasthan royals. Thats despite facing a charge for affray after an incident outside a nightclub in bristol. The all rounder was the most valuable player of the twenty20 tournament last year. A number of other english players are in the auction, including for the first time test captainjoe root, who so far remains unsold. The third test between south africa and india can continue. The start was delayed because of a wet outfield and they were worried about the pitch. The third days play was cut short yesterday as the umpires decided the pitch was too dangerous. Batsmen dan elgar struggling to cope there with the erratic bounce. The fourth day will start at 9am. South africa are chasing a83 0 series whitewash. Now with the Winter Olympics just three weeks away, a moving story, to show how the slopes are opening to all. Albeit with some mountainous challenges. Ed stephens was a british junior champion but at 19 a car accident left him with a traumatic brain injury and many complications. However, this week, five years on, hes done what many thought impossible, and returned to the slopes, at arinsal in andorra, to learn to sit ski. I went with him. Getting ready for one of the greatest sporting comebacks. In his room in his Gloucestershire College where he stays, reminders when ed stephens was british childrens ski champion before at 19 he was left with a brain injury and complex disabilities. I used to do a lot of skiing, would you like to see me ski . With his Electronic Devices he was keen to show me how he got to the top, and for five years, hes been on a mission to get back there. Hes come a long way from lifting his head to be able to greet his mum in the morning again. Morning, mum. Fantastic you cant talk and laugh at the same time, you know that, dont we . Physiotherapy staff at National Star college have been helping him realise his main dream, strengthening his head and right shoulder muscles that will help him carve his own way down the mountain once more. Its been a massive part of his life. To think that hes going to have a go at doing it again is just amazing, yeah. It means more than you can imagine. This week the moment came in andorra. It was a gamble because neither ed or anyone else knew exactly how hed react to being back on the slopes. This is it and its a moment his family never thought theyd see, and its notjust a historic moment for ed as we go off down the mountain but also for the whole sport because in a way, this opens up the mountains for all. Although he was being guided at first, his sit ski has been adapted so ed can soon control his own direction and speed with his head rather than relying on someone pushing him on a wheelchair. By the end of this week, he was nearly ready to fly down the slope alone. How was it . Pretty amazing. For him to do this isjust phenomenal and to be taking control. Most of the students at National Star need assistance with everything they do, so to be able to go out in a sit ski and truly experience the freedom skiing gives them, not to be wrapped in cotton wool, its something hard to replicate anywhere else. Ed still has the ability to ski and enjoy it. Ed wasnt alone. In all 20 students from National Star were back on the slopes and third years georgie and kyle showed how much freedom they can have. It really does open up the entire mountain. We really aim for giving everyone the maximum independence possible. Josh, zoe, dom and abby all followed and the students wanted to give me a taste of how much skill is needed to control your descent with your upper body. I thought we were off, i thought we were over but on the slopes, i was always going to be in the shadow of the former british champion. Another reason you love skiing, ed, is the apres ski. And you tell me theres some karaoke in there . If i buy you a beer ed opted for a cider, and the apres ski is a crucial part of this whole experience as these amazing athletes toast their success and independence. Its a fantastic tribute that to all the work that the instructors out there are doing behind the scenes and also the national college. Very inspiring, isnt it . It is. And it must have been amazing for ed as well. It was a gamble to know how he was going to react. One of the last times he was on the slopes, he was british champion. But still physically demanding, because you are using dual core strength. Yes, his head and shoulder. Very good, mike, thank you. Millions of renters could get fairer access to credit, under a new law being proposed in parliament. Lord bird, the man who started the big issue, is behind a private members bill which would mean peoples renting history would be taken into account in Credit Reports. Lets speak to adam shaw from moneybox hes in our london newsroom. Good morning, adam. This makes a lot of sense, doesnt it . If you are a good renter, you pay your rent every month, why not have that included as a good part of your Credit Report . Good question, and you are right. It ru ns good question, and you are right. It runs against a sense of natural justice. If you pay a mortgage and you justice. If you pay a mortgage and yu pay justice. If you pay a mortgage and you pay your mortgage payments on time, that history goes towards creating a very good Credit History for you and your Credit Report and it gives you access to credit cards, access to loans, to all sorts of things, and you can be equally good and responsible paying your rent for yea rs and responsible paying your rent for years and it counts not one jot towards your Credit History. And that disadvantages millions of people. There are over 11 million renters in this country, a vast group of people here who are just not given a looking at all. Thats a proper disadvantage because it means that when someone looks to give them any credit, they look at their Credit Report and either their good behaviour is not reflected or they have no Credit History and they are barred from that access to finance. Thats the upside. If you didnt have a good renting record, the opposite obviously applies . Yes, this is the problem. Of course, if you are going to have a look at all of your Credit History and you havent paid rent on time, that will reflect badly on you. However, and there is a big but here, one of the Credit Rating agencies, a Company Called experian have done a lot of research into this and they say they have run a lot of tests, 80 of people they included here improved their Credit Rating. So it looks like most people would benefit from this. But of course, if you open the door to your Credit History, it had better be good, and the idea of lord bird is that by allowing people to reflect their renting history, it will encourage good behaviour because you say, look, this will have a long term impact on your Credit History. So behave well. It may not happen though because it is a private members bill. So we wait to see where this goes. Thats true. Very few private members bills seem to make it into law but there seems a better chance for this one. Even if it doesnt happen, we have seen at least three voluntary scheme is starting to be tested, with one due to be launched within the next few months. This has certainly raised this issue into the public eye. Even if this doesnt become law and mandatory, it looks like a lot of interesting, exciting and perhaps good things might happen rather seen. Good things might happen rather seen. Adam, thank you very much. Adam shaw back with money box on radio a at midday. Lets talk to season and see whats season and see what is happening with the weather. From the looks of your graphic behind you, we have some wet weather coming. We have got thicker whether piling in across the Shropshire Hills from one of our weather watchers and the rain is coming in with it. This big ribbon of cloud that feeds out into the atlantic is therefore as the contender with and it will bring rain too many of us. There is a little bit of brightness across east anglia and the south east. Northern ireland has already seen the rain moved through savings can get better in terms of dry and brightness. We have a few more hours of rain to come for scotland. In Northern England, heavy across the hills and the north west. East anglia, the south east, probably staying dry until around lunchtime. Quite windy story again the board. The strongest of the winds in store for scotland, particularly the north and west. We could see gales, even civil gales for a time. There goes the weather front, tucking its way into this at least this afternoon. Northern ireland and scotland should see sunshine by then but gloomy conditions in the midlands, wales and the south west. It does become dry, but a lot of low cloud, missed and muck around here. The wind dies down a bit this evening and these quys down a bit this evening and these guys will clear as that weather but heads off to the continent, so it good ten it could turn chilly if you are heading out tonight. By tomorrow, murky conditions again with rain to coming to scotland and Northern Ireland for sunday. Its that same band of rain but instead of moving west to east tomorrow, it kind of feeds its way in from the west, meaning it will linger across perhaps the far north of Northern Ireland and the central swathes for much of the day. So gloomy prospects with the rainfall totals really mounting up by the end of the day for western scotland. Further south, a drier story but a gloomy day. If the sun does pop out, we could see temperatures up to 15 celsius. One final catch up with that weather front. Here is that weather front on monday. It gets a bit reinvigorated, so will bring heavy rain into england and wales for the start of the new working week. Behind the weather front, we should the new working week. Behind the weatherfront, we should do the new working week. Behind the weather front, we should do some brighter spells for scotland and Northern Ireland. Temperatures back closer to average would be a good description. Thank you very much. We will speak to you later. We are going to talk about films now. The greatest showman Hugh Jackmans musical about the circus impressario pt barnham was panned by film critics when it was released before christmas. But audiences loved it, and it made more than 200 million at the box office. Now, its soundtrack sits at number one in the album chart, and this weekend it returns to screens in a sing a long format, joining the likes of the sound of music, the rocky Horror Picture Show and grease. Lets see what all the fuss is about. Come one, come all come in, come on to anyone whos burting with a dream come on, come on you hear the call to anyone whos searching for a way to break free break free when the world becomes a fa nta sy and youre more than you could ever be cos youre dreaming with your eyes wide open and we know we cant be go back again to the world that we were living cos were dreaming with our eyes wide open come alive rousing. Yes, it is. Are singalongs and alternative film formats the way to attract audiences to the cinema . Ted doan is the manager of the plaza cinema in stockport, which often hosts sing along events, and from london were joined by the film critic karen krizanovich. Karen, cani karen, can i start with the first . Now, the critics, and i interviewed hugh jackman about this film, now, the critics, and i interviewed huthackman about this film, it got quite a hammering from the critics, but sometimes that just quite a hammering from the critics, but sometimes thatjust doesnt matter and it was one of those films with big numbers that people just love. Thats true and hugh jackman is an amazing performer. He is wonderful to watch. As a singalong, this film works very well. As a piece of dramatic art, its got a few issues, but its obviously found a very important slot and i think its important for people to enjoy cinema in any way they can. its important for people to enjoy cinema in any way they can. I think its worth coming back to you in a moment about the role of critics and what they are getting in terms of what they are getting in terms of what they are getting in terms of what the audience wants, but you are at this cinema and you have these singalongs. Absolutely. Here goes, when, what do they do . The great thing about singalongs is that everybody goes. We have got beauty and the beast coming rocky horror, sound of music, and it is the whole family. We all know this shows, we all sang along in the shower, so here with your chance to come along, dress up, have a bit of fun. Yes, but it doesnt feel comfortable for many people. I have done it, been there at the rocky Horror Picture Show, got dressed up, it is a traditional thing to do, but for new shows, how do you get that momentum going . Every film is new at one point. The sound of music was the new kid on the block at some point. This film, new films in the future, they will become part of what we love about cinema and we will want to singalong. From what i have heard about film, i have plans to see it later this weekend. Can you explain a bit about the choreography of it all . You have a compaq . Yes, they are on stage at the beginning, they are on stage at the beginning, the compere, they do a presentation, they give you a goodie bag, you have all the wonderful things. So say you are talking about the sound of music show, you get edelweiss, a bit of curtain, you get taught what to do, when to do it. You can stand up, sit down. Do you make room in the cinema . There down. Do you make room in the cinema . There is down. Do you make room in the cinema . There is no room to dance with seats. There is always room to doubt that our cinema. Karen, do you think film makers will start to embrace films which will work in that environment . I think its a goodidea that environment . I think its a good idea too. If you look at lala land. That was partially written by broadway song writers. There is definitely an idea of selling beads soundtrack, getting people to singalong before they see the movie rafter and then creating interactive cinema. There are lots of other venues that are happening where people all over the country can go and enjoy this. Karen, so when you are writing a review now or critiquing a film, obviously you look at the artistry of the film, the cinematography, the acting, but you are writing these for potential viewers, is there a justification to perhaps say, you must be thinking about how this will appeal, notjust the critique so to speak about it. Well, i am working on a film right now, thats another thing i do, and film makers are always thinking about the markets, otherwise they cant make another movie. Yes, a difference between a critic, a critic will analyse the movie, a reviewer finds the bells audience. Soiam reviewer finds the bells audience. So i am always thinking, who will enjoy this film, what should they do . Ithink enjoy this film, what should they do . I think interactive cinema is magnificent and its great for people to get out, experience isnt cinema, be with their friends and enjoy being a performer themselves in some of the best that hollywood has two other. Ted, what are you showing at the moment . Last night, we showed the graduate. We do classics in. But our next singalong is beauty and the beast, so time to dress up. And just for the record, which character from the rocky horror show . Im going to leave that to your imagination. I think we all need to know. The time now is five seconds to 9am. Headlights coming up. See you soon

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