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That 1. 5 Million People are on the brink of famine in south sudan with half the country facing severe food shortages. Armed conflict is fuelling the crisis. Many people are unable to grow food and dozens of aid workers have been kidnapped and murdered in recent months. After years of civil war, a peace deal was signed three years ago between south sudans government and rebel fighters. But its been largely ignored by both sides. From juba, our chief africa correspondent anne soy reports. A troubled beginning for the worlds youngest nation. Tens of thousands have been killed. One in three here is displaced, and now they face the threat offamine. The youngest suffer most. This is the face of starvation. Christine jackson weighs half as much as she should at almost two years. Shes now on life saving treatment, but her father worries that he wont be able to feed her well when they get discharged. Jackson should be one of the better off south sudanes. Jackson should be one of the better off south sudanese. He has a full time job and a farm, but four years of civil war and high inflation have left him destitute, and there are many families like his. The doctor in charge here tells me this ward is always busy. So, roughly how many children do you see in a month . In a month, we receive around 80 100 cases. Right, and that isjust in the capital, juba . This is the hospital that takes care of children from outside the capital, and this ward, really, is the one that takes care of the severely malnourished children. Injuba, one in ten children has been found to be severely malnourished, but then the statistics are higher outside the capital, where life is way more difficult. It is a harsh terrain and security has resulted in the death of more aid workers than anywhere else in the world. They are forced to use air transport, particularly in rebel controlled areas. We are not heading in with much food, and the violence has meant that many of the farmers have fled their farms and this will occur throuthuly, when the next harvest begins to come in. So this is a crucial time in south sudan. This is when we have do save the lives of the children. After decades of civil war, south sudan gained independence from its northern neighbour, but its troubles were far from over. Fighting broke out between supporters of president salva kiir and the now expelled former Vice President , riek machar. A number of ceasefire deals have been struck and broken, sometimes in a matter of hours. There was a Peace Process. It was violated by them. It was violated as soon as it was signed. It was violated by the rebels. And both the liberals and government were to blame. No, because the rebels find themselves like a spoiled child and they can just do anything they want. With no end in sight to the fighting, these people are at the mercy of donors, and the youngest generation here suffers most. Anne soy, bbc news, juba. And you can find more detail and analysis on the Current Situation in south sudan. Including claims that the countrys leaders are failing their people. Thats on our website, simply go to bbc. Com news. At least 31 people are reported to have been killed in a fire at a hospital in south korea. Dozens more have been injured and Officials Say they expect the number of dead to rise. The fire is thought to have started in the emergency room of the hospital in the city of miryang in the south east of the country. About 100 patients are believed to have been inside the building. Pictures show firefighters at the scene walking through clouds of thick black smoke and patients being carried to safety. President trump has again threatened to withdraw american aid from the palestinians, unless they return to peace talks with israel. He sparked anger recently among palestinians and beyond by recognising jerusalem as the capital of israel, and palestinians refused to meet Vice President mike pence on his recent tour of the region. Mr trump spoke at a News Conference in davos alongside the israeli prime minister. When they disrespected us a week ago by not allowing our great Vice President to see them, and we give them hundreds of millions of dollars of aid and support, tremendous numbers, numbers that nobody understands, that money is not going to them unless they sit down and negotiate peace. Because, i can tell you that israel does want to make peace. And they will have to want to make peace too. Otherwise, we will have nothing to do with them. There was an Immediate Reaction from the palestinians. The ambassador to washington, dr husam zomlot, told the bbc only an International Body could oversee peace talks. The most important thing is that we solidify and strengthen our commitment as palestinians, and the palestinian president has been clear that we remain absolutely committed to the two state solution of 1967, committed to the International Consensus and law, and committed to non violence, and we remain committed to our adherence to a genuine Peace Process. And that Peace Process requires international intervention. For many years, we were made the exception. In all other conflicts, it was only International Mechanisms to deliver principles and success. Now, we are seeing no way, we need an international table. President trump has not taken jerusalem off the table, he has taken the table altogether. We need a genuine table that can actually deliver us where we want to go. For more on this, a short time ago i spoke to our correspondent peter bowes in los angeles. The palestinians see this as the table being taken away. There is essentially no forum to negotiate now since the status ofjerusalem is so crucial to any peace agreement. In that respect, donald trump is playing hard ball. To some extent, he is rolling the dice on his stance, whether money will talk more or the lack of money, if he withdraws funds for the palestinians, whether that will in some way for the new round of peace talks. It seems, especially based on what the palestinians have just said, it seems very unlikely. Rather than being the president who would preside over a peace deal, as he promised during his Campaign Last year, this remains to be seen. It is looking rather unlikely. Donald trump prides himself on being larger than life unlike anyone else, dominating centre stage. Is it actually clear what he wants, if he knows what he wants . Well, as far as trade and International Business relations, i think what the president wants is at least back at home to be seen as the president , as the leader, who is selling america, putting america first, as he has said many times. He wants, and i think his audience back at home, he wants them to see him on the world stage fighting for his country. He has some good cards at the moment, because the economy is doing really well, and even some of his critics, sceptics back at home, are saying look at what the dow is doing and the status of trade, with the weak dollar, though trump says not for long, it is making trade easier. That is what his base wants to see. How much did he inherited . A lot of america likes what he is doing. As do people at davos. That is right. Although you might have expected a bit of a frosty reaction. Perhaps there has been in some quarters. He genuinely seems to have had a good response he generally seems to have had a good response from the european leaders. A lot will hinge on the details of his keynote speech, how far he pushes things. Of course, he is the protectionist president , which goes against the grain as far as leaders in germany and france are concerned, who prefer to have more of a sharing of policy and attitude towards the global economy. We will have to see what the president has to say and the details at the end of friday. We will bring that to you, of course. White house officials have outlined proposals to give 1. 8 million young undocumented immigrants a path towards us citizenship. In return, the Trump Administration is insisting congress approve a 25 billion fund to finance a border wall with mexico. The trade off also envisages tougher immigration controls. Myanmar has accused Bill Richardson of a personal attack on aung san suu kyi. The veteran us diplomat resigned from a burmese investigation into violence in rakhine state, calling it a whitewash. Hes been a long standing friend and supporter of aung san suu kyi, but was particularly critical of her, saying she was blinkered and lacked moral leadership. Scientists say plastic in the worlds oceans is posing a growing threat to coral reefs. They estimate there are 11 billion items of Plastic Waste on reefs in the asia pacific region, and coral that comes into contact with plastic is 20 times more likely to develop disease. Controllers of the european rocket suffered a problem shortly after launch lead has deplored the two satellites it was carrying. Contact was lost several minutes after liftoff from french guiana. The rocket has a reputation for reliability, it has recorded more than 80 flights without incident. The oscar winning actor Casey Affleck has pulled out of this years ceremony where he was expected to present the Academy Award for best actress. He won best actor last year, for manchester by the sea, crew members on his mock documentary, im still here. He has always denied the claims. And now for more on that story, im joined live from los angeles by tim gray, awards editor at variety magazine. How significant do you think his decision is . I think it is a sign of the times, i think it was a very smart decision to pull out because the focus should be on the winner and a woman who is winning and her performance and if he had presented it, the focus would have been on the moment and did she kiss him and did she look cold to him, what was her body language like, and so i think by bowing out, it is like, i think it isa by bowing out, it is like, i think it is a smart move. Last year when he got his oscar, brive last medically onstage stage how she felt about him. Brie larsson. How big of a moment do you think this is, with the times and me too . |j of a moment do you think this is, with the times and me too . I hope it isa with the times and me too . I hope it is a big moment, variety magazine in the 50s, 60s and 70s was covering a lot of stories about looking for racial equality in hollywood and looking to gender equality, gender equality in payment, and i kept thinking all these years later why are we still having this discussion but what always happens is people discuss it and then form a committee and discuss it endlessly and basically, nothing gets done. I think it is possible here at one hopes the with a Certain Energy behind this one that will keep it going. Keep it going to stop the audience, for want of a better word, getting fed up with it. Well, yeah. Awards shows were getting pretty tired anyways and people were fed up with watching people just recite a laundry list of names, people we didnt know who they were, and so now everybody is so now high horse and wanting to educate the world, i think a lot of people in the audience are thinking lets get back to the laundry list at least that was better than this. So awards shows, particularly the oscars, will have to take that into account on how the audience is expected to react to being spoken to like this and being preached to. It is clear there are more protest coming up, at there are more protest coming up, at the grammys, for instance. Yeah. What happened last year right after trump announced his immigration policy, the Golden Globes were very fiery with Meryl Streeps speech and then be sag awards were incendiary and the grammys and by the time the oscars came around about six weeks later, people had calmed down a little bit because the oscars are pretty sacred to people in hollywood. So that may happen this year but you know, they make keep the fires burning. I dont know. I kind of think people are going to come down and cut back a little bit on the speechmaking but, you know, when you get 2a accepted speeches, you know you are going to get a big percentage of political angry speeches. Thank you very much. Thank you. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come a glimpse of the works of art gathered by the greatest Royal Collector in british history. The shuttle challenger exploded soon after lift off. There were seven astronauts on board, one of them a woman school teacher. All of them are believed to have been killed. By the evening, tahrir square, the heart of official cairo was in the hands of the demonstrators. They were using the word revolution. The earthquake singled out buildings and brought them down in seconds. Tonight, the search for any survivors has an increasing desperation about it as the hours pass. The new government is firmly in control of the entire republic of uganda. Moscow got its first taste of western fast food as mcdonalds opened their biggest restaurant in pushkin square. But the hundreds of muscovites queued up today will not find it cheap with a big mac costing half a days wages for the average russian. This is bbc news. The latest headlines the un warns one and a half Million People are on the brink of famine in south sudan. President trump has been accused of leading the middle east towards chaos after he warned the palestinians hed cut aid unless they cooperated with the us. Emergency services are helping evacuate victims of flooding in areas around paris as the seines rising levels continue to cause havoc and inundate parts of the french capital. The river isnt expected to peak until the weekend, as reged ahmad reports. This is an area east of paris. Suburbia submerged. Fields, streets and parts of houses underwater. Emergency services and even soldiers have been enlisted to rescue residents. This is just one area hit. The misery is being caused by the river seine which goes through the capital of paris. Record rainfall has pushed it and other rivers over their banks across the east of france. Parts of paris have been inundated as well. Tourists and residents have been asked to stay clear of river banks, with train stations that service famous attractions closed, this is crazy. So much water. It gives paris another perspective. The river seines levels are steadily rising, yet to peak and offer relief. Translation the situation is under control but will still continue this weekend. We are not certain the peak of the flood will be this saturday, but weather forecasters say this is the case. Until then, the city will have to cope. The mayor says this flooding comes off the back of summer heatwaves and earlier floods and that paris willjust have to adapt to Climate Change, expecting more of the same. A group of mostly us scientists has moved the hands of its so called Doomsday Clock a measure devised to illustrate concern over the worlds destruction, by Nuclear Weapons and other threats forward by 30 seconds. The clock now stands at two minutes to midnight, closer to the symbolic point of annihilation than its been since the height of the cold war. The scientists, backed by 15 nobel laureates, cited north Koreas Nuclear and missile programme, Climate Change and conflicting american policy statements during the presidency of donald trump. In 2017 we moved the clock from 3 to 2. 5 minutes to midnight. An unprecedented step that reflected a darkening security landscape, characterised by an increasing recklessness around Nuclear Rhetoric and increasing attacks on experts and expertise world wide at the exact moment when such expertise is needed. For the first time in many years, in fact, no Us Russian Nuclear arms control negotiations are under way, and if the draft Us Nuclear Posture review is any guide to us policy, there will be no Us Russian Nuclear arms control negotiations for the foreseeable future. Instead, we could see a return to a nuclear arms race. Researchers have identified remains of the earliest known modern humans to have left africa. A new dating of a jaw bone found in a cave in israel indicates that our species was living outside africa around 185,000 years ago, some 80,000 years earlier than previously thought. Our science correspondent, pallab ghosh has the details in the distant past, the first of our kind evolved in africa. Our ancestors then left the continent and spread across the globe. Just when and how that happened is one of the biggest questions in human evolution. This fragment of a jawbone has shattered the current theory. It has rewritten the story of how we emerged on this planet. The jawbone was discovered, along with stone tools, in misliya cave, in northern israel. A study, published in the journal science, shows it is around 200,000 years old thats tens of thousands of years older than scientists thought that modern humans first left africa. I think that the whole biological history of our own species should be revised. Because, if we have modern humans here in israel around 250,000 years it implies that the origin of our species go back in time, not to 250,000 or 300,000 years ago, but probably much earlier, to around half a million years. Theories about how modern humans first evolved and spread may now have to be changed. The previously view was that our species began to live africa 100,000 years ago, but the New Discovery in israel suggests it was much earlier, possibly 250,000 years ago. That means our species may have lived alongside other kinds of more primitive humans who lived outside of africa at the time, and that contact may have helped to shape our culture and the way we look. It changes really our understanding of the interaction between other populations such as neanderthals. If we say that we have modern homo sapiens in our earlier. These dates, we have to reconsider all our knowledge regarding the environment, the ecology, the culture, and our interbreeding with other populations. The current view is that we evolved relatively recently, just as other types of humans were dying out. But the new Study Suggests that we are a more ancient species that shared the planet with primitive humans for tens of thousands of years. Pallab ghosh, bbc news. Hes probably best known as the king who lost his head, but charles the first was also the greatest Royal Collector of art in british history. Among the masterpieces were works by van dyke and rubens. Now, for the First Time Since the 17th century, a major exhibition brings together the most important paintings from the collection. Our arts editor, will gompertz, has been to the Royal Academy to have a look. The show starts by setting the scene. We meet the main protagonist, charles i, king of england, scotla nd charles i, king of england, scotland and ireland from 1625 scotland and ireland from 1625 1649. From 1625 1649. He from 1625 1649. He had a from 1625 1649. He had a great eye for art, as did his mrs, henrietta maria. Both porkers were painted by this fella, the flemish artist anthony van dyck, who king charles i hired as his court painter, oi hired as his court painter, or what we would now call nowdays as his artist in residence. He has two main focuses for his collection thats mantegnas the triumph of caesar, by the way his first passion was for the german, flemish and dutch artists of the northern renaissance. Hence we have this wonder wall of hans holbein portraits, at the end of which is this absolute cracker, of robert cheesman, the royal falconer. His other great love was the artists of the italian high renaissance. People like pisano. And here tintoretto painted this dramatic biblical scene. Injust two decades, charles and henrietta amassed an Art Collection to rival any court in europe but it all came to a very abrupt end when charles had his head chopped off and Oliver Cromwell flogs the lot. The collection was scattered to the four winds, which is the point of this exhibition. The Royal Academy is uniting for the First Time Since 1649 as many of those famous artworks as it possibly can, including this hunting portrait of king charles i, which is now owned by the louvre. Ina way by the louvre. In a way this exhibition isa in a way this exhibition is a tragedy, a story of what could have been. Great masterpieces which were once owned by this country but are now owned by others. Take this wall of titians, for example, the one on the left now belongs to the prado in madrid, and the other two are the louvres in paris. Still that is the nature of things, i suppose, but this exhibition does make you wonder what if charles i had not lost his head and continued to collect at the same sort of rate. Britain would own surely the greatest collection of renaissance art in the world. Mind you, he probably would have bankrupted mind you, he probably would have bankru pted the country. Will gompertz, bbc news, the Royal Academy. Pictures now from cairo. As virtue of ramese has been transferred to the atrium of the grand egyptian museum. The hope is that it will help to win back tourist. At a ceremony to help mark the move, a official helped to mark the importance of this project. Briefly, almay news again, United Nations officials are warning the 1. 5 Million People are on the brink of famine in south soother sedan. Sudan. Dozens more have been hurt in a fire sudan. Dozens more have been hurt in afire in sudan. Dozens more have been hurt in a fire in south korea and officials expect the number of dead to rise. It is thought the fire started in the emergency department. Thank you very much for watching. Hello. Friday will be the coldest day of the week but, with lighter winds, most of us seeing some sunshine at some stage of the day. Our perception may well be, as we are in between weather systems with lots of dry weather, its the most pleasant weather day of the week but weather fronts are coming in for the weekend as we will show you in a moment. This is how it looks for early risers. A few showers dotted about through parts of england and wales. And cold enough for a touch of frost where youve been clear for any period of time overnight, particularly across parts of scotland, into Northern Ireland and maybe north west england, some spots in wales as well. A few fog patches into Northern Ireland to begin the day will take a few hours to clear. And as i mentioned, a few showers dotted about, particularly through central and eastern parts of england. Very hit and miss. By no means everybody will catch one, but be aware that is a possibility first thing in the morning. We are more likely to be seeing some sunny spells once the sun is up into wales and south west england. A lot of sunshine to be had in Northern Ireland and a lot of wind although technically temperatures are although technically temperatures a re lower although technically temperatures are lower than they have been at any stage of that week it may be quite pleasa nt stage of that week it may be quite pleasant in the sunshine. Rain into western scotland on friday evening asa sign western scotland on friday evening as a sign of orders to comfort the rest of the weekend as the weather system rest of the weekend as the weather syste m m oves rest of the weekend as the weather system moves into the atlantic and increasing wind as well which means clear skies last the longest across the eastern parts on friday night. Leading to a touch of frost for a time. Of the weather fronts coming from the atlantic to saturday but it does mean a windy picture, a wetter picture for time but a milder one as well. The rain initially in the west on saturday morning pushing east and becoming quite light and patchy. Where the rain clears, things brighten up a bit in the afternoon. Heavy showers around northern scotla nd heavy showers around northern scotland and it is a windy a picture and the wind will get Even Stronger on saturday night into the northern isles, especially in shetland. More averse have temperatures in double figures. More of us. Yes there is stronger wind and more outbreaks of rain but it feels milder. A lot of cloud around on sunday best of the brightness in eastern parts in the west. Heavy rain in north west scotland. Cloudy, windy but a mild picture. This is bbc news. The headlines the United Nations is warning that 1. 5 Million People are on the brink of famine in south sudan with half the country facing severe food shortages. Armed conflict is fuelling the crisis many people are unable to grow food and dozens of aid workers have been kidnapped and murdered. President trump has threatened to stop aid to the palestinians unless they engage in peace talks with israel. He was speaking in davos alongside the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. A former palestinian negotiators accused mr trump of leading the region towards chaos. Casey affleck says he wont attend this years oscars. He was expected to present this years best actress category. The actor has been accused of Sexual Harassment by female crew members on previous films claims he denies. Now on bbc news, panorama. Segregation in blackburn is increasing. Were here to stay, theres no point in running. They live in their areas and we live in our areas. Isolation, segregation, division. Never the twain shall meet. Weve been here for generations, this is our country. All we want is our country back. Fear of the unknown is probably our biggest element. 0k, why are you here . We need to move away from this stone age mentality. We have a divided country. 20, 30 years, somethings going to happen. Theyll take over eventually

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