Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20180125 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20180125

the number of people sleeping rough in england has increased for the seventh year in a row. the united nations warns that one and a half million people are on the brink of famine in south sudan. and a glimpse of the works of art gathered by the greatest royal collector in british history. coming up on sportsday on bbc news, the manchester united manager jose mourinho commits his future of the club, signing a new deal that will run until 2020. good evening. president trump — attending the world economic forum in davos — has predicted a "tremendous increase" in trade between the uk and the usa. he spoke after he held talks with theresa may the president dismissed talk of growing differences between britain and america, not least on the global terror threat. mr trump's trade policies and his america first approach are under scrutiny at the gathering of the world's political and business elite. jon sopel reports from davos. ina blurof in a blur of rotor blades and snow and an avalanche of expectation, donald trump flew into davos. not his natural environment. it is exciting to be here, we are happy to be here. the united states is doing well. he came with the message, he had come to spread peace and prosperity. this is not daniel into the lion's den. donald trump and davos not exactly natural soul mates but the world economic forum has come to a virtual standstill. mr president, are you looking forward to your meeting with theresa may? after their spat over the anti—muslim britain first videos and cancels trip to london they were falling over themselves to be nice. problems in the relationship, a false rumour said the president. we have had a great discussion. we are on the same wavelength. i have every respect. the prime minister and myself have a great relationship, although some people do not necessarily believe that but i can tell you i have tremendous respect for the prime minister and thejob she's doing. and the prime minister beamed. we had a great discussion today and we continue to have that special relationship between the uk and united states, standing shoulder to shoulder because we face the same challenges across the world and we are working to do gather to defeat those challenges. downing street confirmed officials are finalising arrangements for a working visit to the uk by donald trump later this year but no mention of an invitation for a state visit theresa may extended a year ago. this evening the president had dinner with business leaders, some more important to mrtrump business leaders, some more important to mr trump personally than others. the makers of aspirin. i believe you take it? i do. i only ta ke i believe you take it? i do. i only take one aspirin a day. his purpose of the trip to south america. when i decided to come to davos i did not think in terms of the leaders, i think in terms of the leaders, i think in terms of the leaders, i think in terms of lots of people who wa nt think in terms of lots of people who want to invest, lots of money and they are coming back to the united states, to america, and i thought of it more in those terms. tomorrow comes his keynote address. the protectionist among the free traders, the america first president amid globalists. it might not be a meeting of minds. but say it quietly, donald trump seems to be enjoying himself. in a moment, we'll speak to our political editor laura kuenssberg at westminster. but first to davos and our economics editor kamal ahmed. can we pick up on the importance for the uk of establishing a comprehensive trade deal with the usa? i think today theresa may had to execute a delicate balancing act between the politics and economics of donald trump's time in davos. the politics might suggest a slight coolness, we have the clash over tweets about britain first and muslim terror, and the fact the president cancelled a possible trip to london. frankly this place is about economic and the facts are pretty brutal. britain is... britain's biggest trading partner is the european union and of course theresa may is leaving the european union. the second largest trading nation for britain's exports is america. the last thing theresa may wa nts america. the last thing theresa may wants is to be fighting trade battles on two france, to the east with the european union and to the west with america. today she will welcome mood music about the possibility of a free—trade deal. let's not say she has got it over the line, these deals take years. yes positive noise welcomed by the government but these negotiations are incredibly tough and will take yea rs are incredibly tough and will take years and years to execute. many thanks. laura, we heard the effusively words, the president met the prime minister. the tone at westminster slightly different? almost as the flashbulbs were going off as they met in davos, another war of words was breaking out at westminster over brexit with the chancellor, who by chance happen to be speaking in davos, saying after brexit he was hopeful the two economies, the eu and uk would only be different in a modest way, and that suggestion once we are out of the eu, we will be tightly together, was a red rag to many brexit bulls, very upset by the remarks by the chancellor on the night when a leading voice of theirs, jacob rees—mogg, the leader of a powerful group in the back benches, accused the government of being cowed by the eu, accusing them of somehow managing to climb rather than grasp the opportunities of brexit, and yet again we have the two sides of the tory party is slipping into a damaging bust up. you might think so what? we know the tories are divided on this issue, but it matters not just because theresa may has to stick the sides together to deliver a complicated project of taking is out of the eu, but also because of the level of grumpiness in the tory party has such a bearing on whether oi’ party has such a bearing on whether or not she can manage the tory party at all. there has been a sour mood at all. there has been a sour mood at westminster in the past couple of mutterings, someone suggesting today it might be time for a regime change. it is important to say the majority of mps and ministers think they have little choice but to carry on with theresa may. number 10 believes the fundamentals have not changed but rather than enjoying the kodak moment with the american president, theresa may back home tonight is dealing again with having tonight is dealing again with having to co nfro nt tonight is dealing again with having to confront divisions and discord in her own political party. thank you. there's been a sharp rise in the number of serious violent crimes and six offences recorded by police in england and wales. and official figures show cases of murder and manslaughter are at their highest level in almost a decade. but a separate survey — based on people's experiences rather than official data recorded by police — suggests that overall crime is continuing to fall. our home affairs correspondent tom symonds reports. behind the statistics, wasted lives. a decade after meschak cornelio first tried out the bike he'd been given as a present, he became one of the four young men stabbed to death in london on new year's eve. leaving his father confronting a nightmare. the doctor said to me, mr cornelio, sorry about meschak. when he came here... a couple of minutes, he is dead. so he came into hospital and within a couple of minutes, he was dead? yes. he tells us in his native portuguese he has no idea why it happened, what might have been going on in meschak‘s life. translation: my advice for other parents would be to talk more to your kids. try to find out, even if you think they have secrets away from home. today's figures set out the rise in violent crime recorded by police. knife crime went up by 21%. gun crime up by 20%. manslaughter and murder went up by io%. now the official survey of crime shows the number of people who say they have been a victim is falling steadily, but police records are seen as an accurate measure of serious violent crime. and despite schemes like these bins, where knives can be handed in no questions asked, it is rising steadily. he said, i didn't mean to kill him, that wasn't my intention. ijust wanted to wet him up, slash him, cut him across the arm, take photos and uploaded onto social media. this is alison cope and she is talking about the murder of her own son. her audience — students at coventry college. josh ribera was better known as the grime artist depzman to his thousands of fans. a single slash of a knife took his life in 2013. his eyes flicker, they close, hits the floor. it is a tough listen. alison tells them these are the consequences but carrying a knife is your choice. she believes telling them not to does not work and says that is how the government's current policy comes across. they are standing up and doing their token gesture. it is not working. how many young people have to die for them to admit that what we are doing is not correct? true, government policy recently has centred on enforcement. tough rules on knives, tough policing, tough sentences. but today ministers appeared to signal a change towards alison's way. we have to get to the root causes and we have to work as a society, government, police, and civil society, to try and get to the root of this cultural issue and try to steer young people away from violence. but serious proposals for work with young people are not going to come cheap and, by the way, police numbers are now at their lowest level for two decades. tom symonds, bbc news in the west midlands. a brief look at some of the day's other other news stories... health officials in england say the outbreak of winter flu appears to have peaked. although the number of people with the flu is still rising, the rate of the increase is slowing down. rates have also risen in wales but fallen slightly in northern ireland and scotland. government league tables show more than one in eight secondary schools in england is now falling below the minimum standard. they're the first tables since the introduction of new gcses in maths and english. the association of school and college leaders said the new tables should not be compared with previous years because of complex changes in the way schools are assessed. the decision to release the serial sex attackerjohn worboys has led to the mayor of london lodging an application forjudicial review. the mayor said the parole board's ruling to release worboys "simply could not go unchallenged". the former taxi driver was jailed for a minimum term of eight years in 2009. the prime minister says she will continue to work to ensure women are "accepted and respected as equals" as the fallout from the men—only charity dinner — the presidents club — continues. an undercover reporter says women employed as hostesses at the event last week were groped and sexually harassed. theresa may says it wasn'tjust the event that worried her — but what it said about the wider issue in society and attitudes to women, as our correspondent sarah campbell reports. the invite was for men only, a chance to network, raise money for charity and interact with more than 100 young women, all told to wear short, tight dresses. the allegations of sexual harassment have shocked many, but not, it seems, women who have worked at previous presidents club dinners. 0ne hostess who was employed at two of the dinners in 2014 and 2015, was so uncomfortable at the second occasion that she refused to work at the event again. there were girls sat on people's laps and, you know, being fondled and groped, and that was very early on in the evening. and the fact that we were hired for entertainment, people thought it was ok and that sort of behaviour was permissible. there are reports of the latest in a six workers arrived at some point in the evening, was that something you we re the evening, was that something you were aware acting as attended? yes. i can't confirm whether they were sex workers, but a group of women arrived around midnight, and that was when the party atmosphere really kicked off. it was definitely people wanting to enjoy themselves, and these sex workers, if they were sex workers, turned up to facilitate that. the repercussions for those who attended the dinner have continued. nadhim zahawi, the minister for children and families, was reprimanded by his party. he says he left early because he felt uncomfortable and has condemned what he described as the horrific events reported by the financial times. the labour peer lord mendelsohn said he hadn't witnessed anything untoward at the dinner, but tonight agreed to step back from the labour party front bench. this is moni varma, one of many attendees unsettled by what is now emerging, having not been aware himself of any inappropriate behaviour. that doesn't mean things couldn't have gone wrong. it's too large a crowd. things could have gone wrong and there's no justification. if anybody felt uncomfortable, if a young lady felt uncomfortable, it's completely, you know, unpardonable. today the prime minister gave her reaction to what's allegedly gone on. well, i'm not happy with an event of that type taking place. i was appalled by the reports i read. what worries me is it's not just about that event, it's about what it says about this wider issue in society, about attitudes towards women. we have made progress. sadly, i think that showed we still have a lot more progress to make. last week's dinner will be the last, as the presidents club has now closed, but the event is being seen as further evidence of how far women still have to go to be treated as equals in the world of work. sarah campbell, bbc news. the number of people sleeping rough in england has increased for the seventh year in a row. official figures show nearly 5000 people were sleeping on the streets last year. that's an increase of 15% on the previous year. the figures are the highest since current records began — up 169% since 2010. the government says it's investing more than a billion pounds to address the issue. 0ur social affairs correspondent michael buchanan has been looking at the problem, and potential solutions. freezing cold, shivering, rain battering down on you. they kick you, punch you and chuck bricks at you while you are asleep. they think it's fun. i don't think it's fun. i learnt the hard way it can happen to any of us at any given time. rough sleepers have long been visible in london, probably always will be, but the rising numbers has made the problem visible in many more places. milton keynes is a new town dealing with a new problem. within metres of the station is tony, he is 72. he was evicted from his flat last february. he won't say why. every time i wake up, i class it as a bonus, it's another day i have got to get through. the town is struggling to accommodate its residents, despite some of its homeless having jobs. i've paid for my mortgage, paid for my daughter's nursery fees and absolutely right after christmas i've got absolutely nothing. isaac is an assistant project manager with accountancy firm deloitte. a domestic incident left him spending two freezing nights in a garage. he hasn't told his employers he's homeless. i go through the night sometimes rough and i have to go through the day without showing that this is the situation throughout the night. i continued my journey north, heading for crewe. two years ago, there were officially no rough sleepers in the area. there are now 21. i nursed my mother for about 12 years. in the last four years, she got diagnosed with cancer and she died, so ijust lost it. in a nearby car park, an increasing phenomenon. people homeless in their hometown. devastated. to sit there on corners, when people walk past who know you, who you grew up with, and they look down their nose at you. today's figures only apply to england, but scotland too has a problem with rough sleeping, so i'm heading to glasgow now to see their very different approach to the problem. this is the kitchen area. this flat has been bought specifically for a homeless man. the initiative is called housing first. the idea is to give every rough sleeper in glasgow a home and a support worker. if whoever ends up in this flat struggles to cope and goes back to rough sleeping, we will hold this flat for them for a period while we engage with them while they are on the street. given glasgow's needs, the scheme won't be cheap, but evidence from abroad suggests it works and is far less expensive than doing nothing. it must be very dangerous to be a woman on the street. it is, it is, aye. that's true, very true, dear. michael buchanan, bbc news. the united nations is warning that 1.5 million people are on the brink of famine in south sudan, with half the country facing severe food shortages. armed conflict is fuelling the crisis, many people are unable to grow food and dozens of aid workers have been kidnapped and murdered in recent months. after years of civil war, a peace deal was signed three years ago between south sudan's government and rebel fighters. but it's been largely ignored by both sides. from juba, our chief africa correspondent anne soy reports. a troubled beginning for the world's youngest nation. tens of thousands have been killed. one in three here is displaced, and now they face the threat of famine. the youngest suffer most. this is the face of starvation. christine jackson weighs half as much as she should at almost two years. she's now on life—saving treatment, but her father worries that he won't be able to feed her well when they get discharged. jackson should be one of the better off south sudanese; he has a full—time job and a farm, but four years of civil war and high inflation have left him destitute, and there are many families like his. the doctor in charge here tells me this ward is always busy. so roughly how many children do you see in a month? in a month we receive around 80—100 cases. right, and that isjust in the capital, juba. this is the hospital that takes care of children from outside the capital, and this ward, really, is the one that takes care of the severely malnourished children. injuba, one in ten children has been found to be severely malnourished, but then the statistics are higher outside the capital, where life is way more difficult. it is a harsh terrain and security has resulted in the death of more aid workers than anywhere else in the world. they are forced to use air transport, particularly in rebel controlled areas. we are not heading in with much food, and the violence has meant that many of the farmers have fled their farms and this will occur throuthuly, when the next harvest begins to come in. so this is a crucial time in south sudan. this is when we have do save the lives of the children. explosion. after decades of civil war, south sudan gained independence from its northern neighbour, but its troubles were far from over. fighting broke out between supporters of president salva kiir and the now expelled former vice president, riek machar. a number of ceasefire deals have been struck and broken — sometimes in a matter of hours. there was a peace process... was violated by them. it was violated as soon as it was signed... it was violated by the liberals. —— the rebels. by both the liberals and government were to blame. no, because the rebels find themselves like a spoiled child and they can just do anything they want. with no end in sight to the fighting, these people are at the mercy of donors, and the youngest generation here suffers most. anne soy, bbc news, juba. the former labour cabinet minister tessa jowell has been given a very rare standing ovation in parliament, after making an emotional plea for a greater range of cancer treatments to be made available on the nhs. baronessjowell told peers of her treatment for brain cancer after her diagnosis last year, as our correspondent helena lee reports. baroness jowell. .. hear, hear! thank you very much indeed... in front of a captivated house, baroness jowell said today was not about politics but patience. she spoke frankly about her own cancer diagnosis last year. i got into a taxi but i couldn't speak. i had two powerful seizures. i was taken to hospital. two days later, i was told that i had a brain tumour. a glioblastoma multiforme, or gmb. today, she appealed on behalf of all cancer patients for new treatments to be made available on the nhs. the speeding up of clinical trials and better medical cooperation. they need to know that they have a community around them, supporting and caring, being practical and kind, while doctors look at the big picture and we can all be a part of the human sized picture. tonight, the government agreed to look at her suggestions and at the end, she made a final appeal. what gives a life meaning is not only how it is lived, but how it draws to a close. i hope that this debate will give hope to other cancer patients like me, so that we can live well together with cancer, notjust dying of it. all of us, for longer. thank you. applause today's events in the house of lords. moving scenes after that speech by baronessjowell. researchers have identified the remains of the earliest—known modern humans to have left africa. a new dating of fossils found in a cave on mount carmel near haifa in northern israel, indicates that they left africa up to 100,000 years earlier than previously thought. 0ur science correspondent pallab ghosh has the details. in the distant past, the first of our kind evolved in africa. our ancestors then left the continent and spread across the globe. just when and how that happened is one of the biggest questions in human evolution. this fragment of a jawbone has shattered the current theory. it's rewritten the story of how we emerged on this planet. the jawbone was discovered, along with stone tools, in the misliya cave in northern israel. a study, published in the general science, shows that it's around 200,000 years old. that's tens of thousands of years older than scientists thought that modern humans first left africa. i think that the whole biological history of our own species should be revised, because if we have modern humans here in israel around 250,000 years, it implies that the origin of our species go back in time not to 250,000 or 200,000 years ago but probably much earlier, to around half a million years. theories about how modern humans first evolved and spread may now have to be changed. the previous view that our species began to leave africa 100,000 years ago, but the new discovery in israel suggests it was much earlier, possibly 250,000 years ago. that means our species may have lived alongside other kinds of more primitive humans, who lived outside of africa at the time, and that contact may have helped to shape our culture and the way we look. it changes, really, our understanding of the interaction between other populations, such as neanderthals, if we say that we have modern homo sapiens in our area in these dates. we have to reconsider all our knowledge regarding the environment, the ecology, the culture and our interbreeding with other populations. the current view is that we evolved relatively recently, just as other types of humans were dying out. but the new study suggests that we're a more ancient species that shared the planet with primitive humans for tens of thousands of years. pallab ghosh, bbc news. tennis, and kyle edmund's brilliant run at the australian open came to an end this morning. he was overpowered in his first—ever grand slam semifinal in straight sets. the british number two was beaten 6—2, 7—6, 6—2 by the sixth seed marin cilic. charles i was the greatest royal collector of art in british history. among the masterpieces he acquired were works by van dyke, rubens and holbein. a major exhibition, opening this weekend, brings together around 150 of his most important paintings for the first time since the 17th century. from the royal academy in london our arts editor will gompertz reports. the show starts by setting the scene. we meet the main protagonist, charles i, king of england, scotland and ireland from 1625—1619. he had a great eye for art, as did his mrs, henrietta maria. both portraits were painted by this fella, the flemish artist anthony van dyck, who charles i hired as his court painter, or what we'd call nowadays as his artist in residence. he has two main focuses for his collection. that's mantegna's triumphs of caesar, by the way. his first passion was for german, flemish and dutch artists of the northern renaissance, hence we have this wonderwall of hans holbein portraits, at the end of which is this absolute cracker of robert cheeseman, the royal falconer. his other great love was the artists of the italian high renaissance, people like pisano and here, people like tintoretto, who painted this dramatic, biblical scene.

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Northern Ireland , Craigavon , United Kingdom , United States , South Sudan , Juba , Wilayat Bahr Al Jabal , Netherlands , France , Australia , Glasgow , Glasgow City , West Midlands , United Kingdom General , Italy , Ireland , Sudan , London , City Of , Israel , Germany , Australian , Italian , Dutch , German , America , Britain , British , Sudanese , Scotland , Henrietta Maria , Marin Cilic Charles , Riek Machar , Kyle Edmund , Kamal Ahmed , Robert Cheeseman , Tom Symonds , Anthony Van Dyck , Michael Buchanan , Theresa May , Christine Jackson , Sarah Campbell , Davos Ina ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20180125 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20180125

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the number of people sleeping rough in england has increased for the seventh year in a row. the united nations warns that one and a half million people are on the brink of famine in south sudan. and a glimpse of the works of art gathered by the greatest royal collector in british history. coming up on sportsday on bbc news, the manchester united manager jose mourinho commits his future of the club, signing a new deal that will run until 2020. good evening. president trump — attending the world economic forum in davos — has predicted a "tremendous increase" in trade between the uk and the usa. he spoke after he held talks with theresa may the president dismissed talk of growing differences between britain and america, not least on the global terror threat. mr trump's trade policies and his america first approach are under scrutiny at the gathering of the world's political and business elite. jon sopel reports from davos. ina blurof in a blur of rotor blades and snow and an avalanche of expectation, donald trump flew into davos. not his natural environment. it is exciting to be here, we are happy to be here. the united states is doing well. he came with the message, he had come to spread peace and prosperity. this is not daniel into the lion's den. donald trump and davos not exactly natural soul mates but the world economic forum has come to a virtual standstill. mr president, are you looking forward to your meeting with theresa may? after their spat over the anti—muslim britain first videos and cancels trip to london they were falling over themselves to be nice. problems in the relationship, a false rumour said the president. we have had a great discussion. we are on the same wavelength. i have every respect. the prime minister and myself have a great relationship, although some people do not necessarily believe that but i can tell you i have tremendous respect for the prime minister and thejob she's doing. and the prime minister beamed. we had a great discussion today and we continue to have that special relationship between the uk and united states, standing shoulder to shoulder because we face the same challenges across the world and we are working to do gather to defeat those challenges. downing street confirmed officials are finalising arrangements for a working visit to the uk by donald trump later this year but no mention of an invitation for a state visit theresa may extended a year ago. this evening the president had dinner with business leaders, some more important to mrtrump business leaders, some more important to mr trump personally than others. the makers of aspirin. i believe you take it? i do. i only ta ke i believe you take it? i do. i only take one aspirin a day. his purpose of the trip to south america. when i decided to come to davos i did not think in terms of the leaders, i think in terms of the leaders, i think in terms of the leaders, i think in terms of lots of people who wa nt think in terms of lots of people who want to invest, lots of money and they are coming back to the united states, to america, and i thought of it more in those terms. tomorrow comes his keynote address. the protectionist among the free traders, the america first president amid globalists. it might not be a meeting of minds. but say it quietly, donald trump seems to be enjoying himself. in a moment, we'll speak to our political editor laura kuenssberg at westminster. but first to davos and our economics editor kamal ahmed. can we pick up on the importance for the uk of establishing a comprehensive trade deal with the usa? i think today theresa may had to execute a delicate balancing act between the politics and economics of donald trump's time in davos. the politics might suggest a slight coolness, we have the clash over tweets about britain first and muslim terror, and the fact the president cancelled a possible trip to london. frankly this place is about economic and the facts are pretty brutal. britain is... britain's biggest trading partner is the european union and of course theresa may is leaving the european union. the second largest trading nation for britain's exports is america. the last thing theresa may wa nts america. the last thing theresa may wants is to be fighting trade battles on two france, to the east with the european union and to the west with america. today she will welcome mood music about the possibility of a free—trade deal. let's not say she has got it over the line, these deals take years. yes positive noise welcomed by the government but these negotiations are incredibly tough and will take yea rs are incredibly tough and will take years and years to execute. many thanks. laura, we heard the effusively words, the president met the prime minister. the tone at westminster slightly different? almost as the flashbulbs were going off as they met in davos, another war of words was breaking out at westminster over brexit with the chancellor, who by chance happen to be speaking in davos, saying after brexit he was hopeful the two economies, the eu and uk would only be different in a modest way, and that suggestion once we are out of the eu, we will be tightly together, was a red rag to many brexit bulls, very upset by the remarks by the chancellor on the night when a leading voice of theirs, jacob rees—mogg, the leader of a powerful group in the back benches, accused the government of being cowed by the eu, accusing them of somehow managing to climb rather than grasp the opportunities of brexit, and yet again we have the two sides of the tory party is slipping into a damaging bust up. you might think so what? we know the tories are divided on this issue, but it matters not just because theresa may has to stick the sides together to deliver a complicated project of taking is out of the eu, but also because of the level of grumpiness in the tory party has such a bearing on whether oi’ party has such a bearing on whether or not she can manage the tory party at all. there has been a sour mood at all. there has been a sour mood at westminster in the past couple of mutterings, someone suggesting today it might be time for a regime change. it is important to say the majority of mps and ministers think they have little choice but to carry on with theresa may. number 10 believes the fundamentals have not changed but rather than enjoying the kodak moment with the american president, theresa may back home tonight is dealing again with having tonight is dealing again with having to co nfro nt tonight is dealing again with having to confront divisions and discord in her own political party. thank you. there's been a sharp rise in the number of serious violent crimes and six offences recorded by police in england and wales. and official figures show cases of murder and manslaughter are at their highest level in almost a decade. but a separate survey — based on people's experiences rather than official data recorded by police — suggests that overall crime is continuing to fall. our home affairs correspondent tom symonds reports. behind the statistics, wasted lives. a decade after meschak cornelio first tried out the bike he'd been given as a present, he became one of the four young men stabbed to death in london on new year's eve. leaving his father confronting a nightmare. the doctor said to me, mr cornelio, sorry about meschak. when he came here... a couple of minutes, he is dead. so he came into hospital and within a couple of minutes, he was dead? yes. he tells us in his native portuguese he has no idea why it happened, what might have been going on in meschak‘s life. translation: my advice for other parents would be to talk more to your kids. try to find out, even if you think they have secrets away from home. today's figures set out the rise in violent crime recorded by police. knife crime went up by 21%. gun crime up by 20%. manslaughter and murder went up by io%. now the official survey of crime shows the number of people who say they have been a victim is falling steadily, but police records are seen as an accurate measure of serious violent crime. and despite schemes like these bins, where knives can be handed in no questions asked, it is rising steadily. he said, i didn't mean to kill him, that wasn't my intention. ijust wanted to wet him up, slash him, cut him across the arm, take photos and uploaded onto social media. this is alison cope and she is talking about the murder of her own son. her audience — students at coventry college. josh ribera was better known as the grime artist depzman to his thousands of fans. a single slash of a knife took his life in 2013. his eyes flicker, they close, hits the floor. it is a tough listen. alison tells them these are the consequences but carrying a knife is your choice. she believes telling them not to does not work and says that is how the government's current policy comes across. they are standing up and doing their token gesture. it is not working. how many young people have to die for them to admit that what we are doing is not correct? true, government policy recently has centred on enforcement. tough rules on knives, tough policing, tough sentences. but today ministers appeared to signal a change towards alison's way. we have to get to the root causes and we have to work as a society, government, police, and civil society, to try and get to the root of this cultural issue and try to steer young people away from violence. but serious proposals for work with young people are not going to come cheap and, by the way, police numbers are now at their lowest level for two decades. tom symonds, bbc news in the west midlands. a brief look at some of the day's other other news stories... health officials in england say the outbreak of winter flu appears to have peaked. although the number of people with the flu is still rising, the rate of the increase is slowing down. rates have also risen in wales but fallen slightly in northern ireland and scotland. government league tables show more than one in eight secondary schools in england is now falling below the minimum standard. they're the first tables since the introduction of new gcses in maths and english. the association of school and college leaders said the new tables should not be compared with previous years because of complex changes in the way schools are assessed. the decision to release the serial sex attackerjohn worboys has led to the mayor of london lodging an application forjudicial review. the mayor said the parole board's ruling to release worboys "simply could not go unchallenged". the former taxi driver was jailed for a minimum term of eight years in 2009. the prime minister says she will continue to work to ensure women are "accepted and respected as equals" as the fallout from the men—only charity dinner — the presidents club — continues. an undercover reporter says women employed as hostesses at the event last week were groped and sexually harassed. theresa may says it wasn'tjust the event that worried her — but what it said about the wider issue in society and attitudes to women, as our correspondent sarah campbell reports. the invite was for men only, a chance to network, raise money for charity and interact with more than 100 young women, all told to wear short, tight dresses. the allegations of sexual harassment have shocked many, but not, it seems, women who have worked at previous presidents club dinners. 0ne hostess who was employed at two of the dinners in 2014 and 2015, was so uncomfortable at the second occasion that she refused to work at the event again. there were girls sat on people's laps and, you know, being fondled and groped, and that was very early on in the evening. and the fact that we were hired for entertainment, people thought it was ok and that sort of behaviour was permissible. there are reports of the latest in a six workers arrived at some point in the evening, was that something you we re the evening, was that something you were aware acting as attended? yes. i can't confirm whether they were sex workers, but a group of women arrived around midnight, and that was when the party atmosphere really kicked off. it was definitely people wanting to enjoy themselves, and these sex workers, if they were sex workers, turned up to facilitate that. the repercussions for those who attended the dinner have continued. nadhim zahawi, the minister for children and families, was reprimanded by his party. he says he left early because he felt uncomfortable and has condemned what he described as the horrific events reported by the financial times. the labour peer lord mendelsohn said he hadn't witnessed anything untoward at the dinner, but tonight agreed to step back from the labour party front bench. this is moni varma, one of many attendees unsettled by what is now emerging, having not been aware himself of any inappropriate behaviour. that doesn't mean things couldn't have gone wrong. it's too large a crowd. things could have gone wrong and there's no justification. if anybody felt uncomfortable, if a young lady felt uncomfortable, it's completely, you know, unpardonable. today the prime minister gave her reaction to what's allegedly gone on. well, i'm not happy with an event of that type taking place. i was appalled by the reports i read. what worries me is it's not just about that event, it's about what it says about this wider issue in society, about attitudes towards women. we have made progress. sadly, i think that showed we still have a lot more progress to make. last week's dinner will be the last, as the presidents club has now closed, but the event is being seen as further evidence of how far women still have to go to be treated as equals in the world of work. sarah campbell, bbc news. the number of people sleeping rough in england has increased for the seventh year in a row. official figures show nearly 5000 people were sleeping on the streets last year. that's an increase of 15% on the previous year. the figures are the highest since current records began — up 169% since 2010. the government says it's investing more than a billion pounds to address the issue. 0ur social affairs correspondent michael buchanan has been looking at the problem, and potential solutions. freezing cold, shivering, rain battering down on you. they kick you, punch you and chuck bricks at you while you are asleep. they think it's fun. i don't think it's fun. i learnt the hard way it can happen to any of us at any given time. rough sleepers have long been visible in london, probably always will be, but the rising numbers has made the problem visible in many more places. milton keynes is a new town dealing with a new problem. within metres of the station is tony, he is 72. he was evicted from his flat last february. he won't say why. every time i wake up, i class it as a bonus, it's another day i have got to get through. the town is struggling to accommodate its residents, despite some of its homeless having jobs. i've paid for my mortgage, paid for my daughter's nursery fees and absolutely right after christmas i've got absolutely nothing. isaac is an assistant project manager with accountancy firm deloitte. a domestic incident left him spending two freezing nights in a garage. he hasn't told his employers he's homeless. i go through the night sometimes rough and i have to go through the day without showing that this is the situation throughout the night. i continued my journey north, heading for crewe. two years ago, there were officially no rough sleepers in the area. there are now 21. i nursed my mother for about 12 years. in the last four years, she got diagnosed with cancer and she died, so ijust lost it. in a nearby car park, an increasing phenomenon. people homeless in their hometown. devastated. to sit there on corners, when people walk past who know you, who you grew up with, and they look down their nose at you. today's figures only apply to england, but scotland too has a problem with rough sleeping, so i'm heading to glasgow now to see their very different approach to the problem. this is the kitchen area. this flat has been bought specifically for a homeless man. the initiative is called housing first. the idea is to give every rough sleeper in glasgow a home and a support worker. if whoever ends up in this flat struggles to cope and goes back to rough sleeping, we will hold this flat for them for a period while we engage with them while they are on the street. given glasgow's needs, the scheme won't be cheap, but evidence from abroad suggests it works and is far less expensive than doing nothing. it must be very dangerous to be a woman on the street. it is, it is, aye. that's true, very true, dear. michael buchanan, bbc news. the united nations is warning that 1.5 million people are on the brink of famine in south sudan, with half the country facing severe food shortages. armed conflict is fuelling the crisis, many people are unable to grow food and dozens of aid workers have been kidnapped and murdered in recent months. after years of civil war, a peace deal was signed three years ago between south sudan's government and rebel fighters. but it's been largely ignored by both sides. from juba, our chief africa correspondent anne soy reports. a troubled beginning for the world's youngest nation. tens of thousands have been killed. one in three here is displaced, and now they face the threat of famine. the youngest suffer most. this is the face of starvation. christine jackson weighs half as much as she should at almost two years. she's now on life—saving treatment, but her father worries that he won't be able to feed her well when they get discharged. jackson should be one of the better off south sudanese; he has a full—time job and a farm, but four years of civil war and high inflation have left him destitute, and there are many families like his. the doctor in charge here tells me this ward is always busy. so roughly how many children do you see in a month? in a month we receive around 80—100 cases. right, and that isjust in the capital, juba. this is the hospital that takes care of children from outside the capital, and this ward, really, is the one that takes care of the severely malnourished children. injuba, one in ten children has been found to be severely malnourished, but then the statistics are higher outside the capital, where life is way more difficult. it is a harsh terrain and security has resulted in the death of more aid workers than anywhere else in the world. they are forced to use air transport, particularly in rebel controlled areas. we are not heading in with much food, and the violence has meant that many of the farmers have fled their farms and this will occur throuthuly, when the next harvest begins to come in. so this is a crucial time in south sudan. this is when we have do save the lives of the children. explosion. after decades of civil war, south sudan gained independence from its northern neighbour, but its troubles were far from over. fighting broke out between supporters of president salva kiir and the now expelled former vice president, riek machar. a number of ceasefire deals have been struck and broken — sometimes in a matter of hours. there was a peace process... was violated by them. it was violated as soon as it was signed... it was violated by the liberals. —— the rebels. by both the liberals and government were to blame. no, because the rebels find themselves like a spoiled child and they can just do anything they want. with no end in sight to the fighting, these people are at the mercy of donors, and the youngest generation here suffers most. anne soy, bbc news, juba. the former labour cabinet minister tessa jowell has been given a very rare standing ovation in parliament, after making an emotional plea for a greater range of cancer treatments to be made available on the nhs. baronessjowell told peers of her treatment for brain cancer after her diagnosis last year, as our correspondent helena lee reports. baroness jowell. .. hear, hear! thank you very much indeed... in front of a captivated house, baroness jowell said today was not about politics but patience. she spoke frankly about her own cancer diagnosis last year. i got into a taxi but i couldn't speak. i had two powerful seizures. i was taken to hospital. two days later, i was told that i had a brain tumour. a glioblastoma multiforme, or gmb. today, she appealed on behalf of all cancer patients for new treatments to be made available on the nhs. the speeding up of clinical trials and better medical cooperation. they need to know that they have a community around them, supporting and caring, being practical and kind, while doctors look at the big picture and we can all be a part of the human sized picture. tonight, the government agreed to look at her suggestions and at the end, she made a final appeal. what gives a life meaning is not only how it is lived, but how it draws to a close. i hope that this debate will give hope to other cancer patients like me, so that we can live well together with cancer, notjust dying of it. all of us, for longer. thank you. applause today's events in the house of lords. moving scenes after that speech by baronessjowell. researchers have identified the remains of the earliest—known modern humans to have left africa. a new dating of fossils found in a cave on mount carmel near haifa in northern israel, indicates that they left africa up to 100,000 years earlier than previously thought. 0ur science correspondent pallab ghosh has the details. in the distant past, the first of our kind evolved in africa. our ancestors then left the continent and spread across the globe. just when and how that happened is one of the biggest questions in human evolution. this fragment of a jawbone has shattered the current theory. it's rewritten the story of how we emerged on this planet. the jawbone was discovered, along with stone tools, in the misliya cave in northern israel. a study, published in the general science, shows that it's around 200,000 years old. that's tens of thousands of years older than scientists thought that modern humans first left africa. i think that the whole biological history of our own species should be revised, because if we have modern humans here in israel around 250,000 years, it implies that the origin of our species go back in time not to 250,000 or 200,000 years ago but probably much earlier, to around half a million years. theories about how modern humans first evolved and spread may now have to be changed. the previous view that our species began to leave africa 100,000 years ago, but the new discovery in israel suggests it was much earlier, possibly 250,000 years ago. that means our species may have lived alongside other kinds of more primitive humans, who lived outside of africa at the time, and that contact may have helped to shape our culture and the way we look. it changes, really, our understanding of the interaction between other populations, such as neanderthals, if we say that we have modern homo sapiens in our area in these dates. we have to reconsider all our knowledge regarding the environment, the ecology, the culture and our interbreeding with other populations. the current view is that we evolved relatively recently, just as other types of humans were dying out. but the new study suggests that we're a more ancient species that shared the planet with primitive humans for tens of thousands of years. pallab ghosh, bbc news. tennis, and kyle edmund's brilliant run at the australian open came to an end this morning. he was overpowered in his first—ever grand slam semifinal in straight sets. the british number two was beaten 6—2, 7—6, 6—2 by the sixth seed marin cilic. charles i was the greatest royal collector of art in british history. among the masterpieces he acquired were works by van dyke, rubens and holbein. a major exhibition, opening this weekend, brings together around 150 of his most important paintings for the first time since the 17th century. from the royal academy in london our arts editor will gompertz reports. the show starts by setting the scene. we meet the main protagonist, charles i, king of england, scotland and ireland from 1625—1619. he had a great eye for art, as did his mrs, henrietta maria. both portraits were painted by this fella, the flemish artist anthony van dyck, who charles i hired as his court painter, or what we'd call nowadays as his artist in residence. he has two main focuses for his collection. that's mantegna's triumphs of caesar, by the way. his first passion was for german, flemish and dutch artists of the northern renaissance, hence we have this wonderwall of hans holbein portraits, at the end of which is this absolute cracker of robert cheeseman, the royal falconer. his other great love was the artists of the italian high renaissance, people like pisano and here, people like tintoretto, who painted this dramatic, biblical scene.

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