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Are racing to strike a compromise deal to end the Government Shutdown before the start of the working week. A vote is expected in the coming hours. Their failure to Reach Agreement on friday meant that much of the federal government shut up shop, with hundreds of thousands of federal employees facing uncertainty as monday morning approaches. Both sides are blaming each other, with divisions over military spending and immigration policy. Sundays debate is still going on, but this is how the republicans and democrats laid out their their arguments at the start of the session. This is day two of the Senate Democrats Government Shutdown. Day two since the democratic leader made a political calculation to do something that, according to a recent survey, even most democrats dont support. He shut down the government to appease a portion, a portion of his partys left wing base. It makes you shake your head. Who comes up with ideas like this . It all really stems from the president , whose inability to clinch a deal has created the trump shutdown. I agree with the majority leader mcconnell, the trump shutdown was totally avoidable, President Trump walked away from not one, but two bipartisan deals. And thats after he walked away from an agreement in principle on daca we reached way back in the fall of last year. If he had been willing to accept one of these deals, we wouldnt be where we are today. Lets go live to washington now and our correspondent, david willis. Bring as up to date. Bring as uptodate. Well, the senate due to vote in about four hourss time, at 1am in the morning. One potential bright spot, the leaders of both democrat and Republican Party is in the senate, did actually meet today. It remains to be seen what if anything they have been attempting to hammer out between them, but i have to say that earlier on they were looking as far apart as ever. The democrat is insisting that any deal on some sort of stopgap funding measure to keep the shutdown from happening we tied to the fate of the so called dreamers, that is the nearly 800,000 oi dreamers, that is the nearly 800,000 or 0 dreamers, that is the nearly 800,000 or so young people who through no fault of their own came to this country illegally and face being deported in january and country illegally and face being deported injanuary and march. We wa nt to deported injanuary and march. We want to talk about the financing, and after that we can talk about some sort of immigration bill. President trump, for his part, has accused the democrats of playing shutdown politics. He says they are putting the fate of those who are here illegally over the fate of those who, for example, are serving in the military and other people who are here are completely legally. I have to say, though, the democrats have to say, though, the democrats have criticised President Trump or shifting his position, as they see it, in all this. Yesterday, the leading senate democrat, chuck schumer, said that it was like negotiating with jell o schumer, said that it was like negotiating withjell o trying to get some sort of agreement out of President Trump. David, is there any sense that he is leading the negotiations for the republicans . Or is more of a bystander while Mitch Mcconnell takes the lead . Is more of a bystander while Mitch Mcconnell takes the lead . Well, the criticism has been that President Trump has not been adopting sufficient leadership position in all these. He spent the weekends in the building just behind me, the white house, instead of at his luxury resort, mar a lago, in florida, where he was due to attend a lavish fundraising event to mark the First Anniversary of his inauguration. He has confined himself to just one tweet this morning after a blizzard of them yesterday, but there are those who say that he has not been active enough. The white house has issued some pictures which it says show the president on the phone, trying to rally his side and so on. It certainly, as far as the democrats are concerned, they believe certainly that the president has not done enough to solve this impasse. 0k, done enough to solve this impasse. Ok, david, we will see what happens in the next two hours. Thank you very much. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has said the statue of liberty will reopen on monday, even if the us Government Shutdown extends into the working week. The governor said emergency state funding would be used to allow the landmark monument to reopen, even if dozens of other National Parks and monuments were expected to remain closed. Tomorrow, it is going to be open and running as normal. I also think in many ways, the statue of liberty is symbolic for whats going on right now in washington. The issue is about immigration. The concept of closing the doors to immigrants is repugnant to the concept of america. 0k, repugnant to the concept of america. Ok, lets move on now. The Un Security Council is due to discuss on monday the worsening crisis in syria, with turkey opening up a new front against Kurdish Militia in the north of the country. The militia, the ypg, are backed by the United States for helping in the fight against Islamic State militants, but they are viewed by turkey as a terrorist organisation. From the turkey syria border, mark lowen reports. As if syria needed more of this. Artillery fire from turkey, launching a new ground and air offensive. Its called operation olive branch, though its anything but a gesture of peace. From the air, turkish f i6s struck yesterday. Their target the syrian Kurdish Militia, or ypg. Turkey sees them as terrorists, linked to the outlawed pkk, who have long fought an insurgency in turkey on behalf of the kurdish minority. And it wants them pushed back from the border town of afrin. Turkeys president has his own troops fighting for their hero. And with elections next year, war rallies his support base. Translation this is a national struggle, and in this national struggle, we will crush anyone who stands against us. Thats a message that resonates in border villages, where grape grower omer gazel and his friends watched the jets. Translation we felt proud and happy as they took off. Everyone came out to bid them farewell. But the ypg has backing, too. Both in syria, where kurds rallied today, and beyond. Translation we condemn the attack on afrin, and we tell our brothers there that they are in our hearts, and that we are with them. Because of the bravery of the ypg heroes, we will win the battle in afrin. The us armed them in the fight against the Islamic State group, infuriating turkey. France too voiced support for them today, calling on turkey to pull back. But the turks are ploughing on. This unverified footage posted on pro government media aiming to prove turkeys military might. In the hills beside the border, we found a further buildup, as the offensive shows no sign of ending. Reinforcements are perched here, a show of strength, ready to back up the Ground Troops and fighterjets already inside syria. Every few minutes, you hear the thud of an artillery strike. Turkey has clearly committed militarily to this operation, and has widespread Popular Support here. But if the turks suffer losses or civilian casualties grow, that could change. And the risk is clear. This border town was hit by a rocket, said to be from the ypg, killing one and injuring more. Turkey is on dangerous ground, and a likely long, costly offensive is onlyjust beginning. Authorities in afghanistan say 18 people, including 14 foreigners, are now confirmed dead after gunmen attacked a luxury hotel in kabul. Afghan troops fought through the night, over more than 12 hours, to free those trapped inside. The taliban says it carried out the attack. Zia shahreyar has the story. The final moments of a fight that had lasted all night. Gunfire and explosions, as Afghan Special forces battle to regain control of the Intercontinental Hotel. One soldier throws a grenade. He moves away, then the explosion. The room is soon on fire. Evidence of the struggle that had taken place. The Afghan National flag waving from the roof, proof that the building has been reta ken. We are in the area. You can see the Hotel Intercontinental on the hill in kabul, and as you can see, it was burned, part of the hotel was burned. And black smoke has blackened the southern part of the hotel. More than 150 people, including some foreigners, were inside yesterday evening when gunmen burst in and opened fire. Eyewitnesses said they were afterforeigners. Translation the attackers were knocking on the door of each room, trying to reach their targets. They killed ordinary people and officials. They were also targeting foreigners. These images filmed by local tv showed people escaping by climbing down bed sheets that they had tied to balconies. This telecoms engineer fell from the sixth floor as he tried to get away. Translation when the sixth floor caught fire this morning, my roommates told me to either burn or escape. I got a bed sheet and tied it onto the balcony. I tried to come down but i was heavy and my arms were not strong enough. I fell down and injured my shoulder and leg. This sustained and complex assault will prompt urgent questions as to how the gunmen got through. After months of deadlock, germany has moved a step closer to forming a new government. The Centre Left Social Democratic Party has voted to enter into new Coalition Talks with chancellor merkels conservative bloc. At a Party Meeting in bonn, the spds Martin Schulz urged many sceptical delegates to press ahead, describing a new coalition as the best way to combat hard right politics in europe. Angela merkel welcomed the development. Translation the cdu already cleared the way for Coalition Talks last week, after concluding the exploratory talks, now we are pleased and welcome that the spd did so today at its congress. Today, we are preparing for this coalition negotiation. Tomorrow, within the cdu, we will work together, and then quickly enter into joint discussion with the social democrats. Thats what todays decision of the spd allows. Jenny hill in berlin says talks to form a government could begin straightaway. His view is that if they can pull this off, if they go into government, in his view it is the responsible thing to do to try and form a government, but that it is possible in his view to renew the party within that coalition. But their task is going to be huge, they are very low in the polls and are going to have to distinguish themselves from Angela Merkels conservatives if they are going to try and rebuild their electorate, many of whom disappeared off the boat afd, the far right party. There isa boat afd, the far right party. There is a lot of work to be done in years going to have to do something to unite the party. Vote. Worth just pointing out that when it comes to these talks, which as i say will take place later this week, even when the two sides can get some kind of deal drafted, the party base, all 440,000 members of the spd will have to approve it via postal ballot before a coalition can be formed. Mrs merkel is not really out of the woods yet but i think today, you have seen her overcome a significant hurdle. They had taken a step towards delivering the government, the stability, that she has promised germany all along. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come. For a second day, women have marched around the world. In las vegas, theyre protesting Donald Trumps presidency and trying to persuade more women to stand for office. The people of saigon have just heard that, at last, there is to be a ceasefire. The reaction of american servicemen was predictable. Im going home. Demonstrators waiting for mike gatting and his rebel cricket team were attacked with tear gas and set upon by police dogs. Anti apartheid campaigners say they will carry on the protests throughout the tour. They called him the butcher of lyon. Klaus altmann is being held on a fraud charge in bolivia. But the west germans want to extradite him for crimes committed in wartime france. There, he was the gestapo chief klaus barbie. Millions came to bathe as close as possible to this spot, a tide of humanity that is believed by officials to have broken all records. This is bbc news. Our headlines us senators are racing to strike a compromise deal to end the Government Shutdown before the start of the working week. Lets get more on that because Mitch Mcconnell is on the floor of the senate, updating senators on progress on those talks. Metabolisms. Lets have a listen. Disaster relief, immigration and Border Security will continue. It would be my intention to resolve theseissues would be my intention to resolve these issues as quickly as possible so that we can move onto other business is important to our country. However, should these issues not be resolved by the time the funding bill before us expires on february eight, 2018, assuming that the government remains open, it would be my intention to proceed the legislation that would address daca, Border Security and related issues. It is also my intention to take up legislation regarding increased defence spending, Disaster Relief and other important matters. The shutdown should stop today. And we will soon have a vote that will allow us to do exactly that. So lets step back from the brink, with stock victimising the American People and get back to work on their behalf. Now, in that regard, mr president , i ask unanimous consent notwithstanding rule 22 the senate vote at 10pm tonight on the motion to invoke closure on the motion of the amendment, further that a closure is invoked, all time book be considered expired and the senate will immediately vote on a motion to concur with no intervening action or debate. Is there a objection . Yes, reserving the right to object. I am happy to continue my discussion with the majority leader about reopening the majority leader about reopening the senate, we have had several consultations and talks will continue but we are yet to reach an agreement on a path forward a cce pta ble agreement on a path forward acceptable for both sides. For that objection for that reason i object. Notwithstanding rule 22 and that the senate vote at noon tomorrow on the motion to invoke closure on the motion to concur with amendment. Is the objection . Without objection. Is there. Amendment. Is the objection . Without objection. Is there. Mr president. The senator from arizona. Mr president , on friday i voted with many of my colleagues here not to accept the deal that was offered at that time, a cr to go for four weeks, i felt that that was unnecessarily long. Also i voted against it because i felt, like a lot of my democratic colleagues and some of my republican colleagues, that we need to do with the situation on immigration and that we shouldnt wait for the white house to indicate its preference. Ifelt that we could have an agreement to move forward, so i voted against the proposal at that time. In the intervening time, we have worked with the majority leader to one, have a shorter timeframe, which has now been offered. That of february eight. It is longer than i would like but it is shorter than the four week cr. Also, we have had an agreement that the majority leader has Just Announced that if an agreement on immigration has not been reached by that time, that the majority leader, using his discretion and his authority as majority leader, will move to immigration. There we are. The floor of the senate there. I think, if my understanding is correct, essentially what they are saying is that no deal. Talks will continue andi that no deal. Talks will continue and i think that vote will carry on at six oclock local time. Still no deal in the shutdown of the us government. Thousands of women have been demonstrating in las vegas, in the latest protest to mark the anniversary of President Trumps inauguration. Rallies have already taken place this weekend in other us cities and in europe. In las vegas, women are being urged to register to vote ahead of this years mid term us elections. Rajini Vaidya Nathan reports. All the way from paris to london, to las vegas. Women have been making their voices heard. Last year we were angry and thats why we turned out. This year were organised and that is why we are turning out. I am empowered and im ready to get people talking about these issues and get people excited about them. A year into Donald Trumps presidency and the focus isnt just on the man himself, but his policies. Many believe his immigration plans and cuts he has made to abortion funding and contraception access adversely affect women. He is pushing to make Birth Control less accessible for women. You know, it isjust ridiculous how he is supposed to be for the people but is against the people, he is against everyone that is here and that is why im here today. In the wake of the Metoo Movement and a growing conversation around equal pay, many are here to fight on other issues. For amy, who came here today with her five year old daughter, charlie, this is personal. For 12 years i was a victim of Domestic Violence that my children observed, now i am free, finally, thank goodness. Through no help of the systems that were meant to protect us and i am here to hope that the world will listen and we can make systemic change to help little girls like charlie and myself. And one way organisers thinks that change can happen is by getting more women to register to vote and even to run for office. They are channelling their energy on this years mid term congressional elections, the state of nevada was picked for the rally because it is a swing state with a senate seat democrats believe they can win back from the republicans. There may be thousands of women here protesting donald trump, but dont forget that he won the election with a majority of white women voters and many of those think he is doing a greatjob for women. And so, like so many issues here in the United States, even that of womens rights is one that this country is deeply divided. Rajini vaidyanathan, bbc news. Lets go back to the shutdown of the us government. They are still debating in the senate in washington, as you can see. But our understanding is that no progress has been made. Have been talking about moving the time of the vote, which was due to happen at 1am local time. We will see what is happening on that. They have been meeting through the day, the majority and minority leader from through the day, the majority and minority leaderfrom the through the day, the majority and minority leader from the republicans and the democrats and also a group of moderates from both sides have been meeting, trying to find a way forward in a bipartisan way. We are not sure what progress that has made. We havejust heard not sure what progress that has made. We have just heard from the majority and minority leaders now. Lets get a summary of what they said, from our correspondence david willis in washington. What was your ta keaway willis in washington. What was your takeaway from that on the senate floor there . Interesting, suggestions there that republicans are attempting to move, to try to compromise, particularly on this issue of daca, this big sticking point. The fate of the so called dreamers, the 800,000 young people who, through no fault of their own, will were brought to this country illegally. There is a timescale under which they will be deported, starting in march, if no agreement is reached on theirfuture starting in march, if no agreement is reached on their future on allowing them to stay here. Mitch mcconnell basically suggested that there be a vote at 10pm tonight on disk shorter bill, basically to extend the financing of the central government, keep the government open, as it were. In return, if there was no agreement on the dreamers, then he would schedule vote on that very issue, the most important issue as far as democrats are concerned, thereafter. Chuck and wa nts are concerned, thereafter. Chuck and wants nothing to do with it, so we will see what happens. What will that mean for the impact . Actually, we will leave it there. Thank you very much david willis. We will keep across the shutdown as it happens. You are watching bbc news. Now. Bye for now. Hello there. A very different feel to the weather over the next few days. The transition began during sunday, some northern and eastern areas stuck below freezing through the afternoon, with some snow. Down to the south west, it was much milder. Skip ahead to tuesday, and all of us will be into that mild air, which is moving in our direction on this south westerly wind, having more of an influence across the British Isles as we go through the next couple of days. This monday morning starts off on a much milder note for most. Still possibly some icy stretches across parts of north east england and eastern scotland, but many places starting the day with significantly higher temperatures. One area of rain perilously close to parts of south west england, along the south coast, as well. But that rain will be clearing off very quickly, and then essentially across england and wales, through the day, were looking at large areas of cloud and a sunny spells. Just one or two showers across parts of north west england, and still the potentialfor some icy stretches across parts of north east england, just through the first part of the morning. Showers packing in across scotland but look at the temperatures, five and six degrees in edinburgh and glasgow. We didnt get anywhere near that even through the middle of the afternoon on sunday. Northern ireland, starting off mainly dry pretty cloudy, but some sunny breaks, and well see some sunny breaks developing across wales, and the west midlands, as well. Rain in the south will disappear into the near continent very quickly through the morning. Well keep some showers going across northern scotland. But generally speaking, not a bad day. The cloud breaking up to give some sunshine, and those temperatures much higher than they were on sunday in many places at 6 11 degrees. During monday night, things are pretty quiet. The south westerly Winds Continuing to bring the milder air in our direction. 3 9 degrees, those are your starting temperatures for tuesday morning. And really, on tuesday, it is all about us being in the thick of this mild air, pumping all the way up from the south west. Tuesday the mildest day of the week for many of us, but that doesnt mean itll be wall to wall sunshine, not by any means. Some outbreaks of rain, perhaps the south west. Best chance of brightness to the east of high ground. Itll be windy but very mild. 10 degrees in glasgow, 13 the high in london. Now, a bit of a change on wednesday. Were going to bring a cold front southwards and eastwards. A band of heavy rain, strong winds as well, and that will start to reintroduce some slightly cold air. I say slightly colder yes, the end of the week will feel a little bit chillier, but nothing like as cold as it has been. This is bbc news. The headlines the United States senate is expected to vote in the coming hours on a budget measure to end the federal Government Shutdown which started on friday night. Republican and democrat senators are facing pressure from the public the United States senate has postponed a vote to end at budget measure and the federal government showdown. Republican and democrat senators are facing pressure from the public to end their stalemate over spending limits and immigration policy. Washington has called on turkey to show restraint after it began a ground offensive against Kurdish Militia in northern syria. A number of civilian casualties have been reported. The group targeted, the ypg, which ankara regards as a terrorist organisation, said it had repelled the raid. Afghan Officials Say at least 18 people are now known to have died in a Taliban Attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in kabul late on saturday. Most of the dead were foreigners. Now on bbc news, its time for the week in parliament

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