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Its newsday. Good morning. Its 8am in singapore, midnight in london and 6. 30am in myanmar where the countrys leaders could face charges of genocide over the persecution of the rohingya ethnic group. Thats the warning from uns high commissionerfor human rights. Its estimated that more than 650,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled from myanmar to neighbouring bangladesh since august, when attacks on police posts prompted a military crackdown. 0ur south asia correspondent Justin Rowlatt reports. This boy is 11 years old. He draws pictures of the horrors he has witnessed. Translation older women were stamped on, and then the military grabbed them by the hair and slaughtered them. Because i saw that, i am drawing this. He is one of 650,000 Rohingya Refugees who fled myanmar after a military assault that began in late august. They are coming to kill us, says the man, they are coming to kill us. The widespread and systematic nature of the violence has persuaded the un chief to say that it could amount to genocide, acts intended to destroy a group of people. Can anyone rule out that elements of genocide may be present . He wants a criminal investigation to identify the perpetrators, and in an exclusive interview with the bbc, he does not rule out the possibility that Aung San Suu Kyi or military leaders could end up in the dock. Given the scale of the operation, clearly, there would have to be decisions taken at a high enough level. And then there is the crime of omission, that if it came to your knowledge that this was being committed and you did nothing to stop it, then you could be culpable as well for that. He says only a court can judge that, but he is determined thatjustice should be done. In the meantime, though, this boy and hundreds of thousands like him remain in limbo. We asked Aung San Suu Kyi for a response but she has not replied. Justin rowlatt, bbc news. Well have more of that interview with the uns high commissioner for human rights later in the programme. And bbc world news will show a panorama special on the Rohingya Crisis this weekend, saturday 23rd december, at 09 306mt. Our other top story the white house has confirmed that the cia provided intelligence to Russian Security services that helped foil a terror attack. Russian agents raided a flat allegedly used as a base to plan an attack on the kazan cathedral in St Petersburg. Seven people were detained on charges of being members of so called Islamic State. President putin has thanked the us for its help. The bbcs david willis has more from washington. Vladimir putin thanked donald trump and asked him to convey russias thanks to the cia and to eat intelligence officials for the information that was needed to foil this attempted attack or this alleged attack on the iconic cathedral in Saint Petersburg and in other parts of the city which are of prime interest to tourists around the world. What is interesting about this is the two leaders themselves really do appear to be very chummy with each other. I mentioned just last week, there was a conversation between them and that followed Vladimir Putins annual press conference in which he heaped praise on Donald Trumps handling of the us economy. Also this hour the Islamic State group says it carried out an attack on a Methodist Church in the pakistani city of quetta on sunday morning. Nine people died and dozens more were injured as suicide bombers stormed the church. Nearly double the usual number of worshippers were attending a service in the run up to christmas. Turkeys president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced he wants to open an embassy for palestinians in eastjerusalem. The turkish leader has been a vocal opponent of Donald Trumps decision to recognise jerusalem as the capital of israel. Last week mr erdogan led calls for the city to be recognised as the capital of a palestinian state. Heres what he had to say at a rally on sunday. Translation seems the jerusalem translation seems thejerusalem is currently under occupation, we cannot go there and open our embassy but we are represented by an ambassador. God willing, today is close when officially with girls permission he will open up an embassy there. A British Embassy worker has been murdered in the lebanese capital of beirut. The body of rebecca dykes was found by the side of a road in the city on saturday. She had been working as a programme managerfor the department for International Development since january. This is a piece of news that has stunned the community. She was attending a Going Away Party in a popular area of the city on saturday night. After she left that are, it is understood she was abducted and her body was found on a motorway sometime on saturday. President trump says he has no intention of firing the special counsel, robert mueller, who is investigating alleged russian interference in the us president ial election. Earlier, a Trump Campaign lawyer had accused mr mueller of obtaining unauthorised access to tens of thousands of emails. A spokesman for mr mueller said his team followed appropriate criminal process in all its dealings. The sri lankan capital colombo has hosted a mass wedding of chinese couples for the first time. Fifty couples married in traditional sri lankan style. Their honeymoons are to be spent visiting the islands tourist attractions. The Sri Lankan Government is hoping the event will strengthen ties between the two countries and promote tourism. In india, votes are being counted up after last weeks Assembly Elections in the state of gujarat. The poll is seen as an important test of the popularity of the hindu nationalist Prime Minister, narendra modi, in his home state. His tenure as chief minister of gujarat was clouded by accusations that he stoked violence against muslims in inter communal riots in 2001. Divya arya reports from ahme dabad. Divya arya reports from ahmedabad. We are on the promenade in the heart of the city of ahmedabad, in gujarat, Narendra Modis home state. He was Prime Ministerfor 14 gujarat, Narendra Modis home state. He was Prime Minister for 14 years and credited with building a lot of projects like this one. The boat has been keenly contested and mr modi has been here to conduct more than two d oze n has been here to conduct more than two dozen speeches. It will be significant looking ahead to the 2019 general election. For the opposition, which has been losing election ever since mr modi came to power, this election will be significant. The party has a new president , head of the gundy family. Gujarat has been a highly industrialised states of india and has had a high rate of growth but in the run up to this election, use have raised the issue of unemploymentjobs have raised the issue of unemployment jobs and poverty. Have raised the issue of unemploymentjobs and poverty. Youth. Conservative billionaire Sebastian Pinera is to become president of chile. In breaking news, he has won the election. He has promised to visit the economy. He has been congratulated on the phone by the incumbent. Michelle bachelet, his centre left rival Alejandro Guillier has conceded defeat. Fill us in what you know is happening the moment. A big day for him and many imagine that it would be tighter. At the start of the day no one could call it. He had a disappointing first round back in november where he only got 36 of the votes and did not get a 50 he needed to avoid the second round of. But it has all changed now. He got around 55 of the vote, much better than he expected and he has admitted that in a speech earlier. What can we expect now from him moving forward 7 we expect now from him moving forward . A lot has been talked about his Economic Reforms . Absolutely. He is this a billionaire businessman and he has vowed that he will double economic growth. He wants to create all work opportunities, maybe over half a millionjobs he all work opportunities, maybe over half a million jobs he wants to give the people. He really wants it kickstart chiles economy, cut corporate taxes and get things moving. My understand, his rival congratulated and conceded defeat by telephone call . Yes, he conceded defeat and recognised he was not going to win saying it was a difficult and sad day to him but that not everything was lost he will come back stronger in the future. Sebastian pineras in his speech was very gracious towards his opponent, praising his wife, saying he has a great man and say he has a lot to give to the country. He was looking for Common Ground between them and trying to mend bridges. What can we gauge from the political framework given the fact that Sebastian Pinera isa given the fact that Sebastian Pinera is a stranger to the presidency having held the position before . He feels that while he was president , before he had that very successful time where he managed to rescue the 33 minus one of the high point to him he feels he created a lot of jobs during that time and the economy was striving. He feels that since then the economy has somewhat stagnated so he wants to go back to that time when the economy was doing well and make chile the economic powerhouse that he feels it can be in latin america. Thank you very much for that. More to come. Still to come a fierce battle to succeed president zuma as the leader of the South African party. Also ahead. Around the world in 42 days, a french sailor says a new record for the fastest solo round the world and navigation. After eight months on the run, Saddam Hussein has been tracked down and captured by american forces. Saddam hussein is finished because he killed our people, our women, our children. The signatures took only a few minutes but they brought a formal end to 3. 5 years of conflict that has claimed over 200,000 lives. Before an audience of world leaders, the president s of serbia, bosnia and croatia put their names to the peace agreement. The romanian border was sealed and silent today. Romania has cut itself off from the outside world in order to prevent the details of the presumed massacre in timisoara from leaking out. From sex at the white house to a trial for his political life. The lewinsky affair tonight guaranteed bill clinton his place in history as only the second president ever to be impeached. This is newsday on the bbc. Im sharonjit leyl in singapore. Im Babita Sharma in london. Our top stories the un warns leaders in myanmar they could face charges of genocide over the persecution of Rohingya Muslims. Russia and the United States say a terrorist plot in St Petersburg has been foiled thanks to information provided by the cia. Russia says the attack was planned for saturday. President putin called President Trump to thank him for the tip off. Sir mo farah has won the 2017 bbc Sports Personality of the year award. Sir mo, whos the most successful british track athlete in modern 0lympic history, said he wasnt expecting to win this year. That story is popular on bbc. Com. Lets ta ke lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. China daily leads on an optimistic view of the nations Economic Future featured in an international report. It says chinas pursuit of high quality, economic development, will shift the nation towards a more sustainable economy that will contribute towards greater prosperity. The Straits Times features a huge protest march in indonesia against us President Trumps decision to recognisejerusalem as the capital of israel. We can take a look at that. The paper says around 80,000 people marched throuthakarta ahead of a rally at the national monument. Finally, the japan times reports on the launch of a russian soyuz spacecraft, carrying a japanese astronaut. The craft is taking Norishige Kania along with an american scientist and a russian cosmonaut to relieve the current crew of the International Space station. A great photo there. Now, what stories are sparking discussions online . We talked about the european premiere of star wars. The latest star wars movie, the lastjedi, has generated more than 450 million in global ticket sales on its opening weekend. In north america, it is at the second place in the all Time Box Office list, only behind star wars the force awakens that came out in 2015. The new leader of south africa should be known within the next few hours as thousands of anc delegates ta ke hours as thousands of anc delegates take part in the election. It will be close between these two candidates, the former foreign minister, one of the president s former wives, and the deputy president. Both are trying to replace jacob zuma, his time in Office Marked by deep divisions within the anc. 0ur africa editor, fergal keane, has more from johannesburg. Nothing about this process has been on time. A pretty chaotic evening here. I am now at the conference centre. We were told two hours ago it would not take place and happen in the morning. Then suddenly a message came, its actually started. We spoke to delegates coming out of the voting booth that it is happening and going province by province. We expect, and this is very qualified, because it could easily pause again, but we expect there should be a result, we should know who the next president of the African National congress, the oldest movement in africa, we should know it at 10 oclock, perhaps 11 oclock, tomorrow. It is a big deal politically, notjust for the African National congress, but for south africa. This country has been badly hit by the allegations of corruption and misrule swirling around the government ofjacob zuma. People around the country are looking for something new. We will find out tomorrow if it is the man who said he would sweep away corruption or the wife of president jacob zuma, ex wife, i should say. Lets return now to the Rohingya Crisis and the uns human rights chief has said he personally warned myanmars leader Aung San Suu Kyi about appalling atrocities against the rohingya people, but that her government questioned the methodology used by the un. Zeid Raad Al Hussein told the bbcs Justin Rowlatt how evidence began to build that could lead to charges of genocide against myanmars leadership. When the First Campaign was launched last year on a border post, allegedly, we said this was well thought out and plant. And what seems to have happened is that they we re seems to have happened is that they were pushing on a door and if it moved, then they would continue to push. Planned. The people of the village would be told that they do not be long bare, and then the attacks on houses began, either by setting them alight, or by going after the village people. There. He will die unless you move. What difference will it make if it is judged to be genocide . The gravity and the scale would be suggestive of and the scale would be suggestive of a commission of a crime that requires a response by the international community. And you think using the term genocide, classifying the nature and scale of the crime, is an important way to solve the crime . We feel you cannot rule it out. The question of intentionality going back to genocide, it is hard to establish. The threshold is high. That is why we continue to say that a court has to do this. But it would not surprise me in the future if a court was to maintain such a finding. Because of the systematic nature of it . The planning that went into it. And then there is the crime of omission, that if it came to your knowledge that this was being committed and you did nothing to stop it, then you could be culpable as well for that. Given the scale of the military operation, clearly, these would have to be decisions taken at a high enough level. But almost certainly at the very highest levels, because it has attracted the attention of the World Community very early on, and it is inconceivable that the army chief and, you know, Aung San Suu Kyi, we re and, you know, Aung San Suu Kyi, were not aware that this was happening in their country. The International News media was awash with imagery of burning villages, of claims atrocities were being committed. So, certainly, one could make the argument that there was time sufficient to halt the operations and to be launched. And that did not seem to happen. So i am quite sure that a future jurisdiction in a court would probably ask those very questions. The high commissioner for probably ask those very questions. The high commissionerfor human rights wrote a very, very critical report published in 2017, so, six months before this explosion of violence we saw against the Rohingya Muslims. You met Aung San Suu Kyi after that and said to her, you know, something needs to be done, this must be stopped. Know, something needs to be done, this must be stoppedlj know, something needs to be done, this must be stopped. I spoke to her on the phone and i appealed to her to bring these military operations to bring these military operations to an end. And, umm, to my great regret, it did not seem to happen. But you literally said to her there are appalling atrocities being committed in your country, please do something, what was the response . She said this was awful, certainly, we wa nt she said this was awful, certainly, we want to look at it. She then, a couple of days after that, they began to question the methodology that we had chosen, they began to question whether the facts were correct. This was her government, not the military . This was her government. This was her government to put you believe this was a policy sanctioned by her . That is what i am supposing, yes. Government. French sailor, Francois Gabart, has smashed the world record for the fastest solo and non stop circumnavigation of the globe. Huge crowds welcomed him home as he sailed into the port of brest, after crossing the finish line in the channel in the early hours of sunday morning beating the previous record by more than six days. Richard galpin reports. Sailing home to a heros welcome here in the port of brest in north west france. 24 year old francois gaba rt celebrates north west france. 24 year old Francois Gabart celebrates smashing the record for circumnavigating the world, doing it six days faster than the previous record holder, surpassing all of his expectations. Translation i only had a little hope that i would break the record. I never imagined that i would be to buy so much. I was lucky i was successful. By. The crew of a helicopter tracking his progress towards the french coast earlier asked him how he felt about being on the verge of wrecking the record. Breaking. He said he was happy with the weather and his ultra high tech yacht was also a factor, which could reach speeds of 65 kilometres per hour. It was also different back in 1969 when the british sailor, robin knox johnston, became the first person to sail single handed non stop around the world. Person to sail single handed non stop around the worldlj person to sail single handed nonstop around the world. I was 312 days, he was 42 days, 60 hours, a phenomenal performance. The way we have moved on in the technology of votes, they are bigger, it is incredible. Boats. And we have satellites, so we can get instant information not available all that time ago. Francois gabarts achievement is a moment of great personal pride. Even the french president has praised him. But francois gaba rt believes president has praised him. But Francois Gabart believes his record will also be broken soon, as the design of yachts evolves even further. Richard galpin, bbc news. Quite the feat. Congrats to him. You have been watching newsday. Stay with us. Still to come bitcoin is in the spotlight again, as Bitcoin Futures trading is set to begin on the worlds biggest exchange. What does this mean for the cryptocurrency . We will be back with the headlines next. See you soon. It was a weekend of two halves. Saturdays sunshine replaced a sundays lowlands drizzle. This is a picture from one of the weather watchers. Monday will be a bright start to the week ahead, looking mainly dry, rather cloudy, turning more miles towards the west. Dense fog patches to watch out for, especially during tuesday. Monday is dominated by a ridge of High Pressure keeping things generally dry and settled. A chilly start to the day with frost around and the odd mist and fog patch to contend with first thing. Monday morning, eight oclock, heading to work in school, temperatures around 4 five degrees in wales. The south west of england, a dry start to be more cold further east in england. Sub zero in the country. Much of Northern England and Northern Ireland and scotla nd england and Northern Ireland and scotland looking dry to start the day. A little bit of misty weather. It should clear through the day. Light winds. Turning more mild, especially from the west. Temperatures between seven to nine degrees. Slightly cooler to the east. 4 6. And then, monday night, thatis east. 4 6. And then, monday night, that is when we see visibility go downhill. Notjust mist, dense fog, forming group early tuesday. Freezing fog in the south east which will be slow to clear. Quite problematic during tuesday morning. You could see disruption to air travel, road travel, all that, across central and southern england with all that fog. Slow to clear on tuesday. For the west, low cloud and drizzle likely, gradually pushing east as we go through the day. A foggy day. 5 6 towards the south east. 10 12 in the north west. Through the middle of the week, this frontal system slips south and east across the uk. Wednesday, a north south split. Drizzly and grey. 9 12. Rain in southern parts of england and wales on thursday. Bright with sunshine and a few showers further north, 7 11 degrees. Goodbye. Im Babita Sharma, with bbc world news. Our top story a warning from the United Nations to the leadership of myanmar. The high commissionerfor human rights says the countrys leaders could face charges of genocide over the persecution of the rohingya ethnic group. More than 650,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled from myanmar to neighbouring bangladesh since august. The white house has confirmed that the Us Spy Agency the cia helped prevent a terror attack in russia. And this video is trending on bbc. Com. The latest Star Wars Film has generated more than 450 million in global ticket sales on its opening weekend. In the us, the lastjedi is second on the all Time Box Office list, behind the 2015 Star Wars Film, the force awakens. Thats all from me now. Stay with bbc world news. 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