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And special partnership actually means. The Scottish Government raises income tax, for those earning more than 2a thousand pounds a year. Rupert murdoch sells a majority of 21st century fox to disney, in one of the biggest media deals for years. And a 70 year old mystery is solved, the story of a baby who was found in a box, on the steps of the bbc. Its 5pm. Our main story is that six months to the day since the Grenfell Tower tragedy. The fire claimed the lives of 71 people. Todays service was attended by the prince of wales, and other members of the royal family. People listened to music by a local steel band and the cathedral choir. Recordings of anonymous voices describing the tragedy were played, while local schoolchildren scattered green hearts in memory of the victims. Its been a long six months for so many families whose lives were torn apart exactly six months ago. A tragedy which highlighted failures alongside the bravery of the Emergency Services and the unity within a community. Today they came together. We try our best to Stay Together and stay united, so thats exactly whats happening and all the difficulties we have, all of the hard days, the hard time we had is unforgettable, we cannot forget. Joined by members of the royal family who have met many of those affected by the fire, alongside political leaders showing their support. The duke and duchess of cambridge and prince harry making their way to their seats, sat alongside the Prime Minister, multi faith leaders and the community surrounding g re nfell tower. But at the heart of the service, remembering the 53 adults and 18 children who lost their lives, including the youngest victim who would have been one today. Welcome each one of you to this National Memorial service of remembrance, community and hope. The Service Incorporated an Islamic Girls School choir, a steel band, and a montage of some of the survivors. You begin to feel survivors guilt and i think maybe not now but within the next couple of months we will start to question, why was it them . Why did we survive, why didnt they . But for some, it became too much. Raw emotions still plain to see. Others watched the service live streamed to a mosque close to the tower which became an Emergency Shelter at the time, taking in clothes and food. After paying their respects, families and survivors left in silence carrying white roses and pictures of their loved ones, holding the heart of their community which will lead a silent vigil later today. And well have more to mark the grenfell disasterjust before six so stay with us for that. The time is five minutes past five. Theron reports coming in from Southern France of an accident involving a train and a bus. We think that at least three people have been killed in this accident, several people injured. I think the train crashed into a school bus at a kind of level crossing not farfrom the city of perpignan. There is a rescue operation underway right now, so we are rescue operation underway right now, so we are not able to confirm the all the details, but it doesnt like all the details, but it doesnt like a serious accident involving a school bus and a train, and we are still getting details in, but at least three people have been killed in this accident, and if i get more detail on that for you, i will bring it to you right away. Theresa may is in brussels for an eu summit where she has said the uk is on course to deliver on brexit, the day after her first defeat as Prime Minister. She said she was disappointed by the vote , to introduce a legal guarantee for a parliamentary vote on the final brexit deal, but said the legislation was making Good Progress nonetheless. Mrs may is hoping the eu summit will decide to move the brexit talks on to the uks future relationship with the eu, including trade. Glasgow live to brussels. My colleague is there for you. The british Prime Minister preferring to focus on these positive 20 arrived here in brussels 80 hours ago. She will get an opportunity this evening, at the do it, to think about brexit, and to reassure, perhaps, european leaders about what has been achieved so far. Maybe to set out some of the context about what they hope will happen next, but she will leave brussels to light, and it will be for 27 leaders tomorrow to sit down and effectively rubber stamp the agreed minute that they came to friday. Most of the leaders, said they were broadly happy, with what they had seen, although a little unnerved by the comments from david davis who said it was more a statement of intent. The leaders say that they want this to be legally binding, and would like to c10 legal text as it is possible. With all the racks and from here in brussels, and also at home to vote in the commons, last night, here is our chief bopp correspondence that you young. Back to brussels, and insisting that her plans have not been blown off course. She is insisting that her next phase will get the green light 0011. Next phase will get the green light soon. I am disappointed with the amendment, but the eu withdrawal bill is making Good Progress in the commons. We are on course to deliver on brexit. Last weekjean Claude Juncker said that sufficient progress had been made. Yesterday, the parliament overwhelmingly voted to put that forward. Some wondered whether the tory rebels would stand up whether the tory rebels would stand up and defy their government. Last night proved that they would. The ayes to be right, 309. 11 tory mps joined with the opposition to inflict defeat. Mps will now get a legally binding vote on any deal she brings back from brussels. The debate was about whether or not parliament would have a say about the deal that comes up later on. Arrangements that will affect our children and grandchildren. Frankly, the idea that parliament would not insist on having a say was always a complete illusion. The fragile truth of the conservative party has been shattered. Some brexiteers have accused their colleagues are trying to block brexit. 0thers accused their colleagues are trying to block brexit. Others have downplayed the significance of the parliamentary defeat. Downplayed the significance of the parliamentary defeatlj downplayed the significance of the parliamentary defeat. I think that brexit is unstoppable, as the german chancellor used to say at the time of reunification, it will be done. I cannot believe for the life of me, that when it comes to it, parliament, to get your point, parliament, to get your point, parliament will actually vote to stop or reversed the brexit process, 01 stop or reversed the brexit process, or frustrate the will of the british people. That is just not going to happen. Tough negotiations lay ahead. Do they think that theresa mays authority has been diminished . Last week showed all of us that we should not underestimate theresa may. She will need to get back to london to get approval from the parliament, and that is not making a life easier, but that does not change anything on the agenda, it does makes it more copies for the uk government. Last nights vote was a dramatic commons moment, but mps are divided on housing visited it might turn out to be. Some sacred dictate what type of Brexit Britain ultimately has. What it does say is that this will be extremely difficult for theresa may as she attem pts difficult for theresa may as she atte m pts to difficult for theresa may as she attempts to navigate highway through, trying to find, mice with both the eu and own party and parliament, too. The key young, bbc news, westminster. Interesting comments from one of the european leaders saying that theresa may is a formidable negotiator. The thing you have to understand about these leaders, when they reflect on what happened last night in the commons, they too have their own problems at home. Forget the german chancellor, angela michael, who cannot get her own angela merkel, who cannot get her own majority together. I think we have had some sympathetic responses. The irish leader said he had exactly the same problem. I consider guys. Leader said he had exactly the same problem. Iconsider guys. I leader said he had exactly the same problem. I consider guys. Ito run a minority government, and i have to scrape every bit together. I think that reflects what they have say last week, which is that they have been very supportive to theresa may, because they want and they understand that she is making difficult decisions, to secure a brexit steel, here. And they want that pushed through, because they wa nt to that pushed through, because they want to get this whole process done with it as little damage to each side is possible. In some ways, they are giving her the political support, because they feel that she is in support, because they feel that she isina support, because they feel that she is in a difficult situation. When people say, this will mean that the European Union leaders pressure towards a softer brexit, arent they doing that anyway . Well, they all wa nt doing that anyway . Well, they all want that. They want as little disruption as possible. As close a relationship as possible. That is the european side throw well. They would like to have that close relationship. The difficulty is, they dont know what the uk wants. That is what they are hearing. Part of the next phase, the first thing they have got is here, is what is they have got is here, is what is the uks vision for the future. The uk government has not decided that, and not until next week, all we have and not until next week, all we have a real discussion about it. The eu side are waiting to hear. Asides from brexit, there are other issues being discussed, which britain had a stea k being discussed, which britain had a steak on, one of them is migration. We get the sense. This is not a new row, it this is the old row that has not been resolved. What to do with all of these arrivals who are heading to europe. What has happened, is that migration deals have been done, turkey and libya have been done, turkey and libya have reduced the arrivals. What we have reduced the arrivals. What we have gone to look at, is that they are still coming, and they are still arriving in their thousands, as they are building up in places like greece. The row is about should other countries be forced to step in antiquities of people from this, front line state. There is not going to bea front line state. There is not going to be a decision on it, they are just airing their views. There will be some tough talk, because of Eastern European countries, such as greece and germany say that we have got to help. I do get the sense, that some of the countries are nearer to wear David Cameron was backin nearer to wear David Cameron was back in debris, that they want tighter controls on borders. Everybody wants that, and supports that. The question is, the difficult questions are, how do you do that, so, with a country like libya, where there is a deeply unstable ball situation, how do you enforce that. There are huge problems doing any sort of deal with a place like libya. What do you do with them when they do arrive . Howdy tackle that. Everybody agrees on what they would like. The difficulty is how do you get there at that stage of the day. That is a row that is going to intensify again, because the numbers are going to be building up in places like greece and italy, and in libya, people are being held in awful conditions, and the eu needs a decent name at that. There are political ramifications about that. The other issue they will be talking about, is defence. 25 out of 27 countries have come to a defence pact. They are going to have more organisation when it to a. They have been. Britain has been pushing that, and of course, as you pull away from the eu, and they still want a piece of that, because there is a lot of money involved in defence spending. Britain are very keen to hear what the europeans had to say today. Think you thank you very much. Hilary benn the labour mp and chair of the Brexit Select Committee can speak to us from westminster. Where do things stand in parliament after last nightboat . Festival. Parliament is going to get a vote to decide on the withdrawal agreement. Think it was about parliament asserting its right and taking back control, a phrase that we had a lot of during the course of the referendum. The longer term together gives is that it has really brought home to the government, quite forcefully, that it cannot take this parliament for granted. It has been written by some of the backbenchers parliament, it is certainly the brexit parliament, as last night, the two came together, and the government found that it could not get what they wanted. As i said in michael dubuisson, yesterday, the government wants to be looking to work in partnership with parliament, because we were never going to except a role as bystanders in this process. We are active participants, and the mps that we elect will determine what kind of brexit deal is approved. I think that the government will reflect on that and change course accordingly. What, for you, should be theresa mays bertie in the talks to keep this in brussels, today . I think the bright is of course, are for the summit to accept the recommendation that we should now move onto the second stage of the talks. That is vital. The two parities are, first of all, how quickly we can agree as a country, what the indentation period is going to look like. Because, the need for that is to ensure that companies dont start making plans and then enacting them, to move some function, some people out of the uk, because they are not sure about what the longer term arrangement will look like. Secondly, as you have just reported, the first time that Michel Barnier meets david davis, he is good to say, ok, what do you want . Since we heard from the chancellor recently, that the cabinet, extraordinarily, has not yet apparently had a substantive discussion on what deep and special partnership actually means. We are talking about the future of outrage relationship, not as good, but services. 80 of the british economy is dependent on services. So, the government is to decide, tell the negotiators, but crucially tell parliament, what kind of arrangements will be seeking as the talks move into space to. On the issue of on the issue of northern ireland, that is unresolved. When will that come to a head . When does that fit in . Well, depending on the kind of deal that we are able to get on trade and services, that might help to deal with the problem. But, what was significant about the wording agreed last week in brussels, was this. The government said, we will try and sort it out in the trade talks, if not, we will bring forward other proposals, but asa bring forward other proposals, but as a backstop, we are giving our commitment to full alignment between the United Kingdom and the eu, when it comes to cross border trade. The objective that we all share, is that nobody wants to see the return to a border where checks are ticking place. The really interesting question, is this. If we did end up, having to put that commitment into effect, if there is going to be no border checks between trade between the uk and the republic, then presumably the goods, having got into the republic, would then be up to go into the other 26 number state of the European Union . And cover the significant about what the government agreed to, is that it tells us a lot about the type of trade relationship it will be seeking in this talks. However, the important question is, what will be 27 be prepared to grant . We met Michel Barnier as the select Committee Just over a month ago. He was talking about a talented deal. That is fine on trade, they have but we anything on services. The bulk of oui we anything on services. The bulk of our economy depends on being able to sell our services. And to be able to continue doing so into the u. A lot rests on the negotiations that about to bring in they will be more difficult than what we have seen thus far. Can i ask you one final question, those conservative mps who voted for that amendment, last night, have been subjected to what most people would recognise as pretty ferocious attack on positive press, what is your view . We are elected as members of parliament to do ourjob. That is designed up for oui do ourjob. That is designed up for our constituents, for what we believe in, and to do what we think is right. No mp who does that, whether we share that view or not, they should be respected, that everybody in the house of commons. There is enough abuse of this kind of business in politics, which is to the discredit of the way that politics is discussed by some people. This is mps doing theirjob, and even if you disagree with someone, and even if you disagree with someone, and busy i applaud those who voted with us, and others last night, to make sure that parliament can have a bit, i dont think its right that they should be attacked. This is partly the problem, some of those headlines is the impression that somehow this was a vote to not respect the outcome of the referendum. It was a vote to ensure that Parliament Takes back control, andi that Parliament Takes back control, and i thought thats what the leave campaign were campaigning for when they campaigned for us to leave the eu. We should respect the decision they have made. That is the basis of our democracy. Iam big i am big to tell you more about the breaking news from france. The latest that we are told, is that the French Interior Ministry Said that there were four fatalities. Some of them schoolchildren in this crass. 19 people are injured. Were talking about a school bus and a train crashed between. Some 11 miles west of perpignan. It happened just within the last hour. We are checking the figures here. Some of them say 19 injured. Forfloat four fatalities have been confirmed. Im also been told that the bus is thought to have been taking children aged between 11 and 15, it was a local train that came along, at that really crossing, at millas, near perpignan. The Emergency Services are still there. She says that is it she says that it is a terrible accident. He are coming in on that, but clearly a very serious incident, including loss of life, and some of those are children. If i have more, i will bring you it straightaway. 23 minutes past five, a reminder of the other had lines the today. A National Memorial service at st pauls cathedral to remember the victims of the Grenfell Tower in june. The Prime Minister arriving in brussels for a crucial eu summit, insisting that the uk is on course to deliver brexit. The Scottish Government has raised income tax, for those earning more than £24,000 a year. And, in sport, a maiden test century but england in control on the opening day of the third ashes test. A test that they cannot afford to move lose. Four time Tour De France champion, brit chris broome, says that his legacy will not be tainted despite testing positive for a legal asthma drug. If those earning more than £24,000 a year, the scottish comedy is planning a new tax band of 21 head in the pound, but a new income pack tax 19 pence will mean that no one earning £33,000 a year in scotland will have to pay more tax. 0verall, 55 will play live marginally less than next year. Lets go to edinburgh and talk to lady rice who is top of the fiscal commission. Can you help me out first of all, with your role when it comes to this budget, and how you contribute to the measures or advice given here . The scottish fiscal commission, since april this year, has been developing models and then forecast for the taxes that have devolved to scotland, and also the son devolved to Social Security expenditure in addition. We have done, the first time ever, a five year forecast of scotlands economy. 0ur role is to prepare these forecasts, and then take any policy changes that are chosen by the government, and cost those and factor those into our final forecast. We do this work independently of the government, and we do that through our own staff. Independently of the government, and we do that through our own staffm layman s terms, would you say that this budget, this daft budget, would boost the economy and productivity in scotland . Boost the economy and productivity in scotland . What is your projection . It is very hard to give a good answer to that, productivity in scotland, as in the us the uk, and some other places as well, has been quite subdued for quite a long time. In scotland, very low for many yea rs. Time. In scotland, very low for many years. It is hard to see how anything will make an instant change to that. But, we do need to solve that problem, and one of the good things in scotland, is that more people are in employment, so the Labour Market is growing. But, wage growth is not going very much at all, and it would be the combination of those that would lead to a real used in the economy. Am i right in saying that the scottish economy will grow at less than 1 a year until 2022 Chris Mckenna might guess, thats right. Partly, because of guess, thats right. Partly, because of the shape of our population and product. I was also looking at the projected revenues. It says that these tax raises will raise an additional 5 exceed £4 million, and under 99 million by 20 2022, or 2033. There is a view that when you raise the income tax for top brackets that it is not as efficient of fruitful as we would like to be. How would you help us . For any tax change, there is a policy put forward , change, there is a policy put forward, and one can do an academic calculation, of what tax revenue that might bring in. But, in fact, taxes apply to people. So, we have got to look at behavioural effects, and how people react to that tax change. The one and £54 million increase, take into account the behavioural changes, which we think people might show at those higher tax bands here in scotland. Good to talk to you. Thank you so much the shining sunlight on that report, today. Thank you. Lady rice from the scottish fiscal commission. A little more on the serious accident in is upper france. The more details coming in. Lets go straight to paris, we are getting at these images coming in from the south of france near perpignan. What is the latest you have . We are being told that the Emergency Services are, as you would expect, at the site. There are four emergency helicopters that have been brought in. Up to seven people may have been loosely injured in this crass, and there are reports on local french media, saying that perhaps three or four schoolchildren may have died, as well. Those are unconfirmed figures, and were waiting for the prosecutor kaptur, any next few to give us confirm figures about who has been killed and injured in the collision. Lewsey, thank you for now. We will contact lewsey, thank you for now. We will co nta ct you lewsey, thank you for now. We will contact you if there is more information. Walt disney has announced a deal to buy 21st century fox from rupert murdoch, for nearly £40 billion. The deal includes foxs 39 stake in satellite Broadcaster Sky , and the 20th century fox film studio. Foxs remaining assets, including fox news and sports , will form a new company. The deal ends more than half a century of media expansion by fox owner rupert murdoch. Mr iger told abcs Good Morning America that he would talk to mr murdoch about a future role theyll be announcing, or they are announcing, some plans of their own right now. James and i will be talking over the next number of months. He is going to be integral to the integration process, and he and i will be discussing whether there is a role for him, or not at our company. Talking there are about james murdoch, not rupert murdoch. Our Business Editor simon jack is here. This is a big deal, one of the biggest we have seen in the Entertainment Industry in a number of years and is big and powerful as disney is, it is trying to defend itself against the rising power of Technology Companies like netflix and amazon prime and google, that is what they are up against so they are buying 21st century fox, the studio and its content, and beefing up their ability to broadcast and distribute that content, so they will have a stake in sky, star india, a very important part in this puzzle, and they will have control of gulu, which is their version of a streaming service like netflix but this is the future and it is a testa m e nt to this is the future and it is a testament to the power of the internet giants that you see a company like disney by a company like fox. People will wonder what this means for the murdoch brand. 0ften this means for the murdoch brand. Often the buyer and so rarely the seller. Rupert murdoch has talked about his plans to build a dynasty and he has his sons james and lachlan, james is the chief executive today of fox. We heard that at one stage there was a briefing that james could be the boss of disney but that has been shelved and the current chief executive has extended his contract and they dont know whether there is and they dont know whether there is a role forjames. Rupert murdoch goes back to basics, he loves news and sport and likes talking to politicians, he has always had that passion but it looks like james, who wa nted passion but it looks like james, who wanted to build a Global Entertainment company, that ambition looks like its over. Were in a new landscape. We will have some interesting combinations, like the avengers may be teamed up with the x men, a lot to talk about synergies, the regulators might have a quick look at it, they might need to do some work around it but a big deal. Thank you, simon jack. A couple of other stories for you. A third person has appeared in court charged with the murder of four children in a house fire in salford. 25 year old David Worrall spoke only to confirm his name and address. He will now appear at crown Court Tomorrow alongside a 23 year old man and 20 year old woman also charged with murder. A deal has been reached aimed at preventing one of the uks largest care Home Companies from going into administration. Four Seasons Health care, which runs more than 300 residential and nursing homes, caring for 17,000 people, has agreed a major Restructuring Plan with its main creditor. The debt Ridden Company had warned it wouldnt be able to make a £26 million Interest Payment due tomorrow. A little later than usual, lets join darren. Getting a bit colder out there, that chill will stay quite windy tonight across Western Areas and we are seeing bands of rain and sleet moving down across the uk and skies clear further north, we may find some ice because those temperatures will be hovering around freezing for much of the night. 0nce around freezing for much of the night. Once we take away that wet weather across southern england and wales, we will have a northerly wind, further west it will be much drier today and sunny with a northerly wind feeding in wintry showers in scotland. A cold day, a bit like today. 0nce those northerly winds eased down tomorrow night, we lose a lot of those showers and temperatures will tumble quickly, ashok frost to start the weekend but then we will push our weight slowly then we will push our weight slowly the colder air and introduce mild westerly winds on sunday, which will lift the temperatures and bring some rain into the northwest. This is bbc news. The headlines a National Memorial service is held six months to the day after the fire at Grenfell Tower. More than 1500 people attended st pauls cathedral, including members of the royal family. Four children have died and several others injured after a train crashed into a school bus at a level crossing in Southern France. Its thought the bus was carrying students aged between 11 and 15. Theresa may arrives in brussels for a crucial eu summit, and says the uk is on course to deliver brexit. It comes the day after her first commons defeat as Prime Minister. It was on an amendment to the eu withdrawal bill. The Scottish Government has set out a draft budget which would mean lower earners paying less tax than they would in the rest of the uk, while higher earners would pay more. Rupert murdoch sells a majority of 21st century fox to disney in one of the biggest media deals for years. Now we can catch up with the days sport. England had one of their best days of the ashes so far on day one in perth. When play restarts in the third test early tomorrow morning england will resume on 305 for four. They had been reduced to 131 forfour at one stage but dawid malan hit his maiden test century and Jonny Bairstow is on 75 both still going at the end of the days play. Heres our Sports Correspondent andy swiss. Theyve been waiting a long time for this. After watching collapses, calamities and controversies, at last for england fans a bit of cricketing cheer. Not that it necessarily seemed that way at first. England opted to bat. But in alastair cooks case, not for long, out for just seven. As australias bowlers set about making life decidedly uncomfortable it seemed a case of what if. But in the nick of time a centurion emerged from the ranks. The unheralded dawid malan. Yes, he rode his luck, dropped on 92, but together withJonny Bairstow he made australia pay. What a time to score your first test hundred. If the day belonged to england, the moment was all of his. Commentator magnificent effort. It was so emotional. I didnt really know what to do and when i got the hundred i was so emotional i almost started crying, to be honest, when it happened. Just when they needed it, englands best day of the series so far. Theres still a long way to go in this match, but theyve given themselves a chance. In a series so far defined by disappointment, england will hope this just might be a turning point. Jockey Hayley Turner has been given a three month suspension from racing after what the British Horse Racing Authority described as a lax and complacent attitude towards the rules of racing. Turner made bets while holding a professionaljockeys licence. British flat racings most successful female jockey staked 164 bets making a profit of £160 over an 18 month period. Idid break i did break the rules and i have spent my whole adult life putting into the sport, more than i should have done and a bitter pill to swallow. The panel say you have been lax and complacent towards the rules of racing. The rules about not betting are there and you would have beena of betting are there and you would have been a of them. Do you accept there has to be a zero tolerance . Been a of them. Do you accept there has to be a zero tolerance . |j been a of them. Do you accept there has to be a zero tolerance . I accept there has to be some punishment because i was in the wrong but three months is quite harsh. The four time Tour De France champion chris froome has told the bbc he understands people will be cynical but insists his legacy wont be tainted. It emerged yesterday he had double the allowed level of a legal asthma drug in his urine following a test during the vuelta de espana, which he won, in september. Cyclings world governing body the uci wants more details from the team but froome has not been suspended. I do understand obviously its come as a big shock to a lot of people. But i stand by what ive always said, in that i certainly havent broken any rules here. I havent taken more than the permissible amount, and im sure, at the end of the day, the truth will be told. After winning the uk championship for a record equalling sixth time last week, ronnie 0sullivan has continued his winning streak. The rocket made one century break as he won his third round match at the scottish 0pen, beating the world number 36, li hang of china 4 3. 0sullivan will play welshman Michael White in the fourth round. Thats all the sport for now. You can find more on all those stories on the bbc sport website. Ill be back with more fee you in sportsday at 6 30pm. Catherine, thank you. Lets pick up on the important summit taking place in brussels. Theresa may has arrived in brussels for a summit with european leaders, who are expected to give the green light for talks to begin on future relations between the eu and britain. Speaking to journalists, the Prime Minister said her plans for brexit wouldnt be affected by last nights defeat in the commons, which gave mps a final say on any agreement with the eu. Thats the context to todays summit for of people. Im joined in the studio by the former Foreign Office permanent secretary, lord peter ricketts. Thank you for coming in. Can we start with last nights events at westminster and any shadow that may cast over todays events, it substantial . I dont think it is, the role politicians and know about losing votes occasionally, i think people will be bemused that british politics seems to bt click but they know they need to negotiate with theresa may. So lets focus on the effort to push this process on, what is your reading on that . effort to push this process on, what is your reading on that . I think this deal between the british and the Eu Commission will go through without much discussion. For most of Europe Brexit is not the all consuming issue that it is here. This summit is full of other issues that are more important for other countries, migration, defence, the eurozone, and this is one item on the agenda and the Prime Minister is only there briefly so i think they will go other things. How soon will the Prime Minister say we are now at the Prime Minister say we are now at the point per we can talk about trade because that has exercised so many people, when will that become the deepest part of the negotiation . I think by the end of the European Council tomorrow it will be clear we have made progress and can go on, but then will be the transition period and we will spend january to march on the transition period. The eu were clear that that means aligning with the eu except not being a member and aligning with the eu except not being a memberand it aligning with the eu except not being a member and it is after easter that we will get to the trade issues, and there the europeans are waiting to know what we want. They feel we are not ready, the cabinet has not discussed it yet, so we should expect a transition period which will give certainty that there is frustration in europe that there is frustration in europe that we havent been clear whether we wa nt that we havent been clear whether we want to stay close to the eu for wa nt we want to stay close to the eu for want a relationship that moves further away and all the problems that produces own borders. What is your hunch, whered you think the government will end up in trading terms . The more it looks at the realities of europe being our largest trading partner, half of all our trade goes to europe, the more they will could be convinced we have to stay close to the Single Market and the idea we will negotiate agreements with america orjapan in short order is impossible. I have a feeling that reality in the end gets accepted and i think that is where people will end up but we are not there yet. Final point on how this summit will pan out, you made one reference to the Prime Ministers visibility, will this illustrate for us visibility, will this illustrate for us how the relationship will develop where there were some important thing is being discussed, migration and defence, but in some of these very as the Prime Minister will not be at the table . Yes, we are leaving the eu so issues that concern the eu will not concern us, so she will not be invited tomorrow and that is a clear symbol of beau brittons relationship with the eu is changing. Thank you, lord regrets. Former ambassador to france, good of him tojoin us former ambassador to france, good of him to join us today to give us his expert analysis of what is going on in brussels. The headlines a National Memorial service is held at st pauls cathedral to remember the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire. In france the eu summit where theresa may has just arrived and the talks going on, hoping from the Prime Ministers point of view to get onto talking about a future relationship and trade. Four people have died and several others injured after a train crashed into a school bus at a level crossing in Southern France. An update on the market numbers for you. Heres how london and frankfurt ended the day. They both slipped a little. Trading is still going on in the states, the dow and nasdaq figures there, in positive territory. Haemophilia its a condition that leads to excessive bleeding, even from minor injuries. It severely affects around 2000 people in the uk. Now a team of doctors say they have achieved a significant breakthrough in the treatment of the most common form of the disease. The Research Team at barts health nhs trust used gene therapy to correct the defect in a small safety trial. 0ur Health Correspondent James Gallagher reports. Walking two miles to work used to be unthinkable forjake 0mer. He was born with haemophilia a, a genetic defect that means his blood did not clot. The slightest injury used to mean severe bleeding. Even a long stroll would cause bleeding in hisjoints. But no more. I think the gene therapy has hopefully given me a new lease of life. Its going to allow me, as my boys grow up, to be a lot more active with them, so kick footballs around, climb trees with them, to hopefully run around in the park with them, and not be someone who has to worry about what im doing. Jakes body struggles to produce a protein for clotting of blood called factor eight. He was one of 13 patients given gene therapy last year. A virus was used to give his body new instructions for making factor eight. All of the trial patients are off their haemophilia medication, and 11 have roughly normal levels of blood clotting proteins. If this is how much factor eight you or i produce, well, this is how much is produced in a haemophilia patient. But you can see after the gene therapy trial its almost up to normal. This is huge. Its groundbreaking. Because the option to think about normalising levels in patients with severe haemophilia is absolutely mind blowing. To offer people the potential of a normal life, when theyve had to inject themselves with factor eight every other day to prevent bleeding is transformational. Its a really exciting time for people with haemophilia. This could be life changing. But we need to understand who it works for, we need to understand why it works for those people and why it might not work for some other people, and understand the long term implications and side effects. Large studies will now take place to see if gene therapy can replace these regular injections and truly transform the lives of patients. Its cost 1 billion to build. The new United States embassy in london, which has just been completed, opens next month. Its a 12 storey glass cube on the banks of the thames, and comes complete with a moat the first new defensive moat to be built in england for 150 years. The Us Ambassador to the uk said the new embassy is a signal to the world that the relationship between the two countries is strong, and going to grow. Richard lister reports. This is what 1 billion looks like. The new us embassy in london is said to be the most expensive in the world and almost a decade in the making. Inside theres a garden of american desert flora. Its all designed to be airy and welcoming, not words usually associated with embassies. I think this is a country of great dignity and it birthed the United States. And this building should be not some pop icon, but certainly a building of great dignity and serenity. But this embassy is also a fortress. It even has a moat, though theyd prefer we call it a pond. Some of the glass is six inches thick, a reminder that an embassy is the only place where one nation intersects with another. For decades thats been here, Grosvenor Square. The old embassy has been sold to become a hotel. But its a place now associated with american triumphs and tragedies. Archive at Grosvenor Square police warned to expect trouble waiting. It was where british people repeatedly protested against the vietnam war. Archive a huge crowd waited for them at the american embassy. Where well wishers greeted americas first men on the moon, and came to pay their respects after the attacks of 9 11. Now a new building will represent america. The Us Ambassador says this glass clad building represents americas global outlook, giving form, he says, to the core Democratic Values of transparency, openness and equality. Whats not clear was whether President Trump will be at the opening next month, though he has been invited. It would be the most controversial visit by any american president , a moving in present for the ambassador. Trump is coming when he sets the date for coming. Hes been invited for a state visit. Hes been invited and hes accepted but he hasnt set a date and for the Ribbon Cutting of this and taking a look at this embassy, that will be announced when he selects the date. And, of course, the new embassy will outlive this presidency and many more to come. If you are just if you arejustjoining us, let me remind you of the serious accident in the south of france, involving a school bus and a train. The accident happened about 11 miles west of the city of perpignan on. Some images coming in from city of perpignan on. Some images coming infrom near city of perpignan on. Some images coming in from near the scene. We think at least four people have died. There were reports that some of those might have been schoolchildren but that is unconfirmed. The interior ministry say at least four people have died and possibly 20 or more people injured. Its a major incident, lots of the Emergency Services still at the scene and some people are said to be trapped in the wreckage of this crush. The children on the bus we think were aged between 11 and 15, secondary schoolchildren and the accident happened at a crossing in the small town of they smack which is about 11 miles west of perpignan. Millas. The french transport minister elisabeth borne is on her way there and she has already been on social media saying she is going to see those involved in this terrible accident and offering her sympathy and support. The city of perpignan on sending lots of their Emergency Services to the scene and there you have a dramatic and distressing image of the bus and a train, so its a local Train Service crashing into a school bus full of kids between 11 and 15. We think at least four people have died, 19 or 20 injured but the figures have not been confirmed and we will bring you the latest as soon as we have it from the scene of that dreadful accident in the south of france. Lets return to events today marking six months since the Grenfell Tower fire which claimed the lives of 71 people. Every month a silent march takes place in notting hill to remember those who died in the fire. 0ur correspondent Adina Campbell is at Notting Hills methodist church, where tonights march will begin. Let me show you this display which has been put up especially ahead of the nights silent march. These are heart shaped posters which have been designed by local schoolchildren paying tribute to the 71 people who died in the fire six months ago. Hundreds of people are expected tonight as part of this silent march, from all different ages and backgrounds, a real representation of the community here. Cultural identities and religious groups from across all generations. They will start from here and walk all around the area, ending up near to the tower at a place called the wall of truth, which is another area where people have been laying tributes like flowers reflecting on those who lost their lives. There has been a different mix of emotions here tonight, sorrow, anger and hope, sorrow because this is a six month milestone since 71 people lost their lives, and some people are also angry, saying they are still frustrated about how long it has taken to frustrated about how long it has ta ken to permanently frustrated about how long it has taken to permanently rehouse people who work affected by the fire but there is also a sense of hope. This march will be a chance for people to come together and display solidarity and remember each of the 71 people, 53 adults and 18 children, who died. The march is expected to get under way at about 6 30pm. Its a family mystery which has taken one man more than 70 years to solve. In 1943 a box was abandoned on the steps of the bbc in london. It was found by a studio manager called trevor hill, who at first thought it was a bomb. But it turned out the box actually contained a baby called robin king. Now 74, mr king says hes spent most of his life wondering who abandoned him and why. But thanks to dna, and some detective work, he finally has some answers. And hes been reunited with the bbc man who found him all those years ago, as steve knibbs reports. Amazing, incredible. Youre the baby a reunion, 74 years apart, as trevor hill meets the contents of the box he discovered outside the bbc in 1943. That today is 74 year old robin king. You wouldnt fit into that little box now. In 1943 bbc broadcasting house had been bombed, so the overseas service was set up in the Peter Robinson Department Store on oxford street, and one morning, as trevor turned up for work, he found a box outside. So you were wrapped in the blanket inside the box. Did you worry it might be a bomb or something . Well, exactly, we were pretty sure it was. And particularly when it moved slightly, we thought there a timer. Its lucky i wasnt blown up. Thankfully it was just robin in the box and aged just two weeks he became a foundling. He was named robin peters, after the Department Store where he was found, and eventually adopted at the age of four. And these are my biological parents. After decades of searching, last year robins daughter traced his biological parents to canada with the help of a dna expert. They were douglas and agnesjones. He was in the Royal Canadian air force, working at a Radio Training School in south kensington. He met and married agnes in glasgow. Its a bit of a mystery because it seems very difficult for him or my mother to actually leave a box in that position at that particular time during the war, when there was a lot of security worries, so that doesnt make sense to me. At least today, a few more pieces of robins early life have been filled in. Its just been completely for me a magical day, a day that i never thought would exist, and i never, ever imagined that i would get to meet the contents of that box. Hes still desperate to know why he was left outside the bbc in 1943, but grateful of course to have been found by trevor. Nice uplifting story with the mystery solved after all those yea rs. Mystery solved after all those years. The news at 6pm coming up soon but heres darren. It felt a bit colder out there today especially with the wind and overnight it will stay windy in the west of the uk. We have these bands of rain and sleet and snow and we will find clearer skies allowing some icy patches, it will hover about freezing for much of the night. We have northerly winds by tomorrow so there will be more cloud for the east of england, some wintry showers, further west it will be much drier than today with more sunshine but northerly winds keeping showers going in northern scotland, sunny spells in Eastern England but a cold day. 0vernight tomorrow night with winds easing and showers fading away it will turn cold with a sharp frost. That cold air that we start the weekend with, we will slowly pushit the weekend with, we will slowly push it away and introduced Atlantic Winds instead of northerly winds, lifting temperatures slowly as the weekend goes on but it will introduce more cloud and rain in the northwest. Tonight, a Memorial Service at saint pauls, six months after the Grenfell Tower fire. Pauls, six months after the Grenfell Towerfire. A pauls, six months after the Grenfell Tower fire. A Community Comes together today just as tower fire. A Community Comes together todayjust as it did in the aftermath of that night and still there are questions. Today we ask why warnings were not heeded, why a community was left feeling neglected, and cared for, not listened to. From survivors and relatives. It was comforting to know that people still remember them, and share our grief and talk about it. Well be hearing from one family, finding out how theyve coped

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