Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20171204 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20171204

welcome to bbc news. this might have been the day when theresa may and the eu could signal that there was enough progress in brexit talks to start moving on to the next stage. but it wasn't to be. the main obstacle is what to do about the border between northern ireland and the republic. earlier today, it seemed the issue of the border had been resolved. but the dup in belfast objected to any suggestion that northern ireland could be treated differently to the rest of the uk. ireland's prime minister accused theresa may of backing away from an agreement. our political editor laura kuenssberg is in brussels and sent this report. here to reveal the deal, or was it slipping away? the prime minister didn't exactly look delighted, but after weeks of trying to grip a deal, it seemed it was on. she'd only parked up for lunch, but it turned into a long lunch, and then later and later. by tea—time, look at their faces. it was off for today. we have been negotiating hard and a lot of progress has been made, and on many of the issues there is a common understanding. it's clear, crucially, that we want to move forward together, but on a couple of issues, some differences do remain, which require further negotiation and consultation. and those will continue, but we will reconvene before the end of the week, and i am also confident that we will conclude this positively. it didn't feel very positive this afternoon. despite our best efforts and significant progress, we and our teams have made over the past days on this, there remain withdrawal issues. it was not possible to reach complete agreement today. but listen to this — eager meps this morning. saying, "we're the team". sure—ish that the uk government would give enough to make it work, even despite what's been described as a contradiction over the irish border. as long as we have the commitment that there will be full alignment, it's ok, there will be no border. so, as far as you're concerned, sir, the text includes a concession from the british government over the northern irish border? right, but is that a surprise to you? the british government created for itself a contradiction. i'm optimistic that it is possible. 50—50 to have something. but we have to be sure that on citizens rights, everything is ok. but watch this. as suggestions of a deal became the accepted truth, the dup, whose support theresa may needs, slammed on the brakes. we have been very clear. northern ireland must leave the european union on the same terms as the rest of the united kingdom, and we will not accept any form of regulatory divergence which separates northern ireland. as time ticked on, 20 minutes later, the prime minister broke off her meetings in brussels to phone mrs foster. i understand the dup made it plain they could not support the proposed deal. the precise opposite to the irish leader who has pushed and pushed, and talked of his shock. i'm surprised and disappointed that the british government now appears not to be in a position to conclude what was agreed earlier today. i accept that the prime minister has asked for more time, and i know that she faces many challenges. and i acknowledge that she is negotiating in good faith. despite all the hope, all the anticipation, the negotiating teams leave brussels today without a deal. those close to her claim it's not just the reliance on the dup that sunk the deal today. she was meant to be home by now, but theresa may's still talking, stuck, no further steps forward. as we've been hearing, the issue of the irish border proved the major sticking point today. our ireland correspondent chris buckler has been looking at why the border has proved so contentious. all along this border, there are derelict buildings like this, former customs post, no one would like a return of these and what is being called a hard border, but unionists are asking questions about what can be the price for that, faye fary could mean closer ties to the republic of ireland and potentially new divisions within the uk —— they fear it could mean. specifically between northern ireland and britain, a politically sensitive issue, and also awkward for theresa may given her reliance on the dup in the commons. the journey to a brexit deal is proving far from easy. the uk and the eu still have to find a way through the many problems posed by these border roads. the irish government are insisting that there should be no change along the 310 miles that connect northern ireland and the republic, that this should remain an invisible border. south of the dividing line in dundalk, which will stay a part of the european union, people started the day believing there was a prospect of a december deal and for owners of shops like this, keeping trading rules and regulations the same across this island would be quite a gift. there's no restrictions at all. if you take stuff down, you can take it with you in the morning, you don't have to go through the customs. i remember what it was like, you lost a day going the customs in newry and dundalk. after a while, it's like everything else, when it's gone a while, you forget how bad it was, you know. but the dup hold quite a few cards in what is proving to be a grown—up game of poker. they worry that the trade—off for ensuring customs posts don't return to this island's roads could be new divisions and trading differences within the uk. potentially new checks at ports for ships travelling between northern ireland and britain, what has been called a border in the irish sea. and north of the border in newry, many felt the conservatives had no choice but to listen to the democratic unionists, because they hold the balance of power at westminster. may needs the dup at the moment. could that scupper this deal? i think it might because if they pull the plug, it will be a general election. still part of the uk, so that's the way it will work. but these are towns which rely on euros as well as pounds, and they worry that any border could put off visitors and their cash. you see, if they put a hard border, it would more or less destroy towns like newry and enniskillen, the border towns. currently, it seems difficult to see a way out of the negotiations that will satisfy everyone, but the government needs to come up with solutions for this border and fast. chris buckler, bbc news, newry. there might be more problems for mrs may too — as a number of other regional leaders took to twitter to suggest they might like a special border deal with the eu after brexit. london mayor sadiq khan says he thinks there'll be huge ramifications for london. first minister of wales, carwynjones, tweeted saying: and scottish first minister, nicola sturgeon, said: our political correspondent chris mason is as westminster. the complexity of it all set out there, and given all of that, is it surprising that theresa may a p pa re ntly surprising that theresa may apparently gave the irish government the impression that a deal aligning north and south of the irish border was on the cards? on the face of it, it was surprising, because it would be something the dup would be deeply deeply uncomfortable with, because it would look like northern ireland was heading towards a situation where its regulations were more in line with the republic than with the rest of the uk, and if you are a unionist you might see that a slippery —— as a slippery slope in the direction of a united ireland. as it panned out, you got that leak around lunchtime, who had been briefed on this draft agreement, the delegation of meps, they came out and spilled the beans about what was in it. the prime minister was heading into her meeting with jean—claude juncker, the president of the european commission, and people started running back in westminster and in the devolved administrations around the uk, people reacting to this proposed deal, and interpreting what was a leak, and also extrapolating quite a bit. and if, for instance, the suggestion from the british government around some sort of alignment to specific sectors, in the event of no deal, for example, the event of no deal, for example, the parallel that scotland and wales and london might be able to draw would be more limited, but that is not happy day panned out, saw arlene foster, the leader of the dup, and theresa may returning to london, that there was no announcement. labour have been told to prepare for the high minister telling to parliament, saying, it we are, we have got it, we are moving on to try —— the prime minister. but still hasn't happened. messy to say the least, what about the reaction from conservative mps? the reaction in brussels was agog and aghast, and similar here, people staring at tv screens, similar here, people staring at tv screens, working out what is going on. conservative mps were summoned toa on. conservative mps were summoned to a meeting here at westminster to be briefed by a brexit minister and also a senior downing street adviser. broadly speaking there wasn't a sense of revolt from most of those leaving because those surveyed brexiteer instinct said it was right the prime minister was negotiating hard —— those of a brexiteer instinct. those of a remain instinct said we were not there yet and they would be keen to say there was no deadline coming until ten days' time, but this highlights the point you were making a few minutes ago, whichever way the prime minister terms in these brexit negotiations, there are people she will irritate, that is absolutely guaranteed. all she can try to do is accommodate as many people as she can for as much of the time she can, thatis can for as much of the time she can, that is as ambitious as she can be, given the complexity of what she's trying to achieve. chris, many thanks. joining me from dublin is kevin doyle, political editor at the irish independent. we were hearing, it seems the irish government were pretty convinced that they had got a deal which would align regulations north and south of the irish border. they were certain of it, in fact, leo varadkar arpad spoken —— had spoken with the likes of donald tusk and jean—claude juncker, and they thought the deal had been put on the table by theresa may and it was acceptable to the government in dublin and they thought this was going to be wrapped up thought this was going to be wrapped up by thought this was going to be wrapped up by lunchtime. leo varadkar had called a press conference for 230 where he was going to announce the irish version of this deal but then it was shortly before that, arlene foster intervened and everything fell apart. it is safe to say the irish government are pretty annoyed by the way this has played out. but the reaction from the dup was highly predictable. absolutely. there is bewilderment in dublin because the first question when the leaks appeared mid—morning, the first question being asked byjournalists, how are the dup on board with this? how has theresa may sold this to the dup? she doesn't seem to have made any attempt to sell this to the dup and effectively the message from the irish government tonight is that it is up to theresa may to go back and to make this work, to sit down arlene foster and work out what is going to happen, because the irish government now knows what theresa may is willing to put on the table. she has shown them the christmas present, she can't take half of it back, as one person said. the way this has unravelled, will this make it even harderfor this has unravelled, will this make it even harder for theresa this has unravelled, will this make it even harderfor theresa may this has unravelled, will this make it even harder for theresa may to find some sort of solution to this critical issue of the irish border? the answer is the irish government now believe that theresa may has found a solution, at least in principle, so they don't see anything needs to change now but she has got to go back and convince arlene foster and the dup to come on board. the argument that she will find it more difficult, theresa may, i think all eyes move now. today there was attention on dublin and there was attention on dublin and the meeting in brussels, but now the story moves to belfast very much and i wouldn't be surprised if you were to cbd yippie marching into number ten in the next 2a hours to see what can be done —— if you were to see the dup marching. there are clear differences, brexiteers have told the government that this can be solved by smart technology and arrangements for frequent traders across the border, but it seems that the irish border doesn't think that would work. —— irish government. there is the trade question, the idea that every day 30,000 people go back and forth across the border, sometimesjust a few back and forth across the border, sometimes just a few miles, to go to work, and the only thing that changes is calamitous into miles for the speed and those people should not have their lives disrupted —— is kilometres into miles. and the other aspect, that is the first time theresa may said there would be no physical infrastructure on the border, in the florence speech, and for a technology solution, you are talking about cameras and some sort of monitoring devices on the board and the irish government is concerned the moment you do that, those cameras become targets the dissident republicans and you could see an upsurge in civil disobedience or violence and that is the more serious by, that is what they would be telling people in europe, the message to them was, the conflict in northern ireland was the bloodiest conflict in eu history and the eu played a big role in solving that and therefore they should stick with the irish version of the good friday agreement to make sure we don't take a step back. kevin doyle, thanks for joining us. my colleague christian fraser is in brussels. he has been following the twists and turns throughout the day. bring us up—to—date with the latest reaction from where you are. open-mouthed on the part of the european commission, they have been briefing quite heavily that something would be agreed, a form of words which would ta ke agreed, a form of words which would take them on to the european council meeting in ten days' time, but they did not bank on the intervention of arlene foster. it is a surprise that they had not been kept in the loop through the weekend. so much effort speaking to the irish prime minister to make sure they were happy with what was being put forward, that maybe they have taken their eye off the ball with regards the situation in northern ireland. we can get a view on this. do you think that they forgot to give the dup in the loop? i don't know, we are following the negotiations over the weekend, we have been very much aware of the issues from the irish perspective since the uk voted in the referendum, about the need to protect the good friday agreement, and soi protect the good friday agreement, and so i think they were aware of theissues and so i think they were aware of the issues we needed to maintain, that they would be no diverging so we would have convergence. these we re well we would have convergence. these were well aired we would have convergence. these were wellaired in we would have convergence. these were well aired in the media, we would have convergence. these were wellaired in the media, so i'm surprised it has got to this point. i'm disappointed. but there is still time before the 14th of december, that a deal will be ironed out. there was expected from the irish perspective, in consultation with the commission, that we had reached agreement, so... does this change anything? there is a form of words which the irish government has the backing of with the uni macro leaders, and so the dup might get animated about it —— with the eu leaders. the wording from leo varadkar was very clear, he does not wa nt varadkar was very clear, he does not want any ha rdboa rd varadkar was very clear, he does not want any hardboard and he was like that in writing, no hard border between the south of ireland and the north of ireland. that is clear, the good friday agreement recognises there will be no divergences and there will be no divergences and there will be co—operation on many issues, and the people of the island voted for the good friday agreement. the constitutional position of northern ireland is not affected but there are structures in place following the good friday agreement and those structures need to be protected and it is a different situation to any border with france and scotland or any other, it is a unique situation and it was always clear. people seem to be just waking up clear. people seem to be just waking up to this point. arlene foster is ina up to this point. arlene foster is in a difficult place, she doesn't wa nt in a difficult place, she doesn't want a separate situation that takes the northern ireland —— takes northern ireland away from the rest of the uk, but there are people on her constituents who will want to remain with an open border. yes, we have heard the story which is the milk which goes over the border and then back again. we all know the stories about the free trade and the movement, people living their daily lives, we don't want the border back, but arlene foster knows well that the people of northern ireland did vote for the good friday agreement and that needs to be protected and preserved in its entirety. thanks forjoining us. such a cold night air. the work progresses through the course of the week, they say maybe by the end of this week they will found agreement, but many discussions will have to ta ke but many discussions will have to take place back in the uk over the course of the next few days if they are going to get there. indeed, many thanks. and we'll find out how this story — and many others — are covered in tomorrow's front pages in the uk and ireland. at 1040 this evening in the papers — our guestsjoining me tonight are asa bennett, brexit editor at the telegraph, polly curtis, editor in chief at huff post uk, and pat leahy, political editor of the irish times. the headlines on bbc news: the uk and the eu fail to reach a brexit deal. theresa may and jean—claude juncker say progress has been made, but more talks are needed, to iron out the remaining differences. ireland claims there was an agreement on the border question. but the dup has objected to the plan. child and pensioner poverty in britain — researchers say the gains of the past few years are unravelling. sport now and a full round up from the bbc sport centre. good evening. the draw for the third round of the fa cup has taken place this evening and the pick of the games is a merseyside derby between liverpool and everton at anfield. meanwhile holders arsenal will travel to nottingham forest. brighton will host crystal palace, no love lost between those sites. hereford, the lowest ranked team left in the competition will play leicester city if they win their second round replay against fleetwood town tomorrow night. another all top flight match with high flying manchester city at home to burnley. 12 times winners manchester united play derby. premier league side newcastle could face a tricky tie against league two leaders luton. there are four non—league sides left in the competition — woking, filed, hereford and slough rochdale are beating slough i—0 in tonight's second round tie , kelvin andrew the scorer. the winners are away to doncaster rovers. you can get details of the full third round draw on the bbc sport website. manchester united's paul pogba will serve a three match ban for his sending off against arsenal on saturday. he was given a straight red card for stamping on hector bellerin — united have decided not to appeal against the decision. so he'll miss the manchester derby on sunday — as well as the next two games against bournemouth and west brom. england manager gareth southgate has been told his job is safe, even if his side loses every game at next year's world cup in russia. southgate signed a four—year deal last december and the fa say he'll be in charge for the "next few tournaments". they say they have a long—term plan and they're already seeing results, with world cup successes for the under—i7 and under—20 sides. meanwhile, it's been announced that the bbc will show england's first two group matches at next year's world cup. the games against tunisia on 18june and panama on 2ajune will be live across tv, radio and online. they will also have the first two choices of quarter final games, including england's match, if they progress. after a terrible start to the third day of the second ashes test, england have a glimmer of hope in adelaide. england lost a succession of quick wickets this morning and were dismissed forjust 227 — in rely to the aussies a42 declared. but they made the best possible start with the ball. the tourists took four wickets in the evening session, including the valuable one of captain steve smith. australia finishing the day 53 forfour, their lead 268. we have fought back well. we have pushed australia back tonight, that is good to see. we can take some positives from that. obviously, we are behind in the game but at the same time it is really good, the fact that we fought back and showed good character to get ourselves back in the game. i thought we bowled really well tonight, as a unit. and we've put some pressure back on australia. you don't look past the fact that there are two full night sessions left if england want to win this game, and we had a tough session with the bat but there is a lot of cricket to go and we have a lead of over 260 and a lot of batting in the shed. so no reason why we can't build a really big lead and then have england on the ropes in the night session. top seed judd trump has been knocked out of the uk snooker championship at the third round stage in york, beaten 6—2 by graeme dott. also today ryan day won the all welsh battle — edging out mark williams 6—5. there are two matches this evening. these are live pictures. mark allen v peter lines. allen 3—0 up. two time champion neil robertson is against markjoyce. you can watch them live on the bbc sport website or via the red button. that's all the sport for now. i'll have more for you in sportsday at 1030. there's been a big increase in the number of children and pensioners in poverty — that's according to thejoseph rowntree foundation. the charity says that over the past four years an extra 700,000 children and pensioners in the uk fell into so called "relative poverty". that's defined as households with less than 60% of the median income — that's the middle value of all incomes. the foundation says it's the first time in 20 years that these groups have seen sustained rises. 0ur social affairs correspondent michael buchanan reports. here you are francis, haven't you had any yet? this drop—in centre is a second home to flo singleton, a source of friendship, laughter and warmth. the 84—year—old has seen her pension increase in recent years but pension credit, a benefit paid to the poorest pensioners, has not been similarly protected. she lives on £160 per week. it's a struggle, says flo. if you go out, you don't have to have your heating on, do you? trouble is, once it's dark in the evenings now, and cold, you have to put your heating on, don't you? so you go on the bus just to keep warm? yeah. well, you know! yeah! it's lovely and warm on the bus. and then you sort of try and extend it as long as you can. even though you've got to nowhere to go? yeah. it's mad, isn't it? the number of people in absolute poverty has fallen by half a million. today's report says that successful efforts to tackle poverty over the past 20 years are in danger of unravelling. it says that since 2013, an extra 300,000 pensioners and an additional 400,000 children are now living in poverty. in total, 14 million people in the uk are in poverty. this meant they started to move further away from those on low incomes who were also being affected by cuts to benefits. for most people, that is indeed the case, but increasingly for the poor, it is not true, and today's report finds one ina true, and today's report finds one in a turner's did not earn enough money to avoid being in poverty —— one in eight workers do not earn enough money to avoid being in poverty. this single mum fears not being able to find flexible childcare. i really did want to be able to go back to work. itjust isn't reliable enough and secure enough. i need and he needs security and stability, we need routine, and without that it is never going to be a settled life. the government say they are spending £90 billion a year supporting working age people in need, such sums are not however preventing increasing numbers of people from falling into poverty. the veteran bollywood actor sashi kapoor has died. he won several national film awards and was handed a civilian red civilian honour by the indian government. he also acted ina number of the indian government. he also acted in a number of british films. his sister—in—law is the actress felicity kendal. he died in hospital in mumbai. now the weather prospects with phil avery. hello, in mumbai. now the weather prospects with philavery. hello, it's in mumbai. now the weather prospects with phil avery. hello, it's been a fairly quiet start to the week. that's the way we'll keep it going through the course of the night. the best of the sunshine through the day found to the eastern side of the british isles. even here, the cloud may fill in in many spots. across the south—eastern quarter there may be some mist for to content with first thing. quite a cloudy start. the wind quite noticeable across the north—western quarter of scotland. the rain initially a botherfurther north and isles and then gets into the north—west of the mainland. elsewhere essentially it is a dry day. temperatures pretty close to where we have them in many spots. through monday 8—10d or so. choose a pretty decent, then really wet and windy through the middle part of the week. once that system has gone things will turn much colder across all parts. see you soon. hello. this is bbc news. the headlines. progress has been made — but still no breakthrough. theresa may and jean—claude junker say more talks are needed in brexit negotiations — to iron out the remaining differences. ireland claims there was an agreement on the border question. but the dup has objected to the plan. the irish prime minister voiced his disappointment. we are disappointed that the british government now appears not to be in a position to conclude what was agreed earlier today. an additional 700,000 children and pensioners in the uk have fallen into relative poverty in the last four years, according to a social policy charity. the supermarket that's not doing what it says on the tin — the co—op sells food that's past it best before date. so the the eu and the uk have failed to reach a deal today to progress to the next stage of brexit negotiations. and they're stumbling over the irish border question — after the dup refused to accept concessions the british government had appeared to be willing to offer. it seems no—one had reckoned on the determination of the dup whose leader arlene foster called a press conference to reiterate that northern ireland must not be allowed to be any different from te rest of britain after brexit. this might all feel a bit familiar to our next guest, because in a moment we will be joined by dennis murray the veteran former bbc ireland correspondent. but first, this is how bbc northern ireland have been reporting the story today. for once the uk and the eu seemed to be in step. at least there were no visible borders as theresa may arrived for her meeting with jean—claude juncker. the eu arrived for her meeting with jean—claudejuncker. the eu council president donald tusk strongly hinted that an agreement was in the air, tweeting he was encouraged after a phone call with the taoiseach, saying they were getting close to sufficient progress being made. but reports the uk had accepted there will be no regulatory divergences across ireland after brexit had also reached the party whose support helps keep theresa may in power. yellow how are you doing, bonjour and all that. we know there has been quite a lot of speculation emanating from the brexit talk regarding the united kingdom and northern ireland border. we want to make a statement in relation to our position. we have been buried. northern ireland must leave the european union on the same terms as the rest of the uk and we will not acce pt the rest of the uk and we will not accept any form of regulatory divergences which separates northern ireland economically or politically from the rest of the uk. it's understood the prime minister took time out from lunch with jack this is not a failure.|j jack this is not a failure. i am very confident we are making progress. on a couple of issues some differences remain which will require further negotiation and consultation. those will continue. but we will reconvene before the end of the week and i am also confident that we will conclude this positively. the irish government struggled to explain how a deal they thought was done had got away.|j think it's important we listen to the dup. i haven't had any contact with them in recent days. it's important we listen to them. it's also important to bear in mind they arejust one party in northern ireland. there are other parties in northern ireland and we need to have regard to what all the parties think in northern ireland and also what the majority of people think in northern ireland. we are surprised and disappointed they haven't been able to follow through on that agreement but there is still time, and we will continue to work together with the uk government, and of course hand in glove but can the agreement. this was sinn fein's responds. we've said from the beginning that the pact between the dup and the tories in london would end in tears, and so it has. it's just essential that everybody, including the dup, acts in the common good. theresa may has now some hard thinking to do. a deal with the dup versus a deal with the eu. it may not be possible to have both. let's speak now to the bbc‘s former ireland correspondent, denis murray. he's in our belfast newsroom. it does seem somewhat surprising that the prime minister apparently made an offer to the irish government which was always going to be unacceptable to the unionists. well, there are two possibilities there. one is that either theresa may and her diplomats, her team thought it was acceptable to the democratic unionist party, or they hoped the text wouldn't get out. the text that appeared on the irish broadcaster rtp used that phrase about no regulatory divergences. in other words the con and macrocosm than trade regulations and so forth would remain the same. that is the proverbial red flag to the dup, because they say they would rather have a hard border. they say they don't want that but they would rather have a hardboard van have a customs border in the middle of the irish sea. symbolically that is important to them because they would see that as a weakening of the union, that you had a different arrangement, that northern ireland would still be in some of the trade and customs arrangements as the rest of the eu. clearly the taoiseach but that had been agreed. when he says we are surprised and disappointed thatis we are surprised and disappointed that is familiar language to both of us that is familiar language to both of us from diplomats as hopping mad. what is going to have to happen now, although leo varadkar what is going to have to happen now, although leo va radkar says what is going to have to happen now, although leo varadkar says there are other parties in northern ireland, the only party that counts at westminster from northern ireland the only party that counts at westminsterfrom northern ireland is the dup. clearly they signal to theresa may that if you want to lose some folks in the house of commons then go ahead with this, though they are going to have to come up with a form of words that would give leo varadkarand form of words that would give leo varadkar and the irish team the guarantees they want about the future of the border, and is enough to persuade the dup that it's safe to persuade the dup that it's safe to go ahead in these talks. clearly thatis to go ahead in these talks. clearly that is going to be very difficult to achieve. you mentioned the anger of the irish government. you think the way events have unravelled today actually makes this task even more difficult now for the prime minister? definitely. if that text hadn't been publicised, if theresa may had been able to say we've agreed a text but going to keep it confidential, but nobody need worry. if you think about it, if this gets to the stage where you're hammering out the trade details, it might end up out the trade details, it might end up that the whole of the uk is going to be in the customs union anyway. 0r still partly or wholly in the trade union without the judgments of the european court or having a say in brussels or strasbourg. you might end up with that. and in the conversation and the row we are having at the moment would be redundant. what they are going to have to do is come up with that form of words. it's beyond me what that form of words is but it has been a pattern at a european summit is going back to the 1980s that these things went up to the wire. remember that old phrase about the prime minister's limousines are outside with the engines running and the engines are warming up on theirjets on the airport. i get the feeling there is so much at stake here, which is the entirety of the rest of the deal, of the real dealfor the future and to everybody‘s future both in europe and the uk and in ireland. i think the stakes are too— they're not to be away to proceed. then you would have a complete colla pse then you would have a complete collapse and have to start again. this is crucial. leo varadkar said after he had heard that the british side had said we can't proceed on this basis, that he had been phoned byjean—claude juncker and was told that the eu position is the irish position. ireland still seems to have a veto on progressing to stage two if they don't get the language they want. the dup seem to have a veto on how the british government proceed. it's squaring all of that up, which is the trick to be pulled off. when it comes down to this actual border, it seems as though there are two completely different ideas of how this might work, with the irish clearly wanting the same regulations applying both sides of the border, and many of the unionists and indeed conservative brexiteers saying this can all be sorted out with a combination of some sort of system for frequent traders and perhaps some smart cameras and that sort of system. it's very difficult to find a middle way between two very different solutions to what everyone seems to say they want, which is no border. everyone says that, nobody wants to see a return to the border. the trade between the uk, in northern ireland in particular, with the republic of ireland is huge. it's vital to the republic of ireland and northern ireland. its trade with the eu is three times what it does with the united states. nobody wants to see that hard border back. there are thousands of lorries crossing that border in both directions every day. years back you had to have what were called... even bbc crews had to have this massive amount of paperwork, and go into a customs clearance post in newry to be able to take it into the republic. nobody wants to see a return to that. these people argue there is a way of doing this electronically but nobody has laid that out yet. even if you have an arrangement like with switzerland and norway, that's because those countries have accepted certain things from the eu, like food standards and so one. there's an awful lot to thrash out yet. there are other issues. there's the european court, do judgments are other issues. there's the european court, dojudgments of are other issues. there's the european court, do judgments of the european court, do judgments of the european court, do judgments of the european court applied to irish citizens living in northern ireland because they are citizens of the eu? but you have that freedom of travel and almost dual citizenship between the two jurisdictions. and almost dual citizenship between the twojurisdictions. it's and almost dual citizenship between the two jurisdictions. it's very messy and a difficult thing to sort out. i get the feeling that the pressures a re out. i get the feeling that the pressures are so much that somebody somewhere will come up with a piece of verbiage that will allow everyone to continue. thank. our correspondent vicki young has been speaking to the former northern ireland secretary theresa villiers. i think it's very positive that clearly the two sides in this important negotiation are getting much closer to an agreement and that sufficient progress has been made to move sufficient progress has been made to m ove o nto sufficient progress has been made to move onto trade talks. i very much hope we see that breakthrough coming in the next few days. how can we square the circle? it seems to be very problematic now with the dup absolutely against any kind of regulatory and nine moment, they don't want any barriers between them and the rest of the uk. how can this be sorted out? when you aren't in the negotiating remits difficult to provide a commentary. the uk government last summer published a paper which had credible plans for how you would run able to split much as open and free—flowing as it is today, you think technology to carry out customs checks. i still think thatis out customs checks. i still think that is the best way forward and ultimately it's in the interest of both sides to make possible. i think. on the other issues, downing street have made it clear today it's not just about this issue. street have made it clear today it's notjust about this issue. there is still an issue about citizens‘ rights, some of your colleagues are concerned about the role of the european court of justice. concerned about the role of the european court ofjustice. the ecj's role is very sensitive for us. 0bviously at the heart of the vote in the referendum was the wish to return to the situation where we live under laws made by the people we elect, making them in our own parliament. the continued involvement of the ecj would tend to undermine that. having said that, with the ecj being a powerful court on our doorstep it‘s going to continue to have some kind of influence on our legal system to some indirect degree. there may be scope for some role in relation to eu nationals living in the uk. i think we‘ve got to look very carefully at what ends up being proposed, but it‘s not impossible that there could be some kind of compromise on the role of the ecj in relation purely to the rights of eu nationals already living in the uk. the headlines on bbc news. brexit talks fall apart in brussels, but the prime minister and european commission president are confident a deal can be reached. ireland claims there was an agreement on the border question. but the dup has objected to the plan. there‘s been a big increase in the number of children and pensioners in poverty — according to a social policy charity. an update on the market numbers for you — here‘s how london‘s and frankfurt ended the day. and in the the united states this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. the metropolitan police commissioner, cressida dick, has suggested two retired officers who alleged pornography was found on a cabinet minister‘s computer could be prosecuted, if it‘s found to be untrue. bob quick and neil lewis claimed that pornography was found on a computer seized from the mp‘s parliamentary office nine years ago. mr green denies watching or downloading pornography on the machine. authorities in malta have arrested ten people in connection with the murder in october of a prominent investigative journalist. 53—year—old daphne caruana galizia, who wrote about alleged corruption among politicians, was killed when her car was blown up close to her home. the prime minister, joseph muscat, said all the suspects were maltese nationals, and were already known to police. driving examiners have begun a 48 hour strike to coincide with the introduction of newer more modern tests. the public and commercial services union said the new tests were being accompanied by a "flexible working" regime, which meant staff may have to work six days a week, but only be paid for five. the driver and vehicle standards agency says the union is linking the changes to a long—standing contractual dispute. the new tests will see an end to manoeuvres such as the three point turn, but learners will now have follow directions from a sat nav. the uk wastes seven million tonnes of food each year and now a major retailer is aiming to help in the battle to cut that waste by continuing to sell food beyond its best before date. east of england co—op has 125 stores and will now sell dried and tinned foods for 10p when they reach the date they are best eaten by. our business correspondent, emma simpson has been to one store in colchester. everything we eat has a shelf life, but would you be willing to buy food which is past its best? plenty of shoppers at this small convenience store did, once they found out the price. they‘re 10p, for a whole bag of pistachios. oh, my life! 10p. right, yeah. i'll have them. yeah? got a deal? yeah. here‘s how it works... any tinned or dried goods passed the best before date end up in these boxes at a knock—down price, instead of going to waste. labels can be confusing. the use by date tells you when a product is safe to eat. the best before label simply tells you when food is at its best. it‘s still safe to eat after the recommended date, and too much of it is ending up in the bin. it‘s reckoned households across the uk wasted 7.3 million tonnes of food last year. most of it could have been eaten, or, putting it another way, it‘s the equivalent of £13 billion worth of wasted food. to stop some of its store cupboard items going to landfill, this chain decided to do something new. we wanted to be brave about it, so we just checked the legality out, it was legal, so why not do it? do you think the big retailers should do it as well? i think everybody should do it. if i think it‘s a disgrace that we‘re wasting so much food. and most of us shoppers agree. there are a lot of people who can‘t afford a lot of expensive stuff, so i think it will really work. i think it‘s a great idea by the co—op. a lot of the time if it's best before, you can have it, can't you, the next day or something? it doesn't matter. small—scale it is, but it‘s sure popular here. could this best before bargain box kick—start other retailers to follow suit? emma simpson, bbc news, colchester. paisley in scotland is in the running to become the uk city of culture 2021. except it‘s not a city, it‘s a town — and the first town ever to make it on the short list. it‘s competing against coventry, stoke, sunderland and swansea for the title. the winner — to be announced this week — will host a year long celebration of arts, music and culture — which has proved a huge economic success for the current holder, hull. in the second of our five profiles, lorna gordon has been meeting the poets of paisley. i love paisley. they‘re creative, pretty, full of magic and fun. this tired, weary, brownfield site. you were built on threads that had been ripped apart or taken away to lands anew. one, two, three... hi! they are the poets of paisley. their verse, the town through their eyes. people have this kind of perception of the working class, like, it‘s just all grey and dull and scraping by, but i think like culture or something, it‘s kind of helped me kind of become who i am today. yeah, we've lost all these old things, and there's been a lot of decline and a lot of bad things happening in the town. what can we do now instead? paisley was known the world over for the pattern which bears its name. it was a town that built its fortunes on thread. but when the mills closed, thousands ofjobs went with them. its heyday was over. my mum was a mill girl, like thousands of people here. she had a great sense of camaraderie and we are tapping into that heritage and that sense of vibrancy with our bid, and really doing it for towns up and down the land. the challenges here are not unique. an empty high street. a larger, more prosperous neighbour in glasgow. a sense of a town left behind. paisley is a town, not a city, but those behind its bid believe this could work in its favour and if it wins, it could not only inspire but show the way to other, smaller urban areas, so often overlooked. projects like this, working in one of scotland‘s most deprived communities, are helping to reinvent this place, putting culture at its heart. for too long, paisley‘s been the poster boy of poverty. that‘s not who we are. there‘s so much culture going on here, so much aspiration and potential and people need to stop looking at the weeds and focus on the flowers. they are daring to dream here that their time has come but win or lose, paisley‘s cultural flourishing will continue. lorna gordon, bbc news, paisley. an australian mp has used a parliamentary debate on same—sex marriage to propose to his boyfriend. australia‘s parliament is debating the legislation, after last month‘s nationwide vote to legalise same—sex marriage. the mp, tim wilson‘s, partner was listening in the public gallery, when he got something of a surprise. 0ur correspondent hywel griffith reports. for most people, a 20—hour debate on legislative amendments probably sounds like a bit of a turn—off. but for australian mp tim wilson, it provided the perfect opportunity for a little romance. this debate has been the soundtrack to our relationship. as his 13 minute speech reached its conclusion, he knew his chance had come. his voice started to falter as he turned to the public gallery. so there‘s only one thing left to do. ryan patrick bolger, will you marry me? chuck that in the memoirs on the hansard. i should let hansard note to record that was a yes, a resounding yes. congratulations. last month a public vote in favour was celebrated with gusto after 62% of people supported the change. australia may have said i do but there‘s still plenty of light and there‘s still plenty of light and the ability to opt out of opt out of working at a same—sex weddings. few issues have divided australian politics in recent years as much as introducing same—sex marriage. today at least the debate managed to bring one couple closer together. hywel griffith, bbc news. he could hardly say no under the circumstances! time for a look at the weather. it's it‘s getting a bit chilly. it is a bit chilly later this week. that‘s the shore. in the shorter term we‘ve started on a fairly quiet note across the british isles. a quick reprieve is on your chances of seeing the supermoon. 0ut east not bad at all. 0ut west a bit hit and miss. this is the visible satellite picture from earlier on this afternoon. the best of the gaps towards the eastern side of the british isles. more ploughed out west. as the night goes on wheel fill that cloud and rain in across northern parts, and the wind becoming more noticeable across scotland. here we are into the day. not a cold start to the day, not a lot of scraping of cars. more wind and rain to finish off across the north. that isn‘t quite the end of the quiet spell of weather because in the east, you will eventually get to see this spell of wet and windy weather. it‘s more likely to be wednesday night into thursday. and thenit wednesday night into thursday. and then it turns much colder. this is how it shapes up on wednesday. we have that spell of wet and windy weather to be had. when i say windy it could be gale force of wind. at least it‘s coming from a relatively mild direction. that gives us the mildest day of the week, 9—12. not bad at all. wednesday night into thursday, that low pressure, and it‘s a deep low—pressure, moves off into the north sea. then that begins to open up once it‘s moved away to the east, these floodgates. we tap into the cold air that is waiting for us to the north of scotland. it is mild and wet and windy. that clears away and we see the first signs of that transition into something much, much colder. thursday is more like 3—10 and falling. by friday, bright enough down the spine of the country but plenty of wintry showers on the high ground around easton, western and northern shores. feeling more like zero given the strength of the wind. we continue in that vein into the weekend. more detail is on the website. welcome to outside source. a wig and a half ago the european union it said today was a deadline for the uk to suggest the lilley —— a week and a half ago today the european union said today was a deadline for the uk to reach progress with brexit talks. but then today we have this. sufficient progress was not made. there are differences which require further consultation and negotiation. it looks like getting a deal done, with northern ireland effectively remaining within the customs union but that was scuppered by theresa may‘s parliamentary partners from northern ireland. northern ireland must leave the european union on the same terms as the rest of the uk. this is

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20171204 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20171204

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welcome to bbc news. this might have been the day when theresa may and the eu could signal that there was enough progress in brexit talks to start moving on to the next stage. but it wasn't to be. the main obstacle is what to do about the border between northern ireland and the republic. earlier today, it seemed the issue of the border had been resolved. but the dup in belfast objected to any suggestion that northern ireland could be treated differently to the rest of the uk. ireland's prime minister accused theresa may of backing away from an agreement. our political editor laura kuenssberg is in brussels and sent this report. here to reveal the deal, or was it slipping away? the prime minister didn't exactly look delighted, but after weeks of trying to grip a deal, it seemed it was on. she'd only parked up for lunch, but it turned into a long lunch, and then later and later. by tea—time, look at their faces. it was off for today. we have been negotiating hard and a lot of progress has been made, and on many of the issues there is a common understanding. it's clear, crucially, that we want to move forward together, but on a couple of issues, some differences do remain, which require further negotiation and consultation. and those will continue, but we will reconvene before the end of the week, and i am also confident that we will conclude this positively. it didn't feel very positive this afternoon. despite our best efforts and significant progress, we and our teams have made over the past days on this, there remain withdrawal issues. it was not possible to reach complete agreement today. but listen to this — eager meps this morning. saying, "we're the team". sure—ish that the uk government would give enough to make it work, even despite what's been described as a contradiction over the irish border. as long as we have the commitment that there will be full alignment, it's ok, there will be no border. so, as far as you're concerned, sir, the text includes a concession from the british government over the northern irish border? right, but is that a surprise to you? the british government created for itself a contradiction. i'm optimistic that it is possible. 50—50 to have something. but we have to be sure that on citizens rights, everything is ok. but watch this. as suggestions of a deal became the accepted truth, the dup, whose support theresa may needs, slammed on the brakes. we have been very clear. northern ireland must leave the european union on the same terms as the rest of the united kingdom, and we will not accept any form of regulatory divergence which separates northern ireland. as time ticked on, 20 minutes later, the prime minister broke off her meetings in brussels to phone mrs foster. i understand the dup made it plain they could not support the proposed deal. the precise opposite to the irish leader who has pushed and pushed, and talked of his shock. i'm surprised and disappointed that the british government now appears not to be in a position to conclude what was agreed earlier today. i accept that the prime minister has asked for more time, and i know that she faces many challenges. and i acknowledge that she is negotiating in good faith. despite all the hope, all the anticipation, the negotiating teams leave brussels today without a deal. those close to her claim it's not just the reliance on the dup that sunk the deal today. she was meant to be home by now, but theresa may's still talking, stuck, no further steps forward. as we've been hearing, the issue of the irish border proved the major sticking point today. our ireland correspondent chris buckler has been looking at why the border has proved so contentious. all along this border, there are derelict buildings like this, former customs post, no one would like a return of these and what is being called a hard border, but unionists are asking questions about what can be the price for that, faye fary could mean closer ties to the republic of ireland and potentially new divisions within the uk —— they fear it could mean. specifically between northern ireland and britain, a politically sensitive issue, and also awkward for theresa may given her reliance on the dup in the commons. the journey to a brexit deal is proving far from easy. the uk and the eu still have to find a way through the many problems posed by these border roads. the irish government are insisting that there should be no change along the 310 miles that connect northern ireland and the republic, that this should remain an invisible border. south of the dividing line in dundalk, which will stay a part of the european union, people started the day believing there was a prospect of a december deal and for owners of shops like this, keeping trading rules and regulations the same across this island would be quite a gift. there's no restrictions at all. if you take stuff down, you can take it with you in the morning, you don't have to go through the customs. i remember what it was like, you lost a day going the customs in newry and dundalk. after a while, it's like everything else, when it's gone a while, you forget how bad it was, you know. but the dup hold quite a few cards in what is proving to be a grown—up game of poker. they worry that the trade—off for ensuring customs posts don't return to this island's roads could be new divisions and trading differences within the uk. potentially new checks at ports for ships travelling between northern ireland and britain, what has been called a border in the irish sea. and north of the border in newry, many felt the conservatives had no choice but to listen to the democratic unionists, because they hold the balance of power at westminster. may needs the dup at the moment. could that scupper this deal? i think it might because if they pull the plug, it will be a general election. still part of the uk, so that's the way it will work. but these are towns which rely on euros as well as pounds, and they worry that any border could put off visitors and their cash. you see, if they put a hard border, it would more or less destroy towns like newry and enniskillen, the border towns. currently, it seems difficult to see a way out of the negotiations that will satisfy everyone, but the government needs to come up with solutions for this border and fast. chris buckler, bbc news, newry. there might be more problems for mrs may too — as a number of other regional leaders took to twitter to suggest they might like a special border deal with the eu after brexit. london mayor sadiq khan says he thinks there'll be huge ramifications for london. first minister of wales, carwynjones, tweeted saying: and scottish first minister, nicola sturgeon, said: our political correspondent chris mason is as westminster. the complexity of it all set out there, and given all of that, is it surprising that theresa may a p pa re ntly surprising that theresa may apparently gave the irish government the impression that a deal aligning north and south of the irish border was on the cards? on the face of it, it was surprising, because it would be something the dup would be deeply deeply uncomfortable with, because it would look like northern ireland was heading towards a situation where its regulations were more in line with the republic than with the rest of the uk, and if you are a unionist you might see that a slippery —— as a slippery slope in the direction of a united ireland. as it panned out, you got that leak around lunchtime, who had been briefed on this draft agreement, the delegation of meps, they came out and spilled the beans about what was in it. the prime minister was heading into her meeting with jean—claude juncker, the president of the european commission, and people started running back in westminster and in the devolved administrations around the uk, people reacting to this proposed deal, and interpreting what was a leak, and also extrapolating quite a bit. and if, for instance, the suggestion from the british government around some sort of alignment to specific sectors, in the event of no deal, for example, the event of no deal, for example, the parallel that scotland and wales and london might be able to draw would be more limited, but that is not happy day panned out, saw arlene foster, the leader of the dup, and theresa may returning to london, that there was no announcement. labour have been told to prepare for the high minister telling to parliament, saying, it we are, we have got it, we are moving on to try —— the prime minister. but still hasn't happened. messy to say the least, what about the reaction from conservative mps? the reaction in brussels was agog and aghast, and similar here, people staring at tv screens, similar here, people staring at tv screens, working out what is going on. conservative mps were summoned toa on. conservative mps were summoned to a meeting here at westminster to be briefed by a brexit minister and also a senior downing street adviser. broadly speaking there wasn't a sense of revolt from most of those leaving because those surveyed brexiteer instinct said it was right the prime minister was negotiating hard —— those of a brexiteer instinct. those of a remain instinct said we were not there yet and they would be keen to say there was no deadline coming until ten days' time, but this highlights the point you were making a few minutes ago, whichever way the prime minister terms in these brexit negotiations, there are people she will irritate, that is absolutely guaranteed. all she can try to do is accommodate as many people as she can for as much of the time she can, thatis can for as much of the time she can, that is as ambitious as she can be, given the complexity of what she's trying to achieve. chris, many thanks. joining me from dublin is kevin doyle, political editor at the irish independent. we were hearing, it seems the irish government were pretty convinced that they had got a deal which would align regulations north and south of the irish border. they were certain of it, in fact, leo varadkar arpad spoken —— had spoken with the likes of donald tusk and jean—claude juncker, and they thought the deal had been put on the table by theresa may and it was acceptable to the government in dublin and they thought this was going to be wrapped up thought this was going to be wrapped up by thought this was going to be wrapped up by lunchtime. leo varadkar had called a press conference for 230 where he was going to announce the irish version of this deal but then it was shortly before that, arlene foster intervened and everything fell apart. it is safe to say the irish government are pretty annoyed by the way this has played out. but the reaction from the dup was highly predictable. absolutely. there is bewilderment in dublin because the first question when the leaks appeared mid—morning, the first question being asked byjournalists, how are the dup on board with this? how has theresa may sold this to the dup? she doesn't seem to have made any attempt to sell this to the dup and effectively the message from the irish government tonight is that it is up to theresa may to go back and to make this work, to sit down arlene foster and work out what is going to happen, because the irish government now knows what theresa may is willing to put on the table. she has shown them the christmas present, she can't take half of it back, as one person said. the way this has unravelled, will this make it even harderfor this has unravelled, will this make it even harder for theresa this has unravelled, will this make it even harderfor theresa may this has unravelled, will this make it even harder for theresa may to find some sort of solution to this critical issue of the irish border? the answer is the irish government now believe that theresa may has found a solution, at least in principle, so they don't see anything needs to change now but she has got to go back and convince arlene foster and the dup to come on board. the argument that she will find it more difficult, theresa may, i think all eyes move now. today there was attention on dublin and there was attention on dublin and the meeting in brussels, but now the story moves to belfast very much and i wouldn't be surprised if you were to cbd yippie marching into number ten in the next 2a hours to see what can be done —— if you were to see the dup marching. there are clear differences, brexiteers have told the government that this can be solved by smart technology and arrangements for frequent traders across the border, but it seems that the irish border doesn't think that would work. —— irish government. there is the trade question, the idea that every day 30,000 people go back and forth across the border, sometimesjust a few back and forth across the border, sometimes just a few miles, to go to work, and the only thing that changes is calamitous into miles for the speed and those people should not have their lives disrupted —— is kilometres into miles. and the other aspect, that is the first time theresa may said there would be no physical infrastructure on the border, in the florence speech, and for a technology solution, you are talking about cameras and some sort of monitoring devices on the board and the irish government is concerned the moment you do that, those cameras become targets the dissident republicans and you could see an upsurge in civil disobedience or violence and that is the more serious by, that is what they would be telling people in europe, the message to them was, the conflict in northern ireland was the bloodiest conflict in eu history and the eu played a big role in solving that and therefore they should stick with the irish version of the good friday agreement to make sure we don't take a step back. kevin doyle, thanks for joining us. my colleague christian fraser is in brussels. he has been following the twists and turns throughout the day. bring us up—to—date with the latest reaction from where you are. open-mouthed on the part of the european commission, they have been briefing quite heavily that something would be agreed, a form of words which would ta ke agreed, a form of words which would take them on to the european council meeting in ten days' time, but they did not bank on the intervention of arlene foster. it is a surprise that they had not been kept in the loop through the weekend. so much effort speaking to the irish prime minister to make sure they were happy with what was being put forward, that maybe they have taken their eye off the ball with regards the situation in northern ireland. we can get a view on this. do you think that they forgot to give the dup in the loop? i don't know, we are following the negotiations over the weekend, we have been very much aware of the issues from the irish perspective since the uk voted in the referendum, about the need to protect the good friday agreement, and soi protect the good friday agreement, and so i think they were aware of theissues and so i think they were aware of the issues we needed to maintain, that they would be no diverging so we would have convergence. these we re well we would have convergence. these were well aired we would have convergence. these were wellaired in we would have convergence. these were well aired in the media, we would have convergence. these were wellaired in the media, so i'm surprised it has got to this point. i'm disappointed. but there is still time before the 14th of december, that a deal will be ironed out. there was expected from the irish perspective, in consultation with the commission, that we had reached agreement, so... does this change anything? there is a form of words which the irish government has the backing of with the uni macro leaders, and so the dup might get animated about it —— with the eu leaders. the wording from leo varadkar was very clear, he does not wa nt varadkar was very clear, he does not want any ha rdboa rd varadkar was very clear, he does not want any hardboard and he was like that in writing, no hard border between the south of ireland and the north of ireland. that is clear, the good friday agreement recognises there will be no divergences and there will be no divergences and there will be co—operation on many issues, and the people of the island voted for the good friday agreement. the constitutional position of northern ireland is not affected but there are structures in place following the good friday agreement and those structures need to be protected and it is a different situation to any border with france and scotland or any other, it is a unique situation and it was always clear. people seem to be just waking up clear. people seem to be just waking up to this point. arlene foster is ina up to this point. arlene foster is in a difficult place, she doesn't wa nt in a difficult place, she doesn't want a separate situation that takes the northern ireland —— takes northern ireland away from the rest of the uk, but there are people on her constituents who will want to remain with an open border. yes, we have heard the story which is the milk which goes over the border and then back again. we all know the stories about the free trade and the movement, people living their daily lives, we don't want the border back, but arlene foster knows well that the people of northern ireland did vote for the good friday agreement and that needs to be protected and preserved in its entirety. thanks forjoining us. such a cold night air. the work progresses through the course of the week, they say maybe by the end of this week they will found agreement, but many discussions will have to ta ke but many discussions will have to take place back in the uk over the course of the next few days if they are going to get there. indeed, many thanks. and we'll find out how this story — and many others — are covered in tomorrow's front pages in the uk and ireland. at 1040 this evening in the papers — our guestsjoining me tonight are asa bennett, brexit editor at the telegraph, polly curtis, editor in chief at huff post uk, and pat leahy, political editor of the irish times. the headlines on bbc news: the uk and the eu fail to reach a brexit deal. theresa may and jean—claude juncker say progress has been made, but more talks are needed, to iron out the remaining differences. ireland claims there was an agreement on the border question. but the dup has objected to the plan. child and pensioner poverty in britain — researchers say the gains of the past few years are unravelling. sport now and a full round up from the bbc sport centre. good evening. the draw for the third round of the fa cup has taken place this evening and the pick of the games is a merseyside derby between liverpool and everton at anfield. meanwhile holders arsenal will travel to nottingham forest. brighton will host crystal palace, no love lost between those sites. hereford, the lowest ranked team left in the competition will play leicester city if they win their second round replay against fleetwood town tomorrow night. another all top flight match with high flying manchester city at home to burnley. 12 times winners manchester united play derby. premier league side newcastle could face a tricky tie against league two leaders luton. there are four non—league sides left in the competition — woking, filed, hereford and slough rochdale are beating slough i—0 in tonight's second round tie , kelvin andrew the scorer. the winners are away to doncaster rovers. you can get details of the full third round draw on the bbc sport website. manchester united's paul pogba will serve a three match ban for his sending off against arsenal on saturday. he was given a straight red card for stamping on hector bellerin — united have decided not to appeal against the decision. so he'll miss the manchester derby on sunday — as well as the next two games against bournemouth and west brom. england manager gareth southgate has been told his job is safe, even if his side loses every game at next year's world cup in russia. southgate signed a four—year deal last december and the fa say he'll be in charge for the "next few tournaments". they say they have a long—term plan and they're already seeing results, with world cup successes for the under—i7 and under—20 sides. meanwhile, it's been announced that the bbc will show england's first two group matches at next year's world cup. the games against tunisia on 18june and panama on 2ajune will be live across tv, radio and online. they will also have the first two choices of quarter final games, including england's match, if they progress. after a terrible start to the third day of the second ashes test, england have a glimmer of hope in adelaide. england lost a succession of quick wickets this morning and were dismissed forjust 227 — in rely to the aussies a42 declared. but they made the best possible start with the ball. the tourists took four wickets in the evening session, including the valuable one of captain steve smith. australia finishing the day 53 forfour, their lead 268. we have fought back well. we have pushed australia back tonight, that is good to see. we can take some positives from that. obviously, we are behind in the game but at the same time it is really good, the fact that we fought back and showed good character to get ourselves back in the game. i thought we bowled really well tonight, as a unit. and we've put some pressure back on australia. you don't look past the fact that there are two full night sessions left if england want to win this game, and we had a tough session with the bat but there is a lot of cricket to go and we have a lead of over 260 and a lot of batting in the shed. so no reason why we can't build a really big lead and then have england on the ropes in the night session. top seed judd trump has been knocked out of the uk snooker championship at the third round stage in york, beaten 6—2 by graeme dott. also today ryan day won the all welsh battle — edging out mark williams 6—5. there are two matches this evening. these are live pictures. mark allen v peter lines. allen 3—0 up. two time champion neil robertson is against markjoyce. you can watch them live on the bbc sport website or via the red button. that's all the sport for now. i'll have more for you in sportsday at 1030. there's been a big increase in the number of children and pensioners in poverty — that's according to thejoseph rowntree foundation. the charity says that over the past four years an extra 700,000 children and pensioners in the uk fell into so called "relative poverty". that's defined as households with less than 60% of the median income — that's the middle value of all incomes. the foundation says it's the first time in 20 years that these groups have seen sustained rises. 0ur social affairs correspondent michael buchanan reports. here you are francis, haven't you had any yet? this drop—in centre is a second home to flo singleton, a source of friendship, laughter and warmth. the 84—year—old has seen her pension increase in recent years but pension credit, a benefit paid to the poorest pensioners, has not been similarly protected. she lives on £160 per week. it's a struggle, says flo. if you go out, you don't have to have your heating on, do you? trouble is, once it's dark in the evenings now, and cold, you have to put your heating on, don't you? so you go on the bus just to keep warm? yeah. well, you know! yeah! it's lovely and warm on the bus. and then you sort of try and extend it as long as you can. even though you've got to nowhere to go? yeah. it's mad, isn't it? the number of people in absolute poverty has fallen by half a million. today's report says that successful efforts to tackle poverty over the past 20 years are in danger of unravelling. it says that since 2013, an extra 300,000 pensioners and an additional 400,000 children are now living in poverty. in total, 14 million people in the uk are in poverty. this meant they started to move further away from those on low incomes who were also being affected by cuts to benefits. for most people, that is indeed the case, but increasingly for the poor, it is not true, and today's report finds one ina true, and today's report finds one in a turner's did not earn enough money to avoid being in poverty —— one in eight workers do not earn enough money to avoid being in poverty. this single mum fears not being able to find flexible childcare. i really did want to be able to go back to work. itjust isn't reliable enough and secure enough. i need and he needs security and stability, we need routine, and without that it is never going to be a settled life. the government say they are spending £90 billion a year supporting working age people in need, such sums are not however preventing increasing numbers of people from falling into poverty. the veteran bollywood actor sashi kapoor has died. he won several national film awards and was handed a civilian red civilian honour by the indian government. he also acted ina number of the indian government. he also acted in a number of british films. his sister—in—law is the actress felicity kendal. he died in hospital in mumbai. now the weather prospects with phil avery. hello, in mumbai. now the weather prospects with philavery. hello, it's in mumbai. now the weather prospects with phil avery. hello, it's been a fairly quiet start to the week. that's the way we'll keep it going through the course of the night. the best of the sunshine through the day found to the eastern side of the british isles. even here, the cloud may fill in in many spots. across the south—eastern quarter there may be some mist for to content with first thing. quite a cloudy start. the wind quite noticeable across the north—western quarter of scotland. the rain initially a botherfurther north and isles and then gets into the north—west of the mainland. elsewhere essentially it is a dry day. temperatures pretty close to where we have them in many spots. through monday 8—10d or so. choose a pretty decent, then really wet and windy through the middle part of the week. once that system has gone things will turn much colder across all parts. see you soon. hello. this is bbc news. the headlines. progress has been made — but still no breakthrough. theresa may and jean—claude junker say more talks are needed in brexit negotiations — to iron out the remaining differences. ireland claims there was an agreement on the border question. but the dup has objected to the plan. the irish prime minister voiced his disappointment. we are disappointed that the british government now appears not to be in a position to conclude what was agreed earlier today. an additional 700,000 children and pensioners in the uk have fallen into relative poverty in the last four years, according to a social policy charity. the supermarket that's not doing what it says on the tin — the co—op sells food that's past it best before date. so the the eu and the uk have failed to reach a deal today to progress to the next stage of brexit negotiations. and they're stumbling over the irish border question — after the dup refused to accept concessions the british government had appeared to be willing to offer. it seems no—one had reckoned on the determination of the dup whose leader arlene foster called a press conference to reiterate that northern ireland must not be allowed to be any different from te rest of britain after brexit. this might all feel a bit familiar to our next guest, because in a moment we will be joined by dennis murray the veteran former bbc ireland correspondent. but first, this is how bbc northern ireland have been reporting the story today. for once the uk and the eu seemed to be in step. at least there were no visible borders as theresa may arrived for her meeting with jean—claude juncker. the eu arrived for her meeting with jean—claudejuncker. the eu council president donald tusk strongly hinted that an agreement was in the air, tweeting he was encouraged after a phone call with the taoiseach, saying they were getting close to sufficient progress being made. but reports the uk had accepted there will be no regulatory divergences across ireland after brexit had also reached the party whose support helps keep theresa may in power. yellow how are you doing, bonjour and all that. we know there has been quite a lot of speculation emanating from the brexit talk regarding the united kingdom and northern ireland border. we want to make a statement in relation to our position. we have been buried. northern ireland must leave the european union on the same terms as the rest of the uk and we will not acce pt the rest of the uk and we will not accept any form of regulatory divergences which separates northern ireland economically or politically from the rest of the uk. it's understood the prime minister took time out from lunch with jack this is not a failure.|j jack this is not a failure. i am very confident we are making progress. on a couple of issues some differences remain which will require further negotiation and consultation. those will continue. but we will reconvene before the end of the week and i am also confident that we will conclude this positively. the irish government struggled to explain how a deal they thought was done had got away.|j think it's important we listen to the dup. i haven't had any contact with them in recent days. it's important we listen to them. it's also important to bear in mind they arejust one party in northern ireland. there are other parties in northern ireland and we need to have regard to what all the parties think in northern ireland and also what the majority of people think in northern ireland. we are surprised and disappointed they haven't been able to follow through on that agreement but there is still time, and we will continue to work together with the uk government, and of course hand in glove but can the agreement. this was sinn fein's responds. we've said from the beginning that the pact between the dup and the tories in london would end in tears, and so it has. it's just essential that everybody, including the dup, acts in the common good. theresa may has now some hard thinking to do. a deal with the dup versus a deal with the eu. it may not be possible to have both. let's speak now to the bbc‘s former ireland correspondent, denis murray. he's in our belfast newsroom. it does seem somewhat surprising that the prime minister apparently made an offer to the irish government which was always going to be unacceptable to the unionists. well, there are two possibilities there. one is that either theresa may and her diplomats, her team thought it was acceptable to the democratic unionist party, or they hoped the text wouldn't get out. the text that appeared on the irish broadcaster rtp used that phrase about no regulatory divergences. in other words the con and macrocosm than trade regulations and so forth would remain the same. that is the proverbial red flag to the dup, because they say they would rather have a hard border. they say they don't want that but they would rather have a hardboard van have a customs border in the middle of the irish sea. symbolically that is important to them because they would see that as a weakening of the union, that you had a different arrangement, that northern ireland would still be in some of the trade and customs arrangements as the rest of the eu. clearly the taoiseach but that had been agreed. when he says we are surprised and disappointed thatis we are surprised and disappointed that is familiar language to both of us that is familiar language to both of us from diplomats as hopping mad. what is going to have to happen now, although leo varadkar what is going to have to happen now, although leo va radkar says what is going to have to happen now, although leo varadkar says there are other parties in northern ireland, the only party that counts at westminster from northern ireland the only party that counts at westminsterfrom northern ireland is the dup. clearly they signal to theresa may that if you want to lose some folks in the house of commons then go ahead with this, though they are going to have to come up with a form of words that would give leo varadkarand form of words that would give leo varadkar and the irish team the guarantees they want about the future of the border, and is enough to persuade the dup that it's safe to persuade the dup that it's safe to go ahead in these talks. clearly thatis to go ahead in these talks. clearly that is going to be very difficult to achieve. you mentioned the anger of the irish government. you think the way events have unravelled today actually makes this task even more difficult now for the prime minister? definitely. if that text hadn't been publicised, if theresa may had been able to say we've agreed a text but going to keep it confidential, but nobody need worry. if you think about it, if this gets to the stage where you're hammering out the trade details, it might end up out the trade details, it might end up that the whole of the uk is going to be in the customs union anyway. 0r still partly or wholly in the trade union without the judgments of the european court or having a say in brussels or strasbourg. you might end up with that. and in the conversation and the row we are having at the moment would be redundant. what they are going to have to do is come up with that form of words. it's beyond me what that form of words is but it has been a pattern at a european summit is going back to the 1980s that these things went up to the wire. remember that old phrase about the prime minister's limousines are outside with the engines running and the engines are warming up on theirjets on the airport. i get the feeling there is so much at stake here, which is the entirety of the rest of the deal, of the real dealfor the future and to everybody‘s future both in europe and the uk and in ireland. i think the stakes are too— they're not to be away to proceed. then you would have a complete colla pse then you would have a complete collapse and have to start again. this is crucial. leo varadkar said after he had heard that the british side had said we can't proceed on this basis, that he had been phoned byjean—claude juncker and was told that the eu position is the irish position. ireland still seems to have a veto on progressing to stage two if they don't get the language they want. the dup seem to have a veto on how the british government proceed. it's squaring all of that up, which is the trick to be pulled off. when it comes down to this actual border, it seems as though there are two completely different ideas of how this might work, with the irish clearly wanting the same regulations applying both sides of the border, and many of the unionists and indeed conservative brexiteers saying this can all be sorted out with a combination of some sort of system for frequent traders and perhaps some smart cameras and that sort of system. it's very difficult to find a middle way between two very different solutions to what everyone seems to say they want, which is no border. everyone says that, nobody wants to see a return to the border. the trade between the uk, in northern ireland in particular, with the republic of ireland is huge. it's vital to the republic of ireland and northern ireland. its trade with the eu is three times what it does with the united states. nobody wants to see that hard border back. there are thousands of lorries crossing that border in both directions every day. years back you had to have what were called... even bbc crews had to have this massive amount of paperwork, and go into a customs clearance post in newry to be able to take it into the republic. nobody wants to see a return to that. these people argue there is a way of doing this electronically but nobody has laid that out yet. even if you have an arrangement like with switzerland and norway, that's because those countries have accepted certain things from the eu, like food standards and so one. there's an awful lot to thrash out yet. there are other issues. there's the european court, do judgments are other issues. there's the european court, dojudgments of are other issues. there's the european court, do judgments of the european court, do judgments of the european court, do judgments of the european court applied to irish citizens living in northern ireland because they are citizens of the eu? but you have that freedom of travel and almost dual citizenship between the two jurisdictions. and almost dual citizenship between the twojurisdictions. it's and almost dual citizenship between the two jurisdictions. it's very messy and a difficult thing to sort out. i get the feeling that the pressures a re out. i get the feeling that the pressures are so much that somebody somewhere will come up with a piece of verbiage that will allow everyone to continue. thank. our correspondent vicki young has been speaking to the former northern ireland secretary theresa villiers. i think it's very positive that clearly the two sides in this important negotiation are getting much closer to an agreement and that sufficient progress has been made to move sufficient progress has been made to m ove o nto sufficient progress has been made to move onto trade talks. i very much hope we see that breakthrough coming in the next few days. how can we square the circle? it seems to be very problematic now with the dup absolutely against any kind of regulatory and nine moment, they don't want any barriers between them and the rest of the uk. how can this be sorted out? when you aren't in the negotiating remits difficult to provide a commentary. the uk government last summer published a paper which had credible plans for how you would run able to split much as open and free—flowing as it is today, you think technology to carry out customs checks. i still think thatis out customs checks. i still think that is the best way forward and ultimately it's in the interest of both sides to make possible. i think. on the other issues, downing street have made it clear today it's not just about this issue. street have made it clear today it's notjust about this issue. there is still an issue about citizens‘ rights, some of your colleagues are concerned about the role of the european court of justice. concerned about the role of the european court ofjustice. the ecj's role is very sensitive for us. 0bviously at the heart of the vote in the referendum was the wish to return to the situation where we live under laws made by the people we elect, making them in our own parliament. the continued involvement of the ecj would tend to undermine that. having said that, with the ecj being a powerful court on our doorstep it‘s going to continue to have some kind of influence on our legal system to some indirect degree. there may be scope for some role in relation to eu nationals living in the uk. i think we‘ve got to look very carefully at what ends up being proposed, but it‘s not impossible that there could be some kind of compromise on the role of the ecj in relation purely to the rights of eu nationals already living in the uk. the headlines on bbc news. brexit talks fall apart in brussels, but the prime minister and european commission president are confident a deal can be reached. ireland claims there was an agreement on the border question. but the dup has objected to the plan. there‘s been a big increase in the number of children and pensioners in poverty — according to a social policy charity. an update on the market numbers for you — here‘s how london‘s and frankfurt ended the day. and in the the united states this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. the metropolitan police commissioner, cressida dick, has suggested two retired officers who alleged pornography was found on a cabinet minister‘s computer could be prosecuted, if it‘s found to be untrue. bob quick and neil lewis claimed that pornography was found on a computer seized from the mp‘s parliamentary office nine years ago. mr green denies watching or downloading pornography on the machine. authorities in malta have arrested ten people in connection with the murder in october of a prominent investigative journalist. 53—year—old daphne caruana galizia, who wrote about alleged corruption among politicians, was killed when her car was blown up close to her home. the prime minister, joseph muscat, said all the suspects were maltese nationals, and were already known to police. driving examiners have begun a 48 hour strike to coincide with the introduction of newer more modern tests. the public and commercial services union said the new tests were being accompanied by a "flexible working" regime, which meant staff may have to work six days a week, but only be paid for five. the driver and vehicle standards agency says the union is linking the changes to a long—standing contractual dispute. the new tests will see an end to manoeuvres such as the three point turn, but learners will now have follow directions from a sat nav. the uk wastes seven million tonnes of food each year and now a major retailer is aiming to help in the battle to cut that waste by continuing to sell food beyond its best before date. east of england co—op has 125 stores and will now sell dried and tinned foods for 10p when they reach the date they are best eaten by. our business correspondent, emma simpson has been to one store in colchester. everything we eat has a shelf life, but would you be willing to buy food which is past its best? plenty of shoppers at this small convenience store did, once they found out the price. they‘re 10p, for a whole bag of pistachios. oh, my life! 10p. right, yeah. i'll have them. yeah? got a deal? yeah. here‘s how it works... any tinned or dried goods passed the best before date end up in these boxes at a knock—down price, instead of going to waste. labels can be confusing. the use by date tells you when a product is safe to eat. the best before label simply tells you when food is at its best. it‘s still safe to eat after the recommended date, and too much of it is ending up in the bin. it‘s reckoned households across the uk wasted 7.3 million tonnes of food last year. most of it could have been eaten, or, putting it another way, it‘s the equivalent of £13 billion worth of wasted food. to stop some of its store cupboard items going to landfill, this chain decided to do something new. we wanted to be brave about it, so we just checked the legality out, it was legal, so why not do it? do you think the big retailers should do it as well? i think everybody should do it. if i think it‘s a disgrace that we‘re wasting so much food. and most of us shoppers agree. there are a lot of people who can‘t afford a lot of expensive stuff, so i think it will really work. i think it‘s a great idea by the co—op. a lot of the time if it's best before, you can have it, can't you, the next day or something? it doesn't matter. small—scale it is, but it‘s sure popular here. could this best before bargain box kick—start other retailers to follow suit? emma simpson, bbc news, colchester. paisley in scotland is in the running to become the uk city of culture 2021. except it‘s not a city, it‘s a town — and the first town ever to make it on the short list. it‘s competing against coventry, stoke, sunderland and swansea for the title. the winner — to be announced this week — will host a year long celebration of arts, music and culture — which has proved a huge economic success for the current holder, hull. in the second of our five profiles, lorna gordon has been meeting the poets of paisley. i love paisley. they‘re creative, pretty, full of magic and fun. this tired, weary, brownfield site. you were built on threads that had been ripped apart or taken away to lands anew. one, two, three... hi! they are the poets of paisley. their verse, the town through their eyes. people have this kind of perception of the working class, like, it‘s just all grey and dull and scraping by, but i think like culture or something, it‘s kind of helped me kind of become who i am today. yeah, we've lost all these old things, and there's been a lot of decline and a lot of bad things happening in the town. what can we do now instead? paisley was known the world over for the pattern which bears its name. it was a town that built its fortunes on thread. but when the mills closed, thousands ofjobs went with them. its heyday was over. my mum was a mill girl, like thousands of people here. she had a great sense of camaraderie and we are tapping into that heritage and that sense of vibrancy with our bid, and really doing it for towns up and down the land. the challenges here are not unique. an empty high street. a larger, more prosperous neighbour in glasgow. a sense of a town left behind. paisley is a town, not a city, but those behind its bid believe this could work in its favour and if it wins, it could not only inspire but show the way to other, smaller urban areas, so often overlooked. projects like this, working in one of scotland‘s most deprived communities, are helping to reinvent this place, putting culture at its heart. for too long, paisley‘s been the poster boy of poverty. that‘s not who we are. there‘s so much culture going on here, so much aspiration and potential and people need to stop looking at the weeds and focus on the flowers. they are daring to dream here that their time has come but win or lose, paisley‘s cultural flourishing will continue. lorna gordon, bbc news, paisley. an australian mp has used a parliamentary debate on same—sex marriage to propose to his boyfriend. australia‘s parliament is debating the legislation, after last month‘s nationwide vote to legalise same—sex marriage. the mp, tim wilson‘s, partner was listening in the public gallery, when he got something of a surprise. 0ur correspondent hywel griffith reports. for most people, a 20—hour debate on legislative amendments probably sounds like a bit of a turn—off. but for australian mp tim wilson, it provided the perfect opportunity for a little romance. this debate has been the soundtrack to our relationship. as his 13 minute speech reached its conclusion, he knew his chance had come. his voice started to falter as he turned to the public gallery. so there‘s only one thing left to do. ryan patrick bolger, will you marry me? chuck that in the memoirs on the hansard. i should let hansard note to record that was a yes, a resounding yes. congratulations. last month a public vote in favour was celebrated with gusto after 62% of people supported the change. australia may have said i do but there‘s still plenty of light and there‘s still plenty of light and the ability to opt out of opt out of working at a same—sex weddings. few issues have divided australian politics in recent years as much as introducing same—sex marriage. today at least the debate managed to bring one couple closer together. hywel griffith, bbc news. he could hardly say no under the circumstances! time for a look at the weather. it's it‘s getting a bit chilly. it is a bit chilly later this week. that‘s the shore. in the shorter term we‘ve started on a fairly quiet note across the british isles. a quick reprieve is on your chances of seeing the supermoon. 0ut east not bad at all. 0ut west a bit hit and miss. this is the visible satellite picture from earlier on this afternoon. the best of the gaps towards the eastern side of the british isles. more ploughed out west. as the night goes on wheel fill that cloud and rain in across northern parts, and the wind becoming more noticeable across scotland. here we are into the day. not a cold start to the day, not a lot of scraping of cars. more wind and rain to finish off across the north. that isn‘t quite the end of the quiet spell of weather because in the east, you will eventually get to see this spell of wet and windy weather. it‘s more likely to be wednesday night into thursday. and thenit wednesday night into thursday. and then it turns much colder. this is how it shapes up on wednesday. we have that spell of wet and windy weather to be had. when i say windy it could be gale force of wind. at least it‘s coming from a relatively mild direction. that gives us the mildest day of the week, 9—12. not bad at all. wednesday night into thursday, that low pressure, and it‘s a deep low—pressure, moves off into the north sea. then that begins to open up once it‘s moved away to the east, these floodgates. we tap into the cold air that is waiting for us to the north of scotland. it is mild and wet and windy. that clears away and we see the first signs of that transition into something much, much colder. thursday is more like 3—10 and falling. by friday, bright enough down the spine of the country but plenty of wintry showers on the high ground around easton, western and northern shores. feeling more like zero given the strength of the wind. we continue in that vein into the weekend. more detail is on the website. welcome to outside source. a wig and a half ago the european union it said today was a deadline for the uk to suggest the lilley —— a week and a half ago today the european union said today was a deadline for the uk to reach progress with brexit talks. but then today we have this. sufficient progress was not made. there are differences which require further consultation and negotiation. it looks like getting a deal done, with northern ireland effectively remaining within the customs union but that was scuppered by theresa may‘s parliamentary partners from northern ireland. northern ireland must leave the european union on the same terms as the rest of the uk. this is

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