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Weekend that saw popular protests against him and an ultimatum from his own party. In a live address to the nation, widely expected to include his resignation, saw him pledge instead to oversee his Party Congress next month. But the party has already replaced him and given him until midday on monday to resign orface impeachment. Heres our africa editor, fergal keane. Marimba music. The very music seemed designed to drain any drama out of the moment. And perhaps the geniality of the encounter was a giveaway. Robert mugabe did not look like a man about to walk into the wilderness. And his words, delivered 15 minutes into a rambling address, confirmed that he intended to stay as leader of the country and party, at least until the Party Congress in december. The congress is due in a few weeks from now. Ill preside over its processes, which must not be prepossessed by any acts calculated to undermine it, or to compromise the outcomes in the eyes of the public. He praised the military and acknowledged the crisis in his country and party. The way forward thus cannot be based on swapping vying cliques, that ride roughshod over party rules and procedures. There has to be a net return to the Guiding Principles of our party, as enshrined in its constitution. This appearance has shocked zimbabweans, who were prepared to witness his resignation. I think were being played. I feel let down. By now we should have produced some sort of result, but its like we are back to square one. What did you make of that . You were expecting him to resign. I think the whole nation was expecting him to resign, and were all shocked. I think people will be depressed, confused. People do not understand whats happening. But i think were in a post mugabe era. Tonight, tomorrow, it will happen. There are Big Questions now. How can Robert Mugabe preside over a party which today removed him from the leadership . Once loyal supporters met to warn that he would be impeached by parliament if he did not step down from the presidency by midday tomorrow. An old friend read out the sentence. Tonights non resignation doesnt change the feeling of the party, and it doesnt remove the bitterness against his wife, grace, and her friends. It has to be over now . Oh, yes. It is over. What he did is enough. Enough is enough. The people of zimbabwe have shown, in numbers, that they are fed up with this dynasty, and a new era is beginning. Look at my back. This is the moment when Robert Mugabe lost power in his own party, the party he dominated for so long, and has now been replaced as party leader by a man who was one of his closest allies for decades. The crocodile. The new leader, emmerson mnangagwa, is known as the crocodile, celebrated here for his ruthless cunning. Thats when he gets his prey he may have agreed to pause, but he is unlikely to stop until he ousts his old comrades. On the streets of harare, the president s people seem to occupy a different nation, here praying for reconciliation and healing. They have already started to move beyond the trauma of the age of mugabe. Horace campbell is a visiting professor at the university of ghana. When discussing president mugabes speech, he said that changes to zimbabwes constitution should not be decided by the ruling party. Its not a speech about zimbabwe. It was a speech about the party. And the party was part of the problem. So the questions of the future constitution of the government of zimbabwe will not be decided by the party. So the focus should not be on the party. The focus should be on an inclusive government, and mugabe will be irrelevant to that inclusive government. The people of zimbabwe, in their tens of thousands, showed that yesterday when they came out on the streets. But he didnt resign. How surprised were you by that . Im not surprised by that, because mugabe has enough information on the general, on mnangagwa, on the head of the war veterans, that hes playing for time. The question is can they call his bluff . Can they cut off his telephone discussions with zuma . Can they ensure that he does not move any money around, that he may have in banks overseas, so that the articles of impeachment in the parliament can be prepared for tuesday, so that the question of his being the head of government and head of state is resolved by the parliament of zimbabwe . Do you think the protesters that weve seen out on the street will stand for it if he doesnt go, and go quickly . They will not stand for it. The protests on the streets represent the culmination of 10 15 years of struggle by the zimbabwean people. And what is important about the speech night, that came from mugabe speaking about the Political Party zanu pf, is that that speech did not include any discussion about the people who are on the streets. There must be an inclusive government, there must be a transitional period, and the institutions themselves in zimbabwe must be changed so that the authoritarian tendencies in the Political Party are taken out of the governments structure of zimbabwe. Talks to form a Coalition Government in germany have collapsed. Christian lindner, the leader of the liberal free democrats, said his party was pulling out because it had not been possible to find a basis of trust with chancellor Angela Merkels christian democrats. Mrs merkel said she would now meet the german president who has the power to call a new election. Andrew plant reports. After three terms in office, Angela Merkels hopes of staying in power rest on forming a coalition. An election in september left mrs merkel without a majority, with some voters angered by germanys liberal policy towards refugees. Translation the fact is that we could not finish the exploratory talks successfully. That means that i will contact the federal president tomorrow, inform him about the state of affairs, and then we will have to see how things develop. To form a stable government, she needed to Reach Agreement with the free democrats and the greens. It would span from left to right on germanys political spectrum. But finding Common Ground has proved impossible, the leader of the free democrats saying the parties had no common vision for the country. Translation we will not abandon our voters for a policy with which we are not convinced. It is better not to govern than to govern badly. There are ways forward. Negotiations could continue if Angela Merkel can persuade the free democrats back to the table. Without them, she could only form a minority coalition, something commentators say is highly unlikely, which leaves the possibility of calling another general election. Whats certain is the failure to form a coalition means Angela Merkels position suddenly becomes much more uncertain after 12 years at the top of european politics. Andrew plant, bbc news. Five countries are involved in a huge air and sea search for a missing argentine submarine. Contact was lost five days ago as the sanjuan returned from a routine mission off the south american coast with 44 crew on board. Signals have been detected which may provide clues to its location. Dan johnson reports. This is a vessel designed to play hide and seek in the deepest depths, so finding the sanjuan, its crew, and the 22 torpedoes it carries is a real challenge. Fresh satellite signals, albeit weak ones, have revived hopes of rescue. Seven call attempts have been received, says the navys spokesman, but they were incomplete, and need to be checked to pinpoint the location. He stressed theyre making every effort to find the submarine, searching the open ocean and the seabed. This is now an international effort. The us navy has flown in deep sea rescue equipment. And hms protector, the royal navys Antarctic Patrol ship, has been diverted to help scan beneath the waves of the south atlantic ocean. The sanjuan left the southern port of ushuaia last monday after a routine mission. It was making the 2,000 mile journey back to its base in mar del plata, not far from argentinas capital. The search is focused around halfway, in the sanjorge gulf, where the submarine last made contact on wednesday. One of the 44 crew members is argentinas first female submariner. The best hope of finding her and her crewmates alive is that a power failure knocked out the submarines communications. Six countries are now hunting for the sanjuan, but it is lost in a huge area of ocean, and bad weather is making a difficultjob even harder. Dan johnson, bbc news. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come Aung San Suu Kyi addresses asian and european Foreign Ministers at a summit in myanmar, but theres no mention of the rohinya refugee crisis. Benazir bhutto has claimed victory in pakistans general election, and she has asked pakistans president to name her as prime minister. Jackson has been released on bail of 3 million after turning himself in to police in santa barbara. It was the biggest demonstration so far of the fast growing european anti nuclear movement. The South African government has announced that its opening the countrys remaining whites only beaches to people of all races. This will lead to a black majority government in this country, and the destruction of the white civilisation. Part of the centuries old windsor castle, one of the queens residences, has been consumed by fire for much of the day. 150 firemen have been battling the blaze, which has caused millions of pounds worth of damage. This is bbc world news. The latest headlines Robert Mugabe has defied intense pressure to resign as president of zimbabwe, prompting an angry response from many of his former allies. Talks to form a Coalition Government in germany have collapsed throwing chancellor Angela Merkels future into doubt. A biennial meeting of asian and european Foreign Ministers is getting underway 51 countries from europe and asia are represented. And this year its in myanmar, a country beset with the rohinya refugee crisis. More than putting pressure, i would say that our approach has always been and will continue to be to offer a negotiating space, encourage the taking care of the situation, but it will not disappear. I think it is the responsibility of the authorities to find solutions. Again, the International Community has indicated some of the solutions, especially the kofi annan plan which Aung San Suu Kyi has said she would put into effect. And we will help them do that. With me is the bbcs bill hayton, a specialist on southeast asia. Kofi annan has been speaking, any mention of the crisis . No. The person we saw in that clip mentioned the word did not mention the words rakhine or rohingya there at all. The only way she addressed at was in the beginning of her speech when she talked about challenges facing the world as illegal immigration and terrorism. This is the way that the hermes, the myanmar authorities look at rakhine state. They dont see it as an underlying problem, but one of illegal immigration. Here are some what she had to say. Conflict around the world a re had to say. Conflict around the world are giving rise to new threats and emergency. Illegal immigration, the spread of terrorism, and violent extremism. Even the threat of nuclear war. Complex takeaway piece from societies, leaving behind underdevelopment and poverty, pushing people and even countries away from one another. Conflicts ta ke away from one another. Conflicts take away. European Union Delegates have been visiting the camps ahead of the summit. What is their response, now . On the one hand, is the humanitarian response to help the humanitarian response to help the refugees. But it is of the political response, they have decided that the only way that this could be resolved is by supporting Aung San Suu Kyi. They realise she is not the person responsible for the expulsion of the rohingya. It is the expulsion of the rohingya. It is the hourly. And she can control them. The police and the military are who is responsible. Aung san suu kyihas are who is responsible. Aung san suu kyi has committed to a process recommended by kofi annan, the former head of the united nations, to try to allow the refugees to return, and i think what the European Union governments are saying is that they will try to support her and the civilian side of the government to facilitate that process. Given that support, if that is forthcoming, do you see a conclusion . Will that were . She is committed to taking three and refugees back a day. But work. 600,000 600,000 have gone. It will ta ke 600,000 600,000 have gone. It will take ten years. 300 refugees and a. Everyone will drag their feet on this. This is pretty much the only game in town into the supporting her, but i dont think will see an easy or quick solution to the rohingya or rakhine crisis. Thank you forjoining us. Now, for some more on our top story. Thousands of people took to the streets of harare at the weekend in support of the armys actions against president mugabe. Shingai nyoka has been speaking to residents in the capital to get their reaction to mr mugabes refusal to resign. We must learn to forgive. They came to listen to what president mugabe had to say. After a meeting with Army Generals responsible for a takeover earlier last week, they had expected to hear his resignation speech. At this bar, they waited and waited to be told by president mugabe in a stumbling address. All this now has to stop. That he was going nowhere. He does not speak for our interests. He only speaks for his personal interests, and his family. So, why are you so disappointed . We are suffering we are suffering. We have had enough of suffering. We need him we need him to change his mind. We need him to resign. He didnt actually say hes resigning or anything, so were still waiting. The people marched yesterday. They expressed their views. Im a young lawyer in zimbabwe. Ive been practising law for the past three years. Its pathetic. The country has gone to the dogs. The consummate politician appears, at least for the moment, and on the surface, to have negotiated a deal on his own terms. This is not the announcement that some zimbabweans were waiting for. Robert mugabe is still the president and its not clear whether parliament will now begin its impeachment process. People here today were expecting to hear the resignation they have demanded, but those hopes have been dashed. The wild celebrations we have seen on the streets stand in stark contrast to the sombre mood in harare tonight. Months of high temperatures and virtually no rain has caused the worst drought this century for spain and portugal. More than 80 of portugal is officially classified as enduring severe or extreme drought. Now, there are concerns for the countrys population of these, crucial to pollinating crops. Georgina smyth reports. Beekeeping is serious business. Luis correias 600 hives should be bringing it eight tons of honey each year. But portugal has suffered its driest weather for more than 20 years. So bad in fact it meant far fewer flowers and so less food for the bees, causing the honey yields here to crash to a quarter, just two tons this year. Translation it was a bad year because we had a very dry spring, a very hot summer. For three months, the bees could not collect any nectar. Its been a year of hunger and very weak for bee keepers. The lack of food means beekeepers have to buy in pollen substitutes. He needed a whole ton just to keep his hives alive. Its the same story across the country. Translation spring this year didnt have humidity to give plants enough nectar for bees to produce honey. After prolonged drought, late spring and forest fires, production decreased 80 . The honeybee population worldwide has been in a serious decline due to pesticides, parasites, changing climates and loss of habitats. In portugal, every part of the Agricultural Industry has been affected but for beekeepers, the driest weather for two decades has pushed their colonies close to collapse. Lets look at some of the other stories making news. Results in the president ial vote in chile indicate it will go to a second round. Favourite sebastian pinera, a conservative billionaire and former president , will take on socialist candidate Alejandro Guillier in a run off next month. The actor and singer, david cassidy, remains in intensive care in hospital in florida after suffering multiple organ failure. A spokesman for the 67 year old, who rose to fame in the 1970s sitcom the partridge family, said he is surrounded by his family. A new exhibition has opened at Singapores National gallery that focuses on artists of the 19th century, from two separate but overlapping parts of the world. Called century of light, the show features many impressionist classics on loan from paris, alongside works by two of asias most successful painters. Mat morrison went to take a look. Western style, european faces, but by an asian hand. These are some of the works ofjuan luna of the philippines and raden saleh of indonesia, now on display at Singapores National gallery. Both of them were trained in their respective countries, indonesia and the philippines, before travelling to europe. Juan luna won major awards in spain. And this was the first time an artist from the colonies achieved the same status as their european peers. Lunas work, espana y filipinas, or spain and the philippines, puts their colonial relationship in a greco roman motif, with spain leading the way up a grand staircase, to the future. Raden saleh of indonesia was known for his orientalist animal hunts and landscapes, winning over an audience eager for such exotic scenes. Even as their asian contemporaries enjoyed a degree of success in europe, some impressionist painters had trouble finding an audience at home. This painting by claude monet was actually rejected by the paris salon of 1869. But today, impressionist works are as popular as ever, especially here in asia. You can see it in the japanese bridge. We are where monet built this garden. Paul perrin is a curator at the musee dorsay in paris. He helped bring about 60 paintings to this dual exhibit, a greatest hits album of impressionist masterpieces. You dont need to have a very important knowledge of classical european culture. You dont need to know a religious subject, or mythological subjects, or history. Just nature, just people. This is something that can connect with some some part of the asian philosophy. Taken together, the two exhibitions represent an east meets west meets east again moment in art. And then of course, some things are universal. How many selfies do you think people are going to take . They are doing a lot of selfies. Here the queen and the duke of edinburgh are celebrating their Platinum Wedding Anniversary with a series of portraits released to commemorate the occasion. Their wedding was on the 20th of november 1947. There are no public celebrations planned instead, theyll be marking their 70th anniversary privately with family. Now, if you like flying at up to 500 kilometres an hour, and just a few metres from the ground, this race in thailand may interest you. The air race one world title sees up to eight pilots speeding along an oval circuit. Their light planes must complete eight laps, atjust above tree top level. This year, american tim cone won the title in a late surge in a grove winged cassutt racer, named what airplane honey. And that is it. Dont forget you can keepin and that is it. Dont forget you can keep in touch with me. Ion twitter at lvaughanjones. I am on. Hello. Its safe to say there is a lot of weather to come in the week ahead. Low pressure after low pressure will be coming in from the atlantic. This is how we are starting the week. Still cold enough for a bit of snow into the scottish hills for monday morning. But milder air will be pushing in across much of the uk for a time this week, because it looks like this will be pushed away by colder air, again from the north, by the end of the week. But this is how we start off on monday some snow on the hills in northern scotland, so some slushy roads for higher level routes here. A lot of rain elsewhere in scotland to begin with, and a lot of cloud across the uk. Still chilly, then, in northern scotland. Well see the rain and the snow tending to fizzle out as we go through the morning in scotland, and some outbreaks of rain to begin with for Northern Ireland and northern england. Come further south, yes, theres plenty of cloud. There isnt a huge amount of rain. Damp and drizzly in places but what we will notice the most is how mild it is compared with recent mornings. Starting the day across much of wales, the midlands, south west england, the temperatures into double figures. So the milder air moving in, but its doing so with plenty of cloud. So were hard pressed to find much in the way of sunshine at all on monday. Just a few brighter breaks to the east of high ground. Outbreaks of rain fizzling out, but there will be patchy, mostly light rain still around into the afternoon in some spots. Double figure temperatures maybe even into southernmost parts of scotland, but elsewhere in scotland, still single figures for another day. So still a chilly feel, especially the further north you are. On through monday night and into tuesday morning, well take another spell of rain through northern england, through Northern Ireland, and into scotland. But any snow on the hills turning back to rain as we turn ten things milder here eventually, as we go on into tuesday. A very mild night elsewhere, but again with plenty of cloud. It looks pretty wet on tuesday, especially in northern scotland. Though to the east of it, before any of it gets in, given any brighter breaks, again temperatures very mild, and a few spots reaching into the mid teens for a while midweek in the uk, with stronger winds for a time. You can see low pressure systems are queueing up some wetter, windier weather for a time mid week, but we are expecting things to turn cold again by the end of the week. So the milderfeel may just be brief. Rain at times, and a bit of snow, especially on the hills in scotland. Often windy at times this week, as well, and a colder wind by the end of the week. This is bbc news. The headlines the zimbabwean president , Robert Mugabe, has defied widespread demands that he step down. In a highly anticipated speech to the nation, mr mugabe announced his intention to lead next months ruling zanu pf Party Congress. The party has given him until midday on monday to resign orface impeachment. Talks to form a Coalition Government in germany have collapsed throwing chancellor Angela Merkels future into doubt. The leader of the liberal free democrats said his party was pulling out because it had not been possible to find a basis of trust with chancellor merkels christian democrats. Us planes carrying underwater rescue equipment have arrived in argentina to help hunt for a missing argentine submarine. The san juan disappeared four days ago in the south atlantic with 44 crew on board. Now on bbc news, extra time

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