About the Sexual Harassment claims at westminster. A report about the experiences of hillsborough families says the burning injustice felt by people affected by public disasters must end. Aboriginal authorities decide to stop tourists from climbing uluru one of australias most famous and sacred landmarks. President trump said he would consider sending the attacker who killed eight people in the new york larry attacked two on tampa bay. Earlier the government are the city confirm the suspect had been radicalised states. The man has been named as Sayfullo Saipov and interviewed by police in hospital. They say that he has shown no morse and bragged about how deadly the attack had been. Police say its likely that he carried out the attack in line with the instructions posted on social media sites by so called state. Mark lobel has this report. I need an ambulance right here a school bus lies in ruins moments after the terror attack in Lower Manhattan which ended with many dead, and the suspect in custody. Oh my god. Horror. Did you guys get him . One student who moments earlier caught sight of a man revving his engine impatiently at a traffic light, described a state of panic. Me and a friend were kind of wondering why he was being so aggressive behind the wheel, what is going on, you know . From there you could see the carjump onto the kerb, strike two people and continue down the street where it hit a bus and then veered off. At that moment everyone was just trying to figure out what was going on. It all began around 3pm during a sunny halloween in new york. A rented white pick up truck drove through a cycle lane for many blocks, fatally striking cyclists and pedestrians. The driver abandoned the vehicle, wielding fake guns after hitting a school bus. He was then shot by an officer. Eight people were killed and 12 injured. Those who died included five friends from argentina in their late 405, there to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their graduation from a polytechnic college. Two americans and a german citizen were killed. The attacker has been named as Sayfullo Saipov. A 29 year old immigrant from uzbekistan. The uzbek government has offered its full support during any investigation as police now rapidly seek answers. The republican senator Lindsey Graham wants the attacker treated as an enemy combatant so he can be questioned without a lawyer present. Donald trump says he wants Stricter Border controls after what he attack by a sick and deranged person. We wa nt we want a merit based programme where people come into the country based on merit and get rid of chained migration. This man that came in or whatever you want to call him, brought in with him other people. And he was the point of contact, the primary point of contact, the primary point of co nta ct for contact, the primary point of contact for 23 people that came in or potentially came in with him. Today new york is dusting itself down again after another unexpected and shocking struck so close to the site of the september 11 attacks. And shocking struck so close to the site of the september 11 attacksm was the definition of terrorism, an effort to take away peoples hope in spirit and make them change. And what new yorkers showed already is we will not change. We will not be cowed. We will not be thrown off by anything. But now the wave of truck based terror attacks has spread to new york, theres a need for greater vigilance and intelligence to stop any more attacks from clouding this skyline. Our correspondent nada tawfik is in new york. We heard a bit from donald trump and he has just been speaking we heard a bit from donald trump and he hasjust been speaking in we heard a bit from donald trump and he has just been speaking in the past hour. Just outlined a bit more about where he seems to be heading with this in terms of policy, what hes saying about this individual who is currently hospital. While we heard from President Trump previously that he wanted more extreme vetting and is now in a Cabinet Meeting he is going to ask congress to get rid of what is called the diverse of the lottery is a programme. Now the suspect Sayfullo Saipov came into the us in 2010 legally under that programme. And President Trump says it is now time for congress to get rid of it. He criticised the new york senator for his role in crafting that legislation back in the 19905 and so this has politicised this attack, 110w this has politicised this attack, now critics are coming out saying that the senate has tried to get rid of the programme and to allow people with more 5pecialised 5kills of the programme and to allow people with more 5pecialised skills into the United States. The President Trump i5 the United States. The President Trump is now putting an under the i55ue trump is now putting an under the issue and trying to get rid of the programme as well as increased extreme vetting of immigrants coming to the United States. Under score. Is it clear what exactly that means by extreme vetting . M score. Is it clear what exactly that means by extreme vetting . It is not clear and Sayfullo Saipov i5 means by extreme vetting . It is not clear and Sayfullo Saipov is from uzbekistan, he is not, it is not one of the nations included on his majority mu5lim nation travel ban. And so President Trump clearly did not outline what he was looking for but again when he said that the 5u5pect came into this diversity lottery i5 5u5pect came into this diversity lottery is a programme he then turned his attention to that and 5aid turned his attention to that and said that was something that he wa nted said that was something that he wanted to get rid of. Thank you for now. Daniel benjamin wa5 coordinator for Counter Terrorism in the Us State Department during the 0bama administration; he is now directorfor International Understanding at dartmouth university. Hejoins me on webcam from new hampshire. We outlined to our viewers 5ome we outlined to our viewers some of what President Trump i5 we outlined to our viewers some of what President Trump is talking about here. What does your thoughts first of what he said about closing down the Visa Programme and looking at immigration . It was a foregone conclusion that the president would try to relate this terrible attack in new york and use it for political purpo5e5. In new york and use it for political purposes. He is trying to make as much capital out of it as he can. And it is not surprising. I do not think he will much have much problem is shutting down the diversity lottery programme. The senate tried to shut it down a few years ago. But the house of representatives blocked that and in 5ome representatives blocked that and in some ways that was an accident rather than intended. The president 5aid rather than intended. The president said that he would send Sayfullo Saipov to guantanamo bay, the Supreme Court would never stand for that. Anyone committing a crime on us soil mu5t that. Anyone committing a crime on us soil must go through the courts system and so this may play well with the very conservative base of the president but really it is not a po55ibility. The president but really it is not a possibility. And when he talks about increasing extreme vetting, what is your understanding of what that means, what do people in the us listening to him saying that think that that means. What is the practical implication . that that means. What is the practical implication . I do not think anyone has any idea what it means. 0ur border controls are incredibly rigorou5 right now. In the 16 years since september the 11th no foreign terrorist trick has come into the United States and carried out an attack under the direction of foreign organisation. Everyone who has carried out an attack that is far was either a citizen or green card holder, permanent legal re5ident. And President Trump has been talking about this extreme vetting thing, since it was a candidate. And it has communicated to people his seriousness about being tough. But it is like a 5trawman because no one has identified any way to strengthen the border controls except for the implementation of the immigration ban but he has proposed and that the courts have struck down three times. So im sure he will push hard for his immigration ban although it is noteworthy that uzbekistan the country of origin of saipov, has not appeared on anyone of the nations named in that band. It is striking to you that from what we know so far it would appear that this man was radicalised in the United States, he went to the us in his early 205 and has been radicalised since then . So this is completely par for the course, it is worth remembering that we have had an extraordinarily low number of fatalities in the us since september the 11th. With the event yesterday, i think up to 103 from jihadist terrorism. All caused by people who appear to have radicalised here in the United States. And that rate continues to be lower than lightning strikes and it is regrettable that politicians will exploit this. That is to say youre more likely to get struck by lightning than to be killed by terrorists. Good to talk to you, thank you very much. And we will be talking more about this story after half past is well and talking a bit more about the fact that the man under arrest is from uzbekistan. And more about the security situation and the response of President Trump as well. Theresa may has written to the leaders of westminsters Political Parties to ask them to a meeting on monday to discuss plans for tackling sexual abuse and harassment. A list of unverifiable allegations against tory mp5 has been widely circulated it includes claims about consensual relationships as well as allegations of Sexual Harassment. Meanwhile, the cabinet minister damian green has strongly denied allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards a female conservative activist. Kate maltby alleged in the Times Newspaper that mr green touched her knee while giving her career advice in 2015, and sent her a suggestive text message in 2016. Damian green says the claims are completely false. Heres our Political Correspondent ben wright. Damian green is facing questions about his conduct. All of the allegations are completely false. All of the allegations are completely false, the cabinet minister said this morning, clearly angry at claims made by this woman, the academic and tory activist kate maltby. Seen here on the same Television Programme as damian green injuly. Now she has published a piece in the Times Newspaper claiming that in 2015, mr green made suggestive comments and fleetingly touched her knee when they met for a drink in a pub. He offered me career advice and in the same breath made it clear he was sexually interested. It was not acceptable to me at the time and it should not be acceptable behaviour in westminster in the future. Kate maltby also says damian green sent her a flirtatious text message in may last year which she ignored. She describes feeling awkward, embarrassed and professionally compromised by mr green. Damian green has instructed libel lawyers over the claims. Now one of the most senior members of the cabinet, mr green said in a statement he had known kate maltby since 2014 and the pair had a drink twice yearly. But he said, it is absolutely and completely untrue that i have ever made any sexual advances on ms maltby. This untrue allegation has come as a complete shock and is deeply hurtful, especially from someone i considered a personalfriend. The Prime Minister has asked the Cabinet Office to investigate these claims of inappropriate behaviour by damian green, who is the latest and most senior politician to be caught up in the rumours and allegations swirling around westminster, many of which are fiercely denied by the mp5 involved. For instance, theJustice Minister dominic raab today said any insinuation he is engaged in anything resembling Sexual Harassment or lewd remarks is false and malicious. He has already taken legal advice. But politicians from all parties do agree that Parliament Needs to overhaul the way staff and other workers here can make complaints about Sexual Harassment. The government has committed to do that. Mp5 say behaviour more broadly has to change as well. The most important thing is to change the culture and to end a culture of entitlement by some older men who think theyjust have a right to prey on younger women or men that they have a power relationship with. Its an abuse of power and it has to stop. In the commons this lunchtime both main Party Leaders said they were deeply concerned about allegations of harassment at westminster. Ive written to all Party Leaders inviting them to a meeting early next week so we can discuss a common, transparent, independent grievance procedure for all those working in parliament. We have a duty to ensure that everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. We need better protections for all in this house. This house must involve workplace trade unions in that. But its also incumbent on all parties to have robust procedures in place to protect and support victims of sexual abuse and harassment. Whether or not there are more allegations about the behaviour of politicians in the coming days, mp5 are clear that the culture here needs to change. Ben wright, bbc news. 0ur chief Political Correspondent vicki young is in westminster. In the past couple of hours we have heard that theresa may wants to hold this meeting pretty swiftly, next week. Your assessment of the mood there and what is happening in practical terms . I think we there and what is happening in practicalterms . I think we heard politicians talk about changing the culture of westminster and clearly thatis culture of westminster and clearly that is not an overnight task. It is going to take some time to do that. If it is the case that people here simply do not know how to behave properly then changing that is going to be difficult. In the meantime politicians want to show that they have some answers and at least have some way of dealing with the complaints. So theresa may calling for a cross Party Meeting next week, she says she wanted as soon as possible and that is now scheduled for monday evening about her point is that there needs to be a twin track approach that of course parties need to have structures in place and complaints systems, and parliament of course is the one place where thousands of people, not all belonging to a political party, and she says the need to be Something Else which needs to be agreed across the parties. Shes written a letter to all Party Leaders and says in it that there needs to be a common, transparent, independent grievance procedure for all those working in parliament. She also says she wants this to be swift, she wants to get going with this and get it sorted. Clearly trying to get on the front foot because these allegations are swirling, this list that many people have seen, a mixture of anecdotes, gossip, some more serious allegations but of course they are unfounded. We have had ministers today who appear on the list coming out and denying that any of this is true. I spoke to one of them earlier, the Justice Minister dominik rab. Some of the allegations are very serious and i fully support what the Prime Minister said about making sure about serious allegations are reported to the police or relevant authorities but mixed up and that is salacious gossip and in my case just an allegation that is frankly wrong. The suggestion that i have been subject to an injunction is just wrong. Ive not sexually harassed anyone or made lewd remarks in relation to anyone in parliament. And i do think whilst it is crucially important to make sure theres proper accountability for these serious cases and allegations of abuse, these serious cases and allegations ofabuse, i these serious cases and allegations of abuse, i do not think it is quite right to have innocent smeared with the same brush. Reflection there of some of the anger that there is in parliament from some people who feel that whoever compiled the list is simply throwing some mud and hoping that it might stick. And concern from others that there are serious issues which need to be dealt with and it could be lost in all of the swell of allegations. Thank you. Im nowjoined from our 0xford studio by labour peer baroness kennedy. Thank you for your time. We keep hearing the phrase now, change the culture, changing the culture. Do you sense that there is some sort of turning point here . You sense that there is some sort of turning point here . |j you sense that there is some sort of turning point here . I think there are two things going on, one is that we have a generation of young women who are now not going to remain silent. And a moment came with the disclosures about hollywood and that made people reflect on what happens