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The 30th of october. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. The 0scar winning Actor Kevin Spacey has apologised after he was accused of making a sexual advance towards a boy actor in the 1980s. Anthony rapp, who stars in the Star Trek Discovery series, of him after a party. In a tweet, kevin spacey said the incident which he did not remember would have been deeply inappropriate. 0ur los angeles correspondent james cook has been following the story. What we know is that the star trek Actor Anthony Rapp has accused kevin spacey Actor Anthony Rapp has accused kevin s pa cey of Actor Anthony Rapp has accused kevin spacey of this, which happened in 1986 according to mr rapp. He was a broadway star at the time, use only 14 broadway star at the time, use only 1a years old. He went back to a party at Kevin Spaceys house. He says kevin spacey carried onto his bed, climbed on top of him and made a sexual advance alsop he said he was able to squirm away and then left the house. Kevin spacey has put out as statement, you he doesnt deny it but he doesnt remember it. This is his statement deny it but in doesnt remember it. Deny it but in the snt remember it. Deny it but in the statement 1ber it. Deny it but in the statement to fr it. Deny it but in the statement to say. That he knows there are other stories out there about him. He says that about himself, and then another statement he says he is also gay. He says he has had relationships with men and women but is now living as a 93v men and women but is now living as a gay man. And that has provoked something of a backlash from some people here in hollywood, who say why is he conflating these two things . People are saying he is almost suggesting this is an excuse for predatory Sexual Behaviour against child. So it is the latest, just the latest to spill out from the allegations against highbury weinstein, harvey weinstein. Hollywood remains convulsed by controversy. Theresa may is being urged to strengthen the governments response to allegations of Sexual Harassment by mps. Yesterday the Prime Minister proposed a new system for dealing with claims of misconduct saying the current commons Disciplinary Procedures lacked teeth. There are reports that lists of mps accused of inappropriate behaviour are circulating in westminster. What more can you tell us about these lists which are apparently doing the rounds . There are what app conversations where allegations are made about various mps, suggesting that you cant trust certain mps in a lift or in a taxi, but there has been no one named, there has been no allegations made publicly identifying individuals, though identically dont dig anyone is disputing there is a serious issue here which needs to be addressed. At the moment there really isnt a very adequate grievance procedure for young members of staff to pursue, because if they do have a complaint about an because if they do have a complaint aboutan mp because if they do have a complaint about an mp at the moment they actually have to complain to that mp as their employer, even if he is the person they wish to complain about. And what i think has added to the concern is that it is notjust members of staff who are vulnerable, in many cases it is the young volunteers, people who work as interns or on Work Experience for volunteers, people who work as interns or on v are experience for volunteers, people who work as interns or on v are perhaps ice for volunteers, people who work as interns or on v are perhaps the or volunteers, people who work as interns or on v are perhaps the most mps who pack are perhaps the most vulnerable. That was certainly the view of the Prime Ministers former director of communications which he was asked this morning. And if you are a special adviser for example, you want really told about the procedure you can go through should you want to take a complaint out against anyone. So these young people, especially as some of them it might be their firstjob in politics, they were desperate to get it, they might have applied amongst 400 other people to get it, they get the job and then they find this mp has wandering hands, says inappropriate things, and they feel slightly frightened or threatened by them. Pleasure you go to make a complaint . Could you speak to . At the moment it is not clear at all and of course no one really has teeth, there is no body that can slap that mp down saying that behaviour is no longer acceptable. 0ne behaviour is no longer acceptable. One other option of course is for members of staff to complain to the Political Party that the mp river represents, but that too has problems because very often parties would seek to play down damaging is often young is often young members ften young members of n young members of staff are that young members of staff are perhaps looking for a career with that party and so therefore are inhibited from complaining to the party, although one mp when she appeared on the victoria Adoption Programme this morning said in her case when she made a complaint about a fellow senior party member, that was acted upon. I have experienced Sexual Harassment in politics more broadly. It was quite a long time ago now, but when i was active campaigning for the labour party in an area, there was a senior person from the labour group on the council who had a bit of a reputation, and oii who had a bit of a reputation, and on one who had a bit of a reputation, and on one occasion when i was at a party and he was there and i was leaving he chose to leave the party at the same time as me under the guise of wanting to walk me to the nearest station so i got home safely. I said i was absolutely fine walking on my own, i did not feel the need to be accompanied, but he insisted and tried to hold my hand oii insisted and tried to hold my hand on that walk and i resisted and did not let him. But then once we got to the station he delved in for a case which was not invited, and i pushed him away and basically ran away from him. Idid him away and basically ran away from him. I did report that and along with other young female colleagues who were actively campaigning for the labour party at that time. We did manage to go through our partys procedures and as far as im aware he another behaves like that. He was dealt with . He was dealt with. There may be a debate in parliament this afternoon about complaints procedure. There seems to be a real head of steam building up for some very fundamental reforms and one idea which seems to be gaining a lot of traction is the thought of having an independent body which would be responsible for overseeing complaints about Sexual Harassment. But that too comes with difficulties because there is a debate about whether this body should be a Mediation Service, a dispute resolution type of body, or whether it ought to be an investigatory body which can carry out its own enquiries. There is also the about the sanctions such a question about the sanctions such a body would have, because in most peoples normal working life, if they are guilty of Sexual Harassment they are guilty of Sexual Harassment they would be dismissed from their job. Clearly that is not so easy with an mp because they are not employed by parliament or by their party, they are essentially employed by the voters and voters dont really have the power to sack them. So there is a question over what sort of sanctions can be imposed on mps found guilty of Sexual Misconduct in this way. Norman, thank you very much. Lets look at some of todays other developing stories the first charges in the investigation into alleged russian interference in the us president ial election are expected to be announced later today. A special counsel, Robert Mueller, has been looking into possible links between the Trump Campaign and moscow. In a series of tweets, President Trump has denounced collusion with russia. People dead in germany, poland and the Czech Republic. Hundreds of thousands of homes were without power. A freight ship has run aground in the north sea close to northern germany with authorities there watching closely for oil leaks. Sarah corker reports. Powerful winds sweeping across austria proved challenging for pilots at salzberg airport. As this passenger plane approaches the runway, it lurches side to side. At the last moment, the pilot abandons his attempt to land safety. In the north of the country, the storm caused widespread damage, blocking roads ripping through roofs. In germany, the Berlin Fire Service declared a state of emergency. The owner of this car was uninjured. In hamburg, it was flooding that was the problem. Waters rose up around the historic fish market, three metres higher than normal. A man drowned at a campsite in lower saxony. And off the coast of northern germany, an oil tank has run aground. Elsewhere, in the Czech Republic, this orthodox Wooden Church was torn to pieces in the city of most. Falling trees killed two pedestrians and damaged power lines. Translation it could have been worse. The tree has fallen in this direction, and not towards the house, so its caused less damage. Throughout sunday, large swathes of europe were battered by winds of more than 140 kilometres per hour. But forecasters say conditions are expected to ease today. The wild weather has swept along the polish coast a photo opportunity for some, but on the roads, conditions were treacherous. Falling tree branches killed three motorists. Two motorists. And there was also travelled disruption in the austrian capital of vienna. Closing the main station. The storm has knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of homes across the Czech Republic and poland. Womens groups in france say theyll stage a protest outside a paris film archive where the director Roman Polanski is due to attend a retrospective of his work. They say its indecent that polanski, whos pleaded guilty to having unlawful sex with a minor, is being honoured at a time of heightened concerns over Sexual Harassment. The organiser of the retrospective said it would not cancel the event. For a full summary of the news you can go to our website where youll be able to get more details on all of those stories. The Spanish Government is taking direct control of catalan institutions, after it sacked the Regional Government and Parliament Following their unilateral declaration of independence. The deposed catalan leader, Carles Puigdemont, has called for peaceful resistance to the imposition of direct rule. Attention is focused on the headquarters of the Catalan Government to see if mr puigdement turns up for work. Who is in barcelona with the latest. Did Carles Puigdemont turn up for work this morning . It feels like is turning into puigdemont watch at the moment. I have been here since early this morning as have many of my colleagues. There is no sign of him. Usually at about eight oclock this morning, it hasjust usually at about eight oclock this morning, it has just gone 12 oclock here now. The signs we are getting and the sense we are getting at least is the separatist form a government that still says it is in power officially, that was the last message at the weekend, that could be slipping away and seamlessly passing to madrid at the moment. The state s tv are reporting that the separatist government has acknowledged its own dismissal. In madrid we are hearing reports amongst credible journalists that they have given the catalan former government hours to get their belongings from here and other offices and from that point if they do not it that. Offices and from that point if they do not it officers that. Offices and from that point if they do not it officers also hat. Offices and from that point if they do not it officers also in t. The prosecuting officers also in madrid saying there will be a press conference in 30 minutes, and this implies there could be criminal charges against Carlos Puigdemont and other ministers. Any sign of this peaceful resistance he has called for . There isnt, actually. There are a few people with flags dotted around the square, three people who said they would form a human chain outside government office, i dont think you can call that much of a chain. I think effectively behind the lines here the two big organisations calling for demonstrations that we have seen on the streets here, they havent called for demonstrations today. 0r for this resistance. Because they believe they wont be a use of force by spain to remove him. If you listen to the language, the foreign minister of spain has said they would not you to use of force by spain to remove him. If you listen to the language, the foreign minister of spain has said they would not yuji s sports, they claim ca rles would not yuji s sports, they claim Carles Puigdemont will quickly realise his authority has gone. For Carles Puigdemont will quickly realise hi the hority has gone. For Carles Puigdemont will quickly realise hi the 17,000 as gone. For Carles Puigdemont will quickly realise hi the 17,000 officers. For Carles Puigdemont will quickly realise hi the 17,000 officers have example, the 17,000 officers have a p pa re ntly example, the 17,000 officers have apparently already ta ken example, the 17,000 officers have apparently already taken down the pictures of him. They understand they have new orders. That is from madrid. Gavin, thank you very much. The concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere has hit a new high. The World Meteorological organisation s is a combination of human activity and the el nino weather phenomenon drove c02 levels toa weather phenomenon drove c02 levels to a new level. Joining me in the studio is the bbcs environment correspondent, matt mcgrath. Why has this happened . They have a network of monitors around the world and they map measure the amount of gas in the atmosphere every year. They are able to measure the gas when plants have not taken it up and sees have not taken it up, so it is quite a yourfigure. Sees have not taken it up, so it is quite a your figure. They have doing that for about 30 years and in that time they have seen it rise but never this much. They say they were two factors, human emissions and the el nino weather phenomenon which causes downpours in some el nino weather phenomenon which cau world wnpours in some el nino weather phenomenon which cau world but ours in some el nino weather phenomenon which cau world but in rs in some el nino weather phenomenon which cau world but in others me el nino weather phenomenon which cau world but in others it e el nino weather phenomenon which cau world but in others it makes the world but in others it makes trees and plants not take up so much c02. As a result 2016 so a bigger spike than they have seen any time risley. They are saying c02 is at a level not seen an 800,000 years. Im not sure how they came up with that. They know that because they have ice core records and the trapped bubbles of gas in those given accurate picture of the atmospheric content at that time. We have never seen record levels that high. This is the last time the earth had concentrations of this level was three to 5 million years ago when temperatures were two to three degrees warmer and the seas were maybe 60 feet higher. How concerned should we be and what impact will it have on the efforts to achieve global temperature targets . Have on the efforts to achieve global temperature ta rgets . M have on the efforts to achieve global temperature targets . It think people have become complacent. We have the paris climate agreement and politicians all agreeing, people saying human emissions were levelling off and to an extent that is true. This is a sobering reality check, because it shows the is true. This is a sobering reality check, becaust in shows the is true. This is a sobering reality check, becaust in the ws the is true. This is a sobering reality check, becaust in the atmosphere. Concentrations in the atmosphere. Might the scientists are saying you might be cutting back emissions now the scientists are saying you might be bucket jack emissions now the scientists are saying you might be bucket is k emissions now the bucket is already very full. It could have big indications for economies and our atmosphere over the next ten to 30 years. It is interesting that the head of the United Nations were and agency as saying there are Solutions Ready but there needs to be the political will, there needs to be a real sense of urgency. Urgency is the keyword. Politicians are meeting next week so it will be interesting to see what happens and if that sense of urgency is transmitted to that meeting there. The headlines on bbc newsroom live kevin spacey says his behaviour would have been deeply inappropriate ifa claim would have been deeply inappropriate if a claim about him making a sexual advance on a child actor in the 19805 advance on a child actor in the 1980s is true. Mps call for an urgent statement on the governments response to claims of Sexual Harassment in westminster. And as we have been hearing, Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere surges to its highest level in 800,000 years. Scientists say human activity and weather phenomena are to blame. In sport, lewis become the most successful british in sport, lewis become th formula jccessful british if fl in sport, lewis become th formula 1. essful british if fl in sport, lewis become th formula 1. He;ful british if fl in sport, lewis become th formula 1. He onlyritish if fl in sport, lewis become th formula 1. He only finished 5 fl in sport, lewis become th formula 1. He only finished ninth fl in formula 1. He only finished ninth ina in formula 1. He only finished ninth in a Mexican Grand Prix but that was enough to take the title for a fourth time full stop he did it with two races to spare. Caroline wozniacki is third in the World Rankings after winning the biggest tournament of her career, she beat Venus Williams to claim the trophy in singapore. And paul casey is rejoining the European Tour after the us circuit. His motivation is to play at next years ryder cup. He had been ineligible after giving up his european membership. I will be back with a full update in the next 15 minutes. See you then. The trial is continuing the man suspected of tampering with his wifes parachute. Andy, brings up to date with the case will stop a video has been shown to the jury. This was an interview given by his wife about an month after the incident. She was asked about the mysterious in the allegation that her husband had tried to kill her. She said in the interview, i honestly dont know. She said initially she thought it was impossible but then she had been told by the police about his affairs, she said everything i knew about him was a lie, i dont know, its hard to comprehend he did it. She said. She was also asked about the other accusation of attempted murder, that is that he tempered with the gas fittings at the family home. She said she smelt gas. She said she initially did not think her husband had anything to do with it in any shape orform, it may be unrelated. She said she smiled the gas, she called her husband, he said to open all the doors and windows, eventually gas operator came along and switched it off. She said something was not fitted correctly. She didnt think much of it at the time. She sent a text little while later saying did you try to bump me off . But she said that was tongue in cheek, a joke. We havejust seen another video which was recorded in august, 2015. The incident was in april. She said in the early interviews that her main parachute was twisted and uncontrollable. It wasnt working at all which is why she couldnt lose. In this interview she couldnt lose. In this interview she said i cant absolutely say that the main parachute was not functioning. She said she was very scared before the jump functioning. She said she was very scared before thejump because functioning. She said she was very scared before the jump because she had not jumped for some scared before the jump because she had notjumped for some time, so she said she may be too embarrassed to say she actually cut away a perfectly good parachute. Those Police Interviews are over now and she is being examined in person by the prosecution. The trial continues. Her husband denies the two counts of intended murder. Scrapping interest on future loans an influential economic think tank says the chancellor is caught between a rock and a hard place in his forthcoming budget. The institute for fiscal studies says Philip Hammond must decide whether to continue to cut the deficit or meet requests from cabinet colleagues to increase spending. The government says it is committed to Sustainable University sent funding and will set out steps in due course. The former Prime Minister, gordon brown, has admitted that he struggled to communicate with voters in an era of what he refers to as touchy feely politics, and was not an ideal fit. Writing in his autobiography, which is published next week, he also reveals that he feared losing his eyesight while he was in power. He lost his left eye in a sports injury as a teenager, but then had problems with his right. A leading Cancer Charity has appointed what it calls a digital nurse, to combat so called fake news about the disease. Macmillan Cancer Support says the internet is full of unverified statistics and bogus treatment suggestions which mislead often frightened patients. It says it wants to provide clear advice online about diagnosis and treatment. The government at westminster is expected to begin moves to set a budget for Northern Ireland today if no agreement is reached the Stormont Executive collapsed injanuary with sinn fein and the dup remaining divided over a number of issues including whether there should be a law to protect and promote the irish language. 0ur ireland correspondent, chris page, is at stormont. First of all, just tell us how Northern Ireland has been affected at the moment by not having ministers in place to set budgets themselves . For about the last ten months another man ireland has been in this administrative autopilot while Civil Servants run the government. But because they are Civil Servants and not ministers they cant make any major decisions. For example, a couple of weeks ago when storm 0phelia hit Northern Ireland, you had the head of the Northern Irelands Civil Service coming out to talk about it. Civil servants, given they are not electorally accou nta ble servants, given they are not electorally accountable and cannot be voted out, and also the fact that there is no budget for the current Financial Year we are in that began in april, means actually money will run out of the Public Services in the next few weeks unless the budget is set. So the government has said that if the parties here cant reach an agreement and pass a budget themselves, go back into government with each other, the westminster government will have no option but to ta ke government will have no option but to take a spending reins at westminster and pass a budget in the house of commons. They say they would be reluctant to do so but that move would simply be inevitable if the parties here cannot strike a deal. I have to say, given the state m e nts deal. I have to say, given the statements released today by the two major parties, the Democratic Union and sinn fein, it doesnt appear at all likely that any breakthrough is evident. In effect are we talking about the factory direct rule from westminster or at the very least we a closer to it if the budget has to be set from there . Certainly a very major start up towards direct rule. The government are reluctant to use that phrase. Instead they talk about greater intervention by westminster. But the nationalist sdlp have said if the budget is set at westminster, given that a budget is most important piece of legislation any government can pass in any given year, if stormont isnt doing that then that is basically direct rule. Both the british and irish governments are very keen to say that they do want local ministers back here in place. It doesnt look like it they will appoint ministers in london, but if there is no agreement by the end of today and James Brokenshire goes ahead in london to legislate from budget in the house of commons, that will be the house of commons, that will be the most serious step so far in this political crisis which is the most severe in Northern Ireland for the last decade. Thank you for that. Nhs fertility treatment is being cut and in some cases disappearing altogether in certain parts of england. Only 12 of Clinical Commission groups now offer the recommended three rounds of ivf. Campaigners say the system is unfair. Anna crossley reports. Emma and lee have been trying for a child for more than four years. Doctors have told them that without ivf, they have little chance of conceiving. But because they live in essex, where treatment is not available on the nhs, they will have to pay for it themselves. If i would have known, you know, i would not be to access treatment, i would never have moved here. Never. Nor would my husband. I know that for a fact. It has completely broken us. Completely. Compare their story with that of louise and ian. They live in Greater Manchester, where couples get three rounds of ivf on the nhs. Happily for them, felicity was born after their second cycle of treatment. If we had only had one round, felicity would not be here now. And we only needed two round. I sometimes wish that we could give our third round to someone else who really needs it. The National Institute for health and clinical excellence says the nhs should provide women under 40 with three cycles of ivf if they have been trying for a baby for longer than two years. But this is merely a recommendation the final decision is made by nhs providers locally. The department of health says decisions around funding are made locally, but that it believes eligible patients should have access to treatment. Clinical commissioning groups say they have to balance the demands on nhs services, but campaigners argue that infertility is a disease, and that everyone should have equal access to treatment. A eurasian lynx has escaped from an animal park in wales. The animal, which is twice the size of a domestic cat, escaped from borth wild Animal Kingdom, near aberystwyth. Its been missing for around five days, and they can travel up to 12 miles per day. A little earlier, Sergeant Gareth Cross from Dyfed Powys Police explained what was being done to find the escapee. We are working with both wild Animal Kingdom last night and obviously today putting plans in place to search for the animal in the local area and try to put together some sort of plan to catch it. From what the park has led us to believe, this animal has been born and bred in captivity and we believe it could have been seen nearby the park last night. So our working theories at the moment that this is the place it knows it can get food, so it is likely to stay in the area. At the moment we are stressing that there is not a general danger to the public. 0bviously unless someone approaches or tries to trap the links itself. In that way it shouldnt and we dont anticipate it to approach anyone. It is a very solitary animal. And we will find out more about the search for the links later. Lets take a look at the weather now. A much cooler feels things today. Some of us waking up to a touch of frost this morning and also a bit of mist around as well. This photo was sentin mist around as well. This photo was sent in from derbyshire. It has come with some brighter skies the much rendered in wales today. It will be largely dry and bright with some sunshine. And for Northern Ireland, scotla nd sunshine. And for Northern Ireland, scotland and Northern England, little more cloud and it could thicken up to produce some outbreaks of rainfor thicken up to produce some outbreaks of rain for the north west of scotla nd of rain for the north west of scotland and Northern Ireland. Of rain for the north west of scotlant the Northern Ireland. Of rain for the north west of scotlant the evening n ireland. Of rain for the north west of scotlant the evening and eland. Of rain for the north west of scotlant the evening and overnight through the evening and overnight some outbreaks in Northern Ireland of rain and then it will push into scotland. There could be some heavy burst in north west scotland and after ca re burst in north west scotland and after care spells in the south it cloud will increase in england and wales. A milder night than yesterday. Tomorrow cloudier and milder. Some outbreaks of rain. There will be a few breaks in the cloud, better further south with highs of 14 celsius. This is bbc news. Our latest headlines the Actor Kevin Spacey has apologised after being accused of making a sexual advance towards a child actor in the 1980s. Theresa may is being urged to strengthen the governments response to allegations of Sexual Harassment in westminster. The amount of Carbon Dioxide in the earths atmosphere reached a record high last year, with human activities and the weather to blame. The Spanish Government is set to take direct control of catalonia in response to the regions declaration of independence last week. And denounced as a witch hunt by donald trump the first charges into alleged russian interference in the us president ial election are expected to be announced. Lets get all the latest sport. Beginning with Lewis Hamilton . He is already thinking about a fifth formula 1 world says, already thinking about a fifth formula 1 world says, he formula 1 world title, he says, he clinched his fourth yesterday to become the most successful ever british formula 1 driver. Length placed in that race was good enough to become World Champion with two races to spa re to become World Champion with two races to spare ninth. He collided with Sebastian Vettel on the very first lap and a puncture so from drop to last. But Sebastian Vettel could not achieve the top two finish he required to stay in the hunt. That moves Lewis Hamilton ahead of jackie stewart, who won three titles. I was all those people for my first and then the second came and the third came and it was sheer willpower to continue after the success i had. Ifelt a bigger burning desire to win the championship this year, because we we re championship this year, because we were fighting another team and i had a difficult year last year so i was adamant i was going to better myself mentally and physically and with the attitude and how i worked with eve ryo ne attitude and how i worked with everyone in order in everyone in order to put myself in the position i am in today. Newcastle a re the position i am in today. Newcastle are at burnley in the premier league tonight. Newcastle are currently for sale. I spoke earlier to shay given who spoke at length about the ownership of mike ashley in his autobiography. The fans are crying out for success andi the fans are crying out for success and i think mike ashley, the club is for sale and he wants them soul and so did the fans and they want your investment and i believe with Rafael Benitez in charge they have the right man in charge on the football side of things and there is no point in someone coming in without lots of money to buy new players and invest in the team because the stadium and training grounds is all there and they just need the training grounds is all there and theyjust need the money to inject into the team and get the team back up into the team and get the team back up challenging for trophies and into european competition. Carolyn was the acting has won the end of year tourfinals carolyn was the acting has won the end of year tour finals after beating serena williams. End of year tour finals after beating s itena williams. End of year tour finals after beating s it capped ams. End of year tour finals after beating s it capped a 11s. End of year tour finals after beating s it capped a remarkable williams. It capped a remarkable comeback for the former world number one who slept to number 74 in the world after a serious ankle injury last year. Shes now back up to third. Last year. Shes now back up to thirdlj last year. Shes now back up to third. I am happy i have won this week, it is a huge title for me and a big step for me in my career and i am going to enjoy this and hopefully it will be a good push for next season. It continues to be a building year for Roger Federer who won the swiss indoor tournament for the eighth time against fortnight. He will skip the Paris Masters next month which will almost certainly see rafa nadal finish the year as number one. The winning the wales rally and becoming the first welshman to win the event. He is the first british winner since 2000. French driver the event. He is the first british winners in e 2000. French driver the event. He is the first british winners in third 30. French driver the event. He is the first british winners in third would ench driver the event. He is the first british winners in third would allow river the event. He is the first british winners in third would allow him the event. He is the first british winners in third would allow him to finished in third would allow him to become World Champion for the first time ina become World Champion for the first time in a row. It has been a great weekend with many highs from all around the team with sebastien winning the drivers title and ourselves taking our first win in front of all the family and friends, it was an incredible weekend. That is all the sport. I will be back after midday. See you then. Some news coming in from north wales, Police Released the name of the boy who died after being taken ill following a halloween rave at the weekend. He was 16 year old morgan Phil Miller Smith. He died early sunday morning after taking ill after attending the annual halloween rave, it is believed he may have taken ecstasy type tablets described as pink square shapes with the rolls royce symbol on one side and 200 mg on the other. North wales police warn anyone with power was matching these descriptions should not take them and they are naming the boy who died following that rave is 16 year old morgan Phil Miller Smith from north wales. The leading Economic Research organisation, the institute for fiscal studies, has said the chancellor, Philip Hammond, may have to abandon his target for getting rid of the deficit if he wants to increase spending on Public Services in next months budget. Joining us from our westminster studio is Carl Emmerson from the institute for fiscal studies. Thank you forjoining us. You call this report co author. What are the options, in your opinion . He has got a difficult situation compared to eight months ago and now looks like the outlook for the economy and government borrowing will not be as good as previously thought so we can expect the budget to contain lots of red ink. He must do how to offset that and it seems more tax rises and more spending cuts looks pretty unlikely and if anything he is likely to add to the borrowing with some modest giveaways. You say in the report deficit reduction to this point has been almost entirely driven by tax rises and spending cuts are not by economic growth. There lies the problem for the chancellor because he will run out of road on that. Double mac growth over the past seven double mac growth over the past seve n yea rs double mac growth over the past seven years has been continuing to disappoint. If we get a downgrade in the Growth Outlook going forward, which seems likely that this month, it is bad news for people because the ending their earnings will not draw as much and the government will not ta ke much and the government will not take as much in tax. Grow as much. There is pressure on the chancellor to ease off on the tax rises and the benefit cuts and ease off on cuts to Public Services and he will have to choose between those competing campaigns and decide what he is prepared to top up. If productivity growth based on the current forecast by the office for budget responsibility, if that declines, what sort of deficit could we be looking at, given the chancellor and government have said it was to balance the books by 2025 . 0ne it was to balance the books by 2025 . One of the scenarios we look at is what would happen if the 0br downgraded halfway between the crossed the expected in march and actual growth in the past seven yea rs. If actual growth in the past seven years. If they move half white that means the deficit in the last year of the parliament would be £20 million higher, despite the relatively good news on tax receipts in recent months. 20 billion. That would make it hard for the chancellor to balance the books by the mid 20 20s. While there is a case for further deficit reduction it might be better to now admit a Firm Commitment to balancing the books by 2025 is not a sensible thing to do. The treasury in response is saying they will continue with a balanced approach. What can that mean in practice because the picture you are setting out does not get the chance of lots of room one way or the other whether the borrowing more. There really is not a lot of room. Perhaps the most likely is a relatively modest giveaway, not the end of austerity, we would still expect overall taxis to block and spending cut in a number of areas taxis to grow up. He might say i am prepared to add to the deficit slightly but it will not be an end to austerity. Thank you for your time. Coming into us thank you for your time. Coming into us from spain, the moderate government have taken over running catalonia, as you know the moderate government. The my dreams government. The state is calling for charges to be brought against catalonia leaders. The state prosecutor in spain calling for charges of rebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds to be brought against dividends in catalonia. More on that situation throughout the day. Now more on the news that theresa may is being is to strengthen the governments response to allegations of Sexual Harassment by mps. Yesterday the Prime Minister proposed a new system for dealing with claims of misconduct saying the current commons Disciplinary Procedures lacked teeth. There are reports that lists of mps accused of inappropriate behaviour are circulating in westminster. We can speak to Political Communications strategistjo tanner. Good morning. First of all, do you have any experience of this sort of behaviour, this harassment, either personally or through friends or colleagues . There is definitely been over the years, 4 20 years in the industry and there has been a sense of around 20 years. There is a lying around very significant harassment and very inappropriate, criminal behaviour there is a line. But also the low leveljokes and suggestive remarks which have been present in westminster for many yea rs been present in westminster for many years and notjust from mps but political journalists and years and notjust from mps but politicaljournalists and other advisers and people who have worked within the area of westminster village. These low level jokes and village. These low leveljokes and remarks, inappropriateness, that is the sort of thing you have heard . Yes and i have heard degrees of things over the years from very serious allegations but have been reported right through to things where people have just, reported right through to things where people havejust, someone said something that would be suggested, someone would say in remark that could be considered a sexual remark, perhaps the compliment that has been very badly given or even something where you actually feel very uncomfortable and that is the difference. Some of the people that have been saying things havent necessarily considered how they have made the other people feel. In westminster as the woman, whether an mp, a researcher, whatever your role is, if you have a problem or a complaint who do you go to . That is getting to the point of the problem. We have a very strange system here, i used to work for a Political Party where hr did not really exist and you were lucky if you had one person who was responsible for the delivery of Human Resources to a whole bunch of Human Resources to a whole bunch of people. Particularly in westminster, where i have never been directly employed in the house of parliament, but there is a challenge because you essentially have each office run by an mp who essentially isa office run by an mp who essentially is a manager for the very first time in their career, managing several is a manager for the very first time in their ca of er, managing several is a manager for the very first time in their ca of staff anaging several is a manager for the very first time in their ca of staff potential everal is a manager for the very first time in their ca of staff potential in eral members of staff potential in different locations. If you have a problem with that individual and they are at your boss and also the manager, the full shop, as it were, it is very difficult to get any sense of advice or support and often allegations against mps are often dealt with by other mps because one researcher would talk to another researcher would talk to another researcher who topped with their boss, an mp, who might potentially reported like the works office. And that goes to the heart of the problem. People are not promoted sometimes because they are great managers are good at looking after their staff but they are there because they are political animals, which is a very different issue. In terms of what is being looked at, some sort of independent body to deal with the sort of complaints and issues, we do not know if that would bea issues, we do not know if that would be a Mediation Service or a body that would investigate an issue some sort of sanctions, what needs to happen . Some system must be welcome because four mps, even managing their staff and the potential difficulties they find, if we take the Sexual Harassment out of the way, just the general challenges was employing people, any kind of body that will assist with useful and we have to remember these are very unusual types of jobs people have to remember these are very unusual types ofjobs people working long hours but often very unreasonable hours. There is an issue about the welfare of people working here and some sort of body that almost takes politics out of it because if you have your own internal reporting structures within a party it is about looking after your own and looking after your numbers but not necessarily getting to the issue. So something independent, something parliament can run might be very welcome. Thank you for talking to us. 214 year old boysin you for talking to us. 214 year old boys in North Yorkshire have been arrested on suspicion of preparing an act of terrorism. 214 year old boys. Lets go live to our correspondent. Because of the age of these two boys, the fact they have been arrested there is limits to what you can say but what can you tell us . Double map it happen in the rural market town on saturday and they were arrested at their homes and the number of items were seized on the properties which are currently being examined. The counterterrorism unit says it is pa rt the counterterrorism unit says it is part ofan the counterterrorism unit says it is part of an Ongoing Police leading quietly and since saturday we also know a number of properties have been searched in an area and the police have permission to question these 14 year olds until wednesday. North Yorkshire Police also put out a statement this morning that says officers believe it is an isolated incident and the Wider Community is not at risk. We appreciate the cooperation of local residents whilst this investigation continues. Fiona, thank you. In a moment a summary of the Business News this hour but first the headlines on bbc newsroom live kevin spacey says his behaviour would have been deeply inapporporiate if a claim about him making an advance on a child actor in the 1980s are true. Mps call for an urgent statement on the governments response to claims of sexual harrassment in westminster. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere surges to its highest level Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere surges to its highest level in 800,000 years. Im ben bland in the Business News the chancellor is between a rock and a hard place says a key think tank looking ahead to his budget next month the first since the general election. The institute for fiscal studies warns that Philip Hammond may have to abandon his target for getting rid of the deficit if he wants to increase spending on Public Services. Robotics, 3d printing and Artificial Intelligence could all give uk manufacturing a boost. Thats the conclusion of an independent review chaired by the head of siemens uk. Thousands of jobs. A big jump in profits for europes biggest bank. Hsbc reports £3. 5 billion in pre tax profits forjuly to september and thats up sharply on the same period last year. The bank has its headquarters in the uk but its results have been driven partly by a focus on doing business in asia. The banking giant hsbc made well, giant pre tax profits of £3. 5 billion in the three months between july to september. If you compare that with the same three months last year when they made £64 million its an increase of 448 . However at that time, they took a hit from the sale of the banks brazilian unit. The latest result is what the market was expecting and was driven by cutting costs but also a big focus on asia. Joining me now is vicky pryce, chief economist at the centre for economics and business research. How much can we put this down to the focus on asia . Very much sought but the other interesting thing is they have focused very much on a retail and Corporate Banking so it is not really Investment Banking but has done it for them but it is the bread and butter done it for them but it is the bread and butter stuff that we done it for them but it is the bread and butter stuff that we all understand. But asia has been growing quite significantly and they have benefited because of the focus in terms of the types of services they provide. Other banks, both in they provide. Other banks, both in the us and europe, their business in asia has been nowhere good as hsbc has managed. Ijust wonder what has managed. I just wonder what these hsbc results tell us about the health of the uk headquartered bank despite the uk headquartered bank despite the uncertainty, it will always saying around brexit. Here they are posting a year on year profit increase of 448 . You can be headquartered here and do some business here but be a global bank and do most of your business elsewhere. Nothing stops them doing that at present. Europe is less significant for them and perhaps brexit is not so important. It is for some other banks but it suggests to me if you are a global bank to have to focus where the growth is an hsbc are seeing that is not here but in the fast growing economies of asia. Asia. As others may have assumed, as i did when i saw the results, went to the hsbc share price on my market board for later in the share price is down more than 1 . Why would that be . And there are changes taking place in the bank, there is a new person coming to run it and it is always an issue when you go from here and if the growth can be sustained. There has been hits from the sale of assets they had before and those may still not have been completely eradicated from the Balance Sheet although they seem to be moving in that direction. If you are basically where the market expected you to be rather than anything more you tend to get punished, which is a very strange thing in terms of the way the markets operate. Thank you. Advanced Digital Technology could give uk manufacturing a huge boost and create hundreds of thousands of jobs. Thats according to made smarter, an independent review which highlights the benefits of robotics, 3d printing and Artificial Intelligence. It includes representations from rolls royce, gkn and ibm, together with small firms and academics from the universities of newcastle and cambridge, and will help inform the governments industrial strategy plans. The head of siemens uk, Juergen Maier chaired the review earlier i asked him to outline the key takeaways. Well, first of all, the overall recommendation is as Great Britain we need to have much stronger ambition and leadership in this Fourth Digital industrial revolution. We need to drive it hard and make sure we have the right mechanisms for british Manufacturing Companies to be able to adopt these technologies in a much simpler and easier way. And another key recommendation is to up skill our people, really hate this head on and be having conversations with our people hit this head on so it becomes something that is less of a topic we are scared of and becomes one we embrace and transition into this new revolution. The markets, the ftse is down as we approached and spent, being hit by a stronger pound and losses among House Builder postbank shares, which fell after ba rclays House Builder postbank shares, which fell after barclays downgraded them in anticipation of the autumn budget. The poem to start the week up budget. The poem to start the week up against both the euro and the dollar the pound, that is ahead of the back of an good meeting this week where it is expected they could raise Interest Rates for the first time ina raise Interest Rates for the first time in a decade the bank of england meeting. The winner of the Royal Institute of british architects most prestigious award the stirling prize will be announced next tuesday. The nominations to become britains best new building 2017 include a new College Campus in glasgow, a London Housing development and a rejuvenated seaside pier on the south coast of england. Today, we look at the command of the oceans Visitors Centre at Chatham Historic Dockyard in kent by baynes and mitchell architects. These three major challenges was to exhibit the ship major archaeological find, exhibit the ship major archaeologicalfind, build more than Visitor Facilities and provide gallery spaces that told the story of the dockyard. And we managed to do this by introducing a new building which allowed for the communication and circulation of visitors around the galleries. As an example of why i like this building, it acts as a real beacon for visitors. The building is very special for for visitors. The building is very specialfor me for visitors. The building is very special for me because we found a way to respond to a very sensitive historic setting with architecture thatis historic setting with architecture that is quite robust and allows buildings around it to speak. I love the building because it reflects so many elements of the Historic Dockyard and endless modern reflections that unlocks the stories that are contained within the original buildings. And you can see all the nominated buildings on the bbc arts website and find out who is the winner of the Riba Stirling prize for architecture live on the bbc news channel tomorrow night between 8. 30 and 9pm. Now lets look at the weather. We say goodbye to viewers on bbc two after that. The much cooler thing today. Many of us the much cooler thing today. Many of us what to a touch of frost. The best of the brightness has been across england and wales with plenty of good spells of sunshine. More close elsewhere, some breaks in the cloud and sunny spells pushing through. This afternoon, staying dry and broke in england and wales with good spells of sunshine more cloud in Northern Ireland and Northern England and scotland. Some rain in the far north of scotland and north west and also Northern Ireland. More cloud here and the breeze picking up and temperatures struggling. Northern england sees more cloud, farther south seas more brightness and good spells of farther south seas more brightness and good spei still sunshine farther south seas more brightness and good spei still struggling. Temperatures still struggling. Through this evening and overnight, we start off with clear spells allowing temperatures in the south to initially dip. Cloud increasing through england and wales throughout the night and Northern England scotla nd the night and Northern England scotland and Northern Ireland will see rain pushing eastwards, some heavy bursts for north west scotland in particular. In more mild night and last night which means a more mild start tomorrow. More close across the board with outbreaks of rain. Further south england and wales is more closely, some possible outbreaks of rain and drizzle, some brea ks outbreaks of rain and drizzle, some breaks in the close of further south. Temperatures slightly recovering. That takes us into wednesday and we still have that weather from across the north west of the uk which means we will see more outbreaks of rain for Northern Ireland and scotland. Those same areas seeing some outbreaks of rain. For england and wales it is lovely bride, plenty of cloud but it will some bride, plenty of cloud but it will some we will see some breaks in that. Wednesday into thursday the cold front moving south and east which means we will seek drier and brighter conditions behind it and we will wake up to a cooler start in the north on thursday and a touch of frost possible again on thursday. This is bbc news, and these are the top stories developing at midday mps call for a debate on the governments response to claims of sexual harrassment in westminster. The Actor Kevin Spacey is accused of making a sexual advance towards a 14 year old boy in the 1980s he says hes sorry if it happened. Catalonias leaders face charges including rebellion and sedition, following their independence declaration, according to spains top prosecutor. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere surges to its highest level in 800,000 years Scientists Say human activity and weather phenomena are to blame. Also on newsroom live the missing lynx. Police investigate sightings of the big cat thats escaped and Lewis Hamilton says he still has a burning desire to win, after becoming britains most successful motor racing driver. Good afternoon, its monday the 30th of october. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Theresa may is being urged to strengthen the governments response to allegations of Sexual Harassment by mps. Yesterday the Prime Minister proposed a new system for dealing with claims of misconduct saying the current commons Disciplinary Procedures lacked teeth. There are reports that lists of mps accused of inappropriate behaviour are circulating in westminster. And lists which are what else the circulation and what else the government is proposing to circulation and what else the go we ment is roosin~ to r75775377www circulation and what else the go we have is roosin~ to r75775377www circulation and what else the go we have heard posin to t7777777777777777777 circulation and what else the go we have heard the n to t7777777777777777777 circulation and what else the go we have heard the from t7777777777777777777 circulation and what else the go we have heard the from the 777777777777777777 circulation and what else the go we have heard the from the prime it . We have heard the from the Prime Ministers spokesman who has confirmed there will be a statement in the commons this afternoon by the leader of the house so mps will get a chance to debate the issue, to put forward their suggestions, to air their grievances, and we learn from their grievances, and we learn from the Prime Ministers spokeswoman that mrs mays view is that any unwarranted Sexual Behaviour in the workplace is unacceptable. She is concerned about the potential damage to parliament but she wants to resolve this on a cross party basis, and the idea he she has floated is setting up what she is calling an independent Mediation Service. That has already run into some criticism on the grounds that its remit is too narrow, because it would just cover those employed by mps, the suggestion is it should also cover volunteers, interns, those on Work Experience, because those are often the most vulnerable. There is also a question over body question over whether this new body would focused on mediation, dispute resolution or whether it would be an investigatory body, able to carry out its own enquiries. I think there isa out its own enquiries. I think there is a broad consensus that at the moment the Current System for raising grievances is pretty inadequate. Listening to the Prime Ministers former director of communications, she was saying when she was working as a special adviser it really wasnt at all clear how you go about raising concerns or grievances about Sexual Harassment. And if you were a special adviser for example, you werent really told about the procedure you can go through should you want to take a complaint out against anyone. So these young people, especially as some of them it might be their firstjob in politics, they were desperate to get the job, they might have applied amongst 400 other people to get it, they get the job and then they find this mp has wandering hands, says inappropriate things, and they feel slightly frightened or threatened by them. Where do you go to make a complaint . Who could you speak to . At the moment it is not clear at all and of course no one really has teeth, there is no body that can slap that mp down, saying that behaviour is no longer acceptable. 0ne one other possibility of course is to complain to the parties who the mps represent, but even that comes with problems because very often the Political Parties would seek to minimise any damage from such allegations, the temptation to play down such claims, and also the young Party Workers or parliamentary aides often may be looking for a career with the party so they too are inhibited from going down that route, although one labour mp on the victoria Doctor Programme this morning said she did complain to labour and was actually taken seriously. I have experienced Sexual Harassment in politics more broadly. It was quite a long time ago now, but when i was active campaigning for the labour party in an area, there was a senior person from the labour group on the council who had a bit of a reputation, and on one occasion when i was at a party and he was there and i was leaving, he chose to leave the party at the same time as me under the guise of wanting to walk me to the nearest station so i got home safely. I said i was absolutely fine walking on my own, i did not feel the need to be accompanied, but he insisted and tried to hold my hand on that walk and i resisted and did not let him. But then once we got to the station he delved in for a kiss which was definitely not invited, and i pushed him away and basically ran away from him. I did report that and along with other young female colleagues who were actively campaigning for the labour party at that time. We did manage to go through our partys procedures and as far as im aware he no longer behaves like that. He was dealt with . He was dealt with. In terms of the sort of Complaints Procedures that might be put in place, it seems the responsibility for that has been pretty much passed to the speaker of the house of commons, john barco, to come up with some sort of new system. But i guess central to that system will be what some sort of new system. But i guess centra| sanctions stem will be what some sort of new system. But i guess centra| sanctions orem will be what some sort of new system. But i guess centra| sanctions or penalties what sort of sanctions or penalties might be imposed on mps sort of sanctions or penalties might be imposed on mstudged to have sort of sanctions or penalties might be imposet of| mstudged to have sort of sanctions or penalties might be imposet of sexualeged to have sort of sanctions or penalties might be imposet of Sexual Harassment, been guilty of Sexual Harassment, and there is another difficulty. In most walks of life, you would face a charge of gross misconduct, you would probably be sacked. That obviously is less applicable to mps, because they are not actually employed by parliament or indeed by their Political Party. They derive their Political Party. They derive their authority as it were from voters, but there is no easy mechanism for them to be sacked. So then the question is, is the only sanction they will face the shame of having to go through a grievance procedure . I suspect many people would probably regard that as an inner adequate penalty inadequate penalty if they were guilty of Sexual Harassment ofjunior mens staff. Junior members Sexual Harassment ofjunior mens staff. Junior members of Sexual Harassment ofjunior mens staff. Junior members of staff. In the last few moments the man who was formerly Donald Trumps Campaign Manager when he was running for the presidency and a former business is associate of him have been told to surrender to federal authorities. This is according to cnn and the new york times, who say these two men Donald Trumps former Campaign Manager and one of his Business Associates have been told to surrender to federal authorities. This, as we are told that the first charges from the investigation into alleged russian meddling in the us president ial campaign could come today. That investigation is being led by the former fbi director, robert muller. So now these two men are told to fit surrender to federal authorities. We will have more on that for you very soon. Now some other breaking news coming into us. The former coronation street actor Bruno Langley has with Bruno Langley has been charged with two counts of Sexual Assault after an alleged incident at a music venue in manchester. This is coming from Greater Manchester police. Itv announced in the last couple of days that it has ended its contract with Bruno Langley following an internal enquiry. He played Todd Grimshaw in the soap. Now were hearing from Greater Manchester police that he has been charged with two counts of Sexual Assault after an alleged incident at a music venue in manchester. The 0scar winning actor, kevin spacey, has apologised after he was accused of making a sexual advance towards a boy actor in the 1980s. Anthony rapp, who stars in the Star Trek Discovery series, said that mr spacey had placed him on his bed and climbed on top of him after a party. In a tweet, kevin spacey said the incident, which he did not remember, would have been deeply inappropriate. 0ur los angeles correspondentjames cook has been following the story. What we know is that the star trek Actor Anthony Rapp has accused kevin spacey of this, which happened in 1986 according to mr rapp. He went back to a party at Kevin Spaceys house. He says kevin spacey carried him onto his bed, climbed on top of him and made a sexual advance, although he said he was able to squirm away and then left the house. Kevin spacey has put out a statement, in which he doesnt deny it but says he doesnt remember it. Lets look at that statement now. He goes on in the statement to say that he knows there are other stories out there about him. He says that about himself, and then in the statement he says he is also gay. He says he has had relationships with men and women but is now living as a gay man. And that has provoked something of a backlash from some people here in hollywood, who say why is he conflating these two things . People are saying he is almost suggesting this is an excuse for predatory Sexual Behaviour against child. So it is the latest, just the latest to spill out from the allegations against harvey weinstein. And hollywood remains co nvulsed by controversy. The spanish attorney general has announced that hes bringing charges, including rebellion and sedition, against members of the catalan regional authorities , following last weeks unilateral declaration of independence. The government in madrid is in the process of taking direct control of the administration in catalonia. Lets go live to madrid now and my colleague tim willcox. I wonder what sort of reaction there is going to be to this news, because the madrid government is taking, by anyones standards, and incredibly robust response to all this. But they always said they would. After 48 hours when the Catalan Government has been able to celebrate their newly declared sovereignty and their independence, madrid had always made it absolutely clear what was going to happen if they did that. And today we are starting to see the process. I am standing at here. Over the weekend there have the masses of celebrations here, setting off fireworks, singing the anthem of catalonia. But Mariano Rajoy said after the vote in the senate just after the vote in the senate just after the vote in the senate just after the declaration of independence, that there would be consequences and one of those would be that madrid took over the departments here and quite possibly there would be charges of sedition and rebellion and misuse of public funds. Now where we are at the moment is that the attorney general has said he will be presenting charges to the National Court here, and thejudges charges to the National Court here, and the judges there will have to decide whether they go for a preventative arrest of mr puigdemont, his deputy and others, or whether they will call him to give evidence against them. My reading is that madrid at the moment probably does not want to do anything too provocative because of what we saw back in october in that referendum when police were seen breaking up the polling stations and people were pulled from the polling stations by their hair and a lot of them are injured. There is that element. The other development over the weekend is that the deputy Prime Minister of spain has been placed in charge of catalonia. But as we are at the moment, we are not quite sure what is happening, because members of the Catalan Government are a p pa re ntly of the Catalan Government are apparently inside, saying business is usual, madrid is saying it is not and that they are sacked. But we havent seen anything physically on the streets. Also no sign really of the streets. Also no sign really of the spanish police. We have seen the regional police, we understand they may be divided about this, but a plea was put out of by their unions over the weekend to be neutral in this constitutional crisis. Thank you very much, tim. Reports are coming in from the United States to say trump wills former Campaign Manager and a business associate of him have been ordered to surrender to the authorities. A special counsel, robert muller, former director of the fbi has looking into possible links of the trump and came to moscow. Trump has announced the enquiry as a witch hunt and denied any collusion with russia. Lets talk to our washington correspondent jane 0brien. It isnt clear yet if any charges have been brought against either man . What were being told the moment is that he has been asked to surrender to the authorities and in the last few minutes we have got further reports that he was seen leaving his home a few miles away from washington with his lawyer. Paul manafort has been undertake investigation for some time now offer possible money laundering, evasion of tax law and not properly disclosing some of his political lobbying work including lobbying for pro russia politicians in ukraine. We are not sure at this point whether these potential charges or his involvement has anything to do with the more specific investigation that mr mellor is undertaking into whether the Trump Campaign colluded with russia. That is not clear yet. But certainly if charges are being pressed against mr manafort, and it seems likely at this point, that is very high profile figure with very direct ties to the Trump Campaign. Tell us more about that. This is someone who was involved in running his campaign. Highly significant. Someone who was involved in running his campaign. Highly significantm was, he was the Campaign Chair man for about three months. He was also forced to resign over the disclosures that he had been lobbying on behalf of these pro russia politicians in ukraine. So he didnt stay with the campaign for very long, and the Trump Administration has of course try to distance itself considerably in the intervening year or so. But paul ma naforts intervening year or so. But Paul Manaforts house was raided injuly by the fbi, number of documents were seized by the authorities and that investigation has been set going on for some considerable time. But this isa for some considerable time. But this is a wide ranging investigation. The focus is whether or not the Trump Campaign colluded with russia, but mr mellor has also been given broad powers to investigate any other matters are writing from that. So this could become a sprawling and wide ranging investigation. And a final thought, tell us about prison trumps tweets in the last 24 hours or so trumps tweets in the last 24 hours orso and trumps tweets in the last 24 hours or so and certainly in the last few minutes. He has been talking about hillary clinton, about former president 0bama, anybody but this, really. He is trying to deflect attention away from him because he has been frustrated with his enquiry ever since it started. He fired the fbi director who had been overseeing it, james coney, earlier this year. That caused a great deal of controversy. And youre saying once again that the real investigation should focus on Hillary Clintons potential involvement with russia especially in the light of the fact the Democratic Party it has been revealed in last week actually funded the infamous dossier that made all sorts of salacious allegations about prison trumps behaviour in moscow and his potential ties to russia, none of which have been independently proved. Thank you very much, jane. The image on your screen just now is of Paul Manafort, prison trumps Format Campaign director leaving home this morning and we are told he has now arrived at the Fbis Washington Field Office having been told to surrender to the authorities. We will keep a close watch on any development is with that story for you. The headlines on bbc newsroom live President Trumps former Campaign Manager is ordered to surrender to the authorities in the investigation into suspected russian interference during last years president ial election. Mps are due to discuss the governments response to claims of Sexual Harassment in westminster. Kevin spacey says his behaviour would have been deeply inappropriate ifa claim would have been deeply inappropriate if a claim about him making an advance on a child actor in the 19805 advance on a child actor in the 1980s is true. Lets get more ron Lewis Hamilton the rest of the days sport. Hamilton says he is already hamilton and thinking about a fifth title. He clinched his fourth yesterday to become the most accessible british driver in the history of the sport. He could make it onto the podium at the Mexican Grand Prix, but ninth was good enough to become World Champion with two races to spare. He collided with his title rival sebastien battle on the first lap, you got a puncture on his mercedes, he dropped to last and erased, but his rival could not achieve the top two finish he needed to keep the title race alive and hamilton was champion again. It moves ahead of sirjackie who won three titles. Hes the one driving the best car with the best team, and he is delivering. Driving winning the World Championship with the best for one year isnt difficult. But doing it as one year isnt difficult. But doing itasa one year isnt difficult. But doing it as a serial World Champion is considerable. Newcastle are at burnley in the premier league tonight. Magpies are currently for sale. Earlier i spoke to a man who spent 12 years of the club. He has written at length about the ownership in his autobiography and says how important it is that ashley sells to someone willing to invest heavily. Fans are crying out for success and i think mike ashley, the clu b success and i think mike ashley, the club is for sale and he wants the clu b club is for sale and he wants the club sold and i think the fans want that too, and they want new investment, and i believe with rafa the right vetoes in charge they have the right quy vetoes in charge they have the right guy at the helm for the football side of things. There is no point in someone coming in who doesnt have a lot of money to buy new players. The stadium, the infrastructure, its all there but they need the money to inject into the team to get newcastle back up challenging for trophies and back into european competition. You have to have a huge investment. Caroline wozniacki has won the entities and world tour finals in singapore. That was after straight sets win over Venus Williams. It is the days biggest win in her career. The first time she has beaten williams in eight attempts. She slips down to number 74 in the world after a very serious ankle injury last year but she is back up to third in the rankings now. I am just back up to third in the rankings now. I amjust happy back up to third in the rankings now. I am just happy that i have one this week. It is a huge tidal funny and a big step for me in my career. Iamjust and a big step for me in my career. I am just going to enjoy this and hopefully it is going to be a good push for the next season. That is all the sport for now. Ill be back with much more straight out the one oclock news. Some the death of a swedish journalist. You remember she went missing after she went out to sea with a dangerous submarine owner in august. He has admitted, according to police, having dismembered the body of the journalist but still denies killing her. He has told a court in previous hearings in relation to her death, that she died accidentally, saying she was hit over the head by the heavy hatch cover on his submarine. The police had found parts of her body over a period of time, and now the danish submarine owner admits having dismembered her body but denies killing her. The trial is continuing of a man suspected of tampering with his wifes parachute which malfunctioned during a jump at an airfield in wiltshire in 2015. 0ur correspondent andy moore is at Winchester Crown court. Bring us up to date. Bring us uptodate. Thejury bring us uptodate. The jury has been watching a video of an interview given by victoria cilliers about a month after the incident. She was asked about this serious allegation that her husband had tried to kill her by sabotaging her parachute, and she said i honestly dont know if that happened. She said, initially she thought there was no way it could have happened, then she was told about his affairs and she said everything she knew about him was alive. She said, i dont know, its hard to comprehend, he did it. She was also about the second allegation against him, that he also tried to kill her by tampering with gas pipes at the family home. And she said, i am not sure any ill had anything to do with it, it may be unrelated. She talked about smelling gas in the kitchen, she called her husband, he said open doors and windows, a gas fitter was called, he said there was a loose connection on the pipe. And victoria cilliers said she didnt think any more about it. She did send her husband a brief text message a few days later saying, you tried to husband a brief text message a few days la1 butaying, you tried to husband a brief text message a few days la1 but she j, you tried to husband a brief text message a few days la1 but she said u tried to husband a brief text message a few days la1 but she said that ad to husband a brief text message a few days la1 but she said that was tongue me off. But she said that was tongue in cheek, simply done as a joke. There is also a third Police Interview played to the jury. This one was conducted several months after the others, several months after the others, several months after the others, several months after the initial incident. Initially victoria cilliers said her main parachute was tangled up, she couldnt control it, there was definitely something wrong with it. In this interview, she said, i cant categorically say the main was not a functioning parachute. She said, it simply didnt feel right for some reason. It may have been that she was too embarrassed to have cut away a completely good parachute. So in the last half hour or so the prosecution have been asking questions directly of victoria cilliers. The trial continues and Emile Cilliers denies those two cou nts Emile Cilliers denies those two counts of attempted murder. Thank you very much, andy. A leading Cancer Charity has appointed what it calls a digital nurse , to combat so called fake news about the disease. Macmillan Cancer Support says the internet is full of unverified statistics and bogus treatment suggestions which mislead often frightened patients. It says it wants to provide clear advice online about diagnosis and treatment. Joining me now from our newsroom in glasgow is janice preston, head of scotland macmillan services. Good to have you with us. If someone has had a diagnosis of cancer, it must be incredibly frightening. They perhaps dont take in everything the doctor is saying to them at the time. And then they go and have a look online to try to find out some more information. But that is obviously a dangerous thing, isnt it . It is. We know about a third of people say to us they feel quite dazed at diagnosis so it is important they have someone with them. If they dont have the information they are getting, we know for stupid and people are going online and looking to see what information there is about their type of cancer, but back and take them all sorts of places that are not accurate or true. Im sure you must know people whove suffered incredible stress because of looking may not up Information Online which may not be accurate. Do you know anyone up Information Online which may not be i tried te. Do you know anyone up Information Online which may not be i tried to do you know anyone up Information Online which may not be i tried to access, know anyone up Information Online which may not be i tried to access, would anyone up Information Online which may not be i tried to access, would be one has tried to access, would be treatments cures online . There are many people tell us they go online and we know from that 42 that 6 actually come off line thinking they are going to die from their cancer. That may be wildly different to what the medical staff have told them. The stories are quite common considering 350,000 people across the uk are diagnosed every year. That is quieter quite a high amount of people looking online for information. At what point did macmillan say we have to try to counter this with our own Digital Service which will address peoples fears and worries and concerns . We have started to see online are greater and greater demand for services that are not face to face or over the phone. So we are trying to meet that demand and i know personally many people who prefer to web text or text when they are looking for information. It is not a natural to feel people go natural to feel people might go online looking, my daughter thinks that after everybody would do that after getting a diagnosis. So we are really responding to our own increase of use of our online forums, our facebook pages and trying to make sure people are getting the best expert advice from a clinical specialist and our specialist is online and can answer their specific questions. So how long every day would she be online for . How does the service actually work if it wants to contact . Ellen is only one nurse but we have a whole field of nurses based in glasgow and down in shipley, so they do work as a team. Ellen is the first that is full time looking at social media channels. People can access it through our website, through our online communities, 24 hour was a day. Of course ellen is not their 24 hours a day. But there is also a page to ask the expert and someone will get back to them if they post questions there. Thank you very much. Good luck with your new service. Lets get the weather. Things are not looking to sparkling in glasgow. No great surprise. But there is nothing too spooky as in the atla ntic nothing too spooky as in the atlantic coming our way either. That cloud in glasgow will thicken and eventually we will see some rain through the evening and overnight, getting in through scotland, Northern Ireland, maybe the top end of england. Further south skies could clear enough for there to be some frost but nowhere near as cold night across the British Isles as last night. But it comes at a price. Cloudy, dank, quite wet across the western hills. Northern ireland picking up some rain, possibly a spot across the top of england. Further south, after a cooler start, half decent day. 12, 13, 14 degrees. Nowhere near as cold as today. The wheat start school, the middle of the week gets milder and there will bea the week gets milder and there will be a lot of cloud, then towards the tail end of the week and into the weekend, it will turn a bit cooler. This is bbc newsroom live our latest headlines President Trumps former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort has turned himself over to the fbi in washington after being told to do so. Theresa may is being urged to strengthen the governments response to allegations of Sexual Harassment in westminster. The Actor Kevin Spacey has apologised after being accused of making a sexual advance towards a child actor in the 1980s. The amount of Carbon Dioxide in the earths atmosphere reached a record high last year, with human activities and the weather to blame. The Spanish State prosecutor has announced charges of rebellion and sedition against senior figures in the Catalan Government. And the lynx on the loose. In a moment, well hearfrom a big cat expert after a eurasian lynx, escaped from a wildlife park in wales. That breaking news, President Trumps former Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort, has turned himself over to the fbi in washington after being asked to do so. Alongside him, not literally in these pictures, but along with him, his former business associate has also been asked to surrender himself to the fbi, and this comes on the day we expect to hear about the first charges being brought in the investigation into alleged links between the Trump Campaign and russia. Picture on your screen is Paul Manafort leaving his home this morning. That investigation being led by the former fbi director Robert Mueller investigation being led by the former fbi waiting Robert Mueller investigation being led by the former fbi waiting to ybert Mueller Investigation being led by the former fbi waiting to hear Mueller Investigation being led by the former fbi waiting to hear whatler and we are waiting to hear what charges, if any, and we are waiting to hear what charges, ifany, are and we are waiting to hear what charges, if any, are being brought against him. Those pictures of paul ma nafort against him. Those pictures of Paul Manafort leaving his home. He has now surrendered himself to the Fbi Field Office in washington and we will keep a close eye on developments with that story today. The concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the earths atmosphere is set a new high. The World Meteorological Association Says a combination of human activities and whether for one draw it to a new record, as our environment correspondent explained earlier. They can measure the gas when plants and oceans are taken out. The him doing that for 30 years and have seen the rise but never by as much as between 2015 and 2016. 0ne as much as between 2015 and 2016. One factor is human activities and the other is the el nino weather phenomenon which causes downpours in some areas i the world and causes some areas of the world and causes droughts and other as some areas of the world and causes droughts and other as the droughts and other alias and as the result 2016 so a bigger spike in c02. They say it is at a level not seen an 800,000 years. I am not sure how they came up with that. They have ice core records from the polls dating back. The bubbles of gas give them a very clear picture of the atmospheric content going back that far. We have not seen a level that high since then. The last time out and concentrations of this was 3 million to 5 million years ago when temperatures up to three celsius warmer and the seas were 60 feet higher. What sort of impact will this have ona what sort of impact will this have on a pledge to achieve global temperature targets . People have become complacent, people saying human emissions were levelling off and to an extent this is true but this is a kind of sobering reality check in some ways because this shows, you might be cutting back your but because this shows, you might be cutting back your but the cutting back your missions but the bucket is already very frugal and good to have big implications for our economies and our atmosphere. Already very frugal. They say there are solutions there but that has to be urgency and the political will. Urgency is the word. Politicians are meeting next week in germany and thatll be interesting and whether the sense of urgency is transmitted to that meeting. Theresa may is being urged to strengthen the governments response to allegations of Sexual Harassment by mps. Yesterday the Prime Minister proposed a new system for dealing with claims of misconduct saying the current commons Disciplinary Procedures lacked teeth. There are reports that lists of mps accused of inappropriate behaviour are circulating in westminster. With me now is ayesha hazarika, a former labour special advisor. I spoke to the political strategist earlier asked her and i will ask you, have you been directly affected by harassment or inappropriately behaviour or your colleagues. You like i experienced it when i first started working in westminster when i was 21 and i have experienced its roots by 20 years in westminster and most of my female friends has also experienced it. Are you talking about comments or physical acts or the whole spread . 0n the whole spectrum of behaviour, from lewd comments to harassment, Text Messages to wanting to go out and have drinks or dinner, to going away on foreign trips and behaving inappropriately, to groping. The whole range of activity. A lot of people in parliament, which often have a blind spot about it and do not realise that their behaviour is outwith normal behaviour and see it asa outwith normal behaviour and see it as a bit ofa outwith normal behaviour and see it as a bit of a perk of power, a sense of entitlement when they come to westminster, as the big man in politics. But now there is no excuse. Of course. The one comes course. The one positive that comes out of this explosion of stories, andi out of this explosion of stories, and i think this is the tip of the iceberg, i think men are particularly older men in parliament will know their behaviour that they probably got away with before is being monitored, people are watching it and more people will be prepared to call them out. Do you think westminster in particular, more so than other arenas, that is a certain atmosphere and feeling about the place where people who have this inflicted upon them feel they cannot really speak up them feel they cannot really speak up or do not know who to turn to. It is very difficult in the house of commons because there is no Human Resources function. That is a group that deals with mps expenses, but there is nothing that looks after there is nothing that looks after the human beings in the house of commons, the staffers, researchers. There is also lots ofjournalists and there are other support staff such as cleaners, catering staff. There is nothing to look after those people. As a very minimum, something needs to be set up where women and men can go and speak to somebody in confidence to report issues they feel uncomfortable with, Sexual Harassment and also bullying which is also a big problem in the house of commons. When you Say Something needs to be put in place, is that something that should be independent so it cannot be said to be taking any Party Political lying, and something that deliver sanctions to individuals found guilty of inappropriate behaviour . Indefinitely as to be independent of all the Political Parties. I would also parties have to look at their own internal hr and show leadership. Theresa may, particularly as the female Prime Minister, as an additional responsibility to be tough and she should be sacking the minister who made his aides by a sex toy. We hear theresa may will sit alongside andrew led some of the commons were andrea led some makes a statement to house unless andrea leadsom. I believe she needs to go further. The big question is what we do now . The big question is what we do now . The way to change behaviour is set up the way to change behaviour is set upa the way to change behaviour is set up a proper form the way to change behaviour is set up a properform of reporting and also sent a message to those in positions of power that this behaviour will not be tolerated and you will be punished and lose your job and you will be names and that is what will curtail this type of behaviour. Thank you your thoughts. The leading Economic Research organisation, the institute for fiscal studies, has said the chancellor, Philip Hammond, may have to abandon his target for getting rid of the deficit if he wants to increase spending on Public Services in next months budget. Does the chancellor has barely room for giveaways in this budget, in your opinion . I am not envious of his position. He has a very difficult outlook for the budget, much of it centred around productivity growth, how much each worker produces each hour. This has performed poorly and this affects what happens in future budgets. There are lots of claims on his budgets and i think from the perspective of business, we cannot afford to be left behind in this squeeze the chancellor is in because if action is not taken on things like investment itll make it harder in the long term to make sure the is growing at a good rate. The iff set up assist as a percentage of National Income by 2021 the government tax intake will be the highest since the 1960s. The government is under pressure to spend more on Public Services so surely the only option is more borrowing and that means it will ta ke borrowing and that means it will take longer to take down the deficit. Our members are very keen for the government to keep a grip on public finances but we are in quite unusual circumstances with the next couple of years with brexit negotiations, probably not the best time for massive upheaval and lots of cuts. It will be a question of, not really giving it to all but maintaining that lets keep our public finances but also lets of high taxes on businesses because that would have terrible long term consequences. And the institute of directors basically saying, of bodily powers two glop we understand why. We asked our if borrowing has to go up. We asked our members if that was more flexibility and when the government got rid of the deficit it would make sense in the circumstances. If the government is going to get businesses investing and get the economy moving which is the only way they will get themselves out of this position they also need to do things to encourage investment, such as raising the annual investment allowa nce raising the annual investment allowance and making it easier to invest in start ups. That all raises the long term productivity of the economy and also that should invest in broadband, skills, that will make the comic work better and put the whole budget in a better position. Make the budget work better. What else can the government do alongside the measures you mentioned, to begin to get productivity gone up . It does have an industry strategy, it is in the process of finalising that, but the idea of driving all of that is we need to focus on skills, particularly with what is happening to the workforce. More automation is going to happen in lots of different areas Business Models will change, the dead economy is exploding, these things are all exciting but there will be lots of adaption gig economy. We need to be able to retrain people so they can get the newjobs as their existing jobs change and you have got to give people tax incentives to invest in their own training and give companies the same. Training will be the biggest story in an economy in the biggest story in an economy in the next 20 years. Thank you. The cox has escaped from animal park in wales. She has been missing for five days a lynx. They can travel up five days a lynx. They can travel up to 12 miles a day. I spoke and asked what is being done. We are working with both well animals and putting plans in place to search for the animal in the local area and put together some sort of plan to try and capture it. From what the part with us to believe it has been born and bred in captivity and we believe it could have been seen nearby last night and working theory is this is the place it knows it can get food so is likely to stay in that area. We stress that isnt a general danger to the public. Unless someone approaches or tries to track the lynx itself. We do not anticipate it to approach anyone. It is a very solitary animal. Joining me now is someone from dartmoor zoo. But others who lost the lynx for three weeks you lost the lynx for three weeks you lost the lynx for three weeks last summer before it was captured. What was the key to tracking down your lynx . They are territorial and like to stay near where they know they can get food and unlikely to travel very far. Ido food and unlikely to travel very far. I do not know the age of this animal but i gather the parents of the animal still live at the zoo. 0ne the animal still live at the zoo. One of the things we did was to broadcast the sound of the parents using the fairly specialised broadcast equipment, at night, from the zoo and we could hear answering calls in the distance. He never roamed more than about 0. 75 miles from the zoo and we were able to track his movements in Daylight Hours and occasionally at nights, camera traps were useful and one of the first things they need to do is establish a boundary map. There is a river on one side and a c on the other so they have got a fairly narrow search area and the other thing that lynx really like is bob katz youre in. The links would hopefully be attracted to this if they can get a hold of some and they all want to roll in it. Pepper the area with as many. Make sure there is plenty of food in the traps. Have you been giving them any advice on how they ask you about your experiences as yet . We have not contacted me and tried to contact them earlier but they were engaged. I would be very happy to help them out. We will have to leave it there. We are having a little difficulty with your audio. Thank you. The headlines on bbc newsroom live President Trumps format can plan manager President Trumps former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort has turned himself over to the fbi in washington after being told to do so. Theresa may is being urged to strengthen the governments response to allegations of Sexual Harassment in westminster. The Actor Kevin Spacey has apologised after being accused of making a sexual advance towards a child actor in the 1980s. Ivf treatment throughout englands health trust is disappearing and some trust only offer one round. This couple have been trying for a baby for more than four years and have been told what i be if they have been told what i be if they have little chance of conceiving. Because they live in essex, where treatment is not available on the nhs, they would have the people it. Ifi nhs, they would have the people it. If i had known i would not be able to access treatment i would never have moved here. It has completely broken others. Compare their story with louise and ian who live in Greater Manchester where couples get three rounds of ivf on the nhs. Happily for them felicity was born after their second cycle of treatment. We only have one goal if you only had one goal felicity would not be here and we only needed two rounds and i sometimes wish we could give our third round to someone else to do that needs it. The nhs should provide a under 40 with three cycles of ivf if they have been trying for a baby for longer than two years but this is merely a recommendation and the final decision is made by local nhs providers. The department of health said funding decisions are made locally but it believes eligible patients should have access to treatment. Ccg s say they have to balance the man on nhs services but campaigners argue infertility is a disease and everyone should have equal access to treatment, regardless of where they live. They say they have to balance the demands. Scrapping interest on Student Loans and extending the time limit on paying it back could help to avoid a future debt crisis, according to a centre right think tank. Uk 2020 says such action would drastically reduce the number of loans which have to be written off. The government says its committed to Sustainable University funding and will set out further steps in due course. The former Prime Minister, gordon brown, has admitted that he struggled to communicate with voters in an era of what he refers to as touchy feely politics, and was not an ideal fit. Writing in his autobiography, which is published next week, he also reveals that he feared losing his eyesight while he was in power. He lost his left eye in a sports injury as a teenager, but then had problems with his right. A study commissioned by the Royal College of nursing and the Royal College of veterinary surgeons suggests smoke may have a similar impact on the health of animals as it does on humans. Researchers found increased nicotine concentration on the fur of cats and dogs which live in a household where people smoke. Ricky boleto reports. Go on, millie. Lets go in. Millie is a Chihuahua Jack russell cross, full of energy most of the time, and doesnt mind the camera. Amanda cook adopted her two years ago. She is one in a million of a dog. She is my baby. For most of amandas adult life, she has smoked cigarettes, unsure of the potential damage it might be having on millies health. When the children come, the grandchildren, i dont smoke. Im happy to smoke when theyre not here, just me and millie. Ive always done it, never really thought that it would harm a pet. While experts say, just like humans, pets are at risk of second hand smoke. So, for the first time, both human and veterinary professionals have teamed up to raise awareness. We already know not to smoke around our children, but were asking you to think twice about where you smoke around your pets. So whether that be on the sofa, out in the car, or on the dog walk, just be aware of the damage that nicotine and smoke particles could be causing to your animals. Campaigners say smoking around cats and dogs can increase their risk of developing cancers. Smaller pets, like rabbits and guinea pigs, may be prone to eye and skin disease. Thats better, isnt it . Back to millie. To find out more, a sample of her fur is being analysed by scientists in this lab. We looked at the hair sample that was given to us, and we compared it to a dog which wasnt living in a household that was subjected to smoking. The key difference that were looking at here is in the amount of nicotine present, and in the dog, living in a household where there is smoking, the levels of nicotine are significantly higher. The question is how much higher. Time for millie and amanda to find out. Shall we go to the vet . Come on, then. Good girl. Weve seen the results back from the lab, and i understand the nicotine on her hair levels are high. Theyre about 70 times higher than some comparison hairs from another dog in a non smoking household. What do you think you can do to try and help the situation because you love her to bits, dont you . So we know that there are associations, there are links between inhaling tobacco smoke and some cancers, particularly of the nose and the sinuses, and also questions whether it can make some breathing problems worse. And, after some good advice, amanda has made a big decision. No, shes my life. Where are you going to go from here, do you think . No smoking indoors. An aim and it is the news at one but first lets look at forecast. The week was always going to start pretty chilly. Minus three celsius in the heart of scotland. Quite a contrast to the previous 0ctober nights. Here we are across the British Isles, way above what we would expect the night time minimum temperatures to be. The week to come, sunny and cool to start, cloudy and a mild during the week and timing could towards the end. Fairly settled the rest of the day in southern areas, further loss is seeing more cloud and rain from the atla ntic seeing more cloud and rain from the atlantic which will have the effect of keeping temperatures up. By way of keeping temperatures up. By way ofa of keeping temperatures up. By way of a contrast, frosting on Tuesday Morning look at this, double digits across the board. It will be quite wet, especially in the western hills. A sign of things to come for tuesday and wednesday. Murky hills. A sign of things to come for tuesday ireland nesday. Murky hills. A sign of things to come for tuesday ireland and iay. Murky hills. A sign of things to come for tuesday ireland and northern ly Northern Ireland and Northern England. Further south it is drier and because you are that further away from the cloud the temperatures willdip into away from the cloud the temperatures will dip into single figures. Into tuesday and there is something of a north south split although the greater part of the rain will be western and the hills of scotland. Further south it is not a bad day. As we move towards wednesday the southern areas still influenced by this ridge of high pressure, relatively mild air in across the greater part of the British Isles. We see a change with more wind and fresher in the northern parts of scotla nd fresher in the northern parts of scotland but even here not cold by comparison to what you could get at this time of year. That comes later in the week. Things are going to time little cooler later on and you will see we lose the influence of the southerly, becoming more laughs and north westerly towards the latter pa rt and north westerly towards the latter part of the week. Colder air beginning to show its hand across northern and western parts. Have shipped. Paul manafort, on the left, arrived at fbi headquarters in washington a short time ago after being ordered to surrender to the federal authorities. Well have the latest from washington on this breaking story. Also this lunchtime. Downing street says the Prime Minister is deeply concerned after allegations of inappropriate behaviour by some mps. Hollywood Actor Kevin Spacey apologises after he was accused of making a sexual advance towards a 14 year old boy in the 1980s. Record amounts of Carbon Dioxide were recorded in the earths atmosphere last year the highest levels for 800,000 years. Lewis hamilton becomes the most successful british formula one driver of all time, after winning his fourth world title at the Mexican Grand Prix

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