Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20171030 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20171030

prosecutors in spain are preparing to file criminal charges against catalonia's deposed president, carles puigdemont, earlier, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of barcelona, to condemn catalonia's unilateral declaration of independence. it was one of the biggest shows of force to date by supporters of a united spain. our europe editor katya adler reports. # viva espa na. no doubting the passion of this crowd. belting out "long live spain" along barcelona's main boulevards. these are catalans who don't want independence, who reject the independence declaration made last week. the mood here was festive, but the message serious. "i feel catalan and spanish," says this young woman. "spain must stay united," this woman insisted. "catalonia with spain". a little later, in front of the catalan government offices, of carles puigdemont, the catalan president sacked this weekend by the spanish government. but he insists he'll keep building an independent catalonia regardless. but right now he's avoiding the public glare. and where is mr puigdemont, 48 hours after he declared the new catalan republic? well, he left barcelona this weekend, coming here to the mediaeval town of girona. it is his hometown, also known as the heartland of catalan nationalism. but right now it's in full fiesta swing. today was the annual celebration of this town's patron saint, complete with human—tower building, a time—honoured catalan tradition. translation: the human tower symbolises the catalan spirit. when we stick together, we can achieve big things, reach for the sky! the mayor of girona is a good friend of carles puigdemont. for her and other independence supporters, he remains the catalan president, whatever spain says. is he worried about going to jail? translation: of course president puigdemont is worried about being arrested. the spanish government has already jailed two independence activists, so he's concerned, yes, but never afraid. we found girona full of enthusiasts for the new catalan republic, people who say they'll defend it peacefully but unrelentingly. i think the catalan republic exists, so if most people of catalonia believe in catalan republic, wait and see, and the people will recognise that. but how can an independent catalonia work, i wondered, when spain is backed politically by the eu, and when the spanish government says it has seized direct control of catalonia? translation: we can't accept what spain says, that it has sacked the catalan government, the one we voted for. we have now declared our independence. what spain says is no longer relevant. ecstatic scenes in girona tonight after the local football club beat legends, real madrid. the game had been labelled david versus goliath. independence supporters here want to take this as an omen. katya adler, bbc news, girona. some news in brief now: president donald trump sent several angry tweets on sunday about hillary clinton and the democratic party. it comes amid reports that the first arrest in the russian collusion inquiry could be imminent. however, mr trump insists the allegations are phony and a witch hunt. somalia's government has sacked the country's police and intelligence chiefs a day after two bomb attacks and a siege took place in the capital, mogadishu. at least 27 people were killed in the attack by al—shabaab militants. it came just two weeks after another attack where over 350 people died, one of the deadliest ever to hit mogadishu. kenya's opposition leader raila odinga says kenyans won't be ruled by the gun. he addressed supporters on sunday at a church in nairobi. violent clashes broke out following a re—run of presidential elections boycotted by mr odinga. election authorities postponed the vote in four volatile western counties and are yet to announce when the polls in those areas will go ahead. british prime minister theresa may has suggested there should be new codes of conduct designed to protect mps, or those working for them, from sexual harassment. it comes after the international trade minister, mark garnier, was placed under investigation after admitting giving his secretary money to buy items in a sex shop. here's our political correspondent alex forsyth. westminster‘s trying to work out how to handle recent claims of impropriety. today, the trade minister, mark garnier, was the subject of a newspaper report, which said seven years ago he once asked a former secretary to buy sex toys. mr garnier didn't deny it, but said it had been taken out of context, calling it "good—humoured hijinks that did not constitute harassment." nonetheless, the government was keen to act quickly. these stories, if they're true, are obviously totally unacceptable, and the cabinet office will be conducting an investigation as to whether there's been a breach of the ministerial code in this particular case, but as you know, the facts are disputed. what i would say is that there are mums and dads who have daughters who are politics students hoping to get a job in westminster, and they must be able to be confident that if they get that job, their daughter will not be subject to some of these behaviours that we've been seeing. last week, labour mp jared o'mara was suspended after apologising for sexist and homophobic comments. and the tory mp stephen crabb has reportedly said sorry for sending explicit text messages to a woman who he interviewed four years ago. here, it's accepted there's a problem that crosses party lines. the question, how to solve it? currently, staff employed by mps can raise concerns about their bosses on a confidential helpline or to the standards commissioner. but in a letter to the commons speaker, the prime minister says the current system lacks teeth, and there should be a formal grievance and discipline process written into contracts. labour and conservative mps have said a clear system to report concerns might help but there is recognition that a change in culture is needed and that's harder to achieve. some hope renewed debate about sexual harassment may mark a turning point so what people once thought they had to put up with will no longer be accepted. long—serving mps say while more must be done, things have changed compared to the way they once were. it's partly to do with the fact it was a very male environment. 650 mp5. when i went there, just 20 odd women. it's partly to do with the idea that all these men were away from home. it's partly to do with the fact there were eight bars and very long hours and the bars were open for as long as we're sitting. and partly it was the notion of what happens in westminster stays in westminster. it was worse. it's a little bit better now, but there's a long way to go. claims of sexism, even scandal, have dogged this place for decades, but renewed public pressure is forcing parliament to change its practices. alex forsyth, bbc news, westminster. puerto rico has cancelled a $300 million contract with a tiny us energy company to restore the island's power grid after hurricane maria destroyed the country's power infrastructure. puerto rico electric power authority, or prepa, announced the decision to journalists just hours after the governor urged the cancellation of the deal with the monta na—based whitefish energy holdings. our reporter in washington, paul blake has more. this all goes back to a storm in puerto rico that hit five weeks ago, and when it struck it all but wiped out the island's power grid. in the aftermath puerto rico authorities quickly signed a deal with whitefish energy, the company at the centre of this controversy. in the past week oi’ this controversy. in the past week or $0 this controversy. in the past week or so it has been revealed that companiesjust or so it has been revealed that companies just two years old and has very little if any experience with work on this scale. it has also been revealed, crucially, that the company is headquartered in the hometown of us interior secretary ryanis hometown of us interior secretary ryan is inky, who has denied any wrongdoing and said he was not involved in the dealmaking process. that hasn't stopped the white house from distancing itself from the deal oi’ from distancing itself from the deal or democrats on capitol hill from calling for investigations. on the island the puerto rican governor has called for the deal to be cancelled and he has said he has requested for repair teams to come in from florida and new york. the open question now is whether any of this will slow down recovery efforts on the island where 70% of people still do not have power. and in the last few hours whitefish energy issued a statement saying they are "very disappointed" in the decision. adding that during its time in puerto rico the whitefish energy team "completed significant work on two major transmission lines" leading to the "restoration of power to hospitals, businesses and residents." the president of iraqi kurdistan, masoud barzani, has stepped down, after an independence referendum he championed backfired and triggered a regional crisis. in a defiant television address, mr barzani said that nobody had stood up for the kurds after their vote on independence last month, and accused his rivals of treason. quentin sommerville's report from erbil contains flash photography. for the kurds, it is an end without triumph. as protesters attempted to storm its parliament, behind closed doors, an era was coming to an end. inside, the deputy speaker read the president's resignation letter. translation: i refuse to continue in the position of president and i will serve kurdistan as a peshmerga and i will continue to fight for the rights of the kurds and preserve the achievements of the kurdish people. president massoud barzani had hoped to leave office as father of an independent nation of kurdistan, but instead the kurdish region and his legacy are diminished. in a televised address, he spoke of betrayal. "3 million votes for kurdistan independence created history and cannot be erased," he said. "nobody stood tall beside us other than our mountains." in september, the 71—year—old leader gambled big on a referendum, voting to separate from iraq. the kurdish people backed it enthusiastically but almost no—one else did. baghdad said it was unconstitutional. the kurds‘ neighbours called it a mistake. the international commmunity rejected it from the start. with the battle against the so—called islamic state still not won, for the west this was a disaster in the making. the ground forces, kurds and arabs, fighting against is, now turned their guns on each other. baghdad quickly took charge. in the rich oilfields around kirkuk, the kurds fled. tonight, in erbil, the violence is now over but the recriminations will continue. president barzani has lost his job but the kurds have lost more. territory, oil, and any hopes of a quick road to independence are all gone. quentin sommerville, bbc news, erbil in northern iraq. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: powerful storms sweep across central europe, killing at least three people and leaving hundreds of thousands without power. indira gandhi, ruler of the world's largest democracy, died today. only yesterday she'd spoken of dying in the service of her country and said, "i would be proud of it, every drop of my blood will contribute to the growth of this nation." after 46 years of unhappiness, these two countries have concluded a chapter of history. no more suspicion, no more fear, no more uncertainty of what each day might bring. booster ignition and liftoff of discovery, with a crew of six astronaut heroes and one american legend. well, enjoying the show is right — this is beautiful. a milestone in human history. born today, this girl in india is the 7 billionth person on the planet. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: supporters of a united spain have staged a huge protest in barcelona, as prosecutors prepare criminal charges against pro—independence leaders. the president of iraq's autonomous kurdish region has resigned, after his bid for independence backfired. a year of official mourning for thailand's late king has drawn to a close after a five—day funeral. on the last day, king bhumibol‘s son and heir transported his father's ashes to two bangkok temples, where they will be housed. jonathan head reports. this was the last stage in a prolonged and, for thailand, profoundly important funeral. plenty of ordinary thais were prepared to wait outside the royal palace, to see this grand farewell out to the end. king vajiralongkorn presided, as he has throughout the ceremonies, as the cremated remains of his father, king bhumibol, the monarch credited with shaping modern thailand, were blessed. these rituals are as important in cementing the new king's legitimacy as they are in marking the public‘s love and respect for his father. the thai monarchy owes its exalted status to king bhumibol‘s charisma and personality. everybody here now knows that the institution must now adapt. the royal remains were then transferred, with impeccable formality, to the palanquin, taking them to their final resting place in a hall in the grand palace. two more sets of remains were taken in a motorcade, led by the late king's granddaughter, on horseback, to be interred in the two most senior royal temples. the death of king bhumibol was something many thais had dreaded. they have been taught since birth that they owe everything to his wisdom and virtue. his is an impossible act to follow. but life in this raucous, entrepreneurial nation must now resume. a military government put thailand's politics on pause so that they could supervise this royal transition. the calls for the military to step back will only grow louder now that transition is complete. jonathon head, bbc news, bangkok. a powerful storm has hit central europe, killing at least five people, cutting electricity supplies, and disrupting traffic. falling trees killed two people in the czech republic, while in poland, a driver died after crashing into a branch on the road. hundreds of thousands of people are without electricity in both countries. with more, here is david campanale. strong winds of more than 140 km/h have led to problems across central europe, and they have been the cause of human tragedy, too. in the czech republic, falling trees proved all too deadly for one woman in a forest and an elderly man out on the street. strong winds have halted traffic on dozens of railways and several important roads. the state—run power company says hundreds of thousands of czech households have been left without power, largely because of falling trees. translation: the tree has fallen in the direction where it has fallen, and it didn't fall on the house over there, and so it caused less damage. in the north of the country, the wind caused a wooden orthodox church to topple over. some rivers have reached their highest flood alert levels. germany has also been affected. railway operator deutsche bahn is citing what it called significant damage on main routes in the north, forcing it to suspend services until monday. the storm has caused flooding in hamburg, where waters rose up around the city's historic fish market, and in several districts. a 63—year—old man drowned at a campsite in lower saxony. in poland, almost 300,000 households are without electricity. continuous rains have been the cause of heavy flooding there. a warning issued by weather forecasters says poles must stand by for more gales overnight and into monday. hundreds of philippine families have returned to the southern city of marawi, after five months of fighting. tens of thousands of people fled when islamist militants linked to the islamic state group tried to take the city in may. more from our asia pacific editor celia hatton. returning to marawi to discover what five months of violence has done to this city. the owner of this store fled when militants attacked nearby. in her absence, almost everything was stolen. and still, she considers herself to be lucky. translation: we are grateful because we still have somewhere to go home to, even if everything's been damaged, because they can be fixed in the future. there is still a chance to fix things. for months, most of the 200,000 people of marawi lived in camps like this, while the philippine military battled islamist rebels. the militants hoped to establish a base for the islamic state here. they lost the battle. more than 1,000 others also died in the fighting, most of them militants. the traffic has returned, but beyond these clogged streets, many buildings are in ruins. some families are allowed to go back to the parts that have been cleared of weapons and unexploded bombs, but most people do not have electricity or water. their homes were torn apart by strangers. translation: it seems someone rummaged through our house. we don't know why. maybe they were trying to find something. we're not sure. the authorities say it will cost more than $1 billion for marawi to be rebuilt. for these students, that work starts with cans of paint. translation: we thought, if people see this, people will know longer be afraid, no longer be scared of soldiers, and encourage one another to help rebuild ourfuture. these murals appear on the road back to marawi. for some, it will be a long journey to rebuild what was once an ordinary life in a quiet city. celia hatton, bbc news. heathrow airport says it has begun an internal investigation after a memory stick containing security information was found on a street in west london. the unencrypted drive is said to have outlined details of the security arrangements at europe's busiest airport. our security correspondent gordon corera has more. this is serious and embarrassing, serious because of what was on the memory stick. locations of cctv cameras, even the location of escape hatches from the heathrow express tunnel. all the kinds of information that would be invaluable to someone wanting to attack the airport. we know that aviation remains a top target. now, there is no evidence it got into the wrong hands but what is embarrassing is the way it was found. someone simply founded under some leads in the street in west london and handed over to the sunday mirror. what he threw not saying is whether this material was supposed to be allowed out- office, if to be allowed out of the office, if so, why wasn't it encrypted with a password, so if it was lost, it could be read, or it isn't something that wasn't supposed to be taken out? even more serious than, because that would raise questions about their data controls on the most serious data. in a statement, heathrow have said they have conducted a review of their security, they believe the airport remained secure, and they have launched an investigation to try and find out what happened. saudi arabia is allowing women to attend sporting events in stadiums for the first time. families will be able to enter the stadiums in riyadh and jeddah. it follows the lifting ofa and jeddah. it follows the lifting of a driving ban last month. lewis hamilton has clinched his fourth world title at the mexican grand prix, despite finishing only ninth after a clash with rival sebastian vettel. hamilton's fourth world title makes him the most successful british formula i driver in history. his unassailable lead in the championship means he has wrapped up the title with two races still to go. as we have heard, hamilton now stands alone amongst british drivers. sirjackie stewart won three world titles. his rival this year, sebastien vettel, has, like hamilton, four titles to his name. frenchmen alain prost also has four, whilejuan manuel fangio won the title five times back in the 1950s. and the most successful driver of all time is still michael schumacher, on seven world titles, between 1994 and 200a. there were plenty of congratulatory messages from the sporting world. and fellow british racing great nigel mansell said: plenty more on our bbc news app. this hello again, good morning. this is the first widespread cold night of the season. it's been a very mild month so far. we've still got a few showers, actually, running down the north sea by the morning, hitting some coastal areas of england. but otherwise, with that high pressure building in, it's led to clear skies, light winds, and temperatures have been falling away sharply — particularly in the countryside, where there'll be at least a grass frost, and perhaps, in some areas, an air frost as well. either way, it's going to be a cold start in the morning. there'll be a lot of sunshine around, mind you. those showers around the wash, norfolk, suffolk, fading through the morning, and then we'll start to see some changes in the north—west. we're trying to get back into that atlantic air, and that means some weak weather fronts bringing in some more cloud into northern ireland and scotland, perhaps a little more rain but generally, most places will be dry into the afternoon. we'll probably see more cloud coming into northern england, wales and the midlands through the afternoon. it's quite high cloud, but it does mean it is quite chilly in the day across these areas. temperatures about 8—9 degrees or so. where we hang onto some sunshine in southern england well, 11 or 12 degrees. but it is here, with the clear skies, that there is a risk of frost on monday night, particularly early on. it takes a little while for mild air to reach here, but mild air is on the way, and temperatures will be rising on tuesday. we've got this strengthening west to south—westerly wind, and that means a lot of cloud. we'll see some rain developing in scotland. some quite heavy rain over the hills in the west of scotland. but most of england and wales it'll be a fine day. still some sunshine in the south—east, and temperatures a little bit higher, at 13 or 14 degrees. high pressure that we've got building in the uk right now is going to be across central europe by tuesday and wednesday, these weather fronts coming around the top of that, bringing some more rain for the first day of november. and that rain, again, for scotland, especially in the west of scotland, maybe extending into northern ireland later. again, for england and wales, a dry day, pleasantly warm, winds light, too. not much rain on thursday. but that bump of high pressure means it will be a touch cooler across northern parts of the uk, maybe a touch of grass frost in some areas. otherwise a generally dry day, and bright, with some sunshine. still the threat of some rain lingering across the channel and into southern england. coldest weather over the week ahead — probably right now. it will turn milder on tuesday and wednesday, with increasing cloud. and, as we've seen, not much rain away from the north—west. this is bbc news. these are the headlines: prosecutors in spain are preparing to file criminal charges against catalonia's deposed president, carles puigdemont, possibly as soon as monday. he's refused to recognise madrid's order removing him from power. earlier, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of barcelona, to condemn catalonia's unilateral declaration of independence. the british prime minister theresa may has suggested there should be new codes of conduct, designed to protect mps and their staff from sexual harassment. money to buy items in a sex shop. and puerto rico has cancelled a controversial $300 million contract with a tiny us energy company to restore the island's power grid after hurricane maria destroyed the country's power infrastructure. now on bbc news, it's time for harttalk.

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United States , United Kingdom , Heathrow , Hillingdon , Mogadishu , Banaadir , Somalia , Madrid , Spain , Erbil , Liwa Irbil , Iraq , Nairobi , Nairobi Area , Kenya , Czech Republic , Russia , Mexico , Ireland , Poland , Northern England , Northumberland , New York , Hamburg , Germany , Washington , Puerto Rico , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , London , City Of , Barcelona , Comunidad Autonoma De Cataluna , Thailand , Baghdad , Bangkok , Krung Thep Mahanakhon , Saudi Arabia , Jeddah , Makkah , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Puerto Rican , Kenyans , Mexican , Russian , Scotland , Thai , Britain , Spanish , British , American , Quentin Sommerville , King Bhumibol , Massoud Barzani , Lewis Hamilton , Paul Blake , Alex Forsyth , Indira Gandhi , Celia Hatton , Masoud Barzani , Stephen Crabb , King Vajiralongkorn , Katya Adler , Sebastien Vettel ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20171030 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20171030

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prosecutors in spain are preparing to file criminal charges against catalonia's deposed president, carles puigdemont, earlier, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of barcelona, to condemn catalonia's unilateral declaration of independence. it was one of the biggest shows of force to date by supporters of a united spain. our europe editor katya adler reports. # viva espa na. no doubting the passion of this crowd. belting out "long live spain" along barcelona's main boulevards. these are catalans who don't want independence, who reject the independence declaration made last week. the mood here was festive, but the message serious. "i feel catalan and spanish," says this young woman. "spain must stay united," this woman insisted. "catalonia with spain". a little later, in front of the catalan government offices, of carles puigdemont, the catalan president sacked this weekend by the spanish government. but he insists he'll keep building an independent catalonia regardless. but right now he's avoiding the public glare. and where is mr puigdemont, 48 hours after he declared the new catalan republic? well, he left barcelona this weekend, coming here to the mediaeval town of girona. it is his hometown, also known as the heartland of catalan nationalism. but right now it's in full fiesta swing. today was the annual celebration of this town's patron saint, complete with human—tower building, a time—honoured catalan tradition. translation: the human tower symbolises the catalan spirit. when we stick together, we can achieve big things, reach for the sky! the mayor of girona is a good friend of carles puigdemont. for her and other independence supporters, he remains the catalan president, whatever spain says. is he worried about going to jail? translation: of course president puigdemont is worried about being arrested. the spanish government has already jailed two independence activists, so he's concerned, yes, but never afraid. we found girona full of enthusiasts for the new catalan republic, people who say they'll defend it peacefully but unrelentingly. i think the catalan republic exists, so if most people of catalonia believe in catalan republic, wait and see, and the people will recognise that. but how can an independent catalonia work, i wondered, when spain is backed politically by the eu, and when the spanish government says it has seized direct control of catalonia? translation: we can't accept what spain says, that it has sacked the catalan government, the one we voted for. we have now declared our independence. what spain says is no longer relevant. ecstatic scenes in girona tonight after the local football club beat legends, real madrid. the game had been labelled david versus goliath. independence supporters here want to take this as an omen. katya adler, bbc news, girona. some news in brief now: president donald trump sent several angry tweets on sunday about hillary clinton and the democratic party. it comes amid reports that the first arrest in the russian collusion inquiry could be imminent. however, mr trump insists the allegations are phony and a witch hunt. somalia's government has sacked the country's police and intelligence chiefs a day after two bomb attacks and a siege took place in the capital, mogadishu. at least 27 people were killed in the attack by al—shabaab militants. it came just two weeks after another attack where over 350 people died, one of the deadliest ever to hit mogadishu. kenya's opposition leader raila odinga says kenyans won't be ruled by the gun. he addressed supporters on sunday at a church in nairobi. violent clashes broke out following a re—run of presidential elections boycotted by mr odinga. election authorities postponed the vote in four volatile western counties and are yet to announce when the polls in those areas will go ahead. british prime minister theresa may has suggested there should be new codes of conduct designed to protect mps, or those working for them, from sexual harassment. it comes after the international trade minister, mark garnier, was placed under investigation after admitting giving his secretary money to buy items in a sex shop. here's our political correspondent alex forsyth. westminster‘s trying to work out how to handle recent claims of impropriety. today, the trade minister, mark garnier, was the subject of a newspaper report, which said seven years ago he once asked a former secretary to buy sex toys. mr garnier didn't deny it, but said it had been taken out of context, calling it "good—humoured hijinks that did not constitute harassment." nonetheless, the government was keen to act quickly. these stories, if they're true, are obviously totally unacceptable, and the cabinet office will be conducting an investigation as to whether there's been a breach of the ministerial code in this particular case, but as you know, the facts are disputed. what i would say is that there are mums and dads who have daughters who are politics students hoping to get a job in westminster, and they must be able to be confident that if they get that job, their daughter will not be subject to some of these behaviours that we've been seeing. last week, labour mp jared o'mara was suspended after apologising for sexist and homophobic comments. and the tory mp stephen crabb has reportedly said sorry for sending explicit text messages to a woman who he interviewed four years ago. here, it's accepted there's a problem that crosses party lines. the question, how to solve it? currently, staff employed by mps can raise concerns about their bosses on a confidential helpline or to the standards commissioner. but in a letter to the commons speaker, the prime minister says the current system lacks teeth, and there should be a formal grievance and discipline process written into contracts. labour and conservative mps have said a clear system to report concerns might help but there is recognition that a change in culture is needed and that's harder to achieve. some hope renewed debate about sexual harassment may mark a turning point so what people once thought they had to put up with will no longer be accepted. long—serving mps say while more must be done, things have changed compared to the way they once were. it's partly to do with the fact it was a very male environment. 650 mp5. when i went there, just 20 odd women. it's partly to do with the idea that all these men were away from home. it's partly to do with the fact there were eight bars and very long hours and the bars were open for as long as we're sitting. and partly it was the notion of what happens in westminster stays in westminster. it was worse. it's a little bit better now, but there's a long way to go. claims of sexism, even scandal, have dogged this place for decades, but renewed public pressure is forcing parliament to change its practices. alex forsyth, bbc news, westminster. puerto rico has cancelled a $300 million contract with a tiny us energy company to restore the island's power grid after hurricane maria destroyed the country's power infrastructure. puerto rico electric power authority, or prepa, announced the decision to journalists just hours after the governor urged the cancellation of the deal with the monta na—based whitefish energy holdings. our reporter in washington, paul blake has more. this all goes back to a storm in puerto rico that hit five weeks ago, and when it struck it all but wiped out the island's power grid. in the aftermath puerto rico authorities quickly signed a deal with whitefish energy, the company at the centre of this controversy. in the past week oi’ this controversy. in the past week or $0 this controversy. in the past week or so it has been revealed that companiesjust or so it has been revealed that companies just two years old and has very little if any experience with work on this scale. it has also been revealed, crucially, that the company is headquartered in the hometown of us interior secretary ryanis hometown of us interior secretary ryan is inky, who has denied any wrongdoing and said he was not involved in the dealmaking process. that hasn't stopped the white house from distancing itself from the deal oi’ from distancing itself from the deal or democrats on capitol hill from calling for investigations. on the island the puerto rican governor has called for the deal to be cancelled and he has said he has requested for repair teams to come in from florida and new york. the open question now is whether any of this will slow down recovery efforts on the island where 70% of people still do not have power. and in the last few hours whitefish energy issued a statement saying they are "very disappointed" in the decision. adding that during its time in puerto rico the whitefish energy team "completed significant work on two major transmission lines" leading to the "restoration of power to hospitals, businesses and residents." the president of iraqi kurdistan, masoud barzani, has stepped down, after an independence referendum he championed backfired and triggered a regional crisis. in a defiant television address, mr barzani said that nobody had stood up for the kurds after their vote on independence last month, and accused his rivals of treason. quentin sommerville's report from erbil contains flash photography. for the kurds, it is an end without triumph. as protesters attempted to storm its parliament, behind closed doors, an era was coming to an end. inside, the deputy speaker read the president's resignation letter. translation: i refuse to continue in the position of president and i will serve kurdistan as a peshmerga and i will continue to fight for the rights of the kurds and preserve the achievements of the kurdish people. president massoud barzani had hoped to leave office as father of an independent nation of kurdistan, but instead the kurdish region and his legacy are diminished. in a televised address, he spoke of betrayal. "3 million votes for kurdistan independence created history and cannot be erased," he said. "nobody stood tall beside us other than our mountains." in september, the 71—year—old leader gambled big on a referendum, voting to separate from iraq. the kurdish people backed it enthusiastically but almost no—one else did. baghdad said it was unconstitutional. the kurds‘ neighbours called it a mistake. the international commmunity rejected it from the start. with the battle against the so—called islamic state still not won, for the west this was a disaster in the making. the ground forces, kurds and arabs, fighting against is, now turned their guns on each other. baghdad quickly took charge. in the rich oilfields around kirkuk, the kurds fled. tonight, in erbil, the violence is now over but the recriminations will continue. president barzani has lost his job but the kurds have lost more. territory, oil, and any hopes of a quick road to independence are all gone. quentin sommerville, bbc news, erbil in northern iraq. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: powerful storms sweep across central europe, killing at least three people and leaving hundreds of thousands without power. indira gandhi, ruler of the world's largest democracy, died today. only yesterday she'd spoken of dying in the service of her country and said, "i would be proud of it, every drop of my blood will contribute to the growth of this nation." after 46 years of unhappiness, these two countries have concluded a chapter of history. no more suspicion, no more fear, no more uncertainty of what each day might bring. booster ignition and liftoff of discovery, with a crew of six astronaut heroes and one american legend. well, enjoying the show is right — this is beautiful. a milestone in human history. born today, this girl in india is the 7 billionth person on the planet. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: supporters of a united spain have staged a huge protest in barcelona, as prosecutors prepare criminal charges against pro—independence leaders. the president of iraq's autonomous kurdish region has resigned, after his bid for independence backfired. a year of official mourning for thailand's late king has drawn to a close after a five—day funeral. on the last day, king bhumibol‘s son and heir transported his father's ashes to two bangkok temples, where they will be housed. jonathan head reports. this was the last stage in a prolonged and, for thailand, profoundly important funeral. plenty of ordinary thais were prepared to wait outside the royal palace, to see this grand farewell out to the end. king vajiralongkorn presided, as he has throughout the ceremonies, as the cremated remains of his father, king bhumibol, the monarch credited with shaping modern thailand, were blessed. these rituals are as important in cementing the new king's legitimacy as they are in marking the public‘s love and respect for his father. the thai monarchy owes its exalted status to king bhumibol‘s charisma and personality. everybody here now knows that the institution must now adapt. the royal remains were then transferred, with impeccable formality, to the palanquin, taking them to their final resting place in a hall in the grand palace. two more sets of remains were taken in a motorcade, led by the late king's granddaughter, on horseback, to be interred in the two most senior royal temples. the death of king bhumibol was something many thais had dreaded. they have been taught since birth that they owe everything to his wisdom and virtue. his is an impossible act to follow. but life in this raucous, entrepreneurial nation must now resume. a military government put thailand's politics on pause so that they could supervise this royal transition. the calls for the military to step back will only grow louder now that transition is complete. jonathon head, bbc news, bangkok. a powerful storm has hit central europe, killing at least five people, cutting electricity supplies, and disrupting traffic. falling trees killed two people in the czech republic, while in poland, a driver died after crashing into a branch on the road. hundreds of thousands of people are without electricity in both countries. with more, here is david campanale. strong winds of more than 140 km/h have led to problems across central europe, and they have been the cause of human tragedy, too. in the czech republic, falling trees proved all too deadly for one woman in a forest and an elderly man out on the street. strong winds have halted traffic on dozens of railways and several important roads. the state—run power company says hundreds of thousands of czech households have been left without power, largely because of falling trees. translation: the tree has fallen in the direction where it has fallen, and it didn't fall on the house over there, and so it caused less damage. in the north of the country, the wind caused a wooden orthodox church to topple over. some rivers have reached their highest flood alert levels. germany has also been affected. railway operator deutsche bahn is citing what it called significant damage on main routes in the north, forcing it to suspend services until monday. the storm has caused flooding in hamburg, where waters rose up around the city's historic fish market, and in several districts. a 63—year—old man drowned at a campsite in lower saxony. in poland, almost 300,000 households are without electricity. continuous rains have been the cause of heavy flooding there. a warning issued by weather forecasters says poles must stand by for more gales overnight and into monday. hundreds of philippine families have returned to the southern city of marawi, after five months of fighting. tens of thousands of people fled when islamist militants linked to the islamic state group tried to take the city in may. more from our asia pacific editor celia hatton. returning to marawi to discover what five months of violence has done to this city. the owner of this store fled when militants attacked nearby. in her absence, almost everything was stolen. and still, she considers herself to be lucky. translation: we are grateful because we still have somewhere to go home to, even if everything's been damaged, because they can be fixed in the future. there is still a chance to fix things. for months, most of the 200,000 people of marawi lived in camps like this, while the philippine military battled islamist rebels. the militants hoped to establish a base for the islamic state here. they lost the battle. more than 1,000 others also died in the fighting, most of them militants. the traffic has returned, but beyond these clogged streets, many buildings are in ruins. some families are allowed to go back to the parts that have been cleared of weapons and unexploded bombs, but most people do not have electricity or water. their homes were torn apart by strangers. translation: it seems someone rummaged through our house. we don't know why. maybe they were trying to find something. we're not sure. the authorities say it will cost more than $1 billion for marawi to be rebuilt. for these students, that work starts with cans of paint. translation: we thought, if people see this, people will know longer be afraid, no longer be scared of soldiers, and encourage one another to help rebuild ourfuture. these murals appear on the road back to marawi. for some, it will be a long journey to rebuild what was once an ordinary life in a quiet city. celia hatton, bbc news. heathrow airport says it has begun an internal investigation after a memory stick containing security information was found on a street in west london. the unencrypted drive is said to have outlined details of the security arrangements at europe's busiest airport. our security correspondent gordon corera has more. this is serious and embarrassing, serious because of what was on the memory stick. locations of cctv cameras, even the location of escape hatches from the heathrow express tunnel. all the kinds of information that would be invaluable to someone wanting to attack the airport. we know that aviation remains a top target. now, there is no evidence it got into the wrong hands but what is embarrassing is the way it was found. someone simply founded under some leads in the street in west london and handed over to the sunday mirror. what he threw not saying is whether this material was supposed to be allowed out- office, if to be allowed out of the office, if so, why wasn't it encrypted with a password, so if it was lost, it could be read, or it isn't something that wasn't supposed to be taken out? even more serious than, because that would raise questions about their data controls on the most serious data. in a statement, heathrow have said they have conducted a review of their security, they believe the airport remained secure, and they have launched an investigation to try and find out what happened. saudi arabia is allowing women to attend sporting events in stadiums for the first time. families will be able to enter the stadiums in riyadh and jeddah. it follows the lifting ofa and jeddah. it follows the lifting of a driving ban last month. lewis hamilton has clinched his fourth world title at the mexican grand prix, despite finishing only ninth after a clash with rival sebastian vettel. hamilton's fourth world title makes him the most successful british formula i driver in history. his unassailable lead in the championship means he has wrapped up the title with two races still to go. as we have heard, hamilton now stands alone amongst british drivers. sirjackie stewart won three world titles. his rival this year, sebastien vettel, has, like hamilton, four titles to his name. frenchmen alain prost also has four, whilejuan manuel fangio won the title five times back in the 1950s. and the most successful driver of all time is still michael schumacher, on seven world titles, between 1994 and 200a. there were plenty of congratulatory messages from the sporting world. and fellow british racing great nigel mansell said: plenty more on our bbc news app. this hello again, good morning. this is the first widespread cold night of the season. it's been a very mild month so far. we've still got a few showers, actually, running down the north sea by the morning, hitting some coastal areas of england. but otherwise, with that high pressure building in, it's led to clear skies, light winds, and temperatures have been falling away sharply — particularly in the countryside, where there'll be at least a grass frost, and perhaps, in some areas, an air frost as well. either way, it's going to be a cold start in the morning. there'll be a lot of sunshine around, mind you. those showers around the wash, norfolk, suffolk, fading through the morning, and then we'll start to see some changes in the north—west. we're trying to get back into that atlantic air, and that means some weak weather fronts bringing in some more cloud into northern ireland and scotland, perhaps a little more rain but generally, most places will be dry into the afternoon. we'll probably see more cloud coming into northern england, wales and the midlands through the afternoon. it's quite high cloud, but it does mean it is quite chilly in the day across these areas. temperatures about 8—9 degrees or so. where we hang onto some sunshine in southern england well, 11 or 12 degrees. but it is here, with the clear skies, that there is a risk of frost on monday night, particularly early on. it takes a little while for mild air to reach here, but mild air is on the way, and temperatures will be rising on tuesday. we've got this strengthening west to south—westerly wind, and that means a lot of cloud. we'll see some rain developing in scotland. some quite heavy rain over the hills in the west of scotland. but most of england and wales it'll be a fine day. still some sunshine in the south—east, and temperatures a little bit higher, at 13 or 14 degrees. high pressure that we've got building in the uk right now is going to be across central europe by tuesday and wednesday, these weather fronts coming around the top of that, bringing some more rain for the first day of november. and that rain, again, for scotland, especially in the west of scotland, maybe extending into northern ireland later. again, for england and wales, a dry day, pleasantly warm, winds light, too. not much rain on thursday. but that bump of high pressure means it will be a touch cooler across northern parts of the uk, maybe a touch of grass frost in some areas. otherwise a generally dry day, and bright, with some sunshine. still the threat of some rain lingering across the channel and into southern england. coldest weather over the week ahead — probably right now. it will turn milder on tuesday and wednesday, with increasing cloud. and, as we've seen, not much rain away from the north—west. this is bbc news. these are the headlines: prosecutors in spain are preparing to file criminal charges against catalonia's deposed president, carles puigdemont, possibly as soon as monday. he's refused to recognise madrid's order removing him from power. earlier, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of barcelona, to condemn catalonia's unilateral declaration of independence. the british prime minister theresa may has suggested there should be new codes of conduct, designed to protect mps and their staff from sexual harassment. money to buy items in a sex shop. and puerto rico has cancelled a controversial $300 million contract with a tiny us energy company to restore the island's power grid after hurricane maria destroyed the country's power infrastructure. now on bbc news, it's time for harttalk.

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United States , United Kingdom , Heathrow , Hillingdon , Mogadishu , Banaadir , Somalia , Madrid , Spain , Erbil , Liwa Irbil , Iraq , Nairobi , Nairobi Area , Kenya , Czech Republic , Russia , Mexico , Ireland , Poland , Northern England , Northumberland , New York , Hamburg , Germany , Washington , Puerto Rico , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , London , City Of , Barcelona , Comunidad Autonoma De Cataluna , Thailand , Baghdad , Bangkok , Krung Thep Mahanakhon , Saudi Arabia , Jeddah , Makkah , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Puerto Rican , Kenyans , Mexican , Russian , Scotland , Thai , Britain , Spanish , British , American , Quentin Sommerville , King Bhumibol , Massoud Barzani , Lewis Hamilton , Paul Blake , Alex Forsyth , Indira Gandhi , Celia Hatton , Masoud Barzani , Stephen Crabb , King Vajiralongkorn , Katya Adler , Sebastien Vettel ,

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