Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20171030 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20171030

i am glad you could join us. it's 9am in singapore, 1am in london, and 2:00 in the morning in madrid, where prosecutors says they are preparing criminal charges against leaders in catalonia who declared unilateral independence on friday. those same leaders have called on their supporters to defy direct rule from madrid. so far, massive demonstrations representing both sides have been peaceful, but nobody knows how long that might last. james reynolds has this report from a pro spain rally in the catalan capital, barcelona. catalonia's pro—spain movement is emerging from its recent quiet. these are the people who want to stay inside spain. they make up around half the population of this region, and they insist that they are both catalan and spanish. and you're catalan? i am catalan from... my grandparents are catalan, and my parents are catalan, and i'm a spaniard, and a european. you don't want to leave? i don't want to leave at all. "catalonia is spain," these children write. catalans are divided in this moment. this is very, very sad. can you get back together? yes. i would like it very much, very much. i love that catalonia, and spain, and europe! i want to be in europe. for years, these people have felt overshadowed and overridden by independence campaigners. and they now see this as their chance to change the balance of power in catalonia. this crowd celebrates the government's sacking of pro—independence authorities. for the first time in four decades, this region is being ruled directly by madrid. what do you think about the measures taken by the spanish government? i think we have to take these measures. we don't want to arrive in this situation, but i think we have no option. i am catalan. 100% catalan. together with spain. "jail to carles puigdemont," the sacked catalan leader, the crowds chant. "put him in prison," this woman tells me. "put away all of the pro—independence politicians." he has to go to prison because he is like a dictator. "we will vote," they chant. the catalan elections will take place in december, an opportunity for this side to pick leaders who want to stay with spain. james reynolds, bbc news, barcelona. let's take a look at some of the day's other news. the veteran president of iraqi kurdistan, masoud barzani, has made a defiant resignation speech as his dreams for an independent kurdistan look further away than ever. kurds voted overwhelmingly for independence in a referendum last month, but the central government in iraq sent troops to the area. quentin sommerville reports from irbil. for the kurds, it is an end without trying. as protesters attempted to storm parliament, behind closed doors, an era was coming to an end. inside, the deputy speaker read the president's resignation letter. masoud barzani president's resignation letter. masoud ba rzani had president's resignation letter. masoud barzani had hoped to leave office as the father of an independent nation, kurdistan but instead the kurdish region and his legacy are diminished. in a televised address, he spoke of betrayal. 3 million votes for kurdistan independence created history and cannot be raised, he said. nobody stood tall beside us other than our mountains. in september, the 71 new old leader gambled big on a referendum, voting to separate from iraqi. the kurdish people ' enthusiastically but almost no one else did. baghdad said it was unconstitutional. the kurd's neighbours called it a mistake. the battle against the so—called islamic state still not one, for the west, this was a disaster in the making. the ground forces, kurds and arabs fighting against is now turned their guns on each other. baghdad quickly took charge. in the rich oil fields around kirkuk, kurds fled. in irbil, the violence is over but recriminations will continue. president masoud barzani has lost hisjob but the kurds have president masoud barzani has lost his job but the kurds have lost more, territory, oil and any hope of a quick word in —— independence, which is all gone. now for some other news. how to fix puerto rico's devastated power grid system continues to be a matter of political controversy in america, five weeks after a powerful storm hit the us—controlled island. puerto rico's governor has called for the cancellation of a contract given to a tiny montana firm to help rebuild it. the head of the power authority head says he accepts ricardo rossello's recommendation. the $300 million contract was given to whitefish energy, which has little experience of work on such a scale, without a public bid process. also making news today, us president donald trump sent several angry tweets on sunday about the hillary clinton and the democratic party. this came amid reports that the first arrest in the russian collusion inquiry could be imminent. media reports say the first charges have been filed by special counsel robert mueller into alleged russian interference in the 2016 election. however, mr trump insists the allegations are "phony" and a "witch hunt." saudi arabia is to allow women to attend sports events in stadiums for the first time. families will be able to enter the stadiums in riyadh, jeddah and dammam, the country's three main cities, from early in 2018. the latest announcement is another move towards giving saudi women more freedom, following the lifting of the driving ban last month. lewis hamilton has clinched his fourth world title at the mexican grand prix despite finishing only ninth after a clash with rival sebastian vettel. hamilton's fourth world title makes him the most successful british formula 1 driver in history, moving him one championship clear of sirjackie stewart. he joins vettel and frenchman alain prost on four world titles, behind only michael schumacher, the all—time record holder on seven, and argentine juan manuel fangio's five. a doctor involved with historic surgery in india, to separate twins born joined at the head, says one of the toddlers has regained consciousness. jaga has now opened his eyes and responded to simple commands. his twin, kalia, is on medication to control seizures and isn't yet conscious. the 2—year—old boys were born fused at the skull and shared some blood vessels. hundreds of families have returned to the southern city of marawi in the philippines, after five months of fighting. tens of thousands of people fled when islamist militants linked to the islamic state group tried to take the city in may. more from our asia pacific editor, celia hatton. returning to marawi to discover what five months of violence has done to this city. the owner of this store fled when militants attacked nearby. in her absence, almost everything was stolen. and still, she considers herself to be lucky. translation: we are grateful because we still have somewhere to go home to, even if everything has been damaged, because they can be fixed in the future, everything else can be fixed. for months, most of the 200,000 people of marawi lived in camps like this while the philippine military battled islamist rebels. the rebels hoped to establish a base for islamic state here. they lost the battle. this was one of the rebel leader's hideouts before he was killed. more than 1000 others also died in the fighting, most of them militants. the traffic has returned, but beyond these clogged streets, many buildings are in ruins. some families are allowed to go back to the parts that have been cleared of weapons and unexploded bombs, but most people do not have electricity or water. their homes were torn apart by strangers. translation: it seems someone rummaged through our house. we don't know why. maybe they were trying to find something. we're not sure. the authorities say it will cost more than $1 billion for marawi to be rebuilt. for these students, that work starts with cans of paint. translation: we thought if people see this, people will know longer be afraid, no longer be afraid of soldiers, and encourage one another to help rebuild ourfuture. these murals appear on the road back to marawi. for some, it will be a long journey to rebuild what was once an ordinary life in a quiet city. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: as the year of official mourning for thailand's late king comes to an end — we look at what's next for thailand also on the programme: with the fifa under—17s world cup taking place in india, has the cricket—obsessed country taken to football? indira gandhi, ruler of the world's largest democracy, died today. 0nly yesterday she'd spoken of dying in the service of her country and said, "i would be proud of it, every drop of my blood will contribute to the growth of this nation." after 46 years of unhappiness, these two countries have concluded a chapter of history. no more suspicion, no more fear, no more uncertainty of what each day might bring. booster ignition and liftoff of discovery, with a crew of six astronaut heroes and one american legend. well, enjoying the show is right — this is beautiful. a milestone in human history. born today, this girl in india is the 7 billionth person on the planet. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm rico hizon in singapore. i'm kasia madera in london. our top stories: supporters of a united spain have staged a huge protest in barcelona, as prosecutors prepare criminal hundreds of philippine families have returned to the southern city of marawi after five months of fighting. let's take a look at some front pages from around the world. many newspapers here in asia carry headlines on the reaction to last week's chinese communist party congress. the china daily reports on the plentiful praise from around europe to xi, and what it calls china's development road map. the south china morning post looks closer to home, and picks up on the response to president xi's directive to assert beijing's jurisdiction over hong kong. many fear this would undermine the city's autonomy, but the front page quotes the city's justice secretary downplaying concerns. the japan times breaks the trend and uses its front page to talk about president trump's visit to japan and meeting with prime minister abe next month. the article says the two are unlikely to talk about a new free trade deal, but instead will present a united front in the face of the north korean nuclear threat. a year of official mourning for thailand's late king has drawn to a close, after a lavish five—day funeral embroidered with pageantry and religious ritual. 0n the last day, king bhumibol‘s son and heir transported his father's ashes to two bangkok temples where they will be housed. jonathan head reports. this was the last stage in a prolonged and, for thailand, profoundly important funeral. plenty of ordinary thais were prepared to wait outside the royal palace, to see this grand farewell out to the end. king vajiralongkorn presided, as he has throughout the ceremonies, as the cremated remains of his father, king bhumibol, the monarch credited with shaping modern thailand, were blessed. legitimacy as they are in marking the public‘s love and respect for his father. the thai monarchy owes its exalted status to king bhumibol‘s charisma and personality. everybody here now knows that the institution must now adapt. the royal remains were then transferred, with impeccable formality, to the palanquin, taking them to their final resting place in a hall in the grand palace. two more sets of remains were taken in a motorcade, led by the late king's granddaughter, on horseback, to be interred in the two most senior royal temples. the death of king bhumibol was something many thais had dreaded. they have been taught since birth that they owe everything to his wisdom and virtue. his is an impossible act to follow. but life in this raucous, entrepreneurial nation must now resume. so that they could supervise this royal transition. the calls for the military to step back will only grow louder now that transition is complete. jonathon head, bbc news, bangkok. professor parvin chatchawan pongpan is from kyoto university's centre for south—east asian studies. i asked him what is likely to change for thailand in the new era. there will be some changes, for sure. considering king bhumibol had led along and authoritative rain, forup to 70 led along and authoritative rain, for up to 70 years. so we are up into the new era. to be honest, it will still be quite unpredictable, and they will be full of uncertainty. we know so little about the new king, because of that, it be difficult for thais to understand what they should expect. it is very difficult for us, visit there are very strict laws about what we can family, but when say about the royal family, but when it comes to looking at the future of this country, of course, it has been added a bit of a standstill at the moment throughout this whole year of morning, hasn't it? yes, partly this is because of the military, and the people surrounding the monarchy, to try and exploit this long period of mourning. anything to prevent thailand from moving ahead, also. i think this will be the time, once again, that will be filled with lots of anxiety among those who had leaned on the monarchy for so long. so asi leaned on the monarchy for so long. so as i said, they are exploiting this period. i don't think they are quite sure what they will try and do with thailand, including into the future, going into the issue of even an election at this point in time. because what is the state of the politics? there is effectively no opposition at the moment, if there? right now there no opposition. right 110w right now there no opposition. right now thai politics has been put on hold. the military is in power, and we have no hope that the election, evenif we have no hope that the election, even if there would be an election, i would not jump even if there would be an election, i would notjump up and down to see coming, given the an election coming, given the fact that the constitution has been written by the monarchy. there will probably be an anti— monarchy element going on, but i don't think that can rise up to become a challenge for the regime at the moment. now to something that is exciting astronomers. a small, unidentified object has been discovered floating around between the stars outside the solar system, and is moving at a speed of over 2a kilometres per second. it is something that has never been seen before, and astronomers are working hard to learn as much about it before it disappears. a team from the institute for astronomy at the university of hawaii found the alien rock. dr karen meech is part of that team. i spoke to her a short time ago about the reaction to this discovery. well, it's very exciting because what we have for the first time ever is a sample from another solar system that's been delivered practically to our doorstep, so that we can study it with telescopes on earth. so everybody is scrambling to get telescope time, to figure out what this thing is. so, dr meech, tell us — what does this alien rock look like, and where did it come from? well, sad to say, it's very disappointing when you look at it through a telescope. it's a faint smudge of light. it's very faint, it's moving very fast, so the initial discovery images just showed a faint trail streaked out on the camera detectors. and, even when you put a big telescope on it, you get a little speck of light. as to where it came from, that's something, hopefully, we'll refine in the coming months. but, right now, it's at least coming from the constellation of lyra. so it is moving at a speed of over 2a kilometres per second. what do you hope to learn from this alien rock? well, we have some ideas of how our solar system formed. and we think that that process probably occurs everywhere in the universe. but what's different about other star systems is that the chemicals may be slightly different. different stars have different amounts of heavier elements. we don't know how that will affect another solar system formation, or if the components in the rocks in that system will be the same. so now we finally have one that's been delivered to our doorstep, that we can study up close, because we don't have the technology to do that remotely, in other solar systems. dr meech, this final question of mine may be coming from a science—fiction novel, but could this alien rock be an alien probe? i don't think so. but i certainly heard there is a lot of speculation. it would be exciting if it was, but this looks like a completely natural path that something would take through the solar system. and they've been long expected. we're just lucky to see the first one. fans of football in england are celebrating, after their team won the fifa under—17 football world cup at the weekend. well, fans in india, the host nation, feel like winners too. it is the first time that an indian football team has ever participated in a fifa event, and it is hoped it has given a boost to the sport in the cricket mad nation. from goa, sameer hashmi reports. a football carnival like india has never seen before. the under—17 football world cup has been running every four years since its inception in 1985. but this is the first time it has been held in india. the feel of listening to the crowd cheer when — when you're watching the match, it'sjust — there's just no other feeling like it. it's amazing for exposure, as well as awareness for the kids. football is extremely popular here in goa. some say it is down to the fact that it was once a portuguese colony. others say it is because of local investment in the sport. whatever may be the reason, there is no doubt that football is an integral part of the goan culture, and this is why this place was chosen as one of the world cup venues. but many people here and across india asking, why is it taking so long for football to generate the same amount of interest as cricket. local clubs like goa salgaocar play in state—level leagues, but indian football has struggled to make a mark internationally. the national team comes in at 105 in the international rankings, and has never qualified for a fifa tournament. 17—year—old ribav sardesai, who is a rising star for the salgaocar team, says not enough is being done at the grassroots. translation: there are many young people who play good football but they don't take up football professionally because of lack of financial support. many choose a career with a more stable income. we need academies to help nurture young talent. there is hope that an indian super league could help. a national tournament was launched with much fanfare, with cricketers and bollywood stars investing in teams. and, with international stars coming in, many say standards have improved. but the league has failed to attract up—and—coming stars. the under—17 world cup has rekindled some passion for the beautiful game in india. but, until investment is directed towards clubs in domestic leagues like this, creating a lasting football following will not be an easy goal to achieve. you have been watching newsday. stay with us. we will be looking at how prefabricated homes, with a designer's touch, became $1 billion business for one filipino start—up. and, before we go, more football, but in this case with a splash of politics. la liga champions real madrid were defeated by girona, a team from catalonia. you can see the fans celebrating the shock victory here. the town is known as a pro—independence stronghold. it was the first time real madrid had visited catalonia since the current crisis began. hello again, good morning. this is the first widespread cold night of the season. it has been a very mild month so far. we've still got a few showers, actually, running down the north sea by the morning, hitting some coastal areas of england. but otherwise, with that high pressure building in, it has led to clear skies, light winds, and temperatures have been falling away sharply, particularly in the countryside, in some areas, an air frost as well. either way, a cold start in the morning. there'll be a lot of sunshine around, mind you. those showers around the wash, norfolk, suffolk, fading through the morning, and then some changes in the north—west. we are trying to get back into that atlantic air. and that means weak weather fronts bringing in some more cloud into northern ireland and scotland. that is bringing some cloud and perhaps some rain to the north. but generally, most places will be dry into the afternoon. we'll probably see more cloud coming into northern england, wales, and the midlands in the afternoon. high cloud, but it does mean it is quite chilly in the day across these areas. temperatures about 8—9 degrees or so. where we hang onto some sunshine in southern england we will see 11 degrees. but it is here, with the clear skies, that there is a risk of frost on monday night, particularly early on. it takes a little while for mild air to reach here, but mild air is on the way, and temperatures will be rising on tuesday. we've got the strengthening west to south—westerly wind, and that means a lot of cloud. we'll see some rain developing in scotland. but most of england and wales it'll be a fine day. still some sunshine in the south—east, and temperatures a little bit higher, at 13 or 1a degrees. high pressure that we've got building in the uk right now is going to be across central europe by tuesday and wednesday, these weather fronts coming around the top of that bringing some more rain for the first day of november. and that rain, again, for scotland, especially in the west of scotland, maybe extending into northern ireland later. again, for england and wales, a dry day, pleasantly warm, winds light, too. the weather front weakened as it moves its way southwards. not much rain on thursday. but that bump of high pressure means it could be a touch cooler in northern parts of the uk, maybe a touch of grass frost in some areas. 0therwise generally a dry day, and bright, with some sunshine. still the threat of some rain lingering across the channel and into southern england. coldest weather over the week ahead — probably right now. it will turn milder on tuesday and wednesday, with increasing cloud. and, as we've seen, not much rain away in the north—west. our top story: prosecutors in spain are preparing to file criminal charges against catalonia's deposed president, carles puigdemont. hundreds of thousands of people marched in barcelona on sunday for spanish unity, and against catalan separatism. hundreds of philippine families have returned to the southern city of marawi, after five months of fighting. tens of thousands of people fled when islamist militants linked to the islamic state group tried to take the city in may. and this story is trending on lewis hamilton secures his fourth world championship at the mexican grand prix, making him the most successful british formula 1 driver in history. he joins sebastian vettel and alain prost on four world titles, behind only michael schumacher. that's all from me for now. stay with bbc news. and the top story here in the uk: theresa may says there should be new codes of conduct,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20171030 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20171030

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i am glad you could join us. it's 9am in singapore, 1am in london, and 2:00 in the morning in madrid, where prosecutors says they are preparing criminal charges against leaders in catalonia who declared unilateral independence on friday. those same leaders have called on their supporters to defy direct rule from madrid. so far, massive demonstrations representing both sides have been peaceful, but nobody knows how long that might last. james reynolds has this report from a pro spain rally in the catalan capital, barcelona. catalonia's pro—spain movement is emerging from its recent quiet. these are the people who want to stay inside spain. they make up around half the population of this region, and they insist that they are both catalan and spanish. and you're catalan? i am catalan from... my grandparents are catalan, and my parents are catalan, and i'm a spaniard, and a european. you don't want to leave? i don't want to leave at all. "catalonia is spain," these children write. catalans are divided in this moment. this is very, very sad. can you get back together? yes. i would like it very much, very much. i love that catalonia, and spain, and europe! i want to be in europe. for years, these people have felt overshadowed and overridden by independence campaigners. and they now see this as their chance to change the balance of power in catalonia. this crowd celebrates the government's sacking of pro—independence authorities. for the first time in four decades, this region is being ruled directly by madrid. what do you think about the measures taken by the spanish government? i think we have to take these measures. we don't want to arrive in this situation, but i think we have no option. i am catalan. 100% catalan. together with spain. "jail to carles puigdemont," the sacked catalan leader, the crowds chant. "put him in prison," this woman tells me. "put away all of the pro—independence politicians." he has to go to prison because he is like a dictator. "we will vote," they chant. the catalan elections will take place in december, an opportunity for this side to pick leaders who want to stay with spain. james reynolds, bbc news, barcelona. let's take a look at some of the day's other news. the veteran president of iraqi kurdistan, masoud barzani, has made a defiant resignation speech as his dreams for an independent kurdistan look further away than ever. kurds voted overwhelmingly for independence in a referendum last month, but the central government in iraq sent troops to the area. quentin sommerville reports from irbil. for the kurds, it is an end without trying. as protesters attempted to storm parliament, behind closed doors, an era was coming to an end. inside, the deputy speaker read the president's resignation letter. masoud barzani president's resignation letter. masoud ba rzani had president's resignation letter. masoud barzani had hoped to leave office as the father of an independent nation, kurdistan but instead the kurdish region and his legacy are diminished. in a televised address, he spoke of betrayal. 3 million votes for kurdistan independence created history and cannot be raised, he said. nobody stood tall beside us other than our mountains. in september, the 71 new old leader gambled big on a referendum, voting to separate from iraqi. the kurdish people ' enthusiastically but almost no one else did. baghdad said it was unconstitutional. the kurd's neighbours called it a mistake. the battle against the so—called islamic state still not one, for the west, this was a disaster in the making. the ground forces, kurds and arabs fighting against is now turned their guns on each other. baghdad quickly took charge. in the rich oil fields around kirkuk, kurds fled. in irbil, the violence is over but recriminations will continue. president masoud barzani has lost hisjob but the kurds have president masoud barzani has lost his job but the kurds have lost more, territory, oil and any hope of a quick word in —— independence, which is all gone. now for some other news. how to fix puerto rico's devastated power grid system continues to be a matter of political controversy in america, five weeks after a powerful storm hit the us—controlled island. puerto rico's governor has called for the cancellation of a contract given to a tiny montana firm to help rebuild it. the head of the power authority head says he accepts ricardo rossello's recommendation. the $300 million contract was given to whitefish energy, which has little experience of work on such a scale, without a public bid process. also making news today, us president donald trump sent several angry tweets on sunday about the hillary clinton and the democratic party. this came amid reports that the first arrest in the russian collusion inquiry could be imminent. media reports say the first charges have been filed by special counsel robert mueller into alleged russian interference in the 2016 election. however, mr trump insists the allegations are "phony" and a "witch hunt." saudi arabia is to allow women to attend sports events in stadiums for the first time. families will be able to enter the stadiums in riyadh, jeddah and dammam, the country's three main cities, from early in 2018. the latest announcement is another move towards giving saudi women more freedom, following the lifting of the driving ban last month. lewis hamilton has clinched his fourth world title at the mexican grand prix despite finishing only ninth after a clash with rival sebastian vettel. hamilton's fourth world title makes him the most successful british formula 1 driver in history, moving him one championship clear of sirjackie stewart. he joins vettel and frenchman alain prost on four world titles, behind only michael schumacher, the all—time record holder on seven, and argentine juan manuel fangio's five. a doctor involved with historic surgery in india, to separate twins born joined at the head, says one of the toddlers has regained consciousness. jaga has now opened his eyes and responded to simple commands. his twin, kalia, is on medication to control seizures and isn't yet conscious. the 2—year—old boys were born fused at the skull and shared some blood vessels. hundreds of families have returned to the southern city of marawi in the philippines, after five months of fighting. tens of thousands of people fled when islamist militants linked to the islamic state group tried to take the city in may. more from our asia pacific editor, celia hatton. returning to marawi to discover what five months of violence has done to this city. the owner of this store fled when militants attacked nearby. in her absence, almost everything was stolen. and still, she considers herself to be lucky. translation: we are grateful because we still have somewhere to go home to, even if everything has been damaged, because they can be fixed in the future, everything else can be fixed. for months, most of the 200,000 people of marawi lived in camps like this while the philippine military battled islamist rebels. the rebels hoped to establish a base for islamic state here. they lost the battle. this was one of the rebel leader's hideouts before he was killed. more than 1000 others also died in the fighting, most of them militants. the traffic has returned, but beyond these clogged streets, many buildings are in ruins. some families are allowed to go back to the parts that have been cleared of weapons and unexploded bombs, but most people do not have electricity or water. their homes were torn apart by strangers. translation: it seems someone rummaged through our house. we don't know why. maybe they were trying to find something. we're not sure. the authorities say it will cost more than $1 billion for marawi to be rebuilt. for these students, that work starts with cans of paint. translation: we thought if people see this, people will know longer be afraid, no longer be afraid of soldiers, and encourage one another to help rebuild ourfuture. these murals appear on the road back to marawi. for some, it will be a long journey to rebuild what was once an ordinary life in a quiet city. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: as the year of official mourning for thailand's late king comes to an end — we look at what's next for thailand also on the programme: with the fifa under—17s world cup taking place in india, has the cricket—obsessed country taken to football? indira gandhi, ruler of the world's largest democracy, died today. 0nly yesterday she'd spoken of dying in the service of her country and said, "i would be proud of it, every drop of my blood will contribute to the growth of this nation." after 46 years of unhappiness, these two countries have concluded a chapter of history. no more suspicion, no more fear, no more uncertainty of what each day might bring. booster ignition and liftoff of discovery, with a crew of six astronaut heroes and one american legend. well, enjoying the show is right — this is beautiful. a milestone in human history. born today, this girl in india is the 7 billionth person on the planet. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm rico hizon in singapore. i'm kasia madera in london. our top stories: supporters of a united spain have staged a huge protest in barcelona, as prosecutors prepare criminal hundreds of philippine families have returned to the southern city of marawi after five months of fighting. let's take a look at some front pages from around the world. many newspapers here in asia carry headlines on the reaction to last week's chinese communist party congress. the china daily reports on the plentiful praise from around europe to xi, and what it calls china's development road map. the south china morning post looks closer to home, and picks up on the response to president xi's directive to assert beijing's jurisdiction over hong kong. many fear this would undermine the city's autonomy, but the front page quotes the city's justice secretary downplaying concerns. the japan times breaks the trend and uses its front page to talk about president trump's visit to japan and meeting with prime minister abe next month. the article says the two are unlikely to talk about a new free trade deal, but instead will present a united front in the face of the north korean nuclear threat. a year of official mourning for thailand's late king has drawn to a close, after a lavish five—day funeral embroidered with pageantry and religious ritual. 0n the last day, king bhumibol‘s son and heir transported his father's ashes to two bangkok temples where they will be housed. jonathan head reports. this was the last stage in a prolonged and, for thailand, profoundly important funeral. plenty of ordinary thais were prepared to wait outside the royal palace, to see this grand farewell out to the end. king vajiralongkorn presided, as he has throughout the ceremonies, as the cremated remains of his father, king bhumibol, the monarch credited with shaping modern thailand, were blessed. legitimacy as they are in marking the public‘s love and respect for his father. the thai monarchy owes its exalted status to king bhumibol‘s charisma and personality. everybody here now knows that the institution must now adapt. the royal remains were then transferred, with impeccable formality, to the palanquin, taking them to their final resting place in a hall in the grand palace. two more sets of remains were taken in a motorcade, led by the late king's granddaughter, on horseback, to be interred in the two most senior royal temples. the death of king bhumibol was something many thais had dreaded. they have been taught since birth that they owe everything to his wisdom and virtue. his is an impossible act to follow. but life in this raucous, entrepreneurial nation must now resume. so that they could supervise this royal transition. the calls for the military to step back will only grow louder now that transition is complete. jonathon head, bbc news, bangkok. professor parvin chatchawan pongpan is from kyoto university's centre for south—east asian studies. i asked him what is likely to change for thailand in the new era. there will be some changes, for sure. considering king bhumibol had led along and authoritative rain, forup to 70 led along and authoritative rain, for up to 70 years. so we are up into the new era. to be honest, it will still be quite unpredictable, and they will be full of uncertainty. we know so little about the new king, because of that, it be difficult for thais to understand what they should expect. it is very difficult for us, visit there are very strict laws about what we can family, but when say about the royal family, but when it comes to looking at the future of this country, of course, it has been added a bit of a standstill at the moment throughout this whole year of morning, hasn't it? yes, partly this is because of the military, and the people surrounding the monarchy, to try and exploit this long period of mourning. anything to prevent thailand from moving ahead, also. i think this will be the time, once again, that will be filled with lots of anxiety among those who had leaned on the monarchy for so long. so asi leaned on the monarchy for so long. so as i said, they are exploiting this period. i don't think they are quite sure what they will try and do with thailand, including into the future, going into the issue of even an election at this point in time. because what is the state of the politics? there is effectively no opposition at the moment, if there? right now there no opposition. right 110w right now there no opposition. right now thai politics has been put on hold. the military is in power, and we have no hope that the election, evenif we have no hope that the election, even if there would be an election, i would not jump even if there would be an election, i would notjump up and down to see coming, given the an election coming, given the fact that the constitution has been written by the monarchy. there will probably be an anti— monarchy element going on, but i don't think that can rise up to become a challenge for the regime at the moment. now to something that is exciting astronomers. a small, unidentified object has been discovered floating around between the stars outside the solar system, and is moving at a speed of over 2a kilometres per second. it is something that has never been seen before, and astronomers are working hard to learn as much about it before it disappears. a team from the institute for astronomy at the university of hawaii found the alien rock. dr karen meech is part of that team. i spoke to her a short time ago about the reaction to this discovery. well, it's very exciting because what we have for the first time ever is a sample from another solar system that's been delivered practically to our doorstep, so that we can study it with telescopes on earth. so everybody is scrambling to get telescope time, to figure out what this thing is. so, dr meech, tell us — what does this alien rock look like, and where did it come from? well, sad to say, it's very disappointing when you look at it through a telescope. it's a faint smudge of light. it's very faint, it's moving very fast, so the initial discovery images just showed a faint trail streaked out on the camera detectors. and, even when you put a big telescope on it, you get a little speck of light. as to where it came from, that's something, hopefully, we'll refine in the coming months. but, right now, it's at least coming from the constellation of lyra. so it is moving at a speed of over 2a kilometres per second. what do you hope to learn from this alien rock? well, we have some ideas of how our solar system formed. and we think that that process probably occurs everywhere in the universe. but what's different about other star systems is that the chemicals may be slightly different. different stars have different amounts of heavier elements. we don't know how that will affect another solar system formation, or if the components in the rocks in that system will be the same. so now we finally have one that's been delivered to our doorstep, that we can study up close, because we don't have the technology to do that remotely, in other solar systems. dr meech, this final question of mine may be coming from a science—fiction novel, but could this alien rock be an alien probe? i don't think so. but i certainly heard there is a lot of speculation. it would be exciting if it was, but this looks like a completely natural path that something would take through the solar system. and they've been long expected. we're just lucky to see the first one. fans of football in england are celebrating, after their team won the fifa under—17 football world cup at the weekend. well, fans in india, the host nation, feel like winners too. it is the first time that an indian football team has ever participated in a fifa event, and it is hoped it has given a boost to the sport in the cricket mad nation. from goa, sameer hashmi reports. a football carnival like india has never seen before. the under—17 football world cup has been running every four years since its inception in 1985. but this is the first time it has been held in india. the feel of listening to the crowd cheer when — when you're watching the match, it'sjust — there's just no other feeling like it. it's amazing for exposure, as well as awareness for the kids. football is extremely popular here in goa. some say it is down to the fact that it was once a portuguese colony. others say it is because of local investment in the sport. whatever may be the reason, there is no doubt that football is an integral part of the goan culture, and this is why this place was chosen as one of the world cup venues. but many people here and across india asking, why is it taking so long for football to generate the same amount of interest as cricket. local clubs like goa salgaocar play in state—level leagues, but indian football has struggled to make a mark internationally. the national team comes in at 105 in the international rankings, and has never qualified for a fifa tournament. 17—year—old ribav sardesai, who is a rising star for the salgaocar team, says not enough is being done at the grassroots. translation: there are many young people who play good football but they don't take up football professionally because of lack of financial support. many choose a career with a more stable income. we need academies to help nurture young talent. there is hope that an indian super league could help. a national tournament was launched with much fanfare, with cricketers and bollywood stars investing in teams. and, with international stars coming in, many say standards have improved. but the league has failed to attract up—and—coming stars. the under—17 world cup has rekindled some passion for the beautiful game in india. but, until investment is directed towards clubs in domestic leagues like this, creating a lasting football following will not be an easy goal to achieve. you have been watching newsday. stay with us. we will be looking at how prefabricated homes, with a designer's touch, became $1 billion business for one filipino start—up. and, before we go, more football, but in this case with a splash of politics. la liga champions real madrid were defeated by girona, a team from catalonia. you can see the fans celebrating the shock victory here. the town is known as a pro—independence stronghold. it was the first time real madrid had visited catalonia since the current crisis began. hello again, good morning. this is the first widespread cold night of the season. it has been a very mild month so far. we've still got a few showers, actually, running down the north sea by the morning, hitting some coastal areas of england. but otherwise, with that high pressure building in, it has led to clear skies, light winds, and temperatures have been falling away sharply, particularly in the countryside, in some areas, an air frost as well. either way, a cold start in the morning. there'll be a lot of sunshine around, mind you. those showers around the wash, norfolk, suffolk, fading through the morning, and then some changes in the north—west. we are trying to get back into that atlantic air. and that means weak weather fronts bringing in some more cloud into northern ireland and scotland. that is bringing some cloud and perhaps some rain to the north. but generally, most places will be dry into the afternoon. we'll probably see more cloud coming into northern england, wales, and the midlands in the afternoon. high cloud, but it does mean it is quite chilly in the day across these areas. temperatures about 8—9 degrees or so. where we hang onto some sunshine in southern england we will see 11 degrees. but it is here, with the clear skies, that there is a risk of frost on monday night, particularly early on. it takes a little while for mild air to reach here, but mild air is on the way, and temperatures will be rising on tuesday. we've got the strengthening west to south—westerly wind, and that means a lot of cloud. we'll see some rain developing in scotland. but most of england and wales it'll be a fine day. still some sunshine in the south—east, and temperatures a little bit higher, at 13 or 1a degrees. high pressure that we've got building in the uk right now is going to be across central europe by tuesday and wednesday, these weather fronts coming around the top of that bringing some more rain for the first day of november. and that rain, again, for scotland, especially in the west of scotland, maybe extending into northern ireland later. again, for england and wales, a dry day, pleasantly warm, winds light, too. the weather front weakened as it moves its way southwards. not much rain on thursday. but that bump of high pressure means it could be a touch cooler in northern parts of the uk, maybe a touch of grass frost in some areas. 0therwise generally a dry day, and bright, with some sunshine. still the threat of some rain lingering across the channel and into southern england. coldest weather over the week ahead — probably right now. it will turn milder on tuesday and wednesday, with increasing cloud. and, as we've seen, not much rain away in the north—west. our top story: prosecutors in spain are preparing to file criminal charges against catalonia's deposed president, carles puigdemont. hundreds of thousands of people marched in barcelona on sunday for spanish unity, and against catalan separatism. hundreds of philippine families have returned to the southern city of marawi, after five months of fighting. tens of thousands of people fled when islamist militants linked to the islamic state group tried to take the city in may. and this story is trending on lewis hamilton secures his fourth world championship at the mexican grand prix, making him the most successful british formula 1 driver in history. he joins sebastian vettel and alain prost on four world titles, behind only michael schumacher. that's all from me for now. stay with bbc news. and the top story here in the uk: theresa may says there should be new codes of conduct,

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