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Australians in. And in half an hour, the film review looks at andy serkiss directorial debut, breathe. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. Hundreds of thousands of people have been demonstrated in barcelona today. The dismissed separatist leader, carles puigdemont, has called on his supporters to defy director of the madrid when they return to work tomorrow. Those backing a United States spain say he should go to jail. 0ur correspondent is in barcelona. This may be spains most profound crisis, but there is a order to it. The anti Independence Movement had its say today. Catalonias pro Spain Movement is emerging from its recent quiet. These are the people who want to stay inside spain. They make up around half of the population of this region, and they insist that they are both catalan and spanish. And you are catalan . I am catalan from my grandparents, my parents, and i am catalan and spanish and european. So you dont want to leave . I dont want to leave at all. Catalonia is spain, these kids right. Catalans are divided at this moment. This is very sad. Can you get back together . Yes, i would like it very much. Because i love catalonia, i love spain, and i love europe. I want to be in europe. And overridden by Pro Independence campaigners. They now see this as their chance to change the balance of power in catalonia. This crowd celebrates the governments sacking of catalonias Pro Independence authorities. For the first time in four decades, this region is being ruled directly by madrid. What do you think about the measures the Spanish Government has taken . I think we have to take these measures, and we dont want to arrive to this situation, but i think we have no option. I am catalan, 100 catalan. I live in madrid. I came to demonstrate and to please keep together with spain. Jail to carles puigdemont, the crowd chant. Put him in prison,. But all the Pro Independence politicians. Ea rs the Pro Independence politicians. Ears like a dictator. We will vote, so ears like a dictator. We will vote, so the card. There will be a vote in december, an opportunity for the western side to pick leaders they wa nt to western side to pick leaders they want to stay in spain. So far, here, direct rule from madrid has not notably changed life in catalonia. But, at the start of the working week, will this actually does good hearted those sacked leaders return to work . Complaints of inappropriate behaviour and sexual harrassment by mps, have now led to a government minister being placed under investigation. The International Trade minister mark garnier, has admitted asking his secretary to buy two sex toys, describing the incident as good humoured high jinks. Meanwhile, theresa may has written to the speaker of the house of commons, asking him to look into a new system for staff, to report inappropriate behaviour. Heres our Political Correspondent alex forsyth. In recent days, westminster has been braced for fresh claims of impropriety. Today, the trade minister was this a bit of a newspaper report. It said seven yea rs newspaper report. It said seven years ago, he used the rocketry language to a former secretary, and asked her to buy toys. Mr garner said this was taken out of context, and did not constitute harassment. And the rest, the government was quick to act. The stories if true, are unacceptable. The cabinets offers will be conducting an investigation. Facts are disputed, but what i would say, is that there are demands a dad to have daughters who politics student, hoping to get a job who politics student, hoping to get ajob in who politics student, hoping to get a job in westminster, and they must be able to be confident that if they get thatjob, their be able to be confident that if they get that job, their daughter will not be subject to some of these behaviours that we have been seeing. Last week, the labour mp was suspended after apologising for sexist and homophobic comments. Here, it is accepted that this is not a Party Political issue, but there is a problem. The Prime Minister says, courage Disciplinary Procedures do not have enough teeth, and she has written to the house of commons speaker, calling for a new system for grievances. Labour and conservative mps have said that they clear system to report presents might help. There is recognition that a changing culture is needed, and that is hard to reduce harder to achieve. What people once felt they had to put up with, or no longer be accepted. Long serving mps say that more must be done, but things have changed the b where they once more. It was a very male environment when i worked there. It was partly to do with the idea that all these men are away from home, its partly to do with the fact that there were eight bars, and there we re very there were eight bars, and there were very long hours, and the. And partly with the notion of what happens in westminster, stays in westminster. It was worse. It was a little bit better now, but there is a long way to go. Claims of sexism, even scandal have dubbed business for decades, but now the government is having to examine its practices. Public scrutiny perhaps forcing Higher Standards from politicians. This letter was embargoed. In essence, what is theresa may saying tojohn birkenau to the speaker. Mps are effectively self employed, said there is no overarching hr system. There is a confidential phone line. There is also the parliamentary standards commissioner, is that anyone with concerns can refer to them, and their mps will be judged against the code of conduct. Theresa may is saying that there should be a separate binding procedure that mps have to follow and should be held accountable, but also a separate mediation service. She makes the point that, a succession of chief whips have been tried to get them in like this, and she says, that there is, this proforma, code of conduct with the Standards Authority had suggested, but it is not legally binding. The implication is that the conservative party at westminster has been pushing the something, and that may be the parliamentary authorities have not engaged with it. Idid authorities have not engaged with it. I did know what youre reading is that . She is not the only one chance at that. A former minister from the conservative party has said that she was pushing for this as well. Several labour mps have also said that for some time they have thought that something should be done. Watch out todays put this in the context of the current climate, where there is this renewed debate about what constitutes sex harassment, and where the lines arent blurred. Because of that, you arent blurred. Because of that, you are now getting something of a consensus, around the fact that something does have to be done to allow reporting of any incidents. Lets just say, we have not had any formal complaint yet, despite all the guys and suggestions. This is one of the difficulties, there is an element of this which is, we are having to piece together, and a lot of it is being done through newspaper investigations, and allegations, and people have to respond to those allegations, but perhaps, that underlines the point that the Prime Minister is making that the Prime Minister is making that there is no alternative route for people to go to, unless they must say you are parliamentary assista nt must say you are Parliamentary Assistant secretary, and you decide that the baby of your employer is so bad that you take them to an implement tribunal, there is no sort of, that is the kind of nuclear option, theres nothing before that. The authority says that is very difficult for them to intervene in this kind of case, because they are not anyones employer. There has been this helpline, and other avenues of people could have gone to, and of course the police, if there is any suggestion of criminal wrongdoing, but they are now saying that they need a separate system, labour are saying that these procedures do need to be more robust, but also internal party procedures should be more robust so that parties can take action against their own mps and members. Interesting, we had a labour mp on this channel yesterday, he was complaining that labour had these procedures, but were not using them. There is always a danger that if a Political Party makes it public, then the party take a hit with reputation. Labour sources are saying tonight it is not about the reputation of parliament, or an individual party, it is about people who feel they have been the victims of harassment who should be the figures here. Now, they see this as a bit ofa figures here. Now, they see this as a bit of a turning point, that something is be done, and perhaps now is the time, with the courage debate that is ongoing. Thank you very much. Its been reported that the bbc has suspended the radio 5live presenter george riley, following claims by a number of women, about his behaviour. He presents coverage of rugby league, snooker and darts, and is a regular voice on radio. The bbc says it cant comment on individual staff members. Officials at Heathrow Airport are investigating after details of its security procedures were found on a memory stick in the street. The sunday mirror says information concerning the queen was on the unencrypted device as well as files on safeguards for cabinet ministers and foreign dignitaries. Doing anything about the background of when this was recovered . M doing anything about the background of when this was recovered . It was picked up in a street in west london by eight chap who is able to tickets to the library and plug it in, and freely read documents about sensitive security arrangements here at heathrow. A regular computer memory stick, with no protection encryption. He was able to see details of security protocols, what sort of idea was needed to details of security protocols, what sort of to ea was needed to details of security protocols, what sort of to certain ieeded to details of security protocols, what sort of to certain partsd to details of security protocols, what sort of to certain parts ofo details of security protocols, what sort of to certain parts of the access to certain parts of the airport, maps showing cctv cameras, and tunnels under the terminals, under the runways that link to the heathrow express, the sort of thing that might be used as an escape route in certain circumstances. Details of how dignitaries get access to the airport, and which routes they take to driving, and which pathways through terminals. Even details of the security protocols around when the queen visits. Codenames were also on there. It is all be sort of information that would be really useful to be sort of people who might want to ban something horrible, and might want to do harm. The airport is stressing that there is no security breach, that this information has been handed over albeit to the sunday newspaper in the first instance, but they are investigating how this happened, is making sure that their post security protocols are as tight as they need to be in future. At the very least, giving a potential target, for those who want to cause mayhem, this is big embarrassment for the parties . Yes, it certainly is big embarrassment for the parties . Yes only ertainly is big embarrassment for the parties . Yes only have. Y is big embarrassment for the parties . Yes only have two turn up with a you only have two turn up with a camera, and you realise how tight security is here, because the police dog knew straightaway and want to note that it what you are doing, so it isa note that it what you are doing, so it is a sensitive side, it is guarded by a huge security operation, and this will be regarded asa operation, and this will be regarded as a breach of security, even though it looks as if the information has not got into the wrong hands. The key questions are, who was able to download this onto an memory stick, why was that not like that, why was there no alert going at that someone was doing that, why were they able to ta ke was doing that, why were they able to take it away from the airport, and thenjust to take it away from the airport, and then just lose it and discarded street, and why was there no protection on the memory stick to stop someone accessing that data. Evenif stop someone accessing that data. Even if there was a legitimate reason for downloading it and taking it away. Some important question that the airport is now grappling with. Security is the main parity, and they will get to the bottom of this they say. At leeds damocles 300,000 people marched against independent and spain. The trade minister asked the secretary to buy sex toys for him. Heathrow airport says it remains confident that security has not been breached when a member state has been found in the street. Police are appealing for information after a suspected acid attack on a group of doormen in salford. Officers were called to the white Hotel Nightclub in the early hours of this morning after a man, who had earlier been asked to leave the club, returned with a knife and threw an unknown liquid at door staff. Two men are currently in hospital receiving treatment for burns. Their injuries are not said to be life threatening. Thousands of drivers are breaking the law by driving their diesel cars without pollution filters, experts have told bbc five live investigates. Nearly 2,000 cars have been found without filters since 2014, but its thought the number is much higher. It is illegal to drive without them but many cars which have had the filters removed go unnoticed during mot tests. The driver and Vehicle Standards Agency says it plans to improve the tests next year. But earlier i spoke to nick molden, who is the ceo of emissions analytics ltd. He began by explaining how missing filters are sometimes not picked up in mot tests. You can do a visual inspection of the vehicle, but increasingly, garages are getting quite smart at sealing the unit back up, so that its hard to see on a very cursory glance, beyond that, you are looking at some christs sophisticated emissions testing equipment, to be able to detect that the filter has been removed. Some quite sophisticated. They have to be repressed after a time, and it is simply saving money not to replace them . Yes, there is the question of saving money, typically over £1000, but also, there are the benefits of removing the filter, in terms of the vehicle performance and fuel economy. There is quite a lot of incentive to do this. When the cars are rolling off the production incentive to do this. When the cars are rolli| coming 3 production incentive to do this. When the cars are rolli| coming off oduction incentive to do this. When the cars are rolli| coming off really on incentive to do this. When the cars are rolli| coming off really clean. They are coming off really clean. The manufacturers are delivering clea n the manufacturers are delivering clean cars, but users have its incentive to remove them later on. That is presumably the issue. How you create a situation in which either the voters arent removed, or if they have been removed, you can actually spotted, and people have to correct that, which you are presuming the obvious things to do thatis presuming the obvious things to do that is the mot. Yes, the obvious theres absolutely as that. What will be required is more sophisticated equipment in garages to pick up when the filter has been removed. 0ther to pick up when the filter has been removed. Other ideas are better on board diagnostics, so that cars can have better self detection with some interference with the vehicle. There are fairly dramatic statistics given for the number of people who are killed because of air pollution in this country, we are talking thousands and thousands of people a year whose lives are shortened, if nothing else, by the state of the airand certain parts nothing else, by the state of the air and certain parts of the uk. But, is it possible to make a direct link, between this and the bad effects on peoples help that can lead to death. That is there is a very good body of hard evidence that links these particle emissions to Health Problems and cancer and other respiratory problems. In essence, removing the filter takes cars back to diesels 20 years ago, which those with those characteristic puffs of smoke out of the pipe. All of the progress, on modern cars can be com pletely progress, on modern cars can be completely undone, back 20 years, and back to the level of ms and then. In terms of the future, eve ryo ne then. In terms of the future, everyone is talking about an increased use of electric cars, we have had the scandal over the emissions testing on diesel vehicles, what is your assessment of how long will have to live with that problem . On the particle side, which is what the filters are about, actually, theyre rather with some better surveillance, better mot is, more spot checking, by the regulators, and randomly taking cars off the road and inspecting them. There is a solution, reasonably soon. The other emissions, the nitrogen oxide and the geezer big gamble, that is good to take longer. There is a long way to go, the regulations only come in slowly, and there will be a question of compliance, because reducing those emissions is very expensive. A 16 year old boy has died after a suspected drugs overdose at a halloween rave in north wales. The police say that he is believed to have taken ecstasy the police say that he is believed to have ta ken ecstasy tablets the police say that he is believed to have taken ecstasy tablets such as these. They urged anybody to come forward as the investigation is at an early stage. The literacy levels in the usa are almost double what they are here. It affected his ability to do even the simplest of tasks at work. My employer told me to go. |j the simplest of tasks at work. My employer told me to go. I wouldnt even know how to locate that box, because i didnt have the skills to read the letters of the box. Its not that michael didnt go to school, he did, but what he faced decades ago still affects so many children in america today. Right across this country there are an astonishing number of people who go right through the school system, without ever learning to read. There are now more than 16 million American Adults who are functionally illiterate. A proportion of the population that compares badly to other developed nations, but why . There is huge inequality when it comes to education standards in america. Rich districts and poor ones often have startling differences in school was also is. There is a rectangle. For peggy, who is learning to read to help her children, there were other factors too. Whats up two from learning to read . My parents and the schools. They didnt want to help me do my learning. So, they sent me away, and they thought that would help, but it didnt. It is a common complaint here that the system does not deal well with those who need a little extra help. I think sometimes we soften our expectations, and think that that is doing service to the child. But, in reality, what we are doing is, while it might build up their self esteem eye for a little while, it does really hit them later. For this day in america, someones economic background, which can mean race, and learning to faculties can play such a massive pa rt faculties can play such a massive part in whether they get left behind. The government is changing the rules around paying Child Support so parents can no longer use a legal loophole to avoid their responsibilities. People have been able to avoid payments by putting their money in a joint account with a new partner. The department for work and pensions says it hopes the change will lead to nearly 400,000 pounds a year in additional Child Maintenance being collected. Under new laws that are due to be bought in, parents will no longer be to use illegally poll. What is currently happening in some cases is that if a parent is maintenance, it can any be taken solid from their ca rs. Can any be taken solid from their cars. Some people are getting around this and cheating the system by having joint accounts. Earlier this year, the bbc obtains figures that showed that 1. 2 Million People were owed Child Maintenance, has a backlog in the uk, £3. 8 billion in uncollected payments. Some experts dont think that this will work, and one of those is the family and divorce lawyer, Vanessa Lloyd platt. I dont think work, because it is to him expensive to enforce, and naturally, people are going to save the money in the account is mine, and proving otherwise, when there are so many ways and proving otherwise, when there are so many ways to get round it, is going to be neither an impossible. I totally accept that a lot more has totally accept that a lot more has to be done to stop what we call serial offenders that keep avoiding paying Child Support, and we think that it paying Child Support, and we think thatitis paying Child Support, and we think that it is that the lower end of his girl, but actually, its a very wealthy people getting away with it, because they are self employed, and think that their finances cant be fully investigated. Others have welcomed the move as a positive step forward. For those families who are affected, it was definitely make a significant difference. The government are saying that within months, that is welcome, this has been an area that gingerbread has been an area that gingerbread has been campaigning on for a long time, and undoubtably, it will be an area that we will continue to campaign for, but ouraim that we will continue to campaign for, but our aim is really to get a Better Service and system and create an infrastructure that parents can provide the best for their children. The government says there will be safeguards in place, they include money only being taken from a joint account when a paying parents doesnt have their own account, or where there isnt enough money in their own account. There is another safeguard, that only funds belong to that actual parents will be deducted. Thank you very much. Itv has ended the contract of one of coronation streets main actors following an internal inquiry. Bruno langley, who plays Todd Grimshaw in the soap, is no longer part of the cast according to an itv statement. The sunday mirror has reported that mr langley was dismissed after allegations that he sexually assaulted a woman in a club. Mr langley has confirmed he has left the show, and says he will make a further statement when he is able to do so. A 15 year old boy is in a Critical Condition in hospital afterfalling from a bridge at the Trafford Shopping Centre in manchester. Police have released four of five teenagers that were arrested in connection with the incident which happened from a covered walkway yesterday evening. Its originally thought there may have been an altercation in the group, but Police Believe this is no longer the case. 0na on a visit to washington, Bruno Rodriguez denied that such attacks had taken place. Julian mcfarlane reports. Earlier this month the states. More than 20 american citizens reported symptoms that officials suggest may have come from some sort of sonic weapon. Cuba has dismissed these games as unfounded, and false. The so called attack are unjust, what ever the type of attack, and whatever the incident, it is com pletely whatever the incident, it is completely full. Late last year, american staff began suffering from headaches, dizziness and hearing loss. While the us has not formally accused cuba of carrying out any attacks, President Trump said last week that havana was responsible. They did some bad things. As well as withdrawing their staff in havana, the americans have expelled 17 cuban dick matz from washington. Cuban diplomats from washington. The Us Government made a baseless, shallow, hasten the, unacceptable decision to expel 17 officials from our embassy in the city. This has a negative impact on our consular services. It also makes it difficult for our authorities and efforts to organise trips for cuban resident in the us. Since president 0bamas historic dete nte since president 0bamas historic detente with cuba, President Trump has said he will cancel what he has called the terrible and mr biden deal with havana. But many misguided deal. Finding solutions for these cold war foes is proving as elusive as the mysterious source of the emesis. Now for a look at the weather. This week we will see some pretty big swing in temperatures day to day. At the moment there is called coming from the arctic. It is targeting scotland and northern england. If we focus on scotland, aberdeenshire was one of the warmest places in the country, yesterday. 17 celsius, but since then, the winds have changed, and todays highs have been more like eight celsius, so a drop of9 been more like eight celsius, so a drop of 9 degrees. The wind has been busting about 30 mph, feeling really quite chilly. Inland, there has been plenty of sunshine, at and about. I am sure that you be enjoying business conditions. 0ver tonight, the brisk winds extended danilov c, but it should keep any frost at bay, if you live near these coastal areas. Inland, it is something of a different story. The clear skies and light winds allowing temperatures to plummet. Itll be be one of the. Temperatures could get down to 2 in scotla nd temperatures could get down to 2 in scotland and northern england. 0n monday, High Pressure is firmly with us, we been to move into these. Foremost, monday start of glorious with chilly notes and plenty of sunshine morning and afternoon. There will a bit more cloud moving in later on. Some outbreaks of rain that will not at that too much. Temperatures eight or nine degrees. The cool weather is not

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