And debunking the people in power. Wandering the ruins. And something wicked this week comes. Going into space has long been the dream of many a sci fi fan and for one bbc presenter that dream is about to come true. In a world first for the broadcast industry, spencer kelly, who fronts the Bbc Technology programme click, has been accepted by nasa to visit and report from the International Space station. During his stay on board, he will present several kelly, who says he has always harboured ambitions to leave planet earth, will test how the latest Technology Performs in zero gravity. He says hes looking forward to the months of training ahead of him. Thats not. Thats not true. Im so sorry. That shouldnt be on the autocue. Its my christmas fantasy list. Its fake news we are fighting the fake news. Its fake, phoney. Fake. The fake media tried to stop. Everyones using the term these days. The problem is, it now seems to mean anything from actual lies to something you simply dont agree with. And the tech world is anguishing over how to sort fact from fiction, from opinion, from satire, from highly skewed and misleading headlines. And as a result, Fact Checking organisations are now working to counter the fake news effect. The First Draft Coalition operates around the world and in germany its working alongside journalists from a group to help improve online transparency. Daily newsletter, investigating the most popular stories on social media, suspected of being false or highly misleading. You look at an incident in a video, but then when youre trying to get verification youre looking largely away from the main incident and into the background. Is whats being claimed in the captioned description in this video what is actually being seen in the video . One which showed a couple of maybe not traditional northern europeans, a couple of dark skinned guys, waving their passports. This was claimed to be smug immigrants trampling all over german peoples feelings. The tweets said they were insulting local germans and provoking them. Using simple tools such as reverse image searches to verify the original sources of videos and in this case a facility called watch frame by frame, the journalists were able to identify the street name, unter den linden. The thing that helped me is there is a Police Officer walking through the video, back here. An eyewitness account of what happened, notjust in front of the camera but also behind. Actually we discovered that behind the camera there are like 100 people insulting these three to four guys in the first place. They were if anything just reacting. Another story debunked by the group involved what looked like a number of muslims standing at a bus stop. The headline was this is how islamic society, or an islamistic society, would look like, so we are heading to this. So we were taking a closer look at this. Narrowing down where bus and tram lines met, and cross checking with street views, the journalists were able to pinpoint the spot and the fact that the group had just come out of a christian church. They confirmed that they work with refugees and they even know from a baptism and they were trying to celebrate the baptism and were just heading for lunch. So this was really, really misleading information and trying to manipulate people and to make them worried about are we overruled by other cultures . The problem is that anything can look believable when its published online and there is an ongoing debate about whether the platforms on which the stories are published should be the ones to police them. Making sure that Quality Content and qualityjournalism is on top is a big mission. So thats why we work very closely with Fact Checking organisations and Media Organisations around the world. Just a couple of months ago we changed our ads policy around misleading news websites. Whoever ends are fighting the rising tide of fake news, one things for certain ultimately were going to need an automated Fact Checking system. This is an organisation that first came to the public attention around the time of the eu referendum. These guys have some pretty interesting Fact Checking tools. In this session of prime ministers questions, the group is verifying claims using a mixture of manual and automated Fact Checking. One of the automated tools being developed looks at the trends behind a claim such as where and how many times any statement was repeated. Another tool, called live, will take text from tv subtitles and check it off in real time against reliable data bases, such as the office of national statistics. Using a combination of ai and machine learning, the algorithm will perform calculations and check facts with primary sources. Eventually it could be used in a scenario such as this. There are 10,000 more training places available for nurses in the nhs, but the right honourable gentleman. Yeah, see, thats not right. Thats an ambition for 2020, but its currently not true. How cool would it be to debunk claims like that on the spot . But the system wont be able to challenge more subtle claims with lots of caveats, such as the statement the nhs is in crisis. Nor will it provide simple yes and no answers. Gdp is rising. Its kind of like shazam for facts. Nurses are using food banks. The tool that im most excited about is the speech to text checking. So its when somebody is talking live and it takes you in real time to the primary sources. So if a journalist is in a press conference or if they are interviewing someone, they can see straightaway if theres something that the person in front of them has said is true or false, which is particularly cool. I so want that. I so want that have you used it in age yet . I havent used it in anger yet. All right. How ready is it . Its ready now, but it can only do one sentence at a time. The way they behave . Theres no debate that can really happen without eventually hitting on numbers and the point at which you hit numbers its important that theyre correct and not being manipulated. Thats the place we are starting from and the world we want to create. From fakery of news to fakery of images now. Ok, thats not exactly the spin that adobe would like us to put on the way its products are used, but at its max event in las vegas its just unveiled some pretty nifty tools to do just that and weve sent Richard Taylor along to take a look. 12,000 creatives under one roof, all geared up to find out whats next from the outfit that literally invented photoshopping. The answer, ai as weve never known it before. Take this image of denver, where an entire neighbourhood is expunged in a flash and replaced with something more aesthetically pleasing. Instead of just trying to fill in the area with surrounding pixels, the software can now extract meaning from the image and make a smart substitute from its library of 100 million other pictures. The plaster now intelligently removed as the software can understand the protrusion in the middle of a persons face as a nose. And say you wanted to remove something or someone from a video. Right now you could try it frame by painstaking frame. The chances are the result would look crude. But this demo is real. A Research Project we may well see in a future version of adobes products. In this era of fake news, the implications of being able to easily and convincingly fool your audience are of course potentially troublesome, but adobe is more interested in the Creative Potential of ai. We are trying to reimagine the entire Creative Process so you can create the way you want to. Machines can see patterns and possibilities that we may not be able to see immediately. Adobe says ai should allow creatives more time for artistic expression and to be creative rather than doing boring and repetitive tasks. They say the entire Creative Process should be way more efficient and ai adobes ai creative assistant built in. Find some images based on my sketch. And within seconds, others space based themes appear, based on your very rough sketch of a woman in a spaceship. What you might we thinking is all of this is pretty similar to the ai used by google and apple. We have decades and decades of understanding of how artists actually work in our tools. And when one of the worlds best creative artists launches photoshop and they know what a creatively pleasing and aesthetically pleasing image is, we are learning from that. So were not training on just images of cats or dogs, were training with the worlds best people. I was certainly impressed at how for example the ai could take an image of me and within seconds return matches and then further refine them. The tech also understands 3d, so you dont have to be an artist to easily design and iterate. Few people would argue that al is fantastic in terms of creating efficiencies in our work flows, but is there a danger that an over reliance on our machines instead of amplifying the Creative Process could eventually end up supplanting it . I actually dont think so. Creatives are distracted by all of the things that take multiple steps, make them suddenly move out of a right brain mode into a sort of procedural left brain mode. I dont think ai takes anything away. I think it ends up being this news at your elbow. And thats the prevailing view amongst creatives here, keen to embrace the possibilities offered up in an ai world. Hello and welcome to the week in tech. It was the week that the hawaiian city of honolulu began fining people 99 for paying too much attention to their smartphone while crossing the road. Microsoft announced its ceased manufacturing its motion sensing controller, kinect. And Japanese Company toyota gosei showed up a concept car with the airbags on the outside in tokyo. Meanwhile, nissan revealed the artificially created us authorities are insisting all hybrid and electric cars will have to emit a sound for safety reasons. Amazon now wants to enter its customers homes when making deliveries. The system is called amazon key. Trustworthy types who sign up will make use of a smart lock, which will open their front door, allowing deliveries to be left inside their homes. Suspicious souls will be able to view the delivery on their phone via a smart camera that theyve left at home. What could possibly go wrong . And creepy or cute . You decide. Sonys developed a new winking robot assistant, the xperia hello. The robot communicates with users using endearing gestures. Its hoping the bots cuteness will challenge amazons echo range. And researchers at harvard have developed a tiny robot that can swim and fly. The micro robots flapping wings are used to propel the diminutive droid around when its underwater. Its creators hope one day Similar Technology can be used in search and rescue robots. This is art in the 21st century. Trust me, it is. And it actually looks and sounds great when youre standing right in the middle. Im thinking each colour has a specific sound. The buzzing sound is the electric current that lights the leds and its being translated into a kind of compositional concert. Its kind of got its own groove to it. I like it. This week im wandering the halls of a brand new installation in the heart of london. Its called everything at once and if it doesnt actually have everything, it certainly has a lot. Its a mixture of dynamic works like the black pot and static pieces by renowned artists like ai weiwei and anish kapoor. There are also faceless voices describing their near death experiences. Hi, my name is sam, and i had a near death experience in hospital and my heart stopped beating. And the centrepiece of the exhibition is even more unsettling. Im about to be subjected to intensely fast flashing images. Now, if youd rather not see them, then please look away now and come back in a couple of minutes. Because im about to walk through and on test pattern no 12 by japanese electronic artist ryoji ikeda. The experience is overwhelming. The video moves that more than 100 frames a second and in fact weve had to doctor our footage in order to be allowed to show it on tv. The video frame rate is so high that the black and white is flickering incredibly fast. I can actually see colours in between the black and white, theyre moving so fast, theres greys, im starting to see yellow and red, maybe thats just because my eyes are exploding, i dont know. Ikeda has taken digital files and broken them down after that, time for a drink in a nightclub called ruin. Only it looks like ive arrived after the after party. Now, earlier we were looking at attempts to combat fake news and so often these days that means the us elections, russia and the like. But its actually a problem all around the world in different ways. David reid has been looking at the particular issues in india. This summer mob violence in the eastern state otharkhand was sparked by a rumour on whatsapp that child abductors were targeting a tribal community. The story wasnt true, but still seven people died in violence. It doesnt take much here for long simmering conflicts to boil over and fake news like this can be just the trigger for it. Stories like these are very powerful and can potentially threaten indias often tense communal relations. So much so that now even the police are getting involved in tackling fake news. I visited one of the countrys main Cyber Crime Units in hyderabad, the capital of the Southern State of telangana. Here cyber cops are worried about the threat to law and order by fake stories with the potential to spark riots. Police here investigate false and inflammatory stories, try to get them taken down and then attempt to prosecute those producing them, but much of indias fake news is spread through the mobile communication platform whatsapp. Because its encrypted, for police here its a wall. Its only a peer to peer communication, whatsapp. We dont have much cooperation from whatsapp because they simply give the answer that they dont have any storage facility. And you require date and time stamp to prove the case also, and whatsapp, because it doesnt store anything, the date and time stamp is also not there. Something like 200 Million People in india use whatsapp. For some, the stories shared on the platform are their only or main source of news. Encryption, others are trying to neutralise fake stories pratik sinha is based in gujarat. His website alt news roots out and reveals whats wrong on the web. My guess is it often starts on whatsapp because those who put it on whatsapp know its difficult to track them down. The people who circulate these videos, they are very well aware that its a fake video. Theres no doubt. Videos like this one, purporting to show a woman being killed in india by a muslim mob. Its one of the most grotesque, stomach churning videos you will see. But the harrowing incident it depicts actually took place in central america. This video was easy to debunk. For a lot of videos what we do is break it up into frames, we use google reverse image search and the first google result is that of this girl who was burned alive in guatemala. She was accused of being an accomplice in a murder, she got caught in a mob and she died. The reason is that in india hundreds of millions are encountering the internet for the first time, and they lack the Media Literacy to assess if news is actually true. We have more than 400 million mobile internet users. 50 of them are using whatsapp. Whatsapp is the main medium for promoting the fake news. But how many people are being duped, or the thing they are forwarding, whether it is true or not and whether its a forward or not a forward, so they are not equipped to deal with that and this is an epidemic like situation. Its still early days for the internet in india and as police and journalists battle the fake content that can trigger conflict, many are still prone to manipulation from the lies in their inbox. That was david in india. Now, with halloween fast approaching, there are plenty of scary movies around but none of them will be as immersive as a Virtual Reality horror show. On the way to see a film, a movie, but not as we know it, in Virtual Reality. Were going to get run over. Car honks i think this is 68a, not your standard cinema. Haunted cinema downstairs. Theres people down there wearing vr headsets. Virtual reality film is super exciting, but right now you can only enjoy it in the comfort of your own home and its not a social experience. We want to bring people together so they can enjoy vr with their friends, their family, their partner. Where am i sitting . We reserved you a seat. Oh, excellent. Have we got any popcorn . Back we go, up and over. Oh, popcorn, excellent. Is everyone ready to go . All yeah lets do it showtime scary suburbia. Oh my goodness me that is it down the drain. Im pennywise, the dancing clown just left that scene. Look behind you. All scream and laugh a bit unnerving. I want to go home the king has appeared in front of me. 0k. Weve got a collection of films five to ten minutes each and were showing them back to back in a ao minute montage. Its not the first vr pop up and none of the hardware the guys are using is cutting edge either. But they have created a custom piece of software to link all the movie clips together and play them in sync across all the headsets via bluetooth so people can have that shared cinema experience of being shocked all at the same time. This will sort you out im burning alive. Brilliant. With several showings starting at the top of the hour, the headsets need to be taken away for charging. Its all very pop up. But the chaps hope itll get another hearts racing so they can open up a permanent vr cinema later next year. Is this alljust a novelty, though . This is kind of a nightclub in glasgow. Ok, thats horrendous. Thats horrendous woah, ok, thats enough. Actually it was quite fun to bring a group of friends together. Not that i have any here. You can go out and have a shared experience, another group is coming in right now . Right now. 0k. Masters of turnaround. Wed better be on our way. Thats nick kwek, always up for an experience and regularly needing a lie down after a shoot because of it. Thats it from the ruin for this week. Dont forget we live on facebook hello there. A change in the clock is going to bring a big change in the weather as well. Now, on saturday, we had some very intere