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Theresa may heads to brussels. Europes Jean Claude Junker promises an after dinner post mortem at least it had the french laughing. And a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, two neutron stars collided 130 million years later, we saw it happen. The massive explosion led to the production of rare elements such as gold and platinum. Hello, im katty kay in washington, Christian Fraser is in london. Donald trump didnt blow up the Iran Nuclear Deal last friday but he may be on the point of doing so. Speaking a short time ago, mr trump said the total termination of the deal is a very strong possibility. The french, german and british have all made it clear they think thats a very bad idea. As things stand, the us congress now has 60 days to review the deal and decide whether to impose new sanctions on iran. In that time mr trump wants to see if he can get new terms, including extending the deal beyond 10 years. If he cant, he now seems to be saying america will indeed pull out of it. The iran deal was something that i felt had to be done and well see what phase two is. Phase two might be positive and it might be very negative. It may be a total termination, that is a real possibility. Some would say that is a greater possibility. It could also turn out to be very positive, we will see what happens. Israel of course is no friend of iran and a Nuclear Armed iran poses a threat to that country like no other in the region. It was therefore surprising to hear ehud barak one time israeli Prime Minister and the former secretary of state of defence defending the deal. We spoke to him from boston a short time ago. I started by asking him whether President Trump decertifying this deal makes israel more or less safe. Ido i do not think it is directly influences israel. I think it is done with good faith but it is basically a mistake. The other participants to the agreement will not fall. The progress met at most gives some face saving formula for the president. For the iranians it isa the president. For the iranians it is a win win because they will keep benefiting from the agreement and somehow have now legitimacy when they break out and say the americans did it first. You always said this was a bad deal so why not take this window of opportunity to try and make it a better deal . Because it is a bad deal but it is a done deal. It is unheard of in practically impossible for a single participant, however mighty and the United States either mightiest power on earth, you cannot cancel it on your own. Missiles, cyber warfare, the air all activities that iran is involved in. They are bad guys basically but all those elements should be treated independently. They have never been pa rt independently. They have never been part of this agreement. If congress we re part of this agreement. If congress were to reintroduce sanctions or the president was to use as executive power and withdraw the United States, who might iran take advantage . When they decide to break out ina advantage . When they decide to break out in a few years, they might not face the collective weight of the participants because they will argue that practicality it is not fully agreed upon agreements because america pulled out of it. So in this regard, they might. Iran is a major source of instability and they should be blocked but the right to block them is through agreements. Agreed by all participants. What constitutes a break out . An american put big stick in there by to make a commitment to master the political will to stop it even unilaterally. President trump said today that the total termination of the Iran Nuclear Deal is a very real possibility, how would you respond to that . Then the United States probably do not have any more a viable plan to block the north Korean Military nuclear plan but for sure, the americans have the tools to stop the iranians. The problems is once again that even to do it, it somehow should not start from a decertification of this deal. It should start from another point, to convince the other players that iran has broke out of the agreement. Once they will break out, it is possible and necessary to stop and block their nuclear military power. Iran if iran their nuclear military power. Iran if iran developed a nuclear threat, what would happen in your region, what are the implications . If iran is not blocked, the following decades both turkey, saudi arabia and egypt might also try to turn nuclear and that will change the whole landscape. Moreover, any dictator around the world will be able to followed their example. If you are ready to defy the world for a decade, you will turn out being a nuclear military power. Thank you very much forjoining us. That was so very much forjoining us. That was so interesting, someone who does not like the deal but no date has and we have to stick with it because the consequences for pulling out are so serious. Just one of the things donald trump has to deal with, he has a lot on his plate, tax reform and the budget. Hes clearly frustrated that so little is getting done here and today he said dont blame me, blame congress. His supporters tend to agree a new poll suggests nearly half of Republican Voters believe the Republican Party is actively trying to undermine the president. Thats not good news for the Top Republican in congress. Mitch mcconnell has just had lunch with mr trump a chance to see if they can Work Together to get legislation passed. In the last few minutes the president had nothing but good words to say about it. My relationship with this gentleman is outstanding, has been outstanding. We are working ha rd to has been outstanding. We are working hard to get the tax cuts. We are working hard to get the health care completed. I will be surprising some people with an Economic Development bill later on by want to focus on tax cuts. Not with key populist figures like steve bannon declaring war on the party. Theres a time and season for everything. Right now, it is a season of war against the gop establishment. You have mentioned the donors, they are all unhappy, they have left you. We have cut your oxygen off, mitch. Break and joining us now from new york is our political analyst and former political analyst and former advisor to George W Bush ron christie. There you have steve bannon declaring war on mitch oconnell. That is about right, that is where we are today but it is only monday so we are today but it is only monday so could change. Seriously, i think what steve bannon is being very unhelpful. The republicans have a large governing majority. They need to put legislation on the desk of the president , tax cuts, Health Care Reform and instead watches see here with his comments either start of a republican civil war, one that will not end up well for the party in power and could turn control of the house and senate back to the democrats. Im glad to see the president and Mitch Mcconnell sitting down and we do not need Steve Bannons side distractions. Sitting down and we do not need Steve Bannons side distractionslj will Steve Bannons side distractions. will assume you speak as a member of the republican establishment and i will say there are a lot of republicans and supporters of the president who would disagree with you. They would say steve bannon is exactly right, blow up the whole establishment. I am a card carrying member of said establishment. Eight yea rs member of said establishment. Eight years on the hill and four years in the white house. I have worked with people who know how to get things done. Former governor was very effective when i worked with him. Reaching across the aisle to talk to democrats to find consensus. Bannon and those who say let us just burn the place down, sure it would be nice to see if they knew how to govern, this is not helpful. cannot believe you have glossed over this relationship, he spent the summer this relationship, he spent the summer trashing this guy on twitter but no he says my relationship with this guy is outstanding. How does Mitch Mcconnell relate to that . We are in the world of trump and were living in it. If i werent Mitch Mcconnell, i would think he has thick skin. Do not forget that his wife is a member of President Trumps cabinet so if i am Mitch Mcconnell, i will ignore a lot of the twitter battle that the president has maintained in his direction and find a way to work with them. Let us be honest, i do not think these guys are sitting back having a glass of bourbon at the end of the day. The papers were covering the story that the republicans were getting worried they might lose the house and perhaps donald trump might think it is going to unravel for me personally in the house if we lose the house . Is that what is behind this . I think it is. There is a real sense on capitol hill that if we do not get our act together and pass legislation, we are going to lose. I talk to members of congress who are from pretty safe republican districts who see their constituents are mad at them and the president. Ina are mad at them and the president. In a midterm election, by and large 21 seats, if they lose those, we can it expect to lose those and remain in charge at the house of representatives. Thank you very much. Why a user tries about this beautiful relationship . Most eve ryo ne beautiful relationship . Most everyone in washington has had abuse from this president , rex tillerson, Mitch Mcconnell, steve bannon, if you have not been criticised, youre nothing. He will not take the blame for what is going on, he will push it to congress and the republicans. I cannot understand this steve bannon line we have just shown the viewers, is he working for the president . He seems to be creating civil war within the party. president . He seems to be creating civil war within the party. I think he is talking further 39 of Republican Voters who believe that the president is right and the party is wrong. I have been speaking to a bunch of Trump Supporters recently had told me clearly, if President Trump does not manage to get things done, it is not his fault, it is the fault of the media, the fake news, the Russian Investigation and the Republican Party. 39 believe that republicans in congress are actively trying to undermine the president and they do not like it. We keep seeing it on this programme, it is about the base. We will talk about two universes late in the programme, the east and the west. Lunch in washington dinner in brussels. We are all about food politics today. Theresa may is sitting down to dine with the head of the European Commission, jean claudejunker and the eus chief negotiator Michel Barnier. Britian is anxious to get to the main course, the future trading relationship. But europe seems interminably stuck on the starters whos going to pay the bill . Yes and if the comments of mrjunker before this meeting are anything to go by dinner conversation might be a little strained this evening. Heres he is earlier, alongside the french Prime Minister. Translation tonight i am seeing theresa may. We will chat and i will give you the autopsy tomorrow. The bbcs adam fleming is in brussels where the hors doeuvres are probablyjust being served. He did not look too enamoured of the idea of having with of having dinner with theresa may. idea of having with of having dinner with theresa may. I would not read much into that comment, he is a fairly lugubrious politician at the best of time. He had a working lunch with the french Prime Minister and then a working dinner tonight. They have actually finished dinner, i think. They have been in there for about an hour think. They have been in there for aboutan hourand think. They have been in there for about an hour and a half, running over schedule. When you see the blue lights of the police outriders, that is when theresa may is leading and her flying visit to Jean Claude Juncker is over. Diplomatic sources caution as not to expect any big breakthroughs tonight. This is about the brits trying to make their case tojean claude the brits trying to make their case to Jean Claude Junker and Michel Barnier who both work for the European Commission and who will both be in the room on friday when the 27 leaders of the remaining eu countries will decide whether enough progress has been made in this first phase of the exit talks which is all about withdrawal and divorce related issues, to move to the second phase of brexit talks, the main course. Trade and the future relationship, and uttered transitional deal. When has enough progress be made from everybodys point of view, the foreign minister of luxembourg said father christmas comes in december and there is a big summit in december perhaps we will get some progress then. I do not like that for my Christmas Present but will we have to wait until then, do you think . I like the idea of a Brexit Christmas dinner. We actually do have quite a good idea about what the eu side want, it is not a mystery. The two big issues are citizens rights, the rights of eu nationals who want to live in britain after brexit, what process or they have to go through to get their settled status . Will be be allowed to bring relatives from the rest of europe to come and stay with them . Will there rest of europe to come and stay with them . Will there be rest of europe to come and stay with them . Will there be a role for european justice in them . Will there be a role for europeanjustice in luxembourg and will European Court ofjustice police that system . Will they have some Jurisdiction Police that system . Will they have somejurisdiction in the uk even after the uk has left the eu. The other big issue is money, methods of calculating the remaining financial obligation of the uk after it has left the eu. The eu want answers on all of those things before you get the magical process. Magical progress. Regular viewers will know that christian is an expert in body languages, give us the mood music. was trying to work out where i saw that side looks and then when i saw you sitting in the chair, i realised where i had seen it before. That look . Yes, that look. They have made it clear they want to talk on the 27, not at the dinner table. Obviously theresa may is trying to get on the front out after a difficult few weeks. She has an important meeting at the end of the week. They are talking about the europeans deciding, of course it is about germany deciding because they either paymaster. Their portion of the bill will be that much bigger so they are keen to delay this process at the moment because that is a complex Coalition Negotiations going on in germany. Until they are happy to move on, i think the whole thing will stall. Let us talk about barack now. will stall. Let us talk about barack now. About iraq now. Just a misunderstanding thats what the Us Led Coalition against so called Islamic State is calling the fresh fighting between iraqi troops and Kurdish Forces around the iraqi city of kirkuk. Its urged both sides not to escalate the conflict. But baghdad says its taken control of the airport, a military base and even the provincial Governors Office and thousands of civilians are now fleeing the city. Douglas ollivant formerly served as the National Security councils directorfor iraq and joins us now. This puts america in a tricky position because they supported the cards when it came to the fight against Islamic State but they are supporting the iraqis also against Islamic State . Yes and no. We have made it clear where we stand on the referendum for a kurdish rep independence so this should not come asa independence so this should not come as a surprise. Kirkuk is not part of kurdistan proper, it technically belongs to baghdad but when isas came through in summer 2014, the iraqi army collapsed and the Kurdish Peshmerga sauntered in and to listen now. Baghdad has not been happy about it but could do nothing about it until now. They told the governor to leave who refused. The Prime Minister is saying he is restoring the rule of law for a concert or a district he is responsible for. Where does this live reeva peshmerga in the fight against Islamic State . The fight is mostly out in the west. There is not much Islamic State in the kurdish areas but we still use their town as an important base. When you look at the military are many and show today, american tanks on both sides, this is awkward for america especially talk about the site in north area where the peshmerga were instrumental . That is a Different Group of cards, different ideology and leaders. Certainly having us weapons and allies on both sides of our site, even if it is not much of a fight, it is no overt except the shouting is still an embarrassment for the United States. What about the history for the kurds, go back to the saddam years and the atrocities. When an Iraqi Government comes them, all guns blazing, that will unnerve the kurds . We can all agree this was the least desirable way to reserve this stalemate. No one wanted military force. It brings up one wanted military force. It brings up all sorts sorts of repeated bad memories on the part of the cards. That said the Prime Minister of iraq felt he had two so he was not attacked in the upcoming election as being soft on the cards and reclaiming that territory. Thank you very much for coming in. The peshmerga in iraq are not the same as the peshmerga in syria. I am reminded. Three people have died and about 120,000 homes and businesses are without power in ireland, where storm ophelia is now battering the southern coast. Winds gusting at speeds of up to 109 miles an hour have been recorded at fastnet rock off county cork; dozens of flights to and from dublin have been cancelled and the army is standing by. Our correspondent Chris Buckler reports. From the atlantic, ophelia arrived in force. No longer a hurricane but a storm still determined to show her power. That was the scene in ireland and the west but red warnings were in place across the country. Trampolines were no match for the weather. This roof was torn from the school in county cork on a day declared by the Irish Government to be one of the national emergency. This is a National Red Alert which applies to all areas. Bear in mind after the storm has passed, there will still be danger. There will be trees on the ground and power lines pulled up. Galway was in the direct path. In the windows of shop after shop, there were signs saying they would be staying closed because of the storm. Floodgates were put at businesses and the streets cleared of potentially dangerous debris. But in galway bay, even with ophelia approaching some ignored the warnings to go swimming. Last night, we had a meeting at the city hall with the army, Civil Defence and Fire Services and the councils and of putting a plan in place but you will still have an idiot out in the water swimming beside the blackrock tower. That is the sort of idiot that puts lives at risks and wastes resources of the emergency services. Lives have been lost as a result of fallen trees. Hundreds of thousands of homes have been left without electricity because of the damage caused by high winds. With this number of customers out it is unprecedented, it is going to be a number of days before people have that power back. About 5 of customers will be up to ten days before they get their power back. We are keeping a distance and we are concerned for our own safety here. But even at this point, you can really feel the sheer power of ophelia and it is quite impressive but gives you a sense of why the authorities have been so concerned about these winds. They are going to cause a lot of damage and destruction. Much has been left in need of repair in the wake of ophelia. Only so much can be done to protect houses and cars and even stadiums despite the warnings. But some did ignore the appeals for them to stay inside their homes, if only to see and experience the storm for themselves. Spectacular. Are you not mad to be out of it . I love the weather. I just love it. With schools and colleges closed, roads blocked off and much public transport cancelled. People have been protected from the storm. But ophelia has tested ireland. Rather surreal watching those pictures because it has been relatively nice here in london. 30 yea rs relatively nice here in london. 30 years to the day since the great storm in 1987, we will talk about that later. This is beyond 100 days from the bbc. Coming up for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news what happens when two neutron stars collide . Well it may have taken us 130 million years but tonight we have an answer. And how much credit can donald trump claim for the economy . It depends on who you ask. Thats still to come. Good evening x hurricane ophelia has brought impact across the british isles. For some there has been a red look to the sun, dust and wind from the sahara has cost that phenomenon. The other places, the impact has been more severe. The other places, the impact has been more severe. The storm, no longer hurricane, i ride across ireland today but still a deep area of pressure which produce wind gusts of pressure which produce wind gusts of close to 100 mph. Even across the uk we have seen gusts of 90 mph, plenty of other places not far behind. Through the rest of the evening we have this amber warning from the met office for the strength of the wind. Especially across the north and west of wales, the isle of man, Northern Ireland and the south west of scotland, travel problems and power cuts are likely to continue. By the end of the night, the stronger winds transferred to the north of england and the central belt of scotland. Travel disruption looks very likely over the next 12 hours or so. You bbc local Radio Station will keep you up to date. Further south, barely gusty winds which are beginning to ease, a lot of dry weather and clear spells, i relatively mild night but not as mild as last night. Tomorrow, ophelia could still be causing problems in the north, especially over high ground. 70 melanogaster possible in the north and east. The winds eased down during the day, some rain returning to the far south west. In between, some dry and bright weather. Our cooler and fresher feel to the weather. Not too many white lanes and isobars later in the week, the winds will be fairly light. This region will be moving erratically zero words, some spells of sunshine. Winds strengthening in the west, temperatures of 18 degrees. After a stormy start, things were climb down from while but the end of the week looks like bringing more winds and more rain as well. This is beyond 100 days, with me katty kay in washington. Christian frasers in london. Our top stories President Trump threatens to completely terminate the Iran Nuclear Deal. A former israeli Prime Minister warns against that. Its a power lunch at the white house with President Trump and the Senate Majority leader having plenty to talk about. Coming up in the next half hour. Donald trump is claiming credit for the stock markets rise. But are his policies really the reason behind the bump . It was an explosion that happened 130 million years ago which may have a big impact on your jewelry drawer. Dont worry, well explain. We talk a lot on this programme about all the political problems in the world, which makes us wonder how Financial Investors are so giddy these days. In fact even the imf thinks the World Economy is rosy. Dont they see the same news we do . Or do they believe donald trump, who says things are great economically . Heres what he tweeted today last week mr trump called that rise unprecedented and hes repeatedly taken credit for it. Though actually the dowjones index rose about the same amount after barack obama was elected in 2012 and the s p 500 considered by some to be a more representative benchmark of the us economy rose just 8. 8 in the First Six Months of the trump presidency. Less than the increases both barack obama and George Hw Bush saw in their First Six Months in office. Joining us now from california is mohamed el erian, chief economic adviser at allianz. Is this unprecedented, the state of the American Economy and global economy, is donald trump right . What is unprecedented is we have had a significant increase in the stock market, low financial volatility in the context of significant global fluidity. That is whats unprecedented. How do you explain not disconnect . Three factors, first the market has responded well to deregulation coming out of the trump administration, and the hope of tax reforms and the hope of infrastructure. Second, we are in the midst of coordinated synchronised global pick up, led by europe and the emerging world that are now healing just like the us has been healing, and third lets not forget theres an enormous amount of liquidity coming into the marketplace every month from Central Banks to these three things together have disconnected Financial Markets from the fluidity elsewhere. Is some of that feel good factor down to what his promised on tax reform, getting rid of red tape . And if those sort of things dont happen, does the bubble burst . The markets have embraced the hope of tax reform and infrastructure for good reasons, just as the democrats tried when president obama was in office. These things are critical for enhancing not just actual growth things are critical for enhancing notjust actual growth but things are critical for enhancing not just actual growth but also potential growth. So yes, the markets hope they will materialise. If it doesnt, a lot depends on liquidity. Rememberwith if it doesnt, a lot depends on liquidity. Remember with so much money coming in, investors have been conditioned to buy any depth, not just a conditioned to buy any depth, not justa dip, conditioned to buy any depth, not just a dip, any dip. Conditioned to buy any depth, not justa dip, any dip. Why conditioned to buy any depth, not just a dip, any dip. Why because they believe their backs are covered by liquidity being injected by Central Banks. So where we go from here, whether we have a pull back or not, depends on what Central Banks decide to do. I have watched you before over the last 12 months and one of the things you talk about a lot is the indebtedness of young people, student loans. We have a story today from the Financial Conduct Authority warning theres been a pronounced build up of debt amongst young people. They are having to borrow on credit cards just to live. Our bigger problem is that on your side of the atlantic, and honour is . Its a problem on both sides of the atlantic. Here it is focused in particular in certain segments of student debt, and the reality is that in most states the world young people are unlikely to earn enough to get out of this hole. In europe away from the uk, it is focused on youth unemployment. There are some horrific rates of youth unemployment, and the two together its a problem that is too high and income isnt being generated enough. That causes three problems. Firstly economically, these are the people that consume a lot. Two, these other people getting more productive so you get less output. And three, these are the people who vote and they are angry so the politics of anger starts dominating national politics. That is so interesting. Mohamed elerian, that is so interesting. Mohamed el erian, thank you. I was speaking to some Financial Advisers recently, and they said that even a shock like war with north korea wouldnt be enough to dent the bubble of Financial Markets at the moment, they were so confident things will heading in that direction. What about the issue of student debt, because we chat, you have children at university and im always amazed, its a problem here but in america its a problem here but in america its a problem here but in america its a far bigger problem. Itsjust a reflection of how big the fees are. In america the fees cost Something Like 70,000 a year, that includes lodging but tuition fees alone are 60,000. If you are middle class american whose parents cannot afford to pay that and you dont fall into a bracket that gets some kind of financial aid, the only way you can afford to go to university here is to get a big student loan. I have friends in their 30s still paying off student loa ns. Their 30s still paying off student loans. That is the size of the student debt problem in america and it is hollowing out the middle class because if you are poor and bright you get financial assistance, if you are wealthy parents pay, but in the middle class its a real problem. Atjust 31 Sebastian Kurz, the head of austrias conservative Peoples Party is on course to become the Youngest National leader in the world, after winning sundays general election. Mr kurtzs election pitch included a hard line on immigration and his success now raises the prospect of a coalition with the far right, anti islamic Freedom Party. Our correspondent jenny hill is in vienna. Jenny, i looked at the pictures of him today, he hasnt got a wrinkle on his face, how has it got to such a prominent position in his party . They have nicknamed him here the whiz kid, and on the face of it, Sebastian Kurz has achieved a really extraordinary political thing. Hes managed not only to rejuvenate and revitalise his own party, hes managed to see off in part the threat from the far right and hes really driven a horse and cart through the status quo of austrian politics, really taking it towards the right. Worth pointing out that at the moment his victory was so clear that we can be certain he is austrias chancellor elect but it will be thursday before the postal votes are counted. They are still edging towards a million of those being counted, so we dont know whether smaller parties have cleared the 4 threshold to make it into parliament or crucially who will come runner up. Whether it be the far right Freedom Party or the social democrats, who are part of the Current Coalition government here. You have to see those pictures of him time and again to remind yourself how young he is, even younger than emmanuel macron. Remind us younger than emmanuel macron. Remind us how close he is politically to the far right Freedom Party. Sebastian kurz is from a conservative centre right party, but as foreign minister during the refugee crisis he was responsible for closing this countrys borders. During this campaign hes taken a ha rd during this campaign hes taken a hard line on immigration, so hard the far right Freedom Party have accused him of stealing their ideas. That right wing tone hes taken, he for example would like to reduce payments to migrants, he would like to see the eu holding, detaining asylu m to see the eu holding, detaining Asylum Seekers in camps outside the eus borders. Those kind of hard lines have won in support amongst the electorate and i think that gives an indication of how the mood has changed in austria. If Sebastian Kurz decides to form a coalition with the far right party, it wont be the first time. They have done it before, edging towards 20 years ago. When the coalition was announced in 2000 eu Member States took out diplomatic sanctions against austria, there was shock and horror across europe. Now no one is really batting an eyelid. Jenny hill, thank you. I cannot go into politics now, i would be that ageing veteran. I feel so inadequate move on, quickly. How old are you, 12 or something . And song. Some. The number of People Killed in an explosion in somalia has risen to at least 276 people. The countrys president has declared three days of mourning for the victims of saturdays attack in the capital mogadishu. Its the deadliest attack since al Shabab Militants began their insurgency a decade ago. Colin kaepernick has filed a lawsuit against nfl owners for what his lawyer alleges is their collusion in denying the quarterback employment. Kaepernick seen here in the middle started the concept of taking a knee during the National Anthem before games as a protest against perceived racial inequality. The 29 year old hasnt been recruited by an nfl team since becoming a free agent in march. The Spanish Government says the head of the catalonia region has failed to clarify whether he declared independence last week. Spain has given president Carles Puigdemont until thursday to revoke any such declaration, or it has warned it could face direct rule from madrid. The Catalan Leader has instead called for negotiations over the next two months. Now to an amazing story of foregiveness. On the night of the paris attacks in 2015, former us marine ted hakey fired multiple shots at a mosque near his connecticut home. Luckily no one was hit but after the incident he was full of regret. After six months in prison, he worked to make amends and was welcomed by the local muslim community. Recently mr hakey and a leader of the mosque told us their story. I think ithink im i think im going to fire some shots. And they are going to hear them on the camera. If theres any extremists in there, they will take notice. On friday 13th, 2015, my wife and i went out to a concert and it happened to be the night of the paris attacks. And came home, and i pulled up in the car and stopped when i got out, i looked over at the mosque because my property is right next door. Oh yeah, the paris attacks, i was like what am i going to do about this . In my drunken stupidity i decided to fire some shots. It was sunday when we came for prayers. Some of our members noticed the dramatic Bullet Wounds coming from inside of the sanctuary. The innate reaction was what did we do wrong . So one of the Bullet Wounds was right here and one made it right through where the imam stands, the leader of the press. Evenif stands, the leader of the press. Even if i was at this level, my head would have been in the line of fire. The progression that led to me picking up the rifle, it was a slow process. A lot of it i was going over my facebook posts, i was looking back kind of embarrassed. It was an extreme amount of hatred that was an extreme amount of hatred that was for nothing. I said to myself, how did it get there . A lot of it was from social media. They would ta ke q u otes was from social media. They would take quotes from the koran which i later learned were incorrect so i had a complete misunderstanding of islam. The koran says seek patients through prayer so that is what we did. We didnt let anybody scare us from practising our faith and coming back to the mosque and that was one of the biggest messages we want to send out initially. We had also wanted to meet ted, all he had to do was come over to the mosque. After we found out who it was. The first thing that happens when he walks in is this big muscular guy. thing that happens when he walks in is this big muscular guy. I went into the meeting thinking i had a feeling of overwhelming guilt. You can feel the remorse, the regret that he had. What was the surprising thing is both sites were overwhelmingly surprised at the other sides sincerity. We said by the way we are having this interfaith gathering on the true message of islam and how to counter the extremist narrative. You can come there, most of our congregation will be there and its a perfect opportunity for you to apologise to the congregation. Its been a tough time. I want tojust the congregation. Its been a tough time. I want to just apologise to everybody. If i have spent five minutes with you, it would have been all the difference in the world and ididnt do all the difference in the world and i didnt do that. I ask for your forgiveness, thank you. They were shaking my hand, thanking me for the apology and it was overwhelming. I would say life for the both of us is as brothers. He is not converted to islam but he is committed to spreading the real message to help educate people and enlighten them that everything is not what it seems. This is beyond 100 days. Still to come the sound scientists heard after pinpointing the moment when two dead stars smashed into each other 130 million years ago. Storm orphelia is causing damage and destruction to parts of the uk today, but 30 years ago the country was reeling from the impact of the great storm of 1987. 18 people died as winds reached more than a hundred miles an hour. Scotney castle in kent was particularly badly damaged, and our correspondent robert hall has been to find out how its recovered. Howling in from the channel, the most devastating storm since 1703. Most devastating storm since1703. It caught the uk by surprise. Winds of up to 115 mph ripped trees from the wet ground, tore off roofs and cut power to thousands of homes. 18 people were killed and the damage run to over £1 billion. Part of the reason so many were caught on the hop could be found in a now infamous forecast the previous day. Earlier on today apparently a woman rang the bbc and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way. If you are watching, dont worry, theyre isnt. The most lasting effect was the devastation of woodland. Some of these trees were more than 300 years old. Caught up in the storm, nature expert Matthew Oates remembers a change of emphasis during years of recovery. The managers were under terrific pressure from a lot of local people to clear up and read plant, and then we found that actually if you left woods to themselves, they would regenerate naturally. Not necessarily with like for like but nonetheless you would get woodland back very quickly. Thats what happened. A lot has changed over the past three decades, we now have the technology to predict and prepare, as weve seenin to predict and prepare, as weve seen in the case of ophelia but perhaps the biggest lesson we learned from the great storm was the sheer power of nature to recover from disaster. Robert hall, bbc news at Scotney Castle in kent. When two stars collide and this programme is a very good example extraordinary things can happen. Ijust i just thought i ijust thought i would let that settle in, katty. That sounded really good when i wrote it but lets go beyond 100 days, beyond even 130 million years, to an event that rocked our universe. Two dead neutron stars that had swirled around each other, faster and faster, until they collided setting off the most almighty explosion. The collision produced a flash brighter than a thousand suns and ripples Gravitational Waves that are moulding time and space in untold ways. It is also the type of collision that is thought to be responsible for creating all the gold and platinum in the universe. Its the first time weve detected both Gravitational Waves and light from the same cosmic event. Here is pallab ghosh. Its the longest Straight Line in the world. A 2. 5 mile pipe containing a laser that can detect powerful explosions in space. Inside, a technician fine tunes the instrument. It has made a discovery that has shaken the scientific world. Two stars colliding in a galaxy far, far away. Around 800 billion billion miles from earth. The two stars got closer and closer until they merged, resulting in a huge shock wave that rippled across the universe. The massive explosion led to the production of rare elements, such as gold and platinum. Neutron stars are what is left over when giant suns die and collapse in on themselves. They are so densely packed that a teaspoon would weigh one billion tonnes. And here is the actual sound of the collision. Low humming and pop they then become part of planets when they form, including here on earth. The explosion was picked up in the control room here. It took place 130 million years ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth. It is only now the light and Gravitational Waves have reached us. Ooh, it was. We have been waiting for this for so long. We dont know if we were lucky and this happened to be an event that happened close, relatively close, to us. But its very rare. Or, perhaps there are many more neutron stars than we thought. We dont know yet, but we will know. Within seconds, telescopes all over the world were pointed at the colliding stars. This is what they saw. The Coalition Created distortions, stretching and squeezing space. These are known as Gravitational Waves. A new observational window on the universe typically leads to surprises that cannot yet be foreseen. We are still rubbing our eyes, or our ears, as we have just woken up to the sound of Gravitational Waves. Researchers say that there are likely to be many more discoveries using Gravitational Waves. Of objects in the universe that we have not yet imagined. Pallab ghosh, bbc news, livingston, louisiana. What you need on a story like this is a theoretical physicist to make sense of it all. So we have called in dr jim gates. Einstein predicted this, why has it taken so long to prove it . In 1916 we didnt for example have computers so the technology is a great step for science. Its not the first time we have heard Gravitational Waves, right . No, in fact the first time they were heard i was here in the bbc studios talking about them so whats different this time is the source. Before we have black holes colliding, this time we have neutron stars. Its estimated the stars but collided work one or two solar masses about the size of a city, say washington, dc, so very dense objects we had never observed before. Can you explain the sound to me . Because it sounds like an elastic band twanging, i would have thought the light comes before the sound so how does that work . This is in fact one of the great things about this observation. In fact, the sound that we play for people is not actually what is going on here, it isa actually what is going on here, it is a conversion. We take the ripples of space and we convert them in two sounds so we can hear them. The ripples from space and the light got here at the same time confirming professor einsteins prediction. These Gravitational Waves are stretching and pulling space and time so if these stars have not collided, would we be talking two seconds earlier . In principle yes but we would not be able to measure it. You have to have a reference for measuring these things and light is that reference. So as we go through our daily lives we dont really notice these ripples. Whats magical about this is they have the midas touch because we know gold was produced out of this kind of collision. I have gold on my fingers andi collision. I have gold on my fingers and i think even in my ears, how did this collision reduce all of the gold and platinum . This collision reduce all of the gold and platinum . Not this collision but a collision like this. Theres a star trek movie where a female scientists makes a planet and says can i cook or can i cook . That is what Mother Nature does, she cooks helium and goes right down to the table until you get to iron and then stops. But then you would never have gold and you would also not have gold and you would also not have us because elements like potassium are important for human life. When you get very dense environment. Amazing, thank you for joining environment. Amazing, thank you forjoining us, not only did we come out of this but far more importantly my earrings came out of this. Ifi my earrings came out of this. If i had doctor gates as a physics teacheri if i had doctor gates as a physics teacher i could have been an astrophysicist as well but my brain did what those stars did and it went boom in the same way my boom in the same way my problem is the numbers are too big, who can wrap their heads around 130 million years . Its great we had doctor gates and not Christian Fraser on talking about that story. Joining us again tomorrow. Good evening. Ex hurricane ophelia has brought winds across the british isles, for some it has been sand causing this phenomenon. This storm, no longer a hurricane, but still a deep area of low pressure which provided wind gusts of close to 100 mph. But even across the uk we have seen wind gusts of 90 mph in west wales, plenty of other places not far behind, and through the rest of the evening we still have this met Office Amber Warning in place, particularly across the north and west of wales, the isle of man, Northern Ireland and western scotland. Travel problems and power cuts are likely to continue to cause issues. By the end of the night the strongest winds transferred into the far north of england and central belt of scotland. Some travel disruption looks very likely over the next 12 hours or so. Your bbc local Radio Station will keep you up to date with that. Further south, some gusty winds which will begin to ease. A relatively mild night but not as mild as it was last night. So what about tomorrow . Ophelia could be causing problems across northern areas, particularly to the east of high ground. Cloud and rain across the northern half of the country, the northern half of the country, the wind is only slowly easing down through the day. Some rain returning to the far and south west, and a cooler, fresher feel to the weather. Midweek is generally much quieter, you can see on the chart not too many isobars so the winds will be fairly light. We are expecting the rain to travel erratically northwards with spells of sunshine as well. Temperatures around 11 18d. For this week, after what has been a stormy start, things will quieten down for a while but the end of the week looks like bringing more wind and rain as well. This is bbc news. The headlines at 8pm. One of the most powerful storms in decades sweeps across the british isles. In ireland three people have died and hundreds of thousands of people have lost power. Theres been gusts of over 100 miles per hour. An amberwarning indicating a potential risk to life and property is in place for Northern Ireland, wales, south west scotland and the isle of man. Theresa may is in brussels to meet eu leaders, as she attempts to give a fresh push in brexit negotiations. They have agreed the brexit talks should be accelerated. Thousands of civilians flee the iraqi city of kirkuk after the iraqi army seized control from Kurdish Forces. Also in the next hour, another einstein theory proved correct

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