Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170928 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170928

for the first time since the mass exodus of rohingya muslims began. the burmese army has been accused of ethnic cleansing. nearly 500,000 rohingyas have fled to bangladesh to escape the brutal crackdown, which the army says began after attacks by militants. the bbc‘sjonathan head has tracked down a man who claims to be one of those rohingya fighters. here is his special report. this is where desperate rohingyas started fighting back. this town in rakhine state is now a smoking ruin, its muslim population gone. for years, rohingyas have endured discrimination, abuses, and confinement to squalid camps. but, unlike other minorities in myanmar, they did not rebel against the government. that has now changed. a burmese police officer showed me me where hundreds of men, carrying only machetes and petrol bombs, stormed towards the police station. they were easily driven off, he said, and many of them killed. shortly afterwards, the self—styled leader of the group, calling itself the arakan rohingya salvation army, published a video. rohingyas, he said, now had no choice but to take up arms. over in bangladesh, i went to see one of the thousands who had answered his call. we met discreetly, in a quiet corner. he described how his commander — his amia, he called him — had come four years ago, and took him to the hills for training, forjihad, he said. on 23 august, the attacks began, and the army immediately struck back. he heard shooting, he said, and saw houses being set alight. what followed can only be described as suicidal charges by the rohingyas. translation: the army surrounded our villages. the people had no weapons. 0ur army said you're going to die anyway, so you should die for the cause, and be martyred. so we picked up bamboo sticks, even old men and teenagers, and started fighting. and then the army was shooting at us. what we found as we have spoken to refugees in bangladesh is pretty wide sympathy for the asa militants, especially amongst younger men, because this is the first group that has started to fight back against the burmese military. but there are others here who are angry with the militants for bringing all of this trouble onto them. and, don't forget, there are victims of asa as well. in this community on the coast, there is a mix of old and recently arrived refugees. after friday prayers, i talked to some of them about asa. had it done them any good, i wondered. "i think they acted for our benefit," said this young man, "but they were not strong enough to fight the myanmar government." they complained of the many abuses by the burmese military. "at least the militants tried to stand up for us," they said. but then, this woman accused asa of killing and beating other muslims. "and how can they fight, without enough guns and ammunition?" she asks. bangladesh has accepted these refugees, but its security forces are uneasy. in this sea of human need, a radicalised movement has taken root, ready to risk all in its article struggle against the burmese military. and, for internationaljihadist groups, there is here, perhaps, a new recruiting ground. jonathon head, bbc news, southern bangladesh. and don't forget, if you want more on the rohingya refugee crisis, go to our website, where you will find reports from our correspondents and analysis of the united nations‘ decision to enter myanmar‘s troubled rakhine state. just go to help is on its way to the millions of people affected by two hurricanes in puerto rico. a week after hurricane maria made landfall, and almost half of the island's population, that is almost two million people, are still without clean drinking water. fuel and medical supplies are also in short supply. sarah corker reports. in puerto rico, food and water are scarce. there are long queues for even basic supplies. the us territory was hit first by hurricane irma, but it was hurricane maria that battered this island a week ago, killing 16 people and knocking out power and communications. translation: we need more help. we are us citizens. we are supposed to be treated equally. translation: the aid is too slow. they said is coming from the united states, but who are they giving it to? because i haven't received any in my house. and fuel on the island is running low. hospitals are short of diesel needed to power their life—support systems. help is arriving, though. 16 us ships are part of the relief effort, bringing generators and heavy machinery. puerto rico's governor told cbs news restoring power is the priority. keep the help coming. we recognise that everything is being done. infrastructure was completely devastated, in that front. we need generators, to restore the water supply, hospitals, and to get the telecommunications going. president trump has been accused of a lacklustre response to this crisis, and of showing more response to texas and florida after they were hit by hurricanes, something he denies. we are with you now, i tell them, and we will be there every step of the way. we will be there to make sure what is done. and donald trump said he would visit the region on tuesday, that is almost a fortnight after the storm struck. there are already 10,000 federal staff on the ground, but officials warn the damage is so severe, it is likely to be months before power is fully restored. sarah corker, bbc news. sheila torres lives in sanjuan, and explained how desperate the situation is at the moment. there's no power, there's no water, i can't take a shower. the people up the street from me supposedly are starting to get water, but i'm still suffering here. and what is it like outside? i mean, do you go outside much at the moment? unfortunately, because we have a curfew, we're not supposed to go out at night. that's when the looting and harassment is occurring. i read in the news that somebody got kidnapped, trying to steal power from a generator. and we are hearing something like 58 hospitals are without fuel or power, so if people do get hurt or injured in any way, it makes it very difficult to get help. yes, very much so. the generator took for ever to power on, due to how much water came in from maria. sheila, the us military has been saying it hopes to co—ordinate 240 a i rlifts into puerto rico in the us virgin islands. 15 aircraft, 505 trucks working. are you seeing or feeling the benefit of any of that? no, i'm not seeing or feeling any relief. some businesses aren't even able to feed us warm food. how do you feel about the president's reaction to all this? i am appalled, because we're us citizens. we just happen to be at a different location to the continental us, and we're being ignored at this point. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news: community leaders in one neighbourhood of mexico city are to take legal action against two construction companies they accuse of using substandard materials in two buildings that collapsed in last week's earthquake. they are demanding compensation for everyone affected in the benitojuarez neighbourhood. 0verall, at least 300 people died in the quake. the kurdish region of iraq has voted by a huge majority in favour of independence. the official result of monday's referendum shows a 92% yes vote. the central parliament in baghdad says the vote was unconstitutional, and has voted to deploy troops in disputed areas on the edge of kurdish territory. mark zuckerberg, the founder of facebook, has rejected president trump's accusation that the network was anti—trump. he also admitted that he had been wrong to have dismissed claims that fake news on facebook had influenced voters. the us is investigating claims that russian interests used facebook advertising to influence american voters. fears are growing on the island of bali, where tens of thousands of people living near the slopes of mt agung have been evacuated. experts say the volcano is on the brink of eruption for the first time in 50 years. there has been an increase in volcanic activity this week, with hundreds of tremors recorded. an exclusion zone of seven miles around the mountain has been set up. the bbc‘s hywel griffith has the latest from bali. well, we've been feeling some of those small earthquakes or tremors here. they've been coming at a rate of hundreds a day, and yesterday we had the most intense so far. seismologists don't know if or when it will erupt. it could be minutes, days, weeks, or even months. no—one knows. because the threat is so large, tens of thousands, well, 80,000 people have been evacuated, mostly from what's called the red zone, a rural area around mt agung. we've been to visit some of those in evacuation camps. people are being well looked after. there is a supply of food and water coming in, even some entertainment for the children. but it is a nervous and anxious and stressful time for those who have left their homes and perhaps livelihoods behind. it is the heart of bali. a rural place, and people depend on the livestock and animals they have had to leave behind, as well. hywel, you said hundreds of tremors a day quite calmly. that must be very stressful. they are pretty small, i'm pleased to say. people in new zealand and japan would be used to that sort of sensation. clearly it's more worrying if they grow in intensity, as well as frequency. there is no way of knowing whether that means mount agung is going to erupt. the large explosion you referred to, back in 1963, they didn't have the measuring facilities to understand how this volcano behaves when it erupts. more than 1,000 were killed when that happened. caution is at its utmost. while half of the island is in disaster management mode, the other half is in tourism mode still. the government is writing a letter to the world, declaring the island is still open for business. we know that what comes out of a volcano can be unpredictable, but it can move very fast indeed. are you and anyone else who might be in a danger zone able to get clear? so we are keeping well outside of the evacuation zone, and there have been government officials and police going in to evacuate people. we know that there were some who are holding out, villagers who said they would wait for a spiritual sign. mt agung is a sacred site. there were some people resisting evacuation. we understand they are being removed. they are being kept out of the roughly 12 kilometre evacuation zone. of course, as you say, no—one knows exactly when it will come. so face masks are being distributed across some parts of the island. but officials are keen to point out that most of the island is very safe and very open for business. that is where most people are going. and indonesian authorities say they are on standby to do divert flights from bali. we will keep you up—to—date on that. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: street art meets social history. we meet the brazilian painter celebrating his african roots. ben johnson, the fastest man on earth, is flying home to canada in disgrace. all the athletes should be clean going into the games. i'm just happy that justice is served. it is a simple fact that this morning, these people were in their homes. tonight, those homes have been burnt down by serbian soldiers and police. all the taliban positions along here have been strengthened, presumably in case the americans invade. it's no use having a secret service which cannot preserve its own secrets against the world. and so the british government has no option but to continue this action, and even after any adverse judgement in australia. concorde had crossed the atlantic faster than any plane ever before, breaking the record by six minutes. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: un officials will be allowed to visit myanmar‘s rakhine state on thursday — for the first time since the start of the exodus of rohingya muslims. one week after hurricane maria — half of puerto rico's population still has no access to clean drinking water. the islands governor says help is on its way. britain's prime minister teresa may says she's ‘bitterly disappointed' — about a decision by the us — to impose a tariff of up to 220% — onjets made by the firm bombardier. the company which employs employs thousands of people in northern ireland. the tariff was imposed after a claim by its rival, the american manufacturer, boeing, that it was building jets using unfair subsidies. our business editor simonjack has more details. thousands ofjobs at northern ireland's biggest manufacturing employer could go, if the us rival, boeing, succeeds in getting a tariff of 220% put on planes produced by bombardier and sold in the us. leaving the belfast plant today, workers were understandably concerned. there is worry, from everybody, as you would expect. it is all up in the air. it is what it is. we can't do nothing about it. very disappointing, yes. i think they are being bullies about it. no doubt about it. voiceover: if the planes achieve the expected demand... the aerospace industry has a long history in belfast, with the factory having been here since 19118. it remains a huge part of northern ireland's economy. last year, it paid £158 million in wages. it accounts for over 8% of all of northern ireland's exports, and it sources parts and imports from 800 companies in the uk and ireland. the future of this plant relies on the success of the plane onto which these wings will be attached, so any threat to the c—series programme is a direct threat to thousands ofjobs here in belfast. boeing has a powerful cheerleader. companies that receive subsidies and sells cheaply in the us, as boeing claims in this case, are the enemy of donald trump's america first policy. in belfast today, michael fallon said future defence contracts with boeing could be jeopardised, and tonight, theresa may echoed that warning. we have a long—term partnership with boeing. we have worked with boeing over the years. i think this is no way to operate in terms of such a long—term partnership, and i said that that long—term partnership is being undermined by this behaviour by boeing. the plant itself is in a constituency held by the dup, which the government relies on to pass laws, so it is getting westminster‘s full attention. the prime minister on our behalf has raised this issue withjustin trudeau and donald trump will stop so at the highest level, we have been emphasising how important it is. thousands ofjobs depend on this. there is a long way to go in this increasingly acrimonious journey. a second ruling will be made in february, next year, and even that can be appealed. northern ireland is caught in the crossfire of a dispute between canada and the united states. remember that they others‘ biggest trading partners. as the uk looks when you trade friends, it is a reminder that even special relationships can sour. sixteen million australians are currently being asked to vote in a postal survey on same—sex marriage. the issue of legalising gay marriage is so polarising that parliament has approved new anti—vilification laws to keep the debate respectful. both no and yes campaigners have been accused of violence in the past few weeks. one woman from melbourne says even her dog has been drawn into this heated debate. claire sutherland spoke about an incident with her dog, mack. he's been wearing a marriage equality bandana for about the last ten days. and most of the reaction hasjust been that he is getting more pats than usual when we go for walks. but two days ago, he was with a dog sitter, because my husband and i were out late. she took him for a walk, and a man in a dog park tried to kick him. and, when she spoke to him, he responded with a bunch of homophobic, foulmouthed abuse at her, referencing the marriage equality survey that we're all going through at the moment, and just calling her some awful slurs, really. look, i don't think this grey, i don't think it represents most of the people who might be voting no in this survey, in the same way that i don't think the guy that attempted to head—butt our former prime minister in hobart last week represents anywhere near the average yes voter, either. but i think what's happened with this survey is it's allowed people that hold really extreme views to feel emboldened to express them in public, whereas previously it might have been something that they would have maybe just expressed to their friends. so yeah, i'm surprised and not surprised at the same time. modern african art is gaining popularity all over the world. three artists in particular — from south africa, nigeria, and rwanda — are being credited with changing the face of the visual arts. but work from all over the continent is influencing artists much further afield. peter 0kwoche went to meet one here in london. for many of the descendants of the 6 million africans shipped to brazil during the slave trade, africa remains a faraway land. but for one of them in particular, it has a great fascination. meet rimon, a 28—year—old street artist who has landed his first exhibition here in the uk. this one is birdman. it is the idea of mixing a human with a bird, the immigrant birds, and this idea of changing, moving from a place, countries. his main theme, migration and movement. but why the interest in africa? like, brazil has many different people from around the world, with immigration and diasporas. africa, also like in brazil culture, they have many manifestations, like samba, capoeira. loud and vivid colours and the portrayal of the black african woman. there is no doubt that the continent is not farfrom his mind. and this activist has seen him travel to the gambia where he has also been showcasing his work. for this young brazilian, is african roots are what bind him to his art, and he wants to keep telling the story of his people. bbc news, london. hugh hefner has died. he was 91. whatever you think about the rights and wrongs of playboy, as the organisation says in the press release just out, he certainly built the magazine into one of the world's most enduring and recognisable brands still published in more than 20 countries around the world. 1953 he started the magazine on his kitchen table. he always said he thought the us post office when it refused to deliver playboy and a0 tall awaited the supreme court. as he said, he believed the government had no place. —— he thought it all. —— fought. he died at the playboy mansion surrounded by loved ones. finally an australian woman has found herself in a sticky situation after a swarm of bees transformed her home into a giant bee hive. the small squatters haven't left her completely empty—handed, she's now got her own supply of floor to ceiling honeycomb. georgina smyth reports. a house becomes a hive. this is what megan sutherland found behind her walls after waking to a buzzing noise in newcastle, australia. it was like a blanket of bees just out the window. it was unbelievable. and they have been busy little bees, transforming the inside of her wall cavities into four—inch thick honeycomb from wall to ceiling. two cavities and spend up the side of the wall. —— and then. sticky honeycomb has been pulled from the walls. as she took up the mess, she saw what they left behind. i pulled it out piece by piece. it is four inches thick. there is a sweet end to the tale. she has bottled severaljars of honey and honeycomb and she plans to sell the surprise haul to pay for repairs to her house. fill in your ownjoke fill in your own joke here. fill in your ownjoke here. thanks for watching. hi there. it's been over a week now since hurricane maria devastated the island of dominica and puerto rico, in the caribbean, leaving more than a0 people dead. many still remain missing. since then, the hurricane has been working just past the east coast of the united states. it is a weak hurricane now, a category1 storm now, but over the next few days it could come closer to home. it is going to work northwards, getting tangled up with low pressure. not a hurricane, but the remains of maria could be heading our way through sunday night and into the early hours of monday, potentially bringing wet and maybe windy weather to the north—west of the uk. that's a way off. before we get there, this is how we start the day on thursday. a lot of cloud, outbreaks of rain left over from the night—time system. but it will be a mild start to the day, as well. that rain band still with us, then, across north—eastern scotland, with a fairly brisk wind. a lot of low cloud and misty conditions, too, around some of the hills. northern ireland starting today on a rather cloudy node, but some sunny spells for wales early on in the morning. whereas further east, across central and eastern england, there'll be a hang—back of cloud. through the day, outbreaks of drizzle which could be extensive. may be misty over the hills, as well. in fact, that cloud will be slow to break across east england, eastern areas of scotland, probably only breaking up as we head in the afternoon. but it is then that most of us should see some sunshine coming through. but the rain set in, really, through the northern isles, picking up. quite a cool day here, but otherwise some decent temperatures. 20 degrees in london. we're still on the warm side of average. through thursday night, though, the next atlantic system making its presence felt, working into northern ireland before spreading to scotland, western parts of england, and wales, too. tied in with this area of low pressure spinning in of the atlantic, bringing some fairly strong winds into the far north—western coast. so, for friday, a band of rain to start the day, pushing east across scotland, england and wales, heavy at times. behind that, yes, we'll see some sunshine, but also some blustery showers in northern ireland. with the showers, looking at temperatures coming down. feeling a bit cooler, but still relatively mild across eastern counties of england, that rain reluctant to clear away. saturday, though, a decent start to the weekend in many respects. many dry areas with some sunny spells. some showers around, maybe some lengthy showers around wales. but it is during sunday night and into the early hours of monday that the remains of maria could be coming our way, to bring some pretty heavy rain to the northern parts of the uk. that's your weather. this is bbc news. the headlines: un officials have been given permission to enter myanmar‘s rakhine state for the first time since the mass exodus of rohingya muslims began. the un has been demanding access since august, when myanmar‘s military launched operations against rohingya rebels, sending half a million people fleeing into neighbouring bangladesh. help is on its way to the millions of people affected by two hurricanes in puerto rico. a week after hurricane maria made landfall, almost half the island's population — almost 2 million people — are still without clean drinking water. fuel and medicine are also in short supply. nearly a hundred thousand people on the indonesian island of bali have now left their homes near mount agung because the volcano is expected to erupt, for the first time in 50 years. an exclusion zone of seven miles has been set up. vulcanologists have been recording hundreds of tremors each day. it's just got a:30am.

Related Keywords

Mount Agung , Bali , Indonesia , Myanmar , , Australia , United States , United Kingdom , Texas , Brazil , Rwanda , South Africa , Melbourne , Victoria , Canada , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , London , City Of , Puerto Rico , Mexico , Gambia , Bangladesh , Iraq , Nigeria , New Zealand , Agung , Jawa Barat , Virgin Islands , Jawa Timur , Us Post Office , Ireland , Belfast , Rakhine State , Americans , Australian , America , Burmese , Indonesian , Scotland , Britain , Brazilian , British , Serbian , American , Theresa May , Maria Sheila , Megan Sutherland , Michael Fallon , Hywel Griffith , Sarah Corker , Hugh Hefner , Ben Johnson , Claire Sutherland , Georgina Smyth , Sheila Torres ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170928 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170928

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for the first time since the mass exodus of rohingya muslims began. the burmese army has been accused of ethnic cleansing. nearly 500,000 rohingyas have fled to bangladesh to escape the brutal crackdown, which the army says began after attacks by militants. the bbc‘sjonathan head has tracked down a man who claims to be one of those rohingya fighters. here is his special report. this is where desperate rohingyas started fighting back. this town in rakhine state is now a smoking ruin, its muslim population gone. for years, rohingyas have endured discrimination, abuses, and confinement to squalid camps. but, unlike other minorities in myanmar, they did not rebel against the government. that has now changed. a burmese police officer showed me me where hundreds of men, carrying only machetes and petrol bombs, stormed towards the police station. they were easily driven off, he said, and many of them killed. shortly afterwards, the self—styled leader of the group, calling itself the arakan rohingya salvation army, published a video. rohingyas, he said, now had no choice but to take up arms. over in bangladesh, i went to see one of the thousands who had answered his call. we met discreetly, in a quiet corner. he described how his commander — his amia, he called him — had come four years ago, and took him to the hills for training, forjihad, he said. on 23 august, the attacks began, and the army immediately struck back. he heard shooting, he said, and saw houses being set alight. what followed can only be described as suicidal charges by the rohingyas. translation: the army surrounded our villages. the people had no weapons. 0ur army said you're going to die anyway, so you should die for the cause, and be martyred. so we picked up bamboo sticks, even old men and teenagers, and started fighting. and then the army was shooting at us. what we found as we have spoken to refugees in bangladesh is pretty wide sympathy for the asa militants, especially amongst younger men, because this is the first group that has started to fight back against the burmese military. but there are others here who are angry with the militants for bringing all of this trouble onto them. and, don't forget, there are victims of asa as well. in this community on the coast, there is a mix of old and recently arrived refugees. after friday prayers, i talked to some of them about asa. had it done them any good, i wondered. "i think they acted for our benefit," said this young man, "but they were not strong enough to fight the myanmar government." they complained of the many abuses by the burmese military. "at least the militants tried to stand up for us," they said. but then, this woman accused asa of killing and beating other muslims. "and how can they fight, without enough guns and ammunition?" she asks. bangladesh has accepted these refugees, but its security forces are uneasy. in this sea of human need, a radicalised movement has taken root, ready to risk all in its article struggle against the burmese military. and, for internationaljihadist groups, there is here, perhaps, a new recruiting ground. jonathon head, bbc news, southern bangladesh. and don't forget, if you want more on the rohingya refugee crisis, go to our website, where you will find reports from our correspondents and analysis of the united nations‘ decision to enter myanmar‘s troubled rakhine state. just go to help is on its way to the millions of people affected by two hurricanes in puerto rico. a week after hurricane maria made landfall, and almost half of the island's population, that is almost two million people, are still without clean drinking water. fuel and medical supplies are also in short supply. sarah corker reports. in puerto rico, food and water are scarce. there are long queues for even basic supplies. the us territory was hit first by hurricane irma, but it was hurricane maria that battered this island a week ago, killing 16 people and knocking out power and communications. translation: we need more help. we are us citizens. we are supposed to be treated equally. translation: the aid is too slow. they said is coming from the united states, but who are they giving it to? because i haven't received any in my house. and fuel on the island is running low. hospitals are short of diesel needed to power their life—support systems. help is arriving, though. 16 us ships are part of the relief effort, bringing generators and heavy machinery. puerto rico's governor told cbs news restoring power is the priority. keep the help coming. we recognise that everything is being done. infrastructure was completely devastated, in that front. we need generators, to restore the water supply, hospitals, and to get the telecommunications going. president trump has been accused of a lacklustre response to this crisis, and of showing more response to texas and florida after they were hit by hurricanes, something he denies. we are with you now, i tell them, and we will be there every step of the way. we will be there to make sure what is done. and donald trump said he would visit the region on tuesday, that is almost a fortnight after the storm struck. there are already 10,000 federal staff on the ground, but officials warn the damage is so severe, it is likely to be months before power is fully restored. sarah corker, bbc news. sheila torres lives in sanjuan, and explained how desperate the situation is at the moment. there's no power, there's no water, i can't take a shower. the people up the street from me supposedly are starting to get water, but i'm still suffering here. and what is it like outside? i mean, do you go outside much at the moment? unfortunately, because we have a curfew, we're not supposed to go out at night. that's when the looting and harassment is occurring. i read in the news that somebody got kidnapped, trying to steal power from a generator. and we are hearing something like 58 hospitals are without fuel or power, so if people do get hurt or injured in any way, it makes it very difficult to get help. yes, very much so. the generator took for ever to power on, due to how much water came in from maria. sheila, the us military has been saying it hopes to co—ordinate 240 a i rlifts into puerto rico in the us virgin islands. 15 aircraft, 505 trucks working. are you seeing or feeling the benefit of any of that? no, i'm not seeing or feeling any relief. some businesses aren't even able to feed us warm food. how do you feel about the president's reaction to all this? i am appalled, because we're us citizens. we just happen to be at a different location to the continental us, and we're being ignored at this point. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news: community leaders in one neighbourhood of mexico city are to take legal action against two construction companies they accuse of using substandard materials in two buildings that collapsed in last week's earthquake. they are demanding compensation for everyone affected in the benitojuarez neighbourhood. 0verall, at least 300 people died in the quake. the kurdish region of iraq has voted by a huge majority in favour of independence. the official result of monday's referendum shows a 92% yes vote. the central parliament in baghdad says the vote was unconstitutional, and has voted to deploy troops in disputed areas on the edge of kurdish territory. mark zuckerberg, the founder of facebook, has rejected president trump's accusation that the network was anti—trump. he also admitted that he had been wrong to have dismissed claims that fake news on facebook had influenced voters. the us is investigating claims that russian interests used facebook advertising to influence american voters. fears are growing on the island of bali, where tens of thousands of people living near the slopes of mt agung have been evacuated. experts say the volcano is on the brink of eruption for the first time in 50 years. there has been an increase in volcanic activity this week, with hundreds of tremors recorded. an exclusion zone of seven miles around the mountain has been set up. the bbc‘s hywel griffith has the latest from bali. well, we've been feeling some of those small earthquakes or tremors here. they've been coming at a rate of hundreds a day, and yesterday we had the most intense so far. seismologists don't know if or when it will erupt. it could be minutes, days, weeks, or even months. no—one knows. because the threat is so large, tens of thousands, well, 80,000 people have been evacuated, mostly from what's called the red zone, a rural area around mt agung. we've been to visit some of those in evacuation camps. people are being well looked after. there is a supply of food and water coming in, even some entertainment for the children. but it is a nervous and anxious and stressful time for those who have left their homes and perhaps livelihoods behind. it is the heart of bali. a rural place, and people depend on the livestock and animals they have had to leave behind, as well. hywel, you said hundreds of tremors a day quite calmly. that must be very stressful. they are pretty small, i'm pleased to say. people in new zealand and japan would be used to that sort of sensation. clearly it's more worrying if they grow in intensity, as well as frequency. there is no way of knowing whether that means mount agung is going to erupt. the large explosion you referred to, back in 1963, they didn't have the measuring facilities to understand how this volcano behaves when it erupts. more than 1,000 were killed when that happened. caution is at its utmost. while half of the island is in disaster management mode, the other half is in tourism mode still. the government is writing a letter to the world, declaring the island is still open for business. we know that what comes out of a volcano can be unpredictable, but it can move very fast indeed. are you and anyone else who might be in a danger zone able to get clear? so we are keeping well outside of the evacuation zone, and there have been government officials and police going in to evacuate people. we know that there were some who are holding out, villagers who said they would wait for a spiritual sign. mt agung is a sacred site. there were some people resisting evacuation. we understand they are being removed. they are being kept out of the roughly 12 kilometre evacuation zone. of course, as you say, no—one knows exactly when it will come. so face masks are being distributed across some parts of the island. but officials are keen to point out that most of the island is very safe and very open for business. that is where most people are going. and indonesian authorities say they are on standby to do divert flights from bali. we will keep you up—to—date on that. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: street art meets social history. we meet the brazilian painter celebrating his african roots. ben johnson, the fastest man on earth, is flying home to canada in disgrace. all the athletes should be clean going into the games. i'm just happy that justice is served. it is a simple fact that this morning, these people were in their homes. tonight, those homes have been burnt down by serbian soldiers and police. all the taliban positions along here have been strengthened, presumably in case the americans invade. it's no use having a secret service which cannot preserve its own secrets against the world. and so the british government has no option but to continue this action, and even after any adverse judgement in australia. concorde had crossed the atlantic faster than any plane ever before, breaking the record by six minutes. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: un officials will be allowed to visit myanmar‘s rakhine state on thursday — for the first time since the start of the exodus of rohingya muslims. one week after hurricane maria — half of puerto rico's population still has no access to clean drinking water. the islands governor says help is on its way. britain's prime minister teresa may says she's ‘bitterly disappointed' — about a decision by the us — to impose a tariff of up to 220% — onjets made by the firm bombardier. the company which employs employs thousands of people in northern ireland. the tariff was imposed after a claim by its rival, the american manufacturer, boeing, that it was building jets using unfair subsidies. our business editor simonjack has more details. thousands ofjobs at northern ireland's biggest manufacturing employer could go, if the us rival, boeing, succeeds in getting a tariff of 220% put on planes produced by bombardier and sold in the us. leaving the belfast plant today, workers were understandably concerned. there is worry, from everybody, as you would expect. it is all up in the air. it is what it is. we can't do nothing about it. very disappointing, yes. i think they are being bullies about it. no doubt about it. voiceover: if the planes achieve the expected demand... the aerospace industry has a long history in belfast, with the factory having been here since 19118. it remains a huge part of northern ireland's economy. last year, it paid £158 million in wages. it accounts for over 8% of all of northern ireland's exports, and it sources parts and imports from 800 companies in the uk and ireland. the future of this plant relies on the success of the plane onto which these wings will be attached, so any threat to the c—series programme is a direct threat to thousands ofjobs here in belfast. boeing has a powerful cheerleader. companies that receive subsidies and sells cheaply in the us, as boeing claims in this case, are the enemy of donald trump's america first policy. in belfast today, michael fallon said future defence contracts with boeing could be jeopardised, and tonight, theresa may echoed that warning. we have a long—term partnership with boeing. we have worked with boeing over the years. i think this is no way to operate in terms of such a long—term partnership, and i said that that long—term partnership is being undermined by this behaviour by boeing. the plant itself is in a constituency held by the dup, which the government relies on to pass laws, so it is getting westminster‘s full attention. the prime minister on our behalf has raised this issue withjustin trudeau and donald trump will stop so at the highest level, we have been emphasising how important it is. thousands ofjobs depend on this. there is a long way to go in this increasingly acrimonious journey. a second ruling will be made in february, next year, and even that can be appealed. northern ireland is caught in the crossfire of a dispute between canada and the united states. remember that they others‘ biggest trading partners. as the uk looks when you trade friends, it is a reminder that even special relationships can sour. sixteen million australians are currently being asked to vote in a postal survey on same—sex marriage. the issue of legalising gay marriage is so polarising that parliament has approved new anti—vilification laws to keep the debate respectful. both no and yes campaigners have been accused of violence in the past few weeks. one woman from melbourne says even her dog has been drawn into this heated debate. claire sutherland spoke about an incident with her dog, mack. he's been wearing a marriage equality bandana for about the last ten days. and most of the reaction hasjust been that he is getting more pats than usual when we go for walks. but two days ago, he was with a dog sitter, because my husband and i were out late. she took him for a walk, and a man in a dog park tried to kick him. and, when she spoke to him, he responded with a bunch of homophobic, foulmouthed abuse at her, referencing the marriage equality survey that we're all going through at the moment, and just calling her some awful slurs, really. look, i don't think this grey, i don't think it represents most of the people who might be voting no in this survey, in the same way that i don't think the guy that attempted to head—butt our former prime minister in hobart last week represents anywhere near the average yes voter, either. but i think what's happened with this survey is it's allowed people that hold really extreme views to feel emboldened to express them in public, whereas previously it might have been something that they would have maybe just expressed to their friends. so yeah, i'm surprised and not surprised at the same time. modern african art is gaining popularity all over the world. three artists in particular — from south africa, nigeria, and rwanda — are being credited with changing the face of the visual arts. but work from all over the continent is influencing artists much further afield. peter 0kwoche went to meet one here in london. for many of the descendants of the 6 million africans shipped to brazil during the slave trade, africa remains a faraway land. but for one of them in particular, it has a great fascination. meet rimon, a 28—year—old street artist who has landed his first exhibition here in the uk. this one is birdman. it is the idea of mixing a human with a bird, the immigrant birds, and this idea of changing, moving from a place, countries. his main theme, migration and movement. but why the interest in africa? like, brazil has many different people from around the world, with immigration and diasporas. africa, also like in brazil culture, they have many manifestations, like samba, capoeira. loud and vivid colours and the portrayal of the black african woman. there is no doubt that the continent is not farfrom his mind. and this activist has seen him travel to the gambia where he has also been showcasing his work. for this young brazilian, is african roots are what bind him to his art, and he wants to keep telling the story of his people. bbc news, london. hugh hefner has died. he was 91. whatever you think about the rights and wrongs of playboy, as the organisation says in the press release just out, he certainly built the magazine into one of the world's most enduring and recognisable brands still published in more than 20 countries around the world. 1953 he started the magazine on his kitchen table. he always said he thought the us post office when it refused to deliver playboy and a0 tall awaited the supreme court. as he said, he believed the government had no place. —— he thought it all. —— fought. he died at the playboy mansion surrounded by loved ones. finally an australian woman has found herself in a sticky situation after a swarm of bees transformed her home into a giant bee hive. the small squatters haven't left her completely empty—handed, she's now got her own supply of floor to ceiling honeycomb. georgina smyth reports. a house becomes a hive. this is what megan sutherland found behind her walls after waking to a buzzing noise in newcastle, australia. it was like a blanket of bees just out the window. it was unbelievable. and they have been busy little bees, transforming the inside of her wall cavities into four—inch thick honeycomb from wall to ceiling. two cavities and spend up the side of the wall. —— and then. sticky honeycomb has been pulled from the walls. as she took up the mess, she saw what they left behind. i pulled it out piece by piece. it is four inches thick. there is a sweet end to the tale. she has bottled severaljars of honey and honeycomb and she plans to sell the surprise haul to pay for repairs to her house. fill in your ownjoke fill in your own joke here. fill in your ownjoke here. thanks for watching. hi there. it's been over a week now since hurricane maria devastated the island of dominica and puerto rico, in the caribbean, leaving more than a0 people dead. many still remain missing. since then, the hurricane has been working just past the east coast of the united states. it is a weak hurricane now, a category1 storm now, but over the next few days it could come closer to home. it is going to work northwards, getting tangled up with low pressure. not a hurricane, but the remains of maria could be heading our way through sunday night and into the early hours of monday, potentially bringing wet and maybe windy weather to the north—west of the uk. that's a way off. before we get there, this is how we start the day on thursday. a lot of cloud, outbreaks of rain left over from the night—time system. but it will be a mild start to the day, as well. that rain band still with us, then, across north—eastern scotland, with a fairly brisk wind. a lot of low cloud and misty conditions, too, around some of the hills. northern ireland starting today on a rather cloudy node, but some sunny spells for wales early on in the morning. whereas further east, across central and eastern england, there'll be a hang—back of cloud. through the day, outbreaks of drizzle which could be extensive. may be misty over the hills, as well. in fact, that cloud will be slow to break across east england, eastern areas of scotland, probably only breaking up as we head in the afternoon. but it is then that most of us should see some sunshine coming through. but the rain set in, really, through the northern isles, picking up. quite a cool day here, but otherwise some decent temperatures. 20 degrees in london. we're still on the warm side of average. through thursday night, though, the next atlantic system making its presence felt, working into northern ireland before spreading to scotland, western parts of england, and wales, too. tied in with this area of low pressure spinning in of the atlantic, bringing some fairly strong winds into the far north—western coast. so, for friday, a band of rain to start the day, pushing east across scotland, england and wales, heavy at times. behind that, yes, we'll see some sunshine, but also some blustery showers in northern ireland. with the showers, looking at temperatures coming down. feeling a bit cooler, but still relatively mild across eastern counties of england, that rain reluctant to clear away. saturday, though, a decent start to the weekend in many respects. many dry areas with some sunny spells. some showers around, maybe some lengthy showers around wales. but it is during sunday night and into the early hours of monday that the remains of maria could be coming our way, to bring some pretty heavy rain to the northern parts of the uk. that's your weather. this is bbc news. the headlines: un officials have been given permission to enter myanmar‘s rakhine state for the first time since the mass exodus of rohingya muslims began. the un has been demanding access since august, when myanmar‘s military launched operations against rohingya rebels, sending half a million people fleeing into neighbouring bangladesh. help is on its way to the millions of people affected by two hurricanes in puerto rico. a week after hurricane maria made landfall, almost half the island's population — almost 2 million people — are still without clean drinking water. fuel and medicine are also in short supply. nearly a hundred thousand people on the indonesian island of bali have now left their homes near mount agung because the volcano is expected to erupt, for the first time in 50 years. an exclusion zone of seven miles has been set up. vulcanologists have been recording hundreds of tremors each day. it's just got a:30am.

Related Keywords

Mount Agung , Bali , Indonesia , Myanmar , , Australia , United States , United Kingdom , Texas , Brazil , Rwanda , South Africa , Melbourne , Victoria , Canada , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , London , City Of , Puerto Rico , Mexico , Gambia , Bangladesh , Iraq , Nigeria , New Zealand , Agung , Jawa Barat , Virgin Islands , Jawa Timur , Us Post Office , Ireland , Belfast , Rakhine State , Americans , Australian , America , Burmese , Indonesian , Scotland , Britain , Brazilian , British , Serbian , American , Theresa May , Maria Sheila , Megan Sutherland , Michael Fallon , Hywel Griffith , Sarah Corker , Hugh Hefner , Ben Johnson , Claire Sutherland , Georgina Smyth , Sheila Torres ,

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