Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170901 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170901

rains across large parts of south asia, including india. more than 500 people have died just in this one indian state. 17 million affected. the former england captain wayne rooney has been charged with drink driving. he's been released on bail. and a flurry of late goals sees england convincingly beat malta in their world cup qualifier, while there were also good wins for scotland and northern ireland. and coming up in sportsday on bbc news... no more brits left in the us open, after kyle edmund retired from his third round match with an injury. good evening. nine employees, including two managers, at the security company gas, have been suspended following allegations detainees were abused at an immigration removal centre near gatwick airport. it follows an investigation by the bbc‘s panorama programme, claiming officers "mocked, and assaulted" people, and that there was "widespread self—harm and attempted suicides" at the centre, as well as drug use. gas says it's aware of the allegations and "immediately" began an investigation, and tonight a home office employee, who used to work for the company, has also been suspended. here's our social affairs correspondent alison holt. brook house immigration removal centre sits a couple of hundred metres from the runway at gatwick airport. it's run by the global security firm gas. here foreign national prisoners facing deportation at the end of their sentence are detained alongside asylum seekers, illegal migrants and those who've overstayed their visas. covert filming by the bbc‘s panorama programme shows a chaotic place awash with drugs with self harm commonplace amongst the men held there. there are officers doing their best, but the undercover investigation alleges some staff mock, abuse or even assault detainees. the incidents picked up by the hidden camera worn by another officer... callum tully has worked at brook house for two years. there's a culture of violence at brook house. when i started working there i was just... quite quickly became just disturbed by what i was seeing and hearing about. it's the latest scandal to hit gas. last year, another panorama investigation at medway secure training centre in kent led to allegations of the mistreatment of some teenagers held there. the company says it's waiting to see the brook house footage, but has suspended nine staff and put five others on restricted duties. my initial reaction is i'm absolutely disgusted by the alleged behaviour. it's totally unacceptable to me, to the organisation, to anybody else who would work in this kind of vocation. what does that tell you about the culture of brook house, but also the culture of gas? because culture comes from on high. my expectations are very clear. that we care for people, we look after people. on occasion we challenge people. and we do that in a way that is accepted, that is clearly laid down. it's understood an ex—gas officer who now works for the home office has also been suspended. the home office decides who is detained in centres like brook house. it says it condemns any actions that put the safety or dignity of detainees at risk. adding that gas needs to ensure there is a thorough investigation into the allegations. the company says it has alerted the police. studio: allison, there are wider questions tonight beyond the alleged abuse raised in the panorama film concerning how those people who are awaiting a final decision on their immigration status are treated. when the programme goes out on monday we will know the full details of the allegations themselves. there are broader issues here, as you say. in a place like brook house you have nearly half of the detainees, foreign national offenders, people who have reached the end of their prison sentence. then you have in the mix asylum seekers and visa over stayers. people who may never have beenin stayers. people who may never have been in trouble in any way apart from immigration offences. and then you have self harm and drugs. as well as the desperation of a lot of the people in there. it's a really toxic mix. it's worth saying that while some of the people in places like brook house may not want to go and may resist going, there are also people who do want to go, and they find that there are delays and bureaucracy gets in the way. but places like brook house were built to house people for 72 hours in those days just before departure from the country. but inspectors say the average length of stay at brook house is a8 days, and some people there have spent months, and some people have been there more than two yea rs. people have been there more than two years. that's something we are seeing across detention centres, people staying longer. and that, in the end, has to raise issues about how well the immigration detention centre system is working. indeed, thank you alison holt. and you can see that panorama programme "undercover: britain's immigration secrets" on bbc1, on monday night, at 9:00pm. in a historic ruling, kenya's supreme court says last month's presidential election was flawed, and the judges have ordered a re—run. the victor, president uhuru kenyatta, says the decision is political, but he will accept the judgement. he'd won the closely fought ballot byjust over a million votes, but the opposition claimed there were widespread irregularities. it's the first time a legal challenge to a presidential vote has been successful anywhere in africa. anne soy reports from nairobi. celebrating a new lease of life. veteran politician raila odinga gets one more chance to run for president. a last—minute decision to challenge the result of the presidential election paid off. the presidential election held on the 8th august 2017 was not conducted in accordance with the constitution and the applicable law, rendering the declared result invalid, null and void. a shocking and rare judgment. the judges did not limit themselves to what happened on election day until the results were announced. rather they looked at the electoral process in its totality from voter registry on to civic education as well as the campaigning and procurement of election materials. in a sense this judgment sets a strong precedent for election disputes globally and a high threshold for the conduct of elections. outside the court, celebrations erupted among opposition supporters. it's now back to the drawing board for presidential candidates. as much as i disagree with it, i respect it. i disagree with it, because, as i have said, millions of kenyans queued, made their choice, and six people have decided that they will go against the will of the people. the court directed the electoral commission to organise a fresh election. but the opposition says it has no confidence in the current commission. they have committed criminal acts. most of them actually belong injail. and therefore we are going to ask for prosecution, of all the electoral commission officers who have caused this monstrous crime against the people of kenya. the constitution states a new election must be held within 60 days. for now though, opposition supporters across the country are basking in the glory of the court victory. anne is in nairobi for us tonight. international observers including former us secretary of statejohn kerry declared the election largely free and fair. so this supreme court decision really is momentous. that's right. the international observers we re right. the international observers were criticised for rushing to endorse a process even before the final result was announced. but they did also emphasise the importance of seeking legal means of dispute resolution, and we believe that pressure is what led to the petition that was decided today. the judges made a radical decision. it was against the norm, even in the commonwealth, wherejudges against the norm, even in the commonwealth, where judges generally tend to show restraint. but by so doing, they have demonstrated their independence. thank you. it's now believed more than ia00 people have died after catastrophic flooding across several south asian countries. this year's annual monsoon season has been particularly heavy. in all around ai million people have been affected, in bangladesh, nepaland india. millions have been left homeless, and more than 950,000 homes have been destroyed. parts of india's financial centre, mumbai, are under several feet of water, and in the eastern state of bihar, more than 500 people have already died. our south asia correspondent justin rowlatt is there and sent us this report. those least able to cope are the hardest hit by the floods. villages and fields were transformed into great lakes here in bihar, one of the poorest states in india. budhia devi says her life has been ruined. translation: i have lost everything. i had a cow and a goat. they were both killed. my house is totally broken and i'm just left sitting here by the side of the road. i have nothing left. i just don't know what to do. the people here are subsistence farmers, some of the poorest and most vulnerable people on earth. the floodwaters have begun to drain back. only to reveal the wreckage of homes and of lives. more than 500 people have died just in this one indian state, 17 million affected, and now there are new concerns — houses, schools, roads — they all need to be rebuilt and then of course there is the danger of disease. filthy water, hot weather, and the lack of basic sanitation can be a deadly combination. people remained in water three days, four days. their homes were submerged in the water. they remained in the water but due to waterborne diseases, they were drinking contaminated water, so it's a huge risk. and this is a snapshot from just one tiny part of a catastrophe that is unfolding across much of south asia. the region floods every year, but this is different. exceptional rains have brought devastation right across the foothills of the himalayas, from bangladesh in the east, across northern india and nepal, and now up into pakistan. the death toll from the collapse of a single building in the indian financial capital, mumbai, rose to 33 today. police suspect it was weakened by the torrential rains. and 16 people have died in flash floods in karachi, the largest city in pakistan. but the monsoon‘s fury is not spent yet. more rain is forecast across the region. justin rowlatt, bbc news, bihar. well, it's not just south asia that's suffered extreme weather this year. from the us to japan, lives have been lost due to floods and landslides. chris fawkes from the bbc weather centre is here with his analysis of what's been happening across the globe. the monsoon season runs from june to september and brings rains vital for the well—being of over a billion people, but the rains can also bring misery. floods this year have been particularly bad in north india, bangladesh and nepal. but it's not the only part of the world hit by severe flooding this summer. in earlyjuly, unprecedented rains hit southern japan's kyushu island with an astonishing 77cm of rain falling injust nine hours. floods and landslides killed over 30 people with 500,000 advised to evacuate. africa's sierra leone was hit by torrential rain on the night of the iath august with ensuing severe floods and mudslides killing over 1,000 people in the capital, freetown. then tropical storm harvey dumped the largest amount of rain ever seen from a single storm in the mainland united states with a record—smashing 132cm of rain recorded at cedar bayou to the east of houston, an unprecedented amount of rain. are there any links with these floods around the world? well, they all involved storms fed by rich tropical moist air. this air, in all cases, had come over oceans that were unusually warm, with temperatures in the indian ocean, the east china sea, the eastern tropical atlantic and the gulf of mexico all warmer than normal. convergent winds locked the storms over the same location and concentrated the extreme rain over just that area. then, of course, there's climate change. this graph of rain in the united states using american national weather service data shows that extreme rainfall has become more common since the 1960s. the international panel on climate change expects such events to become a little more common in a warmer world. it's well known that warmer air holds more water, so as the planet warms up, these rare but extreme rainfall events have the potential to give even more rain than they would have done in previous decades. clive. the un has warned of a looming humanitarian catastrophe, after nearly a0,000 refugees from myanmar‘s rohingya muslim minority fled into neighbouring bangladesh in the past week. it follows weeks of communal violence in rakhine state, which military sources say have left more than 350 people dead. both the burmese military, and rohingya militants have been accused of atrocities, including mass murder and rape. the brexit secretary, david davis, says he's a "determined optimist" about britain's future outside the european union. his comments on a visit to washington, come after the trade secretary, liam fox, accused the eu, of trying to "blackmail" britain, into accepting a brexit divorce bill, as the price for beginning trade talks. here's our political correspondent eleanor garnier. the prime minister showing how it's done. at a meeting with the emperor of japan, a lesson in delicate diplomacy. but it seems her trade secretary hadn't got the memo. speaking injapan, he accused the eu of bullying the uk into agreeing a brexit divorce bill before it'll start negotiating any future trade relationship. we can't be blackmailed into paying a price on the first part. we think that we should begin discussions on the final settlement because that is good for business. it's no surprise there is a bit of rough and tumble at this stage in the talks and it's significant liam fox didn't repeat the word blackmail when asked exactly what he meant. a moment perhaps when frustration got the better of him. but it's certainly not a phrase you can expect the prime minister to be uttering. fresh from his talks in brussels this week, the brexit secretary gave a speech to business leaders in washington today and tried to laugh away his colleague's controversial comments. i never comment, i know what you're doing, i never comment on other ministers views on these things. look, we are in a difficult, tough, complicated negotiation. i have said from the beginning it will be turbulent. what we're having at the moment is the first ripple. and there will be many more ripples along the way. critics here claim liam fox's talk of blackmail will only make matters worse. his language is intensely unhelpful. this is sabre rattling from a trade secretary who is twiddling his thumbs. because he cannot do anything until the trade position of the uk has been resolved with the eu. the prime minister rounded off her trip cheering on the gb wheelchair basketball team. but when it comes to brexit the government is still searching for some big points, and will be hoping for more winning ways to come. eleanor garnier, bbc news, westminster. let's take a look at some of the day's other top stories. refuse workers in birmingham have gone back on strike, in a long—running dispute with the city council over job losses. industrial action was suspended last month after seven weeks of stoppages, which left rubbish piling up in several areas, but the unions now claim the council has gone back on a deal not to issue redundancy notices. a man's beenjailed for attempting to rob the premier league footballer andy carroll, when he pulled up beside him at traffic lights last november. the west ham striker was driving home from training in north east london, when 22—year—old jack o'brien demanded he hand over his watch. o'brien was sentenced to six years in prison, and another five years for a string of other offences. the former archbishop of westminster, cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, has died. he was 85. leader of the roman catholic church in england and wales for nearly a decade, he was created a cardinal by popejohn paul ii in 2001. our religious affairs correspondent martin bashir looks back at his life. may also keep us faithful to our lord jesus christ forever. cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor served as the head of the roman catholic church in england and wales from 2000 until 2009. he was a man of great faith and of great fun. he had an infectious laugh, and just loved to be cheerful and to encourage people around him. and it's that very, very positive attitude to life, which he saw as a gift of god, and to the challenges that we all face. his theological acumen was recognised early and he served as rector of the english college in rome before becoming bishop of arundel and brighton. and it was in sussex that he faced his greatest public challenge. god of power... a local priest, michael hill, had been accused of child sexual abuse. then bishop murphy—o'connor decided to redeploy him as a chaplain at gatwick airport. hill went on to abuse children and was jailed in 1997. cormac murphy—o'connor refused to resign, but described his management of hill as a grave mistake. out of that terrible case came his decision to ask lord nolan to help him rethink how the catholic church in this country dealt with child abuse issues, to try and avoid such terrible things happening again. although he did not engage directly in politics, it was his careful nurturing that led tony blair to convert to catholicism in 2007, after he had stepped down as prime minister. a year later, cormac murphy—o'connor published a book entitled faith in the nation, in which he argued against the erosion of religious values in public life. it was this assertion, that the christian faith must play a role in the public square, that cormac murphy—o'connor had contended for throughout his life. the former archbishop of westminster, cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, who's died, at the age of 85. the former england football captain, wayne rooney, has been charged with drink—driving, after being arrested in cheshire in the early hours of this morning. the everton striker was released on bail this afternoon. danny savage has more. he is arguably england's highest profile footballer. wayne rooney captained the national team and holds the goal—scoring record for the side. rooney scores! he had many successful years at manchester united and has had a promising start to this season, after returning to everton. he's their new poster boy. but it's off—pitch activities that sees wayne rooney in the headlines today. in the early hours of this morning, he was arrested in cheshire for drink—driving. a few hours earlier, he was pictured on social media on a night out. he was stopped by police whilst driving a black vw beetle in wilmslow. cheshire police say the everton footballer was arrested just after 2am. 31—year—old wayne rooney will appear before magistrates in stockport on the 18th of september, where he can either admit the charge, or contest it. he made no comment to reporters, as he arrived back home this afternoon, driven by his agent, paul stretford. after just retiring from international football and making a new start at everton, this will be an unwelcome distraction for rooney, his club and his fans, as he starts a new chapter of his career. danny savage, bbc news, liverpool. with the outcome of the brexit negotiations being uncertain, some financial institutions based here are establishing outposts on the continent, to help manage any possible disruption when the uk leaves the european union. and amsterdam is proving a favourite destination, with rbs, and japan's biggest bank, mitsubishi ufj, among the firms moving there. our business editor simon jack reports from the netherlands. amsterdam, home of the world's oldest stock exchange, mounting a new challenge to post—brexit london. i think it's very young, the cost of living is very good compared to london. and also being part of the continent. after the brexit outcome, we see companies moving to amsterdam, especially the more tax heavy companies, which need a european passport. the passport means companies in the uk can service customers in europe. that may not be possible after the uk leaves, which is why this company is setting up shop in amsterdam. europe represents around half of our business, the eu 27. so as there isn't clarity yet, of course, on the outcome of the negotiations, we need to be prepared for multiple different outcomes. hence we choose amsterdam. so what awaits those looking for a new european home? so, welcome. thank you. this is... harder to pronounce, but easier to afford, the cost of living and working in amsterdam is half that of london. nice view on the canals. you can cycle to work, or even fly back to the uk in under an hour. you may well be thinking, who cares if a few bankers leave the uk? well, apart from the jobs and the tax revenue they bring in, doing business under one roof, the one roof that is london, is very efficient. if you splinter all that business to the capitals of europe, it becomes much less efficient, and that increases the costs of banks and insurance companies, and they pass that on to their customers, and that means you and me. the chancellor would certainly care. he collected £70 billion in taxes from financial services last year. that is 12% of all taxes paid. it helps explain why the french prime minister didn't mince his words to me earlier this year. mr philippe, do you have a message for london? a message for london? come to paris. but in amsterdam, typically, they have a more laid—back approach. we haven't done any aggressive campaigning. first of all because i don't believe that companies are persuaded byjust an aggressive campaign. and secondly because london is our partner city, and i think a strong london is good for amsterdam, and vice versa. aggressive, no, but they are considering loosening the bonus cap and adding 1500 international school places. in the post—brexit beauty parade, this city means business. simonjack, bbc news, amsterdam. it's been a good night for the home nations, playing in their latest world cup qualifying matches this evening. scotland were convincing 3—0 winners away to lithuania, with james mcarthur getting their third. while in malta, england took a while to get the measure of the 190th ranked side in the world, but eventually ran out a—0 winners, as natalie pirks reports from the capital valetta. samar may be over at home but the last drops of sunshine can still be found, if you are willing to travel. gareth southgate's focus has been on his players understanding what it means to play for their country, but identity has never been an issue for england fans, who hoped to night for a vintage performance in the heat. the fans have reason to be confident. malta the whipping boys of the group, with six games played, six games lost. anything less than a convincing win for england would leave difficult questions for gareth southgate. the match was a sell—out. the maltese were here to enjoy themselves, and withjordaan henderson handed the captains armband, england were quick to try tojoin the party. harry armband, england were quick to try to join the party. harry kane with a great ball to sterling. the maltese keeper, quick to spot the danger. half chances came and went, and with no meaningful effort before half—time it was inevitable that the booing would ring out instead. just one day after the transfer window closed, it was time for england's players to show their worth. fleet of foot and quick of thought, ali delhi found harry kane and he found the net, a palpable sense of relief. danny welbeck was on hand for the third, and malta's resilience was broken entirely when harry kane scored england's fourth, in a scoreline that more than flattered the group leaders. the world cup may be within their sites, but convincing the public they are world class is another matter. and there was successful northern ireland in san marino with a penalty from captain steve davis sealing a 3-0 from captain steve davis sealing a 3—0 victory, leaving them second in their group. that's it. now on bbc one, it's time for the news where you are. have a very good night. hello and welcome to sportsday — i'm katherine downes. scotland deliver — they beat lithuania 3—0 in a must—win world cup qualifier. a late flurry of goals sees england beat malta a—0 — but there's plenty of room for improvement. and there are no brits left at the us open after kyle edmund retires injured. good evening — we start with world cup qualifers for the home nations. scotland, england and northern ireland were all in action tonight. scotland needed to beat lithuania to keep alive their hopes

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Myanmar , Malta , Arundel , West Sussex , United Kingdom , United States , Paris , France General , France , Freetown , Western Area , Sierra Leone , Nairobi , Nairobi Area , Kenya , San Marino , Gatwick , Surrey , Amsterdam , Noord Holland , Netherlands , Mumbai , Maharashtra , India , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Nepal , Brighton , Brighton And Hove , Rakhine State , Karachi , Sindh , Pakistan , Japan , East China Sea , Japan General , Washington , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , Bihar , London , City Of , Bangladesh , Sussex , Houston , Texas , Lithuania , Kenyans , Burmese , Maltese , Scotland , Britain , French , Africa Anne , Michael Hill , Chris Fawkes , Harry Kane , Eleanor Garnier , Tony Blair , David Davis , Gareth Southgate , Alison Holt , Liam Fox , Kyle Edmund , Danny Welbeck , Jesus Christ , Andy Carroll , Steve Davis , Wayne Rooney , Callum Tully ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170901 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170901

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rains across large parts of south asia, including india. more than 500 people have died just in this one indian state. 17 million affected. the former england captain wayne rooney has been charged with drink driving. he's been released on bail. and a flurry of late goals sees england convincingly beat malta in their world cup qualifier, while there were also good wins for scotland and northern ireland. and coming up in sportsday on bbc news... no more brits left in the us open, after kyle edmund retired from his third round match with an injury. good evening. nine employees, including two managers, at the security company gas, have been suspended following allegations detainees were abused at an immigration removal centre near gatwick airport. it follows an investigation by the bbc‘s panorama programme, claiming officers "mocked, and assaulted" people, and that there was "widespread self—harm and attempted suicides" at the centre, as well as drug use. gas says it's aware of the allegations and "immediately" began an investigation, and tonight a home office employee, who used to work for the company, has also been suspended. here's our social affairs correspondent alison holt. brook house immigration removal centre sits a couple of hundred metres from the runway at gatwick airport. it's run by the global security firm gas. here foreign national prisoners facing deportation at the end of their sentence are detained alongside asylum seekers, illegal migrants and those who've overstayed their visas. covert filming by the bbc‘s panorama programme shows a chaotic place awash with drugs with self harm commonplace amongst the men held there. there are officers doing their best, but the undercover investigation alleges some staff mock, abuse or even assault detainees. the incidents picked up by the hidden camera worn by another officer... callum tully has worked at brook house for two years. there's a culture of violence at brook house. when i started working there i was just... quite quickly became just disturbed by what i was seeing and hearing about. it's the latest scandal to hit gas. last year, another panorama investigation at medway secure training centre in kent led to allegations of the mistreatment of some teenagers held there. the company says it's waiting to see the brook house footage, but has suspended nine staff and put five others on restricted duties. my initial reaction is i'm absolutely disgusted by the alleged behaviour. it's totally unacceptable to me, to the organisation, to anybody else who would work in this kind of vocation. what does that tell you about the culture of brook house, but also the culture of gas? because culture comes from on high. my expectations are very clear. that we care for people, we look after people. on occasion we challenge people. and we do that in a way that is accepted, that is clearly laid down. it's understood an ex—gas officer who now works for the home office has also been suspended. the home office decides who is detained in centres like brook house. it says it condemns any actions that put the safety or dignity of detainees at risk. adding that gas needs to ensure there is a thorough investigation into the allegations. the company says it has alerted the police. studio: allison, there are wider questions tonight beyond the alleged abuse raised in the panorama film concerning how those people who are awaiting a final decision on their immigration status are treated. when the programme goes out on monday we will know the full details of the allegations themselves. there are broader issues here, as you say. in a place like brook house you have nearly half of the detainees, foreign national offenders, people who have reached the end of their prison sentence. then you have in the mix asylum seekers and visa over stayers. people who may never have beenin stayers. people who may never have been in trouble in any way apart from immigration offences. and then you have self harm and drugs. as well as the desperation of a lot of the people in there. it's a really toxic mix. it's worth saying that while some of the people in places like brook house may not want to go and may resist going, there are also people who do want to go, and they find that there are delays and bureaucracy gets in the way. but places like brook house were built to house people for 72 hours in those days just before departure from the country. but inspectors say the average length of stay at brook house is a8 days, and some people there have spent months, and some people have been there more than two yea rs. people have been there more than two years. that's something we are seeing across detention centres, people staying longer. and that, in the end, has to raise issues about how well the immigration detention centre system is working. indeed, thank you alison holt. and you can see that panorama programme "undercover: britain's immigration secrets" on bbc1, on monday night, at 9:00pm. in a historic ruling, kenya's supreme court says last month's presidential election was flawed, and the judges have ordered a re—run. the victor, president uhuru kenyatta, says the decision is political, but he will accept the judgement. he'd won the closely fought ballot byjust over a million votes, but the opposition claimed there were widespread irregularities. it's the first time a legal challenge to a presidential vote has been successful anywhere in africa. anne soy reports from nairobi. celebrating a new lease of life. veteran politician raila odinga gets one more chance to run for president. a last—minute decision to challenge the result of the presidential election paid off. the presidential election held on the 8th august 2017 was not conducted in accordance with the constitution and the applicable law, rendering the declared result invalid, null and void. a shocking and rare judgment. the judges did not limit themselves to what happened on election day until the results were announced. rather they looked at the electoral process in its totality from voter registry on to civic education as well as the campaigning and procurement of election materials. in a sense this judgment sets a strong precedent for election disputes globally and a high threshold for the conduct of elections. outside the court, celebrations erupted among opposition supporters. it's now back to the drawing board for presidential candidates. as much as i disagree with it, i respect it. i disagree with it, because, as i have said, millions of kenyans queued, made their choice, and six people have decided that they will go against the will of the people. the court directed the electoral commission to organise a fresh election. but the opposition says it has no confidence in the current commission. they have committed criminal acts. most of them actually belong injail. and therefore we are going to ask for prosecution, of all the electoral commission officers who have caused this monstrous crime against the people of kenya. the constitution states a new election must be held within 60 days. for now though, opposition supporters across the country are basking in the glory of the court victory. anne is in nairobi for us tonight. international observers including former us secretary of statejohn kerry declared the election largely free and fair. so this supreme court decision really is momentous. that's right. the international observers we re right. the international observers were criticised for rushing to endorse a process even before the final result was announced. but they did also emphasise the importance of seeking legal means of dispute resolution, and we believe that pressure is what led to the petition that was decided today. the judges made a radical decision. it was against the norm, even in the commonwealth, wherejudges against the norm, even in the commonwealth, where judges generally tend to show restraint. but by so doing, they have demonstrated their independence. thank you. it's now believed more than ia00 people have died after catastrophic flooding across several south asian countries. this year's annual monsoon season has been particularly heavy. in all around ai million people have been affected, in bangladesh, nepaland india. millions have been left homeless, and more than 950,000 homes have been destroyed. parts of india's financial centre, mumbai, are under several feet of water, and in the eastern state of bihar, more than 500 people have already died. our south asia correspondent justin rowlatt is there and sent us this report. those least able to cope are the hardest hit by the floods. villages and fields were transformed into great lakes here in bihar, one of the poorest states in india. budhia devi says her life has been ruined. translation: i have lost everything. i had a cow and a goat. they were both killed. my house is totally broken and i'm just left sitting here by the side of the road. i have nothing left. i just don't know what to do. the people here are subsistence farmers, some of the poorest and most vulnerable people on earth. the floodwaters have begun to drain back. only to reveal the wreckage of homes and of lives. more than 500 people have died just in this one indian state, 17 million affected, and now there are new concerns — houses, schools, roads — they all need to be rebuilt and then of course there is the danger of disease. filthy water, hot weather, and the lack of basic sanitation can be a deadly combination. people remained in water three days, four days. their homes were submerged in the water. they remained in the water but due to waterborne diseases, they were drinking contaminated water, so it's a huge risk. and this is a snapshot from just one tiny part of a catastrophe that is unfolding across much of south asia. the region floods every year, but this is different. exceptional rains have brought devastation right across the foothills of the himalayas, from bangladesh in the east, across northern india and nepal, and now up into pakistan. the death toll from the collapse of a single building in the indian financial capital, mumbai, rose to 33 today. police suspect it was weakened by the torrential rains. and 16 people have died in flash floods in karachi, the largest city in pakistan. but the monsoon‘s fury is not spent yet. more rain is forecast across the region. justin rowlatt, bbc news, bihar. well, it's not just south asia that's suffered extreme weather this year. from the us to japan, lives have been lost due to floods and landslides. chris fawkes from the bbc weather centre is here with his analysis of what's been happening across the globe. the monsoon season runs from june to september and brings rains vital for the well—being of over a billion people, but the rains can also bring misery. floods this year have been particularly bad in north india, bangladesh and nepal. but it's not the only part of the world hit by severe flooding this summer. in earlyjuly, unprecedented rains hit southern japan's kyushu island with an astonishing 77cm of rain falling injust nine hours. floods and landslides killed over 30 people with 500,000 advised to evacuate. africa's sierra leone was hit by torrential rain on the night of the iath august with ensuing severe floods and mudslides killing over 1,000 people in the capital, freetown. then tropical storm harvey dumped the largest amount of rain ever seen from a single storm in the mainland united states with a record—smashing 132cm of rain recorded at cedar bayou to the east of houston, an unprecedented amount of rain. are there any links with these floods around the world? well, they all involved storms fed by rich tropical moist air. this air, in all cases, had come over oceans that were unusually warm, with temperatures in the indian ocean, the east china sea, the eastern tropical atlantic and the gulf of mexico all warmer than normal. convergent winds locked the storms over the same location and concentrated the extreme rain over just that area. then, of course, there's climate change. this graph of rain in the united states using american national weather service data shows that extreme rainfall has become more common since the 1960s. the international panel on climate change expects such events to become a little more common in a warmer world. it's well known that warmer air holds more water, so as the planet warms up, these rare but extreme rainfall events have the potential to give even more rain than they would have done in previous decades. clive. the un has warned of a looming humanitarian catastrophe, after nearly a0,000 refugees from myanmar‘s rohingya muslim minority fled into neighbouring bangladesh in the past week. it follows weeks of communal violence in rakhine state, which military sources say have left more than 350 people dead. both the burmese military, and rohingya militants have been accused of atrocities, including mass murder and rape. the brexit secretary, david davis, says he's a "determined optimist" about britain's future outside the european union. his comments on a visit to washington, come after the trade secretary, liam fox, accused the eu, of trying to "blackmail" britain, into accepting a brexit divorce bill, as the price for beginning trade talks. here's our political correspondent eleanor garnier. the prime minister showing how it's done. at a meeting with the emperor of japan, a lesson in delicate diplomacy. but it seems her trade secretary hadn't got the memo. speaking injapan, he accused the eu of bullying the uk into agreeing a brexit divorce bill before it'll start negotiating any future trade relationship. we can't be blackmailed into paying a price on the first part. we think that we should begin discussions on the final settlement because that is good for business. it's no surprise there is a bit of rough and tumble at this stage in the talks and it's significant liam fox didn't repeat the word blackmail when asked exactly what he meant. a moment perhaps when frustration got the better of him. but it's certainly not a phrase you can expect the prime minister to be uttering. fresh from his talks in brussels this week, the brexit secretary gave a speech to business leaders in washington today and tried to laugh away his colleague's controversial comments. i never comment, i know what you're doing, i never comment on other ministers views on these things. look, we are in a difficult, tough, complicated negotiation. i have said from the beginning it will be turbulent. what we're having at the moment is the first ripple. and there will be many more ripples along the way. critics here claim liam fox's talk of blackmail will only make matters worse. his language is intensely unhelpful. this is sabre rattling from a trade secretary who is twiddling his thumbs. because he cannot do anything until the trade position of the uk has been resolved with the eu. the prime minister rounded off her trip cheering on the gb wheelchair basketball team. but when it comes to brexit the government is still searching for some big points, and will be hoping for more winning ways to come. eleanor garnier, bbc news, westminster. let's take a look at some of the day's other top stories. refuse workers in birmingham have gone back on strike, in a long—running dispute with the city council over job losses. industrial action was suspended last month after seven weeks of stoppages, which left rubbish piling up in several areas, but the unions now claim the council has gone back on a deal not to issue redundancy notices. a man's beenjailed for attempting to rob the premier league footballer andy carroll, when he pulled up beside him at traffic lights last november. the west ham striker was driving home from training in north east london, when 22—year—old jack o'brien demanded he hand over his watch. o'brien was sentenced to six years in prison, and another five years for a string of other offences. the former archbishop of westminster, cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, has died. he was 85. leader of the roman catholic church in england and wales for nearly a decade, he was created a cardinal by popejohn paul ii in 2001. our religious affairs correspondent martin bashir looks back at his life. may also keep us faithful to our lord jesus christ forever. cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor served as the head of the roman catholic church in england and wales from 2000 until 2009. he was a man of great faith and of great fun. he had an infectious laugh, and just loved to be cheerful and to encourage people around him. and it's that very, very positive attitude to life, which he saw as a gift of god, and to the challenges that we all face. his theological acumen was recognised early and he served as rector of the english college in rome before becoming bishop of arundel and brighton. and it was in sussex that he faced his greatest public challenge. god of power... a local priest, michael hill, had been accused of child sexual abuse. then bishop murphy—o'connor decided to redeploy him as a chaplain at gatwick airport. hill went on to abuse children and was jailed in 1997. cormac murphy—o'connor refused to resign, but described his management of hill as a grave mistake. out of that terrible case came his decision to ask lord nolan to help him rethink how the catholic church in this country dealt with child abuse issues, to try and avoid such terrible things happening again. although he did not engage directly in politics, it was his careful nurturing that led tony blair to convert to catholicism in 2007, after he had stepped down as prime minister. a year later, cormac murphy—o'connor published a book entitled faith in the nation, in which he argued against the erosion of religious values in public life. it was this assertion, that the christian faith must play a role in the public square, that cormac murphy—o'connor had contended for throughout his life. the former archbishop of westminster, cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, who's died, at the age of 85. the former england football captain, wayne rooney, has been charged with drink—driving, after being arrested in cheshire in the early hours of this morning. the everton striker was released on bail this afternoon. danny savage has more. he is arguably england's highest profile footballer. wayne rooney captained the national team and holds the goal—scoring record for the side. rooney scores! he had many successful years at manchester united and has had a promising start to this season, after returning to everton. he's their new poster boy. but it's off—pitch activities that sees wayne rooney in the headlines today. in the early hours of this morning, he was arrested in cheshire for drink—driving. a few hours earlier, he was pictured on social media on a night out. he was stopped by police whilst driving a black vw beetle in wilmslow. cheshire police say the everton footballer was arrested just after 2am. 31—year—old wayne rooney will appear before magistrates in stockport on the 18th of september, where he can either admit the charge, or contest it. he made no comment to reporters, as he arrived back home this afternoon, driven by his agent, paul stretford. after just retiring from international football and making a new start at everton, this will be an unwelcome distraction for rooney, his club and his fans, as he starts a new chapter of his career. danny savage, bbc news, liverpool. with the outcome of the brexit negotiations being uncertain, some financial institutions based here are establishing outposts on the continent, to help manage any possible disruption when the uk leaves the european union. and amsterdam is proving a favourite destination, with rbs, and japan's biggest bank, mitsubishi ufj, among the firms moving there. our business editor simon jack reports from the netherlands. amsterdam, home of the world's oldest stock exchange, mounting a new challenge to post—brexit london. i think it's very young, the cost of living is very good compared to london. and also being part of the continent. after the brexit outcome, we see companies moving to amsterdam, especially the more tax heavy companies, which need a european passport. the passport means companies in the uk can service customers in europe. that may not be possible after the uk leaves, which is why this company is setting up shop in amsterdam. europe represents around half of our business, the eu 27. so as there isn't clarity yet, of course, on the outcome of the negotiations, we need to be prepared for multiple different outcomes. hence we choose amsterdam. so what awaits those looking for a new european home? so, welcome. thank you. this is... harder to pronounce, but easier to afford, the cost of living and working in amsterdam is half that of london. nice view on the canals. you can cycle to work, or even fly back to the uk in under an hour. you may well be thinking, who cares if a few bankers leave the uk? well, apart from the jobs and the tax revenue they bring in, doing business under one roof, the one roof that is london, is very efficient. if you splinter all that business to the capitals of europe, it becomes much less efficient, and that increases the costs of banks and insurance companies, and they pass that on to their customers, and that means you and me. the chancellor would certainly care. he collected £70 billion in taxes from financial services last year. that is 12% of all taxes paid. it helps explain why the french prime minister didn't mince his words to me earlier this year. mr philippe, do you have a message for london? a message for london? come to paris. but in amsterdam, typically, they have a more laid—back approach. we haven't done any aggressive campaigning. first of all because i don't believe that companies are persuaded byjust an aggressive campaign. and secondly because london is our partner city, and i think a strong london is good for amsterdam, and vice versa. aggressive, no, but they are considering loosening the bonus cap and adding 1500 international school places. in the post—brexit beauty parade, this city means business. simonjack, bbc news, amsterdam. it's been a good night for the home nations, playing in their latest world cup qualifying matches this evening. scotland were convincing 3—0 winners away to lithuania, with james mcarthur getting their third. while in malta, england took a while to get the measure of the 190th ranked side in the world, but eventually ran out a—0 winners, as natalie pirks reports from the capital valetta. samar may be over at home but the last drops of sunshine can still be found, if you are willing to travel. gareth southgate's focus has been on his players understanding what it means to play for their country, but identity has never been an issue for england fans, who hoped to night for a vintage performance in the heat. the fans have reason to be confident. malta the whipping boys of the group, with six games played, six games lost. anything less than a convincing win for england would leave difficult questions for gareth southgate. the match was a sell—out. the maltese were here to enjoy themselves, and withjordaan henderson handed the captains armband, england were quick to try tojoin the party. harry armband, england were quick to try to join the party. harry kane with a great ball to sterling. the maltese keeper, quick to spot the danger. half chances came and went, and with no meaningful effort before half—time it was inevitable that the booing would ring out instead. just one day after the transfer window closed, it was time for england's players to show their worth. fleet of foot and quick of thought, ali delhi found harry kane and he found the net, a palpable sense of relief. danny welbeck was on hand for the third, and malta's resilience was broken entirely when harry kane scored england's fourth, in a scoreline that more than flattered the group leaders. the world cup may be within their sites, but convincing the public they are world class is another matter. and there was successful northern ireland in san marino with a penalty from captain steve davis sealing a 3-0 from captain steve davis sealing a 3—0 victory, leaving them second in their group. that's it. now on bbc one, it's time for the news where you are. have a very good night. hello and welcome to sportsday — i'm katherine downes. scotland deliver — they beat lithuania 3—0 in a must—win world cup qualifier. a late flurry of goals sees england beat malta a—0 — but there's plenty of room for improvement. and there are no brits left at the us open after kyle edmund retires injured. good evening — we start with world cup qualifers for the home nations. scotland, england and northern ireland were all in action tonight. scotland needed to beat lithuania to keep alive their hopes

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