Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170901 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170901

nepal and bangladesh — with a third of bangladesh still under water. there's more misery for householders in birmingham, as refuse collectors go back on strike, in a dispute overjobs. good evening and welcome to bbc news. the security company gas has suspended nine workers at an immigration removal centre near gatwick airport, for allegedly abusing detainees. it follows an investigation by the bbc‘s panorama programme, claiming officers "mocked, and assaulted" people. it's claimed there was "widespread self—harm and attempted suicides" at the centre, and that drug use was "rife". gas says it's aware of the allegations and "immediately" began an investigation. those suspended include a female nurse, six detention custody officers, and two managers. alison holt has more. brook house immigration removal centre sits a couple of hundred metres from the runway at gatwick airport. it's run by the global security firm gas. here foreign national prisoners facing deportation at the end of their sentence are detained alongside asylum seekers, illegal migrants and those who have overstayed their visas. covert filming by the bbc‘s panorama programme shows a chaotic place awash with drugs. with self harm commonplace among the men held there. there are officers doing their best, but the undercover investigation alleges some staff mock, abuse, or even assault detainees. the incidents picked up by the hidden camera worn by another officer. callum tulley has worked at brook house for two years. there is a culture of violence at brook house, when i started working there, i was, i quite quickly became disturbed by what i was seeing and hearing about. it is the latest scandal to hit gas. last year another panorama investigation at medway secure training centre in kent led to allegations of the mistreatment of some teenagers held there. the company says it is waiting to see the brook house footage but has suspended nine staff and put five others on restricted duties. my initial reaction is that i am absolutely disgusted by the alleged behaviour. it is totally unacceptable to me, to the organisation, to anyone else who would work in this kind of vocation. what does that tell you about the culture of brook house and also of gas because culture comes from on high. my expectations are very clear, that we care for people, we look after people, on occasions we challenge people, and we do so in a way that is accepted, that is clearly laid down. it's the home office that decides who is detained at centres like brook house. it says it condemns any actions that put the safety or dignity of detainees at risk, adding that gas needs to ensure there is a thorough investigation into the allegations at the centre. the company says it has alerted the police. alison holt, bbc news. i'm joined by chai patel, who is legal and policy director from the joint council for the welfare of immigrants. thank you for coming in. what do you make of what has been exposed here? it's shocking, but it is u nfortu nately not it's shocking, but it is unfortunately not unexpected. there have been many issues with detention centres in general and those run by private companies. i think the most important thing to remember is while gas has had many scandals attached to it, and it's unclear why the government keeps putting responsibility in the hands of an organisation that has proven time and time again to be unable to fulfil those duties with humanity, it is very much an issue for the government to reflect on its use and continued use in the face of its own independent review. in the face of cross— party independent review. in the face of cross—party groups of mps who have all said the use of immigration detention in the uk is ineffective, expensive and inhumane. and it needs to be reduced drastically. give us a sense of who is inside, typically, ina sense of who is inside, typically, in a place like brook house. what is the mix of people? the majority of people in immigration detention have at some point made an asylum claim. but it can be people with any kind of immigration status who have either made claims in the past for status, have come into the country legally and then lost status, or are seeking to enter the country and have been placed in detention pending decision on whether or not they can do that. the important thing to remember is that these are people... you don't go into an immigration detention centre because you have been convicted of any sort of crime. it's something that the home office uses as a matter of convenience. the home office is only supposed to detain people where it has a reasonable and realistic prospect of removing from the country in a realistic amount of time. and that doesn't happen. you have talked about why as you see it the home office does what it does. if these people, whether you like it oi’ if these people, whether you like it or not, are part of a process, they therefore have to be somewhere while that process is conducted. yes, and many people manage that process perfectly when not in immigration detention. we are the only country in the eu to have indefinite immigration detention, where you can be detained for any period of time, and you will not necessarily know when you are getting let out. do you wa nt when you are getting let out. do you want that to change? we and many other organisations have been calling for a time limit on the length of detention that can be allowed. as i said, the obligation on the home office is only to detain those who can be removed within a reasonable period of time. there are people who have been in there for four years and that's not reasonable by any standards. the other thing is, there are models out there for countries that use immigration detention far less than we do. we use it far more than most. they have some cases more cooperation from the people who are told that their application has been refused. they have a greater success rate as people voluntarily leaving the country than we do. we must leave it there but thank you for coming in. the former archbishop of westminster, cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, has died. he was 85. martin bashir looks back on his life. the almighty god bless you. cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor served as the head of the roman catholic church in england and wales from 2000 until 2009. his theological acumen was recognised early and he served as rector of the english college in rome before becoming bishop of arundel and brighton. and it was in sussex where he faced his greatest public challenge. a local priest, michael hill, had been accused of child sexual abuse. then bishop murphy—o'connor decided to redeploy him as a chaplain at gatwick airport. hill went on to abuse children and was jailed in 1997. cormac murphy—o'connor refused to resign but described his management of hill as a grave mistake. out of that terrible case came his decision to ask lord nolan to help him rethink how the catholic church in this country dealt with child abuse issues, to try to avoid such terrible things happening again. although he did not engage directly in politics, it was his careful nurturing that led tony blair to convert to catholicism in 2007 after he'd stepped down as prime minister. a year later, cormac murphy—o'connor published a book entitled faith in the nation, in which he argued against the erosion of religious values in public life. it was this assertion that the christian faith must play a role in the public square, that cormac murphy—o'connor had contended for throughout his life. martin bashir reporting. and catherine pepinster, who you saw there — we will be talking to her shortly about cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor. it's now believed more than ia00 people have been killed, after catastrophic flooding across south asia. this year's monsoon season has been particularly heavy, and in all around ai million people have been affected. millions left homeless, with more than 950,000 homes destroyed. flooding first hit bangladesh in the middle of august, submerging roughly a third of the country, moved to nepal and has now reached india, where parts of the country's financial centre, mumbai, are under several feet of water. one of the worst affected areas is the eastern state of bihar — justin rowlatt is there. those least able to cope are the hardest hit by the floods. budhia devi says her life has been ruined. translation: i have lost everything. i had a cow and a goat. they were both killed. my house is totally broken and i'm just left sitting here by the side of the road. i have nothing left. i just don't know what to do. the people here are subsistence farmers, some of the poorest and most vulnerable people on earth. the floodwaters have begun to drain back. only to reveal the wreckage of homes and of lives. more than 500 people have died just in this one indian state, 17 million affected, and now there are new concerns — houses, schools, roads — they all need to be rebuilt and then of course there is the danger of disease. filthy water, hot weather, and the lack of basic sanitation can be a deadly combination. people remained in water three days, four days. their homes were submerged in the water. they remained in the water but due to water—borne dieases, they were drinking contaminated water, so it's a huge risk. and this is a snapshot from just one tiny part of a catastrophe that is unfolding across much of south asia. the region floods every year, but this is different. exceptional rains have brought devastation right across the foothills of the himalayas, from bangladesh in the east, across india and nepal, all the way to the west coast of india and into pakistan. the death toll from the collapse of a single building in the indian financial capital, mumbai, rose to 33 today. police suspect it was weakened by the torrential rains. and 16 people have died in flash floods in karachi, the largest city in pakistan. eid, one of the holiest dates in the muslim calendar, is tomorrow. it is typically one of the busiest periods for the city as families come together for the festival. but the monsoon‘s fury is not spent yet. more rain is forecast across the region. justin rowlatt, bbc news, bihar. joining me now from bangladesh is unicef‘s deputy representative in the region, sheema sen gupta. what is the position where you are? where i am has been pretty dry today, but we have offices in several districts in bangladesh, including in the north, which is currently responding to the third images we are seeing. how much help you able offer people? what we are trying to do, the focus is on ensuring that the population affected by the floods, which is really about 8 million people that are affected really about 8 million people that a re affected by really about 8 million people that are affected by the flooding in northern and central bangladesh, what you're trying to do is ensure that they have access to safe drinking water, water clarification ta blets. drinking water, water clarification tablets. really to prevent the risk of waterborne diseases. but we are watching with the local education authorities is that education services are provided. 0nce authorities is that education services are provided. once the water level goes down, of course. how well co—ordinated is that help given that you are involved and no doubt other in organisations and local organisations as well? with unicef we work with the government and local ngos to help implement the programmes. the government is actually coordinating this response. they have shelters organised and people are moving into the shelters. even for the water sanitation and hygiene services, we are working with the government on that. the un comes together and still has the humanitarian team with the ngos, coming together to look at a co—ordinated response. there is quite a bit of co—ordination on the ground as well to ensure we don't duplicate resources and ensure we can actually reach out to as many people as possible. the word on the scale of this. yes, it's monsoon season, but have you seen anything like this before in this part of the world ? like this before in this part of the world? what the ministry of disaster management and relief has said is that this is the worst in the last four years. bangladesh hasn't seen this lately. in the past they have had it as bad as this, but we were not expecting it this time. and it looks very bad. we appreciate you coming on. thank you very much, a unicef representative on the line from bangladesh. the headlines on bbc news... gas suspends nine employees, after claims of abuse and assaults on detainees at an immigration removal centre. cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, the former archbishop of westminster, has died. kenya's supreme court has annulled the result of last month's presidential election, and ordered a new one to be held within 60 days. the brexit secretary, david davis, says he's a "determined optimist" about britain's future outside the european union. his comments on a visit to washington, come after the trade secretary, liam fox, accused the eu, of trying to "blackmail" britain, into accepting a brexit divorce bill, as the price for beginning trade talks. here's our political correspondent eleanor garnier. the prime minister, showing how it's done. at a meeting with the emperor of japan, a lesson in delicate diplomacy. but it seems her trade secretary hadn't got the memo. speaking injapan, he accused the eu of bullying the uk into agreeing a brexit divorce bill before it will start negotiating any future trade relationship. we can't be blackmailed into paying a price on the first part. we think that we should begin discussions on the final settlement, because that's good for business. the outcome of this week's negotiations in brussels revealed that money remains a key sticking point in the talks. it's clear the uk doesn't feel legally obliged to honour its obligations after departure. nobody will pretend it was anything but a tough exchange this week. but i think the british taxpayer would expect nothing less. it's no surprise there is a bit of rough—and—tumble at this stage in the talks. it's significant liam fox didn't repeat the word blackmail when asked exactly what he meant. a moment perhaps when frustration got the better of him. but it's certainly not a phrase you can expect the prime minister to be uttering. fresh from his talks in brussels, the brexit secretary gave a speech to business leaders in washington today. he tried to laugh away his colleague's controversial comments. i never comment... i know what you're doing. i never comment on other ministers' views on these things. look, we are in a difficult, tough, complicated negotiation. i have said from the beginning that it will be turbulent. what we're having at the moment is the first ripple. and there will be many more ripples along the way. critics here claim liam fox's talk of blackmail will only make matters worse. his language is intensely unhelpful. this is sabre—rattling from a trade secretary who is twiddling his thumbs because he cannot do anything until the trade position of the uk has been resolved with the eu. the prime minister rounded off her trip cheering on the gb wheelchair basketball team. but when it comes to brexit, the government is still searching for some big points and will be hoping for more winning ways to come. eleanor garnier, bbc news, westminster. joining me now to pore over all things brexit, is the daily telegraph's brexit correspondent, james rothwell. we've had three rounds of these talks in brussels. how do you think things stand ? talks in brussels. how do you think things stand? i think it's fair to say that so far, especially this week, it hasn't gone terribly well. you saw the press conference yesterday in brussels. a very frosty atmosphere. i was there and david davis, usually tries to stay fairly jovial. whereas michel barnier is a little bit more reserved. but it was clear yesterday, and the atmosphere in the room was palpable, that the two didn't appear to be getting on well in the negotiation rooms before the press conference. there has been some incremental progress on two of the three big issues. one is northern ireland, some small progress there they said yesterday. citizens rights, maybe a little progress. but on the big issue of the financial settlement, the so—called brexit bill, they seem to be incomplete deadlock and not making any progress on that until 0ctober making any progress on that until october at least. it's on that subject that liam fox use the word blackmail today. i think liam subject that liam fox use the word blackmailtoday. i think liam fox is clearly under a bit of pressure at the moment to push back. it was a very aggressive press conference yesterday. you very aggressive press conference yesterday. you saw what michel barnier said, and he accused david davis of being nostalgic for some benefits of membership of the single market, suggesting britain wanted to leave the single market but control the single market from the outside. liam fox probably felt the need that he ought to hit back at that, and also push things forward a little bit. let's push things forward here now. where do we go from here in terms of the timetable and the pace of talking? there is a suggestion that they might talk a bit more often. that was alluded to yesterday. both michel barnier and david davis suggested they might need to have talks twice a week or maybe every week. you mentioned the timetable. before the eu had said 0ctober timetable. before the eu had said october was crunch time. so if we hadn't made what they called sufficient progress on the three key issues then we couldn't move on to talk about trade. now it's looking increasingly likely we will not reach that stage by october, which isa reach that stage by october, which is a problem. how much of a problem, do you think? there are two scenarios here. one is that both sides... and we don't know how they will do this because it will be behind closed doors, but there will behind closed doors, but there will be some meeting in the middle of the brexit bill in particular because that's the contentious one, and we might be able to move on. the other option is we end up in complete deadlock and can't move on. that's a pretty big concern for some people. i think on the whole you have to remember that the eu is under a lot of pressure as well to push negotiations forward. 27 member states have some pretty major business interests in the uk. france is one good example with fishing, and also ireland with agriculture. publicly everyone says they are united, but privately they are very worried. germany have elections coming up later this month. there are some who say that once they are out of the way it might help things move forward. absolutely. and david davis did allude to this in his speech today. 0nce davis did allude to this in his speech today. once the german elections have happened there might be progress. when people know for sure, as is expected at the moment that angela merkel will be chancellor, then everybody might calm down a little bit. if people know it is angela merkel representing germany on the european council in october than people might feel more amenable to pushing forward. james rodwell of the daily telegraph, thank you forjoining us. some breaking news for you. it is understood a former gas officer who now works for the home office has also been suspended from work. the man worked at brook house, which was the place featured in that film and will appear in the bbc‘s panorama programme. it brings the total number of people suspended to ten. throughout the day we have reported nine suspended, won a female nurse and the other eight all men. two our detention custody managers and six are detention custody officers. now there are ten suspended, up from nine. 0ne there are ten suspended, up from nine. one other line of breaking news that makes reference to the mystery cloud, the haze that cause quite a lot of difficulty for people on the beaches in east sussex a week ago, last weekend, apparently a shipwreck could be to blame for that cloud. 150 people or so required treatment for stinging eyes, sore throats and vomiting after what was described as a noxious haze reached the shore, stretching from eastbourne to birling gap, close to beachy head. the maritime and coastguard agency says it was examining whether the emissions came from a vessel, previously unreported lost cargo or a known shipwreck. the various possibilities still there. but a shipwreck is now being considered as a possible cause for that mysterious haze. the supreme court in kenya has overturned the result of the country's presidential election because of irregularities in the way the vote was conducted. the ruling is being seen as a victory for the opposition leader and veteran politician raila 0dinga, who called it a historic day for the people of africa. anne soy sent us this report from nairobi. celebrating a new lease of life. veteran politician raila 0dinga gets one more chance to run for president. a last—minute decision to challenge the result of the presidential election paid off. the presidential election held on the 8th august 2017 was not conducted in accordance with the constitution and the applicable law, rendering the declared result invalid, null and void. a shocking and rare judgment. outside the court, celebrations erupted among opposition supporters. it's now back to the drawing board for presidential candidates. as much as i disagree with it, i respect it. i disagree with it, because, as i have said, millions of kenyans queued, made their choice, and six people have decided that they will go against the will of the people. thejudges, however, the judges, however, found thejudges, however, found no evidence of misconduct on the part of the encumbered. the judges did not limit themselves to what happened on election day until the results were announced. rather they looked at the electoral process in totality from voter registry is on totality from voter registry is on to civic education. as soon as the campaigning and procurement of election materials. in a sense... in a sense this judgment sets a strong precedent for election disputes globally and a high threshold for the conduct of elections. the court directed the electoral commission to organise a fresh election. but the opposition says it has no confidence in the current commission. they have committed criminal acts. most of them actually belong injail. and therefore we are going to ask for prosecution, of all the electoral commission officers who have caused this monstrous crime against the people of kenya. the constitution states a new election must be held within 60 days. for now though, opposition supporters across the country are basking in the glory of the court victory. anne soy, bbc news, nairobi. with me now is nic cheeseman — professor of democracy at university of birmingham. he's in sri lanka this evening. good evening and thank you for joining us. what do you make of the significance of events in kenya today? it's a tremendously important day. i think most of us didn't believe this would happen. it's very rare for a supreme court to rule against the sitting president in the case of an election, almost. certainly the first case we have seenin certainly the first case we have seen in sub saharan africa and one of the first cases around the world. this has set a new precedent both in africa and kenya. as your correspondent was saying, it seems to set the burden of the quality of the election pretty high. the supreme court has not ruled on the of rigging in terms of the number of votes disputed by the opposition. instead what they have talked about todayis instead what they have talked about today is process and the quality of that process. they said the quality of that process wasn't good enough and didn't meet the constitutional thresholds and legal obligations, and it means future elections will have to meet those and improve their quality, irrespective of the results. that contrasts with the view of the electoral commission at the times and of some international observers there who seemed to think the election had gone reasonably smoothly. it would be fair to say that the supreme court has actually held the election to a higher standard than international observers. 0bservers standard than international observers. observers are used to giving a c+ result, but the supreme court has cut through that and said actually the quality of the election was not good enough. we are not sure about how the results were transmitted, how they were protected. we're not sure all the votes are counted and each vote counted equally, so we must do it again. ina counted equally, so we must do it again. in a sense the court has created a new standard. and that standard is significantly stronger than the one many observers and monitors use themselves. there is bound to be concerned about how people will react to this. there will be another election within 60 days, we know. do you share those fears about the impact this will have on everyday life in kenya?” think there are two things to be said. one thing this will do is really just to make said. one thing this will do is reallyjust to make the political process in the eyes of opposition supporters who felt they had been locked out and the process was unfair. -- locked out and the process was unfair. —— is re—legitimate. they will feel the supreme court has looked out for their interests. 0n the flip side, this will plunge kenya back into an election campaign. it's important to say campaigns in kenya and the day of voting itself have generally been peaceful. the problem is often been the period just after bat, the period of counting, and then what happens in terms of whether the result is contested. 0ne happens in terms of whether the result is contested. one of the risks here is by setting such a high threshold and standard, the supreme court has made it quite difficult for the next election, which has to be held within 60 days, to meet that standard. 0ne be held within 60 days, to meet that standard. one of the dangers might be that we see an election which is disputed and then cancelled by the supreme court and that a subsequent election. 0ne supreme court and that a subsequent election. one thing we need to see now is all the parties coming together to agree a set of standards. what should the next election look like, you should manage it, and what would it mean to have an election that meets the hurdle costa and then we can move forwards and hopefully have an election that everyone can accept the result of. good to have your thoughts. more now on the death of cardinal cormac mcconnell. thank you for coming in. what are your memories? i remember a very jovial character, a warm and welcoming person who got on very well with the people that he encountered. they liked him. he liked them. it did not matter if they were people in the pew or high up they were people in the pew or high up officials in rome for the back kind of any ability stood him in good stead in rome. it meant that he was able to make use of his influence. he knew the city and the workings of the vatican very well. he was brought on to various important committees in the catholic church in rome and it meant he had influence over the bishops who were chosen all over the world. what would you pick out as being the highs of his time in a position of such seniority and the lows as well? the highs included some of the work that he did in rome as part of these committees. the low has to be the child abuse scandal that roque very soon after he had become archbishop of westminster. —— that broke. the problem was that this particular priest had abused children over and again that perhaps cardinal maccormack had been too trusting and he did not report him to the police. he moved him somewhere he thought it would be safer. this did not look good at all. it was not good. he tried to rescue that. he tried to do something to repair the damage in that he appointed, or asked, lord nolan to carry out an investigation and see how child protection could be improved in the catholic church in this country got at his committee came up with over 80 recommendations and they were all accepted and put into practice. what about his role within the political environment? clearly when you get to his position you are in that environment whether you are in that environment whether you like it or not. how much influence did he have there? he had a certain amount. part of it was to do with the fact he could get on with people very well. his time as cardinal archbishop coincided with the time of new labour. he had quite a lot to do with tony blair and gordon brown. already mrs blair was a catholic and the cardinal knew the family. 0nce tony blair left office, the cardinal did receive him into the cardinal did receive him into the catholic church. he did not necessarily persuade tony blair of his opinions when tony blair was prime minister, not only on issues like same—sex adoption but also the cardinal was opposed to the war in iraq but he did not have clout there. good to have your thoughts. thank you for coming in. it may have been a chilly start to the day. plenty of sunshine. some cloud is starting to build. a few showers breaking out. much of the north and west of the uk will hold onto to find whether the south east scotland, parts of the pennines, through the east midlands and into east anglia there could be boundary downpours. even in these areas people will escape them and stay dry. berigaud cloud and sunny spells. some of the showers in eastern england hang on into the night. an area of cloud going into the morning. many places will be under clear skies allowing temperatures to dip into single figures. 0n temperatures to dip into single figures. on saturday the chance of the odd light shower in eastern england but the vast pejorative the uk will have a fine saturday, variable cloud, good, sunny spells and feeling pleasantly warm in the sunshine before cloud and rain comes in from the west slowly on sunday. hello. this is bbc news. the headlines... the private security company, gas, has suspended nine employees following claims of abuse and assaults on detainees at an immigration centre. it is thought a former employee who worked for the home office has also been suspended. cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, the former archbishop of westminster, has died , he was the former leader of the roman catholic church in england and wales. it's believed more than ia00 people have been killed, after catastrophic flooding across south asia. this year's monsoon season has been particularly heavy, and in all around ai million people have been affected there have been calls for calm, as kenya's supreme court annuls the result of last month's presidential election and orders a new one within 60 days. the incumbent uhuru kenyatta was declared the winner in last month's poll. refuse collectors in birmingham are back on strike, in a long running dispute with the city council over job losses. industrial action was suspended last month after seven weeks of stoppages, but unions now claim the council has gone back on a deal, not to issue redundancy notices. sima kotcha reports. it looks bad and it smells even worse. a bin strike that's been going on for weeks and people here have had enough. itjust smells like a tip. i mean, there's bags just dumped everywhere. rubbish bags which have opened up and just scattered all across the road and we have to walk through it every single day. that smell, it's so awful that you would rather do this to yourself than smell it, really, ugh. the council and the refuse workers are arguing about shift patterns, pay and conditions, and job losses. the owners of this fish and chip shop say it's affecting their business. if the bins get ripped then it's a big invite for the rats. and that can smell really bad and it's unhygienic for everybody. people having to walk around and go around, you know. this strike started at the end ofjune. the council claims that it's been costing them around £a0,000 per day to hire agency staff to clean up all this rubbish. then the industrial action was suspended in the middle of august as the two sides held talks to figure out what to do next. then at 7:30am this morning the strike was back on. and that's because the council confirmed last night it would be cutting jobs. the unite union says they won't let that happen and will carry on striking for three hours every day. this is an ideological decision. it's been taken out on the low paid by faceless paid officials who earn, frankly, obscene amounts of money. £180,000 a year, and they are asking people on £19,000 to take a cut. it's disgraceful. the council's leader had said there would be no redundancies but he's come under pressure from his cabinet to change his stance because some of them say no job losses are unaffordable. everyone still has a job, who has been given those redundancy notices. they can either have a job at exactly the same level, somewhere else in the council, or they still have a job on the bins. birmingham city council is the largest local authority in europe. the longer this dispute goes on, the more expensive it gets for them and for those on strike. sima kotecha, bbc news, birmingham. sales of the noisiest and most powerful vacuum cleaner are from today, restricted under eu rules. machines using more than 900 watts of power, and emitting more than 80 decibels, will be banned from sale when the existing stocks run out. 0ur environment analyst roger harrabin explains. what used to happen to carpets. until london's hoover factory in 193a applied technology to cleaning. voiceover: and at last, the lady can make light of her housework... even men used them, sometimes. a lifetime later, and we have other worries. we're trying to cut emissions from electricity, and keep bills down. so, new eu rules are forcing the most energy—hungry of these machines off the market. cleaners like this sebo automatic gobble 1100 watts. that's too high to meet new european standards, so this model is on its way out. anti—eu campaigners say europe should have no say in the sort of vacuum cleaner that you buy. but experts say households can save a small fortune on electricity bills if only the least efficient machines can be driven off the market. eu efficiency standards have improved most of the machines in your kitchen. already, the rules have contributed to a 17% drop in our use of energy. 0ur energy bills are £290 lower than they would be without efficiency improvements. now vacuum cleaners must play their part. people think that if it's a very high wattage than it's going to be a super—duper cleaner, but that's not necessarily the case. manufacturers have known for a long time that this has been coming, so they will have been working very hard on design and technology to make sure that the new generation of vacuum cleaners will come up to the mark. 0n the streets of leeds, opinions are divided. i think it's required, anything that uses less energy is good, obviously. it's ridiculous, i don't believe it. i'll believe it when i see it, anyway. no, i think it'll be a good idea, you know, to make it... you know, if it's making it better for people, yeah. and this issue's political. before the brexit referendum, the eu postponed new standards on toasters. the government says it supports energy efficiency, but it won't say if eu rules will still apply after brexit. we'll have to see what pops up. roger harrabin, bbc news. a pensioner couple — who were said to have gone ‘out of control at a hotel in the highlands — have been fined £a,100 for a series of offences. perth sheriff court was told that staff and guests at the macdonald loch rannoch hotel were forced to flee when 72—year—old robert fergus and his 69—year—year—old wife ruth went on the rampage. he ran naked with a pair of scissors in the public reception and smashed a glass pane. she threatened to shoot a staff member. the couple had been drinking. thousands of muggles turned up to kings cross station today to celebrate the start of the new term at hogwarts. fans counted down to 11 o'clock — the departure time of the hogwarts express, as they queued up to have their photograph taken at the point marking platform 9 and 3/a. it's a particularly special year, as it's the date albus severus potter — the youngest son of harry potter — would have started at hogwarts. the headlines... the private security company, gas, has suspended ten employees following claims of abuse and assaults on detainees at an immigration centre. cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, the former archbishop of westminster, has died. there have been calls for calm, as kenya's supreme court annuls the result of last month's presidential election and orders a new one within 60 days. now on bbc news, it's time for newswatch, with guest presenter roger bolton. hello. welcome to newswatch with me, roger bolton, standing inforsamira. coming up on the programme, the other flood. around a0 people have died in hurricane harvey compared to around 1200 having been killed in the floods of south east asia. shouldn't that disaster have been given greater problem —— prominence? we will also ask if the 20th anniversary of princess diana's death has prompted an outpouring of what one bbc editor called mawkish drivel. but first, the reputation of august as being the silly season for news isn't entirely justified. it as a month which has had its fair share of cataclysmic events over the years. the outbreak of world war i, the partition of india, and the soviet invasion of czechoslovakia, for example. this summer hasn't exactly been quiet on the world's north korean missiles flying over japan and president trump twittering several times a day. with many politicians and others on holiday there has been the odd longeur in the news cycle. back in the dog days of early august, news presenter simon mccoy could barely bring himself to introduce an item of, shall we say, less than ea rth—shattering importance. just bear in mind it is august. this doesn't look like a walk in the park. dog owners and their pets in california have hit the waves in the second annual world dog surfing championships. here are the pictures. there is style, confidence, the size of the way. , wave. some events have really big waves, some have small waves. there is a lot of style and technique. it is really interesting. the competitor's main challenge is to stay afloat on the board. this is in pacifica near san francisco. there are also prizes for the best dressed and tandem surfing dogs.

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170901 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170901

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nepal and bangladesh — with a third of bangladesh still under water. there's more misery for householders in birmingham, as refuse collectors go back on strike, in a dispute overjobs. good evening and welcome to bbc news. the security company gas has suspended nine workers at an immigration removal centre near gatwick airport, for allegedly abusing detainees. it follows an investigation by the bbc‘s panorama programme, claiming officers "mocked, and assaulted" people. it's claimed there was "widespread self—harm and attempted suicides" at the centre, and that drug use was "rife". gas says it's aware of the allegations and "immediately" began an investigation. those suspended include a female nurse, six detention custody officers, and two managers. alison holt has more. brook house immigration removal centre sits a couple of hundred metres from the runway at gatwick airport. it's run by the global security firm gas. here foreign national prisoners facing deportation at the end of their sentence are detained alongside asylum seekers, illegal migrants and those who have overstayed their visas. covert filming by the bbc‘s panorama programme shows a chaotic place awash with drugs. with self harm commonplace among the men held there. there are officers doing their best, but the undercover investigation alleges some staff mock, abuse, or even assault detainees. the incidents picked up by the hidden camera worn by another officer. callum tulley has worked at brook house for two years. there is a culture of violence at brook house, when i started working there, i was, i quite quickly became disturbed by what i was seeing and hearing about. it is the latest scandal to hit gas. last year another panorama investigation at medway secure training centre in kent led to allegations of the mistreatment of some teenagers held there. the company says it is waiting to see the brook house footage but has suspended nine staff and put five others on restricted duties. my initial reaction is that i am absolutely disgusted by the alleged behaviour. it is totally unacceptable to me, to the organisation, to anyone else who would work in this kind of vocation. what does that tell you about the culture of brook house and also of gas because culture comes from on high. my expectations are very clear, that we care for people, we look after people, on occasions we challenge people, and we do so in a way that is accepted, that is clearly laid down. it's the home office that decides who is detained at centres like brook house. it says it condemns any actions that put the safety or dignity of detainees at risk, adding that gas needs to ensure there is a thorough investigation into the allegations at the centre. the company says it has alerted the police. alison holt, bbc news. i'm joined by chai patel, who is legal and policy director from the joint council for the welfare of immigrants. thank you for coming in. what do you make of what has been exposed here? it's shocking, but it is u nfortu nately not it's shocking, but it is unfortunately not unexpected. there have been many issues with detention centres in general and those run by private companies. i think the most important thing to remember is while gas has had many scandals attached to it, and it's unclear why the government keeps putting responsibility in the hands of an organisation that has proven time and time again to be unable to fulfil those duties with humanity, it is very much an issue for the government to reflect on its use and continued use in the face of its own independent review. in the face of cross— party independent review. in the face of cross—party groups of mps who have all said the use of immigration detention in the uk is ineffective, expensive and inhumane. and it needs to be reduced drastically. give us a sense of who is inside, typically, ina sense of who is inside, typically, in a place like brook house. what is the mix of people? the majority of people in immigration detention have at some point made an asylum claim. but it can be people with any kind of immigration status who have either made claims in the past for status, have come into the country legally and then lost status, or are seeking to enter the country and have been placed in detention pending decision on whether or not they can do that. the important thing to remember is that these are people... you don't go into an immigration detention centre because you have been convicted of any sort of crime. it's something that the home office uses as a matter of convenience. the home office is only supposed to detain people where it has a reasonable and realistic prospect of removing from the country in a realistic amount of time. and that doesn't happen. you have talked about why as you see it the home office does what it does. if these people, whether you like it oi’ if these people, whether you like it or not, are part of a process, they therefore have to be somewhere while that process is conducted. yes, and many people manage that process perfectly when not in immigration detention. we are the only country in the eu to have indefinite immigration detention, where you can be detained for any period of time, and you will not necessarily know when you are getting let out. do you wa nt when you are getting let out. do you want that to change? we and many other organisations have been calling for a time limit on the length of detention that can be allowed. as i said, the obligation on the home office is only to detain those who can be removed within a reasonable period of time. there are people who have been in there for four years and that's not reasonable by any standards. the other thing is, there are models out there for countries that use immigration detention far less than we do. we use it far more than most. they have some cases more cooperation from the people who are told that their application has been refused. they have a greater success rate as people voluntarily leaving the country than we do. we must leave it there but thank you for coming in. the former archbishop of westminster, cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, has died. he was 85. martin bashir looks back on his life. the almighty god bless you. cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor served as the head of the roman catholic church in england and wales from 2000 until 2009. his theological acumen was recognised early and he served as rector of the english college in rome before becoming bishop of arundel and brighton. and it was in sussex where he faced his greatest public challenge. a local priest, michael hill, had been accused of child sexual abuse. then bishop murphy—o'connor decided to redeploy him as a chaplain at gatwick airport. hill went on to abuse children and was jailed in 1997. cormac murphy—o'connor refused to resign but described his management of hill as a grave mistake. out of that terrible case came his decision to ask lord nolan to help him rethink how the catholic church in this country dealt with child abuse issues, to try to avoid such terrible things happening again. although he did not engage directly in politics, it was his careful nurturing that led tony blair to convert to catholicism in 2007 after he'd stepped down as prime minister. a year later, cormac murphy—o'connor published a book entitled faith in the nation, in which he argued against the erosion of religious values in public life. it was this assertion that the christian faith must play a role in the public square, that cormac murphy—o'connor had contended for throughout his life. martin bashir reporting. and catherine pepinster, who you saw there — we will be talking to her shortly about cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor. it's now believed more than ia00 people have been killed, after catastrophic flooding across south asia. this year's monsoon season has been particularly heavy, and in all around ai million people have been affected. millions left homeless, with more than 950,000 homes destroyed. flooding first hit bangladesh in the middle of august, submerging roughly a third of the country, moved to nepal and has now reached india, where parts of the country's financial centre, mumbai, are under several feet of water. one of the worst affected areas is the eastern state of bihar — justin rowlatt is there. those least able to cope are the hardest hit by the floods. budhia devi says her life has been ruined. translation: i have lost everything. i had a cow and a goat. they were both killed. my house is totally broken and i'm just left sitting here by the side of the road. i have nothing left. i just don't know what to do. the people here are subsistence farmers, some of the poorest and most vulnerable people on earth. the floodwaters have begun to drain back. only to reveal the wreckage of homes and of lives. more than 500 people have died just in this one indian state, 17 million affected, and now there are new concerns — houses, schools, roads — they all need to be rebuilt and then of course there is the danger of disease. filthy water, hot weather, and the lack of basic sanitation can be a deadly combination. people remained in water three days, four days. their homes were submerged in the water. they remained in the water but due to water—borne dieases, they were drinking contaminated water, so it's a huge risk. and this is a snapshot from just one tiny part of a catastrophe that is unfolding across much of south asia. the region floods every year, but this is different. exceptional rains have brought devastation right across the foothills of the himalayas, from bangladesh in the east, across india and nepal, all the way to the west coast of india and into pakistan. the death toll from the collapse of a single building in the indian financial capital, mumbai, rose to 33 today. police suspect it was weakened by the torrential rains. and 16 people have died in flash floods in karachi, the largest city in pakistan. eid, one of the holiest dates in the muslim calendar, is tomorrow. it is typically one of the busiest periods for the city as families come together for the festival. but the monsoon‘s fury is not spent yet. more rain is forecast across the region. justin rowlatt, bbc news, bihar. joining me now from bangladesh is unicef‘s deputy representative in the region, sheema sen gupta. what is the position where you are? where i am has been pretty dry today, but we have offices in several districts in bangladesh, including in the north, which is currently responding to the third images we are seeing. how much help you able offer people? what we are trying to do, the focus is on ensuring that the population affected by the floods, which is really about 8 million people that are affected really about 8 million people that a re affected by really about 8 million people that are affected by the flooding in northern and central bangladesh, what you're trying to do is ensure that they have access to safe drinking water, water clarification ta blets. drinking water, water clarification tablets. really to prevent the risk of waterborne diseases. but we are watching with the local education authorities is that education services are provided. 0nce authorities is that education services are provided. once the water level goes down, of course. how well co—ordinated is that help given that you are involved and no doubt other in organisations and local organisations as well? with unicef we work with the government and local ngos to help implement the programmes. the government is actually coordinating this response. they have shelters organised and people are moving into the shelters. even for the water sanitation and hygiene services, we are working with the government on that. the un comes together and still has the humanitarian team with the ngos, coming together to look at a co—ordinated response. there is quite a bit of co—ordination on the ground as well to ensure we don't duplicate resources and ensure we can actually reach out to as many people as possible. the word on the scale of this. yes, it's monsoon season, but have you seen anything like this before in this part of the world ? like this before in this part of the world? what the ministry of disaster management and relief has said is that this is the worst in the last four years. bangladesh hasn't seen this lately. in the past they have had it as bad as this, but we were not expecting it this time. and it looks very bad. we appreciate you coming on. thank you very much, a unicef representative on the line from bangladesh. the headlines on bbc news... gas suspends nine employees, after claims of abuse and assaults on detainees at an immigration removal centre. cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, the former archbishop of westminster, has died. kenya's supreme court has annulled the result of last month's presidential election, and ordered a new one to be held within 60 days. the brexit secretary, david davis, says he's a "determined optimist" about britain's future outside the european union. his comments on a visit to washington, come after the trade secretary, liam fox, accused the eu, of trying to "blackmail" britain, into accepting a brexit divorce bill, as the price for beginning trade talks. here's our political correspondent eleanor garnier. the prime minister, showing how it's done. at a meeting with the emperor of japan, a lesson in delicate diplomacy. but it seems her trade secretary hadn't got the memo. speaking injapan, he accused the eu of bullying the uk into agreeing a brexit divorce bill before it will start negotiating any future trade relationship. we can't be blackmailed into paying a price on the first part. we think that we should begin discussions on the final settlement, because that's good for business. the outcome of this week's negotiations in brussels revealed that money remains a key sticking point in the talks. it's clear the uk doesn't feel legally obliged to honour its obligations after departure. nobody will pretend it was anything but a tough exchange this week. but i think the british taxpayer would expect nothing less. it's no surprise there is a bit of rough—and—tumble at this stage in the talks. it's significant liam fox didn't repeat the word blackmail when asked exactly what he meant. a moment perhaps when frustration got the better of him. but it's certainly not a phrase you can expect the prime minister to be uttering. fresh from his talks in brussels, the brexit secretary gave a speech to business leaders in washington today. he tried to laugh away his colleague's controversial comments. i never comment... i know what you're doing. i never comment on other ministers' views on these things. look, we are in a difficult, tough, complicated negotiation. i have said from the beginning that it will be turbulent. what we're having at the moment is the first ripple. and there will be many more ripples along the way. critics here claim liam fox's talk of blackmail will only make matters worse. his language is intensely unhelpful. this is sabre—rattling from a trade secretary who is twiddling his thumbs because he cannot do anything until the trade position of the uk has been resolved with the eu. the prime minister rounded off her trip cheering on the gb wheelchair basketball team. but when it comes to brexit, the government is still searching for some big points and will be hoping for more winning ways to come. eleanor garnier, bbc news, westminster. joining me now to pore over all things brexit, is the daily telegraph's brexit correspondent, james rothwell. we've had three rounds of these talks in brussels. how do you think things stand ? talks in brussels. how do you think things stand? i think it's fair to say that so far, especially this week, it hasn't gone terribly well. you saw the press conference yesterday in brussels. a very frosty atmosphere. i was there and david davis, usually tries to stay fairly jovial. whereas michel barnier is a little bit more reserved. but it was clear yesterday, and the atmosphere in the room was palpable, that the two didn't appear to be getting on well in the negotiation rooms before the press conference. there has been some incremental progress on two of the three big issues. one is northern ireland, some small progress there they said yesterday. citizens rights, maybe a little progress. but on the big issue of the financial settlement, the so—called brexit bill, they seem to be incomplete deadlock and not making any progress on that until 0ctober making any progress on that until october at least. it's on that subject that liam fox use the word blackmail today. i think liam subject that liam fox use the word blackmailtoday. i think liam fox is clearly under a bit of pressure at the moment to push back. it was a very aggressive press conference yesterday. you very aggressive press conference yesterday. you saw what michel barnier said, and he accused david davis of being nostalgic for some benefits of membership of the single market, suggesting britain wanted to leave the single market but control the single market from the outside. liam fox probably felt the need that he ought to hit back at that, and also push things forward a little bit. let's push things forward here now. where do we go from here in terms of the timetable and the pace of talking? there is a suggestion that they might talk a bit more often. that was alluded to yesterday. both michel barnier and david davis suggested they might need to have talks twice a week or maybe every week. you mentioned the timetable. before the eu had said 0ctober timetable. before the eu had said october was crunch time. so if we hadn't made what they called sufficient progress on the three key issues then we couldn't move on to talk about trade. now it's looking increasingly likely we will not reach that stage by october, which isa reach that stage by october, which is a problem. how much of a problem, do you think? there are two scenarios here. one is that both sides... and we don't know how they will do this because it will be behind closed doors, but there will behind closed doors, but there will be some meeting in the middle of the brexit bill in particular because that's the contentious one, and we might be able to move on. the other option is we end up in complete deadlock and can't move on. that's a pretty big concern for some people. i think on the whole you have to remember that the eu is under a lot of pressure as well to push negotiations forward. 27 member states have some pretty major business interests in the uk. france is one good example with fishing, and also ireland with agriculture. publicly everyone says they are united, but privately they are very worried. germany have elections coming up later this month. there are some who say that once they are out of the way it might help things move forward. absolutely. and david davis did allude to this in his speech today. 0nce davis did allude to this in his speech today. once the german elections have happened there might be progress. when people know for sure, as is expected at the moment that angela merkel will be chancellor, then everybody might calm down a little bit. if people know it is angela merkel representing germany on the european council in october than people might feel more amenable to pushing forward. james rodwell of the daily telegraph, thank you forjoining us. some breaking news for you. it is understood a former gas officer who now works for the home office has also been suspended from work. the man worked at brook house, which was the place featured in that film and will appear in the bbc‘s panorama programme. it brings the total number of people suspended to ten. throughout the day we have reported nine suspended, won a female nurse and the other eight all men. two our detention custody managers and six are detention custody officers. now there are ten suspended, up from nine. 0ne there are ten suspended, up from nine. one other line of breaking news that makes reference to the mystery cloud, the haze that cause quite a lot of difficulty for people on the beaches in east sussex a week ago, last weekend, apparently a shipwreck could be to blame for that cloud. 150 people or so required treatment for stinging eyes, sore throats and vomiting after what was described as a noxious haze reached the shore, stretching from eastbourne to birling gap, close to beachy head. the maritime and coastguard agency says it was examining whether the emissions came from a vessel, previously unreported lost cargo or a known shipwreck. the various possibilities still there. but a shipwreck is now being considered as a possible cause for that mysterious haze. the supreme court in kenya has overturned the result of the country's presidential election because of irregularities in the way the vote was conducted. the ruling is being seen as a victory for the opposition leader and veteran politician raila 0dinga, who called it a historic day for the people of africa. anne soy sent us this report from nairobi. celebrating a new lease of life. veteran politician raila 0dinga gets one more chance to run for president. a last—minute decision to challenge the result of the presidential election paid off. the presidential election held on the 8th august 2017 was not conducted in accordance with the constitution and the applicable law, rendering the declared result invalid, null and void. a shocking and rare judgment. outside the court, celebrations erupted among opposition supporters. it's now back to the drawing board for presidential candidates. as much as i disagree with it, i respect it. i disagree with it, because, as i have said, millions of kenyans queued, made their choice, and six people have decided that they will go against the will of the people. thejudges, however, the judges, however, found thejudges, however, found no evidence of misconduct on the part of the encumbered. the judges did not limit themselves to what happened on election day until the results were announced. rather they looked at the electoral process in totality from voter registry is on totality from voter registry is on to civic education. as soon as the campaigning and procurement of election materials. in a sense... in a sense this judgment sets a strong precedent for election disputes globally and a high threshold for the conduct of elections. the court directed the electoral commission to organise a fresh election. but the opposition says it has no confidence in the current commission. they have committed criminal acts. most of them actually belong injail. and therefore we are going to ask for prosecution, of all the electoral commission officers who have caused this monstrous crime against the people of kenya. the constitution states a new election must be held within 60 days. for now though, opposition supporters across the country are basking in the glory of the court victory. anne soy, bbc news, nairobi. with me now is nic cheeseman — professor of democracy at university of birmingham. he's in sri lanka this evening. good evening and thank you for joining us. what do you make of the significance of events in kenya today? it's a tremendously important day. i think most of us didn't believe this would happen. it's very rare for a supreme court to rule against the sitting president in the case of an election, almost. certainly the first case we have seenin certainly the first case we have seen in sub saharan africa and one of the first cases around the world. this has set a new precedent both in africa and kenya. as your correspondent was saying, it seems to set the burden of the quality of the election pretty high. the supreme court has not ruled on the of rigging in terms of the number of votes disputed by the opposition. instead what they have talked about todayis instead what they have talked about today is process and the quality of that process. they said the quality of that process wasn't good enough and didn't meet the constitutional thresholds and legal obligations, and it means future elections will have to meet those and improve their quality, irrespective of the results. that contrasts with the view of the electoral commission at the times and of some international observers there who seemed to think the election had gone reasonably smoothly. it would be fair to say that the supreme court has actually held the election to a higher standard than international observers. 0bservers standard than international observers. observers are used to giving a c+ result, but the supreme court has cut through that and said actually the quality of the election was not good enough. we are not sure about how the results were transmitted, how they were protected. we're not sure all the votes are counted and each vote counted equally, so we must do it again. ina counted equally, so we must do it again. in a sense the court has created a new standard. and that standard is significantly stronger than the one many observers and monitors use themselves. there is bound to be concerned about how people will react to this. there will be another election within 60 days, we know. do you share those fears about the impact this will have on everyday life in kenya?” think there are two things to be said. one thing this will do is really just to make said. one thing this will do is reallyjust to make the political process in the eyes of opposition supporters who felt they had been locked out and the process was unfair. -- locked out and the process was unfair. —— is re—legitimate. they will feel the supreme court has looked out for their interests. 0n the flip side, this will plunge kenya back into an election campaign. it's important to say campaigns in kenya and the day of voting itself have generally been peaceful. the problem is often been the period just after bat, the period of counting, and then what happens in terms of whether the result is contested. 0ne happens in terms of whether the result is contested. one of the risks here is by setting such a high threshold and standard, the supreme court has made it quite difficult for the next election, which has to be held within 60 days, to meet that standard. 0ne be held within 60 days, to meet that standard. one of the dangers might be that we see an election which is disputed and then cancelled by the supreme court and that a subsequent election. 0ne supreme court and that a subsequent election. one thing we need to see now is all the parties coming together to agree a set of standards. what should the next election look like, you should manage it, and what would it mean to have an election that meets the hurdle costa and then we can move forwards and hopefully have an election that everyone can accept the result of. good to have your thoughts. more now on the death of cardinal cormac mcconnell. thank you for coming in. what are your memories? i remember a very jovial character, a warm and welcoming person who got on very well with the people that he encountered. they liked him. he liked them. it did not matter if they were people in the pew or high up they were people in the pew or high up officials in rome for the back kind of any ability stood him in good stead in rome. it meant that he was able to make use of his influence. he knew the city and the workings of the vatican very well. he was brought on to various important committees in the catholic church in rome and it meant he had influence over the bishops who were chosen all over the world. what would you pick out as being the highs of his time in a position of such seniority and the lows as well? the highs included some of the work that he did in rome as part of these committees. the low has to be the child abuse scandal that roque very soon after he had become archbishop of westminster. —— that broke. the problem was that this particular priest had abused children over and again that perhaps cardinal maccormack had been too trusting and he did not report him to the police. he moved him somewhere he thought it would be safer. this did not look good at all. it was not good. he tried to rescue that. he tried to do something to repair the damage in that he appointed, or asked, lord nolan to carry out an investigation and see how child protection could be improved in the catholic church in this country got at his committee came up with over 80 recommendations and they were all accepted and put into practice. what about his role within the political environment? clearly when you get to his position you are in that environment whether you are in that environment whether you like it or not. how much influence did he have there? he had a certain amount. part of it was to do with the fact he could get on with people very well. his time as cardinal archbishop coincided with the time of new labour. he had quite a lot to do with tony blair and gordon brown. already mrs blair was a catholic and the cardinal knew the family. 0nce tony blair left office, the cardinal did receive him into the cardinal did receive him into the catholic church. he did not necessarily persuade tony blair of his opinions when tony blair was prime minister, not only on issues like same—sex adoption but also the cardinal was opposed to the war in iraq but he did not have clout there. good to have your thoughts. thank you for coming in. it may have been a chilly start to the day. plenty of sunshine. some cloud is starting to build. a few showers breaking out. much of the north and west of the uk will hold onto to find whether the south east scotland, parts of the pennines, through the east midlands and into east anglia there could be boundary downpours. even in these areas people will escape them and stay dry. berigaud cloud and sunny spells. some of the showers in eastern england hang on into the night. an area of cloud going into the morning. many places will be under clear skies allowing temperatures to dip into single figures. 0n temperatures to dip into single figures. on saturday the chance of the odd light shower in eastern england but the vast pejorative the uk will have a fine saturday, variable cloud, good, sunny spells and feeling pleasantly warm in the sunshine before cloud and rain comes in from the west slowly on sunday. hello. this is bbc news. the headlines... the private security company, gas, has suspended nine employees following claims of abuse and assaults on detainees at an immigration centre. it is thought a former employee who worked for the home office has also been suspended. cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, the former archbishop of westminster, has died , he was the former leader of the roman catholic church in england and wales. it's believed more than ia00 people have been killed, after catastrophic flooding across south asia. this year's monsoon season has been particularly heavy, and in all around ai million people have been affected there have been calls for calm, as kenya's supreme court annuls the result of last month's presidential election and orders a new one within 60 days. the incumbent uhuru kenyatta was declared the winner in last month's poll. refuse collectors in birmingham are back on strike, in a long running dispute with the city council over job losses. industrial action was suspended last month after seven weeks of stoppages, but unions now claim the council has gone back on a deal, not to issue redundancy notices. sima kotcha reports. it looks bad and it smells even worse. a bin strike that's been going on for weeks and people here have had enough. itjust smells like a tip. i mean, there's bags just dumped everywhere. rubbish bags which have opened up and just scattered all across the road and we have to walk through it every single day. that smell, it's so awful that you would rather do this to yourself than smell it, really, ugh. the council and the refuse workers are arguing about shift patterns, pay and conditions, and job losses. the owners of this fish and chip shop say it's affecting their business. if the bins get ripped then it's a big invite for the rats. and that can smell really bad and it's unhygienic for everybody. people having to walk around and go around, you know. this strike started at the end ofjune. the council claims that it's been costing them around £a0,000 per day to hire agency staff to clean up all this rubbish. then the industrial action was suspended in the middle of august as the two sides held talks to figure out what to do next. then at 7:30am this morning the strike was back on. and that's because the council confirmed last night it would be cutting jobs. the unite union says they won't let that happen and will carry on striking for three hours every day. this is an ideological decision. it's been taken out on the low paid by faceless paid officials who earn, frankly, obscene amounts of money. £180,000 a year, and they are asking people on £19,000 to take a cut. it's disgraceful. the council's leader had said there would be no redundancies but he's come under pressure from his cabinet to change his stance because some of them say no job losses are unaffordable. everyone still has a job, who has been given those redundancy notices. they can either have a job at exactly the same level, somewhere else in the council, or they still have a job on the bins. birmingham city council is the largest local authority in europe. the longer this dispute goes on, the more expensive it gets for them and for those on strike. sima kotecha, bbc news, birmingham. sales of the noisiest and most powerful vacuum cleaner are from today, restricted under eu rules. machines using more than 900 watts of power, and emitting more than 80 decibels, will be banned from sale when the existing stocks run out. 0ur environment analyst roger harrabin explains. what used to happen to carpets. until london's hoover factory in 193a applied technology to cleaning. voiceover: and at last, the lady can make light of her housework... even men used them, sometimes. a lifetime later, and we have other worries. we're trying to cut emissions from electricity, and keep bills down. so, new eu rules are forcing the most energy—hungry of these machines off the market. cleaners like this sebo automatic gobble 1100 watts. that's too high to meet new european standards, so this model is on its way out. anti—eu campaigners say europe should have no say in the sort of vacuum cleaner that you buy. but experts say households can save a small fortune on electricity bills if only the least efficient machines can be driven off the market. eu efficiency standards have improved most of the machines in your kitchen. already, the rules have contributed to a 17% drop in our use of energy. 0ur energy bills are £290 lower than they would be without efficiency improvements. now vacuum cleaners must play their part. people think that if it's a very high wattage than it's going to be a super—duper cleaner, but that's not necessarily the case. manufacturers have known for a long time that this has been coming, so they will have been working very hard on design and technology to make sure that the new generation of vacuum cleaners will come up to the mark. 0n the streets of leeds, opinions are divided. i think it's required, anything that uses less energy is good, obviously. it's ridiculous, i don't believe it. i'll believe it when i see it, anyway. no, i think it'll be a good idea, you know, to make it... you know, if it's making it better for people, yeah. and this issue's political. before the brexit referendum, the eu postponed new standards on toasters. the government says it supports energy efficiency, but it won't say if eu rules will still apply after brexit. we'll have to see what pops up. roger harrabin, bbc news. a pensioner couple — who were said to have gone ‘out of control at a hotel in the highlands — have been fined £a,100 for a series of offences. perth sheriff court was told that staff and guests at the macdonald loch rannoch hotel were forced to flee when 72—year—old robert fergus and his 69—year—year—old wife ruth went on the rampage. he ran naked with a pair of scissors in the public reception and smashed a glass pane. she threatened to shoot a staff member. the couple had been drinking. thousands of muggles turned up to kings cross station today to celebrate the start of the new term at hogwarts. fans counted down to 11 o'clock — the departure time of the hogwarts express, as they queued up to have their photograph taken at the point marking platform 9 and 3/a. it's a particularly special year, as it's the date albus severus potter — the youngest son of harry potter — would have started at hogwarts. the headlines... the private security company, gas, has suspended ten employees following claims of abuse and assaults on detainees at an immigration centre. cardinal cormac murphy—o'connor, the former archbishop of westminster, has died. there have been calls for calm, as kenya's supreme court annuls the result of last month's presidential election and orders a new one within 60 days. now on bbc news, it's time for newswatch, with guest presenter roger bolton. hello. welcome to newswatch with me, roger bolton, standing inforsamira. coming up on the programme, the other flood. around a0 people have died in hurricane harvey compared to around 1200 having been killed in the floods of south east asia. shouldn't that disaster have been given greater problem —— prominence? we will also ask if the 20th anniversary of princess diana's death has prompted an outpouring of what one bbc editor called mawkish drivel. but first, the reputation of august as being the silly season for news isn't entirely justified. it as a month which has had its fair share of cataclysmic events over the years. the outbreak of world war i, the partition of india, and the soviet invasion of czechoslovakia, for example. this summer hasn't exactly been quiet on the world's north korean missiles flying over japan and president trump twittering several times a day. with many politicians and others on holiday there has been the odd longeur in the news cycle. back in the dog days of early august, news presenter simon mccoy could barely bring himself to introduce an item of, shall we say, less than ea rth—shattering importance. just bear in mind it is august. this doesn't look like a walk in the park. dog owners and their pets in california have hit the waves in the second annual world dog surfing championships. here are the pictures. there is style, confidence, the size of the way. , wave. some events have really big waves, some have small waves. there is a lot of style and technique. it is really interesting. the competitor's main challenge is to stay afloat on the board. this is in pacifica near san francisco. there are also prizes for the best dressed and tandem surfing dogs.

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