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In venezuela has voted to put opposition leaders on trial for treason. This is the assembly that elected in a vote that opposition voters boycotted. Among the accused are the Louisa Ortega she was chief prosecutor before being sacked. A major critic of the government. One of the members of this assembly has called her scum. Also, head of the opposition controlled parliament, julio borges. Here is his reaction to these accusations the only one responsible is maduro and its time he takes a look in the mirror and accepts he has ruined venezuela. This is the reaction of the un high commissionerfor human rights. With respect to maduro, the president was elected by the people. But since then, there has been an erosion of democratic life. Very clearly, as was pointed out, he and his colleagues have noted the wave of repression. It must be barely alive, if still alive, of repression. It must be barely alive, if stillalive, is of repression. It must be barely alive, if still alive, is the way i would look at it. For more on this i spoke with our americas editor, candace piette. The constituent assembly is playing a role that is quite unusual and fluid. Its not clear how legal it is. It was about 500 members that we re is. It was about 500 members that were elected about a month ago, and really, they seem to be winging it, working out what they are doing and how to run venezuelan as they go along. How does this assembly fit in alongside a parliament that already exists and a judiciary which is supposed to be independent of the politicians . When they started operating, they moved into the room thatis operating, they moved into the room that is normally occupied by the national assembly, who were just chucked out. They announced a series of measures and decrees. All government supporters, they tend to decide what ever maduro and the goverment approved for them. It is not about Truth Commission to investigate so called violence during the protests that we have seenin during the protests that we have seen in venezuelan, and also the ousting of the attorney general. And more recently, they have announced that they will start working on the economic and financial position. They will legislate on that. So they are operating like a kind of parallel government, almost. When hugo chavez began this movement, and maduro took over when he died, it had huge support from around the world from people with left wing sympathies. Are there still people who still believe this is democratic, a just way of governing a country . President maduro still has a lot of support amongst die hard has a lot of support amongst die hard chavez has a lot of support amongst die hard chavez supporters. And there is a group of left wing countries in latin america that also support venezuela olivia, ecuador partially, nicaragua, and of course cuba, who have advisers in venezuelan at the moment. Bolivia. It has echoes of the single party assembly, the National Congress in cuba. Next on the programme, we will turn to myanmar. Thousands of Rohingya Muslims have fled myanmar. According to one estimate, 18,000 have headed to bangladesh in the last week. The latest spike in this crisis began on friday when rohingya insurgents attacked up to 30 police stations. The group behind the attacks said its primary aim is to protect the Rohingya Muslim minority from state repression in myanmar. The government denies that and responded with military action. What followed was an exodus. These are pictures obtained by the bbc of hundreds of people crossing a river that forms the border between myanmar and bangladesh. A spokesperson from the International Organisation for migration says thousands more are waiting at the border. The bbcs mir sabbir is on the bangladesh side of the border. This is his latest report. The flow of rohingyas started here in coxs bazar since last friday, but despite the high alert of the Border Guards in bangladesh, thousands of rohingyas are coming in every day from myanmar. I have seen in the refugee camps in many parts of coxs bazar, many rohingyas are sitting just in front of the camps waiting for their relatives, holding their small sacks with all their belongings, holding their small children. The vast majority of them women and children. And ive heard some dreadful stories from them. Some of them are very similar. Security forces came to their villages, shooting at people, searching for young men and burning their homes. So, theyjust grabbed anything they could and rushed to the border. And many of them have relatives in coxs bazar who came here as refugees. They gave them shelter and food. Straight to another story about bangladesh and bangladeshis. Bangladeshis are now one of the largest groups trying to reach europe. Many are travelling from bangladesh to libya in north africa. From there, crossing the mediterranean to europe. And they pay great amounts of money to try and make thatjourney, too. Sanjoy majumder reports from dhaka. Its an exodus. Half a Million People leave bangladesh every year, hoping to make their fortunes overseas. Increasingly, many are making the extremely dangerous crossing over the mediterranean to try and get to europe. Putting their lives at risk. Many of these people are headed to the gulf or the middle east, which is the preferred route for those trying to get to sudan, to libya, perhaps even beyond. And when you speak to them, you get a sense that theyre being driven by an air of desperation. Even though so many of these journeys can end in tragedy. Last year abu sayed left his home for libya. Like many others, he was lured with the promise of a good job. He cashed in all his savings to pay his way. But in libya, he was sold to traffickers. They held him captive, demanding a ransom of 5,000. Translation they used to torture me. I would not be given food. I was made to stand for 2h hours. They said, pay up, and then you can rest. His wife was forced to borrow money to secure his release. He is back home now. But deep in debt. For many bangladeshis migrating abroad is a ticket out of poverty. Making them prime targets for those who look to exploit their desperation. It takes us time, but we finally track down a trafficker who agrees to speak to us. He is part of an elaborate criminal network, organising fake documents and then escorting the migrants all the way to libya. At no point are they stopped or challenged. Translation my bosses are in touch with officials. Its basically a syndicate. The passports do not have valid visas, some are blank. At the airport they just check the names against a list. Sometimes they make a phone call. Then we are let through. And the rush to leave bangladesh continues. There are simply not enough opportunities at home. Even though the journey ahead is fraught with risk. Sanjoy majumder, bbc news. And there is much more information on the many forms the migrant crisis in the mediterranean takes on the bbc online. As we do every day, lets catch up on some of the main sports stories. Well start with the tennis. I havent had a moment to look at it today, so take us from the top. There are 87 matches in total to be completed from tuesday because of the rain. Torrential rain here in new york on tuesday. You could hear it on the roof of the stadium during the opening session 24 stadium during the opening session 2a hours ago. Maria sharapova who beat simona halep on the opening day, she is taking on timea babos. Babos is two up. Elina svitolina is through. She survived a third set to go through. In the mens draw, Dominic Thiem resumed i o go through. In the mens draw, Dominic Thiem resumed 1 0 up against his australian opponent, and he took less tha n his australian opponent, and he took less than half an hour to complete his win. The 22 year old has never made it past the fourth round at flushing meadows. The 2009 mens champion, juan martin del potro, is through in straight sets. We have been hearing a lot about petra kvitova, who are after being attacked in her home and suffering tendon and nerve damage in her hand looked like she would not play again. She is up against alleys corneille. Alize cornet. Rugby players here in the uk will take part this season in the development of a new test to diagnose concussion and brain injuries. It could lead to a handheld device to assess if a player is fit to play on. Patrick geary reports. This year, players will have their saliva taken this year, players will have their saliva ta ken here this year, players will have their saliva taken here at twickenham if they have a head injury, as part of a big new study into concussion. Professor tony barely is here to tell us about it. Tell us what happens if a player comes in with a head injury. The player will be removed for assessment, as they are now. They have two minutes for that assessment, so as part of the process , assessment, so as part of the process, for this season, during any premiership championship match, they will also be doing an additional test, which is very straightforward. They would be asked to collect about two millilitres of saliva into a special bottle, that looks standard but is in fact that sophisticated piece of equipment. That is then analysed in a lab at the university of birmingham. The endgame is to have a hand held device that would tell us instantly whether a player or not has been concussed is that right . Thats right. The ultimate aim is to have a portable pitch side device. Ultimately, what we wa nt side device. Ultimately, what we want is to have a portable test that can be used by doctors in a professional game, or potentially a parent, if it works as well as we hope. This is a prototype of a device that we hope is going to be able to diagnose concussion so that the player will be providing if you wa nt the player will be providing if you want just the player will be providing if you wantjust a drop of saliva, the strip will be inserted into a reader, and within a couple of minutes, it should be able to give you the diagnosis, either confirm that the concussion has occurred, and a player will be removed, or disprove it, so the player can return to the game. This trial will ta ke return to the game. This trial will take place through all premiership and championship games this season. The results could be game changing. Ina the results could be game changing. In a moment, we will turn to the german election. We have a report from our correspondent, jenny hill, who has been to the north coast of germany to see how Martin Schultz and Angela Merkel are faring. Prince william and prince harry have visited a Memorial Garden at kensington palace. They met representatives of Charities Supported by Princess Diana and looked at the tributes and flowers left by members of the public outside the palace. The duchess of cambridgejoin outside the palace. The duchess of cambridge join the princes outside the palace. The duchess of cambridgejoin the princes on outside the palace. The duchess of cambridge join the princes on the tour, as Nicholas Witchell reports. The flowers and the tributes are back at the gates of kensington palace. A very small echo of how it was 20 years ago but a reminder of feelings which the years have not erased. And this afternoon william and harry came to view the tributes. They took their time, they looked, and they read. And they laughed at some of the photographs showing them as small children with their mother. It was impossible not to be reminded of how it was 20 years ago when, aged 15 and 12, on their return to london, theyd come out still numb and bewildered to meet the people whod gathered there and to see for themselves the many thousands of bouquets which had been left. Dianas boys are both in their 30s now. Williams settled and about to begin full time royal duty. He was accompanied by catherine this afternoon to view a Memorial Garden to diana. And harry, not quite so settled yet, but not far off, one suspects. And both at this anniversary, one must assume, reassured by the enduring regard people feel for their mother. She was just so wonderful. She made our lives. She gave us so much. We were so privileged to have her. Shesjust a legend, isnt she . She meant same much to so many people. She touched everybody. That shows by how many people are here today. William and harry took some of the flowers people had brought and placed them at the palace gates, replaying some of the moments from two decades ago and acknowledging the desire that many still have to hold onto dianas memory. Today, briefly, they put on their public, princely faces, to view some of the tributes. Tomorrow, though, william and harry will remain in private, remembering the mother they lost in such tragic circumstances 20 years ago. Nicolas witchell, bbc news, at kensington palace. Pictures of dramatic rescues in texas continue to come in. Louisiana is now facing Tropical Storm harvey, which has come ashore for a second time. Weve already mentioned theresa may being injapan in the context of north korea. But the main aim of her trip is to pave the way for a trade deal with japan after britain leaves the eu. Heres our Asia Business editor, Karishma Vaswani on how that is shaping up. I think that theresa may, as she makes her way through over the next couple of days while she is in toko, meeting with the japanese Prime Minister, shinzo abe, and other delegates from both sides, she will be trying to bang on about british business, but i think she will find it very difficult to get the sort of agreements that she would like to see. That is not to say that the japanese dont want a deal with the uk japanese dont want a deal with the uk they do but the kinds of assurances they are looking for from london and theresa may, she isjust not able to get them as yet. And what they want to know is, what exactly will be the uk position in a post brexit world with regard to the eu . Remember, japan has invested some £40 billion into the british economy. There are more than 1000 Japanese Companies there, and the majority of them have been using the uk as majority of them have been using the ukasa majority of them have been using the uk as a base to get into the eu. They want to make sure that that bases secure. The german election is on 24 september. And as deutschewelle puts it dw Politics Campaign poster on the german highway you know its already in the bag when you only have to mention the election date germanydecides. And this is the picture theyre referring to. Next, this is a poll of polls from the ft. Angela merkels party has a commanding lead. Martin schulz is seen as her main rival his party is the red line. It was close at one point in the year, though it doesnt look close now. These other parties vying for third place. Then theres lots of other parties they appear close. As this politico article from today remarks, third is the new first. Those parties include to the left die linke, the greens and the right wing alternative for germany. If these polls are correct, mrs merkel will serve a fourth term as chancellor. Outside source will be in germany next week, and of course, we will certainly be speaking tojenny hill, al corresponded in germany. Here is her latest report. Our corresponded in germany. Dont be fooled by the political calm. Germany has survived a turbulent year. Its heading in a predictable direction. The likely winner of next months election is not as secure as you might imagine. She speaks german translation i think she abandoned us fishermen, forgot the little people. She only cares about the big industry and whats happening overseas. She should look after her own country. This international stateswoman must please the home crowd now. Polls suggest shes doing just that. Translation she is the perfect chancellor. In truth mrs merkel knows she barely survived the refugee crisis, perhaps only because there was no one to replace her. In this election she is unrivalled. No real challenge from social democrat Martin Schultz, nor from the anti immigrant party, afd. Even so, theyre fielding a candidate in her own constituency. Translation we want to send mrs merkel back to where she came from. You can see it in football. Underdogs can defeat the champions. Its a challenge, we admit that, but things are turning our way. This area is now afd country. He hopes to reel in voters like enis and silka. They will not be voting for Angela Merkel. Translation the refugee policy hasnt changed. She doesnt really address all these terror attacks. She should speak up for the german people. Translation this party, that party, theyre all the same. They do what they want. They make empty promises. Angela merkel has been in the job for 12 years. She has survived crisis after crisis, and thats due to a combination of skill and luck. Take, for example, brexit, and Donald Trumps election. For many german voters, mrs merkel now represents security, stability, in a shifting and uncertain world. She will need to find coalition partners. That could take months. But in reality, one hand alone is likely to steer germanys future course. Asi as i was saying beforejennys report, i will be in germany next week on the campaign trail. I will be back there on the 24th of septemberfor be back there on the 24th of september for election date. We will have full coverage throughout september of the election. A reminder of our lead story Tropical Storm harvey really went out into the gulf of mexico but has come back to land in louisiana, heading in a north easterly direction. You can see from this map the route it is predicted to take. It is, though, still a potent storm. Overnight, to make cities recorded 20 inches of rain, so the problems continue. Well bring you more tomorrow, of course. See you then. Hello again. Over the next ten days, i doubt we will find out whether lurching from one extreme to another quite as we have done over the last day or two. This was london on wednesday. Remember, the day before in the south east, the temperature was 29 celsius. On wednesday, thanks to the cloud and rain, london, reading and ipswich were only 14 celsius, and it should be nearer 19 or 20 celsius at this time of year. Elsewhere across the uk, the numbers we re elsewhere across the uk, the numbers were nearer the average for the end of the month. We will see those sort of the month. We will see those sort of temperatures in the next few days. Sunshine and showers on thursday, many parts of Eastern England starting dry, but shower will arrive in the afternoon. Slow moving, heavy, potentially with a law thunder. Temperatures will be warmer across the south east and east anglia than it was on wednesday. The showers continue in eastern areas through the evening and will then fade away overnight. With little no breeze around, and clear skies, it will be quite cold. Those are the numbers in the towns and cities, but five or six celsius likely in rural areas. In time for the weekend, we will push up this area of High Pressure from the atlantic, killing off most of the showers. Most of scotland, Northern Ireland, wales, western parts of england, it will be dry on friday. More hit and miss across eastern parts of england, though many places will still be dry to end the week. Familiar temperatures again, the average ones we would expect at this time of year. We are now moving into september on friday. The High Pressure is beginning to retrieve a little bit because of the low pressure coming in from the atlantic. Still find a fine day, spices on saturday warm sunshine around after another chilly start. More cloud and breeziness arriving across Northern Ireland and the north west of scotland, where temperatures will be around 17 celsius. Warmer in the sunshine further south and east. Overnight into the second half of the weekend, this is where we start to see some significant changes, because as well as the wind picking up, we have weather fronts moving as the wind picking up, we have weatherfronts moving in, bringing rain initially across the western side of the uk, slowly pushing to the east. For most of the day, eastern scotland and england will be dry and bright with sunshine. We will get some tropical air, not from harvey, that was bringing all that rain in texas, but this area of clouds was a tropical low, and it brings with it the rain we will see on sunday. It looks like that rain should peter out on monday, but we are should peter out on monday, but we a re left should peter out on monday, but we are left with a lot of clout and some warmer, more tropical air, so temperatures will be a bit higher at the start of next week. But there are more weather fronts and bands of rain lurking out in the atlantic to slowly push into the uk, so the long range outlook hasnt changed very much. We will gradually get this atlantic influence with these bands of rain out towards the north west erratically moving east across the uk. The strongest winds will be across the north west of the uk, but we will blow in some warm nights thanks to cloud without showers and longer spells of rain. Gail is unlikely in the north west, but all was that bit drier in the south east. Temperature should be a bit higher as well. Always that bit. Tonight at ten the Prime Minister insists she intends to fight the next general election. On a visit tojapan, theresa may said there was no truth whatsoever to reports she would stand down in two years time. Im here for the long term and its crucial, what me and my government are about is notjust about delivering brexit, we are delivering a Brighter Future for the united kingdom. Theresa may was speaking injapan, where shes hoping to discuss a post brexit trade deal. Also tonight after north koreas latest missile test, President Trump says talking is not the answer to the crisis. The worst is yet to come warns the governor of texas, as Tropical Storm harvey sweeps into neighbouring louisiana. The brother of the manchester bomber is to go on trial in libya for his role in the attack. And on eve of the 20th anniversary of Princess Dianas death,

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