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6. 5 Million Viewers tune in to channel 4s First Episode of the Great British bake off but did the show rise to the challenge . Good morning. Its wednesday 30th august. Im annita mcveigh. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. The United Nations Security Council has unanimously condemned north koreas firing a ballistic missing overjapan. A Statement Issued after an emergency meeting last night and agreed by pyongyangs allies, china and russia, described the test as outrageous. However, the two countries did say that us military activity in the region was partly to blame for the increase in tensions, and urged negotiations. These are the latest pictures of the missile which launched on tuesday, that crossed over japans northern hokkaido island, triggering public alerts to take cover, before landing in the sea. The Prime Minister theresa may has arrived injapan, with north korea expected to be at the top agenda. She spoke about the role britain will play resolving the missile crisis. I want to work with Prime Minister abe, to work with other International Partners to do what we all want to, which is to stop north korea from conducting these illegal activities. These are illegal tests and it is provocation and they should be stopping them. We will be working, there has been a discussion in the un Security Council and i am pleased there was a united condemnation of north korea from the un Security Council, but we want to work with International Partners to see what further pressure can be brought on north korea, and particularly look at what china can do to bring pressure on north korea. Our correspondent Yogita Limaye is in the south korean capital seoul. What response has there been in south korea to this latest declaration from the north of the missile fire was the first step of the military operation in the pacific . Here in the south bay to this as a very serious escalation and the president spoke to the japanese Prime Minister and both agreed the pressure on north korea must be increased to what they call the extreme level including tougher sanctions. That statement from north korea, as the un Security Council meeting is underway, was a very aggressive one, north korea not only saying this is the first step in its plan saying this is the first step in its pla n toward saying this is the first step in its plan toward attacking glam, but also seen its leader, kimjong un, has ordered more such missile drilled in the pacific. Without support for additional sanctions from north koreas closest allies, russia and china, what else can reel be done at this stage . What china says it is interesting because the british Prime Minister says china has a key role to play and best in many ways is true because it is the biggest trade partner of north korea and so any sanctions would have to be implemented properly by china to have effect. But if you ask that country on this entire situation, china has said the usa is partly to blame for escalating tensions and says it isjoint blame for escalating tensions and says it is joint drills conducted by american and south Korean Forces has increased tensions and both says should stop. They have been suggesting a dual freeze. Is the south focusing on a diplomatic routes now or is it looking at other preparations to defend itself against north korea . It is both. South korea has adopted a two track policy towards north korea and it is ramping up its defence system and expedited the deployment of American Anti Missile Defence systems which will be deployed completely back next month. But the president has also made the offer of talks with pyongyang. He made that first in july offer of talks with pyongyang. He made that first injuly and he has only everything reiterated that but so far there has been no response from the north. A post brexit trade deal is also high on the agenda for the Prime Ministers visit to japan. Shes accompanied on the trip by International Trade secretary liam fox and a delegation of Business Leaders drawn from a range of sectors. As part of the visit, the chief executive of aston martin has announced a £500 million deal between the two countries over the next five years. Mrs may has been speaking to our Political Correspondent ben wright. The eu, the japanese government and businesses are asking for more clarity about your brexit aims. Im going to be talking to my japanese counterpart Prime Minister abe this week about the future relationship between the uk and japan, how we can build on what is already a good, strong relationship, and build on that in the areas of security, defence and trade, and look to the arrangements we can put in place when weve left the eu. As regards the details of our aims for the eu and our relationship with them in the future, weve been publishing a series of papers over the summer, there will be more papers to come, where we are setting out the key issues that both sides need to address. The ideas we have of how to deal with those. Its the United Kingdom thats been coming forward with the ideas and with the clarity about the future. Its clearjapan doesnt want britain to crash out of the eu in march 2019. Over the summer your chancellor and trade secretary both said britain needs a transitional arrangement. Do you still think no deal is better than a bad deal, we could still walk away . Yes, i think that is right. But if you talk about the point at which we leave the eu, we want to ensure that at that point we do have a deal that is the right dealfor the uk. I said back injanuary in my speech in lancaster house, that one of the things we wanted to ensure what a smooth changeover from the membership of the European Union to the future arrangements, and that we would need to have a period of time to implement any practical changes that needed to take place. 0ur Political Correspondent ben wright is travelling 0ur correspondent its in westminster. Lets touch on the north korea crisis and how much that will overshadow theresa mays work on trade. Downing street are acutely aware of the context the Prime Minister landed injapan the context the Prime Minister landed in japan overnight. The context the Prime Minister landed injapan overnight. Clearly security would be a big talking point between the two Prime Ministers, given the number of missile tests from pyongyang in recent months. But that particular test the other day overjapanese aerospace is clearly a huge concern to Prime Minister abe and please me will be acutely aware that context attention might be diverted from those crucial conversations on trade. 0n the subject of trade we heard heard different takes coming from various japanese politicians and the last 12 hours or so, some speaking ofa last 12 hours or so, some speaking of a sense of crisis amongst industrialists in japan of a sense of crisis amongst industrialists injapan or brexit and some saying they would not go quite that far, talking about an easiness, instead. What progress can theresa may realistically made with japan was much better are clearly nervous over japanese businesses over what will happen with brexit and that is grounded in what relationship might britain have with the eu and what kind of transition period there will be and also in the long time. 160,000 people in the uk work for Japanese Companies and we have seen the japanese government and some businesses noticed this. Theresa may will not come back with some signed a document because this is a long term thing but they hope to build something on top of the eu and japanese trade deal currently under negotiation. The uk has been a big pa rt negotiation. The uk has been a big part of working that up and the effectively hope to cut and paste back to form the basis of the uk japanese trade deal in the medium to long term but that will take time, not least because the eu japan deal is not fully signed off. Thank you, chris. A night time curfew has been imposed in houston, texas, Tropical Storm harvey has began to drift in mind again over louisiana. Reports of around 20 people have died and 30,000 have been forced from their homes with over 3000 having been rescued from the floodwaters. Large swathes of texas remain underwater, with almost 52 inches of rainfall since the hurricane made landfall on friday. Keith doyle has more. Hurricanes come and go. But, five days after it first hit the coast of texas, harvey continues to cause devastation. These are some of the residents of 20 nursing homes. Another 20 hospitals have also been evacuated across the region. 3,400 people have been rescued, with the authorities reporting that harvey has claimed lives. It was the scariest thing weve ever seen. I just couldnt. Just. Theres no words for it. This is just devastating. 51 inches of rain has fallen so far, a record for the usa, and has swamped parts of houston and southern texas. 30,000 people have been forced out of their homes by the floodwater. The red cross has warned people could be in shelters for months. President trump visited corpus christi, 220 miles south west of houston. He was briefed by state and federal teams co ordinating the relief efforts. We wont say congratulations, we dont want to do that. We dont want to congratulate. Well congratulate each other when its all finished. He is determined not to repeat the mistakes of george bush, when Hurricane Katrina hit. In houston, the mayor has introduced a night time curfew, amid fears of looting. To the west of this vast city, two huge reservoirs are overflowing. Harveys path is slow moving and erratic. This force of nature may not be spent yet. Keith doyle, bbc news. Earlier, cbs correspondent Kenneth Craig gave this update about how locals have reacted to curfew imposed by the houston mayor. He is concerned about looting and criminals taking advantage of people who had to leave their homes and everything behind. There have been some reports, sadly, of people breaking into homes of the evacuated people from their homes and stealing items inside. So the mayor has decided to impose a curfew, originally starting at 10pm, he scaled back at it now starts at midnight. It goes until 5am. Volunteers and First Responders and people going to work are exempt, but he wants to keep everybody inside to let the people who need to do theirjob to them and everybody else stay out. The headlines on bbc newsroom live the un Security Council condemns north koreas filing of a missile overjapan. North koreas filing of a missile over japan. Theresa north koreas filing of a missile overjapan. Theresa may says she will work to ease tensions. As the death toll rises in devastating floods in texas, Tropical Storm harvey makes landfall in louisiana. Campaign is one raising credit card limits could be pushing already struggling people into further difficulties with debt. It looks increasingly likely alex 0xley chamberlain will play for liverpool next season after turning down a move to chelsea despite arsenal agreeing to sell him for £40 million. For only the second time in us open history be defending champion is out in the opening round. Angelique herber lost to a japanese teenager. The series is time one all after the west indies pulled off a shock when against england at headingley. Kezia dugdale has resigned as leader of scottish labour, after less than two years in the post. The lothians msp insists she is leaving the party in a much better state than how she found it. Shes also rejected the idea her departure has anything to do with her previous criticism ofJeremy Corbyn. 0ur correspondent andrew blackjoins us now from Glasgow Kezia Dugdale does indeed leave labourmp Kezia Dugdale does indeed leave labour mp better state than when she arrived so why is she leaving . What she said as she has put a of ha rd what she said as she has put a of hard work into the job and she has given it her best shot and it is time to pass the battle on to someone time to pass the battle on to someone else, as she put it. The inescapable thing is theJeremy Corbyn factor. She strongly criticised him herself and backed gordon smith to become labour leader but, that said, she doesnt feel the party has made a lot of progress during her time party has made a lot of progress during hertime in party has made a lot of progress during her time in thejob but at the same time, she has denied she is going at a time when she may face a push from the left, Jeremy Corbyn supporters, to remove her as leader. Earlier on she spoke to the bbc and here is a flavour of what she had to say. Most political leaders quit at a moment of crisis, something terribles happened. Ive decided that i think the labour party is very much on its uppers. Its made tremendous progress from the state that i found it in two, 2. 5 years ago, when it was literally on its knees. Ive taken the party forward. Its in a much better state than i found it. Now its time to pass that baton onto the next person. Weve had five National Elections in 2. 5 years. Now its time to move on and let the next person have four years to build to the next one. Attention is almost immediately turned to who will succeed Kezia Dugdale as the next scottish labour leader and there will be an interesting crossroads between a left wing candidate and a more centrist candidate, given the resurgence ofJeremy Corbyn on the left is the most likely candidate looks to possibly be alec crowley, used to be known as Gordon Browns right hand man. In the last hour he has been named interim leader because he is currently deputy leader of the party. In terms of the challenger from the centre there is speculation surrounding an as abn. Flash anas sarar. When it comes to that leadership contest it will be down to the members who get a vote to decide whether they think the best way to challenge the opponents is by coming from the more left wing position than they have previously. We now know the people running scottish labour will be meeting next weekend to decide a timetable for this leadership election and after that things will become much clearer, i think. Thank you very much. Fear of crime is the Biggest Issue for teenagers, a new report has shown. The annual Good Childhood report from the Childrens Society has estimated that 2. 2million youngsters aged between 10 and 17 feel that their wellbeing is damaged by fear of falling victim to crime. With me now is lucy capron, a spokeswoman from the Childrens Society. Thank you forjoining me. I am right in saying this is the first time the Childrens Society has looked at crime when you have been talking to children about happiness. Why did you look in this particular area . Over a decade we have done this research into childrens well being and how they feel about their own lives. This is the first year we asked about the range of different problems that have impact on their happiness and how the feel and train came out as the biggest fear in their lives and that most children were affected by. 0ver fear in their lives and that most children were affected by. Over 2 million children in the uk said this fear was damaging their well being. So that was the most common answer, and when children talk about crime, we re and when children talk about crime, were they talking about crying and generally or were the specific about the types. We found that boys and girls experience that fear in different ways and for girls in particular they were worried about being followed and harassed in the street and feeling intimidated. We heard from young girls who have cars pulling up, men whistling at them and making them feel unsafe with his boys reported more a fear of physical assault and having to be tough and more fear of getting in physicalfights. So what we want Decision Makers to do is listen to children and young people more about how the experience their own lives as they are the experts. Tell us more about how you want to ta ke tell us more about how you want to take this data you have collected from talking to children and saying to policy makers or other relevant people, this is what they say, what are you going to do . Fundamentally, we want adult and primarily Decision Makers, local government, central government, professionals in schools, police, to listen to how children experience their own lives. They will be able to tell you the street they feel that more lighting, the part they feel u nsafe that more lighting, the part they feel unsafe and by acting on this week will be able to make children feel safer. Some context, i hope the children you talk to, this isnt something hanging over their heads with a dark cloud all the time. Do you generally feel pretty happy with their lives . 0ver feel pretty happy with their lives . Over all we have seen over the last ten yea rs over all we have seen over the last ten years is a decline in childrens happiness and we do need to take that seriously. We are storing up problems for these young people later in life. There is a growing need for Childrens Mental Health services and low levels of well being and Happiness Store up over time to become Mental Health issues, in some cases. But often fear of crime isjust issues, in some cases. But often fear of crime is just one of the issues children will face. Fear of crime could be one issue but lowering their parents struggle to pay the bills of another or living inafamily pay the bills of another or living in a family with domestic violence. Every family and child is different and we need local government to intervene early to help solve this. Thank you. Ajudge has ruled that a christian girl at the centre of a fostering row should live with a Family Member in a case in which it was claimed she was placed with a Muslim Foster family. The local authority involved, the london borough of tower hamlets, has rejected reports the foster family did not speak english. Tower Hamlets Council said it had always intended to place the five year old in a relatives permanent care. Adina campbell is at the east London Family court now. East London Family court for us. Bring us up to date on what has been happening. As you say, the judge here in east london has decided the girl will be cared for by her grandmother this coming after recent newspaper reports the girl was being cared for by Muslim Foster carers and it is claimed that went against her christian heritage and the girl had also been encouraged to learn arabic. Those claims have been rejected by tower Hamlets Council and infact rejected by tower Hamlets Council and in fact they say the girl was looked after by an English Speaking family from a mixed race background. It has been reported in the newspapers would lead to widespread controversy. We had a response from the childrens commissioner for england who said after reading those newspaper reports she had concerns and she would be contacting the director of Childrens Services at the council. Further in the tower Hamlets Council statement they said there had been inaccuracies in newspaper reporting in this case and the decision to choose Foster Carers is all was based on a number of factors including cultural background. The girl will now be looked after by her grandmother. When it comes to fostering the government advice is Foster Carers but necessarily need to be of the same ethnic background, culture, religion orfaith but same ethnic background, culture, religion or faith but they do need to be well equipped when it comes to looking after childrens cultural and religious needs. Thank you. One in five people struggling with debt have had their credit card limit raised without requesting it. Thats according to research from the charity, citizens advice, which has called for the practice of extending credit without consent to be stopped. Uk finance the body which represents some of the countrys biggest lenders says it is working with regulators to help people manage their debt. 0ur economics correspondent, andy verity, has more. Borrowing on credit cards has been growing by 9 , farfaster than wages, and citizens advice says irresponsible practices are keeping people in debts that they cant get out of. Tracy banham ran into trouble when her Small Business hit difficulty. She and her partner used credit cards to plug the financial holes. It got to point where i was just paying off interest, basically. I were actually not at one point, on one credit card, i were paying £700 a month, and probably £60 of that were just coming off the debt. That was just one of the credit cards. Consumers have borrowed £200 billion on unsecured loans, with about a third of that on credit cards. Yet one in five borrowers have been given higher credit limits, without asking for them. 0n 2. 2 million credit card accounts, borrowers spent more on charges and fees than on repayments, pushing them further into debt. Citizens advice says, if that goes on for two years, lenders should have to contact borrowers and offer help, such as suspending interest payments. We think the most important thing is that Credit Card Companies should stop raising credit limits without consulting the customer. We think there is a second thing the regulator can do, to give better guidance for affordability checks for people who are extending their credit cards. The body that represents most credit card lenders says its taking steps to prevent struggling borrowers being offered more credit, and that its working with regulators to help people manage their debts. Andy verity, bbc news. 0ur our Business Correspondentjoins me. Why are people who are already struggling with their debts automatically getting their credit ca rd automatically getting their credit card limit raised more than those who are not struggling . It is staggering and seems to defy logic that people who cannot pay it back are being offered more money but these figures from citizens advice, one in five having that limit raised. From a purely Commercial Point of view firms realise they will make money from those customers because if you do not pay your loan back you will have two people and placed. Those are the profitable ones for the credit card and loan companies. Clearly the issue at stake is the art the most vulnerable customers and those who cannot afford to pay it back and they are preying on those people. What we are seeing is the credit ca rd what we are seeing is the Credit Card Companies are saying we are trying to identify vulnerable customers and make sure this does not happen automatically but if you are facing an income squeezed, and we know a lot of people are, it is tempting if the money is offered to you to borrow a little bit more each month and then you get the bill at the end of the month. The issue clearly is that is affordability checks that need to be put in place, are the lending firms asking can these customers afford to pay it back and if they cant beat should not let that the money. But in this environment of record low Interest Rates, perhaps good news because we can borrow more cheaply, but the problem is for the Credit Card Companies themselves, the low Interest Rates mean they are not profiting from it. Is there any onus on Credit Card Companies to do this . Would be entirely voluntary . And a new checks the back of england is imposing they will have to prove they are lending responsibly because they are lending responsibly because the bank of england is worried about this rise in borrowing, around 10 in the last year at the bank of think that this concern we are putting too much on the credit card borrowing too much and this will come back to bite us. They are worried about how much we are storing away at a problem for the future so they have asked all the lenders to prove they are lending responsibly. There is scant details on how they will do that and what checks and balances they will put in place to make sure who they are lending to can afford to pay it back but this is very much in the sides of the bank of england and they are saying you need to make sure the people you are lending to they can afford to pay it back but, on the other hand, these businesses exist to make money and they need to ensure it is still a viable business opportunity. Drivers celebrated the opening of scotlands Queensferry Crossing this morning. At around two a convoy of vehicles crossed the bridge with a police escort, many honking their horns and blowing whistles to mark the occasion. Horns honk the new crossing, which links the lothians and fife, is the longest three tower, cable stayed bridge in the world, and cost around £1. 3 billion to build. Now the weather forecast. We have got lots of cloud across england and wales was that outbreaks of rain as well. Just the extent you can see here but behind that for scotland and Northern Ireland we have some sunshine. Gradually that will extend to the rest of Northern England, wales and south western england. Here we can see some showers this afternoon but in central and Eastern England it remains a very wet into the afternoon and significantly cooler compared to yesterday. Going through tonight, the rain clears and with clear skies it could be quite chilly frosting tomorrow and some heavy showers in north wales, north west of england. Those showers becoming more extensive through the afternoon but still some sunny spells in between. Ill see you later. This is bbc newsroom live. The headlines. North korea threatens further military operations in the pacific. It follows condemnation from the un over this weeks Missile Launch overjapan. Meanwhile theresa may is on a visit to japan, where she called on china to put pressure on north korea. They are illegal tests, and it is outrageous, it is provocation, and they should be stopping them. Tropical storm harvey, which caused devastating flooding in texas before drifting back out to sea, has begun to move inland again over louisiana. A record downpour has left large parts of the city of houston underwater and killed 20 people. Campaigners warn that raising credit card limits could harm people already struggling with debt. Citizens advice says people struggling financially are more likely to see the limit increased without request. Kezia dugdale resigns as leader of scottish labour, saying it is time to pass on the baton to someone else. She says she is leaving the party in a much better state than she had found it. Now the sport, with katherine downes. Just a couple of days left in the current transfer window. And it looks like arsenal are in for a busy 24 hours, with speculation over the futures of alex 0xlade chamberlain and Alexis Sanchez still to be resolved. 0ur sports News Reporter david 0rnsteinjoins us now. Whats the latest . It is going to be a busy few days. We start with alex 0xlade chamberlain. He is the subject of interest from both chelsea and liverpool. Chelsea had an offer accepted for him of £40 million at he turned the move down because he doesnt want to play in the same position where he is being played at arsenal, right wingback, and he feels he will be played there by chelsea, so he wants to join liverpool but they have not submitted a formal bid. We expect that to come in. Either he willjoin liverpool or remain for the final year of his contract at arsenal. Next is Alexis Sanchez, wanted by manchester city, another player with one year left on his contract. Manchester city had a £15 million bid turned down by arsenal yesterday. They have rejected all of manchester citys advances and see it would take a huge offer and a player coming in the opposite direction. And another busy club, chelsea, and it looks like they might miss out on 0xlade chamberlain if you goes to liverpool but they have a few other offers. It will be hectic at stamford bridge. Aside from 0xlade chamberlain, they have had a bid turned down for Danny Drinkwater central midfielder for leicester. He handed in a transfer request. Both clubs are quite far apart in their valuations. It is also my understanding that they will sign fernando llorente, who the chelsea manager Antonio Conte worked with atjuventus. And there is various other interests in player such as ross barkley from everton. Everton have demanded £50 million. I might suggest that many of these deals might not happen and we may end up with a little bit of an anti climax, with such little time to do so much business. As is often the case on deadline day. Roger federer has survived a scare to reach the second round of the us open. Federer, looking to win a record 20th grand slam title, beat american teenager Francis Tiafoe in five sets. Federer admitted afterwards he had been worried about a niggling back injury that caused him to miss the cincinnatti masters. At the end there was drama, back and forth, so it was very exciting. I enjoyed myself although i was maybe also tired and nervous at the end, but it was very cool to be part of that match. And there was another major shock in the womens draw. World number 45 naomi 0saka from japan beat defending champion Angelique Kerber in straight sets. Its only the second time in us open history the defending champion has gone out in the first round. Players from premiership and Championship Rugby Union clubs are to take part in a major study of concussion and brain injuries this season. Its being billed as the biggest of its kind to take place in the history of uk sport. 0ur rugby Union Reporter chris jones joins us now. Chris, how significant is this . Concussion remains the biggest cloud hanging over the sport of rugby union. This study, which will take place this season, involving players from the premiership and championship, in collaboration with the university of birmingham, who pioneered this Research Going back nine years or so, and they have found recently that molecules in saliva and urine can act as markers to determine and diagnose and therefore to treat concussion, which would be a major breakthrough in the sport. This is at the early stages and it is why this study is taking place, to investigate, but ever could be a concussion test which could be a concussion test which could be a concussion test which could be completely objective to prove whether the player does or does not have a concussion and then it would be revolutionary in the way it would be revolutionary in the way it is managed in the sport. How would that affect the game . Doctor simon kemp, the chief medical 0fficer simon kemp, the chief medical officer of the rugby football union, he said investigations must be ongoing but it could be extremely significant. At the moment the way a player is diagnosed with concussion is this pitch side head injury assessment. It is better than nothing and how things were a few yea rs nothing and how things were a few years back but it is not completely objective and it is not full proof. If Something Like this could be proven as being accurate, a saliva swa b proven as being accurate, a saliva swab from a player could prove a concussion then it would be a significant step forward in how concussion is diagnosed and handled. Thats all sport for now. Bangladeshis are now one of the largest migrant groups making the dangerous crossing over the mediterranean from libya to europe. More than 7,000 bangladeshis made thatjourney in the first half of this year. Many pay more than 10,000 to make the trip to libya, where they typically fall into the hands of people smugglers. Sanjoy majumder reports from the bangladeshi capital, dhaka, on why there is a rush to leave. It is an exodus. Half a Million People leave bangladesh every year, hoping to make their fortunes overseas. Increasingly, many are making the extremely dangerous crossing over the mediterranean to try and get to europe, putting their lives at risk. Many of these people are headed to the gulf or the middle east, which is the preferred route for those trying to get to sudan or libya, perhaps even beyond. When you speak to them, you get a sense they are being driven by an air of desperation, even though so many of these journeys can end in tragedy. Last year, this man left his home in dhaka for libya. Like many others, he was lured with the promise of a good job. He cashed in all his savings to pay his way. But in libya he was sold to traffickers. They held him captive, demanding a ransom of 5,000. Translation they used to torture me. I would not be given any food. I was made to stand for 24 hours. They said pay up and then you can rest. His wife was forced to borrow money to secure his release. He is back home now, but deep in debt. For many bangladeshis, migrating abroad as a ticket out of poverty, making them prime targets for those who look to exploit their desperation. It takes us time but we finally track down a trafficker who agrees to speak to us. He is part of an elaborate criminal network, organising fake documents and then escorting migrants all the way to libya. At no point are they stopped or challenged. Translation my bosses are in touch with officials. It is basically a syndicate. The passports do not have any visas, some are blank. At the airport, theyjust check the names against a list. Sometimes they make a phone call, then we are let through. And the rush to leave bangladesh continues. There are simply not enough opportunities at home. Even though the journey ahead is fraught with risk. We have just received from new images from houston, texas, taken of the devastation left behind after Tropical Storm harvey, of course it was Hurricane Harvey and then a Tropical Storm, although how you categorise this is not much consequence to the people whose lives have been devastated. This is huge flooding across houston. 20 people are thought to have died, 3000 having to be rescued after 52 inches of rainfall in just a matter of days. And of course tens of thousands of people having to flee from their homes. The latest we have is that after moving out to sea, harvey has made landfall again, but these are the latest images we have from houston. Losing a loved one can be an incredibly difficult time for families who have to take care of funerals and other formalities. But now many are facing the added distress of delays in registering a death. Figures seen by bbc local radio show most councils in england and wales are failing to register bereavements within the five day target. Emily unia has this report. Last year, graham morgans mother died. She was 86 and living in a care home. The family had to wait nearly three weeks for the funeral. It was a terrible situation to be honest with you. It was the worst you could ever have at a time of your life, and everybody faces it, when someone near to you passes away, it was terrible. He faced delays in getting a doctors certificate and waited a fortnight for an appointment to register her death with the local council. It has a a big impact on your well being because youre bereaved, youre panicking, you want to get everything right. Youve loved your. In my case, my parents, you didnt want to let them down and anything to go wrong. By law all deaths except those investigated by a coroner must be registered within five days but most councils in england and wales are failing to meet their registration targets. In 2011, 23 of all deaths in england and wales were registered after the five day limit. A total of more than 110,000 people. By 2016, that figure had risen to more than 187,000, meaning 36 of all deaths took longer than five days to be registered. The National Association of funeral directors, which represents 4,000 funeral homes, conducted its own survey in 2015. They found families were waiting longer to see a registrar. At some registrars there are cutbacks and staff shortages, and thats happening throughout the uk. But what were also seeing is certain registrars will not make the appointment for the family unless the family already have the medical certificate for cause of death in their possession. Poppy mardall runs a funeral home in south london and is aware of growing delays. She says the whole process of dealing with death is confusing for bereaved families and more sensitivity is needed. Grieving people should not be disregarded by local authorities. I think recognition that death and grief are incredibly difficult experiences that were all going to have to go through, so i dont see why people need to wait five or six days to register a death, it doesnt take that long. The Home Office Said local authorities are expected to ensure there are adequate provisions to register a death. The local Government Association told us various factors have contributed to delays, but councils are working to reduce them. For graham morgan, improvements to the system, although too late for his family, would still be welcome. It causes chaos at a time in peoples lives when you dont need that chaos to be honest with you, youre bereaved enough as it is. Emily unia, bbc news. Notre dame cathedral is one of the tourist hot spots in paris but some of its spires are crumbling. But now the citys archbishop is trying to raise £120 120 million to help restore it to its former glory. Tim allman explains. When you come to paris, you come to notre dame. But this landmark isnt quite as impressive when you get a close up view. Gargoyles, spires, buttresses, all slowly crumbling away. Ancient brick work that needs to be repaired, and soon. Translation the urgency for the cathedral is to find 100 Million Euros within the next 20 years to save the building. One of the areas which is crumbling are the spires. If nothing is done, the ultimate catastrophic scenario is that they will fall and rip out the roof. Work first began on the cathedral around 850 years ago. The last major renovations took place in the 19th century. Every year, millions visit notre dame, making it more than just a place of worship. It is the symbol of paris or even france and it is very famous, just like the forbidden city in china. So it is a must go place in paris. It is the movie as well for me. I just think of the hunchback of notre dame, and the book as well, so after reading that book i really wanted to come and see it. The authorities are hoping for donations from all around the world so they can restore and preserve this historic landmark for centuries to come. The Great British bakeoff was back on Television Last night for the First Time Since its move to channel 4. The show attracted channel 4s biggest overnight audience in five years with an average of 6. 5 Million Viewers tuning in. 5. 8 million watched the show live and an additional 0. 7 million on channel 4 1. Lets taking a look at how that compares to previous launches. The show launched on bbc two in 2010, which was watched by two Million People. When the show moved to bbc one in 2014, the figures grew substantially to over seven Million People tuning in for the launch. Last year, just under 10. 5 Million People watched the first show of the series on bbc one. To last night where, as weve said, 6. 5 million watched the show for the first time on channel 4. This series saw some alterations to the line up, as presenting duo Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig and newjudge prue leithjoined Paul Hollywood on the team. Lets take a quick look. Here we go. It just says cover the rolls, leaving the bases uncovered. How are you going to pour your chocolate . You going to pour it on or dip it . Because we are allowed an exposed bottom, i willjust pour it on. If there is an opportunity to keep the bottom exposed, we should all embrace that. Im planning on taking my trousers off when paul and prue do thejudging. Just trying to ladle it over. How long have we got left . You tell them five minutes because i dont want to make them stress but you can. 0k, bakers, youve got five minutes left. Yeah, what he said. Use the White Chocolate to decorate it in some unspecified way. Im thinking quite simple, just lines. Shaky hands. I dont have any time. This is dangerous. Looks are deceiving, arent they . My hands are shaking so much. Such a mess. 0k, bakers, yourtime is up. Please bring your mini chocolate rolls up and put them behind your photo. Im joined now by scott bryan, the tv editor of buzzfeed. I love your title as bakeoff correspondence. It is exactly the same show. The tent, the challenges, the bakers, it is only the line up which has changed. But they are being themselves and not trying to being themselves and not trying to be the old presenters. Then trying to be somebody else would always be quite difficult. And channel 4 must be pleased with the figures. Do you think they can build on those or keep them stable . They will think anything between five and 7 million is exactly what they are really wanting. I think quite a lot of people were watching the First Episode because they were quite intrigued in terms of how the changes and their adverts will influence of the show. I think ba keoff influence of the show. I think bakeoff has influence of the show. I think ba keoff has been influence of the show. I think bakeoff has been very consistent with its ratings, unlike other shows which normally dip. It could potentially grow. But the issue is whether people are happy with the adverts in between. Lets talk about the presenters. I was unsure when i heard that Noel Fielding would be presenting. I havent seen the full episode yet but what i have seen of himi episode yet but what i have seen of him i was really charmed. He is a delight. I think he really knows how to talk to people, particularly when you are absolutely stressed out. He is not trying to be a character or be wacky or zany. He is just a nice quy be wacky or zany. He is just a nice guy andi be wacky or zany. He is just a nice guy and i think he adds some absurd left field humour which has always been there but he adds his own spin. And Sandi Toksvig and prue leith . Prue leith is quite different to mary. I would say that prue leith was pretty damning in quite a lot of her verdicts. She is very analytical. She has that gravitas. Yes, being in cookery for so long. Sandi was a delight. Horror and Noel Fielding is not a combination you expected. Sandi toksvig and Noel Fielding is not a combination you expected. Thank you very much for your thoughts. In a moment a summary of the Business News this hour but first the headlines on bbc newsroom live. North korea says its firing of a missile overjapan was the first step of military operations in the pacific, signalling plans for more launches. As the death toll rises in devastating floods in texas, Tropical Storm harvey makes landfall in louisiana. Campaigners warn that raising credit ca rd campaigners warn that raising credit card limits could push people already struggling with debt into further difficulties. In the Business News. Research by citizens advice suggests one in five people struggling with debt have had their credit card limit raised without them requesting it. The amount borrowed via credit cards now stands at £200 billion, and has been growing at 10 a year. The bank of england has warned about soaring levels of debt. The British Retail Consortium wa rra nts the British Retail Consortium warrants a hard brexit with leads to higher prices and empty shelves. But brexit supporters say new technology would mean less delays at the border. The hire firm hss has issued a profit warning and thats sent its shares down 20 this morning with the price now down 80 since the firm listed on the stock market in 2015. The company has warned that sales will be materially lower than expected following a tough start to the year. Consumer debt is of growing concern for the bank of england, and unsecured borrowing is up 10 on last year. Now a new report suggests that people struggling with long term Credit Card Debt are more likely to have their limit raised than those who arent. The research by citizens advice found that 18 of struggling credit card users had their limit raised in the past year without requesting it, compared to 12 of all credit card holders. Earlier i spoke to Matthew Upton is from citizens advice who produced the research. Total Credit Card Debt now actually stands at about £67 billion and is growing quickly. We have all had the experience, many of us, of having the letter through the door, telling us our credit limit has been increased, without us actually asking for it to happen. What our research shows, as you say, is that is actually much more likely to happen if you are stuck in debt and struggling to pay off that credit. These are often people stuck on paying the minimum payments, barely even actually chipping away their actual debt, just covering their interest payments, and really this can only be characterised as irresponsible behaviour on behalf of lenders and we want to see it banned. The reality is that Credit Card Companies, lenders, stand to make huge amounts of money off these people who are often stuck on these minimum payments, stuck in debt for many years, and really struggling to pay it off. That is why we think it is time to act. We cant see there being anyjustification. Credit cards are clearly a good product for some, theyre good for flexible payments, good for when people want to make a purchase and struggle to pay that down initially, but we dont think there is any justification for keeping people stuck in that cycle of debt that happens in these circumstances. Heres a look at some other stories were following today. Sky is to stop broadcasting fox news in the uk due to low audience figures. 21st century fox, which is owned by rupert murdoch, says the channel is being withdrawn as it is not commercially viable. Sources say the decision is not related to foxs takeover bid for sky. The First Electric mini will be unveiled at the frankfurt motor fair next month and owners bmw have promised a characteristic go kart feel and powerful electric motor. The company has today issued an artists impression of the car. The bmw chairman Harald Kruger said, it offers a thrilling preview of the all electric production vehicle. And the London Company that makes the rubiks cube has sued two us companies for selling what it says is a knock off of the classic puzzle. Rubiks brand limited says retailer toys r us and manufacturer duncan toys are violating its trademark and hurting its reputation with an imitation twist puzzle cube. Lets have a look at the markets. We are keeping an eye on the europe because it has been strengthening and the pound has been weakening so we could get to the point where a euro is worth exactly a pound, not great news if you are going on holiday but good news for some businesses. Lets get the weather forecast. Some cooler fresher whether moving in and it will be with us again today. A mixture of sunshine and showers. The rainfall radar picture shows a bit of cloud and rain across the midlands, eastern and southern areas of england and in the south east it will continue into the afternoon. And it will feel cooler. Temperatures still only 11 or 12 degrees. Yesterday it was 29 celsius in kent at today it is 13 15 lower. We still have rain across the south east. Further north and west, things look brighter. Sunshine in scotland, a few showers in the afternoon, some of those could be heavy. The sunshine and showers continues across Northern England and Northern Ireland. Some brightness in west wales and the south west of england but for the midlands it will stay cloudy, particularly the east midlands, and the rain will continue across parts of lincolnshire, east anglia and the south east. That weather system bringing the rain will eventually clear away through this evening and tonight and there will be a few showers dotted around but clear skies for many of us tonight and it will make it feel a little bit chilly. Temperatures in town centres around 10 11. Fairly similar to last night in north and west parts. In the countryside it will be lower than that. A chilly start to thursday. Heavy showers across north wales, north west england, those could be thundery for the morning commute and going into the afternoon the showers will be more extensive across the uk. Some sunshine between the showers. Temperatures around 1720. On the showers. Temperatures around 17 20. On friday, this High Pressure is going to move in and settle things down for friday and the weekend. It could be rather chilly but there are should be good spells of sunshine. 0ne but there are should be good spells of sunshine. One or two showers dotted around but it will stay dry for most of us. This is bbc news, and these are the top stories developing at midday north korea says it filing of a missile overjapan was the first step of operations in the pacific. Theresa may says she will work to reduce tensions. These are illegal tests, it is a provocation and they should be stopping them. As the death toll rises from devastating floods in texas, Tropical Storm harvey makes landfall in louisiana. Campaigners warn that raising credit card limits could be pushing people already struggling with debt into further difficulties. Kezia dugdale resigns as leader of scottish labour, saying she is leaving the party in a better state than she found it. Also afraid of being followed or attacked one in ten children were a victim of crime last year and new Research Suggests fear of crime is the most common issue affecting their wellbeing. 6. 5 Million Viewers tune in to channel 4s First Episode of the Great British bake 0ff but did the show rise to the challenge . Good afternoon. Im annita mcveigh. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. North korea says it filing of a missile overjapan was its first step of an operation in the pacific. It also repeated threats to the us Pacific Island of bbc guam. The United Nations Security Council has unanimously condemned north koreas firing a ballistic missing overjapan. A Statement Issued after an emergency meeting last night and agreed by pyongyangs allies, china and russia, described the test as outrageous. However, the two countries did say that us military activity in the region was partly to blame for the increase in tensions, and urged negotiations. These are the latest pictures of the missile which launched on tuesday, that crossed over japans northern hokkaido island, triggering public alerts to take cover, before landing in the sea. The Prime Minister theresa may has arrived injapan, with north korea expected to be at the top agenda. She spoke about the role britain will play resolving the missile crisis. I want to work with Prime Minister abe, to work with other International Partners to do what we all want to, which is to stop north korea from conducting these illegal activities. These are illegal tests and it is provocation and they should be stopping them. We will be working, there has been a discussion in the un Security Council and i am pleased there was a united condemnation of north korea from the un Security Council, but we want to work with International Partners to see what further pressure can be brought on north korea, and particularly look at what china can do to bring pressure on north korea. The lure of our correspondent says this update from the south korean capital. Here in the south they are taking this as a very serious escalation and today the president spoke to the japanese Prime Minister and both agreed the pressure on north korea must be increased to what they call the extreme level and the demand tougher sanctions. That statement from north korea today as the un Security Council meeting was underway was a very aggressive and fierce one, north korea not only saying this is the first step and its plan to what attacking guam but also saying it leader has ordered more such missile drills targeted at the pacific. Is the south very much focusing on a diplomatic route now or is it looking at what other preparations it can make to defend itself potentially against north korea . It is both. South korea has adopted a two track policy towards north korea and on one hand it is ramping up korea and on one hand it is ramping up its defensive system, expedited implementing us anti Missile Defence system which will probably be com pletely system which will probably be completely deployed by next month but on the other hand the president also made the offer of talks with pyongyang, an offer he first made in july and this been rearrested reiterated again but so far there has been no response from the north. A post brexit trade deal is also high on the agenda for the Prime Ministers visit to japan. Shes accompanied on the trip by International Trade secretary liam fox and a delegation of Business Leaders drawn from a range of sectors. As part of the visit, the chief executive of aston martin has announced a £500 million deal between the two countries over the next five years. Mrs may has been speaking to our Political Correspondent ben wright. Im going to be talking to my japanese counterpart Prime Minister abe this week about the future relationship between the uk and japan, how we can build on what is already a good, strong relationship, and build on that in the areas of security, defence and trade, and look to the arrangements we can put in place when weve left the eu. As regards the details of our aims for the eu and our relationship with them in the future, weve been publishing a series of papers over the summer, there will be more papers to come, where we are setting out the key issues that both sides need to address. The ideas we have of how to deal with those. Its the United Kingdom thats been coming forward with the ideas and with the clarity about the future. Its clearjapan doesnt want britain to crash out of the eu in march 2019. Over the summer your chancellor and trade secretary both said britain needs a transitional arrangement. Do you still think no deal is better than a bad deal, we could still walk away . Yes, i think that is right. But if you talk about the point at which we leave the eu, we want to ensure that at that point we do have a deal that is the right dealfor the uk. I said back injanuary in my speech in lancaster house, that one of the things we wanted to ensure what a smooth changeover from the membership of the European Union to the future arrangements, and that we would need to have a period of time to implement any practical changes that needed to take place. How long might that arrangement last, and could it mean staying former British Ambassador to japan sir david warrenjoins me now. Thank you for coming along, we will talk about trade and brexit in a minute but first lets talk with the Security Threat from north korea. Given china and russia do not want to push for further sanctions what options are there to try to contain the threat . The japanese government and im sure theresa may willjoin with Prime Minister abe on this, wa nt to with Prime Minister abe on this, want to see the effective enforcement of the agreed sanctions, sanctions always take time to have full effect but they must be actively enforced. There are more economic facts sanctions, particularly in the field of energy, countries would like to see imposed on north korea, they are more difficult for china and russia to agree to. The problem is china and russia are equally frustrated and concerned by north korea but they have other geopolitical interests in the region which hold them back from taking the top as possible line we would like to see them take. As the Prime Minister has made clear, there isnt a future resolution of this question which does not rely upon china taking a more active role and thatis china taking a more active role and that is what we would like to see. 0ne that is what we would like to see. One could argue if you do not keep the option of additional sanctions in the bag, and you go ahead and introduce further sanctions, you move closer, possibly, to military action, if north korea does not take any notice of those additional sanctions. That is a very logical argument and the North Koreans are adopting a very rational approach to the way in which they are provoking the international community. Explain what you mean. Kim jong un is pushing the issue of north korea as the rogue threatening state far up as the rogue threatening state far up the International Agenda as he can, in orderto up the International Agenda as he can, in order to the point where diplomacy begins to find a resolution to this problem, he will has maximised his position and Bargaining Power against the international community. I heard one japanese political adviser this morning im doing you do not bring north korea into talks, he said it was like giving a trophy to the naughty boy in the neighbourhood. Is that ultimately the good some countries will begin to talk about . The more provoking and the more outrageous north korea behaves, of course people resent the idea they should be given any prize for behaving in this destructive way. The reality is eventually the pistol denuclearisation and peace and security of the region will depend upon diplomatic efforts as well as military might which must be a crucial element of the equation. Lets move on to trade between the uk andjapan lets move on to trade between the uk and japan post brexit. We know what the eu and japan are working on a trade deal which the uk has been involved in and there is discussion about the uk using that as a template for any arrangement between the uk and japan. Do you think that could work . Firstly we have to be realistic, the highest priority for japan at the moment is to push the eujapan japan at the moment is to push the eu japan Free Trade Agreement over the finishing line, it has taken nearly seven years to negotiate, then they want to salvage what they can operate tra nspacific partnership, which President Trump has pulled out of. Any Bilateral Agreement with us will be the third priority behind those two objectives. So the uk, well down the pecking order . Can be cut and paste the eu agreement . Britain and japan have close generally unproblematic tribulation so a fair amount of the agreement probably could be cut and pasted, but japan will want to look at the british trading economy and see what more do we want from britain ina see what more do we want from britain in a Bilateral Agreement and we all want to do the same as japan and that is why trade negotiations ta ke and that is why trade negotiations take so long. These inevitable concessions and compromises are politically sensitive. And difficult to gauge this far out whether any future trading relationship could be as advantageous for the uk and it was inside. The essential point there is a Japanese Companies, over 1000 of them, have invested in britain over them, have invested in britain over the last 30 years and much of that time because we were part of the Single Market and Customs Union. Japan wants to see us preserve that frictionless access to the Single Market and that is why the companies employ over 160,000 people, hundreds of thousands more in the supply chain, they have made their bases in the uk. They are deeply concerned about the danger of crashing out of the eu and going over the edge of a cliff. Very good to have your thoughts today. Thank you. Tropical storm harvey which caused devastating flooding in texas before drifting back out to sea has begun to move inland again over louisiana. Around 20 people have died and 30,000 forced from their homes with over 3000 having been rescued from the floodwaters. Large swathes of texas remain underwater, with almost 52 inches of rainfall since the hurricane first made landfall on friday. Keith doyle has more. Lets speak to one family caught up in harvey. Carmen keith, her husband and two daughters live in westbury which is a neighbourhood in houston and one badly affected. Thank you for talking to us. You are at home, is that right . Yeah, i am at home, is that right . Yeah, i am at home, is that right . Yeah, i am at home, we stayed at home during the storm. And describe what your neighbourhood is light at the moment . It is, there is so much devastation and yesterday i was able to venture out to a friends house that had for foot of water in it and lost everything. The waters are going down and you see the debris and peoples furniture and all their belongings, people are really devastated. Work you are unable to get out or did you have a battle in your own head as to whether it was the right thing to do, leave or stay . We did and, you know, our home has never flooded before and we felt like we would be safe. We also felt we needed to stay to protect our home if possible and the truth of the matter is once the storm has started you have really lost your window in leaving. The water comes up window in leaving. The water comes up so fast that once it is here that is no evacuation. What is the damage to your property . We have been so blessed. We have been really fortunate, my husband was out at 5am am digging ditches and trenches in our backyard to let the water drain out to the streets and taking the fence apart so it would not create a dam. It has really been a medical our home in site has been dry because so much around us has devastated. That is an incredible human effort by your husband to protect your home. Tell us about what happens next. It will take time for the water to subside, so much damage to infrastructure, property, do you know what the next steps up for you and your community . We are still really stranded at home as the roads are still covered. We have tried to venture out to nearby neighbours and help them because we are neighbours and help them because we a re fortu nate neighbours and help them because we are fortunate we do still have power when most people do not, so we have been doing laundry for those that have been more devastatingly affected by this. Really, right now we arejust hoping affected by this. Really, right now we are just hoping those nearest to us, because we cannot get out to do more us, because we cannot get out to do more helping those nearest to us. Do you feel confident on a state and federal level the help is there for the recovery . I know it will be. We have been through previous hurricanes and i know we will be ok after this. These are material things lost but people have lost their lives and those are the families i am just praying for. Carmen, thank you very much for talking to others and the very best of luck to you and your family. The headlines on bbc newsroom live north korea says its firing of a missile overjapan was the first step of military operations in the pacific, signalling plans for more launches. As the death toll rises in devastating floods in texas, Tropical Storm harvey makes landfall in louisiana. Campaigners warn of raising credit ca rd campaigners warn of raising credit card limits could be pushing people already struggling with debt into further difficulties. Lets catch up with some more sport now. Just a couple of days left in the current transfer window, and it looks like arsenal are in for a busy 24 48 hours, with speculation over the futures of alex 0xlade chamberlain and Alexis Sanchez still to be resolved. Earlier our Sports Reporter david 0rnstein gave us the latest regarding both. He is the subject of interest from both chelsea and liverpool. Chelsea had an offer of £40 million accepted by arsenal but alex 0xlade chamberlain turned that moved down because he does not want to play in the same position he plays at arsenal, right wingback, and he feels he will do that at chelsea. He wa nts to feels he will do that at chelsea. He wants tojoin feels he will do that at chelsea. He wants to join liverpool but they have not yet submitted a formal bid. We expect that to come in. Either he willjoin we expect that to come in. Either he will join liverpool we expect that to come in. Either he willjoin liverpool or remain at arsenalfor willjoin liverpool or remain at arsenal for the willjoin liverpool or remain at arsenalfor the final willjoin liverpool or remain at arsenal for the final year of his contract. One man definitely leaving arsenal is kieran gibbs. West brom have signed the left back on a four year deal for a fee in the region of £7 million. Gibbs, whos been at arsenal since the age of 14, is west broms fifth major signing of the summer transfer window. Englands professional rugby players are to take part in a major study of concussion and brain injuries this season. Its being billed as the biggest of its kind to take place in the history of uk sport. What this research will give us is an objective test of head injury. At the moment our tests are subjective, we ask players how they feel and assess their balance, assess their memory, the ability to manipulate numbers, they are either subjective or indirect markers of the injury and this test will give us an objective marker of a brain injury. England have recorded theirfirst win of netballs quad series with a 49 45 victory against new zealand in auckland. England were behind, heading into the final quarter, before kadeen corbyn scored seven goals in nine attempts. It follows defeat to australia in their opening match. They finish off the series on sunday against south africa. And finally, some newsjust in in the last hour ahead of englands third and final decisive test against the west indies, the ecb has announced that bowling coach 0ttis gibson is to quit his position tojoin Cricket South Africa as head coach. Gibson will leave at the end of the current test series against the west indies. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more in the next hour. Kezia dugdale has resigned as leader of scottish labour, after less than two years in the post. The lothians msp insists she is leaving the party in a much better state than how she found it. Shes also rejected the idea her departure has anything to do with her previous criticism ofJeremy Corbyn. 0ur correspondent andrew blackjoins us now from glasgow. Despite her saying it has nothing to do withJeremy Corbyn that has not stopped people from speculating about that. And why she is deciding to leave now and who might follow her, whether it might be a Jeremy Corbyn backer or not. 0n the face of it, Kezia Dugdale says she has put in a shift as leader, giving it her best shot and it is time to, past the bat and, as she put it, but as you were saying, one of the key question surrounding her decision has been her relationship with jeremy her decision has been her relationship withJeremy Corbyn. She has been critical of him in the past and back 0rin smith, a challenger during the last challenge to the labour leadership. She has strongly denied suggestions she thinks there might bea denied suggestions she thinks there might be a push from Jeremy Corbyn supporters to remove her as leader shortly. She said she would much rather focus on her achievements as labour leader and said she felt she has made a lot of progress in the job but she spoke to the bbc earlier on and here is a flavour of what she had to say. Most political leaders quit at a moment of crisis, something terribles happened. Ive decided that i think the labour party is very much on its uppers. Its made tremendous progress from the state that i found it in two, 2. 5 years ago, when it was literally on its knees. Ive taken the party forward. Its in a much better state than i found it. Now its time to pass that baton onto the next person. Weve had five National Elections in 2. 5 years. Now its time to move on and let the next person have four years to build to the next one. The big question is who will replace Kezia Dugdale and this will be a very interesting contest because the party will have to make a decision over whether a more left wing candidate will have better luck in terms of the partys fortunes. 0n the left the most likely candidate or speculation over that seems to be centred around alex rowley, who has been named as the interim leader because he is currently the deputy leader of the party. He is known or used to be as Gordon Browns right hand man. In terms of a more centrist challenger, there has been speculation around anas sarwar, the son of former famous labour politician mohammed sarwar. But this really co m es politician mohammed sarwar. But this really comes down to the fact that labour is the Third Largest party in all the route now so in terms of the way ahead now Labour Party Members and others who will have a vote in this election, it will be down to them to determine whether a more left wing candidate will have more success for the party in the future and it has had in the past. Thanks for that. After the tragedy of the Grenfell Tower fire which left at least 80 people dead and 158 families homeless, serious questions were raised about the safety of high rise residential buildings. Tests carried out on the tower showed the cladding system applied during renovation works last year did not comply with current regulations, and was blamed for the quick spread of the fire. It emerged that the cladding used at grenfell was also used on other tower blocks across the uk, sparking the government to launch an independent review of building and fire safety regulations. This morning the head of that review damejudith hackitt has been setting out what the review will investigate. It is very much focused on high rise buildings and that is where i will focus my attention, more so than on regulations in general, it is about how they apply to high rise buildings in particular. That is where we have the greatest concern things are not working as they should. It is inevitable we will find some shortcomings in the system and what they will be i am not prepared to speculate at this stage. It is important i look at all of those things, the competence of the people, how they work, whether people, how they work, whether people know their roles and responsibilities, all those things matter, if a system is going to work effectively it is notjust about what is written down, it is also hope it is applied in practice. We are working to a very different timescale to the public enquiry. I will provide an interim report by christmas and a final report in the spring. Ican christmas and a final report in the spring. I can understand People Living in those power blocs are worried right now, and rightly so. And it is important we get some recommendations and quickly so the rights rectification is can be made and things can be progressed quickly. One in five people struggling with debt have had their credit card limit raised without requesting it. Thats according to research from the charity, citizens advice, which has called for the practice of extending credit without consent to be stopped. Uk finance the body which represents some of the countrys biggest lenders says it is working with regulators to help people manage their debt. 0ur economics correspondent, andy verity, has more. Borrowing on credit cards has been growing by 9 , farfaster than wages, and citizens advice says irresponsible practices are keeping people in debts that they cant get out of. Tracy banham ran into trouble when her Small Business hit difficulty. She and her partner used credit cards to plug the financial holes. It got to point where i was just paying off interest, basically. I were actually not at one point, on one credit card, i were paying £700 a month, and probably £60 of that were just coming off the debt. That was just one of the credit cards. Consumers have borrowed £200 billion on unsecured loans, with about a third of that on credit cards. Yet one in five borrowers have been given higher credit limits, without asking for them. 0n 2. 2 million credit card accounts, borrowers spent more on charges and fees than on repayments, pushing them further into debt. Citizens advice says, if that goes on for two years, lenders should have to contact borrowers and offer help, such as suspending interest payments. We think the most important thing is that Credit Card Companies should stop raising credit limits without consulting the customer. We think there is a second thing the regulator can do, to give better guidance for affordability checks for people who are extending their credit cards. The body that represents most credit card lenders says its taking steps to prevent struggling borrowers being offered more credit, and that its working with regulators to help people manage their debts. Andy verity, bbc news. A little earlier i spoke to our Business Correspondent ben thompson. These figures, one in five having their limit raised, from a Commercial Point of view what is happening is that firms realise those are the customers of the will make money from because if you do not pay back your loan you will have to pay more interest. Those are the profitable ones for the companies themselves so you can see commercially why they do this. Clearly the issue is they are the most vulnerable customers, the ones who cant afford to pay it back and they are preying on those people who need the money. What we are seeing is the credit ca rd what we are seeing is the Credit Card Companies saying we are trying to identify vulnerable customers and make sure this does not automatically happen. But if you are facing in income squeeze it is tempting if the money is offered to you to borrow a bit more each month perhaps to pay off some day to day bells. The issue is clearly there is affordability checks that need to be put in place. Hartley firms lending his money, are they saying can these customers afford to pay it back and if not they should not lend them the money. In this environment of record low Interest Rates, good news for us because we can borrow more cheaply but the problem for the Credit Card Companies themselves as those low Interest Rates means they are not making money and not profiting from it. Is the onus on Credit Card Companies to do this or would it be voluntary . Under new checks the bank of england is imposing they will have to prove they are lending responsibly because they are lending responsibly because the bank of england is very worried about this rise in borrowing, about 10 in the last year. They are concerned we are putting too much on credit cards, borrowing too much and this will all come back to bite us eventually. The bank of england are worried about how much were storing away. They have asked lenders to make sure they can prove they are lending responsibly. There is scant detail on how they will do that and what checks and balances label put in place to make sure who they are lending to can afford to pay it back checks and balances on who they are lending to. Now the weather. Sunshine and showers for much of the north and west today, south and south east have plenty of cloud and outbreaks of rain. Feeling much cooler than yesterday, especially in the breeze. Some sunshine elsewhere but catch a shower in scotland and Northern Ireland it could well be heavy with the rumble of thunder. Nowhere is wa nted the rumble of thunder. Nowhere is wanted the and nor will it be overnight. Some showers retained in the west but most places become bright with clear spells and temperatures dipping to single figures in the countryside. In parts of north wales, north west england in the morning there could be some intense downpours and some difficult travelling conditions. Through the day showers a break quite widely, summer day showers a break quite widely, summer headache, some with hailstorms, some rumbles of thunder but some warm sunny spells in between. This is bbc newsroom live. The headlines. North korea threatens further military operations in the pacific. It follows condemnation from the un over this weeks Missile Launch overjapan. Meanwhile theresa may is on a visit to japan, where she called on china to put pressure on north korea. They are illegal tests, and it is outrageous, it is provocation, and they should be stopping them. Tropical storm harvey has come ashore, again, this time over louisana, after devastating parts of texas. In houston, where theres severe flooding, a curfew was put in place to deter looters. Campaigners warn that raising credit card limits could harm people already struggling with debt. Citizens advice says people struggling financially are more likely to see the limit increased without request. Kezia dugdale resigns as leader of scottish labour, saying it is time to pass on the baton to someone else. She says she is leaving the party in a much better state than she had found it. The Prime Minister is aiming to allay japans concerns over brexit, and to drum up trade. She said japanese firms continued to make important investments in the uk as eu withdrawal was being negotiated. And she hailed british car maker Aston Martins decision to invest £500 million injapan as a sign of the strength of the two countries economic partnership. Shes spoken to our Political Correspondent ben wright. The eu, the japanese government and businesses are asking for more clarity about your brexit aims. They want details. You have come all the way to japan. What more are you going to be able to say this week . Im going to be talking to my japanese counterpart Prime Minister abe this week about the future relationship between the uk and japan, how we can build on what is already a good, strong relationship, and build on that in the areas of security, defence and trade, and look to the arrangements we can put in place when weve left the eu. As regards the details of our aims for the eu and our relationship with them in the future, weve been publishing a series of papers over the summer, there will be more papers to come, where we are setting out the key issues that both sides need to address. And the ideas we have of how to deal with those. Its the United Kingdom thats been coming forward with the ideas and with the clarity about the future. Its clearjapan doesnt want britain to crash out of the eu in march 2019. Over the summer your chancellor and trade secretary both said britain needs a transitional arrangement. Do you still think no deal is better than a bad deal, we could still walk away . Yes, i think that is right. But if you talk about the point at which we leave the eu, we want to ensure that at that point we do have a deal that is the right dealfor the uk. I said back injanuary in my speech in lancaster house, that one of the things we wanted to ensure what a smooth changeover from the membership of the European Union to the future arrangements, and that we would need to have a period of time to implement any practical changes that needed to take place. How long might that arrangement last, and could it mean staying inside the Single Market, the eea and the Customs Union as labour now say britain should do . What we see from the labour party is yet another position from them in relation to the European Union. As weve also seen, not a position that is welcomed by all members of the labour party. If we look at what we are talking about, we are talking about negotiating a deal with the European Union, within their two year timescale, a deal that is right for the uk but also right for the European Union, that develops a deep and special partnership between the uk and the remaining 27 members of the European Union. And that in order to ensure that businesses and individuals dont face that cliff edge, that we see a smooth path from the existing relationship to the future relationship, we will be as part of the negotiations looking at how we practically implement any changes. Do you rule out remaining in the Single Market and the Customs Union for that transitional period, as labour suggest . What i set out in my lancaster house speech is that you cant be a member of the Single Market without being a member of the European Union, and were leaving the European Union. You could join the eea, thats labours suggestion. We want to make sure we deliver on the vote of the british people to leave the eu, and that while we do that we are also looking to the future. This isntjust about brexit, its about ensuring we get that deal right. Its about an optimistic future for the uk. Thats about notjust the trade deal with the European Union, but trade deals around the rest of the world. Thats one of the things im going to be discussing here injapan. Japan is a long standing partner of the uk, significant investments from the uk intojapan and japan into the uk. We seen softbank, nissan, toyota, investing in the uk since the vote took place. As part of the visit here today, £500 million aston martin deal. These are important developments for our economy and for the relationship with japan. Lets get more now on storm harvey, which has caused devastation in parts of the us state of texas. Cbs correspondent don champion is in houston, where thousands have had to leave their homes due to the rising floodwaters, and just sent this update. This is the main shelter here in downtown houston for the past few days. It had been running at double the capacity but this morning as the conditions improve year, the this is the main shelter here in downtown houston. For the past few days, it had been running at double the capacity, but this morning, as the weather conditions in houston improve, we are seeing more shelters opening here in this region, including at nrg stadium, where one of the nfl teams plays here, a new shelter that has been opened up and can host 10,000 people. Even as the recovery gets under way here, in the houston area, a very dire situation is unfolding just to the east of us, where harvey continues to dump incredible amounts of rain on the city of beaumont and port arthur. 0vernight, 15 inches of rain fell on that part of the state, and this morning we are getting reports of flooding of at least one shelter there, and also people are taking to social media, pleading for help, saying that water is rising in their homes, and the sheriff in that region saying that hes just overwhelmed and just does not have the resources right now to get to some of these stranded residents, sadly. As houston and the surrounding area continue to struggle with flooding following Hurricane Harvey, local volunteers are stepping in to help with search and rescue missions. Addicks reservoir and surrounding neighbourhoods have faced particularly severe water levels. The bbc followed teams on trucks and boats as they searched for those in need. This is a bad storm. They said it was catastrophic, it is catastrophic. As soon as it started to creep up to the front door, we had to get out of there. It is overwhelming. I have been crying all morning. It is now flush with the road, coming over the bridge. The streets were flooded before we could get out. If they had told us, youre going to be in an evacuation zone, get out now, i could have pulled my car out of my garage. And i would be high and dry with a car instead of having it parked in my garage. It is definitely heartbreaking to see, we have been in homes, pulling people out of homes, infants, older couples. But it is good that we have People Like Us who stick together and work together. We will probably try for a couple of hours until it starts to get dark or if the water gets too much worse. Weve still got to be able to get out of here, and we have to make it back home this evening. We will do what we can. Terrifying. I havent seen anything like this ever. It smells really bad, like gas in there. It is crazy. I really do not know what i am doing at this point in time. Monsoon rains have killed at least five people, including two toddlers, in mumbai as indias Financial Capital ground to a halt under flooding. Roads were hit by waist deep flooding, flights cancelled and Train Services suspended, stranding tens of thousands. More rain is expected but it is thought the situation has improved for now. The rains in mumbai follow devastating floods across a swathe of south asia, which have killed more than 1,200. Fear of crime is the Biggest Issue for teenagers, a new report has shown. The annual Good Childhood report from the Childrens Society has estimated that 2. 2 million youngsters aged between ten and 17 feel that their wellbeing is damaged by fear of falling victim to crime. We spoke earlier to lucy capron from the Childrens Society which published the report. She said it was important that Decision Makers listen to the concerns being raised by young people. We have been doing over a decade long piece of research into childrens well being and how they feel about their own lives. This was the first year we asked about a range of problems having an impact on the happiness of children. Crime was the biggest fear. It was over 2 million children in the uk that said this fear was damaging their well being. This fear was damaging their wellbeing. That was the most common a nswer wellbeing. That was the most common answer in the survey. When children talked about crime, where they specific about types of crime . Boys and girls experience the fear of crime in different ways. For girls, they were worried about being followed and harassed in the street and feeling intimidated. We heard from younger us who had cars pulling up, men whistling at them, making them feel unsafe. Boys reported more ofa them feel unsafe. Boys reported more of a fear of physical assault and having to be tough. What we want Decision Makers to do is listen to children and young people more about how they experience their own lives. They are the experts. Tell us more about how you want to take the day to you collected from talking to lots of children and say to policymakers or other relevant people, this is what theyre saying, what you going to do about it . Fundamentally we want adults and Decision Makers in local government, central government, the police and professionals in schools and the volu nta ry professionals in schools and the voluntary sector, to listen to how children experience their own lives. They will tell you which streets need more lighting and which parks are unsafe. Listen to them will help children feel safer. A little bit of context. I hope that the children you talk to, this isnt hanging over their heads all the time. Do they generally feel happy or not . What we have seen over the last ten years as a decline in the happiness of children and we need to take that seriously. We are storing up problems for these young people later in life. There is a growing need on Childrens Mental Health services and feelings of unHappiness Store up over time to become Mental Health problems in some cases. But often fear of crime is just one issue a child may face and we heard over a million children have over seven Serious Problems in their life. Knowing their parents struggle to pay the bills could be one, or living with domestic violence. Every family and child is different and we need local government to support those families and listen to them. Losing a loved one can be an incredibly difficult time for families who have to take care of funerals and other formalities. But now many are facing the added distress of delays in registering a death. Figures seen by bbc local radio show most councils in england and wales are failing to register bereavements within the five day target. Emily unia has this report. Last year, graham morgans mother died. She was 86 and living in a care home. The family had to wait nearly three weeks for the funeral. It was a terrible situation to be honest with you. It was the worst you could ever have at a time of your life, and everybody faces it, when someone near to you passes away, it was terrible. He faced delays in getting a doctors certificate and waited a fortnight for an appointment to register her death with the local council. It has a a big impact on your well being because youre bereaved, youre panicking, you want to get everything right. Youve loved your. In my case, my parents, you didnt want to let them down and anything to go wrong. By law all deaths except those investigated by a coroner must be registered within five days but most councils in england and wales are failing to meet their registration targets. In 2011, 23 of all deaths in england and wales were registered after the five day limit. A total of more than 110,000 people. By 2016, that figure had risen to more than 187,000, meaning 36 of all deaths took longer than five days to be registered. The National Association of funeral directors, which represents 4,000 funeral homes, conducted its own survey in 2015. They found families were waiting longer to see a registrar. At some registrars there are cutbacks and staff shortages, and thats happening throughout the uk. But what were also seeing is certain registrars will not make the appointment for the family unless the family already have the medical certificate for cause of death in their possession. Poppy mardall runs a funeral home in south london and is aware of growing delays. She says the whole process of dealing with death is confusing for bereaved families and more sensitivity is needed. Grieving people should not be disregarded by local authorities. I think recognition that death and grief are incredibly difficult experiences that were all going to have to go through, so i dont see why people need to wait five or six days to register a death, it doesnt take that long. The Home Office Said local authorities are expected to ensure there are adequate provisions to register a death. The local Government Association told us various factors have contributed to delays, but councils are working to reduce them. For graham morgan, improvements to the system, although too late for his family, would still be welcome. It causes chaos at a time in peoples lives when you dont need that chaos to be honest with you, youre bereaved enough as it is. Emily unia, bbc news. In a months time german voters will deliver their verdict on Angela Merkel and her refugee policy. If, as polls suggest, mrs merkels conservative party wins the general election, it will mean a fourth term in office for the chancellor. 0ur berlin correspondentjenny hill reports from germanys north coast. Dont be fooled by the political calm. Germany has survived a turbulent year. Its heading in a predictable direction. The likely winner of next months election is not as secure as you might imagine. She speaks german. Translation i think she abandoned us fishermen, forgot the little people. She only cares about the big industry and whats happening overseas. She should look after her own country. This international stateswoman must please the home crowd now. Polls suggest shes doing just that. Translation she is the perfect chancellor. In truth mrs merkel knows she barely survived the refugee crisis, perhaps only because there was no one to replace her. In this election she is unrivalled. No real challenge from social democrat martin schultz, nor from the anti immigrant party, afd. Even so, theyre fielding a candidate in her own constituency. Translation we want to send mrs merkel back to where she came from. You can see it in football. Underdogs can defeat the champions. Its a challenge, we admit that, but things are turning our way. This region is now afd country. He hopes to reel in voters like enis and silka. They will not be voting for Angela Merkel. Translation the refugee policy hasnt changed. She doesnt really address all these terror attacks. She should speak up for the german people. Translation this party, that party, theyre all the same. They do what they want. They make empty promises. Angela merkel has been in the job for 12 years. She has survived crisis after crisis, and thats due to a combination of skill and luck. Take, for example, brexit, and Donald Trumps election. For many german voters, mrs merkel now represents security, stability, in a shifting and uncertain world. She will need to find coalition partners. That could take months. But in reality, one hand alone is likely to steer germanys future course. The headlines on bbc newsroom. North korea says its firing of a missile overjapan was the first step of military operations in the pacific, signalling plans for more launches. As the death toll rises in devastating floods in texas, Tropical Storm harvey makes landfall in louisiana. Campaigners warn that raising credit card limits could be pushing people already struggling with debt into further difficulties. Notre dame cathedral is one of the tourist hot spots in paris but some of its spires are crumbling. But now the citys archbishop is trying to raise 120 million to help restore it to its former glory. Tim allman explains. When you come to paris, you come to notre dame. But this landmark isnt quite as impressive when you get a close up view. Gargoyles, spires, buttresses, all slowly crumbling away. Ancient brick work that needs to be repaired, and soon. Translation the urgency for the cathedral is to find 100 Million Euros within the next 20 years to save the building. One of the areas which is crumbling are the spires. If nothing is done, the ultimate catastrophic scenario is that they will fall and rip out the roof. Work first began on the cathedral around 850 years ago. The last major renovations took place in the 19th century. Every year, millions visit notre dame, making it more than just a place of worship. It is the symbol of paris or even france and it is very famous, just like the forbidden city in china. So it is a must go place in paris. It is the movie as well for me. I just think of the hunchback of notre dame, and the book as well, so after reading that book i really wanted to come and see it. The authorities are hoping for donations from all around the world so they can restore and preserve this historic landmark for centuries to come. The Great British bakeoff was back on Television Last night for the First Time Since its move to channel 4. The show attracted channel 4s biggest overnight audience in five years with an average of 6. 5 Million Viewers tuning in. 5. 8 million watched the show live and an additional 0. 7 million on channel 4 1. This series saw some alterations to the line up, as presenting duo Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig and newjudge prue leithjoined Paul Hollywood on the team. Lets take a quick look. Here we go. It just says cover the rolls, leaving the bases uncovered. How are you going to pour your chocolate . You going to pour it on or dip it . Because we are allowed an exposed bottom, i willjust pour it on. If there is an opportunity to keep the bottom exposed, we should all embrace that. Im planning on taking my trousers off when paul and prue do thejudging. Just trying to ladle it over. How long have we got left . You tell them five minutes because i dont want to make them stress but you can. 0k, bakers, youve got five minutes left. Yeah, what he said. Use the White Chocolate to decorate it in some unspecified way. Im thinking quite simple, just lines. Shaky hands. I dont have any time. This is dangerous. Looks are deceiving, arent they . My hands are shaking so much. Such a mess. 0k, bakers, yourtime is up. Please bring your mini chocolate rolls up and put them behind your photo. We spoke earlier to buzzfeed tv editor scott bryan. He said a lot of people will have watched the First Episode because they were intrigued, but that bake 0ff has been consistent in its ratings. It is exactly the same show. The tent, the challenges, the bakers pretty much the same as the bbc version, it is only the line up which has changed. But sandi, noeland prue are being themselves and not trying to be mary, mel and sue. Them trying to be somebody else would always be quite difficult. And channel 4 must be pleased with the figures. Do you think they can build on those or keep them stable . They will think anything between five and 7 million is exactly what they are really wanting. I think quite a lot of people were watching the First Episode because they were quite intrigued in terms of how the changes and the adverts will influence of the show. I think bakeoff has been very consistent with its ratings, unlike other shows which normally dip. It could potentially grow. But the issue is whether people are happy with the adverts in between. Lets talk about the presenters. I was unsure when i heard that Noel Fielding would be presenting. I havent seen the full episode yet but what i have seen of him i was really charmed. He is a delight. I think he really knows how to talk to people, particularly when you are absolutely stressed out. He is not trying to be a character or be wacky or zany. He isjust a nice guy and i think he adds some absurd left field humour which has always been there but he adds his own spin. And Sandi Toksvig and prue leith . Prue leith is quite different to mary. Mary was always the positive one and paul harsh. I would say that prue leith was pretty damning in quite a lot of her verdicts. She is very analytical. She has that gravitas. Yes, being in cookery for so long. Sandi was a delight. Sandi and noel is not a combination you expected. But together it will be a weird, wacky duo. A computer hard drive containing unfinished works by Terry Pratchett has been crushed by a steam roller. As per instructions left by the fantasy novelist. It is thought up to ten incomplete novels were flattened at the Great Dorset Steam Fair by the 6. 5 tonne steam roller. Terry pratchett died aged 66 in march 2015 after battling alzheimers disease. In a moment we say goodbye to viewers on bbc two and coming up in a moment its the news at one with jane hill but first the weather with nick miller. Some of us have seen some sunshine. Plenty of blue sky in northumberland but incomplete contrast, the isle of wight. The contrasts are clear on the satellite picture. This cloud producing outbreaks of rain and spreading east with sunny spells to the north and showers developing in the north and showers developing in the west. Most of those will be in Northern Ireland and scotland. You can see the rain later this afternoon becoming mostly across parts of east anglia and south east england. You will notice that it is much cooler compare it to the past few days, especially in the breeze. Nowhere is particularly warm but at least there are sunny spells and western parts of england and wales as we go to the afternoon and into Northern England, scotland and Northern Ireland. Showers few and far between in Northern England. Some showers in the central belt of scotland. The rain clears from east anglia tonight. A chilly night under clear skies. In rural spots, single figures, towns and citiesjust holding onto single figures double figures. Some mist and fog patches. Some intense downpours in wales and north west england. Perhaps some travel problems, we will keep you updated. Slow moving downpours as well with the risk of hailand downpours as well with the risk of hail and thunder but some warm sunny spells in between. Just as surely the picture for a first evening, some of these showers around initially but they will fade into the night and another chilly night into friday morning. A few showers on friday there is and south eastern parts of england and then it looks like a fine start to the weekend after another chilly night. A chilly start on saturday but warm sunny spells into the afternoon. This is High Pressure but we are looking for another weather system which means the weather could go downhill on sunday. The un Security Council condemns north koreas firing of a missile overjapan it describes the test as outrageous. But pyongyang says the launch was the first step of military operations in the pacific, signalling there may be more. The tension coincides with theresa mays visit to japan. North korea is high on the agenda, as well as a post brexit trade deal. Im going to be talking to my japanese counterpart, Prime Minister abe, about the future relationship between britain and japan, about how we can build on what is already a good, strong relationship, but build on that in the areas of security, defence and, yes, trade, and look to the arrangements that we can put in place when weve left the European Union. Well have the latest from seoul and tokyo. Also this lunchtime

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