Barley and Wheat Discovery Offers a Pathway to End Famine Barley and Wheat Discovery Offers a Pathway to End Famine News December 15, 2020 Due to the rising population, many people worry about food shortages. However, experts believe wheat and barley can help feed the world. An international team of scientists found a new genetic variation in wheat and barley, yielding larger harvests. Scientists from the University of Adelaide’s Waite Research Institute led the study, collaborating with researchers worldwide. Researchers from the 10+ Wheat Genomes Project and the International Barley Pan Genome Sequencing Consortium unlocked the new variation. Led by Professor Curtis Pozniak from Canada and Professor Nils Stein from Germany, the team sequenced a suite of genomes of both crops. Also, Professor Chengdao Li of Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, helped greatly with the Australian barley sequencing. They published these findings on November 25, 2020, in the journal Nature.