Barbara Windsor and Sid James during rehearsals for Carry On London in September 6 1973 Credit: Mirrorpix Filming had wrapped for the day on the Pinewood Studios set of Carry On Henry when Sid James approached Barbara Windsor. “Hello Barbara, I’ve bought you a present,” said James, then 58 years old, still dressed as Henry VIII. Windsor, who was 34 at the time, would later recall: “He stuck his tongue into the fruit and started licking it, slowly and suggestively. ‘Oh dear, I thought… I’ll have to keep well away from him.’” The encounter at Pinewood Studios in November 1971 obviously stayed with Windsor, as she wrote about it in her memoir, All Of Me, My Extraordinary Life. She had, she reported, felt James’s eyes on her throughout the making of Carry On Henry. However, she had not appreciated until that moment the true depths of his obsession.