Special to the Avalanche-Journal The Lubbock Women’s Club Historical Foundation and The Welborn-Payne Endowment Community Speaker Series welcomed Barbara Pierce Bush as a speaker for its Spring Speaker Series. Bush, daughter of former President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, spoke Friday at The Lubbock Women’s Club. The co-founder and board chair of Global Health Corps (GHC), an organization that mobilizes young leaders to solve the world’s most pressing health issues, Bush spoke on the theme of "One Person Can Make a Difference: Confronting Today’s Global Health Challenges." Bush and her co-founders are united by the belief that health is a human right and that their generation must build a world where this is realized. Since 2009, GHC has placed over 1000 young leaders on the front lines of health equity in many African nations as well as the United States, developing a cadra of creative, effective and compassionate change makers.