Maybe it’s my mood, or the fact that I can’t even really risk talking to my neighbors and have to work so I get to wear a mask for 8 hrs a day or that nearly half a million people have died due to his fucking bullshit, 5 people died in an insurrection that he was involved in, etc, etc, etc, etc…….. Sorry, maybe I shouldn’t comment on any thread about shitforbrains and take some solace that my first shot is scheduled for Friday. I’m just pissed at the people put in the electoral college so that land was a bigger vote getter than people, at the people who voted for such a worthless fuck of a human being, at the people who still support him after all this time because they are racist as fuck and look to blame everyone other than the shit they see in the mirror – oh wait, that may be what they like most about shitforbrains, nothing is ever his fault, like nothing is ever the racist’s fault.