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Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Patch #1 Notes :
Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Patch #1 Notes :
Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Patch #1 Notes
Even the best games launch with some issues, and Baldur's Gate 3 is no exception. Here are the complete notes on Patch #1.
Related Keywords
Thodric Shedeveer ,
Harper Skywin ,
Lady Jannath ,
Barcus Wroot ,
Ajaknir Jeera ,
Gothric Rilyn ,
Duke Stelmane ,
Houndmaster Pol ,
Kressa Bonedaughter ,
Varsh Kokuu ,
Porter Juxon ,
Dror Ragzlin ,
Bering Gahorst ,
Lady Esther ,
Harper Donner ,
Martina Kostaka ,
Dame Aylin ,
Thodric Shedeever ,
Githyanki Parry ,
Malus Thorm ,
Avery Sonshal ,
Thisobald Thorm ,
Rosymorn Monsastery ,
Entharl Danthelon ,
Merryweather Bard ,
Ketheric Netherstone ,
Stormheart Nova ,
Hunter Mark ,
Dolly ,
Club Of Hill Giant Strength ,
College Of Lore ,
Character Sheet Or Party View ,
Oil Of Combustion ,
School Of Necromancy ,
Necrotic Laboratory ,
Morphic Pool ,
Game Over ,
Arcane Acuity ,
Moonrise Towers ,
True Souls ,
Flower City ,
Fistj Ehlar ,
Blighted Village ,
Grand Duke ,
Auntie Ethel ,
Misty Step ,
Dimension Door ,
Avatar Karlach ,
Goblin Camp ,
Explorer Mode ,
Sorcery Points ,
Trickster Mage Hand Legerdemain ,
Image Hands ,
Magical Secrets ,
Banishing Smite ,
Animate Dead ,
Sleet Storm ,
Thunderous Smite ,
Bone Chill ,
Eldritch Morphic Blast ,
Fire Bolt ,
Hill Giant Strength ,
Extra Attack ,
Saving Throw ,
Elemental Retort ,
Camp Supply ,
Wild Shape ,
Controller Style ,
Emerald Grove ,
Deluxe Edition ,
Long Rest ,
Sunlit Wetlands ,
Character Sheet ,
Toll Collector ,
Voiceless Penitent ,
Slayer Form ,
Flaming Sphere ,
Father Embrace ,
Justiciar Avengers ,
Sneak Attack ,
Smokepowder Arrows ,
Spiritual Weapon ,
Spirit Guardian ,
Call Forth Allie ,
Owlbear Wild Shape ,
Knocked Out ,
Non Lethal Attacks ,
Tactician Mode ,
Terrifying Howl ,
Panther Polymorph ,
Breath Weapon ,
Kith Raki Inferno ,
Strength Saving ,
Pommel Strike ,
Winged Horror Claw ,
Magic Weapon ,
Stunning Gaze ,
Psionic Rebuke ,
Minor Illusion ,
Invoke Duplicity ,
Magic Surge ,
Life Stealing ,
Constitution Saving Throw ,
Insect Plague ,
Resonation Blast ,
Stinking Cloud ,
Exposing Bite ,
Summon Quasit ,
Planar Ally ,
Danse Macabre ,
Astral Prism ,
Crushed Spike Trap ,
Undead Thralls ,
Infernal Rapier ,
Basilisk Gate ,
Moonrise Towers Prison ,
High Hall ,
Contagion Poisoned ,
Mind Sanctuary ,
Everburn Blade ,
Twisting Vines ,
Wild Magic ,
Divine Growth ,
Action Surge ,
Crawler Mucus ,
Protective Lights ,
Unbroken Air ,
Best Offence ,
Virtually Nonsense ,
Day Keeps ,
Scalpel Away ,
Fresh Kindle ,
Dream Tentacled ,
Rosymorn Monastery ,
Dark Urge ,
Rock Prison ,
Companion Astarion ,
Bad Twin Bubbins ,
Dual Wielder ,
Iron Throne ,
Dream Visitor ,
Art Cullagh ,
Supreme Tadpole ,
Astral Plane ,
Shares Caress ,
Stormshore Tabernacle ,
Mage Hand ,
Steel Watch ,
Mountain Pass ,
Elfsong Tavern ,
Shadow Cursed Lands ,
Orphic Hammer ,
Wild Shaped ,
Watch Citadel ,
Wild Shapes ,
Varsh Ko Kuu ,
Myconid Sovereign ,
Manip Nestor ,
Sentient Amulet ,
Open Hand Temple ,
Mad Monk ,
Open Hand Temple Crypt ,
Save Hope ,
Find Mystic Carrion ,
Break Yurgir ,
Guiding Bolt ,
Divination Wizard Prophecy ,
Divine Strike ,
Symbiotic Entity ,
Uncanny Dodge ,
Avatar Gale ,
Savage Attacks ,
Illithid Powers ,
Mirror Trial ,
Floral Key ,
Hag Survivor ,
Steel Watch Titan ,
Risen Road Tollhouse ,
A Jak Nir Jeera ,
Trapped Man ,
Shadow Druids ,
Hyena Ear ,
Dancing Lights ,
Character Creation ,
Slack Skinned Head ,
Shadowroot Sac ,
Crystalline Lens ,
Active Roll ,
Savage Attacker ,
Last Light ,
Improved Minor ,
Take All ,
Unarmed Strike ,
Item Context Menu ,
Orphic Favour ,
Combat Log ,
Short Rest ,
Remarkable Athlete ,
Mmigrant Flight ,
Lightning Arrow ,
Bardic Inspiration ,