Back in class, late-night shots, library hero: News from around our 50 states From USA TODAY Network and wire reports, USA TODAY Alabama Auburn: The top academic officer at Auburn University is facing a no-confidence vote this week by faculty members over lingering dissatisfaction with his handling of class scheduling around the coronavirus pandemic. The Opelika-Auburn News reports the University Senate is scheduled to meet Tuesday to address complaints against Provost Bill Hardgrave, who is being defended by President Jay Gouge. More than 500 faculty members met in a virtual gathering in November to discuss their concerns about Hardgrave and his insistence on returning to primarily in-person classes in the spring. Economics professor Mike Stern said Wednesday that his concerns still haven’t been adequately addressed. Hardgrave and other officials need to better assess teaching spaces and how to follow health guidelines about social distancing, he said. “I volunteered to teach face-to-face in the fall and spring (of the 2020-21 school year) and they promised it would be safe,” Stern said. “Then, they did the opposite.”