Former acting Eskom chair and board member Zethembe Khoza says four executives who were suspended by Eskom in 2015 were awarded exit packages amounting to R18m despite them wanting to return to the company. At the time, former president Jacob Zuma had ordered an independent inquiry on the performance of Eskom. The power utility had battled to upgrade ageing plants at the same time as building new generation. The utility connected the first unit of its Medupi coal-fired station on March 2 in 2015, eight years after construction began. According to former Eskom chairperson Zola Tsotsi, he was given instructions by ‘Mr Fix It’ Nick Linell and ex-SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni on how he should suspend four Eskom executives, including group CEO Tshediso Matona, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Tsholofelo Molefe, group capital head Dan Marokane and Matshela Koko, who was head of technology. Myeni led the meeting which was attended by her son, Thalente, and a man named Jabu Maswanganyi.